Summary of a little havroshechka for a reader's diary. Tiny-Havroshechka (meaning of the fairy tale)


1. Mythological stories Ancient Greece.

2. Russian fairy tales and fairy tales of different peoples “Tiny-Khavroshechka”, “Princess Nesmeyana”, “Flying Ship”, “Finist-clear Falcon”, “Aladdin's Magic Lamp (Arabic fairy tale)”, “The woman who lived in a bottle” (English fairy tale).

3. Epics of the Kyiv cycle.

4. Aesop's fables.

5. Krylov's fables

6. N. Garin-Mikhailovsky "The Childhood of Tyoma".

7. N. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai and hares."

9. A. Milnn "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all."

10. V. Garshin "Frog Traveler".

11. Yu. Koval "Nightingales".

13. A. Gaidar "Hot Stone".

14. To Paustovsky "Steel ring".

15. V. Dragunsky "Girl on the ball."

16. L. Petrushevskaya "Tales".

17. S. Kozlov "Tales".

18. Yan Lari "The Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Vali".

19. S. Lagerlöf "Niels' Journey with Wild Geese".

20. D. Durrell "My family and other animals."

21. D. Harris "Tales of Uncle Remus".

22. C. S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

23. D. Rodari "Gelsomino in the Land of Liars", "The Adventures of the Blue Arrow".

24. R. Kipling "Why does a camel have a hump."

25. E. Raspe "The Adventures of Munchausen".

26. E. Seton-Thompson "Street Singer".

27. F. Baum "The Wizard of OZ".

28. O. Preusler "Little Ghost".

29. P. Travers "Mary Poppins".

30. V. Golyavkin "Stories".

31. Y. Raskin "When dad was little."

32. E. Hogarth "Muffin and his merry friends."

33. E. Uspensky "Crocodile Gena and his friends."

34. P. Bazhov "Silver Hoof".

35. V. Gubarev "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors".

36. S. Prokofiev "The Wizard's Apprentice".

37. L. Lagin "Old Man Hottabych".

1. Kun Nikolai Albertovich "Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece"

Myth "Achhilles' heel" it was from this myth that the expression Achilles' heel came. Somehow the goddess Thetis had a son, he was very weak, she was advised to bathe him in healing waters. After she dipped him several times into this magical lake, he became very strong, but he had one weak spot - the heel, for which his mother held him when she dipped him into the water. He went to the Trojan War, his mother persuaded him to stay, he disobeyed her, there he was wounded in the heel and after that he died. This is where the expression "Achhilles' heel" comes from.

Myth "12 Labors of Hercules"

The great ancient Greek hero Hercules was the son of Zeus and the mortal woman Alcmene, daughter of the king of Mycenae. From the very birth, Hercules was pursued by the wife of Zeus, the goddess Hera, angry that her husband entered into a relationship with Alcmene. On the day before the birth of Hercules, Zeus announced that the baby who first appeared on that day in the descendants of Perseus would rule over all relatives. Hera, having learned about this, hastened the birth of Perseid's wife Sthenelus, who gave birth to the weak and cowardly Eurystheus. Zeus involuntarily had to agree that Heracles, born after this Alcmene, obey Eurystheus - but not all his life, but only until he performs 12 great feats in his service.

Hercules from early childhood was distinguished by great strength. Already in the cradle, he strangled two huge snakes sent by the Hero to destroy the baby. Hercules spent his childhood in the Boeotian Thebes. He freed this city from the power of neighboring Orchomenus, and in gratitude the Theban king Creon gave his daughter, Megara, to Hercules. Soon Hera sent a fit of madness to Hercules, during which he killed his children and the children of his half-brother Iphicles (according to the tragedies of Euripides ("Hercules") and Seneca, Hercules killed his wife Megara as well). The Delphic oracle, in atonement for this sin, ordered Hercules to go to Eurystheus and perform, on his orders, those 12 feats that were destined for him by fate.

The first feat of Hercules

Hercules strangled the huge Nemean lion, who was born by the monsters Typhon and Echidna and devastated the Argolis. The arrows of Hercules bounced off the thick skin of a lion, but the hero stunned the beast with a club and strangled it with his hands. In memory of this first feat, Hercules established the Nemean Games, which were celebrated in the ancient Peloponnese every two years. (For more details, see the separate article The first feat of Hercules - the Nemean lion.)

The second feat of Hercules (summary)

Hercules killed the Lernean hydra, a monster with a snake body and 9 dragon heads that crawled out of a swamp near the city of Lerna, killed people and destroyed entire herds. In place of each hydra's head cut off by the hero, two new ones grew, until Hercules' assistant, Iolaus, began to burn the necks of the hydra with burning tree trunks. He also killed a giant cancer that crawled out of the swamp to help the hydra. In the poisonous bile of the Lernean hydra, Hercules soaked his arrows, making them deadly. (For more details, see the separate article The Second Labor of Hercules - the Lernaean Hydra.)

The third labor of Hercules

Stymphalian birds attacked people and cattle, tearing them apart with copper claws and beaks. In addition, they dropped from a height, like arrows, deadly bronze feathers. The goddess Athena gave Hercules two tympanums, with the sounds of which he frightened the birds. When they flew up in a flock, Hercules shot some of them with a bow, and the rest flew away in horror to the shores of Pontus Euxinus (Black Sea) and never returned to Greece. (For more details, see the separate article The Third Labor of Hercules - Stymphalian Birds.)

Fourth Labor of Hercules

The Kerinean doe with golden horns and copper legs, sent to punish people by the goddess Artemis, never knowing fatigue, rushed around Arcadia and devastated the fields. Hercules pursued the doe on the run for a whole year, reaching the sources of Istra (Danube) in the far north in pursuit of it and then returning back to Hellas. Here Hercules wounded the doe with an arrow in the leg, caught it and brought it alive to Eurystheus in Mycenae. (For more details, see the separate article The fourth feat of Hercules - the Kerinean doe.)

Fifth Labor of Hercules

The Erymanthian boar, possessing monstrous strength, terrified all the surroundings. On the way to battle with him, Hercules visited his friend, the centaur Fall. He treated the hero to wine, angering the rest of the centaurs, since the wine belonged to them all, and not to Foul alone. The centaurs rushed at Hercules, but he forced the attackers to hide from the centaur Chiron with archery. Pursuing the centaurs, Hercules broke into the cave of Chiron and accidentally killed many with an arrow of this wise hero. Greek myths. Finding the Erymanthian boar, Hercules drove him into deep snow, and he got stuck there. The hero took the bound boar to Mycenae, where the frightened Eurystheus, at the sight of this monster, hid in a large jug. (For more details, see the separate article The Fifth Labor of Hercules - the Erymanthian Boar.)

The sixth labor of Hercules

The king of Elis, Avgiy, the son of the sun god Helios, received from his father numerous herds of white and red bulls. His huge barnyard has not been cleared for 30 years. Hercules offered to clear the stall for a day for Augeas, asking for a tenth of his herds in return. Considering that the hero could not cope with the work in one day, Avgiy agreed. Hercules blocked the rivers Alpheus and Peneus with a dam and diverted their water to the barnyard of Avgii - all the manure was washed away from it in a day.

Greedy Avgiy did not give Hercules the promised payment for the work. A few years later, already freed from the service of Eurystheus, Hercules gathered an army, defeated Avgii and killed him. After this victory, Hercules established the famous Olympic Games in Elis, near the city of Pisa. (For more details, see the separate article The sixth feat of Hercules - the stables of Augius.)

The seventh labor of Hercules

God Poseidon gave the Cretan king Minos a beautiful bull to sacrifice himself. But Minos left a wonderful bull in his herd, and sacrificed another to Poseidon. The angry god sent rabies on the bull: he began to rush all over Crete, destroying everything along the way. Hercules caught the bull, tamed it and swam across the sea from Crete to the Peloponnese on his back. Eurystheus ordered the bull to be released. He, again enraged, rushed from Mycenae to the north, where he was killed in Attica by the Athenian hero Theseus. (For more details, see the separate article The seventh feat of Hercules - the Cretan bull.)

The eighth feat of Hercules

The Thracian king Diomedes owned horses of marvelous beauty and strength, which could only be kept in a stall with iron chains. Diomedes fed his horses with human meat, killing strangers who came to him. Hercules led the horses by force and defeated Diomedes, who rushed in pursuit, in battle. During this time, the horses tore to pieces the companion of Hercules, Abder, who guarded them on the ships.

The ninth labor of Hercules

The queen of the Amazons, Hippolyta, wore a belt given to her by the god Ares as a sign of her power. The daughter of Eurystheus, Admet, wished to have this belt. Hercules with a detachment of heroes sailed to the kingdom of the Amazons, to the shores of Pontus Euxinus (Black Sea). Hippolyta, at the request of Hercules, wanted to give the belt voluntarily, but other Amazons attacked the hero and killed several of his companions. Hercules slew the seven strongest warriors in battle and put their army to flight. Hippolyta gave him the belt as a ransom for the captured Amazon Melanippe.

On the way back from the country of the Amazons, Hercules saved Hesiona, the daughter of the Trojan king Laomendont, at the walls of Troy, doomed, like Andromeda, to sacrifice to the sea monster. Hercules killed the monster, but Laomedon did not give him the promised reward - the horses of Zeus belonging to the Trojans. For this, Hercules a few years later made a trip to Troy, took it and killed the whole family of Laomedont, leaving only one of his sons, Priam, alive. Priam ruled Troy during the glorious Trojan War.

Tenth feat of Hercules

Having killed the guards of Geryon - the giant Eurytion and the two-headed dog Orfo - Hercules captured the cows and drove them to the sea. But then Gerion himself rushed at him, covering his three bodies with three shields and throwing three spears at once. However, Hercules shot him with a bow and finished him off with a club, and he transported the cows on the boat of Helios across the Ocean. On the way to Greece, one of the cows ran away from Hercules to Sicily. To free her, the hero had to kill the Sicilian king Eriks in a duel. Then Hera, hostile to Hercules, sent rabies to the herd, and the cows that fled from the shores of the Ionian Sea were barely caught in Thrace. Eurystheus, having received the cows of Geryon, sacrificed them to Hera.

