Types of conflicts and their characteristics. Types of conflicts in psychology The most difficult type of conflict is

Course work

On the topic: "conflict and its role in management"

Prepared by a student

3 course group 306 ORG

Getta Vladimir

Teacher Sharko N.A.


1. Conflict as a social relationship of individuals in the internal environment of a public catering enterprise……………………………………………………………………..

1.1 Conflict. Concept, definition, types…………………………………

1.2 The role of the conflict…………………………………………………………………

1.3 The nature of the emergence and consequences of the conflict………………………………………..

1.4 Ways and methods of resolving conflict situations……………………………

1.5 Interpersonal transactional analysis as a way to avoid conflict…

2. The complexity and role of the emergence and elimination of conflict situations in the organization of public catering……………………………………………………………………….


Conflict, as a “permanent factor in human history,” underlies the development of the world. The history of any society is, among other things, the history of conflicts accompanied by psychological stress, material, cultural and human losses. No wonder Bertrand Russell wrote: "The history of the world is the sum of everything that could have been avoided." In the past, as in the present, conflicts of interest are inevitable.

In psychology, conflict is defined as a lack of agreement between parties - individuals or groups of people, a confrontation between subjects who are guided by opposite motives: ideals, beliefs, goals, interests, needs or judgments.

Conflict as a social relationship of individuals in the internal environment of a public catering enterprise

Conflict. Concept, definition, types.

Conflict - a clash of oppositely directed goals, interests, positions, opinions or views of people. At the heart of any conflict is a situation that includes either conflicting positions of the parties on any occasion, or opposing goals and means of achieving them in given circumstances, or a mismatch of interests and desires of partners.

The structure of the conflict is divided into:

  • object (subject of dispute);
  • subjects (individuals, groups, organizations);
  • conditions for the course of the conflict;
  • the scale of the conflict (interpersonal, local, regional, global);
  • strategies and tactics of behavior of the parties;
  • outcomes of the conflict situation (consequences, results, their awareness).

Any real conflict is a complex dynamic process that includes the following main stages:

  • subject situation- the emergence of objective causes of conflict
  • conflict interaction- incident or developing conflict
  • conflict resolution(Full or partial).

Conflicts can arise in connection with contradictions: search, when innovation and conservatism collide; group interests, when people defend the interests of only their group, collective, while ignoring common interests; associated with personal, selfish motives, when self-interest suppresses all other motives. Conflict (interpersonal) occurs when one side begins to act, infringing on the interests of the other. If the other side responds in kind, then the conflict may develop as unconstructive or constructive.

Constructive conflict - a conflict that positively affects the structure, dynamics and effectiveness of the socio-psychological process and serves as a source of self-improvement of the individual; conflict in which constructive functions prevail over non-constructive ones. Since it takes place in the case of: resolving it in civilized ways; triumph of justice as a result of conflict resolution; right side wins.

unconstructive the conflict, on the contrary, is directed inside the team. They are based on the struggle for resources and power. it internecine wars which exhaust the catering organization without bringing anything new and valuable to it.

In social psychology, an objective conflict situation, on the one hand, and its images among the participants in disagreements, on the other, are singled out as components of the conflict. In this regard, the American psychologist M. Deutsch proposed to consider the following types of conflicts:

1. Genuine conflict that exists objectively and is perceived adequately.

2. Random, or conditional, conflict, which can be easily resolved, although this is not recognized by its participants.

3. Displaced conflict - when something completely different is hidden behind an "obvious" conflict.

4. Incorrectly attributed conflict - when, for example, a guest quarrels with the restaurant administration because of poor service and remembers that he was not given a discount that has not been valid for a long time.

5. Latent (hidden) conflict. It is based on the unconscious contradiction of the participants, which, nevertheless, objectively exists.

6. False conflict, existing only because of the perception of the participants, without objective reasons.

The real causes of the conflict are difficult to detect due to various psychological factors. First, in any conflict, the rational principle is usually hidden behind emotions. Secondly, the true causes of the conflict can be reliably hidden and psychologically protected in the depths of the subconscious and appear on the surface only in the form of motivations acceptable to the concept.

There are two aspects of interpersonal conflicts:

Cognitive (as we see and understand them);

Affective (how we treat them);

cognitive(from Latin cognitio - knowledge, cognition) - the development of contradictions of cognitive structures (knowledge, views, points of view, opinions) of the subjects of interaction. With this approach, the forms of conflict are dispute, discussion, dispute, discussion of the problem, where various theories are expressed. Cognitive conflict is a necessary element of the optimal deployment of collective creative activity in a group discussion situation. Performs the function of colliding different representations of an object joint activities. The transformation of a cognitive conflict into an interpersonal conflict is the cause of the destruction of the collective creative process in connection with the formation of negative interpersonal relationships among its participants. One of the mechanisms of transformation of a cognitive conflict into an interpersonal one is the phenomenon of inadequate perception of an interpersonal conflict that arises in the process of communication.

Affective (emotional) conflict clash, disagreement between people caused by personal perception of what is happening, sensual reaction to the behavior of others, divergence of views. Any conflict is accompanied by emotional nourishment. Because if at least one of the parties is indifferent to how it ends, there will be no conflict. On the other hand, it happens that behind the emotional exhaust there is no real reason for the conflict. Then one speaks of an imaginary conflict, or an objectless conflict. Its essence is that different people express their opinions in different ways, and often tend not to notice that they are talking about the same thing.

And we also note such classifications according to T.A. Zdravomyslov:

  • Interindividual conflicts
  • Intergroup conflicts and their types:
    • interest groups
    • ethnic groups
    • groups united by a common position;
  • conflicts between associations
  • intra and interinstitutional conflicts
  • conflicts between state entities
  • conflicts between cultures or types of cultures

According to psychologist R. Dahrendorf, who gives one of the broadest classifications of conflicts:

  • According to the sources of occurrence (conflicts of interest, values, identification).
  • By social consequences (successful, unsuccessful, creative or constructive, destructive or destructive).
  • By scale (local, regional, interstate, global, micro-, macro-, and mega-conflicts).
  • According to the forms of struggle (peaceful and non-peaceful).
  • According to the peculiarities of the conditions of origin (endogenous and exogenous).
  • In relation to the subjects to the conflict (genuine, random, false, latent).
  • According to the tactics used by the parties (battle, game, debate).

Types of conflicts in relation to a separate subject:

  • internal (personal conflicts);
  • external (interpersonal, between an individual and a group, intergroup).

In psychology, it is also customary to single out: motivational, cognitive, role-playing, and other conflicts.

K. Levin refers motivational conflicts(few people are satisfied with their work, many do not believe in themselves, experience stress, overload at work) to a greater extent, to intrapersonal conflicts. L. Berkowitz, M. Deutsch, D. Myers describe motivational conflicts as group conflicts. Cognitive conflicts are also described in the literature both from the standpoint of intrapersonal and intergroup conflicts.

Role conflicts(the problem of choosing one of several possible and desirable options): intrapersonal, interpersonal and intergroup will most often stay in the activity sphere. But most often in the psychological literature three types of conflicts are described: at the intrapersonal level, at the interpersonal and intergroup.

F. Lutens highlights 3 types of intrapersonal conflicts: role conflict; conflict caused by frustration, conflict of goals.

Intergroup conflict- ϶ᴛᴏ traditional conflicts of interests of groups in the industrial sector.

Intergroup conflicts are most often generated by the struggle for limited resources or spheres of influence within the organization, which consists of many formal and informal groups with completely different interests. This opposition has different bases. For example, professional production (designers-manufacturers-financiers), social (workers-employees - management) or emotional-behavioral ("lazy" - "hard workers").

But the most numerous interpersonal conflicts. In organizations, they will stay in different ways, most often in the form of a management struggle for always limited resources. 75-80% of interpersonal conflicts are generated by a clash of material interests of individual subjects, although outwardly ϶ᴛᴏ will remain as a mismatch of characters, personal views or moral values. These are communication conflicts. Similar will be the conflicts between the individual and the group. For example, the clash of the leader with a united front of subordinates, who do not like the disciplinary measures of the boss, aimed at disciplinary action.

1.2 Role of conflict

One view of conflict is that it can be prevented. It is generally accepted that conflict can be avoided by giving employees the opportunity to change their relationship in order to work more closely. In addition, conflict prevention will be facilitated by the development and implementation by management of a plan and procedures aimed at achieving common goals for all members of the organization. This view is justified, since some conflicts can indeed be prevented.

The second point of view is that conflict is inevitable and there is no way to eliminate it completely. In many cases this is true. If the conflict is irresolvable, then trying to prevent it can lead to more depressing results than the conflict itself. It is believed that in this case it is best to take the factor of insolubility of certain conflicts as a given. Subsequently, steps can be taken to prevent them. Employees need to be trained to properly perceive and resolve various conflict situations before they get out of control. Under these conditions, the conflict can be controlled and effectively managed.

conflict strategy

The third point of view is that some level of conflict can be good for the organization. For example, rational conflicts have a positive impact on the company.

