The union of the soul with the soul of the native Tyutchev. Predestination

"Predestination" Fyodor Tyutchev

Love, love - says the legend -
The union of the soul with the soul of the native -
Their connection, combination,
And their fatal merger.
And ... a fatal duel ...

And than one of them is more tender
In the struggle of unequal two hearts,
The more inevitable and more certain
Loving, suffering, mleya sadly,
It finally wears out...

Analysis of Tyutchev's poem "Predestination"

Fedor Tyutchev was married twice, and both of his marriages turned out to be very successful both from a financial point of view and in terms of mutual affection. Nevertheless, having lived in a happy marriage with his second wife Ernestina for more than 10 years, the poet unexpectedly takes a great interest in the young pupil of the Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens Elena Denisyeva, who many bibliographers call Tyutchev's last love. This extramarital affair, which brought both lovers not only many exciting moments, but also public condemnation, lasted almost 15 years. In fact, the poet lived in two families, since Elena Denisyeva gave him three children, the existence of which the legal wife was well aware of.

Endowed with natural beauty and a sharp mind, Elena Denisyeva from the first meeting made such an indelible impression on Tyutchev that he, anticipating the beginning of a stormy romance, dedicated the poem “Predestination” to her in 1850, in which he actually predicted how his relationship with this woman would develop . Love in the concept of the poet is "the union of the soul with the soul of the native." However, this is not only peace and harmony, but also a “fatal duel”, which is inevitable when it comes to feelings.. Someone in such an alliance is always a leader, and someone obeys, otherwise the relationship is not destined to become long and happy.

In this novel, oddly enough, Elena Denisyeva turned out to be the leader, who was the first to take a step towards her chosen one, and then insisted that Tyutchev not terminate his marriage, which could put him on a successful career as a diplomat. It was this woman, who has amazing self-control and willpower, for the sake of her lover, abandoned her own family, inheritance and status in society, preferring a life in seclusion to family happiness. However, “in the struggle of two unequal hearts,” the poet also saw the other side, devoid of romance and idealism. This - heartache, which is the inevitable companion of love, and because of which the heart "finally languishes." Tyutchev was convinced that this fate inevitably befalls the one who, in a love union, obeys his chosen one. But the poet was mistaken, since it was not so much him who had to suffer from a vicious connection, but Elena Denisyeva, whose name turned out to be tarnished for life. She did not give her lover reasons for jealousy and did not demand anything in return. But, having become the mistress of a married man, she doomed herself to loneliness, with which Tyutchev could not come to terms.

Researchers include this poem in the "Denisiev cycle" of works. Elena Denisyeva was the beloved of the poet. Fedor Tyutchev fell in love with a young pupil of the Smolny Institute, where girls from noble families studied, literally after the first meeting. The young lady, who had an extraordinary mind and, according to the memoirs of her contemporaries, wonderful external data, made a strong impression on the poet. The dramatic history of their relationship, condemned by society, lasted fifteen years. They had three children. The connection was broken only with the early departure from the life of Elena Alexandrovna, who died of tuberculosis. Tyutchev reflects on love with his inherent philosophical depth, when thoughts and lyrics are in tune and give rise to poetic lines that reflect experienced feelings, pain and sadness, moments of happy moments when two souls unite. According to the poet, love is a fate predetermined from above, an inexplicable feeling that captures, overwhelms and incinerates with a surge of emotions of one who has a more tender soul and heart.

The text of Tyutchev's poem "Predestination" can be downloaded in full or taught online in a literature lesson in the classroom.

Being already at a respectable age, F.I. Tyutchev met Elena Denisieva. The poet was struck by the beauty and intelligence of this woman. He understood that he could not resist her charms, although he was then married to his second wife Ernestina. Anticipating the development of relations with Denisyeva, in 1850 the poet wrote the poem "Predestination", which, like a mirror, reflected his mixed feelings.

The theme of the analyzed work is love. The author claims that love can only bind kindred souls. He believes that their union is not only a union, but also a struggle.

The system of images of "Predestination" is original. In the center of the piece lyrical hero, and in the second quatrain images of hearts appear. Given the biography of F.I. Tyutchev, it can be argued that the lyrical "I" of the work is a reflection of the author's inner state. The lyrical hero reflects on the eternal question of love. The legend prompted him to think, according to which love is the union of kindred souls. The hero agrees that love is a union of souls, but at the end of the first stanza he adds that this is a fatal duel. The last thesis is developed in the second quatrain.

The lyrical hero is sure that love is a struggle between two hearts. The one that is more tender inevitably suffers and succumbs to sadness. Soon it completely wears out, loving. The author does not say anything about the less tender heart, without revealing the secret of whether it triumphs or laments. The work ends with a broken syntactic construction, which prompts the reader to consider everything that was said in "Predestination".

Poem F.I. Tyutchev consists of two semantic parts: a story about love based on legend and a story about the struggle of two hearts, its consequences. The formal organization corresponds to the semantic one. The work is divided into two quatrains with cross rhyming. The poetic size is iambic tetrameter.

