Mob readiness sun ussr active reserve. Mobilization reserve of the armed forces of the Russian Federation - secret clause of the decree

The military department was seriously concerned about the mobilization capabilities of the country. According to Vasily Smirnov, Deputy Chief of the General Staff, the Defense Ministry has developed a draft law that will radically change the system of Russian citizens being in the reserve.

The generals are in no hurry to publish their proposals in detail. But it is known that we are talking about the creation in Russia of a completely new structure - a mobilization reserve. Relatively speaking, this will be the second front that the army command will call under its banner during the war, major exercises or emergencies. In addition, units may appear in the Armed Forces where former conscripts will serve on a temporary basis.

The military are not going to forcibly drive them into the barracks, nor are they going to tear them away from home and work for a long time. The bill provides for the voluntary entry of reserve troops into the reserve army. It might look like this. Before leaving the army, the commander will offer the demobilized conscript to sign a contract, according to which yesterday's fighter undertakes to return to duty from time to time.

In order to interest a person in service in the reserve, the Ministry of Defense will pay a certain amount to the reservist every month. How many exactly - the generals have not yet specified. The main thing is that they want to replenish the purse of the storekeeper, regardless of whether he is working at the moment or is in a military unit.

The size of the army remuneration and the term of the contract, apparently, will depend on the military specialty and qualifications of the reservist. People with professions in short supply in the troops, say, anti-aircraft operators missile systems Air defense, they will probably put more. Repairmen or drivers, most likely, less. But the latter will not have to leave their families for a long time for army retraining. Mastering the "steering wheel" of a new military truck or armored personnel carrier is still easier than delving into the intricacies of the electronic brain of an air defense system. It is possible that with some categories of former soldiers it will not be necessary to conclude a contract at all. Why pay money to an ordinary shooter if his fire and tactical skills are easy to restore at short-term military training camps.

Considering that "technological" positions in the troops will soon be occupied by pro soldiers, the recruitment of their civilian backups for service in the reserve will be handled by military registration and enlistment offices. In our reserve army of successful businessmen and rich people there are only a few. Therefore, the generals hope that the material interest and traditionally benevolent attitude towards the army of yesterday's soldiers will force a considerable number of experienced military experts to respond to the initiative of the Ministry of Defense. They plan to call them for retraining only once a year. So the reservists are not in danger of losing their jobs. Moreover, according to the current legislation, it is forbidden to dismiss such employees. This ban will certainly remain in the new document. As well as the obligation of employers to pay the average monthly salary to subordinates who temporarily retired from the army.

A fundamentally new moment in the life of the reservists may be their temporary service at some objects of the Ministry of Defense. They are not expected in ordinary garrisons. After transferring all military units in the category of constant readiness, divisions and brigades were one hundred percent staffed with conscripts and contract soldiers.

However, in some places, instead of reduced regiments, they left bases for storing weapons and military equipment. This arsenal will be used during the deployment of the Armed Forces in a threatening period. However, in order for armored vehicles to drive and fire after a long "hibernation", rockets take off into the air, and planes take to the skies, all this economy must be maintained in a combat-ready state. They want to entrust such a task to the reservists.

As Vasily Smirnov noted, in the staff of each storage base there are 6 military positions and several civilian ones. The General Staff sees no point in appointing military professionals there - they are needed in the line units. Completing the bases with recruits is more expensive for yourself: clumsy soldiers will only spoil the equipment. But keeping experienced reserve specialists on a rotational basis is just that.

Another mobilization innovation could be the involvement of former soldiers in the elimination of the consequences of man-made disasters and natural disasters.

The leadership of the Ministry of Defense initially wanted to present a fresh look at the organization of army service and the preparation of a mobilization reserve in two new laws - on military service and on military duty. However, the desire of the generals to separate conscription and service issues did not find support. As a result, the State Duma will consider a single bill.

The formation of a reserve is a common practice of leading Western countries. Its staff in Germany, France, Great Britain and the United States exceeds the size of the armed forces. For example, in America the role of the "second front" is played by the National Guard. In addition, the army and air force have their own manpower reserves. In the Department of the Navy, the reserve is divided between the Marine Corps and the Coast Guard.

Americans serve in the reserve voluntarily, without fail signing a contract with the military.


