Quiz for children about book terms. book quiz

Quiz for children and their parents: "The book is our best friend"

Target: to promote the development of a love of reading in preschoolers and their parents.

Participants: children and their parents, educators.

Materials: Presentation with portraits of writers and poets, presentation for the contest "Ah, do you recognize a fairy tale?" leaflets with tasks, pens, sheets of paper, paints, brushes, cups of water, gifts.

Families - participants are invited to the prepared hall, they are seated at the tables.

Educator: Good evening, dear guests! We are very glad that you found time today and came to our meeting. You probably already guessed why we are here. Today we will talk about the book and meet the most reading families in our group.

Educator: And we will be judged by a competent jury.

Presentation of the members of the jury.

Educator: Modern children spend more and more time for computer games, TV. Sociological studies in our country and abroad have revealed negative trends: children's interest in reading is noticeably reduced.

To date, the relevance of solving this problem is obvious. In order to educate a reader in a child, an adult must himself show interest in a book, understand its role in a person’s life, and know books recommended for children. preschool age, be able to talk interestingly with kids and help in the analysis of the work.

And now let's get acquainted with our participating families, who prepared home-made books for the competition on the topic: "We are a reading family."

Families present their family, what books they like to read, what kind of home library they have, etc.

Teacher: Thank you for your presentations. I am very glad that parents are not indifferent to the issues of reading.

And now the contest number 1.

There are many proverbs and sayings about books and reading. Remember and name them as many as you can.

The book decorates in happiness, and comforts in misfortune

Without a book, as without the sun, and during the day the windows are dark

The book is the best gift

The book is your friend, without it it’s like without hands

To live with a book - do not grieve a century

The book is small, but gave mind

Who reads a lot knows a lot

You will lead with a book - you will gain your mind

Competition No. 2. "Writers and poets"

Every book has its own author. Now you will be presented with portraits of writers and poets, and you will need to name their names (S.Ya. Marshak, S.V. Mikhalkov, C. Perro, A.S. Pushkin, N.N. Nosov, K.I. Chukovsky , I. A. Krylov, G. H. Andersen, A. Barto)

Competition number 3.

Literary quiz for kids:


What did the rich fly buy at the market? (Samovar)

What was the name of the smartest pig from the fairy tale by Sergei Mikhalkov? (naf-naf)

Who bit the fox from the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit"? (Wasp)

How did the Wolf catch fish in the Russian folk tale "The Wolf and the Fox"? (tail)

What phrase does Leopold the Cat repeat when he wants to make peace with mice? ("Guys let's be friends!")

How many workers pulled out the turnip? (Six)

Whose house did a chicken with a bucket run to flood? (Cat house)

From whom the girl and her brother were hiding from on the banks of the river, under the apple tree, in the stove. (from swan geese)

What was the name of the girl who fought snow queen? (Gerda)

What hurt the little sharks in the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit"? (Teeth)

What literary hero was distinguished by unprecedented growth and worked as a policeman? (Uncle Styopa)

Who is the head of the washbasin and the commander of the washcloths? (Moidodyr)

What were the names of the two brothers - collectors of fairy tales originally from Germany? (Brothers Grimm)

What month was the youngest in the fairy tale "Twelve Months"? (January)

How many years did the sleeping beauty fall asleep for? (For 100 years)

How much did the prince turn the clock in the fairy tale "Cinderella"? (An hour ago)

How many clicks did pop bulldoze lose in Pushkin's fairy tale? (Three)

Competition No. 4 "Confusion"

Confusion: correct mistakes in poems

Our Masha is crying loudly:
Dropped a ball into the river. (Tanya)

A bear is walking, swinging,

Sighs on the go:
"Oh, the board is over,
Now I will fall ”(Bull)

An old man lived with his wife

By the blue sea. (old woman)

Cheat to the tree

Fits on tiptoe.
wags its tail,
He doesn’t take his eyes off the frog ... (Crows)

Competition No. 5. “Do you recognize the fairy tale?”

The competition presents items, heroes, by which children and parents must guess what kind of fairy tale it is:

A bottle with the inscription "Drink me", a rabbit, roses, a Cheshire cat, a girl - "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland";

A wooden house, a fox, a hare, a rooster with a scythe - "Zayushkina's hut";

A flock of ducks, clouds, a frog, a twig - "The Traveler Frog";

The inscription "Outsiders" In "", a bee, balloon, pig, pot of honey, oak - "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all ..."

