Useful links for elementary school teachers. Archive of the journal "Primary School Plus Before and After Elementary School for Teachers Magazine"

We offer an overview of the most famous and popular educational sites for teachers primary school.

elementary School children, parents, teachers. The site is an open project. Children can learn something interesting here, create something new, play smart games, communicate with their peers. Parents have the opportunity to exchange tips on raising children, get advice from teachers if necessary, and learn more about their own children. And teachers can communicate with each other on "no man's land".

On the website of the Moscow Center of the Federation of Internet Education in the section "Primary School" there are author's and working programs on the subjects of elementary school, methodological developments lessons, exemplary lesson plans, recommendations on the use of computer technology and Internet technology in the classroom, materials for extracurricular activities, tests, the announcement of new books and textbooks, annotated links to educational Internet resources and much more.

Electronic versions of the newspaper "Primary School" of the publishing house "First of September". All headings of the newspaper are presented here, for example, such as " traditional school”,“ Note to the teacher ”,“ Zankov system ”,“ D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydov”, “Correctional and developmental education”, “Learning by playing”, etc. On the server “Open World” in the section “World of Knowledge” there are full-text versions of the magazine “Elementary School” ( ). The materials of this site are devoted to the educational system "School 2100". On its pages you can get acquainted with the main theoretical provisions of the "School 2100" program. Materials posted in the sections "Educational program "School 2100" and other conceptual documents", "Textbooks and teaching aids", "Scientific and methodological periodicals", "System "School 2100" in the regions", "Control and monitoring", "Improving qualifications” and others, can be useful not only for primary school teachers who are starting to work on this program, but also for those who have been introducing its ideas and methods into the practice of Russian primary school for a long time.

On the same site at:

You can view the full-text archive of the magazine "Primary School Before and After" for the past few years.

Federal Scientific and Methodological Center. L.V. Zankova and the Association of Professionals Contributing to the System of Developing Education L.V. Zankov, are on this site. The site is addressed to directors, methodologists and teachers. Here you can find regulations, programs training courses, lesson materials, advice on specific topics, online parenting tests, entertaining tasks, etc. An annotated catalog can be found on the site teaching aids in reading, Russian language, mathematics, work, music and other subjects. It is possible to place an order for the purchase of literature.

On the website of the magazine "Obruch" ("Education, child, student"), teachers and parents, having looked through the archives of the magazine for 1998-2004, will find materials on the following topics: "Continuity of kindergarten and primary school", "Children and their health" , "New programs for kindergarten and elementary school", " cognitive development and developmental education”, “Scenarios of holidays and entertainment”, “Information about new books”, “Methodological aids for teachers and teachers”, “Developing books and textbooks for children”, etc.

Monthly scientific and methodical magazine "Primary school". The archive of this magazine starts from 1998. To view the log, Adobe Acrobat Reader must be installed on your computer.

(By the way, you can download this free program at ) On the same site you can write a letter to the editor and take part in the forum. Weekly publishing house "First of September" "Elementary school". His archive includes numbers from 1997. Considering that the newspaper is published every week, this is a huge material for elementary school teachers. If you cannot find this newspaper in your school or library, the Internet will always help you. The popular children's literary and artistic magazine "Murzilka" also has its own website. The magazine publishes fairy tales, stories, plays, poems.

List of useful sites for primary school teachers:

- the largest search engine "Altavista". is a free mail system. — website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

— Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation. — website of the Institute of New Technologies. — Russian State Library. — State Scientific Pedagogical Library. K.D. Ushinsky.

- Library of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. - open Russian digital library OREL.

- Library of Maxim Moshkov. - pedagogical library. — dictionaries and encyclopedias on-line. — Pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary. - portal of the company "Cyril and Methodius". — virtual school of Cyril and Methodius. — site of the Moscow collection of abstracts. - website of the International Association for Developmental Education - MARO (system of D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydov). —website of the Moscow Center for Continuing Mathematical Education.

