Development of reading competence and information culture of primary school students based on the project “Reading is great! Formation of reading competence of secondary school students in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard Development of reading competence.

Fistikan Natalya Grigoryevna - primary school teacher, secondary school No. THEM. Kuznetsova s. Big Chernigovka

Winner of the district fair of methodological innovations in the nomination "General education" in 2014 and 2016



    R development of reading competence and information culture of primary school students through a variety of activities.


    promotevalues ​​of reading and booksamong schoolchildren.

    To draw attention to reading and working with information as a socially significant activity.

    To form the reading competence of schoolchildren.

    To contribute to the educational work of the school through familiarization with the book, library, literature.

    Develop critical thinking in students.

    Develop creative abilities by organizing literary, poetry competitions and project activities.

    To form the ability of information retrieval activities.

    P increase student attendance at the school library to 70%.


Children's reading is called the country's intellectual resource, the main reserve for the development of the nation's human potential. Today, the topic of children's reading is very relevant.After analyzing the visits of primary school students to the school library in the 2015-2016 academic year, we came to the conclusion that a little more than half of primary school students, namely 58%, visited the school library and reading room. The problem of children's reading is manifested not so much in the fact that many children have stopped reading, but in the fact that they have not developed or lost interest in this area of ​​​​activity. Interest in reading arises when the reader is fluent in conscious reading and has developed educational and cognitive motives for reading.

Schoolchildren are under the powerful influence of the Internet, and they have neither time nor desire for books. And it is necessary to find a golden mean, orienting the child in the information space and educating a competent student - a reader of the 21st century. Modern children are pragmatic, so we believe that they need to be shown real situations in which communication with a book is beneficial, helps to become successful both among adults and among peers. The topic that we raise in the project is relevant not only for our school, but also excites the entire Russian community.

The peculiarity of the system of work:

The essence of the project "Reading is great!" is to involve as many students as possible in reading literature, while using various techniques and methods: excursions, quizzes, intellectual games, environmental lessons, mini projects , competitions of readers, holidays, etc.During the work on the project, several activities are planned in cooperation with the WCB and CRDB.Interest in reading arises when the reader is fluent in conscious reading and has developed educational and cognitive motives for reading. The condition for mastering reading activity is also knowledge of reading methods, methods of semantic text processing, possession of certain skills and abilities.

Receptions and methods of work:




    Mind games;

    environmental lessons;

    mini-projects (creationcrosswords, a collection of poems, writing mini-messages and essays);

    reading competitions;

    drawing competitions;

    stand design;


    literary relays.


Learning about libraries as cultural institutions, trying to find confirmation of their chosen position in relation to the world of books, the guys not only expanded their horizons, but also looked at seemingly familiar and sometimes tiring books in a different way. It turned out that books, like people, are different both externally and internally, that creating a book is hard work, both spiritual and physical. Now, having joined the book culture, the guys are more respectful of the printed word.

As part of our project, children share what they learn from books: whether it is a favorite character or an interesting book that is unusual in content or design, familiarity with the home library or their parents' favorite book. Modern children are pragmatic, so we believe that they need to be shown real situations in which communication with a book is beneficial, helps to become successful both among adults and among peers.

At school, there is a positive trend in the development of interest in books and reading. We hope that with the introduction of modern information carriers into the educational process and the use of media, interest in the book, which has always been and will be a source of knowledge, will not disappear and readers will continue to strive for the library.

Library and reading development of the child


It should be noted that the influence of information culture on a child’s reading is diverse: and often the status of reading acquires a symbolic character, its prestige is lost, and the perception of printed text and information also changes, it becomes superficial, fragmentary, “mosaic”. At the same time, the reading repertoire and reader preferences are changing, under the influence of television and video viewing, motivation is transformed and interest in those genres that are presented on the television screen, especially adventure - detective stories, thrillers, "horrors", comics, increases. Children are called great interest illustrated magazines. Currently, reading as a form of recreation and entertainment is rapidly replacing music, television and video programs, and computer games.

It has long been known that the intellectual and economic potential of society depends on what kind of literature young people read. Most high school students noted that they do not experience difficulties in choosing literature for reading at their leisure. The main topics that are relevant for schoolchildren are the following: the relationship between adults and children, human rights and freedoms, the future of mankind, the development of modern technologies, etc. For the purpose of self-education, as well as preparation for lessons, high school students mainly visit the school, occasionally - a public public library. library general educational institution should bring as close as possible and provide information services to the consumer-student.

Problem- in recent years, we have encountered the problem of children's reading, which is associated with the means of knowing the world around us and developing self-knowledge of the individual.

RelevanceThis work emphasizes the growing role of libraries in the development of reading interest in children.

aimThe work is a study of the problem of the development of reading interest in children in the Republic of Belarus.

To achieve the goal set in the work, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

· Explore the development of librarianship in Belarus.

· To study the development of reading interest in children.

· Consider the role of the library in the reading development of the child.

1. Librarianship in Belarus. Development of reading interest in children

.1 Library development in Belarus

library reading child

The library as the oldest institution of writing, education, culture, education has always occupied one of the most important places in the life of society, therefore the profession of a librarian and the training of higher education specialists in the library sector deserve special attention.

The library system of the Republic of Belarus includes about 10 thousand public and special libraries with a total fund of about 250 million copies. The largest is the library network of the Ministry of Culture - 3,924 libraries, which is headed by the National Library of Belarus. The network of scientific and technical libraries includes 469, medical - 180, trade union - 240, school - 3,840, military units - 98, agro-industrial complex - 80, universities - 57, church - 342, academic - 12. About 17 thousand specialists, including about 9 thousand - in the libraries of the system of the Ministry of Culture. Higher education have 72.5% of specialists. For three years (2006-2008) the Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts trained 563 specialists with the qualification of a librarian-bibliographer: manager; merchandiser; specialist in automated library and information systems; interpreter; teacher; information specialist.

The profession of a librarian originated on the territory of Belarus in the 11th century with the emergence of libraries at monasteries and churches.

When the Belarusian lands became part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, church libraries were intensively created on them. Already in the second half of the 16th century, such libraries were created in Vilna, Polotsk, Slutsk, Minsk, Mogilev. The richest collections of books, especially handwritten ones, were in the libraries of Suproelsky, Slutsky, Troitsky, Zhirovichsky, Vitebsky, Markovsky and other monasteries. The role of librarians in them was played mainly by monks.

In the nineteenth century, the nature and direction of printing changed. An important role in the dissemination of advanced Russian and foreign science and literature was played by libraries at educational institutions, and later by public libraries created in provincial towns of Belarus. In the 18th-19th centuries, libraries began to form in Jesuit schools, gymnasiums, they began to be collected by the most educated representatives of society.

In 1913, there were about 850 libraries on the territory of Belarus with a book fund of about 4 thousand copies. The first scientific library - Fundamental Library of Belorussky state university- was established in 1921. On its basis, the State Library of the BSSR (National Library of Belarus) began to function. In the same years, its branches were created in some regional centers (Vitebsk, Gomel, Mogilev). In 1925, the Central Scientific Library named after V.I. Yakub Kolas.

The first children's libraries in Belarus began to be created in 1934.

By the mid-30s of the twentieth century, a system of libraries had already been created in the republic. The Great Patriotic War suspended the further development of libraries, moreover, most of the libraries and their book collections, including the richest manuscripts, were looted by the Nazis and taken out of the country. Despite the intensive development of librarianship in the pre-war period, there was no system for training library specialists in the Republic of Belarus.

Since 2008, the training of library specialists has been carried out on the basis of new educational standards, the first degree of which provides for a four-year training period for library specialists, the implementation of a competent approach in the learning process aimed at developing professional (industrial and technical, socio-cultural, scientific and methodological) , research, organizational and managerial, pedagogical, innovative), educational, social and personal competencies.

1.2 The concept of reader interest

Reader's interest is a selectively positive attitude of a social subject (individual, group, society) to reading printed works that acquire significance and emotional attractiveness for him to the extent of their compliance with his spiritual needs and the characteristics of his reader's psychology.

The reader's interest expresses the attitude not to books in general, but to the selective reading of them. (For example, a collector of books may be interested in them as a collector, reading not every one of them).

As a relatively stable personality trait, reader interest is formed and manifested through the repeated emergence and generalization of temporary states of interest.

Interest in the text is a psychological state that combines the concentration of involuntary (or after voluntary) attention with a positive emotional tone of reading and is characterized by an optimal level of perception, thinking, imagination, and memorization processes. In this state, the reader does not have to constantly strain his will to concentrate. Against. It is difficult to distract him, the desire to continue reading is so great.

Distinguish situational and personal interest.

Situational interest is determined by the reading situation (a set of external stimuli), primarily by the qualities of printed works that can attract attention and evoke positive emotions in the reader. Colorful illustrations attract not only children, but also most adult readers. Sometimes the cover of the book, the title, the entertaining nature, the novelty of the thought or its presentation by the author attracts. The book can grab the reader. Ultimately, situational interest is a consequence of the correspondence of the situation to the characteristics of the reader's psyche. But if it is not associated with the dominant properties of the personality, then it disappears with a change in the situation.

Personal interest is a manifestation of a stable personality property (needs, interests, abilities, etc.) “A person who has a strong interest in any area. Usually he himself looks for situations that would allow him to give himself up to his interest, ie. experience a state of interest. Therefore, the dominant spiritual interests of the individual, as a rule, generate interest in reading the relevant printed works.

Thus, in order to arouse not only situational but also personal interest with the help of book exhibitions, conversations or other methods of working with readers, it is important for a librarian to take into account the cognitive, aesthetic and other spiritual interests of readers. In a state of interest in a book, an evaluative attitude towards it develops, which often still carry over to unread books. If, spontaneously or under the guidance of a librarian, the reader encounters a number of books, each of which captivates him, then a positive attitude towards a certain literature.

From this follows the conclusion for the librarian: in order to form a new reader's interest, it is necessary to create a situation in which the reader first experiences a vivid state of interest in reading, and then, by selecting books, repeatedly reproduce interest in new books, contributing to its consolidation, generalization, and transition into a stable feature of the reader's personality psychology. .

