People who saw the world of Star Wars for the first time. Before the Ruusan Reformation

The film epic "Star Wars" is rightfully considered a cult film. It's hard to overestimate the impact of Star Wars on pop culture. So, according to one version, Viktor Tsoi, impressed by the film, wrote his legendary song "Blood Type". Fans around the world number a whole army, they regularly organize holidays, gather at the popular Comic Con, participate in role playing and create costumes that replicate their favorite franchise characters. There is even a religion, Jediism, which was formed under the influence of films.

The main action of "Star Wars" takes place in the Galactic Republic, consisting of several galaxies that have come together to create united state.


The exact location of the Republic is not mentioned in any of the Star Wars stories. All that is known about it is that the Republic was so huge that no matter where life was, it was the Republic. Citizens of the Republic said that it was bigger and more majestic than time and space. There was a black hole at the center of the galaxy. The approximate size of the Republic was one hundred and twenty thousand light-years.


The governance structure of the Galactic Republic clearly shows the features of democracy. The Republic had a Constitution, the laws of which were subject to all its inhabitants, it clearly stipulated the system of government of the Republic. So, state structure was Unicameral Legislative power was entrusted to the Basic Ministry, and the executive power was concentrated in the hands of the Senate. To resolve litigation in the Republic, there were regional courts subordinate to the Supreme Court. The head of the Republic was the Supreme Chancellor, who was also the President of the Senate of the Republic.

The commander-in-chief of the army of the Galactic Republic has been appointed Minister of Defense of the Republic. The Galactic Senate became the oversight body for the actions of the highest military ranks and the army.


The history of the Republic is so comprehensive and vast that thousands of libraries would not be enough to preserve it. In total, it has a history of twenty thousand years.

The beginning of the Republic was the desire of intelligent life forms to create a mutually beneficial alliance of planets based on the principles of democracy. Each of the subjects of the Republic had the right to provide its representative to the Senate. The official date of the formation of the Republic is the date of the signing of the Galactic Constitution in 20,053 BEFORE the Battle of Yavin. The creation of the Republic was mainly influenced by the creation of the hyperdrive, which allowed travel through the galaxies.

Early in the creation of the Star Wars Galactic Republic, the first Senate attempted to stem the rapid growth of the Republic's membership. But the time of the exploration of the galaxy led to the fact that the number of states included in the association grew exponentially. In the first thousand years, the Republic grew many times over.

Approximately 19,000 - 17,000 before the Battle of Yavin, the Age of Discovery began, in which the galaxy was conquered to a large extent to its eastern and northern borders. Around the same time, the conflict between the Jedi escalates, from now on they are divided into those who protect the Republic, and the Fallen Jedi.

Around 15,000 prior to the Battle of Yavin, the capital of the Galactic Republic, Coruant, was attacked by the Star Dragons. Later, thanks to the efforts of the Chancellor, the conflict was resolved peacefully.

Around 9000 before the Battle of Yavin, followers of a galactic sect came to power. During their reign, the situation worsened, caused by an increase in the number of "crusades". A thousand years later, power changed, presumably with the assistance of the Jedi.

In 7000 before the Battle of Yavin, the Second Sundering occurs, which was caused by the Fallen Jedi, who discovered a way to influence living beings with the help of the Force. A century of darkness has begun. Fallen Jedi take over the Sith.

About 5,000 before the Battle of Yavin, the Jedi and Sith clashed, and the Hyperspace War began. 750 years later, the Third Schism occurred, which allowed the Jedi to establish a temple in the capital of the Republic that would stand for another 4,000 years.

Fall of the Republic. New Republic

The reason for the decline of the Republic is considered to be bureaucracy and corruption, which has increased significantly in the Senate. This leads to a military crisis on Naboo. The Senate is unable to cope with the current situation, resulting in a vote of no confidence in the Supreme Chancellor. Palpatine is appointed as the new Chancellor.

After it becomes known that the new Chancellor is the leader of the Sith, the Jedi tried to stop the Chancellor, but it all ended up being slandered. Palpatine dissolves the Senate and proclaims his Empire.

After the Empire is defeated, the Republic is reborn as the New Galactic Republic.

Star Wars. Far Away Galaxy Forever Khaetskaya Elena Vladimirovna

People who saw the world of Star Wars for the first time

In fact, the script created by George Lucas could hardly inspire anyone. When Lucas wrote, he had visions of spaceships, grandiose battles, fantastic landscapes, bright, unusual characters - people, robots and aliens. But the text of the script by itself was not able to evoke all these scenes in the imagination of an outside reader. Even the future Luke Skywalker - Mark Hamill - admitted: “I read my first monologue (for audition) and said: God! But who talks like that?!"

If the actor for the main role had no idea how to say all these lines in all seriousness, then what can we say about skeptical producers?

I needed to render an image.

And George Lucas invited the artist.

His name was Ralph McQuarrie. Born in 1929 in Indiana, he attended art college and eventually became an industrial designer. In 1950, he got a job at Boeing, where he was the youngest of fifty designers. Ralph was almost immediately drafted into the army and sent to war in Korea, where the young artist was wounded in the head. He was saved from death by the lining of his helmet.

After demobilization, Ralph entered the Art Center, where he studied industrial design and advertising, and then, in the early sixties, he moved to Los Angeles.

Lucas knew him from concept paintings for Matthew Robinson and Hal Barwood's unrealized Stardance film project. McQuarrie, in general, did not really like science fiction - he worked at Boeing and was "sick" of airplanes. “I was a little interested in space architecture,” but the idea of ​​drawing something on this topic on his own did not come to his mind. However, he seemed to enjoy drawing for Hal and Matt. (Later Macquarrie became famous for his paintings depicting the landing of the Apollo crew on the moon). The choice of Lucas, as always, was almost perfect.

After their first meeting, Lucas and McQuarrie did not see each other for two years. And two years later, George suddenly "appeared" on the horizon - with a script and a salary offer. McQuarrie agreed and took the order.

