How to restore the vitality of consciousness. How to regain awareness

For many people, the question of how to clear the mind is relevant. And everyone really should know the answer to it. The brain of each person daily generates from 60,000 to 100,000 different thoughts. And unfortunately, not all of them are positive.

Bad, unnecessary thoughts not only do not justify themselves, but also greatly poison life. In addition, they have the ability to reproduce. Therefore, they must be disposed of immediately after the occurrence. How? This is what will be discussed now.

Instant Help

If you study the tips designed to answer the question of how to clear your mind, you will notice that all the recommendations are designed for the long term. That is, it tells about what needs to be done so that bad thoughts do not appear.

But is it possible to immediately do something with negative thoughts? Yes. Need to relax! Immediately switch to another activity. Go somewhere else, go somewhere crowded or picturesque. Listen to music, preferably positive, but since in a bad mood it only depresses, then at least neutral. And it is better to include a movie, TV series or a positive cartoon.

All this will contribute to a change in the real and emotional background, help to distract. Unnecessary thoughts will disappear at least for a while. And then they will either lose their significance (the person will simply return to studying them with a fresh look), or they will seem less tragic. Or even a solution to the problem.

Analysis of the situation

Thinking is in psychology a generalized and indirect way of reflecting reality. Therefore, when bad thoughts arise, it is worth considering: are they really bad and unnecessary? Maybe there is a real problem behind them?

If yes, then you need to solve it. Running away from a problem is not an option - it will constantly remind you of yourself. And the concentration on bad thoughts will grow stronger every day. Therefore, it is necessary to do everything possible, if only the source of worries disappears.

Psychologists also recommend "living" your negative thought. If an unpleasant situation constantly scrolls in the brain, then you need to find ways to solve it. Thinking is in psychology cognitive activity. Therefore, it is recommended to think about each negative emotion separately.

Living through all the negative scenarios helps bring back the good mood and minimize the fear of the future.


How to clear the mind? First of all, you need to convince yourself that scrolling the same thoughts in your head will not lead to anything good. It's pointless. All haunting images- this is a deception or exaggeration, only more confusing consciousness.

It is best to “program” yourself for this at the moment of the best morale. In the morning, for example, after the gym, or after meditation.

Also, if you want to clear your mind of negativity, you need to understand the following three rules:

  • The solution to the problem will not come if you constantly think about it.
  • Obsessive thoughts have no rational basis.
  • This “mental chewing gum” cannot be eliminated with the help of even more in-depth reflection and logic.

It is very important to move the negative and “upload” the awareness of all of the above in its place.

Awareness of the absurd

This is where logic can help. How to clear the mind? You need to understand that there is no sense in obsessive thoughts. No need to replay the same situation in your head a thousand times. This will only lead to nervous exhaustion.

The argument that a person directs against his thoughts should be concise and intelligible. The main thing is not to get carried away, otherwise this often leads to an argument with oneself. In addition, in such situations, as a rule, fears and emotions take precedence over the mind and logic.

No matter how it sounds, but you need to think less. The endless scrolling of bad thoughts in the head only leads to their amplification, scaling and globalization. In other words, a person himself makes an elephant out of a fly.

Ignoring as a solution

They say: "Do not take evil in your head." And that's really great advice. Many psychologists recommend setting yourself up to ignore intrusive thoughts, swear to no longer think about what brings pain. And why, when it does not bring sense?

After all, in fact, obsessive thoughts are the repetition of the same thing in a variety of ways. The person will not receive new information. No decision will be made.

So what is the point of getting carried away with empty, fruitless reflections? Therefore, after this realization, it is important to draw an invisible line. And after it, never again pay attention to thoughts trying to penetrate the brain.

Of course, they will return the first time. But what's the difference? After all, a person has already realized that they are deceptive and have nothing to do with real problems. And do not be upset that thoughts again overcome consciousness. You just need to treat them with indifference.

