Personal chronicles. Tsar-book. Front chronicle of Ivan the Terrible The history of the creation of the code

Front Chronicle Code - a source of blasphemy and lies

(review of the book "The Earthly Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ")

"Facing Chronicle Code - the source of Truth"
"The Facial Chronicle Code frees the soul from heresy"
German Sterligov (Chairman of the OLDP)

Before starting to study this book, let's go to the site of the Akteon publishing house (the publishing house that distributes the commercial version of LLS) and see if it is available there. There is no such book. The title of the book "The Earthly Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ" and its layout are a product of the OLDP. Why this is important to note will be explained below.

We start reading.
The beginning of the book, page 4: “... and Alexander died” (Macedonian) “And then 4 subordinates of Alexander reigned. And Arrhidaeus, brother of Alexander, who called himself Philip, took Macedonia, and he reigned in Macedonia. Antipater reigned in Europe; in Egypt, Ptolemy, the son of Lag, that is, the Hare…………..”

Page 10 “And Romun Ermilai, the king of Rome, took Byzantium for himself and began to love her very much because of her beauty, - he himself was good and smart, ………………..”

Page 16 “The 4th reign in Egypt. Then reigned 4 Ptolemy Euergetes the Loving Father, 25 years, during which the Jewish people, captive, went to Egypt………………..”

Page 25 “Niconor, Seleucus, as soon as he defeated Antigonus Polyorcterus, began to create many cities. He began to build first by the Sea of ​​Syria, and came to the sea……………….

Page 35 “The 7th reign in Syria. After Seleucus, Demetrius of Seleucia reigned. 8th reign in Syria. After Demetrius, Alexander Walas reigned. 9th reign in Syria. After Alexander…………………”

We remind you that you are reading the book The Earthly Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Page 45 “The evil was revealed - the coming of Antiochus. He ordered after the victory………….”
Page 55 “And Antiochus came to Jerusalem, and he had 20,000 horsemen and 100,000 infantry……………”
Page 65 “The reign of the 22nd in Syria. After Antiochus, the grandson of Grip, Antiochus Euergetes reigned………….”
Page 75 “And having learned about this, the Roman nobles appointed a strong second viceroy, named Scipio………….”
Page 85 “The reign of the 26th in Syria. And this Antiochus owned all this for 9 years………………….”

And only on page 129 did we finally reach the declared topic: "The word of the holy father Epiphanius about the life of the Holy Mother of God of our Lord Jesus Christ." And the fun begins...

Page 140 “And Mary was in Jerusalem in the temple of the Lord. And she was 14 years old when the feminine weak nature manifests itself ... ". A very important clarification for the upbringing of children (and it is stated that the LLS was created for the upbringing of children). So I see a father in a stupor, to whom a young son or daughter asks a question about "a woman's weak nature." Besides. Everything that concerns God and the Most Holy Theotokos should be permeated with reverence and sacred awe, and I personally deeply doubt that Saint Epiphanius would have written exactly as it is written in this “source of truth.”

Further more.
Page 140 “.. So the words of the Holy Virgin, said to the archangel Gabriel, are explained by this. He said to her after the greeting: "Create the Son and call His name Jesus, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of David thy father" and so on.
We open the Elisavetgrad Gospel (also charitably distributed by the OLDP) and compare. The Gospel of Luke: “And an angel came in to her and said: Rejoice, rejoicing Lord is with you. Blessed are You in women. When she saw it, she was troubled about his words and thought about what this kiss would be like. And the angel said to her: Do not be afraid of Miriam. Get more grace from God. And behold, thou shalt conceive in the womb, and give birth to a Son, and call His name Jesus. This one will be great, and the Son of the Most High will be called. And the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father.”

Before that, in Z.M.I.Kh. a third of the book told us about the Roman kings, about how they lived, who they loved and who they hated, who and how they killed. For Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother, there was not much room in the "source of truth." So we are given a mocking snippet of the great moment of the Gospel and end it with a savory spit "etc." By the way, remember this mocking "and so on." In the process of studying LLS, we will meet it more than once.

"Conceive the Son and call His name Jesus" - The earthly life of Jesus Christ
“And behold, you conceive in the womb and bear a Son and call His name Jesus” - the Gospel.

Again, we are convinced that the “source of truth” is as compressed as possible, because he needs to somehow be able to convey to us several thousand “highly artistic miniatures”, a chronology of palace intrigues and upheavals of various centuries, pagan tales from Troy, the “Jewish War” by Josephus Flavius ​​and much more another is very important for an Orthodox Christian and the upbringing of Orthodox children. Therefore, “give birth to the Son” can be omitted and the Child can be named already from the moment of conception.

“... and the Lord God will give him the throne of David your father» - The earthly life of Jesus Christ
And the Lord God will give him the throne of David, his father"- gospel
The Society of Lovers of Ancient Writing distributes both of these books.

Read on.
Chapter "On the Annunciation". Finally. Now we will touch on the great moment of the beginning of our salvation and read a wonderful passage from the Gospel. “In the year 5499 and in the 36th year of the reign of Augustus, the month of Dustra, on the 25th day, on Sunday, at the ninth hour of the day, the Most Holy Theotokos prayed, and at that hour the archangel Gabriel was sent to her by God in the city of Nazareth, and told her everything secret about the Only Begotten Son of God, as stated in the Gospel (as stated in the Gospel ... "and so on" in short - A.K.). And no one knew what happened, from Joseph's household, and the Mother of God did not inform anyone, not even Joseph himself, until she saw her Son ascending into Heaven. Therefore, the Evangelist Matthew says: “And she did not understand until her Son gave birth to the Firstborn,” that is, they did not know the mystery of God in her, nor the hidden depths about her, nor what happened.

