Motivational quotes for achievement in sports. Great Athlete Quotes to Help You Achieve Your Goal

In a distant country, there lived an ordinary girl. But she knew that the time would come, and she would become a princess, you just need to wait a little, then a little more, and more. And while other girls worked hard to turn into princesses, the heroine of this fairy tale was still waiting. Many years have passed, and the heroine is already tired of waiting. Are there old princesses? She looked with envy at her peers who lived happy lives, and bitterly understood that she motivated herself incorrectly and, as a result, was left with nothing.

It is motivation that is often the factor that determines whether a person will achieve success in some business or not.

What is motivation?

There is a lot of talk about what motivation is, where it comes from, and how to find it. Motivation is something like a perpetual motion machine that makes a person do what they really don’t want to do. And the more difficult the work that you don’t want to do, the higher and more serious the motivation should be. Motivation is a way to overcome a serious obstacle in the form of: “prepare for exams”, “lose 5 kilograms of weight”, “get up earlier” or “achieve success in sports”.

Features of sports motivation

Sports motivation is practically no different from the usual one. With several amendments. Sports motivation consists of two parts: short-term and long-term. Short-term motivation is a decision here and now, to achieve a certain goal in a specific period of time. Long-term motivation is the decision to achieve a larger goal, the path to which consists of small successes.

If sports motivation is not good enough, then you should not count on great success. In addition, it is worth remembering that the motivation of a bodybuilder will not become a motivation for a football player. Each sport has its own way of interest, which is fully consistent with the characteristics of training.

Motivation and psychotypes

Motivation sports activities directly depends on the characteristics of the human psyche. It will be difficult for a loner to adapt to a team game, and an extrovert will get bored playing tennis alone. Therefore, for each person, it is necessary to initially choose the right, suitable sport for him. Motivation in sports organizations begins precisely from the definition



Sport and motivation

Typical extrovert

He is distinguished by increased sociability, loves loud companies, has many friends. Constantly seeks the support and approval of others

Sports should be regarded as a place where you can find many new acquaintances and make friends with interesting people. The best choice would be rhythmic classes with music in a large group


In many matters, such a person does not need company, he is moderately sociable, and if he does something, then only for himself, and not for show

During sports activities, such a person can get the maximum benefit, because, performing certain exercises, he can think about his own. You can try yoga, martial arts, a gym or a fitness club

Secular personality

For such a person, everything that is acceptable at a social event is acceptable. That's just a feature - to communicate with all the invitees, it negatively affects sports. If such a person is engaged on his own, then he will constantly run from the simulator to the simulator and ultimately do nothing.

It is better to start playing sports with a search for a coach who can choose an interesting program for such a person and will monitor its implementation.

Hard worker

A person is so busy with work that there is no time even for food, what can we say about sports? Such individuals need a quick effect that can be seen in a short period of time.

The best solution will be complex simulators, which have a good effect on both the upper body and the lower

4 ways

With personality psychotypes, it is more or less clear, now it has become known which sport to give preference to. The war against your own laziness always comes with a variable effect. Therefore, it is necessary to force yourself to go in for sports at any cost.

For such a case, sports psychologists have 4 wonderful methods in store:

  • Reward your work. An illusory goal like “I will live long” does not really contribute to the desire to get off the couch. But watching a new blockbuster after a workout is already a more powerful argument to go to the gym.
  • Public promise. All people are masters of their own words: they want - they give, they don't want - they take it back. But once you make a public promise, the rules of the game change dramatically. There will certainly be those who will remember these words, and in order not to fall in the eyes of the public, you will have to work on your promise.
  • Think positively. Mornings are never good, but once you visualize how you can enjoy hot cocoa and a new book in the evening, morning turns into the most iridescent time of the day. Positive visualization is another reason that will make you go to the gym.
  • Financial question. Let them say that happiness is not in money, but it is money that rules the world. And if you look at the amounts that average athletes receive, the desire to go to the gym will sting so sharply that a person will remember about motivation only when he returns home.

Motivation for girls

Being slim is fashionable now, and which of the girls does not want to look beautiful, fashionable and perfect in general? That's right, everyone wants it, only a few are working on it. The most effective for girls is beautiful clothes. One has only to get your favorite dress out of the closet, which has not been fastened on the figure for 5 years now, as the desire to get up from the sofa will become much greater.

