English mp3 audio lessons. Download audio books audio courses


A manual on social science (Tatyana Shestova)

Author: Tatyana Shestova
Release year: 2005
Genre: Tutorial
Publisher: Talking Book
Artist: Ilya Bobylev
Duration: 10:00:00
Description: The manual includes the main issues of economics, political science, philosophy and sociology. A section on the fundamentals of law is included as an appendix. This publication fully complies with the basic requirements of entrance examinations for applicants to universities. The disk provides an opportunity for future students to familiarize themselves with state of the art knowledge about society and help to understand theoretical aspects general course...


The work of an actor on himself (Stanislavsky Konstantin)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Stanislavsky Konstantin
Release year: 2017
Genre: Educational literature, cultural studies, journalism
Publisher: IDDC
Artist: Dmitry Polonetsky
Duration: 19:34:49
Description: Before you is one of the most famous and sought-after works of the great Russian director, famous actor, teacher and theater figure K.S. Stanislavsky “The work of an actor on himself. Diary of a student. This work has been a reference book for any actor and director for many decades. It is rightly called one of the most famous "textbooks" on the act...


Teaching flat writing to blind children of primary school age (Antonov Nikolay; Deniskina Venera)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96
Author: Antonov Nikolay; Deniskina Venus
Release year: 2017
Genre: Educational
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Roslyakov Mikhail
Duration: 01:40:51
Description: V methodological guide given thematic planning and didactic material for teaching blind children to write flat Hebold script. For people with a deep pathology of vision, the ability to write in ordinary (planar) letters is necessary for better social adaptation, since this skill allows blind people to leave a note to a sighted friend, relative or colleague, write a letter, ...


Reader in Literature. Grade 3 (audiobook) (Team of authors)

Author: Team of authors
Release year: 2009
Genre: Educational literature
Publisher: SiDiKom
Artist: Lev Durov, Gennady Frolov, Alexander Lenkov, K. Shvedova, Alexander Lazarev, Tatyana Shatilova, Alexander Aksyonov, Maria Kashinskaya, Artyom Karapetyan, Mikhail Guldan, Tatyana Krupnova, Vadim Maksimov, Denis Nekrasov, Sergey Chikhachev, Natalya Gracheva, Sergey Kirsanov , Stepan Starchikov, Irina Erisanova, Natalya Mikheeva, Oleg Isaev, Natalya Gurevich, Tatyana Petrova
Duration: 16 hours. 46 min. 00 sec.
Description: The collection is compiled in accordance with the school...


Reader in Literature. Grade 2 (audiobook) (Team of authors)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128-192kbps
Author: Team of authors
Release year: 2009
Genre: Educational literature
Publisher: SiDiKom
Artist: L. Durov, P. Lyubimtsev, L. Lubenskaya, A. Aksenov, M. Kashinskaya, O. Zvereva, V. Maksimov, D. Nekrasov, K. Radtsig, S. Chikhachev, I. Erisanova, I. Ilyin, S. Kirsanov, A. Karapetyan, M. Guldan, T. Krupnova, N. Mikheeva and others.
Duration: 19 hours. 15 minutes. 00 sec.
Description: The collection is compiled in accordance with the school curriculum. Contains works of Russian folklore, Russian and foreign classics, the golden fund of modern children's literature. Allows in an accessible form...


Reader in Literature. Grade 1 (Team of authors)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Author: Team of authors
Release year: 2009
Genre: Educational literature
Publisher: SiDiKom
Artist: Artem Karapetyan, Vadim Maksimov, Denis Nekrasov, Irina Erisanova, Natalya Gracheva, Natalya Gurevich, Oleg Isaev, Sergey Kirsanov
Duration: 02:08:48
Description: The textbook "Reader in Literature. Grade 1" was compiled in accordance with the school curriculum. Contains works of Russian folklore, Russian and foreign classics of children's literature. Allows you to get acquainted with literary works in an accessible form. Helps you learn the right...

