Do know English. How to get out of a losing streak and start enjoying life? Expand your social circle

Most people in the Western world at some point in their lives learn English language but if your school years just recently left behind or you've never had to learn English, you may be wondering why English is such an important language. If you are wondering "Why learn English?" below you will find some of the reasons why learning English is important.

1. English is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world.

Why is English so important? Every fifth person in the world speaks or at least understands English. There are 400 million native speakers of this language on the planet, and English is the official or one of the main languages ​​of communication in more than 50 countries. While Chinese, Spanish, French, Russian and German languages also boast a large number of native speakers, and as these languages ​​have grown in importance in recent decades, there is a good reason to learn English. It is he who remains the least common multiple for people who meet and work together in different parts of the world.

2. English opens up new opportunities for you.

Another important reason to study English is that it increases your chances of getting Good work in a multinational company or start working abroad. English is the language of business, which is why it is so important for employees to be able to speak English when communicating with colleagues from other countries and foreign clients. In short, learning English will help you make your career, so start learning now!

3. English makes you more attractive to employers

Just imagine: the next time you need to call an English client, you volunteer to do it and impress everyone around you. As mentioned above, a career is a great reason to learn English. You will feel more confident speaking English, even with native speakers, and earn the respect of your superiors.

Do you want to get promoted or find new job? We can help you with this, because teaching English is our forte!

  • Learn English online
  • Take the Level Completion Quiz on Busuu
  • Get an Official McGraw-Hill Education Certification
  • Add this certification to your LinkedIn profile and to the language proficiency section of your resume

This way your boss and potential employers will know about your outstanding English skills.

4. English opens your way to the best universities in the world

Where do you want to study? Have you ever thought about going to Harvard, Yale, Princeton or Stanford? And what about the prestigious English universities, Cambridge and Oxford? Even if getting into one of these universities is not your plan, English is spoken in many countries, so there are thousands of educational institutions offering programs of study in English. If you speak English, there are many opportunities open to you.

5. Some of the greatest works of world literature are written in English

Maybe you always wanted to read the books of great English writers in the original? Learn English online and apply your language skills to read modern classics: JK Rowling's Harry Potter series, Stephen King novels or Lee Child's latest thriller. With each new book you read, you will develop your English skills and be able to go to the old masters of the word: Charles Dickens, Jane Austen or Henry James, and read their works in the original language. Start learning now, and very soon you will be able to read!

6. English helps you better understand pop culture.

Has it ever happened to you that a melody is spinning on your tongue, but you can't manage to sing it because you don't know the words? Or, even worse, for someone to catch you singing some of your own text instead of the words of a famous song?

Has it ever happened to you that you look at the lyrics of a song and realize that for many months, if not years, you have been singing not at all what should be there? Have you ever had to wait for your favorite author's new book to be translated, or suffer from terrible voice acting for your favorite TV series?

This is a great reason to learn English! You can read the works of your favorite authors in the original, watch movies and TV shows in English without subtitles, and sing along to your favorite song.

7. English grammar is quite simple, honestly.

While vocabulary and pronunciation can sometimes be difficult to master, English grammar is much easier than the grammar of other European languages. There are only two grammatical genders, one definite article and one indefinite article each, and cases don't matter at's incredibly easy to master the basics of English, and it's only a matter of time before you complete your vocabulary and improve your pronunciation.

8. English is your passport to the world of knowledge

Here, in general, everything is simple: most of the content available on the Internet is written in English. Many sites are created in English and then translated into other languages, but some companies don't care about translation at all because so many people speak English. If you know English, you will be able to use information that would otherwise be inaccessible to you!

9. English improves memory and helps keep the brain in good shape.

Another, perhaps somewhat unexpected reason to learn English is a good memory! According to research, being fluent in two languages ​​(and just the process of learning a foreign language) can protect the brain from negative age-related changes. Some types of dementia in people who speak at least two languages ​​are diagnosed up to five years later than those who speak only one language.