-Internet for children. Catalog of children's resources. - Website of the "Teacher's newspaper". - Internet newspaper of the scientific community "Search". - scientific and methodological journal "Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bulletin". - magazine "Siberian teacher". - Journal "Education and Society". - journal "Bulletin of Education". — magazine "Issues of Internet education". - monthly electronic magazine "Courier of Education". - children's fairy tale magazine "Pochitayka". - electronic version of the magazine "Bonfire". — website "Children's World". Children's songs, cartoons, riddles, etc. - children's portal "Sunshine". - a book of fairy tales. - a site for children and parents "Virtual Kids". — a site containing mathematical puzzles. - a site about origami for children and parents. - children's playroom. - art library - free lesson development, scripts, planning Useful links for primary school teachers Welcome to the Russian language class. Tests are designed for students in grades 1-5 high school. Computer in elementary school, author's program by Saltanova N.N., computer science teacher of the multidisciplinary gymnasium 13 in Penza.

Issues of using a computer in elementary school: from psychological and pedagogical aspects to a selection of various exercises for the eyes when working with a machine. - Informatics in games and tasks. (Non-computer course)- Educational games for knowledge of the basics in English, mathematics, Russian language. Agree that teaching a child in the form of a game is more effective and more interesting. For those who can already read and speak English, the Internet offers sites where you can develop your skills.

At this address you will find an interactive game made in flash technology. In this game, you can independently compose the sounds of the forest, the sea, the jungle from the voices of animals, the noise of trees, the surf.

For those who already know the language well, there is a site called "Fun exercise for the mind." On it you will find educational, logical, mathematical games, tests for children, plans and teaching materials for teachers, advice and recommendations. - For junior schoolchildren There are all kinds of ecological games and contests on the Internet. For example, on the website "Zerkalenok" in the section "Day of Nature" some eco-competitions, eco-games, environmental projects of younger schoolchildren are collected. There is also a section on environmental advice. It gives recommendations on caring for nature, on what can be done to make the environment brighter. This resource is useful not only for children, but also for class teachers, teachers of biology, ecology, and leaders of circles. - Riddles and crossword puzzles for kids. Selected riddles and entertaining tasks from the book of I.G. Sukhin "New 500 riddles - 70 crossword puzzles". Sections of the book: riddles-jokes in crosswords, entertaining tasks in crosswords, literary crosswords, riddles in crosswords, Russian folk riddles in crosswords, answers. The book is intended for children 5-12 years old, kindergarten teachers, teachers, counselors, librarians, parents.

Entertaining and methodical materials from the books of Igor Sukhin: from literary inventions to chess. speech material for working with children with impaired pronunciation: an explanation of the methodology, a collection of exercises and tasks. Entertaining math and chess for preschool and younger kids school age. - Psychological aspects of managing the process of mastering knowledge and ways of students' activities in the classroom.

Tips for parents of first graders. A rigid focus on excellent studies often makes a child think that it is worth studying not for the sake of learning new things, but for the sake of "fives", so as not to upset mom and dad. Sooner or later, such a child may lose all interest in learning. - Animals

- Birds

- Insects

- Fish

- Plants

- Forest Encyclopedia

: The World History.

Internet newspaper (a joint project of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and news agency"Prime-TASS", the purpose of which is information support for the modernization and development of the Russian education system) (

Glagol - Orthodox pedagogical journal (

Kindergarten from A to Z is a scientific and methodological magazine for teachers, parents and all those who are not indifferent to the world of childhood, the fate of the Russian preschool education and the future of the country. Published since 2003. (

Principal of a rural school - magazine (

School director - journal (

Game and children - a magazine for parents and teachers Readers of the magazine - all those who are not indifferent to children from 1 to 10 years old, and who still have not forgotten how to play (

Interactive education - electronic newspaper (Novosibirsk) (

Informatics and education - (
monthly scientific and methodical magazine for teachers of computer science of high school, teachers of high schools, technical schools, methodologists. Published since 1986 by the publishing house "Education and Informatics", Moscow.

Online Magazine
Here you can get acquainted with the best lesson developments, class hours, extracurricular activities of your colleagues.
All these materials are available only to registered users.

