Rules of conduct during physical education games. Rules of conduct for a student in a physical education lesson? Oh urgently needed! Introductory provisions of safety precautions at physical education lessons

Physical education lessons are always associated with an increased risk of injury. This imposes high requirements for the implementation of safety precautions on physical education teachers. The teacher, as well as each student, must strictly adhere to the established rules. The management of the educational institution is obliged to ensure that the sports hall, the open sports ground, as well as sports equipment and any additional equipment used in the lessons comply with safety standards. If the physical education teacher finds that any objects related to classes do not comply with the established standards, he must immediately notify the school management and stop using them in lessons until the danger is eliminated. Safety precautions in physical education classes assume that students will be familiarized with it even before they start classes. The safety rules are aimed at minimizing injuries during lessons and are mandatory for all participants in the learning process. During physical education classes, students are likely to be affected by the following factors: injuries when falling on a hard surface or ground, injuries when they are in the throwing sector, injuries due to poor warm-up, injuries in a collision and violation of the rules of sports games or handling sports equipment. To minimize risks, it is necessary to adhere to safety precautions; Only students who have been instructed in safe behavior techniques are allowed to take physical education classes; Only students who have the appropriate level of clearance from medical institution and provided the teacher with a document; Students who have full or partial exemption from physical education classes must be present at the lesson. After illness, students are required to provide the teacher with a certificate from a medical institution; Students for physical education classes are required to have clean sports shoes and sports uniforms, which must correspond to the place where the classes are held. If the lesson is held outdoors, sportswear and footwear must comply with the current weather conditions; It is forbidden to chew gum or eat food during physical education classes; After physical activity, students should not drink cold water in order to avoid colds.

Introductory briefing on safety measures for students in the subject "Physical Education"

The student must:- undergo a medical examination and engage in the medical group to which he belongs for health reasons; - have a neat sports uniform (pants, T-shirt, T-shirt, tracksuit, tights, clean shoes - sneakers, sneakers) that correspond to weather conditions and the theme of the event classes; - leave the locker room at the first request of the teacher; - after illness, provide the teacher with a certificate from the doctor; - attend the lesson in case the doctor is released from classes after illness; - take care of sports equipment and equipment and use it for its intended purpose; - have a short clipped nails; - know and follow the instructions on safety measures. Students should not: - sharply open doors and hang on them, turn off the lights, touch the ceiling lights in the locker room, gym; - insert foreign objects into sockets; - drink cold water before and after the lesson ;- practice on wet ground, slippery and uneven ground. The student must:- change clothes in the locker room, put on a sports uniform and shoes; - take off objects that are dangerous for other athletes (earrings, watches, bracelets, etc.); - remove prickly and other foreign objects from the pockets of the sports uniform; - under the guidance of the teacher, prepare the inventory and equipment necessary for the lesson; - with the permission of the teacher, go to the place of the lesson; - at the command of the teacher, stand in line for a common formation.
    Safety requirements during classes.
The student must:- listen carefully and clearly follow the teacher's tasks; - take sports equipment and do exercises with the permission of the teacher; - look ahead while moving, keep sufficient intervals and distances, avoid collisions; - perform exercises with serviceable equipment and engage in serviceable equipment. : - leave the place of the lesson without the permission of the teacher; - push, put the steps in the ranks and movement; - climb on basketball uniforms, hang on the rings; - chew chewing gum; - interfere and distract when explaining tasks and performing exercises; - perform exercises with wet palms; - sharply change the direction of your movement. The student must: The student must:

Instruction on labor protection for students on safety measures when exercising on open sports grounds

    General safety requirements.
The condition of the sports ground must comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements. Non-standard equipment must be securely fastened and in good condition. Shoes should be on soles that exclude slipping, tightly fit the foot and not impede blood circulation. In strong winds, low temperatures and high humidity, clothing must be appropriate for the weather conditions. The student must:- take care of sports equipment and equipment, do not use it for other purposes; - be careful when moving around the stadium; - know and follow these instructions. educational process e.
    Safety requirements before the start of classes.
The student must:- change clothes in the locker room, put on a sports uniform and shoes; - take off objects that are dangerous for other athletes (watches, earrings, etc.); - remove piercing and other foreign objects from the pockets of the sports uniform; - get out in an organized manner with the teacher through the central exit of the building or the emergency exit of the gym to the place where the classes are held; - under the guidance of the teacher, prepare the inventory and equipment necessary for the classes; - put away the inventory that will not be used in the lesson; - under the guidance of the teacher, the inventory required for conducting classes, transfer to the place of employment in special devices; - by order of the teacher, remove foreign objects from the treadmill, jumping pits, etc.; - at the command of the teacher, stand in line for a general formation. Classes are held on a flat non-slip ground under the guidance of a physical education teacher. The teacher must:- monitor the implementation by students of instructions, rules of conduct in a physical education lesson and make a decision on the removal of students from participation in the educational process for their gross or systematic violation. The student must:- listen carefully to the explanations of the exercises and perform them correctly; - take sports equipment and perform exercises with the permission of the teacher; - perform exercises only on working equipment; - when performing exercises in a stream, observe sufficient interval and distance; - be careful when moving around the sports ground: do not interfere with others, do not trip, avoid collisions; - do not leave the territory of the sports ground without permission. The student must:- in case of injury or deterioration of health, stop classes and notify the physical education teacher; - with the help of the teacher, provide the injured person with the first medical care, if necessary, take him to the hospital or call an ambulance; - in the event of a fire in the gym, immediately stop the lesson, in an organized manner, under the guidance of the teacher, leave the place of the lesson through emergency exits according to the evacuation plan; - by order of the teacher, notify the administration of the educational institution and report the fire to the fire department. The student must:- under the guidance of a teacher, remove sports equipment to its storage places; - leave the place of the lesson in an organized manner; - change clothes in the locker room, take off your tracksuit and sports shoes; - wash your hands with soap and water.

