Visual symbols in teaching literacy in the course of the Russian language. General primer - an introduction to the methodology of teaching reading Rules defining the merger of letters

How to teach a child to merge sounds when reading syllables

The greatest difficulty for children learning to read is the assimilation of the syllable-fusion. When children read a direct syllable, it is important to immediately overcome their desire to reproduce the syllabic structure letter by letter. Understanding the principle of fusion is helped various tricks: drawn out pronunciation of the first consonant sound with a gradual transition to the next vowel, reading with the preparation of the articulatory apparatus for pronouncing a vowel sound, memorizing a syllable, reading a syllable in the wake of analysis.Children themselves must reveal the "secret" of merging sounds in a syllable. But at the same time, one cannot command their articulatory actions, as this destroys their speech skills, de-automatizes them. It is only necessary to organize the observation of children over their own articulatory actions with the proper conclusions from them.

An exemplary lesson.

Teacher: Let's say the word MUHA in syllables.(FLY.)

What is the first syllable? (MU.) What are the sounds in it? (Sounds [m] and [y].)

How to prepare for the sound [m]? (Squeeze lips.)

Get ready and say [m]. (Children pronounce the sound [m].)

And what needs to be done for the sound [y] (Pull out the lips with a tube.)

Get ready and say the sound [y] (Children say.)

How did you pronounce the sounds [m] and [y], together or one at a time? (One by one.)

And how did you prepare for them, at once or in turn? (In turn.)

Say the syllable MU again. (Children say.)

How do [m] and [y] sound in a syllable, one at a time or together? (Fluent.)

How do they merge? Let's try to find out. Get ready to read the mu syllable, but do not speak, just look at each other and check whether you are well prepared for the mu syllable. (Children watch.)

What are your lips, unclenched or compressed? (Compressed.)

What sound did you compress them for? (For sound [m]

What else have you done with your lips? (Pull them out with a tube.)

For what sound did they stretch out their lips with a tube? (For the sound [y].)

How many sounds are you prepared for, one or two? (We prepared for two sounds.)

Prepare well again and give voice. (MU)

How many sounds did they say? (Two.) What? (sounds [m] and [y].)

How did you say them, one at a time or together? (Fluent.)

And how did you prepare for them, one by one or two at once? (We were preparing for two sounds at once.)

That's why they merge. After the sound [m], you do not need to prepare for the sound [y]: after all, we prepared it right away, along with [m]. Therefore, at the end of the sound [m], the already prepared sound [y] begins to sound, and they merge, the end [m] and the beginning [y] are mixed.

Get ready again for these two sounds. Give a voice! (MU)

This is how we pronounce all other syllables: we will immediately prepare for the pronunciation of two sounds, and we give the voice once, because the sounds merge into a syllable.

Now get ready to wear out the syllable MO. What sounds do you need to prepare for right away? (To the sounds [m] and [o].)

How many sounds do you need to prepare for at once so that they merge? (To two sounds at once.)

(The same work is done with the syllables WE, MI, MA.)

Now look at me. Guess from my lips what syllable I'm ready for? (To the syllable MU.) And now? (To the syllable WE.)

And now? (To the syllable MO.) What syllable is this? (MI.)

Now turn to each other and silently, with the same lips, guess each other in any order the syllables MI, MO, MU. WE, MA. (Children guess the syllables prepared by their desk mate.)

This is how we say all other syllables: let's get ready for two sounds at once, and give the voice once. Say the syllable LU. (Children say.) What are the sounds in it? (Sounds [l] and [y].)

We already know how to prepare for [y], but how to prepare for (l] (Press the tip of the tongue to the upper teeth.)

Get ready for two sounds of the syllable LU. Give a voice! (LU!)

(We are also working with the syllables NU, BUT, NY. NI, etc.)

On the plank of the board, syllables from the letters of the split alphabet are set, for example: MU, MO, WE. MI, MA, LO, LY, LI. LU, LA, etc.

