How to deal with leaving work on your own. How to Survive a Layoff and Gain More Than You Lose

In order to move on, you need to say goodbye to the past. You have to quit your favorite job and say goodbye to your best colleagues. How do you know when it's time to quit? What problems can arise during dismissal? How to maintain good relations with colleagues and superiors? Experts identify 15 points that will answer the question of how to quit your job properly without hurting yourself and others.

What is the right way to quit your job? We leave with our heads up

1. Leave before you feel like running away.

The decision to leave should not be spontaneous. Don't quit when you face the first problem. Any conflict must be resolved. You should only think about dismissal if the problem is systematic and you do not see ways to solve it. In this case, start browsing the vacancies. Don't wait until your working conditions become unbearable. Prepare ahead of time.

2. Take off your rose-colored glasses

Sometimes we feel like our employer underestimates us. There is an expectation that by changing jobs, we will start a new, brilliant career. Maybe it will. But another option is also possible. It is necessary to sensibly evaluate yourself, your working conditions. For comparison, you can go to several interviews. You may not find anything better than that that you already have. Then you should think about upgrading your skills.

3. Keep the secret or open all the cards - the choice is yours

Answering the question of how to quit your job correctly, experts do not recommend informing your management and team about your intention until you find a new job. Even if you had a great relationship with your boss and employees, the moment you announce that you are planning to quit, you become a stranger among your own.

If you do not have prior arrangements with your future employer, it is best not to disclose your plans

4. Look for treasure at home

Let's pretend you're lucky. You work for a great company where every employee is valued. But you're not satisfied with the absence career development. You seem to have hit the ceiling and you have nowhere to grow further. In this case, before leaving, talk about your career with management. Competent leaders value people and seek to unlock their potential. Who knows, you might not have to quit. If a conversation with management does not satisfy you, dismissal will be a logical and justified step.

5. Break the news

If you are determined to leave, you need to get the news across to management and co-workers the right way. Don't leave this conversation to the last minute. You will need time to transfer cases. The manager should learn about your decision from you, and not from your colleagues. Pick a quiet moment to talk to, when your boss isn't busy with urgent work. Think in advance how he can react to your decision, think over your reaction to his words. Play mentally several options for the development of the conversation. Then think about what you will say to your colleagues. What questions might you be asked. What will you answer

6. Let Go of Guilt

Often, the employee who quits feels guilty. The collective considers him a traitor who escapes. But in fact, everything is not so. Give up and don't get emotional. Let the dismissal process be correct. Inform about your intention to quit, transfer cases, save the accumulated information base, thank for the experience.

7. Hand over your cases

To make the process of leaving smoother and painless, both for you and for the company, competently transfer all your affairs.

Don't try to end up hurting the company. Organize all your work information

Prepare folder and job archives. Make the process of transferring cases as easy as possible for yourself and as clear as possible for those people to whom you will transfer cases.

8. Stay active until the end

Even the most responsible employees in the last days before dismissal can afford to be negligent in their work. This is noticed by colleagues and management. It is better not to follow this pattern of behavior. Stay active until the end. Inform your customers and partners that you are leaving the company. Introduce them to the person to whom you are transferring cases. When transferring cases, do not forget to clarify the nuances of working with a particular client

9. Leave a successor

To maintain a good relationship after being fired, you need to leave behind a successor. Most companies have a talent pool system. Your deputy will be able to painlessly take your place. If, for some reason, you do not have a deputy, prepare a successor for yourself in advance. Pass on your skills and knowledge to this person. Upon dismissal, you will be able to recommend this person to your place.

10. Don't burn bridges behind you.

No one knows how your career will turn out in another company. Many employers are comfortable with the issue of rehiring former employees. Therefore, you should not leave with a scandal, burning all bridges.

11. Protect your boundaries

Discuss with management a clear procedure for your dismissal. By adhering to the established agreements, you can save yourself from problems with obtaining a work book and salary. Many aspects of your dismissal depend on the head of the company. Clear agreements will help you avoid unpleasant situations.

12. Light a fire first

If the reason for your dismissal was professional burnout, changing jobs will not help you. You will take your problems with you. To start a new career, you need to recover.

You must be in working condition - physically, mentally and socially. You can only go to work if you have the strength and the desire to look ahead.

13. Conquer the fear of the unknown

It is the fear of the unknown that keeps people working for years at a job they hate. Get rid of this fear. Focus on good expectations from new work. If you quit in fear, your behavior will be nervous and tense. Decide why you are changing jobs. If you decide on the main criteria for future activities, then how to quit your job correctly will not be difficult for you.

