Student's Day is an international holiday. Congratulations on International Students Day

International Students' Day is celebrated annually on November 17th. It was established in 1941 at an international meeting of students from countries that fought against fascism, which was held in London (Great Britain), but began to be celebrated in 1946.

This holiday is associated with youth, romance and fun, but its history, which began in Czechoslovakia during World War II, is associated with tragic events.

On October 28, 1939, in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia, Prague students and their teachers demonstrated to mark the anniversary of the formation of the Czechoslovak state (October 28, 1918). The occupiers dispersed the demonstration, and Jan Opletal, a medical student, was shot dead.

The funeral young man November 15, 1939 again turned into a protest. Dozens of demonstrators were arrested. On November 17, the Gestapo and SS surrounded the student dormitories early in the morning. Over 1,200 students were arrested and imprisoned in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Nine students and student activists were executed without trial in a prison in the Ruzyne district of Prague. By order of Hitler, all Czech higher educational establishments were closed until the end of the war.

November 17 International Student Day: congratulations in prose

I congratulate you on International Students' Day and wish you to always be on the wave of positive, constantly strive for new success, never miss your opportunity and never regret your choice. Good luck and easy sessions!

On International Students Day, we want to congratulate everyone who decided to get higher education and master any profession important for society! Student life is a fun time when passing difficult tests, exams, sleepless nights are almost erased from memory, because stormy gatherings, the celebration of a passed session, a sea of ​​​​new acquaintances, friends almost completely replace them. We wish you, dear students, to get an education, master your favorite profession and realize your lofty goals and desires!

Student's Day is the best holiday!
Congratulations to all-all-all.
After all, this time is beautiful,
Ahead - the whole life, success ...

I wish happiness, friendship,
Achievements and victories.
A sea of ​​​​knowledge of the most necessary
And good luck with everyone!

Happy Students Day today
I congratulate you, friends,
Good luck with your studies
I wish everyone.

To pass the sessions
Easy and effortless
The reports were received
And tears, so as not to shed.

student fraternity,
Have fun today
To the coveted diploma
Strive with a smile.

Students are like supermen
They can only so skillfully
In the semester, couples take a walk,
Then successfully pass the entire session!

Student, I congratulate you on your day,
Have fun, don't think about anything
Let the record make you happy
And you will live a cool and clear life!

Hooray! Today is student day!
You can't forget about him
Lots of great moments are waiting for you.
Let's all celebrate together!

I want to wish you cordially
So that everything in your life comes true!
So that everything stays forever,
And so that you always live in a high!

November 17 International Student's Day: Russian Student's Day is traditionally celebrated on January 25, on Tatyana's Day

On Tatyana's Day, which is celebrated on January 25 according to the new style, in 1755, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree "On the Establishment of Moscow University", and Tatyana's Day became an official university day, in those days it was called the Foundation Day of Moscow University. Since then, Saint Tatiana has been considered the patroness of students. By the way, the very ancient name "Tatiana" in Greek means "organizer".

At first, this holiday was celebrated only in Moscow and was celebrated very magnificently. According to eyewitnesses, the annual celebration of Tatyana's Day was a real event for Moscow. It consisted of two parts: a short official ceremony in the building of Moscow University and a noisy folk festival, in which almost the entire capital took part.

Despite the fact that the history of the holiday has its roots in the distant past, traditions have been preserved to this day. Students, as they organized wide festivities more than a hundred years ago, in the 21st century prefer to celebrate their holiday noisily and cheerfully. By the way, on this day, even extremely drunk students were not touched by the quarterly students. And if they approached, they trumped and inquired: “Does Mr. Student need help?” However, as you know, a student will never miss a chance to take a break from studying - according to popular wisdom, only "hot" session time distracts him from the endless celebration.

(International Students" Day) is celebrated on November 17. It was established in 1941 in London (Great Britain) at an international meeting of students from countries that fought against fascism. The date was set in memory of Czech students - heroes of the Resistance.

On October 28, 1939, in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia (at that time it was called the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, now the Czech Republic), Prague students and their teachers went on a demonstration to mark the anniversary of the formation of the Czechoslovak state - October 28, 1918. The occupants dispersed the demonstration, and fire was opened on its participants. One of the student leaders, Jan Opletal, was seriously injured and died soon after.