Features reader interest:

· the significance of certain literature for the subject,

· positive emotional attitude to reading it.

The opposition of these features is relative. Each at its own level, they reflect the degree of compliance of printed works with the needs of the subject. In a harmoniously developed and conscious interest, both signs interpenetrate and merge: a person is fascinated by the process of reading, and its ultimate goal is to obtain information.

However, at different stages of the formation of reader interest, one of the signs may prevail over the other. With one-sided development, a detrimental attitude to reading develops, and a purely practical (utilitarian-cognitive) use of literature, and a purely entertaining attitude to reading in their extreme manifestations, unite the spiritual life of the individual. Harmonious development of reader's interest is the task of reading guidance.

Reader's interest is dialectically connected with the need for reading, which expresses the subject's objective dependence on printed matter. Need is closer to necessity than interest. But this connection cannot be understood in a simplified, one-line way, including that a specific need generates a strictly corresponding interest. One need (for example, cognitive) gives rise to many interests, including readers. Conversely, a particular reader's interest responds to the diverse needs of the individual.

The dialectic of the relationship between need and interest is such that cause and effect can change places. The reader's interest arising on the basis of spiritual needs, with constant satisfaction, develops into a steady need to read certain literature, and this need gives rise to new interests. Forming and satisfying readers' interests, the library contributes to the transition of social needs into personal ones. Mass readership, increasing the reader's demand for literature, can influence the circulation of new printed matter, and its consumption reproduces the need for reading.

1.3 The role of the family and school in the development of reading interest in children

Recently, attitudes towards books have changed. With the advent of television and the computer, the flow of information has fallen upon man with unprecedented force. Now, in order to know and keep abreast of the latest achievements of scientific thought, it is not at all necessary to read. It is enough to draw information from the TV screen or display.

Children master the computer before they learn to read, navigate the keyboard better than in the table of contents of the book. Their literary experience is limited to stories from the "ABC" and anthologies, and subsequently - attempts to master the works school curriculum in an abridged version.

How to arouse interest in reading, how to develop it, support it is one of the most important tasks not only for schools, but also for preschool educational institutions. The awakening of interest in the book occurs in preschool age. And here the family should play a leading role. And the task of educators is to acquaint parents with the methods of communicating with children with a book. In elementary school, it is necessary to maintain interest in the book. But you can support what has developed. There are children in every class who really get to know the book only at school.

It has been proven that the sooner you start accustoming a child to a particular type of activity, the better the result will be. To achieve a result, you need a SYSTEM.

The beginning of this system is in the family. The child adopts the attitude towards reading and the book that exists in his parents. Not without reason, back in the 16th century, the lines were written: "A child learns what he sees in his home - parents are an example to him."

And if the parents are literate and thinking people, then they will be the first to start working on shaping the child's interest in the book.

At primary school age (7-9 years) there is an extremely rapid development of the emotional sphere, the so-called sensory intelligence.

Paying great attention to this feature of primary school age, the teacher can achieve high efficiency in his work on literary reading.

On the basis of positive emotional experiences, the needs and interests of a person appear and are fixed.

It is at the primary school age that the accumulation of feelings and experiences takes place by leaps and bounds. Therefore, younger students are looking for entertainment, strong emotional experiences in reading. Their imagination is captured by action-packed works, heroic deeds seem to be the norm of life, and their favorite heroes are, first of all, heroes of action.

Children of primary school age need works that teach them to be surprised. The ability to be surprised by an event, a phenomenon, a person is very necessary for a child: interest in life, a thirst for knowledge, the ability to see beauty and cherish it are born from surprise.

Ignoring the literary predilections of students of this age, it is possible for many years to "kill" their interest not only in literature as an academic subject, but also in reading in general.

Features of readers of primary school age:

The little reader reacts to the text primarily emotionally. Children's experiences associated with the text are of great value for elementary school. The importance for the child of the ability to feel, to experience has been written more than once. Let us recall the famous words of V.G. Belinsky, who believed that the main thing in the process of reading is that children “feel more” as much as possible:

“Let the poetry of the word act on them like music, right through the heart, past the head, for which its time will come.” V.G. Belinsky.

Another feature of readers of primary school age is the identification of the artistic world and the real world. It is no coincidence that this period in the development of the reader is called the age of "naive realism." This is expressed in relation to the character as to a living, real; in showing confidence in his portrayal. Thinking concretely, children constantly ask: “Did it really happen?” .

It should be noted that younger students have sensitivity to the word and to the artistic detail. The child sometimes reacts to such psychological subtleties that adults sometimes do not notice.

Inherent in younger students is the so-called presence effect, which means the child's ability to live in the image.

The last feature of the reader younger age- lack of response to the art form.

In a work of art, children first of all see the characters, the plot, individual events, but do not read the author in the text, do not find the “landmarks” left by him, do not enter into a dialogue with him. Stanzas, epithets, punctuation marks, division into paragraphs - the child himself does not notice anything of this, which means that he misses the author's "milestones", without comprehending which there can be no understanding.

This quality of perception of younger students is a support for the teacher in the process of developing their interest in a literary work, and hence in a reading lesson.

At the lesson, the teacher needs to show the children that reading is communication, a dialogue between the reader and the author. But this communication is not direct, but communication through a text created by the author.

If the teacher adheres to the premise that in a work of art it is important not only what is written, but also how it is written, by what means, then the children will definitely pay attention to the artistic form of the work, which is more important in artistic speech than in ordinary speech. communication. The presence of such a feature of the perception of younger students as an emotional response to the work is the basis for the emergence of an interesting process - the process of co-creation of the writer and reader.

Thus, the main result of reading lessons in elementary school should be that they give rise to children's interest in subsequent literary education. It is necessary to awaken a thirst for literary knowledge proper in order to answer more and more new questions: not only about what and how the book told them, who was their interlocutor, but also why the author speaks about it. Why is he talking. Why does he say this and not otherwise. Why does the author manage to squeeze out such thoughts and feelings from readers.

2. Library and reading development of the child

.1 The Role of School Libraries in Child Education

Spiritual and moral development and upbringing of children are the primary task of the modern educational system and represent an important component of the social order for education.

The change in the value orientations of modern society, the expansion of the information space, the decrease in the effectiveness of traditional teaching methods make us look for new methods and technologies in the education and upbringing of the younger generation.

Recently, there have been trends of decreasing reader demand among children:

) entertaining, compensatory reading occupies a significant share in the structure of reading;

) in reading industry literature, literature on history, art, philosophy, and natural science is of greatest interest;

) in periodicals, preference is given to publications of an entertaining nature;

) the main purpose of visiting the library for a significant part of schoolchildren is pragmatic reading, and then reading “for the soul” and expanding their horizons.

Much can be said about the role of the library in spiritual and moral education. The library can and should become the central place for the education, first of all, of a moral, creative personality. It is impossible to raise such a person without books. Moral education is based on the rules of etiquette.

“Etiquette is a very large and important part of human culture, morality, morality, developed over many centuries of life by all peoples in accordance with their ideas of goodness, justice, humanity - in the field of moral culture and beauty, order, improvement, household expediency - in the field of material culture".

The goals and objectives of libraries in teaching children the rules of etiquette:

formation of spiritual and moral guidelines;

fostering a culture of behavior and conscious discipline;

formation of the need for self-education, self-education of their moral and volitional qualities.

Spiritual and moral education presupposes a patriotic attitude of the child to the Motherland, society, collective, people, to work, to one's duties, to oneself; development of the qualities of patriotism, tolerance, camaraderie; active attitude to reality deep respect for people.

The task of spiritual and moral education is to turn the socially necessary requirements of society into internal incentives for the personality of each child, such as duty, honor, conscience, and dignity.

Psychologists have established that primary school age is characterized by increased susceptibility to external influences, belief in the truth of everything, immediacy in behavior. These features are the key to learning and education of younger students. It is at this age that great opportunities arise for the systematic and consistent spiritual and moral education of children.

The work of school libraries, in the spiritual and moral education of students, is one of the priorities of the library. More and more people are coming to the understanding that for the spiritual and moral revival of society, only the knowledge given traditional education. Therefore, the school library makes a great contribution to the matter of spiritual and moral education.

The library is one of the main links in the implementation of the program of civil-patriotic education. It is in the library that a child can become aware of himself as a part of his people through the study of the history, culture and traditions of his ancestors. This will not lead to an increase in the standard of living and the strengthening of the army - now. But we are educating those who tomorrow will work for the prosperity of the Motherland and defend it.

One of the tasks of the library is the formation of love for one's homeland, knowledge of the history, culture, and traditions of one's native land. Every child should feel that his city, village, small town is a part of Belarus, and he himself is a citizen of this country.

One of the activities of the school library for civic-patriotic education is the formation of its own information resources in this area of ​​activity. In addition to literature collections, periodicals and media resources, libraries form a fund of creative and research works of students on the topic of patriotism and citizenship, author's methodological developments of teachers of their school on the problems of patriotic education. The accumulation and provision of wide access to these resources will contribute to the dissemination of interesting experience, create an information and methodological basis for further work.

Today, unfortunately, many have lost their spiritual and moral guidelines, have lost the meaning and purpose of life. Today, the school library does not have enough information resources on civic and patriotic education, so it is necessary to purposefully acquire literature in library funds.

The library is the epicenter of spiritual values. The epicenter is the place where something manifests itself with the greatest force.

We believe that the "treasury of books" can and should become the central place for the education of a Man of Culture, a Man who, by comprehending and creating culture, acquires his spiritual essence.

The educational activities of libraries find expression in the field of local history in various forms: the creation of clubs, the organization of local history corners at the library, the discussion of local history books, evening meetings with writers, local historians, interesting people, fellow countrymen who have reached certain peaks in life, as well as holding quizzes, competitions for the best expert on the region, travel games, local history readings, village holidays.

Thanks to new technologies, a special form of preservation and dissemination of local history material is emerging - the so-called. “oral history”, when the story of an eyewitness of an event, an old-timer, is recorded on a tape or videotape. A number of libraries collect video archives of local history materials.

The basis of local history work of the library is the local history fund. The staging of all local history activities of the library largely depends on its composition and quality.

