Typology of speech development lessons. The development of oral and written speech at the lessons of literature and the Russian language The development of written speech of schoolchildren at the lessons of literature


oral speech, main types of oral speech, dialogic speech, monologue speech, students' speech.

The development of oral speech is one of the main tasks of teaching Russian literature. The significance of this task is largely determined by the role that oral speech plays in modern society and in the school educational process: the breadth of the audience that instantly perceives information (via radio, television); the ability to be preserved and reproduced; approach to writing in terms of content and linguistic normativity; the possibility of improving written speech through the guidance of students' oral speech, etc.

The following principles underlie the teaching of oral speech: a) reliance on conscious perception and creative reproduction of the linguistic material of information;

  • b) connection with life and literature as subject;
  • c) the relationship of listening, speaking, reading and writing;
  • d) the continuity of the content of logical, semantic and pronunciation

body parts of oral speech;

  • e) the widespread use of the situational method of teaching in order to bring students' verbal communication closer to the natural form of utterance and to develop in them genuine speech skills necessary for education;
  • e) novelty speech material, causing interest in the content and form of speech;
  • g) advancing the development of speech knowledge of grammar (the development of speech runs somewhat ahead, thereby preparing the assimilation of grammar);
  • h) inclusion in the "sounding environment" not only the words of the teacher, but also the main types of sound recording.

These principles imply the leading role of the teacher in the process of teaching students, determine the content of teaching oral speech, its material, teaching methods, take into account the abilities of the native language of students, the interest of children, indicate the need to use modern technical means in the learning process, require that the development of speech is not delayed. students' level of grammar.

To develop the oral speech of students means to teach them to speak in the conditions of listening and speaking. The perception of foreign speech by ear is associated with a number of difficulties. One of them is the phrasing of the speech flow, so that even knowledge of its lexical units does not guarantee understanding of the thought in a coherent text.

Moreover, verbal material already known to students when reading cannot always be correctly perceived by ear due to differences in sound and visual verbal images.

Listening, or it is called "listening, compared with reading, is a more difficult way of obtaining information", which is established in physiological and psychological research features of auditory reception of speech: different-time reception of sounds - words - phrases when listening, simultaneity - when reading; fatigue with auditory reception of speech is greater than with visual, etc.

The perception of speech is also affected by the rate of its utterance, the presence or absence of visual support. If the student sees the speaker, observes his articulation, then the student's own organs of speech seem to fit themselves in a similar way, it is easier for him to reproduce audible sounds, words in his inner speech. Expressions.

These difficulties are overcome both through a system of special exercises to develop listening skills, and in the implementation of others, except for listening. Types of speech activity. Let's say, when reading: a) if the word is assimilated in its graphic and sound images and is simultaneously phrased; b) if a good assimilation of orthoepy is accomplished; c) if there is constant work to increase the pace of reading, bringing it closer to the pace of educational listening, and both of them increasingly begin to correspond to the pace of lively speaking.

It is known that the ability to listen is the basis on which the ability to speak is created. Listening (perception) not only prepares speaking, but is also performed in a simultaneous act with it. Listening means understanding someone else's speech. The latter is impossible, as psychology says, without the internal pronunciation of someone else's speech, i.e. without speaking. That is why, when listening, it is useful to exercise students in whispering the reproduction of received information, despite the fact that whispering foreign language reproduction of someone else's speech is a difficult type of speech activity for students, since the student is dealing with new sound features of the language.

The ability to perceive speech by ear is one of the main criteria for students' knowledge of the Russian language. This skill is created and improved throughout the years of schooling. The system of work in this direction is carried out both in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.

Unfortunately, for many students, someone else's speech is only the speech of their teacher, adapting it to the knowledge and skills of students in this class. It is somewhat artificial: “adapted” in lexico-grammatical terms, slowed down in the tempo of pronunciation, phonetically close to writing, i.e. pronounced orthographically, not orthoepically - especially when carrying out certain types written works. This leads students to poor listening comprehension of natural Russian speech, which they hear in extra-curricular settings: on radio, television, in movies, at meetings, etc.

In extracurricular conditions, training in strengthening the perception of someone else's speech by ear is even wider and more diverse. Radio, sound recordings, motion pictures, meetings with interesting people, excursions - all this can be used in educational purposes, but, of course, it is thought out both from the point of view of preparing students for listening, and from the side of the form of checking students' assimilation of the content of what they heard.

Taking into account the knowledge and skills of his students, the teacher thinks through various forms of preparing them for the perception of information by ear: preliminary, before the hearing, record a plan of this or that information (the plan is given by the teacher): a conversation about the range of knowledge of students on a topic scheduled for listening; recording the plan and working materials during the hearing (on excursions, when meeting interesting people); a record of questions that should be answered after the information received by ear, etc.

It is equally important to skillfully check the degree of assimilation by students of the content of speech perceived by ear. Here you need to arouse in children the desire to willingly talk about what they heard. It is very useful to do this in a lively conversation, sometimes in the form of dialogic speech (exchange of impressions). Often, oral discussion becomes the preparation of students for writing essays. Naturally, by checking the degree of understanding of the material perceived by ear, the teacher himself explains what remains unclear or misunderstood by the students.

Exercises on the perception of someone else's speech from hearing can be carried out at different stages of studying a particular topic: in introductory classes, and during the initial acquaintance in the class with the work, the life of the writer, during text analysis, during repetition ...

The ability to perceive speech by ear, as we know, underlies the ability to master speech in speaking conditions.

Speaking involves two forms of speech - monologue dialogic. In methodological science, the issues of teaching students monologue speech (retellings, messages, reports, etc.) are most developed, the process of teaching students of Russian and national schools of dialogic speech is much less covered. We have to reveal the methodology for teaching students of Uzbek schools in both forms of oral speech. No matter how excellent the methods of work of the teacher, development. Oral speech of students, all of them (methods) should eventually develop meaningful, logically coherent, lexically rich and intonationally expressive speech of schoolchildren. And the criteria for evaluating the oral presentations of students should include checking the content and consistency of speech, phonemic hearing of students, the richness of the vocabulary, stylistic and intonational culture of their oral speech.

The school needs to develop a system for the development of dialogic speech of students (in Russian), the establishment of its (system) organic fusion with the content and course educational process for the study of Russian literature.

The condition for the development of meaningful dialogic speech of students is the ability to answer questions and put them on their own. With the creation of such skills, the process of learning dialogic speech activity begins.

Ability to answer questions.

The ability to answer questions is a vital type of verbal communication that manifests itself in various situations.

Teaching students the ability to give answers to questions, the teacher works on the content of the answers, their lexical and grammatical structure, lexical quality and pronunciation, using a literary text, paintings, etc.

The process of teaching students to answer questions is better, as practice shows, to be carried out in the following sequence: 1) answers, the lexical and structural organization of which is given in the text; 2) answers that are close in structure to colloquial speech; 3) answers “in their own” words, free from texts in lexical and structural terms. It is useful to initially show the difference between these types of answers to students on the same text, in order to visualize learning and create comparison skills.

When posing questions, one should remember the advice of a prominent methodologist: “”each teacher's question should be a task, but a problem that can be easily solved; each question must call forth in the student the work of the head, and with it the work of the tongue.

And this should happen even in those cases when we are forced to put questions to each member of the proposal. Conditions for fulfillment: it is necessary to aim students at understanding the various functions of the word in the text - cognitive, evaluative, emotional. Then the conversation will include elements of ideological and artistic analysis.

Sometimes you have to ask fractional questions to make it easier to understand the actual content of the text. In this case, there is a danger of disintegration of the integrity of the text and its perception. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary, after questions on the content of a separate sentence, to raise a question on the general content of the part of the text that was crushed. The difficulty lies in finding the formulation of the question - generalizations. Quite often, the vocabulary material for it is supplied by the last sentence of the paragraph, because according to the laws of logic, it should express the conclusion, briefly determine the main thing in the content of the statement.

In each subsequent class, the content of the questions becomes more difficult, especially in the 8th grade when working on literary texts.

Here, in a conversation, the ability to understand the author's intention is developed, to say about one's attitude to the hero, events. That's why we ask: Where does Nekrasov say that the boy is from a poor family? How to prove that the boy wants to study? When teaching students to answer such questions, we will already be concerned not only with the structure of the answer, but with its content, the accuracy of word choice. This is already work on the productive speech activity of students.

It is very important to determine the content of this type of speech activity of students as their posing questions. This content is related to common tasks studying Russian literature in the national school. Therefore, the task is to create in students the skills and abilities to ask questions:

according to the actual content of the read text;

on the analysis of the read text;

based on the students' experiences.

The solution of these problems is achieved by the training system, starting with the creation of the skills of posing a question in one sentence.

Dialogic speech of students in reading lessons.

So, on the basis of the skills being created to answer questions and put them on their own, there is a transition to learning to conduct proper dialogical speech.

