Awarded with the Order of the 1st degree. Order of the Patriotic War

During the Great Patriotic War, many new awards appeared in the USSR. But this order was the first - it was established 75 years ago, in May 1942. Of all the Russian military awards, only he was named in honor of the war itself, the meaning of which was to protect the Fatherland from enslavement.

Order Patriotic War Idegree

Order of the Patriotic War II degree / RIA Novosti

Of course, at first there was no time for new awards. But already in the autumn of 1941, it became clear that history had never known such a heroic confrontation. Started true people's war decisive, without exaggeration, the fate of the country. A war in which you can survive and win only by the whole world. And it took an order that, in terms of emotional impact, would resemble the song “ Holy war"and the first posters of the Great Patriotic War.

Stalin's order

Spring 1942 Joseph Stalin instructed the head of the Main Directorate of Logistics of the Red Army, General Andrey Khrulev, to prepare a draft of a new order for rewarding soldiers and commanders who distinguished themselves in battles with the Nazis. The people were already singing "the Germans are draping from us", but the enemy was still incredibly strong. He rushed to Stalingrad and the Caucasus, took Leningrad into a deadly ring ...

According to the original plan, the award was intended for those who distinguished themselves in offensive operations: it was supposed to be handed over to the liberators of the occupied regions of the country. In addition, another name was supposed - "For military valor". The best "order craftsmen" - artists were involved in the work on the project Alexandra Kuznetsova and Sergei Dmitriev. In two days they made several dozen sketches, of which Khrulev chose only four. The main difference between the concepts of the artists was as follows: Kuznetsov's badge of the order took the form of a star with crossed swords, while Dmitriev proposed the outline of a token. Dmitriev's composition combined images of a red banner, a red star, a medieval Russian shield and swords, laurel and oak wreaths. In the center of the sketch signs, both artists placed the coat of arms Soviet Union.

Soon, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief was presented with test samples of metal. Stalin approved Kuznetsov's version. True, I didn’t like the crossed swords - outdated weapons! He ordered to exchange them for a rifle and a saber. And Dmitriev’s project gave the new order not only the inscription “Patriotic War”, since it was these words that prompted the very name of the award. The material and color of the sash were also approved: it became silk, moire, burgundy, with longitudinal red stripes. Unexpectedly, Stalin proposed the establishment of two degrees of the order - this has never happened in Soviet practice.

The decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the establishment of the order and the approval of its statute was signed on May 20, 1942. The statute stated: “The Order of the Patriotic War is awarded to private and commanding personnel of the Red Army, the Navy, the NKVD troops and partisan detachments, who showed courage, stamina and courage in battles for the Soviet Motherland, as well as military personnel who, by their actions, contributed to the success of military operations of our troops. Awarding the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree was envisaged in 30 different combat situations, the Order of the 2nd degree - in 25.

The new order had a unique feature: it was the only insignia at that time that the family could keep after the death of the recipient - as a memory of the feat in the Great Patriotic War. All other awards were to be returned to the state.

The right to present the order was transferred to the military command - from the commanders of the fronts and fleets to the commanders of the corps, inclusive. Rewarding often took place in a combat situation, immediately after the accomplishment of a feat. And this, too, is a special specificity of the Order of the Patriotic War.

First Cavaliers

The first decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on awarding the Orders of the Patriotic War I and II degree was issued on June 2, 1942. Artillerymen became cavaliers of the new order - the gods of war, as they said then. According to the statute, the order of the 1st degree was awarded to those "who personally destroyed 2 heavy or medium or 3 light tanks (armored vehicles) of the enemy, or as part of a gun crew - 3 heavy or medium or 5 light tanks (armored vehicles) of the enemy." The fighters of the 32nd Guards Artillery Regiment, covering the flank of the 42nd Guards Rifle Regiment in the Kharkov direction, exceeded the established "norms". Division in two days Ivan Kryklia destroyed 32 enemy tanks.

Projects of the badge of the first order of the war by artists S.I. Dmitrieva (left) and A.I. Kuznetsova

Captain Krikliy, who was at the front from the first days of the war, personally knocked out five fascist vehicles, but he himself was mortally wounded. Staff Sergeant Alexey Smirnov, when several numbers of the gun crew died, he continued to fire even after his hand was torn off by a shell fragment. Krikliy, Smirnov, as well as junior political instructor Ivan Statsenko were awarded the Order of the Patriotic War I degree. Red Army soldiers Nikolai Grigoriev, Alexey Kulinets, Ivan Petrosh, staff Sergeant Stepan Zharkov, sergeants Mikhail Nemfir and Petr Nesterenko became holders of the Order of the Patriotic War II degree.

At the same time, the order of the 1st degree under No. 1 was not awarded to anyone for the time being. The decision to award them was made only in January 1943. He was handed over to the family of the deceased senior political officer, deputy head of the political department of the 52nd Infantry Division Vasily Konyukhov, who was posthumously awarded "for courage and bravery in the battles near Rzhev in 1942."

"I'm on fire..."

The entire history of the war is reflected in the gallery of the Knights of the Order - its geography, various types of troops, several front-line generations, and milestones of battles. Even the meager, telegraphic information about the heroes speaks volumes.

Fighting in Stalingrad, October 2, 1942. The Nazis rushed to the plant "Red October". Red Army man Mikhail Panikakha tried to stop enemy tanks by throwing grenades and Molotov cocktails at them. When a bullet hit one of the bottles, the liquid spilled over the fighter's body and ignited. Flashing like a torch, he threw himself on the grate of the engine hatch German tank and broke a second bottle on it. The tank caught fire and stopped. For this feat, on December 9, 1942, Mikhail Panikakha was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree.

The same order - and also posthumously - was awarded to all participants in the two-day battle near the Seversky Donets River in January 1943. 30 cavalrymen of the assault group, commanded by a lieutenant Annaklych Ataev, held the height until the approach of the main forces. They repulsed seven enemy attacks, destroyed about 300 Nazis, three tanks and an armored vehicle. 29 daredevils perished next to the commander ...

The Order of the Patriotic War, I degree, was also awarded to 18 fighters (most posthumously), who became the prototypes of the heroes of the song “At the nameless height,” the soldiers of the 718th regiment of the 139th rifle division. That battle took place in the September days of 1943 at an altitude of 224.1 near the village of Rubezhanka in the Kaluga region. "Of the eighteen guys" who fought against 500 Nazis, only two survived - Private Gerasim Lapin and sergeant Konstantin Vlasov.

