Why was the training of the Janissaries given such great importance. Janissaries - the military class of the Ottoman Empire

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In the 13th century, the Turkic nomadic tribes pushed back by the Mongol conquerors entered the service of the Seljuk sultan, receiving from him a small feudal estate on the border with Byzantium and creating their own emirate. After the collapse of the sultanate in the 14th century, Osman I became the ruler of the emirate, giving his name to the new state, famous for its conquests with the participation of special detachments of regular infantry - the Janissaries.

Yeni Cheri - a new army

The new Ottoman state in a few years conquered Byzantine possessions in Asia Minor. Having captured the Dardanelles, the Turks set about conquering the Balkan Peninsula.

The Ottoman army was a rabble of various nomadic tribes that came out of the depths of Asia and believed in the power of Mohammed. The siege of Byzantine fortresses required a large force of disciplined infantry. But not a single free Turkish nomad, accustomed to fighting on horseback, did not want to fight on foot.

After unsuccessful attempts to create infantry formations from Muslim mercenaries, Sultan Orhan organized in 1330 a detachment of infantrymen from a thousand captive Christians who converted to Islam. In an effort to make such detachments a strike force in wars against the giaours (“infidels”), the Sultan tried to give them a religious character, linking them with the Bektashi dervish order, similar to the European model of the military monastic order. According to legend, the head of the order, Haji Bektashi, at the inauguration ceremony of the detachment, tore off his sleeve from his white robe, put it on the head of one of the soldiers, called him “yeni cheri” (“new warrior”) and gave his blessing. So the Janissaries got a headdress in the form of a hat with a hanging piece of fabric attached to the back.

The Janissary infantry became the main force of the Ottoman army. Under Sultan Murad I (1359-1389), the method of its acquisition was finally formed. From now on, the corps were recruited from children of the Christian faith captured during campaigns in the Balkans, who underwent special military training. The recruitment of children into Janissaries turned into one of the duties of the Christian population of the empire - devshirme (blood tax). Special officials selected at special "brides" in each Christian community a fifth of all boys aged seven to fourteen years (the so-called share of the Sultan) for service in the Janissary corps.

Sultan's sons

All selected boys were circumcised and converted to Islam. At the first stage, they were sent to be educated in the families of Turkish peasants and artisans in Asia Minor. There they mastered the Turkish language, Muslim customs and were accustomed to different types hard physical labor. A few years later they were enlisted in the preparatory detachment of the Janissary corps. This stage of training lasted seven years and consisted of physical training and training in the use of many types of weapons. By the age of 20, young men became real "warriors of Islam."

Upon reaching the age of 21, they were taken to the barracks of the Janissaries. The recruits lined up in the square, and the dervishes, their future spiritual guides, took their oath of allegiance to Islam. After that, former slaves became recruits for the Sultan's elite troops. The drill was harsh and ruthless, combat training took place to the drum roll. Under the influence of eyewitness accounts in Europe, the myth of the invincibility of the Turkish army was born.

The Janissaries called themselves "the hand and wing of the Ottoman dynasty." The sultans took care of them, personally delving into their education and life, and often used them in palace conflicts and in the suppression of rebellions.

The Janissaries did not shave their beards, they were forbidden to marry and do household chores. Their greatest shrine was the copper cauldron. Each hundred had its own cauldron, which stood in the middle of the bivouac or in the courtyard of the barracks. In front of the cauldron, the recruits took an oath of allegiance to the Sultan and flogged the guilty here. A hundred that lost their cauldron in the war was considered dishonored. The Janissaries believed that death was better than such a disgrace.

Eating each time turned into a complex ritual. In peacetime, a solemn procession accompanied the cauldron of food from the kitchen to the barracks. Then the soldiers were seated around the cauldron. Here they spent free time in the evenings. Europeans did not understand such a ritual, but for the Janissaries it had a deep meaning. The cauldron was the guarantee that they would be fed. The gates of the Meat Bazaar in the capital were decorated with a proud and expressive inscription: "Here the Sultan feeds the Janissaries."

The mob that became the elite

At its height, the Ottoman Empire stretched from Gibraltar to the Caspian Sea and from Transylvania to the Persian Gulf. Its capital was Istanbul (Constantinople), taken by the Turks in 1453. The Janissaries, whose total number reached almost 200 thousand, besieged the fortresses and defeated the crusaders sent against them, gaining the glory of invincible warriors. Their attacks were accompanied by music played by an orchestra on brass pipes, drums and timpani, instilling panic in the enemies. The Janissary Chapel became the prototype of the military brass bands of many armies.

