Pearl Harbor historical facts. The history of the attack and the bombing of Pearl Harbor: how it happened

On December 7, 1941, carrier-based aircraft of the Japanese Imperial Combined Fleet attacked the main US naval and air bases in pacific ocean

An event that still causes controversy among historians and politicians, an incident that radically changed the course of the entire Second World War - so what was it: the subtle calculation of the American intelligence services and the political establishment or the success of Japanese weapons? Most likely, we will not know the answer to this question soon. However, no one bothers us even now to try to understand this military episode in order to draw our own conclusions. Moreover, he is well known at least for visualization in cinema: I think the Oscar-winner of the same name Feature Film a lot of people watched and in general terms they imagine the events of that attack.

Preparing for war

It would be useful to inform our reader that the war in the Pacific was most likely a foregone conclusion. Japan abandoned its intention to strike at the USSR from the location of the Kwantung Army in Manchuria. And the rejection of this (conditionally - "Western") plan implied the implementation of a certain "Eastern option", that is, expansion in the Pacific Ocean. By the way, this state of affairs can be considered a victory for Soviet diplomacy in the prewar years and another positive aspect of the Non-Aggression Pact between Germany and the USSR. Japan felt betrayed, despite being a member of the Anti-Comintern Pact, and did not want to help the Germans.

One way or another, the Japanese headquarters - primarily the Navy, since Japan had a strict division of land and naval forces, which later played a cruel joke with them - began to plan a campaign to seize the Pacific Ocean. The special cynicism of the Japanese militarists was that some regions were called, for example, "special resource regions", where only raw materials were taken into account, and people, of course, were subject to eviction, destruction and persecution. However, the massacre in Chinese Nanjing (200 thousand killed) left no doubt that the Japanese would act tough.


One of the leading Japanese strategists, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, developed a plan for the expansion of the Japanese Empire, based on the capture of the islands as transshipment bases, resource centers and achieving dominance at sea and in the air primarily with the help of the fleet. The American oil embargo against Japan in July 1941 only accelerated the implementation of these plans. However, by then the Japanese were already in French Indochina (Vietnam) and the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia). The ring around the Americans narrowed.

Carefully thought out plan

Japanese intelligence, which worked perfectly with the help of residency right at the American base, constantly supplied data on the movement of American ships. With this information, Yamamoto devised a well-thought-out plan. After carefully studying the experience of the British air raid on the Italian naval base at Taranto, where the Japanese allies suffered heavy losses, Yamamoto borrowed many solutions. For example, an aircraft carrier strike force advanced to the Hawaiian Islands from the Kuril region in complete radio silence. The grouping of 6 heavy aircraft carriers Akagi, Kaga, Soryu, Hiryu, Shokaku and Zuikaku was supported by an impressive guard. And 6 submarines were supposed to deliver midget boats to the bay for torpedo attacks, and then start patrolling.


The main blow was delivered by carrier-based aircraft, which had 414 aircraft of three types - B5N "Kate" torpedo bombers, D3A "Val" dive bombers and the famous Zero A6M fighters. Part of the torpedo bombers performed the unconventional role of high-altitude bombers, armed with 800-kilogram armor-piercing bombs, the rest had torpedoes, but with special wooden stabilizer devices that prevented torpedoes from burrowing into the ground when dropped in a shallow bay. Dive-bombers traditionally threw 250-kilogram bombs, and "Zero" from cannons and machine guns shot planes in open parking lots and personnel. The blow was supposed to be delivered by three successive waves of aircraft.


Despite all these preparations, there are several (let's call them strange) circumstances that preceded the attack, as well as the entry of the United States into World War II. Scouts of all levels, as well as friendly intelligence, including the legendary Richard Sorge, repeatedly warned the US top leadership about the possible outbreak of hostilities, and quite accurately. On December 6, 1941, the Americans were even able to decipher a secret Japanese note in response to an American ultimatum, which actually meant war. President Roosevelt received it at 21.30 on December 6, that is, even before the attack, but no one warned the base. Finally, "fantastic" things are also marked! 50 minutes (!) Before the approach, the armada of Japanese aircraft was detected by radar, but for some reason they were considered their own. Indeed, just think, more than 300 "their" planes are flying uncontrollably somewhere?! And shortly before the attack on the US west coast and other areas, all American aircraft carriers were redeployed - a guarantee of future victories in the war at sea. Are there too many coincidences? Think for yourself.