Children in chorus and individually prepare for two sounds at once as directed by the teacher and read direct syllables, adding to them the missing words to the whole.

So children, under the guidance of a teacher, discover a way to merge the sounds of a syllable in their oral speech and transfer the acquired method from the act of speech to the act of reading.

Further, it is already possible to proceed to reading two-syllable words like LU-NA by syllables. WINTER. LI-SA, MA-MA, PA-PA, SA-NI. RO-ZA and others with familiar and new consonants. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that children read the first two-syllable words, albeit slowly, syllable by syllable, but already in one breath, without pauses between syllables and with the forceful release of a shock haystack.

In order to ensure the smooth and fast pronunciation of two sounds in succession, a tablet is used on which the letters move.

The situation of the arrival of one letter to visit another is played out. In this diagram, a window-house is cut out. A vowel is inserted into the window. Open syllables are read.

In order to teach children to read closed syllables, you can change this table by adding one more window to the right. Reading syllables with a confluence of consonants at the beginning of a syllable will be helped by this table with a window on the left. Work with the table does not end there. The following exercises are carried out according to the table:

Search for a syllable by assignment (an adult calls, a child finds, shows, calls);

Reading chains of syllables - by vowel (MA - NA - RA - LA - PA -...)

In such a table, the child will see the absence of some syllables - ZhY, SHI, CHYA, SHCHA, CHU, SHCHU. Perhaps this will be the first step in mastering Russian spelling.

Dear parents, for children who go to grade 1, classes on compiling a sound scheme of a word will be very useful.

Let's try to figure out how to correctly compose a sound scheme of a word or a sound model of a word. This type works we can also call sound-letter parsing words or phonetic analysis.

Phonetics is a branch of the science of language in which the sounds of a language, stress, syllable are studied.

The sounds that a person makes are what we call speech sounds. Speech sounds are formed in the speech apparatus when air is exhaled. The speech apparatus is the larynx with vocal cords, oral and nasal cavities, tongue, lips, teeth, palate.

There are six vowels in Russian: [a], [o], [y], [e], [s], [i]. Vowel sounds are stressed and unstressed.

We will designate vowel sounds in red (I took the conventions for sounds from the program “School of Russia”).

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When we pronounce consonants, the air meets an obstacle (lips, teeth, tongue). Some consonants consist only of noise - these are deaf consonants. Others are from voice and noise. These are voiced consonants.

Consonants are also divided into hard and soft.

Hard consonants are indicated in blue, soft consonants in green.

According to the “School of Russia” program, we designate the merging of a vowel sound with a consonant with a rectangle divided obliquely by a straight line, where we paint over the consonant below and the vowel above.

Make cards out of colored cardboard or paper to make up words. You will also need cards with an accent mark and a separator line.

You can draw diagrams in a notebook in a large cell. It is even better to combine both types of work.

Get started with simple words- monosyllabic or two-syllabic.

So you've made your flashcards and are ready to go.

Think about how to interest the child.

Can you teach Masha doll or beloved bunny to make words?

Or will you guess riddles and draw up a diagram of a guess word?

Or maybe the word (card or picture) is hidden and you will play the game “cold-hot”?

It is very good if you come up with something interesting and there is an incentive to work.

Fragment of the lesson.

Guess a riddle.

The grandfather is sitting in a hundred fur coats.

Who undresses him

He sheds tears.

Let's make a diagram of the word onion.

1. Divide the word into syllables.

We pronounce with a clap of our hands - bow. This word has 1 syllable.

2. What sounds does a syllable consist of?

We pronounce lingering l-u-k.

The first sound is [l]. This is a hard consonant. The second sound is [y]. This is a vowel sound. The sounds [l], [y] merge together, resulting in a merger [lu]. We select the desired card - the merger of a solid consonant with a vowel sound.

The third sound [k] is a hard consonant. Choose a card for a solid consonant.

