Healing with laughter from the point of view of science and spiritual practice. Laughter is a serious thing! Laughter develops the lungs

Author Yoergey B asked a question in Other about health and beauty

What substance is produced during laughter and how does it affect the body and got the best answer

Answer from Journey through life[guru]
Laughter has a huge effect on our body. Laughter releases hormone-like substances called endorphins, which are natural pain relievers. Laughter gives health to those who laugh: it is a good exercise for the lungs and heart; creates normal blood circulation in the abdominal cavity; helps you breathe in more oxygen. When you laugh, you massage your internal organs. Laughter is one of the most enjoyable ways to improve breathing. But the most important plus of laughter is happy state of mind i.e. mental health. Science has proven that a person's concentration improves after laughter. It can rightly be called the best "cure" for stress. When stressed, adrenaline and cortisol levels rise, and after laughter, these levels decrease.
The action of endorphins on the body is similar to the action of certain narcotic substances (opiates), the essence of which is to block the nerve endings responsible for pain. A molecule of a narcotic substance or endorphin binds to the receptor, as a result of which the activation of certain areas of the cerebral cortex begins, and nerve impulses transmitted to the spinal cord block pain signals coming through the fibers of the vegetative part nervous system. A person who is under the influence of "hormones of happiness" does not feel completely unpleasant effects, since certain nerve receptors are blocked.
Endorphin leads a person to euphoria (a state of bliss), it is also called a "natural drug" or "happiness hormone". Any positive experiences raise the level of endorphins in the blood.

Answer from Anya MC 47[expert]

Answer from Igor komukak[guru]
Vitamin rare group "A" plus paradoxical gymnastics of internal organs. Open Sincere Laughter cures stuttering, asthma and heart problems and more.

Answer from Yergey Antonov-Petersky[guru]
When laughing, the Freakhohohoprikolphenol hydrate is produced!!! This substance has a positive effect on the body of the laughing person - he wants to put all the problems and score on all the troubles!!! Laugh to your health !!!

Answer from Ludmila Semyonova[active]
It has long been known that laughter is the best medicine. Whatever you do, whoever you work with, even if you have a lot of problems - smile! And let a kind smile always be your constant companion, and you will definitely feel how it helps to live!
The Russian people are famous for the fact that even in a difficult and hopeless situation they never stop joking and laughing.
Now smile:
Table, bright light, two in white coats, one actively wielding a scalpel. Surprised Assistant:
- Professor, are you sure that this operation requires the removal of the spleen and kidneys?
The horrified professor
- How is the operation? I thought it was an autopsy!. .

Try to smile. They say that sometimes it's enough to Bad mood left you. Better yet, laugh. If you do it sincerely, not only will your mood rise, but your health will also improve. laugh loving people they get sick less, get irritated less often, and know only by hearsay what depression is.

Soothes. When we laugh, our body releases hormones of happiness - endorphins, which help get rid of irritation and disappointment. Even when we find ourselves alone and remember how we laughed recently, our mood clearly improves. British psychologists conducted a study in which they found that a person who has just watched a comedy has a significantly lower level of irritation. Moreover, the mood of the people who took part in this experiment improved even at the thought that they would watch a comedy and be able to have a good laugh - a couple of days before the comedy they were half as angry as usual.

Helps the skin. If you often laugh, you can forget about expensive medical and cosmetic procedures for facial skin. You won't need them. Laughter tones the muscles of the face and improves blood circulation, so your face will always be beautiful and moderately pink.

Strengthens relationships. The ability to laugh together shows that good, trusting relationships can develop between people. If you laugh at the same jokes, are not afraid to seem funny to each other, then you trust each other.

Strengthens the immune system, helps fight infections. After a minute of sincere laughter, the body secretes a lot of antibodies into the airways that protect us from bacteria and viruses. Also, thanks to laughter, our body produces more white blood cells that help fight various diseases.

Heals the heart. Laughter dilates blood vessels and improves blood circulation. 10 minutes of laughter can greatly reduce the pressure. Laughter helps even those who have had a heart attack - according to doctors, a good mood reduces the likelihood of a new heart attack.

Helps with pain. Happiness hormones - endorphins, which are released during laughter - are a natural remedy that helps reduce pain. Moreover, while laughing, you do not think about feeling unwell and at least for a minute you forget about the pain. Doctors have long noticed that positive patients, who find the strength to laugh, endure pain much better than those who give up and lose heart.

Improves lung function. Laughter is one of the best exercises for those who suffer from asthma or bronchitis. When you laugh, the work of the lungs is activated, the level of oxygen in the blood rises. Some doctors compare laughter therapy with kinesitherapy and claim that laughter helps more.

Helps to avoid stress. British scientists found out the effect of laughter on human health. Two groups of volunteers were assembled. One group was shown recordings of humorous concerts, the other group was asked to just sit quietly. After that, blood samples were taken from volunteers from both groups. It turned out that those who watched the concert, the amount of stress hormones (cortisol, dopamine and adrenaline) in the blood was less than those who did not watch humorous concerts. When a person laughs, most of the muscles in the body experience physical stress. When a person stops laughing, the body relaxes, the person calms down. In this way, laughter helps us release physical and emotional tension. According to scientists, one minute of sincere laughter replaces 45 minutes of relaxation exercises.

Helps keep fit. At the time when a person laughs, he inhales more oxygen, which stimulates the work of the heart and blood circulation. This can be called internal aerobics, since laughter "massages" all our internal organs. Also, laughter is a good way to strengthen the muscles of the back, abdomen and legs. One minute of laughter replaces 10 minutes in the gym or 15 minutes of cycling. And if you sincerely laugh for an hour, you will burn 500 calories. You can lose the same number of calories by running fast for an hour.

Helps to lose weight. If every day you laugh at least for a quarter of an hour, you will lose a couple of kilograms in a year. A group of volunteers (women and men aged 18-34) were shown three different films in turn (film length 55 minutes). From the beginning, they watched a film about nature, then about agriculture, and finally, the funniest places from various comedies. After watching the last movie, they lost 10-20% more weight than after the first two movies.

Laughter is a vitamin that you need to get regularly.

Try to have a good laugh every day. Use these tips:

  • watch your favorite comedy in the evening;
  • have dinner in a cheerful company;
  • go to the cinema or an amusement park with your children (just watch the children and you are guaranteed a good dose of laughter);
  • chat with your cheerful girlfriend on the phone;
  • At the very least, find time to go shopping once every two weeks. Look for new funny books, magazines or movies and replenish your supply of “laughter vitamins”.

A good good laugh is useful not only because it cheers you up. People who like to laugh get sick less, get irritated less often and don't know what depression is.

Laughter soothes

Laughter releases endorphins, the hormones of happiness that help to get rid of irritation and sadness. Even if you just remember for a moment how you laughed recently, your mood will improve. Studies by British psychologists have shown that after watching a funny movie, the level of irritation in a person decreases several times. Moreover, the mood of the subjects was raised at the mere thought that they would soon be laughing - two days before the scheduled viewing of the comedy, they were angry twice as often as usual.

Laughter improves skin

If you laugh a lot, you can forget about expensive beauty treatments to improve your skin, because laughter tones the muscles of the face and improves blood circulation, which results in a natural glow.

Laughter strengthens relationships

The ability to laugh together is extremely important for establishing good and good relations. The connection of people and their shared idea of ​​what can be funny allows them to be more open with each other. If you're joking, don't be afraid to be funny. It means you trust.

Laughter boosts immunity

Laughter helps fight infections. After a minute of sincere laughter, the body throws into the respiratory tract a large number of antibodies that protect against bacteria and viruses. Laughter also increases the production of white blood cells that fight various diseases, including cancer.

Laughter heals the heart

Thanks to laughter, blood vessels expand and blood circulates better. Ten minutes of laughter can significantly lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of plaque buildup. Laughter helps even those who have experienced a heart attack - doctors believe that a good mood reduces the likelihood of a second attack.

Laughter relieves pain

Happiness hormones, endorphins, which are produced when a person laughs, are the natural painkillers of our body. In addition, when you laugh, you are distracted from feeling bad and forget about the pain for at least a few minutes. Doctors have long noticed that patients who are positive and find the strength to laugh endure pain much more easily than those who are sad.

Laughter develops the lungs

Laughter is one of the best exercises for people with asthma and bronchitis. During laughter, the activity of the lungs is activated, and thus the supply of oxygen to the blood is increased, which makes it possible to clear the stagnation of phlegm. Some doctors compare the effect of laughter to chest physiotherapy, which eliminates phlegm from the respiratory tract, but laughter works even better on the respiratory tract.

Laughter beats stress

British scientists have studied the effect of laughter on people's health. Two groups of volunteers were created. One group was shown recordings of humorous concerts for an hour, while the second group was asked to just sit quietly. After that, the participants in the experiment took a blood test. And it was found that those who watched the humorous concert had lower levels of the “stress” hormones cortisol, dopamine and adrenaline than the second group. The fact is that when we laugh, the physical load on all parts of the body increases. When we stop laughing, our body relaxes and calms down. So, laughter helps us get rid of physical and emotional stress. Scientists say that a minute of sincere laughter is equivalent to forty-five minutes of deep relaxation.

Laughter helps you stay fit

In fact, laughing is a form of aerobic exercise because laughing brings in more oxygen, which stimulates the heart and blood circulation. It is even considered “internal” aerobics, since during laughter all internal organs are massaged, which allows them to work more efficiently. Laughter is also good for strengthening the muscles in your stomach, back, and legs. One minute of laughter is the equivalent of ten minutes of rowing or fifteen minutes of cycling. And if you laugh heartily for one hour, you will burn up to 500 calories, the same amount can be burned by running fast for an hour.

Happy way to happy life

Today, researchers believe that only 50% of our ability to be happy is genetic. "Rules happy person” will help you realize your potential, teach you to enjoy life and give you the opportunity to laugh more often.

Be an extrovert

Be talkative, confident and not afraid of adventure. Where to begin? For example, from a walk in the woods with old friends. Have fun, make jokes and don't be afraid to express your emotions.

talk more

Studies have shown that people who are open about their thoughts are happier than those who are silent. This does not mean that you have to say everything that is on your mind. Just learn to speak your mind and stand up for it - it will help you feel happier.

Chat more with friends

A good good laugh is useful not only because it cheers you up. People who like to laugh get sick less, get irritated less often and don't know what depression is.

Don't wait for anything

The expectation of happiness is the greatest obstacle to happiness. I will be happy when I lose weight / move to a new apartment / move to a new job / find the man of my dreams. Focus on what you have and be happy right now. And beware of any “when” and “still”: they are the ones that prevent you from being happy.

Take laughter seriously

Set yourself a very serious goal - to laugh every day. Think of laughter as a vitamin to be taken regularly. Are you not in the mood for jokes, because there is not enough time anyway? Here is what we can offer:

An evening on the couch watching your favorite comedies;
nice dinner with friends;
going to the cinema or to an amusement park with children (even the sight of children rejoicing will make you laugh with pleasure);
talking on the phone "about nothing" with a cheerful girlfriend;
trips to the shops at least once every two weeks in search of new funny books, magazines and video cassettes in order to have a lot of fun.

It is an involuntary reaction of the human body to external or internal stimuli. Laughter can come from being tickled, or from watching a comedy movie, or from being told a joke. Most often, laughter is a visual expression of internal positive emotional states person, such as joy, fun, happiness, relief. However, in some cases, laughter can be an expression of completely non-positive emotions, such as embarrassment, hysterical laughter, or ridicule.

Factors such as gender, age, education, language and culture determine whether a person will laugh in any given situation. Laughter is a part of human behavior regulated by the brain, helping a person to clarify their emotions and intentions in communication. Laughter serves to positively interact with other people, which explains the contagiousness of laughter, when one laughing person causes laughter in other people. Remember the soundtracks of laughter in comedy shows, they serve as an activator of laughter for the audience.

As you know, children laugh more often than adults. For example, a child can laugh about 300 times a day, while an adult laughs about 20 times a day, but these figures are highly dependent on the person's personality. This is due to the fact that with age a person becomes more serious. Laughter is a sound expression of an inner feeling of joy and excitement. New research has shown that newborns show outward signs of laughter as early as 17 days of age, contradicting early research that suggested babies start laughing at four months of age. Everyone has the ability to laugh and it is an innate ability. Even children who are born blind or deaf can laugh.

Scientists have also observed various forms of laughter expression in primates during tickling.

The inability to laugh out loud is a neurological condition called aphonohelia.

Neurophysiology has established that laughter is associated with activation of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, which produces endorphins. Parts of the limbic system are involved in the activation of laughter. This system is also responsible for emotions and helps with the functions necessary for the survival of people. The structures of the limbic system that are involved in laughter are the hippocampus and the amygdala. It is believed that during laughter there are neural connections of the telencephalic and diencephalic centers with the respiratory system.

Laughter and health

The effect of laughter on the health of the body was first established in 2005 at the University of Maryland, USA, when scientists found that laughter causes the inner lining of blood vessels to expand, which improves blood circulation. It has been found that beta-endorphin, released during laughter by the hypothalamus, activates receptors on the surface of endothelial cells, which releases nitric oxide, which causes vasodilation. Nitric oxide also has other cardioprotective properties, in particular, it reduces platelet aggregation, reducing inflammation. Laughter also lowers stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. Laughter releases endorphins in the brain, which act as a pain reliever. Laughter increases the number of antibody-producing cells, increases the efficiency of T-cells, and thus improves immunity.