At the optimal level of conflict, each employee or department makes every effort to achieve common goals. Active work is underway to improve the quality and introduce innovations that can significantly improve performance and increase the competitiveness of its products. Employees are interested in the results of their work, which results in the absence of moral discomfort. Various forms of interaction are developing, which can lead to qualitatively new forms of labor organization.

Too high a level of conflict threatens the efficiency of the company. If individuals or whole groups disagree on many issues or refuse to take into account the interests of other people, innovative developments may never materialize, customers will be lost, company goals will not be achieved. An organization can run into significant problems if conflict situations do not facilitate communication, or if the staff is engulfed in mutual strife. At very high levels of conflict, the resulting chaos can threaten the organization's existence.

The virtual absence of conflict also poses a threat to effective work companies. There is no struggle of ideas and opinions, there is no constructive cooperation, the company's employees ignore each other's opinions. The introduction of any innovations or the implementation of modernization and other changes can be very difficult, which, in turn, will negatively affect the company's ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions. If the low level of conflict continues to persist, the very existence and survival of the organization is threatened.

A number of researchers believe that rational conflicts should be encouraged, and irrational ones should be eliminated. However, in practice, many managers seek to eliminate all types of conflict. This is explained by the fact that a negative attitude towards the conflict is fixed from childhood (at home, at school, in church). In addition, managers are often judged and rewarded by how conflict-free their areas of operation are. A negative attitude towards conflict becomes part of the organizational culture.

Strategy for overcoming conflicts in modern enterprises

Effective strategic management (overcoming) of conflicts includes several stages, which can be manifested both individually and in combination:

1. Forecasting - aimed at identifying the causes of conflicts and the potential for its development. The conditions of interaction and individual psychological characteristics are studied: leadership style, types of leadership, level of conflict. For accurate and timely forecasting, it is necessary to constantly analyze the causes of conflicts.

2. Warning - aimed at preventing the occurrence of a conflict. It is based on the results of forecasting. If a conflict arises and the causes of its possible occurrence are identified, actions are taken to neutralize its causes. A primitive form is also possible, expressed in a set of measures aimed at the effective management of the social system as a whole. For this, they usually use:

Constant care to meet the needs of employees

Their selection and placement, taking into account their social and psychological characteristics;

Application of the principle of social justice;

Training employees in the skills of effective communication and the formation of a corporate culture.

3. Stimulation - the opposite action - is aimed at provoking conflicts. It is justified when the result of the conflict is an effective solution to the problem.

Ways to stimulate conflicts:

Submit the problem to a general meeting of competent specialists;

Create conditions for the development of conflict at a team meeting;

Present critical material in the media;

Invite a consultant and conduct a training to find out the causes of the conflict;

Criticize the current situation at the meeting;

It must be remembered that when stimulating a conflict, the main responsibility for it lies with the manager, except for the way when special consultants are invited.

4. Regulation - associated with the limitation and weakening of the conflict, the direction of its development towards completion. This is a complex process in which there are three main stages:

Recognition of the existence of the conflict;

Establishment and adoption of norms of conflict behavior;

Creation of bodies (working groups) to regulate the conflict of interaction.

In the process of conflict resolution, the following activities can be carried out:

Control over the dissemination of information about the conflict to eliminate the information deficit;

Exclusion from information about the conflict of unaffected rumors;

Reducing socio-psychological tension, working with informal leaders;

Changing the conditions of interaction between employees, the use of methods of encouragement and punishment, and the solution of personnel issues.

5. Resolution - The final stage, under which the following conditions are necessary:

The need of the participants to end the conflict;

Sufficient resources and funds;

Necessary degree of maturity of the conflict.

Usually conflict resolution is carried out by formal and informal methods.

Formal: going to court, dismissal, transfer, administrative decisions.

Informal: conversation, request, persuasion, clarification.


The conflict, giving rise to disputes, checks both the entire team and each employee individually, and can significantly help both in the process of analyzing the problem and developing a solution. Employees and managers should manage it, making it as useful as possible. If they avoid discussing their difficulties and fears, they can neither understand the real state, nor the ways of development, nor draw lessons for themselves and for others.

If you skillfully manage the conflict, it strengthens both the team and the organization as a whole.

Conflicts that are subjective in nature in the management team are directly generated by contradictions between the conventional roles that managers and performers are called upon to play, each member of the organization, and deviations from them, expressed in violation of established norms, failure to fulfill their duties and non-realization of rights. The sources of such contradictions lie in the sphere of social psychology of the individual and the group.

In general, interactions in a group cannot be absolutely harmonious, because there can be no absolute unity of views and interests, hobbies and values, characters and education. The possibility and probability of conflicts is inherent in the human being. And this cannot be assessed negatively. You have to be able to resolve conflicts.

There are different types of behavior in conflict. It is very important to take into account the manager, whose activities are often associated with the emergence of conflict situations. Perhaps there is not a single manager who could manage without conflict. Success in the job of a manager lies in the ability to resolve conflicts, or bypass them, or initiate to ensure innovation and renewal.

The effectiveness of a manager's behavior in a conflict situation is determined by his orientation towards cooperation, his ability to make constructive compromises, clarity of the goals of his activity and social position, openness and tact.

The concept of conflict, its essence

Conflicts are the eternal companion of our life. And therefore, even the most consistent policy of humanization in enterprises and institutions and the best methods of management will not protect against the need to live in conflict conditions.

The conflict situation is the accumulated contradictions containing the true cause of the conflict.

An incident is a set of circumstances that give rise to a conflict.

A conflict is an open confrontation as a result of mutually exclusive interests and positions.

The formula clearly shows that the conflict situation and the incident are independent of each other, that is, none of them is a consequence or manifestation of the other.

To resolve a conflict means to eliminate conflict situation; end the incident.

Practice shows that in life there are many cases when a conflict situation cannot be eliminated for objective reasons. It follows from the conflict formula: in order to avoid conflict, maximum caution should be exercised, not to create an incident.

Ways to resolve conflicts:

1. strength - using an aggressive method of fighting in a conflict in order to crush the opponent with pressure. The bad thing is that there is an opportunity to stumble on an opponent stronger and the consequences will be harder, a fight is possible, revenge, etc.

2. power - using the status of one's high position in front of an opponent with a status or position lower.

3. Persuasion -

1.4 Ways and methods of conflict resolution.

Everyone knows what conflict is. This concept has many synonyms: quarrel, dispute, scandal, etc. It is quite natural for people to conflict, which is why conflicts come in various forms. Depending on the number of participants and the issues that are discussed during a quarrel, they are social, intrapersonal, interpersonal, political, etc.

Many people have experienced intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts. Only at the level of groups or the whole state can one enter into a social or political conflict.

A feature of conflicts is that they can be observed from the outside, you can enter them when they are already flaring up, and also go out when they do not stop. Conflict can arise between two people and between entire states that number millions of people.

At all times people have had conflicts. What kind of "beast" is this? This will be discussed in the article, which will also consider the topic of how to resolve conflicts, which is also necessary for every person to be able to do.

What is conflict?

Most main question: What is conflict? All people know what it is, because they could be in it more than once. Conflict has many concepts:

  • Conflict is a method of resolving differences in goals, worldview, ideas that arise during interaction with society.
  • A conflict is an emotional dispute where the participants express negative feelings towards each other, going beyond the norm.
  • A conflict is a struggle between its participants.

In rare cases, a quarrel begins on impartial grounds. Usually conflict is an emotional state when a person begins to experience negative emotions, which push him to raise his voice and express rude words to other people. Thus, conflict is a mental state of a negative and subjective nature.

What is a dispute, quarrel, conflict between people? This is a war of opinions. A man and a woman do not quarrel, but each one tries to prove his case. Friends do not conflict, but each try to defend their opinion. People do not argue, but provide evidence and arguments for their points of view.

Everyone has their own opinion on a particular issue. This is fine. There is some exact knowledge that does not require its proof. So, for example, everyone agrees to unconditionally perceive knowledge in mathematics, physics or anatomy. No one argues or refutes this knowledge, unless there is good evidence. And there is an opinion, a view, which is often confirmed by what a person has gone through. This is due to the fact that events can occur for various reasons.

Each of the participants in the dispute is right. Surprisingly, two opposite opinions are correct, although the disputants themselves do not think so. When you are in conflict with someone, you consider your behavior and look to be the only correct ones. So does the opponent. The most amazing thing is that you are both right.

The same situation can be formed for different reasons. Everyone has their own experience of experiencing certain situations. People are different, as well as their attitude to what is happening. That is why everyone has a personal opinion on the same event. And all these opinions will be correct.

Conflict is a war of opinions. It's just that each of the opponents wants to prove his case. And the important thing to remember in the moment of an argument with another person is that you and your opponent are right, despite the fact that your opinions do not coincide. You're right! Your opponent is right! If you remember this, then the war will stop. No, you won't change your point of view. You will simply have a chance not to fight for whose opinion is more correct, but to start a conversation in order to find a solution to the problem that takes into account the interests of both parties.

