Umk on the development of speech. Educational and methodological complex for the development of speech and teaching the basics of literacy "Balapan

MOU secondary school No. 11

"With in-depth study of individual subjects."

Report on the topic:

Speech development according to UMK

"Promising initial


Teacher Matusova A.V.


One of the most important indicators of the level of human culture, his thinking, intelligence is his speech. Having arisen for the first time in early childhood in the form of separate words, speech is gradually enriched and complicated. The child masters the phonetic structure and vocabulary, practically learns the patterns of word changes (declension, conjugation, etc.) and their combinations, the logic and composition of statements, masters dialogue and monologue, various genres and styles, develops accuracy and expressiveness of his speech. The child masters all this wealth not passively, but actively - in the process of his speech practice.
Speech is a type of human activity, the implementation of thinking based on the use of language tools (words, their combinations, sentences, etc.). Speech performs the functions of communication and communication, emotional self-expression and influence on other people.
Well-developed speech is one of the most important means of active human activity in modern society, and for the student - a means of successful learning at school. Speech is a way of knowing reality. On the one hand, the richness of speech to a large extent depends on the enrichment of the child with new ideas and concepts; on the other hand, good command of the language, speech contributes to cognition complex connections in nature and in society. Children with well developed speech always do better in different subjects.

From early childhood, schoolchildren form ways of working with text, which they use when reading texts in any lessons. Thus, one of the important primary school skills - the ability to learn.

The main basis for the formation of ways to work with text is the lessons of the Russian language and literary reading. Especially effective is the use of interdisciplinary connections in the lessons of speech development, which should ensure the development of a complex of speech skills in students. Work on the development of speech in the EMC, PNSh is carried out from the 1st grade.

Figurative representation of the text as a house in which sentences live and make friends, the ability to distinguish from short text individual sentences, without breaking the sequence, and to correlate them with the text model, and then to model the text, is formed already during the period of literacy.

Literary reading is a basic humanitarian subject in elementary school, with the help of which it is possible to solve not only narrow-subject tasks, but also tasks of humanitarian development common to all subjects. elementary school student. This is, first of all, the education of consciousness, sensitively and intelligently perceiving the world (not only works of literature and artistic culture, but the whole the world- the world of people and nature).

Creative imagination - a universal quality of preschoolers 3–7 years old - is put in the basis of the WMC"Paths", which is a system of benefits for teachers and kindergarten students. The work is carried out in five areas: the development of a culture of communication, cognitive activity and creative abilities, the formation of speech, physical training. Children develop productive imagination, curiosity, orientation to the position of another person, volitional qualities, elements of reflection, etc. Special attention paid to methods for diagnosing the results and working with children with poor health.

UMK "Paths" is a system of benefits for pupils and teachers of preschool educational organizations. The upbringing and educational work offered by the developers of the TMC "Pathways" ensures the formation of the personality of preschoolers aged 3-7 years in various types of communication and activities and is aimed at creating conditions for a general mental development children through the use of creative imagination as a universal ability. Mastering the universal culture is considered by the developers of the kit as a creative process. In the course of the child's creative familiarization with the principles of culture - cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, communicative, physical - the most important creative abilities are laid, developed and manifested in him: productive imagination, comprehending thinking, orientation to the position of another person, arbitrariness, elements of reflection, etc.

Particular attention in the development of teaching materials was given to a detailed substantiation of the concept of the program "Paths", consideration of general issues of education of preschoolers, including those with poor health.

The main educational program of preschool education "Paths" and all the manuals included in the teaching materials of the same name are developed in accordance with the federal state educational standard preschool education (hereinafter - GEF DO).

The program presents strategic guidelines for developing work with children, reflected in five areas educational process: "Development of a culture of communication" (Communicative and personal development), "Development of a culture of knowledge" ( cognitive development), "Development of the culture of speech" (Speech development), "Development of artistic and aesthetic culture" (Artistic and aesthetic development), "Development of the culture of movements and health work" ( Physical development). The content of these areas has been developed in accordance with the five educational areas identified in the Federal State Educational Standard.

