Chop theme man and society testing. Test in the format of the exam in social studies on the topic "human"


1 . Write down the missing word in the table.




Setting goals and anticipating results


Changing the environment and yourself

2 .Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts of the series below. Write down this word (phrase).

1) need 2) installation 3) persuasion 4) motive

5) ideal 6) interest 7) ​​emotion

3. What are the two main aspects that make up the essence of a person:

1) class 2) biological 3) space

4) Social 5) economic 6) mystical

4 . Find a concept that generalizes to all the other concepts in the series below. Write down this word (phrase).

1) biological nature human 2) instinctive behavior

3) physiological needs 4) physical development

5) age-related features of the development of the psyche

5. Find the characteristics of a person in the list below.

1) a biological being 2) consciously puts forward the goals of activity

3) lives among his own kind 4) has the ability to be creative

5) produces tools 6) has innate instincts

6 . Below are the names of the needs. All of them, with the exception of two, are the natural needs of man. Find two terms that "drop out" of the general series

1) biological 2) physiological 3) social

4) organic 5) natural 6) aesthetic

7. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, are social qualities person. Find two terms that "drop out" of the general series.

1) decency 2) ingenuity 3) law-abiding

4) industriousness 5) erudition 6) speed of reactions

8. Establish a correspondence between the manifestations of human qualities and the nature of these qualities.



A) the ability to procreate

B) the ability to adapt to conditions natural environment

B) the ability to accumulate knowledge and work skills

D) the ability to see the purpose of their actions

D) the ability to evaluate oneself and others

1) social

2) biological

9. Find examples of social needs in the list below and circle the numbers below.

1) knowledge 2) education 3) communication with other people

4) self-expression 5) self-preservation 6) achieving a certain status

10. Match between hallmarks and types of activities.



A) the transformation of nature and society

B) focus on creating various benefits

C) the formation of knowledge and skills, the development of thinking

D) the incentive motive lies in the process of activity

E) all funds are aimed at changing the subject of activity

1) labor

2) game

3) study

11 . Choose among the proposed social facts containing the manifestation of the most important social needs of the individual.

1) In the labor collective where the graduate came economic university, at first it was not easy for her, many questions differed significantly from university knowledge, but more experienced senior colleagues with their advice helped her to get up to speed.

2) For a young man, his social circle, friends and girlfriends are extremely important, sometimes you can discuss with them what you can’t discuss with either parents or teachers.

3) The young man has succeeded in the tourism business, having created a large company specializing in the field of extreme tourism, but now he is more concerned about the fame of a philanthropist, patron of young talents; he recently established a scholarship for young scientists.

4) Every last Saturday of the month, the professor dedicates a trip to the conservatory to chamber music concerts.

5) Every person needs maintenance heat balance bodies, so in winter we put on mittens, warm boots and jackets.

12. Ivan completed a task on the topic: "Man as a result of biological and socio-cultural evolution." He wrote out from the textbook the traits characteristic of a person. Which of them reflect the specifics of the social nature of man, in contrast to the animal?

1) the ability to set goals 2) the use of objects given by nature

3) care for offspring 4) adaptation to conditions environment

5) the desire to understand the world 6) communication through articulate speech

13. Find the properties of a person in the list below, I revealgiving its social nature.

1) The desire for self-realization 2)Ability to adapt to natural conditions

3) The need for water, food, rest 4) Persistent views of the world and one's place in it

5) The ability to self-preservation6) Ability for transformative activity

14 .Establish a correspondence between the types of activities given in the lanefirst column, and their characteristics given in the second.



A. Activity in an imaginary situation

1. Labor

B. Practical usefulness

2. Teaching

B. Focus on learning

3. Game

D. Replacing real objects with conditional ones

D. Transformative Orientation

15 .Find in the list below the traits inherent in creativitychesky activity.

1) Availability for use 2) Uniqueness 3) Practical significance

4) Sample reproducibility 5) Fundamental novelty

16 .Establish a correspondence between concepts and characteristics: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) a person who actively masters and purposefully 1) an individual

transforming nature, society and oneself 2) individuality

B) a single representative of the entire human race 3) personality

C) a person in the complex of his unique unique properties

D) a person capable of consciously and responsibly making choices

17. Determine correctly the agents of primary and secondary socialization of the individual.



BUT) family, parents,


B) school administration


B) friends, peers

G) army

D) church

E) teachers, trainers

18 .Read the text below, each position of which is indicated by a specific letter.

(BUT) Man is a biosocial being.(B) Both man and animal have nervous system able to sense and perceive the surrounding reality.(AT) But unlike animals, humans have abstract thinking and is able to realize the goals of his activity and to foresee its results. (G) It can be stated that thanks to this, man has risen above all living organisms and subjugated nature.(D) All human actions are thought out and aimed at further strengthening his position as the “king of nature”.

Determine which provisions of the text are worn

1) factual nature 2) nature of value judgments 3) theoretical nature

19. Read the text below with a number of words missing. Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps. .

"Man is_______(BUT) unity. Mechanism_____(B), which determines the biological side of a person, also affects his social entity. The newborn is the owner_______(AT) for imitation and learning. Thus, the child is born precisely as a human being. Although he still needs to learn how to become a man. It introduces into the world of people______(G), through which the human psyche, its social______(D).

For example, a person has fingers obedient to his will; he can take a brush, paints and start painting. But that doesn't make him a real painter. It's the same with consciousness. Conscious mental phenomena are formed in vivo as a result of education, training, active mastery_______(E), world of culture."

List of terms:

1) ability 2) biosocial 3) behavior 4) individual 5) need

6) language 7) heredity 8) communication 9) emotional

20 . Read the text below with a number of words missing. Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

“When they want to characterize a person, they often talk about him as a person,

how about individuality. In psychology, these concepts are different. (BUT) ___ - this is a specific person, in all the originality of his physical and physiological qualities and properties, i.e. features. When it comes to socially significant qualities, the concept is used___ (B). In psychology, the concept of "personality" is most often used in two main meanings. First, a person is any person who has____ (AT). Other psychologists emphasize that a person should be called a person who has reached a certain level. mental development. This level is characterized by the fact that____ (G) a person begins to perceive and experience himself as a whole, different from other people and expressed in the concept of "I". A necessary characteristic of a person is his___ (D). A person at this level of development is able to influence____ (E), change it for your own purposes, and also change yourself for your own purposes.

1) subject 2) personality 3) surrounding reality

4) consciousness 5) activity 6) object

7) social 8) individuality 9) self-knowledge

Part C assignments

Read the text and do the tasks for it.

It seems to me that those who are horrified by the development of technology do not notice the difference between a means and an end. ... the car is not the target. The plane is not a target, it is just a tool. The same tool as the plow. ... Reveling in our successes, we served progress - paved railways, built factories, drilled oil wells. And somehow they forgot that all this was created in order to serve people.

Even a machine, becoming more perfect, does its job more modestly and inconspicuously. It seems that all the labors of a man - the creator of machines, all his calculations, all sleepless nights over drawings only manifest themselves in external simplicity; as if the experience of many generations was needed to make the column, the keel of the ship or the fuselage of the aircraft become slimmer and more precise, until they finally gained their original purity and smoothness of lines ... It seems that the work of engineers, draftsmen, designers comes down to this, to polish and to smooth, to lighten and simplify the attachment mechanism, to balance the wing, to make it invisible - no longer a wing attached to the fuselage, but a certain perfection of forms, naturally developed from a kidney, a mysteriously fused and harmonious unity, which is akin to a beautiful poem. As you can see, perfection is achieved not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. A machine at the limit of its development is no longer a machine.

So, according to the invention, brought to perfection, it is not visible how it was created. In the simplest tools of labor, the visible signs of a mechanism were gradually erased, and in our hands we found an object, as if created by nature itself, like pebbles turned by the sea; the car is also remarkable in the same way - using it, you gradually forget about it.

A. de Saint-Exupery. planet of people

21 . Find in the text any three examples of the transformational activity of people.

22. Point out and illustrate with the help of this text any two distinctive features of human activity.

23 . Can the process of people's labor in creating machines captured in the document be considered creative? Justify your answer with the text. Define creative activity.

24. What is the ultimate goal of human transformative activity, in the opinion of the author and in your opinion? Justify both answers.

25 . The human child at the time of birth, aptlyA. Pierona, not a man, but only a "candidate for a man." Explainwhat did A. Pieron mean when he called the child a “candidate in humanka"? Formulate three judgments.

26. It is known that the behavior of an animal in its main features is geneticallyski is programmed. As a result of social history, many human instincts have been shaken and erased. By expressionA. Pieron, “humanity has been freed from despotism hereditarilysti". What is the manifestation of man's freedom from "despotism of responsibility"?nosti"? Formulate at least three statements.

Essay topics:

1) "A person outside of society is either a god or a beast."(Aristotle)

2) “If a person has a “why” to live, he can withstand any"how".(F. Nietzsche)

3) "Man is a fundamental novelty in nature."(N. Berdyaev)

4) “Man is not a thing, but a living being, which can be understood only in the long process of its development. At any moment of his life, he is not yet what he can become, and what he may yet become.(E. Fromm )


1. transformative

2. 4

3. 24

4. 1

5. 245

6. 36

7. 26

8. 11222

9. 346

10. 11321

11. 12

12. 156

13. 146

14. 31231

15. 25

16. 3123

17. 121221

18. 3 1122

19. 271836

20. 24953.


Railroads were laid

They built factories

Drilled oil wells

22 .herty human activity, how:

expediency,practical usefulness, availability of results;

Conscious, productive, transformative, social character of activity.


Argument: the emergence of a new, more perfect quality of rethe results of human labor;

Creative activity- as an activityas a result of which something new, which did not exist before, appears.

24 . The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) The goal of transformative activity, according to the author, is "serving people." "All this was created in order to serve people."

transformative activity aimed at meeting the fundamental needs of people.

2.) The purpose of the transformative activity in the opinion of the student and its justification.

Transformative human activity is associated with the creation of things and material values ​​necessary to meet the needs of people.

25. The correct answer may contain the following statements, for example:

Man is a social, social, and not just biological being;

The concepts of individual - individuality - personality are different aspects of considering the problem of "human", they areare different;

A person becomes a personality in the process of socialization (upbringing,learning, communication with their own kind);outside of society - communication with their own kind, development of thinking, speechimpossible.

26 . The correct answer may contain the following statements:

Man is a social and conscious being;

Unlike an animal, it has goal-setting;a person's ability to be creative is not hereditary;a person is able to consciously control his instincts.

Social science test Man, society, nature for 8th grade students. The test is designed to test knowledge on the topic Personality and Society. The test consists of 3 parts. In part 1 - 10 tasks, in part 2 - 4 tasks and in part 3 - 1 task (4 questions).

1. Choose the wrong statement.

1) nature is the natural habitat of man
2) nature is everything that arose with man
3) nature is understood as the biosphere of planet Earth
4) nature is the defining properties of an object, expressing its essence

2. The shell of the Earth inhabited by living organisms and under their influence is called

1) biosphere
2) atmosphere
3) noosphere
4) hydrosphere

3. The area of ​​the planet Earth covered by intelligent human activity is

1) biosphere
2) lithosphere
3) hydrosphere
4) noosphere

4. The highest type of mental activity

1) understanding
2) behavior
3) mind
4) genius

5. Most researchers believe that the mind is the result of work

1) hearts
2) endocrine system
3) brain
4) nervous system

6. Choose the wrong expression.

1) civilization as a stage of development of society is characterized by its separation from nature
2) in the era of primitiveness, society lived according to strict rules of behavior, which researchers call mononorms
3) in a primitive society, people were guided by moral standards
4) the emergence of the state meant the transition of mankind from the primitive herd to the social organization of people

7. Choose the wrong expression.

1) morality was developed in the process of human evolution to curb excessive individualism
2) morality expresses personal or social values
3) morality is one of the social regulators of human behavior
4) morality is established by the state and supported by its coercive power

8. Anthropologists call modern man

1) skillful person
2) Homo erectus
3) a person working
4) a reasonable person

9. Most researchers believe that the biological species of modern man appeared for the first time in

1) Africa
2) Europe
3) Asia
4) Australia

10. The biological theory of the origin of man was developed by

1) V.I. Vernadsky
2) Ch. Darwin
3) Voltaire
4) E. Fromm

1. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, characterize the concept social regulators of human behavior in society .
Morality, religion, abilities, traditions, customs.
Find and indicate a term that refers to another concept.

2. Establish a correspondence between the Latin terms, meaning the stages of human evolution as a biological species, and similar terms in Russian: for each element given in the first column, select an element from the second column.

Latin terms

A) Homo hablis
B) Homo erectus
B) Homo neanderthalensis
D) Homo sapiens

Terms in Russian

1) erect man
2) Neanderthal
3) a reasonable person
4) skillful person

3. Establish a correspondence between the biosphere, noosphere and their elements.

A) morality
B) ecosystem
AT) Bottom part atmosphere
D) mind

1) biosphere
2) noosphere

4. Read the text below with a number of words missing.

“The first __________ (1) of man was a stone and a stick. People earned their livelihood by hunting and __________ (2). The most important stage in human development was the appearance of __________ (3). People have learned to express abstract __________ (4) water in general , beast at all . This led to the opportunity to teach offspring ___ (5), and not just by example, to plan actions before the hunt, and not during it, etc. ”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used once. Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the gaps.

A) collecting
B) tools
B) farming
D) language
D) cattle breeding
E) concepts
G) words

Write under each number the letter corresponding to the word you have chosen.

1. Read an excerpt from Jack London's story "The Love of Life" and complete the tasks.

“He heard some sort of sniffing behind him - not a sigh, not a cough. Very slowly, overcoming extreme weakness and stupor, he turned on his other side. Nearby, he saw nothing and began to wait patiently. Again he heard sniffling and coughing, and between two pointed stones, no more than twenty paces away from him, he saw the gray head of a wolf. The ears did not stick up, as he had seen in other wolves, his eyes became cloudy and bloodshot, his head drooped helplessly. The wolf must have been ill: he was sneezing and coughing all the time.
At least it doesn’t seem like it, he thought, and again turned on the other side to see the real world, now not shrouded in a haze of visions. But the sea still sparkled in the distance, and the ship was clearly visible. Perhaps this is still real? He closed his eyes and began to think - and in the end he understood what was the matter. He went to the northeast, moving away from the River Dees, and ended up in the valley of the Coppermine River. This wide, slow river was the Coppermine. This shining sea is the Arctic Ocean. This ship is
a whaling ship sailing far east of the mouth of the Mackenzie River, it is anchored in Coronation Bay. He remembered a map of the Hudson's Bay Company he had seen once, and everything became clear and understandable.
He sat down and began to think about the most pressing matters. The wrappings from the blanket were completely worn out, and his legs were torn to living meat. The last blanket was used up. He lost his gun and knife. The hat was also gone, but the matches in the pouch in the bosom, wrapped in parchment, remained intact and not damp. He looked at his watch. They were still walking and showing eleven o'clock. He must have remembered to wind them up.
He was calm and fully conscious. Despite the terrible weakness, he did not feel any pain. He did not want to eat. The thought of food was even unpleasant to him, and everything he did was done by him at the behest of reason. He tore off his trousers to the knees and tied them around his feet. For some reason, he did not leave the bucket: he would have to drink boiling water before starting the journey to the ship - very difficult, as he foresaw.

1) Define the concept nature . Make up two sentences with this concept, revealing its meaning.

2) The story of Jack London "Love of Life" tells the story of human survival in the wild. Abandoned by a friend, the hero of the story walks across the Canadian tundra. Along the way, he overcomes various difficulties, and at the end of the story he is forced to fight with an old and sick wolf, from which he emerges victorious. Based on the above passage, write down at least three qualities of a traveler that helped him survive in wildlife without the help of other people.

3) Write three examples of the positive impact of society on nature.

4) Select one from the statements below, reveal its meaning, indicating the problem posed by the author (the topic touched upon); formulate your attitude to the position taken by the author; justify this relationship. When presenting your thoughts on various aspects of the problem raised (marked topic), when arguing your point of view, use knowledge obtained during the study of the course of social science, corresponding concepts, as well as data social life and own life an experience.

1. “Everything that is against nature is also against reason, and everything that is against reason is absurd, and therefore must be rejected” ( B. Spinoza).
2. “Nature surrounds a person with darkness and forces him to strive forever for the light” ( I.V. Goethe).
3. "Nature created her creations, pursuing her own goals, but her goals are bonds and chains for man" ( M. Gorky).

Answers to the social science test Man society nature
Part 1
1-2, 2-1, 3-4, 4-3, 5-3, 6-3, 7-4, 8-4, 9-1, 10-2.
Part 2

Option number 1

1. Definition: “The totality of ideas, views, theories, as well as feelings, habits and mores of a particular social community or group” refers to the concept

A) social conscience B) society

C) ordinary consciousness D) ideology

2. Ivan - tall, thin, with beautiful features, courageous, prudent, slow and cautious. All this characterizes Ivan as

A) personality B) citizen C) personality D) professional

3. Automation of production is widespread in R.'s society, and computerization is being successfully carried out. What additional information will allow us to conclude that R.'s society is post-industrial?

A) the main product of production - industrial products

B) the main factor of production - knowledge

C) widespread use of mechanisms, technologies

D) class division of society

4. What sign characterizes a traditional society?

A) intensive urbanization B) the predominance of assigned social status

C) high social mobility D) growth in consumption

5. Meaningful drivers of human activity include

A) habits B) drives C) motives D) emotions

6. Are the following judgments about the similarities and differences between humans and animals correct?

A. Ants and other "social" animals work just like humans.

B. All animal individuals, unlike humans, always act according to the genetic program.

7. The basis of human existence is

A) friendship B) love C) consumerism D) activity

8. Write down the missing word in the diagram.

Types ……………………….

9. Which characteristic is not suitable for a traditional society:

A) low level of social mobility

B) the dominance of religion, customs and traditions

C) the agrarian nature of the economy

D) globalization of life

10. A person's need for anything is:

A) abilities B) activities C) needs D) interest E) values

11. characteristic feature post-industrial society is:

A) industrial expansion

B) slowdown in development

C) the creation of mass culture

D) use of computer technology

12. The emergence of transnational corporations in modern society, the development of international trade are a manifestation of the trend:

A) modernization B)globalization C) democratization D) informatization

13. The transition to a post-industrial society is characterized by:

A) the formation of a market economy

B) limited social mobility

C) the development of mass media

D) the organization of factory production

14. Are the following judgments about the process of globalization correct?

A) the development of mass communications makes the modern world more holistic

B) all global problems are a consequence of economic integration

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

15. Social Progress expressed in:

A) progressive development of society B) links between society and nature

C) the stability of forms of social life D) the systemic structure of society

16. In the transition from a traditional society to an industrial one:

A) the dominance of agriculture over industry

B) the importance of science and education has increased

B) increased class differences

D) the importance of collectivist values ​​has increased as opposed to the values ​​of individual freedom

17. Which of the following characterizes modern Western society?

A) an agrarian type of society

B) underdevelopment of private property institutions

C) the special value of human individuality

D) the predominance of collective forms of consciousness

18. At the heart of the civilizational approach to the study of society:

A) highlighting the general B) highlighting the special

C) the development of the mind D) the development of morality.

19. Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the industrial society. Find two terms that fall out of the general row, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Mass culture, 2. Technology, 3. Community, 4. Private property, 5. castes, 6. Law, 7. Classes, 8. Ecological crisis, 9. Human rights and freedoms.

Test "Man and Society" Grade 10. Profile

Option number 2

1. Man, according to modern ideas, is a creature

A) spiritual B) social C) biological D) biosocial

2. Faster population increases in less developed countries South-East Asia, Africa and Latin America which sharply exacerbates the problems of housing, education, medical care and, above all, food. According to experts, over 80% of the world's population will live in these countries in the future. On the other hand, in a number of countries and regions of the world, including Western Europe and in Russia, there is a threatening decline in the population and its significant aging. This situation is indicative of a global problem

A) war and peace B) economic C) demographic D) energy

3. V. society prevails rural population, whose ideal is the observance of customs and piety. Savings are insignificant and are spent not on production, but on consumption. State property dominates. What type of society does V. belong to?

A) post-industrial B) industrial

B) traditional G) informational

4. Petrovsky transformations of the 18th century. are an example

A) stagnation B) counter-reforms C) evolution D) modernization

5. Definition: "Directed development, which is characterized by the transition from lower to higher, from less perfect to more perfect" refers to the concept

A) stagnation B) progress C) regression D) modernization

6. Are the following judgments about industrial society correct?

A. An industrial society is economically characterized by machine production, assembly line, standardization, scientific organization labor.

B. An industrial society is politically characterized by a despotic regime.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

7. An industrial society differs from a traditional one in that:

A) there is a strict division of people into classes, castes

B) there are no social conflicts in it

C) communal principles of social life dominate in it

D) industrial enterprises become the centers of socio-economic life

8. Write the missing word in the diagram:


natural social _____________________

9. The separation of craft and agriculture that occurred in antiquity testifies to:

A) scientific and technological revolution B) social reform

C) social progress D) regression of society

10. The concept of "element", "structure", "relationship" is used when considering

Societies like:

A) human habitat B) dynamic system

AT) complete system D) a detached part of the material world

11. Traditional society, unlike industrial:

A) has class stratification B) is open

C) is based on a religious worldview D) supports science as a social institution

12. What contributes to the process of globalization in modern world?

A) the development of means of transport and communication B) the size of the middle class grew

C) development of the service sector D) deepening social differentiation

13. What sign refers to an industrial society?

A) the leading role of agriculture B) the predominance of industry

C) a weak level of division of labor D) the decisive importance of the service sector in the economy

14. Are the following judgments about social progress correct?

A) one of the criteria for social progress is the sustainable economic growth of most states in the modern world

B) the most obvious consequences of social progress in the sphere of material production

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are wrong

15. Reform as opposed to revolution:

A) is comprehensive

B) is a form of social dynamics

C) is carried out, as a rule, on the initiative from above

D) leads to profound changes in social life

16. The concept of "development", "interaction of elements" characterizes society as:

A) a dynamic system

B) part of nature

C) the entire surrounding material world

D) the interaction of people in social groups.

17. A quick jump-like transition from one socio-political system to another is called

A) progress B) revolution C) evolution D) regression

18. Are the following judgments about social progress correct?

A. Progress in one area of ​​social life may be accompanied by regression in another.

B. Social progress can be graphically depicted as an ascending broken line.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both statements are true 4 ) both statements are wrong

19. Find in the list below the signs that characterize the development of post-industrial civilization in the modern world and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Expansion of virtual communications.

2. Low level of social mobility.

3. The natural character of the economy.

4. Unity of the world economic space.

5. Multivariate development and diversity of forms of existence of human society.

KEY to the Test "Man and Society" Grade 10. Profile

Option number 1

1- A 2- C 3- B 4- B 5- C 6- 2 7- D 8- Companies 9- D 10- C

11- D 12- B 13- C 14- 1 15- A 16- B 17- C 18- B 19- 3.5

Option number 2

1- D 2- C 3- C 4- D 5- B 6- 1 7- D 8- spiritual 9- C 10- C

11- C 12- A 13- B 14- 3 15- C 16- A 17- B 18- 3 19- 1.4.5

1. What is the oldest form of awareness of the surrounding world and a person's place in it?
A) Mythology + B) Pictography C) Philosophy D) Psychology
2. How did A. Toynbee name the civilizations that should arise on the basis of the formation of common religions?
A) Primary B) Secondary C) Tertiary + D) Quaternary
3. Which estate in the Middle Ages had a monopoly on education for a long time?
A) Peasantry B) Chivalry C) Clergy + D) Aristocracy
4. What is the final element of society as a system?
A) Nature
Into the space
C) Relationships
D) Man +
5. What sphere of public life does public consciousness belong to?
A) Economic B) Social C) Political D) Spiritual
6. What form of government did Aristotle call "correct"?
A) Tyranny B) Monarchy + C) Ochlocracy D) Oligarchy
7. What stage of human development, according to Comte, correspond to the "positive sciences"?
A) Childhood B) Youth C) Adolescence D) Maturity +
8. What is included in a cosmogenic civilization?
A) Eastern society B) Western society
C) Eastern and Western society + D) None of the above
9. By what year did Oswald Spengler predict the decline of European culture?
A) 1900 B) 1950 C) 2000 + D) 2050
10. It is from this philosophical and religious trend that we learned that the world consists of two principles: Yin and Yang?
A) Mohism B) Taoism + C) Buddhism D) Confucianism
11. What word is translated from Latin as "civilian"?
A) State B) Civilization + C) Society D) Man
12. Which of the European thinkers of the Middle Ages wrote the book "City of the Sun" denying private property?
A) C. Fourier B) A. Saint-Simon C) T. More D) T. Campanella +
13. What, according to the theory social contract Hobbes was the original state of society?
A) Chaos B) " cold war» C) "Peace between all" D) "War of all against all" +
14. What branch of government did Charles Montesquieu single out as special?
A) Anarchist B) Executive C) Judicial D) Legislative
15. Who put forward the idea that the means social control serve as "fear of the living" and "fear of the dead"?
A) E. Bernstein B) G. Spencer C) O. Comte D) M. Weber

16. Did the social cataclysms of the 20th century lead to the emergence of this direction in philosophy?
A) Existentialism + B) Communism C) Marxism D) Imperialism
17. What are the shortcomings of progress in one particular industry?
A) It can cause regression in other industries +
C) It is the result of a previous regression
C) It is not a general indicator
D) He has no flaws
18. Religiously industrial society is oriented towards this religion?
A) Christianity + B) Islam C) Buddhism D) Zoroastrianism
19. What is the name of the transition from one qualitative state to another in social science?
A) Revolution + B) Reform C) Innovation D) Globalization
20. In which city was the conference held in 1992 that adopted a declaration on the inextricable link between development and environmental protection?
A) Asuncion B) Buenos Aires C) Rio de Janeiro + D) Quito
21. What is the name of the process of emergence and formation of society?
A) Anthropogenesis B) Sociogenesis + C) Genetics D) Ochlogenesis
22. What are the names of the instincts that provide the vital activity of the organism?
A) Intellectual B) Vital + C) Social D) Spiritual
23. Who from the listed list is the agent of primary socialization?
A) Journalist B) TV presenter C) Engineers D) Teacher +
24. Which of these scientists studied the unconscious?
A) C. Jung + B) O. Spengler C) F. Nietzsche D) F. Aquinas
25. To what type of needs does A. Maslow refer the need for self-esteem?
A) Physiological B) Prestigious C) Spiritual + D) Social
26. What is the first species that arises in the process of individual development of a person?
A) Game B) Communication + C) Teaching D) Labor
27. What is the name of the form of thought in which something is affirmed or denied through the connection of concepts?
A) Concept B) Judgment + C) Inference D) Representation
28. What is not part of rational knowledge?
A) Comparison B) Synthesis C) Generalization D) Feeling +
29. How do empiricists view the process of obtaining complete knowledge about the surrounding world?
A) Deny the possibility of obtaining true knowledge
B) Assign a decisive role to sensory cognition +
C) Consider reason as the criterion of truth
D) Recognize the possibility of knowing the world and man in it
30. What is the leading criterion of truth?
A) Complementarity B) Simulation C) Practice + D) Purpose