As long as there is a war going on, the problem will not be solved. Once you admit that both are right, then there is a chance to start a conversation that is aimed at finding a solution to your common problem.

Conflict functions

A person usually sees only the negative side of conflicts. However, personality is naturally given a tendency to conflict. This is dictated by the functions to which conflict situations lead. The negative side becomes apparent only when people do not reach the goal, because of which, in principle, the dispute flared up.

The functions of the conflict can be called:

  • The pursuit of excellence. Only through the struggle of the old and the new, where the new wins, can something better be achieved.
  • Striving for survival. There are a limited number of material resources. A person who is struggling is trying to get as many resources as possible for himself in order to survive.
  • Striving for progress. Only through a conflict of interest, where some want to keep and others change, is progress possible when something new is created.
  • The pursuit of truth and stabilization. A person is not yet completely moral and highly spiritual. That is why there is so much debate about what is moral and immoral. Such discussions are capable of finding truth.

Not every conflict brings positive results. There are numerous cases where the outcome was negative. The positive result of any conflict is finding a solution to the problem, which is implemented and helps the participants become better, stronger, more perfect. The negative result of the conflict is observed when the participants cannot find a common solution, their actions lead to destruction, decline, degradation.

An unsuccessful conflict can be called any dispute when people tried to agree on something, but did not agree. There are many reasons why people just quarrel, and as a result of this action they get emptiness.

Is conflict beneficial in and of itself? For the conflict to be useful, you need to set a goal when entering into a dispute - what do you want to achieve as a result of the conflict? After that, act only within the framework of this goal. Since people rarely set themselves a goal they want to reach, they simply express their emotions, indignation, wasting their time and energy.

Often people just want to show their dissatisfaction. But what after that? What do you want from the other person to receive or hear? It’s not enough just to dissatisfy and criticize, you also need to argue your dissatisfaction and say what you want to get from a person.

People quite often do not agree, but force them to accept their point of view. It seems to each of the opponents that his opinion is the only correct one. But everyone involved in the process thinks so. And while people are trying to force opponents to go over to their side, it will be like a tug of war, where everyone will remain a winner and a loser. People will quarrel, and it will not end with anything more.

The cause of unsuccessful conflict is sometimes the habit of conflict. A person is used to communicating with others in a raised voice, which they perceive as an attack. A person speaks loudly with other people, they perceive it as an attack against them, which causes an unreasonable conflict. And all because a person simply does not understand that you can express your thoughts and desires in a calm tone.

People often conflict with each other. But what is the use of conflict? It does not exist, because sometimes people simply conflict, discussing a certain problem, without any clear goal of solving it.

Main types of conflicts

The classification of conflicts can be very diverse. This includes the number of participants, and the topic of the conversation, and the consequences that occur, and ways of conducting the conflict, etc. The main types of conflicts are intrapersonal, interpersonal and group (by the number of conflicting):

  • Intrapersonal conflicts are the struggle of several opinions, desires, ideas within a person. Here comes the question of choice. A person must sometimes choose between equally attractive or unattractive positions, which he cannot do. This conflict can still arise when a person cannot find a solution, how to please himself and other people (their requirements). Another factor is getting used to one role, when a person cannot switch to another.
  • Interpersonal conflicts are mutually directed disputes and reproaches of people against each other, where everyone wants to defend their needs and desires. They have their own classification:

— By spheres: household, family, property, business.

- By consequences and actions: constructive (when opponents achieve goals, find a common solution) and destructive (the desire of opponents to defeat each other, take a leading position).

- According to the criteria of reality: genuine, false, hidden, random.

  • Group conflicts are confrontations between separate communities. Each of them considers itself exclusively from the positive side, and opponents - from the negative side.

Genuine conflict is a quarrel that really exists and the participants adequately perceive it. False conflict occurs when there is no reason to argue. There is no contradiction.

Displaced conflict occurs when people quarrel for a reason other than the actual conflict between them. So, they may quarrel over what furniture to buy, although in fact they do not like the lack of a lot of money.

A misattributed conflict develops when a person argues over what the opponent did, although he himself asked him to do it, but forgot.

Types of intrapersonal conflicts

Sometimes a person does not need a partner for conflict to arise. Often people themselves begin to conflict within themselves. This is the surest way to become unhappy - not being able to choose, not knowing what to do, doubting and hesitating. Types of intrapersonal conflicts are as follows:

  1. Role - this is a conflict of roles that a person can and should play. Sometimes a person is required to behave that he cannot or does not want to play, but is forced to. Sometimes a person has more opportunities, but is forced to limit himself, because it does not fit into social norms behavior. Sometimes there is difficulty with switching roles, for example, from work to family.
  1. Motivational - often we are talking about the opposition of instinctive desires and moral needs. Tension is reduced when a person finds a solution to satisfy both parties.
  1. Cognitive is a collision of two knowledge, ideas, ideas. A person is often faced with the inconsistency of the desired and the actual, the real. When a person does not get what he wants, based on the ideas that he is guided by, then it becomes necessary to study other knowledge that contradicts the existing ones. It is sometimes difficult for a person to accept what contradicts his views.

The surest way to become an unhappy person is to have internal conflicts, that is, to conflict with oneself in views, opinions, desires. Often such a person who is not able to make decisions is influenced by public opinion, which is ready to tell him what to do in this or that situation. However, this will not solve his problem, but will only allow him to temporarily reduce the level of tension within himself.

Types of interpersonal conflicts

The most common conflict is interpersonal. A person interacts with individual members of society, where one can inevitably encounter conflicting beliefs, desires, needs, interests. This type of conflict flares up very often, which makes people avoid it even more. However, this is not possible. Between people, as between integral individual systems, disputes will always arise, since everyone has their own opinions, needs, aspirations, etc.

Quarrels and scandals in the family are normal in society. Of course, spouses may be unhappy with the current state of affairs. However, if this dissatisfaction comes to shouting and even physical assault, this only indicates that the partners do not have constructive communication. They are focused on achieving only their desires, which they defend, and not on finding a compromise that will take into account the interests of both parties.

No one is obviously worried about the fact that there are quarrels and scandals in the family. However, all these conflict situations do not go unnoticed. They leave a wound in the soul of each of the partners, give rise to doubts, insecurity in feelings and union. No need to saw, itch, grumble. When this happens, the spouse is not sawing his opponent, but his own relationship. It is necessary to learn to be more calm and sometimes even positive about what events happen.

One of the reasons that breeds discontent is ingratitude. Spouses focus on what they do not like, rather than on the positive sides of each other and what they had. They want to achieve the relationship that is presented to them in their heads. And each of them represents something different. It is the clash of these ideas that leads to quarrels. They are not grateful for the union that they have built in reality, because they want to live in the relationship that they imagine.

Keep in mind that if you consider your spouse to be bad, then soon you may not have any spouse at all. If you love your wife (husband) and strive to create a strong family, then only you owe, and your wife (husband) owes nothing. Learn to demand from yourself, not from your partner. Quarrels and scandals are usually based on this: you want some changes and actions on the part of your loved one, but you yourself are not going to do or change anything. Learn not to demand anything from your partner, let him decide what he should do for your relationship. Demand only from yourself. Otherwise, you will not cut your spouse (wife), but your relationship with him.

Types of interpersonal conflicts:

  1. Value, interests, normative - what is affected in a quarrel?
  2. Acute, lingering, sluggish - how quickly does a quarrel develop? Acute events take place here and now in direct confrontation. Lingering ones last several days, months, years and affect significant values ​​and topics. Sluggish are low-intensity, occur periodically.

Types of conflicts in the organization

Conflicts that arise in an organization can be perceived both positively and negatively. Much depends on the level at which they occur and how they are resolved. If conflicts arise between colleagues who are trying to harm each other, then the clash can lead to a decrease in the efficiency and productivity of people. If the conflict occurs in the process of solving a labor issue, then it can become productive due to the expression of different points of view and the possibility of finding a solution. Types of conflicts in the organization:

  • Horizontal, vertical and mixed. Horizontal conflicts arise between colleagues of equal status. Vertical conflicts, for example, occur between subordinates and superiors.
  • Business and personal. Business concerns only work issues. Personal affect people's personalities and their lives.
  • Symmetrical and asymmetrical. In symmetrical conflicts, the parties equally lose and gain. In asymmetric conflicts, one of the parties loses, loses more than the other.
  • Hidden and open. Hidden conflicts arise between two people who may not express their dislike for a long time. Open conflicts are often manifested and even managed by management.
  • Destructive and constructive. Destructive conflicts develop when the result, development, progress of work is not achieved. Constructive conflicts lead to progress, development, advancement towards the goal.
  • Intrapersonal, interpersonal, between an employee and a group, intergroup.
  • Violent and non-violent.
  • Internal and external.
  • Intentional and spontaneous.
  • Long term and short term.
  • Recurring and one-time
  • Subjective and objective, false.

The essence of social conflicts

Why do people conflict? People have already found the answer to this question, but they continue to clash, because the problem often lies not in “why?”, but in “what contributes?”. The essence of social conflicts lies in the fact that each person has his own established system of views, opinions, ideas, interests, needs, etc. .

