Illustrated history of Catherine II Brikner Alexander Gustavovich. Audiobook Brikner Alexander - the story of Catherine II

Alexander Brikner

Two years after the release of The History of Peter the Great, in 1885, A.S. Suvorin published another work by Alexander Gustavovich Brikner - the three-volume History of Catherine II.

"Not adhering to strict chronological order, - said in the preface, - the author divided his work into several parts. The first set out the events before the 1762 coup d'état; the second speaks of the dangers that threatened the throne of Catherine, especially from pretenders and impostors; the third part is devoted to the history of foreign policy under Catherine; the fourth contains an outline of legislation and administration; Finally, the story is told in the fifth recent years reign of the Empress and her personality is outlined.

Interest in the Catherine's era is natural for a historian who saw in the wise ruler the heiress of Peter's transforming activity.

Brikner saw the main merit of his research in the objectivity of the scientific approach to the depicted persons and events. At the same time, the reader cannot fail to notice the author's obvious sympathy for Catherine and even admiration for her personality.

Despite the impressive number of sources cited, conscientious footnotes and indexes, Brickner's book was more educational than scientific in nature. Its uniqueness lies elsewhere - in the selection and quality of illustrations. Portraits of members of the imperial family and associates of Catherine, views of cities, villages, palaces, residential buildings, images of battle scenes, commemorative medals, business cards, carriages, monuments, structures to the "Catherine's eagles", reproduction of fashionable pictures, architectural drawings and plans, interior sketches. In total, about 300 engravings are reproduced in the book, both in the text and on separate sheets. It is no coincidence that the Suvorin edition of Brikner's work is called The Illustrated History of Catherine II. Collectors and connoisseurs of works of engraving art P.Ya. Dashkov and DA. Rovinsky. Suvorin had at his disposal not only pictorial materials already published in periodicals, but also rare sheets from the engraving cabinet of the Hermitage, as well as from private collections.
The quality of the selection and reproduction of illustrations redeems the outward pomposity of the book, characteristic of the publications of A.S. Suvorin.

Brikner Alexander Gustavovich (1834-1896)
History of Catherine II. Composition by A. Brikner, professor of Russian history at Dorpat University. With 300 engravings and woodcuts made by the best foreign and Russian engravers. [In 3 volumes, 5 parts.] Edition by A.S. Suvorin. St. Petersburg, 1885. Vol. 1: 4.1. Path to the throne. 4.2. Internal turmoil. 253 p. with illustrations, 28 sheets. illustrations. (The 2nd part has a separate title sheet.) V.2: 4.3. Foreign policy. VI, 255-516 p. with illustrations, 19 sheets. illustrations. T.Z: 4.4. Domestic politics. 4.5. Last years. Personality of the Empress. IV, 517-802.36, XVI p. with illustrations, 14 sheets. illustrations. (The 5th part has a separate title sheet.) In three publisher's bindings with embossed pattern on the top covers, with embossed titles on the top covers and spines. 26.8x18.7 cm. There are kits different colors: blue, green, red, brown. The pattern is the same everywhere.

Composition by A. Brikner, professor of Russian history at Dorpat University. With 300 engravings and woodcuts made by the best foreign and Russian engravers. [In 3 volumes, 5 parts.] Edition by A.S. Suvorin. St. Petersburg, 1885. Vol. 1: 4.1. Path to the throne. 4.2. Internal turmoil. 253 p. with illustrations, 28 sheets. illustrations. (The 2nd part has a separate title sheet.) V.2: Ch.Z. Foreign policy. VI, 255-516 p. with illustrations, 19 sheets. illustrations. T.Z: 4.4. Domestic policy. 4.5. Last years. Personality of the Empress. IV, 517-802, 36, XVI p. with illustrations, 14 sheets. illustrations. (The 5th part has a separate title sheet.) In three publisher's bindings with embossed pattern on the top covers, with embossed titles on the top covers and spines. 26.8x18.7 cm. There are sets of different colors: blue, green, red, brown. The pattern is the same everywhere. On a special "ivory" thick paper of the highest quality. Richly illustrated edition. The copy is in collectible condition, in colorful publishing bindings.