14. Feedback

The moment everyone learns about your decision to quit, the attitude towards you may change. You will see how the people around you actually treated you. You can ask your colleagues and manager to tell you something about you. From the outside, all the positive and negative features are always more visible. Do not take criticism to heart. Use the information received as motivation for development. People will talk not about who you are, but about how they perceived you. By listening to people's opinions, you can build more strong relationships with colleagues at a new workplace.

15. Leave on a positive note.

Try to leave on a positive note. You might want to throw a farewell party. Perhaps colleagues will arrange such an evening for you. It depends on the corporate ethics in a particular company. Even if you have a very difficult relationship with a company, leave with a positive attitude. Any experience has value, even if the experience is negative.

In terms of intensity of passions, it is second only to divorce or the death of a loved one. Especially when it comes to layoffs.

Experts advise: try to leave with dignity, without insulting others and without destroying yourself. Your future life depends on how you behave during this difficult time.

Will in a fist!

There is a huge temptation to finally tell the authorities everything that you think about him. Or do something nasty: hide the necessary data, take with you the phone numbers of important customers, for some time paralyzing the work of the once-native company.

Do not do that! Firstly, the professional circle is very narrow, and when your new boss calls the former, he is unlikely to find at least a couple of kind words addressed to you. Secondly, if you want your boss to really regret your dismissal, you need to act in exactly the opposite way.

Gather your will into a fist and on the last day say goodbye to him warmly, saying the kindest words. Maybe he will not call you back (which, by the way, is not excluded), but he will certainly give an excellent reference. It doesn't matter what kind of relationship you've had up to this minute. As you know, the first and last words are most remembered.

Risk group

Losing a job often undermines a person's self-esteem. He has a feeling of resentment and a feeling of loss of control over life: “Why did they fire me?”, “Am I the worst employee?”, “I don’t decide anything in this life.” If you have such thoughts, you need to say to yourself: “Stop! Life is not only work. In such a difficult situation, it is much more constructive to ask another question - why did fate throw you such a test, what lessons can be learned from this?

Practice shows that most often people who have two opposite psychological attitudes lose their jobs. First of all, these are those who, imperceptibly for themselves, began to live by inertia, for whom work has not brought either moral or material satisfaction for a long time. But the poor fellow does not have the courage to put the application on the table himself. And every morning he goes to work, like hard labor. So fate throws him an unexpected solution to the problem - in the form of staff cuts or rotations leading to dismissal.

Oddly enough, people with a different attitude are at risk of losing their jobs - workaholics who identify their life with work, putting it in first place in the scale of life values. Often fate punishes for such one-sidedness. In addition, a too zealous employee often irritates the authorities: what if he turns out to be more professional than his management?

Vicious circle

Having lost a job, a person gets at his disposal a huge amount of free time. Perhaps at first it even pleases: finally, you will be able to relax! But to relax for real, as a rule, does not work. And an unemployed person begins to experience the emptiness that has suddenly formed in his life. According to the observations of psychologists, such a situation is a breeding ground for the emergence of neurosis.

There is a kind of vicious circle: due to the fact that there is no work, you experience depression, and this, in turn, does not make it possible to find a job. If this condition lasts long enough, it can come not only to depression, but also to severe physical ailments. Psychiatrists often observe such an effect of “psychophysical wear and tear” not only among those who have lost their jobs, but also among those who have retired: an intensively working person suddenly begins to age rapidly, all sorts of sores begin to stick to him.

In order not to bring yourself to this, experts advise: the search for a new place should begin on the same day that you were informed of the dismissal. The more time passes after losing a job, the more difficult it will be to find it. Treat the dismissal as a test of strength, like an exam, passing which you will come to success.

The more action, the stronger the return.

And in order not to destroy yourself during the time “from work to work”, but at the same time relationships with friends and relatives, try to develop a clear strategy:

● Keep the old rhythm and routine of life. Get up, have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time as before. If you are a man, be sure to shave every morning. If you are a woman, comb your hair and wear light makeup.

● Do something every day to find a job: surf the Internet, send out resumes, read job magazines, go to job interviews. A pattern has been noticed: if today you called not five, but ten companies, then tomorrow you will receive calls twice as many as in previous days.