3. Let's denote the sounds with letters. The sound [l] is denoted by the letter “el”. Sound [y] - the letter "y". Sound [k] - the letter "ka".

We do not put stress in monosyllabic words. The word has one vowel sound, which means it is stressed.

According to the “School of Russia” program, there are no designations for voiced and voiceless consonants. Therefore, you can show your imagination and come up with your own designations for the voiced and deaf consonant. For example, in the game “Recognize the sound”, I chose a bell for a voiced consonant, and a smiley in my headphones for a voiceless consonant. Pictures can be printed and used in the diagram.

You can practice characterizing the sound in the game.

A game

A tape of letters will help you characterize the sound.

On the tape you can clearly see what sounds the letters represent.

For example, the letter “en” denotes two sounds - hard [n] and soft [n "]. Therefore, a rectangle of two colors - blue and green. These sounds are voiced, so there is a bell on top.

All sounds in the upper row are voiced, and in the lower row they are deaf.

The letter "zhe" denotes one sound - a solid sound [g]. Therefore, the rectangle is completely blue. This is a ringing sound.

Particular attention should be paid to iotated vowels.

The letters i, e, u, e can mean two sounds or one.

If they are at the beginning of a word or after a vowel, they represent two sounds:

i [th "a], yo [th" o], yu [th" y], e [th" e]

After a consonant sound, they denote one sound: i [a], e [o], yu [y], e [e].

Let's make a diagram of the word Yana.

1. Divide the word into syllables.

This word has two syllables.

2. The first syllable is me. This is a fusion of two sounds - [th "], [a]. The sound [th"] is a soft consonant, the sound [a] is a vowel. We choose a card - a merger of a soft consonant and a vowel sound.

3. We put a dividing line after the first syllable.

3. The second syllable is on. This is a fusion of two sounds - [n], [a]. The sound [n] is a solid consonant, the sound [a] is a vowel. We choose a card - the merger of a solid consonant and a vowel sound.

4. We put emphasis. We find the stressed syllable. We speak the whole word, highlighting the stressed syllable. The stressed syllable is the first. So that the child understands that the stress is set correctly, try to put the stress on the second syllable as well.

5. We designate sounds with letters.

The sounds [th "a] are denoted by one letter - the letter i.

The sound [n] is denoted by the letter “en”.

The sound [a] is denoted by the letter a.

All sound conventions in the article are taken from the School of Russia program. But for us, the most important thing is that the child learns to characterize the sound, to be able to work with models. If the child has learned to characterize the sound, then replacing the designation is not difficult.

Full description

This training is part of the training cycle on our website. The cycle is dedicated to home tutoring of reading skills. Training can be useful for both parents of a preschooler and teachers.

A syllable-fusion is a combination of a consonant and a subsequent vowel, or a combination of a consonant and soft sign. Such letter combinations are the most difficult and important element learning to read. The systematic presentation of the material in our article is optimal for teaching reading. In oral speech, when reading in such cases, two sounds seem to merge into one to combine a consonant and a vowel, or a hard consonant becomes soft.

Below is a complete table of common fusion syllables.
































































































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In the table, the syllables in which children most often make mistakes are highlighted and underlined. This table is suitable both for teaching reading and for monitoring the assimilation of the material.

If a child knows all the letters, it is easier for him to read in columns than in rows. An adult must control that the reading of fusion syllables is carried out by the child as if “automatically”. Learning to read can be done in parts. We recommend that adults print and make several working copies of the table, crossing out syllables-fusions during training and control, which the child learns and reads quickly (that is, the skill has been brought “to automatism”).

For teaching reading and developing the skill of reading syllable fusions, we have developed

See also articles:

Teaching a child to read. We remember syllables. Learning to read a syllable. Merging letters into syllables. syllable. How to teach a child to read syllables. Transition from letter to syllable.

