Physical education lesson. Public lesson

Ilan branch of KGBPOU "Bogotol College of Transport" Lecturer physical culture T.M. Makarova

Outline of an open lesson in physical education

"Circuit Workout"

Group No. 50 m, course 1

The purpose of the lesson: - development and improvement of motor qualities.Lesson objectives:

1 .Wellness:

improve the health of students;
- to master the ability to assess the level of their physical development and solve problems of personal physical improvement.

2. Educational:

Improve combat exercises;

- improve the technique of performing general physical exercises;

develop physical qualities (strength, endurance, coordination of movements);

- develop psychophysical qualities (imagination, attention, thinking, memoryauditory analyzer),
- to consolidate the technique of performing exercises;

3. Educational:

to cultivate the skills and habits of disciplined behavior: endurance, attention to the words of the commander, the ability to work under his leadership;

To cultivate activity, perseverance, objectivity, attention and mutual assistance to comrades, self-control.

Lesson type: anchoring

Lesson Form : circuit training.

Conducting methods: frontal, streaming, group, gaming.

Location: gym.

Time spending: 45 minutes.

Inventory: whistle, stopwatch, 4 pencils, 4 tablets, white drawing paper,

    gymnastic mat - 12 pcs.,

    stuffed balls - 2 kg - 6 pcs.,

    basketball balls -3 pcs.,

    gymnastic bench - 1 pc.,

    hoop "ring throw" - 4 pcs.

    gymnastic sticks 24 pcs

Preliminary work:

    control the completion of homework (compilation of the KORU);

    prepare report cards for section commanders;

    prepare exercise dosage cards;

    prepare emoticons for reflection - 4 sets;

    prepare music for relaxation;

    prepare an evaluation table.

    prepare test tasks


Lesson content



O. M. W.


Introductory part of the lesson

Construction, report, roll call,creating lesson motivation.

Lesson task message."Development of physical qualities"

Heart rate measurement

"Become equal, calmly!"

The manager submits a report. Check the availability of sports uniforms, identify those released.

Question,What are physical qualities?
This is the general physical fitness of a person.
What physical qualities can you name?
- flexibility
Correctly! What role do they play in our lives?
Help us to become strong and healthy!
Strong and dexterous!
Slim and beautiful!
Shape our body!
Strengthen our soul!
Yes, it’s not in vain that they say “In a healthy body - healthy mind

Accurate execution of commands

Find out the general condition of the students.

Drill exercises

    "Right, right, round!"

    "Step forward, march!"

"On the 1st-3rd pay."

"Line up in three lines!"

First line "step forward - march"

Third rank "step back - march"

Issue combat missions for each rank

    "left, left, around!"

    "Round, left, left!"

First line "step back - march"

Third rank "step forward - march"

"Line up in one line!"

1st take a step with the right, step with the left to the side and attach the right, 2nd in place, 3rd step with the left back, step with the right to the right and attach the left


Follow the commands clearly, follow the correct execution


Normal walking around the hall, with rebuilding through the middle into a column of 2;

    in a semi-squat, hands on the belt; we return along the outer side of the b / z.

    in full squat, hands on knees

    we return along the outer side of the b / z.

    "Through the middle of the hall in one column-march"

Complete tasks to music.

Do not get out of order

Back straight, look straight ahead



    right side side step;

    the same on the left side;

    back forward;

    running with jumps, from the right foot;

    with shin back whipping.

Breathing exercise while walking.

Rebuilding in columns of 3 "to the left - march!"

List tasks, in order, determine commands by whistle.

Monitor correct execution.

1-2 breath

3-4 full exhalation, do not hold your breath

Clarity of rebuilding, observance of the interval, distance.


measure pulse

1) I.p. - hands on each other's shoulders:

1-10 - head tilts left and right, (1)

1-10 - head tilt back and forth (1)

2) I.p. hands forward to the side

1-4 - circular movements in the wrist joint

1-4 - in the elbow

1-4 - in the shoulder

same back (3)

3) I.p. - hands clasped in front of chest

1 - hands up, stretch on toes, palms up;

2 - I.P. (6)

4) I.p. - hands forward to the sides

1 step left torso turn to the left

2- I.p.

3- step right turn right

4- I.p. (four)

5) I.p. feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt.

1-3 springy tilts to the right

1-3 springy tilts to the left (4-6)

6) I.p. legs wider than shoulders, hands on the belt.

1-3 springy slopes to the right foot

4 - I.p.

1-3 springy slopes to the left foot

4 - I.p. (4 times one way)

7). I.p. - hands forward to the sides

1 - swing of the left touch the palm of the right hand

2 - i.p.

