Australia retelling in English. Exotic country Australia

Australia, or the Commonwealth of Australia, as it is officially called, is located on the island continent. It also occupies the Island of Tasmania and some minor islands round the coast of the continent.

It is a highly developed industrial-agrarian country. Its area is about 8 million km2. It is the only state in the world that occupies the territory of a whole continent.

The capital of Australia is Canberra, which became the capital only in 1927.

From 1787 to 1867 Australia was a place where criminals were sent from Britain. That is why the official language of Australia is English.

Almost one half of Australian territory is occupied by deserts and semideserts. For quite a long period of time it was thought to be useless for economic development. But it is rich in coal, iron ore, bauxites, uranium, lead and many other mineral resources.

For almost a century the production and export of sheep wool was the basis of the economy of the country. Now the most important industries are oil, chemical, ore mining, radioelectronics, and food industry. The country exports agricultural products and raw materials.

As for the nature, the commonest trees of Australia are the eucalyptus and the Australian acacia or mimosa, the national emblem of the country. Such unusual animals as a kangaroo or a koala-bear originate from Australia.

Australia is one of the most unusual and exotic countries of the world. A significant feature of modern Australian society is the representation of a lot of cultures drawn from many lands by its people.

Historically part of the British Empire and now a member of a Commonwealth of Nations, it is a relatively prosperous and independent nation.


Australia, or Commonwealth of Australia, as the country is officially called, is located on an island continent. It also occupies the island of Tasmania and small islands around the mainland coast.

This is a highly developed industrial-agrarian country. Its area is about 8 million km2. This is the only state in the world that occupies the territory of an entire continent.

The capital of Australia, Canberra, became the capital only in 1927.

From 1787 to 1867, Australia was the destination for criminals from England. That is why the official language of Australia is English.

Almost half of Australia's territory is occupied by deserts and semi-deserts. For quite a long time they were considered useless for economic development. But they are rich in coal, iron ore, bauxite, uranium, lead and many other minerals.

For almost a century, the production and export of sheep wool has been the basis of the country's economy. Currently, the most important industries are petroleum, chemical, mining, radio electronics, as well as food industry. The country exports agricultural products and raw materials.

As for nature, the most common trees in Australia are eucalyptus and Australian acacia, or mimosa - the country's national emblem. Such unusual animals as the kangaroo or koala also come from Australia.

Australia is one of the most unusual and exotic countries in the world. An important feature of modern Australian society is the representation of many cultures brought to the continent from different lands.

Historically part of the British Empire and currently a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, Australia is a prosperous and independent country.

Topic by English language: Australia. This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on a topic.

A country

Australia is a country in Southern Hemisphere with a population of 17 million people. It is an independent member of the Commonwealth of Nations. The capital of the country is Canberra. Official language- English. Australia consists of the island of Tasmania and 6 states: New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia.

History of the country

Australia has always been influenced by Britain. Speaking about the history of the country, it is worth mentioning that at first it was a large colony for prisoners. Later, it became an ordinary country.


The country's main economic sector is the service sector, including tourism, education and finance.


Most Big city Australia - Sydney, located in the state of New South Wales. This place is famous for its Blue Mountains, which are covered with forests of bluish eucalyptus. Therefore, the air above them is full of microscopic particles of eucalyptus oil, and in the light of the sun it is a real blue light.

South Australia

The driest of all the states is South Australia with its only river, the Murray. It used to be South Australia's main thoroughfare transporting people and goods. Tourists here can ride on old boats that are still stored in some towns on the river.


Tasmania, located in the south of Australia, is different from other states. There are no deserts on the island. Much of the territory is covered with beautiful wild forests. It falls here both in winter and summer a large number of precipitation. The population of Tasmania is about half a million people.


It should be noted that Tasmania is home to beautiful nature; here you can also find such exotic animals as kangaroos, echidnas, koalas, dingoes and many others.

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Australia is a country in the Southern Hemisphere with a population of about 17 million people. It’s an independent member of the Commonwealth. The capital of the country is Canberra. The official language is English. consists of Australia of an island Tasmania and six states: New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia.

The history of the country

Australia has always been influenced by Britain. Speaking about the history of the country, it should be mentioned that at first it was a big colony for prisoners. Later, it became an ordinary country.

Economic sector

The main economic sector of the country is the service one, which includes tourism, education and financial services.


Australia’s biggest city is Sydney, which is located in the state of New South Wales. This place is famous for its Blue Mountains, covered with forests of blue colored eucalyptus trees. So, the air above is full of microscopic drops of eucalyptus oil and it is of a real blue color in the sunshine.

South Australia

The driest of all the states is South Australia with the only big river flowing there, that is called the Murray River. In former times it was used to be South Australia’s main road, which transported people and goods. Tourists can ride old riverboats that are still kept in some towns on the river.