Ralph's work was supposed to replace Lucas' hand-waving and finger-pointing during negotiations. Now Lucas was waving his arms in front of an artist who had to paint—for starters—five paintings. It was November 1974. McQuarrie developed the "industrial design" of the Death Star, the costume of Darth Vader, the appearance of robots.

The script didn't describe any of that. Lucas spoke in words, showed his own sketches. The worst thing, however, was that the script was constantly changing, so there was no point at all in looking for some kind of solid footing in it. The only source of information was conversations with Lucas himself.

“I sat with a pencil in my hand and dreamed up the most grotesque images that came into my head,” McQuarrie recalled. “My task was to depict the most spectacular moments based on the sketches of George, who told me this: “Draw - and do not think about how we will create it. We need pictures to help us imagine how it will look on screen.” Every week George came and looked at the result. We discussed what he ultimately wants to see, what he wants to fix in the finished works…”

Ralph McQuarrie (1929–2012) was an American illustrator and designer, best known for creating the characters Darth Vader and Chewbacca from the Star Wars saga.

Lucas' wishes grew to ten paintings. He wanted to get ten paintings, completely finished and introducing the viewer into the world of Star Wars.

“Ralph put a huge amount of detail into the work,” recalled George Lucas. “I was just telling him what these devices or machines were for, what they did. Sometimes it worked right away, sometimes I had to correct it, but I trusted him completely.

In the end, Ralph McQuarrie created twenty-one concept illustrations. He painted in gouache, watercolor, mixed media.

But first, those very first five key paintings were created.

Work continued from January to March 1975.

It is impossible to overestimate the contribution of this artist to the world of Star Wars. To some extent, thanks to his work, the film generally received a start in life. It happened on December 13, 1975, when Lucas, with the help of the Ralph McQuarrie paintings he had, finally revealed his plan to 20th Century Fox and received the go-ahead.

And Ralph McQuarrie himself considered the series of works that George Lucas showed to the studio bosses at the decisive meeting to be his most significant creative achievement - they turned out to be quite a serious weight on the scales.

Of particular note is the first picture - "Robots in the Desert". Droids R2-D2 and C-3PO in the sands. It was this picture that played a key role in the birth of the C-3PO film image.

... There was a real pandemonium in the room: people came to the casting every five minutes, and the actor Anthony Daniels, who looked here "on the run", had already decided that he had had enough, it was time to leave. The film in question did not inspire him much: some kind of space battles ...

“And suddenly, over George's shoulder, I saw a picture. The unthinkable happened,” Daniels recalled. “I was looking into that golden face, and the face was looking at me. We drilled each other's eyes. It was an amazing contact. The robot seemed to be conjuring from the picture: “Come here, be with me…” I couldn't just turn around and leave, leaving him to the mercy of fate. The picture completely changed my attitude to the whole project. Years later I said to Ralph McQuarrie, you bastard, it's all your fault!"

The picture is really impressive. Here is how the artist himself spoke about her appearance: “George wanted Tatooine to be a desert planet with two suns. I closed my eyes and thought: desert, heat, no vegetation, only rocks and dust... And the whole economy of Tatooine was immediately born in my imagination... I thought: I will make my robot a cylinder that looks like a trash can, and instead of two legs it will have three. In the back, I painted the Oregon coast, instead of the sea - sand.

Lucas recalls that he clearly wanted to make one robot humanoid - "it will be a public relations specialist", and the second "just an ordinary "robot-like" robot" ...

The second picture was supposed to represent Darth Vader. Unlike the three main characters of the saga, the villain Darth Vader formed in George's mind at once: a large dark figure in a wide cloak. The villain must wear an iron hat, similar to the southwest, with long, down-brimmed brim, and an iron mask. In one of the scenes, he had to jump out of the Star Destroyer and land on the ship they were chasing, then burn a hole in the hull and find his victim. Therefore, he had to withstand the vacuum and low space temperatures. Gradually, the costume became an integral part of the image.

Heroes are the key to the story, but Lucas also needed real spaceships. In the same November 1974, at the same time that McQuarrie was invited to the project, Lucas met Colin Cantwell. At the San Diego Planetarium, he was making something for a space show. However, Colin already had work on the science fiction films 2001: A Space Odyssey and The Andromeda Strain. At home he kept a large collection of models. It was Colin Cantwell who began to develop the concept models of starships, the spider, the Death Star.

When the next model appeared, McQuarrie immediately depicted her in his picture, adding more and more details to the world of Star Wars.

The first ship that Colin designed was the Y-Wing, an early fighter model (the later and more famous X-Wing, or "X-wing").

The fighter immediately hit Ralph's painting Flight to the Death Star. In this picture, the Death Star is still very small. Lucas would later explain that the Death Star must be so huge that it looks flat near the surface - it appears spherical only when viewed from afar.

The T-65 X-Wing starfighter, a fantastic space fighter in the Star Wars universe, manufactured by the Incom Corporation was the Rebel Alliance's main versatile starfighter.

Another painting depicts the bar scene where Han Solo meets the bounty hunter and is the first to draw his blaster. “I imagined this place as an ordinary bar,” McQuarrie recalled. - Torn advertising posters, garbage ... Nothing indicated high space technology. George liked the overall feel of the painting, but requested that more mechanisms be added to it. For example - "automatic policeman" in the form of a flying tennis ball. George explained that these are search bots that are looking for a specific person; when they find him, they carry out the death sentence.”

Then the amazing "City in the Clouds" was written - an imperial city floating in the sky. In concept art new hope This work was not included, it was used later for the film The Empire Strikes Back.