The EMC "Pathways" provides a system for monitoring the development of the program, presented in the form of pedagogical diagnostics of the individual development of a child of 3-7 years old, simplified as much as possible for the practice of preschool education. The selected diagnostic methods make it possible to assess the level of physical, socio-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic development of the child in the shortest possible time (approximately 1–1.5 weeks) by using methods that ensure the objectivity and accuracy of the data obtained.

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech using the teaching materials for teaching children

Tatar language in senior group

Theme: "My family"

Target: Development in children cognitive interests, intellectual



Educational: Cultivate positive family relationships

mutual assistance; cultivate compassion, love for all family members.

Educational: Introduce the term "family". View deepening

children about the family (its members, relationships) and its history:

Formation of a correct idea of ​​the family, the role of mother, father,

grandmothers, grandfathers, sisters, brothers;

consolidate ideas about the labor responsibilities of family members.

Developing: Exercise children in the selection of adjectives and verbs;

development of fine motor skills; replenishment and activation of the dictionary based on

deepening children's knowledge of the immediate environment; introduction to children's vocabulary

nouns denoting professions; verbs characterizing

labor activities; development of dialogic speech: the ability to participate in

conversation; development children's creativity.

GCD progress:

caregiver: Hello guys! Isenmesez balalar!

Children: Isenmesez!

caregiver: Guys, you brought drawings, photos of your family. That's about

we'll talk to the family today. Listen to the poem.

The teacher reads the poem:

There is a family album in the house of any

As in a mirror we are reflected in it

Let us not always be beautiful,

But these photos are true.

Guys, yesterday we looked at photos of your family. What do you think,

what is family?

Andrei: The family is mom, dad, brother and me.

Educator: Say in Tatar

Andrei: Gaile -eni, these, ebi, any em min.

Nastya: This is mom, dad, me and grandparents

ATdispenser: Say in Tatar

Nastya: bu eni, these, min, ebi hem babay.

caregiver: Correctly. This is dad, mom, brother, sister, grandfather,

grandmother. These are the closest people. Family members live together, love each other

each other and take care of each other. Please tell me your name

parents by name, patronymic, where and by whom do they work?

Andrei: My mother's name is Vera. She works at the airport. Dad's name is Sergei. He works as a furniture assembler.

Nastya: My mother's name is Tamara. She works as a nurse in a hospital. Dad's name is Ivan, he is a driver.

caregiver: Who has brothers and sisters?

Anya: I have a brother. His name is Andrew.

Katia: And I also have a brother. He is very small.

Emil: I have an older sister - Diana.

caregiver: Do you live together?

Anya: We are always friends.

caregiver: Little brothers and sisters should be pitied and taken care of. How can you take care of the little ones?

Katia: You can play with them while mom cooks dinner

caregiver: Now listen to the poem and say who it is about.

dear grandmother,
My darling,
More than anything in the world
I love you.
For your wrinkles
I will pass my hand...
In the whole world there is no
Grandmothers are like that.
I will never
Grieve you.
Just be healthy
My grandmother.

Who are these lines about?

Children: About the grandmother. And grandparents are the parents of your moms and dads

And your mom and dad are your parents.

caregiver: Whose grandparents live in the family, raise your hands?

caregiver: It's good when your grandmother lives with you and takes care of you.

Tell me, how do your grandmothers take care of you?

Arseniy: My granny brings me to the kindergarten and picks me up from the kindergarten. And we are together

we walk and go to the circus.

Alina: My grandmother bakes delicious pies and we all drink tea together.

Misha: And when I'm sick, my granny gives me milk with honey so that I can


Diana: And my grandmother knits warm socks and mittens for me in winter

didn't get cold or sick.

Educator: That's right, the grandmother will feed you deliciously and regret, caress.

They need your care and attention more than anyone else. If grandmother and

grandpa does not live with you, what needs to be done so that they know that you are theirs

love and remember.

Shamil: We must call!

Katia: We must come to visit them!

caregiver: How can you name them all: mom, dad, sisters, brothers,

grandma and grandpa in one word?

Children say: Family!

