Alternative physics hypotheses of unofficial physics. Alternative physics, energy

AT last years alternative energy has become the most popular topic among scientific news.

This is not surprising. The world, which is in conditions of a severe energy shortage, is forced to look for ways to cover this deficit, otherwise a severe crisis may fall.

But according to the laws of the market, if there is a need, then a proposal must also be born.

At the present time, there are quite a few proposals for an alternative way of obtaining energy, but, alas, the threat of a crisis still hangs over human civilization. And worst of all, there are already cries of dissatisfaction with the unfair distribution of fossil energy deposits. But this is a direct path to wars for the possession of such deposits. Or control over them. And, apparently, such wars have already begun.

Therefore, the invention of a competitive alternative energy is not only a technical task, but also a peacekeeping one.

Unfortunately, not a single type of modern alternative energy is able to compete with traditional types of energy production. The hope of mankind for thermonuclear (hydrogen) energy remains to this day, a beautiful, but unrealizable fairy tale. Although in the history of science, this is the most expensive project. But maybe the whole point is in the wrong approach to the problem of nuclear fusion?

Perhaps, in nature, the synthesis of matter occurs according to completely different principles?

What is the basis for the opinion that four hydrogen atoms make one helium atom?

On a thermonuclear bomb? On the fact that a thermonuclear reaction occurs in the depths of stars?

I don't know how about hydrogen bomb, in which lithium was used for some reason, but the opinion that helium is synthesized from hydrogen in the depths of stars is complete nonsense.

A star cannot be a ball of gas. This is contrary not only to the laws of physics, but also to common sense.

How could a system be formed from a gas and dust cloud, in which all the elements of the periodic table are present, in which the main mass located in the center is hydrogen, the lightest of the elements, then four planets and an asteroid belt with a full set of elements, then again two gas planets , but solid satellites, and then solid planets again?

It is true: "the mind of scientists cannot be understood."

Our star consists of the same elements as the planets that surround it. And it is heated by the energy of gravitational compression, because any body heats up during compression.

That's why the Earth has a molten mantle, that's why Jupiter radiates more energy than it receives from the Sun.

Most likely, helium is obtained from hydrogen in a way similar to how plutonium-239 is obtained from uranium-238 in nuclear reactors.

Realizing all this, you come to the conclusion that thermonuclear energy is not feasible.

So it is necessary to look for another source of energy.

And such a source exists. This is a permanent magnet. The most important and first wonder of the world. A source inexhaustible energy.

Judge for yourself. If we bring a piece of iron to a magnet, it will attract it, while doing work. But he won't use up his energy. Isn't it a miracle?

Take a piece of iron from the magnet. In this case, we will do the work, and the energy of the magnet will remain unchanged. Let's again bring the iron to the magnet, and the cycle will repeat. And so countless times.

The whole difficulty is that in order to take away the iron from the magnet, the same amount of energy, or even a little more, will have to be expended. The action is equal to the reaction plus the friction and resistance of the conductor.

But is it only iron that is attracted to a permanent magnet?

A copper conductor with electric current is also attracted to a permanent magnet.

With current it attracts, but without current it is absolutely neutral.

The interaction of a conductor with an electric current and a permanent magnet is described in Ampère's law.

The force acting on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field is directly proportional to the induction magnetic field, the length of the conductor and the strength of the current in it. F=BLI.

This law directly states the possibility of creating an electromagnetic motor with an efficiency of more than 100%. No, this is not Perpetuum Mobile. This is a free engine using inexhaustible the energy of a permanent magnet.

Now more. In order to get a certain amount of electricity, you need to apply some kind of force. I=F/BL. And in order to get power, it is necessary to place a conductor with an electric current in a magnetic field. The force acting on such a conductor will be the greater, the greater the magnetic field induction of the permanent magnet. If the induction of the magnetic field tends to infinity, then the force acting on the conductor will also tend to infinity. And someday it will still exceed the power necessary to obtain a given amount of electricity.

That's what the law says. And although this conflicts with the law of the conservation of energy, all the facts are there. A free motor based on permanent magnets is possible.

The permanent magnet itself comes into conflict. But its existence is undeniable.

Why hasn't such a project been put into practice yet? There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, magnets with a sufficiently significant induction were invented only in 1985 and are still difficult to access for a wide range of inventors.

Secondly, such projects have already been tried by amateurs who do not bother to study physics and simply compromised a great idea.

Thirdly, modern electrodynamics misinterprets the nature of the electric current. It is not an electron gas, but rather an energy fluid flowing within the magnetic field lines.

Permanent magnets with the formula neodymium-iron-boron have a residual induction of about 1.4 T. Using the magnetic flux concentration method, it was possible to raise the induction even higher. This is already enough to create electric motors with a power of up to 30 kW and an efficiency of up to 200%.

For electric motors of megawatt power, it is necessary to use superconductors.

The magnetic field, like any energy carrier, requires concentration. In that 1985, high-temperature superconductors were discovered, capable of creating huge magnetic fields in a significant volume. Significant match.

The scheme for connecting an electric motor to an electric generator is not new. But neither a traditional electric motor nor a traditional electric generator has an efficiency higher than 100%. Because they do not use super-strong permanent magnets or use weak ones.

In principle, an electric generator cannot have an efficiency higher than 100% at all, since the amount of energy received as a result is directly proportional to the applied force.

We can pour one hundred liters of water into a bucket instead of ten, but can we lift such a bucket? But the engine can have such efficiency, since its power directly depends on the power of the magnetic field. according to Ampère's law.

The permanent magnet is truly a miracle of the world that can and must save our civilization. To ensure peace and prosperity on planet Earth.

But no matter how great the economic benefits of introducing magnetic power plants into production, the scientific benefits are much greater.

Physics as a science is at this stage in the deepest crisis. Mired in old theories, theoretical physicists did not notice how they turned into an order of scientific inquisitors. Alchemists, the time of elementary particle accelerators.

This state of affairs in science is simply intolerable. Mankind has no time to wait for the birth of heroes who, burning at the stake, will break through the dam of scientific stagnation. Civilization must develop continuously, otherwise stagnation will turn into decline and degeneration.

We need a new scientific and technological revolution, and a magnetic power plant should accomplish it.

The third reason for the failure of the inventors of the magnetoelectric motor is the incorrect interpretation of the nature of the electric current.

The magnetic field of a permanent magnet is not continuous. It consists of magnetic lines of force that are easy to detect with a sheet of paper and iron filings. Each permanent magnet domain contains one line of force. The number of field lines depends on the density and chemical composition permanent magnet. And the thickness of the field line also depends on the geometric dimensions of the magnet. The longer the magnet, the more domains give their energy to the line of force. A power line is just an energy conduit. Although the question of what energy is, there is no answer yet.

But if the magnetic field of a permanent magnet consists of lines of force, then the electromagnetic field must also consist of them. But here the number of lines of force depends on the voltage of the electric current, and the thickness on the strength of the current in the conductor.

That is why in electrical installations with an increase in the current consumed, the voltage drops. The lines of force thicken and no longer fit in the conductor, pushing a certain amount out.

Each magnetic field line of a permanent magnet can only be connected to one electromagnetic field line. The highest efficiency of a magnetoelectric motor will be only when the lines of force of both the stator and the armature completely coincide both in quantity and in thickness.

Unfortunately, methods for counting field lines, both in a permanent magnet and in an electromagnet, do not yet exist. Many scientists still deny the existence of lines of force. But how can you deny the obvious?

The speed of energy flow in a conductor is equal to the speed of light. Rather, the speed of light is equal to the speed of energy flow. After all, light is a photon, a quantum of the electromagnetic field. And if the field consists of lines of force, then the photon is electromagnetic field line closed on itself. A kind of energy ring, inside of which is a portion of energy. At what the ring is pulsating. This is where the imaginary manifestation of wave properties comes from. A thin rubber ring, here is a model of a photon in the macrocosm. There is no dualism in the nature of light. A photon is a particle, albeit a very unusual one.

Why is the world so diverse? Because the photon is so diverse. The slightest change in the length of the field line and the photon is already different. A slightly thicker line and the photon has more energy.

But the photon is also the only elementary particle, the original brick from which our entire world is created. Moreover, all interactions occur with the help of photons.

If you try to disconnect two energy rings connected to each other, then you can do this only by breaking one of the rings, which immediately closes on itself, forming a free photon. This is called the strong interaction. But the same procedure is required to connect two rings. Although this is called the weak interaction.

How the electromagnetic interaction occurs is still not fully understood. Either under the influence of some factors, the lines of force are able to break, or to form special open lines of force.

Particles such as electron, neutron, proton and other stable particles also consist of a certain number of photons. The composition of these particles has yet to be determined, but they are also connected to each other by photons. But a special, gravitational range.

If photons of the infrared range enter the substance, they are not absorbed by the substance, but, as it were, become entangled in gravitational lines, pushing the particles apart from each other. That is why when heated, the volume of a substance increases.

When matter is compressed, the number of infrared photons does not increase. But it becomes crowded and only, so the photons tend to where there is more free space. And it is more where there are fewer infrared photons.

The structure of matter based on photon theory has yet to be studied for a long time.

But this needs to be done now. And not for amateurs, but for professionals. But if official science, for a number of reasons, does not want to do this, we, amateurs, people who are not limited higher education you have to take on this job.

The photon theory as such does not yet exist, but the knowledge that all matter consists of magnetic field lines provides a basis for creating such a theory and introducing new energy based on a constant magnetic field into our lives.

Let this contradict the law of conservation of energy. God is with him, with the law. The universe is expanding. Maybe due to the birth of new energy, which then turns into matter.

There is no energy apart from matter, there is no substance apart from energy. Everything around us and ourselves, including being energy substance.

A well-known expression: "Lard honey compote and nails." It clearly conveys the true meaning spatially time continuum. Let's do an experiment: mix lard, add nails and a little compote. We got a very wonderful lard-clove continuum. This is the same charlatan continuum as the notorious spatially time continuum. It is not convenient to drive into the wall - fat interferes with us. Eating it is also inconvenient for us to interfere with nails. It's embarrassing to even send it to the sewer. Can be clogged.

But you can carelessly lie about its properties. For example:
AT sliding nails through the lard, the space is bent and energy is released. Any continuum is first of all a tool for scientific fraud.
First, fairy tales about the fact that the straight line consists of “narrows”, then fairy tales about the fact that the flat is voluminous, then fairy tales about the fact that space is curved. In its modern form, this is no longer the science of physics, but science fiction botany.

Newton's Law of Gravitation is equally fulfilled in the Universe consisting of two bodies and in the Universe filled with bodies. Wherein external influence supposedly balanced. If we ask modern theoreticians: - Is it really balanced?, and who actually checked it?
And about what external influence balanced they can be said to tell the grandmother. And this is the level of modern fundamental Sciences.
And if all the same calculation is made, it turns out that impact unbalanced and external bodies influence gravity just the same.

