Bulgakov fatal eggs history of creation. Satire-warning in the stories of M

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov is one of the favorite Russian writers, and more than one generation of people. A bright and diverse writer who is good in all his genres. Everyone remembers him famous novels"Master and Margarita" and "White Guard", novels " dog's heart and Fatal Eggs. Bulgakov's works can be parsed literally by quotations.

The story "Fatal Eggs" Bulgakov wrote back in 1924. And already in next year it has already been published. What is its summary about? "Fatal Eggs" is a work that, even from the point of view of a brief narrative, can surprise anyone. And especially those who lived in those years.

"Fatal eggs": analysis

The source for writing this fantastic work was the science fiction writer HG Wells "Food of the Gods" (1904), which describes a miraculous food that accelerates the growth of a person and turns him into a giant, as well as developing his intellectual, spiritual and physical abilities. Bulgakov made the “Fatal Eggs” more exotic and used aggressive reptiles in his plot, rather than giant human individuals.

And the poet Maximilian Voloshin, while relaxing in the Crimea, in Koktebel, sent Bulgakov a clipping from a local newspaper dated 1921, which said that a huge reptile had appeared in the area, and Red Army soldiers were sent to capture it.

The Fatal Eggs is also reminiscent of Wells' second novel, The War of the Worlds (1898), in which the Martians who conquered the Earth are killed by terrestrial microbes. Bulgakov's exotic reptiles become victims of fantastic summer frosts.

It all started with the fact that in 1928 the Soviet professor of zoology and director of the Moscow Zoo Institute Vladimir Ipatievich Persikov once made an unexpected scientific discovery, which was of great importance for zoology.

While working with a microscope, with an accidental shift of the mirror, he suddenly saw in the eyepiece a “ray of life”, as the professor’s assistant, scientist Ivanov Petr Stepanovich would later call it.

The essence of the scientific discovery was that unicellular organisms such as amoeba, when exposed to this beam, they began to behave in a very incomprehensible and strange way. Their behavior was contrary to all natural laws of nature. Amoebas suddenly began to multiply sharply, pounce on each other and bitchily tear one another. The strongest won in this fight. All these surviving individuals are terrible and restless in their special agility and anger.

Dangerous Experience

After some time, the scientific assistant Ivanov uses several more cameras, creates a powerful beam and goes to experiment with. For two days, very voracious and evil cold-blooded animals grew up, which also began to devour And those who survived began to multiply in countless numbers.

In general, all these unique experiments of Professor Persikov could not but seep into the press. However, not only this news drove scientists crazy, but also the fact that, for some strange reasons, a chicken disease completely unknown to science began to spread in the country. And so Professor Persikov was invited to head the newly created emergency commission, which was supposed to deploy its vigorous activity in the fight against the chicken epidemic, because in just two weeks all chickens died out in the country.

tropical animal eggs

And then Alexander Semenovich Rokk came to the office of the scientist Persikov. He was only recently appointed chairman of the Krasny Luch state farm, where he received a letter of particular importance from the Kremlin. It proposed to transfer the designed chambers to Rocca, which would help to raise chicken farming in the country. But Persikov warns the chairman that this unique device has not yet been fully studied. However, Rokk is confident that in a fairly short period of time he will be able to increase the number of chickens several times.

So it seems to be very easy to twist the summary. "Fatal Eggs" then, however, become truly exciting.

Rokk's assistants take away all three camera installations, except for his very first small camera, which was left with Professor Persikov. It was he who continued his study from abroad, he received an order in the form of eggs of tropical animals, pythons, anacondas, crocodiles and ostriches for his experiments.


In turn, Rokk from the same foreign countries writes out eggs for his state farm purposes for breeding chicken farms. And here something terrible happens, as it turned out later, orders got mixed up on the road, and the eggs of creepy animals fall under the experiment of the Smolensk state farm.

Unsuspecting Rokk places strange-looking eggs in a special pressure chamber. And what is surprising, after a while the frogs suddenly fell silent at the state farm, all the birds flew away, even sparrows, and dogs began to howl everywhere.

creepy attack

After some time, snakes and crocodiles begin to appear. One of the snakes reached an incredible size and attacked Manya, Rokk's wife. All this happened before his eyes, and from what he saw he was simply numb with horror. Rokk immediately rushed to the GPU department to tell about his misfortunes, but no one believed his stories and everyone thought that he was haunted by hallucinations. But when the experts nevertheless arrived at the state farm, they saw with their own eyes a myriad of huge and terrible animals. Two members of the GPU are killed.

A fire artillery battle began throughout the neighborhood, the entire forest, where there were deposits of eggs, was shelled. And in the area of ​​​​the city of Mozhaisk, battles were fought with huge hordes of reptiles and ostriches, which were approaching Moscow from all sides. The human toll increased every minute. The evacuation began in the capital. Refugees from the Smolensk region also came to Moscow. The city introduced

Poor Professor Persikov was literally torn apart by a crowd of angry people who believed that he was the culprit of all the troubles in the country.

All this is very vividly and impressively describes the summary. Bulgakov's "Fatal Eggs" end with the fact that a severe frost saved the catastrophic situation, which at the end of August reached minus 18 degrees Celsius. He held out in the capital for two days and thereby helped to overcome this impending horror.


After that, eggs were scattered over all the fields, forests and swamps, in which the shell was covered with some kind of colorful and very strange patterns, reminiscent of embryos, only now harmless. All over the land lay the corpses of huge snakes, crocodiles and ostriches.

In the spring of 1929, the military cleared the area, burned the corpses, in general, everything was put in order. About what happened, they talked and wrote for a long time all over the world, but no one has managed to get this "ray of life" and will not succeed, and even Ivanov's assistant Petr Stepanovich himself.

This is how Bulgakov's Fatal Eggs ended, which will be a pleasant surprise for fans of science fiction.

"Fatal Eggs" (1924) - a story written by M. A. Bulgakov in a special period cultural life countries. At that time, many works were created only to motivate a wide range of the population to perform the tasks necessary for the survival of the country in critical conditions. Therefore, many different one-day authors appeared, whose creations did not linger in the memory of readers. Not only art, but also science was put on stream. Then all the advanced inventions went to the service of industry and agriculture, increasing their efficiency. But scientific thought on the part of the Soviet authorities was subjected to ideological control, which (among other things) ridicules Bulgakov in Fatal Eggs.