His funeral on November 15, 1939 again turned into a protest. In response, the Nazis closed all Czech higher education institutions, over 1,200 students were arrested and imprisoned in a concentration camp in Sachsenhausen. Nine students and student activists were executed without trial in a prison in the Ruzyne district of Prague on November 17. By order of Hitler, all Czech higher educational institutions were closed until the end of the war.

The first International Students' Day was celebrated in 1941.

International Student's Day is especially celebrated in Greece, where the holiday is called Polytechneo. This day marks the anniversary of the student protest against the military junta in 1973. Then the students, who had established themselves at the Polytechnic University, declared a fight against the government and began broadcasting their own radio station. Tanks were brought up against the students. 24 people were killed, thousands were injured and arrested. The junta lasted less than a year, and the democratic government that came to power proclaimed the victims of the uprising martyrs, establishing a public holiday.

Apart from international day students in many countries have their own student holiday.

In the US, one of the most fun and large-scale holidays is held at Harvard University every February. Hasty Pudding theatrical festivities are named after the food that has traditionally been brought to student club meetings since 1795. This holiday is held in the form of a carnival with a costumed parade. Only men take part in it, who perform both female and male roles.

At English students there is a week - Rag Week ("week of charity"). These days, costumed processions, sports races in bars, various jokes and practical jokes, racing through the streets on horseback on beds or speed competitions between rubber ducks are welcome. With the help of all these fun students collect money for charity.

In Portugal, in Porto and Coimbra, in May there is a big student holiday Keima. It begins at midnight with loud student serenading at the monument to one of the Portuguese kings. Music groups perform in the city park. The culmination of the holiday is a solemn procession of students through the whole city. University students dress in their uniforms, holding sticks with ribbons tied to them. A church service is held at the stadium, after which the ribbons of each university are solemnly burned (another name for this holiday is "burning ribbons").

Student youth in Bulgaria celebrate their holiday on December 8th. This date is connected with the history of the University named after Kliment Ohridsky (holy educator, lived in the city of Ohrid, one of the disciples of Cyril and Methodius). In 1903, when Sofia University was the only higher educational institution in Bulgaria, the academic council at the university decided to declare December 8 a university holiday. According to the church calendar, it is then that the day of this saint is celebrated. After 1944, when Bulgaria was occupied Soviet troops, the date of the student holiday was moved to November 17 (International Students' Day), but in 1962, on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of Sofia University, the previous date was returned. On this day, higher education institutions throughout Bulgaria are closed.

In Russia, students celebrate their holiday on Tatyana's Day (January 25) - the day of the Great Martyr Tatyana, who is considered the patron saint of all students. On this day in 1755, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree on the opening of Moscow State University.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

International Students Day is traditionally celebrated on November 17th. This date was approved in 1946 in Prague by decision of the World Congress of Students. The memorable date was not chosen by chance, it is dedicated to Czech students who suffered on this day in 1939 at the hands of the Nazis. A peaceful demonstration in honor of the anniversary of the formation of Czechoslovakia turned into a massacre by the invaders over the crowd, during which student Jan Opletal was killed. Later, the student's funeral, which turned into a protest, led to the arrest of more than 1,200 students, their imprisonment in a concentration camp and the execution of nine activists. As a result, by Hitler's decision, all educational institutions in Czechoslovakia were closed until the end of the war. International Students Day is an occasion to unite all students, regardless of the country, educational institution and faculty.

Student's Day is the best holiday!
Congratulations to all-all-all.
After all, this time is beautiful,
Ahead - the whole life, success ...

I wish happiness, friendship,
Achievements and victories.
A sea of ​​​​knowledge of the most necessary
And good luck with everyone!

The student gnaws at the granite of science,
The student never gets bored.
Either lectures, or abstracts,
That is necessary to hand over session.

But among the cuts and offsets
Don't forget about the holidays
International students day
You have fun and relax!

Time to study is fleeting -
Years fly tirelessly
But let it stay forever
It's a great time in my heart!

It's time for mistakes and excitement,
Carelessness and simplicity
Freedom, dreams and inspiration -
When all dreams come true!