Life change

Sometimes it is very difficult to get rid of bad thoughts coming through all channels of information perception. They seem to become part of the human soul. In this case, there is only one thing left - to change the old way of life. It's difficult, but effective. Until a person gets rid of the old, he will not receive a new one.

Changing your lifestyle and hobbies can turn your thoughts in a completely different direction. In addition, it energizes and fills the mind with positive emotions. There is less time for negative ones, and desires too. After all, when a person is happy, he does not want to waste time on negativity.

Naturally, you need to play sports. Physical exercise is what contributes to the production of endorphins, better known as happiness hormones.


Many psychologists who give advice on how to clear the mind of garbage recommend bringing affirmations into your life. These are short phrases containing such formulas that, with constant repetition, fix the necessary attitude or image in the subconscious. For example:

  • "All bad things come to an end sooner or later. And bad thoughts also pass."
  • "I can choose what I want to think about."
  • "I am responsible for my life and my thoughts."
  • "I choose positive thinking."
  • "I can handle it."
  • "I am strong, resourceful and smart. I can solve any problem."
  • "I can handle anything that gets in my way."
  • "Negative thoughts are a test. They open doors to possibilities."
  • "I have a clear mind and he can focus on decisions."
  • "I will be calm and happy."

There are people who take affirmations lightly, considering it a stupid thing to do. But in fact, their acceptance is often the first step towards inner transformation.

What won't help

Above it was a little told about how to clear the mind of garbage. Finally, it is worth talking about something that will never save a person from bad thoughts.

Here the main enemies are:

  • Strict attitude towards yourself and pity. Feeling himself poor and unhappy or completely insignificant, a person finally unsticks. If there is a problem that poisons life, it is necessary to fight it. And groundless thoughts - to eradicate. In any case, you will need strength and energy, which will not be there if you constantly feel sorry for yourself or reproach yourself.
  • Fantasies with negative endings. A person has already decided to do something, but suddenly his mind begins to overflow various options developments, and those that will end by no means in the best way.
  • Postponing for later. Unfortunately, the longer a person stays in the described state, the more he will move away from what he wants.

But in general, psychologists say that it will be possible to cope with this problem if a person really wants it badly, and also believes in himself. There has never been a time when daily work did not help to improve life. But you really have to try. It is a mistake to believe that negative thoughts exist only in the head. They are also reflected in actions and appearance.

And after a person changes himself, his life will change. We must learn: only he decides what his story will be. The life of any person is his own choice.

How to become happy? What does happiness depend on? What does pure consciousness, body and mind mean?

The happiness of a person depends on the purity of his consciousness, and how more people clears his mind, the more happiness he experiences. And vice versa - the more a person's consciousness is polluted, the less happiness is available to him.

What is purity of consciousness?

In general, the feeling of cleanliness is familiar to all of us. For example, we took a shower and feel the purity of the body. It is immediately felt, it is impossible not to notice. Or, for example, we stopped communicating with a bad person with whom it was very unpleasant or disgusting to communicate, and cleared our mind by throwing this unpleasant conversation out of our heads, switching our attention to something positive. In this way, we restored the purity of the mind to some extent.

They also say that the purity of the heart is important - the absence of bad thoughts, sinful desires, envy, malice, anger, etc. - but all this can be attributed to the purity of the mind, since thoughts, desires and emotions belong to the sphere of activity of the mind. One way or another, all this is connected with the body and mind. And the body and mind, in turn, are also very closely related.

They also often say “purity of the soul”, but the soul itself is consciousness, therefore the purity of the soul and the purity of consciousness are two different names for one phenomenon.

What does the purity of consciousness depend on?

Consciousness (soul) permeates the entire body and mind, and if there is no purity in the body and mind, consciousness, accordingly, cannot be pure either. In other words, the purity of our consciousness directly depends on the purity of our body and mind, therefore, by purifying our body and mind, we thereby purify our consciousness. Therefore, it is not surprising that by purifying the body and mind, we feel that happiness becomes greater.