3-4 - the same with the other leg. (four)

8) I.p. emphasis crouching hands on the floor

    emphasis, lying legs straight


    emphasis, lying legs apart

    I.p. (four)

9 ) I.p. hands behind the head, legs together, emphasis crouching

Jumping to the score (15)

“Circle”, “Close up in a column to the guides”, “Behind the guides, over the left shoulder around the hall in one column - march”

Prepare the body, namely the functional state and the main muscle groups involved in work in the main part of the lesson

Keep track of the score, perform synchronously.

Circular movements perform in full amplitude, listen to the score do not stray

Hands up, look at your hands

Execute synchronously

Perform springy bends without sharp movements

Perform swings crosswise, put the foot on the toe

Perform at the same time under the account, do not bend the body.

Listen to the score, perform without a "wave"

Find out the state after loading


Main part


"Left - one, two." Count on 1-2.

“Group, line up from one line to two - one, two, three!”

"First rank, step forward, pay for 1-2"

“Second rank, step, pay for 1-2” “Both ranks, in four ranks - line up”

1st take a step with the right, step with the left to the side and put the right



Determine 4 teams, in each team the guys choose a captain. Issue itineraries.

Circuit training

1 sector.Push-ups with complication, (to strengthen the muscles of the hands).

    3 participants I. p. - emphasis, lying hands on the floor, feet on the gymnastic bench.

    3 participants perform push-ups from the floor with a "greeting". to other members.

    Flexion and extension of the arms.

Keep your torso straight and touch the floor with your chest.

    I.p. (watch your breath)

Push-ups are performed at the expense of the squad leader (2 x. 15). .

Explanation of the order of movement, the number of tasks performed by sectors in a circular training, compliance with safety regulations.

Squad commanders demonstrate the performance of tasks in sectors.

(under the direction of).

Location plan, inventory for circuit training.(see attachments1)

During the rest, the teams must answer the questions of the test.

    The post of each approach is changed by position.

2 sector.Medicine ball exercise (to develop leg muscles)

    I.p. standing feet together with a medicine ball in front of the chest,

elbows to the side.


1 approach. (2 x 15). .

    the second approach is a medicine ball behind the head (2 x 15).

4th sector.Press exercise with complication in pairs .

    I.p. lying on gymnastic mats opposite, legs in the castle.

1 participant with the ball in I.p. lying on your back, the ball in outstretched hands.

2 participant without a ball

    Lifting the body and passing the ball to another.

(2 x 15).

squats with a slightly inclined body forward.

Exercise to perform at the expense of the squad leader

Perform a transition to repeat the exercises.

3 sector.Exercise deep gray with push-ups on a high bench.

I.p. hand rest on the benches (2x15)


The final part of the lesson

Building in teams.

    The captains submit a report on the work performed by stations.

    The test results will be reviewed in the next lesson.

    Summing up the lesson

In the report, indicate safety compliance during execution, the correct execution of the task at each station, and discipline. Conclusion.

After submitting the report, the captain of each team should hang the report sign on the wall on one of the carnations on a white background.


    What does the symbol of 5 rings represent.

    What elements of the symbols of the Olympic Games exist?

    Prepare material about the 2014 Olympiad.

Organized drill exit from the hall with words

And you our fateadminister

And please do not judge strictly
Our youth team
The team I can't live without

End of form

Synopsis of a lesson in physical education in grade 5.

Topic:"Gymnastics", "Fundamentals of Knowledge"

Target: Encourage students to engage in regular exercise for a healthy lifestyle.

Lesson objectives:


· Create conditions for the formation of correct posture.

· Strengthen the muscles of the foot to prevent flat feet.


· Teach the technique of somersault forward, backward, stand on the shoulder blades.

· To improve exercises with overcoming obstacles.


· Build a strong interest in physical activity.

· To cultivate discipline, diligence, collectivism.

Organization method: individual, frontal, flow.

Location: gym.

Inventory and equipment: multi-projector, tape recorder, audio cassette, gymnastic mats, hoops, foot ladders - 2, pine cones, gymnastic benches - 2, matchboxes - 4.





Preparatory part

16 min

1. Construction, message of the task

2. Slideshow

· What is health?

· What will help keep you healthy?

· What are the benefits of physical education and sports?

· What does morning exercises give?

2. Combat exercises

30 sec

6 min

30 sec

slide 2

slide 3.4

slide 5.6

Slide 7

Pay attention to turning

3. Walking:

1) on socks, hands up

2) high step, arms forward

3) back forward, arms to shoulders

4) polka step, hands on the belt

Rebuilding in a column of four

2 minutes

Pay attention to posture.

