Front Chronicle of the 16th century. The Facial Code - the Tsar-Book of Russian History An excerpt characterizing the Facial Chronicle Code

The front chronicle - the source of truth

The front chronicle was created in the 16th century by order of the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible for the education of the royal children. The work on compiling this Code was headed by the most educated person of his time - St. Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus', confessor of the Tsar. The best scribes and icon painters of their time worked on compiling the Code.

What they have done: a collection of all authentically known sources from Holy Scripture(text of the Septuagint) to the history of Alexander the Great and the writings of Josephus Flavius ​​- the entire written history of mankind from the creation of the world to the 16th century inclusive. All times and all peoples that had a written language are reflected in dozens of books of this collection. Such a collection of chronicles, decorated with a huge number of highly artistic illustrations, was not created by any civilization of mankind: neither Europe, nor Asia, nor America and Africa.

The fate of the Russian Tsar himself and his children was tragic. The front annalistic code was not useful to the princes. After reading the Facial Code, part of which is devoted to the period of Grozny, it becomes clear why

Over the next hundreds of years, official historiography appeared, often opportunistic and politically biased, and therefore reliable chronicle sources were doomed to destruction or correction, that is, falsification. The front annalistic code survived these centuries due to the fact that after the death of Ivan the Terrible, during the period of unrest and timelessness, this tome became a coveted object for "enlightened" bibliophiles. Its fragments were taken to their libraries by the most influential nobles of their time: Osterman, Sheremetev, Golitsyn and others. After all, even then high-ranking collectors understood that there was no price for such a folio with sixteen thousand miniatures. And so the Code survived until the revolution, after which it was dumped in heaps in several museums and depositories.

Even today, through the efforts of enthusiasts, disparate books and sheets have been brought together from different repositories. And the revived Society of Ancient Literature Lovers made this masterpiece accessible to everyone. An unparalleled historical source will now be able to receive free of charge many major educational establishments world, national libraries different countries and, of course, our compatriots to raise children on this treasure of experience and wisdom of millennia.

In such an amazing way, the work that was done for the royal children five hundred years ago went to our children, dear contemporaries, for which we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

the largest chronicle-chronographic code Ancient Rus'. L. S. was created by order of Ivan the Terrible in the Alexander Sloboda in 1568-1576. It contained a presentation of world history from the creation of the world to the 15th century. and Russian history until 1567. According to A. A. Amosov, the surviving ten volumes of L. S. number 9745 sheets, decorated with 17744 color illustrations (miniatures). There is reason to believe that the eleventh volume, containing an exposition of Russian history, was compiled (or was compiled, but lost) ancient period until 1114. The first three volumes of L. S. contained the text of historical biblical books (Pentateuch, the books of Joshua. Judges, the book of Ruth, the four books of Kings, the book of Esther, the book of the prophet Daniel), the full text of Alexandria, “History of the Jewish War” Joseph Flavius ​​and two narratives about the Trojan War: an Old Russian translation of the Latin novel by Guido de Columna “The History of the Destruction of Troy” and “The Tale of the Creation and Capture of Troy” extracted from the Russian Chronograph. In the future, the sources of information on world history were the “Chronicle of Hellenic and Roman” of the second edition and the Russian Chronograph based on it. Russian history in volumes 4-10 is presented mainly according to the Nikon Chronicle, but already starting from the events of 1152, additional material, compared with this chronicle, is found in L.S. As B. M. Kloss established, its sources could be the Resurrection Chronicle, the Novgorod Code of 1539, “The Chronicler of the Beginning of the Kingdom,” and other sources. Around 1575, the already prepared text of L. S., at the direction of Ivan the Terrible, was subjected to significant revision in that part that contained a description of his reign, that is, from 1533 to 1568. In the postscripts made by an unknown editor on the margins of the manuscript, contained, in particular, accusations against persons executed or repressed during the oprichnina. Work on the L.S. was not completed - the miniatures of the last part were made only in ink sketch, but not painted. L. S. is not only an invaluable monument of book art, but also the most important historical source: miniatures, despite the conventionality and symbolic nature of some images, provide rich material for judgments about the historical realities of their time, and the study of editorial changes made to the last volume L S. (the so-called "Royal Book"), allows us to deepen our information about the complex political struggle in the post-oprichne period, to judge Grozny's changed assessments of the activities of one or another of his associates, about the new views of the tsar on the very events of his reign. The text of L. S. was published in the part that is based on the Nikon Chronicle (PSRL.-T. 9-13). Publisher: Shchepkin V. Facial collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Museum//IORYAS.-1899.-T. 4, book. 4.-S. 1345-1385; Presnyakov A. E.; 1) The royal book, its composition and origin. - St. Petersburg, 1893; 2) Moscow historical encyclopedia 16th century // IORYAS.- 1900.- T. 4, book. 3.- S. 824-876; Artsikhovsky A. V. Old Russian miniatures as a historical source. - M., 1944; Podobedova OI Miniatures of Russian historical manuscripts. - M., 1965. -S. 102-332; Amosov A. A.; 1) On the issue of the time of origin of the Ivan the Terrible's Facial Code // Materials and messages on the funds of the Department of Manuscript and Rare Books of the Library of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.-L., 1978. - P. 6-36; 2) The personal chronicle of Ivan the Terrible: Experience of a comprehensive source study // ADD .- SPb., 1991; Kl os with B.M. 206-265; 2) Chronicle of the Front // Dictionary of scribes. - Issue. 2, part 2. - S. 30-32; 3) Royal book //Ibid.- S. 506.-508. O. V. Curds