In Part I, the author examines in detail the home education received by the future Empress and her desire for self-education, which manifested itself during the unhappy marriage of Catherine, as well as the relationship that developed at the court of Elizabeth, the character of Peter, the future emperor of Russia. When Peter III reigned on Russian throne, for his wife, expulsion from the country or a monastery turned out to be a very real prospect, and in 1762 Catherine, with the help of the guards, makes a bloodless coup and becomes empress.

Part II tells about the troubles taking place inside the country: the conspiracy of Mirovich, peasant war E. Pugacheva, the announcement of the self-proclaimed daughter of Elizabeth Petrovna - Princess Tarakanova, and so on. Strong and powerful, Catherine II pursued an active reformist policy. Among other things, she carried out the secularization of church lands, replenishing the treasury and finally neutralizing the clergy as a political force. The trial of Archbishop Arseniy Matseevich, who dared to openly protest against anti-church reforms, is indicative. For 13 years since her accession, Catherine constantly had to deal with various difficulties: contenders for the throne, impostors, people's discontent, etc. Only from 1775 did the position of the empress on the throne more or less become stronger, and in order to raise her authority within the country, Catherine needed success in the field of foreign policy.

In Parts III and IV, the "Golden Era" of the reign of Catherine II is considered. When writing the work, which the author considered his main work, such authoritative special editions as, for example, "Collections of the Imperial historical society”, “The Archive of Prince Vorontsov”, the magazine “Russian Archive”, and others, which contain many documents, including those for Catherine's time. The foreign policy of Catherine II is considered in sufficient detail, in contrast to the presentation of the internal one, which is generally fragmentary. At the same time, Brickner does not forget to give preference to all kinds of biographical details in the field of court life. With a rather detailed description of the personality of the empress, the author emphasizes that her path to the throne was by no means strewn with roses.

Paying tribute to the positive qualities, the author also points to the stubbornness, arrogance, vanity inherent in Catherine II, the desire for unbridled wastefulness, which cost the treasury dearly and enriched mainly the favorites. And the luxury with which the famous journey of the Empress to the Crimea was furnished, Brikner notes, “makes a heavy impression and recalls episodes from the reigns of Roman emperors.” And - deceit; she "gave scope to the cruelties" of the secret adviser to the executioner Sheshkovsky, "quite often personally tormenting the defendants in the most violent way." A special chapter is devoted to the monstrous massacre of the Empress over the enlightenment writers A.N. Radishchev and N.I. Novikov. These persecutions, their punishment as dangerous state criminals, and finally, the terrible fate of talented writers, according to Brickner, "makes an extremely difficult impression." The author also emphasizes that Catherine II introduces censorship against the distribution in Russia of "dubious books" published abroad, "which are against the law, good character and us." By the way, Paul I seriously "improved" such measures. The porphyry-bearing son of Catherine instructed the senate: “Since the depravity of faith, civil law and good manners is inflicted through various books possible from abroad, from now on, until the decree, we command to prohibit the admission of any kind of books from abroad, no matter what language they are, without exception, to our state, uniformly and music. Illustrative material is sometimes more eloquent than words; characteristic in this sense is the engraving "Modern allegorical representation of the division of Poland". Catherine II sits at the table in an armchair, in front of her detailed map Poland, in the division of pieces-provinces of which representatives of Prussia and Austria take an active part ... Brickner does not have a detailed commentary on this scene. In the final part V, the results of the reign of the Great Empress are summed up.

The leitmotif of the historical writings of Professor A. Brikner of Dorpat University is the process of "Europeanization" of Russia, the penetration of "Western European concepts and interests" into it. He finally formulates this approach in one of his final works, written, like most works, in his native language. German"Die Europaisirung Russlands. Land und Volk" (1888). The History of Catherine II, the largest of Brikner's many works relating to the Catherine era, was also published first in 1883 in German in the almanac magazine Allgemeine Geschichte by V. Onken ( General history), and in 1885 it came out in a Russian version, including more than 300 excellent engraved illustrations. The voluminous work of A. Brikner conveys in detail the spirit of the time, the formation of the personality of the empress, the life of the "Golden Age of Catherine" full of epoch-making events.