The story was created in 1924, and the events in it unfold in 1928. The first publication took place in the Nedra magazine (No. 6, 1925). The work had different names - at first “Ray of Life”, in addition, there was another one - “Professor Persikov's Eggs” (the meaning of this name was to preserve the satirical tone of the story), but for ethical reasons this name had to be changed.

The central figure of the story - Professor Persikov, remotely contains some features real prototypes- brothers-doctors Pokrovsky, relatives of Bulgakov, one of whom lived and worked on Prechistenka.

In addition, the text does not just mention the Smolensk province, in which the events of the "Fatal Eggs" unfold: Bulgakov worked there as a doctor and briefly came to the Pokrovskys in a Moscow apartment. The position of the Soviet country during the period of war communism also comes from real life: then there were food shortages due to the unstable socio-political situation, unrest occurred in the administrative structures due to unprofessionalism, and the new government still could not fully cope with control over public life.

Bulgakov in "Fatal Eggs" ridicules both the cultural and socio-political situation of the country after the revolutionary upheaval.

Genre and direction

The genre of the work "Fatal Eggs" is a story. It is characterized by a minimum number of storylines and, as a rule, a relatively small amount of narrative (relative to the novel).

Direction - modernism. Although the events described by Bulgakov are fantastic, the action takes place in a real place, the characters (not only Professor Persikov, but everyone else) are also quite viable citizens new country. And the scientific discovery is not fabulous, it has only fantastic consequences. But in general, the story is realistic, although some of its elements are painted grotesquely, satirically.

This combination of fantasy, realism and satire is typical for modernism, when the author makes bold experiments on a literary work, bypassing the established classical norms and canons.

In itself, the modernist direction appeared in the special conditions of social and cultural life, when the old genres and trends began to become obsolete, and art required new forms, new ideas and ways of expression. "Fatal Eggs" is just such a work that met modernist requirements.

About what?

"Fatal Eggs" is a story about the brilliant discovery of a scientist - professor of zoology Persikov, which ended in failure, both for those around him and for the scientist himself. The hero opens a beam in his laboratory, which can only be obtained with a special combination of mirror glasses with beams of light. This ray affects living organisms so that they increase and begin to multiply at a supernatural rate. Professor Persikov and his assistant Ivanov are in no hurry to release their discovery "to the public" and believe that they still need to work on it and conduct additional experiments, since the consequences can be unexpected and even dangerous. However, sensational information about the "ray of life" quickly penetrates the press, recorded by the semi-literate but lively journalist Bronsky, and, filled with false, unverified facts, is distributed in society.

The discovery against the will of the scientist becomes known. Persikov is harassed by journalists on the streets of Moscow, demanding to talk about the invention. It becomes impossible to work in the laboratory due to a flurry of press staff, even a spy comes in who, for five thousand rubles, tries to find out the secret of the beam from the professor.

After that, Persikov's house and laboratory are guarded by the NKVD, not letting journalists in and thus providing the professor with a calm working environment. But soon an epidemic of chicken infection occurs in the country, because of which people are strictly forbidden to eat chickens, eggs, trade live chickens and chicken meat. Even an emergency commission to combat chicken plague has been created. But bypassing the law, someone still sells chicken and eggs, and soon an ambulance arrives for the buyers of these products.

The country is excited. On the occasion of the epidemic, topical works are created that meet the momentary moods of the public. When it begins to subside, Professor Persikov with a special document from the Kremlin is the head of a demonstrative state farm named Rokk, who, with the help of the “ray of life”, intends to resume chicken breeding.

The document from the Kremlin turns out to be an order to advise Rocca on the use of the "ray of life", and immediately a call is heard from the Kremlin. Persikov is categorically opposed to using the beam, which has not yet been fully studied, in chicken breeding, but he has to give Rocca cameras with which to get the desired effect. The hero takes the cameras to a state farm in the Smolensk province and orders chicken eggs.

Soon, three boxes of eggs, unusual in appearance, spotted, arrive in foreign packaging. Rokk puts the resulting eggs under the beam and tells the watchman to keep an eye on them so that no one steals the hatched chickens. The next day, egg shells are found, but no chicks. The supply manager blames the watchman for everything, although he swears that he carefully watched the process.

In the last chamber, the eggs are still intact, and Rokk hopes that at least chickens will hatch from them. He decided to take a break and goes with his wife Manya to swim in the pond. On the bank of the pond, he notices a strange lull, and then a huge snake rushes at Manya and absorbs it right in front of her husband. From this he turns gray and almost falls into madness.

Strange news reaches the GPU that something strange is going on in the Smolensk province. Two agents of the GPU - Shchukin and Politis go to the state farm and find there a distraught Rocca, who cannot really explain anything.

Agents inspect the state farm building - the former Sheremetev's estate, and find cameras with a reddish beam and hordes of huge snakes, reptiles and ostriches in the greenhouse. Shchukin and Polaitis die in a fight with monsters.

Newspaper editors receive strange reports from the Smolensk province about incomprehensible birds the size of a horse, huge reptiles and snakes, and Professor Persikov receives boxes of chicken eggs. At the same time, the scientist and his assistant see a sheet with an emergency message about anacondas in the Smolensk province. It immediately turns out that the orders of Rocca and Persikov were mixed up: the supply manager received snake and ostrich, and the inventor received chicken.

By that time, Persikov had invented a special poison for killing toads, which later came in handy for fighting huge snakes and ostriches.

Red Army units armed with gas are fighting this scourge, but Moscow is still alarmed and many are about to flee the city.

Crazed people break into the institute where the professor works, destroy his laboratory, blaming him for all the troubles and thinking that he released huge snakes, kill his watchman Pankrat, the housekeeper Marya Stepanovna and himself. They then set fire to the institute.

In August 1928, frost suddenly sets in, which destroys the last snakes and crocodiles not finished off by special detachments. After the epidemics that were caused by the rotting corpses of snakes and people affected by the invasion of reptiles, by 1929 the usual spring comes.

The beam discovered by the late Persikov is no longer possible for anyone, even his former assistant Ivanov, now an ordinary professor.