In general, the paintings of Ralph McQuarrie can, to a certain extent, give an idea of ​​the modifications that the script underwent. It now seems as if the trinity of Luke - Leia - Han Solo is something eternal and so natural that nothing else can be imagined. But there were times when a certain beauty acted instead of Luke, and instead of Han Solo and Ben Kenobi - a single character with a lightsaber in his hand. And you can see this only on the early concepts of Ralph McQuarrie. For example, in the episode on Tatooine, exactly the same girl performs (who was later replaced by a young man and turned into our beloved Luke).

“The spider was supposed to hang in the air,” Ralph said, “so I found an interesting angle that shows the gap between the bottom of the car and the ground. The central character is a girl with a long rifle, just like George wanted."

Subsequently, the "real" spider, on which Luke drives around Tatooine and which does not have wheels, but hovers above the surface of the earth, was created in a very "primitive" way: in the filming of long shots, the spider moved, like all "mere mortals", on wheels, and then, with the help of combined surveys, these wheels were removed.

By March 1975, Colin Cantwell completed the prototype. pirate ship, which instantly "migrated" to the artist's canvas. Later, it is on this ship at the beginning of the film that Leia tries to escape from the Imperial stormtroopers.

The pirate ship model took quite a long time to complete. When Colin completed her concept in May 1975, Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) was already in full swing.

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In this article you will learn:

Timeline of the Star Wars universe over millions of years.

The countdown in the universe is based on the victory of the Rebel Alliance over the Empire in the battle of the planet Yavin IV. (BBY - before the Battle of Yavin and ABY - after the Battle of Yavin)

Before the Ruusan Reformation

over 7,500,000,000+ to me. b.

  • The universe originated after the Big Bang

OK. 5,000,000,000 to i. b.

  • The Star Wars galaxy was born

OK. 100,000 to i. b.

  • The planet Coruscant is completely covered by the city.
  • The appearance on the planet Korriban of an ancient humanoid race.

OK. 49,000 to me. b.

  • Founding of the Rakata Infinite Empire

OK. 28,000 to me. b.

  • After a long civil war a plague appeared that affected only the rakat. Death of the Infinite Empire.

OK. 27,000 to me. b.

  • The first human colonists settled on Alderaan.

OK. 25 200 to i. b.

  • Discovery of the Force

OK. 25 130 to i. b.

  • The beginning of the reign of Xim the Despot.
  • Xim the Despot died fighting the Hutts on Vontor, his Tion hegemony crumbling.

OK. 25,000 to me. b.

  • The opening of the hyperdrive.
  • Beginning of the Unification Wars.
  • The signing of the Galactic Constitution.

OK. 24 500 to me. b.

  • The first war among the Jedi began with some of them turning to the dark side.

OK. 24 400 to me. b.

  • The Dark Jedi, known as the "Lettow Legion", lost the war and were expelled from the Republic.
  • The prophecy tells of the Chosen One who is to bring balance to the Force.

OK. 9990 to i. b.

  • Invention of Lightsabers.

OK. 7000 to i. b.

  • The beginning of the second great schism among the Jedi - the Hundred Years' Darkness.

OK. 6900 to i. b.

  • The end of the Hundred Years of Darkness, the Dark Jedi are expelled from the borders of the Republic and created the Sith Empire.

OK. 5000 to i. b.

  • Fall of the Sith Empire
  • Great Hyperspace War.
  • The planet Tatooine, formerly part of the Infinite Empire, has been discovered by the Republic.

OK. 4400 to i. b.

  • Jedi Knight Freedon Nadd turned to the dark side after learning the secrets of Naga Sadow and seized control of the planet Onderon.

4250 to i. b.

  • The third great schism is the Vultar Cataclysm.

4000 to i. b.

  • Beast Wars on Onderon. The Jedi Knights who arrive to help learn that the defenders of the city of Isis are adepts of the Dark Side and take the side of the Beast Lords.

3998 to i. b.

  • Rise of Freedon Nadd
  • The Jedi restored order to Onderon and sealed the entrance to Nadd's tomb on Onderon's moon Dxun with Mandalorian steel. Princes from Empress Theta's system began studying Sith magic from an ancient book stolen from a museum on Coruscant. Knowledge of poetry, as well as the spirit of Fridon Nadd, completely spoiled them.

3997 to i. b.

  • Two heirs seized power on seven planets in the Theta Empress system, and a civil war broke out. The Republic sent troops and Jedi to restore peace. Exar Kun discovered the tomb of Freedon Nadd, and, possessed by his spirit, fled to Korriban, where he turned to the dark side. During a meeting of the Jedi on Ossus, Satal and Alima Keto unleashed Thetan battle droids on them, killing Ulik Qel-Droma's master in the process. Qel-Droma joined Kun as an apprentice and they settled on Yavin IV.

3996 to i. b.

  • Great Sith War. Exar Kun led his warriors against the Republic, but his apprentice, Ulic Qel-Droma, betrayed him. Kun died while preserving his spirit in the temples of Yavin IV.

3986 to i. b.

  • Killing Ulic Qel-Droma.

OK. 3983 to i. b.

  • Mandalorian "new crusaders" began to conquer worlds in the Outer Rim. The Jedi Council decides not to intervene until the situation is cleared up.

3963 to i. b.

  • Beginning of the Mandalorian Wars.
  • Young Jedi Revan and Malak violate the order of the Jedi Council and lead the forces of the Republic.

3960 to i. b.

  • The Mandalorian Wars ended in victory for the Republic. A Jedi serving under Revan and later named the Exile, voluntarily breaks his connection to the Force in order to end the torment caused by the death of thousands of creatures at the Battle of Malachor V. He was summoned to Coruscant for trial on charges of defiance of the council, and expelled from the order, when the council members learned that he had renounced the Force.
  • Revan and Malak are gone. Soon after, they turned to the dark side, took on the titles of Sith Lords, and added the prefix "Darth" to their names.
  • The HK-47 was built on Revan's orders.

3959 to i. b.

  • Revan and Malak began fighting against the Republic and only Bastila Shen's battle meditation prevented them from gaining an immediate victory.

3956 to i. b.