For the first time, the legendary Facial Chronicle Code Tsar Ivan the Terrible. The manuscript with hundreds of colorful miniatures can be downloaded from the links below.

The front annalistic code was created in the 16th century by order of the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible for the education of the royal children. The work on compiling this Code was headed by the most educated person of his time - St. Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus'. The best scribes and icon painters of the capital worked on compiling the Code. What they have done: a collection of all reliably known sources from Holy Scripture (the text of the Septuagint) to the history of Alexander the Great and the writings of Josephus Flavius ​​- the entire written history of mankind from the creation of the world to the 16th century inclusive. All times and all peoples that had a written language are reflected in dozens of books of this collection. Such a collection of chronicles, decorated with a huge number of highly artistic illustrations, was not created by any civilization of mankind: neither Europe, nor Asia, nor America or Africa. The fate of the Russian Tsar himself and his children was tragic. The front annalistic code was not useful to the princes. After reading the Facial Code, part of which is devoted to the period of Ivan the Terrible, it becomes clear why. Over the next hundreds of years, official historiography appeared, often opportunistic and politically biased, and therefore reliable chronicle sources were doomed to destruction or correction, that is, falsification. The front annalistic code survived these centuries due to the fact that after the death of Ivan the Terrible, during the period of unrest and timelessness, this tome became a coveted object for "enlightened" bibliophiles. Its fragments were taken to their libraries by the most influential nobles of their time: Osterman, Sheremetev, Golitsyn and others. After all, even then high-ranking collectors understood that there was no price for such a folio with sixteen thousand miniatures. And so the Code survived until the revolution and was dumped in heaps in several museums and depositories.

Even today, through the efforts of enthusiasts, disparate books and sheets have been brought together from different repositories. And the revived Society of Ancient Literature Lovers made this masterpiece accessible to everyone. An unparalleled historical source, now many major educational institutions of the world, national libraries of different countries and, of course, our compatriots will be able to receive free of charge to raise children on this treasure of experience and wisdom of millennia. In such an amazing way, the work that was done for the royal children five hundred years ago went to our children, dear contemporaries, on which we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

First volume

Second volume

Third volume

Fourth volume


Source -

Volume Five (Troy)

Volume Six (The Earthly Life of Jesus Christ)

Seventh volume (Josephus Flavius ​​Jewish War)