Instruction for students on safety measures during athletics

    General safety requirements.
Athletics classes are held on sports grounds equipped for this purpose and in the gym. Students are allowed to attend:The student must:- treat sports equipment and equipment with care, do not use it for other purposes; - do not leave sports equipment for jumping and throwing unattended, including equipment that is not currently used in the lesson; - be careful when moving around the stadium; - know and follow these instructions. For non-compliance with safety measures, the student may not be allowed or suspended from participating in the educational process.
    Safety requirements before the start of classes.
The student must:- change clothes in the locker room, put on a sports uniform and shoes; - take off objects that are dangerous for other trainees (watches, earrings, etc.); - remove cutting, piercing and other foreign objects from the pockets of the sports uniform; - go out with the teacher in an organized manner through the central exit of the building or the emergency exit of the gym to the place where the classes are held; - under the guidance of the teacher, prepare the inventory and equipment necessary for the classes; - remove the inventory that will not be used in the lesson to a safe place; - under the guidance of the teacher, the inventory necessary for conducting classes, be transferred to the place of employment in special devices; - do not transfer shovels and rakes to the place of employment with the tip and teeth up; - by order of the teacher, remove foreign objects from the treadmill, jumping pit, etc.; - according to the teacher's team to line up for a common formation. III.


The student must:- in a group start for short distances, run along your own track; - while running, look at your track; - after running exercises, run by inertia 5-15 m so that the runner behind has the opportunity to finish the exercise; - return to the start along the last track, when starting at a distance, do not put footboards, do not hold opponents with your hands; - when running for long distances, overtake those running on the right side; - when running over rough terrain, complete the task along the track or route indicated by the teacher; - perform a warm-up run along the outer track.


The jump pit should be filled with sand to a depth of 20-40 cm. Before jumping, it is necessary to carefully loosen the sand in the jump pit, remove rakes, shovels and other foreign objects from it. The jumping technique must match curriculum and ensure that the student is on their feet. The student must:- put the rake with the teeth down; - do not jump on uneven and slippery ground; - perform jumps when the teacher gave permission and there is no one in the pit; - perform jumps in turn, do not run across the runway while another student is making an attempt; - after completing jump quickly clear the jump pit and return to your position for the next attempt on the right or left side of the runway.


You need to be careful when practicing throwing.

The student must:- before throwing, make sure that there is no one in the direction of the throw; - release the projectile in a way that excludes disruption; - during group throwing, stand on the left side of the thrower; - in wet weather, dry your hands and the projectile; - being near the throwing zone, monitor so that the thrower is in sight, do not turn his back on him, do not cross the throwing zone by running or jumping; - after the throw, follow the projectile only with the permission of the teacher, do not perform arbitrary throwing; - when throwing at the target, provide for a safety zone during rebound projectile from the ground; - do not pass the projectile to each other with a throw; - do not throw the projectile in places not equipped for this. IV. Safety requirements in case of accidents and extreme situations.The student must:- in case of injury or deterioration of health, stop classes and notify the physical education teacher; - with the help of the teacher, provide first aid to the injured person, if necessary, take him to the hospital or call an ambulance; - in the event of a fire in the gym, immediately stop the lesson, in an organized manner , under the guidance of the teacher, leave the place of the lesson through emergency exits according to the evacuation plan; - by order of the teacher, notify the administration of the educational institution and report the fire to the fire department. V. Safety requirements at the end of classes.The student must:- under the guidance of a teacher, remove sports equipment to its storage places; - leave the place of the lesson in an organized manner; - change clothes in the locker room, take off your tracksuit and sports shoes; - wash your hands with soap and water.