  • Revan returns to the light and redeems himself by destroying Malak and the Star Forge. The Jedi Civil War is over.

3955 to i. b.

  • Revan flew to the Unknown Regions, hoping to destroy the "real Sith".

OK. 3900 to i. b.

  • The planet Naboo is colonized by settlers from Griswalth.

OK. 2000 to i. b.

  • An unknown Jedi renegade found the Sith holocron, and using the knowledge from it, refounded the Sith order. started New war Sith, which lasted for over a thousand years.

1031 to i. b.

  • Ruusan battle. All the Sith died, except for Darth Bane. Bane reformed the Sith order, which will now consist of only two beings: a teacher and an apprentice. In addition, he established a tradition that all Sith names must begin with "Darth" (previously this was not mandatory).
  • The Senate carried out the Ruusan Reformation and approved this year as the beginning of a new chronology.

From the Ruusan Reformation to the Clone Wars

OK. 1000 to i. b.

  • A millennial peace has begun.

OK. 896 to i. b.

  • Yoda is born - perhaps the greatest of the Jedi.

OK. 896 to i. b.

  • Jabba the Hutt is born.

490 to i. b.

  • The Corporate Sector Authority is founded to rid the Senate and the entrepreneurs of each other.

350 to i. b.

  • Trade Federation founded.

OK. 200 to i. b.

  • Chewbacca is born.

102 to i. b.

  • Count Dooku was born on the planet Serenno. That same year, his powers in the Force are discovered by the Jedi, and he begins training.

92 to i. b.

  • Qui-Gon Jinn is born.

82 to i. b.

  • Palpatine was born on Naboo. Darth Plagius begins his training.

72 to i. b.

  • Mace Windu was born on Haruun Kale.

69 to i. b.

  • Bail Organa was born on Alderaan.

68 to i. b.

  • Jango Fett was born on the planet Concord Dawn.

60 to i. b.

  • Wilhuff Tarkin was born on Eriadu.

58 to i. b.

  • Jango Fett was left an orphan after his family was massacred by the Mandalorian Deathguard.

57 to i. b.

  • Obi-Wan Kenobi was born on an unknown planet.
  • Darth Maul is born on Iridonia. Palpatine kidnapped him as an infant and began teaching him the art of the Sith.

54 to i. b.

  • Lord Hethrir was born on the planet Firrerre.

52 to i. b.

  • Palpatine is elected to the Galactic Senate.
  • Zam Wesell was born on Zolan.

OK. 50 to i. b.

  • Jar Jar Binks was born on Naboo.

46 to i. b.

  • Padmé Amidala was born to Ruvi and Jobal Naberrie.

45 to i. b.

  • The Katana Fleet was commissioned, the first major military force of the Republic since Ruusan.

44 to i. b.

  • Qui-Gon Jinn does not want to take Obi-Wan as a Padawan because his previous student, Xanatos, has turned to the dark side of the Force. However, after a series of adventures, Obi-Wan becomes Qui-Gon's apprentice. Trying to help the inhabitants of the planet Melida-Daan, Obi-Wan almost quits the Order, but returns and helps Qui-Gon defeat Xanatos.

41 to i. b.

  • Slave Shmi Skywalker gave birth to Anakin Skywalker - the Chosen One, who is destined to bring the Force into a state of balance.
  • Firmus Piett was born on Axsil.

40 to i. b.

  • Finis Valorum becomes Chancellor of the Republic.

39 to i. b.

  • Shmi and Anakin Skywalker are bought by the Hattiha Gardulla and brought to Tatooine. Soon they were won by Watto cards.

38-37 to i.b.

  • Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are investigating the planets Jorn Scot and Ord Mantell.

35 to i. b.

  • The Great Re-Synchronization has been carried out in order to combine the various calendars of the Galaxy.

34 to i. b.

  • The Mandalorians are destroyed by Jedi forces at the Battle of Galidraan. The only survivor is Jango Fett.

33.5 to i.b.

  • The aggressive Yinchorri race threatens the inhabitants of peaceful planets and even the Jedi, and the Council sends several Jedi to the Yinchorr. Some of them are dying.

33 to i. b.

  • Palpatine secures income from the mines of the planet Dorvalla by sending Darth Maul there on a "diplomatic" mission.
  • Unrest on the planet Cerea. A native of the planet, Jedi Ki-Adi-Mundi helps to sort them out.
  • Palpatine orchestrated the death of the Trade Federation's top leadership on Eriadu, making Nute Gunray Viceroy of the Federation.

32 to i. b.

  • Darth Maul infiltrates the Black Sun criminal organization and kills several important people.
  • Neimoidian Has Monchar tries to sell information about the impending occupation of Naboo, but Darth Maul hunts down and kills him and everyone who managed to find out too much.
  • Anakin Skywalker began assembling C-3PO from parts of broken protocol droids.
  • Qui-Gon Jinn found Anakin, discovered in him the talent of a future Jedi. After Jinn's death, Anakin became Obi-Wan Kenobi's Padawan.
  • The Trade Federation took Naboo, Queen Amidala fled to Coruscant, but returned, seeing the Senate's sluggishness. She made an alliance with the Gungans and together they recaptured the planet. In battle, Darth Maul killed Qui-Gon, but he himself died at the hands of Obi-Wan. Daultay Dauphin died in the explosion of the droid control station.
  • The droid R2-D2 excelled in repairing Amidala's ship under combat conditions.
  • With the crisis over, Palpatine is elected Chancellor in place of Valorum.
  • Count Dooku left the Jedi Order and became a student of Darth Sidious.
  • Bail Organa is elected senator from Alderaan.
  • On the planet Kamino, they began to grow an army of clones, believing that the order came from Jedi Master Sifo Dias. Jango Fett, from whom the genetic material was taken for cloning, demanded a clone for his personal use and raised him as his own son, Bob.
  • The Jedi learn that the Tuskens of Tatooine have a lightsaber-wielding leader. It turns out that this is the missing Jedi Sharad Hett 15 years ago. Ki-Adi-Mundi leaves for Tatooine. Sharad Hett is killed by the hunter Aurra Sing, but Ki-Adi-Mundi delivers his son A'Sharad to the Temple and becomes his teacher.

