"village yard" Village courtyard project Village courtyard project by technology

  1. 1. Completed: educator MBDOU Uzhursky Kindergarten No. 3 "Crane" Sermabrina L.F.
  2. 2. “What a competent, incomparable role is played in the upbringing of children by the environment in which they live! He who manages to create such an environment will facilitate his work in the highest degree. E.I.TIKHEEVA Project motto:
  3. 3. Relevance: One of the most important tasks preschool education is the creation in preschool favorable psychological climate. This is facilitated by the creation of interiors, facades, fragments of the site. The environment of a children's institution should contain spatial and subject stimuli for the creative and emotional development of the child. Thus, improvement solves the problems of aesthetic, mental, moral and physical education children.
  4. 4. Purpose of the project: Creation of emotionally favorable conditions for the stay of children on the territory of the site of the Zernyshko group, through the improvement of the territory. Tasks: 1. Creation of your image on the territory of the preschool educational institution "Crane". 2. Equip the PEI site in accordance with modern, sanitary and epidemiological requirements and methodological recommendations. 3. Improving the decoration of the site. 4. Creation of comfortable conditions for the development of the child. 5. Education of respect for nature.
  5. 5. Type - practice-oriented Type - creative Project participants: educators, parents, children Implementation period: from 1.05.15. - 1.09.15
  6. 6. Stages of implementation of project activities: 1. Preparatory: Analysis of the condition of the kindergarten site; Setting goals, objectives, project development; Involvement of parents; Collection of waste material, sowing seeds, flowers. 2. Main: Creation of a zone to get acquainted with the surroundings (wooden house, figures of domestic animals - pigs, chickens, rooster, chickens); Site fencing (fence); Creation of a zone for playing with sand; Creation of a zone for aesthetic development (table, benches - "Chamomile" for art activities); Breaking flower beds around the entire site; Creation of a zone for physical development; Creation of a mini garden; 3. Final presentation of the project
  7. 7. Expected result: Level up ecological culture and social competence of children; Transform the subject-play environment of the kindergarten; Strengthen the interest of parents in cooperation with the kindergarten; The territory of the garden should become bright, not like other gardens. The manifestation of creative activity in the knowledge of the world around.

Lesson summary on technology on the topic:

Project "Village Yard".

2 UMK class"School of Russia"

Goals: To form an idea about pets and their importance in human life. Introduce the algorithm for making the product in the application technique.

To teach how to use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities:

Implementation of the project “Village Yard.

Personal Skills


- interest in the life of pets;

- respect for pets;

- conscious interest in the creation of the commandments "Our little brothers";

- Responsibility for the creation of the project "Pets" within the framework of group activities.

Meta Item Skills

- determine the importance of pets in human life and justify their opinion;

- analyze the situation, correlate it with the generally accepted norm of communication with pets and justify your opinion;

- explain the difference between the ways of performing the application and justify your opinion;

- analyze the finished product, explain its purpose and present;

- use the acquired knowledge when creating the rules "Our little brothers".

Regulatory Skills:

- accept and carry out the training task in accordance with the plan;

- allocate responsibilities in the process of joint project activities;

- control and correct their work according to the plan;

- evaluate the result of the completed task;

- make a presentation of the project.

Communication skills:

- adequately use speech means within the framework of cooperation in the implementation of the project;

- build a statement that is understandable for the partner within the framework of the educational dialogue;

- formulate a monologue statement to present the project.

Item Skills

Use techniques:

Paper appliqué technique for making animal models;


- markup of parts using a template using an algorithm;

- perform the design of volumetric products based on the development;

Apply the learned techniques when creating a project.

Equipment : colored paper, white cardboard sheet, templates, scissors, glue brush, glue, oilcloth, apron.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, before we start our work with you, let's take each other's hands and close our eyes. Let's leave all our anxieties at the door, feel how warmly is transferred to each other, think about something good and kind. And now we will convey this feeling to all the people around us and wish them all the best in life. Let's open our eyes. We sit down at the desks.

2. Actualization of knowledge.

Teacher: “Today we will continue our journey through the village, which we started in the last lesson, and look at the village courtyard. Listen carefully to the poem "Village Yard" by Yuri Sahakyan and answer the question: Who can you meet in the village courtyard?

Children read a poem

The students name the animals, and the teacher puts their pictures on the board.(slides)

village yard

Looking thoughtfullydog:
“What happens, though?
Cat drinking milk from a saucer
hen the grain is pecking.
But where, where
cow our?
The herd is back
every single one...
Has anything happened?”

