The Old Republic (Star Wars). Before and after Star Wars Battlefront: Expanded Universe heroes in games In love relationships

A new Chronicle was released today, written on behalf of Texan, the "black brother" from the KotFE cinematic. Events begin immediately after Arcann was injured during the battle with Darth Aatroxa.

Today I saw my face burn. Skin cracked and frizzled from the greedy, withering flames. The flesh charred from the heat and shrank into a dense black mass. One blue eye - my eye - fixed me in place and did not allow me to look away. A moment - and the face became the face of a stranger. We were no longer twins.

The memory pulled my hand and put it to my cheek. I shuddered at the sensation of softness my fingertips felt. My brother's ghostly grip still gripped my hand. I could feel the bones under his skin, trying unsuccessfully to escape, to escape from the pain. Arcann suffered for hours before sleep took pity on him.

My bed was empty. The sheets on the mattress felt thick and flawless. Although the bed wasn't luxurious, it seemed out of place now. The very sight of her was an insult, for the war was raging outside. I grabbed the top sheet and rubbed it over my eyes, forehead, and mouth, leaving sweat and sand stains on it. The sight of the dirty white cloth made me feel sick. I crumpled the sheet and threw it back on the mattress.

My quarters - a decorated tent - gave a false sense of security. The walls muffled the wind and the screams of the wounded, but I still knew that the battle was not over. Darth Aatrox will not give up so easily. Her troops are loyal to her and incredibly single-minded. But it doesn't matter, she can't win. Arcann won't allow it.

I heard the Knight's footsteps, then she knocked on the door.

Sign in.

Your Highness. When she entered, she knelt down and waited to be spoken to. Father invented these tedious tricks.

I pulled a chair by force from the corner of the room and sat down.

How is my brother?

Prince Arcann's condition is stable. Her face was hidden by the usual helmet of the Knight of Zakuul. The father regularly changed guards, trying to prevent affection. The Knights of Zakuul were servants to us, followers and subjects to him. He was a god to them, but we only represented his will.

He didn't wake up.

She stuttered.

No, my prince.

I didn't like her concern.

It was not a question. If he woke up, I would feel it.

I-- Y-yes, Your Highness. Her gaze rested on the floor.

The Knights were easy to play, their blind obedience to the Father made them easy targets. As children, Arcann and I changed clothes and played guards in every possible way. However, now I have grown out of it. I felt the dirt under her armor. This Knight fought with us today, and for that she has earned my respect.
- Sorry. I sighed. - I'm just tired. It's all?

Immortal Emperor Valkorion, conqueror of Isaacs, demands an account. The titles came out almost in a whisper, as if my father would have smitten her for pronouncing them too boldly.

I have to talk to him alone. Thanks to. I dismissed her with a wave of my hand.

As you wish, my prince. - She answered and left the tent.

Listening to her receding footsteps, I activated the holoterminal. A silhouette of my father appeared in the tent. He stood with his hands folded behind his back. I got down on my knees.


Report back to me on the situation on the planet, Texan.

My head involuntarily rose.

Your brother has made his choice. I ordered him to stay on Zakuul. He paid for his disobedience. - His icy voice literally made its way to the bones.

This whole campaign is his merit. - I insisted. “We were supposed to conquer the core worlds together in your name.

He thinks too narrowly. Maybe if he loses his eye, he'll start thinking. There was neither warmth nor malice in his tone. - Now report.

My muscles tensed. I was glad Arcann wasn't awake yet. After every conversation with his father, he grew impatient. I tried to explain that it was only his thoughts that the father encourages us to become stronger. But holding back Arcann's anger was becoming increasingly difficult.

I cleared my throat and obeyed.

Acceptable loss on our part. Aatrox's Darth is still a threat, but I'm sure we can deal with it. And when it falls, the hour of our victory will come.

Don't underestimate the Sith. Father warned. “Although they are strange, they will do anything to survive. And, unlike the Jedi, they are not limited by lofty ideals and false morals.