A flower in a pot, a swallow, an elf prince, a mouse, a toad - "Thumbelina";

A dugout, an old man with a fishing net, a broken trough, a goldfish, an old queen - "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfish."

Final competition "Creative"

Educator: Well done, you showed good knowledge children's literature. And at the end of our meeting, I propose a creative task: there are sheets of paper and paints on the tables. Your task: to draw your favorite literary hero. Good luck in job!

At the end of the competition, the jury sums up the results, each family receives a gift book, a diploma of the participant in the competition.

Literary quiz game "Who is smarter than everyone?"


Leader, class of players.

Preliminary preparation.

From a sheet of colored paper, squares of arbitrary size are cut. In total, several dozen such squares will be required. Each player who gave the correct answer to the host's question receives such a square as a reward. At the end of the game, the guys count the squares, and the one who scored them the largest number, becomes the winner of the game. Since the game consists of two parts, it would be better if the teacher stocked up with squares of two different colors- for the first and second rounds.


The proposed scenario can be used to hold not one, but two or even three events, since each of the sections of the competition contains a large reserve of game material.


Guys, today we will play with you a fun game called "Who is the smartest of all", where you will have to remember some of the heroes of popular children's books - what their names were, where they lived, and what adventures they got into. Just do not rush to make boring faces. All tasks in this game will not be difficult for you at all. On the contrary, I think that you will do them with a smile. The game will go like this: I ask a question, and the one who first raises his hand and gives the correct answer at the same time will receive such a square of paper from me. And to observe who raised his hand first, and who second, and so on, will be my assistants (represents assistants). And at the end of the game, we will calculate how many squares who scored. Who can give largest number correct answers, he will get more squares, he will be the winner. Let's start our game with the easiest tasks.

Here is the first task.

It is necessary to supplement the name of the literary hero. For example, I say the word "woman", and you must finish - "Yaga", I say "dad", and your answer is "Carlo". And so on - is the condition of the game clear? Then let's start. For each correct answer you will receive a reward card. (Alternately names the words to which the guys should name the missing literary “pair”) .

  • Fly (sokotuha, goryukha),
  • chicken (ripple),
  • fox (sister)
  • The Little Humpbacked Horse),
  • sivka (burka),
  • Ivanushka (brother, fool),
  • uncle (Fyodor, Styopa),
  • Crocodile Gena),
  • Dr. Aibolit),
  • shark (doodle),
  • parrot (Karudo (Kesha, etc.)),
  • dog (Abba),
  • mumps (oink-oink),
  • monkey (Chi-Chi),
  • robber (Barmaley (Nightingale),
  • Karabas (Barabas),
  • king (Saltan, Peas, Dadon),
  • Ali (Baba)
  • Ilya Muromets),
  • Winnie the Pooh),
  • Christopher (Robin)
  • Tin Woodman),
  • python (Kaa),
  • tiger (Sherkhan),
  • panther (Bagheera),
  • Koschei the Deathless).


And now - the second task.

Let's remember why we like fairy tales? Probably the fact that in fairy tales the most unusual characters can come to life and talk to us - animals, dolls, trees, flowers and even straw stuffed animals. Now you will need to remember which of the characters bore the following name.

  • Rikki-tikki-tavi (mongoose),
  • Winnie the Pooh (teddy bear),
  • Pinocchio (wooden man),
  • Moidodyr (washbasin),
  • Scarecrow (straw stuffed animal),
  • ugly duckling (swan),
  • baby (boy)
  • Gena (crocodile),
  • Marquis of Carabas
  • (son of a miller)
  • Suok (girl)
  • Pull (an unseen beast with two heads),
  • Donkey Skin (Princess)
  • Matroskin (cat).

Third stage of the game similar to the previous one, where you guessed who the named hero was. It's called "Man is not a man". And now you have to remember whether the named hero was a person or some other creature. Only this stage of the game still bears the peculiar name "Silence". You don't have to answer my question out loud. And you should only nod your head, if the hero is a man, this means that you agree that this hero is a man. And if that character is not human, you should clap your hands. Remember? If this is a person - nod your head, if not - clap your hands, be careful. So, quickly remember and show with conventional signs who he is:

  • Abba (not human)
  • Piglet (not human)
  • King Dadon (human)
  • mother of the girl Ellie (human),
  • Sivka-Burka (not human)
  • Mouse King (not human)
  • Signor Tomato (not human),
  • gymnast Tibul (human),
  • Ali Baba (human)
  • Ole-Lukoil (not a person),
  • Ilya Muromets (human)
  • Bagheera (not human)
  • baby Roo (not human),
  • poodle Artemon (not human),
  • Mowgli (human).

