In which word the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is correctly highlighted, it will ring for a long time bent. A1

Even though I looked in the old days

In the Academic Dictionary.

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

Indeed, the best way to successfully cope with task A1 is to constantly look in dictionaries, where it is indicated correct pronunciation words.

In no case when completing a task not costs rely on own an experience! Most of the words of the orthoepic minimum in everyday speech we pronounce it wrong!

& Rule.

I. Stress in the initial form of verbs

1. In verbs ending in I-TH, the suffix -I- is most often stressed

For example: bleed ease encourage exacerbate borrow fruit put speed up deepen exacerbate But: cork up glue embitter inquire warm up vulgarize anticipate need to kill pepper
2. In verbs with –IROVAT, the stress most often falls on –I-
For example: ballot block copy privatize design export discuss inform dose BUT: mark reward normalize corrugate seal bombard
get frosty rusty coughing go crazy

II. The stresses in the forms of verbs of the present and future tense, participles (in -УШ/УШ, -АШЧ/ЯШ, -ВШ, -НН\ENN) and gerunds are the same as in the initial form of the verb.

In participles formed from verbs with the suffix -T-, stress falls on the first syllable.





III. Stress in the past tense of verbs.

In feminine forms stress falls on the ending -a. In masculine, neuter and plural forms - on the first syllable:

EXCEPTIONS: laid, stole, sent, lived.

IV. Stress in nouns

1. In the nominative plural shock is the ending -A, unstressed- -Y, so you should remember:








2. In the forms of the genitive plural, the ending -OB is most often unstressed, and the ending -EY - shock.
















flyleaf, facsimile.

4. In many derivative words stress is preserved producing words:

creed - to confess

agreement, agreement - agree



aristocracy - aristocracy

sign - banner

metallurgy – metallurgy

5. Remember the pronunciation of the following words:





ski track



a statue





V. Adverbs

The stress falls on the prefix in the words:

in time,

ahead of time

after dark,


In adverbs with the prefix do-:

VI. Adjectives

Remember the sound of the following adjectives:


more beautiful, more beautiful









J "Memory"

ÑJob analysis

In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel correctly highlighted?

2) sneaked

4) (good) news

Option number 1.

Option ski track- a noun, the sound of which should be remembered. The correct pronunciation is ski track.

Options number 2,3.

The words stalked and understood - feminine forms of the past tense of verbs, where the stress should fall on the ending -a, therefore in the form understood the accent is wrong. Verb sneaked is an exception, and the emphasis in it falls on the stem - sneaked.

Option number 4.

news - noun in the form R.p. plural, ending -ee is stressed.

In this way, the correct answer is sneaking.

? Work out

1. In what word right is the letter for the stressed vowel highlighted?

1) turn on

2) before dark

4) call

2. In what word right is the letter for the stressed vowel highlighted?

2) accepted

3) started (sing)

4) shut up

3. In what word right is the letter for the stressed vowel highlighted?

1) let's call

2) intention

Option number 1.
A1. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel correctly highlighted?

1) hand

3) to the top

4) poured
A2. In which sentence should you use BUSINESS instead of the word BUSINESS?

1) Between the books came across letters and papers of a BUSINESS nature.

2) If it was customary to applaud at BUSINESS meetings, the speaker would certainly be awarded applause.

3) A fluffy animal, sitting on a pine branch, with a BUSINESS crunch, gnawed the gift brought by the guys.

4) The lower, BUSINESS part of the city with various offices and shops was located almost by the sea.
A3. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

1) looking ahead

2) the best hairdressers

3) about three hundred participants

4) about two kilograms
A4. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Preparing for the exam

1) has done a lot of work.

2) The students did a great job.

3) the graduates had a hard time.

4) expected great difficulties.

A5. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) According to the order of the principal of the school in sports games All students can take part.

2) None of those who listened to the amazing music of P.I. Tchaikovsky to the ballet "The Nutcracker", could not remain indifferent.