Main characters and their characteristics

  1. Vladimir Ipatievich Persikov- a brilliant scientist, professor of zoology, who discovered a unique beam. The hero opposes the use of the beam because his discovery has not yet been tested and investigated. He is cautious, does not like excessive fuss and believes that any invention requires many years of testing before the time comes for its operation. Through interference with his work, his life's work perishes with him. The image of Persikov symbolizes the humanism and ethics of scientific thinking, which are destined to perish under the conditions of the Soviet dictatorship. A lonely talent is opposed to an unenlightened and driven crowd that does not have its own opinion, scooping it from newspapers. According to Bulgakov, it is impossible to build a developed and just state without an intellectual and cultural elite, which was expelled from the USSR by stupid and cruel people who have neither the knowledge nor talent to build a country on their own.
  2. Pyotr Stepanovich Ivanov- Professor Persikov's assistant, who helps him in his experiments and admires his new discovery. However, he is not such a talented scientist, so he fails to get the "ray of life" after the death of the professor. This is the image of an opportunist who is always ready to truly appropriate achievements. significant person, even if you have to step over his corpse.
  3. Alfred Arkadyevich Bronsky- the ubiquitous, fast, dexterous journalist, a semi-literate employee of many Soviet magazines and newspapers. He is the first to enter Persikov's apartment and learn about his unusual discovery, then spreads this news everywhere against the will of the professor, embellishing and distorting the facts.
  4. Alexander Semyonovich Rokk- a former revolutionary, and now the head of the Krasny Luch state farm. Uneducated, rude, but cunning person. He attends a report by Professor Persikov, where he talks about the “ray of life” he discovered, and he comes up with the idea to restore the chicken population after the epidemic using this invention. Rokk, due to illiteracy, does not realize the full danger of such an innovation. This is a symbol of a new type of people, tailored according to the standards of the new government. A dependent, stupid, cowardly, but, as they say, "punch" citizen, who plays only according to the rules of the Soviet state: runs around the authorities, seeks permission, tries by hook or by crook to adapt to new requirements.


  • The central theme is the carelessness of people in dealing with new scientific inventions and the lack of understanding of the danger of the consequences of such treatment. People like Rocca are narrow minded and want to get things done by any means necessary. They do not care what happens after, they are only interested in the momentary benefit from what may turn into a crash tomorrow.
  • The second theme is social: confusion in the administrative structures, due to which any disaster can occur. After all, if the uneducated Rokk had not been allowed to manage the state farm, the catastrophe would not have happened.
  • The third theme is impunity and the huge influence of the media, irresponsible in the pursuit of sensationalism.
  • The fourth topic is ignorance, which resulted in many people not understanding the causal relationship and unwillingness to understand it (they blame Professor Persikov for the disaster, although Rokk and the authorities who assisted him are actually to blame).


  • The problem of authoritarian power and its destructive influence on all spheres of society. Science should be separated from the state, but this was impossible under the Soviet regime: distorted and simplified science, suppressed by ideology, was demonstrated to all people with the help of newspapers, magazines and other media.
  • In addition, the "Fatal Eggs" discusses a social problem, which is failed attempt the Soviet system to combine the scientific intelligentsia and the rest of the population, far from science in general. It is not for nothing that the story shows how an NKVD officer (actually a representative of the authorities), protecting Persikov from journalists and spies, finds mutual language with a simple and illiterate watchman Pankrat. The author implies that they are on the same page with him intellectual level: the only difference is that one has a special badge under the collar of the jacket, while the other does not. The author hints at how imperfect such power is, where insufficiently educated people try to control what they themselves do not really understand.
  • An important problem of the story is the irresponsibility of the totalitarian government to society, which is symbolized by Rocca’s careless handling of the “ray of life”, where Rocca himself is power, the “ray of life” is the ways the state influences people (ideology, propaganda, control), and reptiles, reptiles and ostriches hatched from eggs - society itself, the consciousness of which is distorted and damaged. A completely different, more reasonable and rational way of managing society is symbolized by Professor Persikov and his scientific experiments, which require caution, taking into account all the subtleties and attentiveness. However, it is this method that is eradicated and disappears altogether, because the crowd is aware and does not want to independently understand the intricacies of politics.


"Fatal Eggs" is a kind of satire on Soviet power, on its imperfection due to its novelty. The USSR is like one big, untested, and therefore dangerous invention for society, which no one knows how to handle yet, which causes various malfunctions, failures and disasters. The society in Fatal Eggs is experimental animals in the laboratory, subjected to irresponsible and unscrupulous experiments that serve clearly not for good, but for harm. Uneducated people are allowed to manage this laboratory, they are entrusted with serious tasks, which they are unable to perform due to their inability to navigate the social, scientific and other spheres of life. As a result, moral monsters can turn out from experimental citizens, which will lead to irreversible catastrophic consequences for the country. At the same time, the unenlightened crowd mercilessly falls upon those who can really help it overcome difficulties, who know how to use an invention of a national scale. The intellectual elite is being exterminated, but there is no one to replace it. It is very symbolic that after the death of Persikov, no one can restore the invention lost with him.


A. A. Platonov (Klimentov), ​​considered this work as a symbol of the implementation of revolutionary processes. According to Platonov, Persikov is the creator of the revolutionary idea, his assistant Ivanov is the one who implements this idea, and Rokk is the one who decided for his own benefit to use the idea of ​​revolution in a distorted form, and not as it should be (for the common good) - as a result, everyone suffered. The characters of the "Fatal Eggs" behave as Otto von Bismarck (1871 - 1898) once described: "The revolution is prepared by geniuses, carried out by fanatics, and crooks use its fruits." Some critics believed that "Fatal Eggs" was written by Bulgakov for fun, but members of the RAPP (Russian Association of Proletarian Writers) reacted negatively to the book, quickly considering the political overtones in this work.

Philologist Boris Sokolov (b. 1957) tried to find out what prototypes Professor Persikov had: it could be the Soviet biologist Alexander Gurvich, but if we proceed from the political meaning of the story, then this is Vladimir Lenin.

Interesting? Save it on your wall!

M.A. Bulgakov (1891-1940). Life and destiny. Writer's satire. Analysis of satirical works ("Heart of a Dog", "Fatal Eggs").

The whole life of this restless and brilliant writer was, in essence, a merciless battle with stupidity and meanness, a struggle for the sake of pure human thoughts, for the sake of what a person should be and dare not not be reasonable and noble. K.Paustovsky

Andrey Sakharov

Lesson Objectives:

    show the complexity and tragedy of the life and career of M. A. Bulgakov , arouse interest in the personality and work of the writer;

    reveal the diversity of the problems of Bulgakov's stories, identify the principles of combining everyday reality and fantasy in the writer's work,show the relevance of satirical works, develop the skills and abilities of analyzing a prose work , helpunderstand what Bulgakov's stories warn us about;

    develop the ability of ideological-compositional and stylistic analysis of the text;

    continueto form the ability to choose the main thing in the development of action , express your thoughts clearly and consistently, argue your statements, prepare a report; to develop the ability of students to draw up main ideas in a summary.

