Star Wars vehicles: Empire ground vehicles. Honey, I ran over Skywalker

No matter how talented the commander is, no matter how effectively “combat meditation” is used, the outcome of the battle still depends on ergonomic steering wheels and reliable cooling systems. In the world of Star Wars, a myriad of engineering solutions have been invented and implemented - from successful and original to short-sighted and disastrous.

In the old Battlefront, you could personally test more than two dozen aircraft and ground vehicles. New Star Wars battlefront, unfortunately, cannot boast of such an assortment. However, it still allows you to steer the most recognizable and common combat vehicles.


All Terrain Armored Transport (armored all-terrain vehicle)

Length: 26 m
Height: 22.5 m
Limit speed: 60 km/h
Crew: driver (1), gunner (1), commander (1)
Passengers: 40 infantry

One of the symbols of Imperial power, the AT-AT is a gigantic walker whose mission is narrowed down by its size. Like any dictatorship, the Galactic Empire suffered from megalomania. The highest point of its manifestation was the Death Star, and in ground combat, it was the AT-AT that demonstrated the imperial craving for gigantic structures.

However, the AT-AT was in development long before the dissolution of the Senate and the Battle of Yavin. Even at the Battle of Jabiim, early models of this engineering marvel shook the ground. Imperial Colonel Maximilian Wiers in the future will turn to these machines, bring them to mind and use them in battle.

After some success in putting down local uprisings, Colonel Veers won a spectacular victory on the planet Hoth, albeit marred by the loss of several of his favored machines. The AT-AT has shown itself to be an excellent means of breaking through defenses, which, however, needs comprehensive support from the ground and from the air. And the demoralizing effect sometimes brings no less benefit than aimed shooting.

Although the AT-AT is well armored and armed, it is destroyed by the same things as other similar projects. The size makes the AT-AT an excellent target and immediately draws the enemy's attention to it. And the rebels quickly developed a tangle of legs tactic, which requires a single airspeeder with a cable to implement. True, only one AT-AT was destroyed by the fall: another was blown up personally by Luke Skywalker, and the third was hit by an air ram.

Only such a competent officer as Veers was able to successfully set in motion such colossus. In other cases of their application, the Empire, as always, won with impudence and numbers. In total, there were fifteen million "stompers" in the imperial army.


All Terrain Scout Transport (reconnaissance all-terrain vehicle)

Length: 6.4 m
Height: 8.6 m
Limit speed: up to 90 km/h
Crew: driver (1), shooter (1), solo control possible
Passengers: 1

Although the name of the AT-ST is the word "intelligence", the search for targets is far from its only task. The Empire used these devices, jokingly called "chickens", in open combat - for example, to support the AT-AT.

The "Chicken" is devoid of powerful armor, but it moves much faster, and if it is piloted by intelligent guys, then the AT-ST will also demolish its potential killers faster than they have time to cause damage. However, an anti-tank gun will easily pierce the skin of this vehicle - such is the price of mobility. For the rest of the soldiers, deprived of rocket launchers and mines, "chicken" means a stampede and hopeless hide and seek.

The compact AT-ST has another useful property A: high traffic. It is ideal for dense thickets where there is not a single square meter of flat land. Neither tracked vehicles, nor wheeled ones, nor anti-gravs can cope in such conditions (unless, of course, these are tiny gravity bikes). However, too dense forest will not let the AT-ST through either - no matter how the engineers try to “compress” its cabin, it still will not crawl between two centuries-old oaks.

Airspeeder T-47

Length: 4.5 m
Limit speed: 650 km/h
Flight altitude limit: 175 meters above sea level
Crew: pilot (1), load line operator or gunner (1)

An aircraft whose capabilities were fully revealed only in the hands of rebel pilots. In general, the airspeeder is designed to transport goods - and a cable with a magnetic harpoon is attached to capture all sorts of containers. However, the Rebels got creative and turned the T-47 into a great hit'n'run machine. High speed, low cost, high damage with small forces and, to a heap, the ability to ram an important object if the speeder is hit and it does not reach the base.

This design has already gained its third wind in a collision with imperial AT-AT walkers. The T-47 cable is a simple and ideal tool for hoisting armored engines. In addition, the rebels, with the help of electrical tape and a motherfucker, screwed a lot of useful improvements onto the T-47 - from ordinary laser guns to heating systems. The latter, by the way, were used in the snowspeeder modification, which appeared in a recent Star Wars.

Gravity bike 74-Z

Length: from 3 to 4.9 m, depending on modifications and model
Limit speed: 500 km/h
Flight altitude limit: 25 meters
Crew: Pilot (1)
Passengers: 1

Another civilian development, which was to the taste of the military officials of the Empire. Model 74-Y they finalized to 74-Z, which is used everywhere. However, the combat use of jetbikes in general and the 74-Z in particular is limited: the incredible speed is more suitable for reconnaissance and patrolling, and the lack of rider protection even more so increases the chances of dying stupidly.

Gravicycle, in principle, is not a transport for those who are afraid to find unity with the Force.

Firstly, the 74-Z performs best on rough terrain: say, in the forests where other cars get stuck, the jet bike writes out any pirouettes and is able to cover a considerable distance - but only if it is piloted by an intelligent soldier, otherwise the journey will end with a meeting with the first pine.

Secondly, the jetbike is almost unsuitable for combat unless it ends with the immediate destruction of the target. But with its help, you can deliver a sabotage group anywhere, and even under the cover of landscape elements.

TIE Fighter

Twin Ion Engine (dual ion engine)

Length: 6.3 meters
Atmospheric speed: 1050 km/h
Speed ​​outside the atmosphere: 80 megalights/h
Crew: pilot (1)

The Empire that succeeded the Republic practiced completely different methods of government, and the hastily assembled clone army could not satisfy all the needs of the Empire, including the urgent need for fighters. Coruscant therefore launched a tender among shipbuilders. No performance worried Imperial bureaucrats more than cost, and the old firm, Sienar Naval Systems, which had been supplying ships for the entire galaxy for fifteen thousand years, won.

Twin ion-powered TIE fighters were fabulously cheap to manufacture, and the Empire literally flooded space with these clunkers. Both the fighters themselves and their pilots served only as consumables. The Imperials were shaking for each credit so that even two laser cannons were replaced with one twin. However, the TIE fighter could boast of something: it was not easy to hit it due to its thin profile (in the lateral projection, on the contrary, it was devilishly vulnerable). But this did not help the imperial machine to survive in the design duel with the X-Wing.

X-Wing (T-65 fighter)

Length: 12.5 meters
Ultimate acceleration: 3700g
Atmospheric speed: 1050 km/h
Speed ​​outside the atmosphere: 100 megalights/h
Crew: pilot (1)

Here he is, the symbol of the entire insurgency and its most effective weapon against the tyranny of the Sith. The "Rogue" squadron has repeatedly shown its agility in battles with the Empire, and once destroyed the entire "Death Star" - and if this feat is expressed in comparison of the costs of the station itself and the means of destroying it, then the imperial grand moffs will be shamed posthumously and until the end of the universe .

"X-wings" - that is now their name in Star Wars- were and remain one of the best creations of engineers of a galaxy far, far away. The developers of the fighter - the Inkom company - from the very beginning sympathized with the rebels, which could not pass by the attention of imperial intelligence. The heroes of the resistance "evacuated" the designers from their office, and were rewarded with drawings and prototypes of the X-Wing, which determined the fate of the Empire and its rulers.

The X-Wing is a versatile starfighter whose twin wings are capable of splitting into an X-shaped silhouette. This design and easy handling helped the X-Wing become the powerhouse of the rebellion. In addition, each fighter could move in hyperspace on its own, which was a perfect match for the Alliance's guerrilla tactics.

TIE interceptor

Length: 9.6 m
Ultimate acceleration: 4240g
Atmospheric speed: 1250 km/h
Speed ​​outside the atmosphere: 111 megalights/h
Crew: pilot (1)

When the engineers of the Galactic Empire realized that their penny TIE fighter was no match for the rebel T-65, they had to refine the design not so much even to perfection, but at least to viability. And they have succeeded in their own way.

As Kyle Katarn pointed out, if TIE fighter pilots are kamikazes, and the more advanced TIE Defenders are bloodthirsty, TIE interceptor operators are bloodthirsty kamikazes, and it's better to have a working hyperdrive at hand when meeting with such guys.

The profile of the interceptors became even thinner, the huge hexagonal solar panels visibly compressed. The guns were placed separately, and warheads were placed in the hull. And the rest of the characteristics were tightened up so that the fighters of the rebels finally began to receive change from the imperial pilots and did not shoot them down with impunity.

A-Wing (RZ-1 interceptor)

Length: 9.6 meters
Ultimate acceleration: 5100g
Atmospheric speed: 1300 km/h
Speed ​​outside the atmosphere: 118 megalights/h
Crew: pilot (1)

The A-Wing became a pre-emptive trump card for Rebel designers, being developed just as the Empire was hard at work on TIE interceptors. The role of the RZ-1 was to fight the pursuers who sat on their tail.

As it turned out, the RZ-1 was too difficult to fly, which created a nuisance for (usually) inexperienced Alliance pilots. But its maneuverability and speed were so exceptional that they left no chance for imperial interceptors, and some craftsmen increased the already wide range of fire of guns (60 degrees) to 360 in order to get rid of the “tail” without even turning the ship around.

* * *

Technopark of the new battlefront not so great, but for each combat vehicle there is an application and its own niche. It is possible that in the future, when new modes appear, they will introduce new techniques familiar to us from the cinematic and Expanded Universe. Fortunately, there is where to turn around.

In this post, we will turn our attention to the ground vehicles of the Galactic Empire, a kind of symbol of tyranny and militarism for some, and a symbol of power and stability for others.

It should be said right away that in the early stages the Empire actively used the legacy of the Republic - AE-TE, AT-TP walkers, Laat gunboats. However, progress did not stand still, and Kuat Drive Corporation. They were also the main suppliers of equipment for the VAR, which continued to develop more powerful machines.

AT-ST - All Teggaip Scout Transport (All-terrain reconnaissance transport).