Cavaliers of the war years

From 1942 to 1945, 1 million 276 thousand people were awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, of which 350 thousand were awarded the Order of the 1st degree.

Order bearer-record holder

Guard Captain Konstantin Pukhlikov (1922–2008) received his first Order of the Patriotic War II degree on October 30, 1943, the second (again II degree) - exactly a month later, on November 30. During 1944, he was awarded this order three times: February 13 and July 28 (both times - I degree) and November 30 (II degree). The sixth order (again I degree) was awarded to the veteran in the spring of 1985.

Award for Terkin

Many people know the words of the protagonist of the poem Alexander Tvardovsky“Vasily Terkin”: “So I will say: why do I need an order? I agree to a medal." But Terkin, according to the statute, deserved the Order of the Patriotic War II degree - for the fact that "from a personal weapon he shot down one enemy plane."

Guard of the Great Patriotic

The most titled cavalier of the order was an artilleryman, guard captain Konstantin Pukhlikov, a native of the Kazakh city of Urda. He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree three times and the Order of the II degree three times. Konstantin Alekseevich received the last order of the 1st degree in 1985. He did not acquire loud fame - he simply fought in good faith and deserved a reward in accordance with the statute ...

The pilot's Ivan Fedorov the biography is such that more than one movie is enough. A bright legend of Soviet aviation, he became a holder of four Orders of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree and one Order of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree.

Fedorov received his initial combat experience in 1937 in Spain. There, in the first battle with the Nazis, he made more than 150 sorties and shot down two planes in the Cartagena area. From 1940 he was a test pilot, from February 1942 he worked at the Gorky Aircraft Plant No. 21 named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze, where he tested LaGG-3 fighters. They categorically refused to let him go to the front. Then, in the truest sense of the word, he arbitrarily flew into the army in July 1942. A couple of months later, on September 23, Fedorov alone fought an air battle against 24 Luftwaffe aircraft over the Bosharovo airfield, in which he shot down one and knocked out two cars. He received his first Order of the Patriotic War, I degree, for 82 sorties, 6 air battles, 6 downed and 5 downed enemy aircraft. He ended the war as deputy commander of the 269th Fighter Aviation Division, with the rank of colonel. And in 1947, he was no longer awarded for front-line exploits: Fedorov lifted into the sky and tested the first domestic fighter with a swept wing La-160. And on the La-168, he was the first in the Soviet Union to reach a speed of 1000 km / h.

Rewarding a tanker with the Order of the Patriotic War

Senior Lieutenant served in the Baltic Fleet since June 1941 Georgy Egorov- navigator on the submarine "Pike" (this name was assigned to the torpedo submarines of the Shch project). In the autumn of 1942, his submarine broke through the minefields into the Pomeranian Bay and sank the German transport. When the boat was hit, Yegorov did everything to save his Pike. In the 1970s, already an Admiral of the Soviet Fleet, he commanded the Red Banner Northern Fleet, the most powerful in the country. By that time, he had a lot of regalia: the star of the Hero, the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner, the October Revolution ... But with particular warmth, Yegorov treated two Orders of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree (he will receive the third in 1985), which he deserved during the years of great confrontation with the naval forces of the Third Reich. Here everything is intertwined: the memories of military youth, the daily feat, and the memory of the fallen comrades ...

A young commander distinguished himself in the Nevelsk operation of 1943 Viktor Kulikov: he was able to lead a tank battalion through a passage in a minefield, to make a tactical maneuver, thanks to which time was won in an offensive battle. Having finished the front line with the rank of major, having two orders of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree (he will receive the third in 1985), Kulikov decided to link his fate with the army forever. In 1977, he was awarded the rank of marshal, he became commander in chief of the Joint Armed Forces of the Warsaw Pact member states.

And here is the Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of four orders of the Patriotic War, pilot Dmitry Korkotsenko retired after the defeat of Germany. A rare opportunity for such a young and distinguished officer! But he was drawn to science. Korkotsenko graduated from Moscow State University, defended his Ph.D. thesis, and then for many years was the head of the Department of the History of the CPSU of the Moscow Machine Tool Institute.

Last year, a retired colonel, an attack pilot, passed away. Stepan Borozenets. He destroyed about 120 wagons, 84 vehicles, 36 artillery batteries, 9 fuel and ammunition depots, 3 enemy tanks. In July 1944, near the Belarusian city of Slonim, his plane was shot down. He managed to land a burning car on a railway embankment that crossed a forest, while receiving serious injuries. Despite the wounds, he returned to duty and continued to beat the enemy. Stepan Nikolayevich celebrated his victory in the sky over Berlin. On his account - three orders of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree and one - of the 2nd degree.

Three Orders of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree were also awarded to an outstanding military doctor Anatoly Georgievsky- Head of the sanitary department of the 29th Army, and then deputy head of the Military Sanitary Directorate of the Kalinin Front. The endless work and turmoil of the medical battalions did not prevent this amazingly hardworking person from defending his thesis “Sanitary support of the shock army breakthrough development echelon” in 1942. And how many students of Georgievsky saved front-line soldiers in the army!

The military order was awarded not only to fighters and commanders, but also to defense plants, military units and military schools, and cities. The Order of the Patriotic War I degree was awarded, in particular, to Belgorod, Volokolamsk, Voronezh, Kandalaksha, Kislovodsk, Kursk, Luga, Mogilev, Mozhaisk, Murmansk, Naro-Fominsk, Orel, Rzhev, Rostov-on-Don, Serpukhov, Smolensk, Sochi, Tiraspol, Tuapse. And in August 1969 (during the difficult months of the “forced pacification” of Czechoslovakia), the Czech village of Sklabinya was awarded the same award for the help that its heroic inhabitants rendered to the soldiers of the Red Army in the fight against the Nazi invaders. In the late 1960s, the Order of the Patriotic War was also received by Polish citizen Kazimiera Cymbal and her husband Franciszek Cymbal (posthumously), who died in a concentration camp. In 1944, for 156 days, this family hid in their cellar the crew of a Soviet tank that was shot down on the Sandomierz bridgehead.

In 1977, another special award took place: the Order of the Patriotic War was posthumously awarded Epistinia Feodorovna Stepanova. The woman who died in 1969 did not fight the Germans, but six of her sons gave their lives defending their homeland, and the seventh died of battle wounds after the Victory. Prior to this, Stepanova lost two more sons: one was shot by the Whites in Civil War, the other died at Khalkhin Gol.