31 to i. b.

  • The Jedi Council becomes aware of the smuggling of dangerous predators from Nar Shaddaa for various criminal purposes. A group of Jedi are sent to investigate.
  • Jedi Quinlan Vos and his apprentice, Ayla Secura, fall into a trap and lose their memory while investigating on the planet Ryloth. Possessing the Force, but having forgotten the Code, they become dangerously close to the Dark Side. The Jedi manage to track down Quinlan and convince him to return, while Aela disappears.
  • Aurra Sing, a Jedi hunter, is hired to kill the Twi'lek Riss Cairn.
  • Quinlan Vos is sent to Dathomir, where the witches have found an ancient temple whose energy is capable of destroying planets. After being captured by the witches, Quinlan faces the temptation of the dark side again.
  • Young Jedi Yoshi Raf-Elan saves the people of a distant planet from a tyrant.

30 to i. b.

  • After Aurra Sing kills Jedi Masters Pierce and J'Mikel, the Council decides to hunt down the huntress. Ki-Adi-Mundi, A'Sharad Hett and Adi Gallia set out to find them. Meanwhile, Orra is on the hunt for her former mentor, the Dark Woman. A'Sharad almost kills the hunter, but she once again manages to escape.
  • After the events on Ryloth, Aela Secura falls under the influence of the Anzati Dark Jedi Wolf Karkko. Now she is attacking Vos's home planets - Kiffu and Kiffex - with hordes of Anzati, trying to find and kill her former teacher. Aela manages to get back to the Temple and becomes Tholme's apprentice.

29 to i. b.

  • Tholme and Aela Secura try to prevent the murder of the Twi'lek Lon Secura and the kidnapping of his son. They encounter members of the Morgukai order of battle, backed by Count Dooku himself. Tholme is captured, and Aela is already working with Quinlan Vos to find and free him.
  • Anakin and Obi-Wan are sent on a mission to the planet Zonama Sekot. The planet was attacked by the mysterious "Distant Strangers" - the vanguard of the Yuuzhan Vong. Jedi Vergere saves the planet by surrendering to the Vong.
  • Wright Sinar briefed Tarkin on the plans to build the Death Star.
  • Han Solo was born on Correlia.

27 to i. b.

  • The Jedi launch Project Outbound Flight, which failed due to the intervention of Grand Admiral Thrawn.
  • Django Fet and Zam Wesell recover an ancient artifact, a powerful source of the Force. Later it turns out that the terrorist Ashaar Horda is using this artifact to destroy Coruscant. Yarael Poof saves the planet at the cost of his life, and Django and Zam return the artifact to its place.
  • Yarael Poof died saving Coruscant from a group of terrorists who were about to destroy the planet.

24 to i. b.

  • Dooku shows up on Raxus One and starts spreading the idea that the Republic is mired in corruption. Under the influence of his propaganda, the planet seceded from the Republic and founded the Confederation of Independent Systems.
  • Pilot Nym fights the pirate Sol Sixsa, who threatens the peace of the planet Maramer. It turns out that Sixxa is fighting the Trade Federation - and then the pirates unite to expel her from Maramer.

23 to i. b.

  • Senate guard Sagoro Autumn, investigating a murder, uncovers a conspiracy against the Republic, behind which is his brother Venko. To save the Republic, he has to kill his brother, but for this he ends up in prison.

22 to i. b.

  • Obi-Wan, Anakin, Luminara Unduli, and Barriss Offee are sent on a mission to the planet Ansion, which wants to secede from the Republic.
  • Zam Wesell made two unsuccessful assassination attempts on Amidala and was killed by Jango Fett covering his tracks.
  • Anakin Skywalker returned to his native Tatooine, where he met his half-brother Owen Lars. C-3PO and R2-D2 are back together.
  • The Tuskens killed Shmi Skywalker, and this pushed Anakin to the dark side.
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi discovered that Nute Gunray had orchestrated the assassination attempts on Amidala in retaliation for a defeat ten years earlier.
  • Palpatine was granted emergency powers by the Senate and assumed command of an army of clones raised on Kamino.
  • The Clone Wars began with the Battle of Geonosis. Mace Windu killed Jango Fett, leaving Boba an orphan. Pogle the Younger passed on the plans for the Death Star prototype to Dooku, who in turn passed it on to Palpatine.
  • Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala, who fell in love with each other, got married on Naboo.

Clone Wars

22 years before me . b.

  • Separatist attack on Camino. The Republic won this battle thanks to a warning from Jedi Quinlan Vos. Also in the first 6 months of the war, thanks to the efforts of the Republic and the Jedi, the battles for Mon Calamari and Dantooine were won. But in the battle for Hypori, the separatists have a new leader - General Grievous. He personally killed several Jedi. Thus, the Confederation acquires not only a good politician, but also a commander equal to the Jedi.

Day 367 The Clone Wars

  • Delta Force mission on a derelict Republic cruiser in the Seagull Star Cluster. As a result, a deal between the Trandoshin slavers and the Separatists is interrupted.

21 years before me. b.

  • Mara Jade is born on an unknown planet. Future wife of Luke Skywalker.

19 year before me. b.

