Obesity, excess weight: metaphysical reasons. Acceptance is the only way to solve the weight problem

The psychosomatic factor plays an important role in the formation and maintenance of human health. Even a person's body weight depends not only on the level of his physical activity, metabolic rate and the number of daily calories consumed, but also on the emotional state. Therefore, every person who wants to find a slender and toned figure should know what the psychosomatics of excess weight is and how to deal with it.


In order to understand the issue of the influence of the psyche on the formation of figure parameters, it is necessary to understand what psychosomatics is.

And the mental state is closely related. When a person experiences negative emotions, his muscles tighten, his heart begins to beat faster, his pressure rises. At this time, the sympathetic nervous system is active, that is, the activity of the digestive tract is depressed.

In a relaxed state, on the contrary, intestinal peristalsis increases, the secretion of the upper digestive tract increases, a person experiences a feeling of hunger.

But in practice, the psychosomatics of excess weight is associated with compulsive eating, when a person, being in an excited state, eats a lot even in the absence of appetite, without feeling full. However, there is no contradiction in the work of the systems, it's all about the body's ability to reduce the severity of stress.

Stress and excess weight

Simply put, activation of the sympathetic division nervous system causes excitement and lack of appetite, and parasympathetic - relaxation and a desire to eat. But any emotional stress that is insignificant from the point of view of common sense, such as anxiety before passing an exam or a date, is perceived by the body as a potential source of mortal danger.

Therefore, the nervous system “switches” the work of the autonomic system to the parasympathetic mode in order to reduce stress levels. This is exactly what happens in psychosomatics: when a person is excited, he begins to eat, stress decreases, and the psyche remembers fast and effective method eliminate dangerous anxiety.

food addiction

After the psyche understands that food intake allows you to quickly calm down and relax, and therefore normalize heart rate and blood pressure, it begins to use the method of activating the parasympathetic division of the vegetative system at the slightest excitement. And then applies the method preventively.

So a person begins to develop dependence on food, the so-called addiction. In violation of eating habits, thus, steadily increasing body weight. Having figured out in time what the psychosomatics of excess weight is, you can regain the habit of eating right and restore a beautiful, slender, toned figure.

How to get rid of addiction?

The absorption of food in in large numbers- not the only way to calm down and relax. The human psyche is very flexible, so all habits can be replaced by others. But for this you need to systematically deal with this issue.

In order to eliminate extra pounds, you need to find other methods of relaxation. They should be healthy and as easy to implement as eating: that is, you should not replace an unplanned heavy meal with smoking a cigarette or visiting an expensive spa. But a walk, needlework, light gymnastics, breathing exercises may well eliminate a false feeling of hunger, and over time, the desire to eat in case of anxiety will disappear, as well as excess weight. The psychosomatics of a person will be restored, and he will again feel healthy.

Other theories

The described scheme of the relationship between the psyche and human physiology, using the example of hunger, is scientifically substantiated. But there are other theories that do not deny the classical one, but expand and supplement it.

If a person is constantly drawn to sweets, the psychosomatics of excess weight interprets this as a lack of manifestation of love. According to the observations of specialists who study obesity from the point of view of psychosomatics, it has been noticed that the desire to eat sweet creams, cakes and rolls is experienced by lonely people who have experienced a painful separation or are faced with long unsuccessful attempts find a partner. Often we are talking about other forms of love, for example, if the child lacks attention from parents, or an elderly person does not have close contact with relatives and friends, spending time alone.

Deposit localization

Obesity comes in different types, depending on where most of the extra fat is stored. So, with a pronounced stomach, a person’s tendency to anger, anger, and a lack of desire to care is often noted. If a person's hips are getting fat, this may indicate a person's stubbornness and anger at events of a long time ago or at their parents. from the point of view of such a theory, they also talk about resentment towards relatives, but the fat deposited on the upper body speaks of lovesickness.

Harmonization of thoughts

Psychosomatics of excess weight in women and men involves finding the cause of the problem and eliminating it. After reflecting on your own thoughts and feelings, or after examining your own body, in order to understand exactly where excess calories accumulate, it is necessary to replace the negative attitude with a positive one:

  • when offending loved ones, you need to repeat the phrase “I forgive all insults and let go of the past” to yourself;
  • with dissatisfaction in love, it is important to often mentally say “I am worthy of love, I can receive and give it”;
  • with irritability and anger main idea should be "I am free, I am developing, I am harmonizing everything around."