3) No encyclopedia can contain all the accumulated knowledge about the animal world.

4) In the painting “Three Heroes” by V.M. Vasnetsov portrayed the favorite heroes of Russian epics: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich.

Read the text and complete tasks A6-A11.

(1)... (2) Mantle flows slowly rise up from the core, then spread to the sides along the surface and, converging in other areas, again plunge deeper. (3) As a result, the fragile earth's crust breaks into blocks and slabs. (4)These parts earth's crust move in a horizontal direction. (b) The speed of movement of the so-called lithospheric plates is extremely low: it is millimeters, a maximum of several centimeters per year. (6)... this movement determines the appearance of the planet and many processes occurring on it.

A6. Which of the following sentences should come first in this text?

1) The question of whether the core of the Earth is solid or liquid is by no means idle and cannot be resolved unambiguously.

2) The substance of the Earth is constantly in motion.

3) sound waves form the so-called seismic field.

4) Since ancient times, the greatest minds of mankind have sought to find out what is under our feet, what serves as the basis of the world around us.
A7. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the sixth sentence of the text?

1) In addition,

2) Therefore

3) Due to the fact that

4) But exactly
A8. What combination of words is grammatical basis in one of the sentences or in one of the parts of a complex sentence of the text?

1) dive deep (sentence 2)

2) these parts move (sentence 4)

3) speed is low (proposition 5)

4) determines the appearance (sentence 6)
A9. Indicate the correct description of the second (2) sentence of the text.

1) simple complicated

2) compound

3) complex

4) unionless complex
A10. Indicate the correct morphological characteristics of the word EXTREMELY (sentence 5).

1) short adjective

2) adverb

3) particle

4) passive participle
A11. Indicate the meaning of the word CORE (sentence 2).

1) the inner part of the fetus in a hard shell

2) inner, middle, central part of something

3) the most important part of the cell of an animal and plant organism

4) essence, basis of something
A12. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which HH is written?

On the one hand, the talented serfs of Count Sheremetyev were recognized (1) artists, musicians, artists, and on the other hand, disenfranchised and not free people living in a certain (2) personal constraint (3) awn.

3) 1, 2, 3

4) 2, 3
A13. In which row is the unstressed checked vowel of the root missing in all words?

1) g_rbariy, squander, squander

2) p_luxury

3) look, teacher, quantity

4) consciousness

A14. In which row in all three words is the same letter missing?

1) without_initiative, super_interesting, pre_story

2) pr_marine, pr_brake, pr_touch

3) disorderly, fire, and aim

4) turn on, pre_positive, turn off
A15. In which row in both words is the letter I written at the place of the gap?

1) decompose, arranged

2) drive off, grown

3) write, tormented

4) bed, multiply
A16. In which answer option are all the words where the letter I is omitted?

A. get upset

B. envious

B. seize

G. siren_vy

2) A, B, D
4) C, D
A17. In which sentence is NOT written separately with the word?

1) A visit to the Tretyakov Gallery left an (un)forgettable impression.

2) Sergey happened to hear a lot of reviews about this strange person, (not) doing him honor.

3) Only (not) smart people can quarrel over trifles.

4) The hosts fed the (unexpectedly) guests with dried venison and baked potatoes, and gave them baked milk to drink.
A18. In which sentence are both underlined words spelled together?

1) Data on the state of the atmosphere, ocean and land are transmitted (FROM) START to territorial, (FOR) THEM to regional and, finally, to world meteorological centers.

2) TO (WOULD) reduce cold losses (B) DURING loading or unloading refrigerated ships, their holds and hatches are made small.

3) (FOR) FOR Thousands of years, the only tool for logging was an ax - (AT) AT THE BEGINNING, stone, then iron.

4) (WHILE) WHEN operating in space, instruments are not affected by the atmosphere and (ON) THEREFORE allow obtaining sufficiently accurate scientific information.

A19. Indicate the correct explanation for the use of a comma or its absence in the sentence.