Cat meditates at the well:
"The dog is barking, the chicken is rushing,
Pig grazing under a tree.
And where, where is our cow?
The herd is back
here is the lamb
All calves...
Has anything happened?”

The pig lies and thinks:
"Oh, I'm very worried.
The mother hen is busy
The dog grumbles at the cat.
But where, where is our cow?
The herd is back
here is the lamb
All calves...
Has anything happened?”

But then someone heard first
Mooing around a turn.
A contented cow wanders:
- M - mu, I came, alive and well.
Sorry dear friends
I'm late today
So much grass in the meadow...
You were right to worry!

3 . The topic of the lesson. Determining the purpose of the lesson.

Teacher: “We found out that in the village yard you can meet a lot of domestic animals.

Do you think they can survive without human help?

What do people do for pets? (slide)

Look at the screen.

Who is in the pictures?

What can you tell about the professions of these people? (A groom is a worker caring for horses, a shepherd is a worker who grazes livestock (four-legged domestic animals) and is responsible for its safety, especially during summer grazing; a milkmaid is a worker who milks cows and takes care of them; a poultry woman is a worker who takes care of poultry.)

Exercise 1


- pets that live in a city apartment;

- pets that live in the countryside.

Tell us how you take care of your pet.

Task 2

Can it be argued that a pet can survive in the forest without the help of people? Justify your opinion.

Task 3

Choose from the proposed list only pets and underline their names. ( slide)

Cow, dog, wolf, hare, rabbit, pig, boar, cat, a fox.

Teacher: “Today we will try to create our own village yard out of paper.

We have 3 groups, each group will carry out its own project according to its own plan, which must be independently developed in the group. Now you will think and distribute the responsibilities among yourself: 2 people are designers, the rest are technologists for the production of animal figurines and other items of the village courtyard.

Teacher: "Everyone has to do their own work, after which you will collect your crafts, and your group will have a real village yard."

4. Preparation of the workplace.

For work we need: colored paper, glue, brush, scissors, colored pencils.

While creating this project The students will have to make a product based on a template. Therefore, before work, it is necessary to remind children that a template is a detailed design of an object.

5. Safety precautions in the lesson when working with scissors and glue (slide )

Before work, we recall the rules for safe work with scissors and glue.

Read the rules on the slides or tell.

6. Practical work.

We will work in a group.

Stages of work.

The next step in the project is drawing up a plan.

Teacher: In what order will you work on your craft? Make a work plan.(slide)

1. Preparation of materials and tools.

2. Open.

3. Sketch.

4. Finishing.
Students start to practical work. Everyone does their job in a group. The teacher helps, advises, approves mutual assistance.
cutting . Transfer the template to colored paper and cut out the detail.
Sketch . Arrange the parts in place.

Finishing. Decorate the object with colored paper and colored pencils.
Final stage independent work students - drawing up a general composition from the resulting blanks. The whole group does it.


7. The result of the lesson. Workplace cleaning.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher organizes an exhibition of students' work, during which the children present their projects and evaluate their own work.

8. Reflection.

What new did you learn in the lesson, what did you learn?

- What knowledge and skills have helped you to accurately complete the work today?

What was the lesson for today?

What did you do best today?

What did you have difficulty with?

When will the knowledge gained in today's lesson be useful to you in life?

9. Homework.

Prepare illustrative material on the topic "Pets and birds": find illustrations of one or more domestic animals and birds, as well as interesting information about this animal; prepare a message on how to care for it, what benefits it brings to the person, etc.

Abstract open lesson by technology

in 2 "b" class

Theme: Village Yard Project


teacher primary school

Vilisova S.A.

Project "Village Yard"

Purpose: To instill love and care for animals.

Have an idea about pets;

Form an idea about the professions.

My project is called "Village Yard". I live in the village of Zalivino. I filled my yard with animals. Guess guys what animals live with me.

2He takes off his fur coat twice a year. Who walks under a fur coat?

Sheep Benefits:

Meat. Wool
Yarn is made from sheep wool, woolen fabrics are made from yarn, carpets are woven, warm mittens and hats are knitted, socks are also rolled warm felt boots, rugs and blankets are made.

3. Born with a beard - no one marvels

Useful goat:

warm clothes are knitted from goat down, milk and meat are good for health.

4. Kvohchet, kvohchet,

Calls the children

He gathers everyone under the wing.

Chickens lay eggs, pillows, feather beds, down jackets, and dietary meat are made from feathers.