Two years after the release of The History of Peter the Great, in 1885, A.S. Suvorin published another work by Alexander Gustavovich Brikner - the three-volume History of Catherine II. “Not adhering to a strict chronological order,” the preface said, “the author divided his work into several parts. The first set out the events before the 1762 coup d'état; the second speaks of the dangers that threatened the throne of Catherine, especially from pretenders and impostors; the third part is devoted to the history of foreign policy under Catherine; the fourth contains an outline of legislation and administration; finally, in the fifth, the story of the last years of the reign of the empress is told and her personality is outlined. Interest in the Catherine's era is natural for a historian who saw in the wise ruler the heiress of Peter's transforming activity. Brikner saw the main merit of his research in the objectivity of the scientific approach to the depicted persons and events. At the same time, the reader cannot fail to notice the author's obvious sympathy for Catherine and even admiration for her personality.

Despite the impressive purely cited sources, conscientious footnotes and indexes, Brickner's book was more educational than scientific in nature. Its uniqueness lies elsewhere - in the selection and quality of illustrations. Portraits of members of the imperial family and associates of Catherine, views of cities, villages, palaces, residential buildings, images of battle scenes, commemorative medals, business cards, carriages, monuments, structures to the "Catherine's eagles", reproduction of fashionable pictures, architectural drawings and plans, interior sketches. .. In total, about 300 engravings are reproduced in the book, both in the text and on separate sheets. It is no coincidence that the Suvorin edition of Brikner's work is called The Illustrated History of Catherine II. Collectors and connoisseurs of works of engraving art P.Ya. Dashkov and D.A. Rovinsky. Suvorin had at his disposal not only pictorial materials already published in periodicals, but also rare sheets from the engraving cabinet of the Hermitage, as well as from private collections. The quality of the selection and reproduction of illustrations redeems the outward pomposity of the book, characteristic of the publications of A.S. Suvorin.

Brikner, Alexander Gustavovich(July 24 (August 5), 1834, St. Petersburg - November 3 (15), 1896, Jena) - Russian historian of German origin, professor at the Department of History at Dorpat University. He was mainly engaged in the study of the process of Europeanization of Russia. Born in St. Petersburg in the family of a merchant of German-Baltic origin. He studied at St. Petri-Schule from 1845 to 1851. After leaving school, he devoted himself to the profession of his father, a merchant, and served for several years in the office of a trading house; then studied for three years under the guidance of Geisser, Droysen, Ranke, Kuno Fischer, Raumer. Having received in 1860 a Ph.D. in Heidelberg for his dissertation "Zur Geschichte des Reichstags zu Worms", Brickner began teaching history at the School of Jurisprudence in 1861. In 1864 he defended his master's thesis "Copper money in Russia (1653 - 63)". In 1867, having received a doctorate in history from the University of Dorpat for his dissertation “Finanzgeschichtliiche Studien. Kupfergeldkrise ”, was invited to the Novorossiysk University, and in 1871 he took the chair of Russian history at the University of Dorpat. After retiring, he moved to Jena in 1892, where he died.