Volume Eight (Rom. Byzantium)

Part 1 (81-345 AD) -

Part 2 (345-463 AD) -

Ninth volume (Byzantium)

Part 1 (463-586 AD) -

Part 2 (586-805 AD) -

Part 3 (805-875 AD) -

Part 4 (875-928 AD) -


Facsimile editions of Slavic and Byzantine manuscripts of the 11th-16th centuries. is a priority area of ​​activity of the OLDP. The Foundation started to form perspective plan publications based on proposals already received. At the same time, we are ready to cooperate with the archives of Russia and foreign countries in the implementation and financing of facsimile editions of other rare monuments of Slavic and Byzantine writing. Publications will be carried out at a high printing level and sold in a significant circulation. Preference is given to early manuscripts (up to the 16th century inclusive) that have illustrations and require facsimiles due to low availability and (or) poor preservation.

To the attention of the readers of the group of the Commissioner of Qatar.-

Ladies and Gentlemen.

You have a unique opportunity to be among the first to get acquainted with the work of my comrades from electronic library Society of Lovers of Ancient Literature, who placed on the Internet the unique heritage of our ancestors. What will be revealed to you is truly magnificent and the study of the material will help you understand how the epic actually looked on the Russian Land. Discoveries and amazing events of the past await you, most of which have never been covered by Torah adherents - historians. Before you is the TRUTH, the very one that many of you have been painfully looking for all your life. Read and be proud that you belong to the Great Russian people.

A grandiose art project: the front chronicle of Ivan the Terrible, the Tsar-book is a chronicle of events in world and especially Russian history, written, probably in 1568-1576, especially for the royal library in a single copy. The word "facial" in the name of the Code means illustrated, with the image "in the faces." Consists of 10 volumes containing about 10 thousand sheets of rag paper, decorated with more than 16 thousand miniatures. Covers the period "from the creation of the world" to 1567.

For the first time in the open and free access on the website of the OLDP (Society of Lovers of Ancient Literature) the legendary Front Chronicle of Tsar Ivan the Terrible appeared. The manuscript with hundreds of colorful miniatures can be downloaded from the links below.

The front annalistic code was created in the 16th century by order of the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible for the education of the royal children. The work on compiling this Code was headed by the most educated person of his time - St. Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus'. The best scribes and icon painters of the capital worked on compiling the Code. What they have done: a collection of all reliably known sources from Holy Scripture (the text of the Septuagint) to the history of Alexander the Great and the writings of Josephus Flavius ​​- the entire written history of mankind from the creation of the world to the 16th century inclusive. All times and all peoples that had a written language are reflected in dozens of books of this collection. Such a collection of chronicles, decorated with a huge number of highly artistic illustrations, was not created by any civilization of mankind: neither Europe, nor Asia, nor America or Africa. The fate of the Russian Tsar himself and his children was tragic. The front annalistic code was not useful to the princes. After reading the Facial Code, part of which is devoted to the period of Ivan the Terrible, it becomes clear why. Over the next hundreds of years, official historiography appeared, often opportunistic and politically biased, and therefore reliable chronicle sources were doomed to destruction or correction, that is, falsification. The front annalistic code survived these centuries due to the fact that after the death of Ivan the Terrible, during the period of unrest and timelessness, this tome became a coveted object for "enlightened" bibliophiles. Its fragments were taken to their libraries by the most influential nobles of their time: Osterman, Sheremetev, Golitsyn and others. After all, even then high-ranking collectors understood that there was no price for such a folio with sixteen thousand miniatures. And so the Code survived until the revolution and was dumped in heaps in several museums and depositories.