The main task of the AT-ST was reconnaissance in combat, patrolling objects, supporting infantry or larger vehicles, usually AT-AT. For the first time, the AT-ST showed itself in the fight against the fragments of the CIS and pirates, having established itself as a universal machine, extremely useful and quickly adapting to various tasks. This was facilitated by the range of armament of the vehicle: the main weapon of the AT-ST was a double-barreled blaster cannon, designed to deal with enemy light armored vehicles and infantry; a grenade launcher was mounted on the sides on one side of the hull and a quick-firing light cannon on the other. Side weapons could be easily combined depending on combat missions. Durosteel blades were mounted on the feet, which could also be weapons, but were usually used to overcome ground obstacles.

For its class, the walker had good armor, which was not penetrated by stationary blasters, which were usually used against lightly armored vehicles. But against anti-tank guns - grenade launchers and heavy blasters, the AT-ST had little chance.

The crew of the walker consists of two people: the driver mechanic, who controls all the movements of the vehicle, and the gunner-gunner, who controls the weapons. Both crew members sit next to each other, which simplifies the coordination of actions during the battle and, if necessary, allows you to replace a wounded or shell-shocked comrade at a combat post.

Although the walker had viewing windows, they were rarely used in combat: the crew tended to rely on sensors and video cameras to provide a 360-degree view. The “head” of the walker itself could rotate in the range of up to 240 degrees horizontally, and in the range of at least 45 degrees vertically, which made it possible for the shooter to fire without turning the entire body of the vehicle in the direction of the target, without stopping movement, which was very important for maneuverability.

The AT-ST had a certain instability that opponents always tried to use when attacking. At the same time, such a running system gave the walker the ability to maneuver on various landscapes and ignore protective fields that vehicles on repulsor engines could not pass.

AT-DR - All Terrain Defense Pod (All Terrain Defense Platform)

The AT-DP is a type of bipedal combat walker used by the Imperial Army and Assault Corps. The walker was created as a simple and relatively cheap addition to remote garrisons, where there was no need to send heavy equipment, but leaving only infantry was risky. Basically, they can be republican AT-RT, although the resulting model came out much larger in size, better armed and armored, which makes it possible to equate it with the AT-ST, or rather, its cheaper and simpler counterpart. The machine was designed for passive combat against a technically worse advanced enemy.

The AT-DP was armed with only one heavy laser cannon, which had a wide range of sight and destruction. In fact, this type of weapon turned out to be effective against leaders and infantry, but against more or less armored vehicles, the weapon turned out to be not so effective, although not completely useless.

Two bulges on the sides of the hull had viewing slots that could be used as loopholes, although in reality this turned out to be ineffective. As in the case of the AT-ST, the tank guns were extremely dangerous for the AT-DP, although it is worth noting that its armor was even stronger than that of the AT-ST.

The crew consisted of two pilots, but the cockpit was very spacious, more than 4 people could fit in it, which was somewhat uncharacteristic for imperial technology. It can be assumed, given the presence of embrasures and the general purpose of this combat unit, that the AT-DP was also planned to be used as a kind of bunker where part of the infantry could hide.

AT-AT - All Terrain Armored Transport (All Terrain Armored Transport)

A legendary walker, a descendant of the no less legendary Republican AT-TE. The first attempts and even examples of this vehicle were already being developed and used in the Clone Wars, but at that time they turned out to be less effective than the AT-TE or Juggernaut turbo tanks, moreover, they constantly had serious flaws. However, by the time of the formation of the Empire, AT-TEs had taken the place of the main heavy units of equipment.

And AT-TE fully justified itself. Towering 22.5 meters above the enemies, the machine inspired terror in the enemy: having enormous firepower, an impressive landing force and, being almost immune to enemy weapons, it became a decisive trump card in many battles of the civil war.

It was armed with 2 heavy laser cannons under the cockpit and 2 medium-power rapid-fire blaster cannons located on the sides of the cockpit. The blaster-absorbing armor coating made the AT-AT virtually invulnerable to enemy fire, artillery, shipborne turbolasers, or particularly powerful proton torpedoes. The vulnerabilities of the walker were the "neck" and the bottom of the hull.

The crew consisted of 3 people: a driver, a gunner and a crew commander, who underwent a thorough selection and additional training. The landing consisted of 40 fully equipped infantrymen, 5 speeders or 2 AT-STs. To disembark, the AT-AT knelt down and released through sliding hatches. The second method was much faster: through the hatches in the bottom, the infantry descended on cables, it took about 15 seconds.

AT-ATs have been in almost every major battle, in all terrain and climate conditions, depending on their AT-ATs have some additions such as additional heating or a filtration system. Significant, of course, is the famous battle on Hoth, where the Empire won a landslide victory thanks to these machines. At the same time, a way was discovered to deal with these moves: the use of cables to entangle and overturn cars. This turned out to be a kind of surprise for the command, however, General Veers orientated himself in time and competently organized the construction of combat units, which excluded the repetition of the rebels' maneuver.

Imperial Troop Transport K79-S80 (Imperial infantry transport K79-S80)

The Imperial Infantry Transport, or IPT for short, is a multifunctional heavy armored personnel carrier that was in service with the Imperial Army, Assault Corps, and Special Services. The main task of the IPT, like any armored personnel carrier, was the safe delivery of equipment, ammunition and equipment to the place of the combat mission and the evacuation of the wounded. In rare cases, the transport was used for infantry fire support.

Armament included a double-barreled laser turret on the roof and two laser cannons on rotating spheres in front. The loopholes in the troop compartment allowed soldiers to fire, which turned the IPT into a kind of bunker and significantly increased the firepower of the vehicle. The IPT was multifunctional, it was used both for the transfer of troops, which consisted of 15 soldiers, and for the transport of goods or prisoners in the external compartments of the vehicle.

Basilisk battle droid

Weapons: heavy laser guns (2), claws (2).
Could be equipped with additional lasers, bombs, torpedoes, guided missiles, etc.

Basilisks were heavily armed, semi-sentient battle droids used by the Mandalorians. Among the Mandalorians, droids were known by the name "Imp" uliyk, which in Mando "a" meant "iron beast". The Basilisks were capable of combat both in space and on the ground, and were also armed to the teeth, which soon became the favorite "pets" of the Mandalorians and the personification of power in Mandalorian culture. With their Basilisks, the Mandalorians conquered countless worlds during the War of Exar Kun approximately (4000 years before the Battle of Yavin) and the Mandalorian Wars. However, after their crushing defeat at Malachor V, the surrendering Mandalorians were forced to destroy the Basilisks by Jedi Master Revan, though some clans such as Gendry and the Ordo managed to keep them alive. A few Basilisks survived into the era of the Galactic Empire, but by this time they had become little more than exotic vehicles. "Basilisks" had a primitive artificial intelligence comparable to the intelligence of a semi-intelligent predator. Their level of consciousness allowed them to act independently, but in battle they always appeared with a rider. Over time, a strong emotional connection was established between the Basilisk and its owner. The droids were even able to sense the death of a rider, after which they emitted a deafening mechanical howl. The Mustafar steel hull of the Basilisk was heavily armored with thoranium armor and was usually painted green, although gray, red, or gold was also seen. In addition, many Mandalorians adorned their vehicles with swords, battle axes, and other weapons. On the back of the Basilisk was an armored saddle, which almost completely protected the rider. Even in those distant times, the Basilisks looked very unusual, resembling incongruous semi-organic alien structures. They looked like a cross between a Karran beetle and a Zalorian rock lion, but instead of jaws they were armed with lasers, and in place of antennae protruding jet turbine air intakes. Once in a war zone, the Basilisk raised its rear "wings", exposing rows of high-speed rocket engines. The Mandalorians used several specialized models of droids for various types of combat. The two-seat bomber models housed the pilot and gunner; Stealth class models featured lighter armor and additional engines. The most common variant was the open combat model, a single-seat design that maintained an optimal balance of armament, security, and speed. Battle droids could function both in the atmosphere and in deep space. Two heavy, dangling forward claws were used to smash obstacles and cut through crowds of opponents, and as an additional function served as landing gear legs. With the help of its front and rear sensor clusters, the Basilisk could detect an impending attack from almost any direction in a timely manner. Mandalorian riders hid in the droid's skin plates and hand weapons - axes, swords and blasters. Shortly before the Mandalorian Wars, the Basilisks were seriously upgraded: they got a normal cockpit and even compartments for landing, and improved protection, armament and handling. Such droids were fully consistent with Mandalorian combat tactics and were a versatile and fast ground-air unit of heavy equipment. They were used mainly for orbital landing, support for ground troops, bombardment and ground attack. They were also often used in space battles as heavy fighters.

Cleaver-class Dreadnought

Dreadnought old republic

Pobeda-class Star Destroyer

Weapons: Turbolaser Batteries (10), Twin Turbolasers (40), Missile Launchers (80), Tractor Beam Projectors (10).
The Victory-class Star Destroyer is the very first ship in the Star Destroyer series. The Victory was originally a ship of the Old Republic, but with the rise of Palpatine, these ships became part of the Empire's fleet. The Victory-class Star Destroyer entered service with the Republic fleet shortly before the end of the Clone Wars. The Clone Wars allowed the ship to prove its combat effectiveness very quickly. The first fleet of ships of this type was the Victory Fleet, which crushed the Separatists in many battles. The separatists did not find anything that could be opposed to the new ships. After the Clone Wars, the Victory-class cruisers were considered the most powerful ships in the galaxy for several years. Only very large ships of the Confederation or personal ships of large rulers, built to order and presented in a single copy, could compete with the Victories. With the rise of the Empire and the advent of more advanced Imperial-class Star Destroyers in its fleet, the production of Victories decreased, but this did not mean that the Victories lost their importance for the Imperial Navy. They continued to serve in some navies. They continued to be attracted to the combined arms operations of the fleet. Many of them were in reserve in the Galactic Core. Victories are a great addition to ground operations, as they are capable of entering planetary atmospheres. The ability of the ship to carry out artillery support for the advancing troops directly from upper layers atmosphere. This gives Pobeda a significant tactical advantage, as much more devastating and accurate strikes can be made from the atmosphere. However, Pobeda is not capable of landing on the surface of the planet without a specially prepared landing site. Despite the primary purpose of the Pobeda as a fire support ship, this ship can be very dangerous for large enemy ships. A full torpedo salvo from all 80 guns can take down the MC80's shields and permanently disable its shield generators.

