Liz Burbo on psoriasis. Psychosomatic causes of rashes on the body

Have you noticed that almost all people are ill with something? No sooner had the child been born, and here you are, baby, a sore. Everyone gets sick, and you don't get bored. More fun together.

Where is our society heading to, and is it really only ecology that is to blame for the fact that humanity year after year turns into decrepit, rotting representatives of the human race? Why, while the medical industry is growing to an unthinkably gigantic size, the problem, which, it would seem, the time has come to be resolved, becomes even more serious, takes on global proportions?

The reasons are in our heads

So you are sick. It doesn't matter what you have. You cannot be considered complete and are a representative of the afflicted majority. You, of course, are being treated, but your treatment, as they say, is “to the point”. Even if you feel better, very soon either the disease will return, or you will acquire a new one, due to your physical weakness.

Or maybe the weakness is not physical, maybe it has a metaphysical orientation? Recently, more and more psychologists and traditional healers have come to the conclusion that absolutely all ailments are caused not by external factors, but by internal ones. It is quite difficult to explain and, moreover, to understand the uninitiated. But it's worth it. Only when people understand the true cause of diseases, the world will become brighter and cleaner, there will be no complaints and no tears. The main thing is that everyone understands that he can only blame himself and no one else for his suffering. Recognizing this fact will help put you on the path to healing.

Also in Holy Scripture it is said that “it is not what enters, but what comes out that is harmful”, which means that all the bad things did not come into us from the outside, it is originally inside us. And it depends only on ourselves whether to live with it until the end of our lives and suffer, or to expel all the filth from ourselves and learn to enjoy life. Psychologists believe that the focus of this filth is the head, that is, our brain, what it produces - thoughts. As soon as you start looking for the cause of your illness in your head, a world will open before you that you did not even know about. You will open a secret door to the forbidden realm, where for many centuries access was tightly closed to most mortals. Today humanity has a unique opportunity to master the mysterious knowledge and be healed of all diseases at once. Where to look for help, how to find answers to the questions posed?

Who will help you heal

As stated above, for the cause of healing human society psychologists and healers took over. Today, these two professions have become related. Both of them solve the same problem and very often follow the same paths. And, I must say, every year the results of their activities are becoming more and more successful, various treatment methods are being developed and not only developed, but also applied in practice and give results.

So let's get back to question asked. You are sick and intend to be cured. Do you intend? Do you want to be healthy? Are you ready to imagine yourself young and blooming again? If yes, then go ahead!

Let's start with the fact that at the moment there are many healing methods. Which one to trust? The one that has been successful. And success comes to many. The winners are those who read Norbekov's books, and those who follow the advice of Liz Burbo, people who have adopted the technique of the Japanese Katsuzo Nishi, and those who heed the philosophy of the famous healer Louise Hay are at their best. It is worth familiarizing yourself with different methods and choosing for yourself the one that will be closer to your heart. It is worth noting that some methods of treatment are suitable for many diseases at once. It seems fantastic, but many recent patients feel great today, because they believed in the good beginning of the proposed method.

A lot of people chose Louise Hay for themselves. Why her? Probably, the reason is that the healer, the author of more than 30 books, presents information in a simple style. She is not difficult to understand, her advice is not difficult to follow, and the results come very quickly.

About what the healer wants from us and what we should want from her, it is best to understand on the example of a particular disease. The healing methods developed by Louise Hay will become more accessible if, for example, we consider such an unpleasant disease as psoriasis. Let's figure out what kind of disease it is, and what a famous healer says about it.

Psoriasis is one of the most annoying diseases.

If you are struck by this disease, then you can sympathize. Most doctors, faced with this scourge, undertake to treat it, although they are firmly convinced that the disease is incurable and can only be got rid of for a while, until the first stress or infection.

Is it so? Do not forget, you have chosen an unconventional treatment. So, if the tradition says yes, you need to answer the opposite and admit that psoriasis is curable. Recognized? You can congratulate yourself, you have taken the first step towards your healing, now the main thing is not to stop.

Let's go ahead and figure out what psoriasis is. This is a skin disease, which Wikipedia says is a chronic infectious disease, dermatosis. Chronic means that after treatment it comes back again. Infectious means they can get infected. There is no need to argue about the first. Those 4% of the world's population that suffer from an illness will confirm that it has the ability to return. And very often a new phenomenon happens soon after a supposedly successful cure. We are talking, of course, about traditional methods of treatment.

As for infectiousness, in the philistine, and not in the scientific sense of the word, one can argue. The fact is that doctors have revealed the hereditary nature of psoriasis. It is very often passed down from one parent to the children. The meanness of the disease is that sick parents, who, of course, worry about their baby and hope that they will not “reward” him with their sore, can rejoice for many years and even be sure that their child has “passed”. Misfortune comes suddenly. The disease usually manifests itself between the ages of 15 and 25. Before 15 less often and even less often after 25. Typically, the cause is stress or another illness. The manifestation of signs of psoriasis in offspring is perceived by many as a great grief. It is not uncommon for children to hate their parents for a sudden "gift". Agree, an attractive girl from head to toe covered with acne, which not only disfigures the body, but also itch, does not shine on the beach, she cannot wear a fashionable sleeveless jacket, she cannot expose her knees covered with plaques.