Without waiting for my answer, he turned and cut off the connection.

I sighed. Fatigue took its toll. Tomorrow there will be another battle.

My attention was drawn to the presence of my brother. I hurried to the next tent. Above Arcann stood three droids and a couple of healers. I flinched at the piercing sound of the drill. As the durasteel mask was placed on Arcann, his good hand clenched the sheets into a fist.

Done, Your Highness.

The brother continued to stare at the ceiling. The mask covered more than half of his face and extended back to the back of his head. There was nothing human in her design - Arcann himself demanded that she look intimidating. Burnt skin jutted out from under the edges, a reminder of the destroyed face beneath.

Leave us. - I ordered. The droids and healers bowed and hurried out of the tent.

Alone, Arcann was able to relax. As he gazed at the cybernetic hand, his left eyebrow quirked in pain. When we assessed the losses for the day, my stomach twisted.
- A man can get whatever he wants if he is willing to sacrifice whatever it takes. Father's words sounded like poison in Arcann's language. His synthesized voice sounded strange and alien.

You've already lost enough. - I assured.

No Texan. His eye fixed on mine. - This is just the beginning.

Time slowed down, although the world seemed to revolve around us, and my brother - I felt him slipping away from me. On Zakuul, we could communicate without words. We moved as one, with common thoughts and goals. Now he has changed. I sensed a growing rage in him. Rage I didn't share.

I took his metal hand.

What are you willing to sacrifice?

Everyone. Arcann answered without the slightest hesitation. - Wouldn't you do the same?

I will always fight for you brother. - I promised. - We have common dreams.

Cold metal fingers squeezed my hand and gave me a spark of hope. They say time heals all wounds.

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32 BBY - 19 BBY 44 BBY - 19 BBY

Galactic Republic(eng. Galactic republic) - a fictional state of star systems with a republican form of government in the Star Wars franchise.

In the Jedi civil war, also known as the War for the Star Forge, the Republic and the Sith Empire came together, led by Darth Malak; many worlds were devastated by the Sith war fleet.

The situation escalated when the Hero of Tython killed the Sith Lord Tarnis, son of the Dark Council member Darth Angral, who attacked the Republic, and Lord Vivikar influenced the Jedi, sending a plague on them. The Second Great Galactic War has begun. Darth Angral, Vivicar and Harron Tavus, commander of the former Destroyers, were defeated. At the end of the Second Great Galactic War The Republic defeated the Sith Emperor, the eldest son of the Emperor, hiding in the body of Sayo Bakarn, was declassified and expelled, the Gauntlet superweapon ceased to threaten the Republic. After the Galactic Senate sent their soldiers and Jedi to handle the Makeb Crisis, and when the dark incarnation of Revan attacked both the Republic and the Empire, they were forced to form an alliance against Revan to counter the new threat. Revan was defeated, but the revived Vishate was not happy with the actions of his imperials and destroyed the planet Ziost along with his own and the Republicans who were there, and then retreated to the planet Zakuul to create a new body for himself there. However, he failed to do so, as he was killed by the Unknown.

New Sith Wars

In 2000 BBY, the Republic once again faced the threat of an attack by the Sith, who created a New Sith Empire that surpassed any previous one. The most devastating conflict in Star Wars history, the New Sith Wars, lasted over 1,000 years; were erratic until the Battle of Mizra in 1466 BBY, which became greatest victory Sith throughout the war. The losses of the Republic were so colossal that after the battle, large-scale unrest and an economic crisis began, marking the beginning of an almost 500-year Dark Age.

The Galactic Republic lost all of its territories in the Outer and Mid Rim, except for the Core Worlds, while the Sith Empire absorbed the rest of the galaxy. The Galactic Senate transferred full power to the Jedi Council, and all infantry units of the Grand Army of the Republic were included in the Jedi Army of the Light.

