Gdz on biology new program. Biology workbook

  • Why Do Teachers Recommend the Use of Resource Books? What's happened GDZ– an online cheat sheet or an indispensable tool for learning? Schoolchildren and their parents can easily answer these and other questions themselves, having received a practical publication at their disposal.
  • Workbooks are offered as an effective study aid. Didactic workshops - a daily arsenal of a teacher, a skilled mentor for a student and a guide for those who have forgotten school curriculum parents. The presence of ready-made answers is nothing more than a “leading thread” for each of the categories.
  • To prepare homework in grade 9, it is recommended to use the manual compiled by V.V. Pasechnik, G.G. Shvetsov. The authors have made every effort to ensure that everyone finds the necessary and useful in the publication:
    - teachers - lesson training complex;
    - schoolboy - a tool for polishing knowledge;
    - parents - the opportunity to check homework.
  • Biology lessons in grade 9 cover a voluminous educational material: from molecular theory to evolutionary hypotheses. Schoolchildren not only continue to explore the world, but also get acquainted with the basics of research activities.
  • GDZ- this is an opportunity to consolidate the information learned in the lessons, apply it in practice and check the results. The correct approach to using the solver will bring good sense, the wrong approach will exacerbate the problems. The choice is yours!
  • Biology - for ninth graders: effective workbooks and solution books

  • Catching up on workbook in biology for grade 9, compiled by Pasechnik V.V. and Shvetsov G.G. and published by the Drofa publishing house, students will receive a complete and deep, practice-based understanding of such sections and topics of the course as:
    - the role and place of biology in the system modern sciences, methods of ongoing biological research;
    - fundamental concepts and principles of cell science - cytology, cell theories and chemical composition the main element of all living organisms on the planet, the processes occurring in cells - metabolism, protein biosynthesis, and others;
    - the concept of organisms, their individual development and reproduction, methods and features of processes;
    - genetics, its patterns and forms, theories and their practical verification.
  • Using a special workbook for the manual, ninth graders will be able to independently, at their own pace and based on their tasks and goals, draw up an effective work plan and achieve what they want. This planning is based on GDZ must lie:
    - grade basic level student's knowledge;
    - the result that he seeks to achieve with such work - participation and victory in olympiads in the subject, improving the current and final score in biology, preparing for passing the OGE in this discipline;
    - self-control and self-examination of achievements, identification and timely correction of emerging shortcomings, elimination of problems, adjustment of plans.
  • Ninth-graders can work with the help of collections of ready-made homework assignments on their own or with the help of specialists - tutors and leaders of preparatory courses and circles in biology. Another important advantage of this technique is the constant observation of the principle of competent recording of results. Often a correctly received, but incorrectly displayed answer leads to a decrease in the score, and at competitions, olympiads and similar events - to the loss of a prize, a loss. Working with ready-made homework assignments on a regular basis will allow you to get rid of such a risk, the main thing is to be attentive not only to the solution, but also to writing the results.
  • The collection is recommended by many experts and specialists, and is often used by eleventh grade graduates who are preparing to take the exam in biology to repeat the difficult and voluminous material of the ninth grade course.
  • Biology with a solution book: to the heights of knowledge with a real wizard!
  • What's happened GDZ and why educators recommend the use of such publications? Is it worth relying on the solution for those who want to learn, or is it a cheat sheet for lazy people? At all times, schoolchildren complained about a difficult life, but it is study that helps a person develop and make new discoveries. A 7th grade student does not yet realize the consequences of gaps in class and needs guidance. Biology is one of the disciplines that many students tend to neglect. This subject was known among them as highly specialized, and in fact it is he who is able to reveal the secrets and mysteries of the world around him.
  • In 7th grade with GDZ in biology: a road paved with knowledge