●  Free time use it to take care of your health. Do not watch TV until late, get enough sleep, do not drink coffee and strong tea, be sure to go outside every day. Visit a dentist, other doctors, take a course of treatment, if necessary. Do all the boring but necessary household chores that you never got around to doing before.

Don't shut yourself up

Unfortunately, often during a period of forced inactivity, a person’s relationships with loved ones deteriorate. At first, they sympathize with him, but as he closes, goes into depression, this begins to annoy others.

● Try not to switch off from family life: take on some duties that were previously performed by others, share your thoughts, discuss household problems.

● If friends invite you to visit, do not refuse, referring to Bad mood. Maybe just there you will meet someone who will help you find a job. Despite the progress in the field of employment (the Internet, recruiting agencies), they prefer to hire us, as before, “by acquaintance”.

● Do not neglect the offer of temporary work, continuing to look for a permanent one. If you perform well, it can become permanent.

● No one is immune from dramatic twists of fate. Even geniuses. The example of one of the players of the Madrid football club "Real" is widely known. A ridiculous car accident confined him to a wheelchair for a whole year. In the end, he managed to get on his feet, but had to say goodbye to a brilliant football career. “What to do? After all, apart from football, I can’t do anything!” - the former footballer was tormented. Friends advised him to try his hand at ... the singing genre. And they didn't fail. So the brilliant Julio Iglesias appeared to the world.

● No less significant is the story of another famous person. Before becoming famous in the literary field, he was ... an accountant. Everything changed when an unknown Mr. Porter was accused of embezzlement and landed in jail. From melancholy and hopelessness, he began to write stories. He came out of prison as a popular novelist, known under the pseudonym O "Henry.

7 surefire ways to lose your job

1. Have no plans.

2. Do not maintain at the proper level and do not update your skills and abilities.

3. Provide no results.

5. Surround yourself with sycophants.

6. Forget to give credit to others.

By the way

Layoff stress is more pronounced in men. Women are more resistant to the blows of fate and respond flexibly to a stressful situation. The loss of a job is very painful for people of retirement age, as well as those who step over “dangerous” age limits: the so-called age of first growing up (33-35 / 35-37 years) and mature age - 46-48 / 52-54.

The level of stress experienced also depends on the psychological type to which the person belongs. Temperamental, sociable people, although they perceive the news of dismissal hard, overcome a stressful situation relatively quickly. As a rule, two weeks are enough for them to get rid of stress. Another thing - people are phlegmatic, closed. Stress develops in them on the rise and stretches for a long period.

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A sudden departure from the workplace, and even against one's own will, can cause stress for any person. In fact, you should not treat the situation as a tragedy and the end of life. We have collected the best ways that will tell you how to survive the dismissal from work, find peace and harmony with yourself.

For some, leaving a job even of their own accord seems to be the greatest problem, others think that they were fired from their jobs so that they can finally realize their dreams. Avid workaholics should understand that hundreds of vacancies open daily, and they only need one! Days away in the office, and a bunch of assignments from management do not give you the opportunity to think about development, so the dismissal is beneficial.

Look at the problem from a different angle

The constant suggestion to oneself that life ended after being fired only brings harm. It is not necessary to bring everything to apathy and depression.

It is hardly worth driving yourself into stress, from which only a psychologist can withdraw

Forced idleness can be easily turned to your advantage. There are many ways, the main thing is to choose something to your liking. You can devote time to your needs or immediately rush to look for a new job.

Time to look for work

Finding the job of your dreams is quite possible. This will not happen immediately, however, with a competent approach, you can plan the time so that you have time to do everything before starting a new job. Estimate the right time and make a budget for this period. Plan all the activities and do not forget about rest and entertainment.

Vacation heals

When apathy for everything sets in, tourism or a yoga seminar will be an excellent solution. Contact with nature and spiritual practices will help you find harmony. Jogging in the morning or other physical activity will help well. All it takes is a little desire and a wardrobe update. Just a couple of weeks in this mode, and you won’t want to return to a stuffy office.

Start an active job search

After a good rest, you can start looking for such a desired job with special zeal. To do this, you need to write a well-thought-out resume describing your capabilities and knowledge. The situation in the labor market should be checked daily. If possible, be sure to call employers and find out the details. You will have to go to interviews for a while, like a job, and choose the best among the best.

30 minute daily walk

After leaving work, you should take care of your health. Not all fans of running, but hardly anyone will object to a regular half-hour walk in the fresh air in the morning. It will distract from heavy thoughts and allow you to contemplate nature. In the morning, the air is as clean as possible due to the small number of cars. After the appearance of a new job, there is hardly time for such a ritual.