5.Green eyes - all mice are a thunderstorm

The cat catches mice and rats.

6.The living castle grunted, lay down at the door across

A dog is a man's friend, ... guards the house.

7..There is a shock in the middle of the yard, in front - a pitchfork, behind - a broom.

The cow is useful: A cow gives milk, and milk is used to make cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, kefir, etc., meat. It feeds on grass, hay, grain.

He walks the earth, he does not see the sky, nothing hurts, but everything groans.

Pigs are useful meat, fat, skin.

village yard

The dog looks thoughtfully

“What happens, though?

The cat drinks milk from a saucer

And the chicken pecks at the grain.

But where, where is our cow?

The herd is back

Here is the lamb

All the calves…

Has anything happened?”

The cat meditates at the well:

“The dog barks, the chicken lays.

A pig grazes under a tree

And where, where is our cow?

The herd is back

Here is the lamb

All the calves…

Has anything happened?”

The pig lies and thinks:

"Oh, I'm very worried!

The mother hen is busy

The dog grumbles at the cat,

But where, where is our cow?

The herd is back

Here is the lamb

All the calves…

Has anything happened?”

But then someone heard first

Mooing around a turn.

Satisfied wandering cow:

Mu, I came alive - healthy.

Sorry dear friends

I'm late today

So much grass in the meadow...

You were right to worry!

I half year

Technological map No. 4

Man and earth (23 hours)

Section topic

Domestic animals and birds. Project "Village Yard". New Year(4 hours) Topic of study To form an idea of ​​pets and their importance in human life.

Objectives To introduce an algorithm for the production of products in the technique of "application", "paper-plastic", "mosaic".

To teach how to use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities:

implementation of the project "Village Yard";

design of the rules "Our little brothers".

Mastering the technique of "volumetric application" using plasticine, making a composition. The main content of the "Village". Mastering the method of making appliqués from natural materials and plastics, the terms and concepts of lina, the production of products "Chicken from cereals", "Parrot". Mastering the “paper-plastic” technique, making the “Horse” movable structure out of paper. Mastering the method of manufacturing volumetric products based on the development: implementation of the project from paper "Village Yard".

Bas-relief, high relief, milkmaid, incubator, tracing paper, horse breeder, construction, construction, cone, groom, carbon paper, cube, chicken coop, horses: riding, racing; parallelepis ped, shepherd, landscape, pyramid, prism, poultry farm, poultry house, sweep, relief, qi lindr, ball, awl.

Planned result Personal skills Meta-subject skills Subject skills Manifest: Use techniques:

Determine the importance of pets in human life and justify your opinion;

Interest in the life of domestic animals is a “mosaic” for manufactures - to analyze the situation, correlate it with the generally accepted norm of animals and birds; application “Ku - careful attitude to communication with pets and justify your opinion; rochka "from cereals;

domestic pets; - to determine the difference between the professions "milkmaid", "groom", "shepherd", - "sculpting" for the manufacture - a conscious interest in the "poultry" and justify your opinion; appliqué "Petu the creation of the commandments" Sconce - explain the difference between the methods of performing the application and the shock "from the natural material of our smaller ones"; justify your opinion; rial;

Responsibility for creation - to analyze the finished product, explain its purpose and present - "modeling" for the performance; embossed application of the project "Home - to use the acquired knowledge when creating the rules" Village ".

animals" within the group Run:

howling activity. "Our little brothers."

Regulatory skills: - markup of details from to - accept and carry out a training task in accordance with the plan; copying power - to distribute responsibilities in the process of joint project activities of the paper, using algorithms; rhythm;

Control and adjust your work according to the plan; - perform design - evaluate the result of the completed task; volumetric products - to conduct a presentation of the project. sweep based;

Communicative skills: - perform a moving - adequately use speech means within the framework of cooperation with the construction "Horse";

during the execution of the project; - fulfill New Year's - build a statement that is understandable for a partner within the framework of educational souvenirs from the shell.

Use dialogue; rules - to formulate a monologue statement to represent the safe handling of the project. needle and awl.

Apply learned technology when creating a project.

Organization of educational space Interdisciplinary connections Resources Forms of work Literary reading Front;

Information material:

Theme "The world of folk tales" Textbook "Technology", workbook "Technology". individual - ;

ki". steam room -;

Demo material:

World around Samples: group -.