Instructions for students on safety measures when doing gymnastics

    General safety requirements.
Students are allowed to attend:- referred for health reasons to the main and preparatory medical groups; - who have been instructed on safety measures; - who have sports shoes and uniforms that do not restrict movement and correspond to the topic and conditions of the classes. The student must:- have short-cut nails; - go to the gym, take sports equipment and do exercises with the permission of the teacher; - treat sports equipment and equipment with care, do not use it for other purposes; - know and follow these instructions. Gymnastic apparatus must be securely fastened, and their metal supports covered with mats. Remember that when performing exercises on projectiles, safety largely depends on their serviceability: - mats should be without ruptures and fit in places of jumps and possible falls; - the rope should not have gusts and knots; - the log should have a flat surface without burrs, cracks , roughness and set to a height corresponding to age characteristics; - the poles must be dry and smooth, without cracks; - the crossbar must be smooth, without rust and magnesia deposits; - the surface of the gymnastic horse must be even, dry, without gusts. Do not perform exercises in the presence of fresh calluses on the hands. When performing exercises in a stream, observe sufficient interval and distance. Do not perform complex elements without insurance if you are not sure of their performance. The student must know and follow the instructions when doing gymnastics. For non-compliance with safety measures, the student may be admitted or excluded from participation in the educational process.
    Safety requirements before the start of classes.
The student must:- change clothes in the locker room, put on a sports uniform and shoes; - take off objects that are dangerous for other trainees (watches, earrings, etc.); - remove cutting, piercing and other foreign objects from the pockets of the sports uniform; - under the guidance of the teacher, prepare the inventory and equipment necessary for conducting classes; - at the command of the teacher, get into line for a common formation. Be careful when moving and installing gymnastic equipment. Do not carry or transport heavy gymnastic equipment without special carts and devices. When carrying mats, hold on to the special handles on the side, two people on each side. When laying, make sure that their surface is even and does not clump, there are no gaps, as well as overlapping the edge of the mat with another. The entire area around the log is covered with mats in one layer, and at the landing site - in two layers. at the landing site, lay the mats in two layers, at least five meters long. Changing the height of the bars together, loosening the screws, lift both ends at the same time, holding on to the pole, and not to the metal support. The width between the poles should not exceed the width of the shoulders. Set the height of the crossbar in the supine position. Good strength of stretch marks and fasteners should ensure the stability of the projectile. Do not stand under the crossbar during its installation. When installing jumping projectiles, extend the legs alternately from each side, first tilting the projectile.
    Safety requirements during classes.
The student must:- each time before performing the exercise, check the fastening of the locking screws; - wipe your hands dry; - perform complex elements and exercises with insurance; - when performing jumps and dismounts, land softly, on your toes, squatting springily; - when pain occurs in the hands during exercise, redness of the skin, water bubbles on the palms, stop the lesson and inform the teacher about it; - move from projectile to projectile in an organized manner, according to a general command, in the manner indicated by the teacher. Do not stand close to the projectile when other students are performing the exercise, do not distract or interfere with it. Get in and out of the rope in the manner indicated by the teacher. Do not swing the rope on which the student is doing the exercise. Do not use it for other purposes. Before performing an exercise on a balance beam, learn it and achieve a confident performance on the floor or a gymnastic bench. When performing an exercise on the crossbar, you must remember that inaccuracy in the execution of the exercise or an insufficiently good grip leads to a breakdown and fall. Before by performing a vault, establish a gymnastic bridge from the projectile at a distance, depending on your capabilities, abilities and preparedness. Do not start the exercise if there is interference during the run-up or at the landing site. When other students perform the vault, do not run across the run-up area. Belay standing behind the projectile. Perform floor and acrobatic exercises on mats or carpet. Before doing the exercise, make sure that there are no foreign objects or students on the carpet or mats that could interfere with the task. During the exercise, do not run out onto the carpet, do not interfere with others.
    Safety requirements in case of accidents and extreme situations.
The student must:- in case of injury or deterioration of health, stop classes and notify the physical education teacher; - with the help of the teacher, provide first aid to the injured person, if necessary, take him to the hospital or call an ambulance; - in the event of a fire in the gym, immediately stop the lesson, in an organized manner , under the guidance of the teacher, leave the place of the lesson through emergency exits according to the evacuation plan; - by order of the teacher, notify the administration of the educational institution and report the fire to the fire department.
    Safety requirements at the end of classes.
The student must:- under the guidance of a teacher, remove sports equipment to its storage places; - leave the place of the lesson in an organized manner; - change clothes in the locker room, take off your tracksuit and sports shoes; - wash your hands with soap and water.