The last two sentences are such nonsense that it's time to grab your head. The first tells us that the Mother of God hid the moment of the great Annunciation from everyone, until the moment of the Ascension of the Lord. I thought about the second sentence for a long time and remembered where the apostle Matthew wrote this. I didn’t guess right away, because the fragment didn’t fit in any way. Open the Gospel, compare.

“And it is not reasonable, until your Son gives birth to the Firstborn” - Z.M.I.Kh.
“And welcome your wife. And you don’t know Her until you give birth to your Firstborn Son ”- Elisavetgrad Gospel. (a small digression from the topic. I personally would very much like to check the phrase “And you did not know Her until” and the presence of the word “Firstborn” in the Gospels not distributed by the OLDP and older versions).

So, complete inconsistency. Semantic dissonance, stupor. If we accept that there is a lie in the Gospel, or they wrote something off topic, then we get “no one understood that (the great moment of the Gospel) until the Mother of God gave birth to the Firstborn.” But wait. Is it not on the line above that it says: “And the Mother of God did not inform anyone, not even Joseph himself, until she saw her Son ascending into Heaven”? It turns out that the second line immediately contradicts the first. The circle is closed. The Elisavetgrad Gospel contains a line that in no way corresponds in meaning to Z.M.I.Kh., Z.M.I.Kh. contradicts itself. A complete dead end for the OLDP. They distribute both of these books.

The further story about the great moment of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos leads to the idea that it was written either by a completely insane person (then it is not clear how he was allowed to do such an important thing), or an outright enemy. Reading.

“And the Virgin Holy Mary said to the Angel: “What will it be like for me, since I don’t know a husband?” As they said before, there is some other meaning, so as not to return to what was said earlier, in what it means “I don’t know a husband”, that is: “I don’t want, I have no desire for a husband, I don’t know the lust of the flesh.” For there was no virginity of the Mother of God because of abstinence or because of a feat, like a female adornment, and not because of diligence in chastity, but the virginity of the Mother of God was “from nature pretty much, which is for all women, and human nature is strange.” It is said in the prophet Ezekiel (a book that is not in the “Bible History” of the OLDP - A.K.): “There will be a gate, hedgehog to the east, closed, and no one can pass through it, only the Lord God of Israel: He alone will enter and exit and the gates will be closed." And all the prophets and apostles testify, and our fathers testify, and the bright teachers of the Catholic and Apostolic Church also agree.

That is why the great Dionysius the Areopagite said about Christ that He is “a human creature more than a man, and the Virgin of the Nativity, who exists without illness, will obey” (why is this ?! - A.K.) Athanasius of Alexandria and Leo of Rome said about the Mother of God that she "The desire of a man is not known." All holy Orthodox cathedrals also testify to this. And Jacob the Jew (who is this? - A.K.), who then lived, wrote about her like this: “So that he will be changed in the countries, and be born before all, and be touched by a woman, having become a Virgin, as if before the Nativity of the Virgin.” Reuben, the priest (Old Testament Reuben? - A.K.) also testifies: “I received a notice from a woman” (?! - A.K.). And some other, very glorious things, recognizing (?! - A.K.) said: "Fairly, to find, nature." (?! - A.K.) And others echoed: “More than the charter, nature was.” (?! - A.K.)

I am 36 years old. From the teachings of the Church, I know that the Most Holy Theotokos was a Virgin even before Christmas and remained a Virgin after Christmas. All the blasphemous opinions of heretics have long been anathematized and they have long been burning in hell for their blasphemy against the Mother of God and God. This information is enough for me. Children need even less.

Tell me, why for the second time in this thin book with the loud title "The Earthly Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ" raise the topic of the virginity of the Most Holy Theotokos? And with obvious signs of savoring. Why is this? This topic is intimate and even just an ordinary girl, even if she has lived a chaste life all her life, it will be embarrassing if someone speaks about it with praise. Here we are told about the Most Holy Theotokos and the great event of her Annunciation and the Incarnation of the Savior. Instead of telling us as reverently and with sacred awe as possible about the Great Sacrament, we, sucking on the intimate topic of virginity with relish, are given incoherent blasphemous nonsense that you won’t understand even if you read it 100 times. With references to Dionysius the Areopagite, whose quote, of course, needs to be checked and which is not clear how it fits this topic. With reference to some Jacob the Jew, who lived then. Who is this? Apostle James? So why didn't they call it that? With reference to Reuben with his mind-boggling "evidence"? And only an eyewitness can testify. What are we talking about?

- but the virginity of the Theotokos was "quite from nature, a hedgehog for all wives, and human nature is strange";
- “So that in the countries it is changed, and Izhe before all be born, and tactile from a woman, found by the Virgin, as before the Nativity of the Virgin”;
- “I will receive a notice from a woman”;
- “Fairly, a hedgehog to find, nature”;
- "More than the charter, nature was."
We are advised to teach this to children ...

It will be interesting to consider the miniature of the moment of the Annunciation. The Blessed Virgin Mary is depicted on it as an elderly, sad woman, although again in the same book, in describing the life of the Roman kings, we can observe miniatures with young smiling girls. It is interesting to pay attention to the strange blessing of the Angel.

Further. Page 145. “And three months passed, and Mary went to Galilee, to the house of Joseph, and was meek in word and disposition, and holy in image. The time has come, and her belly has grown. And immediately Joseph, seeing the saint and not knowing what the sacraments were about Her, became sad (in the original “fall into labor” - A.K.), and planned to expel (in the original “cast out” - A.K.) Her from his house secretly.
Opening the Elisavetgrad Gospel. From Matthew. “Joseph is her husband, a righteous one, and not even though she rebuke her, let her go.”

