In ancient times, scientists called this part of the brain “the vital node. Lunar nodes - nodes of fate How to understand that the "loop" is tied up

Lesson objectives:

Educational: to consolidate and systematize in evolutionary terms the knowledge of students about the structure of the brain; deepen students' knowledge of the structure of the cerebral hemispheres; to acquaint with the valeological aspects of maintaining a healthy nervous system of each student (drawing up a memo).

Developing: develop the ability to compare, evaluate, independently come to logical conclusions, develop skills in working with scientific literature, a computer.

Educational: to cultivate the desire for knowledge, study of the native land, common culture; valeological aspects in relation to himself.

Lesson type:

Combined - the study of new material using information technology.

Type of lesson:

The form of work is individual-group.

Means of education:

Models of the brain of fish, birds, amphibians, mammals, humans, wet preparation of the brain of a mammal; memo "Elements of practical valueology", tests, cards, video film, "Black Box", large monitor screen (household TV with a large screen (72 cm diagonally) connected to a control computer), computers.


I. Actualization of students' knowledge.

1. Game moment - "Black box".
2. Checking knowledge about the brain:

a) work on computers;
b) individual tasks on cards (differentiated).

3. Valeological pause.
4. Evolution of the brain of chordates.

II. Learning new material:

1. general characteristics cerebral hemispheres.
2. Structural features of the cortex (lobes, grooves, cells, synapse).
3. Functions of the cerebral hemispheres.
4. Elements of practical valueology.

III. Conclusion:

1. Homework.
2. Fixing.


Teacher: Good afternoon! Today we are holding a lesson in a computer class and we will start it in an unusual way.
In front of you is the Black Box. I ask you to guess what is in it according to my description: a model that symbolizes a part of the human body, i.e. an oval-shaped organ, small in size, but complex in structure. In addition, having a small size, it requires a lot of attention from power stations. What could it be?

Students: It's the brain!

Teacher: More precisely?

Students: The human brain.

The teacher demonstrates a sectional model of the human brain.

Teacher: We started talking about the structure of the brain in the last lesson and will continue today, but first let's see what do you know about the structure of the human brain?

10 people perform a test task on a computer, and the rest at the tables on individual cards (4 minutes). The teacher with the list quickly goes through and grades the test on the computer.

On the TV screen, the brain is cut.

Teacher: Name the main parts of the brain?

Students: The screen shows the oblong, middle, bridge, cerebellum, intermediate and large hemispheres.

Teacher: And now the answers on individual cards.

Card 1. In ancient times, scientists called the medulla oblongata the "vital knot." On the basis of what observations is this conclusion made?

Answer: Damage to this department or an injection into it leads to fainting and disruption of the circulatory and respiratory systems, sometimes breathing and heartbeat even temporarily stop. (Experiment with a rabbit.)

Card 2 . Why is a wound in the medulla oblongata fatal?

Answer: In the region of the medulla oblongata there are vital centers: respiration, blood circulation, digestion. In addition, arcs of protective reflexes pass: blinking, coughing, etc.

Card 3. Imagine the following situation: a person wants to take a glass, but misses, after several attempts he takes it, but drops it. When trying to write, makes unnecessary movements. Locate the tumor in the brain and explain the patient's condition?

Answer: A tumor in the cerebellum, because it controls the coordination of movements and connects individual movements together. The patient has obvious violations of coordination of movements.

Teacher: Valeological pause. Text exercises for the eyes on the tables. Repeat after me:

(First option)

  • close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds;
  • open eyes for 3-5 seconds;
  • repeat 6-8 times.

(Second option)

  • blink rapidly for 2-3 minutes.

Teacher: Relax, let's get to work. You had homework: see material about the evolution of the brain of chordates. Which of the parts of the brain has undergone the greatest change in the process of evolution?

Figure 2 on the TV screen. The same tables are on the students' tables and the models of the brain of a bird, fish, mammal and reptile are on the teacher's table.

Student: Forebrain.

Teacher: What is it now in mammals?

Student: Hemispheres of the brain.

Teacher: And what new things have they got in the process of evolution? It is true that this is the bark that first appears in reptiles (old), and the new one appears in mammals, increasing in size, it acquires a folded structure.

Teacher: We continue our acquaintance with the structure of the brain and the topic of our lesson is “Hemispheres of the brain”. They wrote it down in notebooks and opened the textbook to pages 66-67. And now attention to the monitor screen. Rice. 3.

Teacher: In humans, the cerebral hemispheres are well developed and, like a cloak, cover the underlying brain. The deep fissure divides the brain into right and left hemispheres. The right hemisphere controls the organs on the left side of the body and receives information from the space on the left. Left hemisphere regulates the work of the organs of the right side of the body and perceives information from the space on the right. In the picture in the textbook, find the corpus callosum in the form of a horseshoe. German scientists have proved by experience that the hemispheres act as a whole. The experiment was carried out on fish. When the fish closed one eye and was fed, it reacted normally. They closed the other eye and frightened her, she swam away, when they closed both eyes with caps, she began to rush about and fell ill. If a cat's corpus callosum was cut, then its behavior changed dramatically, each hemisphere worked separately, but should work as a whole. From above, the cerebral hemispheres are covered with gray matter - the bark. Under the cortex (find in the figure on page 66-67 of the textbook) is a white matter, consisting of a mass of nerve fibers and performing a conductive function.