Psoriasis looks very unattractive. Sometimes, its external manifestation reaches such an extent that even long sleeves and a collar under the throat do not save the sick person. Plaques even reach the hairline area.

People spend incredible money in order to recover, but in most cases, all spending is in vain. Ask why? Because the psychology of a sick person is instilled in most representatives of human society from an early age. As children, we are taught not to be healthy, but to be treated. Today, everything around contributes to the fact that a person gets sick, and ecology takes the last place in the list.

Where do diseases come from?

All causes of human suffering are in human thoughts. But how did they get there? Leave this to the psychologists. Believe me, in the books this aspect has already been sorted out by bones. If you are interested, you can study the problem in detail. Studying it will help you in healing. But it is important to understand not how the disease got into you, but how to expel it from the body. To do this, it is worth acquiring good literature that answers the question. But back to Louise Hay. Now we know what psoriasis is, it will not be superfluous to find out what the healer says about this.

She looks at the problem from two angles:

  1. cause;
  2. solution.

Louise Hay devoted many years to studying the causes of various ailments. Psoriasis, in her opinion, is based on three elephants:

  • loss of self-awareness;
  • denial of responsibility for one's own feelings;
  • fear of getting offended.

Everything is very simple, take a closer look at yourself, and you will understand that the healer is more than right. Fortunately for the fans, Louise Hay didn't stop at finding out the reasons, but went further, she gives a hint on how to heal. Everything is even simpler here: you need to stop withdrawing into yourself and cast aside all fears, love your own Self with all your heart and open up to the world, recognize that you are worthy of all its blessings and accept yourself as you are. Accept with love.

Many will be surprised to read the uncomplicated lines of Louise Hay, but only those who are unfamiliar with her works and do not understand the essence of her vision of the world around her. What sounds strange has helped many people regain their health. Put aside your skepticism and take care of yourself. Start by reading the book Heal Yourself. It speaks of the harmony of millions of thoughts that fill us. We strive for external beauty and completely forget that inner beauty is much more important. It is inner harmony that gives rise to beauty in all its manifestations. And one of the manifestations is one hundred percent health.

According to Louise Hay and many of her colleagues, negative attitudes lead to illness. They are always associated with fear and the sediment that remains from it. It seems to a person that he has calmed down, but in fact, imaginary calm prevails only at the level of consciousness, while chaos caused by fears is in charge in the subconscious.

I would like to recall the words of the famous master of the word Saint-Exupery. His Little Prince said that in the morning, before you get down to business, you need to put your planet in order. It is not difficult to guess that the planet means the person himself. The Little Prince mindset teaches us that when we wake up, we need to put ourselves and our thoughts in order. This is exactly what Louise Hay means. Many experts who are knowledgeable in the matter continue her thought. For example, Dr. Oleg Torsunov, as a result of observing many of his patients, came to the conclusion that only those people who know how to live in peace and tranquility have healthy skin, their hearts are open, and their souls are pure. The doctor outlined these thoughts in his book The Connection of Diseases with Character. The doctor writes that the brain, polluted by dirty thoughts, disrupts the function of the secretory glands of the skin. It is not cleansed, which leads to its various diseases. From people whose brain thinks wrong, it even smells different. Our ancient ancestors of the Vedas spoke about this. This is worth thinking about.

As you can see, Louise Hay is far from the only one who was interested in the relationship between the internal state of a person and his health. The healer made great reliance on theory. It can be seen that there are no less successful steps in the practice of curing psoriasis. Of particular interest is the method of treatment of Lyudmila Kim.

The Russian healer decided to move from theoretical wisdom to practice and was able to prove that psoriasis is not a sentence. It is treated, and getting rid of it is quite simple, if you strictly follow the methodology invented by its author.

You can get rid of psoriasis of any form and do it at home, without spending money and performing some complicated actions.

Lyudmila Kim considers psoriasis to be a kind of mutated form, which is a symbiosis of a mollusk and a tick. On the one hand, it is a fungus, and on the other, a tick. That is, it is necessary to fight not with one evil, but with two at once - to fight on two fronts. The technique easily copes with this task. It takes into account the fact that mites have the property of laying eggs in which they are then reborn.

Having acquired all of the above, a person with psoriasis can begin treatment. The first thing that is done is to wipe the sore spot with lotion. And the cleaning doesn't end there. Then the lotion on the swab is again applied to the skin. This is necessary in order to completely destroy mushroom poisons. After the first product has completely dried, the second one is applied - this is grease. The lotion with grease is fixed for two hours, and then, after removal, the affected area is again smeared with lotion. Now it's time for the olive oil. Just like grease, a swab with olive oil is applied to the sore spot. You need to keep it for at least one and a half hours. Thus, you need to repeat the change of tampons throughout the day and, as a result, go to bed with olive oil. In the morning, everything is washed off with pre-purchased soap. All the next day you need to take the powder in a teaspoon three times a day. The drug should be taken with water and drunk one hour before meals.

