History test "Cossack uniform". Testing

1. Top leadership among the Cossacks

a) glad

b) foreman

c) circle

d) military servants.

2. At the head of the Cossack kuren was

a) clerk

b) chieftain

c) Yesaul

d) cornet.

3. The Cossacks have a favorite tactical technique during the battle

a) attack

b) breakthrough

c) lava

d) run.

4. In Russian Empire the oldest Cossack army

a) Don

b) Kuban

c) Zaporozhye

d) egg.

5. In the Russian Empire, at the head of all Cossack troops was

a) emperor

b) heir to the throne

c) minister of war

d) ataman.

6. In addition to differences in uniform between the various Cossack troops, there were also differences in the color of uniforms and stripes with cap bands. The Don Cossacks had uniforms of color

a) blue

b) black

c) green

d) red.

7. In addition to differences in uniform between the various Cossack troops, there were also differences in the color of uniforms and stripes with cap bands. The Kuban Cossacks had uniforms of colors

a) blue

b) black

c) green

d) red.

8. Tactical military unit of the Cossacks

a) chicken

b) regiment

c) squadron

d) a hundred.

9. Large military-administrative unit of the Cossacks

a) region

b) edge

c) division

d) army.

10. Cossack settlement

a) station

b) farm

to the village

d) chicken.

There is no more beautiful in the world than our Motherland

Shining among the wide fields

Here it is pouring! .. Hello Don!

From your distant sons

I brought you a tribute.

Like an illustrious brother

The rivers know the quiet Don;

From Arax and Euphrates

I brought you a tribute.

v 1. This is how the Don region welcomed famous poet -

a) A. S. Pushkin;

b) M. Yu. Lermontov;

c) S. A. Yesenin;

d) S. V. Mikhalkov

v 2. For a long time, there were no permanent settlements in the vast, endless steppe expanses of the Don before the Cossacks. In summer, hot winds - dry winds - walked across the steppe, in winter, evil blizzards howled and snow whirlwinds swirled. There were wild goats, hares, foxes, wild boars. These lands were called:

a) Field of Miracles;

b) Wild field;

c) Pole field;

d) Steppe and steppe all around

v 3. Large Cossack settlements were called:

a) Village;

b) Stanitsa;

c) Village;

d) Capital

v 4. Cossacks built “two-story” houses on a high foundation. During the floods of the rivers, the “first floor”, stone, was flooded with water, and the second, wooden - residential, remained dry. The Cossacks said that "one must live in a tree, and store supplies in stone." Such a Cossack house was called:

a) Terem;

b) Castle;

c) Kuren;

d) Chicken coop

v 5. The walls of the Cossack houses were painted in bright colors, which:

a) Azure;

b) Green;

c) Red;

d) Yellow

Where the Cossack, there is glory.

v 1. A Cossack is a person who:

a. Shepherds a herd of goats;

b. He loves goats very much;

c. Mowing the grass;

d. Free man;

v 2. The Cossacks implicitly obeyed their leader, who was chosen from respected and worthy stanitsa. “Where our (…..) eyes will throw, we will throw our heads there!” - said the Cossacks and went into the fire and into the water for their supreme leader. This:

a) Captain;

b) Ataman;

c) the President;

d) MP

a) Mace;

b) Praise;

c) Spear;

d) Boomerang

v 4. Don Cossacks had a seal depicting this animal struck by an arrow. The animal is a symbol of the freedom of the Don Cossacks. What animal was depicted on the seal of the Don Cossacks?

a) Free reindeer;

b) wild wolf;

c) Brown bear;

d) Polar bear

v 5. The Cossacks loved, were proud of and took good care of their weapons. Weapons in the house were hung in a place of honor. The traditional Cossack weapons were:

a. Saber (checker);

b. Machine;

c. A spear;

d. Blaster

v 6. The horse played a special role in Cossack life. "A Cossack without a horse is like a soldier without a gun." The Cossacks chose strong, hardy, loyal horses for service. Horses are distinguished not only by breed, but also by color, that is, by color. What color of horses does not exist:

a. Voronaya;

b. redhead;

c. Bay;

d. Blonde

v 7. All Cossack plows were equipped with two rudders - from the bow and from the stern, so as not to waste time with a full turn. Small cannons were attached to the plows, very effective in close combat. Each Cossack plow accommodated 60-100 fighters. Strugs - what is it:

a) carts;

b) machines;

c) Boats;

d) Sleigh

Clothing of Cossacks and Cossacks

v 1. A thick cape that covered the head and shoulders of a Cossack from cold, rain and bad weather was called:

a) Hood;

b) Bashlyk;

c) Scarf;

d) Tippet

v 2. A colored stripe on the trouser seam is a symbol of Cossack independence, indicating belonging to the Cossack estate. She was called:

a) Tape;

b) Lampas;

c) Pampas;

d) Compass

v 3. Traditional Cossack clothes:

a) Caftan, zipun, trousers with stripes;

b) Trousers, shirt, tie;

c) Fur coat, hat with earflaps, felt boots;

d) Jacket, jeans, sneakers

v 4. A part of women's clothing was a kubilek, which was fastened with a row of expensive silver and gilded buttons, the loops were sewn from gold and silver cord. There was another row of buttons, large in size, gold or pearls. Wealthy Cossack women wore a brocade kubilka, ordinary Cossack women wore black cloth. What is this:

a. Sundress;

b. Dress;

c. Coat;

d. Skirt

Cossack must be born

v 1. The birth of a boy was a great holiday for the whole family. Relatives and villagers congratulated their parents on the Cossack and gave gifts. What did they give the little Cossack?

a. Saber, bullet, bow;

b. Toys;

c. Sweets;

d. Clothes.

v 2. The first landing on a horse is an old Cossack custom. The father of a Cossack will put on a horse and look: he will fall down or cry - his fate is bitter, but how he grabs the mane -

a. From all the battles he will come out alive;

b. It will be beautiful;

c. It will be good to sing and dance;

d. All his wishes will come true

v 3. From early childhood, the Cossacks instilled in their children a love for horses. They taught horse riding and caring for a horse. Three-year-old children already freely rode a horse around the yard. And they galloped across the steppe -

a. five years;

b. at the age of seven;

c. in ten years;

d. at twelve

v 4. The boys of the Don Cossacks were brought up as:

a. Defenders of the native Don and Mother Russia;

b. Talented musicians and poets;

c. Athletes;

d. Cheerful stanitsa

v 5. From birth, a Cossack girl was taught to work and needlework. Girls started working from an early age. The upbringing of a Cossack girl was to raise -

a. A good, skillful hostess;

b. beautiful girl;

c. Clever - beauty;

d. Girl - laughter

v 6. “Whoever lives in joy, that grief is dumb!”. Games of the Cossacks developed ingenuity, resourcefulness, speed of reaction, taught to be dexterous and courageous. What games were Cossack:

a. "Poppy", "Tetera", "Horses";

b. "Mihasik", "Mill", "Geese are flying";

c. Timerby, Interceptors, Flappers

d. Musher and Dogs, Deer and Shepherds, Ice, Wind and Frost

Cossack amuses himself

v 1. The Cossacks were very fond of fairy tales and legends. They were told to children to teach mother tongue and traditions, to give ideas of good and evil. Tales of the famous Don writer Pyotr Lebedenko are based on ancient Cossack traditions and legends. They're called -

a. Tales Don - Fathers;

b. Tales of Grandmother Aksinya;

c. Tales of the Quiet Don;

d. Tales of Mother - Cossacks

v 2. Cossack songs reflect the life of the people, their history for many centuries, are mentioned real events and people, tells about the relationship to man, nature, native land, glorifies the military exploits of the Cossacks. Most often, the following artistic images are found in the songs of the Cossacks:

a. Horse, Don, steppe, native side;

b. Sea, ships, waves;

c. Deer, tundra, moss, northern lights;

d. Mountains, rocks, sheep, aul

v 3. Cossacks do not just sing songs, they "play" them. In a cheerful, playful, perky, Cossack song "Bee", which is sung by both adults and children, it is sung about a girl - a Cossack -

a. Lyubochka;

b. Katerina;

c. Aksinya;

d. Akulina

Answers to tasks

There is no more beautiful in the world than our Motherland 1a; 2b; 3b; 4c; 5a,b.

Where the Cossack is, there is glory 1d; 2b; 3a; 4a; 5a; 6d; 7c.