Teacher: The cortex is made up of gray matter. What is it?

Student: bodies of neurons.

Teacher: Pay attention to the screen (Fig. 4). What is it? Neuron. What are the characteristics of cortical neurons?

Rice. 4

Student: Cells have a lot of processes. The cortex consists of 6 layers of cells, forming a thickness of 1.3 to 5 mm. Look at the picture in the textbook. Why do cells have many processes? This is necessary for the formation of multilateral ties. But how is this carried out? Pay attention to the screen in Fig. 5.

Student: The synapse is shown on the screen.

Teacher: Who will explain to me what it is?

Student: A synapse is a place of contact between two neurons or a neuron with cell performers.
(Returning Fig. 3.) General surface cortex in an adult 2200 cm 2. There are 14 billion neurons concentrated in the core space, and the number of synapses cannot be expressed numerically. The surface of the bark is folded. The protruding parts form convolutions, and the recesses form furrows. There are 3 main furrows - central, lateral, parietal-occipital. They divide the hemisphere into 4 lobes: frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal. (Teacher shows on the screen). Now find them in the picture in the textbook and write them down in your notebook.

Main furrows of the cortex:

  • central;
  • lateral;
  • parietal-occipital.

Lobes of the bark:

  • frontal;
  • occipital;
  • parietal;
  • temporal.

The cortex is responsible for the perception of all information entering the brain (visual, temperature, taste, etc.) and for managing complex movements. The function of the cortex is associated with mental, speech activity, memory. The areas of the cortex perform different functions, so they are divided into zones. Once I fell and hit the back of my head. Sparks flew from my eyes. How to explain this fact?

Student: The bruise fell on the visual area. So she is in the occipital lobe.

Teacher: And now I’ll ask you to bring a mechanical watch (who has it) to your temple, what are your observations? The ticking of a clock is heard. Why?

Student: Probably, there is an auditory zone, i.e. in the temporal lobe.

Teacher: In front of the central sulcus is the motor zone, and behind it is the zone of touch. Find in the figure in the textbook all the names of the zones and indicate those that were not discussed. What are these zones?

Student: Zones of speech, (not the frontal lobe), taste and smell (temporal lobe).

Teacher: The frontal lobes are associated with a high level of human mental abilities, and are also responsible for the preparation of behavior programs and the management of work. The zones of the brain allow a person to know the world around him in its entirety.
Also in late XIX scientists have noticed that the cerebral hemispheres are functionally asymmetric.
In the left hemisphere of right-handers is the auditory and motor center of speech. They provide oral perception and the formation of oral and written speech. In addition, this hemisphere is responsible for the implementation of mathematical operations and the process of abstract thinking.
The right hemisphere is more concerned with providing a figurative perception of the environment based on past experience. The right hemisphere is responsible for musical and artistic creativity. However, it should be emphasized that the activity of the human brain proceeds with the simultaneous participation of both hemispheres, each with its own characteristics. And sometimes there are exceptions, for example, Louis Pasteur, a French scientist, microbiologist, left a significant mark on world biological science, while only one hemisphere worked for him (this was shown by an autopsy after his death).
We will talk in more detail about the features of human mental activity a little later at the course of a person.
In order for our brain to function normally, and the entire nervous system as a whole, I have prepared small booklets with valeological recommendations for you: “Hygiene of the nervous system”. I ask you to familiarize yourself, and at home to disassemble and use in more detail.
The lesson is coming to an end, your homework: pages 66-67 of the textbook and complete the table "The structure of the brain."
And now I have to make sure how you learned the new material?

10 people sit down at computers on which special test tasks+ 2 individual tasks. The rest of the focus is on the screen (Figure 6).

Teacher: Specify the features of the structure of the cerebral hemispheres?

Student: Right and left, corpus callosum, cortex, white matter, nuclei.

Teacher: What are the main sulci and lobes of the cortex? (Fig. 7.)

Student: Furrows: central, lateral, parietal-occipital. Lobes: frontal, temporal, parietal, occipital.

Screenshot 8:

Teacher: What is a zone?

Student: A section of the cortex that performs a specific function.

Teacher: Name the zones known to you and show them according to the drawing (auditory, gustatory, speech, visual, motor, tactile, olfactory).

The teacher with the list goes to the guys working at the computers and gives grades.
A summary of the work of the guys on individual assignments.

Teacher: One physicist said: "The eye looks, but the brain sees." How do you understand this expression?

Student: Information from the visual receptors enters the visual zone, where it is decoded and appears in the form of visual images.

Teacher: Surgery on the cerebral cortex does not cause pain reactions, however, touching some areas of the cortex causes involuntary movement. How can this be explained?

Student: There are no pain receptors in the area of ​​the cortex, but touches in the area of ​​the central sulcus cause movements, because. there is a movement area.

Teacher: Well done! You have worked hard today. And now a little more attention. Here's a creative challenge for you:

"Snipers in Medicine"

Some brain diseases are treated by destroying the affected areas of the brain with an electric current. But it is difficult to insert the electrodes exactly "on target". There is one way - to monitor the position of the electrode using X-ray equipment, but it is still not reliable enough: it is necessary to insert the electrode into the affected area with great accuracy. How to do this?