Eleventh Labor of Hercules

By order of Eurystheus, Hercules descended through the abyss of Tenar into the gloomy kingdom of the god of the dead Hades in order to take away his guard from there - the three-headed dog Cerberus, whose tail ended in the head of a dragon. At the very gates of the underworld, Hercules freed the Athenian hero Theseus, who had grown up to the rock, whom the gods punished together with his friend, Perifoy, for trying to steal his wife Persephone from Hades. In the realm of the dead, Hercules met the shadow of the hero Meleager, whom he promised to become the protector of his lonely sister Dejanira and marry her. The lord of the underworld, Hades, himself allowed Hercules to take Cerberus away - but only if the hero manages to tame him. Finding Cerberus, Hercules began to fight him. He half strangled the dog, pulled him out of the ground and brought him to Mycenae. The cowardly Eurystheus, at one glance at the terrible dog, began to beg Hercules to take her back, which he did.

At the very western edge of the earth, the giant Gerion, who had three bodies, three heads, six arms and six legs, grazed cows. By order of Eurystheus, Hercules went after these cows. The long journey to the west itself was already a feat, and in memory of him Hercules erected two stone (Hercules) pillars on both sides of a narrow strait near the shores of the Ocean (modern Gibraltar). Geryon lived on the island of Erithia. So that Hercules could reach him, the solar god Helios gave him his horses and a golden boat, on which he himself swims daily through the sky.

The twelfth labor of Hercules

Hercules had to find a way to the great titan Atlas (Atlanta), who holds the vault of heaven on his shoulders at the edge of the earth. Eurystheus ordered Hercules to take three golden apples from the golden tree of the Atlas garden. To find out the way to the Atlas, Hercules, on the advice of the nymphs, guarded the sea god Nereus on the seashore, grabbed him and held him until he showed the right way. On the way to the Atlas through Libya, Hercules had to fight the cruel giant Antaeus, who received new powers by touching his mother, Earth-Gaia. After a long fight, Hercules lifted Antaeus into the air and strangled him without lowering him to the ground. In Egypt, King Busiris wanted to sacrifice Hercules to the gods, but the angry hero killed Busiris along with his son.

Atlas himself went to his garden for three golden apples, but Hercules at that time needed to hold the vault of heaven for him. Atlas wanted to deceive Hercules: he offered to personally take the apples to Eurystheus, provided that at that time Hercules would continue to hold the sky for him. But the hero, realizing that the cunning titan would not return, did not give in to deception. Hercules asked Atlas to change him under the sky for a short rest, and he took the apples and left.

Summary Childhood Themes of Garin-Mikhailovsky's story for reader's diary

2. Russian fairy tales and fairy tales of different nations


The essence of the tale is in the difficult relationship between people and the traditional victory of Good over Evil. There are not so many Russian fairy tales in which the main character is a woman. The plot of the story is extremely simple. Orphan Tiny Khavroshechka is a weak, suffering creature, lives in a monstrously evil environment (a stepmother and her three daughters, some of whose names are terrifying: One-eyed, Two-eyed and Three-eyed). The girl does hard work from morning to evening. But she has a protector - an extraordinary cow who helps the girl, as her own mother would do if she were alive. The mother, reincarnated as a cow, resolves the conflicts of the heroine in a magical way: "Get in one ear and get out the other - everything will work out." According to the law of a fairy tale, a test follows miraculous events. The master's daughters spy on Khavroshka, inform their mothers, after which the cow is killed. But the cow remains the protector and helper of the girl. She transforms into an apple tree with magical fruits. Only Tiny-Havroshechka can tear the fruits, as the branches rise up in front of other heroes. At the end of the tale, Khavroshechka becomes the wife of a handsome merchant, for whom she picks the fruit from the apple tree. The role of the protector - Mother-Cow-Apple Tree - was successfully played to the end: the daughter gained freedom, happiness and well-being. It turns out that in her three hypostases, the mother certainly helps her daughter.

"Princess Nesmeyana"

The main meaning of the fairy tale "Princess Nesmeyana" is that honest work will always be adequately rewarded, and any help will return a hundredfold to those who provided this help.

Of the heroes of the fairy tale, the worker is the most sympathetic to me. He is hardworking, humble and never refuses to help anyone. The animals he helped helped him at the end of the tale, and not just raised him from the mud, but involuntarily helped him become the husband of the princess, a noble and rich man. Here, the well-known folk expression “From rags to riches!” literally came true.

"Flying ship"

A tale about how the younger brother decided to build a flying ship in order to marry the princess. The tale was named so because the hero and his friends traveled on a flying ship. What I liked most in the fairy tale was how the main character was helped by friends to cope with the tasks of the Tsar. Most of all I liked the main character, whom everyone called - a fool. He was the kindest of all the brothers, because he helped the old people who met him on the way. The protagonist is brave, warm-hearted, purposeful, not greedy. To show how high the ship flies in a fairy tale, it is described as follows: "a ship flies a little lower than the walking clouds, a little higher than the standing forests." Another hero appears named Opivalo, who wandered along the shore of a huge lake and wants to get drunk. The lake is described as quite large, but the hero cannot drink from it because this lake will not be enough for him. This is described in a fairy tale to show how much Opivalo drinks. I remember most of all and it seemed unusual how Skorokhod ran very fast, He ate a lot of food, Opivalo could drink a lot, Chilled could freeze a red-hot bath, an old man could create an army of warriors from brushwood.

I think this tale is that every person should keep his promise and not do as the king did. And you also need to listen to the advice of elders and help other people.

"Finist - Clear Falcon"

This is a fairy tale about an old man, his three daughters and about Finist, a bright falcon.

The youngest daughter - really wanted to get Finist's feather - is clear of a falcon and received it. And when, suddenly, she lost, she was able to overcome all difficulties and find - a dear friend, her betrothed and rescue him. It was very difficult for the old man to find a feather, but still managed. And the cruel sisters, out of envy and stupidity, almost exhausted the prince from the world. But most of all I was touched by the courage and stubbornness of my younger sister, the red maiden: she had to wear out three pairs of shoes, break three cast-iron staffs, she had to gnaw three prosvir from, just to get to the sweetheart. And then more tests. That's courage!

But as in all fairy tales, kindness, diligence and perseverance were rewarded and everything ended wonderfully - the red maiden and Finist - the clear falcon got married and lived happily ever after. I realized that everything can be achieved if you really want it and work hard.

"Aladdin's Magic Lamp (Arabic Tale)"

"The Woman Who Lived in a Bottle" (English tale)

3. Epics of the Kyiv cycle

Epics belong to the heroic epic genre of Russian folklore. Epics of the "Kyiv cycle" tell about the exploits of ancient Russian heroes and reflect the historical events of the reign of St. Vladimir and his great-grandson Vladimir Monomakh (merged into the image of Vladimir the Red Sun). Real personalities became the prototypes of a number of epic heroes. Some plots are devoted to the successful struggle of Russia with the nomads.

Bylina Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber for the reader's diary

Bylina tells us about the arrogance of the capital's princely elite, it is opposed to the morale and dignity of the people's heroes. The common people always knew and remembered that the prince and his servants were evil and merciless, and the heroes, who rightly defended the common people, were kind, honest to him, and were a model for future generations.

In the epic tale, the chroniclers tell about the strength of the national hero Ilya from the city of Murom, the son of a peasant from the village of Karacharov. There was no hero stronger than him. He was stronger than even the court fellows Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. In this tale, Ilya Muromets defeated the Nightingale the Robber.

Epic "Dobrynya and the Serpent"

In the epic "Dobrynya and the Serpent" Dobrynya Nikitich performs a feat of arms - he defeats the Serpent, who brought a lot of grief to the Russian land. The plot of the epic came out of ancient fairy-tale folklore. The epic begins with a story about how the mother does not tell Dobrynya to go to the Puchay River to swim.

Fairy tales usually begin with this fabulous prohibition. Just like in a fairy tale, Dobrynya does not listen to her mother's advice and swims far. At this moment, the Serpent flies at him.

The battle of the hero with the Serpent is depicted briefly: Dobrynya the Serpent hit, knocked off all his "trunks" and took his word not to fly to Russia anymore. Returning to Kyiv, Dobrynya learns that the Serpent again flew through Kyiv and carried away the niece of Prince Vladimir - Zabava Putyatichna.

Dobrynya sets off on a long journey to the Zmeya Caves. But, unlike the fairy-tale hero who fights the monster for his own personal interests (liberation of the bride), he represents a new hero who advocates public interests in the struggle for the integrity of Russia and its borders. The fairy-tale motif of the struggle for a woman becomes the motif of the struggle for the Russian polonyanka. In the epic, Dobrynya is presented as the liberator of the Russian land. The epic sings the glory of the hero, who freed not only Vladimir's niece, but also many other prisoners who languished in the Serpent's dungeon.

4. Aesop's fables

"Cat and Rooster"

The cat caught the rooster and wanted to devour it under a plausible pretext. At first, she accused him of disturbing people when he screams at night and does not let him sleep. The rooster replied that he was doing it for their own benefit: he wakes them up for their usual daily work. Then the cat said: "But you are also a wicked one; contrary to nature, you cover both your mother and sisters." The rooster replied that he was doing this for the benefit of the owners - he was trying to make them have more eggs. Then the cat cried out in confusion: "So what do you think, because you have excuses for everything, I won't eat you?"

The fable shows that when a bad person decides to do evil, he will act in his own way, not under a plausible pretext, but openly.

"Tailless Fox"

The fox lost its tail in some kind of trap and reasoned that it was impossible for her to live with such a shame. Then she decided to persuade all the other foxes to do the same, in order to hide her own injury in the general misfortune. She gathered all the foxes and began to convince them to cut off their tails: firstly, because they are ugly, and secondly, because it is only an extra burden. But one of the foxes answered this: "Oh, you! You would not give us such advice, if it were not profitable for you yourself."

The fable refers to those who give advice to their neighbors not from a pure heart, but for their own benefit.

"The Fisherman and the Fish"

The fisherman cast a net and pulled out a small fish. The little fish began to beg that he let her go for the time being - she is so small - and would catch her later, when she grows up and she will be more useful. But the fisherman said: "I would be a fool if I released the prey that is already in my hands and chased after a false hope."

