What makes a person bold. Build your own courage

Human life consists of a whole series of situations in which you need to make decisions quickly and confidently. How often have you caught yourself thinking that you missed an important moment, or because of your indecision, did not take advantage of the chance to succeed in life? The situation is familiar to everyone. Why is this happening, what is missing in order to become bolder and break out of the circle of failures and disappointments. The problem lies deep in the subconscious, but this situation is not a sentence at all - start analyzing and acting, and you will notice those small “victories” that will burst into your life!

trust yourself

If you are concerned about the question of how to become bolder and more determined , first of all, you need to learn to trust yourself and follow the inner message. It is easier for a person to succumb to the blues and define himself as a weak, weak-willed individual. Well, of course, it’s easier this way, because then personal failures can be attributed to features of character and temperament. Decisiveness is the ability to set a goal, discard uncertainty and develop willpower and spirit to achieve any task. How to get rid of doubts and start acting quickly and decisively, while assessing the rationality of actions? You need to start working on yourself:

  • Listen to your feelings and experiences - we are freed from pressure from others. Very often, indecision is formed precisely because of the hyper-guardianship of relatives or the condemnation of society! A person begins to think that he is weak and unfit. Although it is difficult to get out of this vicious circle, it is necessary to do it - change the stereotypes! Try to abandon your comfort zone - do not let everything be done for you, from now on only you make decisions;
  • "My Fortress" is a great exercise for developing courage. Let's imagine any even the smallest problem as a huge fortress that we are storming. Start small: even if it is a refusal of a request that is unpleasant for you! Don't be afraid, it's hard to just start changing;
  • Analyze why you often deviate from what you want, maybe an inner voice tells you that nothing will work out for you? Create an internal dialogue - ask yourself why you are unworthy of becoming the best, what is stopping you? And when you yourself do not find reasonable reasons, you will begin to understand that any goal is available!

Realize that the longer the problem is ignored, the deeper you will sink into a pool of uncertainty and indecision.

Get over your fear

Fear is not only self-doubt, but also the fear of changing something in your destiny! Don't let this feeling define you. It is very useful to analyze and even put down on paper what you have lost because of your inner “demons”. This will help you understand how you will live your life:

  • Personal life - fear of relationships, attachments and responsibility can doom to loneliness;
  • Career - can an indecisive person achieve prosperity;
  • Appearance - uncertainty is reflected in appearance, do not be afraid to step out of the shadows. Even if you are afraid of the condemnation of society, you cannot live with these people;
  • Rebel - you should not, of course, express yourself in "stupid" actions and harmful addictions, this will only aggravate the internal conflict. Become different in every area of ​​life: learn new things, master some new technique, write articles, express any idea openly! And although at first this is difficult to achieve, but it is very pleasant and useful to do this. You will look at yourself from the outside and see how much you can give to the world.

Faith is the absence of doubt

, if you do not have faith in yourself and in the positive outcome of any situation? Almost impossible. It is very important to understand that you are the center of the universe, everything revolves around you! Do not think that you were born only to be judged and judged. Self-confidence is the most important psychological aspect of a successful person. The right attitude and intention to act in a new direction is 90% of success in any difficult situation. The psychological attitude is our flagship, leading through life.

Don't start your day with depressing thoughts, don't prepare yourself for problems, be open to small accomplishments. Stop internal "digging", do not condemn yourself for failures and do not remember the reproaches of society. It will only lead to depression. It is very important to be able to forgive yourself! “Talk” to yourself and from this day on, be kind to yourself. The mistakes of the past should only strengthen, but not in any way cause a feeling of guilt. Remember, in life there is only one irreparable situation - death. Everything else can be overcome and forgive yourself.

Phobia and fear of life

Very often, an indecisive and timid person “drives” himself into a shell of fear. This leads to complete detachment and isolation, the person is afraid of his failures and tries to avoid new mistakes. It is very difficult to get out of this state, but it is possible:

  • “I will face my fear” is difficult to do, but absolutely necessary. A brave person, not one who is not afraid of anything, but one who is able to overcome his phobia. Go to this goal every day: start small and work out tactics of behavior.
  • Accept failure - if you are planning something important, but be afraid of failure. It is very useful to mentally "scroll" the situation and see a possible unsuccessful outcome. Do this a few times and make sure nothing bad happens anyway! Then “view” the favorable outcome and try to feel your success, stop this picture and think only about it
  • More communication and new acquaintances - we are all embarrassed to start new relationships, although there are no special reasons to behave this way. A person is interested in getting to know another person. Be brave, try to make a new acquaintance, take the first step. This is a very useful exercise for gaining courage and determination.
  • Praise yourself - be kind to yourself, celebrate even the smallest victory. Praise and appreciate every brave act! These activities will help you boost your self-esteem.
  • Take risks - remember, it's better to try and fail than to do nothing and regret. Gain experience, no matter if it's positive or negative.