At present, the children's market educational literature filled with a variety of alphabets and primers for preschoolers. Unfortunately, many authors do not guidelines ways of teaching reading. The first pages of manuals introduce children to some letters, then parents are invited to complete tasks together with children such as "compose syllables with the letter A and read them", "compose, write down and read syllables", and sometimes they do not have such explanations, but simply on the pages syllables appear for reading. But how can a child read a syllable?

So, N. S. Zhukova in her "Primer" illustrates the fusion of a consonant and a vowel with the help of a "running little man". He proposes to show the first letter with a pencil (pointer), moving the pencil (pointer) to the second letter, connect them with a "path", while pulling the first letter until "you and the little man run along the path to the second letter." The second letter must be read so that "the track does not break."

We find another way to facilitate syllabication in the book by Yu. V. Tumalanova "Teaching children 5-6 years old to read." In the methodological part of the book, various options for accompanying the syllable are proposed:

An adult holds one letter in his hands, the child reads, at the same time another letter is brought up from afar, and the first "falls", the child proceeds to reading a new letter,

An adult holds letters in his hands, one high, the other lower, the child begins to read the upper letter, slowly approaching the lower one, and proceeds to reading the lower one,

An adult holds a card in his hands, where letters are written on both sides, the child reads the letter on one side, the adult turns the card over to the other side, the child continues to read.

On the pages intended for working with the child, we see the following original images of syllables:

The techniques outlined above relate to the sound analytical-synthetic method of teaching reading. "The letter I after the consonant denotes its softness, which means that in combination VI the letter B denotes a soft sound. It turns out VI." This is what the chain of inference looks like when reading a syllable through sound-letter analysis. And what will be the chain when reading, for example, the words CROCODILE? Can a child easily master reading in such a "long" way? Yes, there are even younger children preschool age which thanks to high organization Analytic-synthetic thinking is able to successfully master reading in this way. But for most children, this method is too difficult. It doesn't fit the age group cognitive activity. Even when using the auxiliary techniques outlined above, children still cannot master reading using the sound analytical-synthetic method, or the formation of reading skills is difficult, interest in classes is lost, psychological problems(low self-esteem, protest reactions, retarded development cognitive processes characteristic of this age).

Try to read any sentence and at the same time observe how words are made from letters. You simply reproduce different types of syllables from memory and comprehend their combinations! It is recall that helps us read quickly, bypassing the stage of building chains of inferences about the sound-letter composition of a word.

Based on this, it can be understood that it is easier for a child to learn to read by memorizing a system of reading units - syllable fusions. This method of teaching reading will be most successful for children of older preschool age. It is at this age that memory, all its types (auditory, visual, memory for movements, combined, semantic, etc.) and processes (remembering, storing and reproducing information) develop and improve most actively.

You need to memorize syllables according to the same scheme that is used when memorizing letters:

Repeated naming of a syllable by an adult;
- search for a syllable on the instructions of an adult with subsequent naming;
- independent naming - "reading" the syllable.

Of course, the child should be interested in learning. When introducing a child to syllables, you can use short tales composed according to the same principle: a consonant letter, traveling, meets vowels in its path, all in turn, they sing "songs" in pairs - syllables. A consonant letter can "go to the forest for mushrooms", can "ride an elevator", can "go to visit girlfriends - vowels" and much more, what your imagination is capable of. You can make large letters cut out of colored cardboard with faces and handles, then the vowel and consonant letters also "take the handles and sing a song together" (syllable). Don't think that you have to make up such fairy tales for every consonant. The child will soon be able to tell fairy tales about syllables himself, he will be able to name even new syllables by analogy with those whose reading he has already mastered.

The order of acquaintance with syllables is not fundamental, it will be determined by the alphabet that you choose to teach your child to read. Some alphabets set the sequence of study according to the frequency of the use of letters in the language, others in accordance with the sequence of formation of sounds in children, and others - according to the intention of the authors of the manuals.