The fable shows that it is better to have a small profit, but in the present, than a big one, but in the future.

"The Fox and the Woodcutter"

The fox, running away from the hunters, saw a woodcutter and begged him to give her shelter. The woodcutter told her to go in and hide in his hut. A little later, the hunters appeared and asked the woodcutter if he had seen a fox run through here? He answered them aloud: "I did not see," and meanwhile gave signs with his hand, showing where she hid. But the hunters did not notice his signs, but they believed his words; the fox waited for them to gallop away, got out and, without saying a word, went away. The woodcutter began to scold her: he supposedly saved her, but he does not hear a sound of gratitude from her. The fox answered: "I would thank you, if only your words and the works of your hands were not so dissimilar."

This fable can be applied to such people who speak good words, but do bad deeds.

5. Fables of Ivan Andreevich Krylov


In the fable "Quartet" it is said how four animals "started to play a quartet." A quartet is an ensemble of four performers. Heroes of the fable: Donkey, Goat, naughty Monkey and clubfoot Bear. They argue, move from place to place and can’t understand why they don’t succeed. The thing is, they didn't mind their own business. And the Nightingale explained to them:

"What a musician to be, so you need the ability

And your ears are softer, ...

And you, friends, no matter how you sit down,

Everyone is no good as a musician."

The moral of this fable: if you sit down at the instrument without knowing the notes at all, and even without hearing, it is unlikely that anything will work out. A fable, though not a great work, but with great meaning.

"Monkey and Glasses"

The main character of the fable is a monkey. She is funny and stupid.

The fable makes you think that before you buy a thing, you need to know how to use it.

"Mirror and Monkey"

The main character is a monkey. I didn't like her because she couldn't see her flaws in the mirror. The fable makes me think that it is unnecessary to discuss others if you yourself are like them.

6. N. Garin-Mikhailovsky "The Childhood of Tyoma"

The protagonist of the story, Theme, makes friends with a classmate Ivanov, who will become a standard for him in everything. Ivanov and Theme will become friends "do not spill water." But this friendship was not destined to last. After one incident in class, Ivanov will be expelled from school. Tema will find new friends with whom she will dream of traveling to America. But this dream will never come true.

The story teaches its reader that one should admit one's mistakes, repent of what has been done, and control one's emotions. You should not blame others for all your failures, but first you should understand yourself.

7. N. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai and hares"

Every summer, the narrator came to the village of Malye Vezha for a week to visit the old hunter Mazai and hunt with him. Once, during a hunt, heavy rain began, and the narrator and Mazai took refuge in a barn. The old man began to tell stories about the village hunters: one broke the trigger of his gun, and walks around with a box of matches, and the other carries a pot of coals with him, because his hands are cold. The author recorded one of the stories.

Mazai said that in their lowland region there would have been much more game if the peasants had not caught and killed hares in the spring floods. Once Mazai went for firewood. Suddenly he saw an island on which hares had gathered. Mazai took them to his boat. He picked up another hare from a stump, took the hare into the boat and covered it with a zipun. About a dozen hares were sitting on a log floating by. Mazai caught hold of a hook on a knot on a log and dragged him along.

The whole village laughed with Mazai. And outside the village, as soon as he moored to the shore, all the hares began to run in all directions. Only two pairs left. They were weary and weak. Mazay put them in a bag and brought them home. They warmed up overnight. In the morning, Mazai let them go into the forest.

8. Sh. Perrot "Ricky with a tuft".

9. A. Milnn "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all"

Winnie the Pooh is a teddy bear and a great friend of Christopher Robin. A variety of stories happen to him.

In addition to Winnie the Pooh and the Rabbit, the Piglet (“Very Little Creature”), the Owl (she is literate and can even write her name “SAVA”), the always sad donkey Eeyore, also live in the Forest.

Events in the forest go on as usual: either an "expedition" is sent to the North Pole, then Piglet is saved from the flood in Christopher Robin's umbrella, then a storm destroys the Owl's house, and the donkey is looking for a house for her (which turns out to be Piglet's house), and Piglet goes to live with Winnie the Pooh, then Christopher Robin, having already learned to read and write, leaves (it is not entirely clear how, but it is clear that he is leaving) from the Forest ...

And wherever they go, and whatever happens to them, "here, in the Enchanted Place on top of the hill in the Forest, the little boy will always, always play with his teddy bear."

10. V. Garshin "Frog Traveler"

In this work, the author tells about a frog who got bored with life in his native swamp, and she went in search of adventures by air, on ducks. On the way, the unlucky traveler falls into another swamp and decides that it is more interesting.

The main idea of ​​the work can be expressed in the proverb “every sandpiper praises his swamp”, and the author also shows the boastfulness, deceit and desire of the frog to embellish events by comparing it with some people.

11. Yu. Koval "Nightingales".

An alder forest in the fog. Deaf in the forest, quietly. And I'm running - I'm afraid to be late for the morning bite. I think I'm on the run. - Well, now it will begin! ”“ Bullets, bullets, bullets, bullets, bullets!” Pulkat! Great pulkaet! "Kly, kly, kly, kly, kly!" How it fangs! “Captivity, captivity, captivity, captivity, captivity!” Films! Good film! He knows how! Once I, once, I run - I’m afraid to be late for the morning bite. When I run past the singer who hid in the middle of the alder, he stops for a moment, but immediately starts to accelerate: “Tee-vit.” And nightingale knees fly after me and rings: gurgling, fangs, spitting, shot, roar, bells, loud summer chirping. And I run, I run - I wouldn’t be late for the morning nibble. , fresh, juicy - in front. Yes, what is it - head is spinning! Ahead - gurgling. Behind - fangs! Ahead - shot. Behind - peal! did not run. “Stockings! Stockings! he sings. - Where are you? Where are you?” Until I get to the lake, the nightingales pass me hand in hand. And the bird cherry blossoms, crumbles onto the black road, tossing and turning in the lakes, greenish-speckled pikes beat in the coastal grass. in the bottom lake. And the new singer, the lakeside one, is already gurgling, gurgling, fangs, gurgles, slicks, slinks, and all of a sudden it scatters on the surface of the lake with five thousand beads at once! It’s cold and scalding. .

12. Yu. Dmitriev "On nature for big and small."

13. A. Gaidar "Hot Stone"

The meeting between Ivashka and the collective farm watchman took place under unpleasant circumstances: the boy who climbed into the orchard for apples was caught. But the old man, who had lived and seen a lot in his life, did not punish the boy, but let him go.

Once in the forest, the boy found a strange object - a hot stone. The inscription on the stone said that whoever breaks it will be able to regain their youth. The boy immediately thought of the old man and offered him to break the miracle stone.

But the wise old man did not accept Ivashka's offer. Instead, they decided to watch: they took the stone to the most visible place, to a high mountain, so that anyone who would like to regain their youth could break it.

A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then, but the stone has remained alone on the mountain.

14. K Paustovsky "Steel Ring"

Grandfather Kuzma and granddaughter Varya lived in the village, near the forest itself. When winter came, my grandfather ran out of shag, he began to cough and complained about his health all the time. He said to make it easier, you need to drag on. Then the granddaughter went to a neighboring village to bring shag from there to her grandfather. And there was a railway nearby, and as soon as the girl bought shag, she decided to stand at the station - to look at the trains. There she met two fighters. The bearded one asked Varya to sell him a shag, but she said that it was impossible, since it was for a sick grandfather. But after thinking, she allowed him to take a handful from there.

In gratitude, the fighter handed the girl a steel ring. He said that it would bring health to the grandfather and granddaughter - you need to wear it on the middle finger. If worn on a nameless one, it will bring great joy; on the index - will allow you to see the whole white light.

Varya, satisfied, went to her grandfather, but on the way she became interested in what would happen if she put it on her little finger. As a result, the ring fell off the finger and dived into the snow. She looked for him, but could not find him, because her fingers were frozen. Then she stuck a branch in that place and went home with tears.

At home, she told her grandfather everything, and he, smoking shag, said that Sidor should send the sparrow there - you look, but he will find the ring. But the sparrow did not begin to look. Grandfather was getting worse, he coughed a lot and by spring he moved to the stove, but practically did not go down from it.

Once Varya woke up early because Sidor was knocking on the window - spring had come. The snow melted and the girl, returning to the forest, where she left the branch, began to look for the ring again. She found a ring and immediately ran home. She came, and grandfather already went out into the yard, said that he had recovered.

Then Varya put the ring on the other finger in the evening and began to wait for joy. In the morning I found the first snowdrops.

The forest seemed so beautiful to her that she decided: there is no better place on earth than here. And did not put the ring on the other finger.

the main idea nowhere will a person be better than in his native place.

15. V. Dragunsky "Girl on the ball"

This is a work about how Deniska went to the circus with the class. There were a lot of artists there. And he liked one girl. She performed on the ball. Her name was Tanya, she jumped on this ball, ran around it. And when Tanya rode, she winked at Deniska. And then, when the performance was over, Denis happily ran home. He told his father about this and wanted to show this girl. They wanted to go to the circus on Sunday, but dad did not succeed, and he swore to go to the circus next Sunday. The performance began. The girl did not go out on the ball for a long time, and then, when there was an intermission, they ran to watch the script. An aunt was standing there. They asked: "Why is the girl not performing on the ball?" They were told that she had gone with her parents to Vladivostok. Deniska and her father went home very sad.

The main characters of this story are Deniska, his dad and a girl on a ball. I treat everyone well. This work makes you think about what you need to do right away what you want, and not postpone until the next time something happens.

16. L. Petrushevskaya "Tales"

17. S. Kozlov "Tales"

"Hedgehog in the Fog"

The hedgehog got lost in the fog. After all, he is so small. He was scared, and I was worried if the hedgehog could get out and visit his friend Bear. When friends met, I rejoiced with them. I liked that the heroes of the fairy tale wipe the stars in the evenings so that no one gets lost.