In the 16th century, the military degradation of the Janissary army began. From a well-trained, disciplined and cohesive unit, it turned into a privileged caste of Praetorians, who did not have the fighting spirit and military qualities of the old days. The reason for this was the departure from the original principles of its acquisition. The Janissary army began to accept the children of noble Turks, who were not prepared for the hardships of service. Celibacy was abolished. Married Janissaries were allowed to live in their homes, and then the unmarried refused to remain in the barracks and submit to strict discipline. As a result, the corps turned into a hereditary institution. During military campaigns, the Janissaries often refused to fight, preferring to engage in robbery and extortion.

lion hunting

TO late XVIII century, Turkish troops began to suffer numerous defeats. The well-trained Russian army crushed them on land and at sea. The Janissary infantry did not want to learn military tactics or master new weapons. The ambassadors of Bonaparte, flirting with the Turkish Sultan Selim III, presented him with cannons on wheels, and Mikhail Kutuzov, who, after being wounded, was the Russian ambassador to Turkey, informed the empress about the weakness of the Janissaries.

Realizing that it was necessary to reform the army, the sultan invited French military advisers and in one of the quarters of Istanbul secretly began to prepare new troops - “nizam-i dzhedid”. At this time, Bonaparte began campaigns in Europe, and then moved to Russia. Türkiye quietly reformed its army.

On June 14, 1826, the Janissaries were announced as an ultimatum "that they will no longer see lamb until they study the order of battle, following the example of the armies of European giaurs."

- We are not giaours, and we will not disgrace ourselves! - answered the Janissaries and pulled out their boilers from the barracks. Dancing Bektashi dervishes appeared on the square, tearing off their sleeves from their tattered clothes for the headbands of the Janissaries. In anticipation of food, they "scattered through the streets, robbing and attacking all the people who came across them." Bravura and wildly played orchestras.

Sultan Mahmud II ordered the withdrawal of new well-trained troops with cannons from the barracks. Thousands of Janissaries were shot with grapeshot in the square. Many hid in cellars, attics and even in wells, but they were found everywhere and killed. For a whole week in a row, the executioners of the Sultan worked without rest: they chopped off their heads, hung them, strangled them with laces, cut the Janissaries into many pieces. An eyewitness wrote: “For several days, the dead bodies of the Janissaries were taken out on carts and carts, which were thrown into the waters of the Bosporus. They swam on the waves of the Sea of ​​​​Marmara, and the surface of the waters was so covered with them that the corpses even prevented the navigation of ships ... "

Janissaries in Ottoman Empire- Part regular army, namely the infantry. The word "Janissary" is translated from Turkish as "new warrior". Such warriors appeared because of the need for changes in the army. The one that was earlier could not fully fulfill its functions - outdated methods have become obsolete. Initially, the Janissaries had few rights. But by the beginning of the 17th century, they had become a powerful force that led to discord and riots in the empire, for which reason they were disbanded by decree of Sultan Mahmud II. Who are the Janissaries? When did they appear? What were their responsibilities? All this is in the article.

Who are the Sipahis and Janissaries

Over the years of its existence, the Ottoman Empire has seen many battles. Before considering in detail who the Janissaries are, it is worth knowing in more detail who, apart from the Janissaries, was the basis of the armed forces of the Ottoman Empire and what functions they had.

  • Akıncı- unstable light cavalry. They were used mainly for reconnaissance or raids on various areas that did not want to obey the Sultan. Their pay for their work was trophies. There were no special uniforms or weapons. Most often they had simple armor made of durable fabric or leather, and bows were used as weapons. In 1595 the goals were disbanded.
  • Sipahi in some sources they are referred to as spagi - heavy cavalry. Sipahis in the Ottoman Empire were the main force of the army along with the Janissaries, thanks to good weapons and training. Initially, they were armed only with maces. But from the 15th century, the sipahis in the Ottoman Empire switched to firearms, and in the 17th century they used sabers and pistols, shields. The rider's ammunition, as a rule, was armor (ring-plate), helmet, bracers.

How did the Janissaries appear and where did they disappear?

Who are the Janissaries? Their history begins in the distant 1365. It was Sultan Murad I who created them as the main striking force of the army. The reason for this was that in the army of the Sultan there was only light and heavy cavalry, and the infantry for wars was recruited temporarily, from the people or mercenaries. These people were unreliable, could refuse, run away, or even defect to the other side. Therefore, it was decided to create an infantry that would be completely devoted to its country.

closer to XVII century the gradual abolition of the Janissaries began. They had all sorts of rights that gave them some freedom and power. However, this power was not always directed towards the protection or welfare of the Sultan. Short story The Ottoman Empire indicates that in 1622 and in 1807 there were riots led by the Janissaries, which led to the death and removal of the rulers. These were no longer obedient slaves, but conspirators.