The musician brought out soul-touching melodies on the flute presented to him () and her pure voice flew over the expanse of the river to the very blue sky.

1) Simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union And no comma is needed.

2) A compound sentence, before the union And a comma is needed.

3) A compound sentence, before the union And a comma is not needed.

4) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union And a comma is needed.

A20. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

Ambergris (1) long in sea ​​water(2) or specially purified (3) has a subtle (4) scent of jasmine.

4) 2, 4
A21. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which commas should be in the sentences?

A.I. Kuindzhi (1) probably (2) D.I.’s bewilderment was especially expensive. Mendeleev, who tried to comprehend the secret of his "luminous" colors. The great chemist (3) of course (4) understood that the secret of "lunar" and "solar" colors lies primarily in the unique art of the artist.

2) 1, 2, 3, 4
4) 3, 4
A22. Specify the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) By the behavior of some animals, people can determine the approach of storms and storms or the onset of cloudless weather.

2) On a sunny day, thickets of single and colonial coral polyps are clearly visible through the clear water of warm tropical seas.

3) Light-winged dragonflies can be admired near lakes or ponds.

4) In the portrait, artists strive not only to correctly capture the appearance of a person, but also to convey his inner world.
A23. How do you explain the use of a colon in this sentence?

But among the eye-catching nature of the Crimea, Vasiliev's heart longed for his native places: for green meadows, for broken country roads, for red autumn copses.

1) The first part of the non-union complex sentence is contrasted in the content of the second part.

2) The generalizing word stands before the homogeneous members of the sentence.

3) The second part of the non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of the first part.

4) The first part of the non-union complex sentence contains the condition of what is said in the second part.

A24. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

Some species of tropical and subtropical fish have a suction cup (1) on their heads with the help of (2) which (3) they attach (4) to a variety of animals.

3) 2

4) 2, 4
A25. Which answer option shows the correct placement of commas in the sentence?

Some of the contemporaries of A.S. Pushkin was told that (1) that (2) when they look at his portrait by O.A. Kiprensky (3) they see the “sadness of life” reflected on the face of the poet (4).

4) 2, 3
A26. In which sentence is the subordinate clause complex sentence cannot be replaced by a separate definition, expressed by participial turnover?

1) The Moscow School of Painting and Sculpture, which was founded in 1933, was sometimes called the "second Academy of Arts."

2) Thanks to his tenacious memory for faces, Aleksandrov could remember any person he had ever seen.

3) A.I. Kuindzhi was one of those masters who knew how to capture, capture the moments of manifestation of the highest beauty of nature.

4) V.I. Dal is a man of amazing destiny, who did a lot for progress Russian science and culture.
A27. Read the text.

Camels can go without food for a long time, and, most importantly, they can go without drinking for several days, and scientists have long speculated about the reasons for their amazing ability to endure thirst. The assumption that the stomach of the animal holds water - and the camel drinks a lot and quickly: in 10 minutes it absorbs 10 buckets of water at once, and the assumption that the fat accumulated in the humps allows the camel to endure thirst, because, "burning", it gives water and thus protects the body from dehydration. It turned out that the camel's phenomenal resistance to thirst depends on its ability to lose up to a quarter of its body weight due to water, while moisture is retained in the blood in a much larger amount than in other animals.

Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text?

1) Camels can go without food and without water for a long time, and scientists have put forward various conjectures about the reasons for this amazing ability, only one of which has been proven.

2) The resistance of camels to thirst is due to the fact that they are able to lose up to a quarter of their body weight due to water, and moisture in their blood is retained in much larger quantities than in other animals.

3) Regarding the resistance of camels to thirst, scientists put forward two assumptions: the stomach of the animal holds water and the fat accumulated in the humps allows the camel to endure thirst.

4) The camel drinks a lot and quickly: in 10 minutes it absorbs 10 buckets of water at once, and its ability to go without water for a long time is primarily due to the ability to absorb moisture in much larger quantities, unlike other animals.

Read the text and do the tasks A28-AZ0; B1-B8; C1.