The Death Star

Weapons: Superlaser (1), Turbolaser Batteries (5000), Heavy Turbolasers (5000), Laser Cannons (2500), Ion Cannons (2500), Tractor Beam Projectors (768).
The initial engineering design for the Death Star, then known as the "Great Weapon", was created by Geonosian industry. These weapons were designed to destroy the armies and planets of the Republic. Poggle the Lesser passed the plans for the "Great Weapon" to Count Dooku to prevent them from falling into the hands of the Jedi. Dooku gave the project to Palpatine. Later, the plans were supplemented with Wilhuff Tarkin and Wright Sinar's views on the Expeditionary Battle Planetoid. After the destruction of the Separatist Council and the end of the Clone Wars, most of the Separatist developments passed into the hands of the Galactic Empire, including the unfinished battle station. Construction resumed under Imperial supervision and orbited Despayer's prison planet to give Palpatine's newly created Empire unlimited power. Wilhuff Tarkin was assigned to covertly run a secret project. Tarkin's creative thought led to the realization of the Death Star as the Empire's primary weapon to keep the galaxy at bay. To speed up the construction of the superweapon, Darth Vader organized an invasion of Kashyyyk, and its inhabitants, the Wookiees, were enslaved. These Wookiees were transported to Despier, the Death Star's construction site. Most of the funding came from funds previously earmarked for the Systems Research Department and the Public Works Department. Special attention was given to the technology of creating a superlaser - the heart of the entire station. By this time, Tarkin already had many of the brightest minds in the galaxy, including Tol Sivron, Qwi Xux, and Bevel Lemelisk. Even before the Death Star was built, its cell blocks began to fill up with detainees. Political trespassers, rebels, dangerous pirates, even the remnants of the Naboo Royal Household Security Force who tried unsuccessfully to save their queen, and other enemies of the Empire disappeared from the people in the gigantic prisons of the unfinished station. After construction was completed, Tarkin, in order to test the superlaser, destroyed Despier. But the rebels managed to find the weak point of the station with the help of blueprints (one part was stolen by Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors from the Imperial base on Danut, and the other was captured during the raid on Toprava) and destroyed it at the Battle of Yavin.

Death Star 2

Weapons: Superlaser (1), Turbolaser Batteries (15000), Heavy Turbolasers (15000), Laser Cannons (7500), Ion Cannons (5000), Tractor Beam Projectors (768).
Unlike the first Death Star, which took 19 years to build and commission due to supply and engineering issues, the new station took much less time to build (approximately 2-4 years). Accelerated construction methods have been developed since the days of the original station, and Imperial engineers were careful to allocate enough space on the station for as many self-replicating construction droids as possible. The location of the construction site for the second Death Star has long remained a mystery to the rebels, unlike the construction of the first station above Despayer. After the initial stages of construction, the location of the construction site was changed by order of Darth Vader. Construction continued in the Endor system. This system was chosen because of the large deposits of necessary strategic metals on the planets of Dor, Eloggi and Megiddo, but in fact the construction was carried out in orbit of the forest moon Endor. Due to the anomalies and the almost complete lack of information about this region, the Endor system was an ideal place for the construction of the Death Star. To protect the station at the time of construction, the Imperials installed a powerful shield generator on the Sacred Moon that surrounded the Death Star. To protect the generator, a special detachment-garrison "Storm" was created. The most significant transformations in the design of the Death Star were the result of analyzing and eradicating the shortcomings of the first battle station, due to which it was destroyed during the Battle of Yavin. They consisted in reducing the diameter of the exhaust shaft, which hit the proton torpedoes, causing a chain reaction that destroyed the reactor of the first Death Star. Instead of a single two-meter outlet, millions of millimeter-wide exhaust channels were arranged, scattered over the surface of the station: each of them diverted not a large number of excess temperature and gas into vacuum. Even the most accurate shot from a blaster could hardly have hit them. And even if it hit, it would disperse along the way to the reactor by a chain of ingenious mechanisms. There was also a special system that closed the holes in the event of an unexpected attack. The entire advanced defense system was consistent with the views of the military and was designed to make the new Death Star invulnerable. The next transformation of the battle station was to improve the superlaser. The weapon was still located in the northern hemisphere of the station, but it was much more powerful than the first Death Star's superlaser and required only three minutes to reload instead of 24 hours. In addition, the upgraded superweapon was enhanced with low-energy weapon functions and a precise targeting system that retained enormous destructive power, allowing it to destroy enemy ships, while the first Death Star was only capable of firing at targets the size of planetary bodies. The enlarged outer surface of the new station also made it possible to accommodate more conventional weapons such as turbolasers, further enhancing the already impressive defenses of the Death Star. But the destruction of the shield generator on the surface of Endor allowed a group of Alliance starfighters, led by Wedge Antilles and the Millennium Falcon under the command of General Lando Calrissian, to penetrate the superstructure of the station and damage the reactor. The ensuing chain reaction destroyed the station. Many well-trained Imperial personnel died aboard the second Death Star. The explosion of the station and its subsequent fall on Endor led to the Endor Apocalypse and the death of many Ewoks.

Executioner-class Super Destroyer

Weapons: Turbolasers (2000), Heavy Turbolasers (2000), Heavy Ion Cannons (250), Laser Cannons (500), Rocket Launchers (250), Tractor Beam Projectors (40).
Engineer Lyra Wessex, who once designed the Venator-class Star Destroyer and the Imperial-class Star Destroyer, came up with a design for a ship that made every other ship in the galaxy look like dwarfs. The emperor was interested in the project and allowed the construction of four ships of this type to begin simultaneously at the shipyards of Fondor and Kuat. The Senate tried to protest against the emperor's decision, but Palpatine was able to convince them. After the death of the Death Star, the emperor ordered the construction of the Executioner to be accelerated. The reason for this was the desire of the emperor to provide his citizens with another symbol of the greatness and inviolability of the New Order. The size of this ship was 19,000 meters in length (against 1,600 meters for the Imperial-class destroyer). The crew of such a ship was approximately 280,000 people. The ship carried at least 144 fighters on board, and the massive hangar could hold and serve thousands or more. In addition, there were 200 other starships and support ships on board, 5 garrison bases, and a large enough number of stormtroopers and walkers to destroy any rebel base. Powering the shields of such a Star Destroyer alone required an amount of power equivalent to that of an average star. Also on board this giant was a support squadron, like the Star Destroyers of other series. The Executor could carry over a thousand fighters, over five hundred TIE fighters, and as many other Imperial-built fighters. However, the standard layout included only 144 fighters (12 squadrons), which was only twice the size of the Imperial air wing, and was clearly not enough to cover a ship of this size. The first two ships of the new type left the stocks at about the same time. The first ship, named the Executor, became Darth Vader's flagship, while the second, the Executor II, was hidden on Coruscant and renamed the Lusankya. The first mission of the Executioner, in which the Sith appreciated its power, was the destruction of the Alliance base on the planet Laaktien. Soon the ship was actively involved in many operations against the rebels. The first Executor was lost at the Battle of Endor, crashing into an unfinished Death Star. Palpatine presented the Lusankia to the Director of Imperial Intelligence. and your mistress Isanna Isard, and the two remaining ships from the first series were given to admirals, who were personally chosen by Palpatine. The Lusankya was hidden on Coruscant, disguised as one of the planetary shield projectors. Later, after the Alliance liberated Coruscant, the Lusankya was able to take off from the surface using the giant repulsor platform that was buried with it, and Isard fled on this ship to Thyferra. After the operation on Thyferra and the defeat of Isard Wedge, Antilles captured the Lusankya as a trophy and handed it over to the New Republic. Subsequently, the restored Lusankya became the flagship of one of the New Republic fleets and took part in the Orindian military campaign against Admiral Gilad Pellaeon. One of the most notable battles of this period was the Second Battle of Orinda (in the title illustration), in which the Lusankya met in battle with the Imperial ship of the same type, the Reaper. This was the only known battle in which such a super battleship opposed a ship of a similar class. Both ships were damaged, but left the battlefield under their own power. The death of the Lusankiya was very similar to the death of the Executioner. During the Yuzhan Vong invasion, the Lusankya took part in the defense of Borleias, during which it was heavily damaged. The repair of the ship was considered inexpedient, and therefore they decided to use the ship in a different way. Part of the weapons were removed from it, the crew was removed, and they rammed the Yuzhan Vong world-ship (which was about the size of the Death Star). Although the Republicans lost this battle, the invaders suffered huge losses, which had a significant impact on the course of the war. In total, the Lusankya served in the New Republic Navy for about 20 years.

