What is cut off from eunuchs. Is the penis worth it after castration

Suleiman and Roksolana-Hyurrem [Mini-encyclopedia of the most interesting facts about the Magnificent Age in the Ottoman Empire] Author unknown

Eunuchs - guardians of the seraglio

Eunuchs - guardians of the seraglio

The word "eunuch" comes from the Greek eunuhos- skop. The Bible Encyclopedia claims that the word "eunuch" is based on the combination of the words "marriage bed" and "preservation", as a result, a generalized meaning is obtained - "keeper of the bed." We read in this source: “Although castration was forbidden by the Law of Moses and castrated persons were not even allowed to appear in the Tabernacle (Deut. XXIII: 1), the kings of the Jews considered it permissible for themselves to use the services of eunuchs delivered from other countries. According to Herodotus, in the East there was a custom to castrate prisoners - a very ancient custom, the introduction of which is attributed to Semiramis. Oriental despotism demanded that persons deprived of all human attachments serve in the royal and noble courts. This explains the high position of eunuchs in the eastern courts.

It turns out that eunuchs existed in ancient times. It is claimed that the rulers of the Ottoman Empire had a whole army of castrated "guardians of the lodge", the number of which at different times ranged from 600 to 800 people.

eunuchs, harem agalars- were a powerful force, which, like the Valide Sultan, and the Sultan's wives, and Kalfas, and even individual concubines in the harem, took a direct part in state affairs. In addition to the fact that they were obliged to protect and manage internal services darussade. Recall that the harem in the Sultan's palace was called "darussade" (darussade), which means "gates of happiness" in Arabic.

This is how this historical character is presented in A.S. Pushkin "Fountain of Bakhchisaray"

An evil eunuch walks between them,

And run away in vain:

His jealous sight and hearing

Follows all the time.

Started by his efforts

The order is eternal. Khan's Will

To him is the only law;

Holy Commandment of the Quran

He doesn't watch much.

His soul does not ask for love;

Like an idol, he endures

Ridicule, hatred, reproach,

Resentment immodest pranks,

Contempt, requests, a timid look,

And a quiet sigh, and a languid murmur.

He knows the feminine disposition;

He experienced how cunning he is

Both in freedom and in captivity:

Gentle gaze, mute reproach tears

Have no power over his soul;

He no longer trusts them.

Where did eunuchs come from in the Ottoman Empire?

The history of the emergence of eunuchs in the Ottoman Empire is as follows: the custom of keeping eunuchs in the service came here from Byzantium. Eunuchs appeared in the Ottoman harem during the time of Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror (1432–1481). At first, the harem was guarded by white eunuchs supplied from the North Caucasus, from Armenia and Georgia. Since 1582, when Sultan Murad III (1574–1595) appointed the Abyssinian Mehmed-aga as a eunuch, Abyssinians (Ethiopians) were almost always selected as eunuchs.

Harem guards. Artist Ludwig Deutsch

In view of the fact that white slaves died more often after such an execution, they were replaced by the inhabitants of Africa. Black slaves were floated down the Nile or driven on foot. The operation was performed during stops, while the unfortunate was buried up to the neck in hot sand, which was considered a good disinfection, and waited for the moment until the wound healed.

Castration business

While Islam forbids the castration of people and animals, eunuchs are required attribute Sultan's harem. Where did these devoted servants come from - eunuchs, to whom the Sultan could entrust not only his women, but also his own security? In order not to contradict the commandments of A'Allah, Muslims bought castrati from the ranks of Christians and Jews. But not only. As P. Kotov noted in the article “Forbidden Love in the Saray”, discussing the role of eunuchs: “And this is understandable: a slave brought by a boy from distant Africa, who owes his position only to the Sultan, who has no relatives outside the harem and is deprived of the opportunity to continue his family, Isn't this the best candidate for the role of a confidant of the Sultan? The harem-agalars from Abyssinia (Ethiopia) and Sudan served mainly in the Istanbul harem. The fact is that they tolerated the castration procedure better: white boys often died after it.

In the specific literature, one can find information about the very "production" of eunuchs. In those days it was a thriving business, for castrati were very expensive in the slave market, since most of those who underwent a terrible operation did not survive. There were also cases when men could not stand the horror of turning them into sexless creatures and went crazy.

As the traveler Kartner Stentz, who described, among other things, the castration operation, testified, if after a certain time and after removing the bandage, the sufferer could finally relieve himself, then “if he succeeds, this means that the patient is out of danger, with which he congratulate. If, however, the poor fellow is unable to urinate, he is doomed to a painful death, for the necessary passages are swollen, and nothing can save him.”

Eunuchs were divided into three categories. Sandals, who had everything cut off - both the penis and the testicles. Spadons, in which only the testicles were removed by pulling out, and also - tlibii whose testicles were beaten off. Spadons and tlibii retained the ability to receive sexual pleasure for a long time after the painful operation. From the stories of the slaves who left the harem, it is known that some odalisques could satisfy even a sandalwood in some sophisticated ways. However, if such a connection was revealed, both the eunuch and his mistress were in for a serious punishment: a harem-agalar - sticks and exile, an odalisque - a bag with a load and water from the Bosphorus.