· Raise your knee higher

1 . General developmental exercises with a hoop:

1) ip - hoop below, grip outside


1 - lift the hoop up, stretch

2 - i.p.

3,4 - the same;

2) ip - hoop at the top, grip outside, tilt to the right, left.

3) ip - stand, legs apart, hoop vertically in front of you, grip from the outside.


1- tilt forward, bending over;


4) sp - hoop in front on the floor

1,2 - bending over to climb into the hoop, twisting in the shoulders, straighten up, the hoop behind the back.


1- squat, bending your arms, raise the hoop above your head;

2- return to sp.

5) ip - hoop at the bottom grip on top


1 - forward hoop, leg swing

2- i.p.

6) sp .: hoop on the side on the floor, grip with one hand from above

Hoop jumps and back

Rebuilding in one column

5 minutes

5-6 r

5-6 r

5-6 r

5-6 r

6-7 r

6-7 r

6-7 r

Outdoor switchgear perform submusical accompaniment

Pay attention to posture

  • stretch up
  • The back is straight, keep the shoulders and head correctly
  • Back straight
  • Raise your head, swing higher

4. Run: sp. hands on the belt

1) attached right, left side

2) with shin back overwhelm

3) with straight legs to the sides

4) with a jump


Running to music

5. Walking:

Breathing exercise

1-2 breath

3-4 exhale

30 sec

· Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth


Main part

23 min

1. An obstacle course for the formation of correct posture and the prevention of flat feet.

1 ) walking stairs for feet, lying on the floor

2) walking on toes on a bench with a bag on the head

3) pulling up, lying on the stomachincline bench, attached to the gymnastic wall

4) hanging on the gymnastic wall

11 min

Exercises are performed without shoes

  • Follow your posture
  • Go down without jumping

5) somersault forward

Emphasis crouching

Put your hands in front of you

Straightening your legs, shift your body weight to


Bend your arms, tilt your head forward

Pushing off with your feet, roll onto your back, take a tight group and go to point-blank crouching

6) walking on a lying rope

7) somersault back, roll back stand on the shoulder blades

Grouping in an emphasis crouching

Roll onto your back

Vigorously raise bent knees

Put your arms bent at the elbows on the floor near the head

Go point blank crouching

shoulder blade stand

Stance with bent legs

Stand with straight legs

8) walking on cones

Pay attention to the position of the head, round back, slightly apart knees

  • The head should tilt forward at the moment of bending the arms

Pay attention to kicking

  • The head is tilted forward until the chin touches the chest
  • Hands rest on the lower back, legs straight

3. Match competitions

12 min

The class is divided into two teams (opposite relay)

1. Matchboxes on the shoulders

2. Matchbox on the head

3. Matchbox on the outside


4. Matchbox, holding the chin

5. Matchbox on the top of the foot.

Follow your posture

· Back straight

· Carry at arm's length


Final part

6 min

1. Checking homework

Trunk lift

2. Summary of the lesson

3. Homework

3 min

2 minutes

1 minute

Students evaluate each other in pairs.

Lesson grades

Exercises for posture, according to the cards - individually.

(Appendix No. 1).

Prepare for the test

Lean forward

Application No. 1

Card number 1

Exercises for the formation and maintenance of correct posture.

1. Normal walking, on toes, heels, holding an object on the head.

2. Standing, spread your legs, arms behind your back, try to connect your hands.

Change the position of the hands and shift a small object.

3. Kneeling, turn around and first reach the right heel with the right hand, then

left hand left.

4. Lying on your back, make movements as when pedaling on a bicycle.

5. Lying on your stomach, raise your legs up, holding for a few seconds, slowly lower

Card number 2

Exercises to maintain posture and prevent flat feet

1. Standing close to the wall: raise the bent leg, straighten it and take it to the side, the same thing, standing on the toe.

2. Tilt right and left without losing contact with the wall.

3. Squatting against a wall with a load on your head.

4. Walking on a round stick or thick rope.

5. Grasping and shifting small objects with toes.

GTO - the path to health.

( lesson on preparation for passing the TRP standards)


lesson in preparation for passing the TRP standards

Location : gym

Type of lesson : circuit training

Lesson type : improving skills and knowledge.

The purpose of the lesson : preparation for passing the TRP standards (complex development of motor qualities).

Lesson objectives :

Improving the technique for performing individual elements in preparation for passing the TRP standards.

To promote the development of muscle and visual memory, strength, flexibility, speed, endurance.

Educational: shaping value attitude to health, active citizenship.

Inventory : didactic material (cards with execution technique, cards with standards, tablets or phones, rulers for measuring flexibility, Handout(insignia), cones, gymnastic mats, stopwatches.