Gratitude to the front generation

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 15, 1947, the presentation for awarding civilians with the Order of the Patriotic War was discontinued. From that moment until 1985, it was awarded only in exceptional cases - for previous merits.

In 1985, for his great personal contribution to the establishment and strengthening of Soviet-American cooperation during the Second World War and in connection with the 40th anniversary of the Victory, the Order of the Patriotic War, I degree, was awarded to the legendary American politician William Averell Harriman, in 1943–1946 former ambassador USA in the Soviet Union. The confidant in the secrets of the war was then in his 94th year.

In the same 1985, on the eve of the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Victory, a decree was issued according to which all its active participants, including partisans and underground fighters, were awarded the Order of the Patriotic War. The order of the 1st degree was awarded to holders of any orders and medals "For Courage", "For Military Merit", "Partisan of the Patriotic War", Ushakov and Nakhimov, received during the war, as well as all those who were wounded, and all invalids of the war. Front-line soldiers who were not included in these categories were awarded the Order of the II degree. The design of commemorative orders was simplified, all gold details were replaced with gilded silver ones. After the "anniversary" decree, the number of holders of the Order of the Patriotic War exceeded 9 million people.

Sometimes you can hear the opinion that such a massive award "devalued" this high award. Is it so? Hardly. The victory was truly a nationwide accomplishment, and the Order of the Patriotic War became a symbol of precisely the people's feat. By the mid-1980s, the understanding came that all front-line soldiers, without exception, deserve a high award. On the part of the state, it was also a sign of gratitude to the entire front-line generation.

Evgeny Trostin

On the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the feats of Soviet soldiers are involuntarily recalled. Their heroism is captured in prose, poetry, films, performances, monuments. Orders and medals, which have been preserved in old boxes under a pile of papers, remind grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the glorious military path of their grandfathers.

More than one generation of Soviet schoolchildren listened with bated breath to the live stories of veterans. The country could thank its heroes only by celebrating their deeds with worthy awards.

Among the many differences, the Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree was considered the main one. The list of those who have been awarded it to date is approximately three million people. Everyone dreamed of him - from an ordinary soldier to an army general.

How did the order come about?

In order to raise morale in 1942, Stalin put forward an initiative to create the Order "For Military Valor". The production of sketches was entrusted to two artists: Kuznetsov and Dmitriev. As a result, two works from each were presented.

Kuznetsov's layout went into revision, but the inscription was taken from Dmitriev's sketch. On a white background, bordering a ruby ​​circle with the image of a sickle and a hammer, there is the phrase: "Patriotic War". The inscription so harmoniously fit into general form that this led to the decision to rename the insignia into the Order of the Patriotic War.

The award has a number of unique characteristics:

  • The first order of the USSR, which appeared during the war.
  • Add to list awarded with the order Patriotic War of the 1st degree included both people and military units, settlements, enterprises and institutions.
  • For the first time, the award had two degrees.
  • The only award until the end of the 70s of the XX century, which did not give up after the death of the recipient.
  • The first precedent when certain feats were indicated in the statute for presentation to the order.
  • For the first time in the USSR, a block was used to fasten the order.
  • The most numerous award. The list of candidates approved for the Order of the Patriotic War 1st class in 1985 exceeded two million people.

Thanks to this, the order is still the most outstanding badge Great Victory.

The decree on the establishment is dated May 1942. The order underwent changes twice - in June 1943 and in December 1947.

Statute of the order

The paragraphs of the statute definitely prescribe thirty military feats for which it is possible to get into the list of those awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree.

These people could include military personnel of any rank. The order is considered the second in seniority. Attached to the right side of the chest.

Appearance and description

What does the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree look like. In the photo present in the article, you can see what this award is. This is a star covered with ruby ​​enamel, between the rays of which golden flashes diverge. They also form a star. In the middle of the award is a hammer and sickle made in gold. On the white enamel border is written: "Patriotic War", the words below are separated by a small gold star.

A crossed rifle and a saber can be seen on golden flashes behind an enamel star. For their coating, the oxidation method was used.

After a detailed examination of the award in the photo and reading the description, the question naturally arises: "What is the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree made of?"

The main materials are silver and gold. All non-enamelled and non-oxidized parts are gold-plated. The weight is about 33 g. Silver accounts for approximately 17 g, gold - 8 g. The diagonal span is 45 mm.

On the reverse side there is a pin with a nut, with which the award is attached to clothing.

A large reissue took place the day before. Participants were given new type of awards.


Receiving the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree to replace the lost one is an exceptional case. Under it fell: war, elements and unavoidable circumstances.

The duplicate had the serial number of the original, after which the letter "D" was added. It was allowed to be applied manually or with a stamp. Marking depended on the year of issue. There is an assumption that not all duplicates have the letter "D".

Knights of the Order

During the Second World War, the awards took place approximately 350,000 times. Until 1985 - 20 thousand times.

By the 40th anniversary of the Victory, it was decided to use the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class, 1985 again. The list of awarded veterans is impressive.

To date, the number of awards is approximately two and a half million.

From the very moment of its appearance, the order was handed over literally in the trenches, without delaying the paperwork with the design for a long time. This was done to raise the morale of the soldiers and an example to follow.

Captain I. Krikliy was assigned the first Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class. He added to the list of awardees only a year later. The award reached the family of the first cavalier who fell in battle in 1971.

About the exploits of those awarded with this order, poems and songs are composed. Heroes are glorified in the prose and memoirs of front-line soldiers. It is impossible to list them all by name: there are so many of them. But some need to be remembered.

Eighteen orders of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree were received by the fighters sung in the famous song about the Nameless Height. They fought to the death, repelling the attacks of a company of German soldiers, without retreating, and held their positions. Only two survived. This feat was duly appreciated by the government.

In 1942, terrible battles were fought during the defense of Stalingrad. It was especially important to prevent the Germans from reaching the Krasny Oktyabr plant. Steel was poured there for production military equipment. An ordinary soldier, Mikhail Panikakha, at the cost of his life, blocked the way for a tank. For this feat, he received a worthy award, unfortunately, posthumously.

Everyone remembers the unprecedented feat of Gastello. Three crew members who died with him received the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class. Their surnames: Burdenyuk, Skorobogaty, Kalinin.

This order is not in vain considered special. In 1977, eight years after her death, Epistinia Stepanova was awarded. She raised nine sons, and they all died, fighting for steadfastly survived the bitterness of loss, like no one else is worthy of a reward.