The problem is that the treatment should last from 20 to 45 days.

The main actions when using the technique were given. Lyudmila Kim accepts patients and helps them after the interview practical advice applicable to each particular case.

Which method is better to choose

It is difficult to believe in the possibility of healing when, it would seem, all the ways have been tried. But it is unbelief that hinders healing. Characters, upbringing, millions of dogmas that taught people to be afraid, stand like high fortresses on the road. And if we assume that all this is nonsense? If we believe that only we are responsible for our own destiny? The famous American psychologist John Kehoe wrote the book “The Subconscious Can Do Anything!”, in which he proved in detail that nothing is impossible for people who think correctly.

Psoriasis is not a sentence. This disease affects not only ordinary people, but also quite a few celebrities. Both Stalin and Churchill walked around with plaques on their bodies. But the disease did not prevent them from doing great things. You have a great advantage over the former leaders of the great powers, you have been shown secret knowledge. Decide whether to believe or not believe. Take up treatment or continue to complain about your misfortunes. Be pathetic or be strong.

Healers and teachers like Louise Hay have saved many people who are eternally grateful to them. You, too, have the opportunity to become one of them soon. What is needed for this? First of all, go to the bookstore and buy a volume of Louise Hay. It could be any of her books. Each can be the beginning of your miraculous healing.

Psoriasis - how to get rid of a deadly autoimmune disease?

Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against psoriasis is not on your side yet ...

And have you already thought about cardinal treatments? It is understandable, because psoriasis can progress, resulting in a rash covering 70-80% of the body surface. Which leads to the chronic form.

Red blisters on the skin, itching, cracked heels, peeling skin... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand. But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the consequence, but the cause? We found an interesting interview with a dermatologist at the Russian Center for Dermatology.

Psoriasis, as a disease of skin surfaces, has been known to people for a long time. In addition to medical research aimed at studying the disease, the same problem is being addressed from the point of view of psychosomatics. One of the representatives of this trend is Louise Hay. Psoriasis and its root causes psychological level considers in one of his books in the Heal Yourself series. She argues that in order to achieve an effective result, it is not necessary to treat the disease, but to change the direction of one's thoughts in a positive direction and give them freedom. The entire list of known diseases, their likely cause, and a possible new approach to fixing the problem are collected in one table.

Esotericists have long drawn attention to the relationship between conflict with oneself and manifestations of a dermatological nature. Great thinkers have always argued that one must strengthen one's spirit in order to strengthen the flesh.

Not all doctors listened to this statement. Materialists went the other way and argued that a healthy mind depends primarily on a healthy and strong body. Remember the slogan "In healthy body- a healthy mind? However, despite physical exercise and sports, health problems have not decreased. No matter how much a person is treated, he always gets sick.

Now doctors have come to the conclusion that all diseases are from nerves. They claim that all diseases originate in psychological problems Oh. Negative thoughts poison the work of the secretory glands, which subsequently manifests itself in various kinds of dermatoses. You need to restore the inner self, find a compromise with yourself, then the diseases will leave you.

Who is Louise Hay

  • fear of being offended;
  • misunderstanding of oneself as a person;
  • unwillingness to take responsibility for their thoughts and actions.

Who is she, Louise Hay, who suggested a way out of the situation? Moreover, her followers note the effectiveness of the method in getting rid of many diseases.

One of the founders of the self-help movement. Author of the book You Can Heal Your Life. The book has been translated into more than 30 languages. The basis of her methodology is affirmations and visualizations that allow you to change your attitude towards yourself. These methods are often used by successful businessmen.

She has developed a diagnostic system that, at the location of the rashes, allows you to determine the psychological problems of a person. Why did her research hook on most people, and are they ready to use her methods to get rid of various problems and diseases? No one can give an exact answer. But maybe it matters that Louise Hay is the author of 30 books, her style is quite simple and easy to understand. The tips are not complicated, easy to follow, the result is not long in coming.

Louise Hay about psoriasis

Louise views psoriasis as a psychological problem. Her opinion is that all diseases originate in psychological discomfort. In order to cure the disease, you need to contact a psychologist who, with his sessions, will allow you to find spiritual harmony. She believes that people get psoriasis precisely because they are afraid to be in the spotlight when someone can offend or hurt them with their ridicule. In order to better understand what this healer is talking about, you need to analyze in detail such a disease as psoriasis.

Psoriasis is a chronic infectious dermatosis. He has relapses. It is inherited, which is not entirely pleasing to both children and parents. Often, stress, anxiety, and depression can provoke a sudden illness.

Doctors say that the disease is not curable. You can only achieve a stable remission. All treatment tactics are aimed at improving the condition, at eliminating the symptoms. None of the doctors has yet offered to identify the cause of the pathology in order to eliminate it. No cause, no effect.

Doctors say that psoriasis is not treated - you can only achieve a stable remission

Psychosomatics says the opposite. All diseases can be cured if you change your thoughts and change your attitude towards yourself and the environment. Which statement is closer and more accurate is up to you.