A quarrel is not a clash of two opinions, but the desire of opponents to win in their views.

Quarrels, scandals, disputes, wars, conflicts - we are talking about a confrontation between two or more parties, where each tries to defend its opinion, prove its case, gain power, force rivals to submit, etc. Peace-loving readers may have a question: is it possible Is it possible to live at all without such clashes? Psychologists note that everything is possible, but not in the situation that is developing in society.

First, you should decide on the mechanism by which any conflict situations occur. There is a topic, a question, people can get some useful resource. If people have different goals, opinions and plans, then they begin to conflict with the intention to prove their superiority and get a useful resource for themselves or make others live at their behest. A conflict is a confrontation of different opinions, where everyone is trying to achieve something beneficial for themselves.

Quarrels can not exist among people only in one case: when everyone starts to think the same way, when collective thinking reigns.

The modern world is the era of individualization. Selfishness, “life for your own good”, freedom are actively promoted. Each person is individual, and he must cultivate it in himself. It is an individual person who can think differently than everyone else. Here there is no collectivism, compromises, humility.

Quarrels occur because each person thinks of himself. In a scandal, each side seeks to prove that it is the best, correct, and smartest. In the era of individuality, no relationship can do without quarrels and scandals.

Things are quite different when people think the same way. They have nothing to defend. There is no "mine", there is only "ours". Here everyone is equal, the same. In such a society, there simply cannot be confrontation. Collectivism leads to the creation of one large organism, which is stronger than any individual. However, here a person must give up individuality, selfishness, his own Self and desires.

Let's take a family as an example. If partners act together, make concessions, think alike, strive for the same goal, then quarrels rarely occur in their relationship. They live for a common family. If the partners each take care of themselves, insist on being right, strive for different goals, then conflicts become required attribute. Each partner will try to "bend under himself", adjust. Here everyone will want to win back power and force the other to live for the sake of personal desires.

The conflict begins when external circumstances indicate the impossibility of realizing a certain human need. To take part in the conflict can:

  • Witnesses are those who observe the quarrel.
  • Instigators - those who push, inflame even more quarrel.
  • Accomplices - those who inflame the quarrel through advice, tools, recommendations.
  • Mediators are those who try to resolve, pacify the conflict.
  • Participants in a conflict are those who are directly arguing.

Types of political conflicts

Various types of political conflicts have existed at all times. People fought wars, conquered foreign lands, robbed and killed other nations. All this is part of the conflict, which, on the one hand, is aimed at the development and strengthening of one state, on the other hand, at the infringement of the freedom and rights of another country.

Conflicts between countries arise at the level that one state in one way or another begins to infringe on the existence and activities of another. When mutual understanding is not achieved, then political wars begin.

Types of political conflicts:

  • Interstate, domestic political, foreign policy.
  • Struggle totalitarian regimes, democratic systems.
  • Status-role struggle, confrontation of values ​​and identification, clash of interests.

Sometimes states may argue over different government devices to which they adhere, as well as the goals and directions of their activities.

Conflict Management

Conflicts have always existed and will continue to arise. There are no two equally thinking people, groups, states that would not encounter opposing opinions or needs. That is why conflict management becomes important if the participants are willing to get out of the current situations with the least loss for themselves.

The resolution of the conflict is understood as the fact that all parties came to a common conclusion, decision or opinion, after which they calmly left the situation. Often this is either agreeing on some opinion, reaching a compromise, or understanding that it is necessary to disperse and not cooperate further. These methods can be called positive methods of conflict resolution. The negative way to resolve the dispute is the destruction, degradation, destruction of one or all parties to the conflict.

The site of the psychological help site insists that people learn to resolve conflict situations, do not delay their elimination and do not develop them. This can be done in the following ways:

  • Negotiation.
  • Avoiding confrontation.
  • Finding a compromise.
  • Smoothing questions.
  • Solution.

Answer the question: do you want to quarrel or solve a problem? This gives an understanding that a person begins to behave differently when he wants to quarrel or when he wants to solve a problem.

When you seek to quarrel, you are trying to find flaws in your interlocutor in order to criticize them and make them guilty. You start doing only those things that will offend your interlocutor. You scream with pleasure because your emotions are raging.

When you want to solve a problem, you deliberately act calm. You don't scream, even if you're being shouted at. You are ready to listen to the interlocutor, to be silent in order to think over his words. You are nervous, but you understand that emotions will not help you now. You should try to think as clearly as possible, realizing what you want, and hearing the opinion of your opponent.

Watch yourself or your partner - and notice what the person is striving for. The one who quarrels only "muddles the waters": there is no conversation, there is only a verbal contest - who will win? The one who tries to solve the problem behaves calmly in a stressful situation, because he wants to think about the issue and solve it. In which case will the dispute be resolved faster? Only when both you and your opponent will strive to solve the problem, and not to verbal victory, any issues will be resolved quickly and without serious losses.

How to quickly end a quarrel? There are many options for how to do this. But often the question is not how to do it, but whether at least one of the disputing parties wants to end a useless conversation.

The fact that a quarrel is a useless dialogue has to be said. People often forget that when they are under the influence of negative emotions and indignation, they do not seek to solve the problem, but want to prove their opinion, deed, point of view is right. It seems to them that they did everything right, so they enter into a loud conversation, trying to prove it. Their opponents prove that they were right in their actions and decisions, and everyone else was wrong. Thus, a quarrel is a conversation where everyone considers himself right, tries to achieve only this goal and does not seek to hear the other person.

People don't always want to end a fight. Until they achieve their goal, that is, the recognition of their innocence, they will not retreat. Therefore, you first need to want to get away from the quarrel, and then take the appropriate steps.

How to quickly end a quarrel?

  • You can go to another place where your opponent will not be.
  • You can say: "Do as you like" or "Do as you like." Thus, you do not agree with the correctness of your interlocutor, but do not reject the fact that he is right.

Other methods are less effective, because the opponent may not want to end the argument with you. Your task is to be at a remote distance from your interlocutor, so that neither you see him, nor he sees you.


Conflict is inherent in all people. Everyone knows how to quarrel with others. However, managing and resolving conflicts is an art that not everyone has been taught. If a person knows how to calm conflicts, then he knows how to manage people, which requires a lot of knowledge and effort. Outcome - the ability to organize own life to make her happier and more orderly.

People have already ruined a lot of relationships because they did not want to stop the quarrel. Often people died because of conflicts that flared up between groups and even entire states. The forecast becomes unpredictable when people start to conflict. However, the result depends entirely on what decisions they will make and actions they will take.

You can lead the dialogue in a constructive direction, if there is a desire to solve the problem, and not to prove your case. You can lead the argument in a destructive direction, when there is no desire to cooperate and find a compromise. Often people refuse to take responsibility for the results achieved as a result of the conflict. Although in fact they achieved everything on their own.

« Conflict- this is the most acute way of resolving significant contradictions that arise in the process of assistance, which consists in countering the subjects of the conflict and is usually accompanied by negative emotions» E. A. Zamedlina. Conflictology. M - RIOR, 2005 p. 4.

Conflicts are manifested in communication, behavior, activities. These are the so-called spheres of counteraction of the subjects of the conflict. Therefore, it is obvious that conflicts are studied not only by social psychology, but also by such sciences as military sciences, history, pedagogy, political science, jurisprudence, psychology, sociobiology, sociology, philosophy, economics, etc.

There are three types of conflicts:

1) intrapersonal;

2) social - interpersonal conflicts, conflicts between small, medium and large social groups, international conflicts between individual states and their coalitions;

3) animal conflicts.

The nature of social conflict.

The causes of social conflict are:

1) material resources;

2) the most important life attitudes;

3) powers of authority;

4) status-role differences in the social structure;

5) personal (emotional-psychological) differences, etc.

Conflict is one of the social interaction, the subjects and participants of which are individuals, large and small social groups and organizations.

Conflict interaction- this is a confrontation of the parties, that is, actions directed against each other. The basis of social conflict is only those contradictions caused by incompatible interests, needs and values; such contradictions are transformed into an open struggle of the parties, into a real confrontation.

There are violent and non-violent forms of confrontation in conflict.

Social conflict includes the activity of an individual or groups that block the functioning of the enemy or cause harm to other people or groups.

The following terms are used in the problem of conflicts: "disputes", "debates", "bargaining", "rivalry and controlled battles", "indirect and direct violence".

Social conflict has several definitions. Here are the main ones: Social conflict is:

1) open confrontation, a clash of two or more subjects - participants in social interaction, the causes of which are incompatible needs, interests and values ​​of the participants in the conflict;

2) an extreme case of exacerbation of social contradictions, expressed in a clash of interests of various social communities - classes, nations, states, various social groups, social institutions, etc. due to the opposition or significant difference in their interests, goals, development trends;

3) an explicit or latent state of confrontation between objectively divergent interests, goals and trends in the development of social subjects, a direct or indirect clash of social forces on the basis of opposition to the existing social order, a special form historical movement to a new social unity;

4) a situation where the parties (subjects) of conflict interaction pursue some of their own goals that contradict or mutually exclude each other.