An important and most developed direction of patriotic education in children's libraries after local history is historical and patriotic education. In recent years, work has intensified to promote literature about the Great Patriotic War, about the heroes of our time, to readers of children. Book and illustrative exhibitions, portrait exhibitions, literary and musical compositions, children's drawing competitions, literary evenings, meetings with veterans, quizzes, historical dialogues, disputes, conferences on books of front-line soldiers are the methods of such work.

Materials about the Great Patriotic War must be used in the civil and patriotic education of children. But use it wisely. If this is an exhibition, then let it be book-illustrative, in addition to books, contain photographs of those years, reproductions of paintings about the war, etc. And if this is a reading competition, then it is appropriate to use video clips and photographic materials selected according to the theme of the sounding poems, projecting them as a background to the screen.

2.2 Ways to develop book reading skills

Examining books, reading, reading and examining them is the way in which, through the study of books - objects in all their diversity, the educator leads children from ignorance to knowledge, from helplessness to independence. The main processes that characterize the path to the book and the world of the book, and gave the name to the leading method of forming beginner readers' interest in books and reader's independence - the method of reading - viewing.

Read-Look Method- this is a continuous chain of interrelated mental and practical actions carried out sequentially when referring to a book, as a result of which the child independently singles out the external indicators of the content of each book, correlates them mutually and makes a general, but sufficiently justified conclusion about the subject matter, nature, quantity and specificity of the contents placed in the book. works, and then, based on the general preliminary assessment of the book, sets the goal of reading and immediately, truly joins in the development of this content, choosing the appropriate way of reading.

When reading a new book with new content, its contents are revealed page by page, and in order to cover all of it in its entirety, it is required to view the entire material through a narrow prism of perception. For us, another way of perceiving objects is usual - from a general impression to details. Preliminary acquaintance with a book before real reading and working through it usually saves a lot of time and labor. better results.

In addition to the fact that the method of reading and viewing books as a complex one, the synthetic method is designed to organically merge for child readers both sides of the perception of a book when reading. Text and non-textual information, equally designed to ensure that the reader meaningfully and expediently mastered the human experience contained in the book. This information helps the child, left alone with the world of books without anyone's intervention, through feasible and independent reading activity, to consciously choose a book, to see the author's program embedded in it, perceiving and recreating for himself the content of what he read.

This method helps children involuntarily and for a long time, if not forever, memorize the books they have accessed, and at the first stages of learning, it significantly alleviates their difficulties associated with the imperfection of reading technique, activates the necessary vocabulary and ideas, excites the imagination, sets the necessary direction. and concentration of thoughts, allows you to highlight your circle of reading. With the method of reading-consideration, the method of the living word retains its meaning in various forms, in the form of reading aloud, especially by heart, in the form of reflections on the book read, and various kinds of conversations, stories, retellings.

The method of reading-consideration will make it possible to bring into the system a wide and solid range of general and special knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for full-fledged independent communication with the world of books, and as a result, it translates the reading actions consistently reproduced by the child reader and complementary to each other into the internal plan.

.3 Libraries work to develop children's interest in reading

The modern librarian has established traditional forms and methods of library work. A professional librarian, striving to satisfy as much as possible the expressed and unspoken requests of readers, cannot but act in accordance with the "library laws". The first of them read:

· each reader of his book;

· each book of its reader.

For practical work the librarian needs to have an idea about the specific readers of his library. For this purpose, there are well-known, proven by science and practice methods. Any method has its advantages and disadvantages, each of them has a certain place in solving the problems of studying readers.

Primary information about the level of reading culture of the librarian, of course, through observation. Thus, a group of readers can be identified who do not use other means in choosing books, except for the advice of a librarian and viewing books returned by other readers. Librarians take note of such readers by making appropriate notes on the form. Based on the results of the observation, the librarian determines the methodology for further work. Sociologists note that there are always readers who are reluctant to enter into a conversation with a librarian, negatively related to his recommendations. Thus, the method of observation is extremely important.

The most common method of studying readers is periodic qualitative and quantitative analysis of reader materials. It allows you to collect valuable material about the dynamics and content of reading, to identify the range of reader interests, the systematic nature of reading.

In the library, in particular in the reading rooms (of which there are several in libraries: for the smallest children's reading room, a room for youth, a room for literature on art) people come to do school homework. And, of course, librarians-teachers come to the rescue, advising and applying the entire rich palette of library capabilities.

Librarians try to teach children to use various media when preparing homework. Actually, the very concept of homework is interpreted much more broadly than preparation for the lesson, especially since the librarian deals not only with schoolchildren, but also with kids. This is the development of speech and thinking, reading competence, providing access to literature, revealing the diverse possibilities of using printed and electronic media, as well as writing school assignments.

Librarians, solving the important tasks of educating reading competence, do not ignore the work with teachers and educators. For teachers and educators, various Information Days, Specialist Days, recommendatory bibliographic reviews can be offered. In a variety of ways, librarians draw attention to the library, to the variety of information carriers and the possibilities of instilling in children an interest in literature and reading.

An important condition effective work is knowledge of the reading interests of children and adolescents. This is facilitated by the "Days of the book" held by the library (Children and modern reading, Value orientations of youth, Your favorite magazine, The best book of the year).

The library itself must determine the priorities of library services, identify those reader groups that are in particular need of its help and services.

A significant part of the libraries are libraries in the countryside.

It should be noted that today the reader's interests and needs of the rural reader are becoming more complex and deepening, and their entire readership is undergoing noticeable changes today.

However, among the various reading needs, a significant place continues to be occupied by the need for information to help education, as well as self-education, understood quite broadly: as help in solving many life problems.

In relation to children and youth, rural and school libraries have accumulated vast experience, having managed, despite all the difficulties, in most cases to realize their main function - to create conditions for the education and development of the individual in the library.

While in the structure of the free time of a rural child, a young man reading, the book still occupies one of the main places. It is more than urban, it is free from fascination with television programs, video culture and computers, although there are certain changes in the structure of rural residents' values, and the library should take them into account in its work.

In addition, over the past ten years, the life of youth has changed markedly. Its economic situation, living space and livelihoods have become more complicated. Today, the problem of physical survival (or maintaining a decent standard of living) comes to the fore, noticeably pushing aside or changing the spiritual needs of youth, including the need for reading.

The role of reading in the life of a young reader, which is changing before our eyes, forces us to assert that today the library should not only introduce the reader to reading, knowledge, but also provide him with free access to information. This problem requires the library to solve a whole range of issues: from having a good fund and providing access to the funds of other libraries, to cultivating an information culture, the ability to choose an information product, assess the degree of its good quality, its usefulness for oneself.

The role of the library in the information support of students, identifying especially capable and talented among them, is extremely important.

It is known that interest in reading, craving for knowledge is the first sign of a person's ability, talent. Involving such a child, a teenager, in reading, in the life of a library, can give a lot for his future development. The library is able to help in the realization of one's abilities, in the development of interest in any field of activity, profession.

The librarian, as well as the teacher, has a great responsibility to ensure that the first sprouts of the student's talent are noticed and supported.

Of course, difficult teenagers should not fall out of the library's field of attention.

As a rule, these are guys who have difficulty learning, whose interests are not developed, who have neither material nor spiritual support in their own family. Often, these guys have low self-esteem and at the same time, aggressiveness is increased, their energy does not find a worthy application. The deviant behavior of such children leads to the fact that their "positive" peers turn away from them, and sometimes their parents. This situation leads to a strong psychological stress of the child, the feeling of his "social orphanhood".

The library can be the place where a teenager can restore peace of mind: no one here grades him; there is no such strict discipline as in school; here he can find more understanding and sympathy than at school; qualified information assistance in solving their problems, understanding their rights, planning their future life. Often the library helps the manifestation of his positive qualities and abilities that were not noticed at school.

Thinking about the book, highlighting external features of the content, associating, comparing non-textual information and text, in particular illustrations and headings, inscriptions with the content of the book - may be familiar and well-known, or maybe completely new - this is also a special skill and a vital reading skill. habit. It is this skill and habit that in many ways sets the reader's horizons, general and literary development. Their absence, on the contrary, makes reading useless and even harmful, since development is impossible if the reader is not able to distinguish, say, where the palace is, and imagine who could live here, where the knight is, and where the hero, or who wore such shoes or a headdress in which of these flowers Thumbelina was born. Until a child is accustomed to think about a book, until he knows and does not guess when and why he needs to look, choosing and reading a book, what to see, what to think about, even if he knows the technique of reading, he will not become a real reader. Since, without purposeful training, he is not capable of independently distinguishing books by content, to understanding, to content, to understanding a reasonable order in the world of books and in the book itself.

Thus, the main task of the library remains familiarization with the book, reading, the formation of a sustainable need for knowledge. The painstaking and creative work of the librarian, teacher, and parents necessarily bears fruit - it strengthens the contact of the children's library with the school and family, and has a positive effect on the reading activity and culture of children.


Recently, a new approach to understanding the role of the library in society has been formed. If earlier libraries were considered as ideological institutions focused primarily on maintaining state values, now libraries are turning to a wide range of individual interests, on the one hand, and on the other hand, to the interests of the local community.

One of the tasks of libraries is to help the younger generation acquire the moral values ​​that our Fatherland has lived for centuries, to instill a sense of patriotism through reading. But, unfortunately, libraries are practically not replenished with such literature now. Therefore, the issue of completing the school library with civic literature remains open.

Whatever the library does, its main goal is to introduce reading, to native word, to the history and modern life of the country, the Motherland. Patriotism cannot be taught. He must be brought up in the full sense of the word from the cradle, when a figurative word, emotions, feelings mean more than reason.

The cooperation of the school, parents with the library convinces not only of the usefulness of reading a book, but also makes you look at the mass library as an organizer of interesting and useful leisure, a place of informal communication, a counseling center on children's literature, pedagogy of children's reading.

The new social environment has changed the requirements for both teachers and librarians; it is required to improve the pedagogical qualification of librarians and library science for teachers. Perhaps in the future this process will accelerate with the creation of joint information databases.

Carrying out joint work in terms of cooperation (student - parent - class teacher - librarian) makes it possible to use such forms of work as reader family conferences, library lessons, family book quizzes, the competition "The most reading student in the class" and to intensify the reading of students. All this increases the reading activity of children.