The OLDP distributes both of these books. And it is very strange that in this blasphemous little book with a loud title it is not written like this: “And immediately Joseph, seeing this atrocities, wanted to grab this adulterous woman by the hair, take her out of the city and stone her.” Z.M.I.H. presents Joseph as an indignant husband, who, for unknown reasons, SECRETLY - just wanted to KILL. The Gospel tells us about a meek and humble man who, having learned about the secret pregnancy of his wife (i.e., in his opinion, the accomplished fact of adultery), did not want to convict Her, but simply wanted to secretly let Her go.

Here is a very interesting place from a parenting book.
Page 149-150. About wolves.

In the year 5502, Herod, the local ruler, that is, the king of Judea, began to find out that time had passed a little from the Nativity of Christ, and the magi came from Persia to the Judean land, as messengers from the southeast, on the left side of Jerusalem, for Persia borders there with Judea. “The star is not byache, like other stars, but above the earth not according to custom, as if not according to custom, you walk and, at some insistence, happen, never appearing,” said Great Basil. And John Chrysostom says: “Where pure and inexpressible was the Birth of Jesus, not in a den for more and in no temple, like a new one, but Jesus is a young Child, as Matthew the Evangelist himself testifies to that. Very often there was a time for the appearance: Joseph and the All-Immaculate Virgin and from her Born without seed, when we hear the fear of God from non-native and strange Magi, Who was, and what for the sake of, and hedgehog create to man, not only these, but the whole Jerusalem, and those rulers are all Jews."

How can you teach children what adults do not understand? And it is doubtful that these are generally the words of Saints Basil and John, because when you read their teachings, you are amazed at the simplicity and depth of their thoughts and words. And here?

We compare. Elisavetgrad Gospel, from Luke: "Here, take Him into your hand and bless God and say ...". Again a mismatch. Well, okay, we have already seen more than once that LLS does not correspond to the Gospel. Something else is more important now. Again and again we are given a snippet instead of the full story.

“Now you release your servant, Lord, according to your word in peace, as if my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared before the face of all people. A light for the revelation of the tongue and the glory of Your people Israel.” "This lies for the fall and the rising of many." Great moment, great words. But no. There is no place for them in the "source of truth". There is not a word about Anna the prophetess at all.

Page 153. "... and they bring gifts to Him, as to a great king and conqueror, and "bringing gold, and firbane, and semolina": gold as a king, frankincense as a saint, and peace as a dead man. Why didn't the person who wrote this have their hands cut off? How could one write such a thing about the Savior?

The words of John Chrysostom: “But what made the Magi bow, when neither the Virgin was famous, nor her house was magnificent, and in all appearance there was nothing that could strike and attract them?

And meanwhile, they not only worship, but also, having opened their treasures, bring gifts, and gifts not as a person, but as God, - because the lebanon and myrrh were a symbol of such worship. So, what prompted them and made them leave the house and decide on such a long journey? The star and the divine illumination of their thought, little by little leading them to the most perfect vision. Otherwise, they would not have shown Him such an honor under such seemingly unimportant circumstances. For feelings, there was nothing great there, there were only a manger, a hut and a poor Mother, so that you could openly see the wisdom of the Magi and know that they approached not as a simple person, but as God and a benefactor.

That is why they were not tempted by anything visible and external, but worshiped and brought gifts that did not look like rude (offerings) of the Jews; they sacrificed not sheep and calves, but, as if they were true Christians, they brought Him knowledge, obedience and love ”(John Chrysostom, interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew, conversation 8).

Page 156. “Joseph entered the sanctuary of the Egyptian god Avdul, and immediately all the idols fell. The priests saw and were afraid, and bowed to the Savior so that the church would not collapse on them. And they wanted to paint an icon with His image. The icon painter undertook to paint, but could not finish the image of Christ. Everyone began to pray to the Savior that he would command, and that His icon would be finished. Christ bowed to her, and the icon itself was immediately finished. This icon is kept by the Egyptians even now. Many strong kings wanted to take her, or make a list from her, and could not.

An outright lie. None of the Gospels tells about it. None of the teachers of the Church speaks. "This icon is kept by the Egyptians even now." What is the name of the icon and where is its storage location, if the author of these lines is aware of this? "Many strong kings wanted to take her, or make a list of her, and could not." What are "many kings"? How did they want to take this icon? Military campaigns or peace requests? Why couldn't they take or at least just make a list? Would there then be an iconoclastic period in the history of the Church if all this were true and known to all?

Page 162. “Daniel also testifies and says: “And he will see, and he will understand, speaking from the issue of the Word, let him answer, let him build Jerusalem even until the Lord Christ seven weeks, 62.” For 60 and two weeks give 483 years, and the beginning is received from the good Masters ... ".

First. We open the Bible History (the first four books of LLS), the appearance of the archangel Gabriel to the prophet Daniel. We read: seven weeks. Second. We multiply 60 by 7 and add 14 (7 + 7) We get 434. The compilers of the “source of truth” forgot to add another 49 (7 * 7) from the vision of the prophet. Anyway. If the "source of truth" does not care about conformity with the gospel and Old Testament, then can it be strongly scolded for spelling and arithmetic inaccuracies?

The further into the forest, the more firewood.
Page 170-171. This same Augustus Caesar Octavian, in the 55th year of his reign, in the month of October, which is called superstition in Macedonian, went to a fortune-teller called the Pythia, and made a solemn sacrifice, and asked: “Who will reign in the city of Rome after me?” And the Pythia did not give him an answer. And again he brought another sacrifice and asked the Pythia: “Why was not an answer given to me, but magic is silent?” And the Pythia said to him like this: “The Hebrew boy tells me, by the command of the Good God, to leave this house, and go to hell already. Therefore, get out of our homes."