Ski training instruction for schoolchildren

Skis must be matched to height and kept in good condition. Skis that have cracks, chips, broken socks or heels of skis, deformation of the sliding plane (propeller) are considered faulty. The mount must be installed in the center of the ski and firmly fixed to it. It must be adjusted so that it can be outside help fasten boots or boots to the ski. It is better to use rigid mounts (they are more reliable) or standard rubber mounts (not homemade). Sticks selected for height should have tips, rings and hand straps, the length of which should be adjustable. Ski boots should be sized correctly (tight or very loose shoes can lead to scuffing or injury to the ankle joint). Shoes should be systematically lubricated with shoe polish. This will protect against moisture and make the skin softer. You can not lace up your shoes too tight and tie the laces around the leg, because of this, blood circulation worsens, and the legs are more likely to freeze. After class, be sure to dry your shoes. In no case should you do this on a battery or stove. In this case, the shoes may warp and become stiff. Shoes should be worn with two socks (cotton and woolen). Socks must be dry. Clothing should protect from cold and wind, be light, comfortable and not hinder movement. The sweater should cover the trousers even if the torso is strongly bent forward. You should wear underwear made from natural fabrics. Hands must have mittens. It is forbidden to practice without a headgear. On the head must be a sports cap covering the ears. In severe frost - two, if they are thin. In the event that the cap does not cover the ears, you must additionally use special headphones. Having received the ski equipment, it is necessary to check its serviceability and untie the skis before going outside. Going out into the street, you should not immediately get on your skis, you need to let them cool down, otherwise an ice crust will form on them, which will prevent slipping. If you are late for a lesson, you need to report to the teacher about your arrival so that he knows the exact number of students. You may not leave class without the teacher's permission. Endurance exercises should be performed regularly throughout the year. A low level of endurance is one of the main causes of injuries, as a tired person is less attentive and coordinated. The best prevention of injury is proper exercise technique. Therefore, one must carefully listen to the teacher's explanations and try to correctly and accurately perform the leading and preparatory exercises. You must strictly follow the rules of conduct on the ski track. When moving on a ski track, it is necessary to keep a distance of 3-4 m from the skier in front, and when descending, this interval should be at least 30 m. During the descent, ski poles should not be put forward. If there is a need to stop quickly, you need to sit down and fall on your side, be sure to hold the sticks behind. After the descent, you should not stop at the foot of the slope: other skiers follow you behind you. It is not allowed to cross the ski track where skiers descending from the slope are moving. You can not jump from the ski jump: this requires special training and jump skis. It is strictly forbidden to use ski poles for pulling down during outdoor games and relay races - this can only be done with your hand. During classes, cases of frostbite of the ears, nose and cheeks are not excluded. If they turn white or lose sensitivity, you need to rub the skin around the frostbitten area until it turns pink, and then the frostbitten area itself. This should be done with a dry hand, and not with snow, because. when rubbed with snow, you can damage the skin and bring an infection into the body. If during the competition (classes) a participant is forced to leave the race for any reason, he must necessarily warn the judge (teacher) about this. This can be done personally, as well as through the controller or a friend. Breakage and damage to ski equipment should also be reported to the teacher. If it is impossible to make repairs at a distance, then, having received the permission of the teacher, you need to go to the school (ski base, nearest locality). You can not take off "extra" clothes during a run at a distance and after it has ended (this can lead to a cold). It is better to take it off before the start of the run, and put it on again after the end. At the end of classes, before entering the room, it is necessary to clear the skis of snow, and, having entered the room, tie them up. Immediately after ski training, you should not drink cold water and chilled drinks (you can catch a cold in your throat).

Instruction for students on safety measures when playing playing sports

    General safety requirements.
For playing sports, the sports ground and equipment must comply with safety measures. Students are allowed to attend:- referred for health reasons to the main and preparatory medical groups; - who have been instructed on safety measures; - who have sports shoes and uniforms that do not restrict movement and correspond to the topic and conditions of the classes. The student must:- have short-cut nails; - go to the gym, take sports equipment and do exercises with the permission of the teacher; - take care of sports equipment and equipment, do not use it for other purposes; - know and follow the simplest rules of the game; - know and follow this instruction. For non-compliance with security measures, the student may be excluded or suspended from participation in the educational process.
    Safety requirements before the start of classes.
The student must:- change clothes in the locker room, put on a sports uniform and shoes; - take off objects that are dangerous for other trainees (watches, earrings, etc.); - remove cutting, piercing and other foreign objects from the pockets of the sports uniform; - under the guidance of a teacher, prepare the inventory and equipment necessary for conducting classes; - under the supervision of a teacher, put the balls on the racks or in any other place so that they do not roll around the hall and can be easily taken to perform exercises; - put the inventory in a safe place and equipment that will not be used in the lesson; - at the teacher's command, get in line for a common formation. III. Safety requirements during classes. When performing exercises in motion, the student must: - avoid collisions with other students, “moving with his back” look over his shoulder; - exclude a sharp change in his movement, if this is not required by the conditions of the game; - observe the interval and distance; - be careful when moving around the hall during the exercise by other students; - at the end of the exercise, return to your place in a stream to re-perform the task on the right or left side of the hall. IV. Safety requirements in case of accidents and extreme situations.The student must:- in case of injury or deterioration of health, stop classes and notify the physical education teacher; - with the help of the teacher, provide first aid to the injured person, if necessary, take him to the hospital or call an ambulance; - in the event of a fire in the gym, immediately stop the lesson, in an organized manner , under the guidance of the teacher, leave the place of the lesson through emergency exits according to the evacuation plan; - by order of the teacher, notify the administration of the educational institution and report the fire to the fire department. V. Safety requirements at the end of classes.The student must:- under the guidance of a teacher, remove sports equipment to its storage places; - leave the place of the lesson in an organized manner; - change clothes in the locker room, take off your tracksuit and sports shoes; - wash your hands with soap and water.


DribblingThe student must:- carry out dribbling with a raised head; - when changing direction, make sure that there are no other students on the way with whom a collision may occur; - after completing the exercise, take the ball in your hands and hold it firmly. BroadcastThe student must:- catch the ball with open palms forming a funnel; - before performing the pass, make sure that the partner is ready to receive the ball; - follow the flight of the ball; - measure the power of the transfer depending on the distance of the partner; - remember that you cannot kick the ball, throw into each other. throwThe student must:- perform a throw on the ring in the manner indicated by the teacher; - when picking up the ball under the shield, control the rebound of the balls of other students. Not recommended:- push a student throwing the ball in a jump; - when throwing in motion, grab the nets, hang on the rings; - hit the shield with your hand; - when two or more balls hit the basket, knock them out with another ball; - throw balls into the barrier bars.