List of used literature

1.Higher library education in the Republic of Belarus Electronic resource: Journal “Librarianship. #24 (114)"09. Access mode: #"justify">2. Guryeva G. Innovative approaches in patriotic education and civil development of personality. Electronic resource. Journal "New Library". No. 5. 2004. Access mode: #"justify">. Ilyina, L. Love for the fatherland through the mystery of the pages. M: Library, - 2006.-230 p.

.Inkova, L.M. Innovations, creativity, initiative in working with the younger generation Electronic resource: Journal of Library Science. No. 1. 1998 Access mode: #"justify">. Inkova, L.M. Youth Libraries at the Beginning of the New Century. Electronic resource: Journal “Library Science. No. 4. 2002 Access mode: #"justify">. Ispenkova, N. Facets of Patriotic Education. M: Library, - 2003. -151 p.

.Monastyreva, G. Generation NEXT. Their choice. M: Library, 2006. - 145 p.

9.Nekrasova, N. With a thought about the future. M: Library, 2007. -127 p.

10.Nesterova, N. We raise patriots. M: Library, 2006. -124 p.

11.Panova, R.Z. Youth libraries: traditions and development prospects. M: Library, 1998.-139 p.

.Svetlovskaya N.N. Teaching reading and the laws of reader formation // Elementary School, 2003 No. 1, p. 11-18

.Simakova, N.G. The formation of citizenship. M: Library, - 2005.-149 p.

.Slaykovskaya N.F. The development of the "Concept of Library Services for Children" is ongoing. Electronic resource: Journal “Library Science. No. 4. 2002 Access mode: #"justify">. Chudinova V.P. Children, Libraries and New Information Technologies Electronic resource: Library Science. No. 5. 2002 Access mode: › node/26422. Access date: 04/3/2011.

Similar works to - Library and reading development of the child

S.E. Morozova,

primary school teacher of the highest category

MBOU gymnasium No. 1 named after. N.M. Przhevalsky


Formation of reading competence by means

information educational technologies.

It's no secret that today's children, coming to school, own a computer, sometimes even better teacher. Therefore, one of the main tasks modern education is the formation of information literacy of students: the ability to find and use the information received, the ability to critically evaluate it. And this is what we must teach our students from elementary school. Thus, the inclusion of information and communication technologies in the educational process has become a socially conditioned necessity.

Domestic and foreign studies on the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process convincingly prove the possibility and expediency of using ICT in the development of speech, intelligence and, in general, the personality of the student (I.G. Zakharova, V.G. Bespalko, S. Papert, G.K. Selevko and others), consider the psychological aspects of using a computer in the learning process (E.I. Vishtynetsky, A.O. Krivosheev, E.S. Polat and others); the role and place of ICT in the system of liberal education (B.S. Gershunsky, I.G. Zakharova, etc.).

Reading competence in the framework of new educational standards is a universal learning activities and one of the means of its formation is the use of ICT technologies. A student with well-formed reading competence knows what to read (orients himself in the world of literature), knows how to read (adequately perceives what he read), based on ideas about artistic techniques, to his own taste and feelings. Reader's competence, the culture of perception of literature, is based on an understanding of the figurative nature of a literary text and includes knowledge of the language of verbal images, orientation in the system of basic literary concepts.

K.D. Ushinsky noted the following: “Teach a child some five words unknown to him, and he will suffer for a long time and in vain over them; but associate twenty such words with pictures and the child will learn them on the fly. Modern information technologies have ample opportunities for the implementation of this task, only it is necessary for teachers to take into account the psychological characteristics of the perception of material by students of this age.

I have been working at a school for more than thirty years and I see how many changes have taken place in the education system, especially in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. We teachers need to keep up with the times, keep up with all the changes, be close to our students, and not catch up with them.

I see many advantages in using ICT technologies in the classroom:increasing the effectiveness of schoolchildren's education, increasing motivation; organization of new forms of interaction in the learning process and changes in the content and nature of the activities of the teacher and student;increasing the level of activity of the student;improvement of methods and technologies for selection and formation of the content of education; development of the ability to find solutions to educational problems, to the ability to learn the patterns of subject areas through their integration;ability to predict results.

But the use of ICT in the educational process requires special conditions. The Federal State Educational Standards says that the information and educational environment should include a set of technological means: computers, databases, communication channels, software products, and much more. I use almost all of the above. In 2010 I tookIIa place in the city competition of primary school classrooms, so the material and technical base of our classroom with the guys is rich: a laptop, a multimedia installation, a tape recorder, a scanner, a printer, a copier, etc. All this facilitates the educational process, makes it diverse, modern and at the same time there are certain problems.

While conducting literary and extra-curricular reading lessons, I noticed that children most often work not with a real, "living" book, but with a text downloaded from the Internet and printed on sheets of paper. Believe me, this is a sad picture - children with leaves in their hands. I see a problem in this - the discrepancy between the modern possibilities of educational electronic resources and the unwillingness of children and parents or the lack of time to find the right book. Talking with my parents, I find out that in the evenings almost no one in the family reads - there is no time, at least to have time to do the homework. Preparing for lessons, children and parents do not go to the library, do not look for a book or an encyclopedia at home, and even more so do not go to the store to buy a book - it is easier and faster to find the necessary information on the Internet, our students do not have their own library at home.

It should also be notedfrequent use of information resources published on the Internet leads to the fact that the principle of saving forces is triggered: ready-made projects, abstracts, reports and even solving problems from school textbooks borrowed from the Internet - today at school - this is already a familiar fact, hence the decrease in learning efficiency and education of schoolchildren; the difficulty of moving from information circulating in the network to independent actions and searches; reduction of live communication between teachers and schoolchildren, which is so limited in the educational process; as well as non-observance of the norms for the use of information resources in the classroom - does not add health to students.

In the Program of Primary General Education according to the system of L.V. Zankov we read: the role of literature in the overall development of schoolchildren is invaluable. Touching literature contributes to the development of spiritual and moral ideas, the formation of aesthetic concepts, the formation of the child's personality.The result of the work on the course of literary reading can be the upbringing of an intelligent personality.

The purpose of the literary reading course is to educate a competent reader. The course is based on a single methodological approach - the study of literature as an art.

Introducing children to the art of literature, it is necessary not to destroy the process of perception and understanding of a work of art. It is important to work with the text delicately, maintaining the sprouts of an emotional relationship to what is read.

Conducting literary reading lessons, teachers should work on accumulating students' reading experience, develop reading techniques based on understanding the meaning of what they read, teach them to compare works of literature, painting, music, and cultivate a desire to read constantly. Forming reading competence, we introduce children to the authors, their position, which is expressed primarily in their works. We teach children to compare texts, introduce them to the means of artistic expression, teach them to take care of the word. A careful attitude to the author's word is impossible without a book in hand.

In our office there is a large library of children's books used by students, albums "Portraits of writers", with their brief biography.

I do a lot of work on instilling a love of reading, on the right attitude to the book and getting information with my parents: I separate the concepts of "search for information - on the Internet" and reading the works of writers - through working with a book.

Regular reading lessons are held in the library. Sokolov-Mikitov.

But wider opportunities for solving the most important tasks aimed at developing reader competence in literary reading lessons are provided by the use of ICT.

Having studied the requirements of SanPiN, the law "On Education in the Russian Federation" for the use of ICT in the classroom, Iregularly from 1st to 4th grade I use in class:

    presentations of Russian teachers (website - Creative Teachers Network) and my own presentations, using children's presentations.

Purpose: work according to the lesson plan, getting to know the authors, their lives, conducting quizzes on works, using illustrative material, conducting essays and presentations, editing text, conducting tests

    electronic albums "Portraits of writers", their short biography

Purpose: joint or independent search for information about the authors of works, design of the board for the lesson

    electronic catalog of children's library books

Purpose: the ability to use catalogs, search for the necessary information in books

    electronic reading homework

Purpose: individual work of students with the text

    video footage

Purpose: absentee visits to museums around the world, communication with the author via video recording

Purpose: development of expressiveness of reading, respect for the author's word

    using the Internet for face-to-face travel to museums in Russia and the world when working with an art gallery, to find the necessary information

Goal: expanding the scope of children's interests

    use of disks "Lessons of Cyril and Methodius"

Purpose: to conduct literary reading lessons in an interactive form.

I buy these lessons on disks at the Fedorov Publishing House, children love such lessons very much

    use of electronic textbooks

Purpose: a variety of forms and methods of working with children, saving study time. I order electronic textbooks on the Uchmet website.

All the presented electronic resources make it possible to make the lessons richer, more interesting, and thus attract students to work with the book.

Reading a lot, children are not afraid to express their point of view about what they read, not to be afraid to say which book they liked and which they did not.

The result of my work on the development of reading competence using ICT technologies in literary reading lessons is the following indicators: children began to come to class with a book, talking about what they read, they like to hold a book in their hands. We carry out "Book Hospital" operations for the library, when students at home "treat" books themselves.

Thus, children are constantly developing a positive internal motivation for handling a book, the work on organizing the educational process is more clear, ICT technologies allow more frequent use of analysis, synthesis, comparison in reading lessons, allow solving the following tasks in a complex: work on technique and expressiveness reading, analyzing the text, comparing the works of different authors on the same topic, resolving conflicts and working on the student's creative speech activity.

The teacher's knowledge of ICT technologies raises the teacher in the eyes of students, the desire of students to work on a computer teaches them to cooperate with each other and with the teacher.

Work on the development of reading competence was also reflected in the quality of reading: reading became more conscious, fluent, and expressive.

For example, from grade 1 to grade 2, the number of words read per minute increased.

Thus, in order to educate a literate reader, a student who loves a book, of course, modern forms of work are needed in reading lessons, in extracurricular activities, in the family, but one should not forget that the priority is still working with a "living" book.


    Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation": amended text. and additional for 2014 - M.: Eksmo, 2014.

    Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education / Ministry of Education and Science Ros. Federation. - M.: Education, 2010.

