We read sentences by syllables. Texts to read by syllables

When the child has mastered the alphabet well, it is time to teach him how to put letters into syllables and read them. Many mothers and fathers are tormented by the question of how to tell him everything about sounds and syllables, how to teach him to connect letters, and then explain how to put words together.

Learning algorithm

Teaching a child to read coherently is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. This is a rather serious matter that requires patience, perseverance and some preparation of the parents themselves. The process of developing reading skills consists of three steps:

  • memorization of letters and the sounds denoting them;
  • folding letters into syllables and practicing reading them;
  • folding syllables into words and practicing continuous reading.

The first step usually does not cause difficulties for children, they quickly memorize letters during the game. The next step, almost the most important and responsible, is not very easy for many children. Difficulties that have arisen can discourage hunting and significantly slow down the process. Do not give up and continue systematic studies, even if things have seriously slowed down. Encourage your child to feel more confident.

When can you start teaching your child to read?

Before you start learning, make sure that your charming student knows the letters of the alphabet and easily identifies them. To test skills, give your child the alphabet and ask them to name the letters. It usually takes 2-3 minutes for the kids to do this. This means that it takes him 4-6 seconds to recognize one letter. Based on the simplest calculations, it can be assumed that it will take him 20 to 25 seconds to read a word of 4 letters (“dad”, “mother”). Now imagine what it's like to read at that speed.

So knowing and identifying letters is important, of course, but their definition must be lightning fast. When the baby spends about 20 seconds to “disassemble” the entire alphabet, then proceed to the second stage of learning - how to teach the child syllables.

Fundamental points:

  • Teach your child sounds, not letters, this will simplify the process of subsequent learning. For example, not "de", "te", "me", but "D", "T", "M". Vowels should be long "uuu", "aaa". Start your practice with "A". It is the easiest for children, they quickly remember and determine it. As soon as the student determines it well, proceed to the consonants. Then begin to compose the syllables "MA", "DA", "GA". As soon as this works out, start building words: “ba-ba”, “ma-ma”. After practicing skills with the letter "A", start practicing with the letter "O", then "U", "I".
  • If your child knows the alphabet well, play with it. Show him how to collect simple words“da-sha”, “ka-sha”, “li-za”, “li-sa”, “mouth”, “house”, “ko-za”.
  • Move on to 3-syllable words.
  • Learning in the game is the most optimal and interesting for the child.

Make active use of visual aids in the learning process. Pre-prepared colorful pictures, thematic video materials can become your assistants in this difficult task.

Teaching Methods

It is rather difficult to teach a baby to read on its own, without relying on didactic material (more details in the article:). Get a primer in advance, you will need it. Now they are produced in a large assortment - there are classic ones, there are also original ones. The most interesting and practically substantiated are the methods of N. Zhukova and E. Bakhtina.

Zhukova's method with "running letters" looks simpler to explain, and therefore more understandable to the child. We should not forget that every child is unique, his abilities are individual. What is convenient and understandable for one, does not work for another. If the baby does not feel very confident at the stage of syllables, do not rush to move on to folding words, even the simplest ones. Such useless acceleration will increase his uncertainty and discourage the desire to learn to read.

Bakhtina's technique is suitable for very young children who are barely 2 years old. The author assures that children who regularly study at home according to her method can read well by the age of three. According to Zhukova's primer, children go to school, i.e. at the age of 5-6 years.

We add and read syllables according to the method of Elena Bakhtina

The essence of the method is as follows: as soon as the baby has learned to fluently (precisely fluently!) Recognize letters, start teaching him to connect letters, build syllables to pronounce them. After he learns how to pronounce and recognize letter combinations correctly, you need to work out their varieties.

Let's take an example. In the syllable "MA" the letters "M" and "A" met and became close friends. Now they are together and it turns out "MA". Repeat about friendship "M" + "A" \u003d "MA" during the day, consolidate the skill the next day. In the same way, learn other letter combinations. At first, practice open syllables (for a vowel) "KA", "GA", "LA". Be sure to reinforce the pronunciation by demonstrating cards (visually).

Use the same cards to teach your child to read. We offer you ready-made cards: consonants - blue, vowels - red. Make syllables and words for reading from cards.