After nearly five hundred years of incessant warfare, the Army of the Light drove the Sith back to the planet Ruusan. They suffered their final defeat in 1000 BBY at the Seventh Battle of Ruusan, when the Sith leader Sker Kaaan detonated a bomb that killed all the Sith (except Darth Bane) and many Jedi. After the battle, Supreme Chancellor Tarsus Valorum was elected, who drafted the Ruusan Reform, subduing the Jedi to the senate and disbanding the Grand Army of the Republic. After that, peace and prosperity came to the Republic. The Republic increasingly relied on the Jedi to maintain civility, and full-scale military conflicts were a thing of the past.

Decline of the Republic

As the power of the Republic grew, many of the bureaucrats and senators who made up the government became especially self-serving and complacent. Bureaucracy, growing and spreading over thousands of years, stifled any attempt at active management. In addition, bought-in politics and self-interest also hindered efficient operation, and due to the capitalist nature of the Republic, corporations like the Trade Federation and the Techno Union grew in power and even raised their own armies.

In 32 BBY, Palpatine, member of the Galactic Senate from the planet Naboo, initiated the passage of the Free Trade Zone Tax Act, which broke the Trade Federation's monopoly on trade with the Rim Worlds. After that, Palpatine, in the guise of Darth Sidious, colluded with the leadership of the Trade Federation, offering to blockade the planet Naboo in response. Palpatine's organized crisis around Naboo showed the incapacity of the Senate and Supreme Chancellor Valorum. As a result of the intrigues of Palpatine, the Senate announced a vote of no confidence in Valorum, who was also accused of corruption. Palpatine was chosen as the new Chancellor.

clone wars

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the Republic, separatist forces were born and strengthened in the face of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, led by the dark Jedi Count Dooku. Darth Sidious used Dooku's Confederacy of Independent Systems to further split and weaken the Republic.

Facing the threat of the collapse of the Republic, the Senate decided to give Chancellor Palpatine emergency powers. Palpatine's first decree recreated Grand Army Republic for an armed rebuff to the separatists.

In the history of any major media franchise, sooner or later there comes a moment that changes everything. For Star Wars it came when Disney decided to buy LucasArts. After a fateful deal, it was decided to restart the universe, making all the events and characters of the Expanded Universe non-canonical.

star Wars Battlefront goes through all the key events of the classic trilogy, so there is no doubt about the canonicity, but today we will talk about what was left overboard and what preceded (more precisely, could precede) the events of the game and the first films. The canonicity of the Star Wars Expanded Universe has been questioned, to say the least, but the universe exists, and it has been well represented in video games, and individual characters first appeared in them. Let's take a look at the four most important ones.

Kyle Katarn

If you have heard of the game series Jedi Knight, then you probably know about Kyle. Our hero started as an imperial stormtrooper. Then, due to certain circumstances, he defected to the side of the rebels, worked as a mercenary, discovered the Force in himself and, finally, joined the Jedi Order and became a good friend of Luke Skywalker. The hero first appeared in Star Wars: Dark Forces, but most players remember him in Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy.

Kyle Katarn during his first appearance in Dark Forces and later in Jedi Outcast.

Katarn's track record is quite long: there is the fight against various cults like the followers of Ragnos and Jerec's dark Jedi, and espionage against the Empire (it was Katarn who stole the plans for the first Death Star, which ended up with Princess Leia), and participation in the war with the Yuuzhan Vong , and many many others. In general, a worthy person. We hope it will appear in future projects. By the way, one of the main characters of the seventh episode, Finn, resembles Kyle: he is also a stormtrooper who went over to the side of the enemy and discovered the Force in himself.


It would be short-sighted to think that the great personalities in the world of Star Wars only existed during the times shown in the films. The peak of their power wielding the Force reached exactly thousands of years before the battle of Yavin IV - during the period of the Old Republic. One of the strongest and most influential Sith and Jedi of that time was Revan. As a rebel Jedi, at one time he went against the will of the Council and participated in the Mandalorian War, which ended rather quickly after that.