    Programs of primary general education. L.V. Zankov's system: a collection of programs: at 2 o'clock. - 2nd ed., Rev. / comp. N.V. Nechaeva, S.V. Bukhalova. - Samara: Fedorov Publishing House, 2012.



Reviewed and approved

at the pedagogical council

Formation concept

reading competence of students

in educational activities

Perm - 2008

1. Introduction.

2. Theoretical and methodological base of the concept.

3. Basic concepts used in the concept.

4. Characteristics of the problem situation and tasks of the pedagogical staff of the gymnasium in the field of support and development of reading for children and youth

5. The library of the gymnasium as a center for the formation of a readership and information competence students.

6. Technological algorithm for the implementation of the concept

7. Expected results from the implementation of the concept.

8. System for evaluating the results of the implementation of the pedagogical tasks of the concept.


The concept contains the basic concepts and main ideas of organizing work in a gymnasium as an institution of an advanced level of education, performs the function of identifying the problems of children's and youth reading in a gymnasium and searching for ways to solve them.

The concept is built on the basis of analytical materials containing the results of sociological research conducted by libraries for children and youth of the constituent entities of the Federation, as well as leading documents that determine the policy for the development and support of reading:

National Program for Support and Development of Reading.

The concept of serving children and youth by state and municipal libraries of the Sverdlovsk region.

The concept of support and development of children's and youth reading in the Chelyabinsk region.

The concept of the formation of the information culture of students in the educational activities of the gymnasium No. 183 with in-depth study of the English language of the Central District of St. Petersburg.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the concept of the formation of the reader's competence of students in educational activities are:

1. "Reader's Personality Development: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects

(V.A. Borodina).

2. Cultural approach "Reading as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon of Open Education" (TG Galaktionova).

3. Research on the problems of reading culture (S.M. Borodin, V.A. Borodina, T.G. Brazhe, T.G. Galaktionova, O.E. Galitskikh, L.A. Nikolaeva, I.I. Tikhomirova , and etc.).

4. Research on the phenomenon of information culture ( V.A. Borodin, G.G. Vorobyov, N.I. Gendina, N.B. Zinoviev, E.P. Semenyuk, A.P. Sukhanov and others).

Leading ideas of the concept:

1. Reading is a way of gaining culture, a means of broadening one's horizons and intellectual development, an intermediary in communication, a basic skill for learning and life. It is necessary that it become a tool for the successful activity of the younger generation in various spheres of life.

2. Reading is an indispensable condition for entering a culture. Culture for a teenager becomes an organic environment for his designation and manifestation of his own "I". His main motive for activity in culture is the discovery of himself, his own meanings in the system of symbols and images.

3. In the conditions of a modern educational institution of a higher level of education, a developing educational environment can be created in which the culture of reading is the base, tool and incentive general development child.

4. The activation of the reading activity of children and adolescents is possible under the influence of a targeted system of pedagogical conditions, which are: an activity approach in teaching reading techniques (strategies); organization pedagogical situations stimulating the reading activity of children and adolescents; new directions in the joint work of the school, library, family. During the period of study at the gymnasium, the student must master

various strategies for developing, creative, intellectual, business reading.

5. Gymnasium teachers should master the current methods and technologies for working with texts and assist students in mastering the basic strategies that combine reading printed and screen texts.

The book culture created by mankind and the phenomenon of reading are among the fundamental achievements of the human mind. The special role of book culture and its bearer, the reader, in the development of civilization is undeniable. Reading and reading literacy (or reading culture of the individual) is now highly valued and recognized by the world community: 2003-2012 has been declared by the United Nations as the decade of literacy.

Reading is a basic component of upbringing, education and cultural development. It is an activity that forms and develops a personality, a tool for obtaining education and spreading culture, evidence of the formation of the communicative and professional competence of a specialist, a tool for achieving a person’s success in life. The role of reading in the development of a child's imagination, mastering the language of classical literature, developing speech, building their own individual model of culture is enormous.

Development of this concept updated the growing importance of reading as a basic intellectual technology, the most important resource for personal growth, a source of acquiring knowledge and overcoming the limitations of social experience. For members of society, reading is a means of translating and mastering the values ​​of world culture, the main component of the education and cultural competence of the individual and, therefore, preparing for life in the global information society.

The implementation of the idea of ​​continuous education in modern society is aimed at overcoming the main contradiction of the education system - the contradiction between the rapid amount of information and the limited possibilities of its assimilation by a person during the training period. The educational space is rapidly expanding, the range of school and extracurricular sources of information is increasing. This gap, despite the use of new information technologies, is increasing.

This contradiction sets the task for educational institutions to form the ability of schoolchildren to learn, to extract the necessary information from various sources, to effectively satisfy their information needs that arise in the process of educational, cognitive and self-educational activities, i.e. read competently.

Achieving the designated goal is impossible without the formation of a system of knowledge, skills and abilities in schoolchildren necessary for searching, critically evaluating information, processing it, perceiving, understanding and using information for practical purposes.

The whole range of the designated knowledge and skills is currently commonly associated with the concept of reading literacy, reading culture. "New literacy" is becoming the most important factor in successful professional, educational, self-educational and other activities, as well as the social security of the individual in the information society. Mastering the ability to read literately and comprehend texts comes to the fore among all other abilities of students by the time they leave school, which determine the level of functional literacy. Teaching methods of adequate understanding of the text, not only the educational one, is one of the urgent pedagogical tasks in the modern educational situation. The significance of the problem of adequate understanding of the text is especially enhanced now, in the context of a sharp increase in the amount of information that must be processed and comprehended. Increasing this volume requires the ability to quickly and efficiently perceive and process information. The formation of reading literacy is one of the urgent tasks of school education. Reading competence (literacy) in the PISA study refers to the ability to understand texts of various kinds in their statements, intentions and formal structure, to bring them into connection in a wider life context, to be able to use for various purposes in accordance with the subject, to isolate the necessary information from the text. information for a given purpose. According to the concept of this study, it is reading literacy that is the basic ability for independent learning and for full participation in the life of modern information civilization. Even for mastering mathematical abilities, reading competence is basic.

"New literacy - reading literacy" implies the presence of elements of education that form the information and communication-technological basis for achieving various goals. It can be represented as follows: reading - finding information through a search made in written sources, observation, collection, etc.; writing is the establishment of hyperlinks in the hypermedium between all types of information and its carriers. Mastering by schoolchildren rational methods of perception and processing of information contained in texts of a different nature, depending on the content and communicative task, will significantly affect the effectiveness of training sessions, which will be expressed in a different (different from the present) quality of mastering subject knowledge. Techniques for understanding the text and their purposeful development is impossible within the framework of individual areas of knowledge. The pronounced interdisciplinary nature of the problem requires a constructive interaction of various subjects (both the humanities and the natural sciences). Opportunities for the development of reading literacy have almost every academic discipline, so it is advisable to do this through joint efforts and coordinated actions of almost all subject teachers.

With social significance concept is due to the need to determine the opportunities available in an educational institution to support children's and youth reading, to build a strategy for interaction between the gymnasium and cultural institutions.

strategic goal concept is to create a system of support and development of children's and youth reading in the educational space of the gymnasium. Considering the special role of the book in the formation and development of a person's personality, the efforts of teachers should be aimed at laying the foundations for reading activity already at school age, giving adolescents guidelines for its activation and improvement.

For the full-fledged moral and aesthetic development of a teenager's personality and the formation of a reading culture, it is not enough to use the pedagogical potential of literature as a subject, since literary education and reading development of schoolchildren are processes that largely do not intersect. It must be used in conjunction with various forms of extracurricular activities, with an indirect impact on reader activity through the family. The gymnasium, integrating the powerful educational potential of the library, the interest of parents, using innovative forms and methods of work, is able to initiate adolescents' interest in independent reading activity, create an atmosphere of creative interest in reading.

The task of introducing modern schoolchildren to reading is considered by the teaching staff of the gymnasium as an integral part of solving the problem of the quality of general education.

Basic concepts used in the concept

Enculturation- the process of mastering by an individual the cultural values ​​of a particular cultural community to which he belongs, as well as universal cultural values, the formation of his own spiritual life on this basis.

information culture- this is the knowledge, skills and motives of a person, providing purposeful activities for the optimal satisfaction of individual information needs using both traditional and new information technologies.

Information culture of students- part of the general culture of the individual, a complex of knowledge, abilities, skills that allows you to freely navigate in the educational space, which is a necessary condition for readiness for constant updating of knowledge in the process of continuous education; information culture of students includes the following components: communicative, reader, bibliographic, information technology.

Reading culture- the achievement of the individual, the level of reader development, quantitative and qualitative indicators of consciousness, activity and communication are both a product and a factor in the development of the individual. Understanding reading culture, its interpretation as a level of personality development reflects the characteristics of the psyche, speech activity, literary and cultural development, the main activities (games, learning, work), communication and mentality of the individual in the socio-cultural and information space.

culture reading includes:

Rational organization of the reading process depending on the text, the broad context of reading and the properties of the reader;

Deep, precise, clear and complete understanding and "appropriation" of the content of the text, accompanied by emotional empathy, critical analysis and creative interpretation of what is read;

Search, analysis and selection of text (books, electronic documents, databases, search engines on the Internet, etc.) for reading in accordance with the interests and capabilities of the reader, as well as for the purpose of reading;

Choice of methods (oral, written) and linguistic means of preserving what is read in native and foreign languages ​​(statement, judgment, report, plan, theses, abstract, abstract, abstract, etc.);

The reader's reading culture is realized in the reader's actions as a manifestation of his empathy, co-thinking, co-creation with other people in society, taking into account the laws of nature and society.

The personality of the reader a person, as a carrier of consciousness, has a certain reader status in society, playing a socio-psychological role in accordance with the stage of reader development, consciously satisfies his diverse vital needs by reading various literature.

General cultural competence - this is the level of education sufficient for self-education, self-knowledge, independent reasonable judgments about phenomena in various fields of culture, dialogue with representatives of other cultures.

Reading culture- a complex education that reflects many components of personality development: worldview, information-bibliographic, cultural, psychological, literary criticism, including the development of speech activity of the individual as a whole. The culture of reading is considered as a criterion not only for the literary and aesthetic, but also for the social maturity of the reader.