The amount of happiness experienced by a person directly depends on his purity of consciousness. How to clear the mind? Very simply - by cleansing the body and cleansing the mind.

Body cleansing

Cleansing the body means not only taking a shower (it is recommended twice a day - in the morning and evening), brushing your teeth, etc., but also not polluting it with harmful or bad food, alcohol, intoxicants and other nasty things that harm the body.

You need to eat natural healthy food, observe the daily routine and diet, constantly maintain the body in normal physical shape - and this guarantees its cleansing.

It is easier to maintain the purity of consciousness without polluting the body once again than to make efforts to purify it later.

Mind cleansing

The mind, like the body, is also polluted - by bad thoughts, negative emotions, sinful desires, unpleasant experiences - and all these things lead to negative consequences, which contribute to further pollution of the mind. So the mind also needs to be purified.

How to prevent pollution of the mind? You need to avoid communicating with people who are trying to involve you in the discussion of unpleasant and negative topics. Refuse to listen to gossip, watch disturbing news on TV (which have no direct relation to you), stop discussing the shortcomings of other people, keep talking about how bad everything is around, what a bad government, bosses, neighbors, etc. In this way, you prevent dirt from entering your mind, and you do not have to spend time cleaning it and getting rid of the negative consequences of such pollution. After all, the mind builds your future from the material that gets into it, then attracting the appropriate people and situations - like attracts like.

It is difficult for modern man to escape the pollution of the mind, unless, of course, he is a hermit living in a cave or somewhere on the edge of civilization. The mind, one way or another, is polluted every day, so it is also recommended to cleanse the mind every day, as well as cleansing the body.

There are different ways to purify the mind, such as meditation, prayer, mantra recitation, study scriptures, chanting the Holy Names of God (which is considered the most powerful method of purifying the consciousness in our time), communicating on spiritual topics with people who, doing spiritual practice, have achieved a noticeable purity of consciousness.

There are also various mind clearing techniques that help get rid of negative thoughts and emotions, sinful desires, far-fetched problems, fears, worries and everything else that haunts you. There are many such techniques, and some of them a person can perform on his own, for example, the “Duality Processing Technique” (available on the Internet), which is quite easy to use and has won the favor of practitioners for its effectiveness.

The universal method of cleansing the mind and consciousness is to wish everyone happiness - "Formula of happiness: I wish everyone happiness!". This method is convenient because it does not require special knowledge or conditions for its application, it is enough just to understand its essence, try it and see how effective it is - and it will become a daily practice that brings happiness.

Another simple and powerful practice is meditation on, which can be done at any time and by anyone, as it is universal.

Thus, regular cleansing of the body and mind ensures the maintenance of purity of consciousness, and this is the key to health and happiness.

The purer the mind and body, the purer the consciousness, and the more happiness in life - everything is simple.

Good luck to everyone on the path to pure consciousness and happiness!

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Mindfulness is a state that expresses the ability to cover all areas of your life with consciousness. It allows you to be aware of the true, and not subconscious, motives of your behavior, and thereby manage emotional processes. The real progress of mankind does not depend on the mind, but on consciousness. Most people live on autopilot, and in order to feel like driving own life you need to wake up. The dream that most of humanity is in is reminiscent of automatically worked out actions that support existence, but not true life. Living in the system of civilization, modern man is under a kind of hypnosis of these automatisms. He has "implants" (buttons) in his mental mechanism, when pressed, he gives out a predictable programmed reaction, at the moment of which, he mistakenly identifies his consciousness with it.

How to get back awareness.

To keep track of "your presence", put a program that beeps every hour during the day on your watch or mobile. As soon as you hear the signal, pay attention to what you are thinking about at that moment, and whether your thoughts correspond to the current moment, determine what time you are in: in the past, present or future?

Keep doing this exercise throughout the day and you will be surprised that most of the time you may not be in the here and now. Some in their thoughts run ahead and try to solve problems tomorrow, others live an endless scrolling of the memories of the past. Perhaps, while at work, you are flying in castles in the air, instead of doing it, or vice versa, while on vacation, you are mentally flying at your work. That's such a thankless job!