Organizational and methodological instructions

Preparatory part (11 min)


1 minute.

Equal class! Attention!

a)An excerpt from the cartoon "Well, wait a minute!". Questions to the topic.

Discussion of the content of the animated film: Why did I show you this fragment? What is the plot about? Why did the main character fail to cope with the task of keeping the weight off? What conclusions can we draw for ourselves on the example of the adventures of the protagonist.

Students should come to the conclusion: Human health is the main value in life (list the rules of a healthy lifestyle: physical education, sports, outdoor games; healthy nutrition, daily routine; hardening;

b)Reading a poem:

To be healthy and bold

Be assertive, skillful

Sports you need to do:

Run, swim, swim.

Need to follow the rules

And not just run away.

Need to get glasses

And they will give badges for them.

The icons say:

We are all ready for "five"

And keep healthy

And defend Russia!

What do you think this poem is about? (about the TRP) What is the TRP? (Student answers)

Let's try to formulate the topic of the lesson.

And so, let's try to formulate the topic of the lesson:

The message of the topic and objectives of the lesson:

Theme of the lesson: "TRP - the path to health." Lesson objectives: Today webwe will improve the technique of performing individual elements in preparation for passing the TRP standards. Let's try to fulfill several standards for the delivery of the TRP and evaluate their implementation.

Video clip: What is GTO?

After 23 years, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, from September 1, 2014, the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) was introduced in our countryThis abbreviation is well known to older people.

The updated transcript of the TRP sounds like:"I'm proud of you, Fatherland!"

The goal of the revival of the TRP-21 century:

1. attempt instill in you the habit of a healthy lifestyle and mass sports, so that instead of computer games you were engaged in physical education and sports.

2. strengthening your health;

3. education of a comprehensive physically developed person, preparing him for labor activity and defense of the motherland.

4.U increasing the life expectancy of the population through systematic physical training.

The answer to this question is for everyone young man may be yours. Someone wants to compare themselves with older family members who have the Soviet TRP sign. Someone wants to try to achieve a specific result and test their willpower and perseverance. And someone is just used to being the first in studies and sports. All people are different. However, everyone who voluntarily decided to pass the test with the TRP complex has one thing in common -purposefulness. It is this trait that is most important for people in the 21st century.
Only motivated and physically fit people will be able to succeed in a competitive labor market.

Schoolchildren who fulfill the standards of the complex are awarded gold, silver or bronze badges of distinction, and also receive sports titles. The possession of such insignia gives bonuses for admission to higher educational institutions.

Building in one line

Line up the class! To the right, to the left, bypassing the march!

2. Slow run on one half of the hall with tasks (with a high raising of the thigh, with the overwhelm of the lower leg, right and left sides, running with the back, with a change in direction of movement, side steps). SBU are performed with a snake between gymnastic mats.

2 minutes.

The distance between students is 2 steps.

3. Flashmob to the music "Charging".

3-4 min.

Checking homework (two of the students show, the rest repeat).

Main part(32min)

Now we will be divided into teams, each team should have the same number of people, you will choose the captains who will perform the tasks first, then the team will be evaluated. We will perform two approaches: the first round you perform tests in the ways that you are used to, the second round, you do before. How to complete the tasks, you read the instructions to the whole team, watch the video, and after that you follow the standard according to the rules. Evaluate yourself only after the second execution.

1 station - Shuttle run, 2 station - jumps, 3 - press, 4 - flexibility. We change in a circle counterclockwise.

1. Separation at stations.

The class is divided into groups. Exercises are performed on a whistle.

1. Coordination ability test:

Target: Determine the ability to quickly and accurately reorganize their actions in accordance with the requirements of a suddenly changing situation in a 3 * 9 m shuttle run.

Each station - 4 minutes


Stepping on the starting line.

Don't touch the line with your fingers.

Skidding or stepping over the line while taking the test.

Shuttle run at a distance of 9 m, 2 parallel lines are drawn - “Start” and “Finish”.

The exercise is performed in the form of a competition, the winner is determined.

2. Station: Test for determining speed-strength qualities:



Long jump from a place with a push with two legs is performed in the sector for horizontal jumps. The participant takes the starting position (hereinafter referred to as PI): legs shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, toes in front of the measurement line. With a simultaneous push of two legs, a forward jump is performed. Hand swing is allowed.


4) displacement of the pelvis.

4. Station: Flexibility test.



1) bending the legs at the knees;

When performing a test (test) on a gymnastic bench, on command, the participant performs two preliminary inclinations, sliding his fingers along the measurement ruler. At the third tilt, the participant bends as much as possible and fixes the result for 2 seconds.

