Complex and complex sentences. How to determine a compound sentence from a complex sentence Types of complex sentences

1. Complex sentences (SPP) are sentences that have a main clause and one or more subordinate clauses. Subordinate clauses are subordinate to the main clause and answer the questions of the members of the sentence.

before the main sentence:

Since Nonna refused Andrei, the old man was officially dry with Nonna.(Panova).

(Since), .

Adventitious adjectives can stand after main clause:

What leads through the grove(Goncharov).

, (What)

Adverbial clauses can stand in the middle of the main sentence:

And in the evening, when all cats are gray, the prince went to breathe clean air(Leskov).

[ , (When), ]

2. Adverbial clauses can refer to one word in the main or to the whole main offer.

To one word The main clause includes the following types of subordinate clauses:

  • subordinate subjects;
  • predicates (according to another classification, subject and predicate clauses are classified as pronoun-defining clauses);
  • defining;
  • additional (according to another classification - explanatory);
  • mode of action and extent.

To the whole main offer usually include the following types of subordinate clauses:

  • subordinate places, times, causes, consequences, comparisons, goals, conditions, concessions (that is, adverbial types of subordinate clauses, except for the subordinate modes of action and degree).

Adverbial clauses, except for the modus operandi and degree, as a rule, refer to the entire main clause, but the question to them is usually asked from the predicate.

The typology of subordinate clauses is given according to the textbook: Babaitseva V.V., Chesnokova L.D. Russian language: Theory. 5-9 cells: Proc. for general education institutions.

3. The means of communication between the subordinate and main clauses are:

  • in a subordinate clause- subordinating conjunctions ( what, to, for, bye, when, how, if etc.) or allied words ( which, which, who, what, how, where, where, from where, when and etc.);
  • in the main sentence- pointing words ( that, such, there, there, because, because etc.).

Unions and allied words are the main means of communication in a complex sentence.

Indicative words in the main clause may or may not be.

Conjunctions and allied words usually stand at the beginning of a subordinate clause and serve as an indicator of the boundary between the main and the subordinate clause.

Exception makes up the particle union li, which is in the middle of the subordinate clause. Pay attention to this!

Distinguishing unions and allied words

Unions allied words
1. They are not members of the proposal, for example: He said his sister won't be back for dinner(which is a union, is not a member of the proposal).

1. They are members of a subordinate clause, for example: She kept her eyes on the road What leads through the grove(the allied word that is the subject).

2. Often (but not always!) the union can be removed from the subordinate clause, cf .: He said that his sister would not be back for dinner. - He said: sister will not be back for dinner.

2. Since the allied word is a member of the subordinate clause, it cannot be removed without changing the meaning, for example: She kept her eyes on the road What leads through the grove; impossible: She did not take her eyes off the road, leads through the grove.

3. The union cannot be logically stressed. 3. A logical stress may fall on the allied word, for example: I know what he will do tomorrow.
4. After the union, you cannot put particles of the same, namely. 4. After the allied word, you can put particles of the same, namely, cf .: I know what he will do tomorrow; I know exactly what he will do tomorrow.
5. The conjunction cannot be replaced by a demonstrative pronoun or a pronominal adverb. 5. The allied word can be replaced by a demonstrative pronoun or a pronominal adverb, cf.: I know what he will do tomorrow. - I know: he will do it tomorrow; I know where he was yesterday. - I know he was there yesterday.


1) What, how, when can be both unions and allied words. Therefore, when parsing complex sentences with these words, one must be especially careful. In addition to the above methods of distinguishing unions and allied words, the following should be taken into account.

When is union in adventitious time ( My father passed away when I was sixteen. Leskov) and in the subordinate condition ( When you need the devil, then go to hell! Gogol).

When is allied word in a subordinate clause ( I know, When he will return) and in the attributive clause ( That day, When ; when in the attributive clause it is possible to replace the main allied word for this clause which, cf .: That day, in which we met for the first time, I will never forget).

How is union in all adverbial clauses, except for the clauses of the mode of action and degree (cf .: Serve me as you served him(Pushkin) - comparative clause; As the soul is black, so you can't wash it off with soap(proverb) - subordinate clause; can be replaced: if the soul is black. - Do it like this How you were taught - adventitious image actions and degrees).

Particularly carefully analyze the subordinate clauses: in them, how and what can be both unions and allied words.

Wed: He said he'd be back for dinner (What- union). - I know, What he will do tomorrow (What- union word); I heard a child crying behind the wall (How- union). - I know, How she loves her son (How- union word).