Courier of Russian academic science and higher education - a journal of morals of Russian scientific life. Monthly electronic magazine. (

Leaders of Education ( - electronic version of the journal. Founder: Foundation for the Support of Russian Teachers Publisher: Obraz-Center LLC

The Primary School magazine is the oldest monthly scientific and methodological journal in Russia (created in 1933) The Primary School magazine is unique methodological guide, universal in nature: it publishes materials on all subjects and courses for each grade of elementary school, official documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. (

Colleagues - Pedagogical Journal of Kazakhstan (

Primary school plus Before and After - magazine (

New Education - Pedagogical Scientific and Methodological Journal (

Education: researched in the world
- International Scientific Pedagogical Internet Journal with a depository library. Publishes in open access articles, abstracts, dissertations, etc., related to the topics of pedagogy and education. (

Art Pedagogy -
electronic scientific journal. Online periodical scientific publication that does not have a printed equivalent. ENJ publishes scientific materials on the theory and history of art pedagogy, on the problems of integration of arts in education, forecasting aesthetic education and development of children in the field of literature, theater, screen arts, music, visual arts, arts and crafts, architecture and design, methods of teaching subjects educational field"art". (

Pedagogical informatics (journal)
Founders: Moscow State University for the Humanities named after M.A. Sholokhov, Institute of Informatization of Education (ININFO), Ural State Pedagogical University. (

"Pedagogical science and education in Russia and abroad: regional, global and informational aspects" - electronic journal (

"Pedagogical technique", an encyclopedia of practical experience - a magazine about secrets professional excellence for subject teachers, elementary school teachers and preschool teachers. (

Pedagogical News - a newspaper of teachers, educators, methodologists of the South-Eastern educational district of Moscow. It is the only newspaper of its kind in the country. The main directions of publications - promotion of best practices the best teachers and teaching staff, assistance to educators in raising their professional level, setting and solving problems that arise in the educational space of the district, informing the population about the activities of the education system of the SEAD. (

Pedagogical sciences today - journal (

Pedagogical university bulletin of Altai - AltSPA (

First of September - newspaper (

Polynomial - a scientific and methodological journal (January 2009) ( - is devoted to the teaching of mathematics, the history of mathematics and the history of public education and is aimed at a wide audience of people related to the teaching of mathematics: teachers, methodologists, teachers and students of pedagogical universities, historians of education.

Potential - about educational magazine for high school students and teachers (


Elementary School Standards

  • GEF (Federal State Educational Standards) for elementary school
  • The system of tasks according to the standards of the new generation

Newspapers and magazines

  • Site "I'm going to elementary school lesson" created on the basis of the materials of the newspaper "Primary school" of the publishing house "First of September"
  • Newspaper "Primary School" . This information resource contains an electronic version of the newspaper "September 1. Primary School" and "I'm going to an elementary school lesson", created on the basis of materials from the newspaper "Primary School", which is also presented in this resource. Selected a variety of material on different subjects, the original development of lessons. This material can be useful for teachers in preparing for lessons.
  • Website "Teacher's newspaper"
  • Magazine "Primary School" . The magazine "Primary School" is a reference book for primary school teachers, educators, teachers and students of pedagogicalagogical colleges, universities, parents of younger students.

Personal blogs and websites of primary school teachers

On the pages of personal websites and blogs of elementary school teachers, you can find a lot of interesting materials (development of educational and extracurricular activities using information technology tools, examples of didactic materials, etc.).

  • Website of the primary school teacher Ponyatovskaya Yulia Nikolaevna
  • "Rays". Primary school teacher Inna Anatolyevna Galkina website
  • The blog of the primary school teacher Zyablitsyna O.M.
  • ICT in elementary school (Maria Smirnova's blog)
  • "Why" personal website of the primary school teacher Kotova Ya.V.
  • Website of primary school teacher Butnaru Oksana Vasilievna
  • Website of the primary school teacher Bazueva Natalya Nikolaevna
  • Primary school teacher Tsaunite Irina Vladimirovna
  • "Pilots" Site of the primary school teacher Voronina Marina Mikhailovna
  • "Friend" Website of the primary school teacher Lyubov Leonidovna Vorobyova
  • Site of primary school teacher Shalakova Albina Nikolaevna.
  • OSA - Primary Teacher's Blog
  • Blog of the teacher of the beginning of classes Sheikina S.A.
  • Teacher's blog classes Zhakulina I.V.
  • Blog of a primary school teacher Prost Elena Petrovna
  • Website of the primary school teacher Ponomareva Lyudmila Alexandrovna