The lad Jew (rejoice, neo-pagans! the “source of truth” confirms your falsehood) by the command of the good (namely good) God commands the sorceress to go to hell. No comments.

Page 171. “And Augustus Caesar went out from the fortune-teller, and came to the Capitol, and set there a large and high altar, on which he wrote in Roman letters: “This altar of the great-grandfather of God”; this altar is in the Capitol even now, as Timothy wrote."

If this, again, is not the delirium of a madman, which is very similar, it would be nice for the author to refer to a source that tells which Timothy and where he wrote about the "altar of God's great-grandfather." And what kind of stupidity is this in general - "the altar of God's great-grandfather"? And why is it included in the book that tells about the Savior. Let us suppose that we draw a parallel with the Acts of the Holy Apostles. We open and read. In the absence of an "Apostle" from the ALDP (they do not distribute it at all and refuse to answer questions regarding the Acts, the Epistles of the Saints, as well as the Apocalypse of John the Theologian), we take the synodal text. The altar is called "to the unknown God" (Acts 17:23). Absolute mismatch. Let this question be answered by the OLDP, which is distributing this book. Maybe in their version of the Apostle the altar is stupidly called “great-grandfather of God”? Or is it a completely different topic? Word for them.

Page 174. “This Tiberius Caesar was at first meek and generous. When he made someone a lord or commander, he did not change for a long time. When asked about this, he told a parable: “One man had all his legs in purulent sores. And the flies came and ate these sores, but he did not drive them away. And someone wanted to drive away the flies, he exclaimed: “Man, leave it, for these flies of my rotting parts have eaten and now they sadden me a little. When others arrive, hungry, they will bring me more suffering. He also said about the authorities that they should not be changed often, so that those who are in power have time to get enough of it and would not oppress their subordinates so much.

Oh, the wisdom of the Roman pagan kings. I bet that it is for this paragraph that the golden rain pours on the LLS. In general, again, an interesting story for raising children. I imagine gray balls moving in naive and simple children's heads: an uncle with sore legs that fester and hurt, instead of going to the doctor and healing them, just sits and patiently watches how flies eat his ulcers. Moreover, my mother said that flies carry the infection. That you need to drive them out of the house. Do not allow food to sit on.

Page 180. “On the baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ and on John the Forerunner.
In the year five thousand five hundred and thirty, in the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Gabriel the archangel appeared to John, the son of Zacharias, in the wilderness, and said to him: “Thus says the Lord, who created you and chose you from your mother’s womb: and baptize all who come to repentance, and behold, I will send my only begotten Son; He will come and be baptized by you, and will sanctify the waters and all those who are baptized; over Him you will see the Spirit of God descending in the vision of a dove and dwelling on Him, He is My beloved Son, Judge of the living and the dead, delivering the faithful from all wrath. Having heard this, the Forerunner of the Lord John came to Jerusalem, and the Jews came, “and I am baptized by him, confessing my sins.”

Elisavetgrad Gospel, Luke. “In the fifth and tenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar […] there was a word of God to John Zacharias son in the wilderness. And he came into all the land of Jordan preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.

Life of John the Baptist. “In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius, when John was 30 years old, there was a voice of God to him, commanding him to leave the wilderness and go to the people of the Jews and to excite the people to repentance of sins by preaching repentance and baptism: for the time has come for the coming of the Messiah.”

As we can see, neither the Gospel nor the life of John the Baptist tell us about the appearance of the Archangel Gabriel to him. And the "country of Jordan" is not the city of Jerusalem. All lies.

Page 181-182. “They said then that one man from the Jews walks in strange clothes, attaching animal skins (“animal hair” in the original - A.K.) to his body in those places where his hair was not covered, and his face was like wild. [...] His mouth did not know bread, even on Easter he did not taste unleavened bread, saying: “in remembrance of God, who delivered people from work, this meal was given.” Wine, and other intoxicating wine, did not even allow close to him. And he did not take any animal food. He denounced every untruth. And he ate honey from wild bees and chips from trees, that is, shoots.

Z.M.I.H. - a continuous lie. Two evangelists - Matthew and Mark, St. John Chrysostom narrate that John the Baptist was not hairy like a beast (as Z.M.I.Kh. tells and shows in miniatures), but wore clothes made of camel skins. And he ate not wild honey with chips, branches, but wild honey and locusts (locusts). In order not to load the article, I will not quote excerpts. Everyone can verify this for himself.

Someone might say: well, why find fault with it? Everywhere there may be minor inaccuracies. I want to convey that these are not minor inaccuracies and errors. And this small article has already provided enough facts for an objective person. These are deliberate lies and blasphemy.

In general, the entire description of the life of John the Baptist from this book is a vast field of activity for research. Here you can discuss each of his statements, each of his actions.

The World History. Book 4

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Front Chronicle of the 16th century

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Front Chronicle of the 16th century. The World History. Book 1

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Front Chronicle of the 16th century. The World History. Book 5


Front Chronicle of the 16th century. The World History. Book 6


Front Chronicle of the 16th century. The World History. Book 7


Front Chronicle of the 16th century. The World History. Book 8


Front Chronicle of the 16th century. The World History. Book 9

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Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Accompanying volume


Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 1. 1114-1151


Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 2. 1152-1173


Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 3. 1174-1204


Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 4. 1205-1216


Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 5. 1217-1241


Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 6. 1242-1289


Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 7. 1290-1342


Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 8. 1343-1372


Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 9. 1373-1380


Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 10. 1381-1392


Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 11. 1393-1402


Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 12. 1403-1424


Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 13. 1425-1443


Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 14. 1444-1459


Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 15. 1460-1474


Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 16. 1475-1482


Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 17. 1483-1502


Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 18. 1503-1527


Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 19. 1528-1541


Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 20. 1541-1551


Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 21. 1551-1553


Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 22. 1553-1557


Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 23. 1557-1567

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Front Chronicle of the 16th century

