Personal learning outcomes for the English language fgos. English Language Learning Outcomes in Primary School

This program provides the formation of personal, meta-subject and subject results.


· formation the foundations of Russian civic identity, a sense of pride in the Motherland, the Russian people and the history of Russia;

· awareness their ethnic and national identity;

· formation values ​​of the multinational Russian society;

· becoming humanistic and democratic value orientations;

· formation ideas about the English language as a means of establishing mutual understanding with representatives of other peoples, in learning new things, as a means of adaptation in a foreign language environment;

· formation respectful attitude to a different opinion, to the culture of other peoples;

· formation friendly attitude and tolerance towards native speakers of another language based on acquaintance with the life of peers in English-speaking countries, with children's folklore and accessible samples of children's fiction;

· Adoption a new social role for the student of the student, in the formation of sustainable motivation to master a foreign language;

· development skills of cooperation with the teacher, other adults and peers in different communication situations in the process of joint activities, including project activities.



Use different ways to search for information (for example, in a dictionary and other reference materials of a textbook, in a “hint” to a multimedia application) in accordance with the communicative / cognitive task being solved;

· possess the skills of semantic reading of texts of different styles and genres in accordance with the goals and communicative tasks (with an understanding of the main content, with a full understanding);

accept the tasks of educational and communicative activities, including those of a creative nature, search for means of solving the problem, for example, select adequate language means in the process of communicating in English;

use sign-symbolic means of representing information to create models of the studied objects, for example, in the process of grammatical modeling;

transmit, record information in a table, for example, when listening to texts in English;

· own basic grammatical concepts that reflect significant connections and relationships (time, number, person);

Rely on a linguistic guess in the process of reading / listening to texts containing individual unfamiliar words or new combinations of familiar words;

· use speech means and means of information and communication technologies (in particular, multimedia applications for the course) to solve communication problems.


agree on the distribution of roles in the process of joint activities, for example, project;

consciously build a speech statement in accordance with the tasks of communication in oral and written form;

Listen and hear the interlocutor, conduct a dialogue, recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own;

analyze, compare, generalize, classify, group, according to certain features, language information at the level of sound, letters, words, sentences, for example, group lexical units by thematic feature, by parts of speech, compare ways of reading vowels in an open and closed syllable, analyze the structure sentences in English and Russian, etc.;

understand the reasons for the failure of educational activities and act based on the learned rule / algorithm in order to achieve success, for example, when reaching mutual understanding in the process of dialogical communication;


· to work in the material and information environment: to use in a complex way different components of teaching materials (textbook, workbook, audio application);

plan, perform and evaluate their educational / communicative actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, which indicates the development of the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection;

· exercise mutual control in joint activities, adequately assess their own behavior and the behavior of others.


Communication skills by types of speech activity:

1) in speaking:

conduct and maintain an elementary dialogue: dialogue-questioning, dialogue-motivation;

Briefly describe and characterize an object, picture, character;

Tell about yourself, your family, friend, school, native land, country, etc. (within the subject of elementary school);

Reproduce by heart small works of children's folklore: rhymes, poems, songs;

Briefly convey the content of the read (heard) text;

express attitude to what is read, heard;

2) in listening:

understand by ear the speech of the teacher, his coherent statements, built on familiar material and containing some unfamiliar words; statements of classmates;

understand the main content of what they heard (small texts and messages built on the studied speech material) both in direct communication and in the perception of an audio recording;

extract specific information from what they hear;

respond verbally or non-verbally to what is heard;

understand by ear different types of text (short dialogues, descriptions, rhymes, songs);

use contextual or linguistic guessing;

Do not pay attention to unfamiliar words that do not interfere with the understanding of the main content of the text;

determine the meanings of unfamiliar words by familiar word-building elements (prefixes, suffixes) and by known constituent elements of compound words, analogy with the native language, conversion, context, illustrative clarity;

· to use reference material (English-Russian dictionary, linguocultural reference book) using knowledge of the alphabet and transcription;

understand the internal organization of the text;

4) in writing:

Write the text correctly

perform lexical and grammatical exercises;

make captions for drawings;

Answer questions in writing

write greeting cards for birthdays and other holidays;

write personal letters within the framework of the subject under study, based on a sample;

Correctly draw up an envelope based on a sample.

Lexical material Grammar material
Unit 1. “Speaking about season and the weather” 8 hours
Your favorite time of the year. Favorite sports activities in different seasons. Weather. The weather forecast for tomorrow. Let's talk about the future. Plans for tomorrow, next week, winter, summer vacation. Day off: picnic. The Tale of the Traveling Frog “Two Ducks and the Frog”. The Tale of the Seasons “The Donkey’s Favorite Season”. present simple(affirmative and interrogative sentences). Impersonal sentences (It is cold. It is winter.) Future simple tense (affirmative sentences), companions of the future tense ( tomorrow, next week, next year, in an hour).
Unit 2. “Enjoying your home” 8 hours
English house. My house, my apartment, my room. A fairy tale about the adventures of an English boy "The Big secret". Mini-project “Let's go to a fairy-tale land!” Offers with turnover there is/are. Negation. Declarative, interrogative, negative sentences with turnover there is/are.
Unit 3. "Being happy in the country and in the city" ("To be happy in the city and outside the city") 8 hours
Life in the city and the countryside. Weather in different cities of the world. International Music Festival. Russia and UK. Favorite day, month, season, weather, sport. Tale of the weather “The Sun and the Wind”. A fairy tale about the transformation of a gray city into a blooming garden "The Green Garden". Wild and domestic animals. How people and animals help each other. present simple. Plural of nouns - exceptions ( a sheep - sheep, a man - men). Verb forms to be (am, ia, are). Degrees of comparison of adjectives ( warm-warmer-(the) warmest; good-better-(the) best; interesting-more interesting-(the) most interesting). impersonal offers ( It's sunny).
Unit 4. "Telling stories" ("Telling stories") 8 hours
Events from last summer. Funny stories. Costume ball. English fairy tales: “The Smart Little Bird”, “The Wolf and the Sheep”. The story of how Santa Claus prepares for Christmas and New Year. Mini-project “Let’s write a fairy tale!” past simple(affirmative and interrogative sentences). Formation of the second form of verbs. Companions of the past tense ( yesterday, the day before yesterday, ago, last). Verb to be in the past tense (was/were). Negation.
Unit 5. “Having a good time with your family” 12 hours
Family members. Past winter holidays. Weekends with the family: favorite activities of family members. Favorite household chores. Household duties. Polite telephone conversation. Table manners. English fairy tales: “I Don’t Want to”, “Why Do Cats Wash after Dinner?”. Imperative sentences (Please, skate!). Short negative forms (don't, doesn't, can't, won't, haven't, hasn't, didn't, wasn't, weren't). Regular and irregular verbs. Adverbs always, often, sometimes. Personal possessive pronouns (I-my, he-his, she-her, it-its, we-our, they-their). Prepositions (on, under, in, behind, next to, between, above).
Unit 6. “Shopping for everything” 10 hours
Buying clothes. Polite conversation with the seller. Buying products in different packages. Polite conversation at the table. Typical English breakfast. English fairy tale: "Baby Elephant and His New Clothes". Project “MFM (Modern Fashion Magazine) for Stars”. Nouns: trousers, jeans, shorts, clothes. The combination adjective + adjective (color) + noun (a nice blue shirt). General and special questions in the present and past tense. The indefinite pronouns some and any.
Unit 7. “School is fun” (“School is great!”) 16 hours
My school. My classroom. Classes at school (at a lesson and a break). School supplies. School subjects. Funny stories about teachers and students. The world of my hobbies. Favorite children's works of my foreign peers. School stories: “Jason and Becky at School”, “The Best Time for Apples”. English tale about the ability to find a common language with neighbors: "The King and the Cheese". Favorite children's works of my foreign peers: fairy tales, songs, poems. Dramatization of fairy tales and stories. Mini-project “Diploma”. Turnover there is / are (repetition). Modal verb must. Present/past simple tense (repetition). Demonstrative pronouns (this / that, these / those).

7. Calendar-thematic planning

Meta-subject and subject learning outcomes

foreign language

“A feature of the English language, as an academic subject, is that it is, as it were, “pointless”.

I.A. Winter


A distinctive feature of the new type of personality in modern society becomes the ability to solve complex issues of intercultural interaction in the era of globalization. A person finds himself in a situation of constant choice of his behavior, life strategy. The individual can reach decent quality life only on the basis of continuous education, maintaining a certain level of intellectual initiative.

In the changed socio-political and economic conditions of the development of our country, significant changes are taking place in the system of domestic education. They are aimed at improving the quality of training of students in general educational institutions, the formation of key competencies, among which, along with knowledge of information technology, knowledge of foreign languages ​​is determined as the most important. This social order determined the main directions of reforming school language education, development scientific research in the field of theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages ​​and innovative processes taking place in a secondary school.

    The importance of the subject "English" in the standards of the second generation

In this regard, there is a rethinking and reassessment of the place that is assigned to the subject "English" in the educational process, its importance is increasing. According to the "Concept of Federal State Educational Standards for General Education" (Second Generation Standards), the study of foreign languages ​​is supposed to be carried out at all three levels of general education (primary, basic and complete general education at the basic and profile levels), which is reflected in the federal basic curriculum for foreign languages ​​and "Exemplary programs in academic subjects".

The second generation standard emphasizes constant intrinsic motivation to learn, the ability to communicate, social mobility, critical thinking, teaching students to independently construct their knowledge, as well as general cultural and personal development students, including through the implementation of the program for the formation of universal learning activities.

In accordance with the state standard of basic general education and integrative goal teaching a foreign language in primary school is the formation elementary communicative competence junior schoolchild at an accessible level for him in the main types of speech activity: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

The study of a foreign language in basic school is aimed at formation and development of communicative competence, understood as the ability of a person to carry out intercultural communication on the basis of acquired linguistic and sociocultural knowledge, speech skills and communication skills, in the aggregate of its components - speech, language, sociocultural, compensatory and educational and cognitive competencies.

    Planned results of mastering the main educational program

In the standards of the second generation, standardization is subject to guidelines for the development of the education system, framework requirements for content and organization. educational process and a general description of the expected individual achievements of schoolchildren, among which the results of achievements that are subject to and are not subject to final assessment stand out. In the GEF of the new generation, the main document that specifies and clarifies the requirements of standards for educational outcomes are planned results of mastering the main educational programs.

In accordance with the requirements of the standard, in the structure of the planned results, separate sections are presented personal , metasubject results, since their achievement is ensured by the entire set of academic subjects. The federal state standard for basic general education formulates the requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program in unity personal, meta-subject and subject results.

The meta-subject approach in education and, accordingly, meta-subject educational technologies were developed in order to solve the problem of disunity, splitting, isolation from each other of different scientific disciplines and, as a result, educational subjects. Letting a student go to another classroom for another lesson, we, as a rule, have little idea of ​​how his development will proceed there. We have a very weak idea of ​​how the student will connect for himself the system of concepts of "our" subject with the system of concepts of another.

Under metasubject results means methods of activity mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all subjects, applicable both within the framework of the educational process and in solving problems in real life situations. mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all subjects, which include:

a) mastering by students of universal learning activities (cognitive, regulatory, communicative) that ensure the mastery of key competencies that form the basis of the ability to learn;

b) the development of interdisciplinary concepts by students.

2.1 GEF requirements for meta-subject results in primary school

Metasubject Results requirements Federal state standard primary general education of the second generation:

    mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, the search for means of its implementation;

    mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature;

    formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; determine the most effective ways to achieve results;

    formation of the ability to understand the reasons for the success / failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure;

    mastering the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection;

    the use of sign-symbolic means of presenting information to create models of the objects and processes under study, schemes for solving educational and practical problems;

    active use of speech means and means of information and communication technologies (hereinafter referred to as ICT) for solving communicative and cognitive tasks;

    the use of various methods of searching (in reference sources and the open educational information space of the Internet), collecting, processing, analyzing, organizing, transmitting and interpreting information in accordance with the communicative and cognitive tasks and technologies of the subject; including the ability to enter text using the keyboard, record (record) in digital form and analyze images, sounds, measured values, prepare your speech and perform with audio, video and graphic accompaniment; comply with the norms of information selectivity, ethics and etiquette;

    mastering the skills of semantic reading of texts of various styles and genres in accordance with the goals and objectives; consciously build a speech statement in accordance with the tasks of communication and compose texts in oral and written forms;

    mastering the logical actions of comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification according to generic characteristics, establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships, constructing reasoning, referring to known concepts;

    willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue; readiness to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own; express your opinion and argue your point of view and assessment of events;

    definition of a common goal and ways to achieve it; the ability to agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; exercise mutual control in joint activities, adequately assess their own behavior and the behavior of others;

    willingness to constructively resolve conflicts by taking into account the interests of the parties and cooperation;

    mastering the initial information about the essence and characteristics of objects, processes and phenomena of reality (natural, social, cultural, technical, etc.) in accordance with the content of a particular academic subject;

    mastering the basic subject and interdisciplinary concepts that reflect the essential connections and relationships between objects and processes;

    the ability to work in the material and information environment of primary general education (including with educational models) in accordance with the content of a particular academic subject.

Meta-subject results of learning a foreign language in elementary school are:

    development of the ability to interact with others, performing different roles within the speech needs and capabilities of the younger student;

    development of the student's communicative abilities, the ability to choose adequate language and speech means for the successful solution of an elementary communicative task;

    expansion of the general linguistic outlook of the younger student;

    development of the cognitive, emotional and volitional spheres of the younger student; formation of motivation for learning a foreign language;

    mastering the ability to coordinate work with different components of the educational and methodological set (textbook, audio CD, workbook, reference materials, etc.).

2.1 GEF requirements for meta-subject results in the main school

With the help of the subject "Foreign language" during training in basic school students develop and polish the skills and abilities of educational and mental activity, which are gradually formed in the process of studying all school subjects. Among others, one can distinguish the ability to work with information, to search for it, analyze, generalize, highlight the main thing and fix it. All this in a foreign language lesson is taught by constant work with oral and written text. When working with a written text, special skills are developed for predicting its content, building a logical sequence, the ability to highlight the main thing and omit the secondary, etc. When planning their monologue and dialogic speech, students learn to plan their speech behavior in general and in relation to various life situations. They learn to communicate by taking on different social roles and to cooperate by working in pairs and small groups. In this sense, the potential of the subject "Foreign language" is especially great. And finally, this item, like many other items school curriculum, is able to gradually teach the student to carry out self-observation, self-control and self-assessment, as well as the assessment of other participants in communication. At the same time, it is important that a critical assessment of the work of another person be expressed correctly and kindly, that criticism be constructive and based on the principles of respect for the human person.

In accordance with the approximate program of basic general education, the study of a foreign language involves achievement next metasubject results:

    development of the ability to plan one's verbal and non-verbal behavior;

    development of communicative competence, including the ability to interact with others, performing various social roles;

    development of research learning activities, including skills in working with information; search and selection of the necessary information, generalization and fixation of information;

    development of semantic reading, including the ability to determine the topic, predict the content of the text by title / keywords, highlight the main idea, main facts, omitting secondary ones, establish a logical sequence of main facts;

    implementation of regulatory actions of self-observation, self-control, self-assessment in the process of communicative activity in a foreign language.

Metasubject results:


    management of their activities;

    control and correction;

    initiative and independence


    speech activity;

    collaboration skills


    work with information;

    work with training models;

    the use of sign-symbolic means, general solution schemes;

    performing logical operations of comparison, analysis, generalization, classification, establishing analogies, subsuming under the concept

2.3 GEF requirements for subject results in primary school

Subject Results learning a subject are formed on the basis of the following requirements Federal state standard primary general education second generation:

    acquisition of initial communication skills in oral and written form with native speakers of a foreign language based on their speech capabilities and needs; mastering the rules of verbal and non-verbal behavior;

    mastering the initial linguistic representations necessary for mastering at the elementary level oral and writing in a foreign language, expanding the linguistic horizons;

    the formation of a friendly attitude and tolerance towards native speakers of another language on the basis of acquaintance with the life of their peers in other countries, with children's folklore and accessible samples of children's fiction.

In accordance with the Exemplary Program in a Foreign Language, developed within the framework of the second generation standards, the subject results are differentiated into 5 areas: communicative, cognitive, value-oriented, aesthetic and labor .

Planned results correlate with four leading content lines and sections of the subject "Foreign Language": 1) communication skills in the main types of speech activity (listening, speaking, reading, writing); 2) language tools and skills to use them; 3) sociocultural awareness; 4) general educational and special educational skills.

subject planned results incommunicative sphere are represented by two blocks allocated on the following grounds:

I block "Graduate will learn" includes planned results that characterize the learning activities necessary for further learning and the corresponding supporting system of knowledge, skills and competencies. Achieving the planned results of this block is the subject final grade primary school graduates.

II block "Graduates will have the opportunity to learn" reflects the planned results that characterize learning activities in relation to knowledge, skills, expanding and deepening the support system and acting as propaedeutics to develop the interests and abilities of students within the zone of proximal development. Achievement of the planned results related to this block, not subject to final assessment . This does not detract from their role in assessing educational institutions in terms of the quality of educational services provided, guaranteed by the Federal State Educational Standard, and their significance for the formation of personal and meta-subject results.

I. Subject results in the communicative sphere

I.1. Communicative competence (proficiency in a foreign language as a means of communication)


    Graduate will learn:

    conduct an elementary etiquette dialogue in a limited range of typical communication situations; dialogue-questioning (question - answer) and dialogue - motivation for action;

    be able to describe an object, picture, character at an elementary level;

    be able to talk at an elementary level about yourself, family, friend.

    Graduate :

    participate in an elementary dialogue-questioning, asking questions to the interlocutor and answering his questions;

    to reproduce by heart small works of children's folklore, children's songs;

    make up brief description character;

    summarize the content of the read text.


1) Graduate will learn:

    understand by ear the speech of the teacher and classmates in direct communication and verbally / non-verbally respond to what they hear;

    to perceive by ear in the audio recording the main content of small accessible texts built on the studied language material.

2) Graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

    perceive by ear in an audio recording a small text built on the studied language material, and fully understand the information contained in it;

    use contextual and linguistic guessing when listening to texts containing some unfamiliar words.


1) Graduate will learn:

2) Graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

    guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context;

    do not pay attention to unfamiliar words that do not interfere with understanding the main content of the text.


1) Graduate will learn:

    master the technique of writing;

    write off the text and write out words, phrases, sentences from it in accordance with the educational task being solved;

    write a congratulation on the holiday and a short personal letter based on the sample.

2) Graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

    compose a story in writing according to the plan / keywords;

    fill out a simple questionnaire;

    in writing, briefly answer questions to the text;

    correctly draw up the envelope (based on the sample);

    follow the pattern of captions for drawings / photographs.

I.2. Language competence (proficiency in language means)

Graphics, calligraphy, spelling

    Graduate will learn:

    use the English alphabet, know the sequence of letters in it;

    reproduce graphically and calligraphically correctly all English letters alphabet (semi-printed writing of letters, words);

    find and compare (in the scope of the course content) such language units as sound, letter, word;

    apply the basic rules of reading and spelling learned in the elementary school course;

    distinguish letters from transcription marks.

    Graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

    compare and analyze letter combinations of the English language and their transcription;

    group words according to the learned reading rules;

    check the spelling of the word according to the dictionary of the textbook.

Phonetic side of speech

    Graduate will learn:

    adequately pronounce and distinguish by ear all the sounds of the English language; observe the rules of pronunciation of sounds;

    observe the correct stress in isolated words and phrases;

    observe the features of intonation of the main types of sentences;

    correctly pronounce sentences in terms of their rhythmic and intonational features.

    Graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

    recognize cases of using the binder "r" and observe them in speech;

    observe the intonation of the enumeration;

    observe the rule of no stress on functional words (articles, conjunctions, prepositions);

    write a transcription of individual sounds, combinations of sounds according to the model.

The lexical side of speech

    Graduate will learn:

    to recognize and use in speech the lexical units (words, phrases, evaluative vocabulary, speech clichés) studied within the scope of elementary school, observing lexical norms;

    operate in the process of communication with active vocabulary in accordance with the communicative task.

    Graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

    recognize simple word-formation elements;

    rely on a linguistic guess when perceiving international and compound words in the process of reading and listening;

    compose simple dictionaries (in pictures, bilingual) in accordance with the educational task, using the vocabulary studied within the subject of elementary school.

The grammatical side of speech

    Graduate will learn:

    recognize and use in speech the main communicative types of sentences, general and special questions, affirmative and negative sentences;

    recognize and use in speech studied nouns with an indefinite / definite / zero article, in the singular and in the plural; possessive case of nouns; verbs in Present, Past, Future Simple; modal verbs can, may, must; personal, possessive and demonstrative pronouns; studied adjectives in positive, comparative, superlative degrees; quantitative (up to 100) and ordinal (up to 20) numerals; the most common prepositions for expressing temporal and spatial relationships.

    Graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

    recognize compound sentences with unions and and but;

    use impersonal sentences in speech (It's cold. It's 5 o'clock. It's interesting.); sentences with the construction there is/there are;

    form adjectives in comparative and superlative degrees according to the rule and use them in speech;

    recognize in the text and differentiate words according to certain features (nouns, adjectives, modal / semantic verbs);

    express your attitude to the action using modal verbs should, have to;

    recognize and use in speech the most common adverbs of time, degree and mode of action (today, yesterday, tomorrow, never, often, sometimes; much, very, little, well, slowly, quickly);

    recognize in the text and by ear, use verbs in Present Progressive (Continuous) in speech within the subject of elementary school, verb constructions like: like reading, to be going to, I’d like.

I.3. Sociocultural awareness

1) Graduate will learn:

    name the countries of the language being studied in English;

    to recognize some literary characters of famous children's works, the plots of some popular fairy tales written in the language being studied, small works of children's folklore (poems, songs);

    observe the elementary norms of speech and non-speech behavior adopted in the country of the language being studied, in teaching and speech situations.

2) Graduate will have the opportunity to learn:

    name the capitals of the countries of the studied language in English;

    talk about some of the sights of the countries of the language being studied;

    reproduce by heart small works of children's folklore (poems, songs) in English;

    search for information about the country of the language being studied in accordance with the set educational task within the subject studied in elementary school.

II. Subject results in the cognitive sphere

Graduate will learn:

    compare the linguistic phenomena of native and foreign languages ​​at the level of individual sounds, letters, words, phrases, simple sentences;

    act according to the model when performing exercises and compiling their own statements within the subject of elementary school;

    improve methods of working with text based on the skills acquired in the lessons of the native language (predict the content of the text from the title, illustrations, etc.);

    use reference material presented in a form accessible to this age (rules, tables);

    to carry out self-observation and self-assessment within the limits accessible to the younger student.

III. Subject results in the value-oriented sphere

Graduate will learn:

    present the studied foreign language as a means of expressing thoughts, feelings, emotions;

    to join the cultural values ​​of another people through the works of children's folklore, through direct participation in tourist trips.

IV. Subject results in the aesthetic field

Graduate will learn:

    own elementary means of expressing feelings and emotions in a foreign language;

    to realize the aesthetic value of literary works in the process of getting acquainted with samples of accessible children's literature.

V. Subject results in the labor sphere

Graduate will learn:

    follow the planned plan in their educational work.

      GEF requirements for subject results in a foreign language in basic school

Subject Results:

BUT. In the field of communicative competence:

    language representations and skills (phonetic, spelling, lexical and grammatical);

    speaking (an elementary dialogue of an etiquette character, a dialogue in typical situations accessible to a child, a dialogue with questions and motivation for action, monologues with descriptions of oneself, family and other people, objects, pictures and characters);

    listening (listening comprehension of the speech of the teacher and other students, perception of the main content of simple audio texts and video clips on language material familiar to the student);

    reading (perceive with understanding texts of a limited volume that correspond to the studied thematic material and the interests of students in compliance with the rules of reading and meaningful intonation);

    letter (writing technique and observance of spelling rules, reliance on a sample, written filling in gaps and forms, signatures under objects and phenomena, greeting cards, a personal letter of a limited volume);

    sociocultural awareness (English-speaking countries, literary characters, fairy tales of the peoples of the world, children's folklore, songs, norms of behavior, rules of politeness and speech etiquette).

B. In the field of knowledge:

    the formation of elementary systemic linguistic ideas about the language being studied (sound-letter composition, words and phrases, affirmative, interrogative and negative sentences, word order, function words and grammatical word forms);

    the ability to perform tasks according to the mastered pattern, including the compilation of one's own dialogic and monologue statements on the studied topics;

    transferring the skills of working with a Russian-language text to tasks with a text in English, which involve predicting the content of the text from the title and images, expressing one's attitude to what is read, supplementing the content of the text with one's own ideas in elementary sentences;

    ability to use educational and reference material in the form of dictionaries, tables and diagrams for performing tasks of various types;

    carry out self-assessment of completed training tasks and sum up the acquired knowledge based on tasks for self-control.

AT. In the value-oriented sphere:

    the perception of language as a universal value that provides knowledge, transmission of information, expression of emotions, relationships and interaction with other people;

    familiarization with age-appropriate cultural values ​​of other peoples and one's own country, famous heroes, important events, popular works, as well as the norms of life;

    the prospect of using the language being studied for contacts with representatives of a different culture, the opportunity to tell friends about new knowledge gained with the help of a foreign language, the likelihood of using the initial knowledge of a foreign language on foreign tours with relatives.

G. In the aesthetic field:

    acquaintance with samples of native and foreign children's literature, samples of poetry, folklore and folk literary creativity;

    the formation of aesthetic taste in the perception of fragments of native and foreign children's literature, poems, songs and illustrations;

    development of an aesthetic assessment of samples of native and foreign children's literature, poems and songs, folklore and images based on samples for comparison.

D. In the labor area:

    the ability to maintain the goals of cognitive activity and follow its tasks when mastering the program educational material and in independent learning;

    willingness to use modern educational technologies accessible to the age, including ICT to increase the effectiveness of their educational work;

    initial experience of using auxiliary and reference literature for independent search for missing information, answering questions and completing educational tasks.

E. In the physical realm:

    the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle (mode of work and rest, nutrition, sports, fitness).

    Mechanisms for intermediate and final assessment of the achievement of planned results

3.1 Primary Graduate Final Grade

In the educational standards of the second generation, much attention is paid to the procedures and mechanisms for assessing the achievement and of the planned results of mastering the main educational programs. In considering the ratio of external and internal assessment at the primary level of education and the role of the final assessment of primary school graduates, it is emphasized that the assessment includes two components. On the one hand, this « accumulated scores characterizing the dynamics of individual educational achievements of students, their progress in mastering the planned results. On the other hand, this « grades for standardized final papers , which characterize the level of appropriation by students of the main formed methods of action in relation to the basic system of knowledge at the time of graduation from elementary school.

This approach is applicable not only to the final assessment of a primary school graduate, but also to the assessment of the achievement of planned results in each individual period of study (academic year or quarter). So, when summing up the results of each quarter (or the academic year as a whole), it is necessary to take into account the accumulated grades (the work of the student during the period being assessed), the results of the self-examination test, the results of the quarter (annual) control work.

From point of view modern approaches to assessment, “the best way to organize a cumulative assessment system is portfolio student , understood as a collection of a student's work and results that demonstrates the student's efforts, progress, and accomplishments in various fields." In the portfolio of primary school students, it is recommended to include samples of children's work - formal and creative, performed both in the course of compulsory classes and in the course of electives; systematized observation materials (evaluation sheets, materials and observation sheets, etc.); materials characterizing the achievements of students in extracurricular (school and extracurricular) and leisure activities.

3.2 Evaluation of meta-subject and subject results

Evaluation of meta-subject results represents an assessment of the achievement of the planned results of mastering the main educational program.

The main object of evaluation of meta-subject results is the formation of the student's regulatory, communicative and cognitive universal action, i.e., such mental actions of students that are aimed at analyzing and managing their cognitive activity. These include:

    the learner's ability to accept and retain learning goal and tasks; independently transform practical task in cognitive, the ability to plan one's own activity in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation and to look for means of its implementation; the ability to control and evaluate one's actions, to make adjustments to their implementation based on the assessment and taking into account the nature of errors, to show initiative and independence in learning;

    the ability to carry out information search, collection and selection of essential information from various information sources;

    the ability to use sign-symbolic means to create models of the studied objects and processes, schemes for solving educational, cognitive and practical problems;

    the ability to carry out logical operations of comparison, analysis, generalization, classification according to generic characteristics, to establish analogies, refer to known concepts;

    the ability to cooperate with the teacher and peers in solving educational problems, to take responsibility for the results of their actions.

Evaluation of subject results is an assessment of the student's achievement of the planned results in individual subjects.

Subject knowledge system - the most important component of subject results. It can be divided into basic knowledge (knowledge, the assimilation of which is fundamentally necessary for current and subsequent successful learning) and knowledge that complements, expands or deepens the basic knowledge system, and also serves as propaedeutics for the subsequent study of courses.

When evaluating subject results, the main value is not in itself the development of a system of basic knowledge and the ability to reproduce them in standard learning situations, but the ability to use this knowledge in solving educational, cognitive and educational and practical problems.

The object of evaluation of subject results serves in full accordance with the requirements of the Standard, the ability of students to solve educational and cognitive and educational and practical problems using tools relevant to the content of academic subjects, including on the basis of meta-subject actions.

The achievement of these subject results is assessed both during the current and intermediate assessment, and during the implementation of the final verification work. At the same time, the final assessment is limited to monitoring the success of mastering the actions performed by students with subject content that reflects the basic knowledge system. training course.

3.3 Portfolio as an assessment tooldynamics of individual educational achievements

A portfolio of achievements is not only a modern, effective form of assessment, but also an effective tool for solving a number of important pedagogical tasks, allowing:

Maintain high learning motivation of students;

Encourage their activity and independence, expand opportunities for learning and self-learning;

Develop the skills of reflective and evaluative (including self-evaluative) activities of students;

To form the ability to learn - to set goals, plan and organize their own learning activities.

A portfolio of achievements is a specially organized collection of work that demonstrates the student's efforts, progress, and achievements in various areas. The portfolio of achievements may include the results achieved by the student not only in the course of educational activities, but also in other forms of activity: creative, social, communicative, sports and recreation, labor activity occurring both within the framework of everyday school practice and beyond.


As a result of learning a foreign language, students will form ideas about the role and significance of a foreign language in the life of a modern person and a multicultural world. Students will gain experience in using a foreign language as a means of intercultural communication, as a new tool for understanding the world and culture of other nations, and realize the personal meaning of mastering a foreign language.

Acquaintance with the layer of culture of the country (countries) of the language being studied will not only lay the foundations for a respectful attitude towards a foreign (other) culture, but will also contribute to a deeper understanding of the characteristics of the culture of their people by students. Such education will allow students to develop the ability to represent their native culture in a foreign language in written and oral forms of communication with foreign peers, including using telecommunications.

Co-study of languages ​​and cultures, generally accepted human and basic national values ​​will lay the foundation for the formation of civic identity, a sense of patriotism and pride in one's people, one's land, one's country, and will help to better understand one's ethnic and national identity.

The process of mastering a foreign language will contribute to the formation of an active life position of students. Acquaintance at foreign language lessons with accessible samples of foreign folklore, expression of one's attitude to literary heroes, participation in role playing will contribute to the formation of students as members of civil society.

As a result of learning a foreign language, students:

· a foreign language communicative competence will be formed, i.e. the ability and willingness to communicate with native speakers of the studied foreign language in oral (speaking and listening) and written (reading and writing) forms of communication; expanding linguistic horizons; an idea will be obtained about the structure of the language being studied and its differences from the native language;

· the foundations of a communicative culture will be laid; the ability to set and solve feasible communicative tasks, to adequately use the available speech and non-verbal means of communication, to observe speech etiquette, to be polite and friendly speech partners;

· positive motivation and sustainable educational and cognitive interest in the subject "Foreign language" will be formed, as well as the necessary universal learning activities and special learning skills, which will lay the foundation for successful learning activities in mastering a foreign language at the next level of education.

Used Books

    Biboletova M.Z. Materials of the Internet seminar "Implementation of the ideas of the Federal State Educational Standard in new exemplary programs in foreign languages ​​for primary and secondary schools" in BelRIPCPS [Electronic resource] - Access mode, free. - Zagl. from the screen. - Yaz. Russian

    Sample programs for academic subjects. Foreign language. 5-9 grades. - 5th ed., revised. - M.: Education, 2012. - 202 p. - (Standards of the second generation). - ISBN 978-5-09-024540-1.

    Sample programs for academic subjects. Primary School. In 2 hours. Part 2. - 3rd ed., revised. - M.: Education, 2010. - 231 p. - (Standards of the second generation). - ISBN 978-5-09-023597-6(2).

    Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education.

    Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education.








“Subject results of teaching a foreign language in elementary school. Mastering systemic language knowledge and ideas”

Completed by: Kuznetsova Natalya Anatolyevna

English teacher



  1. Introduction 3
  2. Requirements for learning outcomes according to GEF IEO 4
  3. System-activity approach as the basis of GEF IEO 4-5
  4. The goals of learning a foreign language in elementary school. 5
  5. Subject results. 6-7
  6. Subject results in various fields. 7-10
  7. Communication skills by types of speech activity 10-12
  8. Conclusion 12
  9. References 13

I Introduction

"The great goal of education is not knowledge, but action"

Gerber Spencer

The federal state educational standard of primary general education is a set of requirements that are mandatory for the implementation of the main educational program of primary general education by educational institutions with state accreditation.

The Federal State Educational Standards for Primary General Education were approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science in 2009.

Since September 2011, the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards for Primary General Education has become mandatory in all educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

Since September 2012, teaching a foreign language according to the new standard began in the 2nd grade. It is quite obvious that the role of the subject "Foreign language" in modern society is increasing, value orientations are changing, a new system for assessing the achievement of the planned results of elementary school students is emerging. All these features of the Federal State Educational Standard require certain changes to be made to the organization of teaching a foreign language.

II. Requirements for the results of students according to the GEF IEO

The standard establishes requirements for the results of students who have mastered the basic educational program of primary general education.

Personal Outcomesinclude the readiness and ability of students for self-development, the formation of motivation for learning and cognition, the value-semantic attitudes of students. They reflect their individual-personal positions, social competencies, personal qualities, and the formation of the foundations of civic identity.

Metasubject Resultsinclude the mastering by students of universal learning activities (cognitive, regulatory and communicative) that ensure the mastery of key competencies that form the basis of the ability to learn, andinterdisciplinary concepts.

Subject Resultsinclude the development by students in the course of studying the subject of the experience of specific activity for this subject area in obtaining new knowledge, its transformation and application, as well as the system of fundamental elements of scientific knowledge that underlie the modern scientific picture of the world.

  1. System-activity approach as the basis of the GEF IEO

The basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education issystem-activity approach, which implies: recognition of the essential role of active educational and cognitive activity of students on the basis of universal ways of knowing and transforming the world, the content of education and ways of organizing educational activities and cooperation in achieving the goals of personal, social and cognitive development of students.

One cannot but agree that the subject "Foreign language" isactivity character, which corresponds to the nature of a younger student who perceives the world holistically, emotionally and actively. This allows you to include foreign language speech activity in other activities characteristic of a child of this age (playing, cognitive, artistic, aesthetic, etc.) and makes it possible to make various connections with subjects studied in elementary school and form general educational skills and abilities, which are interdisciplinary in nature. Therefore, the result of the work of a foreign language teacher cannot be evaluated in isolation.The primary school graduate model is the result of the work of the entire team of primary school teachers.

The federal state educational standard of primary general education of the second generation and new exemplary programs fix the line on early education, what

  • will positively affect the development of not only foreign language communicative competence, but also the general communicative competence of students,
  • and will also allow to achieve higher personal and meta-subject learning outcomes.

III. The goals of learning a foreign language in elementary school

The goals of learning a foreign language in elementary school:

developing the ability to communicatein English at an elementary level, taking into account the speech capabilities and needs of younger students in oral (listening and speaking) and written (reading and writing) forms;

development of speech, intellectual and cognitive abilitiesjunior schoolchildren, as well as their general educational skills; development of motivation for further mastery of a foreign language;

Education and versatile development of the youngerstudent by means of a foreign language.

V. Subject Results

Subject Resultsmastering the basic educationalprograms of primary general education, taking into account the specifics of the content of subject areas, including specific academic subjects, should reflect:

Foreign language:

  1. acquisition of initial communication skills in oral and written form with native speakers of a foreign language based on their speech capabilities and needs; mastering the rules of verbal and non-verbal behavior;
  2. mastering the initial linguistic concepts necessary for mastering oral and written speech in a foreign language at an elementary level, expanding the linguistic horizons;
  3. the formation of a friendly attitude and tolerance towards native speakers of another language on the basis of acquaintance with the life of their peers in other countries, with children's folklore and accessible samples of children's fiction.

In accordance with the Exemplary Program in a Foreign Language, developed within the framework of the second generation standards,subject resultsdivided into 5 areas:communicative, cognitive, value-oriented, aesthetic, labor.Subject Planned Resultsin the field of communicationare represented by two blocks allocated on the following grounds:

"The graduate will learn"(productive level) includes the planned results that characterize the learning activities necessary for further learning and corresponding to the basic system of knowledge, skills and competencies. The basic system of knowledge is determined taking into account their significance for solving the main problems of education at this level, the basic nature of the material being studied for subsequent training, and also taking into account the principle of realism, the potential possibility of their achievement by the majority of students. In other words, this group includesa system of such knowledge, skills, learning activities that, firstly, are fundamentally necessary for successful learning and, secondly, in the presence of a special purposeful work of the teacher, in principle can be achievedthe vast majority of children.The achievement of the planned results of this block is the subject of the final assessment of primary school graduates and corresponds tobase level.

"The graduate will have the opportunity to learn" (receptive level) reflects the planned results that characterize learning activities in relation to knowledge, skills, expanding and deepening the support system and acting as propaedeutics (a basic course that precedes a deeper study of the subject) to develop the interests and abilities of students within the zone of proximal development. Achievement of the planned results related to this block, is not final assessment. This does not detract from their role in assessing educational institutions in terms of the quality of educational services provided, guaranteed by the Federal State Educational Standard, and their significance for the formation of personal and meta-subject results.

Thus, a tiered approach to subject results significantly affects the organization of teaching a foreign language, which will allow the teacher to plan his activities taking into account the abilities and level of learning of children based on the principle of differentiation and individualization of learning.

VI. Subject results in various fields

Substantive resultslearning a foreign language in elementary school are: mastering the initial ideas about the norms of a foreign language (phonetic, lexical, grammatical); the ability (in the scope of the course content) to find and compare such language units as sound, letter, word.

  1. In the communicative sphere (i.e. in proficiency in English as a means of communication)

Speech competencein the following types of speech activity:


Conduct an elementary etiquette dialogue in a limited range of typical communication situations; dialogue-questioning (question-answer) and dialogue-motivation to action;

To be able to tell at an elementary level about yourself, family, friend, describe an object, a picture; briefly describe the character.


- understand by ear the speech of the teacher and classmates, the main content of small accessible texts in audio recordings, built on the studied language material;

Written speech:

Master the technique of writing;

Write based on a sample holiday greeting and a short personal letter.

Language competence (proficiency in language means):

Adequate pronunciation and aural distinction of all sounds of the English language; maintaining the correct stress in words and phrases;

Compliance with the features of intonation of the main types of sentences;

Application of the basic rules of reading and spelling learned in the elementary school course;

Recognition and use in speech of the lexical units (words, phrases, evaluative vocabulary, speech clichés) and grammatical phenomena studied in the elementary school course.

Sociocultural awareness:

Knowledge of the names of the countries of the language being studied, some literary characters of famous children's works, the plots of some popular fairy tales written in the language being studied, small works of children's folklore (poems, songs); knowledge of the elementary norms of speech and non-verbal behavior adopted in the country of the language being studied.

  1. In the field of knowledge:

Ability to compare linguistic phenomena of native and foreign languages ​​at the level of individual sounds of letters, words, phrases, simple sentences;

The ability to act according to the model when performing exercises and compiling one's own statements within the subject of elementary school;

Improving the methods of working with text based on the skills acquired in the lessons of the native language (predict the content of the text by title, illustrations, etc.)

Ability to use reference material presented in a form accessible to this age (rules, tables);

The ability to carry out self-observation and self-assessment within the limits available to the younger student;

  1. In the value-oriented area:
  • understanding of the language being studied as a means of expressing thoughts, feelings, emotions;
  • familiarization with the cultural values ​​of another people through the works of children's folklore, through direct participation in tourist trips.
  1. In the aesthetic field:
  • possession of elementary means of expressing feelings and emotions in English;
  • development of a sense of beauty in the process of getting acquainted with samples of accessible children's literature.
  1. In the labor field:

Ability to follow the planned plan in their educational work.

VII. Communication skills by types of speech activity

In the process of mastering the English language, students will developcommunication skillsby types of speech activity.

in speaking The student must learn:

  • conduct and maintain an elementary etiquette dialogue;
  • briefly describe and characterize an object, picture, character;
  • talk about yourself, your family (within the subject of the first year of study);
  • reproduce by heart small works of children's folklore: rhymes, poems, songs;
  • express their attitude towards what they have read/heard.

In listening The student must learn:

  • understand by ear the speech of the teacher on the conduct of the lesson; connected statements of the teacher, built on familiar material and containing some unfamiliar words; statements of classmates;
  • understand the basic information heard (both in direct communication and in the perception of audio recordings);
  • extract specific information from what they hear;
  • respond verbally or non-verbally to what is heard;
  • understand different types of text by ear (short dialogues, descriptions, rhymes, songs).

In reading the student must master the technique of reading, i.e. learn to read:

  • with the help of (learned) reading rules and with correct word stress;
  • simple sentences with the correct logical and phrasal stress;
  • the main communicative types of sentences (narrative, interrogative, incentive);
  • small texts with different strategies to ensure understanding of the main idea of ​​the text, full understanding of the text and understanding of the necessary information.

He must also learn

  • read and understand the content of the text at the level of meaning and answer questions about the content of the text; determine values ​​by analogy with the native language or illustrative clarity;
  • use reference materials (English-Russian dictionary) using knowledge of the alphabet and transcription;
  • read and understand texts written in different types of fonts;
  • read with the appropriate rhythmic and intonational design simple common sentences with homogeneous members;

In a letter the student will learn:

  • write off correctly;
  • perform lexical and grammatical exercises;
  • make captions for drawings;
  • write postcards, congratulations on holidays and birthdays;

Language tools and skills to use them

Graphics, calligraphy and spelling

The student must learn:

  • recognize words written in different fonts;
  • distinguish letters from transcription marks;
  • read words by transcription;
  • use the English alphabet;
  • write all letters of the English alphabet and basic letter combinations (in semi-printed font);
  • write beautifully (master the skills of English calligraphy);
  • write correctly (master the basic rules of spelling);
  • write transcription marks;
  • group words according to the learned reading rules;
  • use a dictionary to clarify the spelling of a word.

Phonetic side of speech

The student must learn:

  • distinguish by ear and adequately pronounce all the sounds of the English language;
  • observe the norms of pronunciation of sounds of the English language in reading aloud and oral speech(longitude and shortness of vowels, no stunning of voiced consonants at the end of words, no softening of consonants before vowels);
  • recognize cases of using the binder “r” and use them in speech;
  • observe the correct stress in an isolated word, phrase;

understand and use logical stress in a phrase, sentence.


Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education, Sample program elementary general education gives a certain idea of ​​what the subject results of teaching a foreign language in primary school need to be formed. During the implementation of this program, a system for assessing the achievement of the planned results of mastering the main educational program is used. The object of assessment of subject results is the ability of students to solve educational-cognitive and educational-practical tasks using means relevant to the content of a given academic subject, including on the basis of meta-subject actions. M. Montaigne once said: “A well-organized brain costs more than a well-filled brain,” and one cannot but agree with this.


  1. Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education: text with amendments and additions for 2011 / Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. - M .: Education, 2011. - 48s. – (Standards of the second generation).
  2. Exemplary programs of primary general education. At 2 pm, Part 2. - M .: Education, 2009. - (Second Generation Standards Series).
  3. Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education. /Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. - M .: Education, 2011. - 48s. – (Standards of the second generation).

Clause 1 of Article 7 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1992, No. 30, Art. 1797; Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, No. 3, Art. 150; 2007, No. 49, article 6070)

Personal, meta-subject, subject results of mastering the English language
The Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education establishes requirements for the results of students who have mastered the 2nd grade program at three levels - personal, meta-subject and subject.

Personal Outcomes

  • to form an idea of ​​the English language as a means of establishing mutual understanding with representatives of other peoples, in learning new things, as a means of adaptation in a foreign language environment;

  • to form a respectful attitude to a different opinion, to the culture of other peoples;

  • to form a friendly attitude and tolerance towards native speakers of another language on the basis of acquaintance with the life of their peers in English-speaking countries, with children's folklore and accessible samples of children's fiction;

  • develop independence, purposefulness, goodwill, emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding the feelings of other people, observing the norms of speech and non-speech etiquette;

  • understand something new for a student social role the student, to form a stable motivation for mastering a foreign language;

  • develop the skills of cooperation with the teacher, other adults and peers in different situations of communication in the process of joint activities, including project activities;

  • to form installations for a safe, healthy lifestyle
Metasubject Results

  • to accept the tasks of educational and communicative activities, including those of a creative nature, to search for a solution to the problem, for example, to select adequate language means in the process of communication in English;

  • plan, perform and evaluate their learning / communication activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation;

  • understand the reasons for the failure of educational activities and act based on the learned rule/algorithm in order to achieve success;

  • use sign-symbolic means of presenting information to create models of the objects under study;

  • use speech means and means of information technology to solve communicative and cognitive tasks;

  • use various methods of information search in accordance with the communicative/cognitive task being solved;

  • analyze, compare, generalize, classify, group linguistic information according to individual characteristics at the level of sound, letters, words, sentences;

  • own basic grammatical concepts that reflect significant connections and relationships;

  • transfer, record information in a table;

  • rely on a linguistic guess in the process of reading / listening to texts in English;

  • possess the skills of semantic reading of texts of different styles and genres in accordance with the goals and communicative tasks (with an understanding of the main content, with a full understanding);

  • consciously build a speech statement in accordance with the objectives of communication in oral and written form;

  • listen and hear the interlocutor, conduct a dialogue, recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own, agree on the distribution of roles in the process of joint activities;

  • exercise mutual control in joint activities, adequately assess their own behavior and the behavior of others:

  • work in the material and information environment: to use in a complex way different components of the teaching materials (textbook, workbook, audio application), a training computer program.
Subject Results

    1. Communicative competence(proficiency in a foreign language as a means of communication)

The student will learn:

  • participate in elementary dialogues: etiquette, questioning dialogue;

  • write a short description of an object, animal, character;

  • talk briefly about yourself, your family, a friend

  • participate in an etiquette dialogue: greet and respond to a greeting, say goodbye, express gratitude, dialogue - questioning (question the interlocutor and answer his questions), motivational dialogue: give orders, offer to do something together;

  • make a brief description of a friend, a character of a read work;

  • recite poems, songs, rhymes by heart.

The student will learn:

  • distinguish by ear sounds, sound combinations, words, sentences of the English language;

  • distinguish by ear intonation and emotional coloring of phrases;

  • perceive and understand the speech of the teacher and classmates in the process of dialogical communication in the classroom and verbally / non-verbally respond to what they hear;

  • perceive by ear and understand based on clarity (illustrations) small messages built on familiar lexical and grammatical material.
The student will have the opportunity to learn:

  • perceive by ear an audio text built on familiar language material and fully understand the information contained in it;

  • use contextual or textual guessing when listening to texts containing some unfamiliar words.

The student will learn:

  • correlate the graphic image of the word with its sound image;

  • read expressively aloud small texts containing only the studied language material, observing the rules of pronunciation and appropriate intonation;

  • read silently and understand fully educational texts containing only the studied language material.
The student will have the opportunity to learn:

  • read and understand simple texts and find necessary or interesting information in them;

  • do not pay attention to unfamiliar words that do not interfere with understanding the main content of the text.

The student will learn:

  • write the letters of the English alphabet in semi-printed font;

  • write off the text;

  • write out words, phrases and sentences from the text;

  • fill in the table according to the model;

  • sign pictures.
The student will have the opportunity to learn:

  • give short answers in writing;

  • fill out a simple questionnaire.
1.2. Language competence(proficiency in language means)

Graphics, calligraphy, spelling

I.will learn:

  • use the English alphabet, know the sequence of letters in it;

  • reproduce graphically and calligraphically correctly all English letters of the alphabet (semi-printed spelling of letters, words);

  • find and compare (in the scope of the course content) such language units as sound, letter, word;

  • apply the basic rules of reading and spelling learned in grade 2 to distinguish between letters and transcription marks.

  • compare and analyze letter combinations of the English language and their transcription;

  • group words according to the learned reading rules;

  • check the spelling of the word according to the dictionary of the textbook.
Phonetic side of speech

I.will learn:

  • adequately pronounce and distinguish by ear all the sounds of the English language;

  • observe the rules of pronunciation of sounds;

  • observe the correct stress in isolated words and phrases;

  • observe the features of intonation of the main types of sentences;

  • correctly pronounce sentences in terms of their rhythmic and intonational features.
II.will have the opportunity to learn:

  • recognize cases of using the binder "r" and observe them in speech;

  • observe the intonation of the enumeration;

  • observe the rule of no stress on functional words (articles, conjunctions, prepositions);

  • read the studied words by transcription;

  • write a transcription of individual sounds, combinations of sounds according to the model.
The lexical side of speech

I.will learn:

  • to recognize and use in speech the lexical units (words, phrases, evaluative vocabulary, speech clichés) studied within the scope of elementary school, observing lexical norms;

  • operate in the process of communication with active vocabulary in accordance with the communicative task.
II.will have the opportunity to learn:

  • recognize simple word-formation elements;

  • rely on a linguistic guess when perceiving international and compound words in the process of reading and listening;
The grammatical side of speech

I.will learn:

  • recognize and use in speech the main communicative types of sentences, general and special questions, affirmative and negative sentences;

  • recognize and use in speech studied nouns with an indefinite / definite / zero article, in the singular and in the plural; possessive case of nouns; modal verb can.
Personal pronouns; quantitative (up to 20) numerals; the most common prepositions for expressing temporal and spatial relationships.

II.will have the opportunity to learn:

  • recognize compound sentences with unions and and but;

  • recognize in the text and differentiate words according to certain
features (nouns, adjectives, modal/semantic


1.3. Sociocultural awareness

I.will learn:

  • name the countries of the language being studied in English;

  • to recognize some literary characters of famous children's works, the plots of some popular fairy tales written in the language being studied, small works of children's folklore (poems, songs);

  • observe the elementary norms of speech and non-speech behavior adopted in the country of the language being studied, in teaching and speech situations.
II.will have the opportunity to learn:

  • name the capitals of the countries of the studied language in English;

  • talk about some of the sights of the countries of the language being studied;

  • reproduce by heart small works of children's folklore (poems, songs) in English;

  • search for information about the country of the language being studied in accordance with the set educational task within the subject studied in elementary school.
2 . Subject results in the cognitive sphere

will learn:

  • compare the linguistic phenomena of native and foreign languages ​​at the level of individual sounds, letters, words, phrases, simple sentences;

  • act according to the model when performing exercises and compiling their own statements within the subject of elementary school;

  • improve methods of working with text based on the skills acquired in the lessons of the native language (predict the content of the text from the title, illustrations, etc.);

  • use reference material presented in a form accessible to this age (rules, tables);

  • to carry out self-observation and self-assessment within the limits accessible to the younger student.
3. Subject results in the value-oriented sphere

will learn:

  • present the studied foreign language as a means of expressing thoughts, feelings, emotions;

  • to join the cultural values ​​of another people through the works of children's folklore, through direct participation in tourist trips.
4. Subject results in the aesthetic field

will learn:

  • own elementary means of expressing feelings and emotions in a foreign language;

  • to realize the aesthetic value of literary works in the process of getting acquainted with samples of accessible children's literature.
5. Subject results in the labor sphere

will learn:

  • follow the planned plan in their educational work.
As a result of learning a foreign language in grade 2, students should learn

in the field of listening:

  • Distinguish sounds, sound combinations, words, sentences of the English language by ear.

  • Distinguish by ear intonation and emotional coloring of phrases.

  • To perceive and understand the speech of the teacher and classmates in the process of dialogical communication in the lesson.

  • Completely understand by ear, relying on clarity (illustrations), small messages built on familiar lexical and grammatical material.
in the field of speaking:

  • Describe an animal, object, indicating the name, quality, size, color, quantity, belonging.

  • Briefly speak about yourself, your family, your friend, your pet, the hero of a fairy tale / cartoon: name, place of residence, what he can do.

  • Reproduce learned poems, songs, rhymes.

  • Conduct an etiquette dialogue: greet and respond to a greeting, say goodbye, express gratitude.

  • Conduct a dialogue - questioning.

  • Conduct a dialogue of an incentive nature: give orders, offer to do something together.
in the reading area:

  • Correlate the graphic image of a word with its sound image based on knowledge of the basic rules of reading, observe the correct stress in words and phrases, intonation in general.

  • Read expressively aloud small texts containing only the studied language material.

  • Silently read and understand fully educational texts containing only the studied language material.
in the field of writing:

  • Write letters of the English alphabet in semi-print type.

  • Write down text.

  • Write out words, phrases and sentences from the text.

Educational and thematic planning



Number of hours

Language material



Characteristics of students' activities or types of educational activities:

A - listening;

G - speaking;

H - reading;

P - letter

Planned results

the date




according to plan

In fact

Unit 1 Hello, English! - 18 hours


Introduction to English


L: Hello, my, your, name, goodbye.

Doctor, dentist, pilot, actress, photographer, lamp, computer, radio, telephone

G: good morning. Hello! Hi! Goodbye!

What's your name? My name is…

BUT: understand elementary phrases of speech etiquette

G: to greet and respond to a greeting; introduce yourself and get the name of the partner.

express their attitude to foreign languages ​​and various professions; take a different position.

find characters based on the text you listened to, understand the English names of some professions and subjects that are consonant with the Russian language;

take part in a dialogue of etiquette

be aware of the role of language and speech in people's lives;

navigate through the textbook and workbook



Introduction of vocabulary on the topic Animals. Letter Aa


L: I, you, who, a dog, a cat, a fox, an elephant, a tiger, a crocodile. Names of English boys and girls.
G: Whoareyou? –Iam…

understand small simple messages
G: name English boys and girls;

Say the names of animals.
P: write aa

find a character based on the text you listened to, distinguish between the names of English boys and girls; use elementary formulas for verbal communication; distinguish between semi-printed and printed spelling of the letter Aa

work according to the teacher's plan

Consciously construct a speech statement

Work in pairs in accordance with the norms of communication



Introduction to counting 1-10. Age. Letter B


L. One, two three, four, five; number one. How old are you?
G. How old are you?

I am…


G: conduct a mini-dialogue "Acquaintance";

State your name and age.

P: write the letter Bb

to have a desire to learn, to understand the meaning of knowledge for a person, to correctly identify oneself with the position of a student.

fully understand the dialogue by ear and reproduce it, distinguish between questions and answers by ear; make sentences using grammatical schemes, compose a story according to the scheme; distinguish between correct and incorrect spelling of the letter Bb

-participate in the distribution of roles for the scene

Listen and understand the interlocutor



Where do puppet theater actors live? Teaching dialogue-questioning LetterSs.


L. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
G. How old are you? I am…

BUT: comprehend a text based on a picture

G: keep score from 1 to 10, talk about yourself on behalf of one of the athletes, reproduce the dialogue you listened to

P: write the letter ss.

are guided by the values ​​of educational activity, the presence of cognitive interests and learning motives; evaluate their actions; operate with basic moral norms (fair distribution, mutual assistance, responsibility).

find characters based on the text you have listened to; talk about yourself using sentences with a linking verb based on the model; make up a dialogue based on what you have heard; write short words using the letters you have learned

use symbolic means

Write a story according to the model



Development of oral speech skills. Name, age of my friend. Letter Dd

L: A parrot, jump, run, fly, skip, sit, swim, he, she, can.
G: I can…

BUT: comprehend a text based on a picture

G: describe your actions and the actions of the artists, represent yourself on behalf of one of the artists

P: write the letter Dd.

show cognitive interest in learning activities, learning a foreign language; are guided by significant educational motives; evaluate their actions.

find who talks about himself;

talk about what they can do based on a grammatical model;

distinguish between lowercase b and d

- find the necessary information in the audio text

Analyze and find differences in the graphical display of letters

Follow the instructions of the teacher



Teaching the skills of perception of foreign speech by ear. Letter Her

L: jump, run, fly, skip, sit, swim
G: Can you…?

No, I cannot.

BUT: comprehend a text based on a picture
G: ask the interlocutor what they can do, give short answers
P: write the letter E

determine the boundaries of one's own knowledge and ignorance; acquire a sense of belonging to their homeland and cultural identity based on the awareness of "I" as a citizen of Russia.

listen and find an artist who knows how to perform actions; tell on behalf of the hero from a fairy tale about what he can do, conduct a questioning dialogue; distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters, distinguish between vowels and consonants

- get acquainted with the peculiarities of the account in different countries

Use speech to regulate your actions

Adequately use speech actions to solve a communicative task



Introduction of new vocabulary. Letter Ff.

L: a lion, a monkey, sing, dance,

G: Can you…?

No, Icannot.

BUT: understand a short text
G: talk about yourself using speech patterns
P: write the letter f

show cognitive interest in learning activities, learning a foreign language; be guided by significant educational motives; evaluate your actions.

listen and understand commands, find an artist who was not given a task; ask about what they can do based on a grammatical model, conduct a questioning dialogue; write down lowercase letters in alphabetical order

- to extract the necessary information from the text

Work in pairs in accordance with the norms of communication, rules of conduct and etiquette



Activation of vocabulary in speech. Letter Gg

L: a cockerel, and.
G: I can... I can't...

He can…he can\t….

BUT: understand by ear a dialogue on a topic (telephone conversation)
G: build a monologue statement according to the model Ican… / Ican’t…
P: write the letter Gg.

be aware of the role of language and speech in people's lives; express their emotions about what they heard; evaluate your actions.

listen and find information that the artist cannot do; build a monologue statement in comparison with the actions of the characters, build a dialogue based on the text you have listened to; distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters

make your own assumptions based on the work with the material of the textbook



Learning to request information. Letter Hh


G: What is your name?

How old are you?

His, her

BUT: understand the text-dialogue based on the picture

G: play the scene "Acquaintance in the theater"

P: write the letter hh.

have a desire to learn; understand the meaning of knowledge for a person, correctly identify himself with the position of the student.

to distinguish and reproduce questions in the listened dialogue; to reproduce by heart small works of children's foreign-language folklore; distinguish between writing lowercase letters n, h, b

- to extract the necessary information from audio texts



Teaching a monologue on a topic. Letter II


L: Count 1 to 10.

Count, read, write, draw.

G: I am…

Can't, He can't

BUT: understand by ear a text-dialogue built on familiar speech material

G: have a dialogue using Canyou...?

P: write the letter i.

correctly identify with the position of the student .; be guided by significant educational motives; evaluate your actions.

distinguish and reproduce answers; act out a dialogue-questioning for a given situation and use the information received in monologue speech; write short words using learned letters

- extract the necessary information from audio texts

Ask and use the information received

Work in pairs in accordance with the norms of communication, rules of conduct and etiquette



Teaching etiquette dialogue. Letter Jj


L: Sing, skip, fly, dance, swim, a lion, a parrot, a crocodile, a fish

Fine! Well done! OK!

G: I am… I can… Can you…?

Yes, I can. No, I cannot.

BUT: understand by ear a short dialogue built on familiar language material
G: statements about what animals can / cannot do, students

P: write the letter Jj

show cognitive interest in learning activities, learning a foreign language; evaluate your actions; be aware of the language, including a foreign one, as the main means of communication between people.

understand and reproduce commands, understand praise; act out a dialogue between an artist and a director using praise; analyze and find extra letters

- evaluate the actions of classmates using the vocabulary of the lesson

Build logical chains based on analysis

Work in pairs in accordance with the norms of communication, rules of conduct and etiquette



Teaching listening comprehension skills. Letter Kk


L. Run, swim, count, walk, Fine! welldone! OK!

Count from 1 to 10.

G. He/She can… He/She can’t…

BUT: understand by ear a short text based on an illustration

G: talk about someone using the speech pattern He/Shecan… He/Shecan’t…, give commands to classmates

P: write the letter Kk.

evaluate your actions; have a desire to learn; Express your feelings about what you hear.

fully understand Alice's story, find pictures that she forgot to tell about; compose a story from pictures, give commands to classmates and evaluate their performance; distinguish between writing lowercase letters k, h, b

--evaluate the actions of classmates using the vocabulary of the lesson

Plan the activities of classmates

Consciously build a verbal statement in oral form


Since September 2012, teaching a foreign language according to the new standard began in the 2nd grade. It is quite obvious that the role of the subject "Foreign language" in modern society is increasing, value orientations are changing, a new system for assessing the achievement of the planned results of elementary school students is emerging. All these features of the Federal State Educational Standard require certain changes to be made to the organization of teaching a foreign language.

The standard establishes requirements for the results of students who have mastered the basic educational program of primary general education. There are subject, meta-subject and personal learning outcomes.

The subject learning outcomes are the experience of the subject-specific activity for obtaining new knowledge, its transformation and application, mastered by students in the course of studying the subject, as well as the system of fundamental elements of scientific knowledge that underlies the modern scientific picture of the world.

The subject results of learning a foreign language in primary school are: mastering the initial ideas about the norms of a foreign language (phonetic, lexical, grammatical); the ability (in the scope of the course content) to find and compare such language units as sound, letter, word.

Sociocultural Awareness:

Knowledge of the names of the countries of the language being studied, some literary characters of famous children's works, the plots of some popular fairy tales written in the language being studied, small works of children's folklore (poems, songs); knowledge of the elementary norms of speech and non-verbal behavior adopted in the country of the language being studied.

Let us now consider the metasubject results.

Meta-subject results are understood as methods of activity mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects, applicable both within the framework of the educational process and in solving problems in real life situations.

The meta-subject results of students are the universal learning activities (cognitive, regulatory and communicative) mastered by them that ensure the mastery of key competencies that form the basis of the ability to learn, as well as interdisciplinary concepts.

The development of a system of universal educational actions as part of personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative actions is carried out within the framework of the normative-age development of the child's personal and cognitive spheres. The learning process sets the content and characteristics of the child's learning activities and thereby determines the zone of proximal development of universal learning activities. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, the Exemplary Program for Primary General Education give a certain idea of ​​what subject results of teaching a foreign language in primary school need to be formed. During the implementation of this program, a system for assessing the achievement of the planned results of mastering the main educational program is used. The object of assessment of subject results is the ability of students to solve educational-cognitive and educational-practical tasks using means relevant to the content of a given academic subject, including on the basis of meta-subject actions.