Tasmania, located in the south of Australia, differs from the other states. There are no deserts on the island. Most of the territory is covered with wild beautiful forests. There are lots of rains both in winter and summer. The population of Tasmania is about half a million people.


It should be said that Australia is home to beautiful nature as well as to such exotic animals as kangaroos, echidnas, koalas, dingoes and many others.


Australia is an amazing country. When it snows in much of the world, Australians bask on sunny beaches. The most unique and deadly animals live here, which cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

Name Australia from Latin "Terra Australis Incognita", which means "Unknown Southern Land" appeared during the reign of the Roman Empire.

Australia consists from 6 states: Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia. In addition, there are two main mainland territories: the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory, as well as a number of fairly independent islands.

The capital of Australia is Canberra, most Big City domestically and the 8th largest in Australia.

Geography of Australia

1. Australia – largest island And smallest continent in the world.

2. Australia – driest inhabited continent on Earth, the driest is Antarctica.

One third of Australia is desert, the rest is also quite arid.

3. The Australian Snowy Mountains receive annual rainfall. more snow than the Swiss Alps.

4. Australia is the only one a continent without an active volcano.

Animals of Australia

5. 6 of the 10 most venomous snake species in the world live in Australia. Australian fierce snake or coastal taipan - the most poisonous snake in the world. The poison from one bite can kill 100 people.

6. More than 750,000 wild dromedary camels roam the Australian deserts. This is one of the largest herds on Earth.

7. Kangaroo and emu were chosen as symbols of the Australian coat of arms, since they, unlike most animals, are rarely seen moving backwards.

8. The longest living structure in the world - the Great Barrier Reef also located in Australia. Its length is 2600 km. By the way, the Great Barrier Reef even has its own mailbox.

9. Lives in Australia 3.3 times more sheep than people.

10. The excrement of wombats, marsupials of Australia, is cube-shaped.

11. Male koalas living in Australia have a forked penis, and females have two vaginas and two uteruses.

12. Koalas and humans are the only animals in the world that have unique fingerprints. Koala fingerprints are almost indistinguishable from human fingerprints..

13. The largest species of earthworm on earth Megascolide australis reaches a length of 1.2 meters.

Population of Australia

14. Population density in Australia is calculated in square kilometers per person, rather than in people per square kilometer as in other countries.

It has one of the lowest population densities in the world, which is 3 people per kV. km. Average density The world population is 45 people per kV. km.

15. More than 20 percent of Australians were born in another country.

Australia is so interesting that it is difficult to imagine where to begin to describe this country. The most isolated continent on the planet with the most original things. Beautiful beaches, even better weather! Great food, music and very nice people. This country is like the old Los Angeles. A place to visit at least once in a lifetime for sure!

Essay on Australia

Australia is the only country in the world that is also a continent. It is the sixth largest country and the smallest continent. It lies between the South Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. The name of the country comes from Latin word "australis" which means "southern". The country's official name is Commonwealth of Australia.
The Commonwealth of Australia is a federation of states. Australia has six states - New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia. Each state has its government.
About 23 million people live in Australia nowadays. The natives of the country are called Aboriginals. Now they occupy a very small part of the country’s population due to the former extrusion of the native people in the past.
The capital of Australia is Canberra. All the government buildings are located there.
The capital is also the home of many cultural institutions, such as Australian National University, National Gallery, National Museum, Royal Military College, Australian Institute of Sport and many others.
The largest and the most visited city in Australia is Sydney. With the population of more than 4.6 million people. There is a great number of attractions in Sydney. The most well-known ones are Sydney Opera House, Sydney Harbor Bridge, St. Mary's Catholic Cathedral and others.
The country has some unique species of animals, which can’t be found anywhere else. Among them, koalas, kangaroos, wallabies, flightless emus, wombats and many others. So, the Australian Zoos can be another place of interest for tourists.

Essay on Australia

Australia is the only country in the world that is also a continent. It is the sixth largest country and the smallest continent. It is located between southern part Pacific Ocean And Indian Ocean. The country's name comes from the Latin word "australis", which means "south". The official name of the country is the Commonwealth of Australia.

The Commonwealth of Australia is a federation of states. Australia has six states - New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia. Each state has its own government.

Currently there are approximately 23 million people living in Australia. The natives of the country are called aborigines. They now occupy a very small part of the population due to the former extrusion of the indigenous people in the past.

The capital of Australia is Canberra. All government buildings are located there.
The capital is also home to many cultural institutions such as: Australian National University, National Gallery, National Museum, Royal Military College, Australian Institute of Sport and others.

The largest and most visited city in Australia is Sydney. With a population of more than 4.6 million people. Sydney has many attractions. The most famous of them are the Sydney Opera House, the Harbor Bridge, St. Mary's Catholic Cathedral and a number of others.