Eunuch Ottoman Sultan. Photo by Pascal Seb


Senior eunuch - kyzlar-aga- the ultimate dream of any castrato. Huge power was concentrated in his hands, the range of his duties was extremely wide, and his influence was enormous. Kyzlar-aga acted as the main witness at the wedding of the Sultan and his children, performed circumcision and engagement ceremonies, announced to the prince the death of his father or other important events. In addition, he was responsible for moving up the hierarchical ladder of the harem of women and other eunuchs. The pleasant part of his duties included not only the protection of the inhabitants of the harem, but also the supply of new concubines to the palace. It was this eunuch in the rank of kyzlar-aga who accompanied the girl to the Sultan's bedroom. And his sinister power manifested itself when he announced sentences to the women of the harem, took the condemned to the executioner, and when the unfortunate were ordered to be drowned in the sea, he personally put leather bags on their heads.

Eunuchs had not only power, but also an almost unlimited opportunity to enrich themselves. Not surprisingly, many of them were inveterate bribe-takers. Any woman who wished to turn to the Sultan had to do this only through the chief eunuch, while presenting generous gifts. The eunuchs skillfully used the "rich female resource" of the harem, elevating or, conversely, leaving the concubines in oblivion. They received bribes from them with money and gifts, and then the lucky ones could promote them themselves. The right of a personal report to the Sultan and frequent meetings with him also gave a good opportunity to increase the fortune. So it is likely that Kyzlar-aga could become one of the richest people in the Ottoman Empire. When the chief eunuch retired, he was assigned a substantial pension, for he was still the main bearer and keeper of palace secrets.

As the historian O. Dmitrieva writes, “Eunuchs were the guardians of the treasury of the Sultan, his wives and, most importantly, the secrets of the harem, on which the lives of many often depended. Their influence in state affairs grew, becoming truly enormous during the reign of women (1541-1687), and in the 17th and 18th centuries they, together with the sultanas and the valide, actually led the empire, playing a significant role in its decline. Eunuchs organized conspiracies, overthrew and elevated sultans to the thrones. They also decided the outcome of the “war” between Sultan Turhan and Kesem, strangling the latter.”

Gerard de Nerval also spoke about his meeting with the Kyzlar Agha:

“While we were walking along the pier, a majestic-looking man appeared; he was swarthy, like a mulatto, in a fine Turkish suit, but not in a new, after-reform, but in such as was worn in the old days. Seeing Mr. B., he stopped; he greeted him with great respect. My friend said that this man is an important person and that when he leaves, he will need to make a ceremonial “salaam alaikum”: put his hands first on his chest, then on his lips. That's exactly what I did; in response, the mulatto bowed gracefully.

I knew it was not the Sultan I had already seen.

- Who is it? I asked when the man walked away.

“This is kyzlar-aga,” the artist answered me with a feeling of admiration, to which fear was mixed.

I understood everything: kyzlar-aga is the chief eunuch of the seraglio, the most influential person after the sultan, even more formidable than the first vizier.

Kyzlar-aga is the black chief of the eunuchs of the harem. Artist Jean-Baptiste van Moore

Who still dreams of becoming a eunuch?

In the story “Guardian of the Harem”, the author Nikolai Filippov writes on behalf of a eunuch, and it is felt that this image strongly influences the imagination of the writer, as if admitting that he would not mind being in the place of this historical character. Are there really those who dream of becoming a eunuch?!

“The European view of the East, in my opinion, is too romantic on the one hand, naturalistic on the other, and on the third it often reflects a misunderstanding of the Eastern way of life and customs. You don't have to look far for examples.

The Europeans stubbornly call us, the Agalars - eunuchs - the guardians of the lodge, emphasizing the carnal nature of our being in the harem.

But it's not like that!

We - Agalars - are the masters of many, translated from Arabic. We not only guard the Master's bed, but are also responsible for discipline and, which is already completely eluding the European eye, the atmosphere in the harem. No wonder there is a proverb: "bad agalars - a bad harem."

Once in Estonia, already at a mature age, and accustomed to think before doing, I just can’t get used to the local manner of adjusting everything to my own – easily and thoughtlessly.

Even in the first months of my European life, I was amused a lot by the desire of many men and women in private conversations to find out, or even see if I have male organs, and if not, how can I live without them?

I don’t know where the tale of the complete castration of Agalars came from. But it is firmly held in the minds, and it is very difficult to destroy it. I take advantage of the fact that they will not interrupt me here, and I will tell the truth.

First of all, for us, boys, becoming an agalar was a dream and the highest honor bestowed by the Lord for humility and obedience. We have been looking forward to this day since we were seven, eight years old. Boys in the harem of Abdurakhman Khan usually became agalars after they were nine years old.

Valida Malika told us that in other harems for boys - future agalars, male organs are cut off with a single stroke of a razor, and a silver tube is immediately inserted into the ureter to cope with natural needs. Such agalars are called sandals. The wound is cauterized with boiling oil, and the new sandal is placed in a pile of fresh dung and fed with milk.

Another method is also common - removing the testicles with a stone knife, breaking them, twisting or cauterizing. These agalars are filibis.

We were neither one nor the other.

Our master Abdurakhman Khan received a higher art education in Paris and would not allow anyone to destroy the body. He often said: “beautiful boys grow into beautiful young men, beautiful young men into beautiful men. Allah forbids destroying beauty!

Outwardly, our male organs remained the same as before. They retained the ability to excite. One small difference: they didn't expire like other non-Agalar males.

Re-reading in Europe various oriental novels, notes, memoirs, I was always annoyed by imitation, a crude fake of the East.

Eunuchs Gul-aga and Syumbyul-aga in the series "Magnificent Century" performed by Engin Gunaydin and Selim Bayraktar

I have already said that we boys dreamed of becoming Agalars and waited with bated breath for the day when this would happen. We knew that we would be a little hurt, but which of us during our life in the harem was not flogged, not hit on the heels?