The theme is "Autumn Labor". - the image of products "application" using various natural materials;

Image of Christmas tree decorations made from eggshells;

Image of New Year's masks;

Geometric figures: cone, cube, parallelepiped, pyramid, cylinder;

Image of domestic birds and animals;

Image of different breeds of horses;

Image architectural structures, machine tools, mechanical toys;

Image of natural materials: leaves, fruits, cereals;

With the concepts: bas-relief, high relief, milkmaid, incubator, tracing paper, horse breeder, design, construction, cone, groom, carbon paper, cube, chicken coop, horses: riding, racing; parallelepiped, shepherd, landscape, pyramid, prism, poultry farm, poultry house, sweep, relief, cylinder, ball, awl;

Cards with educational tasks: geometric figures and deployed


Motivate to study Visiting Professor Samovarov, Anya and Vanya talked about the situation, Personal skills:

Stimulate One day they noticed how a neighbor's boy had offended a cat and had a zest for life, a fundamentally valuable attitude towards pets.

Introduce the concepts of "relief", Consider photographs with images of pets on nia:

"bas-relief", "high relief", "construction", "construction", "milkmaid", "poultry house", "shepherd", "horse breeder", "groom", "riding, race horses", "landscape", "awl".

About pets;

About the rules of safe handling of the needle and awl;

About the “appliqué” techniques, Stimulate careful What is the difference between the relief and the usual image. (Kind of paper will be required mate related to pets.

Perform a relief application using plasticine, a moving toy design;

Formulate rules for communicating with pets;

Formulate speech - perform educational activities Draw a rural landscape "Village" with a pencil. human life and justification in accordance with the plan Compose the composition of the rural landscape "Village". express your opinion;

Feed, clean, walk, sell, go out, clean the stall.

Construction is the creation of a structure in which various parts and details are correctly connected. There are movable and non-movable structures.

In a fixed structure, all parts are fixedly connected. In a movable structure, parts or parts are connected so that the structure can move.

Task 13 (Z) Students are invited to consider photographs with images of architectural structures, machine tools, mechanical toys.

State the meaning of the word "construction". (Structure, structure, mechanism.) What is the meaning of the word "design". (Create a structure.) State the meaning of the words "moving structure." (Design with movable parts.) Look at the images in the photographs and name the structure that can be called movable.

Task 14 (P) Can it be argued that the structure is always moving? Justify your opinion.

Task 15 (Z) Textbook, p. 35-36.

Tell us the procedure for making a moving construction "Horse" out of paper.

Task 16 (Z) What are the rules for safe handling of the needle.

Name the rules for safe handling of the awl.

Task 17 (P) Goals:

Introduce the concept of "incubus" Man tamed a wild chicken more than 8,000 years ago. Since then:

tor”, “hen house”, “poultry house”, “poultry farm”, “tracing paper”, “tracing paper”.

Update knowledge about the poultry farm. The chicken is unpretentious in food: it eats cereals, seeds.

poultry, about sculpting and mosaic techniques, about Encourage gentleness Look at the pictures and name the poultry. (Chicken, ut grits can be taken: ... attitude towards poultry.

Teach: Can it be argued that poultry is only useful 3. Restore the sequence - talk about making templates according to the algorithm;

Perform self-analysis of products and complete technological map product manufacturing;

Use the "mosaic" technique to make applications from natural material;

Make a product from non-traditional materials;

Make a plan for the execution of work and perform a training action on it;

Use speech means for conducting educational dialogue;

Formulate rules for communicating with pets.

Put a carbon paper between the original drawing and the material, on - analyze the finished one that is being translated, with the coloring side to the material;

circle the drawing with a hard pencil so that a trace is printed on the value;


use the template for future work. Regulatory Skills:

Task 8 (H) Tell the procedure for making templates using carbon paper.

Task 9 (U) Choose from the proposed materials only the one that will allow you to copy the drawing on cardboard, and underline its name.

Tracing paper, cardboard, carbon paper, parchment, colored paper.

Task 10 (P) Can it be argued that only natural material can be used to perform the application? Justify your opinion.

The teacher invites the children to choose in advance what kind of work they will do in the class: “Grill chicken” or “Cockerel”. "mosaic" to complete Task 11 (U) Textbook, p. 37-38, workbook, p. 23. Applications from natural Analyze the finished product "Chicken from cereals" and add material and cereals;

Make a plan for the implementation of the product "Grout Chicken". Applications “Chicken from Groats” Make a mosaic “Chicken from cereals” using natural ma - perform New Year's Task 14 (U) Assess Pavel's ability to handle pets.