Important aspects:

  • At the initial stage, do not use vowels with "y" in the composition "yu" = "yu", "ya" = "ya". Don't use hissing consonants as they are harder to pronounce.
  • Teach your child continuously - not only at home with an ABC book, but also during a walk. Point the "student" to the signs, encourage him to find and pronounce familiar combinations, practice with unfamiliar combinations. Then you can include vowels with “y” in the composition and hissing consonants in the training.

It is possible that this technique will not suit the baby, and he will not learn to read. In this case, try another teaching method.

The classical technique of the author of the school primer Nadezhda Zhukova

Use Zhukova's primer to teach your child how to make syllables from letters. Start with the letters "M" and "A", because their combination is close and dear to the baby. This combination of letters is familiar almost from birth, it underlies the word "mother".

Pay attention to the baby that in the picture in the primer one letter runs to another, and then they are connected.

Speak the stretched letter “mmm” with him and turn it into “mmaaaa”. At the same time, the first sound is gradually reduced and the second becomes longer. In the same way, pronounce other open letter combinations with "A", "O", "U": "YES", "KO", "TU", etc. Then proceed to the addition of very simple words that are understandable to the student: “PA-PA”, “RU-KA”, “NO-GA”. Focus on articulation: we stretch one sound, and shorten the other. If you can make your cards with "running" letters, then you can teach your baby to read not only with a book, but also through a game.

Important aspects:

  • It is very important to encourage the child to analyze the syllables that he learns. Every time ask him what letters he sees here and how many there are. Let him say and repeat again and again.
  • Make sure that while reading, his letters do not “break apart” and do not “unfriend”, so that the sounds do not turn into letters when they are connected: “yes”, not “dea”; "pa", not "pea". The child must pronounce exactly the sounds. Remind the baby that the first sound must be pulled, and the second “cut”.
  • During the lesson, let the child determine by ear the number of letters (sounds) spoken by mom / dad. Ask him to name the first sound and the second. Initially, you can practice on combinations of vowels "ao", "ua", "ia".

Once again, we recall the individuality of the child. One kid will quickly connect letters and sounds, while the other will have difficulty. Do not rush him and do not pedal the situation. Let classes be regular. If your child is not given one technique, try another. It is important to choose the option that suits him.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology and the Volgograd State Medical University specializing in clinical psychology

If earlier children were taught to read at school, today the parents of future first-graders are required to be able to read before entering the first grade, and the issue of self-learning is becoming very relevant. And although they now go to school more often from the age of six, and not from the age of seven, the requirements for future first graders have become higher: the kid must know the entire alphabet, while other schools require full reading ability. Therefore, we, parents, ourselves teach children to read by syllables. How to teach a child to read - read in the article.

You can take the easy path and send the baby to a special school preparation center or hire a tutor, but it is quite possible for the parents themselves to get involved in educational process and teach your child to read by syllables.

The benefits of homework will be double - after all, the baby will not only master the letters and be able to read books on their own, but will also receive additional communication with mom or dad.

Teaching reading can be started from the age of three, but if the child still cannot concentrate or does not want to study, it is better not to put pressure, but to postpone classes a little, casually checking his readiness, introducing him to letters while reading fairy tales, or walking, reading signs.

What you need to teach your child to read:

  1. First of all, buy a good primer. A good one is a primer that teaches you to read not letters, but syllables. If two verified publications, the authors Tkachenko A. N. and Zhukova N. S., they have proven themselves well.
  2. Getting started right away try to learn not letters, but sounds.
  3. Tell the child that vowel sounds can be pulled, sung. Singing vowel sounds is also a good speech therapy training.
  4. Don't push classes let learning be in the form of a game. Therefore, prepare the appropriate materials and manuals: alphabet on magnets, cubes with letters written on them, a wall poster with letters, coloring books with letters, lotto, a talking interactive alphabet.
  5. Children remember well through touch., so each letter can be molded from plasticine or dough, laid out from sticks, sewn and stuffed with padding polyester.
  6. Games give a good effect, in which children determine which letter the word begins with. If a child already knows how to identify a letter by ear, the process of breaking a word into syllables will be easier.
  7. Start learning syllables that contain the letter "a". When the child remembers it, substitute consonants in turn for it and learn the whole syllables at once. Alternately change the reading: "a" - consonant, and then consonant - "a": PA, AP, RA, AP, MA, AM, etc. Let the child understand how the permutation of letters affects reading.
  8. To explain to the baby how to make a syllable, the first consonant draw to a vowel. It is convenient to start this training with hissing (“sh-sh-sh-sh-ah”), and when the child understands the essence, then proceed to other letters.
  9. When the child learns to read some syllables, start making simple words: “ma-ma”, “pa-pa”, etc., and then consisting of several syllables - “za-ba-va”.
  10. Then it will be possible to teach the reading of words, consisting of one syllable and a single letter:
    "ma-k", "ba-k", "ba-r-zh".
  11. To increase the child's interest every new letter represent in game form . Make up a lot of words for this letter, draw it, sculpt it, etc. You can come up with a lunch menu consisting of food for this letter, stick magnetic letters with words on the refrigerator, etc.
  12. When the reading of syllables with the letter "a" is mastered, you can introduce the baby to another vowel - “o” or “e”. And then, in the same order as with the letter "a", fix: from simple syllables to complex ones.
  13. Then you can try make simple sentences from the learned letters.
  14. In the end introduce the child to soft and hard signs, the letter "Y".
  15. Fix what you've done adding syllables and words from letters-magnets.
  16. Let there be a game moment in your classes. For example, a school game is useful. Let the child try on in turn the role of the student, then the teacher. In the role of a student, deliberately make mistakes in words, and let the "teacher" correct them. This is within the power of a 4-5-year-old baby.
  17. If learning is difficult, or the baby has no desire to study, postpone classes for a more convenient time.
  18. If you do not feel at all in yourself pedagogical abilities, give the baby into the hands of specialists, where they will teach you how to read correctly, and at home you will only consolidate this knowledge by doing homework and playing games.
  19. Believe in your baby, and your success will be just around the corner!

Texts for reading by syllables in Ukrainian.

Texts for reading by syllables in Russian.

Watch the video - "Learning to read by syllables in Ukrainian"

Watch the video - "Learning to read by syllables in Russian"

A child who has learned to put sounds into syllables, syllables into words, and words into sentences needs to improve his reading skill through systematic training. But reading is a rather laborious and monotonous activity, and many children lose interest in it. Therefore we offer small texts words are divided into syllables.

At first read the story to your child, and if it is long, you can read its beginning. This will interest the child. Then invite him to read the text. After each work, questions are given that help the child to understand what they have read and comprehend the basic information that they have learned from the text. After discussing the text, suggest reading it again.

Smart Bo-beak

So-nya and co-ba-ka Bo-beak gu-la-li.
So-nya played-ra-la with a doll.
Therefore, So-nya be-be-zha-la to-my, and the doll for-would-la.
Bo-bik found a doll-lu and brought it to So-ne.
B. Korsunskaya

Answer the questions.
1. Who did Sonya walk with?
2. Where did Sonya leave her doll?
3. Who brought the doll home?

The bird made a nest on a bush. De-ti our nest-up and took off on the ground.
- Look, Vasya, three birds!
In the morning, de-ti came, and the nest-before it was empty. It would be a pity.
L. Tolstoy

Answer the questions.
1. What did the children do with the nest?
2. Why was the nest empty the next morning?
3. Did the children do well? How would you do?
4. Do you think this work is a fairy tale, a story or a poem?

Pet-ti and Mi-shi had a horse. They began to argue: whose horse. Did they tear each other apart.
- Give me - my horse.
- No, you give me - the horse is not yours, but mine.
Mother came, took a horse, and nobody's horse became.
L. Tolstoy

Answer the questions.
1. Why did Petya and Misha quarrel?
2. What did mom do?
3. Did the children play horse well? Why are you so

It is advisable to use the example of these works to show children the genre features of poems, stories and fairy tales.

Genre oral fiction, which contains events unusual in the everyday sense (fantastic, wonderful or worldly) and is distinguished by a special compositional and stylistic construction. Fairy tales contain fairy tale characters talking animals, unprecedented miracles happen.