Clothes of Cossacks and Cossacks 1b; 2b; 3a; 4b.

Cossack need to be born 1a; 2a; 3a; 4a; 5a; 6a.

The Cossack amuses himself 1c; 2a; 3a.

Quiz Tests « StoryCossacks»

  1. 1. In the Sich, this word was used to refer to those who stole horses (T. G. Shevchenko wrote a poem of the same name). Who are they?

a) haidamaks - x;

b) abreks;

c) gypsies.

2. Under what name was the Cossack formation between modern Berdyansk and Mariupol created from the Cossacks of the Transdanubian Sich?

a) Special Cossack army;

c) Naval Cossack army.

3 . What is the name of the Russian painter, the author of the most famous painting about the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks?

a) Repin - x;

b) Surikov;

c) Aivazovsky.

4 . Who in medieval Europe was called the "knights of Christianity"?

a) abrekov;

b) Cossacks - x;

c) Crimean Tatars.

5 . In what year was the Pereyaslav Treaty between Ukraine and Russia signed?

a) in 1670;

b) in 1720;

c) in 1654 - h.

6 . What did the Cossacks call "salamaha"?

a) the woman who cooked the food;

b) a porridge-like dish cooked from rye flour - x;

c) a headdress.

7 . What was the name of the territory of the steppes of southern Ukraine, uninhabited by settled peoples in the 11th-13th centuries?

a) Wild field - x;

b) Free steppes;

c) Untouched steppes.

8 . Dnieper gull - what is it?

a) Ukrainian writer;

b) a bird that lives on the Dnieper;

c) the boat that was used - x.

9. In connection with what event did B. Khmelnitsky become known?

a) in 1654, in the city of Pereyaslav, he signed an agreement on the unification of Ukraine with Russia - x;

b) in 1590 he united the Cossacks into a single army;

c) led the army that defeated the Tatars.

10. What day was a holiday for the Zaporozhye Cossacks?

Quiz Tests « StoryCossacks»

1. What did the word "settler" mean for the Cossacks?

a) salted fish;

b) forelock above the forehead - x;

c) a thing from the life of a Cossack.

2. Answer, in what year was the name "Ukraine" first mentioned in the annals?

a) in 1232;

b) in 1187

c) in 1240 - x.

3. What was the name of the code of laws of life of the Cossacks?

a) the constitution

b) Zvychayevo law - x;

4. Who among the Cossacks was called "scouts"?

a) chefs

b) scouts - x;

c) elders.

5. What was the name of the youth that the Cossacks took in for education?

a) mercenaries;

b) jurami - x;

c) assistants to the Cossacks.

6. What was the name of the main fortress of the Zaporizhian Cossacks (Cossack capital)?

7. Who was in charge of the Kosh army?

a) Sich grandfather;

b) hetman;

c) ataman - h.

8. What was the name of the Cossacks who were engaged in holdingmships through the Dnieper rapids?

a) boatswain;

b) assistant;

c) pilot - h.

a) on the Danube;

b) beyond the Dnieper rapids - x;

c) at the Azov steppes.

10. What was the name of the place where the Cossacks lived?

a) a tent

b) dugout;

Target. Mastering by children of senior preschool and junior school age norms and rules of life on the basis of familiarization with the historically established traditional culture Don region, by getting acquainted with the cultural and historical heritage of the Don Cossacks.

The regional component is a part of the educational program formed by the participants in educational relations.

The test was developed on the basis of pedagogical experience in introducing older preschoolers to the cultural and historical heritage of their native land.

The grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the legendary Don Cossacks love and respect their native land. The love of a small child - a preschooler for the Motherland begins with an attitude towards the closest people - father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, with love for his people, home, street on which he lives, kindergarten, village., City. So that children know their history, honor our holidays, know the customs and traditions of their ancestors, educational activities our kindergarten they practice playing games that were played by the former Cossacks and celebrating old Russian holidays in the Cossack spirit. There are also classes (GCD) designed to educate patriotism.

Integration of educational areas:“Cognitive development” (the formation of consciousness, the formation of primary ideas about the small homeland and Fatherland, about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, domestic traditions), “Artistic development” (perception of music), “ Speech development"(enrichment of the active dictionary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature), "Social and communicative development" (development of communication skills and interaction of the child with adults and peers, social and emotional intelligence; the formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family and to the society of children and adults; assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society).