The process of forming a culture of reading- an indispensable condition for the harmonious development of personality. It depends on the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities of aesthetically literate reading.

The growth of reader activity(coverage and intensity) of reading subjects - bringing it to a level corresponding to successful adaptation in a complex dynamic society of a transitional type.

Reading system- an indicator of a certain level and quality of reading activity.

Reading strategy - these are actions and operations arranged in a certain sequence and used by the reader in accordance with his plan, the program for working with text to achieve his goals.

Reading activity - one of the ways of being, his life activity. Its psychological essence consists in value-oriented, cognitive-communicative and emotional-aesthetic perception, cognition, experience, evaluation of the real or fictional world of things, people, events, facts, thoughts, ideas, feelings described in printed or handwritten text. The reader not only perceives, cognizes, experiences and evaluates this world, but also refracts it in his mind in accordance with a variety of personal and social needs, and then uses (applies) what he has received in other types of life (professional, leisure, family and domestic). The measure, generalizing criterion of reading activity is reading productivity.

Reading Competence in the national program for the support and development of reading, it is understood as a set of knowledge and skills that allow a person to select, understand, organize information presented in printed (written) form, and successfully use it for personal and public purposes.

Reading Competence- this is the quality of preserving what has been read, formed on the basis of the general culture of a person, providing the possibility of solving emerging educational, academic, social and professional problems adequately to situations in a wide social interaction of educational and professional activities. Reader's competence is a total personal quality formed on the basis of his intellectual (thinking) abilities and personality traits. Reading competence also has an activity component, which is formed in the educational process in relation to the tasks of each of its stages. It is based on interdisciplinary, interdisciplinary knowledge and is carried out through many skills - to search for and analyze information, understand and interpret the text, evaluate and form judgments about the text.

Reader Orientation- a system of relations that determines the selectivity and activity of a person in his reading behavior, communication, activities. By the nature and characteristics of the content of the reader's orientation of the individual, one can judge the reader's consciousness of the individual. The content of the reader's orientation affects all phases of the reader's activity (motivational-requirement-procedural-effective, result-evaluative, reflective-applied).

Reader communication - a way of being and knowing one's own reader's "I" and the reader's world in the inter-reader community based on the exchange of opinions, assessments about what they read. Reader communication is the process of emergence, establishment, development, destruction and termination of contacts between readers. In the course of interaction, readers manifest and form value, creative, communicative, cognitive, emotional, aesthetic and regulative-volitional mental phenomena in relation to reading as a universal human vital fact. Reader communication occurs in various forms, reflecting the reader's consciousness and reader's activity.

Reading personality development - regular quantitative and qualitative changes in the reader's personality, reflecting different aspects of reader's development (biogenetic, psychophysiological, speech, psycho-pedagogical, socio-psychological, cultural, communicative). Reader development occurs in three areas: reader's consciousness, reader's activity, reader's communication, manifests itself at three levels: actual (real), actualized (realized) and potential (associated with the zone of proximal development), is carried out in three ways: spontaneous, purposeful, self-government. The criteria for the quality of reading development include the following grounds: the personal meaning and nature of reading in the system of reading orientation; neoplasms in the circle of reading; features of inter-reader communication, reader's sociometric status, reflection in the structure of consciousness, activity and communication, home library fund, including non-book information resources; using different libraries.

The reader's mind the highest form of reflection of the reader's reality, the reader's world through cognition, experience and relationships based on the dynamics and stability of mental phenomena (processes, states, properties). The content of the reader's consciousness is made up of a system of views, ideas, ideas, knowledge, opinions, emotions, interests, attitudes, delusions, prejudices, illusions, etc. They arise on the basis of one's own reading experience and interaction with other readers. The reader's consciousness cognizes, evaluates and regulates the reader's activity and reader communication, highlighting his own reader's "I" among others, identifying himself on the basis of certain criteria and indicators and referring to a specific reader group.

Reader socialization - the process and result of assimilation and reproduction by an individual of the accumulated reading experience is fixed in a certain way and functions in a specific social environment. The influence of the environment on the reader, the nature of interaction with it depend on the personalization of the reader's socialization, the involvement of the individual in this complex process. It is the individual who, mastering the socialized reader's experience, appropriates it for himself and makes it unique.

Reading - the most important way of mastering basic socially significant information, professional and everyday knowledge, cultural values ​​of the past and present, information about historically enduring and current events, normative ideas, which is the core of a multinational and multilayered culture. Reading quality criteria as the basic competence of education include needs, motives, interests, attitudes, goals, range and productivity of reading, a system of ways to consolidate what has been read and perceived, general and applied reading effectiveness.

Characteristics of the problem situation and tasks of the teaching staff of the gymnasium in the field of support and development of reading for children and youth

The study of the main scientific characteristics of the phenomenon of "reading", the analysis of modern pedagogical approaches to solving the problem of reading in our country and abroad allows us to identify the following groups of contradictions, the resolution of which in a particular educational institution should be facilitated by the implementation of this concept.

Controversy with sociocultural plan - between the ever-growing requirements for the level of reading competence as a factor in successful socialization in the information society and progressive trends in functional illiteracy among young people.

contradictions scientific plan - between extensive knowledge in the possible ranges of reading research and the lack of theoretical knowledge about the reading of schoolchildren as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon of open education.

contradictions pedagogical plan:

Between the strategy of modern education for the development of basic competencies by schoolchildren: learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together, learning to be, and the insufficient development of pedagogical methods and technologies that are adequate to solve these problems, in particular, in the development of children's and adolescent reading;

Between the declared humanitarization of modern education and the unwillingness of teachers to actively use the potential of reading in the development of subject areas of knowledge by schoolchildren;

Between the orientation of modern education on the continuous strengthening of the role of independent activity of schoolchildren and the lack of competence of teachers in matters of effective strategies for working with text.

contradictions organizational and methodological plan:

Between the vast educational potential of modern society in terms of the development of reading for schoolchildren and the lack of the necessary experience of social partnership of the gymnasium in this matter;

Between the integrative nature of pedagogical activity aimed at developing the reading of schoolchildren, and the insufficient orientation of teachers to team interaction in solving the problem;

Between the high pedagogical potential of visual culture and the lack of practical developments on the problem of purposeful pedagogical design of the educational space of an educational institution focused on the development of the culture of schoolchildren;

Between the progressive development of media resources and the minimal use of their potential in practical activities to introduce reading.

contradictions development processes of schoolchildren's reading culture :

Between the prestige of reading among elementary school students and the nihilism towards reading among high school students;

Between a wide selection of book publications and the inability of schoolchildren to independently build their reading circle.

The problematic situation that necessitated the development of this document is associated with a decrease in the intensity and quality of reading by gymnasium students. In recent years, there has been a deterioration in a number of reading characteristics in children and adolescents, a decrease in their level of literacy. Not only the culture of reading is being lost, but also the culture of speech, since a significant part of the repertoire of literary classics is not mastered. Interest in the book in the educational process is not purposefully formed, and students do not have sufficient skills in independent reading activity. Teachers are poorly oriented in the literary field, attractive to the younger generation, in the reading preferences of students and do not use the potential of books and reading in the educational process enough. The formation of a complex of reading literacy skills, which are part of reading competence as a personality trait, is not carried out on the materials of educational texts in various subjects.

In the Gymnasium's UVP, there is no understanding of the introduction to reading as a general pedagogical task, just as the possibility of subject integration and educational activities of an educational institution is underestimated. Insufficient demand in the system of school education and the richest experience of the library community. And the available pedagogical technologies do not always effectively solve the problem of introducing children of different levels of motivation to reading. Traditional methodological resources are no longer enough, so the urgent task is to create a methodological system of socio-pedagogical support for introducing modern schoolchildren to reading. Using the Traditional Approach in Conditions educational process gymnasiums through library and bibliographic lessons, classes of the course "Research Workshop" do not allow solving these problems. In order to create an appropriate attitude to reading in a child, it is necessary to form the experience of reading activity in conditions of social activity and interpersonal interaction. In this regard, it is more promising to develop and implement a "super-subject" program of familiarization with reading. The over-subject program "Competent Reading" should be focused on motivating reading, mastering various strategies and ways of reading, awakening interest and readiness for independent reading activity for pleasure and self-development. The result of the implementation of the program will be to increase the level of productivity of reading activity, improve the culture of reading and personal growth. The development of a program for introducing reading involves the participation of a team of like-minded specialists who will make up the creative group of program developers. Such a group should include a librarian, a psychologist, subject teachers, and an organizer of educational work in the gymnasium. The direct result of the work of the group will be a program of familiarization with reading, taking into account the specifics of the gymnasium, experience will be gained in coordinating the pedagogical positions of specialists in various fields in solving the problems of developing and supporting children's reading.

It is obvious that reading skills and abilities should be purposefully formed at the proper level in elementary school, but further work on the formation of a competent reader should be related to their development in other lessons, which implies that teachers of all subjects have the techniques and strategies of textual activity. Teaching any subject should include teaching strategies for reading and writing on a variety of educational material, diverse and multi-genre texts, which will activate cognitive, creative, critical and communicative activities and thereby satisfy the integrity of the educational process.

The main provisions of the concept of forming students' reading culture

in the educational activities of the gymnasium

The main goal of education is the cultural self-development of the individual. A. Diesterweg pointed out the principle of cultural conformity: "... learning in the context of culture, orientation to the values ​​of culture, mastering its achievements and its reproduction, acceptance of socio-cultural norms and inclusion of a person in their further development." At present, the need to realize the cultural goals of education focused on the personality is recognized - its familiarization with culture (acculturation), the cultural development of children's and adolescent communities of reference groups (inculturation - entry into culture). The principle of cultural conformity involves the creation of various environments in the educational space, which together make up the cultural and educational space of the school, where the cultural development of the child is carried out, the acquisition of experience of cultural behavior, the provision of social and psychological assistance to him and support in cultural self-identification and self-realization, including familiarization to a culture of reading. The organization and interaction of the child with the cultural educational environment is the main field of activity of the teacher, which determines the socio-pedagogical culture that has developed in society as a whole. With regard to reading, this is realized in the creation of an appropriate cultural background, a context that motivates the reading needs of schoolchildren.