In 1862, the Janissary corps was abolished by decree of Mahmud II. Of course, this led to another Janissary revolt, which was brutally suppressed by the loyal forces of the Sultan's army.

Who could become a Janissary?

Who are the Janissaries, the reader already knows. And who could become them? They did not take just anyone into the infantry army. Only young boys of 5-16 years old, of different nationalities, were selected there. The reason for such an early military age was, most likely, the fact that it is easier to retrain small children than adults. The older the person, the stronger his faith. And children can be converted to any religion and belief by the right upbringing. Such was the task of those into whose hands the selected boys fell.

At first, only Christian children were called for such service. It was from this part of the people that blood tribute (devshirme) was levied - children were forcibly taken away from their parents so that in the future they would be the personal slaves of the Sultan. Every fifth male child was taken away. But in 1683, after this "position" received its advantages (Janissaries could achieve a high position in society), many Muslim families asked the Sultan for the right to give their children for re-education as Janissaries. And they got official permission to do so.

But in order to become a Janissary, it was necessary to meet certain criteria.

  1. Parents had to be from a noble family.
  2. The child had to be moderately modest and not very talkative, so as not to chat once again.
  3. Rigidity was a desirable feature of appearance. Guys with gentle features could not frighten the enemy.
  4. Height also mattered, as everyone in the army had to be about the same height.


After they were taken away from their parents, the boys were ordered to forget all their past: religion, family, attachments. Then they were sent to the capital, where they examined and selected a certain number of the strongest and most capable. They were separated and trained separately according to certain rules, so that they could serve in the palace or personally guard the Sultan. The rest were sent to the Janissary corps.

For the Janissary, it was important not only to be strong and know his business, but also to be submissive, obedient. Therefore, education was the basis of education. In order to instill in children the basic norms of Muslim law, traditions, customs, as well as to teach the language, they were sent to Islamic families. Here, children were deliberately subjected to physical and moral deprivation in order to develop resistance to everything that they would have to endure in the future.

After that, those who survived the first stage, did not break down, were transported to educational buildings, where they studied military science for six years and did hard physical work. They also taught children some other subjects, such as languages, calligraphy, everything that they might need in the future.

The only opportunity to "let off steam" for the young Janissaries was during Muslim holidays, when they were allowed to bully Jews and Christians.

The training ended when the warrior turned 25 years old. At this point, the young men either became Janissaries or not. Those who did not pass the 6-year test were called "rejected" and permanently excluded from military service.

Features of the life of the Janissaries

The life of the Janissaries was not easy, but it had its privileges. They were officially considered slaves of the Sultan and he could do with them whatever his heart desires. The Janissaries lived in the barracks, which were most often located next to the Sultan's palace. Until 1566, they did not have the right to marry, have children, or farm. Life was spent in battle and in the service of the empire. It is worth noting that in the absence of various kinds of comforts, such as women, families, crafts, they could completely devote themselves to only one joy of life - food. Cooking was a kind of ceremony. A lot of people worked on the preparation. There was even a separate position - the person responsible for cooking soup!

After a serious injury, when it was no longer possible to continue the service, or due to old age, the Janissaries retired and received benefits from the empire. Many of these retirees have had good careers, which is understandable given their knowledge and education. When a Janissary died, all his property passed into the hands of the regiment.

Only their superiors, led by the Sultan, could judge or evaluate the Janissaries. If the Janissary was seriously guilty, he was sentenced to an honorable execution - strangulation.


In addition to various military and army services, the Janissaries in the Ottoman Empire performed other functions:

  • acted as the people's police;
  • could extinguish fires;
  • punished instead of executioners.

But, in addition, they were part of the Sultan's guard, considered his personal slaves. Only the best became guards, who were ready for anything for the sake of the Sultan.


Janissary corps consisted of ojaks (regiments). The regiment was divided into orts. There were about a thousand soldiers in the regiment. Number of ojaks in different periods the history of the empire was not the same. But during the heyday of the empire, their number reached almost 200. The regiments were not the same, they had different functions.

The regiment consisted of only three parts.

  • Belyuk - the personal guard of the Sultan, consisting of 61 orts.
  • Jemaat - simple warriors (the Sultan himself was recorded here), included 101 orta.
  • Sekban - 34 orts.

The Sultan was the head of all these regiments, but the actual control was carried out by the aga. The main confidants to him were sekbanbashi and kul kyakhyasy - the highest officers of the corps. Adepts of the dervish order of the Bektashi were regimental priests for the Janissaries, the main of which was considered the ojak of the imam. The training units and the garrison of Istanbul were controlled by the Istanbul Aghasy. And talimkhanejibashi was responsible for teaching work with boys. There was also a chief treasurer - beityulmaldzhi.