Don't Forget Physical Activity

Physical activity is good for both the body and the brain. Constant sitting on the couch and a long sleep contributes to the deterioration of mood and health. You can not go to expensive fitness clubs and gyms, enough homework. Morning exercises will help to cheer up and energize.

Make time for healthy eating

If fate gave a respite, then you need to use it with maximum benefit. Office work is associated with irregular meals and a lot of coffee. It's time to correct the situation and learn how to cook healthy dishes. Simple recipes with familiar ingredients are not only delicious, but also help save both time and money.

You should think about working

Dismissal is unexpected and can happen at the wrong time. Money is never superfluous, so alternative earnings are a good idea. This will add self-confidence and help you relax during the absence of your main job. In any case, you do not have to worry that there will not be enough funds for the most necessary things.

Indulge in entertainment

Psychologists advise to communicate more with relatives and friends, have fun together, go to visit or meet with interesting people. It's good to know what's on in the movies and theaters. friends can give good advice to help you find a new job.

Deal with things

It is difficult to deal with your problems when the work excites almost 24 hours a day. A layoff gives you the opportunity to finish a renovation, fix a faucet, or assemble a shelf that was bought a couple of months (or years) ago. Any household chores will help distract from the fear of being out of work.

Online study

It is worth deciding and purchasing a training course in a specialty, self-development or psychology. Knowledge will not become superfluous and will help you stand out from other candidates in the pursuit of your dream job. You can master a completely new professional niche if there has been interest in it for a long time.

Think about a career change

A temporary break from work is the best time to think about your own interests. After all, it happens that a person has long been tired of working in the office, but is simply afraid to admit it. What else would you like to do? It is useful to ask yourself such questions not only for a change of profession, but also before training.

Problems are such only if a person treats the situation negatively. It is worth looking at the dismissal in a new way and using the gift of fate in full.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

The crisis is unpredictable. And it seemed that only yesterday you were not in danger at your workplace, but today your boss announces a reduction, and you are fired. It is clear that this is a serious stress, but you should not consider yourself an unlucky person, become discouraged and curse fate. You need to gather strength and show character in order to get out of the situation, while maintaining your health and self-esteem as much as possible, and not to do stupid things in a state of shock, resentment and irritation.

And there will certainly be a shock, even if you intuitively felt the possibility of being fired. This is due to the fact that you were faced with the need to change your life, because the loss of a job will definitely require this. That's why it's so important to keep your emotions and actions under control when you've been told you've been fired. If you do not have the opportunity to somehow influence such a decision, then you need to leave calmly and without unnecessary unnecessary words.

If suddenly you are offered to sign a voluntary resignation letter or a document that causes you doubts, ask for time to think. By law, your employer must give you at least 2 months' notice of termination, and you're also entitled to compensation. It is also impossible to dismiss a pregnant woman from her job to reduce, as well as a young mother who has children under three years old.

Emotions that overwhelm you can be shown at home, among people close to you who will understand you and not judge you. Surely you will want to complain, and quarrel, and accuse of injustice - do it within the walls of your home. Such a discharge will help you to take a calmer look at the situation, analyze it and outline a plan of action.

You will really need the acquired peace of mind when you start taking steps in search of a new job, because, keeping resentment, bitterness, irritation in your soul, it will be difficult for you to concentrate on interviews and even be objective to yourself. In addition, such feelings are difficult to hide, and the employer, first of all, needs stress-resistant employees.

If your relatives or friends offer you their help in finding a job, do not refuse. It is very good that there are people next to you who are ready to help and support.

As for the company that is firing you, then you need to part with it, at least calmly, so you can try to agree, for example, on a later term for dismissal. This will be quite possible if you are doing some kind of long-term work and will be able to reasonably explain to your superiors that it is you who should complete it. And you will need the time gained to find a new job.

In addition, we should not forget about compensation: by law, the employer is obliged to pay you a salary for 2 months if you have not found a new job during this period. In addition, do not forget that the company must pay you for unused vacation for the entire period of work. So make sure it gets done.

You can talk to your boss about keeping your job, but on a part-time basis - often a company that is forced to make a big layoff has difficulties, and they use the services of old employees so as not to look for and train new ones.

You can also find out if there is workplace in another division of the same company. Even if you are offered a lower salary during the transition, you should not immediately refuse indignantly - the important thing is that you will have income until you find a new job.