Some time later, under the pretense of pursuing the remaining Mandalorian forces, Revan and his best friend Malak traveled to the far reaches. They returned a few years later, having already gone over to the Dark Side, and immediately unleashed a large-scale war, establishing Sith domination over the galaxy.

Well, then the story begins. Knights of the Old Republic : betrayal, memory loss, miraculous return to the light, happy ending. However, after this, Revan begins to be tormented by memories, and he disappears again, setting off in search of some mysterious threat that played a role in his transition to the Dark Side. This threat turns out to be the Sith Empire (more on that later).

Darth Revan and Kylo Ren from episode 7. Find ten differences.

Once captured, Revan spends the next three hundred years in captivity, after which he is released, participates in another war, and finally reunites with the Force. Revan's legacy is hard to overestimate. The irony lies in the fact that, having rejected the Dark Side and becoming a great Jedi, he influenced the Sith most of all: almost three thousand years later, one adept of the Dark Side, named Darth Bane, found a holocron with Revan's records and was so impressed that he came up with " the rule of two” (teacher-student and constant struggle for power), which determined the development of the Sith for a millennium. The Jedi Order, in turn, remained deaf to the teachings of Revan and continues to adhere to orthodox views.

Emperor Vishate

As already mentioned, beyond the distant frontiers, Revan discovered the Sith Empire and went over to the Dark Side. But the conversion did not happen out of a whim, but under the influence of a powerful and terrible entity - Emperor Vishate, the last great ruler of the Sith before the time of Palpatine.

Its history begins a thousand years before the events Knights of the Old Republic. The future Sith Lord was born under the name Tenebrae on the outskirts of the planet. His mother was a simple woman, and his father was the Sith Lord Dramath. Since childhood, the boy has shown incredible sensitivity to the Force - and inhuman cruelty. Having killed his parents and subjugated his native village, the boy began to conquer the surrounding lands.

At the age of thirteen, Tenebrae appeared before the head of the Sith Council, Marka Ragnos, who was amazed by his "feats", gave him the new name Vishate and made him his apprentice. In addition, Vishate was appointed ruler of his home planet, which he renamed Nathema.

Well, then the Great Hyperspace War began between the Republic and the Sith Empire, ending in the defeat of the latter. Vishate immediately called the entire top of the rulers to Nathema under the pretext of discussing further actions. They did not expect any dirty trick from the ruler of the provincial planet and calmly appeared.

And in vain. Vishate, being much more powerful, suppressed the will of his opponents and destroyed them.

After that, he performed a terrible ritual on Nathema: with the help of ancient magic, he drank all the Force from the planet, turning it into a piece of stone and killing millions of its inhabitants. Thus he gained immortality and became emperor. Gathering under his command all the remaining Sith, he intimidated them and forced them to go with him in search of a new home outside the known galaxy. The final coordinates were already known to him, but Vishate chose to hide them, stretching the fleet's journey for decades and forcing all Sith to revere him as a god.

In the end, they reached the planet Dromund Kaas, where they hid for a thousand years, increasing their power. Later, the Jedi Revan will find the planet and meet with the emperor. The power of that will be so great that Revan will turn into a soulless puppet in the hands of a monster and turn to the Dark Side.

Almost three hundred years later, the Empire emerged from the shadows and dealt a crushing blow to the Republic, establishing a Sith dictatorship for many years. Vishate himself at this time stepped down from power to pursue his own secret projects. In the end, the Republic still managed to fight back and, with the assistance of the Jedi Order, destroy the physical shell of the emperor. However, his spirit survived and moved from one body to another for a long time (Palpatine would do the same later), bringing a lot more trouble to the galaxy far, far away.

Revan and Malak's first meeting with the emperor.

Galen Marek

A headache for any Star Wars connoisseur, the character is so odd and illogical that questions about his canonicity have been going on since long before the Expanded Universe was cancelled.