Poem- a small piece of poetry in verse. The verses are read smoothly and musically, they have rhythm, meter and rhyme.

Story- small literary form; a narrative work of small volume with a small number of characters and the short duration of the events depicted. The story describes a case from life, some bright event that actually happened or could happen.

In order not to discourage reading, do not force him to read texts that are uninteresting and inaccessible to his understanding. It happens that a child takes a book he knows and reads it “by heart”. Necessarily read to your child every day poems, fairy tales, stories.

Daily reading enhances emotionality, develops culture, horizons and intellect, helps to understand human experience.

Koldina D.N. I read on my own. - M.: TC Sphere, 2011. - 32 p. (Candy).

IN kindergarten also the beginning school year. Children gradually come from holidays. Many have learned letters over the summer and begin to read a little by syllables.

Where do texts for reading by syllables come from? Of course, from the primer. Old primers are interesting, according to which grandmothers studied. The second source is the Internet. We also prepare texts for our pupils of 5-6 years old, depending on the available skills, starting with simple and short texts. It is better to read little by little, but more often.

In the first syllable-reading texts, each sentence begins on a new line. This makes it easier for children to read the text. The first texts to read by syllables should be printed large.

It is useful to accompany them with coloring pages - a work familiar to preschoolers. Tasks are like this.

  1. First you need to read to your mother, grandmother or someone else.
  2. Colorize.
  3. Label the items in the picture.

Why write words? When a child reads, hearing and vision interact. When writing, - auditory (I pronounce), visual (I fix the image of the word) and motor analyzers.

In addition to narrative texts, it is useful to use short simple verses for reading by syllables.

How to prepare texts for reading by syllables?

Parents teaching their child to read can prepare the material themselves. You need to know the following. Texts for reading by syllables may look different. It all depends on how we divide the word into syllables.

1. We divide the words into syllables as in the primer with hyphens (short horizontal lines). Below, several texts are divided into syllables in this way.

2. Words are divided into syllables by vertical lines.

3. Syllables are distinguished from below by arcs.

Like that. It is better to start with the first option with hyphens. The first texts should be very simple in content, as below, gradually getting more complicated.. First, you give a picture for coloring. And then the kid draws himself according to the meaning of the text. Reading texts can also be downloaded from our website. Just prepare them in one of the ways suggested above.

Texts to read by syllables

This is a cat Ku-zya.

At night, Ku-zya lo-vil mice.

That's why the cat slept on di-va-ne.

And we are si-de-li in a hole.

  1. Name of the cat?
  2. What are his actions?
  3. Why did mice sit in a mink?


Sa-ni had-la u-daughter.

Sa-nya on-ko-fell worms.

He went to the river.

There are fish in the river.

Sa-nya lo-vil fish-boo.

  1. Boy's name?
  2. What was he doing?
  3. How many fish did you catch?


This is a tree.

De-re-va has a trunk.

Have de-re-va leaf.

At de-re-va vet-ki.

Question. Na-zo-vi de-re-vo.


Ko-ro-va eats se-no.

Ko-ro-wa yes mo-lo-ko.

Ma-sha love-bit mo-lo-ko.

Ma-sha loves ka-shu.

Ma-sha has ru-me-we-cheeks.

Question. Why does Masha have rosy cheeks? (For some reason, all mothers thought about diathesis)

In the forest.

De-ti went to the forest.

They are co-bi-ra-li ma-li-nu.

Next to the house for-tre-shcha-whether bushes.

De-ti is-pu-ha-lis.

And from the bushes you-be-zha-la so-ba-ka Zhuch-ka.

Everyone became ve-se-lo.

  1. Where did the children go?
  2. What were they doing in the forest?
  3. Who scared the kids?


Let something red-but-e.

Why o-but red-no-e?

Red-but-e, means beautiful-si-in-e.

Ze-le-ny-e le-sa.

Blue sky.

Bright flowers.


Na-ri-sui le something.

  1. Why is summer red?
  2. What forests?
  3. What a sky
  4. Which flowers?
  5. Why do you like summer?


Ko-lo-kol-chi-ki in-le-you-e-flowers.