In general, sports motivation for girls differs only in gender specificity. And this is very noticeable if you look at the factors that make girls want to play sports:

  • Get into your favorite dress, which is already a little tight.
  • Other people's achievements, especially if these are the achievements of the lover's ex-girlfriend.
  • As soon as a girl imagines what a beauty she would become if she started playing sports a year ago, an indomitable desire to go to the gym appears immediately.

Break period

Even the best athletes, who are loaded with the lion's share of motivation, have gone to this extreme. The so-called breaking period, when a person sees that he already has some results. But what's next? He no longer wants to go to the gym. And the word “want” suddenly turned into the word “must”. Only 7% of those who start playing sports achieve outstanding results. After all, only the elite can overcome the period when you don’t want to do anything, constantly forcing yourself to go to the gym.

sports lyrics

Sport is not only constant training that physically strengthens the body, it is also an internal core that allows you to overcome all obstacles. Everyone has this rod, the main thing is to find a way to light it. Sports movies, sports anime, invigorating music or sports quotes... Motivation can come from anywhere, the main thing is to remember this first moment when you really want to play sports.

Motivation is the key to success

  • "If there driving force what drives me forward is a weakness that I despise and turn into strength.” – Michael Jordan
  • “Do once what, according to others, you can’t handle. After that, you will forever forget about the rules and restrictions, ”- James Cook.
  • “Each victory is made up of five elements - resilience, speed, strength, skill and will. Moreover, it depends only on the will whether a person wins or not!” - Ken Doherty.
  • “A person who strives for something with all his heart will definitely achieve it. Let it seem unreal, let others laugh at him, the power of faith will not be broken by such ridiculous barriers, ”- Chuck Norris.

This is only a small part of what people who have achieved success in sports have left as a legacy.

A good jump starts with good support, and in the case of sports, this support is motivation.


Quotes and Aphorisms 20.06.2018

We all look forward to summer. After all, summer is a vacation, it is the sea and the beach. The only thing that can slightly overshadow our mood is the unpreparedness of our body for the summer season. In order for our reflection in the mirror to always please us, there are many ways. Today I would like to talk about one of them, namely sports and fitness.

Physical exercises are not only beneficial for our body, they give an incredible charge of vivacity, optimism, improve mood, develop perseverance and the ability to overcome difficulties. Everything about this is aptly and accurately stated in quotes and aphorisms about sports.

The strength of the body is the strength of the spirit

Sports and physical activity are essential for full human development and health - that's a fact. It was recognized by the ancient Greeks, because it was not for nothing that the Olympic Games played such an important role in their lives. The sages of antiquity valued the role of physical exercise so highly that they put it on a par with science and art. This is what they say in their wise quotes and aphorisms about sports.

“Gymnastics, physical exercises, walking should firmly enter the daily life of everyone who wants to maintain working capacity, health, a full and joyful life.”

“Just as clothiers clean cloth, knocking it out of dust, so gymnastics cleanses the body.”


“For proportionality, beauty and health, not only education in the field of sciences and arts is required, but also physical exercises and gymnastics for a lifetime.”

"Gymnastics is the healing part of medicine."

"Watch your body if you want your mind to work properly."

Rene Descartes

“A person who exercises moderately and in a timely manner does not need any treatment aimed at eliminating the disease.”

“If you exercise, there is no need to use drugs taken for various diseases, if at the same time all other prescriptions of a normal regimen are observed.”


"In a healthy body healthy mind".

“I want to make it more balanced with the help of gymnastics of the whole body.”

“It is impossible to depict how body movements animate the actions of the mind.”

Pliny the Younger

“If you want to be strong, run. If you want to be beautiful, run. If you want to be smart, run."

Ancient Greek saying

Sport - is life

We have all heard the saying that sport is life. And indeed it is. After all, physical activity is movement, it is energy, it is cheerfulness of the spirit and body. Regular fitness classes help increase mental activity, increase work capacity and productivity. And this is clearly reflected in the quotes that sport is life.

“It is a miserable delusion to imagine that bodily exercises are harmful to mental pursuits! As if these two things should not go side by side, as if one should not lead the other!”

Jean Jacques Rousseau

“You must certainly shake yourself up physically in order to be healthy morally.”

Lev Tolstoy

"Oh sport, you are the world!"

Pierre de Coubertin

"Sport is the beating of your heart, your breath, this is your rhythm of life."

"Love gymnastics, it will give you good physical development and health, good spirits! My 90 years will guarantee you this!”

Nikolai Morozov

“After walking and swimming, I feel that I am getting younger, and most importantly, that I have massaged and refreshed my brain with bodily movements.”

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

"Gymnastics prolongs a person's youth."