The first part of our game has come to an end. Now I ask you to count how many coupons you got. The three people with the most tickets are the leaders. They will participate in the second part of our game, where its real winner will be revealed. For their correct answers, the leaders will also receive coupons, only of a different color, so as not to confuse them with prizes for the first part of the game.

So, the second part of the game, which is called "Game with leaders".

The tasks of the second part will be similar to the tasks of the first part, only a little more difficult. And the second part, like the first, will consist of several stages.

The first stage of the game - "Residence" - guess where the heroes of different books lived:

  • Carlson (on the roof)
  • Winnie the Pooh (at the Pooh Edge),
  • uncle Fyodor (in the village of Prostokvashino),
  • Dunno (in the Flower City),
  • Moomin trolls (in the Moomin Valley),
  • Mowgli (in the jungle)
  • wizard Goodwin (in the Emerald City),
  • Nutcracker (in the city of Konfetenburg),
  • a girl named Yalo (in the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors),
  • Pull (in Africa)
  • The Little Prince (on a star)
  • White Rabbit and Cheshire Cat (in Wonderland).

The second stage is "The Beginning of the Book".

Guess the title of the book from its beginning. You need to listen to the opening phrase from the book and remember its title.

  • “It was seven o'clock on a sultry evening in the Zion mountains when Father Wolf woke up after a day's rest” (R. Kipling, “Mowgli”).
  • “In the city of Stockholm, on the most ordinary street, in the most ordinary house, lives the most ordinary Swedish family named Svanteson.” (A. Lindgren, "The Kid and Carlson").
  • "Beyond the mountains, behind the forests,
    Beyond the wide seas
    Not in heaven, on earth
    There lived an old man in a village. (P. Ershov, "Humpbacked Horse".).
  • "In the midst of the vast Kansas steppe lived a girl, Ellie." (A. Volkov, "The Wizard of the Emerald City").
  • “Once upon a time, in a town on the Mediterranean coast, there lived an old carpenter, Giuseppe, nicknamed Gray Nose.” (A. Tolstoy, "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio".).
  • “In one dense tropical forest there lived and there was a very funny animal. His name was Cheburashka. (E. Uspensky, "Crocodile Gena and his friends".).
  • "Short men lived in a fabulous city." (N. Nosov, "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends").
  • “The blanket is gone.
    The sheet has flown
    And a pillow like a frog
    Ran away from me." (K. Chukovsky, "Moydodyr".).
  • “Some parents had a boy. His name was Uncle Fyodor. (E. Uspensky, "Uncle Fedor, a dog and a cat").
  • "Three maidens by the window
    Spinning late at night." (A. S. Pushkin, “The Tale of Tsar Saptan, of his son, the glorious and powerful hero Gvidon Saltanovich and the beautiful princess of the Swan”).
  • “Once upon a time there was a doctor. He was kind." (K Chukovsky, "Doctor Aibolit"),
  • “The time of wizards is over. In all likelihood, they never existed." (Yu. Olesha, "Three fat men").
  • "Once we were walking in the yard - Alenka, Mishka and I." (V. Dragunsky, "The Enchanted Letter").
  • "Once upon a time there was a pop
    Thick forehead". (A. S. Pushkin, “The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda”).
  • “Do you know how many months there are in a year? Twelve. And what are their names? (S. Marshak, "Twelve months").
  • “There lived an old man alone in our factory, nicknamed Kokovanya.” (P. Bazhov, "Silver Hoof").
  • “Strawberries ripened in the forest. Dad took a mug, mom took a cup, the girl Zhenya took a jug, and little Pavlik was given a saucer. (V. Kataev, "Pipe and jug").
  • “Once upon a time there lived a queen who had a son so ugly that for a long time they doubted whether he was a man.” Ch. Perrot, "Riquet with a tuft").
  • "An old man lived with his old woman
    By the blue sea." (A. S. Pushkin, "The Tale of the Goldfish").
  • "There were once twenty-five tin soldiers in the world." (G.-X. Andersen, "The Steadfast Tin Soldier").

The third stage is "Kits and dogs".