10. Just 10 minutes a day is enough to learn English

This is a great reason to learn English. Many studies show that instead of sitting in language classes twice a week, it is much better to study little by little, but regularly. Download the Busuu app and you can learn English online anytime, anywhere, all you need is a couple of minutes to spare. What other reasons do you need to learn English? Study the language for ten minutes every day and soon you will master it fluently.

The goal in learning English plays a decisive role. She is the one who makes us free time alone with the training material, and not in a noisy group of friends. And if the goal also has a time frame, we can work wonders and master huge amounts of information in the shortest possible time.

At the moment, more than 1,100 students study at the Inglex online school. All these people came to us not out of idle curiosity, but with a specific purpose. We decided to find out from our students why it is necessary to learn English. To do this, we conducted a study and found out what most often motivates people when they apply to an English language school. We will also tell you which course of study is more suitable for achieving each of the goals.

How we assessed students' goals

Let's start with a story about who our customers are. 87% of our students are adults between the ages of 18 and 70. The remaining 13% are schoolchildren and university students, the latter being the smallest group. Most students have an elementary and intermediate level of knowledge and are engaged in general conversation course. 77% study English with a Russian-speaking teacher, the remaining 23% - with native English speakers.

In our school, students who have already reached the intermediate level (and above) study with English-speaking teachers and continue to improve their knowledge. We assumed that the goals of students at lower and higher levels would be different, so we decided to separately consider the goals of language learning for students of Russian-speaking teachers and students of native teachers. We asked all our teachers to clarify the learning objectives of each student and analyzed the data. As a result, we managed to identify 8 groups of goals that correspond to the courses offered by our school.

What are the goals of our students

The most popular goals of our students were "English for work", "English for travel" and "English for myself". We decided to display the data obtained during the survey in a convenient author's diagram.

1. English for work

Learning English for work turned out to be the most common goal among students. Students driven by this goal fall into two main categories: those who are already working in a position that requires good English proficiency, and those who want to improve their position by obtaining new position or changing jobs. We list the most popular goals for each group.

  1. Those who improve their knowledge for their current job learn English with the aim of:
    • communicate with English-speaking partners;
    • communicate freely on business trips;
    • lead business correspondence with partners or clients;
    • make presentations in English;
    • read professional English-language literature;
    • attend international conferences and trainings.
  2. It is these people who most often choose, since his program fully meets all of the listed goals. At higher levels of knowledge, students working in international companies prefer classes with native speakers, which allows them to quickly prepare for communication in real work conditions.

  3. For those who are counting on career advancement or who want to get a more promising position in another company, it is important:
    • be able to write a cover letter;
    • be able to indicate the level of English proficiency in your resume;
    • learn how to conduct interviews in English;
    • raise general level knowledge, as companies often require an internal test to get a higher-paying position.

If the goal of a student from this group is not urgent, that is, at this stage he is satisfied with his work, but in the future he would like to apply for a more interesting position, he almost always chooses. This is a comprehensive course that allows you to move from level to level, developing all speech skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing), as well as expanding vocabulary and improving knowledge of grammar.

In the event that a student needs to urgently prepare for an interview or an internal company test in English, we have provided, including the Interview Preparation course. In this case, the teacher will prepare the material directly for the needs of the student, taking into account his strengths and weaknesses. In the interview preparation course, the teacher discusses popular questions of interviewers with the student and helps to compose suitable answers, and also wins back the real situation of the interview with the student.

In general, we can say that English for work is the most powerful motivator, because in this case, the well-being and self-realization of a person depends on the level of knowledge of the English language. perspective career development- that's what you need to learn English.

2. English for travel

Another popular target for our students is English for Travelling. The higher the level of knowledge, the wider the list of opportunities for using English abroad becomes. So, the majority of students studying with Russian-speaking teachers have a lower level, and for them English for travel rather involves solving organizational issues on a trip (, shopping center, restaurant). But those who want to not only see another country, but also learn more about it from local residents, deal with native speakers. These students want to be able to keep up a conversation and make foreign friends.