John Locke

"Exercise can replace many drugs, but no drug in the world can replace exercise."

Angelo Mosso

“Life is not just a struggle, but a lot of different types sports."

Boris Krutier

"I recognize the movement as the most effective means of combating old age."

Valentin Gorinevsky

“The tree also needs evaporation and frequent refreshment with the help of winds, rains, colds, otherwise it easily weakens and withers. In the same way, the human body generally needs strong movements, activities and serious exercises.

Jan Comenius

"If you don't run while you're healthy, you'll have to run when you're sick"

Quintus Horace Flaccus

If you give up, it won't get better

In sports, as in any other business, the first step is important. Determined to change your life? It's already half the battle! The main thing is not to postpone it until tomorrow or Monday. Start today, now. And our selection of quotes and aphorisms about sports and motivation will help you with this.

"No effort is in vain: Sisyphus developed muscles."

Paul Valery

“God has given us a body that can bear almost anything. Our task is to convince our minds of this.”

“Yesterday you said you would do it tomorrow. Do it today!

"One action is more important than a thousand intentions."

John Mason

“You can become as good as you want. The main thing is to work hard and believe in yourself.”

Scott Adkins

“It doesn't matter how slowly you progress. The main thing is that you don't stop.

“Our brain can do anything. Everything. The main thing is to convince yourself of this. Hands don't know they can't do push-ups, legs don't know they're weak. Your brain knows it. Once you convince yourself that you can do anything, you can really do anything.”

Robert Kiyosaki

"My main rival is myself."

Yelena Isinbayeva

“Gold medals are not made of gold. They are made from sweat, determination and a very rare mixture called willpower.

Dan Gable

“If you feel like giving up, remember why you held on until now!”

Jared Leto

“Do at least once what others say you can’t do. After that, you will never pay attention to their rules and restrictions.

James Cook

“A decisive person cannot be prevented from succeeding. Place stumbling blocks in his path, and he will turn them into steps by which he will climb to the top.

David Villa

“If you want, you will find time. If you don't want to, you'll find a reason."

“There is a goal, there is a distance. The rest is details."

"The pain you overcome today will turn into the strength you feel tomorrow."

About sport with meaning

All the wise words said about fitness and physical activity apply not only to sports. In life, perseverance and the will to win, the ability not to give up, despite failures and losses, will come in handy more than once. How accurately it is said about this in quotes and aphorisms about sports with meaning.

“Sport does not build character, but reveals it.”

Haywood Brown

“Impossible is just a big word behind which little people hide. It is easier for them to live in the familiar world than to find the strength to change something. The impossible is not a fact. This is just an opinion. The impossible is not a sentence. It's a challenge. The impossible is a chance to prove yourself. Impossible is not forever. The impossible is possible."

Muhammad Ali

“You want to be healthy but are lazy? You are as stupid as a speaker who wants to improve his voice by silence!”

“Life is a struggle with our eternal desire to hide our heads in the sand, calm down and fold our hands. If your goal is a minimum of movement, then let laziness take the reins into its own hands. If you strive for growth, for development, every morning be ready to meet a new day, where there is no place for sleep and laziness.

Henry Ford

“After all, boxing is not a fight - it is a sport of the brave ...”

Vladimir Vysotsky

“If we don’t take care of our body, then where will we live then?”

“In life, as in boxing: the main thing is not how hard you strike, but how hard you can withstand the blow.”

“He who has no purpose finds no joy in any occupation.”

“Horses harnessed to a chariot run faster than alone, not because by common efforts they cut through the air more easily, but because they are kindled by competition and rivalry with each other.”

Great athletes about sports

People associated with sports know that sometimes it seems that this is all, this is the limit, I can’t do it anymore, I won’t be able to ... When you need to mobilize for a breakthrough, gather your thoughts and strength, it helps a lot to remember the words of those who are faced with overcoming themselves almost daily. Quotes about the motivation for sports of famous athletes once again remind us that for a person who has firmly set a goal, nothing is impossible.

“If I’m not in the mood to train, I will never drink another cup of coffee or wait an extra half an hour. I'll go for a run right away. The longer you delay, the harder it is to get started.”

Shane Culpepper, runner, two-time Olympian

"In every match I play the same way - like it's the final."

Lionel Messi, soccer player, world champion and Olympic champion

“If you want to be better than the rest, then get ready to do what the rest do not want to do.”