And since theorists did not bother to take this influence into account, all other academic constructions on gravity are untenable.
An apple can fall to Earth according to one of two scenarios. The first scenario is when all celestial bodies are attracted and as a result the apple actually falls. And the second scenario - all celestial bodies from each other friend repel in the result is all the same gravitational forces that push the apple to the Earth. The result is one. Formula one. Formula match complete. There aren't any differences. Moreover, looking at the sky, we can’t even confidently say how things really are and which version of gravity we really made the apple fall. We can't say until we start doing calculations and experimenting. And experiments and calculations just show that the fall of an apple is possible only according to the version of complex repulsion. On direct gravity prescribed in all textbooks, an apple will not fall to the ground. In direct gravity, an apple can only fly into outer space. What does that mean? Once again, most textbooks contain real lies. Several generations of students have been brought up on this lie.

How can this even be? And this has already happened. At first, in the view of theorists, the Earth was flat. And in those days we could not even explain what a globe is. In response, we would hear: that the earth cannot be spherical, all the water would drain from it, and we ourselves would fall.
Then the Earth, in the view of theorists, stood at the center of the world. The orbits of the planets were in the form of crooked loops. And no one wanted to represent the world as real. We could hear yes you what!. Science has reached unprecedented heights. The wheel has already been invented. We make sand timers.

If we ask now in the 21st century: Gentlemen theorists are you okay with theory? We also have a lot of interesting answers. But really, it's not all that great, is it? The scheme works very simply. When a decent theoretical base is available, we have the implementation of the theory in practice, that is, we we have practical devices that work for a person. Electrical engineering example. There is a decent theory. As a result, we have both power plants and electric motors, and lighting fixtures. Literally everything we have, from an iron to a TV, is a consequence of the quality theories. Now let's see what we we have to gravity. Do we have anti-gravity engine? We do not have . in fact, we are still learning space through ancient Chinese jet thrust .We modernized, brought almost to perfection, but still sent to the furnace high-tech- practically firewood. We are used to it, but the reality is that in the 21st century we cannot simply put a body into orbit without burning anything. Looking further: Do we have anything that runs on basic gravitational energy?. Is there anything here? But it is free and permeates the entire universe. For example, do we have gravitational power stations? We do not have. Why don't we? because there is no high-quality theoretical base in this area in circulation. For that, we have a lot of theorists supposedly specialists in gravity.

If you arrange all the minuses correctly, then there is previously unaccounted for gravity factor - real physical a phenomenon that provides both tides and the sublimation of the comet's tail and everything else. But instead of taking into account real processes that really exist in nature, modern grief theorists are poking around in ridiculous, non-existent distortions in nature.

For all the time of the development of human civilization, no one has managed to build a single planetary system on the confirmed forces of attraction. Can the moon stay in the sky for pure attraction?. And in general, is it possible at least some planetary movement. The calculation shows no. No planetary balance on pure attraction impossible. This is mathematically impossible. No moon would be able to hold on to attraction.

Equilibrium Impossible neither mathematical nor experimentally. But for some reason it is impossible to write about this in textbooks.

If we throw aside all the fantasies of misguided scientists, if we follow only reliable scientific facts, then the space as it is is boundless. It is finite in all directions. All space on macro level evenly filled with galaxies. There are no ends of space. There is no end of the universe. The universe didn't come into being what or big explosions. no space does not warp. It does not bend either there or here or anywhere else. The universe has always been everywhere. This is a rigorous mathematically proven fact.

For verification by experiment, it turns out:
There is no direct pull. Dark matter, dark energy, no.
There is no big bang and there could be one. Spatial the concept of general relativity is untenable. Vector algebra "with one eye". quantum theory Gravity never existed. Theory of time is not. There is no unified field theory. Well, what is wealthy in the modern academic fundamental physics?
Science from Hans -Christian Andersen.

Suppose you are a simple baker and bake bread in the 11th century.
You don't care what pros-cons and what powers where directed. But if scientists put these pluses and minuses correctly, then when the moment comes when you will not shove firewood and bread will be baked on electricity.
This is what happened with the electro-theory, the pros and cons were placed correctly and we have what we have. In gravitation, scientists could not place pluses and minuses. As a result, there are no antigravs, nor other devices .
Due to the fact that the minuses are not placed in the right way, everything gravitational seems fantastic, just as electricity seemed unattainable to an 11th century baker.
If you are a modern baker and you send your son to a physical university, then his brain will be broken there. He will not understand:
That force is always positive. He will cease to understand many more important things.
And all because of one unfortunate minus, half of physics had to be disfigured. And the modern scientist does not understand quite simple things:
that the forces of attraction from the inside - you can’t make even pantyhose scatter ..
And what: if the Universe would fly apart according to the version of the big bang, then no orbits could form ..
And what: if the forces do not return the body into orbit, then there will be no orbitality. That is, your son will come from a modern university with a broken brain and will tell nonsense: the same as in the 11th century, by analogy that the Earth is flat and stands in the center of the world.
Today, some "well trained" students really believe that if you look into the distance with very powerful instruments, you can see the back of your head, because space is truly curved.

To the question of practical implementation of UFO technologies. New types of energy.

The RQM Corporation Raum-Quanten-Motoren, Schmiedgasse 48, CH-8640 Rapperswil, Switzerland, fax 41-55-237210, offers for sale their free energy units in various capacities: RQM 25 kW and RQM 200 kW. The principle of operation is based on the invention Oliver Crane(Oliver Crane) and his theories.

Hans Kohler demonstrated in 1925 - 1945 several of his devices. Built in Germany, the system produced 60 kilowatts of power. The description of one of the circuits includes six permanent magnets arranged in a plane in the shape of a hexagon. Coils are wound on each of the magnets, generating output power.
Known since the time of Faraday, the effect of unipolar induction allows you to create an electromotive force when a metal rotor rotates in a transverse magnetic field.

One of the well-known practical developments - Bruce de Palm's system. In 1991, he published the results of tests, from which it follows that with unipolar induction, the braking of the rotor due to the reverse electromotive force manifests itself to a lesser extent than
in traditional generators. Therefore, the power at the output of the system exceeds the power required to rotate the rotor. Indeed, when metal electrons move in a magnetic field, perpendicular to the plane rotation, a Lorentz force is created, directed radially. The electromotive force in a unipolar generator is removed between the center and edge of the rotor. It can be assumed that design features, for example, a rotor composed of many radial current-carrying elements, will reduce the tangential component of the current and the braking force to almost zero.

In 1994, Japan's leading electrical engineering laboratory, MITI, published a progress report on a 40 kW electric generator using superconducting coils as electromagnets for a unipolar induction circuit. Japan's interest in alternative energy can be explained by Japan's position in the fuel and raw materials market. Demand creates supply. It is easy to imagine the prospects for local implementation of free energy systems if some product manufacturers can exclude the cost of electricity and fuel from the cost of the product. Other countries, relying on their rich natural resources, will find themselves in a difficult position precisely because their industry and transport are oriented towards processing and fuel consumption, which increases the cost of production.

One of modern devices invented Wingate Lambertson, USA. In his device, electrons receive additional energy by passing through many layers of a metal-ceramic composite. Blocks have been developed that generate 1600 watts of power, which can be combined in parallel. The address of the author of the invention Dr. Wingate Lambertson, 216 83rd Street, Holmes Beach, Florida 34217, USA.

In 1980 - 1990 Alexander Chernetsky, Yuri Galkin and other researchers published the results of experiments to create the so-called "self-generated discharge". A simple electric arc connected in series in the secondary circuit of an electromagnetic transformer leads to an increase in power in the load and a decrease in power consumption in the primary circuit of the transformer.
The author of this article conducted the simplest experiments on the use of an arc in the load circuit, which confirmed the possibility of creating a "negative resistance" mode in the circuit. When selecting the parameters of the arc, the consumption current decreases to zero and then changes direction, that is, the system begins to generate power, and not consume it. During one of these experiments by Chernetsky (1971, Moscow Aviation Institute), a transformer substation failed as a result of a strong "reverse current" pulse that exceeded the power consumed experimental setup, more than 10 times.

Today, the theory and practice of self-generated electrical discharge is well developed enough to build free power generation systems of any scale. The reason for the delay in the development of these studies is that the work goes beyond physics. In his book "On the physical nature of bioenergetic phenomena and their modeling", Moscow, ed. All-Union Correspondence Polytechnic Institute, 1989, Chernetsky describes "psychokinesis", "influence of the information-energy field on living and inanimate structures", "extrasensory perception: psychometry, telepathy, clairvoyance".
Further, he gives a scheme of the experiment of a self-generated discharge and calls it "a model of bioenergetic structure"! Chernetsky considered the structure of the fields of biological objects and bioenergetic processes in organisms from the point of view of the concept of waves with a longitudinal component. With the negative nature of the resistance of the medium, such waves are self-sustaining and quite logically considered as one of the forms of life - field. The work of the experimenters of the Chernesky group with the installation of a self-generated discharge showed that they were exposed to biologically active radiation, which cannot be shielded by conventional methods. The radiation parameters could be chosen in such a way that they accelerated the development of plants and biomass in Chernetsky's experiments, or suppressed it. So, we are talking not only about a fuel-free source of energy, but about artificial system generating a biological form of energy. Similarly, all living organisms provide their
vital activity, since it has long been known that metabolism and food intake is not a sufficient condition for life. Nikolai Alexandrovich Kozyrev also raised the question of the "cause of life" and argued that it is the time density waves that are used by organisms to maintain vital activity. There is much in common between "time density waves" and "waves with a longitudinal component". Kozyrev, like Chernetsky, showed experimentally the possibility of creating such waves.

Obviously, the task of creating free power goes beyond the scope of modern materialistic physics, since ideological and philosophical issues are affected. The value of these studies from a defense point of view gives a chance for their development.
Electrolysis, as the decomposition of an electrolyte in an electric field, is a wonderful example of a field doing work. The traditional circuit uses a closed circuit of current through an electrolyte and a field source, but any physics textbook states that the ions in the electrolyte
move through electric field, that is, the work of displacement and the thermal power associated with it is produced by the potential field. The current through the field source, which goes through a closed circuit and destroys the primary potential difference, is not a necessary condition. With the correct setting of the experiment, electrolysis can give a much greater thermal power than the electricity spent on it. More Latchinov, having patented his method of electrolysis in 1888, noted that in some cases the electrolytic cell freezes, giving power to the load! The analogy with other free energy systems is obvious.

Heat generator Potapov aroused the active interest of researchers around the world because the solution he proposed is surprisingly simple. Heat generator "YUSMAR", manufactured by "VISOR", Chisinau, is an energy converter of the liquid circulating in it for space heating. The pump creates a pressure of 5 atm, in other versions more than 10 atm. According to test data, the generated thermal power is three times higher than the consumed electrical power. The heating of the liquid occurs due to the well-known phenomenon of cavitation, which occurs due to a special design. Address 277012, Moldova, Chisinau, st. Pushkin, 24 - 16. Fax 23-77-36. Telex 163118 "OMEGA" SU.

