When the holidays are over. How to prepare your child for going back to school

All good things come to an end. So the New Year holidays flew by, as if they had never happened. Someone is already thinking longingly about the coming weekdays, someone is sad for a whole year to say goodbye to their favorite holiday. We decided to cheer you up and came up with three dozen reasons not to be upset that the weekend is over.


Activity is the essence of life. Sometimes rest is necessary, but it is work that gives meaning to existence. Admit it, did you ever miss work?


Idleness negatively affects the psyche. It can cause severe stress and emotional distress, according to Swedish researchers. So long vacations are not exactly good for your health.



Gastronomic temptations will no longer lie in wait for you at every step. Sweets, cakes, high-calorie salads. Was it a terrible dream? It's time!


Children will go to school/kindergarten. Every day, thinking about what to do with a child, and working as an animator from morning to evening is not an easy task.


The annual quest "Find gifts for everyone" has been successfully completed. It’s nice to please loved ones, but all this fuss is pretty exhausting (and hits the wallet). Fortunately, now you can relax.


It's time to clean up the tree. You no longer need to follow the cat, which looks with lust at the shiny balls. And those who put a living tree, congratulations on getting rid of the needles! Walking on them is not very convenient -)


You can chew tangerines, make gifts and watch The Irony of Fate any day. If you really want to.


Do you know how dangerous firecrackers, sparklers, fireworks and even garlands are? Ask the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations! Now breathe out. The hottest days are over.


Isolation, in which lonely people find themselves during the holidays, can lead to real depression. Sitting at home and worried that you have no one to spend the holidays with? Do not grieve, soon life will return to its former course.


Ya krivetko. This meme quite accurately reflects the feelings of every second Russian during the New Year holidays (especially on January 1). According to the linguist Maxim Krongauz, the original meaning of the phrase is "self-abasement, recognizing oneself as an insignificant shrimp and, possibly, falling out of reality." Not the most pleasant state.


Colleagues are eager to talk about their New Year's adventures. Aren't you interested?


Okay, not just colleagues. You also want to gossip and brag about gifts -)


The brain degrades when you sit on the couch all day and watch ridiculous Blue Lights. And labor and challenging tasks help .


On the street, a dubious bearded man in a red coat will no longer approach you and force you to recite poems.


The lines at the stores are finally breaking down.


Before the New Year, you promised yourself. Now you can move from plans to real actions.


Relatives who came to visit are going back. You, of course, love your aunt, grandmother, mother-in-law, mother-in-law and second cousin, but somehow you are calmer without them.


Serpentine, confetti and sparkles negate all the cleaning. Rejoice: this nightmare will be repeated only in a year.


Silence around. Especially at night. No salutes and screams under the windows.


Wow! Spring is only a month and a half away.


Factories and plants will start working. No time to relax, the crisis is in the country!


Hits that your neighbors love passionately will be heard less often from behind the wall. If you are tormented by home concerts not only on holidays, then at least at work you can take a break from “Oh my God, what a man”, “Second Lieutenant, young boy” and “The best day came yesterday”.


Airfare prices are starting to drop.


Miracles surround us every day. You needlessly yearn for the outgoing "feeling of a fairy tale." Look at the world with different eyes: everything that we used to consider ordinary is amazing. The very fact of your existence is true magic.


Everyone is tired of stamped congratulations. It is good that we will not hear the banal from others for a long time: "Happiness, health ...".


A shield that can hide you from the unbridled fun of others has not yet been invented. Extroverts do not suffer from this, but for introverts, the holidays are an ordeal that is now coming to an end.


This is how a person feels when he violates the sleep and wakefulness regimen. Weekdays are good because we have to go to bed and get up on time.


Aesthetes triumph. Some people do not like paraphernalia, without which no one can do New Year. An inordinate amount of garlands and brilliant ornaments traumatize people in this category, so that they have a good reason not to regret the past vacation.


Users will return from the virtual world to reality. Many do not know what to spend a whole week off on, so they sit on the Internet for days. Naturally, there is nothing good in computer addiction.


Ardent fans of the New Year, who were not consoled by any of the above arguments, can celebrate their favorite holiday in the old style - from January 13 to 14. And then again - according to the Eastern calendar.