Michael Phelps, swimmer, the only 19-time Olympic champion in the history of sports

“I have missed 9,000 times in my career. I lost almost 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted with the decisive shot and missed. I've been defeated over and over again. And that's why I've been successful."

“When you go to the goal, then there is an obstacle in your way. I faced them, everyone faced. But obstacles should not stop you. When you hit a wall, don't turn back, don't retreat. Find a way to overcome this barrier, work on it."

Michael Jordan, basketball player, two-time Olympian

“The most difficult fight is when you have to fight laziness for happiness.”

“Champions are not made in the gym. A champion is born from what a person has inside - desires, dreams and goals.

Mohammed Ali, one of the most famous boxers in the world

“The harder it is to win, the happier you are that you got it.”

Pele, football player, three-time world champion

"Teach an athlete to fight for any place and he'll be able to fight for first place."

Larisa Latynina, gymnast, nine-time Olympic champion

“If a person gets up after a fall, this is not physics. It's character."

Mike Tyson, boxer, Olympic champion

"A lost fight always lets you know that you're doing something wrong."

Kostya Tszyu, boxer, world champion

"As long as you still have a try, you haven't lost."

Sergei Bubka, athlete, six-time world champion, Olympic champion

Sports are back in fashion

Now in fashion, so to speak, a correct and healthy lifestyle. And that's great! Sports have become much more accessible, there are a lot of clubs and halls for every taste and budget, where you can choose an activity to your liking, whether it's a gym, aerobics, dancing or Pilates. And if you prefer privacy, then all this can be done at home with your favorite music. All this, of course, will have the best effect on your well-being. After all, there is nothing more valuable than health, which, as you know, money cannot buy. This is exactly what will be discussed in a selection of wise quotes about sports and a healthy lifestyle.

"Health is the best wealth we have!"


“We don’t live to eat, we eat to live.”

“Take food and water so that strength comes, not leaves!”

Mark Tullius Cicero

“You should not exhaust your body, but try to give it food, drink, exercises in moderation, so that the body becomes stronger, not knowing excesses and laziness.”

“The most important thing in the health mode is exercise, and then the diet and sleep…”

Mark Twain

"To prolong life, reduce portions."

Benjamin Franklin

“The principle of a healthy lifestyle, the principle of optimal physical activity, a person must learn as elements of culture in worst case from school, at best - even earlier, in the family, in kindergarten ... "

Nikolai Amosov

“Real physical education is a reasonable attitude towards the body - the receptacle of our mind - all 24 hours a day. I want to emphasize once again: not morning exercises, not even sports activities 2 times a week, but a constant round-the-clock culture of attitude towards oneself, an optimal lifestyle makes a person's existence complete.

Oleg Antonov

"A healthy mind in a healthy body - that's a short but Full description happiness in this world."

John Locke

“My only advice is to build your life and your daily routine in such a way that physical education becomes for you the same indisputable necessity, like sleep, like breathing.”

Igor Ilyinsky

With humor about sports

Of course, sport is always a huge work on oneself. The more pleasant it is to relax after a workout and smile after reading our selection of funny quotes and aphorisms about sports and fitness.

“If someone does not want to run in the morning, then nothing will stop him.”

Yogi Bera

"Summer will show who pumped the press, and who the refrigerator door."

“I decided to download the press in the morning. I got up at 6 am and lay down on the floor. Woke up at 11.

“I decided to go in for sports. I chose to run. She ran to the computer. Sitting. I run. Eyes on the monitor. I just feel: sport is mine!

“How strange… They say it takes 20 workouts to get used to fitness. But you get used to the bun from the first time ... "

“I didn’t have time to go to the gym yesterday. That first, then the second ... That dessert ... "

“If you don’t know what to do, sit down. This may not solve the problem, but you will pump up the buttocks. ”

Sports are very similar to business. And there and there there are strenuous trainings. Competitions. Glorious victories and bitter defeats. Intensity of emotions. Hard work. Probably can't go any further. Just as an aspiring football player or basketball player can draw inspiration from the accomplishments of successful businessmen, so young entrepreneurs can motivate themselves by being inspired by the hardest working and best athletes in the world. Knowing this, we collected 15 the best sayings spoken by true sports legends. If you are just starting your business and are unsure whether you are doing everything right, these quotes will surely set you up for success and make you believe in yourself.