The regiments also had different ranks, and there were quite a few of them. So, for example, there was a person responsible for cooking soup, for water, the head of the barracks, the chief cook, his assistants, and so on.

Form and armament

The Janissaries, as a separate part of the military forces of the Ottoman Empire, had their own weapons and uniforms. They were easily recognizable from the outside.

Janissaries wore mustaches but shaved their beards clean. Clothing was made primarily from wool. Senior officers had fur trim on their suits to stand out from other Janissaries. The high status of the owner was also emphasized by belts or sashes. Part of the uniform was a felt cap, from which a piece of cloth hung from the back. It was also called berk or yuskyf. During campaigns and wars, the Janissaries wore armor, but later abandoned it.

The armed forces of the Ottoman Empire liked to use various technological innovations in wars and battles, but they never completely abandoned traditional weapons. Initially, they were very skillful archers. In addition to these weapons, they had small spears. Later, they armed themselves with pistols, although the bow did not completely disappear from use. It was used as a ceremonial weapon. Some Janissaries changed their bows to crossbows. In addition, swords and other types of piercing and cutting weapons were obligatory weapons. Sometimes a mace, axes, and the like were used instead.

Now you know who the Janissaries are, what was their duty in the Ottoman Empire. Finally, a few more interesting facts:

  • Despite the fact that the Janissaries, among other things, were the slaves of the Sultan, and some were originally born into Christian families, loyalty to the Sultan at first was impeccable. These warriors were famous for their cruelty, and for their homeland they were ready for any sacrifice.
  • Shaving facial hair was unusual for Muslims, so these people were easy to spot in a crowd.
  • Following the model of the Ottoman Empire, Polish Janissaries were created in the Commonwealth. It is noteworthy that they copied absolutely everything from the Turkish image, including uniforms and weapons. Only the colors were different.

In the notes of historians describing the Ottoman Empire, the "army in the army" is often mentioned - special troops reporting directly to the Sultan. Who are the Janissaries, how this type of troops was formed, can be found in this article.

Excursion into history

Janissaries have been known since the middle of the 14th century, when Turkish elite infantry units were organized by the power of Sultan Murad I. The meaning of the word "Janissaries" is "new army" (translated from Turkish). At first, their ranks were formed from captive Christian teenagers and youths. Despite a strict and sometimes fanatical Turkish upbringing, Christian names were left to future soldiers. Janissaries were raised separately from other children, instilling fighting skills and fanatical loyalty to the Sultan. In the 16th century, young men of Turkish origin could also become Janissaries. The strongest, hardiest and dexterous teenagers from 8 to 12 years old were selected from the applicants.

The chosen ones lived in the barracks, their training took place in particularly harsh conditions. The fighters were divided into companies, ate from a common cauldron and were called friends of the order of the dervishes. They were forbidden to marry, their family was a native company (orta), the symbol of which was considered a cauldron.

About who the Janissaries are, the well-known historian of the 19th century T.N. Granovsky. His works mention that the Turkish sultan had the most effective infantry in the world, but its composition was rather strange: “The Janissaries won all the great battles, at Varna, at Kosovo ...” It was thanks to their courage and valor that Constantinople was taken. Thus, the Turkish ruler conquered new territories and strengthened his power thanks to warriors who were of Christian origin.

The best of the best

Janissaries were endowed with a number of privileges. Starting from the 16th century, they had the right to start a family, engage in various crafts and trade in non-war time. Particularly distinguished soldiers were awarded personally by the Sultan. Among the gifts were jewelry, weapons and a generous salary. The commanders of the Janissary companies for many years occupied the highest military and civil positions of the Turkish Empire. The ojak garrisons of the Janissaries were located not only in Istanbul, but in all major cities Turkish state. By the middle of the 16th century, the Janissaries stopped accepting outsiders into their ranks. Their title is hereditary. And the Janissary guard becomes a closed socio-political caste. This internal, rather independent force participated in political intrigues, erected and overthrew sultans and played a huge role in the country's domestic politics.

Janissary uniform

About who the Janissaries are and what their place is among other types of Turkish troops, high hats, decorated in front with a large copper plaque - keche, testify. Wooden sticks were sewn on the sides of such a hat, which gave it a stable position. Behind this headdress hung a long cloth cloak that reached the fighter's belt. The long hat symbolized the sleeve of the chief dervish, under whose blessing the Janissaries were. The color of the cap corresponded to the color of the caftan (zhupan) worn by the warrior.