But what does the healer say? According to Louise Hay, psoriasis is based on three elephants. These are the reasons that were mentioned earlier: fear of resentment, denial of responsibility, loss of self-awareness.

There are two sides to the problem: the cause and the solution. She made it clear not only the reasons for the development of the pathological process, but also offered a variant of its solution. Love yourself and open up to the world. More specifically about psoriasis, Louise Hay noted in the table of one of her books “Heal Yourself”. This table contains many diseases. Possible reasons for their appearance in your life are indicated. She also offers to solve the problem psychologically. This does not mean that you need to abandon the drug solution. You can combine both therapy tactics.

By the way, the same reasons and a ready-made solution are also indicated for some skin diseases, which confirms the opinion that conflict with oneself is the cause of dermatoses.

Dependence of localization of plaques on internal experiences

Remember, a little earlier it was said that Louise Hay was able to determine the internal causes of discomfort by localizing the rashes? Briefly her perception of the psychosomatics of the disease:

  1. Psoriatic plaques on the hands indicate that a person is irritated by the people around him. Elbows, palms and forearms indicate a person's desire to subjugate others.
  2. The psychomatic reason for rashes on the legs is grief about their participation in any projects, but dissatisfaction with the result.
  3. Feelings of lack of authority among others can manifest as skin rashes on the scalp. This indicates an overestimated or underestimated self-esteem.
  4. Psoriasis on the back speaks of irritation about the fact that it is necessary to pull other people's problems on your shoulders.

According to Louise Hay, the only solution in the fight against psoriasis is to rebuild your mind.

The restructuring of consciousness will help defeat psoriasis!

In order to defeat psoriasis, you need to change the tactics of behavior, reconsider your attitude towards yourself. Some useful recommendations for the treatment of dermatoses:

  1. Accept yourself. Let yourself be loved. During periods of exacerbation, do not stop communicating with friends. Don't be afraid of people. Psoriasis is not contagious.
  2. Believe in the complete curability of the disease. All in your hands. The more you doubt and set yourself up for negative thoughts, the longer psoriasis lives in you.
  3. Fill your life with positive thoughts and emotions. Pessimism and despondency are the causes of many skin pathologies. Cheerful people get sick less. Their recovery comes very soon.
  4. Do yourself some favors. Everyone has the right to make mistakes. Don't blame yourself. Forgive your mistakes. Give yourself a chance to do something good.
  5. Love life. Open up to people. Learn to forgive them and trust them.

The ancient sages also said that inner harmony and beauty make a person attractive. Healing the soul can heal the body.

Settings from Louise Hay

  1. I allow myself to be myself, to feel peace and harmony.
  2. I fill my life with positive emotions and constructive thoughts.
  3. I forgot the negative events of the past and forgave all my offenders. Now I feel free.
  4. I love life in all its manifestations. I am open to all joyful events.
  5. I deserve the very best. I take gifts of fate for granted.
  6. I love myself the way I am. I respect my thoughts and approve of my actions.

These installations are pronounced daily, in the morning and in the evening. You need to speak confidently, confidently. You need to believe that victory is yours.

Louise Hay is a famous writer who, with her books, turned the minds of readers and proved by personal example that everyone can change their lives. For patients diagnosed with psoriasis, Louise Hay offers the right phrases that affect the physical and mental health of a person, harmonize their connections with the outside world, help in their personal life, study and work.

Her health table opens a new page in everyone's life, full of love, positive emotions, happiness and health. The essence of her theory is simple: we change thoughts, clear our minds of ossified stereotypes and get rid of many diseases. Let's try, using the example of psoriasis, to understand how such methods of treatment work.

Psychosomatics of psoriasis according to Louise Hay

At the heart of scaly lichen, according to the author, are 3 whales:

  1. Fear of being offended. As a child, of course, it was not. But bitter experience, gentle character, inability to stand up for oneself, to respond to rudeness, formed phobias, including this one.
  2. Problems with the self-worth of the individual. A person is annoyed by everything in himself: character, appearance, low sociability. It seems to him that he is the worst of all, therefore he is not worthy of happiness.
  3. Unscrupulousness, unwillingness to be responsible for what was said, done, conceived.

An important point is the localization of lesions:

  • plaques on the scalp appear if the environment underestimates the person;
  • on the hands because of irritation to close people who do not want to listen to the opinion of a potential patient.

Causes of psoriasis according to Louise Hay

Modern psychology also agrees with the famous writer.

An unpleasant disease occurs if there are:

  • Disregard for uncleanliness, arrogance, resulting in a protective layer in the form of keratinized skin, as an opportunity to fence off from communication with unequal people.
  • The lack of love and attention in childhood formed the role of the victim, which sets the subconscious mind to the manifestation of the disease.
  • Fear of pain, trouble.
  • The feeling of guilt becomes the cause of immunity failure, disharmony. Psoriatic plaques are perceived as a punishment for misdeeds.
  • Physical, moral exhaustion as a result of workaholism - a psychological phenomenon, when a person devotes all his time to work, forgetting about rest, and also that life itself should be the business of life, and not business.
  • The accumulation of negative emotions instead of splashing them out. As a result, burnout occurs, a person becomes fenced off, closed.