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him!) directly speaks of the need to whip the boys so that they grow up to be good people and not get tired of praying.

In front of me now, as in a photograph, is the scene of my conversion to agalars. I was not alone. Adil, Amin and Gasan became agalars with me. Names were given to the boys in the harem. Adil - fair, Amin - faithful, Hasan - beautiful.

My childhood harem name is Sabir - patient.

We were the same age - recently we were all nine years old. We grew up together, played together, played naughty, together or took turns lying down under rods and sticks, and we all underwent a not so, frankly speaking, painful operation together - cutting the spermatic cord. Chick - and you're done.

The fact that we will never be full-fledged men, will not be able to conceive children, was the least of our worries then.

Not very painful - and that's good! But how much boyish pride that, finally, we became Agalars. Now we will not only be flogged, but we will also punish the guilty odalisques and concubines!

This is how it seemed to us, the boys, but it was not at all like that in life.

The agalars lived in rooms located immediately behind the “Gate of Bliss” (this was the name of the entrance to the harem of Abdurakhman Khan. The entrance was closed by two adjacent doors - iron and copper. The main agalar (my teacher and mentor Salekh was for many years) received the keys to these doors at the guard, and in the morning again handed them over to the guard.

<…>Abdurakhman Khan liked to repeat: “The boy is under supervision and learns from other young men in my harem until he is ready for service. Then he is promoted, assigned to women and may even be placed in the service of the sultana under the supervision of the chief agalar, or even the “chief of virgins” himself.

When I became an agalar, I changed my harem name. Since it was now my duty to serve and protect girls and women, I was called "befitting cleanliness and fragrance" flower name - Hyacinth. However, for the majority of the inhabitants of the harem, I remained the same Sabir whom they knew.

Only newly arrived concubines and odalisques called me hyacinth.

What has changed dramatically is my financial situation. I was still just a boy, and I already began to receive 60 akcha - not small in the harem and huge beyond its walls.

I'll skip my apprenticeship years. The science of understanding women is complex, and more than one book could be written about it. Maybe I will, but after I talk about myself and the harem.”

Did every eunuch cease to be a man?

But, as history testifies, not every eunuch lost the ability to have sexual intercourse, and some of them even secretly cohabited with the sultan's concubines. charm love relationships with eunuchs was that they could deliver exquisite caresses, and that they were absolutely safe in terms of unwanted pregnancies.

The great white eunuch of the harem. Artist Jean-Leon Gerome

When entering the harem, the eunuchs, like the concubines, received new names. It is claimed that all the names of the "half-men" corresponded to the name of the flowers. It may seem comical to us that these people (and over the years they grew decrepit and fat) were called affectionately: narcissus, carnation, rose, etc. This poetic tradition has developed due to the fact that this is how it befits to be called those who protect the purity of the harem peri.

The guards of the harem made up for the loss of love pleasures with other joys of life: they were reputed to be subtle gourmets, were considered subtle connoisseurs of music and dance. To drown out longing and unfulfilled desires, eunuchs sometimes used light intoxicants, for example, they smoked hookahs with an admixture of opium.

We find the following terrible detail in O. Dmitrieva’s book “The Secret Life of Harems”: “The painful consequence of castration was urinary incontinence, and, as eyewitnesses claimed, the approach of a eunuch could always be recognized from afar by the strong ammonia smell emanating from him. In order to urinate, a silver tube was used, which the eunuchs wore in their turbans.

The old age of these people was miserable: their bodies became fat, flabby over the years, their hairline completely disappeared, their voices turned into caricature-squeaky. Over the years, they looked more like women. Old age came to eunuchs very early, at 40 years old, many seemed 60 years old.

Eunuchs. End of story

With the disappearance of the harems came the end of the eunuchs. At one time, many projects were expressed and presented about their structure in old age. The most active of them even tried to organize their own trade union. But it turned out that Turkish society, which is ready to accept many political and social transformations, does not want to deal with “shameful remnants of the past”; everyone wanted to forget about castrati as soon as possible.

Edmondo de Amicis in his book “Constantinople” (1896) wrote: “In the crowded bazaars, among those walking in the countryside suburbs of Istanbul, behind the columns of mosques, near smart carriages, on steamships and in pleasure boats, at all the festivities gathering crowds of people, one could meet these phantoms with a melancholy appearance, casting a dark shadow on the bright side of the serene life of the East.

O recent years the existence of such a phenomenon as harem eunuchs, wrote the witness of those years, Alev Little Krutier, the author popular book"Harem. Kingdom under the veil. Here is a quote from her book:

“At the end of the forties, as a little girl, I lived in Izmir in a large five-story house, which once housed the harem of a pasha, and knew a eunuch there. His name was Suleiman-aga. He was a man with chocolate skin and no hair on his face, so he looked younger than his years.

He always had a present for me. I don't remember what those gifts were, but I remember one very well. I sat on his lap, he took my little finger with his dark and thick fingers and put on it a ring with a bright red stone. Then he put another magnificent ring with a transparent stone on his ring finger. Next, the middle finger received a ring with a green stone. Then the index finger - a ring with a blue stone and thumb- with pink. He very slowly took out each ring from his pocket, carefully watching my facial expression and clearly enjoying the spectacle. Since then, not a single person has spoiled me like that.

Eunuch in the Sultan's Palace in Constantinople on an old postcard

We lived in Ankara in the fifties, and he continued to visit us from time to time, each time bringing me a large box of chocolates with my favorite banana cream filling. He always came unannounced, often when our family sat down to dinner, but his visits were always a joy to me. My heart beat happily when I opened the door and saw his loose, sagging figure in front of me. I immediately looked into his hands, looking for a tempting box of sweets.