School holidays are often very short, before you have time to sit in a computer chair, you already have to get up and go to school, listen to lectures from teachers who have not achieved serious success in life. What if the holidays are over and you don't want to go to school? Sovetbati will suggest a solution.

There are many ways to increase your vacation, for example, to get sick sharply, read the article “how to get sick in 5 minutes”​. Below we will tell how to skip school. Let's say you decide to get sick for 7 days.

Get sick right after the holidays without going to school

Not a profitable option! Since you won't have a workload for the first 10 days, the homework assignments issued in the first week will generally need to be submitted by about the next week. Let's explain with an example: let's say you have drawing once a week, you went to a lesson on Wednesday, got homework for next Wednesday.

Get sick in the first week after the holidays

A very profitable option! You went out, lit up at school and merged to get sick as soon as the deadline for the submission of basic homework approached. Don't forget to check out our signature homework excuses - "

We all remember what it was like to return to school after a long vacation. Why are we still sure that the child should tune in to study on his own and do not want to help him in any way? How can you help your child concentrate on learning?

It's all about adaptation which is necessary for the child after the end of the holidays. One environment has been replaced by another and the baby needs to get used to it, so to speak, “swing”. But after the summer, the longest holidays, children often have a very difficult time.

When a child is on vacation, he does not follow the daily routine characteristic of his school life. Finally, children have the opportunity to sleep in plenty, go to bed late, play, read or take a walk on the street. He eats well, watches TV and generally enjoys life. However, if such a paradise lasts from the beginning to the end of the children's vacation, it will be very difficult for the child to return to the school desk again and start learning. After all, judge for yourself how difficult it is to get up at seven in the morning, if for three months in a row you got up at ten. Of course, this is stress, which in no way can lead to successful studies.

To make the holidays good

Ideally, during the holidays it would be better not to allow changes in the children's schedule. Get up all the same at 7 am, and go to bed at 21-00 and so on. But we all understand that this is very difficult to accomplish and no loving mother can make a child get up on a legal weekend.

In this case, it remains for us to “return” the daily routine three or four days before the end of the holidays. Of course, the task is also not easy, of course, you will have to endure all the insults and tears, but in the end it will be much easier for your child to get used to it again. school regime. Therefore, we strictly and strictly ban films that end late at night, do not let them lie in bed until noon, and conduct active lifestyle. And so that the child would still be interested in spending his holidays, here is a wonderful game - a replacement for films.

I like that you...

A wonderful game to create a special trusting and friendly atmosphere in the family. It will reveal all the participants from a new side and allow you to get closer to your child.

The essence of the game is simple: take some soft toy, a ball, it doesn't matter. Pass this item to each other with the words “I like that you ...”, of course, instead of the ellipsis, there should be your personal continuation. For one transfer of an object, you can come up with only one dignity of a person. Of course, the more you pass the subject to each other, and speak out, the better. Another variation of this game is the game "I want you to ..." the principle of the game is the same, but the results are completely different.

Let's start doing lessons

Often, children are given some tasks for the holidays. Parents should control the execution of all tasks so as not to end up sitting all night reading textbooks the day before school starts. It is best, of course, to do homework at the beginning of the holidays, so that later the child has the opportunity to relax calmly. Do not put off tasks indefinitely, and this is what you need to follow.

To overcome the laziness of the baby, you must first defeat your own. Therefore, we are not lazy, open the baby's diary and see what he needs to do during the holidays. Agree when the child will sit down for lessons. For example, for the entire vacation period, every day you can spend 20 minutes doing tasks.

This is not so much time, which means that the child will not protest much. In addition, if the load is distributed evenly, it will be much easier for the child to complete tasks, and it will be easier to return to school.

In addition to homework, do not forget about walks outdoors. It is unacceptable for a child to spend all the holidays at the TV and computer, so be sure to organize family walks. Even just going out with the baby in the evening and walking around the yard will be good for you and the baby.

last night

The mood with which the child will return to class again depends on how the last evening before returning to school is organized, and, consequently, how easy it will be for him to get used to the new environment.

First, this the evening should be calm. Try to avoid scandals and reproaches, even if the baby forgot to pack a briefcase or did not do his homework - do not yell at him.