18. Jan Lari "The Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Vali"

The plot in the fantastic story for children "The Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Vali" takes place in the world of insects that inhabit rivers, fields, lakes, trees and forests. The story tells young readers about an amazing and mysterious miniature world in which insects live, where a fierce duel for self-survival unfolds.

Brother and sister Karik and Valya, the main characters of the story, live near the forest and the lake in an ordinary high-rise building. The famous experienced entomologist Ivan Enotov lives next door. Once, when the guys were visiting the professor, they saw and drank without permission an amazing solution that the professor came up with. In just a couple of seconds, the children became a couple of millimeters tall. Karik and his sister Valya became very tiny little people that even a fly and an ordinary dragonfly seemed to them a huge monster. On a dragonfly that flew into the professor's office, the brother and sister went on an extraordinary journey into the fantastic world of nature, which is not noticeable to the ordinary person.

When the professor, by method, guessed everything and understood everything, he immediately went for the children. Approaching the lake, the professor established an identification mark by sticking a long stick into the ground on which there was a red flag. A box with a hole for entry was left immediately, it contained his inventions and magnifying powder.

The professor, who soon found the children, went through a lot of adventures together, some of them very dangerous as they made their way to the innermost box. They were bitten by huge mosquitoes, ants and spiders. The unfortunate wanderers ate the milk of aphids, and rode the caterpillars like horses.

Thanks to the knowledge of Professor Enotov, everything ended well and the guys with the scientist again became normal people, and Karik and Valya began to study the life of plants and insects with pleasure. After all, learning is light, do not be with the professor necessary knowledge, woe travelers might not return to the world of ordinary people.

19. S. Lagerlef "Niels' Journey with Wild Geese"

The book tells about the adventures of the boy Nils. He offended the gnome and he bewitched him, turning him into a very small one, which is easy to catch with a net for catching flies. Nils sets out on a journey with wild geese to Lapland, where he has a lot to learn and a lot to learn. He did many heroic deeds. Playing on a magic pipe, he led a horde of insidious rats out of the castle. Adventures are varied and take place in unexpected places.

The main character, the boy Nils, was a bully, but after the trip he became different. Circumstances force him to change his behavior and outlook on life, and I like him more and more.

The book is very instructive, it is not only interesting, but also useful. It tells in a fascinating way about the geography and history of Sweden, about the animals and birds that meet on the way near the Nils. The book teaches that you need to be able to put yourself in the place of another, help those in trouble and not offend those who are weaker. This book has many titles, I read under the title "Nils' adventure with wild geese".

20. D. Durrell "My family and other animals"

Gerald Durrell's story "My Family and Other Animals" describes the life of the Durrell family on the island of Corfu. The family is numerous, it includes the head of the family mother, your sons and daughter. The narrator and protagonist is the youngest son Jerry, who discovered his passion for studying the animal and plant world. For days on end, he disappears on the island, studying the habits of various animals. At the same time, Jerry begins his general education, but succeeds only in what is connected with his passion.

Through the efforts of family members (mainly Jerry), the house is filled with various animals: dogs, birds, snakes, etc. This creates many comical situations with the household and their guests.

After staying on the island for several years, the Durrell family returns to England, on the way where they were mistaken for a circus.

Meaning the story "My family and other animals" describes how the author comprehends the animal and plant world of the island, achieving significant success.

21. D. Harris "Tales of Uncle Remus"

Uncle Remus is an old African American who tells these little stories to the grandson of the hosts he serves. The boy's name is Joel. Every evening he disappears to hear a new fairy tale from an old African American.

The main characters here are animals. But they can all talk, very adventurous, resourceful, even cunning. Each story tells us about an event that carries a certain meaning. It is believed that these fairy tales were created for a reason. They reflect in many ways the actions of real people in life.

Most of the tales in the collection are about the main character Brer Rabbit. Brother Fox treacherously wants to catch him. But this turns out to be beyond his power, since the little rabbit is very agile, resourceful and inventive. And no matter how hard Brer Fox tries, he still can't dine on Brer Rabbit.

Uncle Remus tells fairy tales in such a way that the grandson of the owner is constantly experiencing genuine interest. He is interested in characters. Sometimes he is perplexed that the fairy tale has already ended, and the main character is left in trouble. Thus, in the story of the “Pitch Effigy,” Brer Rabbit fell for the cunning trick of Brer Fox and stuck with all his limbs to a stuffed resin, which the Fox cunningly invented in order to catch the cunning and enterprising Brer Rabbit.

Uncle's tale ends unexpectedly, and Joel worries about the beloved hero, he wonders if Brer Fox ate Brer Rabbit after all. To which Uncle Remus replies that he does not know, because the fairy tale is over. Of course, the little boy will be waiting for the continuation to find out how things will go next.

There are also other characters in fairy tales - these are Brother Raccoon, Brother Possum, Brother Turtle, Brother Bear and others. But the main one, of course, is Brer Rabbit. His resourcefulness can be envied, but sometimes he acts very ugly. So in one of the tales, Brer Rabbit left Brer Opossum without a tail. But he was his friend and the only one who did not wait for him. But this did not stop Brer Rabbit from luring a hungry friend into the garden for dates to Brer Bear. Then he raised a shout to get attention. Brother Bear left Brother Possum without a tail.

The little boy Joel was surprised by this, asking how the cunning Rabbit could do this. To which Uncle Remus replied: "In life it happens that one is to blame, and the other pays." This once again proves that each fairy tale carried the meaning that was hidden in it.

Another instructive tale was about how Brer Turtle outwitted Brer Rabbit, whom no one could outwit. And the point was that there was a dispute between friends about who was faster. They put money on the line, invited judges.

Brer Rabbit kept training, and Brer Turtle kept lying and lying. Yes, but he came first in the competition. Because he simply deceived Brer Rabbit. And his children, who were exactly like him, helped him in this. And this tale struck a little boy. He was perplexed that Brother Turtle had fraudulently won the bet. To which Uncle Remus replied, they say it happens in life, and he must always be on the alert.

22. C. S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Young Englishmen Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy Pevensie are forced to leave their parents and leave London because of the constant bombing of German raiders. The guys settle in the house of a distant relative DigoriKerk. Everyone knows Lord Kirk as a strange, unsociable scientist.

One day, while playing hide and seek in Uncle Kirk's big house, Lucy hides in an old wardrobe and gets through it into the magical land of Narnia (note - the magical power of the wardrobe is explained in the prequel "The Magician's Nephew"). The first person the little guest met on Narnia was the faun Mr. Tumnus (approx. - faun - the mythological deity of meadows, forests and fields, depicted with a man's torso and goat hooves).

Mr. Tumnus invites Lucy to his cave for tea. He plays the flute to the girl and talks about the plight of the once blooming Narnia. Now the country is dominated by the White Witch Jadis. Agents of the secret royal police are prowling around, and any disobedience on the part of subjects is severely punished. Even Narnian nature is forced to obey the Sorceress - now Eternal Winter without Christmas reigns in the land.

As a law-abiding subject, Tumnus should have betrayed Lucy, because she is a man - the main enemy of Jadis, but the faun is unable to betray her little guest. risking own life, he leads Lucy to a lamppost, with the help of which the girl gets safely to England.

Returning home, Lucy talks about her adventure, but the older children do not believe that the old wardrobe is a portal to a magical land. Only Ed believes Lucy's story a little, and when the girl enters the closet for the second time, he goes after her. Edmond encounters the White Witch and succumbs to her charms. After tasting the enchanted Turkish Delight, the boy summons his brother and sister to Narnia. Now all the Pevensie children are in mortal danger.

The guys discover that Mr. Tumnus's cave is devastated, and its owner is missing. It was the guards of the White Witch who seized the faun for disobedience and turned him into stone. Expecting an early arrest, Tumnus asks his friend Mr. Beaver to take care of four human children. Beaver tells the travelers about an ancient prophecy, according to which four people from another world will save Narnia from the White Witch and put an end to Eternal Winter. Lev Aslan, the creator of Narnia, is already rushing to his country to help the prophecy come true.

Lev Aslan, also known as the great Lion, is the central character of the epic and the symbol of Narnia, which appears at turning points in the life of the country. As the son of the Emperor-Over-the-Sea, Aslan created the world of Narnia with the help of a magical song. Aslan is not his only name. The progenitor of Narnia is also called the Great Lion, King of Kings, Lord of the Forest. By the way, in a literal translation from Turkic, which Lewis was fond of, Aslan means "lion".

At this time, Ed Pevensie, still in the service of the White Witch, rushes to the palace of his mistress. Jadis is furious because Ed didn't bring his siblings. The enraged queen shackles the unfortunate servant.

Peter, Susan and Lucy, along with Mr. Beaver, set off to save their brother and Narnia, heading for the White Witch's palace. On the way, travelers meet Father Christmas, who presents generous gifts to the little saviors: Peter receives a sword and shield, Susan becomes the owner of a bow, arrows and horn, and little Lucy gets a dagger and fireflower juice, this miraculous substance instantly heals any wounds.

Finally, the guys and the Great Lion Aslan arrive at the Queen's palace. After talking with the creator of Narnia, Ed Pevensie begins to see clearly, the magical dope is dispelled, and he realizes that he was wrong. Jadis flatly refuses to let Ed go. Then the noble Aslan offers to exchange his life for the life of a boy. Jadis had long dreamed of having such a prisoner. She kills the Great Lion, unaware that Aslan will rise again in an even more powerful form and free the country that his song once created.

However, before celebrating the victory, its saviors had to enter into last battle with the forces of evil. Jadis and her army were defeated. An ancient prophecy came true - four children freed Narnia. The elder Peter becomes King of Narnia. He reigns on the throne for a long 15 years. His brother and sisters help guide the country fairly. Peace and justice are finally coming to Narnia, and the inhabitants adore their rulers - Peter the Magnificent, Susan the Brave, Edmund the Just and Lucy the Fearless.

One day, four rulers were hunting white deer in the Narnian forest. They themselves did not understand how they returned to the human world. Peter, Susan, Ed and Lucy were standing in the middle of a room in Uncle DigoryKirk's old house. Not a minute had passed in England in fifteen years of their absence.