Galen was born on Kashyyyk to two Jedi, Molly and Kento Marek. After the boy's mother died on a mission, his father took up the upbringing of his son. Then came the infamous Purge (Great Jedi Purge), during which Darth Vader personally led an attack on Kashyyyk to kill Kento. However, after the battle, the sword, brought by Vader over the head of the enemy, was torn from his hands. So the Sith Lord discovered the incredible potential of Galen. This, however, did not save the elder Marek.

Having eliminated all the witnesses, Vader took the boy off the planet, made him his secret student and awarded him with a new name - Starkiller (that, by the way, was supposed to be called Luke Skywalker in the original script for A New Hope). His plans were the most far-reaching - with the help of Marek, kill Emperor Palpatine and seize power (remember the "rule of two"?).

But, as always, everything went wrong. Like many young men, Starkiller managed to fall in love with his partner, pilot Juno Eclipse. Well, then came throwing, doubts about the words of the teacher about the power of the Dark Side and, finally, the transition to the Light Side. As a result, Galen betrayed Vader, founded the rebel movement and led it (are you already boiling with fan indignation?). No wonder the famous emblem of the rebels is the coat of arms of the Marek family.

Vader and the Emperor discovered the conspirators and nearly killed them all. To save his friends, Starkiller had to sacrifice his life. Oh yes, not long before, he used the Force to drop a Star Destroyer onto the planet. This is if you suddenly still do not understand what is wrong with the character.

In the second part, Galen (more precisely, his clone) acquired a second lightsaber.

And in The Force Unleashed 2 it turned out that Vader managed to clone Galen, but this is a completely different (and not really finished) story - besides, unlike many others, it deserves to sink into oblivion.

This is one of the most famous locations from the Star Wars universe. It was here that they rented a house and youth Luke Skywalker on the planet Tatooine. Many centuries ago, the Berbers created these underground structures and used them as housing. Over time, they were turned into a hotel, where George Lucas directed his film. After the departure of the film crew, the scenery was dismantled, but then they were rebuilt in 2000 for the second episode of the Attack of the Clones saga. Nothing has changed since then. Visitors can eat at little Luke's table.

Great Dune in the vicinity of the oasis of Nefta (Tunisia)

Exterior of Luke's house Skywalker was filmed 300 km from the hotel near the dried-up salt lake Chott el-Jerid. In order to visit this place, tourists will need a good car and exact coordinates – 33°50’34.42″N, 7°46’44.48″E .

The house from the 1977 film was dismantled, but then rebuilt for Attack of the Clones. Nearby, they also filmed a view of the Dune Sea, located on the surface of Tatooine. A 30-minute drive is the filming location of the city of Mos Espa, where he spent his childhood Anakin Skywalker.

Redwood National Park (California, USA)

Redwood National Park served as a filming location forested moon of Endor. Much of this area is owned by a private logging company.

The sixth episode of the Return of the Jedi saga was filmed in 1982. And since then, it is quite difficult to recognize this place. But walking through the park still creates the feeling of being on the set. This is especially true of the Avenue of the Giants.

Hardangerjokulen Glacier (Finse, Norway)

Views of the planet Hoth from the movie “ The Empire Strikes Back” was filmed in the small Norwegian village of Finse. The film crew and actors stayed at the Finse 1222 hotel.

Some scenes of the episode were filmed in it, but the main location was near the glacier. In March and April the weather is great and there is still a lot of snow. Guides in Fins will easily guide tourists to places from famous and beloved scenes.

Villa Balbianello (Lenno, Italy)

In "Attack of the Clones" Anakin and Padmé Amidala were hiding in this place. In reality, this villa is very popular among those who want to get married on Lake Como. The building was built in 1787 for Cardinal Angelo Maria Durini. James Bond also dropped in at Casino Royale.