Communities and virtual clubs of elementary school teachers

  • a community for people from 6 years old and older related to elementary school.
  • ICT in Primary School - a community of elementary school teachers on the portal "Network of Creative Teachers"
  • "Elementary School" - virtual creative group "Primary School" on the METHODISTS portal
  • First steps at school - Virtual club of elementary school teachers
  • MONTESSORI CITY- virtual pedagogical club. The site provides interesting information about the work of the club of teachers who use the ideas of Montessori in their activities. There is detailed material on Montessori pedagogy; material of author's meetings; master classes, lecture courses, trainings.
  • Children-66.ruPortal for teachers and parents of the Ural region

Teaching materials for lessons

  • Pteaching in elementary school on the website of the Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "Open Lesson"
  • Thematic collections of materials
  • Methodological materials for primary school teachers on the portal RusEdu
  • Classes on traffic rulesfor elementary school
  • Collection of methodological developments for school on the Russian educational portal
  • Methodological developments on the site "Teacher Portal"
  • Methodological materials for primary school teachers are presented on the website of the pedagogical community of Ekaterina Pashkova
  • Collection of dictations - Russian language A huge selection of dictations with their sound recording can be used in Russian language lessons at the stages of consolidating and summarizing the topics covered
  • Computer workshop for elementary school . This resource was developed as part of the NFPC competition "Development of Information Sources of Complex Structure (IISS) for the general education". Digital resources are focused on the formation learning activities using a computer in the study of basic academic disciplines in grades 1-4. Includes about 3000 tasks and educational games, divided into types and topics studied. There is a Lesson Builder that allows you to independently determine the content of a computer lesson, constructing the desired set of tasks in the desired sequence.
  • Educational resource "Primary school" - developed within the framework of the NFPC competition "Development of innovative educational and methodological complexes (IUMK) for the general education system". The resource contains a number of textbooks, a set of digital resources, instructions for their use and guidelines on the organization of the educational process
  • Piggy bank experience of primary school teachers. - a variety of material is presented for a primary school teacher (calendar, thematic and free lesson planning, lesson development in primary grades 1 2 3 4, holiday scenarios for children, advice to teachers, options for topics for holding parent-teacher meetings, methodological recommendations for working with books by E. Charushin S.Ya. Marshak T.G. Shevchenko A.L.Barto, free presentations for elementary school for conducting lessons in elementary grades and many other useful developments for a primary school teacher)
  • "Elementary School. Lessons of Cyril and Methodius»
  • Non-standard lessons
  • Literary calendar for 2010-2011 academic year from Zhakulina Irina Valentinovna
  • Methodical piggy bank teacher, educator, parent
  • ICT in elementary school: Cool blog - a single information space for students, teachers, parents
  • First graders. free letter
  • ICT in elementary school. New Year's Eve lessons of writing, mathematics, literacy.
  • Virtual Community of Second Graders
  • Literacy and ICT
  • ABC with pictures - on the site in poetic form all the letters of the Russian alphabet are presented, as well as given correct writing letters.
  • Methodical piggy bank primary school teacher Ponomareva Lyudmila Aleksandrovna

Educational systems for primary school:

  • "Primary School of the 21st Century"
  • "School of Russia"
  • "Perspective"
  • "School 2100"

Educational kits:

  • "Promising Elementary School"
  • UMK L.V. Zankov
  • UMK D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov .
  • UMC "Harmony"
  • UMK "Planet of Knowledge"

Internet resource directories

  • Russian educational portal
  • "School library" - all school program Literature on one site! Everything is collected for free and in various electronic formats: from classics to contemporaries. The book is your best friend and assistant, download it and take it with you!