The electrode bundle is inserted. To check the correctness of the hit, a weak current is passed through them. Depending on whether the symptoms of the disease increase or disappear, one can judge the accuracy of getting into the affected area.

Hygiene of the nervous system - valeological memo

Memory exercises:

  • starting position standing;
  • stand up straight, legs together, hands down, look at the floor;
  • focus on the bridge of the nose;
  • inhale calmly through the nose;
  • exhale quickly;
  • take a short shallow breath;
  • alternate inhalation-exhalation 10 times;
  • every 10 days add 1 time;
  • only up to 25 times.

Nerve Revitalizing Breath:

  • starting position: standing, arms lowered;
  • take a full breath;
  • hold your breath;
  • clench your hands into fists;
  • slowly raise your arms through the sides up;
  • stay in this position until there is enough air;
  • exhaling slowly, lower your hands;
  • take a cleansing breath.

Exercise "Cheerfulness" (from yoga):

  • stand up straight;
  • arms to the sides at shoulder level;
  • inhale slowly, hold your breath;
  • make small circular motions hands in one direction, then in the other direction, until there is enough breath;
  • lower relaxed hands, inhaling slowly;
  • take a cleansing breath

Exercise "Cheerfulness" tones the nervous system. It is useful to perform it in the morning or during physical education breaks in the classroom and at home.

"Biology of the brain" - B. Cerebellum and cerebral hemispheres. To study the structure and functions of the brain. Large ... divide the hemispheres into lobes: frontal, ..., occipital and .... Continue the offer. The structure and functions of the brain. Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev brain mass - 1571. B. Cerebral hemispheres and cerebellum. History of brain research.

"The human brain" - 10 facts about the human brain. Reflection. "The brain-center of all centers and the main organ of the mind" Hipocrates. Humans have three forms of memory: sensory, long-term, and short-term. 1. Our short-term memory can only remember seven objects at a time. Causes of disruption of the brain: Today at the lesson it was difficult for me ...

“What our brain is capable of” - And if you look carefully, then no. Look carefully at the picture..What do you see? Read the explanation below! Children see nine dolphins! Look only at the dot. Look only at the cross. Is everything spinning again? After some time, the running circle will be green! Otalsnoe mzheot bty ernuody and you can spoil this.

"The structure of the brain" - Fill in the gaps in the text. Sections of the brain. At the center of the spinal cord is the central canal filled with cerebrospinal fluid. The roots of the spinal nerves depart from the spinal cord, forming 31 pairs of nerves. The structure and functions of the brain. Topic: Structure and functions of the spinal cord. (knowledge control).

"Human Brain" - The average person is able to simultaneously hold seven objects in memory. The human brain performs a higher function - thinking. Circulation. Most of the subjects completed the task immediately. The brain is enclosed in a reliable shell of the skull (with the exception of simple organisms). Communication between neurons occurs through synaptic transmission.

"Brain" - The mass of the human brain is 1100 - 2000 g. What departments does the brain consist of? Lesson topic: The subject's eyes should be closed. The brain is located in the cranial cavity. Sections of the brain. Midbrain. Cerebellum. Brain. Working process. What is the mass of the human brain?

In total there are 9 presentations in the topic

Alexander Kolesnikov

Abstract of a lecture delivered July 12, 1995 at the Company of Astrologers Summer School and at the Astrological Association of Great Britain

Astronomically, the Lunar Nodes are the intersection points of the Moon's orbit with the ecliptic, or the path along which the Sun moves relative to the stars. These are really peculiar knots that connect together the two most important cosmic principles - the solar and the lunar.

The sun is often associated with a monad, a spark of God, a kind of spiritual center of the human essence, which travels, reincarnating, from life to life, accumulating some experience in each life. And the Moon can be compared with a material, mortal shell, built from earthly matter and playing the role of a temporary shelter for the monad - the Sun in this particular life.

And if we are talking about the Lunar nodes as a link between the principles of the Sun and the Moon, then they symbolize in the most general sense the chain of incarnations through which the human soul passes. It is no coincidence that the Lunar Nodes are often called the "karmic factor" and are used to judge past and future incarnations. It is no coincidence that the Lunar Nodes are also associated with a near-death experience - that is, a state when a person finds himself on the border between two successive incarnations.

However, in astrology I am not interested in past lives, but in the present (although I do not deny the benefits of the "karmic" approach). On the scale of one life, the Sun and Moon are also the most important astrological factors. If a person is born to find his unique creative essence in this life, to understand what happiness is, to find it, then we can say that the global task of human life is to find our Sun. Not necessarily this task will be completed, but the Sun illuminates life, gives it meaning.

The moon on the scale of one life represents what is given to man, what he is provided with. The moon is the physical body, the receptacle of the spirit, it is the mother who gave birth and brought up the person, the family that plays the role of a protective shell between the person and the hostile outside world. In other words, the Moon symbolizes the circumstances and environment in which a person finds himself in a given life. Man cannot arrive at the task of the Sun except by mastering the circumstances of the Moon, attaining mastery in their use.