Depending on which animal is among the characters in the book I have named, you will need to bark or meow, and then name this animal. Please note that in some of the books you will meet two of these animals at the same time.

  • "Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof." (Dog Bimbo).
  • Crocodile Gena and his friends. (Dog Tobik).
  • "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio". (Cat Basilio and poodle Artemon).
  • Russian folk tale"Turnip" (Dog Bug and cat Murka).
  • "Doctor Aibolit" (Dog Abba).
  • Russian folk tale in the processing of V. I. Dahl "The Snow Maiden" (Dog Bug).
  • "White-fronted" (Dog White-fronted).
  • "Puss in Boots" (Cat).

Now let's calculate which of the leaders scored the most cards for the correct answers, he will be the winner in our literary game.

See also:


1 - B (chronicle)

2 - B (bibliophobic)

3 - A (desktop)

4 - B (on the 17th)

5 - B (bestseller)

6 - Sam B (walking encyclopedia)

7 - B (marvelous)

8 - B (folio)

9 - A (title)

10 - A (Krylov)

11 - B (bibliography)

12 - A (code)

13 - B (knowledge)

14 - B (Block)

15 - A (Moscow)

16 - B (cipher)

17 - B (reader's form)

18 - A (autograph)

19 - B (abstract)

20 - B (second-hand book)

21 - V (anthology)

22 - B (reference)

23-B (life of wonderful people)

24 - B (Bustard)

25 - B (album)

26 - A (clamshell books)

27 - B (trilogy)

28 - B (cookbook)

29 - A (from cover to cover)

30 - B (dust jacket)

31 - A (electronic)

32 - B (lover of reading)

33 - B (herbaceous plant)

34 - A (starting page of the book)

35 - B (old book)

36 - A (bibliographic description)

37-B (leather)

38 – B (biblio…)

39 - B (Apostle)

40 - A (Yaroslav the Wise)

41 - B (reading room)

42 - A (Greece)

43 - A (scroll)

44 - A (I.S. Krylov)

45 - B (by monks)

What is the name of the record of historical events of ancient times by year?

A. Manuscript

B. Chronicle

V. Almanac

Answer: B. Chronicle

Which of these people does not like books at all (but is afraid of them and hates them)?

A. Bibliophile

B. Bibliophobe

B. Bibliographer

Answer: Bibliophobe

What is the name of a constantly needed or frequently reread book?

A. Desktop

B. Podruchnaya

V. Table

Answer: desktop

On what page library book usually worth a stamp?

B. On the 17th C.

Answer: On the 17th

What are the most sold books published in large editions called?

A. Fiction

B. Circulation

V. Bestseller

Answer: Best-seller

What is the joking name for a person who has extensive knowledge and can answer any question?

A. Wandering Dictionary

B. Walking Encyclopedia

B. Walking guide

Answer: Walking encyclopedia

What is the name of our Russian "Guinness Book of Records"?

A. "Miracle"

B. "Magic"

V. "Divo"


What is the name of the big book?

A. Bookplate

B. Tome

V. Facsimile

Answer: Folio

What is the name of the first page of the book, which contains information about the author, the title of the book, the imprint?

B. Format

B. Index

Answer: Title

The name of this person enters our lives from childhood. And his aphorisms and winged words accompany us all our lives. He is known as a playwright, prose writer and lyricist. But few people know that he worked for almost 30 years at the M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin as a librarian. Who is this man?

A.I.A. Krylov

B.N.V. Gogol

YOU. Pushkin

Answer: I.A. Krylov

11. One of the most famous Russian experts in librarianship, Nikolai Alexandrovich Rubakin, said: "Choosing books for your own and others' reading is not only a science, but also an art, and there is no limit to its development." What is this science?

A. Printing

B. Bibliomania

B. Bibliography

Answer: Bibliography

How on Latin is the word "book"?

A. Code

B. Constitution

Answer: Code

13. Finish catchphrase Maxim Gorky: "Love a book - a source ..."?

A. Dictations and presentations

B. Knowledge

B. Skills

Answer: knowledge

14. What is the name of the pages of a book that are arranged in order, stapled or glued and prepared for insertion into a binding cover or cover?

Answer: Block

In which city is the largest library in our country - Russian state library, which now has more than 40 million books in 247 languages?

A. Moscow

B. Novosibirsk

In Saint-Petersburg

Answer: Moscow

16. What is the name of the conditional registration marks on the book that determine its place on the library shelves (“address” of the book)?