Courage and determination, wonderful qualities that are inherent in every person. The question is how to use them? And here there is only one correct answer - practice and more practice! Start working on yourself, and you will definitely achieve inner harmony!


A short video from the net on how to develop courage:

Image: Tambako the Jaguar (flickr.com)

How to develop in yourself the qualities that help any person to be successful, happy and fulfilled in life? On the one hand, it's easy to say: "Just be like that and that's it!". On the other hand, when a person finds himself in a situation where you need to show such qualities, he forgets about everything and becomes himself.

Courage, determination and self-confidence in themselves do not give a person anything. You can sit within four walls and think that you have these qualities. However, when a situation arises that requires the manifestation of these character traits, then a person shows how brave, decisive and self-confident he is.

First you need to define the concepts in order to understand what you need to develop in yourself:

  1. Courage is a quality when a person, despite all his fears, does not allow them to take over him and continues to act as intended.
  2. Decisiveness is a categorical attitude to achieve results, as well as the ability to make decisions and think with your own head.
  3. Self-confidence is a person's belief in his own strengths, understanding of his own capabilities and availability of resources, the conviction that he will cope with whatever he encounters.

So, a person is rarely born in an environment full of abundance of all the goods that he may need. Usually a person is born into a world where he has to fight for his own happiness. And the more courageous, decisive and self-confident he is, the more likely he is to achieve what he wants. How to develop in yourself the qualities that help in achieving a better life?

How to become bolder?

Courage is manifested where a person has to fight his own fears. To a greater extent, a person is afraid not of what really happens to him, but of what he imagines in his head. Thus, to become more courageous, you need to start by understanding that all your fears are mostly in your head.

Look at the reality: what you are afraid of is already happening to you? If you are afraid of falling, but do not fall, or you are afraid of condemnation, while no one is condemning you at the moment, then what are you afraid of?

Fantasy can both help a person achieve goals, and interfere. It allows not only to plan further ways of its action, but also to draw terrible pictures of what can happen if events begin to unfold in an unfavorable way. A person is afraid of something that has not yet happened. How justified is your fear?

To become bolder, you need to understand that you are afraid of something that does not exist. As long as terrible events do not happen to you, you can not be afraid! What to do if a frightening thing happened to you? In such a situation, you move on to the next solution to the issue:

  1. Do you start to be afraid, run away, defend yourself from your fear, thereby depriving yourself of the opportunity to follow the planned path that leads you to the goal?
  2. Or do you clench your fists and teeth in order to be afraid and still perform the necessary actions?

Courage is when the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. You have to go through the situation that scares you. And here some say “I can’t”, thereby allowing fears to take over, while others convince themselves: “I can!”. Courage is not a quality with which they are born and live forever, but a character trait that develops and develops a person every time he begins to be afraid, while continuing to do what is needed.

Courage is developed by overcoming all your fears on a daily basis. You can start small when you are afraid of an unpleasant look in your address or criticism of a stranger. Each time, overcome your own fear, and this will develop your courage.

How to become bolder and more confident?

Courage requires overcoming one's own fears, which mostly live in a person's head, and self-confidence needs an individual's conviction that he can overcome everything, take the necessary actions. Self-confidence can be both underestimated and overestimated. However, if we talk about adequate self-confidence, then it is she who helps in achieving goals:

  1. Low self-confidence is a person's understanding that he has the power to do something, while he does not have a strong motivation to use his own power. He would rather refuse to perform the necessary actions than agree to use his power. And if so, then a person eventually begins to get used to the idea that one should not rely on oneself.
  2. Inflated self-confidence is an exaggeration of one's own capabilities. By and large, a person does nothing, but he tries to convince others that he is capable of something.
  3. Adequate self-confidence is an understanding of what forces and resources a person has, while the willingness to use them at the right time, and if the individual does not have something, then he is ready to acquire it.

Self-confidence, like courage, is not a constant value in a person. Today you can be confident in yourself, and tomorrow you will lose this feeling. What does it depend on? From what you focus on and how often you prove to yourself that you are capable of something.