In the subordinate clause, the union how can be replaced by the union what, cf .: I heard a child crying behind the wall. - I heard a child crying behind the wall.

2) What is union in two cases:

A) as part of a double union than ... so:

b) in subordinate clauses of such complex sentences that have an adjective, an adverb in a comparative degree or words in the main part different, other, different.

He turned out to be more enduring than we thought; Than counting gossips to work, is it not better to turn on yourself, godfather(Krylov).

3) Where, where, from where, who, why, why, how much, which, which, whose are allied words and cannot be unions.

I know where he hides; I know where he will go; I know who did it; I know why he did it; I know why he said it; I know how long it took him to renovate the apartment; I know what our holiday will be like; I know whose briefcase it is.

When parsing a subordinate clause as a simple one, the following mistake is very often made: the meaning of the subordinate clause is transferred to the meaning of the allied word. To avoid such a mistake, try to replace the allied word with the corresponding demonstrative word and determine which member of the sentence this word is.

Wed: I know where he is hiding. - There he hides.

allied words which, what, whose in the attributive clause can be replaced by the noun to which this clause refers.

Wed: Tell me the story that mother loved(Hermann). - Mom loved fairy tales; Stuart Yakovlevich is such a steward as there is not in the world. - Such a steward and not in the world.

The reverse error is also possible: the meaning of the allied word is transferred to the meaning of the subordinate. In order not to be mistaken, put the question from the main clause to the subordinate clause.

I know(What?), When he will return; I know(What?), Where he was- accessory clauses; He returned to the city(which city?) Where spent his youth; That day(what day?) When we met, I will never forget- adjectives.

In addition, in the attributive clause allied words where, where, where, when can be replaced by the allied word which.

Wed: He returned to the city Where spent his youth. He returned to the city in which spent his youth That day, When we met, I will not forget. - That day, in which we met, I will not forget.

4. Demonstratives are found in the main clause and usually answer the same questions, have the same syntactic meaning as the subordinate clauses. The main function of demonstrative words is to be a harbinger of a subordinate clause. Therefore, in most cases, the demonstrative word can tell you what type the subordinate clause belongs to:

He returned to That city, Where spent my youth (That- definition; adverbial attributive); He stayed so to prove my innocence (so- purpose circumstance; adverbial purpose); Read so that nobody saw the note (So- circumstance of the mode of action, measure and degree; adverbial modus operandi and degree).

Way of expressing pointer words

Discharge Word list Examples
1. Demonstrative pronouns and pronominal adverbs That, this, such, there, there, from there, then, so, so much, so much, because, because and etc. So this is the gift that he promised to give her in ten years.(Paustovsky).
Read it so no one sees(Leskov).
There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth(L. Tolstoy).
2. Definitive pronouns and pronominal adverbs All, all, each, everyone, everywhere, everywhere, always and etc. The whole day that we spent in Zagorsk, I remember every minute(Fedoseev).
Everywhere we've been, we see traces of desolation(Soloukhin).
3. Negative pronouns and pronouns Nobody, nothing, nowhere, never and etc. I don't know anyone who could replace the old count(Leskov).
4. Indefinite pronouns and pronouns Someone, something, somewhere, sometime and etc. For some reason we didn't know about, everyone in the house spoke in whispers and walked almost inaudibly.(Leskov).
5. Nouns and whole combinations of nouns with demonstrative pronouns Provided (what, if, when), at the time (when, how), in the event (when, if), for the reason (that), for the purpose (to), to the extent (that) And this succeeds if he himself treats words indifferently and unusually(Marshak).
I decided to dine alone for the reason that lunch fell on Butler's watch(Greene).

Author Angela Ustinova asked a question in Additional education

How to distinguish a complex sentence from a complex one and got the best answer

Answer from Bkk[guru]
I'll try in my own words

Compound sentence - consists of simple sentences that are interconnected by coordinating unions and, as a rule, are equal grammatically and in meaning.
Coordinating conjunctions - And, yes (in the meaning of "and"), and .. . and, neither... neither, also, also, But, but, yes (in the meaning of "but"), however, but, Or, or, whether ... whether then... that, not that... not that or... or how... and not only... but even though... but if not... then, not so much... how much, Namely, that is, or (in the meaning of "that is"), somehow, And then, and then, yes and, and also, etc.