Even today, through the efforts of enthusiasts, disparate books and sheets have been brought together from different repositories. And the revived Society of Ancient Literature Lovers made this masterpiece accessible to everyone. An unparalleled historical source, now many major educational institutions of the world, national libraries of different countries and, of course, our compatriots will be able to receive free of charge to raise children on this treasure of experience and wisdom of millennia. In such an amazing way, the work that was done for the royal children five hundred years ago went to our children, dear contemporaries, on which we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

First volume

Part 1 -

Part 2 -

Second volume

Part 1-

Part 2 -

Third volume

Part 1 -

Fourth volume

Part 1 -

Part 2 -


Source -

Volume Five (Troy)

Part 1 -

Part 2 -

Volume Six (The Earthly Life of Jesus Christ)

Part 1 -

Seventh volume (Josephus Flavius ​​Jewish War)

Part 1 -

Part 2 -

Volume Eight (Rom. Byzantium)

Part 1 (81-345 from V.Kh.) -

Part 2 (345-463 years from V.Kh.) -

Ninth volume (Byzantium)

Part 1 (463-586 from V.Kh.) -

Part 2 (586-805 from V.Kh.) -

Part 3 (805-875 from V.Kh.) -

Part 4 (875-928 from V.Kh.) -


Facsimile editions of Slavic and Byzantine manuscripts of the 11th-16th centuries. is a priority area of ​​activity of the OLDP. The Fund has begun to form a long-term plan of publications, based on proposals already received. At the same time, we are ready to cooperate with the archives of Russia and foreign countries in the implementation and financing of facsimile editions of other rare monuments of Slavic and Byzantine writing. Publications will be carried out at a high printing level and sold in a significant circulation. Preference is given to early manuscripts (up to the 16th century inclusive) that have illustrations and require facsimiles due to low availability and (or) poor preservation.


To the attention of the readers of the group of the Commissioner of Qatar.-

Ladies and Gentlemen.

You have a unique opportunity to be among the first to get acquainted with the work of my comrades from the electronic library of the Society of Lovers of Ancient Writing, who placed the unique heritage of our ancestors on the Internet. What will be revealed to you is truly magnificent and the study of the material will help you understand how the epic actually looked on the Russian Land. Discoveries and amazing events of the past await you, most of which have never been covered by Torah adherents - historians. Before you is the TRUTH, the very one that many of you have been painfully looking for all your life. Read and be proud that you belong to the Great Russian people.

A grandiose art project: the front chronicle of Ivan the Terrible, the Tsar-book is a chronicle of events in world and especially Russian history, written, probably in 1568-1576, especially for the royal library in a single copy. The word "facial" in the name of the Code means illustrated, with the image "in the faces." Consists of 10 volumes containing about 10 thousand sheets of rag paper, decorated with more than 16 thousand miniatures. Covers the period "from the creation of the world" to 1567.

”begins publication of an electronic edition of one of the most famous monuments of ancient Russian art - the Illuminated Chronicle Code.

The 16th century annal chronicle is a monumental monument of ancient Russian book art, unparalleled in the world in terms of the scale and breadth of coverage of historical events, as well as in the form of presentation of the material. This is the largest chronicle-chronographic work of medieval Rus'. The front annalistic code was created by order Ivan IV the Terrible in the period 1568-1576. in Alexander Sloboda, which at that time became the political center of the Russian state, the permanent residence of the tsar. A whole staff of royal scribes and artists worked on compiling the code.

The facial arch has survived to this day in 10 volumes located in various ancient repositories: the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian National Library in St. Petersburg and the State Historical Museum in Moscow.

Firm "AKTEON" together with the curators a few years ago for the first time carried out a scientific facsimile publication " Front Chronicle of the 16th century».

Today, the Russian Faith website begins publishing the full version. The proposed edition with translation is presented in three sections: bible story, The World History, Russian chronicle history.

Unlike some edited, unreliable, recopied from low-quality paper reissues that can be found on the net, our publication is the primary source of this most valuable document. It was provided by the AKTEON publishing house, whose employees carried out a direct scan of the facial vault stored in Russian ancient repositories.

Today we are talking with the director of the publishing house "ACTEON" Kharis Kharasovich Mustafin.