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(Hebrew) Hebrew roots (Inna Rakovskaya)

Format: JPEG, MP3
Author: Inna Rakovskaya
Release year: 2008
Genre: Audio course for self-study
Publisher: International Center for Hebrew Studies
Russian language
Audio codec: MP3
Audio Bitrate: 128 kbps
Playing time: 10:54:00
Description: The Roots of Hebrew course opens up new prospects for growth at work and in life! This course busts the myth of Hebrew complexity. You learn Hebrew with pleasure and make sure that it's easy, that Hebrew is one of the easiest and most accessible languages ​​in the world. The course is conducted according to the unique methodology of Doctor of Philology Inna Rakovskaya. Inna Rakovskaya - Doctor of Philology...


Listen. Ask. Answer. A guide to speaking - dialogical speech (Belyaeva G.V., Gorskaya E.I., Eremina L.I., Lutskaya N.E.)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 256kbps
Author: Belyaeva G.V., Gorskaya E.I., Eremina L.I., Lutskaya N.E.
Release year: 2008
Genre: Audio course
Publisher: Russian Language
Artist: Unknown
Duration: 01:44:15
Description: The manual is aimed at the formation of speech and communicative competence in the field of speaking (dialogical speech) in the volume State standard I certification level. It is intended for foreign students who have begun to learn Russian or continue to improve it. The manual implements the principle of concentric supply of material. The first part of the manual...


Civil defense of the USSR. Everyone should know and be able to

Release year: 2009
Genre: Educational edition
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Koziy Nikolay
Duration: 08:01:18
Description: A memo for the public presents the means and methods of protecting the public from weapons of mass destruction. Here, the most necessary actions are briefly outlined in the event of a threat of attack and on civil defense warning signals, in the focus of destruction and in areas of natural disasters. The brochure is useful to a wide range of readers, is the main guide for self-study by the population of civil defense issues or when ...


Open the malachite box (Zdorik Tatyana)

Author: Zdorik Tatiana
Release year: 2015
Genre: Student's Guide
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Michkov Vasily
Duration: 08:36:02
Description: Dima Yatsenko, a schoolboy from Baku, asked me to write "about simple stones that we always see." I myself have long wanted to write a book that would help you guys to recognize the stones "by sight". All sorts of things lying along a road or on a stitch crossing a plowed field, and rolling, gleaming wetly, in the surf on the beach, and sparkling with the edges of crystals in a mountain crack ...


Tiflopsychology (Litvak Alexey)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Litvak Alexey
Release year: 2010
Genre: Psychology. Tutorial
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Nikolay Kuznetsov
Duration: 13:03:00
Description: Textbook for students of pedagogical institutes in the specialty number 2111 - Defectology. The textbook is designed for students who have mastered the anatomy, physiology and pathology of the organs of vision, the physiology of higher nervous activity, the main patterns of development and manifestations of the psyche in the norm. The assimilation of general and typhlopsychological knowledge will allow students-defectologists to consciously ...


Through the wise paths of the philosophical Logos, a vain wandering to the temple of Ideas (Aleksey Kovalyonok)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96 kbps
Author: Kovalenok Alexey
Release year: 2014
Genre: Course of lectures on the history of philosophy
Publisher: Do-it-yourself audiobook
Artist: Alexey Kovalenok
Duration: 19:32:11
Description: The author of the proposed course of lectures on the history of philosophy - "Wise paths of the philosophical
Logos: a restless journey to the temple of Ideas. The history of philosophy - both for the exam and for the soul "- has been teaching it for more than 20 years in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions of Nizhny Novgorod. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis scientific interests is ancient and Russian philosophy. He owns at least a dozen publica...


Philosophy. Lecture notes (Strelnik Olga)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96 kbps
Author: Strelnik Olga
Release year: 2014
Genre: Tutorial
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Erisanova Irina
Duration: 09:55:33
Description: Direct passing an exam or test for any academic discipline always preceded by a fairly short period when the student must concentrate, systematize their knowledge. In computer language, he must "bring information from long-term memory into operational memory", make it ready for immediate and effective use. The specifics of the period of preparation for an exam or test ...


We speak Russian. Issues 1 and 2 (Marina Koroleva)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Marina Koroleva
Release year: 2009
Genre: Educational literature
Publisher: Content Media. Radio station "Echo of Moscow"
Artist: Marina Koroleva
Duration: 02:16:14
Description: The disk will be useful to anyone who, at least from time to time, asks the question "how to say it right?". However, it is of particular interest to school teachers Russian language and schoolchildren, teachers of Russian as a foreign language and students, as well as for those who live abroad but do not want to forget their native language.