Why o-no-le-you-e?

In a way, that the races are here in the field and in the meadow.

Ko-lo-kol-chi-ki si-ni-e

Li-za gu-la-et in the meadow.

Li-za co-bi-ra-et ko-lo-kol-chi-ki.

Li-za has a do-ma va-za.

There ko-lo-kol-chi-ki.

Na-ri-sui ko-lo-kol-chi-ki.

  1. Why Bluebells Wildflowers?
  2. What color are the bells?
  3. Where is Lisa walking?
  4. Where will Lisa put the bells at home?
.:: 21.08.2015

The whole process of teaching a child to read can be reduced to several stages that must be performed sequentially. It is the consistency and regularity of classes that is the key to success.

There are many teaching methods, we will not consider each of them, but will give our own. All training consists of three stages:

  • Stage 1 - learn letters, read sounds
  • Stage 2 - learn syllables, read words
  • Stage 3 read books broken down by syllables

Learning letters and sounds

First - do not load the child with unnecessary knowledge. All he needs to know is that we hear and pronounce sounds, and we see and write letters.

Sounds are vowels and consonants.

We can pronounce vowels by simply opening our mouth without a tongue - demonstrate. Vowel sounds can be sung - demonstrate.

When pronouncing consonants, the entire mouth works. Show how the tongue works: L, R, N, K, T. And how the lips fold: P, M, W, W, how the teeth work: B, F. Disassemble each letter.

Explain that each sound is denoted by a letter and it can be written - demonstrate.

At this stage, the child must determine what sound any word begins with.

Dismantled with the pronunciation of sounds, go to the letters. How they are written.

Let's take a look at all the vowels first. It is desirable to highlight vowels in red, consonants in any. At this stage, the child does not need to recognize hard and soft, write in green or blue, it is best to write consonants in neutral black or brown.

It is very convenient to use cubes for memorizing letters. Moreover, they can be in two versions - wooden cubes, on which only letters are drawn, vowels in red, consonants in green and blue, and plastic cubes with pasted pictures.

I strongly recommend that you carefully choose cubes with pictures. Sometimes pictures depict not one object, but several (needle and thread), or one, but with many details: an anchor and a ship in the background are drawn on the letter I. Or, for example, the letter Щ and pike are often on the cubes, while a baby of this age has associations only with fish. It is more correct to draw a brush - this is clearer.

Some mothers are upset that the child cannot learn the letters, and do not realize that the baby has a mess in his head. That's why. Let's take the word WATERMELON - the simplest, which is the letter A. And now pronounce it with an accent - you will clearly hear the accent on the syllable BU. It is they who are "imprinted" in the child's head.

Therefore, when teaching a child letters, choose those words where the studied sound or vowel is stressed! This is very important, but for some reason no attention is paid to any method. Think like a child, not a parent-teacher.

  • learning the letter A - instead of Watermelon there should be a Stork
  • we learn the letter M, instead of the Typewriter - T-shirt
  • learn K - Horse, not Cow
  • learn N - Nose, not Rhinoceros
  • learn O - Autumn, Cloud, but not Window or Wasp

It is difficult for a child at this age to understand that we pronounce “Akno” and “Asa”, but the words start with the letter O and these are the rules of the Russian language. Only when the child remembers the sounds in words, where they are stressed, can you look for these letters in words that are not stressed.

Important: all cubes, alphabets, magnetic sets and other material used for training must be chosen carefully.

Important: if it is difficult for your child to perceive letters and sounds, do not learn the entire alphabet, but first learn only the basic ones: A, O, U, S, E. From the consonants M, L, P, B, D.

Some methods suggest that at first the study of only voiced consonants, and leave the deaf and hissing for later. It seems right, but we forget about the individual approach. For a child, the perception of the information that surrounds him at a subconscious level is faster throughout the day. If the boy's name is Shurik, the father's name is Zhora, the grandmother's name is Tanya, then the sounds and letters T, Sh, Zh must be taught along with M - mother, B - woman.

Important: do not confuse the child, if you are learning sounds, make one sound - not ME and not EM, but “M”. If the child is confused, think about how easy to understand you are trying to teach him the information.