Dialogue as a kind of oral speech and as a method of artistic representation of reality. Dialogue constantly arises between the teacher and the student. Such verbal communication organizes the educational process and is methodical method messages and knowledge checks.

The dialogue has its permanent features as a form of speech, and students get acquainted with them at the lessons of the Russian language of literature.

Dialogue is the most natural form of verbal communication, one of the most common varieties of spoken language.

Dictated by the interests of obtaining information that is vital for the participants in the conversation, dialogic speech always has an element of novelty for them.

The vital importance and novelty of information determine the content of the dialogue, stimulate its movement.

The linguistic design of the movement of the dialogue is realized in replicas - reactions, the interconnection of which creates a chain of replicas, the speech flow of the movement of the conversation.

Dialogue has its own structural patterns. His remarks are semantically connected, which gives the content of the dialogue a logical harmony.

Dialogue can be characterized by subject, emotional attitude and object of conversation.

Briefing training. A detailed retelling, even with creative tasks, is only the first step in the development of students' thinking in Russian and does not exhaust the mental and speech tasks that are vital for students.

It is necessary to start training on small texts of articles, and not on works of fiction.

The process of learning a concise retelling is reduced to the following mental-speech operations:

Determining the main theme of the retelling.

Reduction of text due to:

  • a) removal of additional topics from it;
  • b) skipping details.

Compression of the language form of retelling.

  • a) the removal of minor members in each sentence, if this does not violate the main idea of ​​the retelling;
  • b) replacement of common phrasal parts of the sentence with synonymic vocabulary;
  • c) compression of several semantically related sentences into one sentence.

At an advanced stage of learning, text compression operations are changed and supplemented.

Teaching a concise retelling of the narrative causes a number of additional tasks for speech activity:

Creating the ability of students to identify the components of the work in order to reduce the retelling.

The presence of some skills characterization of the character

The presence of a dictionary to organize the correct transitions from one part of the retelling to another.

Learning to selective retelling.

The growth of independence of the mental and speech activity of students is facilitated by their mastery of the skills of selective retelling. In selective retelling, only the necessary and important part is stated. Selective retelling should be preceded by analysis of the text: clarification of its structure, drawing up a similar plan. After this work, the topic of the selective retelling will be reported, and then its main idea is established.


General characteristics of monologue speech.

The highest goal of oral foreign language speech is, nevertheless, its monologue, and not its dialogic form. This conclusion will become obvious if we give a comparative psychological characteristics both forms of speech.

Dialogic speech

monologue speech

uniformity of form

Variety of form (story, description, message)

Great situationality, connectedness with the environment in which the conversation takes place. This narrows the vital “area” for using this type of speech, i.e. limits its scope.

Conscious organization by its "producer" of speech production in the process of mastering complex types of mental and speech activity - retelling, communication. In this case, the speaker plans or programs not only each individual utterance, but also his entire speech, his entire “monologue as a whole”

The external character of the stimuli of the movement of dialogical speech.

Internal incentives: the speaker himself determines the volume, nature, language material and form of address to the audience.

Its curvature and ellipticity; the huge role of all sorts of clichés and patterns, habitual combinations of words, replicas, etc.; frequent emergence of understanding between the participants in the conversation due to non-speech factors - knowledge of the situation by the interlocutors.

The development of speech and its freedom to use language forms; optimal use of speech means of expression of thought; relatively little use of non-verbal information received "by us and our interlocutors from the conversation situation"

Independent meaning of non-linguistic communicative means (intonation, gesture)

Auxiliary role of non-linguistic communication means.

Our comparison illustrates the persuasiveness of the conclusion of the well-known psycholinguist A.A. Leontiev that dialogical speech is more elementary in its characteristics than other types of speech.

If we take into account that the development of monologue speech is associated with active, varied and creative mental work on the text, is designed to formulate complex speech and speech-thinking skills, then it is quite reasonable to call for monologue speech to be the focus of attention of methodologists, “because it needs to be specially taught, at that time how dialogical speech requires rather training based on a limited number of speech stereotypes"

Naturally, a selective retelling should be preceded by an analysis of the text: clarification of its structure, compilation detailed plan. After this work, the theme of the selective retelling is reported, and then its main idea is established.

It is necessary to start learning selective retelling on tests in which entire parts are excluded without breaking the connection between the remaining components. In such cases, selective retelling is associated with reproductive speech activity in its purest form.

It is much more difficult to learn selective retelling when the integrity of its creation requires students to use their own speech production and a rather complex analytical study of the structure of the text. Then you have to exclude the material already inside the paragraph, leave only one or two of them from the group of adjacent sentences, often change their lexical composition, produce material for communication between parts of the selective retelling.

teaching literature speech artistic


Methods of teaching literature. / Ed. O.Yu. Bogdanova, V.G. Marantsman - M., 1962.

Methods of teaching literature. / Ed. Z.Ya. Rez, - M.., 1985.

Golubkov V.V. Methods of teaching literature. - M., 1962.

Rybnikova M.A. Essays on the methodology of teaching literature. - M., 1969.

The development of speech of students in grades 1U - X in the process of studying literature at school. - M., 1985.


Pedagogical project"The development of oral speech in literature lessons"

Completed: Isachenko Ekaterina Ilyinichna,

graduate of professional

retraining in the direction

"Fundamentals of pedagogical activity"


Contents …………………………………………………………………………………… 2

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………...…. 3-5

Description of the project ……………………………………………………………………………… 6-10

Evaluation of the success of the project …………………………………………………… 11-19

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………...….. 20

References ……………………………………………………………………………… 21


Project passport

Project implementation site

Teacher of Russian language and literature Isachenko E.I.

Project Hypothesis

Purposeful, consistent and systematic work on teaching oral speech to schoolchildren will be effective if an appropriate system of exercises for the development of oral speech is used in the learning process.

Goals and objectives of the project

The goal is to introduce a system of tasks and exercises to develop students' oral speech skills.

To study the methodological base on the problem indicated in the project topic;

Reveal the role and importance of the development of oral speech skills in the educational process;

Select exercises and tasks for the development of students' oral speech in literature lessons.

Project participants

Students of grades 5-8, teachers of Russian language and literature

Strategy and mechanisms for achieving the set goals (project stages, main work in the project)

The project involves the introduction of exercises and assignments, both offered by the teaching materials and additional ones, corresponding to four stages: Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8

Projected short-term and long-term results of the project implementation

The formation of oral speech at one of the stages of the project is a short-term result, a long-term result is an assessment of the formation of oral speech based on the results of the project, at the end of grade 8

Indicators and criteria for the success of the project

The ability to express one’s thoughts clearly, in accordance with the norms, will be assessed during summing up activities (the final section of seminars, colloquia, conferences) and the implementation of current daily tasks (pre-prepared oral reports, answers to an oral survey, during a conversation, analysis of a controversial situation and etc.)

Further development of the project

Selection of exercises and tasks for students in grades 9-11

Practical significance of the project

The material can be used to improve work in literature lessons with middle school students

The problem of the development of oral speech of students is becoming increasingly important these days. Mastering speech is a necessary condition for the formation of a socially active personality. Speech is the most important indicator of the spiritual culture of the individual. Speech is inseparable from moral and ethical beliefs and human behavior. Philosophers and orators of the past associated true eloquence with the high moral level of the speaker. Therefore, one a of the most important tasks at the present stage of student education- development of speech activity.

To develop students' oral speech means to make it more logical, accurate, expressive and figurative. And if all the lessons little by little make the student’s speech logically correct, accurate and meaningful, then expressiveness and figurativeness, emotionality, coherence and intonation richness are acquired to a greater extent thanks to literature lessons.

When I first came to school, I faced the problem of insufficient development of oral speech of 5th grade students in literature lessons. From elementary school children brought an understanding that in the lessons of literary reading it is necessary to read expressively. And for a long time they could not and did not want to understand that literature is not literary reading, that you need to read a lot at home, that you should learn to analyze and correctly express your thoughts both orally and in writing.

The relevance of the project is related with the increasing role of the spoken word in the cultural life of the country, the ability to correctly express one's thoughts is very valuable in the modern world. D Children need to be taught how to build coherent oral statements in order to improve their communicative competence.

The object of the project is the process of developing students' oral speech skills.

The subject of the project is a system for developing schoolchildren's oral speech skills.

The aim of the project is to develop a system of tasks and exercises for the development of students' oral speech skills.

The hypothesis of the project is the assumption that purposeful, consistent and systematic work on teaching oral speech to schoolchildren will be effective if an appropriate system of exercises for the development of oral speech is used in the learning process.

The goal, subject and hypothesis of the project involved the solution of the following main tasks:

- to study the methodological base on the problem indicated in the project topic;

- to identify the role and importance of the development of oral speech skills in the educational process;

- select exercises and tasks for the development of students' oral speech in literature lessons.