A. Barcode

B. Wenzel

Answer: Cipher

17. What is the name of the library registration card that is issued for each visitor?

BUT. Reader's diary

B. Reader's Form

B. Reader's Passport

Answer: Reader's form

What is the name of the handwritten text written by the author of the book, as well as the author's own signature?

A. Autograph

B. Facsimile

V. Autonym

Answer: Autograph

19. What is the name summary the content of the book, helping the reader or the buyer to better navigate the ocean of modern printed publications?

A. Proclamation

B. Presentation

B. Annotation

Answer: annotation

What is the name of a book that was in use and re-sold?

A. Library

B. bucolic

B. Bookinistskaya

G. Antiquarian

Answer: Bookinist

What is the name of a collection of selected works by various literary authors?

A. Almanac

B. Digest

B. Anthology

Answer: Anthology

What is a city phone book?

A. Dictionary

B. Handbook

B. Encyclopedia

Answer: Directory

Synopsis of GCD in the preparatory school group "Dandelion".

Topic: Game - quiz "Journey to the world of books."

Region Integration: cognitive development; speech development; physical development; socially - communication development; artistic and aesthetic development.

Target : to form in children an interest in the book as a source of knowledge and instill a love for the artistic word, respect for the book.


1.Develop cognitive abilities, creative imagination, creative thinking.

2. To form the skill of correlating literary facts with existing life experience.

3. To cultivate the ability to listen carefully and hear the reading of a literary work.

4. Expand ideas in the history of the emergence of books, show their significance in the modern world.

5. Enrich and activate the dictionary.

6.Create a favorable psychological climate.

preliminary work: Conversations "Famous writers and poets"; "How are books made?" Work in the printing house "; learning proverbs, sayings, poems about the book. Reading fiction. Watch the video "History of the book." Collection of material for the mini-museum.

Material and equipment: Slide presentation, wooden boards covered with wax, wooden sticks, napkins, 2 panels "Firebirds", blanks - feathers, team emblems, book tokens, prizes.

GCD progress:

Children enter the hall to the music "Visiting a fairy tale". (1 slide)

Presenter: Even in ancient times, people created the seven wonders of the world, but there is another miracle no less amazing. It is familiar to each of us, but people are so accustomed to this creation of mankind that they rarely think about its value. And this miracle is always at hand, especially with you and like a true friend, ready to help, teach, advise, tell at any moment.

Guys, guess what we're talking about?(2 slide)

Correctly! This is a book. Book! It enters life from early childhood. People get used to it, as they get used to the air they breathe, to the sun that illuminates everything around.

The child reads the verse: Denis. TO.

"My friend" V. Naydenova.

Good book-

My companion, my friend.

It's more interesting with you

There is leisure.

We time is great

We go together.

And our conversation

We are slowly leading.

And today we will go to the game - the quiz "Journey to the World of Books".

Attention! Attention! Let's start our different competitions! Two teams will participate in them: "Goldfish" and "Golden Cockerel".

There is a main jury at our game, which will evaluate your knowledge and skills, will give points.

A time machine will help us travel to the world of books(3 slide).

1 competition "Blitz-poll - the history of the book".

- Guys, we are in ancient times, when people did not yet know the secret of making paper and made books from materials that were at hand. You need to answer correctly and quickly.

1. Questions to the Goldfish team.

What materials were the first books made of? (the first books were made from palm leaves, wax, clay, papyrus, parchment, silk). Another team can complement.

2. Questions to the Golden Cockerel team.

How were books made from palm leaves? From clay?

(palm leaves were dried and twisted in the form of a fan; on soft and wet clay, the scribe squeezed out words with a sharp stick. Then the clay tablet was dried or fired in a furnace).

3. Questions to the Goldfish team.

What is papyrus? (this is the plant from which books were made).

What is a scroll? (this is a long papyrus ribbon wound around sticks).

4. Questions to the Golden Cockerel team.

- What was parchment made from? (from animal skins).

What was written in Russia? (on birch bark, they scraped off the bark of a birch, boiled it, after which it became soft and elastic).

5. Questions to the Goldfish team.

In which country was paper invented? (in China).

Who in Russia published the first book? (Ivan Fedorov, 4 slide textbook - grammar

5 slide).

Vedas: Yes, write good book not at all simple. This requires ability, talent, and knowledge.

6. Question to the Golden Cockerel team.

Who writes books? (writers and poets).