Lesson objectives:


1.Give short review life and career of M.A. Bulgakov; to acquaint with the peculiarities of the fate of Bulgakov as a writer and a person, to note the diversity of the writer's work, to acquaint with the author's methods of creating satirical works; improve the skill of searching for information about the life and work of the writer; improve the skill of monologue speech.

2. Introduce the stories "Heart of a Dog" and "Fatal Eggs", understand the meaning of the works, help understand what Bulgakov's stories warn us about, evaluate the topicality of the works; to prove that the satirical works of the writer are modern and relevant.

3. In the process of working on works, develop the ability of ideological-compositional and stylistic analysis of the text, continue to form the ability to choose the main thing in the development of action, express your thoughts clearly and consistently, argue your statements; improve the ability to analyze a literary work

Developing: contribute to the formationindependent cognitive activity, skill developmentcarry out reflective activities; develop the ability to correctly generalize reflexive activity; develop the ability to correctly summarize data and draw conclusions.

Educational: to cultivate love and respect, respect for the national heritage, to promote the formation of patriotic feelings,rejection of hypocrisy, cruelty, arrogance and lack of culture.

Educational Resources: Literary dictation, lecture material, slide films about the life and work of M.A. Bulgakov, stories "Heart of a Dog", "Fatal Eggs", assignments for group work. Video by V.V. BortkABOUT "Dog's heart".


Stage 1

1 . Organizing time.

II. Knowledge update .

Today we are starting to study the work of the Russian writer, playwright, theater director of the 1st floor. 20th century. Author of novels and short stories, many feuilletons, plays, dramatizations, screenplays, opera libretto (Libretto- verbal text of a theatrical musical and vocal work),

Let's get acquainted with his difficult and tragic fate).

Before we start talking about it, let's first watch a slide film,and then we'll continue talking.(No. 1 Viewing a slide - film about the writer from 00.00 - 0.40)

Goal setting.

So ... what associations did you have after what you saw? Who will be discussed? Look at the blackboard. You see a portrait of the writer. The date below is 1935. It's practically his last years life. In five years, the writer will be gone ... He was only49 years old. (see epigraph), + (Class board)

So, we will talk about M.A. Bulgakov.

1. And now acquaintance with creativity and way of life M.A. Bulgakov(№2Slide film "Biography of the writer" up to.030; before 1.03; up to 1.36; until 2.09); textbook, p.118

- What biography facts made an impression on you? Name the works of the writer known to you.

(Famous works of Bulgakov: « Master and Margarita », « %A%D%BE%D%B%D%B%D%87%D%C%D%B_%D%81%D%B%D%80%D%B%D%86%D%B », « %97%D%B%D%BF%D%B%D%81%D%BA%D%B_%D%E%D%BD%D%BE%D%B%D%BE_%D%B %D%80%D%B%D%87%D%B », « %A%D%B%D%B%D%82%D%80%D%B%D%BB%D%C%D%BD%D%B%D%B_%D%80%D%BE %D%BC%D%B%D », « %91%D%B%D%BB%D%B%D%F_%D%B%D%B%D%B%D%80%D%B%D%B%D%F_%28%D %80%D%BE%D%BC%D%B%D », « %98%D%B%D%B%D%BD_%D%92%D%B%D%81%D%B%D%BB%D%C%D%B%D%B%D%B %D%87_%28%D%BF%D%C%D%B%D%81%D%B ”,“ Notes on cuffs ”,“ Fatal eggs ”,“ Diaboliad ”).

The story (addition) of the teacher about the life and work of M.A. Bulgakov.

Bulgakov the writer and Bulgakov the man are still largely a mystery. His political views, attitude to religion are unclear…. His life consisted, as it were, of three parts, each of which is remarkable for something.

- Before 1919 he is a doctor, only occasionally trying his hand at literature.

- In the 20s Bulgakov is already a professional writer and playwright.

In the 30s Mikhail Afanasyevich -theater worker.

Hisdid not print , plays were not staged, they were not allowed to work in their beloved Moscow Art Theater.

He had a special relationship with Stalin. The leader criticized many of his works, directly alluding to anti-Soviet agitation in them. But despite this, Mikhail Afanasyevich did not experience what was called a terrible wordGulag (Main Department of Camps and Places of Detention – subdivision %D%D%B%D%80%D%BE%D%B%D%BD%D%B%D%B_%D%BA%D%BE%D%BC%D%B%D%81 %D%81%D%B%D%80%D%B%D%B%D%82_%D%B%D%BD%D%83%D%82%D%80%D%B%D %BD%D%BD%D%B%D%85_%D%B%D%B%D%BB_%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A , %C%D%B%D%BD%D%B%D%81%D%82%D%B%D%80%D%81%D%82%D%B%D%BE_%D%B %D%BD%D%83%D%82%D%80%D%B%D%BD%D%BD%D%B%D%85_%D%B%D%B%D%BB_%D %A%D%A%D%A%D%A" who managed the places of mass forced imprisonment and detention in 1930-1956. ). And diednot on the bunk (although in those days they were taken away for much smaller sins), and in their own bed (fromnephrosclerosis inherited from the father).(No. 3 see film from 00.51).

Robbed to the skinE Removed from readers and viewers, "sealed" in his apartment with government seals, terminally ill, knowing that his days were numbered, Bulgakov remained himself: he did not lose his sense of humor and sharpness of language. So, he didn't lose his freedom.

This was M. A. Bulgakov . A doctor, journalist, prose writer, playwright, director, he was a representative of that part of the intelligentsia, which, without leaving the country in difficult years, sought to preserve itself even in the changed conditions. He had to go through an addiction to morphine (when he worked as a zemstvo doctor), a civil war (which he experienced in its two burning hearths - hometown Kyiv and the North. Caucasus), cruel literary persecution and forced silence, and in these conditions he managed to create such masterpieces that are read all over the world.