“Sesame, open up,” he said words I didn’t understand in a high voice, sparkling with the gold of his front teeth.

He seemed more like a woman to me than a man. He walked hunched over, had a sunken belly and a soft expression on his face. His figure resembled hourglass and he looked more like an old aunt.

Behind his eyes, his parents called him Khadim, which means "eunuch." As my mother explained to me, this word means "beardless." Once I heard my father say that there were very few of "them" left, and when they all die, this species will completely disappear from life, and with them that peculiar era will end.

The news of his death came when I was nine years old.”

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Eunuchs - Doctor, castrate me. - What are you, come to your senses - Doctor, please, I really need. The doctor took and castrated, and then asks why the patient needed it. - You see, I was going to get married, and the bride says that she will marry only the real

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Eunuchs - Doctor, castrate me. - What are you, come to your senses - Doctor, please, I really need. The doctor took and castrated, and then asks why the patient needed it. - You see, I was going to get married, and the bride says that she will marry only the real

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Harems and eunuchs Having two harems isn't bigamy by any chance? Alexander Kumor, Polish aphorist *My dream is a harem with fifty friends and without a single husband.? Sabrina Ferilli, Italian film actress *If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, Mohammed goes to the harem.? Gennady Malkin,

At our work, not long ago a dispute arose, or rather, not even a dispute, but a conversation with elements of a discussion.
What is the difference between a eunuch and a castrato?
For example, I thought: castrato means the testicles (testicles) have been removed, eunuch means the penis has been removed.
They explain to me: this and that, one and the same. Remove the testicles and the man will lose all his male power. Hormones are not from where, it will appear. Therefore, it won't get up. I decided to read on the Internet. Wikipedia says that it is the same thing, that a eunuch, that a castrato. then I read:

Castration must be distinguished from vasectomy - ligation of the vas deferens, as a result of which the ability to produce offspring is lost, but the hormonal background does not change, and penectomy - removal of the penis , which leads only to the impossibility of making sexual intercourse.

And then it’s still not clear what was cut off to the eunuchs? All together or just the penis.?

Eunuch (Greek) - a castrato, in particular a castrated servant, destined for service in the harems of the East. The custom of entrusting the supervision of wives to eunuchs originated in Asia Minor, where, however, the initial cause of castration was probably religious fanaticism, especially in the Syrian-Asia Minor cults of Attis and Cybele. According to Herodotus, it was customary in the East to castrate prisoners. E. are also mentioned in ancient Greece and Rome, but their castration took place in the East. According to legend, Periander, the tyrant of Corinth, sent 300 Corkyrian boys to Aliat, the king of Lydia, for castration. Put in the opportunity to act on the east. rulers, both directly and through their beloved wives and concubines, E. often acquired a strong influence on the course of state affairs. The history of the entire East is full of stories about the intrigues of E., about their power at court. Byzantium, whose court life was formed under the influence of the East, inherited with him and E. (see Eutropius). Mohammedanism, which allowed polygamy and caused an increased spread of harems, increased the need for E. In the Sultan's harem, the main E. - kizlyar-agasi (chief of girls) - has other E. under his command. In the intrigues of the seraglio, they play a prominent role; in Persia, E. is sometimes entrusted with important government positions. Greed, stinginess, cruelty are their hallmarks. E. are black and white; only the former are completely devoid of sexual organs. Turkey usually receives E. from Egypt; half of E. dies in a barbarous operation, carried out with the crudest tools. Famous in history are the philosopher Faforin, Aristonicus, the Ptolemaic commander, the famous Narzes under Justinian, and the vizier Ali under Suleiman II. The Law of Moses positively forbade castration and closed the entrance to the Tabernacle for the castrated; even castrated animals could not be sacrificed. The Church does not admit the castrated to the episcopal rank. For castration under the influence of religious fanaticism, see Cybele and Skoptsy; on castration for the purpose of educating singers, see Castrato.

Mule castration.

photo from here
In continuation of the topic, I found an interesting article

Since ancient times, as soon as the first powerful eastern rulers appeared, the number of women who belong to him became a sign of the viability of a real man. So, often the number that was. In harems, as elsewhere, there were strict rules: it was always necessary to maintain order, observe morality, integrity. Who kept order in the harem, who could be entrusted with this important and difficult task?

Women were second-rate people, it was believed that they could not do anything at all. It is unthinkable to let a man into the harem; few people can resist the temptation of so many beautiful women.

How did eunuchs appear?

The solution was found - eunuchs (from the Greek eunuchos - "guardian of the bed"), castrated men who can be trusted with the most important thing that the padishah has - his beautiful women. They tried to take eunuchs with dark skin color (negroes) into harems, in the hope that if one of them, by some chance, could have sexual intercourse with a concubine at the birth of a child, it would be clear that there was treason.

Three types of castration.

Before becoming a eunuch, a boy or a man was castrated. There were three types of this painful operation. The first was complete castration: the man lost both his penis and testicles. The second was to remove only the penis. The third - in the deprivation of the testicles. With any castration, when the wound healed along the edges, a processed metal or bamboo tube for urination was inserted into the resulting cavity. Later, they came up with an artificial penis made of rubber.

Eunuchs who were completely castrated at a young age, before puberty, often had feminine mannerisms, their voice did not break and remained young for life.

Suffering and pain of eunuchs.