What role do the Lunar Nodes play here? How do they integrate the principles of the Sun and the Moon within a single life? It can be said that the Lunar Nodes symbolize the lunar-solar process, or the path along which a person masters the circumstances of the Moon and approaches the goal of the Sun. The line (axis) of the Lunar nodes in the horoscope can be compared with the river of life, along which each of us swims.

The flow of the river is directed from the South Node to the North. In other words, the North Node leads us in the direction of reaching life purpose, although it is hardly possible to speak here of a goal that will be achieved sooner or later. The longer we move towards the North Node, the more likely it is that an even more tempting prospect will open up around the next new turn.

The south node is the path traveled along the river. It becomes more and more significant, increasing as we move towards the North Node. The path traveled is something familiar, and although not always pleasant, it is more or less mastered. The past experience associated with the South Node is the basis, the foundation for moving forward, but it can also be a burden.

How to practically understand the position of the Lunar nodes in the map? To do this, it is useful to recall the keywords that Francis Sakoyan gives to the Lunar Nodes: North Node - inclusion in the general flow; The south node is an exception to the general flow.

The "stream" or "river of life" in real circumstances is represented by a certain direction given by the circumstances of life, sometimes by a social current, by a group of people with which a person relates himself. Sometimes a person calmly and steadily goes with the flow, sometimes he rushes from one stream to another - and all these features of human life are shown to us by the Lunar Nodes.

The North Node is a goal, and goals in our lives are usually collective in nature. Imagine how many people in any country dream of buying an apartment, a car, a garage... There are probably more than a dozen people who want to become President. Hence the keywords "inclusion in the general flow" for the North Node, the factor of integration.

And vice versa, the accumulated life experience separates us, since it is individual for everyone. It is difficult to find two people whose past life would not only be absolutely identical, but even at least repeat itself in general terms. We are all very different - and this is what the South Node, the factor of accumulated experience, the factor of disintegration, speaks about.

The isolating, isolating quality of the South Node often comes into play in practice. Moreover, the South Node is more visible than the North Node. And this is not surprising, because the South Node is the accumulated life experience that distinguishes us from other people, not only useful accumulations are associated with this experience, but also problems, the main meaning of which can be expressed by the words "not like others", "something not this way".

To understand what exactly is wrong - you need to look at the position of the Nodes in the houses of the horoscope. Once I had to work with a man whose time of birth was known very inaccurately, and therefore the birth chart was only a hypothesis obtained as a result of a long and difficult process of rectification. To test the validity of this hypothesis, I took some of the most salient factors from the resulting horoscope and met with the client, intending to find out how typical these factors were for his life. One of the more notable configurations was the precise connection of the South Node to the IC. Of course, there was also a connection between the North Node and the MS, however, for the reasons indicated above, I preferred to ask the question about the South Node.

What question could I ask? The 4th house is the roots, origin, family, most likely the parent, and of the 2 parents, most likely the father. The house cusp is the point at which the qualities of the house are most pronounced, and if this is indeed the South Node, then something special could be associated with my client's family of origin. The question sounded something like this: "was there something connected with your parental family that would distinguish them, and therefore you, from the general environment, as if removed from the general course of affairs?"

The answer sounded amazing: "My father was a prisoner and died in prison." Is it possible to illustrate more clearly the position of the isolating, disconnecting South Node on 1C? In another similar case, a woman had the South Node in the middle of the 4th house. Not on the cusp, so the situation is not as bright, but still curious. Her grandfather was a Hindu, although all other ancestors are entirely Russian, she lived in Russia all her life. Again an exception from the general stream sounds.

Interestingly, the keywords for the Lunar nodes (Munkasey) often sound like tunnels, channels, pipes and other similar objects. A pair of Lunar nodes describes the pipe very well: after all, the pipe gives a certain general flow (North Node), but only due to the separation of its internal cavity from the external environment (South Node). It is also interesting that many people who have had a near-death experience remember going through a kind of tunnel. Was this not a direct perception of the topic of the Lunar Nodes?

The South Node is inseparable from the North Node. They form a complementary pair, and in the horoscope one can imagine a vector or an arrow based on the south node, and pointing to the north with its tip. A pair of lunar nodes in the horoscope sets the vector of individual evolution of a person, indicating which way it is better for him to go in order to turn collective goals into individual experience, so that living in the circumstances of the current life, gradually approach the goal of his existence.

It remains to understand what this vector is talking about. Here I would like to move from theory to practice and offer a key to the interpretation of the Lunar nodes. If we strive for brevity, then we can say this: go where the North Node points, and then the problems of the South Node will be solved by themselves.

By trying to solve the problems of the South Node directly, you will only exacerbate them. Remember the image of the "river of life". You can not swim to an unknown goal, but go back to the already developed lands. You will immediately feel that you are wrong - because you have to go against the current. You will not solve the North Node problem in this way, because you will not move towards the goal. But the problem of the South Node will also remain unresolved, it will freeze in place - after all, the distance traveled will stop increasing.

At one of the seminars in Moscow, we looked at a map of a woman in the audience. A curious feature of this map was that the axis of the lunar nodes in it coincided with the horizon line. The North Node was exactly on Asc, and the South Node, respectively, on Dsc. The position of the south node on Dsc may be due to problems in partnerships. A partner, in particular, a husband, is not the same as everyone else, and this can be disturbing. Maybe it's better to find another partner? But it turns out that the problem cannot be solved in this way, since the new partner brings almost the same difficulties as the old one. It so happens that the more we deal with the affairs of the South Node, the more problematic they become.