23. D. Rodari

"Gelsomino in the Land of Liars"

The boy Gelsomino (in Italian - “jasmine”) is endowed from birth with an unusually loud voice that can destroy walls. Only from this gift - continuous trouble. Suspicious neighbors do not give Gelsomino a pass; some consider him a good wizard, others - an evil sorcerer. One fine day, Gelsomino sets off to wander the world in search of happiness - and ends up in the Land of Liars. By order of King Jakomon, a former pirate who seized power with his gang, everyone in this country, even animals, is obliged to constantly lie. Cats are ordered to bark, dogs to meow; horses bellow and cows neigh. Children at school learn the multiplication table topsy-turvy. The artist must paint a horse with thirteen legs, a camel with five humps, and portraits with six eyes and three noses. The bakery sells ink instead of bread, only counterfeit coins are used, and people learn about all events from the newspaper The Model Liar, full of inside-out facts and false reports. The voice of Gelsomino brings to life a cat drawn in chalk on the wall named Lameleg, which got its nickname because it had only three paws: Romoletta did not have time to draw the fourth girl. Soon Gelsomino and Lamefoot make new friends: the artist Bananito, Maestro Domisol, Aunt Corn, her niece Romoletta (the same girl who painted the Lame-Legged Cat), Benvenuto-not-sitting-for-a-minute-a man who grew old only when sat down and helped many people. Friends learn the secret of King Giacomon: it turns out that the king is lying that he has wonderful red hair, but in fact he wears a wig to hide his baldness. With the help of his gift and new friends, Gelsomino exposes the king and returns the truth to the city.

"Adventures of the Blue Arrow"

This surprisingly touching and bright story tells about love and self-sacrifice. Out of love for a lonely boy, the toys undertook a difficult and dangerous journey. Out of love for other unfortunate children, they decided to give them themselves. And it is the power of love that transforms the toy dog ​​Button into a real live dog.

Unfortunately, toys are not powerful heroes. They cannot return a father who is in prison to the children or warm a frozen girl. All they can do is bring a little happiness to the child. But even a little good increases the total amount of good on Earth. And if you do it more often ... And in the end, Gianni Rodari is right: it’s not only stoves that heat, “there are many things in the world that warm: kind words, for example, and even three Puppets brought to the string.”

This story is also about generosity. After all, in order to bring yourself as a gift or just make a real gift, you need to have a big heart (as big as the three puppets). Giving is an art that needs to be learned. True, this is only one side of the coin. The other is the art of receiving gifts. But here, too, little is said about it. The sincere, happy laughter of children is a worthy reward for toys for their labors. And even though Francesco did not get the Blue Arrow train, he made a real friend. A friend is more important than a toy.

24. R. Kipling “Why does a camel have a hump”

When our planet was still very young, animals helped man to work. They came to the camel and asked him to help in the work. To all requests, the camel answered with impudent “grb” so that they would leave him behind. The animals were outraged by this and complained to the genie. Hearing personally from the camel "hump", the genie made it so that the camel grew a real hump, and he could work for three days in a row without food and water.

25. E. Raspe "The Adventures of Munchausen"

I read a book about Baron Munchausen. I learned about the amazing and fantastic adventures of the baron. It was very interesting to find out how the baron got into hopeless situations and get out of them with ease. All the adventures of the baron are very amazing, but what struck me most of all was that Baron Munchausen could jump onto the cannonball and, after firing a cannon, fly into the castle. It was also very unusual that the baron's horse was cut in half, but it continued to move on two front hooves, and then its other half was sewn to the horse and it became as before, as if nothing had happened. I was also very surprised that once the baron ran out of bullets while hunting, and a deer stood in the way. Our baron was not at a loss and shot a cherry stone and a large cherry tree with delicious cherries grew on the deer's head.
After reading the book, I realized that you can find a way out of any situation. The main thing is to be brave, smart and resourceful.

26. E. Seton-Thompson "Street Singer"

I read a Seton-Thompson short story called The Street Singer. This story talks about the relationship of two sparrows - a sparrow, which the author called Randy, and a sparrow - Biddy. Sparrow Biddy Biddy is very beautiful, as the author says: white feathers are visible on one of her wings, distinguishing her from others and making her especially attractive. She is an ordinary sparrow from the yard. Sparrow Randy Randy was also very beautiful. He wore a black tie and a white collar. He has a very unusual story. He used to live in a pet store. He was raised by canaries from childhood, so he built nests differently from ordinary sparrows, and also had an ear for music and liked to brag about it. But one day all the cages fell to the floor, their doors opened, the canaries returned, and Randy flew away and began to live in freedom. Here he found Biddy. Both are completely different, but loving each other. It seemed that they could not live together, they fought among themselves all the time, but still they somehow found mutual language. Everything would have gone well, but the whole story ends with Biddy dying - she was strangled by the ribbon she carried in the nest - and Randy, due to the fact that he began to sing even more in sadness, was found by the owner of that pet store and returned back . It seems to me that this story has a deeper meaning than at first glance.

This story characterizes many families where people, overcoming difficulties, and quarrels, and hatred, still find a common language, and if they do not find it, then their relationship perishes, even if they try to find it.

27. F. Baum "The Wizard of OZ"

The girl Dorothy lived with Uncle Henry and Aunt Em in the Kansas steppe. Uncle Henry was a farmer and Aunt Em ran the household. Hurricanes often raged in these places, and the family escaped from them in the cellar. Once Dorothy hesitated, before she had time to go down to the cellar, and the hurricane picked up the house and carried it along with Dorothy and the dog Toto, no one knows where. The house landed in the magical land of Oz, in that part of it where the Munchkins lived, and so successfully that it crushed the evil sorceress who ruled in these parts. The Munchkins were very grateful to the girl, but could not help her return to her native Kansas. On the advice of the good sorceress of the North, Dorothy goes to the Emerald City to the great sage and wizard Oz, who, in her opinion, will certainly help to be with Uncle Henry and Aunt Em again. Putting on the silver shoes of the dead evil sorceress, Dorothy sets off for the Emerald City along a road paved with yellow bricks. Soon she meets the Scarecrow, who scared the crows in the cornfield, and they go to the Emerald City together, as the Scarecrow wants to ask the great Oz for some brains.

They then find a rusted Tin Woodman in the forest, unable to move. Lubricating it with oil from an oil can left in the hut of this strange creature, Dorothy brings him back to life. The Tin Woodman asks him to take him to the Emerald City: he wants to ask the great Oz for a heart, because, as it seems to him, he cannot truly love without a heart.

Soon, Dev joins the squad, who assures new friends that he is a terrible coward and he needs to ask the great Oz for a little courage. After going through many trials, friends arrive in the Emerald City, but the great Oz, appearing before each of them in a new guise, sets a condition: he will fulfill their requests if they kill the last evil sorceress in Oz, who lives in the West, pushing around the timid and intimidated Winkies.

Friends are on the road again. The evil sorceress, noticing their approach, tries to kill the intruders in a variety of ways, but the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Cowardly Lion show a lot of intelligence, courage and desire to protect Dorothy, and only when the sorceress summons the Flying Monkeys does she manage to take over. Dorothy and the Cowardly Lion are captured. The Tin Woodman is thrown onto sharp stones, straw is poured out of the Scarecrow. But the evil sorceress of the West did not rejoice for long. Driven to despair by her bullying, Dorothy douses her with water from a bucket, and to her surprise, the old woman begins to melt, and soon all that is left of her is a muddy puddle.

Friends return to the Emerald City, demand the promised. The Great Oz hesitates, and then it turns out that he is not a magician and a sage, but the most ordinary deceiver. At one time he was a circus balloonist in America, but, like Dorothy, he was brought by a hurricane to Oz, where he managed to deceive the gullible locals and inspire them that he was a powerful wizard. However, he fulfills the requests of Dorothy's friends: he fills the Scarecrow's head with sawdust, which makes him feel a surge of wisdom, inserts a scarlet silk heart into the Tin Woodman's chest and gives the Cowardly Lion to drink some kind of potion from the bottle, assuring that now the King of Beasts will feel brave.

It's harder to fulfill Dorothy's request. After much deliberation, Oz decides to make a big balloon and fly back to America with the girl. However, at the last moment, Dorothy rushes to catch the runaway Toto, and Oz flies away alone. Friends go for advice to the good sorceress Glinda, who rules southern country Quadlings. On the way they have to endure the battle with the Warring Trees, go through the porcelain country and meet the very unkind Shooting Heads, and the Cowardly Lion deals with a giant spider that kept the inhabitants of the forest at bay.

Glinda explains that the silver slippers Dorothy takes from an evil sorceress in Munchkin Country can take her anywhere, including Kansas. Dorothy says goodbye to her friends. Scarecrow becomes ruler emerald city. The Tin Woodman is the lord of the Winkies, and the Cowardly Lion, as befits him, the king of the forest dwellers. Soon Dorothy and Toto find themselves in their native Kansas, but without silver shoes: they got lost along the way.

28. O. Preusler "Little Ghost"

The Little Ghost lives in the Eulenstein Castle near the town of Eulenberg. It wakes up at night and wanders around the castle, and falls asleep at dawn. Once he (that is, the Ghost) wanted to know how the world looks during the day, but, despite trying to wake up at another time, he does not succeed. In addition, Little Ghost's best friend, Shuhu, warns him against daylight: Shuhu himself once almost died, not having time to return to the hollow during the day.

However, one day the unexpected happens: the Little Ghost wakes up not at midnight, but at noon. It flies out into the street and turns black from sunlight. He (that is, the Ghost) is noticed by people, and he begins to hide in the underground passages, crawling out in unexpected places in the city and frightening the inhabitants. The ghost turns into a day one and now can no longer wake up at night. And when the city celebrates the 325th anniversary of the lifting of the Swedish siege, the Little Ghost flies out and drives off the Swedish army - just as it did 325 years ago.

It doesn't know what swedish soldiers- These are disguised townspeople at a historical holiday. However, soon from the conversations of the children, the Ghost learns about his mistake. He becomes ashamed and decides to return to the castle. The children learn that the clock in the city tower was recently repaired and was 12 hours behind. This was the reason why the Ghost began to wake up at noon.

The guys ask the watchmaker to move the clock forward again. The ghost returns to the castle and again becomes nocturnal, having regained its original white color.