English for travel abroad is the second most popular goal among students of Russian-speaking teachers and the third among students of native speakers. We believe this is due to the fact that at higher levels, communication abroad is no longer a problem and other, more interesting tasks come to the fore.

The course "English for Travel" is studied within the framework. Immediately before the trip, the teacher concentrates on those topics that will help you feel confident in a foreign language environment.

3. English "for myself"

  • communication with relatives who study or live abroad (this goal is often pursued by people over 40, whose children and grandchildren live in the UK and the USA);
  • communication with foreign friends;
  • Willingness to put into practice knowledge gained from self-study language;
  • watching movies and reading books in English;
  • memory training;
  • help in learning English to their children or grandchildren.

In addition, for many students, learning English is a favorite hobby or way to fill their free time. This is especially true for mothers on maternity leave and the elderly.

Students with the listed goals study at all levels.

Summing up the study, we were pleasantly surprised that the “for myself” goal is more popular among students of native speakers. The point is that by reaching more high level knowledge, students are more likely to have already closed the goals for which they began to learn English. But they liked the learning process so much that they decided to continue working on their knowledge. We believe that the goal of learning English “for oneself” is not in itself a strong motivator, but when the desire not to lose the achieved result and to further expand one’s knowledge is added to it, its existence becomes justified.

4. English for school and university studies

Goals from this group are in fourth place in popularity both among students of Russian-speaking teachers and among students of native speakers. It is not uncommon for parents to be wary of sending their children to English courses via Skype. Nevertheless, at the moment we have 198 pupils and students. They have three main goals:

  • improve knowledge within the framework of the school / university program, improve academic performance;
  • do well in exams or tests;
  • increase the level of knowledge, study topics that are beyond the scope of the curriculum.

Separately, it is worth highlighting students of language universities who consider the level of teaching at their university to be insufficiently high and turn to us for training in a more intensive and complex program.

The listed goals are achieved when studying on the course "". If a schoolchild or student needs to urgently prepare for an exam, the teacher is ready to develop individual program, in which case the course will be considered . Also, schoolchildren and students often seek help with grammar, and in this case, the course "" is suitable for them.

5. English for moving or living abroad

It turned out that such an important goal of learning English as moving abroad is not very popular among our students. Only 6% of students of Russian-speaking teachers and 2% of students of native speakers learn the language for emigration. Here is a list of specific targets grouped under this group:

  • desire to feel confident after moving;
  • job search abroad;
  • adaptation to the conditions of an English-speaking country, the study of its culture.

Half of the students with these goals already live abroad, but continue to improve their knowledge with our teachers. They prefer to receive knowledge in a systematic way, rather than in fragments from conversations with local residents. Nevertheless, the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge in practice in the language environment allows you to speed up the learning process.

Interestingly, students pursuing these goals are more likely to turn to Russian-speaking teachers, rather than to native speakers. This suggests that when they move, their level is still not high enough, but this does not stop them from trying to find themselves in a new place.

In our practice, there was a case when a student was planning to move to a particular US state and was looking for a native teacher who could not only help her “talk”, but also prepare her for cultural characteristics life in this place. We were glad to offer her just such a teacher.

All goals from this group are implemented within the framework of the course "". If necessary, the teacher supplements the program with materials from the courses "" and "".

6. English for certification

According to the degree of popularity among our students, international certificates lined up in the following order: IELTS, CAE, TOEFL, FCE, CPE, KET, PET.

Getting the international certificate itself is rarely the ultimate goal of students. Most often, a certificate is needed to realize other, more global ambitions. The result of the international exam is required to be presented in the following cases:

  • upon admission to a foreign university;
  • for a job in a large Russian or international company (both in a foreign branch and in a local office);
  • when immigrating to English-speaking countries as a document confirming that a person speaks English sufficiently;
  • to confirm the level of knowledge - English teachers.

We also have students who have been studying English as a hobby for a long time and therefore want to get international certificate"for myself" or "for the future." Any exam is a lot of stress, so this desire deserves respect.