Once classmates came to visit Pavel. He decided to show the children a kitten that had recently been born. He took the kitten from the basket and carried it to the guys. The cat jumped up and threw herself at the boy's feet. Pavel put the kitten back in the basket. The cat immediately calmed down and began to lick the baby.

Task 15 (U) Textbook, p. 56.

Make a blank from an egg for a New Year's decoration "Parrot Guy" using the plan in the tutorial.

This task, at the discretion of the teacher, can be completed at home.

Task 16 (Z) Workbook, p. 37.

Tell us the procedure for making the product "Parrot" using the technique of "paper applique".

Task 17 (Z) Workbook, p. 39.

Name the rules for working with glue.

Task 18 (P) Workbook, p. 39.

Fill in the gaps in the text "Rules for working with glue" so that you get a coherent text.

Task 19 (U) Textbook, p. 56-57.

Make a plan for the implementation of the New Year's decoration "Parrot".

Task 20 (U) Textbook, p. 56-57.

Make the Parrot Christmas Decoration using the plan in the tutorial.

Decorate the product using paints.

Katya had a wonderful parrot. The girl chose a spacious cage for him, fed him his favorite seeds and vitamins, let him fly, taught him to talk.

One morning, Katya did not hear the alarm clock. The parrot began to worry and shout: “Katya! Katia! Katia!" The girl heard the parrot's voice, woke up, quickly got ready and left without being late for school.

Stimulate interest in Name the domestic animals that can be found on the tree:

participation in a common project.

What is the meaning of the words "groom", "shepherd", "poultry house", "milkmaid". how many voluminous geo-professions "milkmaid", "scent", "shepherd", "poultry".

Introduce the concept of “deployed” Is it possible to argue that a milkmaid can graze cows? His opinion is nous, cube, parallelepiped, ka, "cone", "cube", "prism", "parallelepiped", "pyramid", "cylinder", "ball".

Carry out the design of volumetric products based on the development using carbon paper;

Perform independent analysis of products;

Distribute responsibilities in the process of project activities;

Perform a learning action using the plan;

Check and evaluate the result of the completed task;

Conduct a presentation of the project according to a given scheme;

Formulate clear statements in the framework of the educational dialogue.

Can it be argued that knowing the rules for working with tools, correlating it with the general one, allows you to do a good job? Justify your opinion. accepted norm of communication Task 10 (U) Textbook, p. 40, workbook, p. 24-25. with pets and Prepare the necessary tools and materials for the implementation using the plan;

Identify among the templates those that depict a cat, and in the process of jointly draw around the cat templates on cardboard and cut them out. - evaluate the result you Evaluate the work of classmates using the following criteria: - make a presentation of the performance of the product in accordance with the algorithm; project.

Yura, returning from school, saw a puppy near the house. He whimpered piteously and wiggled his paws. The boy dreamed of a dog for a long time and decided to take the puppy home. First of all, Yura offered him food, then washed him and took him to the vet. The doctor said that the dog was absolutely healthy and, with proper care, he would make a wonderful friend. Together with his mother, Yura equipped a place for the puppy to sleep and eat, bought dog toys. He walked the dog every morning and always hurried home after school. After all, now Friend is waiting for him at home.

Block K. Diagnosis of the quality of mastering the topic Motivate for successful Complete the project "Village Yard" - be responsible for creating the result of the project.


Plan activities and allocate responsibilities;

Collaborate as a team on a project; paper;

Present the result of volumetric products based on the deployment of activities. "Pets of our yard" made of paper.

Motivate Stage intellectually transformative activities includes: Personal Skills:

choice of task option (informative, improvisational, evry - conscious interest in a successful result.

choice of method of activity (individual or collective); our smaller ones";

interest in the process of creating the rules "Our little brothers" and - planning activities;

arrange them. - performance of the task;

Plan activities Informative variance and distribution Write the missing words in the text of the rules and arrange the story as an illustration in accordance with the plan.

group when doing 1. Before you take ... (pet) animal to your home, be sure to use speech means to present the project; read ... (book) about its features, behavior and conditions containing the result setting.

Represent rania.

result of activity. 2. Making a pet feel … (comfortable) in your home, a great result with 1. It is important for me to take good care of pets, because … students.

set goal 2. To complete the group project "Village Yard", you need ...

Evaluate the result II. Self assessment task.

a) Self-assessment of the independence of one's activity and one's activity;

Evaluate the result of the educational activity I completely coped I coped I could not cope with the set goal. Introduce an algorithm for making products in the technique of “application”, “paper foil”.

Evaluate stick result”, “mosaic”.