Development of reading orientation T.G. Galaktionova considers it as a purposeful pedagogical activity to create the immediate and future cultural development and self-development of the individual in the field of reading. The way to carry out this activity is the cultural forms of interaction between a child (adolescent) and an adult. The result of such interaction will be the creation of a common cultural field of the individual. By creating a cultural field for communication with adolescents, the teacher really helps them form new cultural forms, new realities of today's and future life. From a psychological point of view, the child in the process of his development learns not only the content of cultural experience, but also the methods and forms of cultural behavior, cultural ways of thinking. Of great importance for an educational institution is the line of cultural improvement of psychological functions, the development of new ways of thinking, and the mastery of cultural means of behavior. Psychologists call a child who has not completed cultural development or who is at a relatively low stage of this development a primitive child. T.G. Galaktionova, by analogy with this definition, argues that a non-reading child is a kind of manifestation of a primitive personality. Reading is an indispensable condition for entering the culture. Culture for a teenager becomes an organic environment for his designation and manifestation of his own "I". His main motive for activity in culture is the discovery of himself, his own meanings in the system of symbols and images.

The gymnasium library as an organizational center of activity

for the support and development of reading

Understanding the essence of the information culture of the individual, presented in the works of N.I. Gendina, implies, first of all, its awareness as one of the general manifestations of the general culture of man. Information culture is a product human activity. On the one hand, the acquisition of information culture requires significant efforts of the individual, and on the other hand, only information culture opens up access to information resources accumulated by civilization for a modern person. The developing reader is in constant interaction with a complex information environment. Mastering it, he experiences significant difficulties in the formation of an integral world of personality. The task of teachers, librarians participating in reader socialization is to help the individual development of a person's personality as a reader. The main area of ​​responsibility of the gymnasium library is the formation of an information and educational environment for the development of students in literacy, reading skills and ICT competence, which are necessary for the successful search and development of new knowledge by students, the selection, evaluation and use of traditional and electronic educational resources.

To support and develop the reading of high school students, a set of measures is needed to increase the attractiveness of the school library. First of all, this refers to the formation of the library territory as a hospitable space for active intellectual and leisure activities with modern design, convenient service hours, and the absence of various spatial and psychological barriers between the reader and the fund, the reader and the librarian. It is important to provide free, unimpeded access to all library resources, to analyze the degree of comfort of places for work of student-readers with traditional and non-traditional media, to provide rooms for inter-reader communication in the library.

The modern library of an educational institution should present the information space to young readers in an orderly manner and teach them how to use its information resources.

The library, by attracting students to reading and providing access to vital information, promotes integration into the socio-cultural environment and increases the level of social security of the emerging personality. To do this, priority areas of informing are identified, taking into account the socio-psychological and age specifics, associated with those areas of life that are in children's and adolescence especially relevant: the formation of a worldview, legal culture, interpersonal relationships, self-knowledge, life skills training, environmental education, choosing a profession, starting a family.

The information retrieval space of the gymnasium library should be built as an environment for adaptation in the world of reading and information. The introduction of information technology is considered as one of the forms of support for reading activities.

Technological algorithm for the implementation of the concept

Socio-pedagogical interaction on familiarization with reading should be aimed at the formation of value-oriented, competence-based and activity components in schoolchildren that characterize reading. Improving the educational activities of the gymnasium in terms of introducing students to reading will take place in the following areas:

Expansion of objects of study: the number of text sources, aspects of the culture of reading);

Identification of problems of a socio-pedagogical nature, for the solution of which it is necessary to prepare students through familiarization with reading;

Using the potential of interdisciplinary connections to introduce the culture of reading;

Using the possibilities of self-education in the field of reading as a component of an individual educational trajectory;

Considering ways to improve the individual educational trajectory, it is necessary to think over educational and extracurricular activities to introduce reading. Introduction to reading should take place within the framework of mandatory subjects, optional and elective courses, extracurricular activities, self-educational activities of students.

Principles of organization of educational activities

The guiding principle of content selection is the principle socio-cultural conformity and practice orientation .

The principle of interactivity (or interaction) involves the organization of learning, in which the development of experience by students (spontaneous or specially organized) is based on the interaction between the student and the subject of study, the student and the teacher, between students. The principle of interactivity allows students to build their own educational trajectories and transform general information into personal knowledge.

Principle reflexivity develops in students the ability to realize their actions, introspection of their activities and results.

Principle visualization involves the development educational material with the help of visual means (video materials, multimedia).

The implementation of these principles can be ensured by using the following educational technologies:

Situational teaching methodology ( case-m method). The case method is a learning technique through the analysis of specific situations.

The technology "Development of critical thinking through reading and writing" is a general didactic integrating technology that ensures the development of thinking, the formation of communication skills, and the development of independent work skills.

LUCH Reading technology (V.A. Borodina, St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts), which helps to master various algorithms for reading fiction and intellectual literature and increase reading productivity.

Project based learning- a system of education in which students acquire knowledge and skills in the process of planning and performing gradually more complex practical tasks-projects.

CSE (collective ways of learning, or “Learning in collaboration”) is a way of learning that involves bringing students together to jointly solve a specific learning problem.

Expected results from the implementation of the concept

The implementation of the concept should lead to an increase in the intellectual potential of students, their adaptation to modern conditions information society.

The main result of the activities of the gymnasium in terms of supporting and developing reading is not only a system of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also a positive inculturation of the individual, provided by the content of culturally appropriate education. In the process of inculturation, the subjective experience of the individual is enriched with cultural values, the acquisition of a broad humanitarian culture. As part of the implementation of the concept, a system of pedagogical conditions for activating the reading activity of children and adolescents is developed, tested and described, which involves updating the content, forms and methods of lesson, extracurricular and extracurricular work; providing reading independence of schoolchildren and forming generalized ways of their reading activity; a system of interaction "gymnasium - library - family" is being built as a pedagogical condition for a positive change in the reading activity of children and adolescents in the process of forming a culture of reading.

Introduction to creative, developing reading in the process of implementing the course of literature contributes to the active spiritual activity of gymnasium students, socialization on the basis of personally significant development of social norms of behavior.

Mastering the theoretical, technological and organizational foundations of reading development by teachers contributes to a more constructive, productive and effective solution of complex problems of preserving and increasing the culture of reading of the individual.

Lessons and workshops are arranged in such a way that the effectiveness of reading is clear and reflects the level of achievement and indicators of progress in reading development.

Tasks simultaneously reflect controlling, teaching and developing functions. Complexity and consistency is manifested in the methods of working with text in textual activity.

Teaching reading is carried out in various forms (individually and collectively), realizing the fundamental psychological and pedagogical principles: personal-activity and interactive.

A significant place is given to the development of reading strategies - reading strategies are a program of mental actions and operations in working with text. Providing understanding of the text, they help to master knowledge better and faster, retain it longer, educate the culture of reading, form the habit of using all its main elements. Strategies and algorithms form certain skills of the culture of thinking. The ability to "prepare" the text according to different levels information (target, prognostic, conceptual, factographic, formative, evaluative) is developed on the basis of analysis and synthesis, classification and systematization, concretization and abstraction, comparison and generalization, which contributes to the development of a higher level of thinking. Formulating textual judgments in your own words develops speech, sharpens the ability to think, makes the forms of thinking richer and more diverse (concepts, judgments, conclusions). Strategies and algorithms implement a program of mental actions at all stages of reading related to the search, selection, perception, comprehension, understanding and consolidation of information. They serve as the basis for memorization and subsequent reproduction of what has been read, make it possible to better assimilate the content of the text, increase the efficiency of reading, and activate thinking.

The system for evaluating the results of the implementation of the pedagogical tasks of the concept

1) Obtaining information about the state of educational achievements in the introduction to reading.

2) Identification of changes in the introduction to reading.

3) Determination of the factors influencing the state of educational achievements in initiation to reading.
Educational achievements in initiation to reading (according to T.G. Galaktionova) are:
1) personal outcomes- formation value attitude to reading; improving reading skills; development of aesthetic taste; formation of a developing circle of reading;
2) metasubject results- ability to use various sources effectively; objectively evaluate the reliability and significance of information; gain experience in project activities;
3) subject results- the level of assimilation of the material, sufficient for continuing education in this area and solving a certain class of problems in social practice;
the formation of the experience of achievements in socially significant activities - in olympiads, competitions, thematic book exhibitions, reader forums.
The priority in introducing reading is to achieve integrative results:

Personal self-determination of the student in relation to reading,

Formation of one's own reader's position,

The ability to independently solve problems in various spheres of life and activity through reading.
The procedure for assessing the educational achievements of students in the introduction to reading should take into account such modern tendencies improving the assessment system, such as:

Transition from quantitative evaluation of results to qualitative evaluation of the process;

Supplementing the cognitive subject of assessment with the factor of the affective component of educational achievements;

Changing the nature of the assessment: from a one-time measurement to a comprehensive measurement;

Accounting for the dynamics of individual achievements based on self-assessment;

In addition to the assessment of individual achievements, the introduction of an assessment of group achievement: assessment of the ability to work in a team, as well as assessment of the results of group work;

Increasing the motivation of students in the process of monitoring educational achievements.
Portfolio (accumulative system of educational achievements) is an expedient tool for assessing the educational achievements of students in initiating reading.