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Bible story. Book 1

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Bible story. Book 2

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Bible story. Book 3

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Bible story. Book 4

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. The World History. Accompanying volume

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. The World History. Book 1

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. The World History. Book 2

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. The World History. Book 3

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. The World History. Book 4

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. The World History. Book 5

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. The World History. Book 6

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. The World History. Book 7

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. The World History. Book 8

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. The World History. Book 9

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. The World History. Book 10

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Accompanying volume

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 1. 1114-1151

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 2. 1152-1173

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 3. 1174-1204

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 4. 1205-1216

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 5. 1217-1241

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 6. 1242-1289

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 7. 1290-1342

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 8. 1343-1372

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 9. 1373-1380

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 10. 1381-1392

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 11. 1393-1402

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 12. 1403-1424

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 13. 1425-1443

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 14. 1444-1459

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 15. 1460-1474

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 16. 1475-1482

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 17. 1483-1502

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 18. 1503-1527

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 19. 1528-1541

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 20. 1541-1551

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 21. 1551-1553

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 22. 1553-1557

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Russian chronicle history. Book 23. 1557-1567

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Front Chronicle of the 16th century

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Bible story. Book 1

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Bible story. Book 2

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Bible story. Book 3

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. Bible story. Book 4

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. The World History. Accompanying volume

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. The World History. Book 1

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. The World History. Book 2

Front Chronicle of the 16th century. The World History. Book 3Download Firm "AKTEON" together with the curators for the first time carried out a scientific facsimile edition of the "Facing Chronicle of the XVI century."
The proposed edition with translation - as an addition to the scientific apparatus of the above facsimile - is presented in three sections: bible story, The World History, Russian chronicle history.
In this edition, the sheets are located in chronological order narrative
The outer field contains transliteration and translation into modern Russian.

Russian chronicle history 1114-1567. - is reflected in 6010 of the Illuminated Chronicle of the 16th century in its following volumes:
G - Golitsyn volume (Department of Manuscripts of the Russian National Library, F.IV.225),
L - Laptev TOM (Department of Manuscripts of the Russian National Library, F.IV.233),
O-I - Osterman's first volume (Department of Manuscripts of the Library of the Academy of Sciences, 31. 7. 30-1),
O-II - Ostermanov's second toy (Department of Manuscripts of the Library of the Academy of Sciences, 31, 7. 30-2),
Ш - Shumilovsky volume (Department of Manuscripts of the National Library of Russia, F, IY. 232),
C - Synodal Volume (Department of Manuscripts of the State Historical Museum. Syn. No. 962),
C - Royal Book (Department of Manuscripts of the State Historical Museum. Sin. No. 149).

In the footnotes, discrepancies with quail PSRL are sent - full assembly Russian chronicles - a fundamental book series for studying the history of ancient and medieval Rus' (its texts were mainly published in typesetting, in the spelling of the 19th century).

The volumes are grouped in relatively chronological order:

  • bible story
  • History of Rome
  • History of Byzantium
  • Russian history
  • Museum collection (GIM). 1031 sheets, 1677 miniatures. Presentation of the sacred, Hebrew and Greek history from the creation of the world to the destruction of Troy in the XIII century. BC e.
  • Chronographic Collection (BAN). 1469 sheets, 2549 miniatures. An exposition of the history of the ancient East, the Hellenistic world and ancient rome from the 11th century BC e. until the 70s. 1st century n. e.
  • Front chronograph (RNB) . 1217l., 2191 miniatures. Outline of the history of the ancient Roman Empire since the 70s. 1st century until 337 and Byzantine history until the 10th century.
  • Golitsyn volume (Royal chronicler) (RNB, F.IV.225). 1035 l., 1964 miniatures. Statement national history for 1114-1247 and 1425-1472
  • Laptev volume (RNL, F.IV.233). 1005 l., 1951 miniature. Statement of national history for 1116-1252.
  • Ostermanovsky first volume (BAN, 31.7.30-1). 802 sheets, 1552 miniatures. Statement of national history for 1254-1378.
  • Ostermanovsky second volume (BAN, 31.7.30-2). 887 sheets, 1581 miniature. Statement of national history for 1378-1424.
  • Shumilovsky volume (RNL, F.IV.232). 986 sheets, 1893 miniatures. Statement of national history for 1425, 1478-1533.
  • Synodal volume (GIM, Sin. No. 962). 626 l, 1125 miniatures. Statement of national history for 1533-1542, 1553-1567.
  • The Royal Book (GIM, Sin. No. 149). 687 sheets, 1291 miniatures. Statement of national history for 1533-1553.
  • It is assumed that the beginning and end of this chronicle, namely, The Tale of Bygone Years, part of the history of the reign of Ivan the Terrible, as well as some other fragments, have not been preserved.

    The history of the creation of the vault

    The miniatures from the Code are widely known and are used both in the form of illustrations and in art.

    Facsimile edition (2008)

    A copy of the complete facsimile edition of the Literary Chronicle can be found in the library of the Department of Manuscripts of the State Historical Museum in Moscow and in the Pushkin House in St. Petersburg.

    Currently, the Facial Chronicle is published for charitable and educational purposes by the Society of Lovers of Ancient Writing. Distributed for free.