Students prepare for international exams both with Russian-speaking teachers and with native speakers. The fact is that your success in the exam will largely depend not only on the real level of knowledge, but also on the correct approach to completing tasks. Therefore, students often resort to the help of Russian-speaking teachers to practice successful tactics and improve grammar, and they work with native speakers to improve their speaking skills and expand their vocabulary.

Students who wish to receive a certificate are engaged in the course "". This is a specialized course during which all the features of the exam are studied. If the current level of knowledge of the student is not enough to qualify for a high score, training begins with the course "".

7. English for study abroad

To enter a foreign university, first of all, you need to be fluent in English. Unfortunately, this ambitious goal of learning English is pursued by very few students (only 3% of students from Russian-speaking teachers and 2% from native speakers). These people are not necessarily graduates or students of Russian educational institutions. Adults are also preparing for admission to foreign faculties, to graduate school or to the MBA program.

The choice of a course for this purpose depends on the timing of admission ("" or more intensive "") and the need to present an international certificate upon admission (course "").

8. Improving knowledge for working as an English teacher

As teachers, we couldn't help but single out this goal, although it could be included in the scope of the English for Work goal. Nevertheless, it is also very important for teachers to improve their knowledge, and we are glad that they are thinking about it. It is important to note that English teachers make up 4% of students of native speakers and only 1% of students of Russian-speaking teachers. These people see their goals in the following:

  • improve your level of knowledge to work at higher levels of language proficiency;
  • expand vocabulary to work with students on more complex learning programs;
  • gain confidence in their knowledge to move from working with children to teaching adults;
  • pass an international exam and claim a higher salary for your work or get a job in a prestigious educational institution.

For these purposes, any courses that meet the specific needs of the teacher are suitable.

What skills do students worry about the most?

What is the most important thing for students in the learning process, what do they ask the teacher to pay more attention to during class? In addition to the global goal, each student has wishes to concentrate more on one or another aspect of the language. Among the most popular requests, we highlighted the desire:

  • pay maximum attention to practice oral speech, work on fluency, expand vocabulary;
  • learn to understand the speech of the interlocutor by ear, to parse words in films and songs;
  • understand English grammar learn to speak and write correctly;
  • improve pronunciation, remove Russian accent;
  • study the words and expressions used in a particular area (business, Information Technology, aviation, law, etc.)
  • develop business and academic writing skills.

Obviously, the most common goal is the development of oral speech. After all, the ability to not only quickly, but also correctly formulate our thoughts is the main result for which we learn the language.

Unusual goals for learning English

  1. family goals

    Many parents begin to prepare their children for adulthood from the earliest years, and sometimes even months. So, one of the students is studying English in order to immediately teach her recently born daughter.

    Our other student is 12 years old. She wants to become a singer and sing songs in English, so her mother asked us to work on her pronunciation.

    But the older student has a more trivial goal: his entire family, even his 5-year-old daughter, can easily chat in English. In order to keep up with his relatives, the man also decided to learn English "for himself."

  2. creative goals

    The best way to appreciate the convenience of Skype lessons can be people whose work is related to foreign trips. Among them there are many representatives of creative professions.

    For example, one of our students is a professional photographer. She travels the world and teaches photography courses and workshops for foreign students. It is clear why she is interested in learning English.

    We also have students who are engaged in acting. Their goal is to be able to go to courses and trainings abroad, and if they're lucky, even get a role in a foreign film.

    There are also students who dream of starting to write novels and short stories in English. And one of them plans to write a book for his son, who now lives in England.

  3. Personal goals

    Everyone knows that learning a foreign language helps develop mental abilities and train memory. People who come to us with such a wish often begin to additionally learn a second foreign language at our school.

    Justified and another goal of some students - to increase self-esteem. Indeed, the ability to speak, write, read or understand English can come in handy all of a sudden, and the way you present yourself will not only impress others, but also help boost your self-confidence.

Summing up, we would like to say that it is the presence of a clear goal that guarantees success in learning English. You must clearly understand why you need to learn English. If you're just starting out, we recommend setting a goal for yourself that's long enough for your efforts to pay off, yet achievable so you don't get motivated halfway through. So what is your goal?