  • Keep a diary of your achievements. Reread it each time to remind yourself of what you are capable of.
  • Pay attention to your opinion. As long as you care about what other people think of you, you will always slow down the process.
  • Focus on good things that can happen. While you are focusing on your fears, you are encouraging yourself not to act.
  • Take risks. However, this risk must be justified. Just do not take risks to show your courage and bravery. Take risks, even if a negative result will be useful for you.
  • Women should pay attention to their appearance. If you are beautiful on the outside, your confidence will automatically increase.
  • Strive to achieve something new. It can be new knowledge, development of new skills.
  • Men are advised to pay less attention to failures. They happen to everyone. However, if you focus on success, then you will be more concerned with how to achieve it and what to do to achieve it.

How to become bolder and more determined?

On the way to any goal, a person will be forced to solve certain problems. To overcome something, you need to decide how to deal with it. And a person, first of all, should think with his own head, try to solve all issues on his own, which will allow him to show such a quality as determination, which, together with courage, helps to achieve any goals.

To be decisive, you need to take responsibility. Indecision suggests that a person is afraid of the consequences that may arise as a result of his actions. And fear arises on the basis of irresponsibility, when a person does not want to face, understand, do something.

Thus, courage and determination go hand in hand. To be decisive, you need to stop being afraid that there may be consequences, because of which a person will have to think with his head, answer and do something.

It is becoming more and more difficult for a modern person to make his own decisions and follow them. This contributes a large number of people who are around and ready to help. Parents always try to court their child, even when he is already an adult and independent. Friends and loved ones also take on the role of helpers, trying to give advice or express their opinion in any situation. Being decisive has become much more difficult, because those who help you, at the same time, also require that their opinion and advice be taken into account. Otherwise, you will face resentment or someone's detachment.

How to become more decisive? How to overcome what society brings up so well in every person - infantilism and cowardice? You need to learn at least from making your own decisions in small things. For example, go to the store and buy something that you personally like. Or make the decision to wake up an hour earlier every day than you used to. In any situation, try to listen to yourself and your desires and make decisions based only on them.

Undoubtedly, the people around you will begin to tell you something of their own, give advice, insist on something. But it is up to you not to listen to them. If you hear some recommendation that does not correspond to your desires and opinion, you have the right not to listen to it. Your life, and you must live it the way you personally want it.

Learn to make your own decisions in the little things: buying something for yourself, managing your lifestyle, imagining what you want. Gradually, you will gain experience and begin to make decisions in more serious situations. And let someone not approve of it, condemn it, say “wrong”. All this is not important for you now. Learn to make “your own decision”, which will be independent of what other people tell you and how they evaluate it!

Decisiveness appears where a person is ready to act independently and face any consequences, not to run away from them, not to shift responsibility to other people. Decisiveness is the willingness to think for yourself and take responsibility.

How to become bolder, more determined and more self-confident in the end?

On the way to the goal there will always be difficulties and problems. Why? Because a person still does not know how to act in such a way that his goals are realized quickly. Otherwise, he would not set as a goal what he already knows how to easily and quickly achieve. What a person already knows how to do does not require certain efforts from him. The goal is only that which requires effort, courage, determination and self-confidence.

To develop these qualities in yourself, you just need to start embodying your desires. It is necessary not only to dream about something, but also to start acting so that all dreams gradually become a reality. This will take a lot of time and a lot of effort. Sometimes a person will give up and even think about how much he needs a goal in order to work on it like that. However, a person gives up only when he is faced with difficulties and troubles, which just require determination, self-confidence and courage.

If a person does not give up and continues to move towards the goal, then he will show all the qualities. And if he folds, then he will once again prove to himself that he is weak, insecure and indecisive.

The brave are respected, they are proud, set as an example. They laugh at cowards. What is courage and

Courage and cowardice

Everyone knows that courage and cowardice are antipodes. The first is manifestation strong character, the second is weak. In dictionaries, the meaning of the word courage is interpreted as psychological, volitional quality which allows a person to deal with a sense of fear, not to retreat in the face of danger. And yet: what is a brave man? This is a person who does not shy away from difficulties. A person is decisive, if he is not afraid to make decisions, to bear responsibility for the consequences of what he has done. A brave person is an innovator who puts forward innovative ideas and is not afraid to go against the opinion of the majority. He does not take courage. For the sake of achieving the goal, the daredevil is able to risk himself.