A complex sentence is a complex sentence in which one simple sentence is subordinate to another, connected by a subordinating union or an allied word.
Subordinating conjunctions - What, to, like, etc., When, as soon as, only, barely, only, only, before, since, until, until, after, until, as, after, because, because, because, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, because, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, If, if, once, if, if only, How, as if , as if, as if, exactly, than, rather than, just as, as if.

In general, in a compound compound there are two equal parts, and in a compound one - one depends on the other) VOILA)

Answer from Helena[active]
Simple sentences in a complex subordinate are connected with the help of conjunctions like, as if, because. In a compound with the help of unions what, and.

Answer from Tessa[guru]
In complex sentences, one simple sentence (subordinate) depends on another (main). From the main clause to the subordinate clause, you can ask a question. For example:
We watched with keen interest (what were we watching?) as they practiced playing hockey. Besides, the subordinate clause (as they practiced playing hockey) cannot exist on its own.

In a compound sentence, the constituent parts are grammatically independent of each other, that is, they are equal in rights, which means that each of the parts is the main one and can exist independently. For example:
It's still very early, and the miners are already on their morning shift. That is, from this sentence you can easily make 2 independent sentences.
1. It's still very early.
2. The miners are already on their morning shift.
I hope I explained clearly.

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Complex sentences with two or more subordinate clauses there are two main types: 1) all subordinate clauses are attached directly to the main clause; 2) the first clause is attached to the main clause, the second - to the first clause, etc.

I. Clauses that are attached directly to the main clause can be homogeneous And heterogeneous.

1. Homogeneous adventitious, like homogeneous members, have same value, answer the same question and depend on one word in the main clause. Between themselves, homogeneous clauses can be connected by coordinating unions or union-free (only with the help of intonation). For example:

1) [But sad to think], (which is in vain was us youth is given), (What changed her all the time), (that deceived us she)... (A. Pushkin)- [verb], (conjunction What),(union What),(union What)...

2) [Dersu said], (What it's not clouds, it's fog) So what Tomorrow it will be a sunny day and even hot) (V. Arseniev).[vb], (what) and (what).

The connection of homogeneous clauses with the main clause is called uniform subordination.

It should be borne in mind that with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses, it is possible to skip the union or allied in the second (third) clause, for example:

(Where is the cheerful sickle walked) And ( fell ear), [now everything is empty] (F. Tyutchev).(where) and ("), ["].

2. Heterogeneous clauses have different meanings, answer different questions, or depend on different words in a sentence. For example:

(If I have one hundred lives), [ they would not satisfy all the thirst for knowledge], ( which burns me) (V. Bryusov)- (conjunction If),[n.], (s. word which).

The connection of heterogeneous clauses with the main clause is called parallel submission.

II. The second type of complex sentences with two or more subordinate clauses includes those in which the clauses form a chain: the first clause refers to the main clause (subordinate clause of the 1st degree), the second clause refers to the clause of the 1st degree (subordinate clause of the 2nd degree), etc. For example:

[She was horrified"], (When found out), (that the letter was father) (F. Dostoevsky)- , (With. When verb), (p. What).

Such a connection is called consistent submission.

With sequential subordination, one subordinate clause can be inside another; in this case, two subordinating unions may be nearby: What And just in case And when that And because etc. (for punctuation marks at the junction of conjunctions, see the section “Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with two or more subordinate clauses”). For example:

[The water collapsed so scary], (what, (when the soldiers fled below), after them already flew raging streams) (M. Bulgakov).

[ so + adv.], (what, (when),").

In complex sentences with three or more subordinate clauses, there may be more complex combinations of subordinate clauses, for example:

(Who in young age not tied yourself with strong ties with an external and beautiful cause, or at least with simple, but honest and useful work), [ he can count his youth without a trace lost], (as if fun she neither passed) and how many would happy memories she neither left).

(who), [pronoun], (no matter how), (however). (A complex sentence with three subordinate clauses, with parallel and homogeneous subordination).

Syntactic analysis of a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses

Scheme for parsing a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses

1. Determine the type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement (narrative, interrogative, incentive).

2. Indicate the type of sentence by emotional coloring (exclamatory or non-exclamatory).

3. Determine the main and subordinate clauses, find their boundaries.

4. Draw up a sentence scheme: ask (if possible) questions from the main to the subordinate clauses, indicate in the main word on which the subordinate clause depends (if it is conditional), characterize the means of communication (unions or allied words), determine the types of clauses (definitive, explanatory, etc.).