  • What prevents a student from doing homework? According to experts, the reasons for a negligent attitude to learning are not laziness and sloppiness, but apathy caused by a lack of interest and failures. The solution will help fix the situation! Biology workbook S.V. Sumatokhina and V.S. Kuchmenko is:
    - accessible and understandable texts;
    - reproductive and creative tasks;
    - cognitive tasks;
    - logical tables, graphs and diagrams;
    - visual illustrations and fascinating crossword puzzles.
  • Biology with such an assistant will turn into a favorite subject. Use online answers wisely. The path to knowledge is not easy, but with GDZ it will become less thorny!
  • Biology 7th grade - actual workshops and solutions for them

  • Biology opens up the detailed world of living organisms to seventh graders. The zoology section, according to schoolchildren, is one of the most interesting and informative. You can learn about the life of insects, birds, animals in detail and completely, if you thoughtfully and responsibly approach the study of biology in the seventh grade. Quality can help educational materials on discipline and reshebniki to them. When drawing up a work plan, you should focus on your own tasks and goals. Among them - increasing the current score, preparing for participation in subject Olympiads and competitions, and others.
  • To help realize any of the above goals will allow classes on GDZ- regular and systemic. They should be carried out on the basis of:
    - own basic level of readiness;
    - interest and tasks;
    - the amount of time that seventh graders can and are able to set aside on a regular basis to work with benefits;
    - basic course UMK, the program for which training is carried out at school.
  • Among the effective programs, many call the "Algorithm of Success" system, compiled by a group of authors. In addition to a good systematization of the material, a logical and detailed, understandable system of presentation, it is distinguished by its versatility. That is, the workshops from this teaching materials are optimally suited for working with theoretical textbooks of other biology programs for the 7th grade.
  • Among the interesting and useful collections of workshops "Algorithm for Success", experts single out a workbook on biology for grade 7, compiled by S. V. Sumatokhin and V. S. Kuchmenko. The collection allows you to competently and confidently work out in practice everything learned in the classroom theoretical knowledge, check the assimilation of the material, find gaps and problems and promptly and promptly eliminate them. The materials presented in the manual are visual and effective.
  • The workbook of these authors is often recommended to graduates of the 9th and 11th grades who have chosen to pass the final tests - the OGE / USE biology to repeat the material from the zoology course studied in the seventh grade of the school. It is also suitable for tutors who prepare graduates for exams and schoolchildren of any class of the senior school for subject Olympiads in biology held at school and extracurricular sites.

The workbook is integral part educational and methodological set of the Life Line series for grades 5-6, edited by V. V. Pasechnik and addressed to students studying this line of textbook.
The structure of the manual corresponds to the thematic structure of the textbook “Biology. Grades 5-6” and contains a variety of questions and tasks aimed at developing a wide range of necessary skills. The manual also includes tasks for control, which will help you better prepare for the knowledge test.
The guide is intended for independent work students at home or in the classroom.

The notebook is an appendix to the textbook by V. V. Pasechnik “Biology. Bacteria, fungi, plants. Grade 5". The textbook complies with the Federal State educational standard main general education. In addition to the notebook composition of the CMD includes an electronic application, Toolkit And working programm.
The notebook contains various reproductive and creative questions and tasks, including in the form of laboratory work, cognitive tasks, tables, diagrams, drawings and terminological crossword puzzles. The notebook also includes test tasks that will help students prepare for a successful passing the exam and GIA.
Tasks aimed at the formation of meta-subject skills (planning activities, highlighting various features, comparing, classifying, etc.) and personal qualities of students are marked with special signs.

Download and read Biology, Bacteria, Fungi, Plants, Grade 5, Workbook, Pasechnik V.V., 2015

Proposed notebook - part educational complex to the textbook N. and. Sonin "Biology. Living organism. 6th grade". Tasks aimed at the formation of meta-subject skills (planning activities, highlighting various features, comparing, classifying, etc.) and personal qualities of students are marked with special signs.
The material in the notebook is arranged in the same sequence as in the textbook. At the end of each section, there is a heading "Training tasks", the questions of which are compiled in accordance with the form and taking into account the requirements of the exam. Working with a notebook will help students better master the course content.
The textbook complies with the (Federal Educational Standard for Basic General Education. In addition to the notebook, the TMC includes an electronic application, a manual and a work program.