Extracurricular work

  • Children's radio FM- the radio station takes into account the age characteristics and daily routine of listeners: the morning block is addressed to preschoolers, daytime programs - to children over seven years old, late in the evening - a block for parents, at night - music for sleep.
  • Website for teachers and parents submitted materials for extracurricular activities elementary school
  • Country of masters. The site brings together teachers and students, parents and children, experienced masters and beginners on the subject: applied art, craftsmanship in all its manifestations and the environment.
  • REAL PHYSICS for modern kids and their parents on the children's portal Sunshine
  • Educational cartoons for preschoolers and younger students .
  • Olympiad tasks for primary school students in various subjects
  • Mega Encyclopedia of Animals (virtual "zoo club")
  •, puzzles, riddles A site about "mind sports", about entertaining tasks oh, about what they are and how to work on them, as well as how to compose them yourself. Here are almost all kinds of entertaining problems that a person can meet in modern periodicals and non-periodicals, as well as on the Internet.
  • Children's electronic presentations and clips
  • APUS.RU- one of the most significant wildlife projects in Runet. There are photos of different animals, descriptions of their species, competitions and quizzes for schoolchildren. Support and development of the server is carried out by the Direction.RU Internet agency.
  • The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Animals
  • My joy. Children's family educational TV channel - on the site you can find programs and films dedicated to the main values ​​of life: the warmth of the "Hearth", "Work with faith in the soul", "Kind word", love, which is "Once in a lifetime". Children will be able to study at the Academy of Entertaining Sciences, walk around the Shishkin Forest, listen to Tales and Stories, and sometimes receive a Gift Song. With the whole family, you can take part in the “Careful Conversation”, “With Your Own Eyes”, see “One Hundred Wonders of the World” and go up “Above the Roof” to listen to “Monologues about the Beautiful”.
  • Coloring pages for children - the site contains a huge number of coloring pages for children on various topics, choose those that are interesting to your child and download them from the site for free.
  • Visiting Vasilisa - the site will help to revive the good tradition of family evenings in your home. Family home reading is one of the most beneficial educational tools. The site contains poems, stories, fairy tales written at different times. Preschool education specialists, elementary, middle and high school teachers participated in the selection of works.

Children's Internet magazines and projects

  • Website of the children's publishing house "Pink Giraffe" is the first publishing house in Russia where books are chosen by children and their parents. The publishing house publishes books by domestic authors, foreign classics, fiction and popular science literature for children and adolescents. A distinctive feature of books published by the publishing house is a good style, elegant illustrations, high-quality printing.
  • Game world "Webiki" - created for young Internet users - preschoolers and children of primary school age. With the help of the site, children can learn the basics of computer literacy. However, tasks for users of the service are designed for children with different levels knowledge.
  • Children's site "" - the first information and entertainment portal for children from 5 to 12 years old and their parents (in Russian, English and French). The motto of the site: together - more interesting! The site is accessible from almost any mobile device - cell phone, PDA.
  • Children's safety portal "Spas-Extreme" - a portal for children and parents about the rules of children's safety in various extreme situations. The pages of the portal present safety rules and advice on how to behave in extreme situations in a fascinating way. Separate sections are devoted to the history of disasters, the children's movements "School of Safety" and "Young Rescuer", emergency incidents with children. The "World of Animals" page tells how animals and birds survive and escape from enemies, and in the "Our Guests" section young visitors of the portal will have interesting meetings with scientists and writers, rescuers and ecologists. You can discuss the work of the portal, make your proposal, or simply ask a question to professional rescuers by looking at the "Communication" page.
  • Weekly interactive magazine "Zateevo" - the target audience of the site is schoolchildren 8-14 years old. The main part of the placed material is editorial articles, quizzes, creative pages with poems, user stories. There are permanent headings: Science News, Great Russians, Favorite Stories, World History, About Sports, Museums, Russian Holidays.

Recently, on the pages of the magazine "Primary School" there has been an active discussion of an important trend in modern Russian education– informatization educational process in primary school. Its essence is the introduction of new information and communication technologies in the educational activities of an educational institution. Your attention is invited to a brief review of the publications of the scientific and methodological journal "Primary School", dedicated to the informatization of primary education (2011-2013).

This problem is considered in the article by V.A. Zakharova, primary school teacher, school No. 224, Moscow, "Interactive complexes in the educational process." The author introduces us to the possibilities of interactive systems: a computer, a multimedia projector and a Smart board. He draws attention to the fact that it is very important to use “such computer equipment that has a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on its safety for the health of children” when working, and when working with it, strictly comply with all the requirements of SanPiNs. He notes that working with an interactive whiteboard saves time, stimulates the development of mental and creative activity, improves the quality of education, educational material is absorbed better and stronger. At the same time, the effectiveness of work depends on the degree of preparedness of the teacher and the ability to competently use this complex in his work.