After the initial acquaintance of the child with the syllables that can be composed with the help of a consonant, it is necessary to create situations where the child will look for the syllable given by the adult. Write the syllables on separate pieces of paper, lay them out in front of the child:

Ask to bring a "brick" of KA, or KO, or KU, etc., on a truck;

- "turn" leaflets with syllables into sweets, treat the doll with a "candy" KI, or KE, or KO, etc.;

Play "postman" - deliver "letters" - syllables to your family members, for example: "Take KU to your grandmother", "Take the letter to PE for dad", etc.;

Lay out the syllables on the floor, "turn" the child into an airplane, command which airfield to land on.

You can also search for a given syllable on the pages of the alphabet or primer. At the same time, the game situation may look like teaching your favorite toy to read ("Show Pinocchio the syllable PU!", And immediately after the show - "Tell him what syllable it is").

You can cut the syllables written on the leaves horizontally or diagonally (but not vertically, otherwise the syllable will be divided into letters). You give the child the top of the syllable, name the syllable, ask to find lower part, then make halves and name the syllable.

If the child confidently holds a pencil in his hand and knows how to write or trace letters, write the syllables that you memorize with the child with a dotted line, offer to circle the syllable you named, you can different syllables outline with pencils of different colors.

Always after completing tasks to find a syllable, ask the child what syllable it is (but not "Read what is written!"). child in the data learning situations you just need to remember the task with which syllable he performed, you yourself called this syllable when you gave the task. If the child cannot remember a syllable, offer him a choice of several answers: "Is this GO or GU?", "LE? BE? SE?". So you protect the child from the forced letter-by-letter analysis of the syllable ("G and O, will be ... Will be ... Will be ..."), which will cause him negative emotions, as it will complicate the reading process. Children who get used to "seeing" individual letters in a syllable and trying to "fold" them often long time can't go to syllabic reading and reading whole words, "folding" words from letters does not give them the opportunity to increase the speed of reading.

Is it worth it to memorize all syllables with equal persistence? No! Pay attention to syllables that are rarely found in Russian (more often with vowels Yu, Ya, E), do not insist on confident reading of these syllables if the child has difficulty remembering them. The words RUSHA, RYASA, NETSUKE and the like are not often found in books!

A kind of screen of success in teaching a child to read can be the Syllabic House, which the child himself will "build" as he learns syllable fusions. To make it, you will need a large sheet of paper (drawing paper, wallpaper), felt-tip pens or paints, glue and colored paper or cardboard. On a large sheet of paper, you need to depict the "frame" of the house: write vowels horizontally below (you can depict them in arches-entrances), write consonants vertically from bottom to top in the order that your alphabet or primer suggests (it will be more interesting if the consonants the letters will "stand on the balconies"). The frame is ready. Now, on separate pieces of paper - "bricks" - write the syllables currently being studied. Ask the child to find the syllables according to your task, determine the place of this "brick" in the house (horizontally - "floor", vertically - "entrance"), glue the syllable in its place. Now, after classes with a group of syllables, you can paste them into this house. So the house will grow floor by floor, and the child will see his progress in learning to read.

In fact, the Syllabic House is an analogue of the reading table according to Zaitsev's method. But in this version, before the eyes of the child there will be only those syllables that he has already begun to master, and you yourself determine the order of the syllables (at your own discretion or in the order in which the letters appear in the alphabet).

The spreadsheet doesn't end there. The following exercises are carried out according to the table:

Search for a syllable by assignment (an adult calls, a child finds, shows, calls);

Reading chains of syllables - by vowel (MA - ON - RA - LA - PA -...), by consonant (PA-PO-PU-PY-...);

Reading syllables with agreement to the word (KA - porridge, KU - chicken, ...);

In the future, according to the table, you can make words to the child, showing them by syllables, or the child, according to his own plan or the task of an adult, will be able to compose words himself. In such a table, the child will see the absence of some "bricks" - ZhY, SHY, CHYA, SHCHYA, CHU, SHCHU. Perhaps this will be the first step in mastering Russian spelling.