It is possible that the deputies will have questions about the mobilization initiatives of the General Staff. Moreover, among the legislators there are supporters of other options for the formation of a military reserve. Including - by the type of Belarusian. The following scheme of preparing a "second front" has been practiced in this country for 6 years now. They recruit not former military personnel, but draft youth. It is enough for a person to write an application to the military registration and enlistment office with a detailed explanation of the reasons for the impossibility of performing regular service as a soldier. Then get a certificate of good health from the doctors. If the applicant's arguments in the commissariat are considered weighty, he will be enrolled in the mobilization reserve. Service there takes place virtually without interruption from the main work. A conscript within a year, two or three years (the period depends on his education and level of military training) is called to study in a military specialty in one of the army units. Then comes the stage of a long stay in the reserve with episodic retraining at military training camps.

The diagram looks attractive. However, there is a serious argument against its introduction into Russian practice. Neighbors introduced service in the reserve due to an excess of conscripts who can be put into active service. In our country, as you know, there are always not enough recruits.

The Russian army began a full-scale formation of a mobilization reserve. Soldiers and reserve officers who have signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense will have to attend special classes every month and undergo annual military training. In return, the state guarantees them monthly payments and a number of compensations. In the event of a special period being declared, reservists will complete the existing units, they are also used to form new ones. Military experts believe that the reform will strengthen the country's defense capability.

The Ministry of Defense told Izvestia that starting this year, the mobilization reserve system will begin to operate in full throughout Russia. Required regulations to start the reform has already been adopted. Previously, the department conducted an experiment in certain regions. It lasted almost two years. Its results are recognized as successful.

In 2015, the President of Russia signed a decree "On the creation of a mobilization human reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." The mechanism for attracting Russians to new structures and the terms of contracts concluded with them are described in the law "On military duty and military service." It states that soldiers and reserve officers who have passed a medical examination can become reservists.

The military registration and enlistment offices are responsible for the formation of the reserve. Not all of them have started the corresponding work yet. However, for example, recruitment is already underway in the Rostov region - in the military registration and enlistment office of the city of Novoshakhtinsk, a reserve serviceman can conclude a contract for service in the reserve.

“To do this, you need to appear at the military registration and enlistment office, having a passport and a military ID with you,” Izvestia was told at the Novoshakhtinsk military registration and enlistment office. - A reserve soldier must study 2-3 days a month and pass annual training camps lasting from 20 to 30 days.

Such a person can be called into service at any time: when a special or threatened period is announced, in the event of major exercises, emergencies, or simply an acute shortage of military specialists in units.

The question of creating an organized mobilization reserve has been raised for a long time, - military expert Viktor Murakhovsky told Izvestia. - The new system will make it possible to train and maintain highly qualified personnel in combat readiness, to ensure the rapid deployment of personnel to theaters of military operations, where it is necessary to deploy new formations, but there is not enough local mobile resources.

In particular, according to him, the new personnel recruitment system will increase the defense capability Far East. Parts of this region have technology, but there is a shortage of manpower.

Salary and money for stay

Soldiers and reserve officers entering the reserve sign a contract for three, five or more years. When concluding a new agreement, the Russian receives a lump sum payment: for a three-year period - in the amount of a salary, for five or more years - one and a half times more.

The salary of a reservist will be made up of the official salary, payments for the rank and the regional coefficient. For example, a platoon commander with the rank of senior lieutenant in the central part of Russia will receive 27,500 rubles. The commander of the department with the rank of sergeant in the Kemerovo region (regional allowance - 30%) - 25.3 thousand rubles.

True, in full this money is paid only during the training camp. In the rest of the period, 11 months a year, reservists will be paid 12% of the salary. A senior lieutenant from Central Russia will receive 3,300 rubles a month, a sergeant from the Kemerovo region - 3,036 thousand rubles.

This payment procedure is provided for by the Decree of the Government of Russia “On establishing the amount of the monthly salary for citizens of the Russian Federation staying in the mobilization human reserve, except for the period of military training” dated December 23, 2015.

During the training camp, the state guarantees the reservist the preservation of the average salary or stipend. It will also cover the costs of renting housing, travel expenses, travel fees for fees and returning home.

Seniority allowances are also provided. For example, three years after enrollment, reservists will be able to receive an additional 10% of their salary. Over the years, payments will increase. The maximum allowance - 50% - will be accrued after 20 years of continuous being in reserve.

How it works

The reservist will be assigned to a specific military unit or the Mobilization Deployment Support Center (TsOMR), where he will be trained.