    Write a review on the article "Facial Chronicle" Notes Literature
    • Podobedova O. I. Miniatures of Russian Historical Manuscripts: On the History of Russian Facial Chronicles / USSR Academy of Sciences, . - M .: Nauka, 1965. - 336 p. - 1,400 copies.
    • Pokrovskaya V.F. From the history of the creation of the Illuminated Chronicle of the second half of the 16th century. // Materials and messages on the funds of the Department of Manuscript and Rare Books of the Library of the USSR Academy of Sciences. - M.; L., 1966.
    • Amosov A. A. The personal annals of Ivan the Terrible: A comprehensive codicological study. - M .: Editorial URSS, 1998. - 392 p. - 1,000 copies. - ISBN 5-901006-49-6. (in trans.)
    • The front annalistic code of the XVI century: Methods of description and study of a disparate annalistic complex / Comp. E. A. Belokon, V. V. Morozov, S. A. Morozov; Rep. ed. S. O. Schmidt. - M .: Publishing House of the Russian State Humanitarian University, 2003. - 224, p. - 1,500 copies. - ISBN 5-7281-0564-5. (in trans.)
    • Morozov V.V. The front chronicle of the campaign of Igor Svyatoslavich // TODRL. - 1984. - T. 38. - S. 520-536.
    • Kloss B. M. Chronicle of the front // Dictionary of scribes and bookishness of Ancient Rus'. Issue. 2, part 2 (L - Z). - L., 1989. - S. 30-32.
    • on the site of the publishing house "Akteon"
    • with the director of the firm "Akteon", Mustafin Kharis Kharrasovich
    • Ulyanov O. G.
    An excerpt characterizing the Facial Chronicle - Vive l "Empereur! Vive le Roi de Rome! Vive l" Empereur! [Long live the Emperor! Long live the king of Rome!] – enthusiastic voices were heard.
    After breakfast, Napoleon, in the presence of Bosset, dictated his order to the army.
    Courte et energique! [Short and energetic!] - Napoleon said when he himself read the proclamation written without amendments at once. The order was:
    "Warriors! Here is the battle you have been longing for. Victory is up to you. It is necessary for us; she will provide us with everything we need: comfortable apartments and a speedy return to the fatherland. Act as you did at Austerlitz, Friedland, Vitebsk and Smolensk. May later posterity proudly remember your exploits in this day. Let them say about each of you: he was in the great battle near Moscow!
    – De la Moskowa! [Near Moscow!] - repeated Napoleon, and, having invited Mr. Bosse, who loved to travel, to his walk, he left the tent to the saddled horses.
    - Votre Majeste a trop de bonte, [You are too kind, your Majesty,] - Bosse said to the invitation to accompany the emperor: he wanted to sleep and he did not know how and was afraid to ride.
    But Napoleon nodded his head to the traveler, and Bosset had to go. When Napoleon left the tent, the cries of the guards in front of the portrait of his son intensified even more. Napoleon frowned.
    “Take it off,” he said, pointing gracefully at the portrait with a majestic gesture. It's too early for him to see the battlefield.
    Bosse, closing his eyes and bowing his head, took a deep breath, with this gesture showing how he knew how to appreciate and understand the words of the emperor.

    All that day, August 25, as his historians say, Napoleon spent on horseback, surveying the area, discussing the plans presented to him by his marshals, and personally giving orders to his generals.
    The original line of disposition of the Russian troops along the Kolocha was broken, and part of this line, namely the left flank of the Russians, was driven back as a result of the capture of the Shevardinsky redoubt on the 24th. This part of the line was not fortified, no longer protected by the river, and in front of it alone there was a more open and level place. It was obvious to every military and non-military that this part of the line was to be attacked by the French. It seemed that this did not require many considerations, it did not need such care and troublesomeness of the emperor and his marshals, and it did not need at all that special higher ability, called genius, which Napoleon is so fond of ascribed to; but the historians who subsequently described this event, and the people who then surrounded Napoleon, and he himself thought differently.
    Napoleon rode across the field, peered thoughtfully at the terrain, shook his head approvingly or incredulously with himself, and, without informing the generals around him of the thoughtful move that guided his decisions, conveyed to them only final conclusions in the form of orders. After listening to the proposal of Davout, called the Duke of Eckmuhl, to turn around the Russian left flank, Napoleon said that this should not be done, without explaining why it was not necessary. On the proposal of General Compan (who was supposed to attack the fleches) to lead his division through the forest, Napoleon expressed his consent, despite the fact that the so-called Duke of Elchingen, that is, Ney, allowed himself to remark that moving through the forest was dangerous and could upset the division .
    After inspecting the area opposite the Shevardinsky redoubt, Napoleon thought for a while in silence and pointed to the places where two batteries were to be arranged by tomorrow for action against the Russian fortifications, and the places where field artillery was to line up next to them.
    Having given these and other orders, he returned to his headquarters, and the disposition of the battle was written under his dictation.
    This disposition, about which French historians speak with delight and other historians with deep respect, was as follows:
    “At dawn, two new batteries, arranged in the night, on the plain occupied by Prince Ekmülsky, will open fire on two opposing enemy batteries.
    At the same time, the chief of artillery of the 1st Corps, General Pernetti, with 30 guns of the Compan division and all the howitzers of the Desse and Friant division, will move forward, open fire and bombard the enemy battery with grenades, against which they will act!
    24 guards artillery guns,
    30 guns of the Kompan division
    and 8 guns of the Friant and Desse divisions,
    In total - 62 guns.
    The chief of artillery of the 3rd corps, General Fouche, will place all the howitzers of the 3rd and 8th corps, 16 in total, on the flanks of the battery, which is assigned to bombard the left fortification, which will total 40 guns against it.
    General Sorbier must be ready at the first order to take out with all the howitzers of the guards artillery against one or another fortification.
    In continuation of the cannonade, Prince Poniatowski will go to the village, into the forest and bypass the enemy position.
    General Kompan will move through the forest to take the first fortification.
    Upon entering the battle in this way, orders will be given according to the actions of the enemy.
    The cannonade on the left flank will begin as soon as the cannonade of the right wing is heard. The riflemen of Moran's and Viceroy's divisions will open heavy fire upon seeing the right wing attack begin.
    The viceroy will take possession of the village [Borodin] and cross his three bridges, following at the same height with the divisions of Moran and Gerard, who, under his leadership, will move towards the redoubt and enter the line with the rest of the army.
    All this must be carried out in order (le tout se fera avec ordre et methode), keeping the troops as far as possible in reserve.
    In the imperial camp, near Mozhaisk, September 6, 1812.
    This disposition, very vaguely and confusedly written - if you allow yourself to treat his orders without religious horror at the genius of Napoleon - contained four points - four orders. None of these orders could be and was not executed.
    The disposition says, firstly: that the batteries arranged at the place chosen by Napoleon with the guns of Pernetti and Fouche, having aligned with them, a total of one hundred and two guns, open fire and bombard the Russian flashes and redoubt with shells. This could not be done, since the shells did not reach the Russian works from the places appointed by Napoleon, and these one hundred and two guns fired at empty until the nearest commander, contrary to Napoleon's order, pushed them forward.
    The second order was that Poniatowski, heading for the village into the forest, bypassed the left wing of the Russians. This could not be and was not done because Poniatowski, heading for the village into the forest, met Tuchkov blocking his way there and could not and did not bypass the Russian position.
    Third order: General Kompan will move into the forest to take the first fortification. Compana's division did not capture the first fortification, but was repulsed, because, leaving the forest, it had to be built under grapeshot fire, which Napoleon did not know.
    Fourth: The Viceroy will take possession of the village (Borodin) and cross his three bridges, following at the same height with the divisions of Maran and Friant (of which it is not said where and when they will move), which, under his leadership, will go to the redoubt and enter the line with other troops.
    As far as one can understand - if not from the stupid period of this, then from those attempts that were made by the Viceroy to fulfill the orders given to him - he was to move through Borodino on the left to the redoubt, while the divisions of Moran and Friant were to move simultaneously from the front.
    All this, as well as other points of the disposition, was not and could not be executed. Having passed Borodino, the viceroy was repulsed on Kolocha and could not go further; the divisions of Moran and Friant did not take the redoubt, but were repulsed, and the redoubt was captured by cavalry at the end of the battle (probably an unforeseen and unheard of thing for Napoleon). So, none of the orders of the disposition was and could not be executed. But the disposition says that after entering the battle in this way, orders will be given corresponding to the actions of the enemy, and therefore it might seem that during the battle all the necessary orders will be made by Napoleon; but this was not and could not be because during the whole time of the battle Napoleon was so far from him that (as it turned out later) he could not know the course of the battle and not a single order of his during the battle could be executed.