  • General Grievous, leader of the Separatist Army, organizes an attack on Coruscant and kidnaps Chancellor Palpatine.
  • The Clone Wars end with the destruction of the Confederacy during the battles on Coruscant, Mustafar, and Utapau.
  • It turns out that Palpatine is Darth Sidious. The Sith Lord kills Mace Windu, Sasie Tiin, Kit Fisto and Ajen Kolar and proclaims himself Emperor in the Galactic Empire. Anakin Skywalker turns to the dark side of the Force and becomes Darth Vader, the right hand of the Emperor.
  • The Great Jedi Purge was orchestrated by Palpatine and Darth Vader. Nearly all of the Jedi were destroyed, including Ki-Adi Mundi, Ayala Secura, Plo Koon, Stazza Ally, Luminara Andali, and Barriss Offee; only a small number of Jedi Knights survive.
  • Darth Vader massacres the Separatist Council on Mustafar in cold blood. He then gets into a fight with Obi-Wan Kenobi, in which he loses both legs and his left arm and is burned to death. Vader is rescued by Darth Sidious and turned into a half-man, half-machine.
  • Padmé Amidala gives birth to Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa and dies in childbirth. Yoda instructs Obi-Wan Kenobi to take Luke to Anakin's half-brother Owen Lars and Leia to Bail Organa so that the Empire cannot find and destroy the children. Then the two surviving Jedi Masters go into exile: Obi-Wan - to the deserts of Tatooine, Yoda - to the swampy planet Dagoba, waiting there for the coming of Luke Skywalker's time.
  • The first of the waves of resistance of the Empire begins, which in the future will develop into a Galactic Civil War.
  • At the same time, the construction of the Death Star begins in secret.

15 years before me. b.

  • C-3PO and R2-D2 have new troubles with their masters Yann Tosh and Mango Baobab.

13 years before me. b.

  • Firmus Piett becomes an admiral at the age of 26.

5 years before me. b.

  • Han Solo, now at the military academy, rescues Chewbacca and is subsequently expelled from the Imperial Galactic Fleet. Chewbacca pledges lifelong loyalty to Han Solo and stays with him for the next thirty years.

2 years before me. b.

  • The Rebel Alliance is strengthened after the signing of the Corellian Treaty and the Rebel Declaration at the Cantham House Talks on Coruscant; and at the "Meeting in the Corellia System" between Mon Mothma, Bail Organna, and Garm Bel Iblis, a unified organization is formed.

1 year before i. b.

  • Bail Organa steps down as Senator of Alderaan from the Galactic/Imperial Senate at age 31, and his adopted daughter Leia is named to the post until next year's Senate elections.

0 year before i. b.

  • On the instructions of Mon Mothma, the mercenary Kyle Katarn steals the documentation of the first Death Star and hands it over to the rebels.
  • Tantive IV, Princess Leia's consular ship Captured by Darth Vader and droids C-3PO and R2-D2 land on Tatooine and fall into the possession of Luke Skywalker.
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi finds Luke, who has passed out after a skirmish with the Tusken Rogues, and receives Princess Leia's secret message.
  • A squad of Imperial stormtroopers kill Owen and Beru Lars, Luke's uncle and aunt, and, he thought, deprive him of his family.
  • The Imperial Senate is disbanded, giving Palpatine absolute power. Officially, it sounded like "The action of the Senate is suspended for a while emergency in the Galaxy," but even Palpatine's supporters knew that the Imperial Senate would never meet again.
  • After Leia refuses to reveal the location of the Secret Rebel Base, Grand Moff Tarkin orders the Death Star to destroy her home planet of Alderaan. Her adoptive father, Bail Organa, is killed in the explosion. Soon, Garm Bel Iblis leaves the Rebel Alliance due to disagreements with Mon Mothma. He takes some of his troops with him, though most remain with the Alliance. As a result, Mon Mothma becomes the leader of the Rebel Alliance.
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader meet in their final duel, ending in Obi-Wan's death, but his spirit lives on.
  • Battle of Yavin. Luke Skywalker, with the help of Han Solo and the spirit of Obi-Wan, destroys the Death Star before it can hit the Rebel Base on Yavin IV. Luke Skywalker and Han Solo join the Rebel Alliance. Grand Moff Tarkin dies when the Death Star explodes.

After the Battle of Yavin

1 year after i. b.

  • To destroy the Rebel base on Yavin, the SZR (SSD-Super Star Destroyer) "Executioner" was launched under the command of Kendal Ozzel. But Admiral Griff's mistake allows the Rebels to flee.
  • Bakura joins the Empire.

2 years after i. b.

  • Imperial military forces led by Darth Vader succeed in capturing a group of Rebels on Ord Mantell. Here Darth Vader learns the name of the one who destroyed the First Death Star. Meanwhile, a bounty hunter working for Jabba the Hutt nearly succeeds in capturing Han Solo.

3 years after i. b.

  • Battle for Hoth. The Empire discovers the Alliance's secret base on the ice planet of Hoth and launches a successful attack. As a result, the Rebels suffer heavy losses. Admiral Ozzel is killed by Darth Vader for incompetence and Admiral Piett takes command of Vader's fleet.
  • Luke Skywalker meets Yoda on Dagobah. He soon interrupts his training, but promises to return. At Cloud City, Boba Fett freezes Solo in carbonite to deliver to Jabba the Hutta. Lando Calrissian joins the Alliance. During the confrontation between the two sides, Luke learns that he is the son of Darth Vader, but cannot believe it. Luke loses his arm, which is replaced with an implant.
  • Bothan spies learned that a second Death Star was under construction and informed the Rebels of its location. Prince Xizor, leader of the Black Sun criminal organization, is killed by Darth Vader because of the former's attempt to kill Luke Skywalker in order to vilify Vader before the Emperor.

4 years after i. b.