The project participants are students of grades 5-7, teachers of the Russian language and literature. The practical significance of the study is determined by the material (the developed system of exercises), which can be used to improve work in literature lessons with middle school students.


The development of students' speech culture is the most important direction in the theory and practice of literary education. A great contribution to the development of the problem was made by F.I. Buslaev, V.Ya. Stoyunin, V.P. Ostrogorsky, V.P. Sheremetevsky, V.V. Golubkov, A.D. Alferov, M.A. Rybnikova, N.M. Sokolov, S.A. Smirnov, N.V. Kolokoltsev, modern scientists K.V. Maltseva, M.R. Lvov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, V.Ya. Korovina, N.A. Demidova, T.F. Kurdyumova, N.I. Kudryashev, M.V. Cherkezov and others.

The works of leading methodologists have become a prerequisite for the development of a comprehensive system for the development of students' speech in the lessons of the Russian language and literature. Rapprochement of literary and speech development- the most important condition for the comprehension of literature as the art of the word. Speech abilities are similar to literary ones and are part of them (the ability to think in verbal and artistic images, the ability to independently create texts, speech works).

In the problem of speech development of students, psycholinguistic, linguodidactic and methodological-literary approaches are distinguished.

Assimilation of language and speech most effectively occurs in the process of communication. The lesson is a multifaceted communicative system, interpersonal interaction within the student team, inscribed in the interaction between the teacher and students.

Pedagogical communication in the literature lesson has a peculiar content. Literature itself is a form and means of communication and requires the organization of communicative conditions. Ideas, images of a work of art are perceived and comprehended in the form of an aesthetic experience. Aesthetic perception work in the process of studying it should increase as it deepens, become more conscious.

The design of classes in literature is in many ways similar to the psychological laws that determine the creative process in art. The teacher of literature composes a lesson in such a way that the degree of emotional resonance that certain fragments have is taken into account artistic text while studying it in class. A holistic emotional picture becomes manageable. The teacher, based on the general tasks of teaching and education and the specific goals of this lesson, gets the opportunity to regulate and cause the necessary reaction of students to what they read. Emotional "infection" of schoolchildren is carried out in an atmosphere of collective artistic perception, mutual exchange of aesthetic emotions.

Interpersonal communication is not only a science, but also an art. Preparedness for it is determined not only by acquired logical knowledge, but also by intuition, emotional susceptibility. Communication implies a response to suddenly emerging circumstances, it requires improvisation from the teacher, the ability to make lightning-fast decisions. However, intuition without an objectively conceived model of communication cannot bring due success. The teacher needs a long and continuous work to improve their own communicative and performing qualities. Without work on oneself in terms of the development of a communicative and creative culture, it is impossible to organize the right pedagogical interaction with kids.

The communicative approach in teaching literature is one of the most important means of ensuring a productive perception and understanding of works of art by students. The effectiveness of the work of a philologist depends on his ability to create an atmosphere of universal aesthetic experience in the classroom in his subject. The dictionary organizes the educational activities of schoolchildren, their communication; manages these processes; "infects" schoolchildren with aesthetic emotions, which serve as a necessary condition for the comprehension of art and a key means of artistic and pedagogical interaction. In the situation of aesthetic communication, interpersonal relations are activated, thanks to which the communication between the teacher and students in the literature lesson serves as the foundation for a directed and organized process of teaching literature.

The linguodidactic approach orients teachers and schoolchildren to the formation of skills to purposefully build speech works that have certain stylistic features. For the development and improvement of speech-creative skills, exercises are offered, the implementation of which helps to increase the level of language and literary creativity of schoolchildren.

The leading principle of organizing work to improve the speech activity of students is the inextricable unity of this work with the analysis of a work of art, with intellectual, moral and artistic and aesthetic development - the formation of a spiritual personality in a broad sense. This is a fundamental position arising from philosophical and linguistic understanding, indicated in the works of V.V. Golubkova, M.A. Rybnikova, N.V. Kolokoltsev, who warned teachers against a formal approach to classes to improve the speech culture of schoolchildren, from tearing them away from work on literary education and moral and aesthetic education.

The task of the teacher is to organize the life and literary impressions of students. If the meeting with the work excited, a source of thoughts and feelings will appear, which will become an incentive for the verbal registration of experiences, reasoning.

The development of speech should take place on the basis of speech activity - an active, purposeful process of creating and perceiving statements.

Principles of development of speech activity:

1) the interaction of the moral, intellectual, artistic, aesthetic and speech development of the student;

2) the organic relationship of work on the development of speech with all components of classes in literature;

3) a variety of methodological forms and techniques;

4) compliance with the continuity of speech development with previous classes;

5) the practical orientation of work on the development of speech and its approximation to real life situations and art forms;

6) the systematic nature of the work;

7) accounting for intersubject communications.

systematic (work on the development of speech is required when studying any topic, compliance with the age sequence);

the continuity of the content and varieties of students' speech activity (from text reproduction - to their own creativity; from mastering the genre of utterance in oral speech - to its written embodiment; from speech genres according to life impressions - to statements on literary themes, writings about art);

practical orientation of the work (working out specific speech skills and abilities);

    enrichment vocabulary- vocabulary and phraseological work with the text of a work of art and literary critical materials;

    improving the coherence of speech - retelling, presentation; various types and genres of monologue statements on literary topics (comments on the text, written answers to questions; plans; essays; reasoning, remarks in heuristic conversation);

    teaching expressiveness of speech - expressive reading;

    teaching the logic of thinking and the logic of speech - work on a textbook article, literary critical articles; messages and reports, conceptual presentations at seminars;

    enrichment of speech in an emotional and figurative sense - analysis of figurative and expressive means, stylistic tasks, artistic retelling, oral verbal drawing, writing a film script.

To achieve the set goal - the introduction of a system of tasks and exercises for the development of students' oral speech skills; and the implementation of the project "Development of oral speech of students in literature lessons" it is necessary to create a coherent system.

Literature lessons should give the language of schoolchildren an emotional coloring, make their language more subtle and demanding in the sense of conveying all sorts of shades in the surrounding life. This position can be taken as the basis for highlighting the stages of the project:

a) The formation of oral speech in all students at the level of creating reproductive statements (reproducing and creative retelling of a literary text, retelling of textbook articles, fragments of literary and literary-critical articles, etc.) (V class);

b) The formation of oral speech in all students at the level of creating reproductive statements (reproducing and creative retelling of memoirs and epistolary materials), productive statements (detailed oral answer, message, report; literary review, critical study, story or report on a work of art, etc.). e.) (VI cl.);

c) The formation of oral speech in all students at the level of creating productive statements (critical essay, "word about the writer", speech of the guide, director's commentary, speech about the hero of the work, oratory, reportage, etc.) (VII class);

d) The formation of oral speech among all students at the level of creating productive statements (poems, stories, essays, plays independently composed by schoolchildren; artistic and biographical story, story about a literary event, artistic sketch, etc.) (VIIIclass).

The working plan of the project implementation is determined by the tasks of the project.

    Studying materials on the topic of the project in theory;

    Defining the strategy and mechanisms for achieving the project goal;

    Drawing up a work plan;

    Definition of project results;

    Selection of tasks and exercises corresponding to the stage of the project (one of four) and the characteristics of the development of students in the classroom;

    Identification of criteria for the success of the project;

    Identification of risks threatening the implementation of the project;

    Identification of the further development of the project.

In accordance with this structure, it is possible to determine the short-term results of the project implementation - the results achieved at one of the stages; and long-term results - at the end of the entire project, at the time of completion of the children's education in the 8th grade.

The tasks and exercises selected and improved in practice in a particular class in the middle level of literary education will create a good prospect for continuing work and development in the senior level.


Improving speech activity in the process of studying literature is based on the principles:


    a variety of methodological forms and techniques that stimulate the creative speech activity of students;

    continuity of the content and varieties of speech activity of students;

    practical orientation of work;

    taking into account interdisciplinary connections of literature, language, history, MHK, etc.

For the development and improvement of speech-creative skills, exercises are offered, the implementation of which helps to increase the level of language and literary creativity of schoolchildren. These are exercises to implement the role-playing principle of speech development; exercises with elements of developing productive artistry of speech, skills of art criticism, aesthetic analysis of the text, creating directorial remarks and other interpretive techniques.

Thus, work on the development of speech should be carried out in a system so that each academic work represented a step forward from the already learned, from simple to complex. Work on the development of speech in high school includes the development of the following skills:

1. Comprehend the topic, respecting its boundaries;

2. Draw up a plan for the statement;

3. Select material related to the creation of the statement;

4. Present the material consistently;

5. Collect material and systematize it;

6. Build your statement in a certain genre;

7. Use various synonymous means of the language;

8. Make a summary and abstracts;

9. Make a message, report, speech.

Based on this, various types of exercises are distinguished: word interpretation, grouping by topic, analysis of exemplary texts, compilation of phrases, sentences, coherent text.