    Many historians say that battle of Borodino not won by the French because Napoleon had a cold, that if he had not had a cold, then his orders before and during the battle would have been even more brilliant, and Russia would have perished, et la face du monde eut ete changee. [and the face of the world would have changed.] For historians who admit that Russia was formed at the behest of one man - Peter the Great, and France from a republic developed into an empire, and French troops went to Russia at the behest of one man - Napoleon, such an argument that Russia remained powerful because Napoleon had a bad cold on the 26th, such reasoning for such historians is inevitably consistent.
    If it depended on the will of Napoleon to give or not to give the Battle of Borodino, and it depended on his will to make such or another order, then it is obvious that a runny nose, which had an influence on the manifestation of his will, could be the reason for the salvation of Russia and that therefore the valet who forgot to give Napoleon On the 24th, waterproof boots, was the savior of Russia. On this path of thought, this conclusion is undoubted, just as undoubted as the conclusion that Voltaire, jokingly (without knowing why himself), said that the St. Bartholomew night came from an upset stomach of Charles IX. But for people who do not allow Russia to be formed at the will of one person - Peter I, and that french empire the war with Russia began at the behest of one man - Napoleon, this reasoning not only seems to be wrong, unreasonable, but also contrary to the whole human being. To the question of what constitutes the cause of historical events, another answer appears, which consists in the fact that the course of world events is predetermined from above, depends on the coincidence of all the wills of the people participating in these events, and that the influence of the Napoleons on the course of these events is only external and fictitious.
    Strange as it may seem at first glance, the assumption that the Bartholomew night, the order for which was given by Charles IX, did not occur by his will, but that it only seemed to him that he ordered it to be done, and that the Borodino massacre of eighty thousand people did not occur by the will of Napoleon (despite the fact that he gave orders about the beginning and course of the battle), and that it seemed to him only that he ordered it - strange as this assumption seems, but human dignity, telling me that each of us, if not more, then no less a man than the great Napoleon orders to allow this solution of the problem, and historical research abundantly confirms this assumption.

    For the first time in the open and free access on the website of the OLDP (Society of Lovers of Ancient Literature) the legendary Front Chronicle of Tsar Ivan the Terrible appeared. The manuscript with hundreds of colorful miniatures can be downloaded from the links below.