Torah, Torah, Torah!

With this conditional phrase, the Japanese pilots confirmed the success and achievement of the surprise effect of the first wave of attack to Admiral Chuichi Nagumo, who commanded the aircraft carrier strike group. Early on Sunday morning, while the personnel were still asleep and many were on leave, 183 Japanese aircraft appeared over Pearl Harbor. At first, many mistook the noise of the engines for exercises or the landing of heavy bombers. Each Japanese pilot had photographs of his target, and the targets themselves, primarily 9 battleships, were distributed with "multiple overlap". The effect of the strike was overwhelming, and the general panic and lack of an organized rebuff aggravated the situation. Soon, in the smoke and fire above the water, an explosion of monstrous force was heard, with the nose broken in two, the battleship Arizona went to the bottom, and the Oklahoma turned over. Over the harbor, like angry bees, Japanese planes circled and continued to sting.

Sinking battleship "Arizona"

A row of battleships ("A row of battleships" are concrete piles to which heavy ships moored side to side) at Pearl Harbor. From left to right: battleships USS West Virginia, USS Tennessee (damaged) and USS Arizona (sunk).
The attack on Pearl Harbor (Pearl Bay) or, according to Japanese sources, the Hawaiian operation is a sudden combined attack by the Japanese carrier-based aircraft of the aircraft carrier formation of Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo and Japanese midget submarines delivered to the site of the attack by submarines of the Japanese Imperial Navy on the American military naval and air bases located in the vicinity of Pearl Harbor on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, occurred on Sunday morning December 7, 1941.

As a result of the attack on the naval base of Pearl Harbor, the United States was forced to declare war on Japan and enter World War II. The attack was a preventive measure against the United States, aimed at eliminating the American navy, gaining air supremacy in the Pacific region and subsequent military operations against Burma, Thailand, and the US western possessions in the Pacific Ocean. The attack consisted of two air raids, in which 353 aircraft took off from 6 Japanese aircraft carriers. The attack on Pearl Harbor was the main reason for the US entry into World War II. Because of the attack, and especially because of its nature, public opinion in America changed dramatically from an isolationist stance in the mid-1930s to direct participation in the war effort. On December 8, 1941, US President Franklin Roosevelt addressed a joint session of both houses of Congress. The President demanded from December 7, from "the day that will go down in history as a symbol of shame", to declare war on Japan. The Congress adopted a corresponding resolution.

base layout Navy USA at Pearl Harbor, built in Japan in 1941 while planning an operation to attack this base. The location of the ship models extremely accurately reproduces their real place in the "line of battleships".


After the First World War, the Pacific Ocean became the scene of contradictions between two strong maritime states - the USA and Japan. The United States, rapidly advancing to the position of a leading world power, sought to establish control over this strategically important region. Japan was striving for the same goal, experiencing serious difficulties in providing strategic materials and considering itself deprived of colonies in South-East Asia. The contradictions were bound to turn into a military clash, but this was hampered by the isolationist and anti-war sentiments that dominated American public opinion. Only a strong psychological shock could destroy these moods, which did not take long to wait. The introduction by the United States of economic sanctions against Japan, which included an embargo on the supply of petroleum products, made war inevitable. Japan was faced with a choice - to suffocate in the ring of economic blockade or die with honor, trying to get the resources it needs in battle. The top Japanese generals understood that for an unconditional victory over the United States, it was necessary to defeat the American Pacific Fleet, land troops on the US west coast and reach Washington with battles, which, given the ratio of the economic and military potentials of the two countries, was completely unrealistic. Forced under pressure from the political elite to enter the war, they relied on the only chance they had - to inflict unacceptable damage on the United States with one powerful blow and force them to sign peace on terms favorable to Japan.