All signs of psychosomatics of psoriasis according to Louise Hay are a manifestation of heredity.


Overprotective parents with constant washing of hands, brushing nails. The child is taught that only such a model of behavior is correct. In adulthood, when the usual stereotypes do not work, neurosis begins, psoriasis debuts.

The consequence of overprotection is the inability to accept, as well as be responsible for their decisions, to win difficult situations develop resilience to stress. An internal conflict arises between desires and reality. A person, on the one hand, approaches people, on the other hand, repels them.

Psychological traumas make you emotionally more dependent on others. strong personalities. Egocentric natures expect a lot from the environment, they are also blamed for their troubles and problems.

They take everything to heart, attach excessive importance to the opinions of others, are not satisfied with their work, marital status, status. The stronger the discontent, the deeper the damage to the dermis. Neuralgic disorders provoke dermatitis, including scaly lichen.

Psychological portrait of the patient

By nature, such a person:

  • closed;
  • non-initiative;
  • constantly delving into his negative past, living it again and again;
  • concentrating on their shortcomings;
  • not respecting, not accepting oneself;
  • with low self-esteem.

Some doctors believe:

  1. That skin diseases allow dirt, hidden turbidity inside the subconscious to come out. it negative emotions: impatience, disgust, irritation, fear, anxiety, hatred, anger. They have polluted the soul so much that the body has no choice but to give it all out in order to cleanse it. inner world and the subconscious.
  2. Another reason may be defenselessness in front of the outside world, rejection of someone or something.

Treatment of psoriasis

  • Love yourself the way you are, because the world is also imperfect, then why demand the impossible from yourself. After all, this path to nowhere. You can’t do it yourself, you should seek help from professionals.
  • Open your "shell" to your surroundings. There are many good people among them who are ready to make friends. You need to appease your pride, “remove the crown” and ask for help, forgive for past grievances, set your heart to the positive and in this vein build relationships with the environment, and not punish them by ignoring them for the slightest misconduct.

Recognize your worth and the right to be worthy of all the blessings of this world. To do this, there are many psychological exercises and techniques that increase self-esteem, allowing you to breathe deeply, and not through time.

The book "Heal Yourself" and psoriasis by Louise Hay

The book helps to harmonize the thoughts fussing in the head, to understand that the pursuit of external beauty, the lack of internal harmony, negative attitudes lead to illness. At the same time, purity of soul, openness, peace are the key to healthy skin.

Dirty thoughts defile the brain, as a result, it gives the wrong commands that disrupt the functions of the body, including the skin. The ancient Vedas generally stated that a wrong-minded person even has an unpleasant smell.

Victory over scaly lichen is possible when complex therapy is used, including psychotherapeutic methods and medications.

The latter eliminate the symptoms of the disease, and psychological tricks help to maintain oneself in a certain positive tone throughout life. The psychotherapist helps the patient to remember what preceded the onset of the disease or exacerbation. So a clear picture emerges, helping to avoid factors that provoke rashes.

Psychological help for psoriasis

Sometimes for treatment you have to stay in special department. There is nothing shameful in this. A psychologist does not treat mental disorders, he is only an assistant in getting rid of feelings of guilt and resentment. His help is to use the following settings:

  • I allow myself to vent my anger.
  • I am satisfied with my actions.
  • I am open to new things.
  • I am filled with positive emotions.
  • My soul is full of harmony, joy, peace.
  • I forgive everything.
  • I am free and live on.
  • I allow myself to be myself.
  • I love life.

Scandals, jealousy, worries, resentment trigger destructive processes in the body. Another thing, correct posture, faith in success and a smile that can be squeezed out of oneself, even if there is no desire, because even if it is not real, it will prevent a bad mood, negative thoughts.

You should start by identifying and eliminating negative factors. If, for example, at work a person suffers constant humiliation, you can quit such an occupation and find another.

Psoriasis often begins in adolescence. In order for children to have clean healthy skin, they cannot be overprotected, surrounded by total care.

It is necessary to teach them to constructively express the emotion of anger, to let them splash it out, not to accumulate resentment, to respect the personal space of the child, not to limit his needs for play, active movement, self-expression.

Otherwise, a grown-up child may hate parents who did not teach the main thing - to love, and with their overprotection deprived him of the core that would help him withstand the vicissitudes of fate.

PSORIASIS- This is a skin disease in which red, scaly patches appear, covered with silvery scales that cause itching; these are deformed, exfoliating nails; strong exfoliation of dead skin cells (reminiscent of dandruff); blisters on the palms and feet, painful cracks in the skin.

Psoriasis usually appears between the ages of 20 and 30 and is often hereditary. Psoriasis is not an infectious disease. Even a mild form of psoriasis can cause serious psychological problems: low self-esteem, feelings of shame and social isolation. It is impossible to die from psoriasis, but the impact of this disease on a person's life is very serious.