Learning syllables

We learn syllables with each vowel separately. 2-3 days for each vowel. Technique:

  1. An adult reads - a child repeats.
  2. We read the syllable together.
  3. The child reads all the syllables in order.
  4. The adult shows the syllables in sequence, the child reads so that simple words are obtained: DA-SHA, MA-SHA ...
  5. A list of consonants is added. The adult shows, the child reads: YES-R, SHA-R, PA-R ...
  6. After working out syllables with one vowel, the previous ones are also added. The adult shows the syllables, the child reads: WE-LA, RA-WE, MA-LY-SH.
  7. We use game forms:

a) the child, as it were, rescues enchanted toys (dolls, soldiers). Each word read - one toy is saved.

b) the child reads one syllable, the adult shows another to make a word, the child reads the second part of the word.

c) a more complex option - on the contrary: an adult shows and reads the first syllable, and the child selects the second.

Fixed vowel syllables

One of the most effective methods of teaching reading, when a child is shown syllables in which the same vowel and a consonant change. For example, the technique of Sergei and Olga Fedin begins to teach reading by syllables from this stage.

Write out or print close-up syllables:

We read line by line until the child can do it confidently. Then we read the same syllables, column by column. When the entire table is fluently mastered, move on to syllables with more complex vowels E, E, I, Yu:

Syllables with first vowel

Only after the child has mastered reading syllables, where the first letter is a consonant, proceed to reading syllables, where the first letter is a vowel.

Important: Zhukov's famous primer teaches in a different order - there the child learns the letter and immediately syllables with it, where the consonant is the first and second. Then move on to the next letter. Offer your child a primer, if he understands it - great, this technique is for you. If Zhukov doesn't go, put it aside and don't try to read "reverse" syllables (beginning with a vowel).

If the baby is confused, and instead of HC he reads VU or instead of AN - NA, calmly correct. Read also line by line, then, when you master it, column by column.

The skill of reading is developed by systematic exercises, stop doing it as soon as you see that the child has become distracted. At first, he may sit with you, repeating syllables, for five minutes or a little more. The optimal duration of classes is 10-15 minutes daily. For a 4-year-old child, even 20 minutes is already a very long time. 20 minutes are allotted for classes that do not require serious stress - modeling, social studies, educational games or cartoons.

Important: if your son or daughter does not read certain syllables, perhaps due to the fact that he does not pronounce some sounds (L, R or hissing), do not use them in reading until he fluently reads those syllables that are easier for him.

Reading simple words

When syllables are mastered, you can proceed to reading words. The simplest, consisting of three letters:

It will be better if the words are familiar to children. For example, the words TYUK or PIR, it would be nice to know for expansion vocabulary, but not required. When learning to read, the less extraneous information and distractions, the easier it is to learn. All children are different, someone grasps on the fly, but for someone it is a serious job. Mom should be sensitive and catch herself how tense the child is.

The order of reading words by syllables is as follows:

  • Reading three letter words
  • Reading simple words of two syllables,
  • Reading words of three or more syllables
  • Reading simple sentences
  • Reading short stories(some related offers) or poetry.

Important: after the child learns to read simple words, do not immediately switch to large texts. For a kid, the result is important, he must be aware of the meaning of what he read, it is like a reward for work: he read, made some kind of discovery, learned a story. But children 4-5 years old better absorb information while reading, consisting of 4-5 sentences. Reading is not the same as listening.

If you have a long story, read in paragraphs. After each stop and analyze the meaning of what you read.

Reading books by syllables

A lot of good books from the series "my first books", good texts in Zhukov's primer.

Texts should be simple, easy to understand and without blunders, absurdities and nonsense. Remember that the information from the book will certainly be remembered and deposited in memory.

Before buying books to read by syllables, scroll through to make sure the text is suitable for your child's age.

Quality literature for kids from the “Reading by Syllables” series is marked for what age it is intended. For kids 3 years old - these are rhymes in two sentences, for 4 years old - poems and short tales, like “Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip”, “Gingerbread Man”, “Masha and the Bears”. For children 5 years old, short fairy tales and stories.

Olga Grishanova (educator)