It seems that the life of an average person passes between yesterday and tomorrow, but not today and not here and not now. If you have not been able to catch yourself in the "here and now" state of the present moment, then you are sleeping in a hypnotic trance of unconsciousness, like most people. If you are tired of living on autopilot, it's time to wake up now and shake off the cover of sleep dreams that take you away from the present!

As soon as the signal on the clock has sounded, ask yourself the question: " Where I am?"and whatever time you are, bring yourself back to the present moment and ask: " what do i feel now?". Start with the sensations in your body. You are comfortable in your position, if you eat food, pay attention to it and try to feel its temperature, taste, etc. What can you say about it, do you like it or not? Comfortable Is the position of your body, or are some parts of your body uncomfortable?Learn to feel yourself stretching in the present moment, and see how your perception will begin to be enriched.

How you manifest awareness is directly dependent on your attention and ability to manage it. Do not forget the rule of the inner world "Energy follows intention", it flows where our attention is directed. By encouraging attention to the world, to its details, you increase your awareness. Every day you will begin to notice more and more, to process a huge amount of information coming from the world around you, which you did not even attach importance to before. You will begin to learn to keep your consciousness in the current moment and enjoy it.

And time ... you will always have enough of it, because you will begin to structure it, this will give you the opportunity to do much more than before.

Where is your energy going?

In order to find out where your energy is flowing, when doing the exercise with a sound signal and detecting "your presence", write down in your notebook every time the sound signal sounds, information about the place and time in which you are mentally located at that moment. . What will it give you? You will find out which "sites of the pages of your subconscious" you visited during the day, and if you find yourself in the same place several times, then this area is directed Special attention your subconscious. This will be good food for thought.

When the Buddha became enlightened, he exclaimed:

— "It's incredible! So, I was enlightened from the very beginning, and all these chains and shackles were just a dream! ".

Afterwards, when people asked him: " What can we do to get rid of vices?', the Buddha invariably replied: ' Be conscious, bring awareness into your life".

Listening to him, Ananda, one of his disciples, asked:

“People come to you with different problems, and you have one recipe for all “ailments”. For example, one person asks: “How to get rid of anger?”, You answer him: “Be aware!” Another asks: “How to get rid of from greed?", you answer him: "Be aware!" The third asks: "How to get rid of gluttony?", You also advise him: "Be aware." How to understand this?".

The Buddha replied:

— "Their ailments are different from each other, as the dreams that you dream are different. different people. But if they all come to me and ask, I will tell them, "Become aware! Wake up!"".

Do you sometimes feel that your thinking is a little hazy?

Do you find it difficult to make important decisions?

Are internal dialogues and doubts getting in the way of concentration?

Does your mind race through time from the past to the future?

Or, on the contrary, is your mind clear and focused?

Are your thoughts calm and clear?

Is it easy for you to find and make a reasonable decision and implement it in a calm, clear state of concentration? It would be better that way..))

But, if you catch yourself on the fact that your thoughts are vague or, on the contrary, rush between different topics, or from the past to the future, then it is worth taking some measures. And luckily, there are some things you can do. Here are some tips to make your mind calm and clear.

A person with clear thinking is distinguished by a high degree of assimilation of information, readiness to actively speak out and share thoughts, interest in what is happening, involvement in the situation.

With age, the clarity of thinking may decrease due to the accumulation in the mind a large number negative programs and destructive beliefs…. However, someone retains clarity of thinking until old age, while someone loses clarity at a young age. People who care about their health, do what they love in their professional self-realization, do spiritual practices for the development of Consciousness, as a rule, keep their thinking clear even in old age

What promotes clarity of thought?

So now, straighten your back, take a deep breath in and out, enter the silence of the mind and manifest the following:

“I activate my original ability to think clearly and be consistent in my decisions. I enjoy practicing the rituals of a healthy lifestyle and eating right. My body feels strong and healthy. My energy level is constantly growing. All this builds a solid foundation for maintaining a clear way of thinking and developing my Awareness!”