Psoriasis is a rather unusual disease, because its causes can go back to past lives. Based on the symptoms, it seems exfoliation on the skin tells a person that they need to change. That is, exfoliation is renewal and change.

So, a person must be updated. The question is, what does he need to change about himself? And this is indicated by the following symptoms.
Usually, the focus of psoriasis lesions is formed on the elbows on the knees, this is in the best cases. AT worst cases- on the face and all over the body. If we are talking about the causes of psoriasis, then in my practice there were cases when I carried out reincarnation therapy to identify the causes of psoriasis and a person saw himself on his knees. That is, his life is suppressed in slavery or poverty. The elbows indicate that the person has had bloody elbows in the past. To achieve the goal, many people push with their elbows everyone who meets them on the way. And this may be associated with murders, betrayals and intrigues for the sake of power and money.

Lesions indicate how to read psoriasis. Peeling on the skin of the face itself means that a person does not live or did not live his life in the past, he wants to be different and the disease is a signal that you need to change. After all, what comes to the surface of the skin is what a person lives by. This may indicate massacres, perhaps even relatives in past lives. Of course, few people go through such therapy.

Therefore, in the present, it is important to know that the disease is talking to you and needs to be heard. And psoriasis itself suggests that a person needs to change their thoughts and their beliefs. After all, what he actually hides from others - his emotions, his inner world - all this manifests itself on the skin.

I repeat once again that is it a hereditary or karmic disease. And it must be added that in past lives a person could kill or he himself was humiliated. A person could participate in torture and use power to achieve goals. But this life needs to change.

How to change, you ask?

CONCLUSION - You must understand yourself, your illness and the fact that it speaks to you in its own language. You need to find those negative character traits that you hide inside yourself. The skin has always been responsible for the sense of touch of the world.

Perhaps you really stopped touching it. Perhaps you have a fear of trusting people. Perhaps your body is telling you that you need to open up and thereby heal your heart from the traumas of the past, where you were betrayed, and you closed even more. Perhaps in your mind there is a blood feud for all the suffering caused. Examine yourself and change!

Scaly lichen is a complex pathology, the cause of which has not been fully elucidated to this day. One of the theories of the origin of dermatitis implies that its origin lies in the psychological state of the patient, that is, the psychosomatics of psoriasis has a close relationship with the disease and its treatment. How does the mental balance of the patient affect the course of the disease and whether it is possible to get rid of rashes with the help of psychotherapy, consider in the article.

What does science study

To understand what will be discussed, let's find out what the psychosomatics of the disease is. This concept refers to a separate area of ​​​​medicine that studies how state of mind person on their health and the treatment of certain disorders. Representatives of the theory argue that pathologies such as psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis and others are the result of stress and excessive emotional stress.

Many scientists believe that all human ailments develop as a result of serious psychological failures of the body. That is, the mechanism of development and treatment of such diseases lie not in physiological processes, but at the level of the psyche.

When, after examining the patient, it is not possible to identify any physiological abnormalities, it is customary to talk about psychological causes. This is often the case among patients with psoriasis. We will try to find out how the papules on the body are connected with the mental balance of a person.

Neurogenic theory of the origin of skin pathology

Psoriasis and psychosomatics are closely related concepts. Many scientists of the world argue that one of the most important factors in the origin of scaly lichen is the neuropsychic state of the patient. This was evidenced clinical researches, which were carried out back in the 60s of the last century, which confirmed an increase in the concentration of the mediator acetylcholine in the nerve endings of the skin and internal organs. The presence of this particular substance makes it possible to state with certainty that the disease is closely related to neurogenic factors.

The presence of causes related to the psyche was also confirmed later, when various psychological disorders of the central nervous and peripheral systems were found in people with autoimmune dermatitis. In addition, treatment aimed at normalizing emotional well-being has significantly improved the condition of human skin.

After about 10 years, studies were conducted using electroencephalography. After that, it turned out that many patients suffering from the pathology in question have impaired brain stem function.

Opponents of the neurogenic theory of the disease argue that nervous disorders are not a factor provoking psoriasis, but arise as a result, that is, after the onset of dermatitis. From this it should be concluded that the psychosomatics of autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis is just an assumption.

Representatives of the neurogenic theory argue that psoriasis is a disease that is generated by experiences and stress.

Psychosomatic causes of rashes on the body

What is the relationship between stress and skin health? Many experts argue that any pathological changes in the condition of human skin are nothing more than a way for the body to report any internal disturbances.

Practice has shown that if a person with dermatosis is transplanted with donor skin, then soon it will undergo a change. At the same time, diseased areas of the dermis become healthy on their own without any catalysts. That is, we can say that the skin is a kind of screen that signals a person about any violations inside the body.

According to this theory, any drug methods that are used for treatment cannot affect its course, since they do not affect psychological reasons rashes.

Opinions of scientists

Louise Hay developed a special psychosomatic table, in which she attributed such feelings as fear, long-standing resentment in the soul, experiences of a different nature to the provocateurs of psoriasis. According to Louise Hay, psoriasis is also considered as heredity.