The Janissary's outer clothing consisted of a long warm cloak called a kerei. At first, there was no established color for the kerei, but by the beginning of the 18th century, the Janissary's cloak was in most cases red. A cloth caftan, usually white, with long wide sleeves, was worn under the kerei. On the sides, the zhupan had long slits that allowed the Janissary to move freely in battle. And below this piece of clothing was embroidered with cords, which were the same color as the kerei. The caftan was decorated with a saber baldric and a wide leather belt.

There were also bloomers matching the color of the kerei - long and wide. Usually they covered the upper part of the boot up to half.

Military bands

The banners had their own orchestras and their own music. Such orchestras were called Janissary chapels. The main difference between such a chapel was a drum - twice as much as in the orchestras of other infantry regiments. The choir was attended by six or more musicians, otherwise known as surrogates. Contemporaries describe Janissary music as "barbaric" and "terrible".

End of the Janissaries

Belarusian Janissaries ceased to exist after the defeat of Stanislav Radziwill. After a series of military setbacks, he retreated abroad. And his personal army was disbanded, and the Janissary detachment was also demobilized.

A more tragic fate awaited their Turkish counterparts. In the Ottoman Empire, everyone knew who the Janissaries were. Unlike the Commonwealth, these warriors did not belong to the personal guard of the Sultan, but existed as a closed military caste, until 1826. Then the Turkish Sultan Mahmud II issued an order to exterminate the Janissaries. Since in open battle the chances of defeating experienced warriors were negligible, the Sultan went for a trick. More than 30 thousand people were lured into a trap at the Hippodrome and shot from cannons with buckshot. Thus ended the era of the Janissaries, and their military art was a thing of the past.

Almost all great powers had their own military estates, special troops. In the Ottoman Empire they were Janissaries, in Russia they were Cossacks. The organization of the corps of the Janissaries (from "yeni cheri" - "new army") was based on two main ideas: the state took over the entire maintenance of the Janissaries so that they could devote all the time to combat training without reducing their fighting qualities in normal times; to create a professional warrior, united in a military-religious brotherhood, like the knightly orders of the West. In addition, the Sultan's power needed a military support, devoted only to the supreme power and no one else.

The creation of the Janissary corps became possible thanks to the successful wars of conquest waged by the Ottomans, which led to the accumulation of great wealth from the sultans. The appearance of the Janissaries is associated with the name of Murad I (1359-1389), who was the first to take the title of Sultan and made a number of major conquests in Asia Minor and the Balkan Peninsula, formalizing the creation of the Ottoman Empire. Under Murad, they began to form a "new army", which later became the strike force of the Turkish army and a kind of personal guard of the Ottoman sultans. The Janissaries were personally subordinate to the Sultan, received a salary from the treasury and from the very beginning became a privileged part of the Turkish army. The subordination to the Sultan personally was symbolized by the "berk" (aka "yuskyuf") - a kind of headdress of the "new warriors", made in the form of a sleeve of the Sultan's robe, - they say, the Janissaries are at the hand of the Sultan. The commander of the Janissary corps was one of the highest dignitaries of the empire.

The supply idea is visible throughout the organization of the Janissaries. The lowest cell in the organization was the department - 10 people, united by a common boiler and a common pack horse. 8-12 departments formed an ode (company), which had a large company boiler. In the XIV century, there were 66 od Janissaries (5 thousand people), and then the number of “ods” increased to 200. The commander of the ode (company) was called Chorbaji-bashi, that is, the distributor of soup; other officers had the title of "chief cook" (ashdshi-bashi) and "water carrier" (saka-bashi). The name of the company - ode - denoted a common barracks - a bedroom; the unit was also called "orta", that is, a herd. On Fridays, the company cauldron was sent to the Sultan's kitchen, where pilaf (pilaf, a dish based on rice and meat) was prepared for the warriors of Allah. Instead of a cockade, the Janissaries stuck a wooden spoon in front of their white felt hat. In the later period, when the corps of the Janissaries had already decomposed, rallies took place around the military shrine - the company boiler, and the refusal of the Janissaries to taste the pilaf brought from the palace was considered the most dangerous rebellious sign - a demonstration.

The concern for the upbringing of the spirit was entrusted to the Sufi order of the Bektashi dervishes. It was founded by Haji Bektash in the 13th century. All Janissaries were assigned to the order. Sheikhs (baba) of the brotherhood were symbolically enrolled in the 94th orta. Therefore, in Turkish documents, the Janissaries were often called the “Bektash partnership”, and the Janissary commanders were often called “aga Bektashi”. This order allowed certain liberties, such as drinking wine, and contained elements of non-Muslim practices. Bektashi's teaching simplified the basic postulates and requirements of Islam. For example, it made it unnecessary to pray five times a day. Which was quite reasonable - for an army on a campaign, and even during military operations, when success depended on the speed of maneuver and movement, such delays could be fatal.