How to be? Using the proposed approach, we can formulate the following advice: "Find yourself (North node on Asc), and you will find your partner (South node on Dsc)". In other words, you need to pay more attention to yourself, your place in life, and then the problem in relationships will be solved by itself, as if automatically, only as a result of the desire for self-determination.

The owner of the horoscope was asked to speak. And she confirmed that she had significant difficulties in her relationship with her first husband. But then she became interested in astrology, found her way in life, made new friends. And her partnerships have really changed as if by themselves. She married a second time, and her second marriage turned out to be much more successful than the first, although she did not strive at all costs to part with her first husband and find someone better. We see how the proposed rule works here: "Find yourself, and you will find your partner."

Another time my client was a young man, awkward and shy. In his map, the axis of the lunar nodes also coincided with the horizon line, but there was a South Node on Asc. Based on this fact, I assumed that my client belongs to the number of loners, standing apart from everything social, collective, striving to follow their own path in everything, and not the beaten path. The young man admitted that he has his own opinion in all matters and that he fundamentally does not act like everyone else does.

But we can further assume that the South Node on Asc gives a person significant psychological difficulties. A person thinks: I am not like everyone else - which means that I am either the best (an unrecognized genius) or the worst (an insecure loser). One way or another, he erects barriers around himself, separates himself, and thereby further aggravates all his difficulties. What advice do the Lunar nodes give in this case? Find your partner and you will find yourself. Do not try to prove that they are not like everyone else, but do not be discouraged by this either. Just step towards people and you will understand that together is always better and easier than alone.

At the same time, I do not want to say at all that by learning relationships, the owner of the South Node on Asc will lose his isolation. He will simply understand that isolation turns from a disadvantage into a virtue when you know how to interact with other people.

Another client of mine became a very successful businessman in a few years. Having a South Node on Asc, and avoiding any "mass scenes", he nevertheless always learned to interact with others, to find mutual language with them. It was in a business partnership that he achieved the greatest success (North Node on Dsc), although he continues to live very secluded, even isolated, and in choosing a direction of activity he is guided only by his own understanding.

All of the above will be more or less significant for all people who have lunar nodes in the natal chart in the 1st and 7th houses, and not just on the horizon line. In addition, the Lunar nodes more than once manage to transit through all the houses of our horoscope, wherever they were located at birth. At one time or another in your life, for example, the North Node will pass through your Asc, making the theme of "finding yourself" relevant in your life.

So far I have only spoken about houses. And what is the meaning of the signs in which the lunar nodes are located? It seems to me that the signs in the horoscope play the role of scenery, coloring the action of other factors with various details, giving them volume.

Say, in the case of the last client, the South Node was in Aries, and he came from a military family, he himself served in the army for a long time, and perhaps it was the experience of this service that gave him the energy and courage to seek his own path. The North Node, respectively, is located in Libra, and he started his business as an art guide, taking foreigners to the most beautiful places in Moscow. Now, as far as I know, he has become a business partner in the sale of expensive beautiful clothes.

Consider now another position of the nodes: the North node is in the 2nd house, the South node is in the 8th. How can one read the arrow or river of life from the 8th to the 2nd house? I would suggest this interpretation: do not rely too much on what others give you. You can rely on their support, but be sure to find something of your own that is valuable to you personally and that belongs only to you. The axis of the 2nd - 8th houses is traditionally associated with finances, but not only about money, and even not so much about money, we are talking about here. There are things more valuable than money.

Consider, for example, Jung's map. In it we see just such a configuration: the North Node is in Aries in the 2nd house, the South Node is in Libra in the 8th house. It seems to me that it is the axis of the lunar nodes in Jung's map that figuratively describes the problem that arose in his relationship with Freud. At the beginning of his journey, Jung relied on what belonged to another person - Freud's psychoanalysis, his sexual theory. But then he began to look for his own understanding, his own way. The signs here are also informative: he relied on cooperation, started with it (Libra), but at the same time always sought to be a pioneer (Aries). Jung's 8th house has Jupiter in Libra. Isn't it Freud - a teacher enriching him with his knowledge and at the same time a friend (Jupiter rules the 11th house)?

Looking at Freud's map, we can see that Freud's South Node is in exact conjunction with Jung's Jupiter. The teacher strives to give the student what he himself has gone through. If the lunar nodes in Jung's chart really speak of his relationship with Freud and of Jung's desire to find his own way, then they must somehow show themselves in the unfolding of the chart during periods important changes in the relationship between these people.

Let's take 1909. According to Maggie Hyde, this is a major turning point in Jung's life in general and in his relationship with Freud in particular. In March of this year, Jung visited Freud in Vienna and received an offer to become the "Crown Prince" of the psychoanalytic movement. At the same time, the supernatural episode with the bookshelf occurred, marking the significant differences between Freud and Jung in their views on the occult. Using the simplest symbolic direction, we will see that in 1909 the direct axis of the Moon's nodes passed through the quadrature of Uranus in the 7th house - is it not here that a strange incident is visible that became the beginning of the end of the relationship?