5. Determine the type of subordination of subordinate clauses (homogeneous, parallel, sequential).

An example of parsing a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses

1) [Look up at the pale green, star-studded sky, (on which there is neither a cloud nor a spot), and understand], (why is the summer warm air immovable), (why nature is on guard) (A. Chekhov).

[n., (vill. on which), vb.], (vill. Why),(vill. Why).
will determine. explain. explain.

Narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, complex with three subordinate clauses, with parallel and homogeneous subordination: 1st subordinate clause - attributive clause (the clause depends on the noun sky, answers the question which?, on which); 2nd and 3rd subordinate clauses - subordinate explanatory clauses (depend on the verb understand answer the question What?, join with an allied word Why).

2) [Any man knows], (that he have to do not that, ( what separates him with people), otherwise), ( what connects him with them) (L. Tolstoy).

[vb], (conjunction What local, (s.el. What), places.), (s.el.chto).

explain. place-determined place-determined

Narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, complex with three subordinate clauses, with serial and parallel subordination: 1st subordinate clause - subordinate explanatory clause (depends on the verb knows answers the question What?, joins union What), 2nd and 3rd clauses - pronoun-defining clauses (each of them depends on the pronoun That, answers the question what (that)?, joins with an allied word What).

.1. Associative compound sentence

Associative compound sentence - this is a complex sentence in which simple sentences are combined into one whole in meaning and intonation, without the help of unions or allied words: [Habit over us given]: [replacement happiness she](A. Pushkin).

The semantic relations between simple sentences in allied and are expressed in different ways. In allied sentences, unions take part in their expression, therefore the semantic relations here are more definite and clear. For example, union So expresses the consequence because- the reason If- condition, however- opposition, etc.

The semantic relations between simple sentences are less clearly expressed than in the union. In terms of semantic relationships, and often in terms of intonation, some are closer to complex ones, others to complex ones. However, often the same conjunctionless compound sentence in meaning, it can be brought closer to both a complex and a complex sentence. Wed, for example: Searchlights lit up- it became light around; Searchlights were lit, and it became light around; When the spotlights came on, it became light all around.

Meaningful relationships in non-union complex sentences depend on the content of the simple sentences included in them and are expressed in oral speech intonation, and in writing with various punctuation marks (see the section “Punctuation marks in non-union complex sentence»).

IN non-union complex sentences The following types of semantic relations between simple sentences (parts) are possible:

I. enumeration(lists some facts, events, phenomena):

[I_ did not see you for a whole week], [I didn't hear you for a long time] (A. Chekhov) -, .

Such non-union complex sentences approach compound sentences with a connecting union And.

Like their synonymous compound sentences, non-union complex sentences can express the value 1) simultaneity enumerated events and 2) their sequences.

1) \ Bemep howl plaintively and quietly], [in the darkness neighing horses], [from the tabor floated tender and passionate song- thought] (M. Gorky) -,,.

stirred ], [fluttered half asleep birdie] (V. Garshin)- ,.

Associative compound sentences with enumerative relations may consist of two sentences, or may include three or more simple sentences.

II. Causal(the second sentence reveals the reason for what the first says):

[I unhappy]: [every day guests] (A. Chekhov). Such non-union complex sentences synonymous with complex subordinate causes.

III. Explanatory(the second sentence explains the first one):

1) [Items were lost form]: [ everything merged first into gray, then into a dark mass] (I. Goncharov)-

2) [Like all Moscow, your father is like that]: [would like he is a son-in-law with stars and ranks] (A. Griboyedov)-

Such unionless proposals synonymous with sentences with explanatory conjunction namely.

IV. Explanatory(the second sentence explains the word in the first part that has the meaning of speech, thought, feeling or perception, or the word that indicates these processes: listened, looked, looked back and so on.; in the second case, we can talk about the omission of words like see, hear and so on.):

1) [Nastya during the story remembered]: [she has from yesterday remained whole intact cast iron boiled potatoes] (M. Prishvin)- :.

2) [I came to my senses, Tatyana looks]: [bear No]... (A. Pushkin)- :.

Such non-union sentences are synonymous with complex sentences with explanatory clauses. (remembered that ...; looks (and sees that) ...).

V. Comparative-adversative relations (the content of the second sentence is compared with the content of the first or opposed to it):

1) [All happy families similar and each other], [each unhappy family unhappy but in its own way] (L. Tolstoy)- ,.

2) [Chin followed to him]- [he service suddenly left] (A. Griboyedov)- - .

Such non-union complex sentences synonymous with compound sentences with adversative conjunctions ah, but.