History of psychology from antiquity to the middle of the twentieth century. (Yaroshevsky Mikhail)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96 kbps
Author: Yaroshevsky Mikhail
Release year: 2011
Genre: Educational and popular science literature
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Brotskaya Leontina
Duration: 16:08:02
Description: This textbook analyzes the historical path of one of the main human sciences - psychology - in the context of social development and in its relationship with other branches of knowledge. Special attention is paid to the history of Russian psychological thought.
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Digitized by: yuriy12
Cleaned up: Sapozhnikov Misha

Support the project Comments


globus111111 wrote:

I would like to find somewhere 10-11 classes. Could you help?

Grades 10-11 are repetitions of what was learned in previous grades.


ssssss666 wrote:

61842794Level: Kindergarten- a lot of mistakes and a stupid voice; it would be better to read Rosenthal: according to his any book.
Advice - fuck!

Is there an alternative? So far, nothing of the sort has been found.

Listen to the audiobook "Russian language - a collection of Audio courses (on 5 mp3 albums) - 1 hour" online

Soon our grown-up children will have exams at school, and many of those who will go on to universities in the future will absolutely need to pass the Unified State Examination in their schools in the Russian language. This is an exclusively mandatory discipline for all schools and universities!
I really hope that the audio material in the proposed distribution will be a very useful tool in preparing and passing not only the exam, but also the entrance exams to institutes and universities.
This torrent contains five mp3-audio-CDs with recordings of IDDC's unique audio courses on the Russian language, which cover all the main sections and lines of study school curriculum in this discipline (phonetics, word formation, lexicology, phraseology, morphology, spelling, graphics, syntax and punctuation).
In general, this distribution is intended both for schoolchildren and applicants, and for everyone who wants to remember and repeat the grammar of the Russian language in a pleasant way. Audio courses. Grade 5 Russian language

Audio course “Russian language. Grade 5” covers the main lines of studying the Russian language school curriculum for grade 5: phonetics, word formation, lexicology, phraseology, morphology, spelling, graphics, syntax and punctuation.

Reader: Oksana Borisenko Total playing time: 3 hours 55 minutes.
© BusinessSoft LLC, 2007. Audio courses. 6th grade. Russian language

The description is taken directly from the website of the publishing company:
Audio course “Russian language. Grade 6” covers the main lines of study of the Russian language school curriculum for grade 6: phonetics, word formation, lexicology, phraseology, morphology, spelling, graphics, syntax and punctuation.
The course is intended both for schoolchildren and applicants, and for everyone who wants to remember and repeat the grammar of the Russian language in a pleasant way.
Reader: Oksana Borisenko Total playing time: 3 hours 12 minutes.
© BusinessSoft LLC, 2007. Audio courses. 7th grade. Russian language

The description is taken directly from the website of the publishing company:
Audio course “Russian language. Grade 7” covers the main lines of studying the Russian language school curriculum for grade 6: phonetics, word formation, lexicology, phraseology, morphology, spelling, graphics, syntax and punctuation. Special attention given to the repetition of the 5th and 6th grades.
The course is intended both for schoolchildren and applicants, and for everyone who wants to remember and repeat the grammar of the Russian language in a pleasant way.
Reader: Oksana Borisenko Total playing time: 3 hours 50 minutes.
192 kBit/sec 44.1 kHz, Stereo © BusinessSoft LLC, 2008 Audio courses. 8th grade. Russian language

The description is taken directly from the website of the publishing company:
Audio course “Russian language. Grade 8” covers the main lines of studying the Russian language school curriculum for grade 8: phonetics, word formation, lexicology, phraseology, morphology, spelling, graphics, syntax and punctuation. Particular attention is paid to the repetition of what was passed in grades 5-7.
The course is intended both for schoolchildren and applicants, and for everyone who wants to remember and repeat the grammar of the Russian language in a pleasant way.
Reader: Oksana Borisenko Total playing time: 3 hours 39 minutes.
192 kBit/sec 44.1 kHz, Stereo © BusinessSoft LLC, 2008 Audio courses. Grade 9 Russian language