Further, the author offers us the types of work carried out in the lessons of the Russian language and mathematics, where he notes the particular effectiveness of using ICT tools in solving equations, conducting mathematical dictations, working with an interactive dictionary, mentions a form of tasks that allows students to prepare for exams in the format USE.

In the article by A.V. Ignatenko, primary school teacher, school No. 29, Smolensk, "Information environment and the development of communication skills of younger students" highlights the need to use ICT in the development of communication skills of primary school students.

Despite the fact that the information activity of younger schoolchildren is growing, and almost all schools, thanks to integrated informatization, have a material and technical base, in Russia, the author believes, the informatization of primary education has not yet received a systematic solution. At the same time, the author notes, there are a number of contradictions between the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO and the insufficient level of use of ICT at the initial level. And he offers to briefly get acquainted with the positive experience of working on the development of communication skills using ICT tools in his educational institution.

The author recommends a comprehensive approach to this problem, having studied the possible risks, and the teacher, guided by hygienic standards, carefully consider the saturation training sessions using computer technology.

Of particular interest, in our opinion, is the article N.S. Kudakova , candidate pedagogical sciences, associate professor of Nizhny Novgorod state university them. N.I. Lobachevsky (Arzamas branch) and D.I. Zagorodny , primary school teacher, Krasnoselskaya school, Arzamas district,"Distance learning of younger students".

In this article, the authors say that in modern conditions the role of the student as a consumer of educational information is changing, there is a great opportunity for independent search, analysis, processing, production and transmission. That is why you should pay attention to distance learning in the lower grades. At the same time, according to the authors, it is necessary to take into account the fact that distance learning is not intended to completely remove the teacher from the student, but is applicable only in certain cases when the student for some reason cannot attend the educational institution.

First, it is important to remember about sanitary standards. Secondly, it is necessary to show the student that the computer is a means of obtaining and exchanging information. Thanks to the use of computer graphics, visual material stimulates the student's intellectually active transforming activity, the images become emotionally colored, which means they are durable and will remain in memory more long time. And such information is better to understand and remember. Thirdly, the pages of the site should not be a complete analogue or alternative to a school textbook. The material should gradually complement the book. Differentiated work using Internet sites allows you to captivate the student with the subject, offering tasks of increased difficulty, various quizzes and questions for olympiads. Monitoring their performance allows you to identify thinking students who are able to offer their own way and move away from the traditional way of solving the problem. Fourth, given the age of the student, it is necessary to minimize their use of the keyboard.

In addition, the authors suggest that you familiarize yourself with the implementation of these rules on their website, which is constantly updated and available for viewing. They introduce the site menu device and give an example of a fragment of one of its pages.

And one more article, which we will consider in the framework of this publication, « Information Technology as the core of the class development program», authorA.A. Musina , primary school teacher, gymnasium No. 33, Perm. The main purpose of the article, in our opinion, is to show that the basis educational practice more complex forms of social relations will lie in the near future. At the same time, the set of information and computer competencies of the teacher should change qualitatively and meaningfully.

For children born surrounded by computers, game consoles, video cameras, cell phones and the Internet, the digital world has become an integral part of the surrounding reality. And it depends on the teacher whether this environment will become a development resource. Despite the fact that pedagogy has already accumulated experience in the teacher's understanding of the problems educational work at school in the conditions of the modern information environment, the author emphasizes that “at present, neither the concept of teaching computer science and information technology has been created in the context of the formation metasubject results development of the main educational program primary general education as a key requirement of the Federal State educational standard, nor the methods corresponding to it. The author suggests that the class development program can become a model for managing an ICT-saturated environment, the main characteristic of which today is not only the inclusion of computer technologies in various academic subjects elementary school, but also expanding the range of available sources of information.

Further in the article there is an acquaintance with the program of formation and development of the class, which combines several blocks: educational, developing and individualization block. We are explained the tasks of each block, while explaining the role of the teacher and students. The author believes that the class development model presented by him organically fits into the educational environment educational institution, makes the most of the existing conditions and enriches it with new opportunities.