  • Freed by Han Solo, Jabba the Hutt is killed by Leia Organa. The Sarlacc swallows Boba Fet, but he escapes by blowing up a rocket, after which he is rescued by the bounty hunter Dengar. Local "authorities" unleashed a war for supremacy over the criminal empire of Jabba.
  • Luke returns to Dagobah to continue his training. Yoda dies after telling Luke that Vader is indeed his father and that he is not the last of the Skywalkers. Obi-Wan reveals to Luke that he has a sister. Luke learns by force that his sister is Leia Organa. Later, on Endor, Luke tells his sister about their relationship. Battle of Endor. Lando Calrissian, Wedge Antilles, and Nien Nunb destroy the second Death Star, theoretically ending the Galactic War. The Ewoks help the squad fight their way through a squad of Imperial Stormtroopers to the station that powered the Death Star's force shield. The End of the Empire has come and it is falling apart. Admiral Piett dies when the Destroyer collides with the Death Star. Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker returns to the light side thanks to Luke. Anakin Skywalker destroys Palpatine, saving his son's life. By this he fulfills the Prophecy and brings balance to the Force. The Sith have been destroyed. Luke cremates his father's body on Endor. While celebrating on Endor, he sees the Spirits of Anakin, Obi-Wan and Yoda.
  • The Rebel Alliance becomes the "All Galaxy Free Planets and Young Systems Alliance" to create the Republic. Battle for Bakura: The first truce between the Alliance and the Empire, for only then could they unite to drive off the Ssi-ruuvi who had invaded the habitable regions of the galaxy. Bakura secedes from the Empire. One month after the Battle of Endor, Mon Mothma declares the restoration of the Galactic Republic; The Three Planets Alliance becomes the New Republic.

5 years after i. b.

  • Luke Skywalker is promoted to General. After 6 months, the Imperial troops under the command of Lord Shadowspone fight to the last against his troops, he soon retires from military service.
  • Isanna Isard is trying to treacherously seize power in the Empire and become Empress.

6 year after i. b.

  • Campaign to capture the worlds of the Core. The still quite inexperienced New Republic is moving from guerrilla war to open hostilities and begins a campaign to hold on to territories crumbling uncontrollably under the onslaught of the Galactic Empire, which continues to take over worlds in the Core Region in order to take Coruscant, the capital of the New Republic.

7 year after i. b.

  • The New Republic cleanses Coruscant of the remnants of the Empire.
  • Ysanne Isard leaves an artificial virus on Coruscant to thwart the triumph of the New Republic.
  • The New Republic needs bacta from Thyferra to stop the epidemic.
  • Ysanne Isard fakes his own death and disappears.

8 year after i. b.

  • Leia Organa marries Han Solo.
  • Prince Isolder bridges the Hapi Consortium and the New Republic.
  • Imperial warlord Zsinj dies.

9 year after i. b.

  • Jaina and Jacen Solo are born, children of Leia Organa and Han Solo.
  • Grand Admiral Thrawn's attempt to destroy the New Republic and restore the face of the Galactic Empire failed. Thrawn subsequently dies.
  • Obi-Wan's spirit vanishes completely, having completely turned into the Force.
  • The Noghri defect to the New Republic when they learn they have been manipulated by the Empire into artificially maintaining the pollution of their home planet, Honoghra.
  • Raynar Toole is born.

10 year after i. b.

  • Palpatine revives in the body of a clone and causes the fall of Luke Skywalker, but Luke returns to the Light. He and Leia soon destroy the Emperor's flagship, the Eclipse I. Palpatine, who was on board the ship, dies.
  • The utter destruction of Palpatine, the First Galactic Emperor: The Emperor returns, but Empatageios Brand destroys his life force. The brand dies, and Palpatine is completely destroyed. R2-D2 had the Eclipse II ram the Galactic Cannon, one of whose missiles destroys the planet Byss, home to Palpatine's cloning devices and the entire refurbished arsenal of the Empire. Leia and Han's third son, Anakin Solo (named after Leia and Luke's father), is born.

11 years after i. b.

  • Luke Skywalker establishes a Jedi academy on Yavin IV.
  • The New Republic launches the Journey of the Stars tourism campaign. R2-D2 and C-3PO are sent to help protect the passengers.
  • The New Republic attacks the prototype Death Star and the Maw Imperial Research Facility, built in the black hole cluster of the same name and guarded by a Star Destroyer squad under the command of Admiral Daala.

19 year after i. b.

  • A plan to restore the growth of the Empire using a doppelgänger of Grand Admiral Thrawn.
  • Luke Skywalker marries Mara Jade.
  • The New Republic and the remnants of the Empire conclude a peace treaty, as a result of which the conflict between the Empire and the New Republic is legalized.

23 years after me. b.

  • Jacen and Jaina Solo, now Jedi of Luke Skywalker's academy, are fighting against the Second Empire, which is trying to destroy the peace between the New Republic and the "Remnants of the Empire" as soon as this is known, and start another Galactic War.

24 years after me. b.

  • The "Sabotage Alliance", an extremist anti-human organization, is defeated by the New Republic.

25-30 year after i. b.

  • The Yuuzhan Vong are invading the galaxy. Chewbacca dies on Sernpidal when the planet collided with its de-orbited moon.
  • The Battle of Yavin is taken as the beginning of time, creating the current date system.
  • Ben Skywalker is born, son of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade.
  • The Yuuzhan Vong capture Coruscant and the New Republic ceases to exist. Anakin Solo dies.
  • The Galactic Federation of Three Alliances takes the place of the New Republic.
  • Coruscant is liberated from the Yuuzhan Vong. Zonama Sekot seeks peace between the Galactic Alliance and the Yuuzhan Vong. The Five Years' War ends.

35 years after me. b.

  • Efforts to rebuild Galactic Civilization after the war with the Yuuzhan Vong continue, with many war-torn worlds still recovering from the devastation caused by the war.
  • Jedi, among whom there was much disagreement about their new role in the Galaxy and about the new philosophy (new understanding) Forces, despite the desire of Luke Skywalker, are used by the galactic alliance as diplomats and policemen.
  • An old enemy of the Chiss returned - a mysterious race of aliens, whose leader is very knowledgeable in the ways of the Force, and many young Jedi tried to interfere with her, and they, connected physically and mentally, became part of the "Hive" of aliens.

40 - 130 p. I. b.