There are such concepts - current and temporary shortage (TNK and VNK), - military expert Vladislav Shurygin told Izvestia. - For example, a serviceman was transferred to another place of service, but no one has been appointed to his place yet. This is a temporary kit. If a person falls ill and can no longer perform his duties, this is a current shortage. TNK and VNK seriously affect the combat capability of a military unit. For example, a battalion may lack a company commander, several machine gunners and driver mechanics. Their absence seriously affects the ability of the battalion to carry out combat mission. There are also positions that are introduced only in case of war. For example, a machine gunner's assistant or a mortar loader. In peacetime, they are not needed, but in combat they become critical.

TNK and VNK will be replaced by mobile reservists who have signed a contract with military unit. Their other task will be to replenish losses in wartime.

Storage bases are becoming a thing of the past

The bases for the storage and repair of military equipment (BHiRVT) will be disbanded, where tanks, armored personnel carriers and other equipment intended for recruiting parts in the event of mobilization have been standing for years. IN ground forces Until recently, there were more than 40 such bases (14 of them are motorized rifle).

Now a mobilization reserve of personnel is assigned to the BHiRVT, Viktor Murakhovsky told Izvestia. - Soldiers and reserve officers must report to the base in the event of a special period. Such a system has its drawbacks. For example, there are questions about the recruitment and coordination of units, it is difficult to find specialists in air defense, engineering and tank troops.

In addition, now there are no more than 10 people in the staff list of the BHIRVT. Such a number of personnel did not allow maintaining the equipment in proper condition.

The reorganization of motorized rifle BHiRVT has already begun. About a third of them are closed. For example, the 103rd BHiRVT ceased to operate in the Novosibirsk Region. The officers of the units serving at the Shilovsky training ground told Izvestia about this - the base used to be located there.

Military unit 30654 (aka the 104th BHiRVT from the city of Biysk Altai Territory) and military unit 92910 (245th BHiRVT from Lesozavodsk, Primorsky Territory) are listed as “inactive” in the SPARK-Interfax database. This means that the parts as legal entities have ceased to exist, and their bank accounts are closed.

New centers for reservists

The TsOMRs created on the basis of BHiRVT will both store equipment and train reservists. If necessary, the centers will be converted into "full-blooded" military units and formations. A new modern infrastructure will be built for the CCMRC.

In 2016, the Ministry of Defense signed a contract for the design of a new BHiRVT on Sakhalin. The project illustrates what a mobilization deployment support center might look like.

It is planned to build a military camp in the village of Dachnoye. There will be a parking area of ​​700 thousand square meters. m, barracks to accommodate 521 soldiers and sergeants, headquarters and training buildings, warehouses for property and rocket and artillery weapons, heated storage for 1.2 thousand parking spaces. Equipment storage and repair areas will be equipped.

Such an infrastructure will make it possible, in case of training, to place a battalion of reservists at the base, conduct exercises and routine maintenance of equipment by their forces.

In foreign countries there are analogues of the system being created in Russia. Thus, in the United States, the army, in the event of a possible threat, will draw personnel from units of the National Guard and the army reserve. In Switzerland, the organized reserve makes up the bulk of the armed forces - these people are ready to arrive at the military unit on demand.

If tomorrow is war

The Ministry of Defense is working on a project to create several reserve armies that are planned to be formed in our country in the near future, Franz Klintsevich, deputy chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee, told Izvestia today. Their personnel, working at their enterprises, will periodically participate in military training, as well as receive monthly supplements for staying in the reserve army. The reservists will be ready at any moment to come to their assembly point, receive weapons and take part in a predetermined formed unit.

Military personnel who have completed military or contract service will be able to enroll in the reserve armies. They will be assigned places in the military unit. By going through the training camp, the reservists will be better prepared for exercises, training camps and real war.

As an example of the use of an active reserve, the experience of the United States is cited: a demobilized military man, immediately or shortly after being discharged from the army or air force, concludes a contract with the Pentagon on regular participation in military training and attends combat training classes once a week. This contingent makes up the national guard, which is a branch of the armed forces. It can be used on a par with internal troops in emergency situations by order of the state governor. It is also used in foreign military operations by decision of the President of the United States. So, in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to experts, more than 300 thousand national guardsmen participated.

However, the state deputy, perhaps, is too optimistic in his forecasts about the "armies of reservists." Two years ago, the Ministry of Defense only talked about an experiment on the basis of the Western Military District, it was planned that the size of the "army of reservists" might be 8,600 people.