At the end of the 19th century, an English scientist Carter Stent, an expert on China, spoke in detail about the suffering that eunuchs experienced during the operation. He wrote in 1877: “The operation is carried out as follows. lower part the abdomen and upper thighs are bandaged tightly to prevent excessive bleeding. Then the removed parts of the body are washed three times with hot pepper water and cut off at the very base with a small curved knife resembling a sickle. At the end of the case, the wound is covered with paper soaked in cold water and carefully bandaged. The patient, supported by two operators, is forced to walk around the room for 2-3 hours, after which they are allowed to lie down, but they are forbidden to drink anything for three days. On the fourth day, the bandage is removed, and the sufferer can finally relieve himself. If this, it turns out, means that he is out of danger, if not, he is doomed to a painful death, since his passages are already swollen and nothing will save him.

Harem Games

Meanwhile, castration, especially partial, often did not deprive a person of male hormones, and sometimes eunuchs experienced torment because they were in the company of beautiful women. Here is how one sufferer described his torments: “I entered the seraglio, where everything inspired me with regret for my loss. Every minute I felt the excitement of the senses; thousands of natural beauties opened before me, it seemed, only to plunge me into despair... hopelessness in my soul ... I remember how one day, putting a woman in a bath, I felt such excitement that my mind was clouded, and I dared to touch a certain place on her body with my hand ... When I came to myself, I thought that my last day had come. However, I was lucky, and I escaped the most severe punishment.

However, the absence of a penis did not prevent the eunuchs from caressing the beauties, and while the rulers were busy with their own affairs, the eunuchs did not get bored in the company of their wives.

Moreover, there was a legend among the castrati - as a result of constant sexual contacts, the genitals will grow again. And the eunuchs caressed other people's concubines, however, at the same time they were terribly afraid of the ruler's revenge. The Chinese eunuch Li Guo was careless, and bites and bruises remained on the body of the concubines. His owner discovered these traces, and since the entrance to the harem was forbidden to everyone except the emperor and the eunuch, it was not difficult to figure out the culprit. A terrible punishment fell on Li Guo: he was sentenced to be cut into small pieces.

The eunuch Wei was in charge of the Qianlong Emperor's harem. Wei became so confident in his power that he quarreled with the chief minister and stopped noticing him. In response, the chief minister informed the emperor that his eunuchs frolicked in harems. The minister suggested that the eunuchs be immediately subjected to a second operation, and, naturally, the main eunuch, Wei, was subjected to painful torture in the first place ...

Castrato career and who could become a eunuch?

Who became a eunuch? Oddly enough, many went to this business voluntarily - the eunuchs lived comfortably, in luxurious palaces, and ate well. Some were sold by their parents, and sometimes the children later thanked them - often eunuchs made a career for themselves and became officials, military leaders or advisers to the owner.

For example, the eunuch Taijiang planned the entire irrigation system in China. Castrato Guo Shoujing built a large canal near Beijing for the Great Khan Khubilai. The eunuch Liu Ching even ruled the entire Middle Empire - from 1505 to 1510 - under the infant emperor Wi-Tsu.

The most famous Chinese eunuch was Admiral Cheng He. In the 15th century, he made sea voyages to India, Sri Lanka, Arabia, sailed along the coast East Africa. Was close to the discovery of Europe. He commanded a vast fleet of three hundred ships and thirty thousand sailors. In China, eunuchs were a respected and authoritative part of society. They united in special clans, sometimes very powerful, and the rulers were forced to reckon with them.

The humiliated pride and inability to have sex made the eunuchs sometimes extremely belligerent and cruel, which their masters skillfully used. Emperor Xuan Zong, the owner of a harem with five hundred concubines, appointed the eunuch Gao Lishi as his bodyguard and security adviser. One day, the emperor ordered Gao Lishi to undertake a punitive operation against Buddhist monks. The eunuch, capturing the monks, subtly dealt with them. He ordered the monks to be castrated, their genitals boiled and fed to the nuns. The nuns, in turn, had their breasts cut off, boiled and fed to the monks.

The executioner-eunuch came up with other tortures. Bags filled with quicklime were placed over the eyes of the unfortunate, their fingers were crushed, and finally, naked bodies were wrapped in soft metal pipes in the form of snakes and boiling water was poured into their open “mouths”.

Another eunuch of Xuan Zong was a certain Wang Feiyen, who erected the "Palace of Desirable Monsters". It was inhabited by the most ugly and ugly women, collected from all over the Middle Kingdom: dwarfs and giantesses, hunchbacked and legless, covered with scabs and bleeding with pus ... And even, as historical chronicles testify, a woman with two heads, distinguished by special passion. It was this idea with the "palace" that contributed to the rise of Van ...

Harem - (from Arabic - "forbidden place") - a habitat or, simply put, the dwelling of women, slaves and children of the Sultan. It was called Dar-us-saadet - "House of Happiness". The most famous are the harems of the Ottoman sultans, but the Abbasids and Seljukids also had "Houses of Happiness".

At first, the harem was intended for the maintenance of slaves, because the daughters of Christian rulers from neighboring states were taken as wives. But after the reign of Bayezid II (1481-1512), this tradition changed, and the sultans began to choose wives from the inhabitants of the harem.

At first, the harem was intended for keeping slaves.

Of course, the main guests of the harem were the sultans themselves. After them - the mother of the Sultan (valide). When her son ascended the throne, the valide, accompanied by a magnificent procession, moved from the old palace to the new one and settled in special chambers. Following the valide, finally, came the wives of the Sultan - kadyn-efendi. Without a doubt, the most colorful inhabitants of the harem were slaves (jariye). Responsible for the security of the harem were: the heads of the Islamic hierarchy (sheikh-ul-Islam), the grand vizier (sadrazam), the head of the harem security (dar-us-saadet aghasy), and, of course, a special class of harem servants - eunuchs (harem-agalars).