Subdue your passion

“Somewhere behind the athlete you have become, the hours of training and the coaches who have pushed you forward, there is a little girl who fell in love with the game and never looked back… Play for her” Mia Hamm, award-winning professional football player (1987-2004 )

Do it right

"If you're not going to go all the way, why are you even doing this?" Joe Namath, American Football Hall of Fame (1965-1977)

Expect the Unexpected

“Obstacles should not stop you. If you hit a wall, don't give up and don't turn back. Figure out how to get over the wall, go through it, or get around it.” Michael Jordan, basketball icon (1984-2003)

What are you?

"In baseball, as in any other business, there are three types of people: those who make things happen, those who look at things happening and those who are surprised that this is happening at all" Tommy Lazorda, Baseball Hall of Fame, player and manager ( 1954-1956, player; 1976-1996, manager)

Train. Learn. Always be ready.

"There may be people more talented than you, but you can't find an excuse if someone works harder than you." Derek Jeter, baseball legend with the Yankees (1995-2014)

Always strive for perfection

"Champions play until they get what they want" Billie Jean King, International Tennis Hall of Fame (1959-1983)

Look only ahead

“A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where she will be." Wayne Gretzky, hockey star (1978-1999)

Safe play is not always the best

"If you have everything under control, then you are not moving fast enough" Mario Andretti, Formula 1 world champion (1968-1982)

Don't settle for less

"Set yourself a high goal and don't stop until you reach it" Bo Jackson, baseball and American football player (1987-1994)

Overcome obstacles

"Always give your best, even when the odds are against you" Arnold Palmer, golfing great (1954-2006)

You will never be old enough to fail to start

“Age is not an obstacle. This is a limit you made up for yourself.” Jackie Joyner-Kersee, long jump and heptathlon champion (1984-2000)

Forget about falling back

“Nothing can replace hard work. And that means working hard every day until you break a sweat." Andre Agassi, award-winning professional tennis player (1986-2006)

Prepare yourself for the toughest challenges

“It’s not a mountain you climb that tires you, but a pebble in your shoe” Mohammed Ali, boxer, world heavyweight champion (1960-1966, 1970-1981)

Enjoy your achievements

“The harder it is to win, the happier you are that you got it.” Pelé, Brazilian football legend (1956-1977)

Everything is possible

“Don't put limits on yourself. The more you strive for something, the more you can achieve.” Michael Phelps, swimmer, Olympian (present)

Quotes about sports from successful athletes and businessmen should definitely help if you lack motivation for sports or that very magic pendel in life!

Quotes about sports for girls from successful athletes

« A fit woman always achieves what a woman in a dressing gown can only dream of.»

- said journalist and presenter Evelina Khromtchenko.

“The ability to overcome oneself is without a doubt the most valuable property of sport”

Super quote about sports from Olga Korbut, Soviet gymnast, four-time Olympic champion.

“Going out on the court, I don’t pay attention to who my opponent is. Even though I respect every opponent, my only desire is to win.”

If you start a tournament thinking that someone else will win it, you have a serious problem.

Statements about sports with meaning from one of the best tennis players in the world, Maria Sharapova.

One of the shortest motivations is quotes about sports from the world famous tennis player Serena Williams:

« The one who sleeps gets nothing but dreams».

Sports Quotes from Successful Men

The athlete who needs no introduction, Arnold Schwarzenegger:

« Triumph does not give real strength, it is formed by struggle. Fight against doubts, fears, laziness. Fight and don't give up and you will find strength».

Successful sports motivation from Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Look, only 4 minutes!

By the way, the same Schwarzenegger asked Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, about his attitude and motivation to training and playing sports. And got this response:

"Staying in shape is very important. Doing something well takes energy, and you have a lot more energy when you're in shape. I make sure I exercise at least three times a week - usually the first thing I do when I wake up!"

Another billionaire of our time is Richard Branson, here is his quote - motivation for sports:

« Make time for yourself. Training does not deplete my energy supply. On the contrary, they energize me and make me feel like a young boy again.».

And look at the photo, not only feel it, but also be it! Great sports motivation for training, do you agree?

« What drives me towards my goal? My weakness that I can't stand and turn into strength to continue the fight" - Michael Jordan.

Imagine, even the strongest athletes feel weakness, lack of a motivation phase and are familiar with it, but at the same time they remain outstanding!

And think about the meaning of the following quote about sports and motivation from Mike Tyson. Mike Tyson is sure

« If a person gets up after a fall, it's not physics, it's character».

And we agree with him 100%

« Exercise can replace many drugs, but no medicine in the world can replace exercise- Angelo Mosso.

Great quote - motivation about sports right now.

Fitness quotes deserve special attention as an integral part of sports.