Educator: Say in Tatar

Children: Gaile

Gaile finger game

Bu barmak-ati,

Bu barmak-ani,

Boo barmak-babay,

Bu barmak-аbi,

Bu barmak-malai,

Yashәve bergә shulai- Bik kүңelle, bik kyzyk,

Kabatlyk kyzyp-kyzyp:

Educator: Well done! Families are not only among people, but also among animals.

Remember the fairy tales "Three Little Pigs", "Three Bears", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids".

Game "Draw a" family "

You need to take a pencil in your right hand, and put your left hand in the middle of the sheet, and circle your hand, each finger separately. Then choose from these fingers yourself and other family members. Draw eyes, nose, mouth and color the rest with colored pencils. (Children draw to the music - “Smile”).

- Well done boys! Well painted someone's family is big, someone's smaller. You all have a family portrait.

The game "What is your family? »

Children raise their hands and answer:

Children: Large (zur, friendly (kuenlle), small (kechkene, caring,

good (eybet, strong, happy).

Educator: Guys, what needs to be done so that everyone in your family has

happy mood?

Misha: Do not offend younger brothers and sisters.

Diana: Do not quarrel, help each other, work hard.

Alina: Give gifts, love each other.

Louise: Get good grades, relax together.

Educator: You spoke very interestingly and with great love about your

family. I wish your family to be healthy and happy.

WMC concept

Speech development of preschool children

Kindergarten- the first link in the education system. To become highly educated, a person must master all the riches of his native language. Therefore, one of the main tasks of the kindergarten is the formation of the correct oral speech children on the basis of their mastery of the language of their people.

In the system of preschool education, the development of speech, teaching the native language takes a leading place.

The purpose of teaching the native language is the development of speech abilities and skills, the culture of speech communication, the development of ways for preschoolers to master the skills of practical communication in various life situations, the formation of the prerequisites for reading and writing.

The concept of the development of speech of preschoolers is a provision on the formation of an elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech among preschoolers, on the need for linguistic development in preschool childhood.

Language and speech have traditionally been considered in psychology, philosophy and pedagogy as a "knot" in which various lines of mental development converge - thinking, imagination, memory, emotions. Being the most important means of human communication, knowledge of reality, language serves as the main channel for introducing the values ​​of spiritual culture from generation to generation, as well as a necessary condition for education and training.

Preschool age is a period of active assimilation of the spoken language by the child, the formation and development of all aspects of speech - phonetic, lexical, grammatical. Full knowledge of the native language in preschool childhood is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education of children in the most sensitive period of development. The sooner the teaching of the native language is started, the freer the child will use it in the future.

AT general view views on the nature of language abilities and the development of speech activity can be conveyed in the following provisions:

The child's speech develops in the course of generalization (generalization) of linguistic phenomena, the perception of adult speech and their own speech activity;

Language and speech are a kind of "knot" into which various lines of mental development are "woven" - the development of thinking, imagination, memory, emotions;

The leading direction in teaching the native language is the formation of language generalizations and elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech;

The orientation of the child in linguistic phenomena determines the conditions for independent observations of the language, for the self-development of speech, gives speech a creative character.

Speech education is considered as the interaction of a teacher and a child who masters his native language. This problem is closely related to teaching the native language, i.e. pedagogical process, during which the formation of the child's speech skills and abilities is carried out. On this basis, his speech develops: understanding the meaning of the word and enriching the dictionary, mastering sound culture speech, the formation of coherent speech.

The main goal of speech education is for the child to creatively master the norms and rules of his native language, be able to apply them flexibly in specific situations, and master basic communication skills. (Notice, that

Individual differences in level speech development may be exceptionally large in children of the same age.)

It is well known that children, even without special education, from an early age show great interest to linguistic reality, create new words, focusing on both the semantic and grammatical side of the language. With spontaneous speech development, only a few of them achieve high level Therefore, purposeful teaching of speech and verbal communication is necessary.

Thus, the full mastery of the native language, the development of language abilities are considered as the core of the formation of the personality of a preschool child, which provides great opportunities for solving many problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education of children.

Language development goes through three stages.