The methodology of teaching literature puts forward the following methods as the main areas of work on the development of the speech of schoolchildren:

    vocabulary enrichment (vocabulary and phraseological work with the text of a work of art and literary critical materials);

    improving the coherence of speech (retellings, presentations; various types and genres of monologue statements on literary topics (comments on the text, written answers to questions; plans; essays; reasoning, remarks in heuristic conversation);

    teaching expressiveness of speech (expressive reading);

    teaching the logic of thinking and speech (work on a textbook article, literary-critical articles; messages and reports, conceptual presentations at seminars);

    enrichment of speech in an emotional and figurative sense (analysis of figurative and expressive means, stylistic tasks, artistic retelling, oral verbal drawing, writing a film script).

It is not easy for modern children to understand classical works due to the fact that they do not own the vocabulary of that time. Often today's students cannot explain the meaning of those words that were understood by adults when they were in school. Teaching Materials for Literature V.Ya. Korovina gives the meaning of incomprehensible words in the footnotes, but not all. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out vocabulary and phraseological work in a much larger volume than is proposed by the UMC. Students keep dictionaries of literary terms. Is it advisable to keep separate dictionaries for such incomprehensible words? I don't think so. Modern students are children with clip perception of information. It is easier for them to perceive and remember pictures, infographics. Therefore, vocabulary and phraseological work must be accompanied by a presentation in which a link is attached to each new or incomprehensible word, opening a separate slide with the interpretation of the word and an example of its use in other texts. Of course, with the obligatory pronunciation of the word and its meaning by students.

The most important technique that contributes to the assimilation of the content of the work and the development of the speech of middle school students is retelling. There are types of retellings:

1) free (based on the first impression and its transmission as a whole);

2) artistic (close to the text of the author, not only conveys the content in detail, but also reflects the artistic features of the text);

3) short / concise (outlining the main content of the read, the logic and style of the source text are preserved, but details are omitted);

4) selective (based on the selection and transmission of the content of individual fragments of the text, united by one topic);

5) retelling with a change in the face of the narrator (outlining the content on behalf of one or another hero, in the third person).

The student must master each of these types. Often, students miss important details, trying not to lose the thread and not get away from the content. And Mazepa can be called Maria's boyfriend quite seriously. Therefore, inV- VIclasses, it is necessary to refer as often as possible to the retelling of texts read independently. And gradually complicate the retelling in high school.

Widespread types of oral monologue of students in literature lessons are reports and messages. Reports and messages that develop orientation in the search and selection of material, develop their own judgment, the ability to write a review of a book read, a movie watched, a performance are most effective in speech development lessons. Schoolchildren perform with them when studying review topics, in classes on the writer's biography, in the analysis of works of art, in concluding and generalizing classes, and in extracurricular reading lessons. According to the purpose and methods of organizing the material, the reports can be conditionally divided into informative, research and problem-debating. And use them in increasing complexity of training in accordance with the level of development of the class.

In literature classes, expressive reading of three types is used: expressive reading of the teacher; expressive reading of students; reading masters of the sounding word.

The expressive reading of the teacher usually precedes the analysis of the work and is the key to its understanding. Often a good teacher's reading yields more insight than a thorough debriefing. N.V. Gogol in his article “Reading Russian poets to the public” emphasized: “Reading a lyrical work properly is not a trifle at all, for this you need to study it for a long time. One must sincerely share with the poet the lofty feeling that fills his soul; you need to feel every word of it with your soul and heart.

Student performance concludes the analysis, serves as an indicator of the depth of penetration into the text. In each class, the program provides for works that students memorize by heart. The development of a culture of reading poetry and fiction is a complex and lengthy process. The work must be carried out in a planned manner. Preliminary training exercises are important: reading one sentence with different intonation, reading after the sample, listening to several different performances of one work and discussing their manner, reading contests.

Very important here is the opportunity to listen to the work in the actor's performance. Appendix to the TMC V.Ya. Korovina is a phono-reader - audio recordings of works available in a regular reader. And electronic educational resources posted on the Internet also offer various options expressive reading of poetic and prose works. Students in my classes enjoy participating in expressive reading contests. At the level educational organization unfortunately, they are almost non-existent. For three academic years, two municipal competitions were organized, and I managed to participate in one of them after passing the school selection. At the classroom level, we hold such events about twice a year, after completing sections of poems about native nature and the Great Patriotic War. The class is divided into groups: readers, jury, critics. A photographer is a must for this event. Each student works in accordance with his task, there are no those who do not participate in the competition in any way. The teacher observes the course of the competition, the readers speak, the jury members fill out the evaluation sheets and count the amount of points scored, express their opinion on the expressive reading of the contestants, critics note good moments and shortcomings in reading. Such a competition ends with the awarding of certificates to the winners and certificates to the participants.

Learning expressive reading is facilitated by oral verbal drawing (description of pictures that arise in the imagination); choral reading (in unison, in a single intonation key); collective recitation (different parts of the text by different students); reading in faces, by roles (fables, dialogues in epic works).

V.V. Golubkov closely linked the foundations for the formation of oral speech of schoolchildren with theory and practice oratory. Determining the features of oral speech (live expressive word, improvisation, direct communication of the speaker with the audience).

Literature lessons have great opportunities for dialogue forms. For example, to organize role-playing dialogues: meetings of literary characters, dialogues of literary critics, etc. Role-playing (game) dialogues increase students' interest in reading and studying literature, stimulate speech activity.

Acquaintance of students with the regularity of dialogical speech and mastering the methods of conducting a dialogue is carried out through the analysis of the episodes of literary works containing dialogues, taking into account already acquired knowledge (type of dialogue, speech styles, communication situation, etc.).

For the development of speech, the reproduction of the dialogue of literary characters is used. Reproducing the conversation of literary characters, students intensively enrich their vocabulary through the use of the vocabulary of this artistic text and organically combine it with the vocabulary that they are fluent in. Reproduction, and not a simple retelling of the dialogue of characters, stimulates the emotional expressiveness of speech, the ease of their communication, and this also facilitates the assimilation of a literary text.

Stimulation of speech activity is also carried out by an active influence on the thoughts and feelings of students, which can be achieved by conducting a non-standard lesson. These are debates, concerts, seminars, quizzes, etc., which have a common task that unites them - instilling interest in learning in general and in literature lessons in particular. Among the effective ones are the following techniques for the development of oral speech in literature lessons.

    Poetic five minutes. At the beginning of each lesson, one to two students read poems that they have memorized or prepared for expressive reading; read or retell an excerpt from the text of a literary work they like. The use of poetic five-minute sessions introduces students to the poetics of their native language, develops the aesthetic taste of students, and forms a linguistic culture. Even with passive listening to poetic texts read by others, the children acquire the skills of perceiving a poetic text, which has a positive effect on their study of literature in general.

In addition to starting the lesson with a five-minute poetic session, you can set the guys up for literature with a brief retelling of the recently read, over school curriculum, books. Such a beginning can be offered by the teacher, "infecting" many reading children with an emotional story. Of course, there are few of them, since modern children prefer entertainment to mental work and reading as well. But with the appropriate incentives, about half of my class, for example, will want to get involved in such work.

    Advanced homework assignments. The essence of using advanced tasks in a literature lesson is that the most prepared children are invited to complete a task, the content of which will be updated in the next lessons. The student must independently build the logic of the oral response, choose from the proposed literature the most interesting, from his point of view, facts, examples, prepare a short, but emotional and meaningful message.

    Debating conversation between the heroes of a literary work. The discussion unfolds between the two heroes of the work, in the role of which the students act. The guys figuratively imagine themselves in the role of the characters of the work, who entered into a dialogue, dispute, discussion. Defend the point of view of the hero they represent. The rest of the students do not just passively listen, but answer the question posed before the start of the discussion.

With the help of a discussion conversation between the heroes of a literary work, students are introduced to research work over the text, the ability to build detailed speech statements is formed, the ability to resist your opponent not only in literature lessons, but also in Everyday life. It is important that the guys come to the realization that the main thing in the discussion is to find the truth, and not to satisfy their pride.

    Acting out and analysis of speech situations. At the beginning of the lesson, before discussing the key issue on this topic, three or four students, preferably inactive ones, are given task cards that contain certain material for reflection (saying famous person, interpretation of literary phenomena, memoir evidence, etc.), a question is raised that requires evaluation, expression of one's own position. The speaker follows the course of discussions, independently enters into the discussion at the right and convenient moment. Speaking, the student can quote the material of the card or retell it in his own words or refer to it, accompanying his own reasoning.