VI. Conditionally temporary(the first sentence indicates the time or condition for the implementation of what is said in the second):

1) [Do you like to ride] - [love and sleigh carry] (proverb)- - .

2) [see you with Gorky]- [talk with him] (A. Chekhov)--.

Such sentences are synonymous with complex sentences with subordinate conditions or tense.

VII. Consequences(the second sentence names the consequence of what the first says):

[Small the rain sows since morning]- [it's impossible to get out] (I. Turgenev)- ^TT

What is a complex sentence? Every student asked this question. How easy is it to determine which sentence is in front of you: simple or complex? It's pretty easy, the main thing is to know a few tricky features.

What is a complex sentence: definition, types and examples

A complex sentence is a sentence that has more than one stem in its composition, they are interconnected by subordinating unions. Also, parts of such a sentence can be combined. It should be noted that along with complex sentences, there are also compound ones, in which the parts are connected by the unions “and”, “but”, “a”, in some cases there is a union “yes”. So, before you determine which offer is in front of you, you need to note grammar basics, if there are two or more of them, then you need to ask a question from one of them. The part from which the question is asked is called the main part, and to which the question is asked is called the subordinate.

A complex sentence, examples of which will be given below, may include several types of connection of parts, for example, parallel, serial. In parallel, the question is asked from the main part to the rest, in sequential - from each to the next. This suggests that in a complex sentence, dependent parts are always unequal.

What is a complex sentence? Now there is an answer to this question: this is a sentence with unequal dependent parts that are connected by a subordinating union. Now we need to move on to classification. are attributive, circumstantial, which, in turn, have about 7 more subspecies, as well as explanatory. The first type is the type of sentence, when the dependent part answers the questions of adjectives, that is, it creates an emotional coloring of the sentence. For example: "The garden, because of which the house was not visible, was a famous place in the city." explanatory answers the questions of all cases, except for the nominative. This can easily be confused with the attributive, so it is very important to ask the right question. For example: "Nikita was thinking about the same things his sister had said before."

The largest group is complex sentences with adverbial clauses, there are about 7 additional subclauses: clauses, causes, goals, conditions, places, consequences, and others. It is quite easy to distinguish them: all questions that can be asked to adverbs will be asked in this case. Therefore, it is usually simple and easy to define a part.

What is The answer to this question can be found in the article. In addition to the definition, the article presents all classifications of types of subordination, as well as types of subordinate parts. With this information, you can safely go to a single State exam, because some of the questions aimed at elevated level, is connected precisely with the task-definition of the type or type of subordination of parts in the sentence.

How to quickly and easily determine whether a complex or complex sentence? and got the best answer

Answer from Vadim[active]
For unions:
If the unions "a, but, and, or, yes (in the meaning of and)", etc., are composed.
And if the unions are "Which, because", etc., AND YOU CAN ALSO ask questions from the dependent sentence to the main one, then this is a subordinate sentence
It began to rain and a thunderstorm began - composed
It began to rain, because of which a thunderstorm began - subordinate (Why did the thunderstorm begin? Because it started to rain

Answer from Natasha Prokhorova[newbie]
In a compound sentence, the parts are equal in meaning, which means that by removing the union, we can make them simple sentences, without distorting the meaning.

Answer from Yatiana Kazakova[guru]
In a compound sentence, the parts are equal in meaning, which means that by removing the union, we can make them simple sentences, without distorting the meaning. In a complex sentence, the parts depend on one another. And if one of them can be an independent proposal, then the other - never! In addition, you need to know that in compound sentences, coordinating unions serve to connect parts, and in complex sentences, respectively, subordinating ones.

Answer from Speedy88[guru]
very simple, by unions:
in compound - and, but, but
in complex subordinates - what, when, if, which, etc.
you can on questions, in compound ones one depends on the other

Answer from Marylave[newbie]
Compound - when two parts of a sentence are not related to each other. Complicated - when there is some kind of connection between them, and usually they are united by some kind of union: which, because, etc.

Answer from Arini-k[guru]
According to the used unions and allied words.
See if you can ask a question from one simple sentence to another. If yes, then complex

Answer from Ludmila[guru]
Look at the means of communication! In SSP - coordinating conjunctions, and in SPP - subordinating conjunctions and allied words.

Answer from Fist Man[active]

Answer from Elena Khrenova[newbie]
very simple

Answer from Nurzhan Yergaliev[newbie]
To determine the SPP for successful language acquisition, it is enough to spend half an hour, which is available to everyone

Answer from 3 answers[guru]