His most important works are devoted mainly to the cultural and political history Russia, mainly in the 17th and 18th centuries. main theme, around which all the major works of Brikner were grouped, was the process of "Europeanization" of Russia through the penetration of Western European concepts and interests. Brikner outlined the results of his work on this topic in a major work “Die Europaisirung Russlands. Land und Volk" (Gotha, 1888). He attached particular importance to the era of Peter the Great, but in the coverage he held on to its somewhat outdated look, overly emphasizing the inertia of Russian life in the Moscow period. Brikner's largest works were "Materials for the biography of Count N.P. Panin", parts I-VII (St. Petersburg, 1888 - 92) and the beginning of an extensive work on common history Russia, undertaken for the Geschichte der europaischen Staaten series by Geeren and Uckert and meant for German readers. Only the first part of this work, conceived in 2 vols., was published: “Geschichte Russland bis zum Ende des XVIII Jahrhunderts. B. I. Ueberblick der Entwickelung bis zum Tode Peters des Grossen (Gotha, 1896). In 1891, his monograph dedicated to Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin was published (Potemkin - St. Petersburg: Edition of K. L. Ricker, 1891). Brikner owns works on the history of the 18th century: the biography of I. T. Pososhkov, Russian-Swedish relations, money account.

"History of Peter the Great" (St. Petersburg, 1882) (Volume 1 Volume 2) - Brikner's main literary work met with a rather harsh assessment from experts, but, undoubtedly, satisfied the needs of a wide circle of the reading public with a brilliant style. In this book, he tried to reflect the cause-and-effect relationships and prerequisites for the reforms of Peter the Great and their significance for the further development of Russia. Brikner's understanding of the personality of Peter the Great and his influence on Russia is expressed by the following lines from the book:

Events go through history on their own, independent of individuals. Russia would have become a great power even without Peter. But the duration of this process, due to the greatness and genius of Peter, has significantly changed and shortened. He did not create a new direction in the history of Russia, but the people were quickly moved onto an already prepared path. The people who could create Peter have the right to be proud. It was the fruit of the contact of the Russian folk spirit with the universal culture. Peter brought the idea of ​​such a connection, which provides him with one of the first places in the history of mankind.

In the "History of Peter the Great" A. G. Brikner managed to study well the personality of the tsar, the features of his character, mind and tireless activity. Special attention the author pays attention to the importance of internal transformations, and not to success in the international arena.

Of the many works by Brikner relating to the era of Catherine, the largest was the "History of Catherine II", which first appeared in German in 1883 in the collection of Onken ("Allgemeine Geschichte"), in 1885 - in Russian alteration, with many illustrations. In this work, the history of external events, wars and diplomatic events is especially detailed; coverage of inner life and reforms is weaker (excessive attention is paid to Catherine's "Instruction", its significance is slightly overestimated). Brikner summed up Catherine's activities as follows:

Unusually richly gifted by nature, having a high position due to a number of favorable circumstances, Catherine was able to fulfill the task assigned to her by fate; she was helped in this by extraordinary willpower; she knew how to enjoy the benefits of her position, life in general, tireless work in particular. Catherine gives the impression of a person who was distinguished not only by her enormous mental abilities, but also by the favorable qualities of her soul. Until now, historians have been especially willing to dwell either on the outward splendor and loud glory of her reign, or on the undeniable weaknesses of her private life. Having tried to develop the historical materials that have appeared recently, we tried to portray the personality and reign of Catherine more impartially, more versatile than our predecessors. From a general overview of Catherine's activities, we get the following conclusion: she acted successfully as an intermediary between progress and culture. Western Europe, on the one hand, and the way of life in Russia, on the other. Under her, the power and influence of Russia in the world system of states was significantly strengthened; during the reign of Catherine, thanks to her initiative, Russia quickly moved forward on the path of progress, Europeanization.

Both in his major works and in numerous articles scattered throughout Russian and German journals, Brikner was not only an independent researcher, but also a popularizer of new phenomena in Russian historiography, devoted to the political and cultural history of the 17th-18th centuries. His works, which appeared in German, contributed greatly to the correct acquaintance of the foreign public with Russian history. Detailed overview scientific activity Brikner, see the obituary compiled by E. F. Shmurlo (“Journal of the Ministry of National Education”, 1897, February).