The psychological origin of the disease is also considered by Liz Burbo. She says that the scales on the human body appear due to the fact that subconsciously he is trying to change. At the same time, the treatment, in her opinion, should have consisted in the complete acceptance of oneself, one's fears, shortcomings, and appearance.

The factors causing the formation of scaly plaques on the body were also described by the scientist Lazarev in his table. He identified the relationship of dermatitis with emotional state. Lazarev said about skin pathology that papules occur in patients under the influence of such feelings as fear, their own rejection, unwillingness to be responsible for their actions.

The psychosomatics of psoriasis, according to Sinelnikov, lies in the feeling of guilt and the desire of a person to punish himself.

Psychosomatics of skin diseases is a rather complex branch of medicine. Representatives of this point of view identify some psychological factors that can provoke dermatitis:

  • strong parenting. When a mother is very closely connected with the child, has close psychological and bodily contact with her child, not only her positive emotions, but also negative ones can be transmitted to the baby. As a result, rashes may appear on the scalp and body of the child, accompanied by itching, peeling;
  • neuralgic causes of dermatitis may also lie in the detachment of the mother and father from raising the baby. Against the background of emotions such as fear, anxiety, pathology can develop on the elbows, forehead, knees, legs, face, and other parts of the body.

When such children grow up, it is quite difficult for them to establish personal connections in a team, they have an egocentric nature. They strive to get close to people, but at the same time repel them. Trying to shift responsibility to another, people with psychological trauma try to become dependent on emotionally stronger people. Expecting too much from others, they blame others for their own problems. All this causes the process of neuralgic disorders, which in many cases lead to the development of various skin dermatitis, including psoriasis.

Pathologies such as alopecia, dandruff, eczema, lichen, neurodermatitis and other skin diseases are considered in the same direction.

What happens to a person

The origin of the disease, from the point of view of psychology, lies in the dissatisfaction of a person with his body, social status, work, personal relationships and many other factors. That is, scaly lichen in psychosomatics is a kind of manifestation of life dissatisfaction.

From the point of view of psychology, puffiness and the appearance of so-called scales on the body is the protection of the body from the outside world. People who are dissatisfied with themselves cannot accept themselves, give great importance the words and actions of others, take everything too close to heart.

Scientists who consider the psychological factors of pathology argue that the deeper the skin is affected, the greater the level of patient dissatisfaction.

Another cause of scaly lichen is the feeling of guilt, which is inherent in many patients. Against this background, a rash on the face and body, swelling, redness, itching, the appearance of scales and other psychosomatic symptoms may appear.

It is impossible to ignore the statement of experts that emotional causes affect the localization of lichen, that is, where rashes appear. Scientists suggest that rashes appear on the head due to the fact that a person is dissatisfied with the assessment of others and relatives of his abilities. and hands indicates that a person is annoyed by the behavior of his loved ones.

Who is affected by the disease

Having figured out what human psychosomatics is and how it affects the occurrence of scaly lichen, we will find out which groups of people are most susceptible to this pathology.

The risk group includes:

  • patients who find it difficult to take responsibility for their own behavior. Trying to throw off responsibility and shift it to others, they gradually lose their individuality, and as a result, their immunity. This explains the psychological occurrence of disorders of the dermis. Such people are often passive, justifying their inaction by the fact that because of this they cannot occupy the desired positions;
  • Another group that is at risk is people who are afraid of resentment from loved ones and those around them. Psychologists emphasize the desire to protect themselves from the outside world, which leads to the formation of a kind of shell of scales on the body;
  • patients who feel guilty. Perceiving their condition as a punishment for something, they cannot let go of the skin pathology;
  • people who devote a lot of time to their careers. Constant dissatisfaction with one's work and the results achieved leads to development psychological disorders, as a result of which there are hated plaques;
  • patients experiencing excessive feelings of disgust. The constant desire of a person for purity causes hatred and disgust for people around him who do not meet his requirements;
  • the psychosomatics of childhood illnesses often lies in a lack of attention. As a result, the child often invents non-existent ailments for himself, which then manifest themselves at the physiological level in the form.

Not only lack of attention, but also excessive guardianship can cause the development of dermatitis. Often, mothers try to scare the baby with various diseases, in this way trying to protect him. At an older age, a person tries to subconsciously protect himself by closing himself off from the outside world, which leads to the appearance of plaques.

Risk group

The risk group also includes people who react sharply to the criticism of others. They try to protect themselves from the world, afraid to fail and hear a negative opinion about themselves. These emotional experiences provoke skin rashes.

In addition, in the list of people disease-prone includes the following population groups:

  • patients with fear of physical violence. Psychologists say that plaques appearing on the body are a way to protect yourself, to limit your personal space. Here the disease is interpreted as a call - "do not come near";
  • overweight patients are another category of people who cannot accept themselves, hate their body. From this it can be concluded that excess weight and psoriasis are closely related;
  • patients with post-traumatic syndrome or after emotional burnout. Such people close themselves from others, and papules on the skin are a way to further distance themselves from others on a subconscious level;
  • people who are prone to mental self-torment. They are often called mental masochists. They try to experience negative emotions, constantly fueled emotional experiences. Such spiritual causes of dermatitis are considered frequent, because positive emotions are needed to get rid of papules on the body;
  • somatic disorders of skin health are inherent in patients who have lost faith in the treatment of pathology. Being skeptical about any methods of treatment, they subconsciously set themselves up to continue suffering.