There are over 50 synonyms for the word courage. The most common words are: fearlessness, courage, bravery, courage. But there is a difference between them. The difference between courage and bravery (or bravery) is that the latter is a form of manifestation of courage. Overcoming is Aristotle's definition of courage or heroism. And boldness, courage and bravery are 3 forms of fearlessness.

And what is cowardice? This is the affective state of any person when they. A timid person is different in appearance. He does not walk with a confident gait, but with short, shuffling steps with bending knees; when communicating with people, he fearfully looks away, tries to stay away from the interlocutor.

Where does anxiety come from

Fear occurs when there is a threat to the health or well-being of one's own or loved ones. Fear is a natural defense mechanism created by the instinct of self-preservation. It's good to listen to your fears. You need to be afraid, cowardly - no. After all, cowardice paralyzes the will, prevents a person from acting in order to protect himself or help those around him. Not everyone can master oneself, make the right decision, show perseverance, and take the initiative. To be able to overcome oneself in dangerous situations, to take risks - that's what it means to be brave.

Cowardice must be fought hard. To be able to curb your fear, you must cultivate courage. Nobody is born brave. However, fear is an innate feeling. Learning to control your fear is the way to gain courage.

The reasons for fears in children lie in the wrong family upbringing, which forms negative complexes. The most beautiful girls will become indecisive if they constantly criticize their appearance. It is difficult for a girl to be brave if she is not sure of the impeccability of her appearance.

Fearlessness has a downside. Is it good to never be afraid of anything and be recklessly brave? It turns out not. The disadvantages of courage are that a person can overestimate his strength and take unjustified risks.

How to stop being afraid

From childhood, boys think about how to become bold and decisive. Parents teach their children to be independent, not to be afraid of reality, and to do courageous things from an early age. Scientists have developed methods that tell those involved in educating the younger generation how to develop courage in children and adolescents. Without this quality, life will not be full, and a person will not be able to perform responsible work. The development of courage is one of the components of personality development. This is a painstaking task that requires perseverance and consistent actions. Examples of literary heroes play an important role in the education of courage. Schoolchildren reading stories about the fortitude of real characters - defenders of the Motherland, astronauts, historical figures- teaches how to become bold and decisive.

It is important to encourage fearlessness at an early age. The child needs to be praised more often, to say that he is brave like a lion, so he is not afraid of anything. Read fairy tales, from which the child will understand that Baba Yaga, Barmaley and other monsters are nothing more than fictional characters.

Here are some ways to instill courage in children:

  1. Regular exercise. Feeling your own strength and dexterity will make the child bolder.
  2. Encouragement of manifestations of independence and courage. It lifts a child with a weak spirit. The comparison “you are brave, like a real man” will give the boy strength and confidence.
  3. Playing responsible roles in story games, which can contribute to the ability to make independent decisions.
  4. Teaching the rules of precaution, which allows you to cultivate reasonable fearlessness.
  5. Conducting explanatory conversations about the groundlessness of certain types of fear. Humor can be helpful when working with teenagers.
  6. Drawing fears. This simple psychological reception helps to make them ordinary and insignificant.

The main thing in cultivating courage is to avoid intimidation, humiliation and ridicule.

Self-cultivation of courage

The fear of winning is not easy. To become a brave person, you need to work on yourself, engage in self-education. Pills won't help here. You can hear that there are special medicines, only this is a myth. They will not create internal balance, no pills will raise the strength of the spirit, but only temporarily dull the excitement or have an inhibitory effect. You can be sure: only thanks to the positive example of a loved one, constant training of the will, work on negative complexes, weak-hearted people became courageous.

There are many simple tricks that you can use to learn how to become decisive. You can use the following tips:

  1. One way to become brave and bold is to set yourself up properly. 90% of successful results depend on the correct psychological attitude.
  2. The second way to gain courage is not to be afraid to lose. It can be painful, insulting, but failure is a source of experience. Every loss must be taken advantage of.
  3. Always be honest, try to tell the truth in the face, overcome complexes and conventions. This is the third way to become bolder and more self-confident.

Often a person is not afraid of fear itself, but of its consequences: darkness - because the unknown is hidden there, heights - because you can fall. Realizing this, you can understand how to cultivate courage in yourself. No one ever needs to imitate - and you will be more confident in yourself. Do what your heart tells you to do.

Courage is state of mind, without perseverance, you can’t educate her. Perseverance and will will turn a coward into a daredevil. Always be strong in spirit! His presence will help overcome all difficulties. If you decide to educate, you need to tell your child more often about courage.