We analyze the reasons why people learn English, what advantages a person who knows English has. We will also consider the issues of motivation for learning English and what advantages English has.

The world is multipolar. This is natural. However, the language of negotiations is still English; this is the point. You can discuss this issue for a long time, but the fact remains in its place. People who want to learn a foreign language should be well motivated for this task. To do this, it is important to ask yourself the question why learn english; then comes the period of searching for answers and motivation. From this will depend on how the process itself will go. In pedagogy, the issue of incentive plays an important role. The final result depends on the degree of his strength. It is important to remember that classes should be systematic, have a clear gradation of tasks according to the level of complexity. To begin with, you should start with the fact that the question of motivation should have several weighty points for you. This article is written in this vein. So, first things first.

Reason #1

Perhaps this moment is the most important in terms of motivation. Let's analyze specific examples and situations from life, so that everything falls into its rightful place.

English is the language of modern computer technology. This fact remains (and will) remain unchanged. long time. This is explained by the fact that English acts as an analytical language. Simply put, it places more emphasis on brevity of presentation of information than on poetics. Therefore, the language is simple. Of course, technical English is meant here, but it is simply mastered if a person has learned the classical version of this language and is able to communicate in it. Without it, it is impossible to master computer technologies and develop in this direction.

Highly qualified specialists speak English at the level. Therefore, experienced programmers, editors and people of similar professions who speak the language can get a job abroad. This is an important moment for many, allowing them to motivate themselves to learn English. In addition, people get a real opportunity to work both on business trips abroad and completely move to live in any European country or even the states. It all depends on personal preference. The main thing is knowledge and proficiency in the language. All other obstacles to achieving the goal will not seem so difficult; This opinion has been proven in practice. However, the reasons for mastering this science do not end there.

Other incentives for learning English

    English acts as the world language of negotiations. Both political and economic transactions are carried out on it; these are the realities modern society. Therefore, all employers who provide applicants with good positions require knowledge of English at a good conversational level. Even working as a top manager in a prestigious company cannot do without knowledge of the proper level of English. Those companies that conduct trade or other business relations with foreign firms require employees to have an almost perfect command of foreign language. Often people are forced not only to communicate with foreign citizens, but also to draw up contracts in English. Here you need perfect knowledge. Of course, professional translator will do whatever is required. However, employees will need help and competence in different situations. Again, the emphasis should be placed at least on a good level of spoken English.

    Many works of art, songs are written in English; this is due to its conciseness and pleasant sound. Amazing Fact: English, being analytical language, sounds pretty good. Compare with German, where every word sounds rude. It seems that a person turns into a barking dog. It sounds harsh, but it conveys the essence most accurately. With English, everything is different: brevity is combined with a certain melody. In general, this language belongs to the group of Germanic languages. Having mastered it, you can easily study other "dialects" of peoples within the framework of this language family. General principles and the basis moments play an important role. The study of Germanic languages ​​by means of English always has a well-defined system.

    Psychologists have proven that learning a second language at the proper level has a positive effect on memory. The chances of getting sick with those ailments that affect mental activity are reduced. Senile dementia and insanity will be pushed back or completely prevented. Constant practice is needed. Only such an approach will achieve the intended goals. It is always important to focus on the fact that the system of study must be clearly calibrated. Only with this approach can you rely on true luck. Therefore, people have every reason to devote a little of their time to learning a foreign language every day.

    If you love and plan to travel, then knowledge of the language discussed in the article is simply necessary. It is elementary to find out the direction, the path, to take an interest in traditions - this is what your knowledge will allow you to do. The vast majority of tourists were convinced of the correctness of these words. For travel, it is worth learning certain phrases and questions. At least start with a minimum in order to achieve positive results in the future. By the way, live communication in English will add to your solidity and confidence in your abilities and capabilities. Everyone will get what they need. The main thing is to go systematically towards the intended goal. Then success will come, and with it a real celebration of knowledge. It's time to check this aspect.