29. P. Travers "Mary Poppins"

The story of this fabulous story begins with the Banks family, having gathered in the morning for tea, discussing the issue of finding a new nanny. Many nannies had already been in the house, but none of them could get along with the children - Jane, Michael and the twins. And then suddenly a determined young lady appears on the threshold of the house, who introduces herself as Mary Poppins and declares that she is their new nanny. Where did Mary Poppins come from in front of the door of the Banks house - it is not known, there is a feeling that she appeared here directly from the air or descended from the sky on a large cane umbrella that she holds in her hands. Mary Poppins is not like all other nannies. She is Miss Perfection, because she has absolutely no flaws (except that she loves to look at her reflection in shop windows - but is this a flaw for a charming woman?) She is strict and demanding, but at the same time she understands children perfectly. She tells them wonderful tales and gives them potion, which turns into ice cream right in her spoon, she can drive up the stair railing and unbutton the hooks and buttons on children's clothes with a glance. In addition, Mary understands not only children, but also animals, and even statues - thanks to her, children get to know the Boy with a Dolphin in the city park and learn details about the life of one stray dog ​​and the dog of one of their neighbors. And Mary pays special attention to manners - her manners are simply excellent. And besides an umbrella, she brings a large carpet bag into the house, from which she takes out a variety of things, and sometimes things that are unlikely to fit in an ordinary bag. In a word, Mary Poppins is a very unusual nanny, the second one simply does not exist. She is a sorceress, but a sorceress who is entirely focused on children's problems, and always appears where help is needed for children. When asked by Jane and Michael about how long Mary will stay with them, she replies that everything depends on the wind - after all, with the help of the wind and her umbrella, she moves from one of her pupils to another. Mary Poppins performs many miracles for children - but all these miracles are of interest only to the children themselves, in the world of adults they have no value. Mary tells and shows the children what is happening at the zoo at night, and also talks about the house in which the children painted on the porcelain dish live. And the children will also learn from her where the stars come from in the sky - it is Mary Poppins who takes them there, and in fact these are the foil stars that Mary takes from Michael and Jane and sticks on the sky. Now children find themselves in the world they dreamed of - a world filled with miracles. Only one question worries them: will they forget about all this when they become adults - after all, adults often do not remember even the most vivid impressions from their childhood. But still they believe that they will never be able to forget such a nanny as Mary Poppins.

30. V. Golyavkin "Stories"

31. Y. Raskin "When dad was little"

This book is about a little dad who lived in Pavlo-Posad. He had a red ball, which was even more beautiful than the sun, and everyone liked this ball. Everyone really wanted to play with him, but dad didn’t give him to anyone, and dad was nicknamed the greedy one. Dad played pranks all the time, was greedy, and he always didn’t like something. Heroes: Dad, boys, grandmother, grandfather, animal tamer, aunt Liza, professor, Nadezhda Fedorovna, music teacher, uncle Vitya. This story is fun, funny and interesting. Recommended read for anyone who loves adventure. I was amused when dad bit the professor, he looked at his throat, nose, ears. Reading the story, I notice that the hero is like my dad in childhood.

32. E. Hogarth "Muffin and his merry friends"

The main character of these stories turned out to be a cheerful and kind donkey Mafin, who lives in a certain rural area next to his friends - the smart penguin Peregrine, the cheerful puppy Peter, the seal Sally, the ostrich Oswald, the sheep Louise. Mafin is a very good donkey, he always strives for justice, strives to be a good friend and comrade. He is often overcome by various ideas and Mafin and his friends are trying to implement them - looking for a treasure, growing a miracle zucchini, becoming a detective and experiencing many other exciting adventures.

This makes Hogarth's book very interesting for any reader. She captivates with the fact that sometimes it is impossible to predict what will happen next and how the donkey Mafin will behave.

33. E. Uspensky "Crocodile Gena and his friends"

This book introduces us to the crocodile Gena, Cheburashka, the old woman Shapoklyak and other characters. Crocodile Gena worked at the zoo as a crocodile. But in the evening, after the zoo closed, he had a lot of free time. It is sad in the prime of life to watch TV or read the newspaper alone. And Gena decided to find friends on the ad. The most surprising thing is that there were many people and animals in the city who would like to be friends with the crocodile. True, none of them knew how to do it right. And then they came up with a common cause. We decided to build a House of Friendship. And the work is in full swing! The girl Galya came to them and said that there were three mistakes in the ad. And also a lot of people and animals who would like to be friends came to them. Gena and Cheburashka helped them find friends.

Gene was funny, smart. This book taught me to be kind, helpful, and help others.

34. P. Bazhov "Silver Hoof"

The action takes place in the old days in a Ural factory settlement. The main characters of the work are the grandfather Kokovanya, the girl Daryonka, the cat Muryonka and the forest goat. The author's idea of ​​the kindness of human relations can be traced in the fairy tale.

Old man Kokovanya takes into his care a little girl of 6 years old, left an orphan. Together with the girl, the old man had to take into his house the cat Muryonka, whom she loved very affectionately. Muryonka loved to repeat the phrase: "That's right ...". Daryonka liked the interesting and fascinating stories of grandfather Kokovani. She sincerely, childishly, believed in them very much. Often the old man told his little girl about the goat, on whose right leg there was a silver hoof. From kicking the ground with this hoof, precious multi-colored stones were obtained.

For the winter, the old hunter went to hunt in the forest, where he settled in a booth near the mowing spoons. He did not know what to do this time, because how to leave little Daryonka at home all alone. But the girl herself asked to go live with him in the forest, not being afraid of various difficulties. On the way, the cat Muryonka followed them on a journey.

One day my grandfather had to go to the village to fetch a horse. But how can a little girl be left in a dense forest? True, Daryonka behaved like an adult, saying that the old man should go about his business and be not afraid of anything. Daryonka was left alone with the cat and kept tracking down the unusual forest goat. Her beautiful childhood dreams and desires were destined to come true after all. For three days the fabulous forest animal ran around Kokovanina's hut. Daryonka admired this unexpected amazing event with pleasure. And after the third day, the goat climbed onto the roof of the booth, stamped the "silver hoof" several times, and everything under it was covered with precious stones. Here Kokovanya also came and, together with a little girl, admired the indescribable beauty of a wonderful origin. The magic goat disappeared, and Muryonka left with him. Grandfather managed to collect a whole hat of shiny expensive pebbles.

The main idea is that all children's dreams, all the best mental wishes, have the ability to come true someday.

35. V. Gubarev "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors"

Fairy tale Vitaly Gubareva tells the story of the girl Olya, who finds herself in the looking glass and meets her reflection Yalo there. Girls get through the book into a fairy tale, find new friends, defeat strong enemies, go through many trials and adventures. They free the brave Gurd, and Olya manages to return home.

A wonderful story teaches you to value friendship, honesty, to be responsible for your actions and words, and, most importantly, to see yourself from the outside.

36. S. Prokofiev "The Wizard's Apprentice"

Good fairy tale about the extraordinary cat Vaska, who was painted by the braggart boy schoolboy Vasya. The cat drawn by the boy was revived by a kind wizard named Alyosha. Alyosha lives in an ordinary apartment building among ordinary people. After the drawn tabby cat was brought to life with the help of good magic, a commotion began in the city. Everything would be fine, but the cat learned one spell, and due to the fact that the cat Vaska, like his schoolboy friend Vasya, were great braggarts, this is where the troubles that affected the whole city came from.

A fairy tale about friendship, about love for animals, about how ordinary and at first glance harmless boasting can lead to unforeseen, unexpected and sometimes even dangerous consequences. And of course, about the fact that you yourself can meet a wizard in your ordinary world, in your ordinary life. Or maybe even become a wizard.

37. L. Lagin "Old Man Hottabych"

I liked this piece very much. The author describes all the events taking place in it in an interesting and funny way.

The book tells how the schoolboy Volka Kostylkov rescues the genie Hottabych from the centuries-old imprisonment. This eccentric old man is trying with all his might to thank his savior by performing all sorts of miracles. But any magic of the old genie turns out to be inappropriate, since all his ideas about life are very outdated.

The main characters of this book are Hottabych, Volka and his friends Seryozha and Zhenya, who also took part in the adventure.

I really liked the old genie. He was kind, funny, grateful, caring towards Volka. Hottabych was stubborn, but he knew how to admit his mistakes. And Volka was very honest, he wanted to achieve something himself, without the help of magic. I liked this hero the most, because his kindness, courage, resourcefulness, and sometimes strictness helped him solve all problems.

The writer's language is complex, but very interesting. This book taught me that the most important thing in a person is kindness. Thanks to her, funny, and sometimes cruel, cut off from the ancient era, the old man was able to change his behavior. And Volka's friendship with Hottabych would not have worked out without kindness.

About the fairy tale

Tiny-Khavroshechka - a fairy tale about a kind girl and her red cow

Old Russian fairy tale "Tiny-Khavroshechka" with bright illustrations designed for fun reading children any age. Narration in the style of folk tales with interesting speech turns is developed children's fantasy, and replenishes the richness of the Russian vocabulary.

A book with beautiful pictures and the classic plot reveals the characters of positive and negative characters. Before we start read, you can get to know them better:

Khavroshechka - main character. An orphan girl who got into family to an evil stepmother, a weak-willed stepfather and three lazy sisters. She was still a teenager, but on the orders of her harmful stepmother, she worked hard from morning until late at night.

red cow - the only friend of Khavroshechka. According to the plot, this is a talking cow who loved the orphan, felt sorry for her and helped her cope with difficult homework.

evil stepmother - the main negative character. She groomed her daughters and made poor Khavroshechka spin threads, weave cloth, bleach it and roll it into rolls. The orphan tried, with the help of Burenka, she carried out all the orders, but the stepmother was still angry and loaded the poor thing with new and difficult work.

One-eye, Two-eye and Three-eye - half-sisters of Khavroshechka. They are lazy and stupid, they like to sit on a bench all day and look at passers-by. The sisters carry out all the orders of their mischievous mother and watch over the unfortunate orphan.