Final part (2 min).

1. Survey on the topic of the lesson

1 minute.

theoretical survey.

What new did you learn about the TRP today? Why is it necessary to pass standards, especially to the younger generation?

2. Summing up.

1 minute.

Assess the performance of assignments.

Let's see what results you got today in the lesson? Raise up and show who completed the standards for the insignia. Well done! Take a step forward those who completed the 4 types of insignia. You will now exchange your signs in accordance with the instructions that lie near the box for a larger sign and attach your signs to our New Year tree, everyone who received signs on certain types attach them to A4 size signs. There are not many decorations on our Christmas tree today. But we still have a long way to go, I hope that by the end of 2017 there will be more decorations on our Christmas tree specifically in your class.


When preparing a lesson, it is necessary to take into account the individual, physiological, psychological and age characteristics of the class team. This lesson has the advantage that it can be used from grades 5 to 11, changing only speed-strength training.

It is advisable to conduct a lesson immediately before the main delivery of the TRP standards.

The purpose of the lesson : preparation for the delivery of TRP standards.

Lesson objectives :

1. educational

Comprehensive development of motor qualities

Strengthening the skills of the main types of exercises

To promote the development of muscle and visual memory, strength, accuracy of hitting the target, speed, endurance

2. Educational

Raising patriotic feelings and love for the motherland

Education of the will when performing exercises with weights

Formation of skills of mutual assistance when performing exercises

3. wellness

Development of physical abilities

Promote the development of the muscles of the musculoskeletal system

In order to develop and maintain students' interest in the subject of physical education, it is desirable to use a group form of students' organization in the lesson, which helps to increase the motor density of the lesson.

Planned educational UUD results:

Personal: The development of aesthetic feelings, skills of cooperation with peers, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of controversial situations, the development of independence and personal responsibility for one's actions based on ideas about moral standards.Endurance, strength, speed, coordination, team spirit.

Metasubject: ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, the ability to respond quickly.

Cognitive: Knowledge about the history of the emergence of the TRP, why was it revived again? Why is it necessary in the 21st century? Pgo to circuit training stations (be able to perform: long jumps from a place, exercises to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen (abs) and back; flexibility test; shuttle run).

Regulatory: to see a mistake and correct it not only at the direction of an adult, but also on your own, to maintain a given goal.

Communicative: Present specific content and communicate it orally, listen and hear each other, captain and teacher.

Subject: Know how to pass the circuit training stations, the rules of the outdoor game, how to choose the elements of the outdoor game, taking into account common interests.

Methods :

The nature cognitive activity


By way of organization academic work


group work

For the functional preparation of the body, a warm-up is carried out, which includes varieties of running, jumping and outdoor switchgear in the form of a flash mob on the spot.

At the main stage of the lesson, students solve the tasks: they perform exercises that improve coordination abilities. Students are divided into groups randomly (or according to the strength of physical abilities) in order to implement work at 5 stations: each group performs certain work for 4 minutes in turn at each station. The competitive method at each station contributes to the emotional background of the lessons, increases interest in the lesson. Exercises at each station are aimed not only at the development of actual motor qualities, but also at the formation of applied skills, for this purpose such exercises as jumping, running were used, which can be used by students in real life, in extreme situations. Freed from physical activity, students actively participate in the lesson, helping to record the best results at the stations.

The group form of conducting classes contributes to the cohesion of students, increasing their communication skills, developing volitional qualities, self-control, self-organization of discipline, restraint, mutual assistance. A significant problem in organizing physical education classes is a contradiction: lack of time with significant downtime and loss of active time. The group form of conducting classes removes this contradiction, ensuring the assimilation and implementation larger volume educational information for a shorter time period (in comparison with other forms).

In the final part of the lesson, I conducted a survey aimed at consolidating knowledge of physical culture and sports, which is facilitated not only by the restorative nature, but also by the emotional background of the game. A survey is possible according to the rules of various competitions, knowledge of the history of sports, the history of the TRP, knowledge of the full complex of the TRP.

The control of the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities was carried out mainly in the oral form (question-answer; dialogue and monologue). The students also developed self-control skills along the lines of the model.

The high working capacity of students throughout the lesson was ensured by the creation of a favorable microclimate and background due to the variety of types of work and its uniform dynamism, good mutual understanding. The form of the lesson and the emotional mood allow students at the final stage to independently draw a conclusion, as well as evaluate their activities.


passing the TRP standards

8 "A" class

team no.

1 circle




Jumping from



30 sec.

Test for










2 circle




Jumping from



30 sec.