Choose the correct answer from the given options.

(25 questions, 4 possible answers)

There is no more beautiful in the world than our Motherland

Shining among the wide fields

Here it is pouring! .. Hello Don!

From your distant sons

I brought you a tribute.

Like an illustrious brother

The rivers know the quiet Don;

From Arax and Euphrates

I brought you a tribute.

v 1. This is how the famous poet greeted the Don region -

a) A. S. Pushkin;

b) M. Yu. Lermontov;

c) S. A. Yesenin;

d) S. V. Mikhalkov

v 2. For a long time, there were no permanent settlements in the vast, endless steppe expanses of the Don before the Cossacks. In summer, hot winds - dry winds - walked across the steppe, in winter, evil blizzards howled and snow whirlwinds swirled. There were wild goats, hares, foxes, wild boars. These lands were called:

a) Field of Miracles;

b) Wild field;

c) Pole field;

d) Steppe and steppe all around

v 3. Large Cossack settlements were called:

a) Village;

b) Stanitsa;

c) Village;

d) Capital

v 4. Cossacks built “two-story” houses on a high foundation. During the floods of the rivers, the “first floor”, stone, was flooded with water, and the second, wooden - residential, remained dry. The Cossacks said that "one must live in a tree, and store supplies in stone." Such a Cossack house was called:

c) Kuren;

d) Chicken coop

v 5. The walls of the Cossack houses were painted in bright colors, which:

a) Azure;

b) Green;

c) Red;

Where the Cossack, there is glory.

v 1. A Cossack is a person who:

a. Shepherds a herd of goats;

b. He loves goats very much;

c. Mowing the grass;

d. Free man;

v 2. The Cossacks implicitly obeyed their leader, who was chosen from respected and worthy stanitsa. “Where our (…..) eyes will throw, we will throw our heads there!” - said the Cossacks and went into the fire and into the water for their supreme leader. This:

a) Captain;

b) Ataman;

c) the President;

d) MP

a) Mace;

b) Praise;

d) Boomerang

v 4. Don Cossacks had a seal depicting this animal struck by an arrow. The animal is a symbol of the freedom of the Don Cossacks. What animal was depicted on the seal of the Don Cossacks?

a) Free reindeer;

b) wild wolf;

c) Brown bear;

d) Polar bear

v 5. The Cossacks loved, were proud of and took good care of their weapons. Weapons in the house were hung in a place of honor. The traditional Cossack weapons were:

a. Saber (checker);

b. Machine;

d. Blaster

v 6. The horse played a special role in Cossack life. "A Cossack without a horse is like a soldier without a gun." The Cossacks chose strong, hardy, loyal horses for service. Horses are distinguished not only by breed, but also by color, that is, by color. What color of horses does not exist:

a. Voronaya;

c. Bay;

d. Blonde

v 7. All Cossack plows were equipped with two rudders - from the bow and from the stern, so as not to waste time with a full turn. Small cannons were attached to the plows, very effective in close combat. Each Cossack plow accommodated 60-100 fighters. Strugs - what is it:

a) carts;

b) machines;

Clothing of Cossacks and Cossacks

v 1. A thick cape that covered the head and shoulders of a Cossack from cold, rain and bad weather was called:

a) Hood;

b) Bashlyk;

d) Stole

v 2. A colored stripe on the trouser seam is a symbol of Cossack independence, indicating belonging to the Cossack estate. She was called:

b) Lampas;

c) Pampas;

v 3. Traditional Cossack clothes:

a) Caftan, zipun, trousers with stripes;

b) Trousers, shirt, tie;

c) Fur coat, hat with earflaps, felt boots;

d) Jacket, jeans, sneakers

v 4. Part of women's clothing was kubilek , which was fastened with a row of expensive gilded silver buttons, the loops were sewn from gold and silver cord. There was another row of buttons, large in size, gold or pearls. Wealthy Cossacks wore kubilek from brocade, simple Cossacks - from black cloth. What is this:

a. Sundress;

b. Dress;

c. Coat;

Cossack must be born

v 1. The birth of a boy was a great holiday for the whole family. Relatives and villagers congratulated their parents on the Cossack and gave gifts. What did they give the little Cossack?