One solution to the energy problem is the use of water in internal combustion engines. For example, Y. Brown, USA, built a demonstration car, in the tank of which water is poured. Günter Poschl proposes to introduce a method of creating a mixture of water / gasoline in a ratio of 9/1, and Rudolf Gunnermann developed a way to refine the engine to run on a mixture of gas / water or alcohol / water in a ratio of 55/45. Details can be found at Dr. Josef Gruber, Chair, Econometrics, University of Hagen, Feithstrasse 140, 58084 Hagen, FRG. Fax 49-2334-43781.

The newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda", May 20, 1995, provides a history of domestic invention Alexander Georgievich Bakaev from Perm. His "prefix" allows you to convert any car to work on the water. The inventor does not seek to introduce his system at an industrial level, and simply "upgrades" the machines of his acquaintances. And this is not the only case. Inventors different countries followed this path, but did not achieve recognition in the market. Is it possible today that the automobile concern KAMAZ, for example, wants to re-equip its entire assembly line for the production of cars that work without gasoline? The concepts of "car" and "gasoline" are so closely related that the automotive industry itself has come to be seen as part of the market for the consumption of petroleum products. The autonomy of the automotive industry is clearly constrained, despite the fact that the new concept could solve many environmental problems.
Note that the scale of the plant operating on water is not limited. With the appearance of customers, projects of environmentally friendly CHP plants using hydrogen fuel are possible in the near future. Moreover, we are talking about simple technical solutions that are not related to "doubtful" physical theories. However, the introduction of one technology leads to a narrowing of the market for another. This is the natural reason for the delay in the introduction of any qualitatively new ideas.

Russian inventor Albert Serogodsky, Moscow and German Bernard Schaeffer patented a new system for direct heat conversion environment into electricity, German patent number 4244016. In a closed system, retro-condensation of a mixture of gasoline and water at a temperature of 154 degrees Celsius is used. Details including business plan and Full description systems can be obtained from Werkstatt fur Dezentrale Energleforschung, Pasewaldtstrasse 7, 14169 Berlin, FRG.

Fundamental theoretical studies in the field of direct conversion of environmental heat into useful work for a number of years Gennady Nikitich Buynov, St. Petersburg. The description of his project "Monothermal installation" was published in the journal "Russian Thought", number 2, 1992. In 1995, the Scientific Journal of the Russian Physical Society, number 1-6, publishes Buinov's article "Engine of the second kind (paired gas-chemical cycle)". The author believes that entropy can tolerate a gap, that is, become indefinite if there are reversible changes in the system. chemical reactions. In this case, the circular integral of entropy is not equal to zero and it is no longer entropy, but heat, according to the Hess law, becomes a function of state. Nitrogen tetroxide is proposed as a working fluid, for example. Buinov's work is a vivid example of the enthusiasm that, combined with the financial interest of customers, could have given Russia real monothermal power generators many years ago.
Installations for generating power from the electrolysis of heavy or ordinary water are commonly known as "cold thermonuclear fusion". Judging by the declassified materials of the 1960s, Russia's priorities are obvious.

In 1989 pons and Fleishman reported the results of their experiment.

In 1995, the magazine Inventor and Innovator, number 1, published an article about the invention Ivan Stepanovich Filimonenko called "warm fusion". Back in 1957, he received excess heat from the electrolysis of heavy water. In 1960, Kurchatov, Korolev and Zhukov supported the author, the Government adopted Decree 715/296 of 07/23/1960, which provided:
1. Getting energy
2. Getting thrust without mass rejection
3. Protection from nuclear radiation

The Topaz-type plant is used today only in space technology, although the widespread development of this technology would make it possible to introduce fusion reactors without waiting for the results of expensive work on the Tokomak program and other thermonuclear research. "Side" effects (gravity and influence on the radioactivity of the substance) are a consequence of the use of "free energy" technology, in which power is released as a result of changes in space-time parameters in the area of ​​operation of the installation. In 1994, the Russian Thought magazine, number 1-6, Reutov, Moscow region, Publishing House of the Russian Physical Society, published the conclusion of the Moscow City Council Commission on the development of I.S. Filimonenko. It is recognized as vital to resume work on the development of its technology. Now it's up to customers who can apply to the Filimonenko Foundation. The problem of implementing the technology is that the impact on the degree of radioactivity, for example, remote lowering of the radioactivity of a particular object, is a defense issue. And the fact that installations according to the Filimonenko scheme can be used to quickly restore the ecological balance of contaminated areas is less important in this case. The same applies to the "anti-gravity side effect" that occurs during the operation of the installation. Even Korolev knew about this method, however, space programs are still based on jet-type propulsion, and gravitational aircraft can only be seen in science fiction films. Meanwhile, in a number of countries, the development of commercial projects using "cold fusion" has begun. Patterson System: Patterson Power Cell being implemented in Texas, Clean Energy Technologies, Inc., Dallas, Texas, fax 214-458-7690. More than thirty patents have been received by ENECO Corporation, which collects key technological solutions in a common patent package. Production of electrolytic thermal cells started by Nova Resources Group, Inc., Colorado.

In August 1995, the Canadian firm Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd., a member of The Planetary Association for Clean Energy, published a review modern methods processing of nuclear waste and decontamination of the area. Two technologies are proposed for implementation:
contact processing by "Brown's gas" and remote processing by scalar (torsion) fields. Like the Filimonenko technology, the free energy systems proposed by the Canadians demonstrate the effect of influencing the rate of radioactive decay.
These examples are just part of the "tip of the iceberg". Due to the fact that most of the literature in which I met descriptions of inventions is foreign, an erroneous opinion may be created about the backlog of Russia in this direction of new technologies. In fact, there are more talented inventors and researchers in Russia than anywhere else. But the conditions for patenting and publishing ideas are such that domestic developments, as a rule, cannot break through to the level of implementation.

The greatest value for practitioners is information about patented technologies. Studying old and modern patent documents, you come to the conclusion about a grandiose campaign of disinformation of society, which led to the creation of two scientific worlds: explicit and hidden. The achievements of the second could radically change the face of the planet, give the world a chance to free itself from environmental issues and energy hunger. In addition, like self-generated discharge systems, other free energy technologies also have biomedical aspects. Moreover, the "influence" of free energy technologies on a person means the impact on the intangible components of biosystems, which leads to secondary changes in their material structure. Matter here means something three-dimensional.

As noted earlier, free energy systems operate with categories of higher topology that go beyond three dimensions. Since the pace of the passage of time is defined by Nikolai Alexandrovich Kozyrev as the rate of transition of a cause into an effect, and gravity and time are related concepts, new technologies work with causality, pushing the usual boundaries physical world. Under the new conditions, the properties of the microworld of elementary particles are experimentally observed at the macrolevel, for example, the quantization of the energy levels of the macrosystem (a gyroscope on the scales in Kozyrev's experiment).
The medicine of the future, relying on free energy technologies, will indeed be able to eliminate the cause, and not cure the disease.


I suggest that the supporters of ether direct their efforts in a different direction.

In all publications on the ether theme, attempts are made to integrate the ether into non-ether physics. In my opinion, this is useless: aetherless physics (good or bad) has been created, and its basis is the denial of the existence of the ether. Pulling out the foundation from under it is unreasonable.

Another thing is the creation of alternative physics, the basis of which would be the ether. It is necessary to proceed from the fact that physics, like any science, cannot be considered truth (truth is nature itself); it is just a verbal-symbolic model of the physical world; and there can be any number of such models. Let people choose the one they like. The monopoly of any one model is inappropriate.

One of the directions of creating alternative ethereal physics is to ask about the existence of an ethereal medium with certain properties and study its behavior, trying to find an analogy in nature. I propose to consider the ether as consisting of ideal microscopic balls and as laws - simple mechanics. I am sure that if we deeply understand the behavior of the ether with the indicated properties, then we, to our amazement, will see that this is our physical world.


Imagine that the entire cosmos, surrounding us and extending to the very distant stars, is not a void; all this space is filled with a special transparent substance called ether. Stars and planets float in this medium, or rather, they are carried away by this medium, just as dust particles are carried away by the wind. The study of the ether should be new science- ethereal physics, alternative to non-etheric.

One can argue, but it is better to take on faith the basic provisions of aether physics: the elementary particle of ether is a microscopic ideal ball; the interaction between particles is only purely mechanical; all elementary ethereal balls are in close contact. The ideality of ether balls must be understood in the sense that they are all absolutely round, of the same size and, most importantly, perfectly slippery, and therefore the ether is a superfluid liquid. The reliance on a simple mechanical interaction of elementary particles gives us the right to call the proposed alternative ethereal physics mechanical.

Some physical values ​​of the ether parameters are already known: for example, the diameter of an elementary ball is 3.1 · 10 -11 cm, and the ether pressure is 10 24 Pa. The latter value at first seems fantastic and is surprising: why do we, people, being in the ether, do not feel its unimaginable pressure? However, there is nothing to be surprised at: we do not feel how the atmosphere presses on us, and yet its total pressure force on the surface of our body is several tens of tons.

So the ether is a highly compressed, elastic, superfluid medium. It is interesting to follow how it behaves in various collisions at the microscopic level. Let's ignore unstable, short-lived perturbations - they can be very diverse; we should be interested only in stable forms of movement, which, once having arisen, exist for an arbitrarily long time. There are few of them - only two: torus and disk vortices.

To visualize a torus whirlwind, it is enough to take a closer look at those smoke rings that some virtuoso smokers release from their mouths. Exactly the same in shape, ring-shaped torus vortices with rotating shells arise in the ethereal medium when its fronts collide, only their dimensions are incommensurably smaller. Torus vortices are doomed to exist: the elementary balls that make up their shells cannot scatter, as they are squeezed along the periphery by a dense ethereal medium, and they cannot stop, because they do not experience friction. Excessive ether pressure compresses vortex cords to the smallest possible sizes (in the section of any vortex cord there are only three balls running in a circle) and makes vortices extremely elastic.

Let's say right away that such torus vortices are atoms: they exhibit all the features that are characteristic of atoms.

The smallest torus vortex (and this is a hydrogen atom) retains its annular shape, but the larger ones are crushed by ether pressure and twisted in the most intricate way; the larger the diameter of the original torus, the more difficult, of course, the twisting. This is how all other types of atoms arise.

Some forms of twisted tori turn out to be incomplete: they would like to continue twisting further, but the elasticity of the cords interferes; in the absence of friction, this leads to pulsation. A hydrogen atom, for example, is compressed into an oval alternately along one axis, then along a perpendicular to it. Pulsating atoms create around themselves pulsating fields that prevent them from approaching each other; therefore they can be characterized as fluffy; they include the atoms of all gases. (Now it becomes clear why mixtures of liquids enter into chemical reactions, but gas mixtures do not: the atoms of gases simply do not collide with each other.)