7.question to the Goldfish team.

Vedas: Well, here is the text written. What else is needed to make the book interesting!

(need to draw illustrations in the book).

Who draws illustrations in books?(illustrators).

8.question to the Golden Cockerel team

– What is typography? (this is a book factory, where there are many workshops).

9. question to the Goldfish team.

What are they doing there? (Blank paper is put into the printing machines, and it comes out with text and multi-colored drawings. These sheets are sorted, sorted into pages. Then a special machine makes binding, that is, it staples, glues the sheets, and another machine puts it in a cover. Then books from printing houses are taken to a warehouse where they are stored, and then delivered to shops and libraries.

10.question to the Golden Cockerel team

What are the rules for handling books?(books should be taken with clean hands, read and examined only at the table, do not bend the book, use a bookmark when reading.

2 contest " Proverbs and sayings" (about books, knowledge, about teaching.)

Jury word.

3rd competition "Fairy tale country".

Vedas: Guys, do you like fairy tales? Yes, everyone loves fairy tales, both children and adults. What do fairy tales teach us? (they teach goodness, justice, courage, honesty, courage).

Let's help the "Firebird" (depict its beautiful tail for magic).

Teams glue feathers on the tail of the Firebird.

4 competition "Guess the fairy tale?".

Guess what fairy tale or what fairy-tale hero are we talking about? Teams ask each other riddles.

Team Goldfish. 6 slide

Team "Golden Cockerel". 7 slide

8 slide

9 slide

10 slide

11 slide

12 slide

13 slide

Jury word.

5 competition "Know the poet and writer" (slide show with portraits of writers - children call them). 14-19 slide

6 contest " Black box"? (objects from what fairy tales are here?).

Leading: And we get into a fairy-tale land in our time machine. When people get to an unfamiliar country, they try to learn more about this place. And the black box will help us in this, you will need to guess the heroes and the names of these fairy tales to whom these items belong.

1. Slipper ("Cinderella" Ch. Perrault)

2.Apple (A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs")

3. Little Red Riding Hood ("Little Red Riding Hood" Ch. Perrault)

4. Trough (A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")

5. Petal (V. Kataev "Flower - Semi-flower").

6. Scarlet flower (S.T. Aksakov).

Jury's word

7th competition "Creating a wax book".

Who first tried writing on wax? (church ministers)

How? (wooden planks were filled with wax, then with a stick - a stylo, sharp at one end and rounded at the other. They wrote with a sharp end, or rather, scratched on the wax, and smoothed out what was not needed with a blunt one)

Each team is given wooden planks covered with wax.

Write on the wax sheets letters, words, the name of the fairy tale that you know how to make it beautiful, neat. We will put these sheets into a book. Which team will have the best book?

Jury word. Prize giving.

Vedas : Guys, did you like our trip?

The book is magical. The book has transformed the world, it contains the memory of the human race. She is the mouthpiece of human thought. world without books - world savages.

"Imagine for a moment

How would we live without books!

For a man to do

If there were no books.

If everything disappeared at once. What was written for children.

From magical good fairy tales.

Until the fun news.

You wanted to dispel boredom, to find an answer to the question!

Reaching out for a book

But it's not on the shelf!

Not! Can't imagine

That such a moment arose

And you could be left

All characters in children's books.

Children: We love when they read

Tales and stories to us.

And we love poetry too.

After all, we are very friendly with the book.

for the game, cards indicating the team number, five sets with answer numbers (1,2,3,4,5), stars.

Game progress

Host: Today we have gathered for the Literary Ring quiz game. All questions that will be asked are related to folk art, literary works and literary fairy tales.

Rules of the game (slide 2)

  • 5 teams take part in the game. Questions will be asked in turn to each team. All teams can answer all questions.
  • For each correct answer to their question, the team receives 1 point.
  • For the correct answer to the question of the other team, you can get a star.
  • You have 5 seconds to think about each question.
  • After each round, and there are three of them, one team of players with the least number of points will be eliminated.
  • If several teams have the same number of points, the stars will be taken into account.
  • The two teams that reach the final will compete in a super game.

Points will be counted ... (the host introduces the jury)

1 round

Presenter: The Firebird is the embodiment of the radiant god of the Sun! The image of this bird was created by fantasy ancient man and preserved in Russian fairy tales as an ideal of heavenly beauty and happiness. The prototype of this beautiful bird was the nature surrounding man. You have to unravel the poetic images of birds that lived and still live in our forests. I think we know many of them very well. You have to guess them in the mythological descriptions given by our ancestors.