  • Rise of Darth Krayt
  • Mara Jade Skywalker is killed during the Second Galactic Civil War by her nephew, Jacen Solo, who has turned to the dark side of the Force.

130 p. I. b.

  • Fall of the New Jedi Order

137 p. I. b.

  • Merge with the power (death) of Luke Skywalker. After more than 130 years, p. b. The ghost of the Jedi Grand Master returns to help his descendant, Cade Skywalker, regain his Jedi heritage.

Each premiere associated with the most popular Star Wars franchise is something grandiose. So it happened with the new LEGO collection. Her story began in August 2017, when LEGO Twitter posted a new, truly massive set that was about to be released.

The largest LEGO set in the world

The readers were then presented with an image showing two huge piles of gray and beige blocks.

This, according to LEGO, was largest collection of Lego Star Wars ever produced, it includes 7541 parts. This is 1,600 more pieces than the previous largest LEGO model.

The creators of the new collection called it. " millennium falcon is Han Solo's favorite freighter, piloted by Rey (Daisy Ridley) and Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew) after his death.

The largest Lego set in the world costs $800. In Russia, it can be purchased for 60 thousand rubles.. For this price, you not only get a huge number of parts, but also several minifigures representing old and new crew members of the Millennium Falcon. These include:

  • Han Solo;
  • Chewbacca;
  • Princess Leia;
  • C-3PO;
  • aged Han Solo from The Force Awakens;
  • Finn;
  • BB-8.

In addition to them, there are a couple of porgs and minks in the set.

The crew's classic weapons include Khan's blaster and Chewbacca's energy crossbow.

As an added bonus, the heads on the original Han and Leia figures can be rotated so that the owner of the set can put air respirators on them and recreate scenes such as the Mynock attack in The Empire Strikes Back.

The Millennium Falcon measures over 21 cm high, 84 cm long and 56 cm wide.

Lego has gone to great lengths to make the scaled-down version of the Star Wars ship as realistic as possible. It has two laser cannons, a hidden blaster cannon, 7 support legs, a fold-out boarding ramp. It even features detachable round and rectangular antennas to match either the original trilogy or the later episodes VII and VIII. All trim segments are removable to give the player direct access to the interior. And inside the ship there are internal sections - an exact imitation of the original. There is also a secret room under the floor.

This version of the Millennium Falcon set is an update to the 2007 version that held the title of "the biggest Lego Star Wars collection" for ten years. It has 5,195 parts. The 2007 set has been discontinued, but it remains one of the most sought after by fans. Prices for the original model range from $2,000 to $3,000.

The Ultimate Collector Series also contains a host of other Star Wars sets, including the Death Star and Imperial Star Destroyer, as well as the Batmobile from the DC Extended Universe and the Helicarrier from the Marvel Comics Universe.

Top 5 largest Lego Star Wars collections in the world

5. "Death Star" - USC Death Star (article 75159)

You can buy this collection on the LEGO website for 42,990 rubles. It includes 25 minifigures and 4016 parts.

4. LEGO Star Wars Ultimate Collectors Millennium Falcon (Art. No. 10179)

This version contains 5195 parts.

3. The largest private collection of LEGO Star Wars in the world

Located in the LEGO Museum in Prague. There is also the Millennium Falcon, assembled from 5195 parts. And the center of the exposition is the Death Star.

2. The largest collection of Lego Star Wars in Russia

It belongs to a resident of Yekaterinburg, Igor Levichev. It contains over 1.4 thousand figures, and in total the collector has a million Lego parts at his disposal.

1. Rebel X-Wing - 5,335,200 parts

In 2013, a group of enthusiasts presented a full-size Rebel X-Wing combat fighter in the Czech city of Kladno. It took 4 months of work and 5,335,200 parts to create it. After assembling the fighter, he was transported to New York.

Of course, millions of fans of this series can't be wrong. The space saga embodied by George Lucas is a real cultural heritage of the turn of the 20th-21st centuries. The plot of the games based on these films takes players to a truly legendary world where you can fight the Evil Empire on the side of the Jedi and the rebels. Free online games s Star Wars will teach you how to handle laser swords, save the galaxy and learn the Force.

Star Wars, called in the English version " Star Wars online games" are an amazing fantasy story, which was initiated by American director George Lucas back in 1970. Each film in this series has definitely become a real hit in the box office, as well as the basis for various magazines, games and comics. Debut computer game based on Star Wars was released in 1987, after which a whole series of similar games saw the light, which were able to win worldwide vocation and popularity. Each of them is based on a part of the film that has already been released, so they have the corresponding names: The Phantom Menace, Galactic Battlegrounds, Starfighter, Empire at War and others.
Of course, the main and undoubted advantage of this entire game line is an unprecedented variety. Each player is given the opportunity to find a specific activity for himself, from "long-term strategy" to realistic space simulators combined with amazing "shooters". However, these games, regardless of the main characters, plot and genre, are united by one thing - the development of game action in the Star Wars universe, which was created by George Lucas.

Star Wars games online without registration

In almost every game, there are strong and courageous Jedi, defending justice and goodness, as well as protecting humanity from the constant encroachments of the Empire. Existing Star Wars games can be associated with the brave Luke Skywalker or the beautiful Princess Leia, the dangerous and evil Darth Vader or the wise Master Yoda, the funny and cheerful Ewoks or the mighty Chewbaka. At the same time, each game has its own differences, but all of them are characterized by an interesting story and a great atmosphere, combined with a great opportunity to virtually become shoulder to shoulder with the already beloved Star Wars heroes. Here you can play the best online Star Wars games for free for kids for two! In addition, you can download all Star Wars games (star wars) to your computer or Android and continue playing them on your PC or on your phone and tablet.
Watching once again the opening video and listening to the most beautiful music of Star Wars, many users continue to immerse themselves in the fantastic, beautiful and truly beloved by most gamers world of Star Wars. It is impossible not to love him, and the opposite opinion can be formed in people solely by misunderstanding or ignorance.
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