Rogue Squadron

Rogue Squadron's history can be traced back to the Battle of Yavin, during which only two Rebel pilots from Red Squadron survived: Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles. The squadron was conceived by Commander Arul Narra along with Luke and Wedge. Red Squadron was reformed into two groups: the first, the Renegades, remained under the command of Narra, the second turned into a new link - the Rogues link. The call sign "Rogue-One" (Rogue-One) was the call sign of the squadron commander, and what he does in another Disney miscarriage is decidedly incomprehensible. Narra appointed Luke Skywalker as commander of the new flight. He and Antilles formed the basis of the flight, as well as several other pilots, including Zev Seneska, Wes Janson and Derek "Hobby" Klivian. During the final evacuation of the Rebel base on Yavin 4, Rogue Flight provided cover for transports flying down the Eason Corridor. The Rebel Flight was destroyed during an escort mission off Derrah IV. Narra died, and the convoy delivering cargo to the base on Hoth did not reach its destination. After that, the Rogue Flight became officially known as Rogue Squadron, commanded by Luke Skywalker. The squadron included several new pilots. Having gained greater autonomy, the group began to operate outside the general plan, always remaining ready to carry out any urgent mission. During the Battle of Hoth, new fighters joined the Rogues to man the twelve T-47 airspeeders intended for the pilot and gunner. Some of the newcomers made the list at the very last moment, such as the smuggler Dash Rendar. The Rogue snowspeeders gave the rebels enough time to evacuate, though at the cost of many pilot deaths. After fleeing Hoth, Antilles took command of the squadron while Skywalker was on Dagobah. Later, after the capture of Han Solo, Skywalker and Antilles created twelve divisions in addition to the main group and Rogue Squadron was finally formed. During the Battle of Endor, Rogue Squadron was disbanded and included in the general fleet, many pilots were transferred to other squadrons. The remaining Rogues and a few new pilots formed Red Squadron, whose name Antilles took in memory of the Battle of Yavin; he himself adopted the callsign "Leader of the Reds". In fact, only five pilots remained of Rogue Squadron: Wedge Antilles ("Red Leader", X-wing), Tycho Celchu ("Green-3", A-wing), Wes Janson, Derek Klivian ("Red-4", Y -wing) and Keir Suntage ("Red-7", X-wing). And all but "Red-7" survived. During next year, Antilles was officially placed in command, and Rogue Squadron had grown to twelve pilots, the standard strength of a New Republic fighter squadron. The Rogues fought in many battles, including at Brentaal IV, where they managed to capture Baron Soontir Fel, who then defected to the New Republic and briefly joined Rogue Squadron. Two years later, Antilles reformed Rogue Squadron. She was to be an important force in the confrontation with Ysanna Isard. Tycho Celchu returned to the reformed squadron, joined by Corran Horn (a former Corellian Security Force operative), Gavin Darklighter (cousin of Biggs Darklighter, who died in the Battle of Yavin) and others.

Left to right: Tycho Celchu, Corran Horn, Wedge Antilles
At the same time, Gavin and Corran came up with the squadron emblem (in the title illustration) and introduced their own unique uniform (similar to Horn's green Corbese tunic, which he still wore). After the liberation of Coruscant, the Rogues organized a secret operation to rescue Thyferra from Isard, who had escaped from Coruscant, and executed it with flying colors. After the end of the Galactic civil war almost all of the old Rogue lineup retired (Antilles and Celchu retired, and Horne became a Jedi Master), handing over command to Gavin Darklighter. He commanded a squadron during the Yuzhan Vong War. Rogues participated in almost all the major battles, and then, after the Battle of Dubrillion, Jaina Solo joined the squadron. At the end of the war, Gavin Darklighter assumed command of the fleet and turned Rogue Squadron over to Jaina Solo. She commanded the Rogues until the Second Galactic Civil War. When the Imperial Remnant broke away from the Galactic Alliance (a state formed during the Yuzhan Vong War and made up of the remnants of the New Republic, the Imperial Remnant, several smaller satellite states, and the autonomous Jedi Order) and engulfed most of the galaxy (now known as the Fel Empire and A shard of the Galactic Alliance, according to their size), the Rogues did not defect to the Empire, but remained in the service of the Alliance.

Ghost Squadron

The Wraith squadron, also known as the Wraiths, was a New Republic hybrid pilot/commando unit created by Wedge Antilles after returning from Thyferra. The original Wraith Squadron was made up of pilots that all other units had abandoned, giving the group a number of psychologically and emotionally unstable pilots, albeit experienced military personnel with useful commando skills. The Wraiths were created to carry out the critical missions of the traditional fighter squadron and commando squadron, a revolutionary concept in New Republic tactics. The Wraiths first acted against Admiral Apvar Trigit, resulting in the loss of the Star Destroyer Invincible and Trigit's death after a campaign that began with the Wraiths' capture of the Imperial corvette Night Visitor. After the death of Trigit, they carried out a series of covert operations against the warlord Zsinj. During this time, Garik Loran took over command of Wraith Squadron from Wedge Antilles. They then returned to more normal fleet duty under Han Solo in the long campaign against Zsinj, culminating in the Battle of Selaggis. The success of the entire operation was made possible by a double agent from Wraith Squadron aboard Zsinj's flagship, the Iron Fist. Following this, the unit was transferred from the Navy to New Republic Intelligence, conducting missions such as the assassination of Imperial Admiral Kosh Teradok. Ghost Squadron continued to play a vital, if not unique, military role during the Yuzhan Vong War, and even infiltrated occupied Coruscant. The Ghosts also participated in the retaking of Coruscant from the Yuzhan Vong along with Rogue Squadron. After the Second Galactic Civil War, the Ghosts were disbanded. However, soon former commander Garik Loran was asked to investigate the activities of the head of the Galactic Alliance Army, Stavin Taal, for suspicion of treason. To do this, Laurent unofficially assembled two teams of Wraith Squadron. The two divisions discovered evidence of Taal's duplicity, and Laurent himself was able to expose the head of the Galactic Alliance Security, Borat Maddeus, as Taal's accomplice. After Taal and Maddeus Laurent were exposed, they were appointed head of the Galactic Alliance Security and the officially re-established Wraith Squadron.

Escort frigate Nebulon-B EF76

Weapons: turbolaser batteries (12), laser guns (12), capture beam projectors (2).
The Nebulon-B Escort Frigate EF76 was a 300m warship designed and built by the Kuat Shipyards Corporation during the Galactic Civil War for use by the Imperial military space forces. The main tasks of the frigate were to escort Imperial cargo convoys and protect them from attacks by Rebel starfighters. Nebulon-B had an unusual spaceship form: a long thin hull-rod with the main deck hanging in front, and a complex of 7 ion engines hanging behind. Above the motor part there was a deflector field generator. In terms of speed characteristics, the frigate was not particularly maneuverable, being a bulky, clumsy and slow design. Originally intended for defense, the ship had 2 squadrons of 12 TIE fighters in the internal landing bays. The central cylindrical tube was equipped with several devices for docking with other starships. Many Nebulon-Bs were equipped with extremely sensitive sensors and multi-frequency antennas designed to receive and transmit information in deep space, which allowed them to carry out reconnaissance missions at considerable distances or report the progress of the battle to command ships. Although the Nebulon-B frigates were classified as medium-sized warships, the number of weapons they carried on board exceeded the weapons arsenal of any other starship of this class, with the exception of the Carrack-class light cruisers. The standard frigate was armed with 12 turbolaser batteries and 12 laser cannons, as well as two tractor-beam projectors. The crew of the frigate ranged from 850 to 920 people. During the Galactic Civil War, the frigate EF76 was actively used by both conflicting sides. The Rebel Alliance took possession of many of these starships after the Battle of Yavin, acquiring them through criminal organizations or winning them in battle, or even outright theft. These ships became the main strike forces of the Alliance, especially in the early stages of the war against the Empire. In addition to support missions, the EF76 was often used as a support ship for capital warships such as the Imperial-class Star Destroyer (I and II) or the MC80 battleships. It was not uncommon for an understrength Rebel Expeditionary Force to use Nebulon-B as its flagship, with Corellian corvettes and gunboats acting as auxiliary command ships. For all its slowness and sluggishness, the Rebel Alliance has mastered the art of using the frigate as a base from which to carry out offensive operations against easily vulnerable Imperial targets. Often, these escort frigates did not even have to enter the combat zone. The rebels usually deployed 2 squadrons of small ships on the ship: the first consisted of the T-65 X-wing, and the second included the BTL Y-wing or RZ-1 A-wing. As the Rebel fleet swelled with ever more powerful warcruisers, the Rebels began converting the Nebulon-B frigates into medical bases, command ships, reconnaissance ships, and search and rescue ships. The Rebel's most famous medical frigate was the Redemption, the ship that treated Luke Skywalker after his duel with Darth Vader on Bespin. Medical Nebulon-B had everything necessary for the treatment of over 745 patients. To free up space for medical facilities, fighter hangars and the ship's arsenal had to be sacrificed. Armament was reduced to 6 turbolasers and 8 laser cannons. As a result, almost the entire space of the hangar bays was occupied by medical equipment and materials, so the medical frigate did not take a single fighter on board, relying on the protection of other ships. Patients received treatment and care using a complete set of medical supplies. On board were 80 medical personnel, 30 Series 2-1B medical droids, and 15 tanks of bacta.

Scarlet Guard

The Scarlet Guard, also known as the Scarlet Cloaks, were a group of specially trained guards who wore red uniforms. They were chosen from among the Senate Guard and tasked with protecting Supreme Chancellor Palpatine before and during the Clone Wars. After the abolition of the Republic, the Scarlet Guard reformed into the new Imperial Guard, but their appearance and weapons remained almost unchanged. The Scarlet Guard did not report to the Senate and only reported to Palpatine. The armor of the Scarlet Guard differed in many ways from the Senate Guard. The helmet completely covered the face and had a darkened visor. The change to the helmets made them resemble those of the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders and the Thysus Sun Guard. The torso armor consisted of crimson-coloured plating, an unknown alloy, covered by loose robes, probably to hide the weapons. The exact number of Crimson Guards who served the emperor is unknown, with rumors ranging from less than 50 to tens of thousands. The Scarlet Guard were based at the Academy Imperial Guard on Yinchorra. Candidates for the Academy were recruited from various branches of the imperial military, they went through difficult learning programs, and the meaning of their life was absolute loyalty to the Emperor. The guardsmen were trained in various types of martial arts, including hand-to-hand combat techniques borrowed from the Echani. At the same time, the Guard itself had its own hierarchy, the highest level of which was the elite layer of elites - the Imperial Bodyguards. These fighters, passing through the most difficult trials, were trained in all types of martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, the use of any technique, and some were trained in feeling the Force and its adepts and using the basics of the Dark Side to fight them. Guardsmen were typically equipped with vibroswords and electrostaves, in addition to heavy blaster pistols and ranged carbines. Sometimes the Force-sensitive Guardsmen were armed with lances of light.