Follow the movement of the players and the ball on the court, avoid collisions; - stop playing actions by whistle. It is forbidden:- push each other, put trips, hit on the hands; - grab the opponent's players, delay their advance; - spread the legs wide and expose the elbows; - during the throw, tease the opponent, wave his arms in front of his eyes; - to the student who is on the bench , run out to the site.


BroadcastThe student must:- after tossing the ball over you, hit the ball towards the partner with your fingertips, forming a "heart"; - when receiving, follow the flight of the ball, take it over your head with an oncoming movement of your hands on your fingertips, and a strongly flying ball - with both hands from below on your forearms; - do not hit the ball with your palms; - during passes through the net, do not touch it with your hands, do not push each other onto the net. Submission, strikerThe student must:- make sure that the partner is ready to receive the ball; - measure the impact force depending on the distance to the partner; - hit the ball with a tense palm; - do not take a strongly flying ball with both hands from above. During the game, the student must:- know the simplest rules of the game and follow them; - monitor the movement of players in their own half of the court; - replace players on the court when the game is stopped and the teacher has given permission; - serve and stop playing actions when the teacher or referee whistles; - pass the ball the other team with a pass under the net. When serving, you can not step on the line, and when receiving the ball - hold it in your hands, carry out the transfer by capture. During the game you can not:- tease the opponent; - go to his side; - touch the net with your hands and hang on it. At the end of the game, go to the other side of the court clockwise, bypassing the volleyball stands if possible, and, passing under the net, do not be distracted, look forward, tilting your torso and head.

Instruction for students on safety measures when practicing outdoor games

    General safety requirements.
Classes in the gym are held only with serviceable sports equipment and equipment. The sports hall must be equipped with fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguisher) and have a first aid kit equipped with the necessary medicines and dressings to provide first aid to the victims. Students are allowed to attend:- referred for health reasons to the main and preparatory medical groups; - who have been instructed on safety measures; - who have sports shoes and uniforms that do not restrict movement and correspond to the topic and conditions of the classes. The student must:- have short-cut nails; - go to the gym, take sports equipment and do exercises with the permission of the teacher; - take care of sports equipment and equipment, do not use it for other purposes; - listen carefully to the explanation of the rules of the game and memorize them; - follow the rules games and not break them; - start the game at the signal of the teacher; - know and follow these instructions. Drivers should lightly touch the escaping with their hands, not grab or push them in the back, and not put footboards. Caught - tagged players who are required to leave the game according to the rules must carefully, without disturbing others, leave the playing area and sit on the bench. For non-compliance with security measures, the student may be excluded or suspended from participation in the educational process.
    Safety requirements before the start of classes.
The student must:- change clothes in the locker room, put on a sports uniform and shoes; - take off objects that are dangerous for other trainees (watches, earrings, etc.); - remove cutting, piercing and other foreign objects from the pockets of the sports uniform; - under the guidance of the teacher, prepare the inventory and equipment necessary for conducting classes; - remove the equipment that will not be used in the lesson to a safe place; - at the teacher's command, get into line for a common formation.
    Safety requirements during classes.
Chase gamesRunners must:- look in the direction of your movement; - exclude sudden stopping stops; - in order to avoid collision with other players, slow down the speed of your run and stop; - remember that you can not push in the back ahead of those running, run onto the benches. Players caught near the wall, but remaining in the game, according to the rules, must move away from it by one or two meters. Jump gamesThe student must:- skip ahead those who run faster than you; - do not abruptly change the direction of your movement; - do not run out of the playing area; - slow down in advance when crossing the "home" line; - do not stop yourself, resting your hands or feet against the wall.

ball gamesThe student must:- do not throw the ball at the players' heads; - measure the force of throwing the ball at the players depending on the distance to them; - monitor the movement of the players and the ball on the court, do not interfere with the player who is closer to him to take possession of the ball; - do not snatch the ball from the player , the first to master it; - do not fall and do not lie down on the floor when he wants to dodge the ball; - catch the ball with a grip with two hands from below. relay racesThe student must:- do not start the relay without the teacher's signal; - carry out the relay in your own lane. If your inventory is on the other team's lane, carefully pick it up, return to your lane and continue to complete the task; - do not run out prematurely until the player standing in front of you has completed the task and has not passed the baton to you by touching your hand; - after the transfer of the baton stand at the end of your team, during the relay do not get out of line, do not sit down and do not lie down on the floors.

    Safety requirements in case of accidents and extreme situations.
The student must:- in case of injury or deterioration of health, stop classes and notify the physical education teacher; - with the help of the teacher, provide first aid to the injured person, if necessary, take him to the hospital or call an ambulance; - in the event of a fire in the gym, immediately stop the lesson, in an organized manner , under the guidance of the teacher, leave the place of the lesson through emergency exits according to the evacuation plan; - by order of the teacher, notify the administration of the educational institution and report the fire to the fire department.
    Safety requirements at the end of classes.
The student must:- under the guidance of a teacher, remove sports equipment to its storage places; - leave the place of the lesson in an organized manner; - change clothes in the locker room, take off your tracksuit and sports shoes; - wash your hands with soap and water.