Two years later

An effective reserve is a multi-decade dream of the Ministry of Defense of our country, because it is also an indicator of the combat readiness of any country.

The reserve and military training were in the USSR, and the farther, the more they lost effectiveness. They could call for training once in a lifetime, or they might not call at all. Drivers were included in the price - instead of fees, they were involved in the harvesting front in agriculture. The tank crews went through the training camp really well. The rest of the "partisans", as the reservists were called, were usually an additional load for military units. The effectiveness of the domestic reserve eventually came to naught.

A permanent, contractual reserve was actively discussed several years ago. In 2008, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation reported that “in the near future” there would be an approbation new system preparation and accumulation of "mobile resources" on a contract basis. Monthly surcharges were then called at the level of 7 thousand rubles.

In 2012, the draft law on the mobilization reserve was discussed from April to December and under New Year, December 30, the law was passed. Thus, if the project to create "reserve armies" is being discussed in the Ministry of Defense, it means that it is starting to implement the law adopted almost two years ago. In March 2013, the government approved the Regulations on the procedure for the stay of citizens Russian Federation in the mobilization manpower reserve.

reserve competition

The law divides the reservists into two groups. Those who sign the contract are the “mobilization manpower reserve”. The rest are “mobilization human resources”.

The procedure for entering the reserve is spelled out in detail: an application to the military registration department, a characteristic, a "good" medical board, certification. Certification must take place in the military unit where the candidate is sent to the reserve (the road will be paid at the expense of the Ministry of Defense). The decision to accept a candidate or refuse is made by the commission of the military unit after the qualification exam. They may refuse. According to the authors of the law and regulations, there may be competitions for reserve positions and titles. The contract is concluded by the commander of the unit, who is prescribed "a comprehensive study of the reservist."

Contract term. By law, a contract can be concluded for at least three years.

Age threshold : for soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, warrant officers and midshipmen - up to 42 years old, for junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain, lieutenant commander - up to 47 years old, for major, captain 3rd rank, lieutenant colonel, captain 2nd rank - up to 52 years old. Colonels, captains of the 1st rank can enter into a contract up to 57 years.

Money: monthly salary, coefficient for highlands, north, etc., for a new contract - a one-time payment. For continuous stay in the reserve, starting from the second contract - allowances from 10 to 50%.

The amount of salary cannot be less than 10% of the salary for the military position for which the citizen is assigned to the military unit (intended for a special formation), and the salary for the military rank.

At the training camp, the salary for the military position provided for by the staff of the military unit, and the salary for the military rank, travel allowances upon delivery to the place of training must be paid, and at work the average salary (stipend) and, of course, the place of work (study) itself.

Privileges.You can go for free vocational training, retraining and advanced training in military educational institutions, but on conditions determined by the Ministry of Defense.

Perhaps, in the new version, the Russian reserve will acquire a new quality. The material interest of active reservists, the system of retaining and improving their qualifications can at least partially fulfill the long-held dream of the Ministry of Defense. In part, because the system of training and conscription does not seem to ensure the mass character of the “reserve armies” that the State Duma deputy announced.

Are you a reservist by any chance?

Surely this project will meet hidden resistance from employers and complicate their relationship with employees. It is no coincidence that some experts suggest recruiting reservists primarily from military-industrial complex enterprises that work in close contact with the Ministry of Defense.

Perhaps the weakest point of the mobile reserve system is the vagueness of the terms for the absence of reservists at the main workplace. In October 2013, the government added the “Training sessions” to the Regulations on training camps, which should take place “in accordance with the requirements of combat training programs.” When and how often training will take place is an open question.

Now a potential civilian boss can easily ask a woman applying for a vacancy if she is going on maternity leave in the foreseeable future, if so, then goodbye. Such discrimination is punishable by law, but it is not advertised, there is a reason to refuse a place. Now the bosses will ask the men if he is a paid reservist with a guarantee of regular military training and training.

The maximum tenure of a qualified contract reservist is limited only by his age and may exceed more than 20 years.

When discussing the law, the Ministry of Defense noted that the training camps would be held every year for two weeks (so that the reservists would not be interrupted for a long time from work) plus training. However, in the provision on the mobile reserve, the total duration of military training, to which a person can be involved for the entire time he is in the reserve, the limit of fees is formulated differently: it cannot exceed 24 months.