Where did the slaves in the Sultan's harem come from? Very simply - the eastern princes themselves sent their daughters to the Ottoman harem in the hope that they would become the chosen ones of the Sultan. Slaves were bought at 5-6 years of age and brought up to full physical development. Girls were taught dance, music, playing the musical instruments, etiquette, the art of giving pleasure to a man. Already in adolescence, the girl was previously shown to the Grand Vizier. If she was found to have physical defects, bad manners, or any other defects, her price dropped sharply, and her father, accordingly, received less money than he expected. By the way, when selling their daughter, her parents signed documents indicating that they no longer have any rights to her.

The most beautiful slaves that the Sultan could choose to marry had to study very carefully. The first point was the mandatory adoption of Islam, unless of course the girl was of a different faith. Then the slaves were taught to read the Koran, to pray together or separately. Having received the status of a wife, they founded charitable institutions and built mosques, somehow provided for Muslim traditions. The surviving letters of the Sultan's wives testify to their education.

In addition, the slaves received a daily salary, the amount of which changed with each new sultan. They were given gifts and money on the occasion of various festivities and celebrations. The slaves were well taken care of, but the Sultan severely punished those who deviated from the established rules.

If a slave lived in the harem for 9 years and was never chosen as a wife, she had the right to leave the harem. The Sultan gave her a dowry, a house and helped her find a husband. The slave received a document signed by the Sultan, confirming her status as a free person.


Slaves lived in a common or lower harem. Favorites lived in the upper harem, and wives usually lived in palaces. Usually, if the Sultan was going to spend the night with a concubine, he would send her a gift. Then the chosen one of the Sultan was sent to the bath. After the bath, she was dressed in loose and clean clothes and escorted to the Sultan's chambers. There she had to wait at the door until the Sultan got into bed. Entering the bedroom, she crawled on her knees to the bed and only then got up and lay down next to the Sultan. In the morning, the sultan took a bath, changed clothes and sent gifts to the concubine if he liked the night spent with her. This concubine could then become his favorite.

If the favorite became pregnant, she was instantly transferred to the category of “happy” (ikbal), but if there were several of them, then they were assigned ranks: first (main), second, third, fourth, and so on. Having given birth to a child, the ikbal could after some time receive the status of the wife of the Sultan, but this tradition was not always observed.

Each ikbal had a separate room in the upper harem. Their menu consisted of fifteen dishes: beef, chicken, fruit, yogurt, compote, butter, etc. In the summer, ice was served to cool drinks.

Sultans' wives

The new wife of the Sultan (kadyn-efendi) after the wedding received a written certificate, she was presented with new fabrics, jewelry, outfits, and, of course, from the lower harem she was settled in a separate room specially allocated for her on the upper floors. The head guardian and her assistants taught her the imperial ways. In the XVI-XVIII centuries. Kadyn-efendi, who had children, began to be called Haseki. Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent was the first to bestow this title on his wife Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska (also known as Roksolana).

The night from Friday to Saturday, the sultans were required to spend only with one of their wives, the rest of the nights were spent with whomever they wanted. Such was the order consecrated by the tradition of Islam. If a wife was not with her husband for three consecutive Fridays, she had the right to appeal to a judge (qadi). By the way, the same guardian followed the sequence of meetings of the wives with the Sultan.

The sultans spent the night from Friday to Saturday with only one of their wives.

Kadyn-efendi necessarily called their sons "your highness"; when they came to visit them, they had to stand up and say: “My brave young man!” Regardless of age, the princes kissed the hand of the kadyn-efendi as a sign of respect. The women of the harem, in order to demonstrate their respect, kissed the hem of the kadyn-efendi skirt. In relations with each other, the sultan's wives observed a number of formalities. When one of the wives wanted to talk to another, she sent a maid to her to get consent. The Sultan's wife, riding in a palanquin, was accompanied by eunuchs on foot. If all the wives left at once, then their palanquins lined up according to the seniority of the owners.


The first eunuchs appeared in the Ottoman harem during the reign of Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror. At first, the protection of the harem was entrusted to white eunuchs, but in 1582 Murad III appointed the Abyssinian Mehmed Aga as the eunuch. Since then, Abyssinians (Ethiopians) have almost always been selected as eunuchs.

It was believed that white boys endure the operation more difficult and often die after castration, while blacks survived much more. Therefore, Arab slave traders began to kidnap children from Africa and take them for castration to places known to them.

As the eunuchs became more and more, they organized a kind of guild. Boys accepted into this guild were brought up by adult eunuchs. Young eunuchs were given the names of flowers as names. Trained eunuchs usually served the valida, sultan's wives and princesses. Eunuchs guarded the entrance to the harem.

The chief eunuch of the harem informed the Sultan about the situation in the harem

Already after 1852, the entire management of the harem was completely transferred to the eunuchs. The chief eunuch of the harem bought slaves for his sultan and informed him about the situation - the behavior of his wives and concubines, gave advice on punishments and promotions in the harem hierarchy. At the same time, the duties of the chief eunuch were very extensive - he even had the right to prepare the Sultan at the wedding ceremony. When the chief eunuch retired, he was given a pension. The new sultan usually appointed another chief eunuch, but this was not always the case. Despite the fact that some of the chief eunuchs were completely illiterate, they actively took part in public policy, because they always received the support of the Sultan himself and his wives.