Lessons physical education contribute to your health. Physical exercises develop your body, increase immunity, make you more resilient and strong. In addition, sports activities improve mood, and team games foster a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.

✏ You must come to physical education class only in a special sports uniform.

Choose a sports uniform depending on the venue (gym, sports ground, stadium, swimming pool) and season (autumn, winter, spring).

Come in the uniform that is accepted at your school (tracksuit, shorts, sweatpants, t-shirt, jacket, etc.).

Sports uniform should be comfortable and light. It is best to wear clothes made from natural fabrics, which are well breathable in summer and retain heat in winter.

Make sure that watches, jewelry, hairpins do not interfere with you. If you have long hair, keep it out of your eyes and out of the way of you and those around you.

In the locker room behave calmly, do not rush, do not indulge, do not make noise. Fold your clothes neatly and head to class. If the locker room at your school is not closed for the duration of the lesson, try not to leave money or valuables there.

During a physical education lesson you need to be very attentive, collected, focused and careful. You move intensely and quickly, so the most likely to receive and cause injury to others and bruises. An incorrectly performed exercise can harm your health and lead to injury.

✏ To avoid injury, do only those exercises and only as the teacher says and shows.

You can not be too close to the student who performs any exercise.

You need to be extremely careful during games and exercises with the ball, rope, as well as during classes on uneven bars, rope and other sports equipment.

During team games, strictly follow the established rules.

If you feel unwell before or during the lesson, tell the teacher immediately. If you see that your friend has become ill, immediately call the teacher.

Rules of conduct on the sports ground

In the warm season, physical education classes are usually held outdoors. If your teacher warned you that the PE class will be on the playground, make sure you wear suitable sportswear. Most likely, it will be a tracksuit with long trousers and a light jacket. You can’t go to class in just a T-shirt, because you, hot after running, can catch a cold.

✏ Sportswear should be comfortable, durable, made from natural materials.

Come to the sports ground and leave it only with your class, accompanied by a teacher.

Do not leave the sports field. If there are two classes at the same time on the site, do not enter the territory of another class.

Be careful while doing the exercises. Try not to fall, don't push other students, don't step on something sharp.

If the lesson involves exercises such as throwing sports equipment, be very careful. Be careful not to hit other students with such an object and that a classmate does not hit you.

Rules of conduct in the pool

Now many schools have swimming pools where physical education lessons are held. If the school does not have a swimming pool, then often the class visits it in some sports complex.

Usually, physical education lessons in the pool are very popular with the guys. Swimming is not only good for health, it strengthens and tempers the body. It brings a lot of pleasure and joy.

Many of you love to swim, dive, play in the water. However, we must not forget that the pool is a place of increased danger.

✏ Being in the water requires you to be especially careful and follow strict safety measures.

Your visit to the pool begins with the preparation for this lesson.

If you go to the pool from home, try not to be late. Most likely, latecomers will not be allowed into the pool.

Gather all the things you need for the pool in advance.

In the pool you need to have:

1) swimsuit or swimming trunks;

2) rubber cap;

3) bathing slippers;

4) terry towel;

5) soap in a soap dish, sponge and shampoo (in a separate bag);

6) change of shoes.

Eat at least 2-3 hours before class starts. Swimming, as they say, on a full stomach is very unhealthy.

Do not take with you and do not leave valuables and money in the wardrobe (locker room). Perhaps your pool has a special place where you can leave them. If this is not possible, then try not to take a lot of money with you on the days of classes in the pool and do not wear expensive jewelry.

If you feel unwell, tell your teacher.

In the shower, do not indulge, do not run, do not play. It is very easy to slip on a wet floor and get injured.

Being in the water, one must be especially attentive and careful.

✏ Enter and exit the water strictly on the teacher's command.

You can not play around, shout loudly and make noise.

Do not push your classmates into the water.

Do not dive towards each other.

Diving from the side of the pool is possible only at the command of the teacher.

Don't drown other students.

✏ Don't call for adult help if you don't really need it.

If your classmate becomes ill and begins to drown, call the teacher immediately.

✏ If you start to drown, do not panic, but try to stay on the surface of the water and call for help.

While in the water, do only the exercises that your teacher tells you to do.

When playing any sports games, follow the established rules.

In the water, try to constantly move in order not to freeze and avoid hypothermia. If you have severe chills, goose bumps, or blue lips, you should leave the pool and take a warm shower with the permission of the teacher.

If for any reason you need to get out of the water, ask your teacher for permission.

After swimming, take a warm shower. Dry with a towel, dry your hair with a hairdryer. Before you go out after the pool, make sure you are warmly dressed.

Ski safety rules

If your PE class is on skis in the winter, be extra careful or you could get hurt. So do only what the teacher says.

If you don't know how to ski, listen very carefully to the teacher's explanations.

Do not put ski poles forward and to the sides. Do not pick them up with the sharp ends up.

Make sure your ski boots, skis and poles are appropriate for your size and height.

Your clothing must be appropriate for the weather. It should be warm, light and comfortable at the same time. Don't forget to wear a hat and gloves.

If your lesson takes place in a park or in a forest, keep up with the class, do not turn off the track.