Conflicts and their types. Potential for conflict.

A conflict is a manifestation of objective or subjective contradictions, expressed in the confrontation of the parties.

Conflict is the most acute way to resolve significant contradictions that arise in the process of interaction, which consists in countering the subjects of the conflict and is usually accompanied by negative emotions.

According to F. Glazl, many Anglo-American authors emphasize in their definitions the contradictions of goals or interests pursued by the parties, but do not give a clear definition of the concept of “conflict”.

Virtually no one, with the exception of Yu.V. Christmas, does not define contradiction as a speech action. It is worth noting that he identifies three stages in the development of the struggle of interests that lead to conflict. “The actions in their struggle can be divided, as it were, into three stages of intensity: differences of opinion, contradictions in discussions, and direct struggle in the form of conflicts in actions.” Based on all of the above, we come to the conclusion that we will consider any statement of an authoritarian type from the 1st person in an approved form in any form of literature as a difference.

From our point of view, dialogue can be considered a contradiction, i.e. speech action when the differences of the parties are expressed.

The conceptual scheme that characterizes the essence of the conflict should cover four main characteristics: structure, dynamics, functions and conflict management.

The structure of the conflict is divided into:

Object (subject of dispute);

Subjects (individuals, groups, organizations);

Conditions for the course of the conflict;

The scale of the conflict (interpersonal, local, regional, global);

Strategies and tactics of behavior of the parties;

Outcomes of the conflict situation (consequences, results, their awareness).

Any real conflict is a complex dynamic process that includes the following main stages:

The subject situation is the emergence of objective causes of the conflict;

Conflict interaction - an incident or a developing conflict;

Conflict resolution (full or partial).

The conflict, regardless of its nature, implements a number of functions, among which the most important are:

Dialectical - serves to identify the causes of conflict interaction;

Constructive - the tension caused by the conflict can be directed towards achieving the goal;

Destructive - there will be a personal, emotional coloring of relationships that interferes with solving problems.

Conflict management can be considered in two aspects: internal and external. The first of these is to manage one's own behavior in a conflict interaction. The external aspect of conflict management suggests that the subject of management can be a leader (manager, leader, etc.)

Conflict management is a purposeful impact on its dynamics determined by objective laws in the interests of the development or destruction of the social system to which this conflict is related.

AT scientific literature different attitudes towards conflicts can be traced. Conflict, as a phenomenon, is always undesirable, which should, if possible, be avoided and resolved immediately. This attitude is clearly seen in the works of authors belonging to the school of scientific management, the administrative school. The writers belonging to the "human relations" school also tended to think that conflicts should be avoided. But if conflicts were present in organizations, they were seen as a sign of inefficient performance and poor management.

The modern point of view is essentially that even in well-managed organizations, some conflict is not only possible, but may even be desirable. In many cases, the conflict helps to bring out the diversity of points of view, provides additional information, helps to identify problems, and so on.

Based on all of the above, we come to the conclusion that the conflict can be functional and lead to an increase in the efficiency of the organization. Or it can be dysfunctional and lead to decreased personal satisfaction, group collaboration, and organizational effectiveness. The role of conflict mainly depends on how effectively it is managed.

Types of conflicts

We note the fact that in modern literature there are many classifications of conflicts on various grounds.

So A.G. Sanity gives a classification of the levels of the conflicting parties:

Interindividual conflicts

Intergroup conflicts and their types:

Interest groups;

Groups of ethno-national character;

Groups united by a common position;

Conflicts between associations;

Intra-institutional and inter-institutional conflicts;

Conflicts between state entities;

Conflicts between cultures or types of cultures;

R. Dahrendorf gives one of the broadest classifications of conflicts.

We will give this classification, indicating the types of conflicts in brackets:

According to the sources of occurrence (conflicts of interest, values, identification).

By social consequences (successful, unsuccessful, creative or constructive, destructive or destructive).

By scale (local, regional, interstate, global, micro-, macro-, and mega-conflicts).

According to the forms of struggle (peaceful and non-peaceful).

According to the peculiarities of the conditions of origin (endogenous and exogenous).

In relation to the subjects to the conflict (genuine, random, false, latent).

According to the tactics used by the parties (battle, game, debate).

AV Dmitrov gives several classifications of social conflicts on various grounds. The author refers to conflicts by spheres: economic, political, labor, social security, education, education, etc.

Types of conflicts in relation to a separate subject:

Internal (personal conflicts);

External (interpersonal, between a person and a group, intergroup).

In psychology, it is also accepted to single out: motivational, cognitive, role-playing, etc. conflicts.

K. Levin refers motivational conflicts (few people are satisfied with their work, many do not believe in themselves, experience stress, overload at work) to a greater extent, to intrapersonal conflicts. L. Berkowitz, M. Deutsch, D. Myers describe motivational conflicts as group conflicts. Cognitive conflicts are also described in the literature both from the standpoint of intrapersonal and intergroup conflicts.

Role conflicts (the problem of choosing one of several possible and desirable options): intrapersonal, interpersonal and intergroup conflicts will most often stay in the activity sphere. But most often in the psychological literature three types of conflicts are described: at the intrapersonal level, at the interpersonal and intergroup.

F . Lutens identifies 3 types of intrapersonal conflicts: conflict of roles; conflict caused by frustration, conflict of goals.

Intergroup conflict - traditionally conflicts of interest groups in the industrial sector.

Intergroup conflicts are generated most often by the struggle for limited resources or spheres of influence within an organization, which consists of many formal and informal groups with completely different interests. This opposition has different bases. For example, professional production (designers-manufacturers-financiers), social (workers-employees - management) or emotional-behavioral ("lazy" - "hard workers").

But the most numerous will be interpersonal conflicts. In organizations, they will stay in different ways, most often in the form of a management struggle for always limited resources. 75-80% of interpersonal conflicts are generated by a clash of material interests of individual subjects, although outwardly they will remain as a mismatch of characters, personal views or moral values. These are communication conflicts.

Similar will be the conflicts between the individual and the group. For example, a leader's clash with a united front of subordinates who do not like the boss's harsh disciplinary measures aimed at "tightening the screws."

Types of conflicts by nature:

Objective, related to real problems and shortcomings;

Subjective, due to various assessments of certain events and actions.

Types of conflicts by consequences:

Constructive, involving rational transformations;

Destructive, destroying the organization.

Reading time: 3 min

Types of conflicts. In order to develop the most acceptable constructive form of a way out of situations of confrontation and an adequate form of managing them, it is necessary to conduct a typology of conflicts and classify them. But before that, it would be advisable to define the concept being described. In modern sources, you can find more than a hundred definitions of this term. The most fair of them is considered to be the following definition. A conflict is a way of resolving disagreements in views, hobbies or goals that arise in the processes of communicative interaction with society. It is usually accompanied by a situation of confrontation with negative emotions, which can often go beyond the boundaries of established norms or accepted rules. In other words, a conflict is a divergence, which is expressed in the confrontation of its participants. Such disagreement may be impartial or subjective.

Types of social conflicts

In general terms, the conflict can be represented as an ordinary dispute or a clash between two individuals or groups for the possession of something equally valued by both opposing sides. The participants in the confrontation are called the subjects of the conflict. Among them are: witnesses, instigators, accomplices, mediators. Witnesses are subjects who observe the course of a conflict situation from the outside, instigators are individuals who incite other participants to a quarrel, accomplices are people who contribute to the escalation of the conflict through recommendations, technical assistance or other available means, intermediaries are persons who, by their actions, seek to prevent, resolve or stop the confrontation. Not all individuals involved in confrontation are necessarily in direct confrontation with each other. The position, good or question that gives rise to the development of confrontation is called the subject of conflict.

The cause and cause of the emergence of conflicts differ from its subject. The cause of the conflict situation is the objective circumstances that predetermine the emergence of confrontation. The reason always has a connection with the needs of the opposing sides. The reason for the development of confrontation may be minor incidents that contribute to the emergence of a disputable situation, while the conflict process itself may not mature. In addition, the reason is specially created or random.

For a comprehensive understanding of the conflict situation, it is necessary to delimit it from a contradiction, which means fundamental incompatibility, dissimilarity in some fundamentally important interests, for example, of a political, economic or ethnic nature.

Contradictions are: objective and subjective, basic and non-basic, internal and external, antagonistic and non-antagonistic.

Internal confrontation arises as a result of a clash of intra-organizational, intra-group and other interests of members of minor social groups. External - originate between two or more social systems. The basis of conflict movements, in which its participants defend opposing interests, are antagonistic (irreconcilably hostile) disagreements. It is possible to reconcile such subjects pursuing polar interests for a short time, thereby postponing the conflict without resolving it. Disagreements that arise between the subjects of a conflict situation, which are characterized by the presence of agreed interests, are called non-antagonistic. In other words, this kind of contradiction implies the possibility of reaching compromises through mutually directed concessions.