The barracks became a kind of monastery. The order of dervishes was the only educator and teacher of the Janissaries. Dervish monks in the Janissary units played the role of military chaplains, and also had the duty to amuse the soldiers with singing and buffoonery. The Janissaries had no relatives, for them the Sultan was the only father and his order was sacred. They were obliged to engage only in military craft (during the period of decomposition, the situation changed radically), in life they were content with military booty, and after death they hoped for paradise, the entrance to which was opened " Holy war».

At first, the corps was formed from captured Christian teenagers and youths aged 12-16. In addition, the agents of the Sultan bought young slaves in the markets. Later, at the expense of the “blood tax” (the system of devshirme, that is, “the set of children of subjects”). They taxed the Christian population of the Ottoman Empire. Its essence was that every fifth immature boy was taken from the Christian community into the slaves of the Sultan. An interesting fact is that the Ottomans simply borrowed experience Byzantine Empire. The Greek authorities, experiencing a great need for soldiers, periodically carried out forced mobilization in areas inhabited by Slavs and Albanians, taking every fifth young man.

Initially, it was a very heavy and shameful tax for the Christians of the empire. After all, these boys, as their parents knew, in the future became terrible enemies of the Christian world. Well-trained and fanatical warriors who were Christians and Slavs (mostly) by origin. It should be noted that the "sultan's slaves" had nothing to do with ordinary slaves. These were not slaves in chains who did hard and dirty work. Janissaries could reach the highest positions in the empire in the administration, in military or police formations. At a later time, by the end of the 17th century, the corps of the Janissaries was already formed mainly according to the hereditary, estate principle. And wealthy Turkish families paid a lot of money to have their children accepted into the corps, since it was possible to get a good education and make a career.

For several years, children, forcibly torn from their parental home, spent in Turkish families to make them forget their home, family, homeland, family, and study the basics of Islam. Then the young man entered the institute of "inexperienced boys" and here he developed physically and was brought up spiritually. They served there for 7-8 years. It was sort of a mixture. cadet corps, military "training", construction battalion and religious school. Devotion to Islam and the Sultan was the goal of this upbringing. The future warriors of the Sultan studied theology, calligraphy, law, literature, languages, various sciences and, of course, military affairs. In their free time, students were used in construction work - mainly in the construction and repair of numerous fortresses and fortifications. The Janissary did not have the right to marry (marriage was prohibited until 1566), he was obliged to live in the barracks, silently follow all the orders of the elder, and in the event of a disciplinary sanction being imposed on him, he had to, as a sign of humility, kiss the hand of the person who imposed the penalty.

The devshirme system arose after the formation of the Janissary corps itself. Its development was slowed down during the turmoil that came after the invasion of Tamerlane. In 1402, in the battle of Ankara, the Janissaries and other divisions of the Sultan were almost completely destroyed. Murad II in 1438 revived the devshirme system. Mehmed II the Conqueror increased the number of Janissaries and raised their salaries. The Janissaries became the core of the Ottoman army. In more recent times, many families themselves began to give away their children so that they would receive a good education and make a career.

The main Janissaries for a long time was the bow, in the possession of which they achieved great perfection. The Janissaries were foot archers, excellent archers. In addition to the bow, they were armed with sabers and scimitars, and other edged weapons. Later the Janissaries were armed firearms. As a result, the Janissaries were at first light infantry, having almost no heavy weapons and armor. With a serious enemy, they preferred to conduct a defensive battle in a fortified position, protected by a moat and light obstacles set in a circle by wagon carts ("camps"). At the same time, in the initial period of development, they were distinguished by high discipline, organization and fighting spirit. In a strong position, the Janissaries were ready to confront the most serious enemy. Chalkondil, a Greek historian of the early 15th century, being a direct witness to the actions of the Janissaries, attributed the successes of the Turks to their strict discipline, excellent supply, and concern for maintaining communications. He noted the good organization of camps and support services, as well as a large number of pack animals.

The Janissaries had much in common with other military estates, in particular, with the Cossacks. Their essence was common - the active defense of their civilization, their homeland. At the same time, these estates had a certain mystical orientation. For the Janissaries, this was a connection with the Sufi order of dervishes. Both among the Cossacks and among the Janissaries, his main “family” was brothers-in-arms. Like the Cossacks in kurens and villages, so the Janissaries lived all together in large monasteries-barracks. Janissaries ate from one boiler. The latter was revered by them as a shrine and a symbol of their military unit. Among the Cossacks, cauldrons stood in the most honorable place and were always polished to a shine. They also played the role of a symbol of military unity. Initially, the Cossacks and Janissaries had a similar attitude towards women. Warriors, as in the monastic orders of the West, did not have the right to marry. The Cossacks, as you know, did not let women into the Sich.