If a torus vortex is torn apart, then its smallest remainder that preserves a stable rotary motion, it turns out to be a tiny whirlwind, similar to a top and consisting of only three ethereal balls. It is also doomed to exist: its balls cannot scatter, compressed by the medium, and cannot stop without friction. In this mini-vortex, more like a spinning wheel or a disk, one can easily recognize an electron with all its features. On the Sun, where there is a rapid process of destruction of atoms, electrons arise in huge quantities and are carried like dust by the solar wind around the cosmic region, reaching the Earth and other planets.

In addition to these two stable motions, there are no other stationary forms in the superfluid ether, just as there are no and cannot be antiparticles and mystical electric charges supposedly located inside electrons and atoms; in alternative ethereal physics there is neither one nor the other, and it does not need them: all physical phenomena are explained without them.

In ether, in full accordance with the laws of mechanics, transverse waves of the sea type can propagate, but there can also be special ones: high-frequency and so low-amplitude that the displacements of oscillating ethereal particles in them fit within the limits of the elastic deformation of the medium without shear; these waves are likened to transverse waves in solid media, and we perceive them as light.

Let us use the torus-vortex model of the atom to prove that alternative mechanical ethereal physics is convenient for explaining, in particular, the phenomenon of selective absorption (emission) by gas atoms of certain frequencies of the visible and invisible light, and let's do this on the example of the hydrogen atom: its absorption spectrum is well studied and reflected by impeccable empirical dependences. Let us show that the absorption of transverse light waves occurs as a result of resonance; To do this, we determine the natural vibrations of the hydrogen atom.

It is known from mechanics that natural vibrations of an elastic ring are expressed in its bending vibrations, when an integer number of stationary waves equal in length is formed along the entire length of the ring. Sections of the ring can also oscillate, covering several stationary waves, that is, subwaves; while the nodes of the waves remain unchanged.

The same applies to the hydrogen atom; it can be represented as a thin elastic ring with a cross-sectional diameter of 2.15 ether balls (es) and a circumference of 1840 es. The expression for determining the frequencies of bending vibrations of the hydrogen atom has the form . In this expression H reflects the elastic tension of the vortex cord; l- the length of the main stationary wave; i- an integer number of stationary waves located along the length of the vortex; k- multiplicity of subwaves (integer).

Exactly the same expression determines the frequencies of the absorption spectrum of hydrogen atoms (Balmer's empirical formula); therefore, there is a resonance. Now you can explain why i cannot be less than two and why k always less i: with one stationary wave and with a subwave length equal to the circumference of the hydrogen atom, the torus vortex will not deflect, but will be displaced in space.

In particular, the conclusion of aether physics about the pulsation of hydrogen atoms is also confirmed. It has been experimentally established that the number i i=2...8). This means that the length of the main stationary wave l can change by the same amount. It is also known that the ratio H/l 2 is a constant value (Rydberg coefficient). Consequently, the length of the stationary wave depends on the intensity (proportional to the square root of it), and the intensity itself changes 16 times; this, just, and speaks of the pulsation of the atom. It should be clarified that the change in tension depends on the temperature of the gas: the higher it is, the greater the amplitude of the pulsation and the wider the range of tension.

In conclusion, let us try to imagine the behavior of the hydrogen atom. In the process of pulsation, its torus vortex experiences chaotic bending oscillations, and only at certain moments, when the stationary wave becomes such that it fits an integer number of times over the entire circumference of the torus, all these waves begin to oscillate already harmonically, in an orderly manner. At these moments, they absorb in the mode of resonance the incident waves of the medium with coinciding frequencies; this is how the absorption spectrum is formed.

And at the same moments, at the same frequencies, the atom generates runaway light waves: when the stationary wave reaches the threshold value of the amplitude, a photon breaks off from it; when he leaves, he takes with him the motions of the atom.

In numbers, one of the resonant positions, for example, the least stressed, looks like this: i = 8; l= 230 ash; H\u003d 1.74 10 20 esh 2 / s; fundamental frequency f\u003d 3.24 10 15 s -1.


It is known that in the 17-18 centuries the so-called mechanism was popular in science, the purpose of which was to reduce the entire variety of forms of movement to mechanical movement. The main position of mechanism was the denial of long-range action, as having no mechanistic explanation; all serious natural scientists adhered to this position strictly.

The first to abandon it was the young Isaac Newton, who proposed the law of universal gravitation. The fact that this was a turning point in science is evidenced by the content and tone of the correspondence of scientists of that time. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, in a letter to Christian Huygens, was indignant: “I do not understand how Newton imagines gravity or attraction. In his opinion, apparently, this is nothing but some inexplicable, intangible quality.

The answer sounded no less frank irritation: “As for the cause of the tides, which Newton gives, it does not satisfy me at all, like his other theories, which he builds on his principle of attraction, which seems ridiculous to me.”

Newton reacted to this in a manner uncharacteristic for the scientific community of those years: “I do not build hypotheses, because everything that cannot be deduced from phenomena should be called a hypothesis.” He was only 23 at the time.

Half a century later, he renounced both these words and the mysterious action at a distance, which he put at the basis of his basic law; at the age of 74, he already wrote: “The increase in the density of the ether at large distances can be extremely slow; however, if the elastic force of the ether is extremely great, then this increase is sufficient to rush bodies from denser particles of ether to more rarefied ones with all the force that we call gravitation. But it was too late: long-range action entered the scientific circulation.

Mechanical physics, which existed within the framework of mechanism, was stopped at the beginning of the 20th century, when the support, the world ether, was knocked out from under it; without ether, it was in limbo and could not develop for the next hundred years. But it cannot go on like this indefinitely; it's time for her revival. And it will most likely be revived not by physicists, but by mechanics.

Light, more than anything, claims to be considered a mysterious physical phenomenon, but the efforts of such scientists as Huygens, Thomas Jung and others have revealed its purely mechanical, wave nature. Particularly expressive are the explanations of the experiments with tourmaline crystals, which prove that light is a transverse wave.

Such a wave light pulls along with it another mechanical element of the physical world - the ether, often bashfully referred to as a physical vacuum: it is in its medium that light waves propagate. For mechanics, light and ether are inseparable, just as sea waves and waves are inseparable for them. sea ​​water how inseparable sound and air. Moreover, mechanics see the ether as the basis of everything that exists: it is the primordial substance; but more on that below.

Let us show that the ether is not solid, not gaseous and, strictly speaking, not liquid; he is loose. Its solid state is unacceptable, if only because in such an environment any movement of bodies would be impossible. Gaseousness is also unacceptable: transverse waves cannot propagate in a gaseous medium, and light is just that. Most of all, the ether is like a superfluid, highly compressed liquid that does not have any friction; such a state of aggregation can be characterized as loose. Transverse light waves in such a medium are possible if their amplitude is so small that it falls within the limits of the elastic deformation of the medium without mixing. Of course, this is possible only with a certain ratio of the inertia of the ether, its elasticity and the frequency of oscillations of transverse waves.

Based on light, one can prove that the elementary particle of ether is an ideal ball: ideally round, ideally slippery, ideally elastic and possessing inertia.

The reasoning is as follows: a ray of light is a ray because it covers only one row of densely packed elementary particles of the same size with the indicated characteristics; if they were not so, the beam would necessarily turn to the front. But there is no such thing in nature; consequently, no other elementary particles exist in the ethereal medium. The absence of friction in the ethereal medium (the ideal slipperiness of elementary balls) is also evidenced by the fact that a beam of light travels huge distances, practically without fading.

Light, as a witness to the existence of the ether, determines its boundaries. The stars we see are obviously in the same continuous ethereal space with us; this is Our Ethereal Cloud or in other words the Visible Space of the Universe; outside this Cloud is absolute emptiness, and light does not walk there. Consequently, the Universe is an absolute void, in which there are ethereal clouds, and one of them is Ours. The dimensions of the Visible Space are enormous and defy the usual idea: the light propagating through the ether from average speed three hundred thousand kilometers per second, crosses only one of our Galaxy in a hundred thousand years, and in total about a billion galaxies are known. The ether, compressed as a result of marginal collisions with other clouds, tends to expand, and this explains the recession of galaxies known from astrophysics.

So, the ether is a highly compressed, elastic, superfluid medium; we emphasize: superfluid, that is, without any friction. It is interesting to follow how it behaves when its flows collide.

Let us disregard the unstable, short-lived perturbations in it; they can be very diverse. We should be interested only in stable forms of movements, which, once having arisen, exist for an arbitrarily long time; there are few of them - only two: a torus and a disk.

To visualize a torus, it is enough to look at those smoke rings that some virtuoso smokers release from their mouths. Ring-shaped toroidal microvortices with rotating shells of exactly the same shape arise in the ethereal medium during collisions of flows, only their dimensions are incommensurably smaller. They are doomed to exist: the elementary balls that make up the shell of the torus cannot scatter, as they are squeezed along the periphery by a dense ethereal medium, and they cannot stop, because they do not experience friction.

Let's say right away that toroidal vortices are atoms: they exhibit all the features that are characteristic of atoms; we will show this more specifically below.

Another stable vortex - disk-shaped - represents three ethereal balls running in a circle one after another. Why - three, not four, not five or more? Yes, because only three elementary balls can lie in a compressed medium in one plane and create a flat vortex. Tracking speculatively the behavior of such microvortices, it is easy to come to the conclusion that they are electrons. They can slide on the surfaces of metals, and this is an electric current; they can be directed by a jet-beam in a vacuum to TV screens; in the atmosphere such jets appear as sparks and lightning, and there is much other evidence; we will talk about some of them later.

Disk vortex electrons can arise during collisions of ethereal flows, but on the Sun they are formed as a result of the destruction of atoms, that is, as a result of the crushing of toroidal vortices. If you break the torus cord into pieces, then the electron will turn out to be the smallest piece. Knowing from experimental physics that an electron is 1840 times lighter than a hydrogen atom, it is possible to determine the dimensions of the latter: the diameter of a hydrogen torus turns out to be equal to 586 ether balls, and in total there are 5520 balls in a hydrogen atom.

A disk-shaped vortex is doomed to exist for the same reason as a toroidal vortex: its balls cannot scatter when compressed by the medium, and cannot stop without friction.

Analyzing the behavior of a disk-shaped vortex and drawing an analogy with physical reality, it is easy to verify that an electron is an elementary magnet: magnetic properties manifested in him in the form of a desire to approach similar vortices in the one-way direction of rotation and repel in the opposite direction. The electrons lined up in one chain form the so-called magnetic line of force (magnetic cord), and the lines of force brought together form a magnetic field.

Visual mechanistic representation can be extended to electromagnetic phenomena, while they can even be refined. Electric current, for example, generates a magnetic field not directly, but through the ethereal wind, just as the rotation of the blades of a room fan causes a curtain to vibrate through air puffs.