The country has some unique animal species that cannot be found anywhere else. Among them: koalas, kangaroos, wallabies, flightless emus, wombats and many others. So Australian zoos could be another interesting place for tourists.

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Australia (2)

When we hear the word Australia, we imagine boomerang, kangaroo, crocodiles, snakes, etc.
Australia is a vast sub-continental land. It is today an independent member of the Commonwealth, self-governing since January 1, 1901. There are 6 states and an island Tasmania: New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia. The capital of the country is Canberra. The biggest city of Australia is Sydney.
It is located in the state of New South Wales. It"s the best-known place in Australia. But New South Wales has more than cities. There are, for example, the Blue Mountains. They are covered with forests of blue colored eucalyptus trees. The air above the forest contains millions of microscopic drops of eucalyptus oil. When the sun shines, the air of the Blue Mountains is a real, beautiful blue color.
South Australia is the driest of all the states. The only big river in this place is the Murray River. In the early of the Australian history, the Murray River was South Australia"s main road. Before real roads and railways came, the river carried people and goods from the east up into the country. Some towns on the Murray still keep the old riverboats, and visitors can ride them.
Tasmania is an island in the south of Australia. It's not big. It"s the same size as England. It also differs from the other Australian states. There are no deserts in Tasmania. It often rains, both in winter and summer. Only half a million people live in Tasmania, and a large part of the island is still covered with wild, beautiful wild forests. These forests are full of wonderful flowers and interesting animals. Once upon a time, there was living a nation of Tasmanian people. They spoke their own language, had their own culture. In a few decades after arrival of white people, they disappeared as a nation.
Talking about the history of Australia, I should add that Australia as a whole has always been within the British sphere of influence. Firstly, it was the big colony for prisoners. It is a ridiculous fact but it is true. Later, it became an ordinary south country.
Every year, thousands of tourists visit Ayers Rock that is located in the Northern Territory and a strange group of huge red stones, which are holy to the aboriginals.

Australia (2)

When we hear the word Australia, we imagine boomerangs, kangaroos, crocodiles, snakes, etc. Australia is a vast subcontinent. Today it is an independent member of the Commonwealth of Nations, having gained independence on 1 January 1901. It includes 6 states and the island of Tasmania: New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia. The capital of the country is Canberra.
The largest city in Australia is Sydney. It is located in the state of New South Wales. This is the most famous place in Australia. But New South Wales has more than just cities. There are, for example, the Blue Mountains. They are covered with forests of bluish eucalyptus. The air above the forest contains millions of microscopic particles of eucalyptus oil. When the sun is shining, the air in the Blue Mountains actually appears to be a beautiful bluish color.
The state of South Australia is the driest of all the states in Australia. The only major river in this area is the Murray River. Early in Australian history the Murray River was the main road of South Australia. Before land roads and railroads were built, the river transported people and goods from the east to the central parts of the country. Some towns on the Murray River still have old riverboats and visitors can take them for a ride.
Tasmania is an island in the southern part of Australia. This is a small island. He is the same size as England. It is also different from other Australian states. There are no deserts in Tasmania. It rains often - both in winter and in summer.
With only half a million people living in Tasmania, much of the island is still covered in wild, beautiful forests. There are many beautiful flowers and interesting animals in these forests. A nation of Tasmanian people once lived there. They spoke their own language, had their own culture. Within a few decades of the white people's arrival, they disappeared as a nation.
Speaking of Australian history, I must add that Australia as a whole has always been within the British sphere of influence. Firstly, it was a large prison colony. This funny fact, but it is so. Later, it became an ordinary southern country.
Every year thousands of tourists visit Ayers Rock, which is located in the Northern Territory and is home to a strange group of huge red stones considered holy by Aboriginal people.


1. What do we imagine when we hear the word Australia?
2. What parts does Australia consist of?
3. What is the capital of the country?
4. Where is Sydney located?
5. What are the Blue Mountains covered with?
6. What is the Murray River known for?
7. Where is Tasmania located?
8. What is the climate in Tasmania?
9. How many people live in Tasmania?
10. What is a large part of the island still covered with?
11. Why did Tasmanian people disappear as a nation?
12. Who were sent to Australia until it became an ordinary south country?
13. What places do thousands of tourists visit every year?


boomerang - boomerang
kangaroo - kangaroo
vast - extensive
Commonwealth - Commonwealth of Nations
to be covered with - to be covered with something
eucalyptus - eucalyptus
real roads - surface roads
to differ from - to differ from something
desert - desert
once upon a time - once
decade - decade
to disappear - disappear
influence - influence
prisoner - prisoner
ridiculous - ridiculous, funny