But consider also transits. In March 1909, the transiting South Node passes a conjunction with Mars, which can be understood both as Jung's departure from the theory of sexuality, and as a rejection of friendship and the honors associated with it (Mars at 11, ex. 10) for the sake of individual creativity (transiting North Node - in the 5th house). Transiting Mars in March forms a quadrature to the axis of the lunar nodes from the 12th house of the chart. The occult, bursting out with force, changes life path person.

Finally, the Ruler Asc Saturn in the same March connects with the natal North Node - a person firmly embarks on his own path.

Here the topic of the Lunar nodes in aspects with the planets has already arisen. I will not separate the natal aspects and, say, transit ones, since they manifest themselves in the same way, but on different time scales. It is important only when studying the transits of the Lunar nodes not to forget the theme that they carried in the natal chart. This theme will continue to sound, only refracted through other areas of life.

The most interesting case is the connection of one of the nodes with the planet. Only in this aspect of the quality of the planet can be associated mainly with one of the nodes. The planet in conjunction with the South Node is the support of a person, the wealth that is given to him in order to overcome the upcoming path, but also the load that must be carried with him. A planet in the South Node tends to nudge the person in the back and is at its best when you use its qualities to move forward. If you stand still or back away, the backpack that you took on the road becomes very heavy.

A planet in conjunction with the North Node is the landmark that beckons us. We have not yet reached what this planet symbolizes, but we are striving to achieve. And the longer and more confidently we go to our North Node, the better we master the qualities of the reference planet. Otherwise, this planet can symbolize unfulfilled dreams, missed opportunities.

Other aspects to the line of the Moon's nodes, when the planet is away from this line, mean a turn in the path of life, as we have already seen in the case of Jung. If such an aspect is present in the natal chart, then the whole life can be one continuous turn, a person constantly changes the direction of activity, as if trying to hit a moving target.

Another thing is that the rotation can be different. Sometimes we have to fully mobilize our forces, overcome internal and external obstacles (squares to the line of nodes), and sometimes we just see a new path and calmly choose it (sextiles and trines).

For example, in Freud's chart, Venus in Aries in the 6th house is in conjunction with the North Node, and he was driven through life by the desire to heal people (6th house) with the help of sexual (combination of the energies of Venus and Mars) theory (Venus in exile) . Freud's South Node is in the 12th house, and in his approach he draws from the unconscious (12th house) the traumatic consequences of relationships (12th house, Libra, Venus in exile).

Another example related to the axis 2 - 8th houses - Winston Churchill. Its North Node is in the 8th house in Aries conjunct Neptune and its South Node is in the 2nd house in Libra conjunct Jupiter. The advice that could be given with the position of the North Node in the 8th house - do not stop with what you have, find a use for your wealth. Give what you have to other people and your true wealth will increase. How does this theoretical advice fit in with what we know about Winston Churchill?

I refer to Derek Appleby and Maurice McCann, "Eclipses" for facts and quotations. From birth, Churchill became a de facto member of the privileged ruling class. Wealth has always been his mainstay in life - the South Node in conjunction with Jupiter in the second house (what was given initially). But he was not satisfied with the contemplation of his wealth, but always strove for politics, strove to influence the affairs that were happening in the world. Churchill achieved his greatest influence and fame during wars.

"He was a magician of words, a speaker who charmed his audience, whose radio addresses to a nation on the verge of defeat, on the brink of invasion, made the string of rebelliousness and optimism sound in every heart, inspired everyone to stand to the last until the war was won, because not once did he didn't even hint that we won't win."

If we translate this quote into the language of astrological configurations taken from the Churchill chart, we get the following: "North node in Aries in the 8th house conjunct Neptune, Venus trine in Sagittarius in the 3rd house and Fortune sextile in Gemini in the 9th house." m house".

I want to finish this topic with brief formulations for the positions of the Lunar nodes in different houses of the horoscope. You don't have to take them too literally. As always in astrological interpretation, it all depends on the card as a whole, and on who this card belongs to. In some cases, the axis of the lunar nodes can be a very important factor in the horoscope, in other horoscopes it is of little information. However, it is always useful to think about where and where the river of our life flows.

North Node: What is to be achieved. Direction for moving forward. Getting out of difficult situations of the South Node
South Node: That which is given. basis for promotion. Past mistakes to learn from
1st house: Self-awareness. Perception of oneself as a person, one and only
2nd house: Understanding and mastering personal resources - material, intellectual, spiritual -
3rd house: Ability to use knowledge and experience for the specific needs of the current life
4th house: The ability to find one's own, and only one's place in life, to stand on one's own two feet, to organize one's own way of life
5th house: Ability to rejoice and love. Unleashing creativity regardless of surrounding circumstances
6th house: Efficiency and efficiency. Health as a basis for normal life
7th house: The experience of partnerships. Ability to take into account the interests of another person
8th house: The experience of being supported by other people and at the same time dependent on them. Using your resources to influence the situation
9th house: A generalized understanding of life and the world that transcends the needs of everyday practice
10th house: Desire to achieve a high position. Participation in the life of society, understanding its needs
11th house: Experience in group activities. The ability to perceive personal goals as elements of a higher-level goal
12th house: Disinterest in the results of one's actions. Detachment from concrete reality in favor of larger experiences

Rahu and Ketu (North and South, ascending and descending nodes) are "fictitious" points celestial sphere, they are also called shadow planets. In fact, Rahu and Ketu are not planets in terms of astronomy; in astronomy, these are points in the celestial sphere at which the orbit of the moon intersects with the plane of the ecliptic - the path of the sun. Near these two points, eclipses of the Sun and Moon occur. AT Vedic astrology Rahu and Ketu are equated in their importance and influence on the fate of a person to existing planets. The lunar nodes are given a lot great importance in the study and interpretation of any horoscope.