The main contradictions determine the origin and dynamics of the conflict process, characterize the relationship between its leading subjects. Minor discrepancies accompany conflict situations. Mostly, they interact with minor participants in the conflict. Objective disagreements are determined by processes and phenomena that do not depend on the intellect and will of individuals, therefore it is impossible to resolve such contradictions without eliminating the direct cause of their occurrence. Subjective disagreements are characterized by dependence on the will and rationality of the subjects. They are due to the peculiarities of characters, differences in the behavioral model, worldview, moral and value orientations.

The basis of any conflict is necessarily a contradiction, manifested in tension due to dissatisfaction with the current situation and readiness to change it. However, the disagreement may not develop into an open clash, that is, directly into a conflict. Consequently, the contradiction shows the hidden and immovable moment of the phenomenon, in turn, the conflict expresses the open and dynamic process.

Social conflict is the highest point in the development of contradictions in the interaction of individuals, social groups and institutions, which is characterized by an increase in antagonistic tendencies, opposing interests of social groups and individuals.

Types and functions of conflicts

The history of sociology is rich in various concepts that reveal the very essence of the phenomenon of social conflict.

The German sociologist G. Simmel argued that the essence of social confrontation lies in the replacement of old, obsolete forms of culture with new ones. In other words, there is a clash between the ever-renewing content of life and obsolete cultural forms.

The English philosopher G. Spencer considered the struggle for existence to be the essence of the conflict. This battle, in turn, is due to the limited capacity of vital resources.

The German economist and sociologist K. Marx believed that there is a stable opposition between production relations and productive forces, which becomes more and more acute as productive capacities and technology develop, until it leads to a change in the mode of production. class struggle, social conflict driving force history, causing social revolutions, raising the development of society to a higher level.

The German historian, sociologist and philosopher M. Weber argued that society is an arena of social action, in which there is a clash of morals and norms inherent in certain individuals, social communities or institutions. The confrontation between social devices, defending their own social positions, life styles, ultimately stabilize society.

Social conflicts can carry a positive meaning and a negative direction. The positive impact is manifested in informing about the presence of social tension, stimulating social transformations and removing this tension.

The negative direction of public confrontation is the formation of stressful situations, the destruction of the social system, the disorganization of the life of society.

Types of conflicts in the team differ in:

Durations: one-time and recurring, short-term and long-term, protracted; capacity (volume): global and local, national and regional; personal and group;

Used means: violent and non-violent;

Source of education: false, objective and subjective;

Shape: internal and external;

The nature of development: spontaneous and deliberate;

Impact on the course of social development: regressive and progressive;

Spheres of social life: production (economic), ethnic, political and family-domestic;

Type of relationship: individually and socio-psychological, intra-national and international.

Wars, territorial disputes, international disputes are all examples of types of conflict (by volume).

Main types of conflicts

The fundamental types of conflicts in psychology are classified according to the feature that is the basis of systematization. Therefore, confrontations can be grouped according to the number of participants in the conflict: internal and interpersonal, as well as group.

Intrapersonal conflict arises from the collision of the individual's own goals, which are both relevant and incompatible for him. In turn, the conflict that occurs within the personality is subdivided depending on the choice. Options can be both attractive and unattainable at the same time. The clearest example of such an "equilateral" choice that generates confrontation is the story of Buridan's donkey, who died of starvation because he could not choose one from two haystacks at the same distance.

The options can be equally unattractive. Examples of this can be found in various films where the characters have to make choices that are equally unacceptable to him.

The outcome of a choice can be both attractive and unattractive to the individual. A person analyzes intensely, counting the pros and calculating the cons, because he is afraid to make the wrong decision. An example of this is the appropriation of other people's valuables.

Collisions of various role positions of the personality give rise to role intrapersonal contradictions.

Types of role confrontations are divided into personal, interpersonal and interrole.

A personal-role contradiction occurs as a result of changes in the requirements for the role from the outside, when such requirements are not consistent with the opinion of the individual, with his unwillingness or inability to comply. Since any social role of the subject is characterized by the presence of individual requirements, established understandings and ideas about it.

An inter-role contradiction is revealed when too strong “getting used to” a certain social role, does not allow the individual to take a different role position in a different situation.

The clearest manifestations of interpersonal conflict are mutually directed reproaches and disputes. Any person participating in the contradiction seeks to satisfy personal needs and his own interests.

Interpersonal confrontations are also classified by:

Spheres: family and household, business and property;

Action and consequences: constructive, leading to cooperation, finding means to improve relationships, achieving goals, and destructive, based on the desire of the individual to suppress the enemy, aimed at achieving superiority in any way;

The criterion of reality: false and genuine, accidental, hidden.

Group conflict occurs between several small communities that are part of a large group. It can be characterized as a confrontation of groups, the basis of which is the principle "we - they". At the same time, the participants attribute exclusively positive qualities and goals to their group. And the second group - negative.

Classification of types of conflicts: true, false, misattributed, displaced, random (conditional), latent (hidden). Genuine conflict is perceived adequately and exists objectively. For example, the spouse wants to use the free space as a dressing room, and the husband wants to use the workshop.

Conditional or random confrontation is distinguished by the ease of its resolution. At the same time, its subjects are not aware of this. For example, the above family does not notice that there is other free space in the apartment, suitable either for a workshop or for a wardrobe.

A displaced confrontation is observed when something else is hidden behind an obvious confrontation. For example: spouses, arguing over free space, are actually in conflict because of inconsistent ideas about the role of a spouse in family relationships.

An incorrectly attributed contradiction is noted when the spouse scolds the faithful for what he did at her own request, which she had already forgotten.

A hidden or latent conflict is based on an objectively existing contradiction that is not recognized by the spouses.

A false conflict is a contradiction that does not really exist. It depends on the perception of the spouses. In other words, objective reasons are not needed for its appearance.

Types of conflicts in the organization

An organization cannot exist without a variety of conflict processes. Because it consists of individuals characterized by different upbringings, views, goals, needs and aspirations. Any clash is a lack of agreement, a disagreement of opinions and views, a confrontation of divergent positions and interests.

Types of conflicts in the management of organizations are usually considered at various levels: social, psychological and socio-psychological.

Types of conflicts in a team can be positive or negative. It is believed that conflicts in the business environment contribute to the definition of positions and points of view of members of the organization, provide an opportunity to show their own potential. In addition, they allow to comprehensively consider problems and identify alternatives. Thus, confrontation in an organization often leads to its development and productivity.

Types and functions of conflicts in labor relations. Confrontation is the driving force and motivation. In turn, the fear and avoidance of confrontations is generated by uncertainty about the possibility of a successful resolution of the conflict process. Therefore, one should accept conflict as a tool.

Classification of types of conflicts

Confrontations in the workforce are determined by the organizational levels to which the participants belong, as a result of which conflicts are divided into:

Vertical, observed between different steps of the hierarchical ladder (the majority of such conflicts);

Horizontal, occurring between separate areas of the company's functioning, between formal groups and informal teams;

Mixed, covering elements of vertical contradictions and horizontal confrontations.

In addition, conflicts in the organization are systematized according to the sphere of occurrence and formation of conflict situations and are:

Business, that is, related to the professional activities of subjects and the performance of functional duties;

Personal, affecting unofficial interests.

Conflicts are also classified according to the division between winners and losers into:

Symmetrical, that is, there is an equal distribution of the results of the confrontation;

Asymmetric, observed when some win or lose much more than others.

According to the degree of severity, conflicts can be divided into hidden and open.

Covert confrontation usually involves two individuals who, until a certain point, try not to show that there is a confrontation between them.

Hidden discord often develops in the form of a kind of intrigue, which means a deliberate dishonest act that is beneficial to the initiator, forcing the team or subject to specific actions, which causes damage to the individual and the team. Open confrontation is managed by management, as a result of which they are considered less dangerous to the organization.

Conflict situations are divided depending on their consequences into destructive (harmful to the company) and constructive (contribute to the development of the organization).

Conflicts in the organization, as well as other types of confrontations, are: inside and interpersonal, intergroup, between a working individual and a group.

Often, specialists are presented with inappropriate claims and excessive demands regarding their professional activities and work results, or company requirements that are dissimilar to the personal needs of the employee or his interests - these are examples of types of intrapersonal conflicts. This kind of confrontation is a kind of response to labor overload.

Interpersonal conflict is more often observed between leaders.

The confrontation between the hard worker and the group arises if the expectations of the team do not match the expectations of the individual specialist.

Intergroup conflict is based on competition.

To resolve all types of conflicts in management, it is necessary either for the leader, or for a compromise.

Types of interpersonal conflicts

Communicative interaction with the social environment occupies a significant place in human existence, filling it with meaning. Relationship with relatives, colleagues, acquaintances, friends is an inseparable part of the existence of every human subject, and conflict is one of the manifestations of such interaction. Most people tend to mistakenly attribute confrontations to the negative costs of the communication process. Therefore, with redoubled efforts, they try to avoid them. However, it is impossible to protect oneself from all conflict situations, since a conflict-free society does not exist in principle. Each individual is not just a part of the social mechanism. Any human subject is a unique individual personality with personal desires, goals, needs, interests, which can often conflict with the interests of the environment.