Mothers of Sultans

The rooms of the Sultan's mother (valide) were the second largest after the rooms of the Sultan. Slave maids lived on the lower floor.

Valide, despite their status, had enormous power. Sultans always revered their mothers and treated them with special respect.

Sunset of the harems

Mehmed VI Wahid ed-Din (1918-1924) was destined to become the last sultan of the Ottoman Empire. The defeated in World War I, Turkey was defeated as an ally of Germany, and was occupied by the allied states.

On my own behalf, I’ll add that on the territory of the harem, namely, near the rooms of the Sultan’s mother, the Valide, the treasury of the Ottoman Empire was traditionally kept - a kind of analogue of the Armory of the Moscow Kremlin.

Institute of eunuchs at the royal courts ancient world was widespread in ancient Persia, in Assyria and then in Byzantium. Eunuchs were also involved in sacred cults such as those of Artemis, who was worshiped megabizes ancient Greece, and Gauland, worshipers of Cybele ancient rome. Ulpian describes three kinds of eunuchs: the eunuch by nature, the eunuch made by man, and all other kinds of eunuchs. Castrati was called in Latin recession, a nature spadones- a term for natural eunuchs, that is, those men who were born with undeveloped genitals and outwardly similar to women. Undoubtedly, in each culture of these societies there were different types castration is "full" or "partial", however, due to the lack of sources, it is impossible to say something exactly about certain individuals, because it was not always specified "what" the castrato was. One can only guess that the eunuch of the spiritual cult had to be completely castrated, as was the eunuch serving in the women's bedchambers, while the eunuch on the male side was only "partially" castrated. In this article, I will briefly talk about the division that appeared with the beginning of Muslim rule in the Near and Middle East. In the Arab world, a eunuch was designated by the term khadim which literally means "servant". This is mentioned by the classic author al-Jahiz (776-869). After the Islamic conquest, only slaves, that is, foreigners, were castrated, since it was forbidden by law to castrate a "believer". For example, in Ottoman Turkey, eunuchs were often peoples of the Caucasus and the Balkans, that is, from Christian families or from societies of other faiths. The definition of "black" or "white" eunuch has become known to many from the Ottoman Empire since the 16th century, when Kara Khadym(black eunuchs) and for enderuna(where the sultan and his servants lived) ak-khadymy- white eunuchs. However, long before that time, the practice of such a division was used in the East, in particular in the Muslim world, just until that moment it had not been legalized as an institution. As early as the 15th century, according to a late Byzantine source, Sultan Mehmed II gave a decree to bring slaves from Ethiopia, which gives reason to believe that there were black servants in his palace, undoubtedly eunuchs. It is not surprising that even in ancient times, the caliph of Baghdad al-Amin had many eunuchs, black and white, in the court, and the favorite among the first was the eunuch Cautar. The Arab scholar Hilal al-Sabi reports on the servants of the Abbasid court during the reign of Caliph al-Muqtadir (908-932): "In the days of al-Muktadir, his residence contained 11,000 eunuchs (khadim) - 7,000 black and 4,000 white Slavswho were free". The text confirms the fact that "black" or "white" is not only a type of castration, but also a race. By the way, another stupid delusion is that the place of eunuchs is only a harem. Eunuchs performed not only the affairs of the harem, but most of all administrative and military duties. At the court of the aforementioned al-Muqtadir, eunuchs became trusted advisers in politics and were powerful administrators. This was the practice in all Muslim states, given that the Abbasid dynasty became a model for many royal courts. Eunuchs not only played a major role in all official ceremonies and receptions, they had access to all instances, as messengers, spies, speakers and overseers. Being closest to the ruler, they deserved the trust of their devotion to the master. Thanks to this, eunuchs earned respect, and it was forbidden to insult them. For example, in 897, when any of the crowd shouted " Oh Akik! "to the black eunuch, then on the orders of Caliph al-Mu'tadid himself, such an offender was arrested for insulting a eunuch. The term has many meanings, rather it is a slang ridicule, since the Arabic verb Akik is to sing a song to heal the sick. Apparently, some racists and eunuchophobes were not satisfied with the fact that the eunuchs had a great influence on the ruler and almost decided matters for him. So, what are the types of castration radically different? White eunuchs are primarily slaves from the Indo-European race, and black ones from the Negroid. The misconception that the "black eunuch" is a form of castration is easy to refute for those who are well acquainted with oriental literature. But first I will describe some medical nuances. The writer al-Subki describes the types of castration: mamsuh- a eunuch who had the entire organ removed along with the testicles; majbub- the one whose penis is removed, but the testicles are left; and finally, the most common type of castration for white eunuchs: khasi- Removed the testicles but the member is left. Scholars and legislators of Sunna law (Sunnis) believe that mamsuh has the right to look at women (that is, everything is removed from him, therefore, he will not be able to have lustful thoughts), it is understood that mamsukhs have the right to be closer to women as servants. Whereas majbub or khasi they have no right to approach women, they are destined for the servants of men. In all cases, white eunuchs were even forbidden to approach women, namely because they were not completely emasculated. For example, Zain al-Dahya in the story about the will of the founder of the tomb makes it clear:
" And he put in charge of his post the free and most righteous eunuchs of all races, and then the most righteous of his free people from the white male slaves. However, he establishes the condition that the most righteous eunuch of the white race, namely the one who does notneighborswith women" .
The writer and scholar al-Jahiz, for example, wrote that the castration of white eunuchs "opposite black, this operation supported all natural inclinations", which suggests that the white eunuch was capable of a sexual life. Whereas a Mamluk scholar in the 1300s clearly explains the difference and role of black eunuchs:
" There are also many black Arabs. They are completelystricken and not ashamed (regardinghis state). These people are called "hadim" and rich noble rulers bestow honor on them. Also, these castrated khadim watch the women's quarters of the Turks, for no man has the right to go there except as a castration.andRaboutwannyechamberlains".
Late 10th century, the geographer al-Maqdisi believed that the difference in castration was made due to racial differences in order to deprive them of the ability to produce offspring. But this is a delusion. Such authors knew nothing about anatomy and physiology, which doctors knew about. Why were black slaves completely castrated? Since the type of castration of mamsukh was a complex and risky operation, a hardy chosen one was needed for this. Already at that time it was known that Africans were considered stronger, more enduring, had less risk of infection, so they were used so that there was less risk of losing a valuable slave. And since black slaves were mamsukhs, they had access to women. Hence the Ottoman practice Kara-Khadymov, and "kyzlar-aga" is always beyond doubt of African origin. White slaves, stripped only of their testicles in order to remove testosterone from their bodies, were destined to serve on the male side. They served the princes, the ruler himself, and stood at the head of the page boys. By the way, the type of their castration is described in Ancient Greece, Greek term flysia- eunuchs whose testicles were squeezed (verb flan- squeeze) so that they dysfunction and do not supply testosterone to the body. It was preferred in ancient times to castrate before puberty, the sooner the better, that is, long before the boy begins to grow a beard and body hair. This was done for the reason that the boy retained his beauty, youth and femininity, and he did not "coarse" like ordinary young men who matured by the age of 16. The body of a boy castrated before puberty (up to 12 years old) was radically different from the body of an ordinary man: 1. Such a eunuch became feminine and effeminate, his features were rounded, fat appeared on his hips; 2. despite the similarity with women, there was one difference from them: incredibly tall and long limbs (arms, legs and fingers), because their bones did not stop growing, that is, like eternal teenagers; 3. Their body had no hair at all, there was no pubic hair or beard, in this they were more like "eternal children", and not like women. It was also practiced so that eunuchs became lovers for their masters, and therefore, from time immemorial, castration has been inextricably linked with homosexuality. In conditions of limited sexual orientations, such as in Christianity or Islam, the institution of eunuchs became the gateway to the freedom of personal preferences. Feminine eunuchs or young boys became objects of love for men, as visually they were acceptable to the aesthetic views of society. The beauty of eunuchs, both black and white, is noticed by Arab sources. In the sources, one can come across descriptions such as that their figures are graceful, they are exquisitely dressed, and their faces are sweet. Interestingly, black eunuchs also served in the Muslim shrines of Mecca and Medina, because many female pilgrims also flocked there, and therefore only a eunuch had the privilege of guarding the holy place, like all donations. So the famous Ibn Battuta, who visited the sanctuary of the tomb of the Prophet, describes them:
" The servants of the noble mosque and its keepers are eunuchs from Ethiopia and nearby places. They present a beautiful appearance, they have a clean and neat appearance, and their clothes are elegant. The chief of them, known as Sheikh al-Khuddam, has the position of chief emirs. They receive a salary in the lands of Egypt and Syria, which is brought to them annually" .
In Mamluk biographies, the senior eunuch of the guard, Kafur is described as "perfect in appearance among the best people, absolute in its ideal character, and in its image awe-inspiring." A distinctive feature of the prepubertal castrato is his height. Almost all travel biographers notice the abnormal growth of eunuchs. The Mamluks of Egypt often noticed other qualities of eunuchs, calling them jamil(beautiful), wasim(cute), ahsan(best, finest) or akmal(most perfect). Jean Louis Burckhardt, already with a negative European view, in 1811 describes the eunuchs of the Hejaz "eerilyskinny like skeletons" like eunuchs " hid their thinness underthick clothes". In fact, just the very high stature of the old eunuchs seemed terrifying to him. With many sources in my archives, I could tell more about the eunuchs, the role of which is said a lot in the descriptions of the eastern royal courts, but I would not want to stretch the article, the purpose of which was to clearly explain the difference between black and white eunuchs, I repeat, precisely in their racial affiliation, which refutes the prevailing opinion that the type of castration does not depend on this. As history shows, despite the fact that eunuchs became slaves, their status did not affect the growth of their career, influence and privileges. It doesn’t matter what race, black or white, they had the right to enjoy the respect, admiration and even fear of people, since it was the eunuchs who were entrusted with the post of managers and guardians of the inviolable. Notes Marmon, Shaun. Eunuchs and Sacred Boundaries in Islamic Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. "On the term Khadim in the Sense of Eunuch in the Early Islamic Sources." Arabica 32 (1985): 289-308. Cheikh-Mousa, A. "Gaziz et les eunuques ou la confusion du méme et de l"autre." Arabica 29 (1982): 184-214. Marmer, David Bruce Jay. The Political Culture of the Abbasid Court, 279-324 (A. H.) Ph. D. thesis, Princeton University, 1994. Ringrose, Kathryn, M. "Living in the Shadows: Eunuchs and Gender in Byzantium." In Third Sex, Third Gender: Beyond Sexual Dimorphism in Culture and History, ed Gilbert Herdt, pp. 85-519. 1994. Tougher, Shaun F. "Byzantine Eunuchs: An Overview, with Special Reference to their Creation and Origin. Servants At The Gate: Eunuchs At The Court Of Al-Muqtadir. Nadia Maria El-Cheikh. Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2005 David Ayalon, Eunuchs, Caliphs and Sultans: A Study in Power Relationships (Jerusalem: the Magness Press, 1999