To teach how to use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities.

Show a conscious interest in the creation of the rules "Our little brothers".

Use the acquired knowledge when creating the rules “Our Brothers Regulatory Skills:

Make a presentation of the project.

Communication skills:

Formulate a monologue statement to present the project.

Item Skills:

Apply the learned techniques when creating a project.

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“it is established that: A) land, subsoil, natural resources, other resources on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan are the property (property) of its multinational people; B) land, its subsoil, others Natural resources on the territory of the Republic of Ingushetia are its property. B) the Republic of Adygea is in charge of establishing order ... "

“Annotation There are books that, having read once, it is impossible to forget all your life. They become the measure of human values. You come back to them every time when it is very difficult, and they give hope and strength to live, overcome adversity and look forward. The Mother of Man is such a book. The story was first published in 1969. She was awarded the Gorky State Prize of the RSFSR. The war determined the fate of the writer. The roads of the war correspondent turned out to be very long - from the Don ... "

“Appeal of the Governor V.V. Radaev to the residents of the Saratov region: deputies, heads of municipal districts, the business community, public sector employees, social activists Dear countrymen, colleagues, friends. Two years have passed since the day when in the hall of the regional parliament I took the oath of the governor of the Saratov region and vowed to do everything so that our residents feel the changes for the better. This desire coincided with the willingness of the Saratov people to turn their faces to the authorities, together with it ... "

“2010 Land of Idiots. - M.: Edition of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. 2010 - 64 p. The Land of Idiots is not the name of a geographic area, such as the island of Svalbard in the Arctic Ocean. This is a kind of collective image of the era of the first decade of the twenty-first century. Of course, this is a virtual image, but at the same time with very definite and even more real outlines. What? The answer to this question is precisely what our A new book. It is intended for a wide range of readers, ... "

“Prose by RAISA DEYKUN Kopets A true story Every pine tree makes noise in its forest. Koptsy are earthen mounds over round pits with potatoes, in other words - piles. Villagers store beets and carrots in them - it will be healthier. And in the spring - as a find, both. And all this looks like it was just dug out of the ground. No sprouts, no wrinkles. Unless the frost grabs somewhere on the side if the owner does not try to cover the sidewalls well with straw or sedge, and there is not enough land on top ... "

“RUSSIAN FEDERATION FEDERAL LAW ON GARDENING, GARDENING AND COUNTRY NON-PROFIT ASSOCIATIONS OF CITIZENS Adopted by the State Duma on March 11, 1998 Approved by the Federation Council on April 1, 1998 (as amended by No. federal laws No. 137-FZ of 22.11.2000, No. 31-FZ of 21.03.2002, No. 169-FZ of 08.12.2003, No. 122-FZ of 22.08.2004, No. 127-FZ of 02.11.2004, No. 127-FZ of 30.06.2006 93-FZ, dated 06/26/2007 N 118-FZ, dated 11/23/2007 N 268-FZ, dated 05/13/2008 N 66-FZ, dated 12/30/2008 N 309-FZ, as amended ... "

"CONTENTS Page Introduction Chapter 1. Description of the state of forests and their use. 13 1.1. Information about the state of forests and changes in the state of forests, their designated purpose by forestry, as well as about forest zones and forest areas 1.1.1. Quantitative and qualitative assessment of changes in the state of forests over the 5-year period preceding the development of the forest plan 1.1.2. Indicators of forests located on the lands of the forest fund and lands of other categories, the distribution of their area by forest ... "

“On the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory, Podgorny ZATO Zheleznogorsk, 2010. THIS IS NEEDED ALIVE! The idea to create a book about veterans of the Great Patriotic War belongs to Evgeniy Sergeevich Anninsky, who collected materials for its publication. Honored teacher of the RSFSR, founder of the museum of archeology in the Podgorny settlement, Evgeny Sergeevich devoted himself for many years to teaching and educating many generations of the inhabitants of our ambassador. An initiative group of teachers, students of school No. 104, the administration of the Podgorny ambassador, the council ... "

“To discuss the materials of correspondents, to express an opinion on urgent issues, to become a participant in polls on a topical topic, to get a free consultation from GORODSKAYA GAZETA specialists in various fields, you can visit www.miasskiy.ru. Published since March 30, 1918 THURSDAY, December 6, 2012, No. 148 (16898) Free price www.miasskiy.ru Supermeat for Miass The Beliy Medved company invites countrymen to discover a tasty and healthy product EVENTS IN THE CITY. Evaluation - good on November 29 at...”