Test for










Team captain:


1. Test for the determination of coordination abilities:

Target: Determine the ability to quickly and accurately reorganize their actions in accordance with the requirements of a suddenly changing situation in a 3 * 10 m shuttle run.


Shuttle running is carried out on any flat ground with a hard surface that provides good grip with shoes. At a distance of 10 m, 2 parallel lines are drawn - “Start” and “Finish”.

The participant, without stepping on the starting line, takes the position of a high start. At the command "March!" (with simultaneous start of the stopwatch) the participant runs to the finish line, touches the line with his hand, returns to the start line, touches it and overcomes the last segment without touching the finish line with his hand. The stopwatch is stopped at the moment of crossing the "Finish" line. Participants start by 2 people.

It is forbidden: Step on the starting line.

2. Test for determining speed-strength qualities:

Target: Define speed-strength qualities standing long jump.


Long jump from a place with a push with two legs is performed in the sector for horizontal jumps. The place of repulsion should provide good grip with the shoes. The participant takes the starting position (hereinafter referred to as PI): legs shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, toes in front of the measurement line. With a simultaneous push of two legs, a forward jump is performed. Hand swing is allowed.

The measurement is taken along a perpendicular straight line from the measurement line to the nearest trace left by any part of the participant's body.

The participant is given three attempts. The best score counts.


1) stepping over the measurement line or touching it;

2) repulsion from a preliminary jump;

3) repulsion by legs at different times.

3. Test: " Lifting the torso from a supine position".


Lifting the torso from a prone position is performed from the SP: lying on your back on a gymnastic mat, hands behind your head, shoulder blades touch the mat, legs bent at the knees at a right angle, feet pressed to the floor by the partner.

Participant performs maximum amount lifting (for 1 min.), touching the hips (knees) with the elbows, followed by a return to the IP.

The number of correctly performed torso lifts is counted.

To perform testing, pairs are created, one of the partners performs the exercise, the other holds his legs by the feet and shins. Then the participants change places.


1) lack of touching the hips (knees) with the elbows;

2) lack of touching the mat with the shoulder blades;

3) fingers are open "out of the lock";

4) displacement of the pelvis

4. Strength test:

Target: Determine the strength in pulling up on the crossbar from the hang with an overhand grip for boys,from hanging lying on a hanging crossbar (up to 110 cm) in girls of school age.

Girls: Pulling up on a low bar is performed from the PI: hanging face up with a grip from above, hands shoulder-width apart, head, torso and legs form a straight line, heels can rest against a support up to 4 cm high.

The height of the crossbar bar for participants of IV - IX steps is 110 cm.

In order to take the PI, the participant approaches the crossbar, grabs the bar with an overhand grip, squats under the bar and, keeping his head straight, puts his chin on the bar of the bar. After that, without unbending the arms and without lifting the chin from the crossbar, stepping forward, it straightens so that the head, torso and legs form a straight line. The assistant referee places a support under the competitor's feet. After that, the participant straightens his arms and takes the IP. From the IP, the participant pulls himself up to the crossing of the crossbar with his chin, then lowers into the hang and, fixing for 0.5 sec. IP, continues the exercise.


Pulling up on a high bar is performed from the PI: hanging with a grip from above, hands shoulder-width apart, arms, torso and legs straightened, legs do not touch the floor, feet together.

The participant pulls up so that the chin crosses the top line of the bar, then lowers into the hang and continues the exercise.

countsthe number of correctly performed pull-ups, recorded by the score of the judge.



1) pull-ups with jerks or with bending of the body;

4) different-time bending of the arms.



1) pulling up in jerks or with swings of the legs (torso);

2) the chin did not rise above the bar of the crossbar;

3) no fixation for 0.5 sec. IP;

3) multi-temporal bending of the arms.

5. Flexibility test.

Leaning forward from a standing position with straight legs on a gymnastic bench

Target: Determine flexibility while standing on a gymnastic bench from a standing position on a bench in school-age children.


Tilt forward from a standing position with straight legs is performed from the SP: standing on the floor or a gymnastic bench, legs are straightened at the knees, the feet are parallel at a width of 10 - 15 cm.

When performing a test (test) on a gymnastic bench, on command, the participant performs two preliminary inclinations, sliding his fingers along the measurement ruler. At the third tilt, the participant bends as much as possible, and fixes the result for 2 seconds.

Flexibility is measured in centimeters. The result above the level of the gymnastic bench is determined by the - sign, below - by the + sign.


1) bending the legs at the knees;

2) fixing the result with the fingers of one hand;

3) lack of fixation of the result within 2 seconds.

