Test on the theme of ancient Rus'. Tests on the history of ancient Rus'

1. Eastern Slavs came to the middle reaches of the Dnieper

from Scandinavia

from the interfluve of the Vistula and Oder +

from the middle Volga

from the coast of the Baltic Sea

2. In what century was Kievan Rus created

5th century

9th century +

13th century

11th century

3. Gothic historian Jordanes in the VI century AD. called the Slavs



Wends +


4. Antsky tribal union evolved to

middle of the 4th century AD +

beginning of the 5th century AD

mid-VI century AD

the end of the 6th century AD

5. The Slavs are



Volynians +


6. Non-Slavic tribe was (s)

Muroma +




7. Antsky tribal union has developed

in the upper reaches of the Don

in the Volga basin

in the Dnieper and Dniester basins +

on the shores of Lake Ladoga

8.First ruler Kievan Rus


Oleg +



9. Which prince made the baptism of Rus'


Vladimir +



10. The first written contract in the history of Rus' was concluded in

907+ (with Byzantium)




11. The campaign of Svyatoslav against the Khazars took place in



964 +


12. The system of fortresses built under Vladimir 1 in the south was supposed to protect Rus' from

Khazar Khaganate


Pechenegov +


13. The Old Russian state becomes a European-scale power during the reign


Svyatoslav Igorevich

Vladimir 1

Yaroslav the Wise +

14. Who became the first Russian saint

Boris and Gleb +

Vladimir Svyatoslavich

Vladimir Monomakh

Yaroslav the Wise



Theodosius Pechersky

Nestor +

16. The second princely strife in Rus' occurred after the death of




Vladimir Svyatoslavich +

17. What lands did Prince Svyatoslav conquer?


Khazaria +



18. What was the name Slavic alphabet

Cyrillic +


initial letter


19. What is the difference between Christianity and Paganism?


monotheism +


20. Under whose influence ancient Russian culture was formed


Byzantine +



21. What work belongs to the pen of Vladimir Monomakh

Life of Theodosius of the Caves

Teaching to children +

Word about the death of the Russian land


22. The beginning of the political fragmentation of Rus' is connected

with the beginning of the reign of Vladimir Monomakh

with the death of Vladimir Monomakh +

with the beginning of the reign of Mstislav the Great

with the death of Mstislav the Great

23. One of the main reasons for the collapse of the united Old Russian state was (s)

forced introduction of Christianity

constant pressure from the Steppe +

hostile attitude of Byzantium towards Kyiv

possibility of independent economic development individual principalities

24. By the middle of the 12th century, Russia broke up into

5 Principalities

30 principalities

15 principalities +

60 principalities

25. What period corresponds to the appearance of the Galicia-Volyn principality?

early 12th century

mid 12th century

the end of the 12th century. +(1199)

early 13th century

26. The city of Vladimir became the capital of North-Eastern Rus' during the reign

Vladimir Monomakh

Yuri Dolgoruky

Andrey Bogolyubsky +

Vsevolod the Big Nest

27. The main external enemy of the Galicia-Volyn principality was (s)


Poland and Hungary +

Cumans +


28. in 1185 Prince Igor made an unsuccessful campaign against


Polovtsy +


Volga Bulgars

29. The final isolation of the Russian principalities was hindered by the existence

taxation +


Austrian Empire

common language

30. In what year did the Galicia-Volyn principality cease to exist?



1392 +

Good day, friends, guys and colleagues! Ivan Nekrasov is with you. In the USE tests for national history very common Various types assignments aimed at testing the ability to apprehend the material of the course " Ancient Rus'". As a rule, these are the first 4 tasks of the part with a choice of answers, by the way, this year RIANovosti confirmed the changes in the KIMs of 2016 (read here) and, you know, there is an opinion on the Internet that this will not happen, this is all complete nonsense and nonsense, but it’s not in vain that we have been brought to this change for the second year in a row, first introduce continuous numbering so that tasks without a choice of answers will not have a classification, these will be either just questions with a short answer, or an oral part, about which K The PC was put in a word + 1-2 tasks of the type with a short / detailed answer.

The price of a mistake, as you understand, is very high and you probably don’t want to lose an extra 5-6 primary points ... First, you need to familiarize yourself with the material of the articles:

Completed? Excellent) And now let's conduct a self-diagnosis of our knowledge on the topics covered. In the coming days, I conducted a special test in our VKontakte group to determine the level of applicants. It is still in the public domain, you can see the tasks and answers of the guys.