Speeder 74-Z

Armament: Rapid-fire blaster cannon.
The 74-Z Speeder is a light single-seat high-speed transport used by many factions in the galaxy. He was popular mainly among humanoid drivers, whose height and structure made it possible to pilot a car without problems. It was widely used by field reconnaissance, often found among pirates and smugglers. Unpretentious to weather conditions, although often not used in bad weather, due to the open design. Could work for a long time without technical inspection. Compared to peers and other light repulsor vehicles, the 74-Z held the record for speed. The 74-Z had a top speed of 500 km/h and could fly up to 25 meters above the ground, being the military variant of the civilian 74-Y. The speeders were equipped with communication devices built into the steering wheel, including a comlink and a silencer for enemy comlinks. For combat operations, which were often carried out on the move, the jetbike was equipped with bow blaster cannons, which, however, were easily replaced with other weapons thanks to a convenient mount. The kit included the afterburner of the main engines, which made it possible to cover huge distances in a short period of time. As a rule, it was used on a flat surface when moving in a straight line. The 74-Z speeder has become a real salvation for the manufacturer, the Aratek company, since their mass production brought the corporation out of the crisis. Said transport was used in the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars along with the earlier BARC speeder. The jetbike was also used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During the Galactic Civil War, both the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic used this transport, although the Aratek generally supplied them first. On the wooded moon of Endor, Imperial stormtroopers discovered Luke Skywalker and Leia Ogran. They decided to get to the base as soon as possible to raise the alarm, and the rebels had to hijack one of the jetbikes in order to pursue their enemies. The 74-Z showed itself in this pursuit not only as fast, but also as a fairly maneuverable transport, allowing it to overcome rough terrain at phenomenal speed.

Weapons: laser cannons (3), proton torpedo launchers (2), ion cannon.
The B-wing, also known as the "razor" is a spacecraft personally designed by Admiral Akbar. One of the Rebellion's most heavily armed fighters, the B-wing was actually one long flat wing with a rotating cockpit at one end and three cannons at the other. Approximately in the middle of the wing were two fender liner, which expanded the combat capabilities of the ship and gave it the shape of a cross. Thanks to an unusual stabilizing gyroscope system, the cockpit remains stationary while the rest of the ship rotates around it, giving the pilot the ability to fire in a specific area. Designed to duel and stop large Imperial ships, the B-wing was also used to attack heavily defended Imperial ships and as an escort for X-wings and Y-wings. The B-wing played a key role in the Rebel fleet at the Battle of Endor.

Armament: laser cannons (3), proton torpedo launcher.
The E-wing escort fighter was manufactured by the FreyTech Corporation and was the first fighter to be built from start to finish with the support of the New Republic. At the beginning of development, it was assumed that the E-wing would match, or even surpass the X-wing in all respects, and that the new machine would eventually completely replace the previous one in the service of the New Republic. But that didn't happen. The operation of the first fighters that entered combat units revealed their serious shortcomings, primarily related to the malfunction of the laser guns and the new R7 series astromech droids, which led to the fact that many pilots chose not to switch to using this new fighter, preferring it upgraded versions of the older X-wing. However, despite the problems of the early E-wing fighter series, it was widely used by the New Republic, in particular, part of the Fifth Fleet fighter fleet was equipped with this particular machine, and later such fighters were used by the Galactic Alliance. Also, these fighters played a significant role during the Yuzhan Vong War and subsequent armed conflicts. And during the Second Galactic Civil War, the E-wing was already considered a superb fighter, and a number of elite squadrons of the Galactic Alliance were equipped with it. At the same time, fighters of this model never achieved such popularity and wide distribution as the X-wing. Although the E-wing series fighters required the unique R7 series astrodroids, which were designed specifically for use on this type of fighter, the vehicle itself was considered an excellent combination of firepower, speed, maneuverability and security. Two aerodynamic wings were attached to the body of the fighter, which served as stabilizers for flights in the atmosphere. A sensor unit was placed in the nose conical fairing, and the astrodroid was located in the middle of the fuselage immediately behind the cockpit. Later models of the E-wing series of fighters were improved, and could already use the R2 and R5 series droids. The E-wing was no longer destined to get rid of the reputation of the “problem machine”, especially in light of the fact that the X-wing fighter, at the time the E-wing was put into operation, still had a considerable modernization resource. Having already earned great military glory, the X-wing was constantly improving, completely unwilling to give up its positions to the E-wing, especially since the advantages of the latter over the main rebel fighter, already proven in battles, were doubtful. Introduced almost immediately after the start of the Yuzhan Vong War, the XJ X-wing modification again canceled the total re-equipment of the New Republic fighter fleet with E-wing fighters, leaving it only second in the list. However, the E-wing was favored by many elite units of the New Republic space fleet. Despite the fact that the technological triumph of the New Republic over the fighters of the Galactic Empire did not happen, the E-wing fighters were put into service, initially occupying some intermediate niche between the X-wing multirole fighters and the A-wing interceptors. The E-wing never reached the popularity and mass production of the T-65 X-wing, and the reason for this was a combination of many factors. There was absolutely nothing revolutionary in the E-wing fighter, it was just a fighter that was supposed to incorporate the best qualities of the X-wing and A-wing, but the engineers of the FreyTech Corporation did not succeed in doing this right away.

181st Fighter Group

The 181st Fighter Group has gone down in history as one of the best Imperial air formations, going from the very bottom to the very top. Every child of the Empire dreamed of becoming the pilots of the 181st, and every cadet wanted to serve under the commander of the 181st. The 181st became one symbol of the Empire, as well as the face of its fleet for many years. Initially, it existed as one of the standard formations of this class as part of a standard garrison. The commander of the 181st at this time was Colonel Avir Derricot, an academically trained officer, a serious tactical genius, but who preferred to direct his efforts to study his favorite biology (after all, the division barracks had a large winter garden, which the colonel looked after with great love). Seeing the openly disregarding attitude of the commander to his unit, the command sent the worst pilots to the 181st. Thus, the fighters of the division became those who had disciplinary sanctions, disagreements with the powers that be, as well as simply dubious personalities. There was no question of any discipline in the formation, as a result of which the division received the name "181st worst." Derricot's squadrons were sent on the most hopeless missions from which no return was expected, or those from which heavy losses were expected. This continued until Soontir Fel was transferred to the 181st. The firstborn of a family of Corellian farmers, Soontir Fel and his family worked at an agricultural plant. The young Suntir learned to fly a skyhopper, flying around the fields, delivering supplies and parts. Shortly after his eighteenth birthday, Soontir Fel applied to the Imperial military academy Carids. Fel proved to be an exceptional cadet and competed for the title of the best in the simulators with Han Solo. Although Solo was also a Corellian, he had no intention of associating with an uncouth hillbilly farmer. In the end, Solo graduated with honors from the Academy, while Soontir graduated with honors. After a year of service, he rose to the rank of captain and then commanded the dreadnought Pride of the Senate for two years; under the command of Admiral Grylanx, he fought at the Battle of Nar Shaddaa. The failure of this operation left a black mark on Fel's record. To make amends, Fel was sent as a teacher to the Naval Academy on Prefsbelt IV. For about two years he taught the cadets, but he did not suspect that in one of the issues in which he would invest so much mental and physical strength, there would be such supporters of the rebels as Biggs Darklighter and Hobby Klivian. Biggs and Hobby's kidnapping of a freighter and their escape to the rebels ended Soontir's career at the academy. All of Fel's dreams were shattered. Transferred to the 181st, Soontir Fel brutally avenged the rebels for the humiliation they experienced. In a surprisingly short time, he turned the second squadron of the 181s into something similar to a combat squad. As a result, the Empire sent them to participate in the second battle of Ord-Biniir. Thanks to the efforts of the Fel pilots, the Empire won the Battle of Ord Binyir on the day the first Death Star was destroyed. Recognizing the merits of Major Fel and his pilots, the command transferred an elite detachment to Coruscant. The Empire gave the twenty-eight-year-old Fel a hero's welcome on Coruscant. The 181st squadrons gained experience by participating in all major battles with the rebels. Fel's pilots proved their superiority over the enemy at the Battles of Derr IV and Hoth, where they utterly defeated the Alliance. For Derra IV, Suuntir Fel received the title of baron and the rank of colonel. From now on, it was Fel who led the group (now also officially). A little later, he took his family from the farm and moved them to his new baronial estates on Corellia. After Hoth, the pilots of the 181st switched to newly released TIE interceptors. Their distinguishing feature was the color of their interceptors: they put red stripes on the fuselage and solar panels of the interceptors (each stripe denoted 10 downed enemy ships) or painted the batteries entirely red, and downed enemies were marked with special marks on the hull. The same system appeared in the uniform of the pilots, the standard jumpsuit was now equipped not only with rank strips, but also with stripes reporting the number of downed "bandits". In the battle of Endor, which became fatal for the Empire, the 181st fought to the very end. After destroying over a hundred enemy ships, Fel's squadrons retreated only after Captain Pelaeon's order for a general retreat. He soon realized that he could not ignore the corruption and poor administration of Ysanna Isard's Empire. Six months after Endor, she ordered the 181st to defend Brentaal IV - which was impossible. Rebel Rogues knocked out Fel's interceptor and took him prisoner. Fel renounced the Empire and joined Rogue Squadron. With the Rogues, Fel searched for his missing wife (Sial Antilles, Wedge Antilles' sister) for almost seven months, and the family eventually reunited. A few months later, Fel helped the rebels win a key battle against Isard. But, about a year and a half after Endor, Isard captured Fel and sent Grand Admiral Thrawn to a secret base on Nirauan. There, Thrawn revealed to him a terrible secret discovered during the exploration of the Unknown Regions (the threat of the Yuzhan Vong), and explained the need for quality pilots to be there. Fel agreed to join his forces, and Thrawn brought his entire family there. When Thrawn returned to take over the Empire, General Fel remained at the Nirauan base as commandant. Later, during the New Republic and Empire campaign against Warlord Zsinj, Rogue Squadron encountered fighters bearing the designations of the 181st. In fact, it was a warlord's trap: some of the fighters turned out to be mined killer droids, while others were Zsinj's personal pilots, among whom was even his own Suntir Fel, whose role was played by actor Tetrand Koval. The real 181st remained under Imperial Navy command and flew with Admiral Rogriss's squadron. The place of the missing Fel was taken by Turr Fenir. The 181st was saved from disintegration and fought in the Yuzhan Vong War on the side of the Imperial Remnant. The reorganized 181st was one of the finest military units in the Fel Empire.