Physical education helps to increase the immunity and well-being of the child. The body is strengthened, the risk of getting sick will be less. Moreover, in early preschool age children can be extremely active and exercise is a way for them to blow off steam and expend energy. Physical education will only benefit children if a specialist deals with this issue.

Carrying out physical culture and health-improving work in any kindergarten should be a priority for the teaching staff, since not a small proportion of children who attend the kindergarten already at such an early age are at risk of diseases provoked by physical inactivity. Also, almost half of the children who attend kindergartens can be classified as frequently ill.

How to organize physical education classes in kindergarten?

Experts recommend exercising 2-3 times a week. Studying proccess it is worth organizing in such a way that sports can be carried out in the morning. You should also normalize the load and control so that the duration of classes does not exceed 20 minutes. First of all, so that children do not use up their physical potential completely and do not overwork, and, secondly, long classes may seem boring to them.

Physical education can be carried out with or without musical accompaniment. In the lesson, children should learn to jump on a hill and in length, squat, run, walk in different ways. The lesson should be carried out in game form as it allows children to relax and exercise more at ease. A properly organized lesson can help a child develop not only physically, but also intellectually.

For children from senior group In the classroom, you can conduct simple competitions. For example, find the one who runs the snake the fastest or overcomes the obstacle course.

What the classes will be depends to a greater extent on the professionalism of the teacher and the functionality of the room where the classes are held. If the kindergarten is also equipped with an outdoor playground, then periodically classes can be held in the fresh air.

Do preschoolers need a physical education uniform?

No matter what age the child is and how often he does physical education, in any case, he needs a physical education uniform. First of all, he needs a shift to maintain personal hygiene.

When choosing a shape, preference should be given to non-synthetic materials.

Moreover, the issue of choosing a form for physical education can be approached with creativity. For example, on parent meeting you can offer to buy all the kids a uniform of the same color and type, and then come up with an emblem for the group and put it on the uniform. This will at least form a team spirit among the kids, and at sporting events such an outfit for children will look spectacular.

Also, educators should sometimes have conversations with parents and explain to them that it is important that the child is engaged in physical education not only in kindergarten, but also outside it.

Gymnastics in kindergarten

Gymnastics in kindergarten is held every morning. First of all, this is necessary in order to cheer up children before starting classes and instill in them a love for physical education. During gymnastics, the main thing is not to overdo it with the load. Exercises should be exclusively warm-up.

Also, gymnastics can be done in between classes.

Lesson plan in modern pedagogy

Undoubtedly, the ability to improvise is necessary modern educators, but quality improvisation comes with experience.

The lesson plan is extremely important for both students pedagogical universities, and for experienced teachers.

The outline of a physical education lesson will allow the teacher to adequately assess the quality of the work of each student in the lesson and plan corrective work to develop certain exercises for individual students.

AT modern pedagogy Lesson plans play a very important role. This is a required element pedagogical activity in modern school.

The lesson plan is a document that reflects the lesson plan. pedagogical process for every lesson.

Obviously, the lesson plan is the most detailed description of the lesson, which, of course, is necessary for the objective management of the educational process in a modern school.

Currently, there are many simple and complex definitions of the outline plan within the framework of pedagogical science, but they are, for the most part, too scientific to give a clear idea of ​​the outline of the lesson.

The plan-outline of the lesson is a schematic display of the main theses of the lesson, a reflection of the creative thought of the teacher, aimed at activating the cognitive, mental and creative activity students to acquire the necessary knowledge.

The outline of any lesson (we consider as an example), as a rule, the following structure:

  • Lesson topic. The name of the topic is taken from the approved calendar-thematic plan for physical culture.
  • Lesson number. Its name is written out from your lesson planning.
  • Lesson goals. When compiling the outline of a physical culture lesson, the content of the educational, developmental and upbringing goals is briefly listed.

How to make an outline of a physical education lesson

In this article, I consider it necessary to offer a simple, but, in my opinion, useful instruction for compiling a lesson plan.

  1. identify a clear topic for the lesson.
  2. indicate the type of lesson based on the following classification: a lesson on getting to know new information or a lesson on consolidating the material covered, a combined lesson, a recapitulation lesson, a control lesson, and others.
  3. outline the objectives of the upcoming lesson. As a rule, a well-designed outline of a physical education lesson (and not only) reflects several goals.
  4. it is necessary to formulate the tasks of the lesson of physical culture, that is, what exactly do you intend to do in order to achieve the above goals of the lesson.
  5. indicate the material and technical equipment of the lesson.
  6. in the outline of the lesson of physical culture, describe the course of the lesson: what methods and techniques you will use in teaching, what is required from students.