Pearl Harbor before the attack

The main events of December 7, 1941 unfolded around Fr. Ford Island, a small island in the center of the East Loch of Pearl Harbor. On the island there was an airfield for the Navy, and around there were parking lots of ships. On the southeast coast of Ford is located the so-called "Row of battleships" (Battleship Row) - 6 pairs of massive concrete piles designed for mooring heavy ships. The battleship is moored simultaneously to two piles. Side by side, a second ship can moor to it.

View of Pearl Harbor harbor and a number of battleships during the Japanese attack
By December 7, there were 93 ships and support vessels at Pearl Harbor. Among them are 8 battleships, 8 cruisers, 29 destroyers, 5 submarines, 9 minelayers and 10 US Navy minesweepers. The air force consisted of 394 aircraft, air defense was provided by 294 anti-aircraft guns. The garrison of the base consisted of 42,959 people. The ships in the harbor and the planes at the airfield were crowded, they were a convenient target for attack. The air defense of the base was not ready to repel attacks. Most of the anti-aircraft guns were not manned, the ammunition was under lock and key.

Japanese aircraft carriers heading for Pearl Harbor. The photo shows the flight deck of the Zuikaku aircraft carrier in its bow, twin installations of universal 127-mm type 89 guns. The Kaga aircraft carrier (closer) and the Akagi aircraft carrier (farther) are visible ahead. The differences between the aircraft carriers of the 1st division are clearly visible; at the Akagi, the superstructure is located on the port side.


To attack Pearl Harbor, the Japanese command allocated an aircraft carrier formation under the command of Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo, consisting of 23 ships and 8 tankers. The formation consisted of a strike group, which consisted of six aircraft carriers: Akagi, Hiryu, Kaga, Shokaku, Soryu and Zuikaku (1st, 2nd and 5th divisions of aircraft carriers), Groups cover (2nd detachment of the 3rd battleship division), two heavy cruisers (8th cruiser division), one light cruiser and nine destroyers (1st destroyer squadron), a forward detachment of three submarines and a supply detachment from eight tankers. (Futida M., Okumiya M. Battle at Midway Atoll. Lane from English. M., 1958. S. 52.) The aviation group of the compound consisted of a total of 353 aircraft.

The operation, which was carefully planned and prepared, was led by the commander of the combined Japanese fleet, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto. Special meaning was given to the achievement of surprise attacks. On November 22, 1941, the task force gathered in the strictest secrecy in Hitokappu Bay (Kuril Islands) and from here, observing radio silence, on November 26 headed for Pearl Harbor. The transition took place along the longest (6300 km) route, which was distinguished by frequent stormy weather, but the least visited by ships. In order to disguise, a false radio exchange was made, which simulated the presence of all large Japanese ships in the Inland Sea of ​​Japan. (Soviet military encyclopedia. V.6. S. 295.)

Briefing on the deck of the aircraft carrier "Kaga" before the raid on Pearl Harbor
However, for the American government, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was not so unexpected. The Americans deciphered the Japanese codes and read all Japanese messages for several months. The warning about the inevitability of war was sent on time - November 27, 1941. The Americans received a clear warning about Pearl Harbor at the last moment, on the morning of December 7, but the order to increase vigilance, sent through a commercial line, reached Pearl Harbor only 22 minutes before the start of the Japanese attack, and was transferred to the liaison only at 10 hours 45 minutes when it was all over. (See: History of the Pacific War. T.Z. M., 1958. S. 264; Second World War: Two views. S. 465.)

In the pre-dawn darkness of December 7, Vice Admiral Nagumo's aircraft carriers reached the lift point and were 200 miles from Pearl Harbor. On the night of December 7, 2 Japanese destroyers fired on about. Midway, and at Pearl Harbor, launched 5 Japanese midget submarines began to operate. Two of them were destroyed by American patrol forces.

At 0600 on December 7, 183 aircraft of the first wave took off from the aircraft carriers and headed for the target. There were 49 attack aircraft - bombers of the "97" type, each of which carried an 800-kilogram armor-piercing bomb, 40 attack aircraft-torpedo bombers with a torpedo suspended under the fuselage, 51 dive bombers of the "99" type, each with a 250-kilogram bomb. The covering force consisted of three groups of fighters, numbering a total of 43 vehicles. (Futida M., Okumiya M., op. cit. p. 54.)