The Lunar Nodes of Rahu and Ketu are extremely important points in the natal chart. According to the lunar nodes, the possibilities, the potential of a person are determined. I also call the North and South Lunar nodes karmic, since their position in the house and the sign of the natal chart determines the main sphere of human activity, his worldview, his physical and spiritual health.

Rahu and Ketu are mythologically represented by the Dragon.

Rahu and Ketu are always opposite to each other; according to the “head” of the Dragon (Rahu), a person’s life path is determined - what he will achieve in the current incarnation, and according to the “tail” (Ketu) - what a person needs to use only as experience in achieving the goal, but not as a goal.

The Dragon's head and tail represent the Yin-Yang principle; one without the other is impossible. These Lunar points teach us balance in those areas of life, which correspond to the houses and signs of the location of Rahu and Ketu.

In the life of each person, Rahu and Ketu manifest themselves in different ways, each individual. However, at certain life periods, each person, regardless of where Rahu and Ketu are located at the time of his birth, finds himself in a situation of choice. Sometimes very difficult.

The most important periods in life are the periods of "return" of the Lunar nodes: 18-19 years, 37-38. During these life periods, a person is given the opportunity to change something in his life, to look at many things from a different angle. At this time, events most often occur, people meet who in one way or another push a person to right choice. However, during periods of the return of the lunar nodes, it is very important not to miss the opportunity to change your life in better side! To do this, you need to become more receptive; try not to reject what comes into your life. This is not easy, especially if a person experiences fear of the future, fear of losing any attachment, habitual way of life, etc. The fact is that if you miss the opportunity to constructively change your life at the age of 37-38, you can miss a lot.

For example, the North Node of your birth chart is in the 7th house and the South Node is in the 1st house. This is one of the most difficult positions of the lunar nodes. A person faces a choice - to save his family, marriage (seventh house) or remain himself, remain free (first house). In many cases, with this position of the Nodes, divorces occur. But, if a person looked deeper into himself (Ketu in the first house), he would see that in order to maintain and improve relations with the second half (Rahu in the seventh house), you must first love yourself! And this is the most difficult, although achievable means of maintaining relationships. Instead of being torn between yourself and someone, choosing between freedom and relationships, you need to learn to live in harmony with yourself, find balance within yourself - only then will balance in relationships come. But this is possible only if a person works on himself. And in this case, a person can come to fulfill his karmic task in the seventh house, using the experience of the first house. Cases are different; sometimes at this age people marry for the first time, sometimes for the second time, sometimes something changes dramatically in family relationships.

The influence of the lunar nodes on health

According to the position of Ruhu and Ketu in the houses and signs of the Zodiac, one can determine the overall energy potential of a person, the supply of vitality, and the tendency to certain diseases. In an ideal form, the energies of Rahu and Ketu should be balanced, but such a balance in the birth chart can be observed very rarely - it is possible only if a person works on himself, on his consciousness.

Why is Rahu and Ketu given such great importance in influencing human life and health?

A person receives energy through two main channels - through the interfoot and parietal chakra. Through the interfoot chakra, the flow of yin energy rises, and through the parietal chakra, the flow of yang energy descends. These two channels of energy, ascending and descending, are called Ida and Pingala. These are two vertical streams of energy that we receive from the Universe.

The ascending and descending Lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu, correspond to the energy channels of Ida and Pingala. Ida (Rahu) runs along the left side of the body and corresponds to the sympathetic nervous system. Pingala (Ketu) - runs along the right side of the body and belongs to the parasympathetic nervous system.

If Rahu is harmoniously located in the horoscope, then it helps to regulate energy consumption, gives mobilization of forces in extreme situations, and gives control over emotions.

If Ketu is harmoniously located in the horoscope, then it helps a person to quickly restore and accumulate energy, benefit from rest and relaxation.

Rahu and Ketu always complement each other, they always act inseparably; the principle of Rahu and Ketu is harmony and balance.

The influence of Rahu and Ketu on human health cannot be overestimated. These two streams of energy are the basis for good health and happy life. By the position of Rahu and Ketu in the houses, one can see what was originally given to a person - how the ascending and descending energy channels work in his body and how the manifestation of diseases to which there is a predisposition can be prevented. If Rahu and Ketu in the birth chart are disharmonious, this usually manifests itself as disorders in the nervous system, weakened immunity and difficult-to-diagnose diseases.

A person who has Rahu and Ketu favorably located in his birth chart has the opportunity to achieve harmony with himself and the world around him, which means: to be healthy physically and spiritually.

Given the location of the Lunar Nodes in the birth chart, you can see where and in what areas of life you most often have difficulties, why you do not have enough energy to implement your plans, why you spend too much energy on those things that you consider insignificant and why fate constantly brings you back to the same situations, events, people.