In addition to these two stable motions, there are no other stationary forms in the superfluid ether, just as there are no and cannot be antiparticles and mystical electric charges supposedly located inside electrons and atoms; in mechanical physics there is neither one nor the other, and it does not need them: all physical phenomena are easily explained even without them.

The smallest microvortex is an almost perfect torus; this is a hydrogen atom. Larger ones are crushed by external ethereal pressure and twisted in the most intricate way; the larger the diameter of the original torus, the more difficult, of course, the twisting. This is how all other types of atoms arise.

The reason for the convergence of the cords of the torus, causing twisting, is the decrease in the ethereal density in the space between them; for the same reason, two sheets of paper tend to approach each other when air is blown between them. The twisting process is by no means random; there is a certain pattern to it. The tori of atoms from helium to carbon, for example, are crushed on both sides; larger ones - from nitrogen to fluorine - on three sides; even larger ones, starting with neon, from four, but the last four-sided crumpling eventually leads to the same figures as the result of a two-sided one. Therefore, the neon atom, as it were, consists of two helium atoms; a sodium atom is made up of two lithium atoms, and so on.

From what has been said, it becomes clear that in the periodic table, helium is better placed at the beginning of the second period before lithium, and neon at the beginning of the third period before sodium, and so with all inert gases. The external similarity of the shapes of the atoms of lithium and beryllium, boron and carbon is striking; for this reason, they can be considered isotopes.

Some forms of twisted tori turn out to be incomplete: they would like to continue twisting further, but the elasticity of the cords interferes; in the absence of friction, this leads to pulsation. Pulsating atoms create around themselves pulsating fields that prevent them from approaching each other. Such atoms can be characterized as fluffy; these include atoms of hydrogen, helium, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, neon and others chemical elements, that is, the atoms of all gases.

No matter how the original tori are twisted, that is, whatever their topology, in their finished form, two characteristic elements can be distinguished: paired cords forming grooves and loops; moreover, for both of them, depending on the direction of rotation of the shells, one side will be suction. Thanks to this, toroidal vortices are able to connect with each other: the gutters are connected to the gutters, and the loops are connected to the loops; this is the mechanical manifestation of the well-known chemical valency. Let us pay attention to the fact that the loops of all atoms are the same in shape and size, and this is determined by the elasticity of the torus cords; as for the length of the gutters, it can vary within wide limits. Therefore, the connection of the loops with each other forms a constant, unambiguous valency, as, for example, for hydrogen with oxygen, and the connections of the troughs can be expressed in variable valency, as for nitric oxide. The absence of open suction loops and troughs characterizes the atoms of inert gases: they do not have the ability to combine with other atoms.

These and other mechanical details of the connections of atoms and molecules can, it seems, turn physical chemistry into mechanical.

The topological transformations of atoms and their compounds look especially convincing if they are simulated on a computer or at least with the help of rubber rings. So, for metal atoms, the double cords that form suction grooves, it turns out, stretch along the entire perimeter and close on themselves, so the electrons stuck to them can make unhindered movement around the entire circuit, and taking into account the fact that the metal atoms are interconnected by the same grooves , then electrons have the ability, jumping from atom to atom, to easily move along the entire body; this is the electric current.

According to mechanical physics, gravity is the displacement of atoms and molecules towards a lower density of the ether (remember what old Newton said). If the ether is loose like a liquid (like water), and the atom is a vortex with rarefaction in the center (like an air bubble), then it is very easy to imagine how this bubble rushes towards the lower density of the ether. It remains only to figure out why there is a different density of the ether and where it is the smallest.

It is better to start from the Very Beginning - from the collision of ethereal clouds. In the collision zone, myriads of atoms arise. They stick together and form conglomerates. The less stable of the atoms in these conglomerates begin to decay and annihilate. In place of the disappearing atoms, rarefaction of the ether arises. Thus, conglomerates become the centers of the lowest density of the ether, and atoms rush towards them from all sides. These are gravitational fields.

It is interesting to follow the development of gravitational fields further. Their characteristic feature is self-reinforcing. Indeed, the more the field pulls together the atoms, the more decaying atoms there are, and the stronger the field itself. For this reason, among the numerous centers of gravity, competition flares up, and the strongest wins; as a result, huge planets arise. One such huge planet, it can be assumed, was once the Sun. Jupiter and Saturn were formed at a safe distance from it.

In full accordance with the usual laws of mechanics, the ether rushing to the centers of gravitational fields twists into a spiral, as water in a bathtub twists into a whirlpool with an open drain hole, and similar cosmic etheric vortices appear, known in science as Cartesian disc-shaped vortices that exist around celestial bodies. They are the ones who move these bodies.

Cosmic ether gates (meta-vortices) are also prone to self-reinforcement: as a result of the action of centrifugal forces, the rarefaction of the ether in their centers increases; this contributes to the acceleration of the decay of atoms and an even greater unwinding of the matasvortices. The largest planets do not withstand this and break into pieces. An example of such a cosmic cataclysm was the disintegration of the protoplanet of the Sun. Mars was the first to break away from it, the Earth and the Moon hurried after it, then Venus, and Mercury was the last to leave; moreover, it no longer departed in the form of a fragment of the solid surface of the Sun, but as a liquid drop. The remaining molten core of the Sun became a star. Such is celestial mechanics in the most general terms.

Returning to gravitational fields, we emphasize once again that they are not created by atomic-molecular masses (as the law says gravity), but by the decay of atoms. The sun may not be very heavy, but there is a rapid decay on it; therefore it is distinguished by its gravity. But on the Moon there is less decay, and the attraction to it is weak. By the way, only a local increase in gravity can explain the collapse of the earth over underground atomic explosions.

Mechanical physics allows us to clarify the meaning of mass and give a clear definition of weight. There are ethereal mass (mass of the substance itself), atomic mass, mass of inertia and mass of gravitation. The first two are determined by the quantities of ethereal balls and atoms and are not used in ethereal physics.

Other masses - inertia and gravitation - although they are united by the concept of "mass", but have a different nature: the mass of inertia (simply - inertia) is determined by the gyroscopicity of atomic vortices and is measured in kilograms, and the mass of gravitation (simply - gravitation) arises due to a decrease in the ethereal density in these vortices (an increase in their volume) and is already measured in units of volume.

Weight is defined as the product of a vector - the density gradient of the surrounding ether - and a scalar - the mass of gravity. Archimedes defined the buoyancy force of bodies immersed in a liquid in exactly the same way, only in our case ether acts as a liquid.

Let's sum up some results. Anticipating the resentment that mechanical physics will cause among professionals, it is appropriate to ask the question: is it necessary? Yes, you need! One of the arguments in its defense can be the hope that it will become a source of new scientific and technical ideas.

One such idea could be the development of longitudinal waves of aether, the existence of which was suspected as early as the 18th century. Pierre Simon Laplace, for example, even tried to calculate the speed of their propagation; according to his estimates, it is about 500 million times faster than the speed of light. With such a speed, you can look even into the farthest corners of the Visible Space of the Universe. And if there are other civilizations in this Space, then they talk among themselves, most likely, with the help of longitudinal waves. It can also be assumed that only the “sound barrier” of these waves can become an obstacle to high-speed flights in space; an obstacle, but not a limit.

Mechanistic explanations of known laws of physics and other natural sciences can be very productive. Brownian motions, for example, do not decay because there is absolutely no friction in the ether. It also becomes clear that the gas heats up during compression, and cools down during expansion (Gay-Lussac's law): in mechanical physics, heat is the movement of atoms and molecules, and temperature is the density of these movements; thus, when the volume of the gas changes, this density changes. Knowing all this and visualizing the mechanism of transmission of motions through atoms and molecules, we can try to make all thermal processes more efficient.

Much can be expected from the mechanistic representation of electrical, magnetic and electromagnetic phenomena and processes. (These do not include radio waves, that is, the frontal transverse waves of the ether, called electromagnetic due to a misunderstanding.) In this sense, a visual representation of the emergence of atmospheric electricity is interesting.

AT upper layers the Earth's atmosphere accumulates in huge quantities of electrons brought there by the "solar wind"; their pressure there is so great that it is measured in billions of volts. These electrons slowly seep through the atmosphere and go to the ground, where they annihilate at great depths, releasing heat and warming up the core of the planet. Sometimes the transfer of electrons through the atmosphere is concentrated - in the form of lightning; Let's consider the mechanism of their origin.

When moisture evaporates, that is, when water molecules pass from a liquid state to vapor, they begin to pulsate and throw off attached electrons, so that the vapor rising above the ground turns out to be very depleted in electrons. In support of this, let us recall the experiments of Alessandro Volta: he evaporated water and proved that the vapor is positively charged.

When condensing at high altitude, the water molecules settle down, and the electrons that are there in a free state, stick around them by the thousands for each molecule; as a result, the descending thunderclouds are oversaturated with them. In the low warm layers of the atmosphere, water molecules evaporate again and again shed electrons from themselves, which now have nowhere to go and which break through the air and go in the form of lightning towards other clouds or into the ground.

After explaining the emergence of atmospheric electricity, the following conclusions suggest themselves. First, instead of a mechanical one, you can try to create an evaporative electric current generator. Secondly, if the same conditions are created in nuclear reactors as inside our planet, then it is possible to annihilate electrons in them and obtain energy without radiation and radioactive waste. Thirdly, knowing that in the upper layers of the atmosphere there are always large quantities and constantly replenished with electrons, one can try to capture them and launch them into the electrical network using high-altitude cables held by a cascade of stratostats.

In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about the use of mathematics in physics: one must be extremely careful with this. The mathematical world is special, and the laws in it are not at all the same as in physics; many elements of mathematics have no physical analogues. Therefore, it is better to use it only for quantitative assessments, not allowing it to interfere with the process of speculative modeling of physical processes.

Otherwise, one can reach the recognition of Dirac's positrons and Maxwell's electromagnetic waves.


Aether is the basis of alternative aether physics. It consists of elementary particles, ideally round (that is, balls), ideally slippery, ideally elastic, having inertia and the same dimensions. The ethereal medium is strongly compressed; it is under tremendous pressure throughout the visible space. An atom is a torus vortex in the ethereal medium; in the cross section of the vortex cord - three elementary ethereal balls rotating at a tremendous speed. Torus vortices of atoms are twisted until the cords touch and elastic loops are formed.

It is of interest to determine the basic parameters of the ether, in particular - the mass of inertia of the elementary ether particle, its dimensions, the inertial density of the ether and its pressure; let's look at them in order.

To determine the inertia (mass of inertia) of an elementary ethereal particle ί 0 more comparable with an electron whose mass is known from experimental physics and is 9.1 10 -28 G. An electron in alternative ethereal physics is the smallest stable vortex, consisting of only three ethereal balls. Consequently, the inertia of an elementary ether particle is one third of the mass of an electron and equals 3.03 10 -28 G.