The employer believes: if we proceed from 20 years or more of experience as a contract soldier, then an average of two months a year (with the same salary and length of service) plus training (with the same salary and length of service) will come out. If legislators had indicated not 24 months of fees for the entire career of a reservist, but indicated an annual limit, there would be more stability. By the way, the first who wanted to get into this type of service found out that in three years the period of “out of production” would not exceed 120 days. Statements by the Ministry of Defense, of course, cost a lot, but the law is the law.

The experiment comes to an end

For comparison, the training system for reservists of the US National Guard is clear and understandable: 48 four-hour classes throughout the year in training centers, that is, almost every weekend - military training plus three weeks of training camps, command post and military exercises conducted jointly with the troops of the regular army.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation does not have a network of training centers, therefore, according to the law, commanders of military units should deal with reservists. The first experimental unit was created in Khakassia. It was also announced that the experiment will be carried out on the basis of one of the military formations in Siberia.

The deadline is approaching to announce the results of the experiment with the involvement of reservists on the contract. It is possible that new amendments will appear in the law and the provisions on the mobilization reserve.

Help LN.The mobilization reserve is devoted, in particular, to the "Regulations on the procedure for the stay of citizens of the Russian Federation in the mobilization human reserve", the government decree on the training sessions of contract reservists "On amendments to the Regulations on conducting military training" and the basic document - federal law No. 288 of 30 December 2012. This law amended the laws "On Defense", "On mobilization training and mobilization in the Russian Federation”, “On military duty and military service”, “On the status of servicemen”.

The growing geopolitical tension in the region caused the Russian leadership, for the first time in many years, to seriously talk about modernizing the army of reservists, more precisely, about creating a fundamentally new management institution that specializes in studying and organizing the country's mobilization potential. Now it is still difficult to talk about the actual timing of the project. Yes, a relevant law has been adopted and a presidential decree has been published. But the flywheel of the system is just gaining momentum.

Many experts, as well as ordinary citizens, are already interested in the nuances of this program. AND main question raised at all levels is, of course, the age of the reservists in Russian army. According to military analysts, speculation on this topic in the media led to the fact that objective information was lost against the general background of the given picture of the day. As a result, there was an urgent need for an explanatory conversation with an accentuated placement of all dots over the "i".

Formation of an army of reservists: potential applicants

According to the decree of the President, the following categories of citizens are subject to mandatory military recruitment:

  • persons transferred to the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • former university students who have undergone comprehensive training and received officer ranks;
  • men who did not serve in the ranks of the Russian army due to exemption from conscription;
  • women with a military specialty;
  • persons who had a deferment at the time of the call, as well as those who received the right to carry an alternative;
  • military personnel dismissed without registration.

In addition, a separate provision of the decree defines the maximum age until which reservists will be recruited in Russia - 60 years.

The purpose of the reorganization of the training system for reservists

The reform launched last year has far-reaching plans. The primary task is to eliminate the bureaucratic confusion inherent in the modern Russian army, and in the future - to turn the reservists into a kind of universal soldier capable of getting into line in a matter of hours without losing the functionality and controllability of the units.

But the ambitions of the leadership of the General Staff are not limited to this.

The main idea is to bring the reserve troops to a new stage of evolution: to establish such a level of understanding between the active combat formations and the rear services that, in the event of the start of real hostilities, there will be no need to reprofil the personnel. Simply put, the policy of educating a “multi-vector” soldier and a specialist officer will be cultivated at military training camps, equally prepared both for solving purely combat missions and for performing functions inherent in civilian law enforcement agencies.

Since the “universalization” of a person implies a long learning process, already now in the Presidential Administration, in the Government and in both houses of Parliament there are tough discussions about what the average age of reservists in the Russian army should be in 10-15 years: 20-34 years, as in most Western countries, either 30-45.

Military training: exercises or combat experience?

The military training program is not a constant. Even within one calendar year, completely different training algorithms can be drawn up for the same types of troops.

The situation in the world is constantly changing, so it would be wrong to build exercises according to the same scheme. And the age of the reservists in the Russian army, of course, plays a role. People who have become accustomed to the hardships and hardships of military service are far from always able to fulfill the standard the first time, which was specially calculated under physical abilities a healthy 20 year old boy. And this is another reason to think about whether to start rejuvenating the army of reservists.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03.09.2015 N 933 approved the Regulation on the procedure for the stay of citizens of the Russian Federation in the mobilization human reserve (hereinafter - Regulation N 933). The article discusses the procedure for enrolling in the mobilization reserve and the procedure for exclusion from it.