Anna Akhmatova called Bulgakov succinctly and simply - a genius, and dedicatedhis memory poem(student reads):

Here I am for you, instead of grave roses,

Instead of incense smoking;

You lived so harshly and brought it to the end

Great contempt.

You drank wine, you joked like no one else

And suffocated in stuffy walls,

And you yourself let in a terrible guest

And he was alone with her.

And there is no you, and everything around is silent

About the mournful and high life,

And on your silent feast...

2. Blitz Poll

“Life and work of M.A. Bulgakov"

    When and where was M.A. Bulgakov? (05/15/1891 in Kyiv)

III. stage Analytical conversation .

2. Satire writer

Teacher: Today, the focus of our attention is the satirical works of the writer.

Question: Let's Let us recall the theory of literature: what is satire and its types.

Satire - kind of comic.

Image Subject - vices.

Source - the contradiction between universal human values ​​and the reality of life.

Types of satire:

    Humor is a good laugh.

    Irony is a joke.

    Sarcasm is a caustic, caustic mockery, the highest degree of irony.

Means of satire:

    Hyperbole is an exaggeration

    Grotesque - a combination of fantastic and real

    Contrast - opposition

The satirical stories of M.A. Bulgakov, written in1925 ., sounded very timely, became a reflection of the mindset of a number of scientists and cultural figures who felt alarmed by the changes taking place in Russia.

Question: What worried the writer himself? This is where we will look into it.

Teacher: The stories are satirical and therefore today we will talk about what ? (ABOUT satirical skill of the writer - successor best traditions Russian satire of the 19th century represented by N.V. Gogol, M.E. Saltykov - Shchedrin).

- What are the main problems the author poses in his works? (Eternal struggle good and evil , morality and immorality , freedom and unfreedom the issue of human responsibility for one's actions - these are all eternal, basic problems of human life.)

- What are the names of such works in which universal human problems are affected? (Such works are called philosophical )

- What is the peculiarity of the creative manner of the writer Bulgakov? (In his works - combination of real and fantasy , monstrous grotesque and real norm; the speed of the plot; flexibility of lively colloquial speech.)

Why did Bulgakov write satirical works at this particular time? To answer this question, remember how Bulgakov perceivedOctober Revolution.
(Everything that happened around, which was called the construction of socialism, was perceived by the writer as dangerous and huge experiment . Bulgakov believed that the situation that developed in the first decades after the October Revolution, tragic . People are turned into gray, homogeneous, featureless mass . Perverted concepts of eternal values. Stupidity, wretchedness, lack of spirituality, primitiveness prevail. All this causes the writer a feeling of hostility, indignation. Apparently, this contributed to the fact that in the first decades after the October Revolution, satirical works .)

So what kind of works will we talk about today? ( "Fatal Eggs" (1925), "Heart of a Dog" (1925).
In literature, Bulgakov first acted as a newspaperman, wrote feuilletons.

Until the mid 20s he is a satirist writer, author of the stories "Diaboliad" (1923), "Fatal Eggs" (1925), "Heart of a Dog" (1925) complete the cycle of the author's satirical works.

Teacher: We have seen more than once that writers react very sensitively to the slightest changes in public life: they reflect the mindset of people, predict the course of social development, and try to warn of any alarming consequences of certain events.

Question: What event is the 1st floor. The 20th century can be considered decisive for the development of Russian art, incl. literature? ( October Revolution of 1917 ) . ( October Revolution (full official name in 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 - Great October Socialist Revolution , other names:"October Revolution" %E%D%BA%D%82%D%F%D%B%D%80%D%C%D%81%D%BA%D%B%D%F_%D%80%D%B %D%B%D%BE%D%BB%D%E%D%86%D%B%D%F" ] , "October uprising", "Bolshevik coup" ) - one of the largest political events of the 20th century, which influenced the further course of%92%D%81%D%B%D%BC%D%B%D%80%D%BD%D%B%D%F_%D%B%D%81%D%82%D%BE %D%80%D%B%D% , literature and art.

One can treat this event in different ways, but it is impossible to deny that it became a fateful event not only for Russia, but also for other countries of the world.

After all, M.A. Bulgakov was not the first to turn to the topic of revolutionary changes in the country.

A. Blok, S. Yesenin, V. Mayakovsky, A. Fadeev, E. Zamyatin - these are just some of the names of writers who tried to comprehend what was happening, each in his own way. The intonations were different: both enthusiastic, and cautious, and glorifying, and pessimistic…

IV. Analysis of satirical works ("Heart of a Dog", "Fatal Eggs").

I could not part with the idea that I was involved in

unrighteous and terrible deeds. I had a terrible sense of powerlessness.

Andrey Sakharov

Question: Why do you think these words of Academician Sakharov were taken as an epigraph to the lesson about the stories "Heart of a Dog" and "Fatal Eggs"?

(Andrey Dmitrievich Sakharov - %A%D%A%D%A%D%A %A%D%B%D%B%D%B%D -theorist, academician%90%D%D_%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A , was one of the founders of the first Soviet%92%D%BE%D%B%D%BE%D%80%D%BE%D%B%D%BD%D%B%D%F_%D%B%D%BE%D%BC %D%B%D%B . Laureate%D%D%BE%D%B%D%B%D%BB%D%B%D%B%D%81%D%BA%D%B%D%F_%D%BF%D%80 %D%B%D%BC%D%B%D%F_%D%BC%D%B%D%80%D%B ). The discovery of weapons of mass destruction made him, like Bulgakov's professor Preobrazhensky, think about the responsibility of a scientist and science as a whole to society, to history.

20th century - the time of all kinds of revolutions, the century of world wars and unprecedented changes in the way of life and way of thinking of billions of people. The search for truth, the search for truth has become a fundamental search for the best representatives of the intelligentsia.

IN"Notes on Cuffs" M.A. Bulgakov says with bitter irony:“Only through suffering does truth come... That's right, be calm! But they don't pay money for knowing the truth, they don't give rations. Sad but true."

Being in the center of a rapid cycle of events, people and opinions, Bulgakov asks himself and his readers the eternal question of the gospelPontius Pilate : "What is truth?"

Already in the 20s, the difficult years of the 20th century, the writer tried to answer this question with his satirical works, raising in themthe following problems :

1. Merciless condemnation of the "pure" science of its priests.

2. The problem of personal responsibility of a person of culture before life.

3. The problem of human self-government.

Let's try to trace how the writer reveals theseProblems.