a. Saber, bullet, bow;

b. Toys;

c. Sweets;

d. Clothes.

v 2. The first landing on a horse is an old Cossack custom. The father of a Cossack will put on a horse and look: he will fall down or cry - his fate is bitter, but how he grabs the mane -

a. From all the battles he will come out alive;

b. It will be beautiful;

c. It will be good to sing and dance;

d. All his wishes will come true

v 3. From early childhood, the Cossacks instilled in their children a love for horses. They taught horse riding and caring for a horse. Three-year-old children already freely rode a horse around the yard. And they galloped across the steppe -

a. five years;

b. at the age of seven;

c. in ten years;

d. at twelve

v 4. The boys of the Don Cossacks were brought up as:

a. Defenders of the native Don and Mother Russia;

b. Talented musicians and poets;

c. Athletes;

d. Cheerful stanitsa

v 5. From birth, a Cossack girl was taught to work and needlework. Girls started working from an early age. The upbringing of a Cossack girl was to raise -

a. A good, skillful hostess;

b. beautiful girl;

c. Clever - beauty;

d. Girl - laughter

v 6. “Whoever lives in joy, that grief is dumb!”. Games of the Cossacks developed ingenuity, resourcefulness, speed of reaction, taught to be dexterous and courageous. What games were Cossack:

a. "Poppy", "Tetera", "Horses";

b. "Mihasik", "Mill", "Geese are flying";

c. Timerby, Interceptors, Flappers

d. Musher and Dogs, Deer and Shepherds, Ice, Wind and Frost

Cossack amuses himself

v 1. The Cossacks were very fond of fairy tales and legends. They were told to children to teach their native language and traditions, to give ideas about good and evil. Tales of the famous Don writer Pyotr Lebedenko are based on ancient Cossack traditions and legends. They're called -

a. Tales Don - Fathers;

b. Tales of Grandmother Aksinya;

c. Tales of the Quiet Don;

d. Tales of Mother - Cossacks

v 2. Cossack songs reflect the life of the people, their history for many centuries, mention real events and people, talk about the relationship to man, nature, native land, glorify the military exploits of the Cossacks. Most often, the following artistic images are found in the songs of the Cossacks:

a. Horse, Don, steppe, native side;

b. Sea, ships, waves;

c. Deer, tundra, moss, northern lights;

d. Mountains, rocks, sheep, aul

v 3. Cossacks do not just sing songs, they "play" them. In a cheerful, playful, perky, Cossack song "Bee", which is sung by both adults and children, it is sung about a girl - a Cossack -

a. Lyubochka;

b. Katerina;

c. Aksinya;

d. Akulina

Answers to tasks

There is no more beautiful in the world than our Motherland 1a; 2b; 3b; 4c; 5a,b.

Where the Cossack is, there is glory 1d; 2b; 3a; 4a; 5a; 6d; 7c.

Clothes of Cossacks and Cossacks 1b; 2b; 3a; 4b.

Cossack need to be born 1a; 2a; 3a; 4a; 5a; 6a.

The Cossack amuses himself 1c; 2a; 3a.

Literature used in the development of the test

1. Astapenko M.P. History and traditions of the Don Cossacks - Rostov-on-Don: BARO-PRESS Publishing House, 2011;

2. Donovedenie - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing house BARO-PRESS, 2013.;

3. Introducing older preschoolers to the traditions of their native land: program, notes, classes / ed. O. Timofeeva (and others). - Volgograd: Teacher, 2015.;

4. Journey into the history and culture of the Don region. Workbook for older preschoolers, preschool teachers and parents. Chumicheva R. M., Vedmed O. L. Platokhina N. A. - Rostov-on-Don: printing house "Synthesis of Technologies", 2007.

Cossack uniform.

Test tasks.

1. What had a great influence on the development of the uniform costume of the Kuban Cossacks?

a) European fashion

b) the traditions of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks

c) the culture of the Caucasian highlanders

d) secluded lifestyle

2. What is integral part Cossack "right"?

a) uniform

b) horse

c) weapons

d) all of the above

3. What are gazyrs sewn on?

a) Circassian

b) burqa

c) beshmet

d) hood

4. What fabric was preferred for sewing beshmet?

a) wool

b) silk

c) linen

d) cotton

5. What colors are typical for the Kuban Cossack uniform?

a) black and purple

b) blue and red

c) black and blue

d) green and blue

The key to the test part: 1-c, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b, 5-a.