History of Catherine II (Alexander Brikner)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Alexander Brikner
Release year: 2013
Genre: History
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Natalia Litvinova
Duration: 30:39:19
The theme of this monumental work of the famous Russian scientist of the XIX century, Professor A.G. Brikner became one of the brightest and most interesting periods of Russian history - the era of the reign of Catherine II. The youth of a princess from a poor and little-known German principality, who, by the will of fate, became the wife of the Russian emperor Peter III, bold palace coup, as a result of which she came to power, the intrigues of the powerful favorites of the Empress and, finally, the brilliant victories of Russian weapons and the unprecedented flowering of diplomacy are just a few of what is vividly and interestingly described in this book. Unconventionality and originality of the author's view turn it into a fascinating work, to which you want to return again and again.

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Series: "Classical Thought"

The theme of this monumental work of the famous Russian scientist of the XIX century, Professor A. G. Brikner was one of the brightest and most interesting periods Russian history- the era of the reign of Catherine II. The youth of a princess from a poor and little-known German principality, who, by the will of fate, became the wife of the Russian Emperor Peter III, a daring palace coup, as a result of which she came to power, the intrigues of the powerful favorites of the Empress and, finally, the brilliant victories of Russian weapons and the unprecedented flourishing of diplomacy, sciences and arts "the age of the golden Catherine" - these are just a few of what is vividly and interestingly described in this book. The unconventionality and originality of the author's view turns it into a fascinating work, to which one wants to return again and again.

Publisher: "AST" (2004)

Format: 70x90/16, 848 pages

ISBN: 5-17-006492-6

On Ozone

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    A. G. BriknerHistory of Catherine II. In two volumes. Volume 1In the extensive work of the Russian historian Alexander Genrikhovich Brikner, the reign of Empress Catherine II is considered from the standpoint of a monarchist historian. Such an unusual approach for our time… - @Association of Russian Artists, @(format: 70x100/16, 432 pages) @ @ @1991
    180 paper book

    Brikner, Alexander Gustavovich. History of Catherine II[Text]: works by A. G. Brikner, Professor of Russian History at Dorpat University: in 3 volumes / A. G. Brikner. - Moscow: Terra, 1996. T. 1. - 1996. - 206 p., L. ill. -). - Bibliography. in the end

    We read fiction books and watch art films about the Great Empress Catherine II, her portrait is often compiled from historical anecdotes. Is all this true?

    For readers who are interested in the history of our Fatherland, the reading room of the Central City Library. A. Grina offers a book by a Russian historian of German origin, Professor of the Department of History of the University of Dorpat Alexander Brikner "The History of Catherine the Second".

    In 1885, the famous St. Petersburg publishes a book by Professor Brikner about Catherine II. The leitmotif of Professor Brickner's historical writings is the process of "Europeanization" of Russia, the penetration of "Western European concepts and interests" into it.

    The History of Catherine II, the largest of Brikner's numerous works relating to the Catherine era, was also published first in German in 1883 in V. Oncken's almanac journal Allgemeine Geschichte (General History), and in 1885 - came out already in a Russian version, including more than 300 excellent engraved illustrations. The voluminous work of A. Brikner conveys in detail the spirit of the time, the formation of the personality of the empress, the life of the "Golden Age of Catherine" full of epoch-making events.

    The book was republished in 2004, retaining the illustrations of that time, and the Russian pre-reform spelling was replaced with a modern one, which will undoubtedly facilitate the process of reading and, consequently, the perception of information. And the information in this book deserves to be at least familiarized with it.
    Monumental work of A.G. Brikner is dedicated to one of the brightest and most interesting periods of Russian history - the era of the reign of Catherine II. The youth of a princess from a poor and little-known German principality, who, by the will of fate, became the wife of the Russian Emperor Peter III, a daring palace coup, as a result of which she came to power, the intrigues of the powerful favorites of the Empress and, in the end, the brilliant victories of Russian weapons and the unprecedented flowering of diplomacy and science and the arts of "the golden age of Catherine" - these are just a few of what is vividly and fascinatingly described in this book. The originality and originality of the author's view turns it into a fascinating work, to which you want to return again and again.

    Well, the Crimeans will be especially interested in the chapter devoted to the history of the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Empire and, of course, the famous journey of Catherine II to Crimea.