And yes there is!

Take a breath, exhale and live today Consciously your new activated state of Consciousness in a state of mental clarity.

To move to a higher level of clarity of thought and significantly increase the level of your Personal Efficiency, We have prepared a unique video course "Management of the Power of State", which you can go through now in a convenient video format:

After practice, put “+” in the comments below as a sign of the Harmonious completion of Activation exactly with You.

Share also in the comments about their Awareness and sensations in the process of Activation.

Your answers will reveal a new Depth in You and will allow you to know your True self even more.

We sincerely wish to the lucid happy people it got bigger and bigger! We will be grateful for the repost on your social page - continue to bring Wisdom to the world for the benefit of everyone!
With love and care,

Wake up. Think about what affects your brain. A healthy brain has about 200 billion neurons. Our thinking is decisive only 5% during the day, the subconscious, in turn, has control over our thoughts 95% during the whole time. "Man lives in a dream, and in a dream he dies" - these are the words of Gurdjieff, who encouraged his spiritual students to wake up and strive for more high status consciousness.

Approach everything consciously. Our thinking influences our actions, thoughts and aspirations. If we do things consciously, we see things as they are, without prejudice. We live in the present, here and now. We understand what we do and what we think. Try practicing the following exercises to learn how to do things mindfully:

  • Eat mindfully. Feel every bite you put in your mouth. Feel the smell, texture, taste. Chew slowly, thinking about what you are doing.
  • Walk mindfully. Feel your body floating in the air, your feet touching the ground, your arms moving, listen to your breath. Watch yourself. Focus on every move.
  • Speak consciously. Speak every word consciously. Pay attention to the emotions that are associated with certain words. Try to put yourself in the other person's shoes and try to understand their point of view. Thanks to this, you will understand how great the power of words is.
  • Wash dishes mindfully. Whatever you do, try to do it consciously, paying attention to every detail and doing the job perfectly. Thanks to this, you will strive for excellence even in minor matters.
  • Meditate. The human brain thinks about 70,000 thoughts during the day. Learn to be silent, thanks to this you will teach your brain to think correctly. You will direct your power to concentration, inspiration, innovation, and not waste your time and energy on useless chatter. Meditation is the main inspirational tool of many philosophies.

    Take care of your body. Proper nutrition, exercise, walks in nature, fresh air - all this helps to reduce stress levels, which is essential for harmony to reign in the body. In Hinduism, for example, it is recommended to follow a reasonable diet that in no way disturbs the balance of body and soul. To do this, you must stop eating meat, alcohol and drugs, avoid too spicy food, etc.

  • Change your feelings. Replace your negative feelings with positive ones. Positive thoughts give us strength and inspiration, help us live a happier and more fulfilling life.

    • Learn to distinguish between feelings and thoughts that are not yours but are shaped by socially established norms.
    • Ask yourself what makes me happy? This question helps to look into the soul, and see your true needs and feelings.
    • Take more time to practice compassion, peace, friendliness. These qualities will help you change your thinking.
  • Examine your core beliefs. This is our perception of ourselves and the world around us. As a rule, we do not compromise our views and beliefs under any circumstances. Our core beliefs are sentences and words that we repeat so often that they become true to us. Our core beliefs are the cause of our happiness or unhappiness, our high or low self-esteem, our destiny. If we are willing to change our beliefs, we can hope that the reality around us will change. Very often we change our thoughts so as not to be a "black sheep". In this case, the truth of our feelings and thoughts is out of the question. Try to break this vicious cycle. The following exercises will help you with this:

    • Walk down the street backwards.
    • Stop on the street near the stall where the music is playing and start dancing and singing along to the music.
    • Go to a nude beach.
    • Stop talking to strangers
    • If you are walking down a crowded street, just stop and watch the flow of people moving next to you.