Questions with extended answers.

1. In 1860, the historically established list of Kuban clothing was approved at that time. Cossack army. Explain what is included in this list.

2. During the First World War, some elements of the traditional form were replaced. Give examples and explain why this was done.

3. What information about the owner did the cap give?

4. Why were the Cossacks allowed to wear earrings?

5. What role does the hat (kubanka) play in the customs and symbols of the Cossacks?

Key to detailed answers:

1. The Black Sea, and then the Kuban Cossacks largely borrowed the form of clothing and individual details of uniforms from the Caucasian highlanders living nearby. Moreover, they turned out to be more convenient for carrying out border service than the costume of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks. Since 1860, a uniform uniform of the Kuban Cossack army was approved by a special decree of the military department. The costume of the Kuban Cossack consisted of a shirt, beshmet, harem pants, a uniform in the form of a chekmen or Circassian, borrowed from the highlanders, a hood and a cloak.

2. bloody wars the beginning of the 20th century showed the inconvenience and impracticality of the traditional Cossack uniform on the battlefield, but they put up with them while the Cossack was on guard duty. Already in 1915, during the First World War, which sharply revealed this problem, the Cossacks were allowed to replace the Circassian and beshmet with an infantry tunic, a cloak with an overcoat, and replace the hat with a cap. The traditional Cossack uniform was left as a dress uniform.

3. Earringsthe Cossack meant his role and place in the family. For example, the only son of his mother wore one earring in his left ear; the last of the family wore an earring in his right ear. Two earrings meant the only child of the parents. In addition, when aligning left and right, the Cossack commander saw who should be protected in battle.

4. The hood was a square pointed hood with long blades, which wrapped the neck in bad weather. As a rule, the hood was located on the shoulders of the Cossack, fastened with a thin cord around his neck. He gave some information about the owner: a hood tied on his chest meant that the Cossack had served military service, crossed on his chest - follows the case, the ends are thrown behind his back, free, resting.

5. Among the Cossacks, the papakha or Kubanka played a huge role in customs and symbolism.

The custom of sewing awards on papakhas and caps - plaques with inscriptions, for which the regiment was awarded, further increased the spiritual value of the headdress.

The papakha symbolized full belonging to the stanitsa society. On the circle, the Cossacks were in hats, they voted, they took off their hats in front of the elected ataman, and he put them on. He took off his hat and the speaker. If the captain put on his hat backwards, it means that the speaker was deprived of his speech. She was filmed only during prayer, oath, was a challenge to a duel, in a Cossack hut she flaunted in the most prominent place. In the house of the widow, she lay under the icon, which meant that the family was under the protection of God.

They threw the hat into the yard, warning that they would come to woo.

A hat knocked off the head, like a scarf torn from a woman, was considered a deadly insult, followed by a bloody retribution.

Icons and protective prayers were sewn into hats. Especially valuable papers and orders were placed behind the lapel.

Appendix No. 5 Intellectual game for students in grades 10 - 11 "Welcome to the world of literature about the Cossacks"
Appendix No. 7 From work experience Quiz "History of the Cossacks in questions and answers"
Annex No. 8 Class hour "Wonderful face, thoughtfully sad ...", dedicated to the icon of the Don Mother of God
Application No. 1 We serve the Fatherland! We have the honor! Code of honor of the Russian cadet cadet. Truthful and honest
Appendix No. 10 Management structure of the cadet corps "Victoria"
Order No. 340 dated 06.09.2008 Regulations on the cadet Cossack classes of the mou "secondary school No. 19 with in-depth study of individual subjects" General provisions
Appendix No. 4 Appendix to the work programs on the history of Russia in grades 6 - 11. Explanatory note
Application No. 6
Babenko Ruslan Vladimirovich, teacher of additional education; Sharapov Nikolai Fedorovich, teacher-organizer of the mou "school №19 with wip" Stary Oskol 2010 Additional educational program
The program of the school "Fatherland. Duty. Honor" Basis for the development of the program
Application No. 7

Quiz "History of the Cossacks in questions and answers"

Target: education of patriotism, a sense of national pride in the feats of arms of their ancestors; the formation of students' interest in the history of the Cossacks.