    Meeting of the club "literary critics". The content and organization of the meeting of the club of "literary critics" is prepared by the student most capable of literature, elected chairman of the "club"; the teacher provides him with the necessary assistance in planning and selecting material. The study group is familiarized in advance with the list of works to be discussed. In the process of reading the works, students write down the questions that they have that they would like to receive an answer at the club meeting. The chairman distributes the questions received in advance among the speakers, who must include them in the context of their statements.

The use of simulation exercises in literature lessons contributes to the further development of intellectual, speech skills of students in the preparation of various genres of statements. At the same time, the guys try to give their speech such qualities as accuracy, consistency, relevance, accessibility, brevity, euphony.

    Oral analysis of the psychological portrait of a literary hero. The children are invited to supplement the literary portrait with their own description, characterizing the psychological state of the hero, and on this basis to prepare a coherent oral presentation. At the end, students make oral presentations.

From the experience of a teacher of literature

The development of students' speech in literature lessons

Subject: Humorous stories by A.P. Chekhov.

The purpose of the lesson: give an idea of ​​the personality of A.P. Chekhov;
c/o- to enrich information about Chekhov as a person and a writer, to reveal and understand what the author satirically denounces in his story; show the features of Chekhov's style;
c/r- to develop the speech of students, the ability to accurately and competently answer the question;
to / in- to cultivate interest in the work of A.P. Chekhov; to educate a reader sensitive to the artistic word;
specialist- observe visually protective mode.

Presentation for the Power Point lesson, textbook, workbook, text of the story by Chekhov A.P. "Salted" (print)

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

Good afternoon, guys, guests. Slide 1. Today our lesson is dedicated to Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. We will present you with a regular working lesson of learning new material. Guys, open your notebooks, write down the date and the topic.
The theme of our lesson: "Chekhov's humorous stories."
Guys, try to formulate the goals of our lesson, what we will have to learn, study, discuss today.
Because this is the first lesson on the writer's work, you need to consider the main stages of his life, biography.
Features of Chekhov's humorous stories, the style of the writer
One of Chekhov's works "Salted"

As an epigraph to our lesson, we will take the words of Maxim Gorky about Chekhov:
“A large, intelligent, attentive man walked past all this boring, gray crowd of powerless people, he looked at these boring inhabitants of his homeland and with a sad smile, a tone of soft but deep reproach, with hopeless longing on his face and in his chest, beautiful in a sincere voice he said: “You live badly, gentlemen!”
Maksim Gorky.

II. Acquaintance with the personality of Chekhov.
A.P. Chekhov is an amazing writer, an unusual person who combines true intelligence, delicacy, satire and touching poetics. It was all in him.
The writer's parents did not endow their children with capital, as the head of the family dreamed of. But they gave them real wealth, they rewarded them with talents. All children wrote and drew. And only Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was able to use his talents with dignity and become a world-famous writer.

Chekhov was born in Taganrog. His grandfather, who redeemed himself, was a serf. My father owned a grocery store. And Chekhov's childhood cannot be called carefree, cheerful, because everything free time had to spend in the shop.
When the whole family moved to Moscow, young A.P. Chekhov remained in Taganrog. As a student of the 6th grade of the Gymnasium, he earned his living by private lessons. And it was in the Gymnasium that his first talents manifested themselves and the first humorous sketches were written.
About this time Chekhov wrote to Suvorin:
Alarming letters were sent from Moscow from the mother asking for help. And I had to help as much as I could.
Parents forever remained for Chekhov the most important people in his life.
Forgotten past grievances.

Chekhov struggles with two human vices typical of the inhabitants of Taganrog, this is abuse of the weak and self-abasement before the strong.
From his point of view, abuse of the weak gives rise to arrogance, hypocrisy, arrogance in a person. Humiliation before the strong - flattery, servility, servility.
In 1879 Chekhov graduated from the Gymnasium. And among the teachers of the gymnasium, young Chekhov especially singles out teachers sacred history Pokrovsky, who spoke with enthusiasm and love about Goethe, Shakespeare, Pushkin. And who was the first to give a funny nickname to Chekhov - Antosha Chekhonte. This would become one of the writer's pseudonyms.
Arriving in Moscow, Chekhov enters the Moscow University at the Faculty of Medicine. At that time, Moscow University was famous for its famous professors, about this time Chekhov wrote:

After graduating from the university, Chekhov worked as a county doctor.
Chekhov began to write back in Taganrog, then he published a handwritten journal and periodically sent it to his brother in Moscow. Arriving in Moscow, Chekhov wrote short humorous stories. And in 1880 one of his first stories appeared. Chekhov, intoxicated with success, creates one story after another.
The magazines "Spectator", "Alarm clock", in which the young writer is published.

The cradle of this talent was classical literature. Let us remember how Chekhov loved Saltykov-Shchedrin. And those tricks that Saltykov-Shchedrin uses in his fairy tales - hyperbole, grotesque, are also used by Chekhov.
But these devices did not become for Chekhov the defining methods of his poetics. Laconism becomes the main thing. The well-known Chekhov phrase "Brevity is the sister of talent" was fully realized in Chekhov's stories. Chekhov's early stories are all humorous. Chekhov's humor is original, cheerful, fervent, and this is not Gogol's laughter through tears, this is Chekhov's laughter to tears.
Chekhov publishes his stories under a variety of pseudonyms. Perhaps none of the Russian writers had so many middle names. Antosha Chekhonte, Doctor without patients, Gadget No. 6, Akaki Tarantulov, Kislyaev, Baldastov, Champagne, ChBS, which means Man without a spleen, Brother of my brother, Someone, Schiller Shakespeare Goethe.

Chekhov wrote to the writer Bilibin:

Chekhov chooses the profession of a doctor and a writer. Writer and doctor.
Without hesitation, Chekhov hurries to a child with diphtheria, catches the plague by the tail, helps the peasants, often without taking anything. Chekhov is devoted to medicine, and therefore Chekhov the doctor often peeps out of his stories.
Having released the first book of short stories called Motley Stories, which was published in Moscow in 1884, Chekhov became famous throughout the country.
Then he buys the Melikhovo estate near Moscow, where he observes the life of the peasants, conducts active social work, and creates a real hospital reception center. In the morning, sick peasants huddle in Chekhov's yard. From 5 to 9 in the morning, Chekhov receives patients, then travels through the villages, and fusses about the placement of peasants in Moscow hospitals.
Memoirs of writers about Chekhov are countless.
Here is just one recollection of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky:

Chekhov's artistic talent was formed in an era of timelessness. In 1881, Emperor Alexander 2 was killed, Alexander 3 ascended the throne. Censors everywhere mercilessly cross out the word Bald, Slide 35. Fearing a hint of the bald Alexander 3. This is not the time for the dawn of satirical journalism, the time for light, perky, carefree laughter. And Chekhov wants to make life different, but has no idea yet what it could be.
Although he writes: While working on his stories, Chekhov is sometimes not noticeable as an author, he hides his position, but it is visible to us. The author's voice in Chekhov's works is hidden and not noticeable. Chekhov's reticence, understatement sometimes affects the reader stronger than the loudest words.

III. Video viewing

At the last lesson, to you, who have not yet read Chekhov's story “I oversalted”, I asked the question: What do you think, what can be discussed in a story with such a name? Remind our guests what you said to me? (Most likely, this is a story about how one man or boy cooked soup or porridge, and put a lot of salt in it - he oversalted it. ”
As homework I suggested that you read this story and find out what the story is really about? The story is read and, as you understand, there is no talk of soup.
Did you enjoy reading this story? Funny? What do you remember about this story?

Before we turn to the text of the story, I suggest spending 10 minutes watching an excerpt from the entire film “These Different, Different, Different Faces,” filmed in 1972. This is a film that combines several stories by Chekhov. And what is interesting is that all the roles in this film are played by one actor - Igor Ilyinsky. We look.

Physical education and visual gymnastics.

Guys, before we continue to work, I suggest you take a break and warm up. Please stand up. Just like the heroes of Chekhov's story, we will now go to the forest. Imagine that I am riding a cart with a driver and passing trees and bushes. As soon as I say "Trees" - you get up on your feet, I say: "Bushes" - you squat. Don't be lazy!
It was a very scenic trip. Have a seat. Let's rest our eyes for a moment. Take off your glasses, rub your palms and place them over your closed eyes. We count up to 10.
So, back to our work.