1. Preverbal - falls on the first year of life. During this period, in the course of preverbal communication with others, the prerequisites for the development of speech are formed. The child cannot speak. But there are conditions that ensure the mastery of speech by the child in the future. Such conditions are the formation of selective susceptibility to the speech of others - the preferred selection of it among other sounds, as well as a finer differentiation of speech influences in comparison with other sounds. There is a sensitivity to the phonemic characteristics of sounding speech. The preverbal stage of speech development ends with the child's understanding of the simplest utterances of an adult, the emergence of passive speech.

2. The transition of the child to active speech. It usually falls on the 2nd year of life. The child begins to pronounce the first words and simple phrases, phonemic hearing develops. Great importance for the timely mastery of speech by the child and for the normal pace of its development, the conditions for communication with an adult at the first and second stages are: emotional contact between an adult and a child, business cooperation between them and the saturation of communication with speech elements.

3. Improving speech as the leading means of communication. It more and more accurately reflects the intentions of the speaker, more and more accurately conveys the content and general context of the reflected events. There is an expansion of the dictionary, the complication of grammatical structures, the pronunciation becomes clearer. But the lexical and grammatical richness of speech in children depends on the conditions of their communication with other people. They learn from the speech they hear only what is necessary and sufficient for the communicative tasks facing them.

So, in the 2-3 year of life, an intensive accumulation of the dictionary takes place, the meanings of words become more and more definite. By the age of 2, children have mastered the singular and plural and some case endings. By the end of 3 years, the child owns a set of about 1000 words, by 6-7 years - from 3000-4000 words.

By the beginning of 3 years, children develop grammatical structure speech. By the end of preschool age, children practically master almost all the laws of word formation and inflection. The situational nature of speech (fragmentary and understandable only in specific conditions, attachment to the current situation) is becoming less and less pronounced. A coherent contextual speech appears - expanded and grammatically designed.

Vera Atyasheva
Educational methodical complex in the direction of "Communication as a leading means of developing the speech of preschool children"

Approximate basic educational program preschool education.

The program provides personality development of preschool children in various types of communication and activities, taking into account their age, individual features.

The content section of the Program includes a description educational activities in accordance with development directions child at five educational areas- social and communicative sent to assimilate the norms and values ​​adopted in society including moral and ethical values; development of communication and interactions of the child with adults and peers; the formation of independence;

development communicative and social competence;

At children from an early age there is a need for communication and social contacts. Children acquire their first social experience in the family, in Everyday life taking part in various family events. The lifestyle and values ​​of the family have an impact on social and communicative child development. Adults create different opportunities for initiation of children to the values ​​of cooperation with other people, primarily by implementing the principles of personal developing communication and assistance, giving children the opportunity to take part in various events, plan joint work. It contributes development in children feelings of personal responsibility, responsibility for another person, feelings « common cause» understanding of the need to coordinate opinions and actions with partners in activities.

In the field of speech development child is associated with the ability to communicate with other people, the ability to listen, perceive the speaker's speech and respond to it with his own response, adequate emotions, that is, it is closely related to social and communicative development. Speech is the most important means of communication allows each child to participate in conversations, games, projects, performances, classes, while showing their individuality. Teachers should encourage communication accompanying various activities children,

Methodology speech development of preschool children:

Ushakova O. S. Strunina E. M.

preschool age- this is the period of active assimilation of the spoken language by the child, the formation and development of all aspects of speech: phonetic, lexical, grammatical. Full mastery of the mother tongue preschool childhood is a necessary condition for solving the problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education children during the most sensitive period development. The sooner the teaching of the native language is started, the freer the child will use it in the future.

Toolkit "ABC communication» . Development of the child's personality, skills communication with adults and peers. (For children from 3 to 6 years old.) . The methodological manual presents the original teaching methodology and development of communication skills in preschool children.

The purpose of this methodological manual- help your children to enjoy, giving them the experience of human communication through the ability to listen, speak, think.

Additional educational program "On the way to the ABC" children 3-7 years old. The author of the program is the educator of the first qualification category Derevyankina Anna Viktorovna (there is a SIPCRO review)

The main task in this program is spelled out. Development of free communication with adults and children, mastering constructive ways and means interactions with others.

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