Considering all this, it is safe to say that the psychological state of a person is a factor that causes psoriasis.

The emotional balance of a person really affects the origin, course and treatment of skin dermatitis.

What do psychotherapists say

Many people are wondering how to get rid of psychosomatic diseases? One of the branches of medicine - psychotherapy, involves the treatment of pathology by influencing the human psyche. For this, special classes are held, during which the doctor establishes a trusting contact with the patient, helps him find a solution to psychological problems related to his personal and social life.

In other words, representatives of psychotherapy argue that the somatic causes of diseases should be sought in the head. Restoring a normal psycho-emotional state helps to get rid of skin dermatitis.

During a psychological session, the specialist tries to find out what events preceded the disease. Using various techniques, the doctor helps the patient to remember what emotions he experienced during the exacerbation or remission of the pathology. Based on the data obtained, it is possible to form a clear picture, to exclude factors that provoke psoriasis.

In especially severe cases, for intensive care, the patient must be in a special department. Many do not know what it is, they consider staying in such clinics shameful. Under no circumstances should you think so. Psychology does not deal with mental disorders, this branch helps a person to understand their own experiences, get rid of resentment, fear, guilt and other disorders.

For achievement best result experts recommend combining psychosomatic treatment with medical methods.

Examples from life confirming the neuralgic origin of skin pathology

In practice, the relationship of skin diseases with stress is often confirmed. Many patients notice that periods of exacerbation coincide with various stressful situations at home and at work.

Case 1

A woman consulted a psychotherapist whose onset of psoriasis coincided with an event such as retirement. The doctor who treated the patient explained to her that the formation of scales on the body was the result of negative thoughts about her uselessness, fear, and poor self-esteem. After conducting several trainings aimed at getting rid of hidden grievances and other experiences, the patient's health began to improve.

During therapy, special techniques were used to increase self-esteem and attitude towards other people. Despite the fact that, at first glance, the technique is rather primitive, the result exceeded all expectations.

Case 2

A second-year student encountered a skin pathology during a session. After that, recurrences of dermatitis coincided with strong emotional experiences - job search, divorce, loss of a father. Being quite literate, the young man understood how to get rid of psychosomatics, revised his attitude to stress, as a result of which the disease gradually receded.

Case 3

After the divorce, the young woman could not come to her senses for a long time, which gave rise to the development of an inferiority complex, she was dissatisfied with her appearance, she felt guilty. Shortly thereafter, plaques appeared on the body, which only aggravated the situation. After visiting a psychotherapist and reassessing her internal state, the woman noted that the appearance of her skin was beginning to improve.

Case 4

A successful businessman lost a large amount of money by investing in a dubious project. After that, he began to be tormented by thoughts about his own unprofessionalism, a feeling of guilt appeared, since besides him, his partners also suffered. A few months later, psoriatic plaques appeared on the body. There was no doubt that the rashes were precisely of a neuralgic nature, since several sessions of psychotherapy helped to get rid of the disease.

Case 5

A woman who has suffered from psoriasis since adolescence told a psychotherapist that she developed the disease after the death of her father, which she experienced very hard. It turned out that this caused her a feeling of guilt, which she could not get rid of on her own for many years. Long-term psychotherapy helped her cope with her feelings, after which her skin condition improved significantly.

Case 6

The young man had been overweight all his life. In adolescence, he withdrew into himself, stopped communicating with peers, aggravated relations with his parents and sisters. This period coincided with the formation of plaques on the body, which made the guy even more depressed. After contacting a psychotherapist, it turned out that the cause of this phenomenon was excess weight. Numerous trainings and conversations with a specialist helped the patient change his attitude towards his body, go in for sports, put in order not only his appearance, but also his thoughts. After that, psoriatic rashes practically ceased to appear on the body of a man.

The described cases indicate that psoriasis is a disease that affects the psyche, and the normalization of mental balance improves skin health. Many people who have undergone psychotherapy sessions have noted that it was they who helped get rid of hateful rashes.


In this video, you can learn more about how skin health is related to emotional state.

Treatment at the level of psychology

To get rid of rashes in modern medical practice, many methods of psychotherapy are used. Their effectiveness depends on the individual, his psychological characteristics and medical professionalism. Along with the sessions, various psychosomatic drugs can be prescribed to help the patient restore peace of mind.

To achieve the best therapeutic result, the specialist needs to clearly understand which life situation served as a trigger for the development of scaly lichen.

Sometimes the causes of the disease lie not even in the situation, but in relation to it. In such a situation, trainings, self-hypnosis techniques and other methods of treatment help.

Only the desire of the patient, a positive attitude and qualified help a specialist will help a person cope with skin pathology, lead a full-fledged lifestyle.