As you can see, the question of why to learn English has very solid arguments. By motivating yourself well, you can make it easier to achieve your goal. In general, it is important to consider this topic comprehensively, touching on its various aspects. Then the incentive will be at the proper level, the person will clearly understand what he will strive for.

Subtleties and nuances

Having considered the question of motivation, we can move on to the benefits of learning. This is a kind of additional "points" both for motivation to study and for the expansion of consciousness. The last point is manifested in the fact that the culture and mentality of the people will be revealed to you. You will feel it, because in your experience you will discover something new for yourself; A foreign language helps to understand the society and its culture.

The next point is also important. It consists in the fact that a person who speaks English can communicate with citizens of other states. Readers will say that there is an online translator for this. However, not all so simple. The translator can put you in an awkward and ridiculous position: almost always he gives out verbatim texts, missing the nuances. As a result, misunderstanding and even conflict can occur. Therefore, language proficiency gives an undeniable advantage over an online translator.

Remarkable fact: according to statistics, in our country every working person who is fluent in English receives a salary of up to 10 percent more than an employee who does not speak “science”. At least this statement is fully realized by specialists working in large holdings and corporations. Of course, the speech of an American will differ from an Englishman, because the former has its own characteristics of a slightly rebuilt English language. However, knowing the classics, you can easily understand the dialects. This is the specificity and positive side of the issue of learning English. Everyone gets what is required.

The article reviewed advantages of English and reasons for studying it. Everyone decides for himself: to choose a given language or not to undertake its development. One thing is for sure: English provides undeniable advantages. Both on vacation and at work - knowledge of an additional language is useful everywhere. Of course, English is the priority; there is no doubt about it. The language of world communication and treaties is simple and concise. Everyone can study it, regardless of profession and age. If you do not postpone, but act, then the result will be at the level.

Employers prefer educated people who speak English at a good conversational level. This is especially true for those enterprises that are oriented in working with foreign clients. The profession of a translator is becoming more and more relevant every year; so it is important to navigate in the right direction.

What is English for? This is a question that worries both those who are just starting to study it, and those who are just thinking about such a prospect. New Opportunities - Does it apply to Russia?

English is taught today in schools, colleges, universities and courses. Every year the number of people who want to learn it only increases, which leads to an increase in the popularity of this international language. Why is English necessary, and how can it be used in life?

Is English required in Russia and CIS countries?

Each new language opens up new possibilities for us. The more languages ​​a person knows, the freer he feels. Knowledge of English allows:

  1. Read in original science articles, books, results of conferences. This is especially important for those who work in the field of science. Doctors, engineers and other specialists will be able to get acquainted with the achievements of their foreign colleagues and use them in their work. It also helps when writing scientific works, because it will be possible to add sources in English to the list of references.
  2. Communicate freely with business partners. A specialist who is not only well versed in his field, but also speaks English becomes especially valuable. This increases personal competitiveness and promotes career growth.
  3. Meet and communicate with foreigners for personal purposes. Good acquaintances and friends around the world are a great opportunity to practice the language and to get to know new cultures. Perhaps in this way you can find a life partner.
  4. Travel without problems. Buying a tour, you can go to almost any country, even without knowing the language. But still there will be difficulties during the purchase of tickets for public transport, ordering food in cafes and restaurants, finding the right sights. In independent travel, knowing the language is even more important, so English opens up this opportunity as well.
  5. Watch your favorite movies and series in the original. This can be used both at the initial stage of learning (by adding subtitles), and after mastering its main steps. It is best to start with those films that have already been viewed previously in Russian. Knowledge of English will allow you to hear the voices of your favorite actors and see the picture as it really is (each voice acting interprets the characters' lines in its own way).
  6. Feel more comfortable in society. Knowledge of English can come in handy at any time. Knowing him, you will not get into awkward situations.

Who is learning English today?

AT modern world learning English begins in kindergarten. It is easier for children to absorb information, therefore, they quickly learn basic knowledge (alphabet, names of flowers, animals, objects). After that, the language is studied at school, but the children still do not understand why they need it and do not put enough effort into it. Learning English at school is negatively affected by:

Conscious language learning begins at university or after graduation. At this age, many understand that knowledge of a foreign language has many advantages, and this should be strived for. For students who know English, there will be a bonus in the form of good grades (English as a foreign language is studied in most specialties). After graduation, many are faced with the need to know the language for work and also begin to learn it. Everyone chooses the most convenient ways of learning the language.