For the filming of Star Wars, the area around the villa was slightly changed, but to recognize the balcony on which Anakin and Padme, easy enough.

Phangnga Bay (Thailand/China)

This place became a filming location for the planet Kashyyyk, the homeland of the Wookiee race from Revenge of the Sith. Many shots were also taken in Phuket Province and Guilin County in China.

Whippendell Forest (Watford, UK)

Forest on the planet Naboo, where Jar Jar Binks first meets Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn in the first episode of the saga, was filmed in one of the forests of England near the film studio Warner Bros. in Leavesden.

Gungans live underwater, but there is no lake in this forest. Therefore, all scenes with water were completed later.

Plaza de España (Seville, Spain)

When Padme and Anakin arrived at the Royal Palace of Theed, in reality the action took place in the Plaza de España, which was built in 1929 for the Ibero-American Exhibition.

For scenes in the movie "Attack of the Clones" and " The Phantom Menace, the appearance of the square was changed - towers and green domes of Naboo were added.

Mount Etna (Italy)

Of course, the actors did not fight directly in the lava of a volcano in Sicily. But his species was used to create battle scenes on the planet Mustafar between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin in Revenge of the Sith.

Death Valley National Park (California, USA)

Although most of the scenes on the planet Tatooine were filmed in Tunisia, the location for the episode's highlights is " New Hope"Choose exactly" Valley of Death ", which is located between the mountain range Sierra Nevada and Mojave Desert.

For travel scenes C-3PO and R2-D2 to Jabba's palace in Return of the Jedi used the Grand Canyon. Fans of the saga should also be familiar with Dante's Peak and the Mesquite Dunes.

Mayan city of Tikal (Guatemala)

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Jupiter in the 11th house as a patron and opener of new horizons.

Direct position:

The STAR symbolizes rebirth and renewal, inner light, hope, salvation, carelessness. The card means a burst of creativity, inspiration, the unexpected help of a new friend, or a new love. This is good health, an optimistic outlook on life and feasible plans.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: the desire to find a creative state (maybe do art). Sometimes it means stubbornness, intransigence, unused opportunities.

17 Star (straight position)

General meaning:

Often associated with speech (the word is silver, silence is gold). The idea of ​​being singled out, disappearing from view (hence the meaning of "stealing")

Hopes, new beginnings (in combination with the Devil - false hopes). Going beyond moderation. Road, path (rather spiritual, creative, cognitive)


1. New, not developed business: there is everything you need for growth, you just need to try.

Travel agencies.

Possibility career development, new good work (when - specify with other cards)

2. Recovery, improvement after the crisis. Possibility of conception.

3. Everything is ahead. Romance. He does not talk about the end of the relationship, about marriage.

4. Romanticism, adventurism, optimism. The desire to have an interesting life. Curiosity. Great creativity. Unlike the people of the Devil, they are muddled and disheveled. Innocent.

Bards. Campers. Writers (Efremov, J. London).

Psychic abilities.

5. Advice to believe in the future, to start new business, to make beginnings for the future, to prepare for something. Get creative.

6. “Yes,” but a little later than expected or you need to try.

17 Star (Reversed)

General meaning:

Or "dream come true" or loss of hope. Needs to be checked.


1. Achievement of the goal or collapse of plans. Or is there to be found new job or no perspective.

2. Stable condition. Chronic or occupational diseases.

3. Again, either-or. Watch neighboring and check.

4. Does not make plans for the future, tries to get away from illusions.

5. Don't try anything new, don't dream, be practical.

6. Either-or (check)

General meaning:

The star is a card of hope, wisdom and understanding of the higher interconnections of everything. It indicates that we are doing or planning things at the moment, the results of which will appear only in the very distant future, but that is why we may not be fully aware of what we are doing. Only in hindsight will it become clear to us what significant decisions we made then (today), under the sign of the Arcana of the Star. And, just as a seed needs time to germinate and become a plant, so the Star does not manifest its fruitful action immediately. In the traditional Tarot, the Star was in most cases considered one of the three guardian angels who promised a favorable outcome to any conceived business.