To convey the feelings and emotions of the lyrical hero and show his view of love, F.I. Tyutchev uses artistic means. The main role is played by the metaphor: “the union of the soul with the soul”, “their fatal merger” (about souls), “the struggle of two hearts”. Metaphor is the basis for creating images of love and two hearts. The monologue-reasoning of the lyrical hero is supplemented with epithets: “fateful duel”, “unequal struggle”, suffers “inevitably”.

In the analyzed poem, intonation plays a significant role. F.I. Tyutchev uses broken sentences in both quatrains. With the help of them, the pensive state of the lyrical hero and author is conveyed. In addition, this technique helps the poet to place semantic and emotional accents.

Thoughts expressed in "Predestination" by F.I. Tyutchev are emphasized with the help of alliteration. For example, in the description of the duel of hearts, the consonant "r" prevails: "in the struggle of unequal two hearts." In the story about the suffering of a defeated heart, words with the consonants "s", "z" are used.

The analyzed work of F.I. Tyutcheva expresses the perception of the problem of love by a mature man who has experienced this feeling more than once.

“A lot of songs have been written about love ...” These words can rightfully be attributed to the work of the poet of the second half of XIX century Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev. Indeed, his life, like the life of, perhaps, any poet, is illuminated by the light of great love. Tyutchev had many hobbies in his life. Even in his youth, being an official of the Russian diplomatic mission in Munich, he is fond of Amalia Lernenfeld (married Baroness Krüdener), to whom the famous poem “I remember the golden time ...” (1836) and another, later - “I met you - and all the past ... ”(1870), which became a popular romance.

Tyutchev was already married twice, when in 1850 in St. Petersburg he met Elena Denisyeva, niece and pupil of A.D. Denisyeva, inspector of the Smolny Institute, where the poet's two daughters were brought up. 24-year-old Elena, fascinated by the personality and work of Fedor Ivanovich, deeply and selflessly fell in love with Tyutchev, and he answered her with a long and passionate affection. However, in high Petersburg society, their connection, which could not be hidden, caused a scandal. In addition, during these 14 years they had three children. The whole burden of condemnation and rejection at the same time fell on Denisyeva's shoulders: her father disowned her, her aunt was forced to leave the Smolny Institute, her children were branded "illegal", and the doors of the best St. Petersburg living rooms closed in front of her.

In addition, Tyutchev retained attachment to the legitimate family, to children and to his wife, whom he called his "earthly providence." Being in such an ambiguous position in the world, Elena Denisyeva was constantly in an excited state, was irritable, which eventually accelerated the development of consumption in her, and on August 4, 1864, she died. Their common son and daughter died next. Tyutchev was shocked by the death of loved ones and until the end of his life he considered himself the culprit of such a tragic denouement. The feelings he experienced were reflected in love poems, which became the pinnacle of not only Russian, but also world love poetry. Later, these poems were combined into a cycle, called "Denisevsky".

This cycle includes such verses as "Predestination", “I knew the eyes - oh, these eyes ...”, “On the eve of the anniversary of August 4, 1864” and others. All the verses of the "Denisiev cycle" are dramatic and to some extent resemble a confession. The similarity is enhanced by the form of dialogue in which the lyrical hero repents, asks for forgiveness from the one who is no longer with him.

The poem "Predestination" reveals the true essence of love. For the poet, this is not only happiness, “the union of the soul with the soul of the native, their union, combination”, but also “their fatal merger” - “the fatal duel”. The repetition of the epithet "fatal" twice reveals the author's idea that love is a feeling predetermined from above. This means that those torments and sufferings that lovers endure are predetermined. The only thing left to do is calm down. But in a duel there must be a winner and a loser. And the loser, sadly, is the one who loves the most, whose “tender heart” is languishing with love.

Of course, the lyrical hero suffers no less, but suffers when what happened cannot be changed. Obviously, that is why in the poem a large number of ellipsis, conveying the excitement of the hero, creating a high emotional intensity, but at the same time maintaining some reticence. It is as if he understands that he is hurting his beloved, but he cannot change anything, because the result of the duel with higher powers, with fate is known in advance: the heart “loving, suffering, sadly melting ... will finally languish”.

Tyutchev himself later wrote with repentance: “The wound is festering, it does not heal ...” Therefore, the main poems of this cycle appeared a few years after the death of Elena Alexandrovna.

In conclusion, I would like to note that written in iambic tetrameter, traditional for the 19th century, this poem sounded too bravura and life-affirming. Therefore, the use of pyrrhic and clauses allowed the poet to reduce the "joviality" and "vigor" of the work and evoke the feeling of a duel between man and fate. In the future, the "Denisiev cycle" will have a huge impact on the development of Russian lyrics of the twentieth century.

In addition to the analysis of "Predestination", read the following works:

  • Analysis of the poem by F.I. Tyutchev "Silentium!"
  • "Autumn Evening", analysis of Tyutchev's poem
  • "Spring Thunderstorm", analysis of Tyutchev's poem

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