In accordance with Art. 51.2 of Federal Law N 53-FZ * (1) for the mobilization deployment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies are created:
- reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
- reserve of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation;
- reserve of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.
These reserves are intended for staffing formations, military units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, as well as special formations during the period of mobilization, bringing them to combat readiness and in wartime.
The reserve consists of a mobilization manpower reserve and a mobilization manpower resource.

Note. In accordance with paragraph 3 of Regulation N 933, the entry of citizens into the reserve is carried out by concluding a contract.

In accordance with paragraph 4 of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 17, 2015 N 370 "On the creation of a mobilization manpower reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation", financing of measures related to the formation of a reserve is carried out at the expense of budgetary appropriations provided for in the federal budget of the Ministry of Defense.

The organization of measures to ensure the recruitment of the mobilization reserve is entrusted to the military commissariats.
We note that in accordance with the provisions of Art. 57.4 of Federal Law N 53-F3, a reserve contract can be concluded with a citizen who does not have citizenship (nationality) foreign state who are in the reserve, who have previously completed military service and have a military rank:
- a soldier, sailor, sergeant, foreman, ensign and midshipman, - under the age of 42;
- junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain, lieutenant commander, - under the age of 47;
- major, captain of the 3rd rank, lieutenant colonel, captain of the 2nd rank, - under the age of 52;
- colonel, captain of the 1st rank, - under the age of 57 years.
In addition, the conclusion of a contract is possible with persons who have completed their studies at the military department in the state educational institution higher professional education within 15 years after enrollment in the reserve with the assignment military rank officer.
To conclude a contract, a citizen who has expressed a desire to conclude it, submits an application to the military commissariat, where he is registered with the military, or an application and documents, a list of which is given in clause 11 of Regulation N 933, to a military unit.
Within a month, this application must be considered, a decision is made to conduct a medical examination of the candidate and consider his candidacy by the commission of the department for the selection of citizens entering the reserve (clause 14 of Regulation N 933).
Further, the candidate, recognized by the commission as meeting the requirements established by Federal Law N 53-F3 for enrollment in the reserve, receives an appropriate order from the head of the department and is sent to the military unit to conclude a contract (clause 19 of Regulation N 933). For the duration of the journey, the citizen is provided with military transportation documents to the destination and back.
Upon arrival at the military unit, a contract is concluded between a citizen of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defense represented by the commander (chief) of the military unit.
The contract is drawn up in two copies, each of which is signed by the persons who have concluded it. The signature of the relevant official who signed the contract shall be affixed with the official seal of the military unit.
The first copy of the contract after its entry into force is attached to the personal file of the reservist, which is stored in the military unit, the second copy is given to the citizen in his hands.
Please note that in accordance with Art. 57.3 of Federal Law N 53-FZ, the first contract on staying in reserve is concluded for three years.
A new reserve contract may be concluded for three years, five years or for a shorter period - until age limit stay in reserve.

In accordance with paragraph 24 of Regulation N 933, for the purpose of a comprehensive and objective assessment of the reservist, determining his purpose, compliance with the military position held and prospects for further stay in the reserve, certification is carried out.
Its main tasks are:
- determination of the reservist's compliance with the military position held and the prospects for his further stay in the reserve;
- selection of a reservist for appointment to a military position and determination of the expediency of concluding a new contract;
- presentation of a reservist for awarding departmental and state awards RF;
- consideration of the grounds when presenting a reservist for early exclusion from the reserve.
The attestation commission is engaged in carrying out certification, as well as resolving other issues of the stay of citizens in the reserve in military units (having reserve personnel).
Note that, by virtue of clause 33 of Regulation N 933, in order to resolve the issue of assigning a class qualification to a reservist in the relevant specialty, a qualification exam is held in the prescribed form in order to assess professional knowledge and reservist skills.
Qualification requirements for the professional knowledge and skills of reservists, the procedure for passing a qualification exam by reservists and assessing professional knowledge and skills, assignment, change and deprivation of class qualifications are determined by the head of the federal executive body in which military service is provided for by federal law.

Note. The reservist is certified three months before the expiration of the term of stay in the reserve (clause 26 of Regulation N 933).