Stepfather - a kind, hard-working peasant, loves Khavroshechka, but fears the grumblings of an evil wife and, on her orders, slaughtered a good cow.

Good fellow - the fiance of Khavroshechka. The character who appears in the final rescues the girl from captivity, marries her and takes her away from the yard on his black horse.

Traditional Russian fairy tale for kids ends with the wedding of the main characters. Harmful evil heroes are left with a nose, and the kind girl Tiny-Khavroshechka finds her happiness and leaves her evil stepmother. A fairy tale story teaches children to work hard, instills love for people and animals, gives rise to faith in goodness and hope for the fulfillment of cherished desires.

Acquaintance with the book through bright drawings and Russian miniatures

The fairy tale presented on this page will appeal to kids and their parents. Those who still go to Kindergarten and do not know how to read, they can understand the meaning of a fairy tale from pictures and interesting drawings. To help parents and kids to learn the letters of the Russian alphabet large print and text division with fun illustrations.

Guys besides reading books can get acquainted with the work of artists and the wealth of national crafts. The page contains paintings in the style Russian lacquer miniature, handicraft work Palekh, jewelry boxes Fedoskino and a cow from the masters of porcelain and ceramics Gzhel.

Children's literature, accompanied by illustrations and works from primordially Russian national masters, brings up in the younger generation a heightened sense of beauty and a high spirit of patriotism.

There are good people in the world, there are worse, there are those who are not ashamed of their brother.

Tiny-Khavroshechka got to such and such. She was left an orphan, these people took her in, fed her and overworked her: she weaves, she spins, she cleans, she is responsible for everything.

And her mistress had three daughters.

The eldest was called One-eye, the middle one was called Two-eye, and the smaller one was Three-eye.

Daughters only knew that they were sitting at the gate, looking out into the street,

And Tiny-Khavroshechka worked for them:

She sewed them, spun and wove for them - and never heard a good word.

It used to come out, Tiny-Khavroshechka in the field, hugging her pockmarked cow,

Lies on her neck and tells how hard it is for her to live and live.

Mother cow! They beat me, they scold me, they don’t give me bread, they don’t tell me to cry.

To tomorrow I was ordered to spin five pounds, weave, whitewash and roll into pipes.

And the cow answered her:

Little red maiden, fit into one of my ears and out into the other - everything will work out.

And so it happened. Khavroshechka will fit in one ear of the cow, will come out of the other - everything is ready: it is woven, and whitewashed, and rolled into pipes.

She will take the canvases to the hostess. She will look, grunt, hide in a chest,

And Tiny-Khavroshechka will get even more work to do.

Khavroshechka will again come to the cow, hug her, stroke her, fit into one ear, crawl out into the other and take the finished product and bring it to the hostess.

So the hostess called her daughter One-eye and said to her:

My daughter is good, my daughter is handsome, go and see who helps the orphan: and weaves, and spins, and rolls into pipes?

One-Eye went with Khavroshka into the forest, went with her into the field,

Yes, I forgot my mother’s order, baked myself in the sun, lay down on the grass. And Khavroshechka says:

Sleep, peephole, sleep peephole!

Eye at One-eye and fell asleep.

While One-Eye was sleeping, the cow wove everything, and whitened it, and rolled it into pipes.

So the hostess did not find out anything and sent her second daughter - Two-Eyes:

My daughter is good, my daughter is handsome, go and see who helps the orphan.

The two-eyed girl went with Khavroshka, forgot her mother's order, got baked in the sun, lay down on the grass. And Khavroshechka cradles:

Sleep, peephole, sleep, another!

The little cow wove, whitened, rolled into the pipes, but Two-Eyes was still sleeping.

The old woman got angry and on the third day sent a third daughter - Triglazka, and asked the orphan even more work.

Tri-eye jumped, jumped, got tired in the sun and fell on the grass.

Khavroshechka sings:

Sleep, peephole, sleep, another!

And I forgot about the third eye.

Two eyes of Triglazka fell asleep, and the third stares and sees everything: how Khavroshechka climbed into one ear of the cow, climbed out into the other and picked up the finished canvases.

Triglazka returned home and told her mother everything.

The old woman was delighted, the next day she came to her husband:

Old man and so and so:

What are you, old woman, in your mind! The cow is young, good!

Nothing to do. The old man began to sharpen his knife. Khavroshechka realized this and ran into the field.

She hugged a pockmarked cow and said:

Mother cow! They want to cut you.

And the cow answers her:

But you, red maiden, do not eat my meat, but gather my bones, tie them in a handkerchief, bury them in the garden and never forget me: every morning water the bones with water.

The old man killed the cow. Khavroshechka did everything that the cow bequeathed to her: she was starving, she didn’t take her meat in her mouth, she buried her bones and watered her every day in the garden.

And an apple tree grew out of them, but what! The apples hang on it in bulk, the leaves rustle golden, the silver twigs bend.

Whoever rides past - stops, whoever passes close - looks in.

How much time has passed, you never know - One-eye, Two-eye and Three-eye walked once in the garden. At that time, a strong man rode past - rich, curly-haired, young.

I saw bulk apples in the garden, began to touch the girls:

Beautiful girls, whichever one of you brings me an apple, she will marry me.

Three sisters rushed one in front of the other to the apple tree.

And the apples hung low, under the arms, but here they rose high, far above their heads.

The sisters wanted to bring them down - the leaves of the eye fall asleep,

Once upon a time there was one poor woman and she had a daughter, Tiny-Khavroshechka. They lived together, happily, but then misfortune overtook them, their mother fell seriously ill, and then died.

And Tiny-Khavroshechka was left alone. She was taken in by her aunt, her father's sister. And this aunt had three daughters of her own: One-eyed, Two-eyed and Three-eyed. The aunt loved her daughters, but she hated Tiny-Khavroshechka.

They dressed her in torn rags, forced her to work around the clock, fed her with what was left on the table after dinner. And Khavroshechka would have had a very hard time, but she had one outlet: a cow, which remained after the death of her mother.

So, it used to be that the aunt would punish Tiny-Khavroshechka with work beyond her strength: to spin the yarn, and to weave fabrics, and to whiten the linen, and Tiny-Khavroshechka would go to the cow, hug her and say:

Cow, Burenushka! My aunt told me to spin the yarn, and to weave the fabrics, and to whiten the linen. Help me please.

Burenushka Tiny-Khavroshechka replies:
- Get into my right ear, and get out of my left - and all the work will be done.

Tiny-Khavroshechka will fit into one ear of Burenka, come out of the other, and all the work has already been done! Tiny-Khavroshechka comes home, and shows her work to her aunt. And she only marvels: and when does Khavroshechka manage to do all the work, and even so well?

He will put everything in the chest and give Tiny-Khavroshechka even more work. But no matter how much work she gave, Khavroshechka still did everything on time. And then the aunt decided to find out: how does Tiny-Khavroshechka manage to do this? Who helps her?

So she called her eldest daughter, One-Eye, to her, and said to her:
- My daughter! Go and see who helps the orphan weave and spin.
The next morning Tiny-Havroshechka gathered in the field, and One-Eyed followed her. They came to the field, sat down under a bush.

One-Eye lay down on the grass, and Tiny-Havroshechka says:

Sleep peephole, sleep peephole!
One-eye's eye closed, fell asleep, and while she was sleeping, the cow did all the work for Khavroshechka. They returned home, the aunt asked her daughter:
Well, tell me what you saw. Who helps Khavroshechka?

One-eyed answers her:
- Dear mother, I'm sorry, I was exhausted in the sun. I lay down, fell asleep and did not see anything.

The mother got angry and the next day sent her middle daughter, Two-Eyes, to follow Tiny-Khavroshka. They came to the field and sat down under a bush. The two-eyed girl laid her head on the grass, but Khavroshechka needed only that.

She sits and says:

Sleep, peephole, sleep, another!
And Two-Eyes fell asleep too. While she slept, the little cow did all the work for Tiny-Havroshechka. When they returned home, Two-Eyes' mother asked:
- Well, daughter, what did you see? Who helps the orphan?

And when she found out that Two-Eyes had also fallen asleep, she became very angry and the next day sent her youngest daughter, Three-Eyes, with Khavrosheka. The girls came to the field, settled down under the bush. Three-eyed lay down on the grass, stretching.

And Tiny-Khavroshechka says to her:

Sleep, peephole, sleep, another! - And she forgot about the third eye. Two of Three-Eyed's eyes fell asleep, but the third one saw how Burenka did all the work. Three-Eyes came home and told her mother everything. The aunt got angry and decided to kill the cow.

She comes to her husband and says to him:
- Kill the cow!
What are you thinking, wife? The cow is still young, good, it's a pity to cut it.
- I do not want to listen to anything, go and cut.

There was nothing to do, the peasant went to sharpen his knife, and Tiny-Khavroshechka rushed to her cow, hugged her, and tears rolled from her eyes:
- Burenushka! My darling! They want to kill you. How will I be now, with whom will I, an orphan, stay?

Burenka answers her:
- Don't cry, Khavroshechka! Better remember what I will tell you: when I am slaughtered, you do not eat my meat, and then gather my bones, and bury them in the garden. Yes, remember, be sure to water them with spring water every day.

A man killed a cow. Auntie rejoices that now there is no one to help Tiny-Khavroshechka. And Tiny-Khavrocheska, as the cow told her, did so: she didn’t eat cow’s meat, but buried the bones in the garden and every day watered with spring water.

And after a while an apple tree grew in that place in the garden. Tall, spreading, thick, the apples on it all hang like a selection of bulk. And everyone who walks by stops and admires the apple tree.

Once, girls were walking in the garden, and a rich, handsome young gentleman rode past. He saw wonderful apples and said to the girls:
- The girls are beautiful! What apples you have liquid and appetizing! Whoever treats me with an apple, I will marry the one.

The sisters rushed to the apple tree, and the branches of the apple tree, as if on purpose, rose high, high. The sisters jump and jump, but they can't get the apple. And when Tiny-Khavroshechka came up to the apple tree, the twigs seemed to bend down to her, and the apples themselves fall into her hands.

Tiny-Khavroshechka took off the most beautiful, most delicious apples and served them to the master, and he took her by the white hand, planted next to him and took her away from her evil aunt. He married Tiny-Khavroshechka and they began in love and harmony to live, live, and make good.