Secondly , help him get ready tomorrow . Let him collect the portfolio under your control. Note - under control. This does not mean that you have to fold the necessary textbooks and notebooks yourself. Just open the diary and let the child check the contents of the backpack against the schedule. Also, prepare in advance the clothes that the baby will wear to school. Do not forget about such important little things as tights, bows, socks and so on. Otherwise, the morning before going to school is sure to turn into chaos when you turn the whole house over in search of something forgotten. Hang your ironed clothes on a chair or closet.

Thirdly , motivate the child. The kid should want to go to school tomorrow, so talk to him, try to convince him that it will be interesting and just as fun as it was during the holidays.

We continue the exercise

The home should be pleasant, comfortable and comfortable environment. Even if your child will bring unsatisfactory grades at first, you should not raise a scandal. Your child still needs time to adjust to learning, and if you yell at him, his grades may never get better.

If you have found a wonderful section or circle, hold off starting your visit until a couple of weeks have passed new quarter. The fact is that the child already spends a lot of emotional energy, trying to adapt to new conditions. A new occupation can unsettle him, even if he himself is eager to attend this circle.

Don't forget about outdoor walks. No matter how difficult it may seem, try every evening for at least half an hour to walk with your child in the park or at least in the yard.

It is very important that the child eat right. Fruits and vegetables should be a mandatory addition to the student's diet.

In order for the child to have an incentive for successful learning, do not forget about caress. Children are in dire need of kindness and praise from you, and if they do not receive all this, then they simply suffer. And this applies not only to first-graders, but also to secondary school students.

Communicate with your child, putting him to bed, do not forget to say a couple of kind words to him. Spend time with him, read, play, walk and the like.

Feeling parental support and care, it will be much easier for your child to start a new school day and strive for new heights.

For better organization of study, recreation and leisure of children, there are school break. The Ministry of Education annually approves the tentative schedule of their holding. The management of educational institutions sets its own training schedule for 2017-2018, taking into account the adopted system for obtaining knowledge.

Holidays in quarters

The most popular method of school education is the division of the year into 4 quarters. After the end of each schedule, rest is provided. In doing so, the following factors are taken into account:

  • Summer vacation primary school starting May 24th. According to the schedule, the rest of the students will finish their studies on May 31, 2019, for graduates - after passing the exams.
  • The public holiday National Unity Day falls on Sunday, so the duration of the rest in the fall is increased.
  • Winter holidays for schoolchildren coincide with New Year's holidays for parents.

Pupils will have additional respite time due to official holidays - 23 February, 8-9 March, 30.04-02.05, 09.05. With such a system of school education in 2017-2018, according to the calendar, the autumn rest for children will be 8 days, winter - 13, and spring holidays at school will last 9 days. The following preliminary schedule of training and rest is provided:


study time

Holidays for schoolchildren



System 5/1 (Modular)

The management of some educational institutions organizes the school process according to the principles of a modular system. The schedule in this case provides classes for 5-6 weeks and 7 days of rest. At the same time, autumn holidays and winter holidays are held twice. An approximate schedule for 2017-2018 will look like this:

Study period

School break

1 autumn

2 autumn

New Year's



Vacation schedule by trimester

Regions of Russia, educational establishments Moscow and individual cities independently choose the concept of study. One of the options that the director of a school or gymnasium can organize with the support of the parent committee is the education of children according to the trimester system. The academic year is divided into three parts, each of which includes two modules. The school holidays schedule for 2017-2018 in this case may be as follows:

Period of study

Children's holidays

1 trimester

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

2 trimester

New Year's

3rd trimester


Holidays for first graders

In the second half of the school year, first-graders find it difficult to cope with school workloads. For them, the schedule provides for an additional period of rest. According to the recommendations of the Ministry of Education, taking into account the public holiday on February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day, the first classes can still rest from 18 to 25 February.

Additional holidays in 2017-2018 academic year

It is difficult to create a unified school schedule, how children will study and relax in 2017-2018. There may be deviations from the recommended dates.

It is important that changes to the schedule do not increase the duration of the absence educational process more than 14 days.

In this case, it will be difficult to catch up with the program. The additional rest period may be due to the following factors:

  • quarantine due to illness;
  • low temperatures in winter;
  • natural disasters;
  • spring floods;
  • squally winds;
  • building safety issues;
  • utility accidents.
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