Interpersonal confrontation is called an open clash of subjects interacting with each other, which is based on contradictions, acting in the form of opposite aspirations, tasks that are incompatible in a certain situation. It always manifests itself in the communicative interaction of two or more persons. In confrontations of an interpersonal nature, the subjects oppose each other, sorting out the relationship face to face. This type of contradiction is the most common, since it can be observed both between colleagues and between close people.

Interpersonal conflict is characterized by a number of features and specific features:

The presence of objective differences - they must be significant for each subject of the conflict process;

The need to overcome disagreement as a tool that contributes to the establishment of relationships between the subjects of confrontation;

The activity of the participants in the process - actions or their complete absence are aimed at satisfying their own interests or at reducing contradictions.

Types of conflicts in psychology can also be systematized depending on the essence of the problems involved:

Value (opposition, the cause of which is significant ideas and basic personal values);

Interests, that is, conflicting goals, interests, aspirations of subjects in a particular situation are affected;

Regulatory (confrontation arises as a result of violations in the course of interaction of legal rules of conduct).

In addition, conflicts are divided depending on the dynamics into acute, protracted and sluggish. A sharp confrontation is observed here and now. It affects significant values ​​or events. For example, adultery. Lingering divergence lasts for a large number time with medium and steady intensity. They also touch upon significant issues for the individual. For example, the conflict of generations.

Sluggish conflict situations are characterized by low intensity. They flash periodically. For example, the confrontation of colleagues.

Types of conflict management

In order for the confrontation to have a positive outcome, they need to be able to manage. The managerial process of control over the conflict situation should include meetings of the subjects of the conflict, which help to identify the causes of confrontation, and ways to overcome differences. The main principle of behavioral response in a conflict situation is to find common goals of conflicting individuals that will be understood and accepted by everyone. Thus, cooperation is formed. Also an important step is the consent to the participation of a mediator who will help resolve the conflict situation. At the same time, the decision of the mediator must be taken unquestioningly and must be carried out by all the actors of the confrontation.

Types of intrapersonal conflicts

The contradiction occurring within the individual is called the state of internal personality structure, which is characterized by the opposition of its elements.

Proponents of the psychological approach divide conflicts in terms of their detection into role-playing, motivational and cognitive ones.

Motivational intrapersonal confrontation has been studied in psychoanalytic theory and psychodynamic concepts. The followers of these teachings were based on the idea of ​​the originality of intrapersonal contradiction as a consequence of the duality of human nature.

In Freud's paradigm, a personality conflict arises as a result of the confrontation between the "It" and the "Super-I", that is, between the biological instinctive cravings and aspirations of the individual and the moral norms mastered by the personality. Displacement of unacceptable desires for the subject does not give him the opportunity to realize the true causes of internal confrontation. These contradictions often lead to the inclusion of psychological protection. As a result of this, internal tension is reduced, while the reality before the individual may appear in a distorted form.

A cognitive contradiction is often the result of a conflict of ideas that are incompatible for the subject. cognitive psychology asserts that a person is striving for the consistency of his own internal structure of beliefs, values, and ideas. The individual feels discomfort when contradictions appear. According to Festinger's concept, individuals strive to minimize the state of discomfort, which is associated with the presence of two “knowledge” in a person at the same time, psychologically inconsistent with each other.

Role confrontations arise as a result of a clash in the sphere of an individual's activity between different "roles" of the personality, between the capabilities of the subject and proper role behavior.

Types of role conflicts. Traditionally, two main types of conflicts of role positions of the individual are distinguished, namely, the confrontation “I am the role position” and inter-role confrontation.

The clash "I - role position" is observed when contradictions arise between the capabilities of the subject and the requirements, when, due to the unwillingness or inability of the individual to correspond to his role position, the problem of choice appears before him. Inter-role confrontation is the incompatibility of different roles of the individual. The most common inter-role conflict is the clash of professional role position and family role.

Types of political conflicts

Politically oriented confrontations are an integral part of historical formation states and the development of society. On the one hand, political confrontation destroys state-legal institutions and social relationships. On the other hand, it provides an ascent to a new stage of political development.

Thus, confrontation in politics is a clash, the purpose of which is to eliminate the enemy or cause damage to him. In other words, political confrontation occurs when the pursuit of the interests of one state leads to the restriction of the interests of another.

Political confrontation can also be defined as a clash of subjects of political interaction due to a divergence of interests or means of achieving them, rivalry, rejection of the values ​​of the hostile side, lack of mutual understanding.

All conflicts in the political world are divided into spheres, the type of political organization, the nature of the subject of confrontation.

According to the sphere of distribution, the confrontation can be interstate or foreign policy and domestic policy.

According to the type of political organization, conflicts are divided into confrontation between totalitarian regimes and confrontation between democratic systems.

According to the specifics of the subject of confrontation, they are divided into status-role confrontation, clash of interests and confrontation of identification and values.

At the same time, the content that determines these categories of concepts often coincides. So, for example, political confrontation between states can simultaneously be an expression of the dissimilarity of the political system (democratic and totalitarian) and the formulation of interests and values ​​that are defended by these political systems.

Types of conflict resolution

The transfer of the conflict into an expedient channel of activity of the subjects, the conscious impact on the behavior of the participants in the confrontation in order to achieve the desired goals - this is the management of the conflict process. It includes: forecasting possible conflicts, preventing the emergence of some and at the same time stimulating others, ending and pacifying confrontation, settlement and resolution.

All existing types of conflict management can be divided into: negative (types of confrontation, the purpose of which is the victory of one side-participant) and positive methods. The term "negative ways" means that the result of the collision will be the destruction of the relationship of the commonality of the parties involved in the confrontation. The result of positive methods is to preserve cohesion between conflicting participants.

It is necessary to understand that the ways of resolving conflict situations are conventionally divided into negative and positive. In practice, both methods perfectly and harmoniously complement each other. For example, often the negotiation process contains elements of struggle in various issues. At the same time, even the toughest struggle between the opposing sides does not rule out the possibility of negotiations. In addition, progress does not exist without the competition of outdated ideas and fresh innovations.

There are many varieties of struggle, each of which has common features, because any struggle implies mutually directed actions of at least two individuals. At the same time, the purpose of the actions of one is to prevent the other.

The main task of the struggle is to change the conflict situation.

Positive ways of resolving disputes and conflicts primarily involve negotiation.

In addition, the following styles of conflict resolution are distinguished: avoiding confrontation, smoothing the situation, coercion, finding a compromise and directly solving the problem.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

Often in our life there are conflict situations - between friends, acquaintances, relatives, colleagues and loved ones. The soil can be very diverse - from a mismatch of interests to interracial hostility. The concept of conflict will be discussed in detail in our review. We will also talk about the main reasons for its manifestation, the need for its presence in everyday life, the rules of conduct during a conflict situation, and ways to solve it.

A conflict situation is a clash on the basis of misunderstanding, non-acceptance of other people's ideas, values ​​and thoughts that arises between people, society, and individual states. Previously, it was believed that this should be avoided, try to find a compromise in everything, however modern psychology refutes this assertion. Today, various kinds of collisions are not considered as purely negative, since, according to numerous studies, conflict helps individuals and groups develop, thanks to it a person gains experience in communication.

The essence of situations of this kind is to defend the point of view and their own competitiveness. Faced with misunderstanding, injustice, a person gets involved in a conflict.


The structure of all conflict situations includes:

  1. The subject (object) that provokes the development of the dispute. It can be both a thing and a person, thoughts, ideas, in which the participants in the conflict are interested.
  2. The subjects of the situation. They can be groups, organizations, individuals.
  3. The context in which the conflict takes place. For example: work environment, family disputes, and so on.
  4. Scale of the situation: global, interpersonal, regional, localized.
  5. Behavioral features and tactics of behavior of the conflicting parties.
  6. The result is an understanding of the result of the conflict, its consequences.

Types and types of conflict situations in the business environment

The most common are conflicts of interest in organized groups, namely in collectives of workers, among teachers in schools, in organizations assembled from individuals of different ethnicity. In this case, the following types of conflicts are considered:

  • Intrapersonal. It is formed in connection with the dissatisfaction of an individual with the requirements for his activity. That is, if a person is forced to do something against his will, or the fulfillment of the task is contrary to the foundations and values ​​of the individual, an intrapersonal conflict situation arises.
  • Interpersonal. Most often, interpersonal conflicts arise in groups. Their manifestation is directly related to the lack of any resources for the implementation of the set goals, the desire to "curry favor" with the authorities (higher positions), as well as with the character traits of each member of the group. Basically, "frictions" in the team arise in connection with the cardinal dissimilarity of individuals, the difference in their worldview and different temperaments.
  • Between the individual and the group. The emergence of this kind of conflict is determined by defending the opinion of one individual in front of a group. That is, a person who does not agree with the opinion of the majority tries to defend his idea, while creating a conflict situation.
  • Intergroup. Any team consists of at least 2 groups: formal and informal, between which conflicts periodically arise. Basically, the ground for this is the unfair attitude of the authorities towards an informal group that rallies to protect and defend its interests.
  • Managerial. It develops during the workflow, with the allocation of resources. Managerial conflict arises in connection with the discrepancy between the temperament of subordinates, the divergence of values ​​and goals.