First plane ready to take off from USS Shokaku at Pearl Harbor
The sky over Pearl Harbor was clear. At 7:55 a.m., Japanese aircraft attacked all large ships and aircraft at the airfield. There was not a single American fighter in the air, and not a single gun flare on the ground. As a result Japanese attack, which lasted about an hour, 3 battleships were sunk and destroyed big number aircraft. Having finished bombing, the bombers headed for their aircraft carriers. The Japanese lost 9 aircraft.

The destroyed Naval Air Station at Pearl Harbor
Aircraft of the second wave (167 aircraft) took off from aircraft carriers at 07:15. In the second wave, there were 54 attack aircraft-bombers of the "97" type, 78 dive bombers "99" and 35 destroyers, which covered the actions of the bombers. The second attack by Japanese aircraft met stronger resistance from the Americans. By 0800, the planes returned to the aircraft carriers. Of all the aircraft involved in the air raid, the Japanese lost 29 (9 fighters, 15 dive bombers and 5 torpedo bombers). Losses in manpower amounted to a total of 55 officers and enlisted men. In addition, the Americans sank one submarine and 5 midget submarines, which proved to be ineffective.

The throw of the battleship "Nevada" inside the harbor during the attack on Pearl Harbor. On this day, she became the only American battleship that managed to move and tried to get out of the bay. However, due to the threat of sinking by the Japanese in the fairway, the Nevada was ordered to throw itself ashore. In total, during the attack on Pearl Harbor, the battleship Nevada was hit by 1 air torpedo and 2-3 air bombs, after which it ran aground.

Japanese aviation

In total, three types of aircraft were based on the Japanese aircraft carriers participating in the attack on Pearl Harbor, widely known by the code names given to them in the US Navy: Zero fighters, Kate torpedo bombers and Val dive bombers. Brief characteristics these aircraft are shown in the table:

Japanese A6M Zero fighters before taking off to attack the American base at Pearl Harbor on the deck of the Akagi aircraft carrier. The photo was taken a few minutes before departure.

Aircraft of the first wave

Group numbers are conditional, for designation on the diagrams

Aircraft of the second wave

Group numbers are conditional, for designation on the diagrams.


As a result of the Japanese airborne strike on Pearl Harbor, the strategic goal is to prevent interference Pacific Fleet US in Japanese operations in the south - has been largely achieved. 4 American battleships were sunk, 4 more heavily damaged. 10 other warships were sunk or disabled; 349 American aircraft destroyed or damaged; among the killed or wounded Americans - 3581 military, 103 civilians. (World War II: Two Views. S. 466.)

The Japanese victory could have been even more significant. They failed to cause the slightest harm to enemy aircraft carriers. All 4 American aircraft carriers were absent at Pearl Harbor: 3 of them went to sea, one was being repaired in California. The Japanese made no attempt to destroy the huge American oil reserves in Hawaii, which in fact were almost equal to all of the Japanese reserves. The Japanese formation, with the exception of the ships included in a specially organized formation, which consisted of the 2nd division of aircraft carriers, the 8th division of cruisers and 2 destroyers, headed for the inland Sea of ​​Japan. December 23, it arrived at the anchorage at about. Hasira.

Thus, by 10 a.m. on December 7, the American fleet in the Pacific had virtually ceased to exist. If by the beginning of the war the ratio of the combat power of the American and Japanese fleets was 10: 7.5 (History of the Pacific War. T.Z. S. 266), now the ratio in large ships has changed in favor of the Japanese naval forces. On the very first day of hostilities, the Japanese won dominance at sea and were able to carry out extensive offensive operations in the Philippines, Malaya and the Dutch Indies.