    The front annalistic code was created in the 16th century by order of the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible for the education of the royal children. The work on compiling this Code was headed by the most educated person of his time - St. Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus'. The best scribes and icon painters of the capital worked on compiling the Code. What they have done: a collection of all authentically known sources from Holy Scripture(text of the Septuagint) to the history of Alexander the Great and the writings of Josephus Flavius ​​- the entire written history of mankind from the creation of the world to the 16th century inclusive. All times and all peoples that had a written language are reflected in dozens of books of this collection. Such a collection of chronicles, decorated with a huge number of highly artistic illustrations, was not created by any civilization of mankind: neither Europe, nor Asia, nor America or Africa. The fate of the Russian Tsar himself and his children was tragic. The front annalistic code was not useful to the princes. After reading the Facial Code, part of which is devoted to the period of Ivan the Terrible, it becomes clear why. Over the next hundreds of years, official historiography appeared, often opportunistic and politically biased, and therefore reliable chronicle sources were doomed to destruction or correction, that is, falsification. The front annalistic code survived these centuries due to the fact that after the death of Ivan the Terrible, during the period of unrest and timelessness, this tome became a coveted object for "enlightened" bibliophiles. Its fragments were taken to their libraries by the most influential nobles of their time: Osterman, Sheremetev, Golitsyn and others. After all, even then high-ranking collectors understood that there was no price for such a folio with sixteen thousand miniatures. And so the Code survived until the revolution and was dumped in heaps in several museums and depositories.

    Even today, through the efforts of enthusiasts, disparate books and sheets have been brought together from different repositories. And the revived Society of Ancient Literature Lovers made this masterpiece accessible to everyone. An unparalleled historical source will now be able to receive free of charge many major educational establishments world, national libraries different countries and, of course, our compatriots to raise children on this treasure of experience and wisdom of millennia. In such an amazing way, the work that was done for the royal children five hundred years ago went to our children, dear contemporaries, on which we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

    First volume

    Part 1 -

    Part 2 -

    Second volume

    Part 1-

    Part 2 -

    Third volume

    Part 1 -

    Fourth volume

    Part 1 -

    Part 2 -


    Source -

    Volume Five (Troy)

    Part 1 -

    Part 2 -

    Volume Six (The Earthly Life of Jesus Christ)

    Part 1 -

    Seventh volume (Josephus Flavius ​​Jewish War)

    Part 1 -

    Part 2 -

    Volume Eight (Rom. Byzantium)

    Part 1 (81-345 from V.Kh.) -

    Part 2 (345-463 years from V.Kh.) -

    Ninth volume (Byzantium)

    Part 1 (463-586 from V.Kh.) -

    Part 2 (586-805 from V.Kh.) -

    Part 3 (805-875 from V.Kh.) -

    Part 4 (875-928 from V.Kh.) -


    Facsimile editions of Slavic and Byzantine manuscripts of the 11th-16th centuries. is a priority area of ​​activity of the OLDP. The Foundation started to form perspective plan publications based on proposals already received. At the same time, we are ready to cooperate with the archives of Russia and foreign countries in the implementation and financing of facsimile editions of other rare monuments of Slavic and Byzantine writing. Publications will be carried out at a high printing level and sold in a significant circulation. Preference is given to early manuscripts (up to the 16th century inclusive) that have illustrations and require facsimiles due to low availability and (or) poor preservation.

    SOURCE -

    To the attention of the readers of the group of the Commissioner of Qatar.-

    Ladies and Gentlemen.

    You have a unique opportunity to be among the first to get acquainted with the work of my comrades from electronic library Society of Lovers of Ancient Literature, who placed on the Internet the unique heritage of our ancestors. What will be revealed to you is truly magnificent and the study of the material will help you understand how the epic actually looked on the Russian Land. Discoveries and amazing events of the past await you, most of which have never been covered by Torah adherents - historians. Before you is the TRUTH, the very one that many of you have been painfully looking for all your life. Read and be proud that you belong to the Great Russian people.

    A grandiose art project: the front chronicle of Ivan the Terrible, the Tsar-book is a chronicle of events in world and especially Russian history, written, probably in 1568-1576, especially for the royal library in a single copy. The word "facial" in the name of the Code means illustrated, with the image "in the faces." Consists of 10 volumes containing about 10 thousand sheets of rag paper, decorated with more than 16 thousand miniatures. Covers the period "from the creation of the world" to 1567.

    The front chronicle - the source of truth

    The front annalistic code was created in the 16th century by order of the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible for the education of the royal children. The work on compiling this Code was headed by the most educated person of his time - St. Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus', confessor of the Tsar. The best scribes and icon painters of their time worked on compiling the Code.

    What they have done: a collection of all reliably known sources from Holy Scripture (the text of the Septuagint) to the history of Alexander the Great and the writings of Josephus Flavius ​​- the entire written history of mankind from the creation of the world to the 16th century inclusive. All times and all peoples that had a written language are reflected in dozens of books of this collection. Such a collection of chronicles, decorated with a huge number of highly artistic illustrations, was not created by any civilization of mankind: neither Europe, nor Asia, nor America and Africa.

    The fate of the Russian Tsar himself and his children was tragic. The front annalistic code was not useful to the princes. After reading the Facial Code, part of which is devoted to the period of Grozny, it becomes clear why

    Over the next hundreds of years, official historiography appeared, often opportunistic and politically biased, and therefore reliable chronicle sources were doomed to destruction or correction, that is, falsification. The front annalistic code survived these centuries due to the fact that after the death of Ivan the Terrible, during the period of unrest and timelessness, this tome became a coveted object for "enlightened" bibliophiles. Its fragments were taken to their libraries by the most influential nobles of their time: Osterman, Sheremetev, Golitsyn and others. After all, even then high-ranking collectors understood that there was no price for such a folio with sixteen thousand miniatures. And so the Code survived until the revolution, after which it was dumped in heaps in several museums and depositories.

    Even today, through the efforts of enthusiasts, disparate books and sheets have been brought together from different repositories. And the revived Society of Ancient Literature Lovers made this masterpiece accessible to everyone. An unparalleled historical source, now many major educational institutions of the world, national libraries of different countries and, of course, our compatriots will be able to receive free of charge to raise children on this treasure of experience and wisdom of millennia.

    In such an amazing way, the work that was done for the royal children five hundred years ago went to our children, dear contemporaries, for which we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!