Personalities. And the reason for this desire is obvious. After all, being courageous individuals, we can move mountains, achieve the impossible, bring our lives to a qualitatively new level, live a rich life, and so we can list indefinitely. I think you yourself perfectly understand what new horizons will open before you when you become a brave person. But being brave is not easy. Indeed, in order to become bold, you first have to constantly and. Therefore, in this article I will talk about ways that will simplify the process of becoming a brave person.

You just need to familiarize yourself with them, put them into practice, and then you are guaranteed to become bold.

How to become bold?

The first and most banal advice that I will give you is mental attitude. The psychological or mental attitude is not to be underestimated. This is where it all starts. One famous writer named Mason John said: “Your day will turn out exactly as the tips of your lips will turn out”. Psychologists have proven that 90% of the results are in the mindset, and the remaining 10% are skills and abilities. So do not underestimate the words and the RIGHT MOOD. I know that for many of us, and sometimes even for me, it seems that this is complete nonsense, and nothing depends on the psychological attitude. But in vain! To become bold - you have to program yourself in advance for a positive outcome.

Let me give you an example about this. Let's say two work colleagues - Petya and Vanya ask their boss for an increase in salary. Petya is determined to get a raise, as he has a reason - his second son was born and he needs money now. In addition, he knows perfectly well that he is a good worker and the boss treats him well and will understand him. Petya already clearly knows what he will say and how he will behave so that the negotiations end in his favor. Peter says to himself: "I will succeed!!!", "I deserve it!!!", "I will do it!!!". I must say right away that Petya is nervous before the conversation. It's quite normal!!!

Now let's talk about Van. Vanya is an insecure person who constantly doubts something, and who is terribly afraid of looking like a fool in the eyes of other people. However, looking at Petya, he also believes that he should try his own. It’s just that he scrolls negative scenarios in his head, which makes him feel sick. He says to himself: “Here, he will fire me for this request, or he will laugh at me, or he will ignore me altogether. Or maybe a scandal will suit and deprive you of a salary for a month. ”.

What do you think will happen to the brave and confident Petya? There are several options. He will either get a raise, or he will get it if he fulfills the requirements of his boss, or he will not get it this time, but he will get it next time.

What will happen to Vanya? There are also several options. But I think 75% that he will give up this venture. which he has brought upon himself will devour him. The remaining 25% - he will not succeed. If you have any of your own options about Vanya - write in the comments.

I hope from this example you have understood what power the psychological attitude has. However, in order to become bold- one attitude is not enough.

How to become a brave person?

The second piece of advice that will help you become bold is to yourself. I know that it's easy to believe in yourself after 42 failed attempts very difficult. Let me explain this advice. To believe in yourself, you must forget about how other people evaluate you. You have to stop judging yourself. When you begin to evaluate yourself, when you begin to dig into the past and remember your own, when you begin to listen to other people's advice, you begin to inflate doubts on yourself. Doubt is not characteristic of a brave person, and faith is the absence of doubt. So start believing in yourself. It worked for someone - it will work for you. You are no worse than others. Everything is in your hands and only in your hands.

The next tip to be brave is to face your fears as often as possible. A brave person is not one who is not afraid of anything, a brave person is one who. I am well aware that this advice is the most difficult to use. Just understand, if you avoid your fears, you will never be brave. Fear disappears when you overcome it several times.

I'll give my example. I'm afraid to fly on an airplane. Every time I take off, my body becomes wadded. I look at the flight attendants and I don't understand how they can stand it. After arriving, I hugged the earth and swore to myself that I would never fly again, and every time I broke this oath. I understand perfectly well that in order for me to have a great rest, I need to be in another country (for example, in Turkey or Egypt). And without an airplane, this is unrealistic. And so, every summer I flew with my fear to another country. After ten flights my fear subsided, and after sixteen flights my fear disappeared. I realized that nothing terrible would happen to me. In addition, I heard on TV that the planes and trains with which the accidents occurred were filled to a maximum of 60%. And if I see that the plane is completely full, then I can sleep peacefully!!!

I overcame my fear, which means became bolder than before. As Sylvester Stallone said: “Everyone has fears and when we overcome them, we become courageous”. So if you really want to be brave, don't avoid your fears, but overcome them.

The fourth tip is to accept defeat. Many people are afraid to do something because they are afraid to make a mistake. Personally, I have learned to accept defeat. Before I do anything, I replay the failure in my head several times. When I do this, I feel like crap. After several replays of the negative scenario, I feel like I have nothing to fear. Fear seems to let go of me. Then I do the opposite - tune in to a positive outcome, and then just . This combination is very effective because you accept defeat in advance.