That is, it is necessary to neutralize the negative influence of thought with the opposite setting. Strong fear is stopped by thoughts of safety, relaxation, anger - by memories and joyful and touching moments.


In order to learn more about what psychosomatics is, you can refer to the special literature.

The topic of obesity on the basis of psychological problems is raised in detail in her book How to Heal Your Life by the writer Louise Hay. Her method involves a deep approach to the problem, the elimination of the causes that make a person "jam" psychological problems. After the normalization of the emotional state, extra pounds, as a rule, easily go away on their own.

Thus, in the matter of gaining a beautiful figure, it is important to know how psychosomatics affects excess weight. Louise Hay, Alexander Astrogor, and other authors provide a different look at the process of effective weight loss. The techniques do not exclude proper nutrition and physical activity, but the process of normalizing weight becomes easier when you know the origins of the problem and can influence them.

Also gaining momentum is the popular video of blogger Dmitry Trotsky "Psychosomatics: the causes of excess weight, or How to build weight", which will simply and simply tell about the origins of the problem and the method of solving it. The palmist investigated the issue of accumulation of excess fat and the presence of certain character traits in a person - mainly resentment that accumulates inside a person. According to the saying "they carry water on the offended" - a direct reflection of the process of accumulation of adipose tissue from the point of view of psychosomatics.

Experts in the field of psychology confidently assert that excess weight does not appear by chance, the mental perception of reality serves as a reliable reason for its occurrence. To identify the causes of obesity, you should delve into psychosomatics and your state of mind and figure out which factor played a key role in the development of physical condition. Consequently, getting rid of excess weight will become fruitful if unnecessary installations in the head and soul are destroyed.

Where did the extra weight come from?

According to psychosomatic theories, excess body weight is the result of a disregard for our appearance, which makes us come to terms with the situation, indulging in everything habit.

The main psychological causes of excess weight include:

  • Jamming, when a person tries to cope with experienced unpleasant situations with the help of food;
  • A substitution that allows everyday pleasure and joy from communication with loved ones or love relationship, replace with another serving of food.

At its core, the craving for gluttony is the embodiment of a tendency to protect, including from the inner emptiness, which awakens the appetite with incredible force.

Excessive eating of food creates a feeling of some kind of acquisition. And the fear of daily circumstances and lack of trust in yourself and others make you fill the void in your soul with the help of all kinds of external means. But the lack of spiritual feelings cannot be made up for with an additional portion of dessert.

Obese men are characterized by a decrease volitional qualities because of the inability to deal with stress. They eat a lot because of fatigue, sadness and boredom, excitement and fear. There can be hundreds of reasons, and all of them must be carefully suppressed in yourself. fat people often unable to control their emotions and at the slightest change in mood they immediately seek to console themselves with food.

According to theories of psychological factors that provoke obesity, overweight people are neurotic. They mindlessly consume huge amounts of food in order to reduce the degree of anxiety and depression. Unpleasant sediment and food in these people are combined into a single whole, therefore, with a possible failure, the mood automatically rises after eating.

Reasons for being overweight

The psychosomatics of obesity and gluttony is distinguished by a peculiar list of psychological motives that a person is able to intuitively succumb to:

  1. Lack of security in early childhood leading to dependence on others.
  2. Maternal overprotection, which provokes the need for possession in the life of relatives and friends of dominant positions.
  3. The perception of oneself as an insignificant person, with whom no one wants to be reckoned with, competes with the desire to take control of others under tight control. This factor leads to an unconscious need to take up as much space as possible.
  4. Oral pleasure from food, compensating for life's failures and not requiring strong-willed efforts.

"I eat to survive"

In men

Cases of overweight in certain parts of the body are common. Often among the representatives of the strong half of humanity, gynoid obesity is noted. It is the deposition of fat exclusively in the legs, thighs and buttocks. This happens when there is an authoritarian mother and wife in the family, who takes the initiative in solving all family problems. Thus, a man is not required to manifest leadership qualities laid down by nature, and his character gradually acquires the features inherent in the fair sex. Following the character, the physique acquires feminine outlines.