The description is taken directly from the website of the publishing company:
Audio course “Russian language. Grade 9” covers the main lines of study of the Russian language school curriculum for grade 9: phonetics, word formation, lexicology, phraseology, morphology, spelling, graphics, syntax and punctuation. Particular emphasis is placed on repeating what has been covered in grades 5-8.
The course is intended both for schoolchildren and applicants, and for everyone who wants to remember and repeat the grammar of the Russian language in a pleasant way.
Reader: Oksana Borisenko Total playing time: 7 hours 52 minutes.
© L.P. Panfilova, Russia, 2008 © BusinessSoft LLC, Russia, 2008Add. information:
In addition to this, I propose to pay attention to my other similar torrents with Audio courses in Biology, Physics, Geography, life safety, etc.
For lovers of the Russian language, I highly recommend taking a look at this distribution: http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1820416 (Culture of speech: "How to speak Russian correctly and competently")
I wish you and your children good luck in the exams! Enjoy and useful listening! If you liked this torrent, I suggest paying attention to my other creations:

My giveaways
Educational Collection:
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1842874 (Collection of Russian audio courses)
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1820416 (Culture of speech: "How to speak Russian correctly and competently")
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1832294 (Collection of audio courses in Biology)
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1843922 (Collection of audio courses in Physics)
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1846207 (Geography Audio Course Collection)
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1874304 (Collection of Audio courses of the Lectures for schoolchildren series) http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1794064 (Lectures on Russian history. Kievan Rus)
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1793074 (A unique collection of educational audiobooks of the series "Time. Events. People!") Spiritual:
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1804131 (Bible. New Testament. Bible Study - Audiobook Collection)
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1802437 (Earthly life of the Blessed Virgin. Orthodox audiobook)
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1771391 (Vocal Ensemble of the Ipatiev Monastery "Kantors") Ethnic music:
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1729580 (Vietnamese ethnic music)
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1739814 (Ethnic music of Bali)
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1743080 (Japanese ethnic music)
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1759490 (Instrumental Japanese ethnic music)Japanese music - JPop/JRock, J-R&B and J-Soul:
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1786789 (super album by young Japanese-Korean singer BoA)
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1784941 (fashion album by young Japanese artist Utada Hikaru)
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1719761 (an album by stylish Japanese singer Ken Hirai)
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1721315 (disc by super popular Japanese artist Fukuyama Masaharu)
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1772425 (album of romantic compositions by Japanese singer Akina Nakamori)
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1772574 (album "Artisan" by the Japanese "dude" Tatsuro Yamashita)
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1784644 (super album by brutal Japanese rocker Kyosuke Himuro)
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1784673 (album-single by Japanese rock band "The Brilliant Green") Foreign film soundtracks, "light" foreign music and "Eurodance":
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1819526 ("Fine-TV hits and wonderful music")
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1816490 (dance music "Les îles du désir" French band Castafiore Bazooka)
http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1838970 (Erotic Night Stories - Guitar and Sax)

Into listened

To favorites

To instill in your child an interest in mathematics and prepare him for school is not an easy task, but it is doable. And if the training takes place in an exciting game form, this process will please both of you. Disc Series "Fun School"

Listening to an audio course "Learning to count", the child begins to count objects and perform simple arithmetic operations. Together with us, he learns to memorize numbers, add and subtract, develops mathematical, logical and analytical skills. Remember that in the matter of raising a child, nothing can be achieved by a single effort. The rule of "three" P ": correctly, gradually, constantly - will help you and your child achieve high results.


Dear mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers!

We know how much you love your kids and how you want them to grow up happy and smart. Teaching a child to read is not an easy task, but it can be done. And if the training takes place in a fun way, this process will bring pleasure to both of you.

Disc Series "Fun School" designed for the education and development of children up to school age including preparation for school. The program is designed taking into account the psychology of children, their ability to memorize information by ear, as well as actively participating in the game.

Audio course "Fun school. Learning letters " will help children learn letters in a playful way, develop syllabic reading skills. The course is divided into 10 parts: you have the opportunity to return to any part to consolidate knowledge. The child will listen to the story and learn along the way. The task of an adult is to “turn on” active listening: let the baby answer questions, read along with the characters, complete tasks, and move during dynamic pauses. Successful and enjoyable learning!