The diameter of the elementary ether ball d 0 can be determined from its ratio with the size of the lithium atom. The lithium atom is convenient in that it is almost round and its vortex cord is folded into four loops of the same size. We will assume that the loops are close in shape to circles, and these circles encircle the atom, as it were. The diameter of the circle, which in this case is equal to the diameter of the lithium atom d ( Li), is defined as d ( Li) = ℓ (Li) / 4π, where ℓ( Li) is the length of the vortex filament of the lithium atom; it is so many times longer than the cord of a hydrogen atom ℓ ( H), how many times the atomic mass of lithium is greater than hydrogen. Knowing that ℓ ( H) = 1840 d 0 , we get

ℓ (Li) \u003d 1840 6.94 / 1.0079 \u003d 12670 d 0

d( Li) = 126 70/4π = 1000 d 0 .

Volume V cf ( Li) per one lithium atom in the total body mass is obviously greater than the volume of the atom itself V ( Li) = 0.5236 d 3 ( Li) = 0.5236 10 9 d 0 3 , but less than the volume of a cube with side d ( Li):

V( Li) < V ср (Li) < d 3 (Li).

Let's take it equal to 0.75 d 3 ( Li) and get V cf ( Li) = 0.75 10 9 d 0 3 .

On the other hand, this volume can be determined by knowing the gram-mole of lithium ( ( Li) = 6,94 G), its density ( (Li) = 0.53 g / cm 3) and the number of atoms in a gram mole (n A = 6 10 23 at):

From the comparison of volumes V cf ( Li) in different dimensions, you can get the value of the diameter of an elementary ethereal ball in centimeters:

The inertia of an elementary ether particle and its diameter can be considered as fundamental physical quantities, absolutely stable in time and space.

Another important parameter of the ether is its inertial density 0 . Let us first determine the density of the elementary ethereal ball 0 ´:

Obviously, the desired density of ether inertia 0 will be somewhat less, taking into account the fact that there are voids between even densely packed ethereal balls; their share in the total volume is small and can be estimated at approximately 10%. Thus, we get

0 = 0.9 0 ´ = 1.8 10 4 g/cm 3.

And, finally, - ether pressure p 0 ; to determine it, we use the expression

where c is the speed of light.

Knowing that c = 3 10 8 m/s, and 0 = 1.8 10 7 kg / m 3, we get

p 0 \u003d 0 s 2 \u003d 1.8 10 7 9 10 16 \u003d 1.62 10 24 Pa.

As you can see, even the highest densities and pressures of atomic media known to us cannot be compared with the density of inertia and pressure of the ether.

Comparison of the main parameters of ethereal and non-etheric physics

Ether physics

Aetherless physics

The diameter of an elementary ether particle is 3.1 10 -11 cm

Inertia of an elementary ethereal particle - 3.03 10 -28 G

Electron mass - 9.1 10 -28 G

Lithium atom diameter - 3.1 10 -8 cm

The average size of an atom is 10 -8 cm

The volume occupied by a lithium atom is 1.5 10 -23 cm 3

The average volume of an atom is 10 -24 cm 3

The diameter of the vortex cord of an atom is 6.7 10 -11 cm

The average size of the nucleus of an atom is 10 -12 cm

The volume of the vortex cord of the lithium atom is 1.9 10 -28 cm 3

The average volume of the nucleus of an atom is 10 -36 cm 3

The cross-sectional area of ​​the lithium atom is 10 -15 cm 2

Average cross-sectional area of ​​an atom - 10 -16 cm 2

The area of ​​the shadow of the vortex cord of the lithium atom is 10 -17 ... 0.5 10 -17 cm 2

The area of ​​the shadow of the nucleus of an atom is 10 -24 cm 2

The degree of clearance of the lithium atom - 50 ... 100

The average degree of lumen of the atom is 10 8

Ether inertia density - 1.8 10 7 kg / m 3

Density of water - 10 3 kg / m 3

Ether pressure - 1.62 10 24 Pa

Water pressure at a depth of 10,000 m - 10 8 Pa


The central concept in Alternative Etheric Physics (hereinafter referred to as AEF) is, of course, the ether itself - matter that fills all the space visible to us and makes up a certain structure of it. Why is it so important for us to know the state of the ether? The thing is that the AEF considers the ether as the source material from which the entire material (atomic) Universe is built. Therefore, this state of the ether is important to us as an initial, static condition for the formation of the modern Universe. Based on it, in the future we will be able to understand the dynamics of the states of the ether.

In general, the ether is inherently dialectical, because, having paradoxical properties, nevertheless, it unites them in itself, as we will see later. In addition, since we undertook to analyze the state of the ether, we can not do for a deep understanding of the issue without comparing the ether with "ordinary", atomic matter.

The AEF basically contains one single statement: the ether is discrete and consists of microscopic spheres ideal in terms of properties. The number of these balls, even in a small volume, does not lend itself to humanitarian comprehension, which is why, on a scale perceived by a person, the ether can be considered with a high degree of accuracy as a continuum. This is the first, "lying on the surface", paradoxical property of the ether: like atomic matter, it behaves as a discrete structure on a scale comparable to the size of elementary ethereal balls, but has a continuum behavior on large scales.

As mentioned above, individual ethereal balls have ideal properties: they are absolutely smooth and absolutely elastic bodies; all their interactions are purely mechanical. Having accepted this, we will move further in the direction of studying the properties of the ether, but first we will clarify the following points:

    • the space we see is a single ethereal accumulation;
    • The universe includes many such clusters, which are in no way connected with each other;
    • within each of these clusters the ether is under great pressure;
    • the ether in the clusters is not held by anything and constantly scatters away from the center, thereby reducing the pressure in the centers of the clusters;
    • the size of the clusters is so large that they provide a slow, by human standards, their scattering.

Imagine that we are in the center of an ethereal cloud, where the etheric pressure is unusually high. It is easy to guess that the elementary balls will be located close to each other, and in the most advantageous way from the point of view of saving space; the ether is densely packed, that is, like a solid body, it has a certain structure that retains its order over a long distance. In this state, the ether can be represented as a set of rows (threads) of the indicated balls with different spatial orientations.

Such is the ether in statics, but what will happen if we set it in motion? Suppose one of the balls, as a result of some very short external action, receives an impulse in a direction perpendicular to the row. Having elastically deformed its neighbors, it will drag the ball following it in the same row; that one, in turn, will carry away the next one, and so on. Since this process is not accompanied by losses due to the ideality of the medium, a wave will run along the row (thread). It will be a transverse wave (strict proof of its occurrence is not given in this article), that is, light, and it will be similar to a transverse wave propagating in a solid atomic body.

Thus, we conclude that if in any place with a sufficiently high ethereal density an oscillation occurs with a very high frequency and low amplitude, then an elastic deformation of the medium occurs without its mixing, and as a result, a wave arises. Everything is exactly the same as in an ordinary solid, where propagating transverse waves are the result of elastic deformation of the material without mixing.

However, despite the similarity of the properties of the ether to the properties of a solid body, there are serious differences between them. The main one is that the ether under conditions of high density has a certain structure, but there are no non-mechanical connections and interactions between elementary balls. In contrast, a solid body retains its structure (not always packed as tightly as possible) due to the rigid bonds that arise between the molecules or atoms of this body. And another serious difference - a solid atomic body, due to its imperfection, is not able to conduct a wave through itself without loss.

On the other hand, if we set an elementary ball in motion with a low frequency and (or) a large amplitude, then, of course, no wave will arise, and the ether will simply mix. Why won't the wave form? after all, in solids it occurs even at low frequencies. The reason lies in the absence of any connections between elementary balls. At large amplitudes or low frequencies of vibrations, the ether, which is not restrained by anything, easily loses its structure, that is, it is mixed. This ability to mix (which is equivalent to fluidity) makes the ether similar to a liquid.

But here we should also make a reservation: the ether still cannot be called a liquid. As noted above, the ether is not connected in any way; this means (speaking in terms of hydrodynamics) that the ether has zero viscosity and, therefore, cannot have an interface: the mechanical interactions between the balls, if we place them in a void, will cause them to scatter. It is clear that there can be no question of any interface.

Unsuccessful attempts to identify the ether with a liquid or a solid can lead us to the following reasoning: since the interactions between elementary balls are purely mechanical, then the ether, therefore, will always occupy the entire volume provided to it, which corresponds to the properties of gases. However, not everything is clear-cut here either.

It is well known that the molecules and atoms of gases interact very weakly under normal conditions, and this is difficult to explain within the framework of existing physical concepts. In classical aetherless physics, it is believed that a molecule (atom) of a gas, having an initial momentum, moves freely for some time, but sooner or later it meets another molecule and collides with it; This is the basis of the molecular kinetic theory. However, in such collisions, nothing prevents the colliding molecules from reacting, and such a gas mixture as hydrogen and oxygen could not exist at all: it would explode immediately, which actually does not happen.

AEF, following the conclusions from its proposed variant of the structure of the atom, claims that the molecules and atoms of gases do not collide with each other (this happens, but very rarely), because they create so-called “thermal fields” around themselves. These fields arise as a result of vibrations (pulsations) of gas atoms in an unstable state (we also omit the details of the structure of atoms according to the AEF and explanations of the causes of vibration); they do not allow molecules and atoms to approach each other. Thus, the gas is somewhat inert with respect to itself.

Unlike atoms and molecules of gas, elementary ether balls freely collide and mechanically interact with each other, since there is no equivalent of a “thermal field” at the level of balls. Such a very serious difference does not allow us to call the ether a gas.

So, we have made sure that the state of the ether cannot be identified with any generally accepted state of aggregation (out of the unusual ones, flowability most of all corresponds to it). Ether, like atomic matter, is in one state or another under different conditions. However, it is not always easy to attribute his condition to one category or another. The fact is that the absence of non-mechanical connections between elementary balls entails a smooth change in the state of the ether. How to understand it?

Let us imagine that we have placed an atomic substance in a chamber in which a smooth change in pressure and temperature is somehow achieved from the minimum pressure and maximum temperature in one place of the chamber to the maximum pressure and minimum temperature in another (but avoiding destruction of the substance). Then we will be able to observe how the substance is divided into well distinguishable fractions; after all, matter exists due to chemical bonds that restrain changes in its aggregate states. This means that for an atomic substance there is such a range of pressures and temperatures when it is in the liquid state, a certain range when it is in the gaseous state, and also for the solid state. For ether, this is not possible.

The density of the ether in the same chamber with the same conditions, when moving along it, will change as smoothly as the pressure changes smoothly. It is natural that it is meaningless to talk about any clear division of the states of the ether on the basis of its density.

All of the above means that in order to solve any problem, it is impossible to attribute to the ether any fixed state of aggregation: solid, liquid or gaseous, without deviating too much from accuracy. There are two ways here: either consider each specific state of the ether separately and each time again for a new task, or artificially allocate gradations of its aggregate states with an amplitude of density change that allows maintaining a certain accuracy of calculations. It is clear that a lot of gradations will have to be allocated to ensure acceptable accuracy.