The fifth advice to become bold is to get to know and communicate more. You are probably wondering how this advice can help you. In fact, many people are afraid to meet. This is how a person is arranged, that he is always afraid of the unknown. Maybe you like a particular person and you want to talk to him, but the spirit to come first or the first is not enough. This is where you have a chance to show courage. I will not describe this advice, since I wrote about communication in the article - I will only say one thing, communication also allows fears, and this makes you bolder.

The sixth tip is to praise yourself. If you overcame your fear and did something that you didn’t dare for so long, be sure to praise yourself in order to fix your victory in your memory. After several victories, you will feel bolder, more confident, and yours. Most people berate themselves for failures and never praise themselves for victories. Therefore, uncertainty grows and courage disappears. Always praise yourself and celebrate victories.

The seventh tip is to try something new as often as possible. Novelty develops courage, as it requires. For example, you decide to go to a club. You have never gone to clubs before, and therefore anxiety arises at the mere thought of going to a club. But there will still be strangers, and you never know what they have in mind!!! This is where your chance to show courage comes in. After several trips to the club, you will become easier to relate to this. At first it will be scary - then it will be normal. Trying something new - you become bolder. And now you know why!!!

The eighth and final tip is to take risks. Better to do it and fail than not do it at all. Any mistake is your experience from which you can benefit. Doing nothing will not help you become bolder. And you yourself know that people who do not take risks do not drink champagne. RISK!!!

On this article "How to be brave?" came to an end. If you have your own tips, then write them in the comments or on. Let's discuss it together!

And remember the one who acts against his fear becomes courageous. This is the only way to become a truly courageous person.

how to be brave how to be brave how to be brave


Courage is very important quality, which must be developed by everyone who wants to achieve success in any area of ​​life. Courage helps a person to believe in himself and act, go forward and achieve his goals. Courage is the key to success.

image of a brave man

Who is this brave man? What does he look like? How he behaves. Let's make an approximate image of a brave person.

A brave person = a confident person.

A brave person is confident in all situations. He believes in himself and in his strength. And this belief is reflected in his appearance. He keeps his back straight, looks forward and his shoulders are straight. His facial expression is calm and peaceful.

A brave person maintains composure in any difficult situation. He knows how to control his thoughts and at the slightest hint of doubt, he immediately switches his attention to thoughts and images about courage and his own strength.

A brave man knows that there is great potential within him, great power, which is able to restore health, attract love and succeed. Therefore, he is calm. A brave person knows that he is the creator of his life, and he builds it according to his scenario.

A brave person is not afraid to take action. Not afraid to make mistakes. He knows that in every mistake there is a seed of success. He moves forward decisively and swiftly, overcoming any obstacles in his path.

A brave person overcomes his fears by going for them. He constantly cultivates in himself the image of fearlessness, gaining more and more victories over his fears.

How does a brave person overcome their fears?

The first thing a brave person does is admit to himself the presence of this or that fear and accept it as part of himself.

And then he goes to his fears. For example, if a brave person found out during introspection that he is afraid of birds, then he does not run away from situations where he can meet them, but rather goes outside, first contemplates them, then he can feed them ... the same with more serious fears. If a brave person realizes that he is afraid of death, he copes with this fear. First, he begins to think about this topic and understands that death is an inevitability and there is no escape from it. That you need to live while you are living, until the last moment, and when the time comes to die, you need to look death in the eyes with humility and fearlessness.

A brave man goes to his own fear of death. How? Well, for example, he begins to engage in extreme sports, sometimes watching films about death, but the main thing here is not to overdo it. A brave person does everything at the right pace and carefully works with his fears.

How a brave person develops his fearlessness

A brave person takes care to be brave, because he knows that fears have an extremely adverse effect on a person's life and health. A brave person visualizes his fearlessness, fixes in the subconscious the image that we are now describing. You can do the same if you want to develop courage. Just meditate daily on the topic of fearlessness and visualize yourself as a brave person and you will become one.

Affirmations for fear that a brave person uses

I'm completely safe. I trust myself and my subconscious. I am under the reliable protection of the Lord God.

I am the master of my fears. I easily manage my fears. I believe in myself and in my strength.

Fear has no power over me. They are free. I release them.

I develop courage. I develop fearlessness in myself.

I walk into my fears with love and draw strength from them.

I am a brave and confident person.

I accept both fear and courage. Everything has its place.