Militarily, the Cossacks and Janissaries were the light, mobile part of the army. They tried to take maneuver, surprise. In defense, both of them successfully used a ring defensive formation of convoy carts - “camps”, dug ditches, built palisades, obstacles from stakes. Cossacks and Janissaries preferred bows, sabers, knives.

An essential feature of the Janissaries was their attitude to power. For the Janissaries, the Sultan was the undisputed leader, the father. The Cossacks, in the period of the creation of the Romanov empire, often proceeded from their corporate interests and from time to time fought against the central government. At the same time, their performances were very serious. The Cossacks opposed the center both during the Time of Troubles and during the time of Peter I. The last major uprising took place during the time of Catherine the Great. The Cossacks retained their internal autonomy for a long time. Only in the later period did they become unconditional servants of the "tsar-father", including in the suppression of the actions of other classes.

The evolution of the Janissaries went in a different direction. If initially they were the most devoted servants of the Sultan, then in the later period they realized that “their own shirt is closer to the body” and after that it was no longer the rulers who told the Janissaries what to do, but vice versa. They began to resemble the Roman praetorian guards and shared their fate. So, Constantine the Great completely destroyed the Praetorian guards, and destroyed the Praetorian camp as "a constant nest of rebellions and debauchery." The Janissary elite turned into a caste of "chosen ones", which began to remove the sultans at will. The Janissaries have become a powerful military and political force, a threat to the throne and eternal and indispensable participants palace coups. In addition, the Janissaries lost their military significance. They began to engage in trade and craft, forgetting about military affairs. Previously, the mighty corps of the Janissaries lost its real combat effectiveness, becoming a loosely controlled, but heavily armed gathering, which threatened the supreme power and defended only its own corporate interests.

Therefore, in 1826 the corps was destroyed. Sultan Mahmud II started military reform, transforming the army on the European model. In response, the capital's Janissaries rebelled. The uprising was crushed, the barracks were destroyed by artillery. The instigators of the rebellion were executed, their property was confiscated by the Sultan, and the young Janissaries were expelled or arrested, some went to new army. The Sufi order, the ideological core of the Janissary organization, was also dissolved, and many of its followers were executed or expelled. The surviving Janissaries took up crafts and trade.

Interestingly, the Janissaries and Cossacks even outwardly resembled each other. Apparently, this was a common heritage of the military estates of the leading peoples of Eurasia (Indo-Europeans-Aryans and Turks). In addition, one should not forget that the Janissaries were originally predominantly Slavs, albeit Balkan ones. The Janissaries, unlike ethnic Turks, shaved their beards and grew long mustaches, like the Cossacks. The Janissaries and Cossacks wore bloomers similar to the Janissary "burke" and the traditional Zaporizhzhya hat with a shlyk. The Janissaries, like the Cossacks, have the same symbols of power - bunchuks and maces.

The Janissaries were the elite warriors of the Ottoman Empire. They guarded the Sultan himself, the first to enter Constantinople. Janissaries were trained for service from early childhood. Disciplined, fanatical and absolutely devoted to the Sultan, they lived in war.

Slave army

At the beginning of the 14th century, the young Ottoman state had an urgent need for high-quality infantry, since the capture of fortresses by siege was too long-term and resource-intensive (the siege of Brusa lasted longer than 10 years).

In the Ottoman army of that time, the main striking force was the cavalry, which was of little use for assault tactics. The infantry in the army was irregular, hired only for the duration of the war. Of course, the level of her training and devotion to the Sultan left much to be desired.

Sultan Orkhan, the son of the founder of the Osman empire, began to form Janissary detachments from captured Christians, but by the middle of the 14th century this technique began to falter - there were not enough prisoners, and besides, they were unreliable. Orkhan's son, Murad I, in 1362 changed the principle of selecting Janissaries - they began to be recruited from Christian children captured in military campaigns in the Balkans.
This practice has shown great results. TO XVI century it became a kind of duty imposed on Christian lands, primarily Albania, Hungary and Greece. It was called "the share of the Sultan" and consisted in the fact that every fifth boy between the ages of five and fourteen was selected by a special commission for service in the Janissary corps.