It should be noted that the described behavior of the ether in the above-mentioned chamber manifests itself in reality, because the ethereal space in which we are located is a huge accumulation, the pressure inside which naturally changes from a certain value in the central part to zero on the outskirts. Although the concept of the edge for the same reason cannot be clearly defined.


Alternative ethereal physics makes it possible to explain both the nature of light and all its interactions with atomic media, that is, optics, as purely mechanical phenomena.

In this physics, the basis of everything is the ether. It is characterized by two features: first - it consists of elementary particles, ideally round (that is, bish balls), ideally slippery, ideally elastic, having inertia and absolutely the same size; and the second feature is that the ethereal medium is strongly compressed: it is under such enormous pressure throughout the visible space that the real pressures known to us, even the largest ones, cannot be compared with it. And although the ether is fluid (even superfluid), in short periods of time it can be considered as a well-structured solid medium, consisting of strictly oriented rows of elementary particles in contact with each other - ethereal balls.

In the ether, in full accordance with the classical mechanism, transverse waves can propagate. Low-frequency transverse vibrations of elementary particles with large amplitudes will obviously occur with a shift of the particles; and in form such waves will resemble those of the sea; they can be described as liquid. The particles moving in them are capable of dragging the neighboring layers of the ether along with them, and therefore such transverse waves will turn into a front. If, however, we consider waves with higher frequencies and decreasing amplitudes, then it can be noted that the shift of particles will decrease and neighboring layers will be less entrained. In the limit, transverse waves turn exclusively into elastic ones without shear, that is, they are likened to transverse waves in solid media; they also lose the ability to entrain neighboring layers, becoming ray layers; this is the light.

It is easiest to imagine transverse waves running along one row of ethereal balls; they are analogous to waves propagating along a stretched thread; they can neither turn aside nor expand to the front. Such a representation allows us to judge the straightness of the rays of light not by abstract geometric concepts, but in relation to a number of elementary ethereal balls; the series itself becomes the physical standard of straightness in general.

By analogy with a stretched thread, the speed of propagation of light waves along a series is determined as

where F - the force of the longitudinal compression of the row; m - the mass of inertia per unit length of the row.

Expanding the series to unit area, we get

where R - air pressure, N/m 2; ρ - specific inertia (density) of the ether, kg / m 3.

In reality, single-row light waves are unlikely. For the most part, atoms, as the main sources of radiation, generate runaway waves along several neighboring rows at once; vibrations of ethereal balls in them are coordinated. The light propagating in such cases as a whole sheaf of rays pierces its own channel in the ether, the orientation of which, in contrast to the orientation of the rows, can be arbitrary.

Such, in general terms, is the mechanical essence of light in ethereal physics. As for the interaction of light with atomic media, it manifests itself in the following phenomena: in the absorption of light rays, in their reflection and, relatively speaking, in their attraction.

An atom in ethereal physics is a torus vortex in the ether medium. In the cross section of the cords of the tori, all atoms have three ethereal balls rotating with great speed; therefore, we can speak of clearly defined contours of atomic vortices. The tori are twisted into a variety of configurations and stick together, forming solids and viscous liquids. In gases, atomic vortices pulsate and create pulsating fields around themselves that prevent them from approaching each other.

If now an atom, more precisely, a vortex cord of an atom, is in the path of a transverse light wave, then either the wave will be absorbed or reflected. Absorption will occur if, under the impact of the wave, the cord bends and absorbs it, and reflection - when the wave hits the stressed part of the cord - into the loop, especially into the paired loop like in metal atoms, and rebounds from it without losing its kinetic energy; transverse oscillations of the ethereal medium will remain, but will now go in another direction, obeying the laws of mechanical reflection.

The "attraction" of a beam of light by an atom is generated by local gravity and requires additional explanation. Torus vortices of atoms create perturbations of ethereal balls in the adjacent space and, as a result, variable ether pressure (local gravitational field); it decreases as it approaches the cord; this is on the one hand. On the other hand, a light wave passing near an atom can be considered as having a gravitational mass. Mass of gravity arises where there is a local movement of ethereal particles and the rarefaction of the ether caused by this; it is measured by the volume of the resulting absolute void.

In the local gravitational field of an atomic vortex, the wave of light will deviate towards the vortex, since its absolute emptiness will be pushed out towards the lower pressure of the ether (the emptiness floats up in the ether); Obviously, the greater the energy of the wave motion, the greater the deviation. The force Gf, with which the light wave is “attracted” to the atomic vortex, is defined as

, H,

where g f is the mass of gravity (volume of absolute emptiness) of a light wave, such as a photon, m 3; grad P A - aether pressure gradient near the atom vortex cord, N/m 3 .

A beam of light will experience a similar deflection when passing near all the atoms encountered in its path; and if he manages to avoid a head-on collision with them within the boundaries of some homogeneous atomic medium, then such a medium can be considered transparent.

Attention is drawn to the non-straightness of the beam: bending around the atoms, it becomes undulating. This can explain the phenomenon of the apparent decrease in the speed of light in water, in glass and in other media; it is illusory: the speed remains almost constant, but the path through the light increases. (Actual decrease in speed still occurs, and the reason for this is a certain decrease in the density of the ether in the vicinity of atoms, but it so small as to be negligible.)

Light bending around atoms makes it possible to explain not only the decrease in the speed of light in various media, but also the refraction of rays at the interface between media. It arises in the case of an asymmetric, unbalanced arrangement of atoms with respect to the beam: when the beam enters a dense medium and when it leaves it, the atom under the beam turns out to be unbalanced; he rejects it. Refraction, obviously, is the greater, the farther the refractive cord of an unbalanced, “extra” atom is from the neighboring balanced one. The distance between adjacent bending cords of atoms also determines the magnitude of the undulation of the rays: the larger it is, the greater the undulation and the lower the resulting, apparent speed of light.

In the interaction of light and atoms great importance has an orientation of transverse waves. Obviously, the reflected beam will be dominated by oscillations perpendicular to the plane of incidence, while the refracted beam will be dominated by oscillations parallel to the plane of incidence. The probabilistic nature of these regularities is explained by the random orientation of both the plane of transverse vibrations of light and the vortex cords of atoms, which cause reflection and bending of light.

Of particular note is the assumption about the causes of ring diffraction of light in the shadow region when the rays pass through a small aperture. Multi-row light waves propagating in sheaves of rays are split up at the entrance to a small hole and exit it for the most part already single-row. When rounding the extreme atoms of the hole, such rays do not deviate smoothly, but stepwise - from one row of ethereal balls to others; therefore, regular light streaks concentric with respect to the contour of the hole appear in the shadow.


The toro-vortex model of the atom makes it possible to consider the phenomenon of selective absorption (emission) by gas atoms of certain frequencies of visible and invisible light as a resonance; Therefore, it is of interest to study the natural oscillations of atoms.

According to alternative ethereal physics, an atom is a torus vortex in the medium of physical vacuum (ether). Vortices of large atoms twist in the most intricate way, and their final form is determined by the balance of twisting and elastic forces. But the hydrogen atom, as the smallest, has the form of a ring; let us focus our attention on it, especially since its spectrum has been thoroughly studied and is reflected by impeccable empirical dependences. In alternative ethereal physics, the hydrogen atom is represented as a torus, in the cross section of which there are three elementary ethereal balls (ES) running in a circle one after another, and the circumference of the torus is 1840 such balls. Thus, the diameter of the torus vortex of the hydrogen atom is related to the diameter of its cross section as 586:2.15.

It is known from mechanics that natural vibrations of an elastic ring are expressed in its bending vibrations, when an integer number of stationary waves equal in length is formed along the entire length of the ring. Sections of the ring can also oscillate, covering several stationary waves, that is, subwaves; while the nodes of the waves remain unchanged. The expression for determining the frequencies of the main forms of bending vibrations of an elastic ring has the form:


Let us use this expression to determine the main frequencies of bending vibrations of the hydrogen atom torus vortex. After a reasonable simplification, it can be represented as


where – reflects the tension (elasticity) of the vortex; is the vortex circumference; i is an integer number of stationary waves located around the circumference of the vortex.

We bring the resulting expression to the form:

, (1)

where , (2)

a is the length of the main stationary wave.

Expression (1) is known in physics as Lyman's empirical formula; it determines the spectral frequencies of the hydrogen atom in the ultraviolet region. Now we can explain why the value i cannot be less than two: when the number of stationary waves is equal to one, the torus vortex will not deflect, but will be displaced in space.

To determine the subfrequencies, we replace the lengths of the main waves l sublengths (k l), where k is the multiplicity (integer). After expanding expression (1) and substituting sublengths into it, we obtain

. (3)

Expression (3) is no different from the well-known generalized empirical formula of Balmer, covering the visible and infrared regions. In it, the multiplicity k is also always less than the number of main stationary waves i, since when they are equal, again, not a deflection, but a displacement of the vortex will occur.

It follows from the foregoing that the torus-vortex model of the atom is indeed convenient for explaining spectral absorption on the basis of resonance. In addition, the position of alternative ethereal physics is confirmed, according to which the atoms of gases pulsate and create around themselves pulsating fields that prevent their convergence. The torus vortex of the hydrogen atom, for example, under the influence of the confrontation of twisting and elastic forces in conditions of complete absence of friction (there is none in the ether), is compressed into an oval alternately along one axis, then along the perpendicular to it. The conclusion about pulsation follows from expression (2).

It has been experimentally established that the number i may change several times i= 2…8). This means that the length of the main stationary wave of the hydrogen atom torus vortex can change by the same factor. It is also known that the Rydberg coefficient R is a constant value. This is enough to assert on the basis of expression (2) that the intensity H also changes and changes accordingly by 16 times. (It should be clarified that this change depends on the temperature of the gas: the higher it is, the greater the amplitude of the pulsation and the wider the range of intensity.)

Knowing that R = 3.29x10 15 s -1, it is possible to establish a relationship between the intensity H and the wavelength l:

. (4)

In conclusion, let us try to imagine the behavior of the hydrogen atom. In the process of pulsation, its torus vortex experiences chaotic bending oscillations, and only at certain moments, when the stationary wave changing according to the law (4) becomes such that it fits an integer number of times along the entire circumference of the torus, all these waves begin to oscillate already harmonically, in an orderly manner. . At these moments, they absorb in the mode of resonance the incident transverse waves of the medium with coinciding frequencies; this is how the absorption spectrum is formed.

And at the same moments, at the same frequencies, the atom generates runaway light waves: when the stationary wave reaches the threshold value of the amplitude, a photon breaks off from it; when he leaves, he takes with him the motions of the atom.

Options natural vibrations a hydrogen atom.