The battleship "California" and the tanker "Neosho" during the raid on Pearl Harbor. The battleship California sank after being hit by two torpedoes and two bombs. The crew could have saved the ship, and even set sail, but abandoned it because of the threat of fire from a flaming oil slick that leaked from other ships of the line. The ship landed on the ground. Has been restored. In the background is the Neosho squadron tanker, subsequently sunk by Japanese carrier-based aircraft in the battle in the Coral Sea in May 1942. By a fortunate circumstance for the Americans, as a result of the fact that during the attack on Pearl Harbor, the pilots of Japanese aircraft had warships as a clear target, there were no hits on the tanker. The Neosho tanks were filled to capacity with high-octane aviation gasoline...

US losses

"Arizona" - two bomb hits, sunk, currently - a memorial cemetery at the bottom of Pearl Harbor.

"California" - three torpedo hits, one bomb hit, sunk, later raised.

"Maryland" - two bomb hits, damaged, restored and modernized.

"Nevada" - one torpedo, five or more bomb hits, laid down on the ground, restored and modernized.

Oklahoma - 9 torpedo hits, capsized, later raised and cut into metal.

"Pennsylvania" - one bomb hit, restored.

Tennessee - two bomb hits, repaired.

West Virginia - Two bomb and nine torpedo hits, sunk, later raised, restored and upgraded.

"Helena" - one torpedo hit, damaged, restored.

"Honolulu" - bomb explosion next to the ship, repaired.

Rayleigh - one torpedo and one bomb hit, heavily damaged, repaired.

Cassin - one bomb hit, one nearby, badly damaged, repaired.

"Downs" - one bomb hit, badly damaged, repaired.

"Helm" - bomb explosion nearby, repaired.

"Shaw" - three bomb hits, repaired.

"Oglala" - damaged by a nearby torpedo explosion, sank, raised and restored.

"Curtis" - one bomb hit, repaired.

"Sotoyomo" - sunk, raised and repaired.

"Yutah" - two torpedo hits, rolled over, now - a memorial cemetery.

"Vestal" - two bomb hits, heavily damaged, restored.

YFD-2 - sunk, salvaged and recovered.

169 aircraft, including six SBDs from the Enterprise

In total: eight battleships either sunk or damaged, three cruisers and four destroyers damaged, one minesweeper sunk, two auxiliary ships sunk and one damaged.

Total: 2388 killed, 1109 wounded, half of the total died on board the Arizona.

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Losses The desperate resistance of the defenders led to serious losses in the ranks of the attackers. The 3rd shock army, which made its way to the Reichstag, suffered quite heavy losses in the battle for Berlin. From April 20 to April 30, the army of V.I. Kuznetsov lost 12,130 people (2151 people killed, 59

From the book Pearl Harbor. Japan strikes author Ivanov S. V.

US losses "Arizona" - two bomb hits, sunk, currently - a memorial cemetery at the bottom of Pearl Harbor. "California" - three torpedo hits, one bomb, sunk, later raised. "Maryland" - two bomb hits, damaged , restored

From the book Alien Wars author Barabanov Mikhail Sergeevich

US losses "Arizona" - two bomb hits, sunk, currently - a memorial cemetery at the bottom of Pearl Harbor. "California" - three torpedo hits, one bomb, sunk, later raised. "Maryland" - two bomb hits, damaged, restored and

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Losses During the years of the war in Afghanistan, the United States and NATO irretrievably lost at least 2837 military personnel, of which 1858 (65.5%) fell on the United States, 392 (13.8%) - Great Britain, 158 (5.6%) - Canada. Among non-NATO members, Australia (32) and Georgia (10) have the highest casualties. It should be noted,

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Losses of the United States In the period from December 1, 1941 to August 31, 1945, 14,903,213 people served in the American armed forces, including 10,420,000 people in the army, 3,883,520 people in the navy and 599,693 people in the marine corps person. Losses of the US military in the Second

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LOSSES The history of the 46th Infantry Regiment quite casually says that they took Balaklava "without bloodshed." Therefore, they tried to give the battle a fierce character, and the losses of the Allies to make large, which is more likely

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LOSSES "... It was not at all the number of the dead that struck the imagination (whether Crimea saw such hecatombs in those years!), but the unforgivable, inexcusable frivolity that caused the catastrophe." E. Tarle. "Crimean War". Compared with other battles of the Crimean campaign, Balaklava

Pearl Harbor is the largest US naval base in the Pacific, located on the island of Oahu in the Hawaiian Islands.