The order was received by more than 600 anti-fascist foreigners and the Czech village of Sklabinya.

In addition, awarded the Order of the 1st degree:

  • 7 military units for valor shown in battles;
  • 80 enterprises that have made a considerable contribution to helping those fighting at the front;
  • 3 editorial offices of the newspaper, whose selfless work covered the course of the war and supported the morale of the soldiers;
  • 39 cities on the territory of the USSR.

All those who received a high award, with their actions, and sometimes with their lives, brought the day of the Great Victory closer. Among them there are those who have been honored with the Order more than once.

Multiple Cavaliers

Despite the severity of the statute that determines the possibility of receiving an award, there were people who repeatedly proved their right to the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree.

List of recipients by number of orders received:

  • Awarded 4 times: Arapov V. A., Bespalov I. A., Loginov S. D.
  • Awarded 3 times: Anokhin S. N., Bazanov P. V., Bezugly I. F., Vasiliev L. I., Egorov L. I., Georgievsky A. S., Kozhemyakin I. I., Kulikov V. G. ., Lyubimov A. I., Mazuruk I. P., Mosienko S. I., Nagorny N. N., Raspopova N. M., Sergeev A. F., Skobarihin V. F., Shiyanov G. M.

It will take a long time to list those awarded 2 times, since their number exceeds several thousand.

Khrushchev thaw

During this period of time, they decided to revive the award. During the reign of Stalin, many worthy people were undeservedly deprived of honors, and some were declared enemies and traitors.

In the late fifties, this mistake was decided to be corrected. Award lists were issued for the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree. The list of awardees included not only Soviet citizens, but also foreigners. Residents of other states, to the best of their ability, helped the wounded soldiers who fell into the territory of the enemy. They sheltered, treated, risking their lives.

Order for the 40th anniversary of the Victory

By the significant date, the government decides to adequately celebrate the heroes of the occasion. The Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree in 1985 was received by all veterans who survived and had at least one military award.

The order was cast in its former form, but still there are differences. What? First of all - materials. What is the Order of the Patriotic War 1st class 1985 made of?

Due to the huge number of awardees, it was decided not to use gold. For the manufacture took silver. Separate details, to give the award an appropriate look, were gilded. In all other respects, the award badge is no different. It has a number and an inscription: "The Mint". The order book is attached to the order.

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Established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 20, 1942. Subsequently, some changes were made to the description of the order by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 19, 1943, and the statute of the order - by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of December 16, 1947.


The Order of the Patriotic War is awarded to private and commanding personnel of the Red Army, Navy, troops of the NKVD and partisan detachments, who showed bravery, stamina and courage in the battles for the Soviet Motherland, as well as military personnel who, by their actions, contributed to the success of the military operations of our troops.
The Order of the Patriotic War is awarded by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The Order of the Patriotic War consists of two degrees: I and II degrees. The highest degree of the order is the 1st degree. The degree of the order awarded to the recipient is determined by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