Quite rarely, but still there are such assignments in notebook books. The child needs to color the picture, divided into parts. Each part is signed with a syllable. Each syllable is colored with its own color.

When performing such a task, a natural possibility arises of repeatedly naming a syllable, and hence remembering it. Work on the task in sequence: first one syllable, then the other... First, show and name the syllable yourself, determine the color to fill it in, then, when the child finds and paints over the corresponding detail of the picture, ask what syllable is written here.

Syllable + picture

At the stage of independent reading, the exercise "Syllable + picture" is used. These types of assignments are rarely found in textbooks, but they are very useful, as they contribute to the early formation of meaningful reading.

The child is invited to connect the picture with the syllable with which its name begins.

ATTENTION! We draw your attention to the fact that in this and subsequent exercises, words must be selected in which the pronunciation of the 1st syllable coincides with its spelling (for example, the word "cotton wool" is suitable, but "water" is not, because it is pronounced "vada ").

In another version of the task, various syllables are signed under each picture, the child needs to choose the correct first syllable of the name of the item shown in the picture.

You can make such tasks yourself: use the syllables you previously wrote and select the appropriate pictures for them from any board game or from lotto.

The most difficult when teaching preschoolers to read are fusion syllables, which we talked about above, but in Russian, in addition to fusion syllables, there are other types of syllables - reverse syllable (AM, AN ...), closed syllable (SON, KOH .. .), a syllable with a confluence of consonants (SLO, RMS ...). Each of these types of syllables requires special attention when learning, it is necessary to train in their naming and reading to simplify the further transition to reading in words.

So, it is necessary to prevent the incorrect reading of the reverse syllable: they consist, like the fusion, of a consonant and a vowel, and a preschooler can read the reverse syllable as a fusion, rearranging the letters when reading (TU instead of UT). It will be useful to compare and read pairs of syllables - fusion and open, consisting of the same letters (MA - AM, MU - UM, MI - IM, etc.).

When learning to read a closed syllable, invite your child to read pairs and chains of such syllables that are similar in their confluence (VAM - VAS - VAK - VAR - VAN, etc.) or according to the "recited" consonant (VAS - MAC - PAS, MOS - ICC, etc.). Similar work must be carried out when teaching the reading of syllables with a confluence of consonants (SKA - SKO - SMU - SPO, SKA - MKA - RKA - VKA - LKA, etc.) Exercises of this content, which are presented in your chosen study guide, may not be enough, you can make such chains yourself. Sometimes children do not like this type of work because of some of its monotony, in this case, offer not only to read the syllable, but also to finish it to the word (COD - soon, MOS - bridge ...). Such an exercise is not only exciting, but also develops the child’s phonemic hearing, and will also further contribute to the meaningful reading of words.

So, when learning to read the syllable, remember!

A feature of preschool children is the physiological unpreparedness to learn the rules of syllables and their use when reading.

Before the child can name the fusion syllable himself, he needs to hear its name many times, practice searching for the syllable according to your assignment.

If the child finds it difficult to name a syllable, offer him several answers as a help, thereby preventing him from switching to a letter-by-letter reading of the syllable.

The most difficult to remember are the first groups of memorized syllables, then the child, by analogy, begins to name syllables similar in vowel or consonant.

The pace of mastering syllables should correspond to the capabilities of the child. It is better to master a smaller number of consonants and corresponding syllables, but it is automated to recognize and read syllables.

The ability to read syllables of different types contributes to the fastest learning of a child to read in whole words.

You will find an online primer (alphabet), games with letters, games for learning to read syllables, games with words and whole sentences, texts for reading. Bright, colorful pictures game form presentation of the material will make classes on teaching reading to preschoolers not only useful, but also interesting.