The average score of students was at the level of 75 points. The result is not bad, but you yourself understand that this is only the beginning, later from such values, namely their arithmetic mean, a general picture of the knowledge of the course will be formed ... and ancient Rus' in the IX-XI centuries. considered one of the easiest periods to study. What did the guys get wrong?

1. Often, the failing mistake was the inability to single out the most advantageous areas of activity, or the applicants absolutely do not know what it is, although in dialogue with them, the teachers explained to them the principles of working with the 40 task. Considering the fact that in next year perhaps they will introduce an essay, instead of characterizing one historical figure and the score rises to 11 primary, the cost of a mistake is too high!

2. Many of the students confuse events between historical figures, so for some the contracts of 907, 911 suddenly become the merit of Igor the Old. Bottom line: inability to systematize information and imagine time intervals on a time scale.

3. A similar story, as with personalities, is repeated in dates, many without hearing about the date of creation of the Notification System try to guess, this cannot be done! It is necessary to narrow the circle of suspected dates, so to speak, to go from century to date in a logical chain: period, century, ruler, quarter or third of a century, decade, etc.

This is due to incorrect work with historical material. All this will be covered in detail and clearly in our school of preparation for the exam from ZERO to the result ...

And now remove all manuals, notebooks, close unnecessary browser tabs and read on ... Your task now is to do three simple steps:

1. Solve a thematic test on Ancient Rus' in the form with a choice of answers and write down your% completed topic in a notebook

2. Download the archive in the materials of tasks with a short answer. I don’t attach keys to them, your task is to complete the tests on a separate piece of paper and put it aside for now

3. Like and download archive #2. There you will find tasks with a detailed answer. You can solve them and send them to me for verification in personal messages on VKontakte, or to the support service.

4. Go to the Internet and check the answers to the tasks of paragraph No. 2 on your own. Divide 100% by the number of tasks you completed and multiply by the correct number of answers. You will receive%, which you also need to write out to yourself in a notebook.

5. Wait for the verification of part C and receive in response % of the completed test. From these three values, you get a real level of knowledge of the topic, based on which you can work on self-improvement at your level of training.


Evaluation criteria:

90-100% - congratulations! You are doing everything right, there are practically no mistakes in preparation. Continuing in the same spirit, you will easily cross the threshold of the TOP-10 universities in Russia!

80-90% - the preparation is going well, the material of the period has been mastered qualitatively, there are errors:

a) carelessly

b) technical related to work on part 2

70-80% is an acceptable result for those who seek to enroll in a contract at a local, not prestigious university. If your goals are a little different, it's worth considering ...

50-70% is a terrible result, or you have just started to prepare, have not read the articles and have not learned anything, and if not, then you are thinking in the wrong direction. You definitely need the support of a mentor, because otherwise all your efforts will lead you nowhere. Either with self-discipline you will score an average score of 47 points, or you will change your mind about taking history altogether

0-50% - guys, urgently get treated and buy yourself a brain, and take on your head 🙂 It's time to gnaw at the granite of science, as an option to take on yourself hard and spare no time to start preparing before it's too late. Can write me, I will help with all I can:/

By the way, more than 20 people are already ready to start studying, about 9 more people have not yet clearly announced their intention to study at school and are waiting for the rest:

Preliminary list of students of the USE preparation school from ZERO to the result

There are fewer places left. The students can't wait to start taking classes and doing their homework. And we will continue to work on this site in the coming days, subscribe to updates, there will be a lot of interesting material soon ... and also, guys, be careful. Recently, VKontakte was selling some kind of miracle book for 1200 rubles, I asked the "author" for a screen of the page to see what kind of tablet-100 points it was, and it turned out to be Baranov's guide 🙂 Well, on such a cheerful note, I end this article, bye everyone =)

Sincerely, Ivan Nekrasov

By the way, what do you think about this video: / How can I live with this now... 😀

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The test was compiled for 10th grade students studying school course history under the program "Russia and the World from Ancient Times to the End of the 20th Century", author O.V. Volobuev. It can be used to organize current and thematic control and differentiated preparation of students for the exam. Contains two options and tasks of part C. In the first option - tasks with the choice of one correct answer. In the second option, tasks of an open type are provided and advanced level difficulties focused on testing the ability of students to establish correct sequence events and phenomena, correlate two series of information. Part C includes tasks that require a detailed answer and involve checking the complex knowledge and skills of students.



Compiled by: Moloshnikova E. A., teacher of history, MBOU secondary school No. 51, Voronezh.

Sources of materials:

  1. Story. Thematic test tasks to prepare for the exam. Grade 10 / Avt.-stat. I. A. Shemakhanova. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2010. - 192 p.
  2. control measuring materials. Russian history. A basic level of. Grade 10 /Comp. K. V. Volkova. - 2nd ed., revised. - M.: VAKO, 2014. - 112 p.;

Topic: Rus' in the 9th - early 11th centuries.

Option 1. Level A assignments

  1. Historians consider the transitional step in the formation of the state
  1. The period of "primitive communism"
  2. Period of "military democracy"
  3. polyudie
  4. Periodic redistribution
  5. land
  1. The formation of East Slavic statehood takes place in
  1. Middle Dnieper and northwestern region with the cities of Ladoga and Novgorod
  2. Middle Dnieper and on the Crimean coast
  3. Middle Dnieper
  1. The appearance of the Varangian ruler in the northwestern Russian lands falls on
  1. 860
  2. 862
  3. 879
  4. 882
  1. The formation of the Old Russian state is attributed to
  1. 862
  2. 882
  3. 945
  4. 965
  1. The fixed amounts of taxation (tribute) introduced by Princess Olga from subject lands were called
  1. tax
  2. Vira
  3. Lessons
  4. Yasak
  1. The year of the baptism of Rus' is considered
  1. 987
  2. 988
  3. 990
  4. 996
  1. Common to the activities of the ancient Russian princes was
  1. Population census
  2. Introduction of tithing
  3. The introduction of the speck
  4. polyudie
  1. The consequences to which the baptism of Rus' led were

A. attempts by the Byzantine emperor to subjugate Rus' by force.

B. increased rivalry between Russian princes for the right to appoint a metropolitan

B. Development of culture and education

D. Establishment of the power of the Rurik dynasty

E. strengthening the power of ancient Russian princes.

  1. The oldest Russian chronicle is called
  1. "The Tale of Bygone Years"
  2. "A word about the destruction of the Russian land"
  3. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"
  4. "Zadonshchina"
  1. The dynasty that came to power in the Old Russian state:
  1. Carolingians
  2. Merovingians
  3. Romanovs
  4. Rurikovichi
  1. The peoples who were not part of the state of Kievan Rus were
  1. Finno-Ugrians
  2. Glade
  3. Vyatichi
  4. Zhmud
  1. Rus' had the most active diplomatic relations with
  1. Byzantium
  2. Khazaria
  3. Poland
  4. Sweden
  1. The community in Rus' was called
  1. militia
  2. Veche
  3. rope
  4. Polyud
  1. The main part of the population of the Old Russian state were
  1. Dependent peasants
  2. Artisans and merchants
  3. free cultivators
  4. Vigilantes
  1. Read the fragment of the chronicle and determine what it is about: “The Chud, Slovenes, Krivichi and all Rus said:“ Our land is great and plentiful, but there is no dress in it. Come reign and rule over us!"
  1. Foundation of Kyiv
  2. Calling the Varangians
  3. March on Constantinople
  4. Prince Oleg's campaign against Kyiv
  1. The Tale of Bygone Years states that Prince Oleg
  1. He was killed by the Pechenegs on the way from Byzantium to Kyiv
  2. He died, going to the Pecheneg steppe
  3. Died of a snake bite

Option 2. Level B assignments

1. Read the text and insert the missing expression.

"___________" passed along the Neva, Lake Ladoga, Volkhov, Lovat and Dnieper. It connected the Varangian Sea with the Russian Sea. The end point of this waterway was Byzantium.

2. Arrange the events in chronological order.

1. the adoption of Christianity in Rus'.

2. the first strife in Rus'.

3. Embassy of Princess Olga to Constantinople and her baptism.

4. Oleg's campaigns against Constantinople, agreements between Rus' and Byzantium.


3. Match events and dates.


4. Read the passage and indicate who the passage is talking about.

“... She wept bitterly: “Alas for me, Grand Duke! Alas, my light! Where did you hide from my eyes! I'd rather die before you! ... My son is still a child, who will instruct him and who will save him his power? ... And as the mourning ended, she gathered her strength, leaving female weakness, armed herself with a masculine mind and decided how to avenge the blood of her husband, how to punish the murderers ... "


5. Read the text and fill in the missing word.

“Christianity fought diligently against the remnants of ______________, which had been firmly held in Russian society for many centuries. Thus, a kind of syncretism was created, dual faith, which was also used by church authorities who fought against _____________. with traces of philosophy ___________ we also meet in various kinds of writings not only of ancient, but also of medieval Rus'.


6. Establish a correspondence between the names of the princes and their activities.

1. Svyatoslav.

A. Creation of several lines of defense on the southern Russian borders.

2. Olga.

B. The defeat of the Khazar Khaganate and its ally - the Volga Bulgaria. Deserved the name of Alexander the Great of Eastern Europe.


B. Creation organized system taxing the population.

4. Igor.

D. A peace treaty with Byzantium, an alliance with it against Khazaria, recognition of new territories of Rus'.


7. Establish a correspondence between the term and its definition.


Level C assignments

  1. In the historical literature there is a "Norman theory" of the origin of the Old Russian state. Describe its essence. name the weak and strengths this theory. Name the supporters and opponents of this theory.
  1. Compare the results of the activities of the first Russian princes and Prince Vladimir the Holy.


Level A tasks

Level B assignments

  1. "The Way from the Varangians to the Greeks".
  2. 4321
  3. VBGA
  4. Olga
  5. Paganism
  6. BVAG
  7. BVGA

Level C assignments

  1. The essence of the theory : the Slavs are not able to create a state on their own, the state in Rus' was introduced from outside. This speaks of their historical backwardness and doom. Supporters of this theory are G. Bayer, A. Schletser, G. Miller, V. N. Tatishchev, N. M. Karamzin, who cite chronicles and other sources testifying to the calling of the Varangian Rurik and the presence of Varangian squads on the lands Eastern Slavs. Anti-Normanists (M. V. Lomonosov, D. I. Ilovaisky, I. E. Zabelin, B. V. Grekov) argue that the development of statehood in Rus' began long before the calling of the Varangians. The Old Russian state arose as a result of the development of a number of socio-economic and political prerequisites.
  1. General: unification of the East Slavic lands in single state; strengthening the governance system; assertion of princely power in subject territories through a system of tribute collection. Miscellaneous: under the first Russian princes, systematic military campaigns against Byzantium were organized and treaties were signed with it, a tax reform was carried out (lessons and churchyards). Under Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, a new direction appeared foreign policy- Western, the baptism of Rus' took place, a defensive system was created on the southern borders.

1 option

1. What year does the baptism of Rus' belong to?

1) 8822) 9883) 945 4) 962

2. Hereditary land holdings in Ancient Rus' were called

1) land2) fiefdom3) freedom 4) estate

3. The uprising of the Drevlyans in 945 was caused

1) tribal strife of the Drevlyans and Vyatichi

2) an attempt by Prince Igor to take tribute from the Drevlyans for the second time

3) the unwillingness of the Drevlyans to accept Christianity

4) the reluctance of the Drevlyans to take part in the campaigns of Prince Svyatoslav

4. In what century was The Tale of Bygone Years written?

1) inIXV. 2) inXV.3) inXIIV.4) inXVV.

5. What was the name of the Slavic alphabet:

1) Cyrillic2) cursive 3) Latin 4) initial letter.

6. Mark one of the reasons for the adoption of Christianity by Vladimir Svyatoslavich.

1) the need to strengthen the Old Russian state by rallying the population

2) the desire to develop literacy in Rus'

3) the desire to establish good neighborly relations with the Volga Bulgaria, Khazaria, Byzantium

4) the need to reduce the military threat from the Pechenegs who professed this religion

7. Under whose influence was formed the ancient Russian architecture:

1) Italian2) Byzantine3) Khazar 4) Arabic.

8. The Norman theory of the origin of the Russian state appeared

1) inIXV. 2) inXIIV. 3) inXVV.4) inXVIIIV.

9. In what language was the chronicle compiled in Kievan Rus:

1) in Latin 2) in Greek3) in Slavonic4) in Russian.

10. What year of the chronicle dates the arrival of the Varangians to Rus'?

1) 1111 2) 988 3) 862 4) 1054

11. Painting based on the use of water-based paints applied to wet plaster during the construction of temples in Ancient Rus' was called

1) fresco2) watercolor 3) parsing 4) mosaic

12. What is the heroic epic genre?

1) chronicles 2) fairy tales 3) proverbs and sayings4) epics

13. The congress of Russian princes in 1097 in Lyubech was convened with the aim

1) establish a new procedure for collecting tribute

2) accept Russian Truth

3) stop strife

4) decide on the introduction of Christianity in Rus'

14. To what e period refers to the emergence of statehood among the Eastern Slavs?

1) VI - VII 2)IX-X3) X - XI 4) XI - XII

15. Read an excerpt from the work of a 19th century historian and indicate whose reign the author characterizes.

“His activities were of exceptional importance: he created a large state from disunited cities and tribes, brought the Slavs out of submission to the Khazars and arranged, through agreements, the correct trade relations between Rus' and Byzantium; in a word, he was the creator of Russian-Slavic independence and strength.

1) Rurik2) Oleg3) Igor 4) Svyatoslav

16. What event happened before all the others?

1) the baptism of Rus' 3) the first campaign of Batu in Rus'

2) calling the Varangians to Rus'4) creation of Russian Pravda

17. Which of the above referred to the activities of Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich?

1) political unification of Novgorod and Kyiv

2) the baptism of Rus'

3) the defeat of the Khazar Khaganate

4) creation of a code of laws Russkaya Pravda

18 . As a result of Prince Oleg's campaign against Constantinople...

    a trade agreement beneficial for Rus' was concluded

    Byzantium ceded Danube Bulgaria to Rus'

    The prince and his squad were baptized

    The Byzantine capital was sacked.

19. Read an excerpt from the Tale of Bygone Years and write the name of the place where and when the described event took place.

“We gathered ... to establish peace and said to each other: “Why are we destroying the Russian land, arranging strife among ourselves? And the Polovtsy are carrying our land in different ways and are glad that wars are going on between us. Yes, from now on we will unite with one heart and we will guard the Russian land, and let everyone own his fatherland ... "And on that they kissed the cross."

20. Establish a correspondence between the names of the princes and the events that took place during the years of their reign.

USE tests on the topic "Ancient Rus'"

Option 2

1. In the creation of the laws of Ancient Rus' took part

1) Yaroslav the Wise and Vladimir Monomakh3) Oleg and Igor

2) Rurik and his brothers 4) Svyatoslav and Svyatopolk

2. Kiev prince, who remained in folk tradition under the name Red Sun:

1) Svyatoslav 2) Izyaslav3) Vladimir Svyatoslavich4) Oleg

3. What year does the chronicle date the calling of the Varangians to Rus'?

1) 8622) 988 3) 1097 4) 1111

4. The Slavs called the Vikings

1) Scandinavians 2) Celts 3) Germans 4) Franks

5. Read the passage from the chronicle and indicate when the event described occurred.

“That year, the squad said to Igor:“ The youths of Sveneld dressed up in weapons and clothes, and we are naked. Come, prince, with us for tribute, and you will get it for yourself, and for us. And Igor listened to them - he went to the Drevlyans for tribute and added a new tribute to the previous one, and his men did violence to them. Taking tribute, he went to his city. When he was walking back, on reflection, he said to his squad: “Go home with tribute, and I will return and collect more” ... The Drevlyans, having heard that he was coming again, held advice with their prince Mal: ​​“If a wolf gets into the habit of sheep, he will carry out the whole herd until they kill him; so this one: if we do not kill him, then he will destroy us all "... The Drevlyans, leaving the city of Iskorosten, killed Igor and his squad, since there were few of them."

1) 8822) 9453) 988 4) 1015

6. Arrange the names of the ancient Russian princes in the chronological order of their reign .

1) Olga 3) Vladimir Monomakh

2) Vladimir Svyatoslavich 4) Yaroslav the Wise

7. Which of the named cultural monuments was created in the 11th-12th centuries?

1) St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv

2) Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin

3) Cathedral of the Intercession on the Moat in Moscow (St. Basil's Cathedral)

4) the icon "Trinity" by Andrei Rublev

8 . Read an excerpt from the Tale of Bygone Years and indicate what it is about.

“Olga went to Novgorod and established graveyards and tributes along the Msta and along the Luga - quitrents and tributes, and her traps have been preserved throughout the earth, and there is evidence of her, and her places and graveyards, and her sleigh stands in Pskov to this day, and along the Dnieper there are places for catching birds, and along the Desna ... "

    tax reform3) distribution of estates

    subjugation of the rebel tribes 4) preparation for baptism

9 . Which of the named persons was not a descendant of Rurik?

1.Vladimir Monomakh2) Oleg Prophetic 3)Vladimir Saint 4) Svyatoslav Igorevich

10. Read an excerpt from a 20th century historian and indicate who is being discussed.

“Under him, as the chronicler says, “the Christian faith began to be fruitful and expand.” Calling masters from Byzantium, he built churches (of which the most famous was the Cathedral of St. Sophia in Kiev), founded monasteries, continued the organization of church administration and contributed to the spread and strengthening of Christianity in the vast confines of his state.

    Vladimir Monomakh 3) Svyatoslav Igorevich

    Vladimir Saint4) Yaroslav the Wise.

11. After the adoption of Christianity, he became the head of the Russian church.

    Grand Duke of Kyiv3) metropolitan

    archbishop 4) patriarch

12. Who installed in the middle X V. a new system of collecting tribute and taxes in the lands subordinate to Kiev?

1) Igor 2) Svyatoslav 3) Vladimir Svyatoslavich4) Olga

13. Read the passage from the chronicle and indicate what event the chronicler tells about.

“... Why did they destroy the Russian land, bringing quarrels on themselves? And the Polovtsy plunder our land and rejoice that we are torn apart by internecine wars. Yes, from now on, let us unite sincerely and protect the Russian land, and let everyone own his fatherland.

1) the calling of the Varangians by the Novgorodians

2) the congress of princes in Lyubech

3) the conclusion of an agreement between Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich and Byzantium

4) council of princes before the battle on Kalka

14. What was the name of a detour by a prince with a retinue of subject lands who paid tribute in the Old Russian state?

1) polyudie2) dues 3) exit 4) yasak

15. According to chronicle evidence, Rurik ruled in the second half IX V. in (during )

1) Vladimir 2) Kyiv3) Novgorod4) Smolensk

16 . Read an excerpt from the Tale of Bygone Years and indicate what followed the events described.

“That year, the squad said to Igor: “The youths of Sveneld put on weapons and clothes, and we are naked. Let's go, prince, with us for tribute, and you will get it for yourself, and for us. And Igor listened to them - he went to the Drevlyans for tribute ... "

    the Drevlyans turned to the Khazars for help

    Igor's squad killed the elders of the Drevlyans

    the land of the Drevlyans was annexed to Ancient Rus'

    Igor was killed by the Drevlyans

17 . The vocation of the Varangians, according to the chronicle story, is connected with (o) ...

    desire to get rid of the power of the Khazars

    the inability of the Slavs to defend themselves

    strife between Novgorodians

    fear of Varangian invasions.

18. In what year did the unification of Kyiv and Novgorod take place within the framework of one state?

    8622) 8823) 907 4) 911

19 . Read an excerpt from Russkaya Pravda, name which social structure was charged with this article.

“If someone kills a princely husband, like a robber, and they don’t look for the murderer, then pay the viru (fine) for him in the amount of 80 hryvnias to the one ... on whose land the murdered person is found, in the event of the murder of Lyudin (commoner), pay the viru (prince) in 40 hryvnias.

20. Establish a correspondence between the concepts related to the history of Ancient Rus' and their definitions.

USE tests on the topic "Ancient Rus'"

3 option

1. What was the name of a detour by a prince with a squad of subject lands who paid tribute in the Old Russian state?

1) quitrent2) polyudie3) exit 4) yasak

2. Establishment in Ancient Rus' new system tribute collection: "lessons", "graveyards", "carriage" instead of "polyudya" - was the result

1) the activities of Princess Olga3) the adoption of the "Charter" of Vladimir Monomakh

2) the adoption of "Russian Truth" 4) the campaigns of Prince Svyatoslav

3. What was the name of the district of the city inhabited by artisans of the same specialty in Ancient Rus'?

1) freedom2) patrimony 3) graveyard 4) inheritance

4. Read an excerpt from the work of a Byzantine historian and indicate when what is described in it could happen?

“The winter and harsh way of life of those same Russians is as follows. When the month of November comes, the archons immediately leave Kiev with all the dews and go to ... the Slavinia of the Vervians, Drugvits, Krivichi, Severii and other Slavs, who are tributaries of the Ross. Feeding there throughout the winter, they again, starting in April, when the ice on the Dnieper River melts, return to Kyiv.

    Under Rurik 3) Under Svyatoslav

    Under Oleg and Igor4) Under Vladimir

5. The baptism of Rus' led to ...

    the rapid disappearance of all traces of pagan beliefs

    subjection to the princely power of the Orthodox Church

    the transformation of Rus' into a state dependent on Byzantium

6. When the event described in the chronicle happened:

“When he came, he ordered to overthrow the idols, to chop some, and put others on fire. And Perun ordered to tie a horse to the tail and drag him off the mountain along the Borichev entrance to the Ruchei and ordered 12 men to push Perun with poles ... After that, Vladimir sent around the city with the words: “Who will not be on the river tomorrow, rich, poor, beggar or slave, he goes against me”?

1) 862 2) 9453) 9884) 1054

7. Political system The ancient Russian state was

1) early feudal monarchy

2) boyar republic

3) absolute monarchy

4) estate-representative monarchy

8 . Which of the following refers to the prerequisites for the formation of the Old Russian state?

1) the baptism of Rus'

2) the beginning of the great migration of peoples

3) acceptance of Russian Truth

4) the need to repulse external enemies

9. Name of the first Russian chronicler, author of The Tale of Bygone Years:

1) Jordan 2) Hilarion 3) Theodosius of the Caves4) Nestor

10. What is the name of the oldest part of Russian Truth?

    “Russian Law” 3) “The Truth of St. Vladimir”

    "The Truth of Yaroslav"4) "Charter of Vladimir Monomakh"

11. The concepts of "filament" and "grain" are associated with (o) ...

1) the formation of ancient Russian statehood;

2) crafts in the development of Ancient Rus'

3) the formation of the feudal system

4) the spread of Christianity.

12. Prince Svyatopolk Vladimirovich was nicknamed "Cursed" for

1) flight from the battlefield near the river. Kalki

2) cruelty in internecine struggle and the murder of brothers

3) what "led" Mongolian troops to Rus'

4) an attempt to restore the pagan faith in Rus'

13. What was the name of the tax in favor of the church in Ancient Rus'?

1) poll tax 2) quitrent 3) lesson4) tithe

14. The Code of Laws of Ancient Rus' was called

1) "Russian Truth"3) "Stoglav"

2) " Cathedral code» 4) «Sudebnik»

15 . According to the chronicle, Prince Vladimir was baptized in the city ...

1) Kyiv 2)Korsun3) Constantinople 4) Novgorod

1) purchases2) magi 3) votchinniki 4) all of the above

17. Baptism of Rus' led to

1) the strengthening of pagan customs 3) the introduction of the patriarchate

2) the complete eradication of paganism4) strengthening statehood

18. The first Russian saints are ...

    Askold and Dir 3) Saint Vladimir and Anna

    Boris and Gleb4) Cyril and Methodius.

19. Which of the following is part of the process of becoming a feudal system?

A) the emergence of corvee and dues

B) the appearance of purchases and rank and file

C) the appearance of the first annals

D) the distribution by the Grand Duke of lands and their transformation into estates

E) decoration of temples with mosaics and frescoes

Specify the correct answer.
1) ADE; 2) BVG; 3) AVE; 4) ABG.

20. Establish a correspondence between the rulers of Ancient Rus' and their contribution to the formation of the Old Russian state. When writing your answer, keep the order of the first column.

Correct answer

1). Indicate the socio-political system that dominated the ancient Slavs before the calling of the Varangians:

A). Military Democracy +

B). Theocracy

IN). Oligarchy

2). The largest centers of settlement of the East Slavic tribal unions were:

A). Urals and steppes of southern Eurasia

B). The upper course of the Dnieper and the area of ​​Lake Ilmen +

IN). Lands of Bryansk and Polissya

3). How is the way of life of the ancient Slavs characterized inVI- Xcenturies?

A). Matriarchal

B). Gender did not matter, all power belongs to the high priests

IN). Patriarchal +

4). The progenitor of the Slavic peoples, according to biblical traditions, is:

A). Japheth +

5). According to legend, Rurik's grandfather was:

B). Gostomysl +

6). The legendary calling of the Varangians dates back to:

7). After the beginning of the reign of Rurik, the Varangians formed the elite layer of the society of Veliky Novgorod. Which of the following played this role in VII- XIcenturies?

B). Prince's squad +

IN). Council of Elders

8). Who, according to the chronicle tradition, was Prince Oleg the Prophetic to Rurik?

A). Druzhinnik

IN). tribesman +

9). The unification of Novgorod and Kyiv took place in:

10). What was the name of the main trade artery that passed through the territory of the East European Plain inVII - XIIcenturies?

A). Great Silk Road

B). The way from the Varangians to the Greeks +

IN). rose line

eleven). In what year did the event depicted in the picture take place?

Test. 12). Indicate the work and its author describing the life and deeds of the main character of the picture:

A). "Song of the Prophetic Oleg", A. S. Pushkin +

B). "Prince Silver", A. K. Tolstoy

IN). "The Song of the Merchant Kalashnikov", M. Yu. Lermontov

13). The concepts of "graveyard", "lesson" and "polyudye" refer to:

A). penitentiary system

B). tax system +

IN). Team management

14). Which tribal union opposed the double taxation at the initiative of Prince Igor?

A). Mordva

B). Ilmen Slovenes

IN). Drevlians +

15). Trade agreement between Prince Igor and Byzantium:

A). He limited the privileges of Russian merchants under the previous agreement +

B). In addition to the trade union, it provided for a political union

IN). He consolidated the provisions of the agreement concluded by Prince Oleg

16). Princess Olga rules:

A). 969-971

B). 945-957 +

IN). 913-945

17). Who was Princess Olga to Prince Igor?

A). Wife +

B). mother

IN). sister

18). The famous appeal "I'm going to you" used:

A). Prince Oleg

B). Prince Igor

IN). Prince Svyatoslav +

19). Which state was defeated by Prince Svyatoslav during his campaigns?

A). Byzantine Empire

B). Poland

IN). Khazar Khaganate +

20). During the reign of Svyatoslav Igorevich, under the rule of Kyiv were:

A). Vyatichi +

B). Duleby

IN). Dregovichi

21). During the campaigns of Prince Svyatoslav in 965, the Old Russian state expanded its territories by:

B). Upper reaches of the Volga

IN). Taman Peninsula +

22). Prince Svyatoslav wanted to move the capital to:

A). Korsun

B). Tmutarakan

IN). Pereyaslavets-on-the-Danube +

23). What tribal union of nomads began to actively resist Ancient Rus' during the reign of Svyatoslav?

A). Pechenegs +

B). Polovtsy

24). Returning after the war with Byzantium in Bulgaria in 971, Prince Svyatoslav:

A). Captured the Crimea

B). Was killed +

IN). Started a war against Hungary

25). In which city did Vladimir Svyatoslavich reign at the time of his father's death?

B). Ladoga

IN). Novgorod +

26). During the reign of Yaropolk Svyatoslavich in Kyiv, external contacts were actively carried out with:

A). papacy

B). Kingdom of the Franks

IN). Holy Roman Empire +

27). The brother of Vladimir and Yaropolk, Oleg Svyatoslavich, was a prince:

A). Vyatichi

B). Drevlyane land +

IN). Ugric tribes as part of Ancient Rus'

28). In the period 977-988. the actual ruler of the united Russian state was:

A). Yaropolk +

IN). Vladimir

29). What was the main support of Vladimir in the internecine struggle with Yaropolk?

A). Novgorod militia

B). Mercenary Varangian Squad +

IN). Population of Kyiv

thirty). result internecine war Svyatoslav became:

A). The collapse of the Old Russian state

B). Power passed to the governor of the Varangian squad of Vladimir

IN). Vladimir Svyatoslavich became the Grand Duke of Kyiv +

31). The religious reform of Prince Vladimir had the goal of:

A). Departure from paganism

B). Undermining the morale of the tribes subordinate to Kyiv by humiliating their tribal deities

IN). Streamlining the pagan cult to strengthen power Kyiv prince +

32). What deity did not enter the new pantheon?

A). Veles +

IN). Dazhdbog

33). Which of the following religions was not considered by Vladimir for introduction in Rus'?

A). Catholicism

IN). Confucianism +

34). Indicate the city where Prince Vladimir was baptized with his retinue:

B). Chersonese

IN). Korsun +

35). What was the nickname of the prince who baptized Rus'?

1). Red Sun +

2). Cursed

3). Big Nest

36). With which of the sons did Prince Vladimir have a conflict due to non-payment of a lesson?

A). Svyatopolk Okoyanny

B). Yaroslav the Wise +

IN). Vysheslav Vladimirovich

37). Who became the first Russian saints?

A). Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir

B). Boris and Gleb +

IN). Yaroslav the Wise

38). A well-known legislative monument from the time of Yaroslav the Wise was called:

A). "Yaroslav's Truth" +

B). "The Truth of the Yaroslavichs"

IN). "Russian Truth"

39 - Test). In what year did Yaroslav the Wise defeat the Pechenegs?

40). Which of the presented temples was founded in honor of the victory of Yaroslav the Wise over the Pechenegs?