IV. Work with text

So the movie has been watched. What do we laugh at when we read and watch Chekhov's staging of a story? (over the comical situation)

What can you say about the heroes? Their names, appearance, clothes. How are they described?
Pay attention to the names, names of settlements.
Surveyor - Smirnov
General Khokhotov
Gnilushki station
Village Devkino

Note also the inconsistencies associated with the driver.
Firstly, the heftiest peasant Klim, it turns out, does not have a horse, but a young skinny horse with splayed legs and bitten ears.
Secondly, it would seem that Klim of a heroic physique should be calm and fearless, and he, frightened by the tales of the land surveyor, not only ran away, but suddenly fell out of the cart, ran on all fours to the thicket and shouted: “Sentry! Guard!"
The plot of the story is also based on a ridiculous discrepancy: the surveyor’s usual trip to the estate of General Khokhotov to survey the land turned into a whole adventure due to the fact that Smirnov misjudged the situation in which he found himself.
Conclusion: Chekhov, as a humorist writer, uses inconsistencies as a technique for creating a comic effect in a work. The more inconsistencies, the funnier the work is.

There is usually no scenery in humorous stories; the action must go fast, and the scenery slows it down. However, in the story "Salted" there is a landscape. Find it, read it expressively and determine what role it plays in the story, what thoughts it gives rise to in the head of the surveyor.

To convince students that the landscape plays a key role in this story, we propose to conduct a stylistic experiment: replace the “Chekhovian” description of nature, for example, with the following:
? What would change in the work if the action took place against the backdrop of such a landscape?

The guys gradually come to the conclusion that not only would the mood of the surveyor change, but the story itself would not exist: the hero would not be afraid that he would be robbed, would not lie, the driver would not run away - the plot of the story, built by the author on the inability to heroes correctly orient themselves in the circumstances.

At first glance, the main form of speech in the story is dialogue. Is it really? How can you explain it? What end-of-sentence punctuation mark does Chekhov use most often? For what purpose?
The impression that the main form of speech in the story is dialogue is misleading.
Most of the volume of the text is occupied by the monologues of the land surveyor, who, frightened himself, tries to intimidate the driver, so he keeps talking and talking all the time. The speech of the hero can be conditionally divided into two parts: this is actually a lie and a direct appeal to the driver. More often than other punctuation marks for the end of a sentence in these monologues, Chekhov uses ellipsis. The role of this sign in both parts of the surveyor's speech is not the same.
In one case, the ellipsis shows that the land surveyor invents his fables on the go and at this moment does not yet suspect what he will say the next.
For example: In these cases, the meaning of the ellipsis is also enhanced by lexical repetitions: “I fucked you so much that ... that, you know, I gave my soul to God”, “a big man like you, and ... and you will knock it off”.
When the hero directly addresses the driver, the ellipsis conveys the fear of the surveyor: “Everywhere along the road, behind the bushes, police officers and sotskys are poked ... Wait ... wait!” or “Why are you always looking back and moving like on pins and needles? I, brother, that’s it… brother… There’s nothing to look back at me… there’s nothing interesting in me…” And the repetitions play a different role here, showing how the land surveyor even stutters from fear.

Identify the elements of the composition of A.P. Chekhov's story "I oversalted": the plot, the development of the action, the climax, the development of the action, the denouement.
1. The land surveyor arrived at the Gnilushki station. The land surveyor is looking for horses to ride on the estate. (string)
2. Surveyor and driver set off. The land surveyor was frightened and began to lie. (development of action)
3. The surveyor lies more and more, and the driver runs away. (Salted.) climax
4. Surveyor persuades the runaway driver to return. (development of action)
5. Surveyor and driver continue on their way. (Decoupling)

The features of Chekhov's short stories are a double denouement (we introduce this concept, giving its descriptive characteristics and naming the term along the way) and ring composition. Are such techniques typical for the story "Salty"?
If students find it difficult to answer, we formulate the question in a different way: where could the story end? Turning to the plot plan, we find out: one would expect that the story on the episode of the flight of the driver into the thicket would end, because the anecdotal situation was resolved. But the action of the story continues: the land surveyor, who has just been desperately jogging next to the “heaviest man”, is already behaving differently, and we hear his words: “Klimushka! My dear!”, “Do yourself a favour, let's go!”.

Interesting and story ending, wrapped in contrast to the beginning: again, as in the second part, the process of starting the cart is described in detail. Let's ask the guys how the land surveyor reacts to this action every time, in the course of the conversation we will find out: if the first time the shaking and turtle ride caused the hero a feeling of anxiety and distrust, now "the road and Klim no longer seemed dangerous to him."

V. The results of the lesson.

Our lesson is coming to an end.
Guys, what have you learned today? Did you like today's lesson? Are you interested in Chekhov's work? Will you read his other humorous stories?
Thanks for your activity.

VI. Homework.


1. The place and significance of the development of students' oral speech in literature lessons.

2. Methodological characteristics of oral speech.

3. Methodological characteristics of students' dialogical speech.

4. Methodological characteristics of students' monologue speech.

Keywords: oral speech, main types of oral speech, dialogic speech, monologue speech, students' speech.

The development of oral speech is one of the main tasks of teaching Russian literature. The significance of this task is largely determined by the role that oral speech plays in modern society and in the school educational process: the breadth of the audience that instantly perceives information (via radio, television); the ability to be preserved and reproduced; approaching written speech in terms of content and linguistic normativity; the possibility of improving written speech through the guidance of students' oral speech, etc.

The following principles underlie the teaching of oral speech: a) reliance on conscious perception and creative reproduction

linguistic material of information;

b) connection with life and literature as an academic subject;

c) the relationship of listening, speaking, reading and writing;

d) the continuity of the content of logical, semantic and pronunciation

body parts of oral speech;

e) the widespread use of the situational method of teaching in order to bring students' verbal communication closer to the natural form of utterance and to develop in them genuine speech skills necessary for education;

f) the novelty of speech material that arouses interest in the content and form of speech;

g) advancing the development of speech knowledge of grammar (development of speech

runs a little ahead, thereby preparing the assimilation


h) inclusion in the "sounding environment" not only the words of the teacher, but also

main types of sound recording.

These principles imply the leading role of the teacher in the process of teaching students, determine the content of teaching oral speech, its material, teaching methods, take into account the abilities of the native language of students, the interest of children, indicate the need to use modern technical means in the learning process, require that the development of speech is not delayed. students' level of grammar.

To develop the oral speech of students means to teach them to speak in the conditions of listening and speaking. The perception of foreign speech by ear is associated with a number of difficulties. One of them is the phrasing of the speech flow, so that even knowledge of its lexical units does not guarantee understanding of the thought in a coherent text.

Moreover, verbal material already known to students when reading cannot always be correctly perceived by ear due to differences in sound and visual verbal images.

Listening, or it is called "listening, in comparison with reading, is a more difficult way of obtaining information", which is established in physiological and psychological studies of the features of auditory reception of speech: reception of sounds - words - phrases at different times when listening, simultaneity - when reading; fatigue with auditory reception of speech is greater than with visual, etc.

The perception of speech is also affected by the rate of its utterance, the presence or absence of visual support. If the student sees the speaker, observes his articulation, then the student's own organs of speech seem to fit themselves in a similar way, it is easier for him to reproduce audible sounds, words in his inner speech. Expressions.

These difficulties are overcome both through a system of special exercises to develop listening skills, and in the implementation of others, except for listening. Types of speech activity. Let's say, when reading: a) if the word is assimilated in its graphic and sound images and is simultaneously phrased; b) if a good assimilation of orthoepy is accomplished; c) if there is constant work to increase the pace of reading, bringing it closer to the pace of educational listening, and both of them increasingly begin to correspond to the pace of lively speaking.

It is known that the ability to listen is the basis on which the ability to speak is created. Listening (perception) not only prepares speaking, but is also performed in a simultaneous act with it. Listening means understanding someone else's speech. The latter is impossible, as psychology says, without the internal pronunciation of someone else's speech, i.e. without speaking. That is why, when listening, it is useful to exercise students in whispering the reproduction of received information, despite the fact that whispering foreign language reproduction of someone else's speech is a difficult type of speech activity for students, since the student is dealing with new sound features of the language.

The ability to perceive speech by ear is one of the main criteria for students' knowledge of the Russian language. This skill is created and improved throughout the years of schooling. The system of work in this direction is carried out both in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.

Unfortunately, for many students, someone else's speech is only the speech of their teacher, adapting it to the knowledge and skills of students in this class. It is somewhat artificial: “adapted” in lexico-grammatical terms, slowed down in the tempo of pronunciation, phonetically close to writing, i.e. it is pronounced orthographically, not orthoepically - especially when carrying out certain types of written work. This leads students to poor listening comprehension of natural Russian speech, which they hear in extra-curricular settings: on radio, television, in movies, at meetings, etc.

In extracurricular settings training in strengthening the perception of someone else's speech by ear is even wider and more diverse. Radio, sound recordings, films, meetings with interesting people, excursions - all this can be used for educational purposes, but, of course, it is thought out both in terms of preparing students for listening, and in terms of testing students' assimilation of the content of what they heard.

Taking into account the knowledge and skills of his students, the teacher thinks through various forms of preparing them for the perception of information by ear: preliminary, before the hearing, record a plan of this or that information (the plan is given by the teacher): a conversation about the range of knowledge of students on a topic scheduled for listening; recording the plan and working materials during the hearing (on excursions, when meeting interesting people); a record of questions that should be answered after the information received by ear, etc.