Among women

The characteristic of female obesity zones is characterized by the accumulation of excess mass in the abdomen, which is associated with a subconscious rejection of one's femininity and sexuality. Tightness and lack of energy forces, the satisfaction of one's innermost needs and the restriction of personal freedom are due to a lack of male love. It is this aspect that should be taken into account by women who have lost interest in relationships and life in general.

In children

Psychosomatic excess body weight in children is associated with a number of reasons, which to some extent depend on the problems of education. Overweight problems due to insufficient attention to the child or overprotection lead to both a deterioration in physical health and difficulties in social adaptation. For example, a consequence aggressive behavior can serve as abdominal obesity. According to psychosomatics, if a child is not capable of expressing anger towards loved ones or feels it towards his parents, then he projects it onto himself, and food in this case acts as self-punishment.

How to deal with being overweight

Obesity treatment is based on self-love. It is necessary to change the attitude towards your person in your own eyes, to pamper yourself more often, but not with a delicious cake from a bakery around the corner, but with communication with people dear to your heart, shopping and visiting interesting places.

You can use an approximate, but no less effective, algorithm for getting rid of hated kilograms:

  • Work on yourself and your thoughts. Control every meal call and ask yourself, "Am I really hungry?"
  • When stressful situations relax through sports, dancing, sex, and so on. It is necessary to choose the right opportunities for you to recharge with positive.
  • Set priorities that are firmly planted in the subconscious, that is, finally eradicate excess weight and get rid of a couple of tens of centimeters at the waist.
  • Connect proper nutrition and reasonable physical activity for a comfortable reincarnation.

The problem of obesity is a consequence of a violation of relationships, with oneself or others, not only in women, but also in the male half of humanity.

It is important to listen to your interests and ask yourself: “What do I really need?” before responding with unquestioning consent to the requests of others. After all, this will not stop people from respecting you or loving you less. On the contrary, they will understand that you know your worth and respect yourself. It is imperative to give yourself the opportunity to become an important person in the lives of loved ones and finally believe in your importance.

Study psychosomatic reasons the appearance of obesity in the context of attitudes towards oneself and one's body, as well as people who are emotionally significant, can radically change not only metabolism, but also the attitude of a person as a whole.

The problem of excess weight is familiar to many people. No wonder now all sorts of diets, weight loss products, etc. have become so popular. But without understanding the true, psychological cause of this problem, no medicines and diets will help. To do this, you need to change the way of life, or rather even the way of thinking.

There are many psychological reasons for obesity. But basically they come down to a protective function due to various kinds of human fears.

Let's see what our favorite authors have to say about this:

1. Luule Viilma.

Imposing one's will on others. The stress of dissatisfaction - the book Stay or Go pp.183-190

Self-defense. Thirst for hoarding, fear of the future - the book The Light Source of Love p.115

The desire to be stronger, the internal struggle with your stresses - the book Pain in your heart p.243

“I want good things” - the book Forgiveness is genuine and imaginary pp. 65-66

2. Liz Burbo

Obesity occurs for a variety of reasons, but most often sometime in childhood, such people had a memorable episode of humiliation, or such situations were regular. And the fear of being in a humiliating situation again haunts him all his life. In this situation, extra pounds for him perform the function of protection from all requirements, from situations where someone can use it. Because it is difficult for such a person to say “no”.

3. Louise Hay.

Hypersensitivity. Often symbolizes fear and the need for protection. Fear can serve as a cover for hidden anger and unwillingness to forgive.

Installation that helps to get rid of: - Sacred love protects me. I am always safe. I want to grow up and take responsibility for my life. I forgive everyone and create the life I like. I am completely safe.

Usually excess weight is explained by the fact that a person eats too much. Why is this happening? Does anyone really need a lot more food to saturate their body than most other people? No, it's just that for some people, the process of eating food is associated not only with satisfying hunger, but also with the pleasure of the process of eating food itself. A person does not know how to enjoy life, is prone to fears, often experiences anxiety - so he begins to automatically make amends for all this with something tasty. A kind of way to seize these problems, gain confidence through food, find some psychological support for yourself.

If it was all about food, then people who eat little would never have excess weight. Sometimes, after all, a person limits himself very much in food, uses some kind of physical activity, but still has excess weight.

By itself, fat is a kind of energy reserve that the body puts aside for a "rainy day". The situation is very well known when a person gains a few extra pounds in the winter, and then by the spring they easily leave. They leave naturally, if there are no psychological barriers for this.