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A serious object of attention of psychologists, esotericists, magicians have become karmic knots in the fate of a person.

So professional mystics call problems that cannot be solved, complex crises, the way out of which is very difficult to find.

"Knots" prevent the soul from developing and learning new layers of reality.

They summon the strongest negative emotions from the “victim”, and if you still manage to “untie” them, life becomes much happier and more fulfilling.

There are good reasons for serious difficulties

We solve many tasks quite easily and quickly, perceiving them as ordinary items on a to-do list. But every person, as a rule, has at least one significant problem that he considers difficult and insoluble.

It can be a repulsive appearance, illness, misunderstanding in relationships with loved ones, the inability to earn money in the desired quantities, fear, a feeling of “lack of success”.

Such confusing negative situations take enormous amounts of internal energy from a person. It seems that in order to overcome them, it is necessary to become different: to change the way of thinking or to give up those benefits that have already been acquired.

Astrologers and esotericists call such problems "karmic knots." "Tricky" life circumstances, according to experts in Eastern philosophies, are sent to us from above as "lessons of fate."

If the situation from the point of view of outside observers looks difficult, but the main participant does not deliver negative emotions, this is not a karmic knot.

For example, in dismissal from work for a person, most likely, there is nothing special, if he perceives this event calmly and even rejoices in his newfound freedom.

How to understand that the "loop" started?

If the undesirable situation that you are seeking to resolve is causing a lot of anxiety, pay attention to the signs of a karmic knot:

  1. The achievement of the desired goal is hindered by "insurmountable" circumstances. You have too little time, energy, money, rights or other resources in order to move towards your dream.
  2. Similar difficulties arise at different age stages. You are again and again deceived, betrayed, deprived of a source of income or unfairly accused.
  3. In the soul from childhood there is a feeling that delivers severe discomfort. It can be dissatisfaction with life, a feeling of inferiority or "uselessness". Sometimes such a “personal nightmare” becomes the feeling that the people around you despise, consider you a fool or do not take you seriously.
  4. A difficult relationship develops with a person with whom it is impossible to part. These may be irresolvable conflicts with parents, children, the second half.

Tasks from past lives

In the Western world, the "law of karma" and, as a result, the "knots" became interested thanks to soothsayers. They, like Eastern philosophers, in their worldview proceeded from the fact that a person lives many lives, incarnating each time after death in a new body.

Entering into a state of sleep trance, spirit guides observed the past incarnations of their "patients".

After such sessions, people who turned to the soothsayers understood that their problems and negative emotions associated with them did not arise by chance, that difficult situations were given for rethinking and working on mistakes.

Many desperate “losers”, having turned to a hypnotherapist for help, are still gaining experience of traveling into past incarnations.

Current Challenges Help Change Wrong Beliefs

Specialists recognize karmic knots. How to untie them, fate suggests, offering a person to go a certain path.

Some people who are extremely concerned about recurring issues equate the untying of karmic knots with the meaning of life. Most of the time they are not wrong.

Think of an imaginary "mentor" as well. It can be a famous person or an abstract person. You must be convinced that this person knows exactly the answers to your questions.

Together bad - apart boring

Another question that worries many: how to cut the karmic knot in a relationship?

Quite often, a man and a woman are attracted to each other "at the behest of fate", but their relationship does not at all resemble a romantic fairy tale. Two souls are drawn to each other and the need to be together, but the relationship is complicated and delivers more negative emotions than positive ones.

In such relationships, one or more of the essential “ingredients” of happy communication are missing: understanding, trust, agreement on the most important issues, common interests.

Personal question

How to untie a knot? In other words, how to make the relationship with the other half become prosperous or stop, giving way to happiness with another man or woman?

Karma includes a person's debts exclusively to himself and there can be no obligations to other individuals, including family members. However, people enter into relationships of various kinds in order to fulfill their karmic tasks.

For example, if the goal of the soul in the current incarnation is to learn to forgive, fate will again and again confront it with people who will need to be "excuse" and accepted as they are.

A karmic knot between a man and a woman occurs when two souls enter into a close relationship in order to work off old debts.

Fate brings people of the opposite sex into pairs not randomly, but for the purpose of change and spiritual improvement. A person gets a spouse who destroys his "idealizations".

If, for example, such a value as a “quiet home life” is extremely important for a woman, then her spouse, with a high degree of probability, will be a man with whom it is impossible to build a “quiet” relationship.

To untie a karmic love knot, it is important to go through several stages:

  1. Understand that there are no uniform rules of conduct. The other person can and has the right to be guided by thoughts and principles that are different from yours.
  2. Recognize the imperfection of one's own and other people - everyone has the right to make a mistake.
  3. Realize that if we condemn another person, then later we will find ourselves in a situation in which we ourselves will be forced to behave in the same way as the one we criticize.

It also helps to untie the “knot” with the other half by turning to the Higher Power, to mentors, and gratitude.


If you feel that your fate is burdened by karmic knots, do not rush to consider yourself a loser. Consider that a situation can only seem bad from the point of view of one finite life.

We can only guess about what we did in past incarnations and what we will do in future ones.

The more severe the crisis a person goes through, the stronger and wiser he becomes as a result.

Probably, the tests that you are going through now are a necessary step on the way to the realization of your most secret desires.