In addition, if you behave calmly in this situation, you can turn to your former boss with a request for recommendations and characteristics - this will help you with a new job. Moreover, it is possible that it is your boss who will be able to recommend you to his friends and other companies.

What to do if the day has come when you do not need to rush to work? Take care of organizing your life for a period of involuntary unemployment. First of all, draw up a budget for the year, in which you take into account all the necessary expenses: utility bills, medical care, food, car, clothes. Now calculate what savings you have and the income that may come in the near future.

Now try to cut costs as much as possible. Think about what you can give up. Maybe change the car to a cheaper one or start using public transport? You can change the mobile tariff, find a cheaper Internet provider, refuse some purchases.

If you have outstanding loans, contact the bank and discuss the situation with a consultant, because any bank is interested in getting at least some money from you, and therefore may agree to concessions, for example, temporarily reduce loan payments or even It's time to freeze them.

If you have the opportunity to get at least a temporary job, do not neglect it - even if you do not really like it, you can hold out without loss for a while until you find a permanent place.

And, of course, without wasting time, immediately start looking for a new job. In order not to miss a single opportunity, mark for yourself what you would like to find, that is, what you are good at and love to do. But in the same way, list those items that are impossible for you, for example, business trips, etc. And, of course, determine for yourself the minimum wage that you need to maintain your previous standard of living.

Perhaps fate gives you a chance to change your profession, so try yourself in the business that interests you, but is not your main profession. If the specialty that appeals to you requires additional knowledge, consider learning a little. Even a one-day training session can be an impetus for major changes.

If you do not have to rush to work every day, this does not mean that you can afford to completely relax and lead a free lifestyle. On the contrary, you need to be even more collected than ever, so everyone start by making a plan for the necessary things, and strictly follow it. Constantly read the media, the Internet job advertisements, send resumes to all addresses that seem to you at least slightly relevant to your interests, call potential employers, go to all interviews. When communicating with friends, say that you are looking for a job - it is very important to be in the right place at the right time, because, "His Majesty the case," it can turn up at any moment.

Be sure to maintain relationships with friends and relatives, lead a healthy lifestyle, that is, go outside, eat normally, and in no case turn your life into a tragedy. Moreover, use the time of your job search to rest, improve your health and gain strength for further activities.

Pay great attention to preparing for interviews: rehearse the answers to the most common questions. At the interview, try not to be nervous, and do not consider each interview as the last chance - this is just another opportunity, which you will still have enough. Be open about why you were fired from your current job, and try to focus on what you can and want to do for the company so that the employer chooses you.

And, of course, do not stop believing in luck. It is self-confidence and calmness that will be the very qualities that, when choosing a candidate for a free vacancy, ceteris paribus, will give an advantage in your favor.

Have you been fired from your job? Listen to advice on how to survive and build new life.

You know, there is such a peculiar scale that characterizes the level of a person's feelings in connection with the occurrence of a specific stressful situation. So, according to this scale, dismissal from a job you love without your own will is one of the most severe nervous shocks for a person, second only to the death of a relative or divorce.

What can be advised in such a situation? How to deal with being fired from a job you love? Try to gather all your willpower into a fist and leave with dignity, avoiding litigation, insults, without destroying your own nervous system, nor their now former colleagues.

It is on your behavior and inner mood in this difficult period of time that it largely depends on how your life path.

Swallow the grudge and leave beautifully!

Agree, leaving work not of your own free will, but at the direction of your superiors, you really want to slam the door, and before that tell your former boss everything you think about him. And somehow to play a dirty trick, remove the necessary information from the database or take the contacts of serious clients with you, which will lead to temporary problems in the work of a once such a native organization.

Don't give in to fleeting desire! This can be harmful in the future, when your new potential boss decides to check in with your previous job and hears far from unflattering reviews about you.

Rest assured, you will be able to survive the layoff. Just swallow your resentment, say goodbye to the team only with warm words, and let just such a bright image remain in the memory of your colleagues before leaving. No wonder they say that the first and last words are usually remembered.

Who is at risk of being fired?

Unfortunately, the sudden loss of a job negatively affects self-esteem. A person has a feeling of undeserved resentment and loss of strength life positions. He asks: “Why did they do this to me?”, "I mean nothing, and nothing depends on me", How to survive being fired from a job you love?. If such thoughts have appeared in your head, try to pull yourself together and convince yourself that life does not consist solely in this lost work. Now it would be more correct to realize the reasons that the situation turned out this way for you, draw the right conclusions in order to survive the dismissal, and build a plan for further action.