Look at the pictures of flowers. Find a pedicel, receptacle, sepals, petals, stamens, pistils (with ovary, style and stigma) on them and paint each part of the flower in one color (for example, calyxes - green, corollas - yellow, etc.).

Download and read Biology, living organism, grade 6, workbook for the textbook Sonina N.I. "Biology, Living organism, grade 6", Sonin N.I., 2014

The workbook was developed for the textbook "Fundamentals of General Biology" for 9th grade students (ed. I.N. Ponomareva, O.A. Kornilova, N.M. Chernova). The tasks proposed in it, which have a different cognitive and educational nature, correspond to the named sections and paragraphs of the textbook. They will allow the teacher to organize a differentiated practical work ninth-graders, and students - to acquire high-quality knowledge in general biology.

Download and read Biology, Grade 9, Workbook, Kozlova T.A., Kuchmenko V.S., 2013

Proposed notebook - part training kit to the textbook by V. B. Zakharov, N. I. Sonin “Biology. variety of living organisms. It includes a variety of questions, assignments, laboratory work.
The material in the notebook is arranged in the same sequence as in the textbook. Working with a notebook will help students to better understand the content of the textbook and prepare for the successful passing of the exam and the GIA with the help of test items included in the workbook.

Download and read Biology, Diversity of living organisms, Grade 7, Workbook, Zakharov V.B., Sonin N.I., 2014

The workbook is an addition to the textbooks of V. B. Zakharov, S.G. Mamontova, N. I. Sonina, E. T. Zakharova “Biology. General biology. Profile level, Grade 10” and “Biology, General Biology. profile level. Grade 11".

The workbook will allow you to better assimilate, systematize and consolidate the knowledge gained while studying the material of the textbook.

At the end of the notebook there are "Training assignments", compiled in the form and taking into account the requirements of the exam, which will help students to better understand the content of the course.

Will help to get fives to any student GDZ in biology workbook Grade 9 Pasechnik V.V. Not every student realizes that the quality of his schooling his whole life depends. Most children and teenagers look at the eleventh grade as a long-term punishment. In fact, how a person shows himself in a given period greatly affects his future career. If we turn to statistics, we can notice very interesting facts. Thus, all state-funded places in the country's prestigious universities are occupied by excellent students and, much less often, good students. They receive a red diploma, and with it they go to get prestigious positions in large firms or government agencies. Many even start their own, quite successful, business. This is due to the fact that these people are among the most disciplined, hardworking and responsible: they never quit halfway through. In addition, there are peculiar bonuses in having an excellent certificate:

  1. They get away with missed lessons and unwritten verification work. This is due to the fact that teachers know very well that they will be able to make up for all the missed material.
  2. They practically do not know what excitement on tests is. The experience of attending many olympiads and competitions taught them a cold mind, stamina and ability to assemble in critical situations. Participation in them can also bring good bonuses at the university: for example, increased scholarships or grants.
  3. Almost everyone wants to be friends with them, because. they can give write off to control work. They enjoy real authority among their peers.

How to overcome difficulties with a 9th grade biology workbook from Pasechnik

To achieve this position, you need to try. So, the student is obliged to attend every lesson, perform any exercises - only in this way the working program will be mastered. It is important to address gaps in knowledge in a timely manner. For example, they often arise with a subject such as algebra. The queen of sciences does not tolerate forgotten rules - everything must be learned by heart. However, you don’t have to do this - just open the GDZ according to the textbook by Pasechnik V.V. GEF for grade 9 online. IN Reshebnik in biology for grade 9, workbook, authors: V.V. Pasechnik, G.G. Shvetsov There is:

  1. Correct answers to any number.
  2. Detailed problem solutions.
  3. There are some tests that have been done.