If you are skiing down a hill, bend your knees slightly, pull the ski poles back.

✏ Don't go down the slide if you're not good at skiing or if you're afraid.

Since sports activities are always associated with the risk of injury, a number of requirements are imposed on the teacher at school, and his students must Strictly observe the rules of conduct in the physical education class. Students should be made aware of these rules before classes begin.

In order for the lessons to be most effective, the teacher should think not only about safety and health. Physical education lessons:

  • are also called upon to solve upbringing and educational tasks;
  • should be interesting for students, evoke positive emotions in them;
  • are planned taking into account the age and gender characteristics of the pupils.

Organization of the preparatory part of the lesson

Each educational institution guided general principles in the organization of physical education classes. The structure of the lesson may change depending on the pedagogical tasks or changes in student performance during class. The introductory part of the lesson is stretched when working with children in grades 1-2, because. they are not yet as quick to change and line up as older children. Pupils in grades 3-5 are better organized, do not make noise during construction, listen to the teacher, more clearly perform tasks for attention.

The main task of the management is to ensure the safe work of the teacher and students in the gym or on an open sports ground, swimming pool. Here it is necessary to provide appropriate sports equipment and equipment. And the teacher every time must make sure that the objects associated with the classes do not pose a danger to the wards.

Proper organization helps better absorption educational material, minimizes loss of working time and injuries.

Before entering the hall

  1. The teacher introduces all schoolchildren to TB in a physical education lesson.
  2. Each student is dressed in a sports uniform. Be sure to have a change of clean shoes, preferably with light-colored soles.
  3. The guys need to remove hanging jewelry, watches, uncomfortable hairpins that can cause injury. It is better not to leave valuables in the locker room, but to hand over to the teacher for safekeeping.
  4. All kinds of sweets and chewing gum are prohibited in the lesson, seeds or dangerous objects (piercing, cutting, flammable) are not brought here.

At the lesson

  1. Children can enter the gym, use equipment only with the permission of the teacher. When exercising outdoors, the class leaves the walls of the school only accompanied by a coach.
  2. The equipment must be in good working order. It is necessary to take care of the wall bars, mats, and other property. It is forbidden to hang on the gate. Basketball backboards, a rope, other equipment are allowed to be used only for their intended purpose.
  3. School equipment may only be used if it is in good working order.
  4. Junior and senior students are required to comply with all the requirements of the teacher, be aware of the elementary rules of the game, behavior on the site.
  5. During the lesson, each student should not be distracted and not distract his comrades from the process, provide other students with access to inventory, put it in the right place.
  6. If an injury has been sustained or someone is noticed to be unwell, this should be reported to the teacher immediately.
  7. The guys should try not to injure each other, control the use of sports equipment. It is allowed to perform exercises only on the command of a senior.
  8. Children released from classes provide the teacher with an appropriate medical certificate, and during the lesson they are in the hall.

After the lesson

  1. The students are getting organized.
  2. Use showers and dryers only for their intended purpose.
  3. They leave the locker room, putting things in order there.
  4. They go out into the corridor fully dressed, not forgetting to change their shoes.
  5. Each student drinks water only from an individual glass or bottle.

The Role of the Teacher and the Importance of Discipline

IN primary school, up to about grade 3, it is still difficult for children to navigate the playground, they often confuse left and right, their attention is concentrated on only one or two movements, they switch to foreign objects, they are noisy and mobile. Therefore, the teacher from the very beginning will have to identify the level of skills of his wards, accustom them to organization and order.

For teenagers in grades 8, 10, discipline is no less important than for junior schoolchildren. The teacher at the physical education lesson instills in them a love for work, teaches them to help a friend, gives instructions for cleaning, involves them in preparing classes, which contributes to the formation of instructor skills.

The teacher always controls the appearance of the children, their behavior, uses different methodological techniques in order to prevent overload of the child's body. Seeing excessive sweating, redness of the face, you can interrupt the game to clarify the rules or remarks. The kids will be fine in the meantime.

It is within the competence of the teacher to require students to come to class on time, to be in proper clothing. He also, if necessary, conducts a consultative conversation with parents.

Teacher MBOU secondary school No. 28

Krasnodar region, st Taman

in physical education classes, schoolchildren are at risk, which is prone to injury, because. physical culture lesson differs from others by high motor activity involved, using various sports equipment and inventory.

Although sports injuries do not occupy the first place in the overall structure of injuries, however, in terms of severity they are in second place after road traffic injuries. Therefore, children's injuries (especially during physical education and sports) require the closest attention, study and implementation of preventive measures at all stages of physical education.

Prevention of childhood injuries is one of the most important tasks modern society, which should be achieved, first of all, by observing safety precautions in physical education classes.

    Basic Safety Rules

in physical education classes.

For younger students, the following general safety requirements are provided for in physical education classes, which require the following actions from the teacher:

    To enter the hall after the permission of the teacher;

    The student must be familiar with the safety rules;

    Provide students with a changing room (separately for boys and separately for girls);

    Make sure that all students have changed, lock the locker rooms with a key;

    Monitor compliance with the rules of behavior of students in the locker rooms;

    Ensure the safe conduct of the educational process;

    Conduct a thorough inspection of the venue;

    Provide security measures when performing physical exercises;

9. Check the serviceability of sports equipment, the reliability of installation and fastening of equipment;

    In case of insufficient natural light, turn on the lighting devices;

    Check the condition of the emergency exit when exercising in the gym.
  1. Everyone should remember this!