Task 1: (slide 3) Before you are images of birds: an eagle, an owl, a rooster, a cuckoo, a crow.

1. She was considered a bird among the Slavs of things, dedicated to the goddess of spring and predicted the beginning of thunderstorms and rains.


2. This bird lived up to three hundred years and was the only one that could bring living and dead water.

3. In peasant life, she was revered as a symbol of heavenly fire and at the same time a talisman against it. Her image is still found on the roofs of houses.

4. Mysterious bird, lover of nightlife. The popular wave called her the guardian of treasures and the wisest of earthly birds.

5. Since ancient times, this bird has become a symbol of pride, power and liberty. Myths say that the main god of the Slavs, Perun, appeared on earth in the guise of this bird.

Leading: No less rich and diverse is the world of animals in Slavic legends. The head and lord of the animal kingdom was considered Indrik - the beast. He had many subjects. They had wonderful properties. But there were also those who really lived and now live in our Russian forests. It is to these animals that we will dedicate questions.

Task 2. (Slide 4) Before you are images of animals and animals.

1. According to popular belief, he is the personification of darkness. They could turn around the main Slavic god Perun when he wanted to appear on earth. This beast could speak with a human voice, was endowed with wisdom and acted in many Russian fairy tales.

2. According to legend, this is a man turned into a wild beast by an evil sorcerer. He himself never attacks a person, he knows how to walk on his hind legs. In his appearance, one of the main Slavic gods, Veles, can appear on earth.


3. This animal acts as a companion of sorcerers or sorceresses, but he is very loved by the Russian people. According to Slavic beliefs, this is a very intelligent animal. Many signs and proverbs are associated with it.

to oshka)

4. In ancient times, when the forces of nature were deified, the dark force rode this black animal, and the gods of color and darkness rode the same white animal. The poetic folk word calls it "the wings of a man."

5. About this faithful friend of ours, our people have composed many popular expressions, signs, proverbs, riddles. He is of the same breed as the wolf, but has long been his fierce enemy.

(Dog, dog).

This concludes the first round.

Team #….. leaves the game.

2 round

(Slide 5) Leading: I have no doubt that before you learned to read, you listened to fairy tales.

“What a charm - these fairy tales! Each is a poem...
The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it ... ”, - wrote A.S. Pushkin about folk tales.
Originating in ancient times, the tale is still passed from mouth to mouth,
is reversed and re-emerged.

Who read a lot of fairy tales
Find answers easily.
Yes, you have known them for a long time.
Well, let's check it out!

Task 1: (slide 6) Here are 4 images of characters from folk tales.

1. Who ordered: “Mothers, nannies, get ready, equip yourself! Bake me soft white bread in the morning, what I ate at my dear father's?

("Princess Frog")

2. Which tale tells of four daring escapes and one villainous murder?


3. What fairy tale ends with the words: “The evil witch was tied to a horse's tail and allowed into an open field”?

(“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”)

Task 2: (slide 7) Presenter: You see four drawings that depict fairy-tale heroes.

1. Are all these drawings illustrations of Russian folk tales?

(“Crocodile Gena and his friends”)

Presenter: Crocodile Gena and his friend Cheburashka - these fairy-tale characters were invented by our contemporary Eduard Uspensky.

The famous fairy tales about Tsar Saltan, about the dead princess, about the fisherman and the fish are based on folk fairy tales. How well do you know the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin?

Now let's check! Listen carefully as the question is only read once.

Task 3: (slide 8) Before you are illustrations for the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin. Name the story and its hero.

1. Three intruders, while in the service of a high-ranking official, committed a forgery of a document, which had sad, very dramatic consequences: the family was destroyed. Mother and son are severely punished. But in the end, truth triumphed, evil was defeated.

(A weaver with a cook, with a woman-in-law Babarikha. “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”)

2. Under the pressure of a royal person, this woman committed a terrible crime. Under the guise of a wretched beggar, she penetrated to a kind, unsuspecting girl and treated her to a very common tasty fruit. As a result, she fell dead.

(Chernavka poisoned the young princess. “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs”)

3. This fabulously beautiful, but very cunning person committed a serious crime. On the battlefield, she killed two young brothers, and then got to her father.