But first, let's recall the content of satirical works ("Heart of a Dog" and "Fatal Eggs")

Literary quiz.

The story "Heart of a Dog"

2. What song does Sharikov play on the balalaika? ("The moon shines")

3. Who do you hate the most main character? (cats)

4. The first word that Sharikov uttered? ("Abyr" - "Fish")

5. For what purposes did Sharikov take 7 rubles from the house committee? (For the purchase of textbooks)

6. How does Sharikov explain to the bride that he has a scar on his forehead? (Wounded on

on the Kolchak fronts)

The story "Fatal eggs"

a) Abrikosov

b) Yablochkin

c) Peaches

5. What were the consequences of the unexpected frost?

1. A satirical condemnation of "pure" science and its priests, who imagined themselves to be the creators of a new life.


M. Bulgakov's stories "Heart of a Dog" and "Fatal Eggs" are about professors of the old school, brilliant scientists who made brilliant discoveries in a new era that they did not quite understand. Both of them came to Bulgakov's prose from Prechistenka (now Kropotkinskaya Street in Moscow). Bulgakov knew this area well and loved its inhabitants. Therefore, probably, he considered it his duty to “depict the intelligentsia as the best layer in our country”

Question: Why did the classical intellectuals from Prechistenka suddenly become the object of satire? ( But because Bulgakov's satire is a clever and sighted satire. The writer saw that the talent of a scientist, impeccable honesty, combined with loneliness can lead to tragic and unexpected consequences. This is what happens with Professor Persikov, dear to Bulgakov's heart, almost the same thing happens with Professor Preobrazhensky).

Question: What discoveries did they make?

So, "Fatal Eggs" (See the presentation "Fatal Eggs") 1-4 frame.

1 . student performance with individualh giving"Scientific discovery of Professor Vladimir Ipatievich Persikov" 5 frame.

“In the red stripe, life was in full swing. Gray amoebas, releasing their pseudopods, stretched with all their might into the red stripe and in it (as if by magic) came to life. Some force breathed into them the spirit of life. They climbed in a flock and fought with each other for a place in the beam. There was a frenzied, no other word for it, reproduction. Breaking and overturning all the laws... they budded before his eyes with lightning speed. ... In the red stripe, and then in the entire disk, it became crowded, and the inevitable struggle began. The reborn lashed out at each other furiously and tore and swallowed. Among the born lay the corpses of those who died in the struggle for existence. The best and strongest won. And those best ones were terrible."

This is the brilliant discovery of Professor Persikov , which would bring him fame, world fame, which, obviously, could somehow be used in the national economy. The professor did not think about this, because he had to make a series of experiments and experiments.

Teacher: And now the story"Dog's heart". You met this story in 9th grade. The story was filmed in1988 ( 1987 printed ). Film directorVladimir Vladimirovich Bortko ) is a Russian film director, screenwriter and producer. The film adaptation of the story brought the director recognition of the world film community - the film was awarded the Grand Prix of the Perugia Film Festival (Italy).

2. student performance with an individual task"Professor Preobrazhensky's unique operation in his pituitary transplant experience."

( Pituitary - a brain appendage in the form of a rounded formation located on the lower surface of the brain in a bone pocket called the Turkish saddle, produces hormones that affect growth, metabolism and reproductive function )».

Philip Filippovich Preobrazhensky (60 years old) - a luminary in medicine. He produces a unique experience in transplanting the pituitary gland of a deceased person (Klim Chugunkin) to a homeless dog Sharik. This operation was carried out by Prof.December 22 , AJanuary 2 recorded indiary of Dr. Bormental, this humanized dog got out of bed, which "... confidently kept on its hind legs for half an hour." And on the same day, according to the testimony of Professor Dr. Bormenthal's assistant: "In my presence and Zina's presence, the dog (if you can call it a dog, of course) cursed Professor Preobrazhensky for his mother."

This operation of the professor is a truly scientific discovery: “He looks strange. The hair remained only on the head, on the chin and on the chest. He is otherwise bald, with loose skin. In the genital area - an emerging man. The skull is greatly enlarged. The forehead is sloping and low.

Teacher: It would seem that the scientific discoveries of Persikov and Preobrazhensky should have shocked the world scientific community and brought certain benefits to mankind. What happens in reality?

- What is same withfate of the "red ray" discovered by Professor Persikov?

Someone came to the professorAlexander Semenovich Rokk “with government papers from the Kremlin”, surprisingly reminiscent of Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov: “Little eyes looked at the whole world in amazement and at the same time confidently, there was something cheeky in short legs with flat feet.”6 frame.

The great discovery of a talented scientist led to disaster.

People flew out of the doors, howling:

Beat him! Kill!..

World Villain!

You unleashed the bastards!

A short man, on monkey crooked legs, in a torn jacket, in a tornshirtfront strayed to the side, ahead of the others, reached Persikov and cut his head open with a terrible blow of a stick.

A man remarkably similar to Sharikov kills a brilliant scientist.8-9 frame.

Conclusion: So andHELL. Sakharov saw the consequences of his invention, after he proposed to use an electric charge inplasma placed in a magnetic field to obtain a controlled thermonuclear reaction. It is not known in whose hands the scientific discovery will fall, for what purposes it will be used. So, following from the first, the second theme of the satiricaldilogy M.A. Bulgakov.

2. The theme of the personal responsibility of a person of science, culture before life, before history.

- And what happened to the real Sharikov?

The dog Sharik was smart in his own way, like a dog, observant and not even alien to the satirical gift. The life that he saw from the doorway was really aptly captured by him. He knew how to highlight the typical details in it.

And now Sharik turns into Sharikov.

    What techniques does the author use?

Grotesque. Realization of the metaphor : who was nothing, he will become everything. Uses a fantasy situation. Helps to understand the absurdity of the idea.

    How did the life of Preobrazhensky change with the advent of Sharikov?

The house turns into HELL . The theme of the house is cross-cutting in Bulgakov. Home is the center of human life. The Bolsheviks destroyed the house as the basis of the family, the basis of human society.

The appearance of Sharikov in the professor's house is a nightmare...(No. 6 slide film “Who killed the cat of Madame Polosukhina ...).

Teacher: When did it come "Star Hour" Sharikov?

-P retreat to service. “Yesterday cats were strangled, strangled” - the persecution of one's own is a characteristic feature of all ball cats. Destroy their own, covering the traces of their own origin . Deceived the girl. Shame, conscience, morality are alien. There is hatred, malice . He is really dangerous ( №7 . Cm . slide-film Benefis Sharikov… ); … Cats were strangled, strangled;+ 2min.37.