(1) In the past few years, one more has been added to the usual fears of parents. (2) Increasingly, teenagers scare us with an addiction to virtual communication. (H) Here are examples of complaints. “(4) You can’t drag children away from the computer. (5) They sit for days. (6) Some kind of ICQ, agents, chats, forums ... "" (7) I don't understand what pleasure this can be. (8) But the son is sitting at the monitor, laughing at something, or even hitting the table with his fist. (9) It seems to me that he is going crazy - talking to himself. “(10) I used to play video games, it took a lot of time, I abandoned the lessons, and now it’s completely out of hand - it’s like he’s not at home. (11) All day long on the Web, he says, they have a party there ... ”(12) Something like this begins the conversation of worried parents with teachers and psychologists. (13) Then the details are clarified: along with the enthusiasm for computer conversations, academic performance began to fall, the child spends all the time at home, sitting and looking at the screen. (14) The teenager does not do homework, does not help around the house, does not go outside, does not play sports. (15) Instead of talking on the phone and walking late into the night, more and more children communicate with each other via the Internet. (16) In fact, we have heard similar complaints before, only evil did not come from the computer, but from the phone or TV. (17) The current "computer" children are the descendants of their "television" parents. (18) How was this problem solved when today's parents were teenagers? (19) Most likely, they just grew out of it ... (20) It may be objected to me that not everyone spent endless hours at the TV screen; someone already in his youth clearly knew what he would do in life. (21) Many became responsible early, because some had younger brothers and sisters, some were influenced by the example of responsible adults, and some did not know how and why. (22) And although parents seriously feared for their future, they became completely independent people, with different professions and destinies, many families ... (23) Why am I saying all this? (24) To the fact that television turned out to be not dangerous in itself. (25) No matter how insulting it is for someone to realize their own "backwardness", they will have to come to terms with the fact that the Internet has become a part of our life and will not go anywhere. (26) The ability to navigate in it and use its capabilities becomes a condition for a successful life in many ways. (27) From an unlimited source of information, it has also turned into a trading network, a method of communication, a means of education ... (28) Whether there will be more. (29) We should learn from children. (30) I, too, once had to go through a period of irritation and discontent. (31) And now, with the help of her son, she has become quite good at navigating in the virtual space. (32) Sometimes, too, "you can't pull it off" ... (33) Online pastime is quite acceptable for teenagers. (34) Most likely, this harmless hobby lies within the age norm. (35) Although in some cases it is necessary to analyze the situation. (36) If virtual communication has become an all-consuming passion, the teenager has closed or become aggressive, impoverished him vocabulary or there are other symptoms that concern you, you should not postpone a visit to a specialist. (37) It is only important to consider: the fight will have to be waged not with a computer, but with the reasons that gave rise to addiction. (According to A. Ivanova*)

*Alexandra Georgievna Ivanova - family psychologist.

A28. Which statement matches the content of the text?

1) Parents of today's teenagers are most worried about the fact that their children spend all day watching TV.

2) Parents of modern teenagers, even with a strong desire, will not be able to learn how to navigate in the virtual space.

3) An educated person should not use the Internet.

4) Modern teenagers communicate today not only by phone, but also via the Internet.

A29. Which of listed statements is wrong?

1) In sentences 18-19, reasoning is presented.

2) 8 sentence of the text contains a descriptive fragment.

3) Sentence 33 confirms the judgment made in sentence 29 of the text.

4) Sentences 26-27 contain the rationale for the judgment expressed in sentence 25.
A30. Specify the sentence that uses synonyms.

2) 18
4) 36
Part 2

Answers to tasks B1-B3 write down in words. Write down the answers to tasks B4-B8 in numbers.

IN 1. Indicate the way the word APPROXIMATELY is formed (sentence 12).

IN 2. Write out the union from sentences 33-35.

AT 3. From sentences 15-16, write out the phrase with the link AGREED.

AT 4. Among sentences 13-20, find a complex one, which includes a one-part indefinitely personal. Write the number of this compound sentence.