Note. The reservist takes a qualifying exam as needed, but at least once every three years.

In accordance with paragraphs 2, 3 of Regulation N 933, the stay of citizens in the reserve provides for appointment to a military position, assignment of a military rank, certification and qualification exam, as well as participation in operational, mobilization and combat training events during military training.
The occupation of a military position involves the issuance of cash payments to reservists, which are divided into monthly and lump sum.

Cash payments include (clause 2, article 13.1 of Federal Law N 76-FZ * (2)):

Monthly payments

Lump sum payments

Monthly salary;
- district coefficient and percentage allowance (for being in the reserve in the regions of the Far North, areas equated to them);
- monthly percentage bonus to the monthly salary for continuous stay in the reserve (from 3 to 5 years - 10%; from 5 to 10 years - 20%; from 10 to 15 years - 30%; from 15 to 20 years - 40%; 20 years and more - 50%)

If the term of the new contract is three years, or if the term of the new contract is shorter - before the age limit for being in the reserve - one monthly salary;
- if the term of the new contract is five years, or if the term of the new contract is shorter - before the age limit for being in the reserve - one and a half monthly salary

In addition to the payments listed above, the reservist may be assigned other payments provided for by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Note! The amount of the monthly salary of a citizen in the reserve is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation and cannot be lower than 10% of the salary for the military position for which the citizen is assigned to the military unit (intended for a special formation), and the salary for the military rank (clause 3 of Art. 13.1 of the Federal Law N 76-FZ).

In addition to monetary payments in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, citizens who have entered into a contract for the period of being in the mobilization reserve are provided with:
- meals at the place of military service (clause 1, article 14 of the Federal Law N 76-FZ);
- clothing items, depending on the conditions for passing military training (clause 2, article 14 of the Federal Law N 76-FZ).
In addition, citizens in the reserve have the right to receive vocational education and additional vocational education in the military. educational institutions higher and secondary specialized education without charging them tuition fees in the manner and under the conditions determined by the Ministry of Defense (clause 5.2, article 19 of Federal Law N 76-FZ). However, in accordance with paragraph 6 of Art. 57.2 of the Federal Law N 53-FZ in the event of early termination of the contract on staying in the mobilization reserve on the grounds provided for by law, the federal budget funds spent on military and special training of the reservist are subject to reimbursement.

In accordance with the Instructions on the procedure for applying the budget classification of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 07/01/2013 N 65n, expenses:
- for the issuance of cash payments to citizens enrolled in military positions, they are carried out under subarticle 211 "Wages" of KOSGU;
- for the acquisition and issuance of clothing items - under article 340 "Increase in the value of inventories" of KOSGU.
The costs of paying for contracts, the subject of which is catering for reservists, are made under subsection 226 "Other work, services" of KOSGU. If catering is carried out in the canteens of military units, the cost of purchasing food is reflected under article 340 "Increase in the cost of inventories" of KOSGU.

In accordance with paragraph 36 of Regulation N 933, a citizen subject to exclusion from the reserve must be excluded from the lists of personnel of the reserve of a military unit on the day the term of his contract expires, with the exception of cases provided for in Art. 57.8 of the Federal Law N 53-FZ. The grounds listed in this article are:
- reaching the age limit for being in the reserve;
- expiration of the contract on staying in reserve;
- recognition by the military medical commission as unfit or partially fit for military service;
- deprivation of military rank;
- the entry into force of a court verdict on the appointment of a reservist punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty or deprivation of liberty on probation;
- termination of citizenship of the Russian Federation or acquisition of citizenship (nationality) of a foreign state;
- the emergence of grounds for deferment from conscription for military service for mobilization or exemption from military training.
The grounds for early exclusion from the reserve are considered (clause 2 of article 57.8 of Federal Law N 53-F3):
- organizational and staffing activities;
- failure to comply with the terms of the contract on staying in reserve;
- denial of access to state secrets or deprivation of said access;
- admission to the service in the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, bodies and institutions of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation and appointment to the position of a judge.
According to clause 38 of Regulation N 933, an appropriate order is issued on the exclusion of a reservist from the reserve of a military unit.

Note. A citizen who is in the reserve also has the right to early exclusion from the reserve.