Here she shows that we are on the threshold of a completely new career. It can be both a natural continuation of our previous work, and a transition to something completely new. However, any negotiations, projects, treaties and alliances that take shape during this period promise us good luck for a long time to come.


The star shows that our future is in our hands. At the same time, we are opening up a broad prospect for the distant future, which goes far beyond the framework of specific agreements and plans. It is as if we have ascended to the height of an eagle's flight, from where we have a perfect view of all the various obstacles that may arise in our path, and the means by which we will surely be able to overcome them, and the final goal, necessary and sufficient so that we can acknowledge your success.

Personal relationships:

There are some meetings, seemingly random, but extremely important, contacts are made that will have consequences for many years. Alliances made under the sign of this card have a long future.

In love relationships

The star, despite its positivity, can be very insidious. A star is hope when a person is waiting for good luck, but at the same time does nothing to change his life. In a sense, it is close to the Wheel of Fortune in terms of passive expectation of a freebie and hope for positive changes. This in itself is not bad, but it should be remembered that waiting implies the idea that nothing depends on us. In addition, a Star that falls on one of the partners in a relationship scenario will say that no matter who he is with, he will always dream of something more. If the Star falls on one side of the Gebo layout, and the Jester or the Hanged Man on the other, then this will indicate that one of the partners will wait until the other grows up and begins to correspond to his ideals. A star next to the Priestess (The Hanged Man, the Moon) will indicate a wandering in the clouds. These may well be people of art who have a rich and lively imagination, but are completely unsuitable for life. You can live in a relationship with such people, but you should not expect them to be practical in business. However, despite some negative touch of the previous story, the Star does not spoil the relationship. You can live with it, as you can live with a dreamer and an idealist. At the same time, it can be said that life with a Star person may not be easy, but in any case it is interesting. A star located on the side of the questioner will indicate his unrealistic expectations for a partner. In such a case, the neighboring Tower promises bitter disappointments or, in the language of metaphor, awakening from a dream of illusions.

XVII. Star combined with other tarot cards

With the "Jester" card - faith in your star.

With the card "Magician" - a good time for undertakings; bright idea.

With the High Priestess card - the highest mind, calmness and confidence in the future.

With the card "Empress" - worthy results.

With the card "Emperor" - consolidation of what has been achieved.

With the Hierophant card - spiritual enlightenment.

With the Lovers card - a promising relationship.

With the card "Chariot" - moving.

With the card "Strength" - make a wish.

With the card "The Hermit" - the study of astrology.

With the Wheel of Fortune card - happy changes.

With the card "Justice" - reasonable goals.

With the Hanged Man card - unreasonable plans.

With the card "Death" - turn the page.

With the card "Moderation" - improvement of the situation.

With the card "Devil" - send all plans to hell.

With the Tower card - the collapse of hopes; star Wars; plane crash.

With the card "Moon" - uncertainty in their plans.

With the card "Sun" - the implementation of the plan.

With the card "Court" - the return of faith in life.

With the card "World" - the disclosure of talent.


With the card "Ace of Wands" - light your star.

With the card "Two of Wands" - look for yourself, your destiny.

With the card "Three of Wands" - focus on your dream.

With the Four of Wands card - recovery in the house.

With the Five of Wands card - the hope of finding the best way out of this situation.

With the Six of Wands card - believe in your star and follow it.

With the Seven of Wands card - the hope that difficulties will be overcome.

With the card "Eight of Wands" - a quick recovery of the situation.

With the card "Nine of Wands" - to allow doubts.

With the Ten of Wands card - hope to see the future.

With the card "Page of Wands" - "grab yourself by the tail"; find something worthwhile.

With the card "Knight of Wands" - perk up.

With the Queen of Wands card - believe in yourself.

With the "King of Wands" card - give hope to others.