How does weight gain happen?

Due to constant anxiety, the fat storage command is activated. As a result of the command of the nervous system, an additional dose of insulin is produced. If anxiety is permanent, then insulin is constantly produced in excess. The amount of glucose in the blood at the same time decreases, because. It's all about building fat.

In addition to the formation of excess fat, a decrease in blood glucose leads to a constant feeling of hunger. This is where the excess food intake comes from. If, with the help of willpower, you do not allow overeating, but do not change the internal state, then your digestive system will be reconfigured, slowing down the process of processing food. In this condition, even a small portion of food can be deposited in body fat.

Therefore, constant diets and food restrictions do not always help to lose extra pounds.. Usually after that you return to your previous form even faster. And then, diets have a second side effect - by reducing energy intake, your body also reduces its expenditure. Therefore, it is not surprising that a person develops weakness and a decrease in mental activity.

Therefore, it is important to understand precisely the psychological causes of obesity and work them out, and not torturing your body with different diets. Here I have given the main reasons that you should pay attention to.

1. Perhaps the strangest reason for being overweight for many is the unwillingness to please the opposite sex. This happens in cases where a person is afraid of being rejected or betrayed in the future. Or he's afraid he won't be able to say no. So they gain weight, thereby significantly reducing the likelihood of interest from the opposite sex.

2. Sometimes extra weight appears in people who really want to make everyone they love happy.. Especially when a person is torn between two people whom he is trying with all his might to make happy. In such conditions it becomes very difficult to realize one's own needs.

3.Often overweight people are not able to objectively see themselves from the outside. How well can you see yourself in the mirror? How easy is it for you to do this? In essence, the ability to examine one's physical body in a mirror in detail is closely related to the ability to examine oneself at other, more subtle levels. If a person fails to do this, then it will be quite difficult for him to understand the psychological reasons for his excess weight because of internal resistance. I can advise such people to read this article slowly, perhaps several times.

4. Sometimes some incident from childhood, when severe humiliation was experienced, leads to the decision to always be on the alert so that no one can ever mock you again, even if there is no reason for this. Because of this, a person decides that he must certainly be very good and takes on an exorbitant burden of responsibilities. Such people should learn to accept something from life without feeling guilty, without feeling that you need to pay dearly for it. Look after yourself for a few days, analyze at the end of each day if any of its events are connected with a feeling of humiliation or shame. And then think about whether it really deserves shame or is it just your imagination.

5. People who are prone to obesity often consider themselves unworthy of getting something.. That everything needs to be earned and earned. He may complain that everyone is using him, but at the same time he will continue to believe that you need to be useful to everyone and everyone in order to earn the right to some kind of joy.

6. Overweight people often believe that they are worse than others, they despise themselves. The voluminous body just helps them to establish themselves in this. After all, now there is definitely a reason to despise yourself and consider yourself unworthy.

7. The desire that everyone around be honest, but at the same time the fear that if I myself am honest, I will become bad for others. Holding back your thoughts and desires leads to their accumulation in the body - in this case, accumulation in the form of excess fat.

8. Extra pounds can also appear if a person forbids himself to have what he really wants. Any forcible deprivation of oneself of something desired leads to just such a result. Why a person who wants to eat a cake and eats it remains slim. And the one who wants, but does not allow himself this, is gaining extra pounds? Precisely because his prohibition to himself is postponed by extra pounds. Especially if it is accompanied by condemnation of oneself for such a desire.

When you want to fix a situation, start by Ask yourself often, “Do I really want this?” before saying “yes” to someone. You will not lose the respect of other people from this, but you will gain respect for yourself. And understand that you deserve to take an important place in the lives of the people you love. Learn to respect and appreciate yourself.

As for ordinary human attitudes that instill in us wrong habits from childhood, this is a very common habit of parents and grandparents to force a child to eat by force. How many times have you heard “until you finish everything, you won’t leave the table” or “you won’t get sweet until you eat everything”. So the body gets used to eating any amount of food not from a feeling of hunger, but simply because it is necessary, and you stop hearing the signal of the body that hunger has already been satisfied. If it’s difficult for you to adjust already, and this habit has settled deep inside you, then just take a smaller plate.
And remember, you need to work through your stresses, and not drown them out with sweets or something else sweet. Not only do you risk gaining extra pounds in this way, you also risk earning money, one of the reasons for which is precisely the habit of eating your stresses with something sweet.