I congratulate you on International Students' Day and wish you to always be on the wave of positive, constantly strive for new success, never miss your opportunity and never regret your choice. Good luck and easy sessions!

Many happy moments
Let it wait ahead
After all, life is beautiful for students,
Just go ahead

Towards wonderful knowledge
And meeting with many friends
And don't lose interest
Throughout life,

Let there be many compliments
Problems will go away like smoke!
Happy International Students Day,
Happy holiday to you!

Today is a holiday for students
And many happy moments.
I want to celebrate fun
With which I congratulate you.

Go to class and study
And sometimes have fun.
Answer in seminars
Do not fall asleep during lectures.

Be interesting, enthusiastic
Always involved in learning.
Achieve all your goals.

Who is not a stranger to the words "steep",
"couple", "session", "luck",
Calls "freebie" at night
Sitting up to sleep has a skill,
And learn hard
During the night, two hundred notes -
He is, of course, a student
future intellectual,
Even if he's not rich.
Happy students day to you guys!

Sleepless nights, a distracted look,
Abstract sheets stick out of the bag.
Trousers are not ironed, shawarma is in the hands,
Exams are coming soon, it's time for couples.

Heavy everyday life - tests, notes,
Analysis and synthesis, folklore, dialects...
Long live dinner, computer and laziness
On International Student Day!

We wish you borscht, chop and potatoes,
Sour cream is thicker so that the spoon does not fall,
Free WI-FI and huge pizza
And let the dream be warm, sweet at night!

We wish students of light science,
To think quickly, answer without pain,
Character and will brought up in themselves,
Always received a scholarship in EURO!

Happy Student's Day!
Oh, that's life ... Like a film!
You know, in your memory
Days of such, such friends
Will there be a lot?
But the road flies into the distance.
Enjoy this time
Be an optimist, fall in love!
Cool have a lot of fun.
Rejoice, but don't be angry.
Be smart, learn everything!

Wow! Cool! Student's day.
Waiting for the moment
All student people
Doesn't report in the morning.

So you need to relax
And don't be afraid of fun
Let study rest
And there are no students.

We wish all students
To study hard,
And diligence in everything
And diplomas in hand!

Guys, today is your legal holiday,
Throw away books and notes.
Celebrate properly, to the fullest,
His is International Students Day.

You know how to relax
So let's have some fun now.
And tomorrow to study, as usual,
And may everything work out for you!

Let today all the exams pass on "excellent",
Let the dean forget to ask about absenteeism.
For the offset so that you do not have to shed seven sweats
Yes, they would not have time to burn those who fell asleep in the lecture room.
Today, when answering, let it be beautiful,
And the teacher is not looking for meaningfulness in it!
Faithful friends and excellent people,
Surround you as soon as you step outside the threshold!
Cool student life, fun!
Happy holidays, long and big!
Happy job hunting and have a great weekend!

International Students Day 2019 is celebrated on November 17th. The holiday is celebrated by all students of universities and institutes, colleges and technical schools, as well as other educational institutions around the world.

Students - students of higher and secondary educational institutions, as well as institutions vocational education. In addition to attending lectures and seminars, they live an active social, creative and sporting life. An international holiday is dedicated to such people.

Holiday traditions

In the Russian Federation, International Students' Day is not particularly well known and is not widely celebrated. Mass events in honor of students of universities and technical schools are held on January 25 - in. However, those who are familiar with this date celebrate their holiday twice a year.

On this day, educational institutions organize awards for distinguished students, competitions and contests, and intellectual games. In nightclubs, theme parties and performances by musical groups are arranged. Museums offer promotional tickets to students.

history of the holiday

On October 28, 1939, in Prague, students and teachers celebrated the anniversary of the formation of the Czechoslovak state with a demonstration. They were dispersed by the Nazi invaders. One of the students was shot dead. On November 15, 1939, the funeral of the murdered Y. Opletal turned into a protest action. Two days later, on November 17, more than 1,200 students were arrested in their dormitories and sent to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Of these, 9 people were executed without recourse to court, and all Czech universities were closed on Hitler's orders. This date was chosen as the day of celebration, as a reminder of the tragic events of that time.

The decision to hold an annual International Students' Day was made on November 17, 1946 in Prague, during the World Congress of Students.