TIE Advanced X1

Weapons: Rapid-Fire Laser Cannons (2), Cluster Missile Launcher.
TIE advanced X1 (TIE Advanced X1) or TIE-super was Darth Vader's personal fighter. Wanting to erase all ties to his Jedi past, Darth Vader offered Wright Sinar a set of specifications for his new starfighter (he had previously flown a modified Aktis-class Eta-2 Jedi interceptor painted black).

Sinar and his team rose to the occasion and eventually presented Vader with the TIE Advanced X1. Vader himself was clearly pleased with the design, having often been seen flying the TIE Advanced. The most important innovation of the TIE Advanced X1 was the use of the curved wing that was fitted to TIE bombers. The advantage of this design, compared to the standard TIE fighter's hexagonal wing panels, was the increased surface area of ​​the wing, which increased maneuverability while reducing the visibility of the ship. Unlike the regular TIE Fighter, the TIE Advanced X1 was equipped with experimental deflector shields. The stabilizing field was emitted by projectors at the rear of the cockpit, and energy was supplied to the deflector through the front and side pairs of emitters. Shields often required fine tuning to perform optimally. Despite being equipped with a more powerful engine and power plant, the speed of the improved TIE, compared to the TIE fighter, increased slightly, and maneuverability was completely reduced, due to the increased mass of the ship and the additional energy consumption for deflectors. Although the TIE Advanced X1 was equipped with shields and a hyperdrive, it lacked the life support system of the TIE Fighter. The targeting system was even more sophisticated than that used in the TIE Fighter, and could overcome the extremely powerful electronic interference generated by ships to evade target acquisition. For optimal performance, the guidance system required frequent adjustments in combat. A little later, Sinar presented his TIE Advanced X1 to the Imperial Navy for mass use. The Empire, however, decided not to order them in large quantities, citing their prohibitive price. Privately, some Imperial Navy strategists admitted that the Navy was reluctant to buy a hyperdrive fighter for fear of giving the bureaucrats an excuse to cut orders for new ships of the main class. Some of them also feared that a hyperdrive-equipped starfighter would encourage defections. In the end, only a few elite squadrons were equipped with the TIE Advanced X1. The Empire opted for the TIE Interceptor, which contained the TIE Advanced X1 drive systems in a more compact package. Although the TIE Interceptor lacked a hyperdrive and shields, it was extremely fast, incredibly maneuverable, and significantly cheaper than the Advanced TIE. By the Battle of Endor, the massive expansion of TIE Interceptor production meant the end of TIE Advanced X1 production. By the start of the Yuzhan Vong War, a fair number of these ships had gone into production in the hands of private individuals such as Lando Calrissian, who used modified TIE Advanced X1s for recreational purposes in the asteroid belt on Dubrillion. At the Battle of Dubrillion, Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin Solo fought three of these starfighters against the South Vong Coralskippers.

TIE Defender

Weapons: laser cannons (4), ion cannons (2), launchers (2, could be loaded with strike missiles or proton torpedoes), could also be equipped with proton missiles, proton bombs or magnetic pulse torpedoes.
The TIE Defender was a high-performance TIE-series starfighter developed by Sinar Fleet Systems for the Imperial Navy shortly before the Battle of Endor. Incredible speed and maneuverability, coupled with high firepower, made it the most advanced fighter of its time. A hyperdrive was installed on the TIE Defender, which made it possible to significantly expand the tactical capabilities of the vehicle. The hyperdrive navigation computer could store up to 10 sets of hyperspace coordinates, the same number as an X-wing astrodroid. It is also worth noting that the hyperdrive was installed without prejudice to the main (according to the Imperials) characteristics of the fighter - speed and maneuverability. The machine also acquired relatively powerful deflectors, which allowed it to withstand several direct hits, even from heavy laser guns. The power of the protective field created by the deflector was twice the shields of the already mentioned X-wing. While on the T-65 the size of the deflector generator took up a lot of space aft of the vehicle, the Imperial engineers managed to make it into a small flat "box" that fit perfectly into the small dimensions of the fighter. Like all TIEs, the TIE Defender did not have life support systems, which made it possible to further reduce the size of the fighter. To give the fighter high maneuverability, small maneuvering engines controlled by the on-board computer were installed at the tips of all planes, which gave the TIE defender unprecedented maneuverability. Initially, these fighters were planned to be equipped with elite squadrons, consisting of pilots most devoted to the Emperor. Candidates selected for TIE Defender retraining must have had at least 20 successful combat missions and excellent flying skills. However, before Zaarin's infamous rebellion, only a few hundred pilots were able to retrain for the new machine. After Zaarin's betrayal, the factories that produced the TIE Defenders fell into the hands of the rebellious Grand Admiral. Although they were quickly captured by forces loyal to the legitimate government, in the ensuing suppression of the rebellion, TIE defenders often fought each other, finding themselves on both sides of the barricades. The TIE defender had virtually no vulnerabilities. However, the rebels still managed to find one of them. The small-sized shield generator could not include a shield that protects against non-energy weapons. Namely: high-explosive and high-explosive fragmentation missiles and torpedoes. These weapons were rarely used in space combat, and so the rebels of Rogue Squadron had to upgrade their X-wings specifically to counter the TIE defenders. Acting from an ambush, under the cover of a raider disguised as a passenger liner, the rebels swiftly attacked the unsuspecting enemy. In this battle, they managed to shoot down 11 TIE defenders, while losing only two X-wings. Over time, the Remnant of the Empire managed to establish a small-scale production of TIE-defenders, which entered the elite units. TIE Defenders fought in the Yuzhan Vong War and were widely used by the Fel Empire.

Noghri Assassins

The Noghri are a race of intelligent short humanoids from the planet Honoghr. Their skin was steel gray or blue. The race became widely known throughout the galaxy for their warriors known as the Noghri Assassins. These wild, but by no means stupid, creatures perfectly mastered the skills of camouflage and reconnaissance without any popular special equipment (like an invisibility generator or sensors), hand-to-hand combat skills, throwing knives, silent killings and other sabotage activities, as well as hunting, as the main form of getting food. Friends and enemies, as well as their closest relatives, were unmistakably recognized by the native inhabitants of Khonogr by smell. The structure of Noghri society was clan-based. The centers of secular and spiritual power of each clan, the dukkhas, were consolidated around the Supreme Council, which included representatives from different clans, known as dynasts. A considerable part of the male population was specially trained from an early age as murderers and instilled a special code of honor, prescribing to serve those to whom they were obliged, and even their descendants, and this duty, in turn, passed from generation to generation. The Noghri were ferocious in battle and were skilled hunters. Their small stature was compensated by a strong physique and natural weapons of attack - strong sharp teeth and claws. The Noghri were also very resourceful, inventive, quickly learning and mastering new skills. Noghri's sense of smell was a separate natural phenomenon - not even so much a keen sense of smell, but the ability to calculate their pedigree (at least parents) by the smell of some living creatures. This unique mechanism was developed in the course of evolution so that members of different clans could distinguish each other by smell. The Noghri did not lose their vigilance even in their outwardly relaxed state, for example, when they allowed themselves to joke. They preferred melee and throwing weapons, disliked the popular melee energy weapons, most often fought with simple metal blades or no weapons at all. During the period of imperial occupation of Khonogr, the indigenous people quickly learned how to use small arms. For field operations, the Noghri Assassins were issued precision-guided, short-barreled blasters that fired from long ranges with virtually no misses, each easily killing an enemy infantryman with a single, well-placed shot. The main trump card of the Noghri fighters was disguise, the skills of which they honed throughout the history of their race, hunting a particularly sensitive and cautious beast. Therefore, their main tactics were sudden swift strikes, if possible in the enemy's rear, as well as sabotage work. Each mission was a kind of blood feud for these death squads: each warrior did not know peace until he found a glorious death or the task was completed. Because of their unique skills, the Noghri were highly sought after by Special Agents on high-risk missions. For a long time, the Noghri did not leave the limits of their home world, until they were affected by the Clone Wars. During a major orbital battle between the Galactic Republic and the CIS, a Separatist-owned Harrow-class battleship was successfully shot down. A major victory for the Republic turned out to be a tragedy for all life on the planet, as the destruction of the capital ship of the CIS caused a huge release into the atmosphere of the most dangerous toxin known as trihexalofin 1138, destroying the vast majority of vegetation on the surface. Diplomatic relations with Honogre were not established until after the end of the Clone Wars and the founding of the Galactic Empire. Visiting the planet, Darth Vader was impressed by the skill of the born local saboteurs, who managed to deal with the elite stormtroopers with negligible losses on their part. After the battle, Vader entered into negotiations, offering the Empire's help to restore the environment in exchange for loyalty. The proposal turned out to be very useful, since the people lived mainly by subsistence farming, and the violation of the biosphere destroyed their livelihood. In exchange, Vader demanded that Noghri assassins be sent to his service on a regular basis. The unit formed from these fighters became known as deadly commandos or Noghri assassins, reporting only to Palpatine and Vader. Commandos were manned exclusively by young males of suitable age, who had undergone combat training in special training camps on their home planet. Excellent killers and hunters, the Noghri performed their assigned tasks flawlessly. Palpatine's first step was to remove all records of Honoghr and its inhabitants from public sources. Subsequently, he often resorted to the help of his secret army to eliminate all kinds of political opponents, dissidents and other objectionable, where it was required to act without too much publicity. While the Noghri served faithfully, the Imperials were in no hurry to fulfill their part of the deal, as it was unprofitable for them. Imperial personnel assigned to Honoghr were instructed to create the appearance of cleanup work. environment, in fact, deliberately maintaining it in an extremely deplorable state. The execution deadlines were delayed so that the Noghri continued to carry out military service for as long as possible. During Thrawn's campaign, Princess Leia was able to reveal to the Nogrian leaders the truth about the Empire's failure to fulfill their former treaty, which imposed onerous obligations on the race and, in fact, was invalid all these years. Since then, the people have severed all ties with the Empire. Considered in the culture of the people who swore to her as a mal "ari" ush (a direct descendant of the one who was given an unfulfilled or indefinite oath), Leia became the new commander-in-chief of all assassin Noghri units, thus bringing the best warriors of the galaxy to the New Republic. She helped resettle the Noghri on other planets, including Weyland, to give Honoghr's biosphere time to recover on its own. Friends, allies and relatives of Leia, in trouble, could always count on the help of highly qualified agents of this race, who called their new leader "Lady Vader". Subsequently, during the war with the Yuzhan Vong, Noghri commando units were often used in sabotage operations.