Teacher : Professor Preobrazhensky, who decided to improve nature, took the liberty of competing with life by creating an informer, an alcoholic and a demagogue, who sat on his neck. The professor realized his mistake.

Conclusion: So a person, even a genius, intruding into the laws of nature, imagining himself the Creator, enduresfiasco.

In The Master and Margarita, whom we will meet later, Woland asks two Moscow writers Berlioz and Ivan Bezdomny, who claim that there is no God: “If there is no God, then, one asks, who controls human life and the whole order on earth?” To which Ivanushka replies: The man himself manages!

This is how Bulgakov poses the most real and most acute problem in the 20th century.

3. The problem of human self-government

This is the 3rd most important theme of the story "Heart of a Dog".

20th century became a time of destruction, disintegration of the former thousand-year order of human life. This is the time of the destruction of the old human ties, the old ways of managing human behavior. The old type of government rested on the veneration of Christian commandments, on the authority of the king, class morality. Now the leading idea of ​​the era has become the words:“No one will give us deliverance: neither a god, nor a king, nor a hero. We will achieve liberation with our own hand."

This is where block freedom came from"no cross". Having freed himself from his former dependence, a person fell into a more difficult submission to his uterine, selfish, selfish interest. Bulgakov leads usto the conclusion : where the natural course of life is spurred on by ignorance, self-interest, nothing good can be expected there.

Question : Is it possible to entrust the management of life to the Sharikovs, Shvonders, Rokku?

Clever Professor Preobrazhensky understood this (No. 8 cm . slide film); 35.32-37.17.

But the Shvonders, Sharikovs, Rocky will never understand this truth.

Sharikovs breed quickly, and no one is going to fight them (unlike the naked reptiles). Professor Preobrazhensky talks about it(№9 . Cm . slide film Shvonder is the most important fool ... ); 38.18 – 38.51.

An interesting conversation of Professor Preobrazhensky about devastation(№10 . Cm . slide-film … Devastation… ch.3)+

Bulgakov repeatedly callsexperience Professor Preobrazhensky "crime". So, the author, developing Dostoevsky's theme "Crime and Punishment", did not believe that in an instant it was possible to make a person sinless and righteous, and leads the hero to the famous conclusion:(№11 . Cm . slide-film... Never commit a crime...). 37.50-38.17

This idea will be the main one in The Master and Margarita.

Conclusion. Perhaps,more crime - under the guise of revolutionary renewal, to commit violence over the entire course of history, over the destinies of people. Professor Preobrazhensky talks about such experiments: “They should not think that terror will help them. Terror completely paralyzes the nervous system.

Isn't it a bold story! But it was not published during the lifetime of the author. On the faceterror over literature, culture, Bulgakov was right:terror over culture has led to paralysis, stagnation and death.


In everythingtimes of satire served the ideas of humanism, enlightenment and the ideals of beauty, to which the authors of satirical works called, revealing the underside of reality by various means of humor and calling for the virtue of morality, spirituality, education, and intellectual development.

Writers - classics of the 19th century, represented byA. S. Griboedova, N.V. Gogol (poem "Dead Souls") A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, I. A. Krylova in fables , and especially "biting "satire by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin , expressed disgust for tyranny, serfdom, capital orders with the help of satire, because satire - this is a fine line between humorous and comic, which boldly reveals the essence in an accessible and understandable form, stigmatizing social vices, gives hope and uplifts the spirit even in the most bitter moments of life, precisely because it helps to turn the usual picture of the world, turning it from tragic into unimaginably tenacious and inspiring joke.

These can rightly be attributed to the satirical works of M.A. Bulgakov, which we talked about today in the lesson.

7. Reflection.

Bulgakov did not change his views on fashion or profit. But he thought hard about everything he saw before him. And his thought ... was inclined towards the analysis of the living, not confused by dogma or prejudice, and supported by the responsibility of a witness and chronicler of great and tragic events in the life of the motherland. In all the rifts of fate, Bulgakov remained true to the laws of dignity...

V.Ya. Lakshin

Resource material for the lesson

Literary quiz based on the story "Fatal Eggs"

1. What is the main character's last name?

a) Abrikosov

b) Yablochkin

c) Peaches

2. What scientific discovery does Professor Persikov make?

a) It opens the "ray of life", under the influence of which bacteria begin to multiply wildly

b) He finds an antidote for cancer

c) He managed to clone a sheep

3. What is the difference between individuals that appeared with the help of the "ray of life"?

a) They age much more slowly

b) They have increased stamina

c) They become incredibly aggressive and destroy weaker relatives with a frenzy

4. What is happening in the USSR in the meantime?

a) A general “chicken disease” begins, and all chickens on the territory of the USSR die

b) Some fungus settles on grain crops, and cereals begin to die in huge quantities

c) Cattle begin to die from an unknown disease

5. What happens after Professor Persikov and Rokk discharge eggs from abroad?

a) Rokk, with the help of a beam and chicken eggs discharged from abroad, restores the number of poultry

b) Snake eggs and chicken eggs get mixed up on delivery and Rokk gets snake eggs

c) The eggs prescribed by Rock are broken

6. What happens after Rokk places the reptile eggs in the chambers?

a) All cameras fail at the same time

b) Birds and frogs take off, and dogs howl, anticipating trouble

c) Having carefully examined them, Rokk understands that these are not chicken eggs

7. What happens after the reptiles hatch from their eggs?

a) The room in which they are located can be isolated, and the reptiles themselves can be killed

b) Terrible chaos begins in the country, and hordes of reptiles are approaching Moscow

c) An unknown disease begins to mow down the hatched monsters

8. What happened on the night of August 19-20?

a) Hordes of monsters attacked Moscow

b) An eighteen-degree frost suddenly hit

c) Moscow was recaptured from the monstrous reptiles

9. What were the consequences of the unexpected frost?

a) Frost destroyed all reptiles and their embryos in eggs

b) He plunged the monsters into suspended animation

c) He weakened the animals, and people partly took them out of the country, partly exterminated them

10. What happens to the magic beam technology after the disaster?

a) It is sold abroad for a lot of money

b) No one else can get the beam

c) The beam is beginning to be used for military purposes

Answers: 1-in; 2-a; 3-in; 4-a; 5 B; 6-in; 7-b; 8-b; 9-a; 10-b.