They didn't take everyone. The selection was based on the then ideas about psychophysiognomy. Firstly, only children from noble families could be taken to the Janissaries. Secondly, they did not take too talkative children (they will grow up stubborn). Also, they did not take children with delicate features (prone to rebellion, and enemies will not be afraid of them). Do not take too high and too small.

Not all children were from Christian families. As a privilege, they could take children from Muslim families in Bosnia, but, importantly, from Slavs.

The boys were ordered to forget their past, initiated into Islam and sent to be trained. From that time on, their whole life was subject to the strictest discipline, and the main virtue was absolute blind devotion to the Sultan and the interests of the empire.


The preparation of the Janissaries was systematic and thoughtful. Christian boys, who parted with their past lives, went to the families of Turkish peasants or artisans, served as rowers on ships or became assistants to butchers. At this stage, the newly converted Muslims comprehended Islam, learned the language and got used to severe hardships. With them purposely did not stand on ceremony. It was a harsh school of physical and moral hardening.

After a few years, those who did not break and survived were enrolled in the preparatory detachment of the Janissaries, the so-called achemi oglan (Russian "inexperienced youths"). Since that time, their training consisted in the development of special military skills and hard physical work. From the young men at this stage, they already brought up devoted warriors of Islam, who unquestioningly carried out all the orders of the commanders. Any manifestations of freethinking or obstinacy were nipped in the bud. However, the young "cadets" of the Janissary corps also had their own outlet. During Muslim holidays, they could afford to display violence against Christians and Jews, to which the "elders" were rather complacent than critical.

Only at the age of 25, the most physically strong of those trained in achemi oglan, the best of the best, became janissaries. It had to be earned. Those who for some reason did not pass the test became "rejected" (Turkish chikme) and were not allowed to military service in the hull.

Lions of Islam

How did it happen that children of predominantly Christian families became fanatical Muslims, ready to kill their former co-religionists, who became "infidels" for them?

The very foundation of the Janissary corps was originally planned according to the type of a knightly religious order. The spiritual basis of the ideology of the Janissaries was formed under the influence of the Bektashi dervish order. Even now in Turkish the words "Janissaries" and "Bektashi" are often used as synonyms. According to legend, even the headdress of the Janissaries - a hat with a piece of fabric attached at the back, appeared due to the fact that the head of the dervishes Khachi Bektash, blessing the warrior, tore off his sleeve from his clothes, put it on the neophyte's head and said: "Let these soldiers be called Janissaries. May their courage always be brilliant, their sword sharp, their hands victorious."

Why did the Bektashi order become the spiritual stronghold of the "new army"? Most likely, this is due to the fact that it was more convenient for the Janissaries to practice Islam in this simplified form in terms of rituals. Bektashi were exempted from the obligatory five-time prayers, from the pilgrimage to Mecca and fasting in the month of Ramadan. For the "lions of Islam", living in war, it was convenient.

One family

The life of the Janissaries was strictly declared by the charter of Murad I. The Janissaries could not start families, they had to avoid excesses, observe discipline, obey their superiors, and observe religious prescriptions.

They lived in the barracks (usually located near the Sultan's palace, since his protection was one of their main duties), but their life could not be called ascetic. After three years of service, the Janissaries received a salary, the state provided them with food, clothing and weapons. The sultan's failure to comply with his obligations to supply his "new army" more than once led to Janissary riots.

One of the main symbols of the Janissaries was the cauldron. He occupied such an important place in the life of the Janissaries that the Europeans even mistook him for the banner of the Ottoman soldiers. At a time when the corps of the Janissaries was stationed in the city, once a week, every Friday, the Horta of the Janissaries went with their cauldron to the Sultan's palace for pilaf (rice with lamb). This tradition was obligatory and symbolic. If there was discontent among the Janissaries, they could abandon the pilaf and turn the cauldron over, which served as a signal for the start of an uprising.

Kazan also occupied a central place during military campaigns. He was usually carried in front of the orta, and at a halt they were placed in the center of the camp. The biggest "fail" was the loss of the cauldron. In this case, the officers were expelled from the detachment, and ordinary Janissaries were punished.

Interestingly, during the unrest, the offender could hide under the cauldron. Only then could he be forgiven.


The privileged position of the Janissaries, the constant increase in their numbers, as well as the departure from the basic installations of the corps, eventually led to its degradation. By the end of the 16th century, the number of Janissaries reached 90 thousand, from an elite military unit they turned into an influential political force that undermined the empire from the inside, staged conspiracies and rebellions.

From the beginning of the 16th century, the recruiting system for selecting the Janissaries began to undergo serious changes, more and more Turks turned out to be in the corps, there was a departure from the principle of celibacy, the Janissaries began to acquire families that required more and more investments.