How to learn English: modern opportunities for learning it

The answer to the question "Why learn English?" presented above. But how to do it so that there is a result? Students and adults who have set themselves such a goal prefer:

  1. Foreign language courses. Classes in small groups with experienced teachers allow you to master not only the lexical and grammatical features of the language, but also spoken English. Working in pairs and groups contributes to a more active development of the language.
  2. Tutors. Individual sessions have several advantages: the teacher is focused on only one student, mistakes and difficulties will not go unnoticed, you can adjust the program as needed, you can study at any convenient time.
  3. Self-study. Tutorials, reading books, using modern opportunities, communicating with native speakers, reading forums and blogs.
  4. Special mobile applications. Today you can learn English anywhere and anytime. To do this, you must have a smartphone (or tablet) and Internet access. Mobile applications turn the process of learning a language into an interesting game in which both vocabulary and grammar are learned. Tasks depend on the level of the language (it is determined using a test). Each user of the application sees their progress, which motivates them to continue learning the language even more.

Travelers, businessmen and other residents of Russia who seek to broaden their horizons make their choice in favor of learning English. Knowledge of this language will allow you to get acquainted with the culture of such countries as Great Britain, the United States of America, Australia and Canada. English is international language, so it is always used at conferences.

Learning English, like any other language, has its challenges. Sometimes, each of us asks the question: why do you need to know a foreign language? Therefore, Smile English provides you with 10 top reasons that will answer this question and reveal the importance of learning English.

Reason 1. Expanding the circle of friends

Everyone knows that English is widely spoken all over the world, therefore, knowing this language, you can easily communicate with people from different countries. This will allow you to make useful contacts, talk and correspond with foreign friends, learn a lot of new and interesting information. Note that for this you do not have to travel abroad, the Internet and courses at an English school will come to your aid.

Reason 2. Career growth

Agree, today the labor market is quite competitive. Therefore, a person whose resume contains knowledge of a foreign language will in most cases arouse the interest of a potential employer. If you have long found a suitable job for yourself, then knowledge of English will help you move up the career ladder. And in the case when your work is related to business, it is worth remembering that international business communication is based on English.

Reason 3. We train memory

The best way to train your memory is to memorize new words, phrases and rules. Over time, you yourself will be surprised how easily you manage to remember large amounts of information.

Reason 4. Vacation without problems

When traveling abroad, you will be able to solve any problems, for example, related to accommodation, excursions, etc. You will not be completely dependent on Russian-speaking guides. Knowing English will give you confidence and open up new opportunities.

Reason 5. Music with meaning

Agree, it’s much more pleasant for you to listen to the songs of your favorite performers when you understand what they are singing about.

Reason 6. Films without translation

You can easily watch English-language films without translation and subtitles. Plus, it will help you improve your pronunciation. And, if you have children, they will be able to consolidate their English by watching cartoons.

Reason 7. Books in the language of Shakespeare

You will be able to discover the magical world of English-language literature. Reading in the original language is very different from reading translations, or adapted literature. You will be able to get acquainted with phraseological units, expressions inherent exclusively in English speech.

Reason 8. Self-education

Learning English will allow you to improve your educational level. And, having mastered it at a sufficient level, you will be able to read specialized English-language literature, because not all high-quality study guides have a translation.

Reason 9. Extra income

Knowing English, you will never be left without money: you will be able to make translations, write abstracts and articles to order. You will be able to conduct lessons for children and adults, helping them to master English.

Reason 10. Cultural enrichment

In-depth language acquisition implies not only the study of new phrases, but also familiarity with the traditions, mentality and culture of native speakers.

And these are not all the reasons why it is important to learn a language. As you can see, knowing English will bring you a lot of benefits if you understand how to apply this knowledge correctly.