Haris Kharrasovich, a few years ago, the publishing house "AKTEON" began a large-scale work on scanning and publishing monuments of ancient Slavic literature. Why, in the presence of numerous ancient chronicles, Chet-Menya and others, was the Facial Vault chosen as the main, main project?

The front annalistic code of the 16th century stands apart in the Old Russian annals. This is the greatest book monument, which is distinguished, first of all, by the scale of the presentation of events - from the creation of the world, biblical events, to world historical events. Finally, it outlines Russian chronicle history from the time of Vladimir Monomakh to the time of Ivan the Terrible.

This monument is interesting both from the point of view of a large amount of information and the fact that it is a single complex, which was apparently created as a kind of state order during the formation of the Russian Empire of the 16th century. This is its uniqueness. On the other hand, this monument has a peculiarity: on almost 10 thousand sheets of the manuscript, more than 17.5 thousand book miniatures are presented, never repeated, woven into the canvas of the story. At the same time, it turns out that this is not illustrative material for the manuscript, and the manuscripts are not captions for such a huge array of book miniatures.

This is, on the one hand, a new, and on the other hand, a unique literary and historical work, where texts are interspersed with book miniatures, which often depict much more than what is stated in the texts. Thus, the reader in these books can look through the eyes of Russian scribes of the 16th century at the events they recount. This is of particular value.

Therefore, when asked why we took up the Facial Chronicle Code, I want to answer that it is precisely because of its uniqueness. Many generations of historians and philologists dreamed of a facsimile edition of this monument, and only thanks to the new technologies of the 21st century and the determination of our team to start this work and bring it to the end, it became possible to publish this book monument.

One more moment. When we were selecting material for publication, we turned to the Presidium for advice. Russian Academy Sciences and to the Archaeographic Commission at the Academy of Sciences. When asked what the most outstanding of the Russian book monuments is in the ancient repositories, we were unequivocally answered that this is the Illuminated Chronicle Code, which has no analogues either in Russia or abroad. That's why the publishing house was created. "ACTEON" specifically for the project of publishing the Facial Code.

From the point of view of what tasks were set, it is necessary to tell about a very important point. Not only the publishing house worked on the project, but also the largest libraries-custodians of the Illuminated Chronicle. This project involved big number various specialists - historians, philologists from leading specialized organizations. This is not just a facsimile edition of a book monument, it is a scientific facsimile edition, which presents the most detailed descriptions of original books, the history of existence, a lot of work has been done to prepare indexes and bibliographic material. It is also very important that work has been done on the complete transliteration of the text and interlinear translation into modern Russian, which has dramatically expanded the opportunity for even unprepared people to get acquainted with this monument.

Few publishers have done this before. Now it is turning into a kind of standard, because it is very convenient for people. Many publishing houses are now trying to publish the original text and its transliteration, and if they have the strength, then a translation into a modern language. This is hard work. ancient and modern languages very close, and it is not at all easy to convey certain phrases without distorting their meaning so much that it would be clear to contemporaries. From our point of view, it is very important that the book monuments that we deal with are created both for scientists and for all those interested in the history and culture of Rus'. We make publications of the Illuminated Chronicle in a form convenient for perception.

Can the books of the Facial Code give the modern reader new historical information?

The facial vault is interesting in several ways. Firstly, its pages consistently present the vision of history by Russian scribes of the 16th century, as they understood it. They compiled these books based on their understanding of history, and they understood that the history of any state and any society comes from the creation of the world, followed by biblical events, then world history, including the history of Troy, ancient rome, Byzantium, then there is a transition to Russian history. A complete picture of the historical canvas is described. There are few materials where this concept can be seen in its entirety. As a rule, what is published is fragmentary, but here we see a common unified picture of the understanding of history by people of the 16th century, which is very important.