AT 5. Among sentences 27-37, find a sentence with a separate common agreed definition. Write the number of this offer.

AT 6. Among sentences 18-27 find complex sentences with a subordinate concession. Write the numbers of these compound sentences.

AT 7. Among sentences 4-11, find one that is related to the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write the number of this offer.

AT 8. Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while completing tasks A28-A30, B1-B7. This fragment examines the language features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the gaps with the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. If you do not know which number from the list should be in place of the gap, write the number 0.

Talking about what worries parents of teenagers today, the author uses such a device as ______ (sentences 4-6, 7-9, 10-11), as well as such a syntactic device as _____ (in sentences 13, 14). The use of a lexical device such as _______ (“going crazy” in sentence 9, “out of hand” in sentence 10) emphasizes the parents' concern about the situation. With the help of such a technique as _______ (sentences 18-19, 23-24), A. Ivanova seeks to attract readers to reflection.

List of terms:

4) parceling

5) phraseological unit

6) rows of homogeneous members

7) quoting

8) question-answer form of presentation

9) rhetorical question

Part 3

C1. Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author of the text (avoid excessive quoting).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words. A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

A2. 3
A4. 2
A6. 2
A8. 3
A10. 2
A12. 3
A14. 2
A16. one
A18. one
A20. 3
A22. four
A24. one
A26. 3
A28. four
A30. 3

IN 1. suffixal

AT 3. similar complaints

AT 6. 22, 25
AT 8. 7, 6, 5, 8
Main problems

1. The problem of teenagers' enthusiasm for virtual communication. How should you treat teenagers' passion for online communication?

2. The problem of mutual understanding between parents and children. How can parents and children reach mutual understanding in matters of hobbies?

3. The problem of using the Internet. Is the Internet good or bad?

1. The fascination of teenagers with virtual communication should cause fear of adults only if it has become an all-consuming passion, but in this case it is necessary to fight not with the computer, but with the reasons that gave rise to addiction.

2. In order to better understand their teenage children, parents should remember that they themselves have experienced periods of enthusiasm for technical innovations, and try to learn from children to be more confident in handling modern technology.

3. The Internet provides people with great opportunities, and the ability to use them today is a condition for success.

In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel correctly highlighted?

ORTHOEPY(from the Greek orthos - correct and epos - speech), ..

1) a set of pronunciation norms of the national language, ensuring the uniformity of its sound design ...

2) A section of linguistics that studies normative literary pronunciation (BSE)


1. Rules of literary pronunciation.

2. Such a correct pronunciation itself (Ozhegov)

This type of task includes common, well-known words, words that we use in speech. The orthoepic rules include:

1. correct stress

2. correct pronunciation.

In the exam, you need to choose a word with the correct stress / choose a word with an emphasis on a certain syllable.

In Russian, stress is mobile, i.e. not assigned to a particular syllable. For example, in French it always falls on the last syllable.

Stress in Russian can move from one syllable to another: took - took A.

Also, the stress can change over time. 100-150 years ago you could hear: music, cemetery, library.


1. Correctly divide the words into syllables and do not confuse with the division of the word for transfer.

2. For some words, you can pick up an informal rule - rhythmic words: Spruce - sorrel, birch - birch bark, visible - enviable, dialogue - kaktalOg.

3. The correct pronunciation of some foreign words can be explained: scanty came from French word miser(poor). In French, the stress always falls on the last syllable. Therefore, it is necessary to pronounce scanty.

4. Do not confuse the norms of literary pronunciation and the words of professional vocabulary: compass only sailors speak, in the literary language it is customary to say compass.