Step number j

tension Hj, ash 2 /s

Stationary wave length l j, ash

Number of waves i j

Fundamental frequency f j ,s –1

1.74×10 20

3.24×10 15

2.27×10 20

3.22×10 15

3.09×10 20

3.20×10 15

4.46×10 20

3.16×10 15

6.96×10 20

3.08×10 15

12.38×10 20

2.92×10 15

27.85×10 20

2.47×10 15


Gravitational fields, according to alternative aether physics, are expressed as fields with variable aether pressure; their ability to create attraction-gravity is characterized by a pressure gradient. In outer ethereal space, gravitational fields arise around planets and stars, and this is caused by the decay and annihilation of atoms and electrons inside them.

The basis of the fundamentals of ethereal physics is the law of non-uniform deformations, according to which any movement of elementary ethereal particles (ethereal balls) leads to a decrease in their density. In other words, the ethereal balls in mutual motion always occupy a larger volume (due to the increase in voids between them) than the same amount in a calm state. Thus, the volume of absolute emptiness can be considered as the equivalent of energy.

All motions on the air can be divided into stationary and non-stationary. The former include stable motions in the form of vortices: torus, representing atoms, and disk, electrons; these vortices, in fact, are the planets and stars. Waves and “thermal” motions of the ether are non-stationary. Waves are transverse (that is, light) and longitudinal - the so-called gravitational. In addition to these harmonic ordered movements, there are also disordered, reminiscent of the thermal movements of atoms and molecules; they are also called relic radiation. Purely mechanical ejections of atomic fragments of the “solar wind” type can also be attributed to non-stationary motions.

And if stationary stable motions, that is, atoms and electrons, hold the void (and therefore any planet or star is saturated with this absolute void), then the non-stationary ones, going away, create a rarefaction after themselves, which is not retained by anything and which is compensated by the influx of ether. You can even say this: from where the movements leave, the ether rushes there. It is this flow that creates the variable aether pressure, which determines gravity.

The main and, perhaps, the only reason for the appearance of non-stationary motions in the ether and, consequently, gravitational fields are the decay and annihilation of atoms and electrons (stable atoms do not create spatial gravity). Decay energy E related to the volume of the released emptiness V following dependency:


where p- air pressure; note that the pressure of the ether at the level of the Earth's surface is about 10 24 Pa.

As a result of disintegration, a centripetal flow of ether appears, the shape of which determines the law of gravity. It can be assumed that in the initial period this flow has a radial direction, but over time it breaks down into a more stable form of movement - into an etheric vortex, each particle of which moves in a spiral towards the center. The etheric vortex (let's call it a metavortex) can only be flat - such is the mechanics of the fluid medium, which is the ether. The orientation plane of the metavortex is usually called equatorial. Outside the metavortex, the forms of motions are much more complicated, and only in polar spaces can they be considered strictly radially directed.

Let us consider in more detail the centripetal motion of the ether in the equatorial plane and we will have in mind, in particular, the metavortex of the solar system. It is not difficult to assume that the ether moves inside this metavortex with the same circumferential velocities with which the planets move in it, and these velocities are well known in astronomy. The following regularity is easily found in their distribution:


where v m - tangential (tangential) speed; r- distance from the center of gravity.

Thus, knowing only one reference position with v then and r about, you can determine the square of the peripheral speed of the ether at any radius r:

Consider the behavior of the elementary part of the ether in the form of a ring with a radius r, thickness in the radial direction ∆r (∆r close to zero) and height h; compressive force acts on it: , - and centrifugal force: . The difference between these forces gives the ether within the boundaries of the elementary ring a centripetal acceleration


The same acceleration can be determined knowing the total ether flow Q tending to the center of gravity; this flow is determined by the volume of absolute emptiness released per unit time as a result of the decay of the atomic substance (or as a result of the movement of the ether leaving the sphere of radius r, which is the same in steady state). The average radial velocity of the ether is defined as

and the acceleration will be


Combining the accelerations, we obtain an expression for determining the scalar value of the pressure gradient:


This expression characterizes the gravitational field of any cosmic body in the equatorial plane of its metavortex. It is not ideal: all kinds of perturbations of the centripetal flow of ether can distort the accepted picture, especially near the cosmic body itself and, moreover, inside it.

The weight of any body in a gravitational field is defined as

where g- the mass of gravity of the body (the volume of absolute emptiness in it, held by atomic vortices), m 3.

If we assume that the density of inertia of the ether changes slightly, then for large values ​​of the radius r the pressure gradient can be represented as

where A = v 2 then r o - value characterizing the given gravitational field; in the Sun, for example, it is equal to A(C)= 2.39 10 24 kg / s 2, and for the earth: A(Z)= 6.92 10 21 kg/s 2.

The force of mutual gravitation of two cosmic bodies with their own gravitational fields is defined as

By integrating , one can obtain an expression for determining the ether pressure:


These are the regularities of gravitational fields in the equatorial planes of metavortices; in the polar spaces of the fields, a different picture is observed. Since there is no peripheral speed of the ether ( v r = 0), then the pressure gradient and the pressure itself will change according to the laws



Consequently, the ether pressure will always be greater at the poles, and its gradient less than at the equator. As a result, the weight of any body at the poles will be less, regardless of the centrifugal forces, and the excess pressure there will cause a vertical ethereal wind that blows over the poles and lowers cosmic cold on them.

Thus, in alternative ethereal physics, gravity appears in a somewhat different form. First of all, the concept of the gravitational field appears as a special state of the medium without connection with the atomic substance, and this field is characterized by a variable ethereal pressure. The concept of gravitational mass becomes different: it arises as a result of mutual movements of elementary ethereal particles and is determined by the volume of absolute emptiness. The essence of the process of gravitation is changing: it is not an attraction of inertial masses, but an expulsion of the gravitational mass towards a lower pressure of the ether. Gravity, it turns out, is created not by atoms in general, but only by decaying atoms, and therefore the “attraction” of stars is stronger than the “attraction” of planets. A distinctive feature of gravitational fields around large cosmic bodies is their anisotropy: in the equatorial plane, the ether pressure gradient and, therefore, gravitation is greater than in polar directions; and this is explained by the fact that the centripetal flow of ether in the polar spaces is strictly radial, and in the equatorial plane it has the form of an ether turn (meta-vortex). Only the influence of metavortices can explain the rotation of the planets around the Sun and satellites around the planets: these rotations do not exist by themselves, but are determined by the circumferential velocities of the ether in metavortices. The energy of their rotation is drawn from the energy of the decay of atomic matter and is determined by the product of the volume of the vanishing absolute void and the pressure of the ether. These and other features of gravity affect not only the conceptual side of the phenomenon, but also require a revision of some physical and astronomical quantities, in particular, the inertial and gravitational masses of the Sun, planets and their satellites.


In ethereal physics, the gravitational mass of a body and the inertial mass are different parameters, have different dimensions and are not even equivalent.

The gravitational mass of a body, which determines its weight, in the ethereal space is an independent physical parameter, in no way connected with the inertial mass; She even has a different size. These masses, strictly speaking, are not even equivalent, that is, they are not proportional. Such a conclusion can be drawn on the basis of speculative modeling of gravity within the framework of alternative ethereal physics.

An atom in this physics is a torus vortex in a medium of highly compressed superfluid ether, and an ideal ball is an elementary particle of ether. Torus vortices have an unusual appearance; their contours are clearly outlined: in the cross section of torus cords, all atoms have three ethereal balls; and each atom consists of a certain, specific number of these particles. Therefore, if we talk about the inertia of the body, then it can be argued that it is determined by the total inertia of all ethereal balls that form the atoms of this body, and the dimension of inertia is kilogram (kg).

Gravity has a different physical nature. It is expressed in the fact that atoms that have a reduced density compared to the surrounding ether are pushed out towards lower pressure, and it - this pressure - is the smallest in the centers of gravity, that is, inside planets and stars, and this is caused by the decay and annihilation of atoms and electrons .

To determine the quantitative side of gravity, let's estimate the reduced ethereal density of the atomic substance. The volume of any body is filled with atoms and ether penetrating them; moreover, atoms make up a very small part of the entire space (much less than a thousandth). In turn, the volume of atoms V a can be decomposed into the volume of ether balls V about the constituents of these atoms, and on the absolute emptiness g :

V a = V o + g.

Void (or decrease in density) occurs in the general case wherever there is a local movement of ethereal particles.

So: the specified volume of absolute emptiness g and there is the gravitational mass of the body (or simply - gravity); it is she - emptiness - that emerges in the ether. Hence - the dimension of gravity is the dimension of volume, that is, a meter cubed (m 3).

body gravity g turns into his weight G only in the presence of a pressure gradient p in the surrounding ethereal space; the expression for the weight is

G \u003d - g grad p, H.

The “minus” sign indicates that the weight is directed in the direction of decreasing the pressure of the ether.

The non-equivalence of inertial and gravitational masses can only be talked about in principle so far; all experimental attempts to detect it, according to reports, ended in vain. Theoretically, the conclusion about the indicated non-equivalence follows from the fact that the constant mass of the inertia of the body corresponds to the variable mass of gravity.

Emptiness g consists of two components: from the void inside the vortex cords g b and rarefaction outside, in the adjacent ether g c; the latter arises as a result of the perturbation of ethereal balls in the boundary layer. And if the inner emptiness g b is constant, then the outer g c can vary depending on the form of twisting of the vortex filaments of atoms. Three-lobed nitrogen atoms, for example, in various chemical compounds can have both a bulk, clamshell shape, and be flat; in the first case, the external rarefaction g c will be greater than in the second.

Gravitational mass defect expressed in terms of void volume change ∆g, allows you to determine the amount of released (or absorbed) energy:

∆E = p ∆g,J.

Even ultra-small values ∆g, unregistered by modern measuring instruments, at huge values ​​of aether pressure p can generate significant release-absorption of energy ∆E; this is what is observed in exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions.

Expression of the gravitational mass of the body through the volume of absolute emptiness g allows you to determine the total potential energy of this body (rest energy) E:

E \u003d p g,J.

It is interesting to compare the resulting formula with the well-known basic expression of aetherless physics E \u003d m c 2, where m is the mass of inertia of the body, and With is the speed of light.

In alternative aether physics, the speed of light is defined as


where ρ is the specific inertia of the ether, kg / m 3.

Extract from this expression p and substitute it into the formula for the potential energy of the body; we get

E = g ρ c 2

As you can see, the work (g ρ ) is not the mass of inertia of the body; this is just a conditional mass of inertia of that part of the ether, which could be accommodated in the void of the body. It is less than the actual mass of inertia, which can be represented as (V o ρ ) , since the volume of ethereal balls V o atoms have more than the volume of emptiness g; at least they are two different quantities.

Used sources

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    2. Timoshenko S.P. Fluctuations in engineering / Per. from English. /S.P. Timoshenko, D.Kh. Young, W. Weaver. - M .: Mashinostroenie, 1985. - 472 p.
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