It is equally important to skillfully check the degree of assimilation by students of the content of speech perceived by ear. Here you need to arouse in children the desire to willingly talk about what they heard. It is very useful to do this in a lively conversation, sometimes in the form of dialogic speech (exchange of impressions). Often, oral discussion becomes the preparation of students for writing essays. Naturally, by checking the degree of understanding of the material perceived by ear, the teacher himself explains what remains unclear or misunderstood by the students.

Exercises on the perception of someone else's speech from hearing can be carried out at different stages of studying a particular topic: in introductory classes, and during the initial acquaintance in the class with the work, the life of the writer, during text analysis, during repetition ...

The ability to perceive speech by ear, as we know, underlies the ability to master speech in speaking conditions.

Speaking involves two forms of speech - monologue and dialogic. In methodological science, the issues of teaching students monologic speech (retellings, messages, reports, etc.) are most developed, the process of teaching students dialogical speech is much less covered. No matter how excellent the teacher’s methods of work are, in developing the oral speech of students, all of them (methods) should ultimately develop meaningful, logically coherent, lexically rich and intonationally expressive speech of schoolchildren. And the criteria for evaluating the oral presentations of students should include checking the content and consistency of speech, phonemic hearing of students, the richness of the vocabulary, stylistic and intonational culture of their oral speech.

The school needs to develop a system for the development of dialogic speech of students (in Russian), to establish its (system) organic fusion with the content and course of the educational process for the study of Russian literature.

The condition for the development of meaningful dialogic speech of students is the ability to answer questions and put them on their own. With the creation of such skills, the process of learning dialogic speech activity begins.

Ability to answer questions.

The ability to answer questions is a vital type of verbal communication that manifests itself in various situations.

Teaching students the ability to give answers to questions, the teacher works on the content of the answers, their lexical and grammatical structure, lexical quality and pronunciation, using a literary text, paintings, etc.

The process of teaching students to answer questions is better, as practice shows, to be carried out in the following sequence: 1) answers, the lexical and structural organization of which is given in the text; 2) answers that are close in structure to colloquial speech; 3) answers “in their own” words, free from texts in lexical and structural terms. It is useful to initially show the difference between these types of answers to students on the same text, in order to visualize learning and create comparison skills.

When posing questions, one should remember the advice of a prominent methodologist: “”each teacher's question should be a task, but a problem that can be easily solved; each question must call forth in the student the work of the head, and with it the work of the tongue.

And this should happen even in those cases when we are forced to put questions to each member of the proposal. Conditions for fulfillment: it is necessary to aim students at understanding the various functions of the word in the text - cognitive, evaluative, emotional. Then the conversation will include elements of ideological and artistic analysis.

Sometimes you have to ask fractional questions to make it easier to understand the actual content of the text. In this case, there is a danger of disintegration of the integrity of the text and its perception. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary, after questions on the content of a separate sentence, to raise a question on the general content of the part of the text that was crushed. The difficulty lies in finding the formulation of the question - generalizations. Quite often, the vocabulary material for it is supplied by the last sentence of the paragraph, because according to the laws of logic, it should express the conclusion, briefly determine the main thing in the content of the statement.

In each subsequent class, the content of the questions becomes more difficult, especially in the 8th grade when working on artistic texts.

Here, in a conversation, the ability to understand the author's intention is developed, to say about one's attitude to the hero, events. That's why we ask: Where does Nekrasov say that the boy is from a poor family? How to prove that the boy wants to study? When teaching students to answer such questions, we will already be concerned not only with the structure of the answer, but with its content, the accuracy of word choice. This is already work on the productive speech activity of students.

It is very important to determine the content of this type of speech activity of students as their posing questions. This content is connected with the general tasks of studying Russian literature at school. Therefore, the task is to create in students the skills and abilities to ask questions:

1) according to the actual content of the read text;

2) according to the analysis of the read text;

4) based on the material of the students' life experience.

The solution of these problems is achieved by the training system, starting with the creation of the skills of posing a question in one sentence.

Dialogic speech of students in reading lessons.

So, on the basis of the skills being created to answer questions and put them on their own, there is a transition to learning to conduct proper dialogical speech.

Dialogue as a kind of oral speech and as a method of artistic representation of reality. Dialogue constantly arises between the teacher and the student. Such verbal communication organizes the educational process and is a methodical method of communicating and testing knowledge.

The dialogue has its permanent features as a form of speech, and students get acquainted with them at the lessons of the Russian language of literature.

1. Dialogue is the most natural form of verbal communication, one of the most common varieties of spoken language.

2. Dictated by the interests of obtaining information that is vital for the participants in the conversation, dialogical speech always has an element of novelty for them.

3. The vital importance and novelty of information determine the content of the dialogue, stimulate its movement.

4. The linguistic design of the dialogue movement is realized in replicas - reactions, the interconnection of which creates a chain of replicas, a speech flow of the conversation movement.

5. Dialogue has its own structural patterns. His remarks are semantically connected, which gives the content of the dialogue a logical harmony.

6. Dialogue can be characterized by subject matter, emotional attitude and object of conversation.

Briefing training. A detailed retelling, even with creative tasks, is only the first step in the development of students' thinking in Russian and does not exhaust the mental and speech tasks that are vital for students.

It is necessary to start training on small texts of articles, and not on works of fiction.

The process of learning a concise retelling is reduced to the following mental-speech operations:

1) Determining the main theme of the retelling.

2) Reducing the text due to:

a) removal of additional topics from it;

b) skipping details.

3) Compression of the language form of retelling:

a) the removal of minor members in each sentence, if this does not violate the main idea of ​​the retelling;

b) replacement of common phrasal parts of the sentence with synonymic vocabulary;

c) compression of several semantically related sentences into one sentence.

At an advanced stage of learning, text compression operations are changed and supplemented.

Teaching a concise retelling of the narrative causes a number of additional tasks for speech activity:

– Creation of students' skills to identify the components of the work in order to reduce the retelling.

- The presence of some skills characterization of the character

- The presence of a dictionary to organize the correct transitions from one part of the retelling to another.

Learning to selective retelling.

The growth of independence of the mental and speech activity of students is facilitated by their mastery of the skills of selective retelling. In selective retelling, only the necessary and important part is stated. Selective retelling should be preceded by analysis of the text: clarification of its structure, drawing up a similar plan. After this work, the topic of the selective retelling will be reported, and then its main idea is established.

Monologue speech of students

General characteristics of monologue speech.

The highest goal of oral foreign language speech is, nevertheless, its monologue, and not its dialogic form. Such a conclusion will become obvious if we give a comparative psychological description of both forms of speech.

Dialogic speech

monologue speech

uniformity of form

Variety of form (story, description, message)

Great situationality, connectedness with the environment in which the conversation takes place. This narrows the vital “area” for using this type of speech, i.e. limits its scope.

Conscious organization by its "producer" of speech production in the process of mastering complex types of mental and speech activity - retelling, communication. In this case, the speaker plans or programs not only each individual utterance, but also his entire speech, his entire “monologue as a whole”

The external character of the stimuli of the movement of dialogic speech.

Internal incentives: the speaker himself determines the volume, nature, language material and form of address to the audience.

Its curvature and ellipticity; the huge role of all sorts of clichés and patterns, habitual combinations of words, replicas, etc.; frequent occurrence of understanding between the participants in the conversation due to non-speech factors - knowledge of the situation by the interlocutors.

The development of speech and its freedom to use language forms; optimal use of speech means of expression of thought; relatively little use of non-verbal information received "by us and our interlocutors from the conversation situation"

Independent meaning of non-linguistic communicative means (intonation, gesture)

Auxiliary role of non-linguistic communication means.

Our comparison illustrates the persuasiveness of the conclusion of the well-known psycholinguist A.A. Leontiev that dialogical speech is more elementary in its characteristics than other types of speech.

If we take into account that the development of monologue speech is associated with active, varied and creative mental work on the text, is designed to formulate complex speech and speech-thinking skills, then it is quite reasonable to call for monologue speech to be the focus of attention of methodologists, “because it needs to be specially taught, at that time how dialogical speech requires rather training based on a limited number of speech stereotypes"

Naturally, a selective retelling should be preceded by an analysis of the text: clarification of its structure, drawing up a detailed plan. After this work, the theme of the selective retelling is reported, and then its main idea is established.

It is necessary to start learning selective retelling on tests in which entire parts are excluded without breaking the connection between the remaining components. In such cases, selective retelling is associated with reproductive speech activity in its purest form.

It is much more difficult to learn selective retelling when the integrity of its creation requires students to use their own speech production and a rather complex analytical study of the structure of the text. Then you have to exclude the material already inside the paragraph, leave only one or two of them from the group of adjacent sentences, often change their lexical composition, produce material for communication between parts of the selective retelling.