  • who accurately hit and destroyed a particularly important object behind enemy lines;
  • who courageously performed their duties in the crew of the aircraft during the performance of a combat mission for which the navigator or pilot was awarded the Order of Lenin;
  • heavy bomber aviation - 4 aircraft;
  • long-range bomber aviation - 5 aircraft;
  • short-range bomber aviation - 7 aircraft;
  • attack aircraft - 3 aircraft;
  • fighter aircraft - 3 aircraft.
  • heavy bomber aviation - the 20th successful combat sortie;
  • long-range bomber aviation - 25th successful combat sortie;
  • short-range bomber aviation - 30th successful combat sortie;
  • assault aviation - 25th successful combat sortie;
  • fighter aircraft - 60th successful combat sortie;
  • long-range reconnaissance aviation - 25th successful combat sortie;
  • short-range reconnaissance aviation - 30th successful combat sortie;
  • corrective aviation - 15th successful combat sortie;
  • communications aviation - the 60th successful combat sortie with a landing on its territory and the 30th successful combat sortie with a landing in the area where friendly troops are located on the territory occupied by the enemy;
  • transport aviation - the 60th successful combat sortie with a landing on its territory and the 15th successful combat sortie with a landing in the area where friendly troops are located on the territory occupied by the enemy.
  • who organized a clear and continuous management of aviation units;
  • who organized the clear and systematic work of the headquarters;
  • who managed to restore the damaged aircraft, which made an emergency landing on enemy territory, and release it into the air;
  • who managed to recover at least 10 aircraft at a forward airfield under enemy fire;
  • who, under enemy fire, managed to take out all the supplies from the airfield and, having mined it, did not allow the enemy to land planes on it;
  • who personally destroyed 2 heavy or medium, or 3 light tanks (armored vehicles) of the enemy, or as part of a gun crew - 3 heavy or medium, or 5 light tanks (armored vehicles) of the enemy;
  • who suppressed at least 5 enemy batteries with artillery fire;
  • who destroyed at least 3 enemy aircraft with artillery fire;
  • who, being in the crew of a tank, successfully completed 3 combat missions to destroy enemy firepower and manpower or destroyed at least 4 enemy tanks or 4 guns in battles;
  • who, under enemy fire, evacuated from the battlefield at least 3 tanks knocked out by the enemy;
  • who, despising the danger, was the first to break into the bunker (bunker, trench or dugout) of the enemy, decisively destroyed his garrison and gave our troops the opportunity to quickly capture this line;
  • who, under enemy fire, built a bridge, corrected the crossing, destroyed by the enemy; who, under enemy fire, on behalf of the command, personally blew up a bridge or crossing in order to delay the movement of the enemy;
  • who, under enemy fire, established a technical or personal connection, corrected technical means communications destroyed by the enemy, and thereby ensured the continuity of command and control of the combat operations of our troops;
  • who during the battle on a personal initiative threw a gun (battery) into an open position and shot at point-blank range the advancing enemy and his equipment;
  • who, commanding a unit or subdivision, destroyed an enemy of superior strength;
  • who, participating in a cavalry raid, cut into the enemy group and destroyed it;
  • who captured the enemy's artillery battery with a fight;
  • who, as a result of personal reconnaissance, established the weak points of the enemy's defense and brought our troops to the rear of the enemy;
  • who, being a member of the crew of a ship, an aircraft or a combat crew of a coastal battery, drowned a warship or two enemy transports;
  • who organized and successfully landed an amphibious assault on enemy territory;
  • who, under enemy fire, took his damaged ship out of the battle;
  • who captured and brought to their base an enemy warship;
  • who successfully carried out the setting of a minefield on the approaches to enemy bases;
  • who, by repeated trawling, successfully ensured the combat activity of the fleet;
  • who, by successfully eliminating damage in battle, ensured the restoration of the ship's combat capability or the return of the damaged ship to the base;
  • who perfectly organized the material and technical support of the operation of our troops, which contributed to the defeat of the enemy.
Order of the Patriotic War II degree are awarded:
  • who courageously performed their duties in the crew of the aircraft during the performance of a combat mission for which the navigator or pilot was awarded the Order of the Red Banner;
  • who shot down in an air battle, being part of the crew:
  • heavy bomber aviation - 3 aircraft;
  • long-range bomber aviation - 4 aircraft;
  • short-range bomber aviation - 6 aircraft;
  • attack aircraft - 2 aircraft;
  • fighter aircraft - 2 aircraft.
  • who committed, as part of the crew:
  • heavy bomber aviation - the 15th successful combat sortie;
  • long-range bomber aviation - the 20th successful combat sortie;
  • short-range bomber aviation - 25th successful combat sortie;
  • assault aviation - the 20th successful combat sortie;
  • fighter aviation - the 50th successful sortie;
  • long-range reconnaissance aviation - the 20th successful combat sortie;
  • short-range reconnaissance aviation - 25th successful combat sortie;
  • corrective aviation - 10th successful sortie;
  • communications aviation - the 50th successful combat sortie with a landing on its territory and the 20th successful combat sortie with a landing in the area where friendly troops are located on the territory occupied by the enemy;
  • transport aviation - the 50th successful combat sortie with a landing on its territory and the 10th successful combat sortie with a landing in the area where friendly troops are located on the territory occupied by the enemy.
  • who managed to restore, master and use the captured captured aircraft in combat conditions;
  • who managed to restore at least 5 aircraft at the forward airfield under enemy fire;
  • who personally destroyed 1 heavy or medium, or 2 light tanks (armored vehicles) of the enemy with artillery fire, or as part of a gun crew - 2 heavy or medium, or 3 light tanks (armored vehicles) of the enemy;
  • who destroyed the enemy's fire weapons with artillery or mortar fire, ensuring the successful actions of our troops;
  • who suppressed at least 3 enemy batteries with artillery or mortar fire;
  • who destroyed at least 2 enemy aircraft with artillery fire;
  • who destroyed at least 3 enemy firing points with his tank and thereby contributed to the advancement of our advancing infantry;
  • who, being in the crew of a tank, successfully completed 3 combat missions to destroy enemy firepower and manpower or destroyed at least 3 enemy tanks or 3 guns in battles;
  • who, under enemy fire, evacuated 2 tanks knocked out by the enemy from the battlefield;
  • who destroyed an enemy tank on the battlefield or behind enemy lines with grenades, bottles with a combustible mixture or explosives;
  • who, leading a unit or subunit surrounded by the enemy, defeated the enemy, withdrew his unit (subunit) from the encirclement without losing weapons and military equipment;
  • who made their way to enemy firing positions and destroyed at least one gun, three mortars or three machine guns of the enemy;
  • who removed the guard post (watch, secret) of the enemy at night or captured it;
  • who from personal weapons shot down one enemy aircraft;
  • who, fighting against the superior forces of the enemy, did not give up an inch of their positions and inflicted great damage on the enemy;
  • who organized and maintained in difficult combat conditions continuous communication between the command and the troops fighting, and thereby contributed to the success of the operation of our troops;
  • who, being a member of the crew of a ship, aircraft or coastal battery combat crew, disabled or damaged a warship or one enemy transport;
  • who captured and brought enemy transport to their base;
  • who, by timely detection of the enemy, prevented an attack on the ship, base;
  • who ensured the successful maneuvering of the ship, as a result of which the enemy ship was sunk or damaged;
  • who, with skillful and precise work, ensured the successful combat work of the ship (combat unit);
  • who organized the uninterrupted logistics of the unit, formation, army and thereby contributed to the success of the unit, formation.
Awarding the Order of the Patriotic War can be repeated for new feats and distinctions.
The Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class, is worn by the awarded on the right side of the chest and is located after the Order of Alexander Nevsky.
The Order of the Patriotic War II degree is worn on the right side of the chest and is located after the Order of the Patriotic War I degree.

The badge of the Order of the Patriotic War, I degree, is an image of a convex five-pointed star covered with ruby-red enamel against the background of golden rays diverging in the form of a five-pointed polished star, the ends of which are placed between the ends of the red star. In the middle of the red star is a golden image of a sickle and a hammer on a ruby-red round plate, bordered by a white enamel belt, with the inscription "Patriotic War" and with a gold star at the bottom of the belt. The red star and white belt have gold rims. Against the background of the rays of a golden star, the ends of a rifle and checkers crossed behind a red star are depicted. The butt of the rifle is turned to the right down, the hilt of the checker is to the left down. The images of the rifle and checkers are oxidized.
The badge of the Order of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree, unlike the Order of the 1st degree, is made of silver. The lower radiant star is polished. The image of a rifle and checkers is oxidized. The remaining parts of the order, not covered with enamel, are gilded.
The badge of the Order of the Patriotic War, I degree, is made of gold (583) and silver. The gold content in the order of the first degree is 8.329 ± 0.379 g, the silver content is 16.754 ± 0.977 g. The total weight of the order of the first degree is 32.34 ± 1.65 g.
The badge of the 2nd degree order is made of silver. The gold content in the order of the second degree is 0.325 g, the silver content is 24.85 ± 1.352 g. The total weight of the order of the second degree is 28.05 ± 1.50 g.
The applied sickle and hammer in the center of the order are made of gold at both degrees of the order.
The diameter of the circumscribed circle (the size of the order between the opposite ends of the red and gold or silver stars) is 45 mm. The length of the images of the rifle and checkers is also 45 mm. The diameter of the central circle with the inscription is 22 mm.
On the reverse side, the badge has a threaded pin with a nut for attaching the order to clothing.
Ribbon for the order is silk, moire color of burgundy with longitudinal red stripes:

  • for I degree - with one strip in the middle of the tape, 5 mm wide;
  • for II degree - with two strips along the edges, each 3 mm wide.
Tape width - 24 mm.

The Order of the Patriotic War is the first award that appeared during the Great Patriotic War. It is also the first Soviet order, which had a division into degrees. For 35 years, the Order of the Patriotic War remained the only Soviet order that was transferred to the family as a memory after the death of the recipient (the rest of the orders had to be returned to the state). Only in 1977, the order of leaving in the family was extended to other orders and medals.
On April 10, 1942, Stalin instructed the head of the rear of the Red Army, General Khrulev, to develop and submit a draft order for awarding military personnel who distinguished themselves in battles with the Nazis. Initially, the order was planned to be called "For military valor". Artists Sergei Ivanovich Dmitriev (the author of the drawings of the medals "For Courage", "For Military Merit" and the 20th anniversary of the Red Army) and Alexander Ivanovich Kuznetsov were involved in the work on the project of the order. Two days later, the first sketches appeared, from which several works were selected for the manufacture of test specimens in metal. April 18, 1942 samples were submitted for approval. It was decided to take the project of A. I. Kuznetsov as the basis for the future award, and the idea of ​​​​the inscription "Patriotic War" on the sign was taken from the project of S. I. Dmitriev.
In the statute of the order, for the first time in the history of the Soviet award system, specific feats were listed, for which a distinguished person could be presented for an award.

The feat of the pilot Gastello, who sent a wrecked aircraft into a cluster of enemy armored vehicles, is well known. The commander of the bomber crew of the 207th air regiment of the 42nd bomber air division, Captain N. F. Gastello, was posthumously awarded the title of GSS for this feat. The Order of the Patriotic War, I degree, was posthumously awarded to the crew members who, together with their commander, committed the famous fiery ram: Lieutenants Burdenyuk A. A., Skorobogaty G. N. and Senior Sergeant Kalinin A. A.
The Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree was awarded to 7 military units and 79 enterprises and institutions, including 3 newspapers: Komsomolskaya Pravda (1945), Molod Ukrainy and the Belarusian Zvyazda (1945). In 1945, the Order of the Patriotic War, I degree, was awarded to industrial enterprises that made a significant contribution to the defeat of the enemy. The Ural Plant of Heavy Engineering named after A.I. S. Ordzhonikidze, Gorky Automobile Plant, Gorky Shipyard "Krasnoe Sormovo" named after. Zhdanov,
In total, until 1985, more than 344 thousand awards were made with the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree (of which 324,903 were awarded during the war years), and about 1 million 28 thousand awards were made with the Order of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree (of which 951,652 were awarded during the war years) .
The jubilee version of the order of the 1st degree was awarded about 2 million 54 thousand awards, the 2nd degree - about 5 million 408 thousand awards.
The total number of awards of the Order of the Patriotic War (both combat and commemorative) as of January 1, 1992, was 2,487,098 for the 1st degree and 6,688,497 for the 2nd degree.

There are three main types of the Order of the Patriotic War.

Type 1.

From the moment of its establishment on May 20, 1942 and until the appearance of the Decree of June 19, 1943 "On the approval of samples and descriptions of ribbons for orders and medals of the USSR and the rules for wearing orders, medals, sashes and insignia" produced the first type of the Order of the Patriotic War.
Actually, the badge of the order had an eyelet in the upper beam of the star, into which a connecting ring was threaded. This ring, in turn, was attached to a rectangular block covered with red cloth. The block had slit-like frames in the upper and lower parts. On the reverse side of the block there was a threaded pin and a round nut for attaching the order to clothing.

Type 2.

A decree of June 19, 1943 established the procedure for wearing orders that had the shape of a star, not on a block, but on pins on the right side of the chest. At the same time, due to a sharp increase in the number of orders of the USSR and the number of awards, the wearing of straps with ribbons was introduced instead of orders on everyday and field uniforms.
The second type of the Order of the Patriotic War did not have a hanging block. On the reverse side of the badge of the order there was a soldered threaded pin and a rounded screw nut for attaching the order to clothing.

Order of the 1st class

The badge of the order itself consists of three parts. The first, main part is a five-pointed enamel star with a round platform in the middle and the inscription "Patriotic War". The first part is made of silver. The second part is the underlying five-pointed radiant (sling) golden star with a crossed saber and a rifle on it. The fineness of the gold of the shtral star is 583. The third part is a golden hammer and sickle superimposed on the central round platform of the enamel star. The fourth part can be considered a suspension block with a silver threaded pin and a nut for fastening.
On the reverse, the golden star has a rounded hole with a diameter of 16.5 mm. The outer silver part of the order is visible through the hole. It is in this hole, on a silver star, that two rivets are located (they hold the hammer and sickle). There is no mint mark on the reverse of the badge. The order number is located on the reverse of the gold star (at 7 o'clock on the dial). The number is made with a hand engraver and is located diagonally from top to bottom. On the block there is a round clamping nut with a diameter of 25 mm. The nut is stamped "MINET" in raised letters in two lines.
All Orders of the Patriotic War, 1st Class Type 1, were made at the Krasnokamsk Mint (KMD).
The eye in the upper beam of the star was part of the order and was never fastened by soldering. All signs with soldered ears are fakes.

  • Option 1. The suspension block is approximately 32 mm wide and approximately 18 mm high. There is no connecting link between the order and the block. A wire is soldered to the suspension block, which passes through the eye of the sign, and then bends towards the reverse. On the reverse, a pin is vertically soldered to the star for additional fastening of the order to clothing (soldered at the point at 12 o'clock on the dial). The minimum known order number is 10, the maximum is 617.

Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class Type 1, Option 1 (the enamel on the upper arm has been restored)

  • Option 2. The hanging block is 32 mm long and 21.5 mm high. The block is attached to the sign with a connecting link. The pin for additional fastening is placed similarly to the previous version. The minimum known number is 1945, the maximum is 7369.

Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class Type 1, Option 2

  • Option 3. There is no pin for additional fastening. With the exception of the absence of a pin, this option is similar to the previous one. The minimum known number is 5421, the maximum is 23901.

Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class Type 1, Option 3

Type 2. Pin fastening.
The badge of the order itself consists of three parts (similar to the first type). The fourth part can be considered a round clamping nut with a diameter of 33 mm. There are no markings on the nut. The hole in the golden shtral star has a larger diameter than the first type, and is not solid. The hole is divided into equal segments by three gold bridges connected in the center of the hole, around a threaded pin. The gold and silver stars are attached to each other with a small hex nut located at the base of the pin. Two small rivets on the reverse of the silver star hold the hammer and sickle. The stamp "MINET" is located on a gold star, above the threaded pin (at 12 o'clock on the dial). The stamp is made in horizontally stamped letters. The number of the order is marked on a gold star, below the threaded pin (at 6 o'clock). The number is made by hand with a engraver and is located horizontally.

  • Option 1. The stamp "MINET" is located in one line. Gold bridges in the central hole of the reverse are located at 2, 6 and 10 o'clock on the dial. The minimum known number is 23972, the maximum is 242059.
The weight of the order 96311 in assembly is 32.2 g. The weight of the gold plate is 14.8 g. The weight of the enamel star is 16.8 g. The weight of the hex nut is 0.5 g.
The width of the order is 50.4 mm. The height of the order is 51.5 mm.

Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class Type 2, Option 1

  • Option 2. The stamp "MINET" is located in one line. Gold bridges in the central hole of the reverse are located at 12, 4 and 8 o'clock on the dial. The minimum known number is 137431, the maximum is 238805. The numbers 276471 and 276715 are also marked, which are noticeably out of the general number interval and, probably, are exceptions.

Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class Type 2, Option 2

  • Option 3. The stamp "MINET" is located in two lines. Gold bridges in the central hole of the reverse are located at 2, 6 and 10 o'clock. The minimum known number is 242898, the maximum is 327053.

Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class Type 2, Option 3

  • Option 4. The stamp "MINET" is located in two lines. Gold bridges in the central hole of the reverse are located at 12, 4 and 8 o'clock. The minimum known order number is 242997, the maximum is 276258.

Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class Type 2, Option 4


If the awarded person loses his order (medal), its replacement, as a rule, is not made. Instead of a lost award, a Duplicate can be issued only as an exception - if it is lost in a combat situation, lost as a result of a natural disaster, or in other circumstances when the recipient could not prevent this loss. On the reverse side of the duplicate order (medal), the number of the lost award is reproduced with the addition of the letter "D". This letter can be applied both by stamping and with a chisel. On some duplicates, the letter "D" may be missing. The digits of the duplicate number are usually small and stamped. However, on some early duplicates, the numbers were applied with a engraver. For the manufacture of some duplicates, already numbered, but not awarded, orders were used, while the number was removed and the number of the lost award was applied. In other cases, blanks of orders or medals were used that had not yet received a serial number. The dependence of various marking methods on the year of issuance of a duplicate is not yet fully clarified. Probably, on early duplicates, the letter "D" could be missing.

Over time, Soviet orders and medals have significantly changed their appearance. So, the first type of the Orders of Lenin, the Red Banner of Labor, the Badge of Honor differs significantly from the subsequent types of these awards. A number of pin orders in the course of their evolution acquired a hanging block (orders of Lenin, the Red Banner, the Red Banner of Labor, the Badge of Honor). Other orders, on the contrary, lost the suspension block and began to be fastened with a screw (Order of the Patriotic War, land military orders). Thus, by a certain point in time, a previously issued order might not correspond to the current description and wearing procedure. First of all, this concerned the military personnel. For them, the rules of wearing military uniform and awards were very strictly regulated by the relevant governing documents. Instead of the earlier type of order, a new award was issued, corresponding to the current description. This award is called Reissue. Replacement, as a rule, is made with the preservation of the serial number indicated in the order book. There are two major stages of reissues. The first was in the second half of the 30s and affected the Order of Lenin "Tractor", the Labor Banner "Triangle" and a small version of the Badge of Honor. The second, larger wave of reissues took place after the Great Patriotic War. Then the orders were replaced in accordance with the June decree of 1943. For example, all participants in the Victory Parade were given new type awards without fail.

Reissuance of the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class

Duplicate of the Order of the Patriotic War, I degree, the letter D is missing

Duplicate order of the 1st degree, the letter D is present

Order II degree

Type 1. The badge of the order on the block.

The badge of the order itself consists of three parts. The first, main part is a five-pointed enamel star with a round platform in the middle and the inscription "Patriotic War". The first part is made of silver. The second part is the underlying five-pointed star with a crossed saber and a rifle on it (unlike the order of the first degree, this part is also made of silver). The third part is a golden hammer and sickle superimposed on the central round platform of the enamel star. The fourth part can be considered a suspension block with a pin and a nut for fastening.
On the reverse, the silver star has a rounded hole with a diameter of 16.5 mm. The inside of the enamel star is visible through the hole. It is in this hole, on a silver enamel star, that two rivets are located (they hold the hammer and sickle). There is no mint mark on the reverse of the badge. The number of the order is located on the reverse of the shtral star and is hand-made with a engraver. On the block there is a round clamping nut with a diameter of 25 mm. The nut is stamped "MINET" in raised letters in two lines.
Orders of the Patriotic War II degree were produced by the Krasnokamsk Mint (KMD) and the Moscow Mint (MMD).

  • KMD, Option 1. Orders of this option were produced at the Krasnokamsk Mint (KMD) for a short time. The suspension block is approx. 32 mm wide and approx. 18 mm high, the threaded pin is made of silver. There is no connecting link between the order and the block. A wire is soldered to the suspension block, which passes through the eye of the sign, and then bends towards the reverse. On the reverse, a pin is vertically soldered to the star for additional fastening of the order to clothing (soldered at the point at 12 o'clock on the dial). The order number is located at 7 o'clock on the dial diagonally from top to bottom. The minimum known order number is 1, the maximum is 2350.

Order of the Patriotic War II degree Type 1, KMD, Option 1

  • KMD, Option 2. Orders of this variant were produced at KMD. The suspension block is 32 mm long and 21.5 mm high, the threaded pin is made of silver. The block is attached to the sign with a connecting link. The pin for additional fastening is placed similarly to the previous version. The order number is located at 7 o'clock on the dial diagonally from top to bottom. The minimum known order number is 2816, the maximum is 13979.

Order of the Patriotic War II degree Type 1, KMD, Option 2

  • KMD, Option 3. Orders of this variant were produced at KMD. There is no pin for additional fastening. With the exception of the absence of a pin, this option is similar to the previous one. The minimum known order number is 13268, the maximum is 32653.

Order of the Patriotic War II degree Type 1, KMD, Option 3

  • MMD, Option 1. Orders of the Patriotic War, II degree Type 1, were issued by the Moscow Mint (MMD) in batches from February 1943. According to V. A. Durov, the first batch of Orders of the Patriotic War, II degree, produced at the MMD, began with the number 3701. The first version is characterized by fastening a shtral star to an enamel star by means of three rivets located at 12, 5 and 7 o'clock on the dial. Orders issued at MMD are characterized by the right-hand location of the serial number (at 3 o'clock on the dial). The minimum known number is 3702, the maximum is 3968.

Order of the Patriotic War II degree Type 1, MMD, Option 1

  • MMD, Option 2. It differs from the previous version by the absence of rivets on the reverse of the sling star. In the orders of the MMD of the second version, the shtral star was attached to the enamel star by soldering. The serial number is applied with a engraver on the right side of the star (specimens with the number located at 3 o'clock on the dial or at 5 o'clock on the dial are marked). The minimum known number is 3782, the maximum is 7073.

Order of the Patriotic War II degree Type 1, MMD, Option 2

  • MMD, Option 3. According to V. A. Durov, the third version of the Patriotic War II degree Type 1, produced at MMD, was in the number range 35001-35712. We know orders with numbers 35498, 35500, 35521, 35537, 35539, 35555, 35591, 35606, 35627, 35662 and 35698. The numbers on these orders were applied horizontally on the reverse of the stral star at 6 o'clock on the dial. Among the marked numbers there are both signs with a pin fastening of a star star, and with fastening by soldering. On a number of signs with solder fastening, markings for rivets are visible, which on some of them was removed by stripping the metal.

Order of the Patriotic War II degree Type 1, MMD, Option 3

  • MMD, Option 4. The fourth version of the hanging orders of the Patriotic War, II degree, produced at the MMD, referred to serial numbers in the region of 60 thousand. The minimum known number of the order is 60002, the maximum is 61401. The serial number on all the indicated signs is applied diagonally from bottom to top at 5 o'clock on the dial. The threaded pin on the suspension block is made of bronze.

Order of the Patriotic War II degree Type 1, MMD, Option 4

In the Soviet Union, the government often rewarded citizens for success in one activity or another. Medals and diplomas were awarded in a solemn atmosphere. But military affairs were on a special note, since the Red Army sacrificed their lives to overcome Nazi Germany. In this regard, the state produced a huge number of signs and medals. Several dozen enterprises were involved in the country.

During the Great Patriotic War, members of the government established the so-called Order of the Patriotic War. Joseph Stali in the early 1940s instructed the commander Khrulev to create an award for the brave soldiers of the army. The general, in turn, entrusted the work on the design to art critics Dmitriev and Kuznetsov, who made the award elegant and beautiful. After the approval of the order, the award was awarded I and II degrees. Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class, the price is constantly changing on the market, so experienced collectors use the catalog.

The award was created for all branches of the military, including ordinary soldiers and commanders of partisan units. What was the Order of the Patriotic War 1st class awarded for? First of all, the command rewarded the fighters for their bravery, masculinity, and stamina shown in battle. After all, these qualities were necessary in the fight against fascism. The sign was also issued to those who were indirectly associated with the conduct of military operations. Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class, the list of awardees can be viewed in a separate catalog, which contains all the information about this award.

The order is made in the form of a red star, in the center of which is a round shield and "Patriotic War". A certain area of ​​the award is covered with red enamel. On top of the shield are "shield and hammer". Also on the order there is a rifle and a saber.

As a rule, the order was made of precious metals (gold, silver). The hammer and sickle were used as the gold part of the badge. On the back of the order there is a pin with a nut for attaching to a jacket. Usually the soldiers attached this order to their jacket after the Alexander Nevsky badge. In other words, the seniority of orders and medals was respected.

Since 1942, they began to reward the soldiers of the Red Army, who were led by Krikliy. The fact is that the artillery battalion inflicted significant damage on the Nazis, defeating the entire military equipment. As a result of successful actions, three dozen tanks were destroyed.

Now it is possible to find the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree by the number of the owner, looking into a special catalog. In total, more than 300,000 such awards were issued. When orders began to be issued, Leningrad was already under occupation, so the employees of the Krasnokamensk Mint worked hard. In very difficult and extreme conditions, they made a valuable award for the Red Army. In the mid-1940s, the appearance changed slightly, in particular, the mounting option changed.

But the order was awarded not only to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, but also to individual units, subdivisions, factories and even cities. In addition, the government of the USSR issued the order to foreign citizens. At the end of hostilities, the Medals were awarded to some French, Poles, and British. There is only one US citizen on the list of award recipients - Averell Harriman.

In 1947, the Soviet authorities decided not to issue these medals anymore. Although after the war the order was revived several times. For example, in the early 1960s, the medal was awarded to foreigners who helped in difficult situation military prisoners and partisans. In the mid-1980s, the government issued a decree on awarding the order to veterans of the Great Patriotic War in honor of the 40th anniversary of the Victory. Around the same time, the design of the sign changed, in particular, a copy was made not of gold, but of gilding. By the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class, had been issued to 2.4 million people.

In the mid-1940s, the medal was made exclusively from precious metals (gold, silver). High-quality white and red enamel was also used. The weight of the order was a little more than 32 grams.

Parts of the order are securely fastened and soldered. A star is made of silver, covered with enamel on top. However, the other part of the star is made of gold. As for the third part of the order, it also contains gold. And the last part is a silver needle for attaching to a jacket. Each exhibit is stamped with a serial number.

The hammer and sickle used to be made of precious metals. In the upper part of the order there is a stamp "Mint".

The catalog has a list where by last name you can find the heroes of the war who received this award. Most medals were issued during World War II. It was at this time that most people died defending their homeland. Nevertheless, there were also a huge number of heroes who deserved orders for their courage, bravery and courage. All without exception were awarded special orders, medals and badges. The authorities celebrated by name those who sacrificed themselves in battle to save the lives of others. In the catalog opposite each WWII participant there is information about specific differences during the war years.

You can find out the Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree price on the black market from experts who have been working in this field for many years. Also, the cost is indicated in the catalogs. However, the price constantly varies depending on the jumps in the collection market and the cost of the precious metal. It is worth noting that the publications most often indicate the theoretical (possible) price, therefore, before selling the product on the market, it is better to consult with a specialist. In any case, if the copy is in good condition and has a presentable appearance, then the price tag at the auction will be high. Collectors always pay attention to the enamel of the product, as this part deteriorates faster. Of course, the earlier the order is made, the higher the price per copy will be.

With the expansion of the market, many scammers have appeared who sell fakes and deliberately inflate prices. In order not to fall into the hands of attackers, you need to make a list of the best online auctions. This can be done on special forums where experienced collectors constantly communicate with each other.