Outline of a lesson in physical education for students in grade 7

Theme of the lesson: "Improving the technique of the previously studied basketball material by the game method"

The purpose of the lesson: to repeat and consolidate the previously studied material on basketball.

Lesson objectives:

1. Improving the technique of possession, dribbling and throwing into the ring.

2. Formation of correct posture, development of various muscle groups.

3. Education of discipline, collectivism, a sense of camaraderie.

Venue: Sports Hall.

Lesson duration: 40 min.

Equipment and inventory: tape recorder, basketball, hoop (6 pcs.).

Parts of the lesson

Organizational and methodological instructions


Building in one line, checking the presence of a sports uniform.

Line up one at a time. follow correct posture, hand position and foot placement.

The class moves into the column one at a time. Make sure your feet are in the correct position while doing the task.

Building in one line around the perimeter of the hall. The form of organization is frontal, the method of implementation is simultaneous. The teacher sits in the center of the room. Pay attention to the interval - arms to the sides, to the posture when performing the exercise. Watch the position of the hands.

1. Construction, greeting, message of lesson tasks

2. Walking:

On socks;

On the outer arch of the foot

Roll from heel to toe.


Back forward;

4. General developmental exercises (ORU) on the spot:

1) I.p. - stand legs apart, hands on the belt. 1 - head tilt to the left; 2 - the same to the right; 3 - the same forward; 4 - the same back.

2) I.p. - stand legs apart, hands on the belt. 1-4 - rotation of the head to the left; 5-8 - the same to the right side.

3) I.p. - stand legs apart, hands on the belt.

1 - hands to the shoulders; 2 - hands up, stand on toes; 3 - hands to the shoulders; 4 - i. P.

4) I.p. - stand legs apart, arms to the sides. 1 - clench your fingers into a fist; 2 - unclench; 3 - clench your fingers into a fist; 4 - unclench.

5) I.p. - stand legs apart, arms to the sides. 1-4 - rotation with brushes forward; 5-8 - the same back.

6) I.p. - stand legs apart, arms to the sides. 1-4 - rotation of the forearms forward; 5-8 - the same back.

7) I.p. - stand with legs apart, hands to shoulders. 1-4 - rotation of the shoulders forward; 5-8 - the same back.

8) I.p. Left hand up, right hand down. 1-4 - jerking hands back with a change in the position of the hands.

9) I.p. - stand legs apart, hands on the belt.

1-2 - two torso tilts to the left, right arm above the head; 3-4 - the same to the right, left hand above the head.

10) I.p. - stand legs apart, hands on the belt.

1 - torso tilt to the left leg; 2 - the same in the middle; 3 - the same to the right leg; 4 - i. P.


From a column of one class, rebuild into a column of three with an interval of 2 m. The form of organization is alternate, the method of execution is simultaneously by several students. The students in the first line begin the exercise by whistling the teacher. After completing the exercise, students line up in a column of three on the other side of the hall. Monitor the correct setting of the feet when performing running exercises, the position of the hands.

The form of organization is sequential, the method of implementation is simultaneously by several students. Remind the technique of dribbling. Pay attention to the setting of the feet when performing basketball movements.

Students run around the rack and return to their original position, the ball is passed from hand to hand.

For 7th grade students using the Kervonen formula

The ITP should be approximately 150 beats per minute.

The form of organization is play. The exercise is performed at a distance of 20 m back and forth, running around the rack. Provide musical accompaniment for relay races.

1. Running and jumping exercises:

Running with high hips;

Running with shin overwhelm;

Side steps left and right side;

Back forward;

Jumping on the left and right foot;

Starting acceleration from the position of jumping in place on two legs.

2. Special basketball exercises:

Dribbling the ball with the right and left hand in a straight line;

Dribbling the ball with the right and left hand in a straight run;

Driving with change of direction.

3. Measurement of individual training pulse (ITP)

4. Relays:

1) come up with a name and motto for your team;

2) bring your friend's shoes;

3) running with two balls - put a ball in each hoop - run around the rack - collect balls from hoops;

4) dribbling the ball in a straight line with the right hand to the rack - back with the left hand;

5) dribbling with a change of direction between the hoops;

6) dribbling with a hoop;

7) jumping on two legs with the ball between the legs - back with a smooth run;

8) throwing the ball into the ring by the team in turn for 30 seconds (the number of hits is counted).


The winners run one circle to the applause of the relay race participants.

Building in one line. Homework: Review the rules of basketball. Turn right, exit the hall.

1. Rewarding the winners of relay races.

2. Construction, summing up the lesson.

The physical education lesson plan can be used for self-training.