Yuzhan Vong Warrior

The Yuzhan Vong race that invaded the New Republic 20 years after the Battle of Endor came from another galaxy. Their home planet, the planet Yuzhan'tar, was destroyed thousands of standard years before their invasion. Much of their home galaxy lay in ruins, and the Yuzhan Vong began a long journey to another galaxy in search of a new home. For centuries, they have roamed the Intergalactic Void on massive Craftworlds. They were in many ways similar to people, but taller, more massive, stronger and more resilient. The forehead of the Yuzhan Vong is sloping, which, combined with the ritual tattooing and scars that members of the lower strata of this race inflict on themselves, gives them a barbaric appearance. Those who belong to the upper strata of society have even more distorted, mutilated and grotesque features. The culture of the Yuzhan Vong is based on the idea of ​​dominating the lesser races. Few they considered worthy, and even then their respect was manifested only in giving the defeated enemy an easy death. The rest, in their opinion, deserve only a share of slaves. Everything that the Yuzhan Vong did was aimed at glorifying their gods, including the conquest and enslavement of more and more galactic territories, which the Yuzhan Vong, like their own appearance, transformed for the glory and in the image and likeness of their gods. On their victorious path, they carried out executions and sacrifices everywhere, because, according to the myths of the Yuzhan Vong, their creator, the primordial god Yun Yuzhan, donated parts of his body, suffered unbearable pain, and eventually died - all in order to climb new heights. That is how, legend has it, he created the lesser gods from his body, which in turn created the Yuzhan Vong people by collecting and mixing the body parts of other creatures. Therefore, sacrifices are obligatory and are a sacred act. The Yuzhan Vong were religious zealots who considered any mechanical technology to be blasphemy. They had a special hatred for droids, because, from their point of view, droids are a blasphemous imitation of life, not worthy of existing in the world. Their "technical devices" (and even furniture, utensils, musical instruments etc.) were specially bred or tamed living organisms. In addition, the Yuzhan Vong had a deep respect for pain that bordered on masochism, and sought to improve their physical abilities through organ transplants (for example, replacing one hand with the paw of some dangerous predator, so that it would be more convenient to fight). Such a transplant was a status symbol in Yuzhan Vong society. Those who failed the transformation ceremony and turned out to be crippled became Shamed and moved to a lower caste in the hierarchy of the Yuzhan Vong society. The Yuzhan Vong were notorious for being unable to be sensed through the Force and were not affected by Force abilities (with the exception of Lightning). The warrior caste was one of the most numerous castes. Warriors were trained from an early age until they died in battle. The warrior caste was divided into masters of war, supreme commanders, commanders, subalterns, and warriors. Warriors worshiped Yun-Yammuk, the Slayer, the God of War. He was depicted as a multi-legged, multi-armed creature that served as a form for the combat coordinator - yammosk. It was Yun-Yammuka that brought the most numerous victims of prisoners. Unlike the "disposable" Yuzhan Vong troops (specially bred reptilians (khazraks) and the strongest and most enduring captives implanted with bio-implants of submission), the warriors were well trained and usually fought in the hottest spots of the battle. Their main weapon was the amphistaff, a serpentine creature that can harden its entire body or one part of it, becoming as strong as a rock or as flexible as a whip. Its head and tail muscles can contract in such a way that they can cut like a razor or pierce like a spear. The wand can also serve as a long-range weapon, as its head is capable of spewing jets of poison, firing them up to ten meters away. The poison instantly blinds the victim, but death comes slowly and painfully. To the dismay of the Jedi, the amphistaff could also deflect lightsaber blades; its tough skin can only be pierced with a few hits to one point. The only known way to destroy an amphistaff is to cut off its head. Khazraq slave units were allowed to wear the kufi, a rigid form of amphistaff designed specifically to suit the meager skills of these soldiers. Also, some warriors used specially implanted claws, spikes and even horns in close combat. As an additional weapon, a bullet beetle or a razor beetle was used. The bullet beetle is a species of insectoid, specially grown in the bio-laboratories of shapers and served as weapons. These fist-sized insects had a razor-sharp exoskeleton capable of cutting through flesh. When thrown at an opponent, they spread their wings, serving as a primitive orientation system, allowing them to return to their owner's hand if they miss their target or attack the enemy again if they manage to dodge. For defense, the Yuzhan Vong bred numerous breeds of vonduun crabs that served as armor. The layered plates of the vonduun crab's reinforced shell moved in accordance with the movement of the wearer's muscles, adjusting to his every movement. Sharp spikes protruded from her knees, elbows, wrists, and neck—and they grew longer every year. Often a detachable helmet was attached to the armor, which provided additional protection. The armor was vulnerable to repeated hits from a single point from a blaster or a sharp blow from a lightsaber. The only vulnerable area of ​​such armor was the soft leathery fabric covering the joints of the vonduun crab.

The first encounter with the Yuzhan Vong warrior took place at the VneGal-4 station on Belkadan (pictured), where a group of scientists were searching for life outside the known galaxy. That warrior was the Yuzhan Vong infiltrator Yomin Karr. Infiltrated into the station's personnel, he sabotaged the project, slew the remaining employees one at a time, and waited for the Yuzhan Vong invasion fleet to fly into the galaxy at a point known as Vector Prime at a predetermined time. Jedi Masters Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker arrived on the planet shortly after receiving a distress signal. In the process of inspecting the station, they had to split up, and Yomin, seeing RD-D2 with them, attacked him and the droid called Maru for help. The Yuzhan Vong hurled several bullet bugs at them, but R2 dodged and Mara knocked a few of them down with her blaster shots and beat the rest off with her lightsaber.
Armament: yaret-kor.
The coralskipper or yorik-et is the fighter of the Yuzhan Vong during their invasion of the galaxy. Just as the Yuzhan Vong despised and abhorred all mechanical technology, the Yorik Et is a bioengineered starship derived, or rather grown, like all their other machines, from a biological substance - the so-called Yorik coral. For this reason, all jumper corals look different, but at the same time they have a certain set of common features - an aerodynamic shell and a tapering nose. They have the shape of a rough cone and are more like an asteroid. The cockpit material is more like natural tinted mica than transparistil. The coralskipper pilot could communicate with the machine through a special mask in the cockpit called the cognition hood. Instead of the well-known blaster and laser cannons, a small appendage resembling a miniature volcano (yareth-kor) is advanced in front of the coral jumper, from which a volley of fire and a block of molten stone erupts at great speed, capable of seriously damaging an enemy starship. The yareth-kor's plasma projectiles were powerful enough to melt the hull of a New Republic starfighter, and the impact could easily throw a starfighter out of its flight path or stun an enemy pilot. This weapon was difficult to counter even with a deflector shield. As an organic weapon, the yaret-kor had many other advantages over conventional, laser-based weapons. The yareth-kor could heal over time and did not require a power source. For replenishment of ammunition, repair or re-equipment, the Yorik-et could absorb small asteroids and other space debris right in space. But, like any other equipment and weapons of the Yuzhan Vong, the yorik-et consisted of biomaterial, and also aged and died over time. At the bottom of each yorik-eta was a creature resembling a heart, called a dovin-tagun. Adult dovins, balls three meters in diameter, had the unique ability to selectively capture the gravitational field of any object, even millions of kilometers away, ignoring the attraction of everyone else. Thus, a perpetual motion machine for a spaceship was obtained. The more dovins focused the capture field, the higher the speed became. The coralskipper had only one dovin, but the larger ships had many more. The field was also used to crush enemy ships' defense shields and at the same time act as the coralskipper's own protective shield - a micro-singularity that absorbed laser volleys, proton torpedoes and other enemy projectiles. The entire Yuzhan Vong space fleet used Dovin Traguns for movement. New Republic pilots have learned over time that by increasing the inertial compensator's sphere, they can prevent the dovin from destroying their starfighters' protective field. Shooting a Dovin-equipped Jumper Coral with weak but numerous laser shots caused it to release a lot of energy, creating black hole fields, thereby reducing its maneuverability and security. The coral jumper was intended only for space flight, and then for short distances, but in the atmosphere it flew poorly, which also benefited the pilots of the New Republic. For long-distance travel, the fighter relied on carrier ships. It is believed that the first Mandalorian encounter with the Yorik-eto was some 4,000 years before the Yuzhan Vong invasion. During the Mandalorian Wars, Canderus Ordo and his squad encountered an asteroid-like ship from the Unknown Regions. It could be a ship of this type. It is possible that Canderous then encountered one of the Yuzhan Vong scouts. The first documented use of the Yorik-Et in combat was during the early stages of the Yuzhan Vong invasion, which was led by a kind of "expeditionary force" - the Praetorite Vong, which transported thousands of such fighters aboard their ship-worlds to the first Yuzhan Vong base - the ice planet of Helska IV. The Dovin Squadron encountered them for the first time, but the pilots of the New Republic suffered a crushing situation - when the Dovin stripped their fighters of their shields, they were completely defenseless against enemy fire and were instantly killed by the Yuzhan Vong pilots. As a result, of the entire squadron, only its commander, Jedi Master Kyp Durron, survived. Yorik-ets were later used in a raid on the planet Dubrillion (pictured by Jacen, Jaina and Anakin Solo at the Battle of Dubrillion), though it was repulsed by the planet's defenders.

flying world

The Craftworld, or Floating World (koros-strona), was a huge, organically crafted vessel that housed the Yuzhan Vong communities, providing them with food and shelter. Due to the fact that in their home galaxy almost all the planets suitable for their habitation were devastated (partly by themselves), their entire race lived aboard these floating worlds. Like all other Yuzhan Vong ships, the flying worlds were made of yorik coral. Yorik coral has also formed symbiotic relationships with countless other organic materials to support weapons, engines, and defensive capabilities. The Craftworld had more in common with the planet than with the ship and, like other Yuzhan Vong bioengineered vessels, hardly resembled a ship in the usual sense of the word. Its main organ was a disc-shaped body that was studded with hundreds of guns and other protrusions. At the edges of the Craftworld were several large spiral arms (membrane tendrils). Hundreds of jumping corals were attached to each tendril to help unfold the membranes. Once deployed, the tendrils served as space sails. The ship's drag dovins could be used to propel the Craftworld by creating gravity wells to propel Yuuzhan Vong ships through the interstellar void. When these organisms concentrated the energy of the wells, they could throw a space station or a moon out of orbit and onto a planet. Dovins-tyaguns could also be used to deprive enemy ships of deflector shields. The floating world's own defenses also relied on the Dovin Traguns' ability to use gravity wells to intercept incoming torpedoes and other weapons. Flying worlds could generate artificial gravity by rotation, with the help of the same traction dovins. The Craftworld was defended by hundreds of yareth cow firing positions that spewing molten slag at the enemy vessels. These magma cannons ranged from small holes, with the capability of blaster cannons, to large springs that could shoot flaming rocks the size of a small ship over long distances. In addition to civilians, a worldship could carry a small Yuuzhan Vong army (over 5,000 warriors along with coralskippers and planetary vehicles). The Yuzhan Vong flying world lived an average of 500 years. However, they could live twice as long, as the example of "Baanu Meer" proves.

Weapons: Poison Whip Tail, Acid Saliva, Acoustic Wail, Paws (8).
The Voxin is a Yuzhan Vong genetically engineered crossbreed between the Vornskr and the Fero Xin to hunt the Jedi. The voxins had 8 legs compared to the vornscras' 4, and were like dragons. Vornsk left them with susceptibility to the Force, and feroxin left them with high intelligence, large size and its fighting qualities. They overtook the victims either with the help of an acoustic shock, or by spitting poisonous saliva. The average woxyn was more than a meter at the withers and over four meters long. He was clad in tough black-and-green leather, capable of absorbing even infantry blaster bolts. A row of sensory bristles were stretched across the back from the head to the tail. All bristles contained a potent neurotoxin. Voxyn paws have a special slimy layer containing hundreds of retroviruses that make contact with voxyn claws deadly. The voxins were also able to spray their poisonous acidic saliva within a radius of six meters. One of the most terrifying features of the voxins was their ability to deliver acoustic stuns to the point of bursting their eardrums. Each voxyn was cloned from a voxyn queen (the very first hybrid) aboard the floating world Baanu Russ orbiting Myrkr. The voxins needed a special nutrient that was only found on Myrkr, as their organisms were destroyed due to rapid growth and imperfect cloning technology (outside Myrkr, they could only survive for a few months). Because of this, shapers constantly created new clones to replace those who died. In a short time, the voxyn massacred many Jedi. When the New Jedi Order managed to figure out the location of their cloning, Anakin Solo devised a plan to destroy the Queen and led a strike team. It included 16 other Jedi (his brother Jacen Solo, his sister Jaina Solo, Tahiri Veila, Tenel Ka Djo, Alima Rar, Ganner Rhysode, Lowbacca (nephew of the deceased Chewbacca), Zekk, and others) and several heavily armed YUV (Southern Vong Hunter) battle droids. After the birth of his son Ben, Luke Skywalker was more determined than ever to push back the Yuzhan Vong and grudgingly agreed to their plan. But the plan failed almost at the very beginning: the Yuzhan Vong prevented them from blowing up the cloning laboratory from orbit with baradium charges. The strike team had to covertly land on the surface and get inside. When the squad reached the cloning lab, Anakin, who was seriously injured, ordered the rest of the surviving members of the squad to follow the escaped queen, while he himself remained to cover their retreat. Using his lightsaber and Force lightning, he slew dozens of Yuzhan Vong warriors and destroyed a cloning lab before dying himself. (I remember, as a child, I even shed a tear at this place) (this was one of George Lucas' disastrous tamperings with RV, and it ended up selling the brand to Disney and draining it completely). Meanwhile, Jacen Solo was able to catch up and kill the voxin queen. (and he himself was captured, but that's a completely different story). The remaining 9 Jedi from the strike force (Jaina, Tahiri, Tenel Ka, Alima, Ganner, Lowbacca, Zekk, etc.) were able to escape on a captured Yuzhan Vong ship. Tragedy in orbit around Myrkr happened at the same time as the fall of Coruscant and the end of the New Republic. Later, one of the Galactic Alliance's Star Destroyers was named after Anakin Solo.

katarn commando

Katarn Commando - combat unit New Republic Special Forces. The unit was formed after a group of guerrillas fighting for the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War was assigned to Major Bren Derlin. After Derlin's promotion, Lieutenant Judder Page assumed command. At this time, the unit was named "Katarn Commando" - in honor of the secretive predatory animal from the planet Kashyyyk. Later, its reputation grew and it became known as Page's Commando. Officially, the unit was subordinate to the head of state of the New Republic, but in reality, the fighters acted independently for several weeks or months. The Katarn Commandos functioned as a single group, but were sometimes broken up into smaller units that worked in all conditions. Each fighter, although he had developed skills in many areas, had his own military specialty. The most significant operation of the Katarn Commandos was the Liberation of Coruscant during the war with the Yuzhan Vong. After breaching the Yuzhan Vong's orbital defenses, jetpack-equipped Katarn Commando assault squads, along with YUV battle droids and a squad of Jedi (which included Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker, Kent Hamner, Tahiri Veila, Jacen, and Jaina Solo) were the first to land on the surface. planets and cleared landing zones for the rest of the Galactic Alliance troops.

Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer

Weapons: Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (50), Medium Turbolaser Batteries (50), Ion Cannon Batteries (40), Tractor Beam Projectors (20), Proton Torpedo Launchers (50), Gravity Projector.
Named after Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon (one of the most famous leaders of the Empire and a student of Grand Admiral Thrawn himself), the Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer was one of the largest and most powerful ships in the Imperial Navy. Adopted a hundred years after the Battle of Endor, it was used by the fleet of the Fel Empire. The Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer was an excellent combination of firepower and technical characteristics, and incorporated the best features of the Imperial Star Destroyer and the Executioner-class Super Destroyer. The Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer followed the external features of previous Star Destroyers. More powerful armor and shields than those of the "Imperial" type increased the ship's survivability in battle. The main purpose of the ship is a command or flagship. Modern technical equipment, at that time, made the ship not only incredibly powerful, but also an excellent command starship, allowing the Pellaeon to quickly form the core of a battle group or fleet. Unparalleled in technical equipment and firepower, the Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer was the perfect vehicle for the brilliant tactical minds of the Empire. With a formidable arsenal and carrying several starfighter squadrons, the Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer was hailed as the most powerful starship of its day. The side panels of the hull protected the ship's vulnerabilities and also optimized the performance of the energy shield. The ship's sloping prow housed the main guns, which had excellent sight and fire ranges, giving them an advantage over the previous types of Star Destroyers, where the guns were located at the same level. In terms of the number of guns, the Pellaeon-class destroyers outnumbered the Imperial-class destroyers. In addition, powerful gravity projectors were installed on the Pellaeons to "catch" ships from hyperspace. The hangar was located on the lower deck, continuing the tradition of previous Imperial Star Destroyers. The hangar had special docking bridges for 48 Predator fighters, as well as landing docks for 6 transport shuttles. Fighters were located in special racks in narrow aisles throughout the hangar area. Traffic control centers were located on both sides of the main entrance. Although the sloping profile makes the ship smaller than an Imperial-class Star Destroyer, the ship's hangars were very roomy, and the total amount of equipment that could fit in the docks of the two types of destroyers was approximately equal. The number of crew was six times less than that of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer at 8450 members, but the number of troops transported was also reduced.

Imperial Knights

The Imperial Knights were a group of Force-sensitive warriors in the service of the Fel Empire and dedicated to the Emperor personally. Unlike previous similar New Order organizations whose members could use the Force, the Knights of the Empire did not use the Dark Side. Despite this, New Order The Jedi considered the Knights to be gray Jedi, since they all pledged to do only the will of the Emperor in accordance with the dictates of the Force. At the same time, the remaining Sith considered the Imperial Knights to be Jedi. Nothing is known about the creation of this organization, but the close connection with the Force of the Fel family, whose members led the Empire for many years, probably contributed to the decision to form this elite group. It is possible that for some time the Jedi Order trained knights who were going to devote their lives to the service of the Empire in the future, and they had to break away from the Order, as the council of masters demanded that the Jedi serve the Force. And then the Empire decided to train the knights on its own. However, how it all happened is still unknown. The Imperial Knights were trained as Jedi but were loyal to the Empire. The emperor himself and his family members were fully trained knights. Imperial Knights primarily served as bodyguards for high-ranking imperial officials, the military, and the emperor himself. It is believed that the number of imperial knights was small - about a dozen. And most of them had additional skills in areas such as piloting. The Imperial Knights wielded many of the Force techniques that are characteristic of both the Jedi and the Sith, for example: Force Choke, Mind Influence, etc. All Imperial Knights wore the standard uniform - red armor (the same color was the armor of Palpatine's Scarlet Guard) and matching lightsabers with silver blades. This symbolized their unity and that the individual is nothing compared to the Empire they serve. The emperor also wore armor, which differed from the ammunition of the imperial knights with luxurious decorations and an imperial cape. On the left shoulder was the emblem of the Empire. Part of the protective armor was made of black material, which more than a hundred years ago was used in the protective suit of Darth Vader himself. Imperial Knights were equipped with bracers made of cortosis, a metal that could withstand the destructive power of a lightsaber.