(Queen of Shemakhan. “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”)

Task 4:

Host: And now you have the next group of questions on the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin. ( slide 9)

  1. Of what precious metal was the chain hanging on the oak near Lukomorye made?
  2. 1. Silver.
    2. Iron.
    3. Platinum.
    4. Gold.

    (At the seaside, the oak is green;
    Golden chain on an oak tree...)

  3. What was the last wish of the old woman in The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish?
  4. 1. Be a pillar noblewoman.
    2. Be the mistress of the sea.
    3. Be a free queen.
    4. New trough.

  5. Which of the following is not included in the moral of Pushkin's fairy tale about the Golden Cockerel?
    1. Lies.
  6. 2. Lesson.
    3. Hint.
    4. Vow.

(The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!
Good fellows lesson.)

  1. What words did the old woman scold her old man in “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”
    1. You are mine.
    2. Empty your head.
    3. You are a fool, a simpleton.
    4. Oh, you nasty old man.

Addendum: You fool, you simpleton!
You did not know how to take a ransom from a fish!

Task 5:

(Slide 13) Here are illustrations of literary fairy tales.

1. What fairy tale speaks of the artistic level of vocal and instrumental ensembles?

(Br. Grimm “The Bremen Town Musicians”)

This concludes the second round.

Team no. is out of the game...

3 round

In our speech, we use not only proverbs and sayings, but also winged expressions very similar to them: brief quotations, figurative expressions, sayings of historical figures that have entered our speech from literary sources.

Winged expressions are, as it were, halfway to proverbs: like proverbs, they are widely used in speech, but, in contrast to proverbs, they usually belong to an author who is known.

Exercise 1:

(slide 14) Before you are portraits of A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol, A.P. Chekhov, D.I. Fonvizin. It is necessary to determine which of them belongs to the catch phrase I read.

  1. “Brevity is the sister of talent” (A.P. Chekhov)
  2. “Be patient, Cossack - you will be an ataman!” (N.V. Gogol T. Bulba - Andriy)
  3. “I don’t want to study, but I want to get married.” D.I.Fonvizin

Task 2:

  1. Author of the novel "The Night Before Christmas". ( N.V. Gogol )
  2. Author of the stories “Thick and thin”, “Death of an official”. ( A.P. Chekhov )
  3. Author of the story "Children of the Underground" ( V.G.Korolenko )
  4. Author of the story "Mu-Mu". ( I.S. Turgenev )

Task 2: (slide 16) Before you are the heroes of literary works According to the description below, determine who this hero is, from which work, who is the author of the work.

  1. “The front is a perfect German: a narrow, constantly spinning and sniffing everything that came across, the muzzle ends in a round patch, the legs are very thin. But on the other hand, from behind he was a real provincial lawyer in uniform, since his tail hung like uniform tails ... ”(Damn.“ The Night Before Christmas ”, Gogol)
  2. “Barefoot, in nightgowns. Caps on the head. Very fat and lazy. They love to live at someone else's expense." (“The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals”, Saltykov-Shchedrin.)
  3. “They are wearing red morocco boots with silver horseshoes, trousers as wide as the black sea, with a thousand folds, tied with a gold lace. Their faces are slightly tanned with black mustaches. On the head are sheep's hats with a gold top. (Ostap and Andriy. “Taras Bulba”, Gogol)

Task 3: (slide 17) Find the “extra”:

1. “Horse name”, “Salty”, “Mu-Mu”, “Thick and thin”. (“Mu-Mu” was written by I.S. Turgenev, and other stories by A.P. Chekhov)

(Slide 18)

1. “The Night Before Christmas”, “The Government Inspector”, “The Captain's Daughter”, “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”. (“The Captain's Daughter” by A.S. Pushkin, and other works by N.V. Gogol)

Leading: It was the last question of the third round.

Before you calculate the points scored and determine the two teams that made it to the final, look here (points to boxes). Before you are three wonderful boxes. And the team with the most stars will be able to open them.

For every open crate you give away a star, so you can skip the crates and save stars for the finale.

Let's ask the jury to announce the results of the third round...

Dropping out… (they are awarded prizes).

Made it to the final...

The final

PROVERB (slide 20)

From the word "PROVERB" you need to make as much as possible more words. Each letter can be used as many times as it occurs in that word. Whoever has the last word wins. You have 2 minutes to complete the task. Time has gone...

The finalists name the invented words in order, but those words that have already been said by the opponent do not count.

They win… Gifts are given (first to the losing couple, then to the winners).