As noted above, federal budget funds spent on military and special training of a reservist are subject to reimbursement in the event of early exclusion from the mobilization reserve on the following grounds:
- deprivation of military rank (clause "d", clause 1, article 57.8 of the Federal Law N 53-FZ);
- the entry into force of a court verdict on the appointment of a reservist punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty or deprivation of liberty on probation (paragraphs "e" of paragraph 1 of Article 57.8 of Federal Law No. 53-FZ);
- non-fulfillment of the terms of the contract on staying in reserve (clause "b", clause 2, article 57.8 of the Federal Law N 53-FZ);
- denial of access to state secrets or deprivation of said access (clauses "c", clause 2, article 57.8 of Federal Law N 53-FZ).
The rules for calculating the amount of funds spent on military and special training of citizens of the Russian Federation during their stay in the mobilization reserve, in the event of their early exclusion from the mobilization human reserve, are established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 2015 N 850 (hereinafter - Rules N 850).
In accordance with clause 2 of Regulation No. 850, the amount of reimbursable federal budget funds spent on the military training of citizens of the Russian Federation who were prematurely excluded from the mobilization manpower reserve on the listed grounds is determined based on the expenses incurred by military units (organizations) for these purposes.

The costs include the costs of:

For the maintenance and operation, repair and maintenance of weapons and military equipment subject to study (mastering) and (or) used in the training process, elements of a training base and a base for military training of citizens (hereinafter referred to as fixed assets);
- for the purchase of inventories used in educational process(hereinafter referred to as inventories);
- for the maintenance of the commanding staff (monthly salary and percentage allowance for length of service, for clothing - for military personnel, wages - for civilian personnel), which conducts training sessions for military training (hereinafter referred to as the command staff).

Lists of specific types of fixed assets and inventories, as well as methods for calculating the costs included in the above costs for military units (organizations) are established by the federal executive body in which military service is provided for by federal law.
The amount of funds subject to reimbursement is determined on the basis of a fixed value of the amount of these funds.
The fixed value of the amount of funds subject to reimbursement (FZ) is calculated by the federal executive body, in which military service is provided for by federal law, according to the formula (clause 7 of Rules N 850):

FZ \u003d (P1 + P2 + P3) / SH

P1 - depreciation costs of fixed assets, thousand rubles. in year;
- expenses for the acquisition of inventories, thousand rubles. in year;
- expenses for the maintenance of the commanding staff, thousand rubles. in year;
ShCh - staff strength of the mobilization manpower reserve of a military unit (organization), people.

The calculation of the fixed value of the amount of funds subject to reimbursement is carried out before July 1 of the year in which the contract was concluded with the citizen, according to the data of the year preceding the conclusion of the contract (clause 8 of Rules N 850).
Federal budget funds spent on military training (TK) are reimbursed by citizens in the amount calculated according to the formula (clause 9 of Rules N 850):

TZ \u003d FZ x (PLR + PMR / 12), Where:

FZ - a fixed value of the amount of funds subject to reimbursement, thousand rubles. in year;
PLR - a fixed value of the amount of funds subject to reimbursement, thousand rubles. in year;
PMR - the number of full months of stay (one month - 30 days) in the mobilization manpower reserve that have elapsed since the expiration of a full year of stay in the mobilization manpower reserve (for subsequent years of stay in the mobilization manpower reserve);
12 is the number of months in a year.
Federal budget funds received at the conclusion of a contract (P) are reimbursed by citizens in the amount calculated according to the formula (clause 10 of Rules N 850):

P \u003d (EDV + DV) / Trez x Tiskl, Where:

UDV - the amount of a one-time cash payment received by citizens when concluding a new contract, thousand rubles;
DV - other payments provided for by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, thousand rubles;
- the number of days for which the contract is concluded;
- the number of days remaining until the expiration of the contract after the exclusion of a citizen from the mobilization manpower reserve.

* * *

In conclusion, we briefly formulate the main conclusions:
1. The conclusion of a contract with a reservist and its termination are carried out in accordance with Regulation N 933.
2. Citizens enrolled in the mobilization reserve are assigned cash payments in accordance with Federal Law N 76-FZ. In addition, they are provided with food and uniforms, have the right to receive vocational education and additional professional education in military educational institutions without charging them tuition fees in the manner and under the conditions determined by the Ministry of Defense.
3. In case of early termination of the contract on staying in the mobilization reserve on the grounds provided for by law, the federal budget funds spent on military and special training of the reservist are subject to reimbursement.

*(1) Federal Law No. 53-FZ of March 28, 1998 "On military duty and military service".