Later, of course, historical science developed, and this led to the emergence of many different new concepts about what the history of, in particular, Rus' was like. Often, science was formed to please certain political orders. Therefore, to have the opportunity to get acquainted and evaluate the vision of the history of the Russian scribes of the 16th century, based on the published document - the Illuminated Chronicle, is a very interesting opportunity. This vision is not obscured by many stratifications, on the one hand, artificially contrived, and, on the other hand, based on modern historical science. From the Facial Code, which is, in fact, the primary source, one can consider many historical events of both the 16th century and an earlier era through the eyes of educated Russian scribes.

The meaning of studying the Code lies in the fact that, in addition to some textual descriptions of events, there is a mass of materials related to the display of historical events in miniatures. Often, only in them you can see many points related to the development of technology, weapons, crafts, and construction. To our time, almost no graphic information has been preserved about the events in Rus' and the countries adjacent to Rus', which would be reflected precisely graphically. From this point of view, the material of the Code is very interesting and, indeed, can give the modern reader a lot of new historical information. The main thing is that a person should have an inquisitive mind and be truly interested in the history and culture of his country.

Today, many publishing houses publish reprint and facsimile editions. However, their quality in most cases, to put it mildly, is lame. What technologies, software products were used by ACTEON to create, without exaggeration, the highest quality publication of its kind?

It has already been said that when it was decided to issue a scientific facsimile edition of the Personal Chronicle Code, the AKTEON publishing house was specially created. The main emphasis in the work of this company was placed on the use of cutting-edge technologies that arose at the beginning of the 21st century. These are the first non-contact book scanners that allow you to illuminate ancient books with gentle light, non-contact, carefully scan them with the highest quality.

Digital technologies also appeared, largely developed by the specialists of our publishing house, which made it possible to virtually straighten the images of open books, to combine the face and the back of the sheets without the slightest distortion of the colors of book miniatures. And, finally, our company purchased the country's first digital printing house, which allows for small-circulation production, in fact, the production of books to order at the highest level.

In order to obtain high-quality book bindings, our company created a division that carries out manual book binding, in which, in particular, the technology of the famous Russian book binding of the 16th century was reproduced.

This made it possible to create books that are not only unique in content, but in a certain sense are a work of modern book art.

In which Russian libraries and the meeting received your edition of the Facial Code, are there any reviews?

Our publication has arrived in almost all the largest libraries in the country: regional, republican, central. It ended up in the largest universities in the country, as well as in a number of foreign libraries, primarily university ones, where Slavic studies and the history of Eastern Europe and Russia are being studied.

We have received a lot of positive feedback. Moreover, on the initiative of the Bavarian National Library and the Institute for the Study of the History of Eastern Europe and Russia in Munich in 2011, the first International Conference dedicated to the study of the Illuminated Chronicle was held. It came out as a result of the appearance of our publication in the largest libraries of the country and the world.

Abroad, the publication of the Facial Code in a certain sense made a scientific sensation, because for the first time a huge array of unique material became available for study, which had previously been inaccessible to study by specialists. Moreover, the material is the most valuable, both in terms of texts and in terms of a large number book miniatures.

Nowadays, the monopoly on familiarization with historical sources, which was previously held by specialists and researchers, is gradually being lost. An increasing number of digital copies are being published online. What role do you think the publication of primary sources can play in historical science, and in public life as well?

The question is put in such a way as if the monopoly was created artificially. Study historical sources Actually, it's the hardest job. The people who do this work cause deep respect and admiration. This work requires the highest qualifications. At the same time, our publications are aimed at facilitating the work of these specialists, on the one hand, and at the same time making unique book monuments more accessible to a wide range of the public that is interested in the book culture and history of their country.

In our view, Russian book culture deserves to be proud of it, to be known, so that people interested in the history of the country take these book monuments into service in order to carry, first of all, to educational system, to their families. I want people, especially young people, to be proud of their country, their history, to know this history.

The fact that more and more materials related to the history of the country, especially documents, are being published on the Internet is an extremely positive trend, which, we hope, will bear fruit. More and more young people will be interested in the history and culture of the country, and this, from our point of view, will contribute to the revival and prosperity of Russia.

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