(meaning of the story)

Photo: Zimun (Ursa Minor).

We recall what the essence of the fairy tale “Little Khavroshechka” is: the girl was left an orphan, and she had a beloved cow, when Khavroshechka needed something, she climbed into the left ear of the cow, and crawled out into the right one, and received everything that she had necessary.

Such a big girl and can climb on the ears of a cow, something is wrong here. We are talking about the Heavenly Cow Zimun (the constellation Ursa Minor). The four stars of this constellation form a square, which was called the "cow's ear".

But in a fairy tale they won’t write: “The girl passed the Gate between the worlds, directed at this cow’s ear”, in a fairy tale everything is written in images. That is, Khavroshechka passed through the Gates between the worlds to Dazhbog-Sun to the Land of Ingard, to the Ancestors (she asked everything from her mother, and her mother is like an image of the Zimun cow, the ancestral home of the Ancestors).

After communicating with the Ancestors, the girl left through another “eye”, in another place along the movement of the Stars, and made her way home. Those. she constantly communicated with her Ancestors, at the entrance she used one Hall of the Svarog Circle, and after visiting, through another Hall she descended to Midgard-Earth.

The stepmother had three daughters: One-eye, Two-eye, Three-eye, and in order for Khavroshechka to get home, she said: "sleep peephole, sleep peephole." The first and second daughters did not notice anything, and when the third daughter was watching, Khavroshechka did not take into account that she had a third eye - energy vision, and even in her sleeping state she understood and told everything.

After that, in a fairy tale, a cow was slaughtered. But Khavroshechka didn’t eat meat, she buried the bones, and an apple tree or, in another version, a birch grew in this place, and this is also a generic image, when a girl was born, they planted a birch, if a boy was born, they planted an oak.

And the children grew up between the trees and received strength from them. Therefore, if somewhere in the military campaign the son was wounded, the parents saw by the state of the tree (it began to dry) that the son was in trouble. Parents began to take care of this tree, feed it, treat it, and as a result, the tree blossomed, the son got better.

They did the same with birch. If the daughter fell ill somewhere, the branches of the birch drooped, then she was fed, the branches were tied up, watered, and the birch began to feel better, and the daughter felt better.

Those. several have been combined in the modern tale. In order to understand the ancient tales and the meaning inherent in them, it is necessary to abandon the modern worldview and look at the world through the eyes of people who lived in ancient times, at the time when the tales themselves appeared.

The key to adjusting to the ancient perception is the immutable figurative roots of a particular fairy tale.

The Russian people are the keeper of the most amazing treasure, which is called folklore. It includes riddles, nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings and, most importantly, fairy tales.

Russians folk tales- “Tiny-Havroshechka”, “Geese-swans”, “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf” (this is not the whole list) are known to every child and adult. They are built according to the main scheme: first the hero gets into a difficult situation, then a magic item helps him, after that he struggles with obstacles, and everything ends well. Some Russian fairy tales have analogues in other countries, but nevertheless they are unique and interesting in their own way.

One of the most interesting fairy tales is “Tiny-Havroshechka”, a summary of which we will now consider.

The fate of an orphan

The fate of a girl abandoned by everyone is described more than once in Russian fairy tales. So Tiny-Khavroshechka gets to the evil mistress. She has no parents at all, she grows up in a family that waters and feeds her. The hostess has three daughters - One-eye, Two-eye, Three-eye. Tiny-Khavroshechka has to work for them.

So the patient and resigned Tiny-Khavroshechka lives. Summary will not do without a second main character- Pestrukha cows.

Further developments

From morning till night, Tiny-Khavroshechka has to work: revenge, clean, wash the hostess and her daughters. The hostess gives the girl an unbearable, impossible load. Tiny Khavroshechka always comes with a lot of assignments in the field, hugs the cow Pestuha and complains to her about her fate. The pest is the only character in the tale who truly sympathizes with the poor girl. The cow comforts Tiny-Khavroshechka: "Climb," she says, "into my right ear and get out into the left." So the girl did, and a miracle happened! The canvases themselves were woven and bleached. Then the hostess decided that this was no accident. She sent first the eldest daughter, then the middle one, and then the youngest to follow Tiny-Khavroshka. The three-eyed girl saw with her third eye what the girl was doing. Then the hostess ordered Pestrukha to be slaughtered immediately.

Pestrukha's last order

I learned about the order of Tiny-Khavroshechka, ran to her beloved cow and began to cry. The motley reassured her and told her not to eat her meat, but to collect the bones and bury them in the garden. The girl did just that. In addition to the meat of the cow, the hostess did not give her anything to eat, but Tiny-Khavroshechka endured. She collected all the bones of her pet in a handkerchief and carefully planted in the garden.

A wonderful ending to the fairy tale "Tiny-Havroshechka"

The summary of the tale comes to an amazing denouement. In place of the buried bones of the cow, a wonderful apple tree appeared. The sweetest and most delicious apples grew on it, and the whole village was surprised and praised. It so happened that on one of the fine days a prince rode past an apple tree. He really wanted to taste the apple, and he told the mistress's daughters that he would marry the one who would bring him the desired fruit the fastest. One-eye ran - the apple tree pierced her face with branches. Two-eyes ran - the apple tree tousled her braids, three-eyes ran - she could not reach the fruits. As soon as Tiny-Khavroshechka appeared, the apple tree itself bowed its branches to her, and the girl gave the prince an apple. He married her.

This is the summary of the fairy tale "Tiny-Havroshechka". Fans of Russian folklore notice that all folk tales have a happy ending. This happened in the fairy tale "Tiny-Havroshechka". A summary of this is confirmation: the prince takes the girl to his palace, and they live happily ever after.

Fairy tales are one of the most valuable treasures belonging to Russian folklore. They need to be known to both children and adults. They bring up kindness and honesty in people. The fairy tale "Tiny-Khavroshechka" teaches to be patient with people, to respect other people's work. And if you are kind and disinterested, then happiness will definitely come, and if you respond to evil with good, then good will return twice as much.

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There are good people in the world, there are worse, and there are those who are not ashamed of their brother.

Tiny-Khavroshechka got to such and such. She was left an orphan, these people took her in, fed her and overworked her: she weaves, she spins, she cleans, she is responsible for everything.

And her mistress had three daughters. The older one was called One-eye, the middle one was called Two-eye, and the smaller one was called Three-eye.

The daughters only knew that they were sitting at the gate, looking out into the street, and Tiny-Khavroshechka worked for them: she sewed them, spun them, and wove for them, and never heard a kind word.

It used to happen that Tiny-Khavroshechka would come out into the field, hug her pockmarked cow, lie on her neck and tell how hard it was for her to live and live:

- Mother cow! They beat me, they scold me, they don’t give me bread, they don’t tell me to cry. By tomorrow, five pounds were ordered to be spun, weaved, whitewashed and rolled into pipes.

And the cow answered her:

- Red maiden, get into one ear of me, and get out into the other - everything will work out.

And so it happened. The red girl will come out of the ear - everything is ready: it is woven, and whitewashed, and rolled into pipes.

She will take the canvases to the hostess. She will look, grunt, hide in a chest, and she will ask even more work.

Khavroshechka will again come to the cow, fit into one ear, crawl out into the other and take the prepared one - bring it to the hostess.

So the hostess called her daughter One-eye and said to her:

- My daughter is good, my daughter is handsome! Go and see who helps the orphan: and weaves, and spins, and rolls into pipes?

One-eye went with Khavroshka into the forest, went with her into the field, forgot her mother's order, baked herself in the sun, lay down on the grass. And Khavroshechka says:

- Sleep, peephole, sleep, peephole!

Peephole fell asleep. While One-Eye was sleeping, the cow wove everything and whitened it.

The hostess did not find out anything, she sent her second daughter, Two-Eyes.

- My daughter is good, my daughter is handsome! Go and see who helps the orphan? The two-eyed girl also got hot in the sun and lay down on the grass, she forgot her mother's order and closed her eyes. And Khavroshechka cradles:

- Sleep, peephole, sleep, other!

Cow wove, whitened, rolled into the pipes, but Two-Eyes was still sleeping.

The old woman got angry, on the third day she sent Triglazka, and gave the orphan even more work. And Triglazka, like her older sisters, jumped and jumped, got tired in the sun and fell on the grass. Khavroshechka sings:

- Sleep, peephole, sleep, other! - and forgot about the third eye.

Two eyes of Triglazka fell asleep, and the third looks and sees everything: how the red maiden got into one ear, climbed out into the other and picked up the finished canvases.

Tri-eye returned home and told her mother everything; The old woman was delighted, the next day she came to her husband:

- Cut the pockmarked cow!

Old man like this:

“What are you, old woman, in your mind?” The cow is young, good!

- Cut, and only!

Sharpened the old man's knife...

Khavroshechka ran to the cow:

- Mother cow! They want to cut you.

“But you, red maiden, don’t eat my meat, collect my bones, tie them in a handkerchief, bury them in the garden and never forget me, water the bones with water every morning.

The old man killed the cow. Khavroshechka did everything that the cow bequeathed: she was starving, she didn’t take her meat in her mouth, she buried her bones and watered them every day in the garden, and an apple tree grew out of them, but what a! The apples hang on it in bulk, the leaves rustle golden, the silver twigs bend. Whoever rides past - stops, whoever passes close - looks in.

How much time has passed, you never know ... One-eye, Two-eye and Three-eye once walked in the garden. At that time, a strong man rode past - rich, curly-haired, young. I saw apples, began to touch the girls:

- Beautiful girls! he says. Which one of you brings me an apple, that one will marry me.

And the three sisters rushed one in front of the other to the apple tree. And the apples hung low, under the arms, but here they rose high, far above their heads.

The sisters wanted to knock them down - the leaves of the eyes fall asleep, they wanted to pick them off - the knots of the braids unravel. No matter how they fought, or rushed about, they tore their hands, but they could not get it.

Khavroshechka came up, the twigs bowed to her, and the apples fell to her. She treated him strong man and he married her, and she began to live well, it’s hard not to know.