The course is taught by a native speaker and includes the most relevant everyday topics. By repeating the text after the speaker, you will memorize the necessary turns and sentences. All of the above expressions are accompanied by parallel translation into Russian. To consolidate and activate the material, a reverse translation from Russian into English is offered.


Do you want to learn English easily and quickly master the skills of everyday communication?

You don't have time to study foreign language but do you spend a lot of time behind the wheel?

The proposed audio course will help in the shortest possible time to acquire the vocabulary necessary for communication.

The course is taught by a native speaker and includes the most relevant everyday topics. By repeating the text after the speaker, you can easily learn English pronunciation and memorize the necessary vocabulary. All words and expressions are accompanied by a parallel translation into Russian. To consolidate and activate the material, a reverse translation from Russian into English is offered.


Anatoly Goncharov, Anna Maslova "Civil Law. General and Special Parts. Course of lectures"

The proposed audio course was created by the authors taking into account the latest changes and additions. federal laws, other regulatory legal acts, as well as the State educational standard third generation in the specialty "Jurisprudence". The paper highlights the institutions of the General Part of Civil Law (the concept of civil law, civil legal relations, subjects of civil law, transactions, representation, property rights, general provisions on obligations and contracts).

The audio course is designed for students, graduate students, teachers of law schools, faculties, legal workers involved in law enforcement activities in the field of civil law.


Alexander Tkach "Administrative Law. Course of lectures"

This audio course contains a short course of lectures on administrative law. In an accessible form, the main theoretical issues of the course are considered, taking into account the new system and structure of federal executive bodies, changes in administrative legislation.

The audio course can be used as study guide for students of higher and secondary educational institutions by discipline "Administrative law".


Samvel Kochoi" Criminal law. General and Special parts. Lecture course"

The audio course corresponds to the course program "Criminal law". The proposed audio course contains the main provisions of the General and Special Parts of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

For students, graduate students and teachers of law schools and faculties, employees of the court and other law enforcement agencies.

Lecture 1. Concept and tasks of criminal law. Science of criminal law
Lecture 2. Criminal law
Lecture 3. Crime
Lecture 4. Criminal liability and corpus delicti
Lecture 5. Stages of committing a crime. Complicity in crime. Circumstances precluding criminality of the act
Lecture 6. Punishment


Audio course “Biology. Grade 11" covers the main sections of the study of the school curriculum.

Audio courses are read according to a special methodology designed to increase the assimilation of the material and increase the comfort of learning.

The course is based on the program for educational institutions and lyceums of the Russian Federation and is intended both for schoolchildren and applicants, and for everyone who wants to remember the main sections of biology in a pleasant way.

  1. Introduction. General biology. The doctrine of evolution. Linnaean system. Lamarck's theory.


Audio course “Biology. Grade 10" covers the main sections of the study of the school curriculum. The audio course is read according to a special methodology designed to increase the assimilation of the material and increase the comfort of learning.

The course is based on the program for educational institutions and lyceums of the Russian Federation and is intended both for schoolchildren and applicants, and for everyone who wants to remember the main sections of Biology in a pleasant way.

  • Introduction.
  • Chapter 1. The diversity of the living world. Basic properties of living matter.
  • Chapter 2. The emergence of life on Earth.


The disc is intended to help students in grade 11 studying physics at basic level. It includes theoretical material, consisting of 15 main sections of the school curriculum.

Simplicity of presentation, concise and clear wording of questions will allow students to learn the basic laws and rules in the shortest possible time, systematize and strengthen their knowledge of the subject.

  1. Electromagnetic induction. Lenz's rule. Induction electric field.
  2. Self-induction. The energy of the magnetic field. Electromagnetic field. Vibrations and waves.


The audio course will help students in mastering the necessary material for the course of physics in the 10th grade of a comprehensive school.

An important topic of the audio course is the section "Mechanics", which includes the dynamics of rotation of a solid body, the basics of molecular-kinetic theory and thermodynamics, electrodynamics and electronic theory. The convenient structure of the material and the form of its presentation, concise and clear wording of questions - all this greatly simplifies the memorization of fundamental concepts and terms, laws and regulations, and therefore significantly reduces the time to prepare for lessons.

  1. Physics grade 10. Mechanics. Kinematics.
  2. Kinematics (end). Dynamics. Inertia. Newton's 1st and 2nd Laws.