1. The place and significance of the development of students' oral speech in literature lessons.

2. Methodological characteristics of oral speech.

3. Methodological characteristics of students' dialogical speech.

4. Methodological characteristics of students' monologue speech.

Keywords: oral speech, main types of oral speech, dialogic speech, monologue speech, students' speech.

The development of oral speech is one of the main tasks of teaching Russian literature. The significance of this task is largely determined by the role that oral speech plays in modern society and in the school educational process: the breadth of the audience that instantly perceives information (via radio, television); the ability to be preserved and reproduced; approaching written speech in terms of content and linguistic normativity; the possibility of improving written speech through the guidance of students' oral speech, etc.

The following principles underlie the teaching of oral speech: a) reliance on conscious perception and creative reproduction

linguistic material of information;

b) connection with life and literature as an academic subject;

c) the relationship of listening, speaking, reading and writing;

d) the continuity of the content of logical, semantic and pronunciation

body parts of oral speech;

e) the widespread use of the situational method of teaching in order to bring students' verbal communication closer to the natural form of utterance and to develop in them genuine speech skills necessary for education;

f) the novelty of speech material that arouses interest in the content and form of speech;

g) advancing the development of speech knowledge of grammar (development of speech

runs a little ahead, thereby preparing the assimilation


h) inclusion in the "sounding environment" not only the words of the teacher, but also

main types of sound recording.

These principles imply the leading role of the teacher in the process of teaching students, determine the content of teaching oral speech, its material, teaching methods, take into account the abilities of the native language of students, the interest of children, indicate the need to use modern technical means in the learning process, require that the development of speech is not delayed. students' level of grammar.

To develop the oral speech of students means to teach them to speak in the conditions of listening and speaking. The perception of foreign speech by ear is associated with a number of difficulties. One of them is the phrasing of the speech flow, so that even knowledge of its lexical units does not guarantee understanding of the thought in a coherent text.

Moreover, verbal material already known to students when reading cannot always be correctly perceived by ear due to differences in sound and visual verbal images.

Listening, or it is called "listening, in comparison with reading, is a more difficult way of obtaining information", which is established in physiological and psychological studies of the features of auditory reception of speech: reception of sounds - words - phrases at different times when listening, simultaneity - when reading; fatigue with auditory reception of speech is greater than with visual, etc.

The perception of speech is also affected by the rate of its utterance, the presence or absence of visual support. If the student sees the speaker, observes his articulation, then the student's own organs of speech seem to fit themselves in a similar way, it is easier for him to reproduce audible sounds, words in his inner speech. Expressions.

These difficulties are overcome both through a system of special exercises to develop listening skills, and in the implementation of others, except for listening. Types of speech activity. Let's say, when reading: a) if the word is assimilated in its graphic and sound images and is simultaneously phrased; b) if a good assimilation of orthoepy is accomplished; c) if there is constant work to increase the pace of reading, bringing it closer to the pace of educational listening, and both of them increasingly begin to correspond to the pace of lively speaking.

It is known that the ability to listen is the basis on which the ability to speak is created. Listening (perception) not only prepares speaking, but is also performed in a simultaneous act with it. Listening means understanding someone else's speech. The latter is impossible, as psychology says, without the internal pronunciation of someone else's speech, i.e. without speaking. That is why, when listening, it is useful to exercise students in whispering the reproduction of received information, despite the fact that whispering foreign language reproduction of someone else's speech is a difficult type of speech activity for students, since the student is dealing with new sound features of the language.

The ability to perceive speech by ear is one of the main criteria for students' knowledge of the Russian language. This skill is created and improved throughout the years of schooling. The system of work in this direction is carried out both in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.

Unfortunately, for many students, someone else's speech is only the speech of their teacher, adapting it to the knowledge and skills of students in this class. It is somewhat artificial: “adapted” in lexico-grammatical terms, slowed down in the tempo of pronunciation, phonetically close to writing, i.e. it is pronounced orthographically, not orthoepically - especially when carrying out certain types of written work. This leads students to poor listening comprehension of natural Russian speech, which they hear in extra-curricular settings: on radio, television, in movies, at meetings, etc.

In extracurricular settings training in strengthening the perception of someone else's speech by ear is even wider and more diverse. Radio, sound recordings, films, meetings with interesting people, excursions - all this can be used for educational purposes, but, of course, it is thought out both in terms of preparing students for listening, and in terms of testing students' assimilation of the content of what they heard.

Taking into account the knowledge and skills of his students, the teacher thinks through various forms of preparing them for the perception of information by ear: preliminary, before the hearing, record a plan of this or that information (the plan is given by the teacher): a conversation about the range of knowledge of students on a topic scheduled for listening; recording the plan and working materials during the hearing (on excursions, when meeting interesting people); a record of questions that should be answered after the information received by ear, etc.

It is equally important to skillfully check the degree of assimilation by students of the content of speech perceived by ear. Here you need to arouse in children the desire to willingly talk about what they heard. It is very useful to do this in a lively conversation, sometimes in the form of dialogic speech (exchange of impressions). Often, oral discussion becomes the preparation of students for writing essays. Naturally, by checking the degree of understanding of the material perceived by ear, the teacher himself explains what remains unclear or misunderstood by the students.

Exercises on the perception of someone else's speech from hearing can be carried out at different stages of studying a particular topic: in introductory classes, and during the initial acquaintance in the class with the work, the life of the writer, during text analysis, during repetition ...

The ability to perceive speech by ear, as we know, underlies the ability to master speech in speaking conditions.

Speaking involves two forms of speech - monologue and dialogic. In methodological science, the issues of teaching students monologic speech (retellings, messages, reports, etc.) are most developed, the process of teaching students dialogical speech is much less covered. No matter how excellent the teacher’s methods of work are, in developing the oral speech of students, all of them (methods) should ultimately develop meaningful, logically coherent, lexically rich and intonationally expressive speech of schoolchildren. And the criteria for evaluating the oral presentations of students should include checking the content and consistency of speech, phonemic hearing of students, the richness of the vocabulary, stylistic and intonational culture of their oral speech.

The school needs to develop a system for the development of dialogic speech of students (in Russian), to establish its (system) organic fusion with the content and course of the educational process for the study of Russian literature.

The condition for the development of meaningful dialogic speech of students is the ability to answer questions and put them on their own. With the creation of such skills, the process of learning dialogic speech activity begins.

Ability to answer questions.

The ability to answer questions is a vital type of verbal communication that manifests itself in various situations.

Teaching students the ability to give answers to questions, the teacher works on the content of the answers, their lexical and grammatical structure, lexical quality and pronunciation, using a literary text, paintings, etc.

The process of teaching students to answer questions is better, as practice shows, to be carried out in the following sequence: 1) answers, the lexical and structural organization of which is given in the text; 2) answers that are close in structure to colloquial speech; 3) answers “in their own” words, free from texts in lexical and structural terms. It is useful to initially show the difference between these types of answers to students on the same text, in order to visualize learning and create comparison skills.

When posing questions, one should remember the advice of a prominent methodologist: “”each teacher's question should be a task, but a problem that can be easily solved; each question must call forth in the student the work of the head, and with it the work of the tongue.

And this should happen even in those cases when we are forced to put questions to each member of the proposal. Conditions for fulfillment: it is necessary to aim students at understanding the various functions of the word in the text - cognitive, evaluative, emotional. Then the conversation will include elements of ideological and artistic analysis.

Sometimes you have to ask fractional questions to make it easier to understand the actual content of the text. In this case, there is a danger of disintegration of the integrity of the text and its perception. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary, after questions on the content of a separate sentence, to raise a question on the general content of the part of the text that was crushed. The difficulty lies in finding the formulation of the question - generalizations. Quite often, the vocabulary material for it is supplied by the last sentence of the paragraph, because according to the laws of logic, it should express the conclusion, briefly determine the main thing in the content of the statement.

In each subsequent class, the content of the questions becomes more difficult, especially in the 8th grade when working on artistic texts.

Here, in a conversation, the ability to understand the author's intention is developed, to say about one's attitude to the hero, events. That's why we ask: Where does Nekrasov say that the boy is from a poor family? How to prove that the boy wants to study? When teaching students to answer such questions, we will already be concerned not only with the structure of the answer, but with its content, the accuracy of word choice. This is already work on the productive speech activity of students.

It is very important to determine the content of this type of speech activity of students as their posing questions. This content is connected with the general tasks of studying Russian literature at school. Therefore, the task is to create in students the skills and abilities to ask questions:

1) according to the actual content of the read text;

2) according to the analysis of the read text;

4) based on the material of the students' life experience.

The solution of these problems is achieved by the training system, starting with the creation of the skills of posing a question in one sentence.