5. Be aware of homographs - words that are spelled the same but have different accents: Atlas - atlas

sharpness - sharpness

lingual - lingual

iris - Iris

speak right

agent, alcohol, alphabet, anatomist, analog, anonym, apartments, apostrophe, peanuts, watermelon, argument, arrest, aristocracy, asymmetry, astronom, atlas (fabric), athlete, Atlas (geographic), from the airport, Augustovsky, apocalypse, scam,

pampered, pampered, bows, barmen, mediocrity, unrestrained, benzorOd, birch bark, good (cause), block, bombard, fear, bungalow, incessantly, demonism, armor (securing something for someone), armor (protective lining made of steel), fraternization, being, evangelism, barrel, rattling

Verba, belief, took, taken, turn on, perceived, fasten, temporary worker, three-way, windmill (mill), religion

carbonated, gas pipeline, herald, drove, corrugated, engraver, citizenship, caterpillar, gastronomy, genesis

old, gave, cousin, hyphen, act, gentleman, judo, diagnosis, dialogue, dispensary, extraction, to the top, dogma, caught up, contract, contracts, call, documents, dollar, dry, associate professor, daughter, fought, wood, doze bustard, leisure, confessor

blinds, waited, lived,

enviably, curled, bewitched, regular, bent, conspiracy, loan, clog, closed, borrow, locked, sealed, drought, snap, called. ringing, belfry, mirror, toothed, winterer, sign

spoiled, spoiled, chosen one, long since, israeli, icon painting, otherwise, industry, tool, iris (conf), iris (plant, threads), askew, spark, gradually, exhaust, hieroglyph, from time immemorial

kambala, catalogue, rubber, quarter, quarterly, cedar, cue-kii-kyiv, kilometer, swore, whooping cough, college, compass, greed, costumed, more beautiful, flint, blood, culinary, kitchen, lace, lace, quarter (part of the city , quarter of the year), cinematography. colossus

lasso, slump, slump, popular print, ski track,

boyish, marking, workshops, masterful, medicines, briefly, miserable, garbage chute, thinking, ordeal, marketing, messiah

sideways, backwards, for a long time, called, obliquely, intention, backhand, started, started, started, started, started, was not, were not, was not, obituary, hatred, oil pipeline, newborn, normalize, Nenets

provision, promised, embraced, encourage, encouraged, aggravated, deceive, revived, lean, wholesale, inform, separate, uncork, took away, Occupation, partly, evaluated, Review (on the manuscript), review (deputy)

remembering, paralysis, parter, libel, translated, transferred, repeat, bent, cheer up, crept up, swept up, brought up, raised, bent, for a long time, blown up, teenage, understood, understood, understood, ports (sea), salted, in the morning, offer , undertook, rewarded, reward, interrupted, prestige, cleaned up, arrived, arrived, brought, sentence, dowry, brought, coerce, accepted, accepted, accepted, cheer up, raised, lifted, powdered, tamed, sent, produced, pronounced, pronounced, sheet , percentage, alias, pullOver, overpass, fir, plateau, trio, fir, anticipate

knead, unbent, open, angle, shells, uncork, tear, rhubarb (rhubarb), revolver, belt, retreat, mine, rust

salute, centimeter, beet, beetroot, beetroot, surrendered, orphans, plum, case, drug, condolence, conscientious, bent, convocation, concentration, slept, funds, statue, shorthand, carpenter, form, sane, happy

taboo, customs, dancer (ca), heat conductor, tyranny, a fraction, cakes, immediately, nausea,

got out, speed up, notify, deepen, in-depth, Ukrainian, Ukrainian, deceased, strengthening, aggravate, discounted, speeded up,

fax, porcelain, extravaganza, phenomenon, foil, shape,

needles, intercession, hosts, Christian,

cement, centner, citadel, gypsies,

chassis, move, driver, sorrel, tickle,

exalted, digression, expert, electric wire (cord), electric wire, epigraph, epilogue,


linguistic (speech), linguistic (language - organ)

In which sentence, instead of the word ..., you need to use the word ...?

Lexical norms: the use of the word. It is important to be able to correctly determine the lexical meaning of words and observe the norms of lexical compatibility.

When performing this type of task, it is necessary to remember such a lexical phenomenon as PARONYMS.