Used sources

1. Borodina V.A., Borodin S.M. The fate of reading is the fate of education. // Personality and culture - № 6. -2005

2. Borodina V.A. Information socialization is the way to universal accessibility of information.

3. Borodina V.A. Reader's development of personality: theoretical and methodological aspects.

4. Galaktionova T.G. Introducing schoolchildren to reading: the phenomenon of open education. Scientific method. materials: (abstract) / T.G. Galaktionova; aut.ref. SPb., 2008

5. Galaktionova T.G. Schoolchildren's Reading Culture as a Socio-Pedagogical Problem of Open Education.

  1. The concept of serving children and youth by state and municipal libraries of the Sverdlovsk region.
  2. The concept of support and development of children's and youth reading in the Chelyabinsk region.
  3. The concept of the formation of the information culture of students in the educational activities of the gymnasium No. 183 with in-depth study of the English language of the Central District of St. Petersburg.
  4. National Program for Support and Development of Reading.
  5. Smetannikova N.N. Reading in school and society: relationships and partnerships // School library. - M., 2005. - No. 4.
  6. Stepanova L. Children's reading - the possibility of dialogue with the child in the modern space. // Library business.-2003.-№ 11
  7. Reader's socialization: axiological aspect // Reading as a value for children and adults: conflict or dialogue? Sat. Art and study.-method.materials. - SPbAPPO, 2006.
  8. Reading children and adolescents as a factor in the formation of human capital: materials of the Russian scientific and practical conference / Ed.: T.G. Brazhe, T.I. Polyakova, S.M. Borodin. - SPb., SPbAPPO, 2004.
  9. Chudinova V.P. Reading children and adolescents in Russia: problems and prospects / V.P. Chudinova // School Library. - 2003. - No. 8.
  10. Chudinova V.P., Golubeva E.I., Mikhailova A.I. and others. Children and libraries in a changing world. Moscow: School Library, 2004.

Formation of the reading culture of modern children and adolescents.

Reading in all ages revealed the individual characteristics of the personality, was valued and served as a means of its formation. Therefore, in our days, the reader's culture is the basis of the social, cognitive, artistic, aesthetic and spiritual development of the modern personality.

Under the reading culture of children is meant - a certain level of development of the cultural communication of the child with the book, a full perception of what is read, the presence of literary knowledge characteristic of the age.

Literary reading is the main stage in the child's entry into literature. The formation of a child's understanding of the importance of a book in life depends on the quality of teaching this subject. The child should feel all the beauty of the works, have a craving for reading precisely true fiction. Reading develops creativity. An important role in this is played by the process of perception of a work of art. Perception is closely related to the understanding of the essence of the artistic image, which is achieved in the lessons of literary reading by analyzing and synthesizing what has been read. The depth of perception reflects the understanding of the artistic image. An artistic image is a generalized picture of human life, created with the help of fiction and having aesthetic value.

Thus, T.I. Polyakova highlights the criteria for the essence of the development of the reading culture of school-age children as:

The process of developing in children a value attitude to the book;

Ability to research and select a book of interest;

The ability to emotionally respond to what is read;

Opportunities to aesthetically perceive a literary text;

Find valuable and semantic information in the read work.

The study of literature in primary school, as indicated in the Standards of Secondary General Education in Literature, is aimed at achieving a number of goals and objectives, including:

Mastering the system of knowledge about Russian literature, its spiritual, moral and aesthetic significance, its main themes and problems; study of the top works of outstanding Russian writers and information about their life and work;

Education by means of fiction of a spiritual and moral personality, adapted to the conditions of life in modern society, possessing a humanistic worldview, all-Russian civic consciousness, feeling its belonging to the native culture; formation of a sense of justice, honor, conscience, patriotism; fostering love for Russian literature and culture;

Mastering the skills of creative reading and analysis of works of art; revealing in them concrete historical and universal content; obtaining information about literature from various sources (reference literature, mass media, Internet);

development of cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities of students: the need for independent reading of fiction, the ability to perceive art at an emotional and aesthetic level;

Formation of artistic taste, to argue their position;

The development of oral and written speech of students, the ability to use Russian correctly literary language, writing skills of various types of essays and literary works of various genres.

Thus, the development of the reader's culture of the individual and the speech skills associated with it within the framework of literature lessons becomes a single task that is solved in the process of analyzing the works of Russian classics.

In the scientific literature there is no clear definition of the concept of "reader culture". Summarizing theoretical research in this area, a working definition of the concept of "reader culture" is proposed. Reading culture is understood as a certain level of formation of a number of reading skills and abilities:

The need for reading and a steady interest in it; reader erudition; reading skills, expressive reading skills;

The ability to perceive various literary works, elementary bibliographic knowledge (the ability to use the catalog, understand the annotations);

Required level of theoretical and literary knowledge; creative abilities; assessment and interpretation skills; speech skills.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “One of the truths of my pedagogical faith is the boundless faith in the educational power of the book. School is first of all a book… A book is a powerful weapon, without it I would be mute or tongue-tied; I could not tell a young heart even a hundredth of what it needs to say and what I am saying. A smart, inspirational book often decides the fate of a person.

The upbringing of a conscious reader involves mastering the skill of reading, the culture of reading, listening, speaking, the development of erudition, emotional responsiveness to what is being read, creative activity and a certain independence in the perception of a work of art.

A properly organized reading process includes the work and creativity of the reader: while reading, he actively reacts to the actions of the characters, evaluates them, empathizes, recreates them in his imagination. Reading requires certain knowledge, skills and at the same time develops students' skills of labor and creative activity. Thus, already in the very process of reading, developing and educating functions are laid down: it forms the child's attitude to life, to people. to his Motherland, his moral and ethical ideals, enriches feelings, speech, develops creative imagination.

In extracurricular reading lessons, students can be offered the following types of creative tasks:

1. Transfer read in roles.

2. Dramatization of individual scenes from a book read.

3. Illustrating what has been read.

4. Compilation of filmstrips.

5. Compilation of crossword puzzles, puzzles for the stories you like.

Reading is a basic component of upbringing, education and cultural development. It is an activity that forms and develops a personality, a tool for obtaining education and spreading culture, evidence of the formation of the communicative and professional competence of a specialist, a tool for achieving a person’s success in life. The role of reading in the development of a child's imagination, mastering the language of classical literature, developing speech, building their own individual model of culture is enormous.

“Why do many children read reluctantly and little, and literature lessons become boring for them?” - all methodologists ask a question and quite accurately determine the reasons for this sad phenomenon: “... a general decline in interest in teaching, an abundance of sources of information other than reading. The mass media (primarily television), video and computers have an increasing influence on the growing personality. Passion for television and computer communications leads to passive perception, consumption, entertainment, but not development. The mass media with their strong emotional impact already creates a certain stereotype of perception, in order to oppose something to it, quite vivid, diverse aesthetic impressions are needed.

How can a child, with the help of a teacher, be able to discover for himself all the riches of literature as an art form, learn to receive aesthetic pleasure from meeting wise and cheerful books, and be able to extract the spiritual potential that writers, great thinkers and humanists, laid in them?

Obviously, the efforts of teachers and parents should be directed not only to the formation of reading skills. This is a necessary condition for the formation of a full-fledged reading activity, but work only on the skill of reading cannot fully ensure the development and formation of other equally important qualities of the reader. More and more modern methodologists come to the conclusion that it is necessary to focus on the formation and development of the student's reading skills.

Skills will be formed through the following techniques and methods (verbal drawing, determining the author's position, establishing a connection between all elements of a work, determining the effectiveness of various types of creative retelling aimed at increasing the level of perception of a work of art).

One of the main goals of teaching literature to students is the formation of a culture of reading as a condition for the intellectual and moral development of students. In this regard, I set myself the following tasks:

    improve the reading skills of students;

    create conditions for the formation of a critical attitude towards works of art;

    develop productive reading skills;

    form each student's own reading circle.

To solve these problems, I use two forms of work:

Reader's diary;

Thematic reader's conference.

Keeping a reader's diary is a prerequisite for all students in grades 5-7. A student of grades 5-6 records information about the works read at home and, in the form of a review, formulates his attitude, describes his impressions. Grade 7 children evaluate the content, language, structure of the work. They learn to capture key points, which helps in advanced work with text in high school. By the 9th grade, each student should form his own circle of reading. At the same time, I offer a list of classic works, tested by time and aesthetic taste of several generations of readers. Before the holidays, at the end of the quarter, of the year, parents and children are provided with a list of readings intended by the program for compulsory study. It includes programmatic artistic texts of a large volume (as a rule, children do not have the opportunity to read them before class). Parents are partially responsible for preparing children for literature lessons.

At the same time, over the past decades, in the children's environment, as well as in the adult environment, there has been a decline in the status of the book. Reading books began to be perceived by children and adolescents mainly either as one of the tools for obtaining information (on the instructions of the school), or as a secondary means of recreation and entertainment (at leisure). The first place in the structure of teenagers' leisure time is TV and video viewing, listening to the radio, work or entertainment on the computer, including the Internet. Reading "for the soul", reading that develops personality, adolescents pay less and less attention.

At the same time, there was a deformation of the very circle of reading of the younger generation. For example, when polling teenagers about their favorite books and heroes, the best foreign classics, previously included in the circle of reading for many generations, were almost not named. The “golden shelf” books that are leaving the reading of young people are often replaced by modern works for adults of low artistic merit. But the books that children and adolescents choose are, in the words of the outstanding psychologist L. S. Vygotsky, “a source of development” for them.

Since reading is work, the need for reading must be nurtured in a person from childhood. The desire to read is transmitted only "from hand to hand", like a relay baton. It is almost impossible to instill a love of reading without direct contact with a person who has a culture of reading and is able to establish a dialogue and live communication with a child. It is the combination of these two factors that produces a talented reader. Unfortunately, one of them in our country "falls out" all the time.

Previously, adults - parents, teachers, librarians - for the most part had a high reading culture, but acted more authoritarianly. Now adults are more democratic, but their culture of reading has fallen significantly. Under these conditions, the role and importance of children's libraries is growing. The specialists who work there are trained in methods of introducing reading and can help children from non-reading families to love books and reading.

The education of the reading culture consists primarily of:

Habits for systematic daily reading, which is formed in children under the influence of family, school and library;

A high level of perception of literature, which makes it possible to include in the circle of reading books that require intensive work of the mind and heart;

Ability and willingness to use all the opportunities provided by book and reading institutions – libraries, bookstores, etc.

And although one of the unique "tools" for the development of spiritual, moral, intellectual, emotional abilities of a person is reading, including reading fiction, today, in order for children and adolescents to read quality books, it is necessary to make much more effort than before. The state of the future society largely depends on whether we can change the current situation, the attitude of many parents, teachers and society as a whole only towards the development of “informatization” as opposed to the development of a holistic personality.

It is impossible to educate a full-fledged personality without a book: reading develops cognitive processes, personal culture, forms knowledge, teaches to think, helps a person understand his destiny.