The most common types of conflicts

More often than others in everyday life and daily activities of a person there are interpersonal, intrapersonal clashes, as well as clashes between a group and an individual. An example of a conflict between two people can be found in any school class, team, family:

  • Rejection of a new member of the group according to external criteria. For example, a student came to the class who did not meet the group's notions of appearance, they did not notice him, repelled him, did not invite him to participate in joint games and discussions. Here there is a conflict between the group and the individual.
  • The dispute over the upbringing of the child is an interpersonal conflict.
  • An order from superiors to increase working hours for a particular specialist. This is fraught with the emergence of an intrapersonal conflict situation.


The parties to the conflict are the parties directly involved in the formation and completion of the conflict of interests. There are 2 types actors: indirect and direct participants in the conflict.

The indirect ones are:

  • Provocateur. A person (state, group, society) provoking another person into a collision, while in some cases not taking part in the conflict situation itself.
  • An ally of a provocateur, or a "support group". A person who provides assistance (material, moral) to the development of a collision.
  • The organizer (creator) of the conflict.
  • Judge (mediator, mediator). A person who is a third party in a conflict situation.

The direct ones are:

  • Instigator. Sometimes it is a provocateur.
  • Subject.
  • sides of the collision.


The sources of conflicts are unfavorable conditions, a combination of circumstances, personal qualities of individuals that provoke the development of a collision. Of all the sources, the most common are: unstable financial situation, lack of resources, character traits and excessive emotionality of a person, as well as his features. mental development, values, morality, and ethics of the individual.

The family as one of the small groups where conflict situations periodically occur

Family conflicts are among the most common. According to statistics, almost every family member has to deal with misunderstanding from one of their close relatives. The reasons for the development of conflicts in this group of individuals are:

  • Strong differences in character and temperament both among spouses and children and relatives.
  • Everyday problems. In most cases, couples have a conflict situation brewing precisely on the basis of a lack of funds.
  • Unjustified expectations. The clash arises in connection with the unjustified hopes placed on marriage by one of the spouses.
  • Dissatisfaction with sexual life.
  • Treason. Due to dissatisfaction in sex, often one of the spouses (rarely both) begins to look for warmth and affection on the side. As a result - the development of a conflict situation leading to a break. However, some try to add "piquancy" to the relationship, thereby saving them.
  • Lack of personal space. Most couples constantly spend time together without having the opportunity to retire, which leads to the "reconquest" of certain areas of the house.
  • Jealousy, a heightened sense of ownership. Some types of people tend to overprotect their partner, limiting his communication with the opposite sex, while constantly suspecting the spouse of non-existent betrayals. An example of a conflict, the development of which is due to jealousy: one of the spouses constantly read the personal correspondence of his partner, but when the latter saw this, a scandal broke out.
  • Abuse of one of the partners with alcohol and drugs, smoking.
  • Different views on the educational process. If there are children in the family, then often a conflict can arise due to the dissatisfaction of one of the parents about their upbringing by the other.

The main "symptoms" of the development of a conflict situation in the family

The first signs of conflict often remain hidden until the peak moment. How to understand that it is necessary to make any efforts to prevent a conflict situation?

No confrontation arises without grounds. The concept of conflict implies the presence of certain prerequisites: frequent disputes, misunderstanding, silence and inability to properly build a dialogue. Example: the spouse returned from work upset, in need of support. And his wife, in turn, thought that he was tired and did not "get" him talking, although now he just needs a dialogue with her. Gradually, omissions are layered on top of each other, and an invisible abyss appears between the partners, and later signs of conflict appear:

  • Tension in communication.
  • A sharp reaction to any stimulus.
  • Attempts to call a partner for a conversation end with his withdrawal into himself.
  • Detachment from what is happening around.

As a result, due to issues not resolved in a timely manner, a conflict situation arises in the family, for the successful resolution of which both parties must make every effort.

Human behavior during conflict

You should know how to behave in a conflict. This will allow avoiding mistakes during forced clashes of interests, as well as influencing the opponent (the initiator or the other side of the conflict). In psychology, the following options for the behavior of an individual in a conflict situation are distinguished:

  1. Evasive (passive). Used both subconsciously and consciously. Features of conflicts in which this behavior is used: the opponent does not defend his interests and the interests of the group, he is unable to defend himself, while trying to avoid further development of the conflict. Experts do not recommend resorting to the frequent use of passive behavior, as this can lead to a decrease in the self-esteem of the individual. Its use is justified only in those situations where a person, thanks to avoiding a collision, can achieve success, increase.
  2. Compliant, accommodating. This form of behavior allows you to survive conflicts in relationships without resorting to full confrontation. That is, when one of the opponents concedes during a conflict in something to another participant, this allows you to maintain relations at the same level, relieve tension and quickly, without loss, close the dispute. However, compliance in a conflict situation does not make it possible to fully defend one's opinion and achieve what one wants.
  3. Dominant (suppressive). A person who chooses dominance in a conflict firmly defends his point of view, regardless of the desires and needs of the other side. Thanks to this, he easily inclines the opponent to retreat, forcing him to make concessions. The advantages of this behavior: the rapid achievement of the desired goal, stimulation personal growth. Cons: due to the constant use of dominance, a person becomes a conflict personality for others, while his mental strength is significantly expended, which can lead to severe stress.
  4. Compromise. This behavior allows you to resolve the conflict with partial satisfaction of the needs of both parties. But still, its frequent use cannot guarantee the absence of a recurrence of the conflict situation, since the desires of the opponents are not fully satisfied, which can cause a new "wave" of clashes.
  5. Integration (cooperation). It represents the interaction of both parties in resolving the current situation. Such behavior is possible only with a full analysis of what the concept of conflict is, and the desire of opponents to achieve what they want without significant losses, taking into account their interests.

The impact of conflict on a person

How exactly a particular conflict situation affects an individual depends on several factors:

  • The set goal and the desired result.
  • Significance of the conflict for both participants.
  • The variant of behavior chosen by the participant in the conflict of interest.

Each of the above factors is strongly associated with the next, and only their combination can show how the individual is affected by the conflict problem. For example, a person has set a task (goal) for himself, the implementation of which is especially important for him, while his opponent given goal absolutely indifferent. As a result, with the dominant behavior chosen by the opponent, a person will not be able to achieve what he wants, acutely experiencing his failure.

What not to do during settlement

It is worth remembering that excessive emotionality can only aggravate the current situation, and calmness and coldness in the voice will allow you to quickly resolve the conflict. To resolve any collision, restraint and respect for the opponent are necessary, no matter from which side he manifests himself. It is important to know that negativity in response to negativity can escalate psychological conflict and make it virtually unresolvable without additional help.

A conflict situation requires a special approach, its resolution should be brought to an end, otherwise it may arise again.

Basic Rules for Positive Resolution

  1. You need to be able to listen to your opponent and take into account his wishes.
  2. Do not use intimidation to resolve a dispute.
  3. You need total control over your own emotions.
  4. Properly delivered dialogue contributes to a rapid transition to consensus.
  5. Understanding that each person resolves problems in their own way helps resolve conflict.

How to deal with family conflict

The group most exposed to the negative impact of conflicts is the family. In total, there are three ways to prevent and eliminate conflicts of interest in family relationships. These include: destructive (destroying marriage), permanent (the state of the family at the present time), constructive (contributing to rapid recovery).

The structure of family relations during the conflict implies 2 types of behavior:

  • Rivalry. One of the spouses (sometimes both) puts their desires and goals above family values. Such selfish behavior contributes to the escalation of the conflict even more and complicates its resolution.
  • Cooperation. Here the interests of each family member are taken into account, which helps to quickly and painlessly eliminate the conflict situation.

In any existing family confrontation, each of the partners should strive to resolve it, in which both conflicting parties win (win-win). The result, where one of the opponents remains a loser, can provoke a new conflict, aggravated by the injured pride and the partner’s previous fiasco.

The resolution for the conflict is a direct conversation-explanation, where everyone can speak in a calm manner about a particular problem. In addition, another solution may be the compliance of both partners.

Points to help deal with conflict:

  1. Support for self-esteem without infringing on it from a partner.
  2. Demonstration of gratitude and respect for the spouse.
  3. Holding back negative emotions.
  4. The absence of reminders of the mistakes already made by the partner from the past.
  5. Restraining jealousy, suspiciousness, eliminating possible thoughts about the betrayal of the spouse.
  6. Patience, acceptance of a person as he is.
  7. Transferring the conversation in a different direction in order to exclude the possibility of an increase in the conflict situation.

Joint pastime of spouses, communication on abstract topics helps to prevent family conflicts. The more and more often the partners can talk, the stronger the protection of their family from conflicts. You should not put pressure on a person, try to re-educate him - this will be a big mistake, since each person is individual and has the right to defend his individuality in any situation.