Paronyms are words that are similar in sound and spelling (but not the same!), but different in meaning.

grape - viticultural

swan - swan

private - partial

A swan song


A mysterious stranger


deceptive silence

deceptive trick


windy girl

Evil person

Malicious poacher

swamp grass


saving lies

rescue brigade

age-old wisdom


wise words

A wise man

ocean fish

ocean liner


1. Dilute values:

skillful- skillful, knowledgeable

artificial- not natural, made like a genuine

2. You can explain the meaning of the proposed paronyms by choosing words that are suitable for them in meaning:

skillful master

artificial flower

Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

An analysis of typical mistakes made in the exam shows that the most difficult tasks are those related to knowledge of the grammatical norms of the Russian language, especially numerals, nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verbs. Let's analyze everything in more detail.


Collective numbers (two, three, four) are used only in the following cases:

    With nouns denoting males: three brothers.

    With nouns children, people.

    With nouns denoting the names of baby animals: seven kids.

    With only plural nouns: seven days.

    With nouns denoting paired (or compound) objects: two sledges.

    IN NO EVENT should they be used with IP f.r. and with ICs denoting adult animals.

    numeral both used only with IS male: both brothers.

    numeral both used only with feminine IS: both sisters.

    At compound numerals when declining, all (!) parts change: seventy.

    At compound numbers every word changes: two thousand fifty three.

Numerals one and a half / one and a half hundred in I.p. and V.p. have the indicated form, in other cases - the form one and a half / one and a half hundred .

With a word day: two, three, four days; BUT five, six, seven days.

P adjective

IP has two degrees of comparison







more beautiful

more beautiful

most beautiful

the most beautiful

less beautiful

the most beautiful

least beautiful


1. Remember the education of some imperative forms verb:




A1. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel correctly highlighted?

1) Cheap

2) enviable

A2. In which sentence should you use SUCCESSFUL instead of the word SUCCESSFUL?

Anikeev was generally a SUCCESSFUL person and extremely lucky.

1) The hunt was SUCCESSFUL,

2) The main secret of a SUCCESSFUL makeup is peace of mind.

3) I found my idea SUCCESSFUL and therefore calmed down.

A3. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

1) Seven hundred rubles

2) Five paragraphs

3) Highest

4) Haircut

A4. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Leaving from hometown,

1) I felt sad.

2) He has changed a lot.

3) Mom had a difficult journey into the unknown.

4) You need to leave a good memory of yourself.

A5. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Serezha returned from school early to go shopping with his mother.

2) The craftsman made this bookcase with turned oak legs.

3) Several fans guarded the star of the stage at the entrance.

4) The house belonging to the husband's nephew had to be urgently sold.

Read the text and complete tasks A6 - A11.

(1)... (2) In addition, understanding is variable; as a rule, variants of understanding are an undesirable phenomenon. (3) ... in some cases, the range of variability of understanding is necessary, for example, when perceiving a lyric poem. (4) Understanding has two levels: linguistic and content. (5) The first without the second is possible, the second without the first is not. (6) For a person receiving a speech, activity, a desire to understand the speaker's speech, are important.

A6. Which of the following sentences should be first(1) in this text?

1) Let's analyze the mechanism of perception of written speech.

2) The perception of someone else's speech, that is, listening and reading, goes through several stages.

3) The perception of speech obeys its own laws.

4) Understanding the content of perceived speech rarely reaches 100%.

A7. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence?

2) Therefore

3) Thus,

4) In other words,

A8. What words (word combinations) are the grammatical basis in the second (2) sentence of the text or in one of the parts of this sentence?

1) Understanding is variable

2) Understanding happens

3) There is a rule

4) The phenomenon is undesirable

A9. Indicate the correct description of the second (2) sentence of the text.

1) Compound non-union

2) Complex

3) Simple complicated

4) Compound

A10. Indicate the correct morphological characteristic of the word ACCEPTING from the sixth (6) sentence of the text.

1) actual communion

2) adjective

3) gerund

4) passive participle

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