An interesting fact is that in most cases two absolutely opposite types of people lose their jobs. These are those who for a long period of time simply do not want to change anything in their lives, although the work has long been tired and does not bring any positive emotions and good money. The person himself does not dare to write a statement, but he goes to work like hard labor. In this case, dismissal due to downsizing or other grounds is only good. A person receives the same impetus for change, which he has unconsciously been waiting for a long time.

But the second type is workaholics, for whom the loss of a job is tantamount to the loss of the meaning of life. The reason for dismissal here often lies in the excessive zeal of the employee and the unwillingness of the management to allow more high level someone's professionalism, fear of competition.

Start your job search as soon as possible

Losing a job frees up a fairly large chunk of time that was previously occupied. At the beginning, this is even good, you can relax and redo all those things that you usually put off until later. However, the very fact of why this free time appeared brings thoughts back to feelings of undeserved dismissal, and it is not possible to relax properly. Hence the mental anguish, depression, neurosis, which in turn prevent them from finding a new job. A vicious circle is formed, often observed by psychologists, if you do not destroy which, you can bring yourself to a serious illness. What does this state of being observed not only in those who have been laid off, but also in those who have simply become pensioners, who, having felt their "unloaded" begin to instantly grow old and suffer from various diseases.

The advice of psychologists to avoid this condition is to find a new job as soon as possible. The sooner you find a new use for yourself, the sooner you forget the old activity. Take the situation in which you find yourself as a chance to start a new life, achieve new successes, build a new career.

Live by the rules

It is quite correct during the period of looking for a new job and the desire to survive the dismissal from your favorite job, behavior is built according to the following rules:

Continue to live according to the previously set modes. Get up in the morning at the same time as before, and eat at the previously set hours. If you are a man, be sure to shave in the morning, if you are a woman, do your hair and makeup.

Every day, take action to find a new job - look for relevant ads on specialized sites on the Internet, send out, go for interviews.

In your free time, you go in for sports, do not stick around in front of the TV, get enough sleep, and be more often in the fresh air. If you know about some of your sores, try to treat them during the period of time that you have freed up. Finish all the chores around the house that you used to put off until later due to lack of time and not much desire.

Stay away from loved ones

Often, during such forced inaction, when a person experiences severe psychological experiences and looks for those responsible for what happened around him, his relationships with friends and relatives deteriorate. At the same time, gradual cooling is observed precisely from the side of loved ones. Who wants to communicate with a person who is in a deep depression and closed in on his problems, who is so hard to survive the dismissal?

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Therefore, try not to cross yourself out of the lives of friends and relatives with your behavior, solve some problems together, do not refuse invitations to visit or travel together, perform some duties that others have previously taken on.

Try to survive the dismissal, find some kind of part-time job, while continuing to look for the main job. After all, temporary, if everything works out well for you, can become permanent.

Learn from others to overcome difficulties

Do not forget that life is unpredictable, today you are in a difficult situation, it is difficult for you to survive the dismissal from your favorite job, and tomorrow everything can turn radically, and now you are already on a horse and ahead of everyone. This happens even with famous people. An example of this is the world-famous singer Julio Iglesias, who started out as a highly successful soccer player in the Madrid Real Madrid, but having got into a car accident, he lost the opportunity to continue his career. And only having listened to the advice of friends, he took up the art of singing, in which he succeeded so much.

The story of one accountant who was accused of illegal spending of money and put behind bars was not nearly more interesting. In prison, having nothing to do, he began to write stories, and he came out as a famous writer, taking on the pseudonym O "Henry.

It's better not to do that

Try to avoid behavior that will sooner or later lead you to lose your job, namely:

Live inertly, without making plans for the future;
Do not develop your professional skills;
Do not strive to achieve any results;
Be confident in your indispensability;
Have flatterers in your environment;
Do not take into account the merits of others;
Don't let others know about your accomplishments.

By the way

The psychological stress resulting from being fired is much more pronounced in men than in women. The latter are more resistant to difficult life turns and can quickly survive the dismissal from their favorite job. It is extremely hard to endure the dismissal of pensioners, as well as people within certain age limits: at the age of 33-37 and 46-54. Also, the degree of experience directly depends on. People with a temperamental, cheerful, open character endure the problem of job loss much faster. They are also worried about this, but they cope with it within a couple of weeks. But it is much more difficult for closed, uncommunicative individuals to survive the dismissal, they can experience stress for a much longer period.