During World War II, on December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor was attacked by surprise. Japanese army, which destroyed most of the American Pacific Fleet within two hours. This elaborate attack by Japanese naval forces became known as the 1941 Hawaiian operation.

The Hawaiian operation was carried out by an aircraft carrier strike group under the command of Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo, consisting of 33 ships, including six heavy aircraft carriers (with 420 aircraft on board), two battleships, three cruisers, 11 destroyers, three submarines and eight tankers and a formation of 27 submarines with five midget submarines on board. The overall command of the forces was carried out by the commander of the Japanese Combined Fleet, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto.

The American Pacific Fleet under the command of Admiral Husband Kimmel, located at the naval base of Pearl Harbor, consisted of 93 ships, including nine battleships (one training), eight cruisers, 29 destroyers, five submarines, nine destroyers and minelayers, 10 minesweepers. There were 390 aircraft at the airfields of Oahu, including 167 naval aviation aircraft.

The air defense of the base consisted of 188 anti-aircraft guns, more than 100 machine gun installations and five radar stations. The garrison under General William Short numbered 42,959 men.

Japan began preparations for the operation in January 1941 with the strictest secrecy. Even Japan's allies, Germany and Italy, did not know about its goals and date. The route of passage of the ships practically excluded a meeting with merchant and fishing vessels and was outside the range of American patrol aircraft. During the transition, radio silence was strictly observed, at the same time, radio exchange was carried out in the Inland Sea of ​​Japan using the call signs of those ships that were heading to the Hawaiian Islands in order to disorient the enemy.

On the evening of December 6, Japanese submarines took up their starting positions on the nearest approaches to the island of Oahu and at 2300 hours began launching midget submarines. On December 7, a Japanese aircraft carrier formation entered the area located at a distance of 275 miles (about 450 km) north of the island.

It was Sunday. Part of the personnel of the American ships was on the shore. The entrance to the harbor of Pearl Harbor was not closed by booms (floating) barriers, and there was also no anti-torpedo net barrier for battleships. Disposition of ships long time didn't change. Aircraft at the airfields were crowded, on the approaches to the Hawaiian Islands, aerial reconnaissance was carried out only sporadically.

The Japanese General Staff, on the contrary, had comprehensive data on the disposition of American ships and the state of the base's defenses.

On December 7, at 0615 Hawaiian time, 40 torpedo bombers, 49 bombers, 51 dive bombers and 43 fighters took off from Japanese aircraft carriers. The raid on the base began at 07:55. At 0915 hours, the second group of aircraft (54 bombers, 78 dive bombers, 35 fighters) struck. The entire raid on the base lasted 2 hours and 5 minutes.

Four battleships, a cruiser, two destroyers, several support vessels and 188 aircraft were destroyed. Four battleships, three light cruisers, a destroyer, two support vessels and over 100 aircraft were damaged. American losses in manpower amounted to 3,581 people.

The Japanese lost 29 aircraft and six submarines (of which five were midgets), over 70 aircraft were damaged.

As a result of the Hawaiian operation and the subsequent Philippine and Malayan operations of 1941-1942. Japan won dominance at sea and gained freedom of action in the Pacific Ocean.

With a surprise attack on an American military base, Japan unleashed a war against the United States. On December 8, the USA, Great Britain, Canada and a number of other countries declared war on Japan.

The success of the Hawaiian operation was due to the careful preparation of the Japanese command for the operation, the precise organization of the covert passage of ships, and the suddenness of the strike. The American command made miscalculations in organizing the defense of the main base of the fleet and assessing the situation as a whole.

The operation showed the high combat capabilities of aircraft carriers, midget submarines did not justify themselves.

US President Franklin Roosevelt called December 7, 1941 "a day of indelible shame." The slogan "Remember Pearl Harbor" became the leading slogan in the American war against Japan.

After 1945, the naval base of Pearl Harbor was reconstructed and again began to serve as the main base of the US Pacific Fleet.

A memorial dedicated to the battleship Arizona, sunk by Japanese aircraft, has been opened.