Along with the safety rules that apply to the teacher, a lot depends on the actions of the students themselves.
1. In the gym, on the sports ground, students should only practice in sportswear. 2. During physical education and sports classes, students should not wear watches, rings and bracelets. 3. Exercises on sports equipment are performed with the permission of the teacher physical culture. 4. Before doing exercises, warm up and warm up the muscles. 5. Do not push each other, do not put steps. 6. Shoes must be on non-slip soles (sneakers, sneakers). 7. If you feel bad while running, take a step, and then sit down.

3. Safety requirements before starting and during class gymnastics.

2. Wipe the crossbar neck with a dry cloth and clean with sandpaper. 3
. Check the reliability of fastening the crossbar, fastening the supports of the gymnastic horse and goat, fastening the locking screws of the bars.
4. Place gymnastic mats in places where the apparatus jumps off so that their surface is even. 5. Do not perform exercises on sports equipment without a teacher (teacher) or his assistant, as well as without insurance. 6. When performing jumps and dismounts from shells to land softly on toes feet, springy squatting. 7. Do not stand close to the projectile when performing exercises for other students. 8. Do not exercise on sports equipment with wet palms.

4. sports games.

1. Classes in sports games are held on sports grounds and in halls that have dimensions that meet the requirements of the rules of the game.2. Classes must take place on a dry site. If the game is played indoors, the floor must be clean and dry.3. It is forbidden to play with rings, bracelets on the hands, earrings in the ears and other jewelry. Nails should be cut short.4. Warm up.5
. All sharp and protruding objects must be covered with mats and protected.
6. In the classroom, you must strictly observe discipline, follow the requirements and instructions of the judge, teacher, coach, team captain.7. All trainees are required to be in sportswear (tracksuit, T-shirt, shorts, sneakers, sneakers).8. Training games must be held in accordance with the rules of these sports.9. Classes must be held under the guidance of a teacher. 5. Safety requirements before and during classes ski training. at a distance of 3 - 4 m, with descents of at least 30 m.

    When descending, do not put your ski poles forward,

do not stop at the foot of the mountain, remember that a friend is following you.

7. Do not ride without gloves (mittens).

6. Safety requirements before and during classesathletics.

1. Wear a sports suit and sports shoes with non-slip soles.2. Carefully loosen the sand in the jump pit - the landing site, check that there are no foreign objects in the sand.3
. Wipe dry projectiles for throwing (disc, core, grenade).
4. Warm up.5. In a group start for short distances, run only in your own lane.6. In order to avoid collisions, avoid sudden “stopping” stops.7. Do not jump on uneven, loose and slippery ground, do not land when jumping on your hands.8. Before performing throwing exercises, see if there are people in the throwing sector.9. Do not throw without the permission of the teacher (teacher), do not leave sports equipment unattended.10. Do not stand to the right of the thrower, do not be in the throwing area, do not go after the projectiles without the permission of the teacher.

7. Rules of conduct in verse.

With the rules it became clear
But it's still dangerous to play
To avoid injury,
Warm-up must be respected.

you take care of inventory,
Don't break or tear. It will benefit you: Have a fun lesson!

IN jackets, coats and coats Nobody comes to us. In dirty shoes, friends, We are not allowed in the gym!

start work strictly
With the permission of the teacher. You warm up first. Don't go straight into the "fight"!

Everyone knows the rest: So as not to jump out of place, Didn't shout, didn't push And, having quarreled, did not fight!

To sleep better at night See a good dream We advise you to walk We'll be fine in the evening.

When you came to the lesson Put a padlock on your tongue. But don't hide the keys far away Where necessary - do not be silent.

It is forbidden to chew chewing gum in physical education classes.

Folk wisdom.

Keep your head cold, your belly hungry, and your feet warm.Idle youth is dissolute old age.The head is gray, but the soul is young.Health is more valuable than gold.Do not ask health, but look in the face.You can't buy health.IN healthy body- a healthy mind.You will be healthy - you will get everything.Sick - heal, and healthy - beware.You'll ruin your health - you won't buy a new one!Move more and live longer!

Marathon of riddles

What can help us maintain and improve health? Solve riddles.

The rain is warm and thick This rain is not easy. He is without clouds, without clouds. Ready to go all day long. It has two wheels And a seat on a frame. There are two pedals below They spin their legs... Do you want to break the record? So it will help you... To become a great athlete There is a lot to know. And dexterity will help here And of course, … Smooth, fragrant Washes clean. Everyone needs to have. What it is? I walk, I wander not through the forests, And clean hair. And my teeth are longer Than wolves and bears. Helps us always Sun, air and... I lay down in my pocket and guard the roar, crybaby and dirty. They will morning streams of tears, don't forget about the nose.

We wish you guys to be healthy always!

But it is impossible to achieve results without difficulty.

We have discovered all the secrets of how to maintain health.

Follow all the tips, and it will be easy for you to live!