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1. OVERWEIGHT- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

Fear. The need for protection. Escape from feelings. Lack of security, self-denial. Search for self-realization.

I am at peace with my feelings. I am safe where I am. I myself (myself) create my own security with my thoughts. I love and approve of myself.

2. OVERWEIGHT- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Fear. The need for protection. Unwillingness to feel. Defenselessness, self-denial. Suppressed desire to achieve what you want.

Possible Healing Solution

Where I am, be safe. I create my own security. I love and approve of myself.

3. OBESITY- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Hypersensitivity. Often symbolizes fear and the need for protection. Fear can serve as a cover for hidden anger and unwillingness to forgive.

Possible Healing Solution

Sacred love protects me. I am always safe. I want to grow up and take responsibility for my life. I forgive everyone and create the life I like. I'm completely safe.

4. OBESITY- (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

Obesity is an excessive deposition of fat in body tissues. Obesity is considered a problem when it poses an immediate threat to health.

Emotional blocking

Obesity can have various causes, but in any case, an obese person has experienced a lot of humiliation in childhood or adolescence and still has a fear of being in a shameful situation for him or to put another person in such a situation. Excess weight is for such a person a kind of protection from those who demand too much from him, taking advantage of the fact that he does not know how to say “no” and is inclined to shoulder everything.

It is also possible that this person often and for a very long time feels sandwiched between two other people. He tries his best to make these people happy. The stronger his desire to make others happy, the more difficult it is for him to realize his own needs.

Very often it turns out that a person gains weight because he does not want to seem attractive to the opposite sex, because he is afraid that he will then be rejected or that he himself will not be able to say no. Obesity also affects people who strive to take their place in life, but consider this desire unhealthy and indecent. They don't realize that they're already pretty good at it (I don't mean they take up a lot of space physically).

mental blocking

My observations show that it is difficult for an obese person to objectively evaluate himself due to his excessive sensitivity. Are you able to see well all parts of your body in the mirror? The ability to consider one's physical body is directly related to the ability to consider oneself at other levels, that is, with the ability to analyze one's internal state. If you do not have this ability, you will not be able to discover the true cause of your obesity. That is why this article may cause internal resistance in you. If this happens, try to read it at your own pace a few times and understand its meaning.

Having experienced some severe humiliation in childhood or adolescence, you decided to always be on your guard and never give anyone a reason to mock you. You decided at all costs to become very a good man and that's why you put so many worries on your shoulders. It's time for you to learn accept, without thinking that you have something from someone take away or occupy and sooner or later you will have to return it or pay. I advise you at the end of each day to carefully analyze everything that happened that day, and note everything that can be associated with shame and humiliation. After that, you should ask yourself if what you have noted is actually shame related. Check it out with other people.

According to some psychologists, any illness is not an accident, there is a connection between the spiritual and the physical, between our thoughts and the state of our physical body. Having decided to do away with any disease, one should first of all identify the mental (mental) cause of its occurrence. The symptoms of the disease are just a reflection of internal deep processes. You will have to delve into yourself in order to discover and destroy the spiritual cause of the disease.

The list of mental stereotypes given by us was compiled by the American psychologist Louise Hay as a result of many years of research, based on her experience with patients. Also, we give an interpretation of the Russian psychologist Vladimir Zhikarentsev.

Behind the sign MINUS written psychological reason illness; behind the sign A PLUS there is a new stereotype of thinking that leads to recovery; sign SIMILARIES reveals what the organ is responsible for in a psychological sense.

  1. Find mental reason. See if it suits you. If not, think about what thoughts could trigger the disease?
  2. Repeat the stereotype several times.
  3. Embrace the thought that you are on the path to recovery.
  4. This meditation should be repeated daily, because. it creates a healthy mind and, as a result, a healthy body.
Name of disease or organ

OBESITY - found: 1

1. OBESITY- (Louise Hay)

Hypersensitivity. Often symbolizes fear and the need for protection. Fear can serve as a cover for hidden anger and unwillingness to forgive.

Sacred love protects me. I am always safe. I want to grow up and take responsibility for my life. I forgive everyone and create the life I like. I'm completely safe.