Literary dictation. “The life and fate of M.A. Bulgakov. The story "Heart of a Dog"

I. “The life and fate of M.A. Bulgakov"

    When and where was Mikhail Bulgakov born? (05/15/1891 in Kyiv)

    Where did you study? (Alexander Gymnasium, Faculty of Medicine, Kyiv University).

    The most famous works of the writer ("Master and Margarita", "White Guard", "Running", White Guard.)

    What role did women play in life? (Inspired, helped in life's difficulties, served as his ideal).

    Where and when did Bulgakov die? (03/10/1940)

II. The story "Heart of a Dog"

1. In what year was the story written? (1925). Printed? (1987)

2. Remember the lines of Professor Preobrazhensky's favorite romance.

(“From Seville to Grenada…”, “To the banks of the sacred Nile…”)

3. What song does Sharikov play on the balalaika? ("The moon shines")

4. Who does the main character hate the most? (cats)

5. The first word that Sharikov uttered? ("Abyr" - "Fish")

6. How old is Professor Preobrazhensky? (60)

7. How much money did Sharikov steal from the professor? (2 chervonets)

8. For what purposes did Sharikov take 7 rubles from the house committee? (For the purchase of textbooks)

9. How does Sharikov explain to the bride that he has a scar on his forehead? (Wounded on

on the Kolchak fronts)

10. What, according to Sharikov, will the cats killed by him go to? ("To the poles").

The story "Fatal Eggs" was written in 1924. Its publication in 1925 caused a wide resonance in criticism and writers' circles - from enthusiasm to political accusations against the writer. Here is how A. Voronsky wrote about it: Bulgakov's "Fatal Eggs" - an unusually talented and sharp thing - caused a number of fierce attacks. Bulgakov was dubbed a counter-revolutionary, White Guard, etc., and dubbed, in our opinion, in vain ... The writer wrote a pamphlet about how disgusting nonsense turns out of a good idea when this idea gets into the head of a brave but ignorant person.

The story "Fatal Eggs" tells how the professor of zoology Persikov discovered the "ray of life", which helps to accelerate the maturation and reproduction of living beings. At the same time, a chicken pestilence began in the country, threatening the population with starvation. And, of course, salvation is seen in the discovery of Professor Persikov. To use this discovery in practice, a certain Alexander Semenovich Rokk, a man in a leather double-breasted jacket and with a huge old design pistol in a yellow holster on his side, is taken. Rokk introduced himself to the professor as the head of the Krasny Luch demonstration state farm, which intends to make experiments with chicken eggs using the discovery. Despite the protests of Persikov, who refers to the unverified experience, the unpredictability of the consequences, Rocca, with the help of paper from the Kremlin, manages to take away his discovery. To which Persikov could only say: “I wash my hands” (later Pilate will behave in a similar way when deciding the fate of Yeshua in The Master and Margarita.) Here the question arises of the moral responsibility of a scientist.

Bulgakov in understanding this problem is close to Dostoevsky. Dostoevsky believed that a person is responsible not only for his actions, but even for his thoughts and their consequences. The most famous and condensed version of this idea is in The Brothers Karamazov. In the third meeting with Ivan Fyodorovich Karamazov, Smerdyakov says: “... You are to blame for everything, sir, because you knew about the murder, sir, but they instructed me, sir, and you yourself, knowing everyone, left. That’s why I want to prove it to your face tonight that the main killer in everything here is you, sir, and I’m just not the main one, even though I killed it ... ”The meaning of the conversation is that although Ivan Fedorovich himself did not commit a crime , but it was he who gave Smerdyakov the philosophical idea: "If there is no God, then everything is allowed." Therefore, the blame for the murder lies with Ivan Karamazov.

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What is M. Bulgakov thinking about in the story "Fatal Eggs"?

To be human, to have such a high status means to feel responsible for your actions and not let go of thoughts about the consequences. Mikhail Bulgakov created the dystopia "Fatal Eggs" in order to warn people against mistakes. The writer deftly alternates satire, irony and philosophical conclusions in a fantastic work.

From the lines of the story it becomes clear that M. Bulgakov main theme defines responsibility. Persikov, an intellectual, an educated person, discovers the "red ray", which contributes to the active reproduction of organisms, and their sizes reach gigantic. At the same time, the country is suffering a chicken pestilence that has destroyed all the chickens. The government finds a solution to the problem in a zoologist's experiment and asks him for help. Bulgakov draws our attention to the fact that Persikov's drugs end up in the hands of ignorant and short-sighted people, which entails catastrophic consequences. From this we can draw the following conclusions: one should not take up a matter thoughtlessly, and even more so interfere with human nature. Human nature is a substance that cannot be invaded. Such an invasion leads to death. The inexplicable phenomena in the story, mainly eighteen degrees of frost in mid-August, make it clear to us that nature is much stronger than us, and neither the Red Army nor other troops will save humanity from its networks. The very composition of the work is saturated with a paradoxical phenomenon. The heroes, following good intentions, wanted to do the best - breed chickens and provide food for the whole country, but it turned out the other way around. Rokk, in whose hands the professor's preparations fell, is only a bold experimenter. He does not have the necessary knowledge that would serve to achieve positive results, but this does not stop him. The haste of the experiment and negative reviews from foreign countries are stronger, and the hero goes against nature. Because of his ignorance, monsters appear from eggs that destroy everything around. Failure to install them leads to the murder of a scientist. Bulgakov fatal eggs

There is another one in the story. story line. Bulgakov parodies the path of the Napoleonic invasion. The snakes represent the French, who once advanced on Moscow. The author in "Fatal Eggs" managed to display both time, and tones, and pictures that were printed on the pages of history after the Napoleonic battles.

Bulgakov wants to draw our attention to the impossibility of changing the course of evolution. It shows that when planning the future, we have to live only in the present. People are building a “new ideal life”, being sure that it will be much better, but, unfortunately, they forget that there can be no bright future in the absence of sound thinking and meaningfulness of all consequences. Nature will not allow someone to decide the fate of people without having the right to do so.

I want to sum up with the words, accurately said by Silovan Ramishvili: “People make the biggest mistake when they imagine the desired reality.” This statement perfectly reflects the essence of the story "Fatal Eggs", because a person is endowed with a mind that should warn against such tragedies. 2