Pearl Harbor is the largest US naval base in the Pacific, located on the island of Oahu in the Hawaiian Islands.

During World War II, on December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor was suddenly attacked by the Japanese army, destroying most of the American Pacific Fleet within two hours. This elaborate attack by Japanese naval forces became known as the 1941 Hawaiian operation.

The Hawaiian operation was carried out by an aircraft carrier strike group under the command of Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo, consisting of 33 ships, including six heavy aircraft carriers (with 420 aircraft on board), two battleships, three cruisers, 11 destroyers, three submarines and eight tankers and a formation of 27 submarines with five midget submarines on board. The overall command of the forces was carried out by the commander of the Japanese Combined Fleet, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto.

The American Pacific Fleet under the command of Admiral Husband Kimmel, located at the naval base of Pearl Harbor, consisted of 93 ships, including nine battleships (one training), eight cruisers, 29 destroyers, five submarines, nine destroyers and minelayers, 10 minesweepers. There were 390 aircraft at the airfields of Oahu, including 167 naval aviation aircraft.

The air defense of the base consisted of 188 anti-aircraft guns, more than 100 machine gun installations and five radar stations. The garrison under General William Short numbered 42,959 men.

Japan began preparations for the operation in January 1941 with the strictest secrecy. Even Japan's allies, Germany and Italy, did not know about its goals and date. The route of passage of the ships practically excluded a meeting with merchant and fishing vessels and was outside the range of American patrol aircraft. During the transition, radio silence was strictly observed, at the same time, radio exchange was carried out in the Inland Sea of ​​Japan using the call signs of those ships that were heading to the Hawaiian Islands in order to disorient the enemy.

On the evening of December 6, Japanese submarines took up their starting positions on the nearest approaches to the island of Oahu and at 2300 hours began launching midget submarines. On December 7, a Japanese aircraft carrier formation entered the area located at a distance of 275 miles (about 450 km) north of the island.

It was Sunday. Part of the personnel of the American ships was on the shore. The entrance to the harbor of Pearl Harbor was not closed by booms (floating) barriers, and there was also no anti-torpedo net barrier for battleships. The disposition of the ships did not change for a long time. Aircraft at the airfields were crowded, on the approaches to the Hawaiian Islands, aerial reconnaissance was carried out only sporadically.

The Japanese General Staff, on the contrary, had comprehensive data on the disposition of American ships and the state of the base's defenses.

On December 7, at 0615 Hawaiian time, 40 torpedo bombers, 49 bombers, 51 dive bombers and 43 fighters took off from Japanese aircraft carriers. The raid on the base began at 07:55. At 0915 hours, the second group of aircraft (54 bombers, 78 dive bombers, 35 fighters) struck. The entire raid on the base lasted 2 hours and 5 minutes.

Four battleships, a cruiser, two destroyers, several support vessels and 188 aircraft were destroyed. Four battleships, three light cruisers, a destroyer, two support vessels and over 100 aircraft were damaged. American losses in manpower amounted to 3,581 people.

The Japanese lost 29 aircraft and six submarines (of which five were midgets), over 70 aircraft were damaged.

As a result of the Hawaiian operation and the subsequent Philippine and Malayan operations of 1941-1942. Japan won dominance at sea and gained freedom of action in the Pacific Ocean.

With a surprise attack on an American military base, Japan unleashed a war against the United States. On December 8, the USA, Great Britain, Canada and a number of other countries declared war on Japan.

The success of the Hawaiian operation was due to the careful preparation of the Japanese command for the operation, the precise organization of the covert passage of ships, and the suddenness of the strike. The American command made miscalculations in organizing the defense of the main base of the fleet and assessing the situation as a whole.

The operation showed the high combat capabilities of aircraft carriers, midget submarines did not justify themselves.

US President Franklin Roosevelt called December 7, 1941 "a day of indelible shame." The slogan "Remember Pearl Harbor" became the leading slogan in the American war against Japan.

After 1945, the naval base of Pearl Harbor was reconstructed and again began to serve as the main base of the US Pacific Fleet.

A memorial dedicated to the battleship Arizona, sunk by Japanese aircraft, has been opened.