The first students studied no more than 4 years.

Previously, only males, regardless of class, received education: nobles, petty bourgeois, and also peasant children, who accounted for about 22% of the total number of students.

Of the entire student body, only 10-15% of young people can earn extra money in their free time without disturbing the educational process.

In the 12th century, the teaching staff was also called students. And only after the introduction academic titles these concepts began to separate.

During the development of the first universities, students were called schoolchildren.

Students are people who deeply believe in beliefs. In Japan, students take a KitKat chocolate bar with them to exams. According to legend, it is a talisman, as it sounds like their phrase "we will definitely win."

In Russia in the 19th century in drinking establishments, the places of their residence were written on the backs of tipsy students. This was done for a good reason, so that the driver could read the address and deliver the person home.

The word "applicant" in Latin means "leaving". They denoted students who leave the educational institution. In the 1950s, in the USSR, this word was incorrectly translated, and young men and women entering the university began to be called applicants. In many countries of the world, this term has retained its true meaning.

(International Students" Day) is celebrated on November 17. It was established in 1941 in London (Great Britain) at an international meeting of students from countries that fought against fascism. The date was set in memory of Czech students - heroes of the Resistance.

On October 28, 1939, in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia (at that time it was called the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, now the Czech Republic), Prague students and their teachers went on a demonstration to mark the anniversary of the formation of the Czechoslovak state - October 28, 1918. The occupants dispersed the demonstration, and fire was opened on its participants. One of the student leaders, Jan Opletal, was seriously injured and died soon after.

His funeral on November 15, 1939 again turned into a protest. In response, the Nazis closed all Czech higher education institutions, over 1,200 students were arrested and imprisoned in a concentration camp in Sachsenhausen. Nine students and student activists were executed without trial in a prison in the Ruzyne district of Prague on November 17. By order of Hitler, all Czech higher educational institutions were closed until the end of the war.

The first International Students' Day was celebrated in 1941.

International Student's Day is especially celebrated in Greece, where the holiday is called Polytechneo. This day marks the anniversary of the student protest against the military junta in 1973. Then the students, who had established themselves at the Polytechnic University, declared a fight against the government and began broadcasting their own radio station. Tanks were brought up against the students. 24 people were killed, thousands were injured and arrested. The junta lasted less than a year, and the democratic government that came to power proclaimed the victims of the uprising martyrs, establishing a public holiday.

In addition to the International Students' Day, many countries have their own student holiday.

In the US, one of the most fun and large-scale holidays is held at Harvard University every February. Hasty Pudding theatrical festivities are named after the food that has traditionally been brought to student club meetings since 1795. This holiday is held in the form of a carnival with a costumed parade. Only men take part in it, who perform both female and male roles.

English students have a week - Rag Week ("week of charity"). These days, costumed processions, sports races in bars, various jokes and practical jokes, racing through the streets on horseback on beds or speed competitions between rubber ducks are welcome. With the help of all these fun students collect money for charity.

In Portugal, in Porto and Coimbra, in May there is a big student holiday Keima. It begins at midnight with loud student serenading at the monument to one of the Portuguese kings. Music groups perform in the city park. The culmination of the holiday is a solemn procession of students through the whole city. University students dress in their uniforms, holding sticks with ribbons tied to them. A church service is held at the stadium, after which the ribbons of each university are solemnly burned (another name for this holiday is "burning ribbons").

Student youth in Bulgaria celebrate their holiday on December 8th. This date is connected with the history of the University named after Kliment Ohridsky (holy educator, lived in the city of Ohrid, one of the disciples of Cyril and Methodius). In 1903, when Sofia University was the only higher educational institution in Bulgaria, the academic council at the university decided to declare December 8 a university holiday. According to the church calendar, it is then that the day of this saint is celebrated. After 1944, when Bulgaria was occupied by Soviet troops, the date of the student holiday was moved to November 17 (International Students' Day), but in 1962, on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of Sofia University, the previous date was returned. On this day, higher education institutions throughout Bulgaria are closed.

In Russia, students celebrate their holiday on Tatyana's Day (January 25) - the day of the Great Martyr Tatyana, who is considered the patron saint of all students. On this day in 1755, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree on the opening of Moscow State University.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources