English 4 is my day. Topic "My Day"

Theme: My day

At roughly 6.20 a.m., my super loud alarm clock rings near my bed. I usually turn it off and lie for a while. I hate to get up before the dawn. Unfortunately, my classes usually start at 8 o'clock and it takes me to get to the gymnasium. Sometimes I even pretend to be ill but this trick does not work - my parents never believe me.

Around 6:20 am, an incredibly loud alarm goes off beside my bed. I usually turn it off and then lie down for a while. I hate getting up before dawn. But, unfortunately, the lessons start at 8 am, and I still need about 50 minutes to get to the gymnasium. Sometimes I even pretend to be sick, but this number does not work - my parents never believe me.

When I finally crawl out of my bed, I take an icy cold shower - it helps me to refresh my mind and wake up. After that, like it should be, I brush my teeth, give my hair a final comb and go to the kitchen. Every morning my mom makes breakfast for us and we, as a friendly family, try to eat together. I usually have pancakes or toasts with butter, homemade jam or honey and green tea for breakfast. I leave home for gymnasium at about 6.40-6.50 a.m. Before I leave, my mom kisses me and wishes a good luck. Usually I go to the gymnasium by trolley-bus, but sometimes I ask my father for a lift.

When I finally crawl out of bed, I take a cold shower to clear my head and wake me up. After that, as is customary, I brush my teeth, style my hair, and go to the kitchen. Every morning my mother prepares breakfast for us and we, as a friendly family, always try to eat together. For breakfast, I usually eat pancakes or toast with butter, homemade jam or honey, and drink green tea. I leave the house at about 6.40-6.50. Before I leave, my mother kisses me and wishes me luck. Usually I get to the gymnasium by trolley bus, but sometimes I ask my dad to give me a ride.

I really enjoy going to gymnasium – all my best friends study there. But, honestly speaking, I do not like to go there when I am not ready with my paper or not ready for the test. I hate to feel left behind, but sometimes I have not got enough motivation. My teacher of English likes to say that I am a bright pupil but I struggle with foreign languages.

I really enjoy going to the gymnasium - all my best friends study here. But, to be honest, I don’t really like going there when I don’t have a report ready, or I’m not ready for a test. I really don't like being left behind, but sometimes I lack motivation. My English teacher likes to say that I am a smart student, but I am bad at foreign languages.

The last lesson is over at 2.50 p.m. After school, I either have a volleyball practice for our school team, or go to visit my dear grandmother. My granny lives not far from my gymnasium, so I come to see her at least two times a week. My grandmother is an intelligent and wise woman and we always have many things to talk about. Speaking about my volleyball practices, I must notice that they are . They help me to keep a good health and to be in an excellent form. Our volleyball team takes part in different competitions, and last month we became champions.

The last lesson ends at 14.50. After class, I either go to the practice of our school volleyball team or go to visit my grandmother. My granny lives not far from my gymnasium, so I visit her at least twice a week. My grandmother is an educated and wise woman, and therefore we always have something to talk about. As for my volleyball lessons, I must say that they are an integral part of my life. They help maintain health and stay in good physical shape. Our volleyball team takes part in various competitions, and last month we became champions.

I usually come home at roughly 6 p.m. I have a late dinner and take a rest. As my parents work hard to bring home bacon, they come home only late in the evening. That is why I help my mother with housework – iron our clothes, wipe the dust, clean the floor at the corridor, wash the dishes and, of course, feed our cat. Sometimes I go shopping for food. I also help my younger sister, who is a first former, with her homework. Twice a week I take her to the dance classes. My sister, Yana, is only seven, so I must take care of her. When I "ve got some free time, I prefer to spend it with neighborhood children and my sister. I don"t like just to sit at home gazing at the television - it is boring, and I am convinced that it is for couch potatoes . I enjoy the company of my soulmates: we ride bikes together, play outdoor games, tell each other funny stories, sometimes we go to the pond to feed ducks.

I return home around 6 pm. After a late lunch, I rest. Since my parents work hard for a living, they don't get home from work until late at night. Therefore, I help my mother with household chores - ironing clothes, dusting, washing the floor in the hallway, washing dishes, and, of course, feeding our cat. Sometimes I go grocery shopping. I also help my younger sister, who is in first grade, with her homework. Twice a week I take her to the dance. My sister, Yana, is only 7 years old, so I have to take care of her. When I have some free time, I prefer to spend it with my neighbor's kids and sister. I don't like to just sit at home and watch TV - it's boring and I think it's for couch potatoes. I like to be in the company of like-minded people: we ride bicycles, play yard games, tell funny stories, and sometimes we go to the pond to feed the ducks.

other presentations about English language for kids

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The story about "my day in English" usually describes a typical day at school, university, work, leisure - depending on what the narrator is doing. When describing “my day” in English, it is important to follow a strict chronological sequence, not to jump from one activity to another and not to leave “white spots” in your daily routine. To make it easier for you to compose the story “my day” in English, we have prepared a detailed plan for such a text.

Plan of the story about "my day"

  1. Introduction.

    Tell us what you do: work, study, relax. What day will you describe: weekday, weekend, holiday?

  2. Start of the day.

    Describe in English how “my day” begins: what time do you wake up, what is the very first thing you do after you get out of bed. What are your morning rituals and habits, what do you usually eat for breakfast?

  3. Middle of a day.

    Next, tell in English what you do during the first half of the day: go to school or work, do household chores, go shopping. What is your main activity at this time of the day? What time, what and where do you have lunch?

  4. Evening.

    Describe how you meet the evening: are you finishing your main business by this time or are you just starting? What do you do at this time of the day, what time, what and where do you have dinner?

  5. Relaxation.

    Tell in English if you rest at the end of the day, and if so, how. What kind of rest do you prefer: active or passive? Describe how you relieve stress and tension at the end of the day, do you spend holidays with family, friends or alone?

  6. Going to sleep.

    Tell me what time you start getting ready for bed. What do you do before that: take a shower, brush your teeth, read a book, watch TV? Do you feel tired by this time?

  7. Conclusion.

    At the end of the story “my day” in English, describe your attitude to the routine: do you like the way your day goes, are you very tired, would you like to change your routine, make it more varied or, conversely, predictable?

Useful words and expressions

English word Translation
Arrive home arrive home
At school at school
At work at work
Bike bike
Breakfast breakfast
Clothing clothes
Coffee coffee
Comb comb
day day
Dawn dawn
early morning early morning
Entertainment entertainment
exercise charger
get ready get ready
Get undressed undress
Get up get up
have dinner supper
In bed in the bed
In the bathroom In bathroom
In the bedroom in the bedroom
In the kitchen in the kitchen
late morning late morning
leave work leave the job
Lunch dinner
makeup makeup
meeting meeting
Metro underground
mid-morning in the middle of the morning
Newspaper newspaper
public transport public transport
Razor razor
Relax rest
Run jog
street food street food
Sunrise Sunrise
Sunset sunset
Take a bath to take a bath
Take a train take the train
Taxi Taxi
toothbrush Toothbrush
Towel towel
TV television
Wake up wake up
work out work out

An example of a story about "my day" in English

My day begins at 5.30 a.m. My mother wakes me up with a hot cup of tea. After sipping the hot tea, I do jogging for half an hour on the terrace of my house, along with my elder brother. After the jogging, I brush my teeth and get ready for my study which continues undisturbed up to my breakfast.

I have my breakfast at 8.00 a.m. along with the rest of my family. We also watch the TV news at this time and also go through the day's newspaper. After breakfast, the family chats for some time. By 8.30 a.m. all are off to their respective work. I get ready and proceed to school on my bicycle.

I reach school at about 8.45 am. The school Assembly takes place at 8.55 a.m. and classes begin immediately after. The classes continue up to 12.00 .p.m after which we have a lunch break. During the lunch break, I go home as my home is not very far from the school.

The afternoon classes recommence at 1.00 p.m. and continue till 3.00 p.m. After the school gets over I stay back in the school campus to attend some tuition which gets over by 4.00 p.m.

After the tuition, I return home and after a cup of tea and some snacks, I go to play with my friends in a nearby field. Generally, I return home by 5.30.p.m. and after a bath, I begin my study which continues undisturbed till 8.00 p.m. From 8.00 p.m to 9.00 p.m the entire family watches two TV serials.

In fact, the entire family is addicted to these two serials and has been following up the story from the start. We take our supper at 8.30 p.m., while we watch the serials. After the serials are over, the family chats for some time discussing the various events of the day. By 9.30 p.m., I go to bed.

Translation of the story about "my day"

My day starts at 5.30 am. Mom wakes me up with a cup of hot tea. After tea, I go for a half-hour run on the terrace of my house with my older brother. After my run, I brush my teeth and get ready for my workout, which continues until breakfast.

I have breakfast at 8 am with the rest of my family. We also watch the news on TV and leaf through the daily newspaper at this time. After breakfast, we all talk for a while. By 8:30 am everyone goes to work. I finish my preparations and go to school on my bike.

I get to school at about 8.45 am. The school line takes place at 8.55 am, and classes begin immediately after it. Classes continue until 12:00, after which we have a lunch break. During my lunch break, I return home because my house is not very far from school.

Afternoon classes resume at 1 p.m. and will continue until 3 p.m. After school gets over I will stay on campus to attend extra classes which gets to end around 4pm.

After classes, I return home, and after a cup of tea and some snacks, I go to play with my friends in the neighboring playground. I usually get home at 5:30 pm and after my bath I start doing homework; this continues until 8 pm. From 8 to 9 o'clock my whole family watches two series.

In fact, my whole family is addicted to these two shows and have been following them since the very beginning. We have dinner at 8:30 pm while we watch series. After the end of the series, we still communicate for some time, discussing various events of the past day. By 9:30 pm I go to bed.

Video about writing about my day:


  • clock layout
  • Internet resources: www.youtube.com
  1. Organizing time. Conversation.

good morning! I'm glad to see you, and you?

Students response.

The topic of our lesson is “My Day”.

Today we will summarize the material on the topic of the daily routine, repeat the name of the time in English.

2. Phonetic charger.

[r] - draw, dress, read, run.
[t] - get up, eat, let, sit.
- sleep, clean, speak.
- make, play, say, take.
[w] - watch, wash, wake up.
thank you.

3. speech charger.

Let's speak. Read the dialogues in pairs.

4. speaking.

What's time is it?

Using clock layouts.

We look at the blackboard and say the time.

5. Repetition of words on the topic My day.

We draw up a daily routine: I wake up at 7 o'clock / I get up at quarter past 7. I wash my face and clean my teeth.

- 6. Drafting proposals.

On the desk:

  • In the morning…

  • In the afternoon…

  • In the evening…

Make sentences looking at the picture

Say what time of day and what you are doing.

Ask questions:

  • When do you wake up?
  • What do you do in the morning?
  • What time is it?
  • when you go home?


7. Fizminutka.

8. Listening.

Ex. 2. page 52.

9. Independent work.

Workbook.1, p. 70.

For the strong extra task - P, t. 2, p. 70.

10. Outcome lesson.


  • Prepare “My day” presentation
  • Ex. 4 (work book).

View document content
"Open lesson in English in grade 3 on the topic "My day""

Public lesson

Teacher: Shumikieva M.U.

  • The purpose of the lesson
  • educational - to summarize knowledge, skills and abilities on the topic "My day";
  • developing - development of attentiveness, concentration, memory and skills of dialogic and monologue speech of students;
  • educational – education of communicative qualities of students

  • Lesson objectives
  • activate the vocabulary of the material on the topics "My day" and "Time";
  • exercise the grammatical structure of Present Simple, questions and answers When do you ...? What time is it? I get up at 7 o'clock;
  • to form search reading skills;
  • develop the skills of dialogical speech;
  • nurture interest in language learning

  • Lesson equipment
  • Askarova L.B., Rakhimzhanova S.D., Volkova A.S., English, Grade 3
  • pictures and flashcards on the topics “My day” and “Time”
  • clock layout
  • Power Point presentations on the topics “My Day” and “Time”
  • Internet resources: www.youtube.com

I wake up at 7 o'clock. I get up at 7.15

I clean my teeth

I have breakfast at 7.30

I wear my uniform

I study at school

I go home after school

I have dinner with my family

I play with toys

I go to bed and sleep

  • What time is it?

Now let's listen to the song and remember the time! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xp7LxGMdJoY

  • In the morning…

For example: In the morning I wake up at 7 o'clock

  • In the afternoon…

For example: In the afternoon I play football

  • In the evening…

For example: I go to bed in the evening at ten o'clock

task: make three sentences with this picture

  • Ask questions
  • When do you wake up?
  • What do you do in the morning?
  • What time is it?
  • What time do you have breakfast?
  • What do you do in the evening?
  • when you go home?

task : work in pairs and ask questions about daily routine

  • home task
  • Prepare “My day” presentation
  • Ex. 4 (work book).

I get up at seven o'clock. Then I wash myself, put on my clothes and have breakfast. After breakfast I go to school. I usually have four or five lessons at school. I come home at one o'clock. Then I have dinner. I eat soup, chicken or fish and potatoes. After dinner I do my homework. In the evening I read or watch TV. I go to bed at nine o'clock.


  1. When do you get up?
  2. How many lessons do you have every day?
  3. What do you have for dinner?
  4. When do you do your homework?
  5. What do you do in the evening?

Words and expressions:

to eat soup- eat soup
go to bed- go to sleep

My day (translation)

I wake up at seven in the morning. Then I wash, dress and have breakfast. After breakfast I go to school. At school I usually have four or five lessons. I come home at one o'clock. Then I have lunch. I eat soup, chicken or fish and potatoes. After lunch I do my homework. In the evenings I read or watch TV. I go to bed at nine o'clock.


  1. When do you get up?
  2. How many lessons do you usually have?
  3. What do you have for lunch?
  4. When do you do your homework?
  5. What do you do in the evenings?

In English, there are personal and impersonal forms of the verb. The personal forms of the verb perform the function of the predicate in the sentence and are consistent with the subject. They have the categories of person, number, tense, voice and mood.