« Fitness is not only one of the keys to a healthy body, but also the basis of dynamism and creative thought.» - John Kennedy, US President

“One more practice, one more step to victory. Classes help keep the muscles in good shape and the body healthy” - Larisa Latynina

« Strength does not come from physical endurance. She comes from an unshakable will» - Mahatma Gandhi, Indian public figure and politician.

Do like Messi to make sure you give it your all:

« In every match I play the same way - like it's the final».

The collection includes quotes about sports with the meaning of great people, as well as the sayings of athletes about a sports lifestyle:
  • After walking and swimming, I feel that I am getting younger, and most importantly, that I have massaged and refreshed my brain with bodily movements. Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky
  • But in general, the conclusion is this: walk - and you will be happy, walk - and you will be healthy. Charles Dickens
  • I'm not a fan of exercise. To make me bend over, you would have to scatter diamonds on the floor. Joan Rivers
  • Aerobics: A series of grueling exercises designed to convert fats, starches, and sugars into misery, pain, and cramps.
  • I believe in a merciful Lord every heartbeat for each of us is numbered, and I'll be damned if I'm wasting mine running back and forth along the street. Neil Armstrong
  • Jogging is an activity for people who are not advanced enough to watch the morning TV program. Victoria Wood
  • A person who plays sports can even endure cultural life. Oliver Hassenkamp
  • Great sport begins where health care ends. Bertolt Brecht
  • The physical education of the child is the basis for everything else. Without the correct application of hygiene in the development of the child, without the correct physical education and sports, we will never get a healthy generation. Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky
  • In a healthy body healthy mind. Juvenal
  • Thousands and thousands of times I have restored health to my sick through exercise. Galen
  • In advanced cities, cycling is encouraged, and in the most advanced, marathon running is encouraged. Marcel Achard
  • Athlete professional: a public girl who is required to behave honestly. Jean Girodou
  • Gymnastics is complete nonsense. Healthy people do not need it, but it is contraindicated for the sick. Henry Ford
  • Sport forms a culture of optimism, a culture of cheerfulness. Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky
  • Gymnastics prolongs a person's youth. John Locke
  • Sport is becoming a favorite subject of reflection and will soon become the only method of thinking. Vasily Klyuchevsky
  • Gymnastics, physical exercises, walking should firmly enter the daily life of everyone who wants to maintain working capacity, health, a full and joyful life. Hippocrates
  • Sport is physical culture brought to the point of absurdity. Leo Short
  • Alpine skiing - downhill money. "Kommersant - Money"
  • Five miles of brisk walking will help an unfortunate but otherwise perfectly healthy adult man much better than all the drugs and psychologists in the world. Paul Dudley White
  • If at 30, 40 and even 50 years old they do not do physical education, then this is a prejudice inherited from the old days, when an idle life was considered the ideal of well-being. Valentin Vladislavovich Gorinevsky
  • A professional is an athlete who does not have a profession and is forced to earn a living with the help of sports. Jean Girodou
  • If you need to put together a team to win the high jump, you're looking for one guy who can jump seven feet, not seven who can jump a foot each. Frederick Terman
  • With assiduous mental work without movement and bodily labor - a real grief. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy
  • If God invented the marathon to distract us from even more stupid pursuits, then the triathlon must have puzzled him greatly.
  • The Olympics is a circus in which the performance takes place in twenty arenas at the same time.
  • If I ever need a brain transplant, the best donor would be a sportswriter. A guy with unused brains. Norm Van Brocklin
  • No one remembers the one who finished second, except the one who finished second. Bobby Unser
  • If you don't run while you're healthy, you'll have to run when you're sick. Horace
  • The need for gymnastics is a modern superstition invented by people who eat too much and have nothing to think about. George Santayana
  • Not only brains are flowing out of the country, but also muscles, if they have brains. Mikhail Zhvanetsky
  • Love gymnastics, it will give you good physical development and health, good spirits! In this, my 90 years guarantee you! Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov
  • Pump muscles, pumping out of the brain. Mikhail Zhvanetsky
  • Just as clothiers clean cloth, knocking it out of dust, so gymnastics cleanses the body. Hippocrates
  • We must certainly shake ourselves up physically in order to be healthy morally. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy
  • If a person does not want to run in the morning, nothing can stop him. Yogi Berra
  • No effort is in vain: Sisyphus developed muscles. Paul Valery
  • If you don't run while you're healthy, you'll have to run when you're sick. Horace (Quintus Horace Flaccus)
  • Oh sport, you are the world! Pierre de Coubertin