Summing up all the above, I would like to hope that in the coming years, information and communication technologies will firmly enter the lives of teachers and help make learning more interesting and exciting.


1. Zakharova V.A. Interactive complexes in the educational process//Primary school. - 2011. No. 1. – P.64-65.

2. Ignatenko A.V. Information Environment and Development of Communication Skills of a Primary School Student // Elementary School. - 2013. No. 5. – P.58-60.

3. Kudakova N.S., Zagorodnyaya D.I. Distance learning for younger students// Primary School. - 2013. No. 5. - P.15-18.

4. Musina A.A. Information technology as the core of class development//Primary school. - 2012. No. 4. – P.87-90.

The annual subscription of periodicals is 28 titles of trade publications corresponding to the profile of educational programs being implemented.

Do you want to make your lessons interesting and useful?

Looking for innovative techniques?

Most high level professionalism!

Use magazines

"Elementary School. Everything for the teacher!

« Physical Culture. Everything for the teacher!

« Kindergarten. Everything for the teacher!

Constant influx of new, up-to-date information;

Interesting and creative developments;

Experience and advice from colleagues;

professional growth;

Access to the electronic version of the journal on the website


Magazine “Primary School. Everything for the teacher! is a scientific and methodological journal:

  • for elementary school teachers, beginners and experienced, seeking and finding answers to their questions;
  • for those who are not indifferent to the problems of the “starter”;
  • for those who consider their work difficult, but necessary and make it joyful and interesting;
  • for those who want to learn, open access to information.

Journal materials allow:

In every room- color tab with visual and didactic materials.

We want every teacher to be able to say about himself: "I am an excellent professional and a happy person!"

Journal of a teacher of physical culture.

Our goal- to provide teachers of physical culture with applied materials necessary in everyday work. On the pages of our magazine you will find: scheduling, control tasks, tests; development of lessons for different categories of students; the whole range of physical education activities at school, materials of adaptive physical culture; information about the activities of sections on certain types sports in secondary schools; methodology for using non-standard equipment, simulators, the latest computer technologies; information from the field of age and sports psychology, pedagogy, physiology, hygiene, biochemistry and other related sciences; Interesting Facts from the history of physical education and sports and much more.

This structure of the magazine reflects the modern idea of ​​a real teacher: a broadly erudite, thinking professional, a master of his craft.

The best ideas, techniques, modern technologies, pedagogical findings - all for effective work teachers.

Magazine "Kindergarten. Everything for the teacher! - a scientific and methodological magazine for kindergarten teachers, beginners and experienced, seeking and finding answers to their questions; for those who educate, develop, teach and learn on their own; for those who consider their work difficult, but necessary and make it joyful and interesting.

The headings of the magazine are varied. They contain methodological and practical materials for organizing walks, conducting classes, parent meetings, educational activities, that is, for the upbringing, development and education of children preschool age, as well as consultations of psychologists, speech therapists, physicians and other specialists.

Journal materials allow:

Each issue has a colored insert with visual and didactic materials.

To help teachers and students in the specialties:

44.02.02 Teaching in elementary grades;

44.02.05 Correctional pedagogy in primary education

3. All-Russian scientific and methodological journal "Primary School" series "Everything for the teacher!";

4. Scientific and methodological journal "Correctional Pedagogy: Theory and Practice"

44.02.01 Preschool education

1. Scientific and methodological journal "Primary School"

3. All-Russian scientific and methodological magazine "Kindergarten" series "Everything for the teacher!";

49.02.01 Physical culture

1. Scientific and theoretical journal "Theory and practice of physical culture"

2. Scientific and methodological journal "Physical culture at school"

3. All-Russian scientific and methodological journal "Physical Culture" series "Everything for the teacher!"

4. Scientific periodical "Adaptive physical culture"

5. Sports and methodical magazine "Athletics"

6. Popular science magazine "Physical culture and sport"

And also: Scientific and theoretical journals: "Pedagogy", "Secondary vocational education", Scientific and methodological journals "Education of schoolchildren", "Class teacher", "Geography and ecology of the XXI century", "Fundamentals of life safety", "Honor to the Fatherland" and etc.