  • to expand students' knowledge about the history of the Cossacks and its role in the history of our region;

  • continue the formation of general educational intellectual skills independent work With historical sources(identification of cause-and-effect relationships, analysis and generalization, critical perception and processing of information);

  • promote professional self-determination of cadets, encouraging them to further education and self-education.
Equipment: history cards Russia XVI- XX centuries, multimedia presentation "Cossacks - famous people Russia".

Members: students of grades 9-11

Quiz questions

  1. What does the word Cossack mean? In the narrow sense - a hired worker. In broad terms - a free man who served in the military in the border regions of the Russian state.

  2. What was the name of the Cossack house? Kuren.

  3. What faith did the Cossacks live in? Orthodoxy.

  4. The birth of which child was a special joy for the family? Boy. If a boy was born, then it was considered a profit, endowed land plot, and the birth of a girl was considered a loss, and a girl a ruin.

  5. How does a man acknowledge paternity?? The born baby was placed on his father's shirt on the threshold of the house, and the man, in the presence of members of his family, either took the child as a recognition of his paternity, or stepped over, demonstrating refusal.

  6. Who and how determined the fate of a one-year-old boy? At one year old, the godfather put the boy on a horse on a silk scarf and drove around the church three times. If he grabbed the mane, to be a Cossack, burst into tears - there will be no Cossack, but if he falls - to be killed in battle. The godfather kept this message a secret.

  7. At what time did the boy move to the male half of the house? This happened at the age of seven.

  8. How did the custom of the boy's transition to the male half of the house take place?
The boy took a bed with him, and the older brothers checked what he was carrying. If they found a feather bed and a pillow, they forced them to leave it to the women. From that time on, the boy began to prepare for the harsh male life: he had to sleep on a mattress and without a pillow.

  1. Since when did the Cossack become the protector of the family? When the Cossack was 7 years old, he became the protector of the family. When leaving home, the father always told his sons to take care of women and protect the house. The family tried to maintain this role in order to educate a real defender.

  2. What tests did the Cossack pass?
The Cossacks were tested for dexterity, strength, ability to wield an ax and military courage.

  1. Did the Cossacks wear wedding rings?
The Cossacks always had wedding rings, but they never wore them. The rings were kept either in the amulet or in the kiot of the nominal icon.

  1. What ritual object should a Cossack make in his life?
Such a ritual object was a spinning wheel, decorated with carvings or amulets. The Cossack gave the spinning wheel to his mother, sister, bride.

  1. Who had the right to cut bread in the house? Only a man had the right to cut bread, and the oldest at the table. Children - boys began to cut bread from the age of 7.

  2. Who was the first to have the right to eat during the meal? Only a man - grandfather or husband - could be the first to start eating at the table.

  3. What hung over the bedroom door? A saber or a Cossack's saber hung over the door to the bedroom as a talisman against evil.

  4. Where was the incision in the kosovorotka? The kosovorotka was cut on the right side, away from the heart, so that no stranger would get into the male heart.

  5. How many years did the Cossack serve in the army? Service began at the age of 18. They served 20 years in total. The first 4 years they served in the preparatory detachment in their village, then 4 years - active military service to protect the borders of Russia. Then the Cossack was annually at the monthly military training camp. Then - every four years. The last four years he was in the reserve detachment.

  6. What role did the Khustochka play in the life of a Cossack? Khustochka is a handkerchief the size of a man's handkerchief, embroidered with ritual embroidery. Khustochka was given to a Cossack who was leaving for service by a beloved woman as a sign that he was loved and expected in his native village. The killed Cossack was tied on the cross of the grave.

  7. What did the checker mean for the Cossack? She was a symbol of the fullness of the rights of the Cossack, as well as his possession of a share land. It was given to a Cossack at the age of 17 without a lanyard.

  8. Why did the Cossack draw his saber in the church? At the time of listening to the Gospel, the sword was half exposed, which meant the willingness of the Cossack to stand up for Christianity?

  9. When did the Cossack take off his hat? During prayer, oath and speech at the Cossack Circle. The hat knocked off the head was a challenge to a duel. A Cossack could lose his saber and cap only with his head.

  10. What symbolic meaning did the cap have for the Cossack?Depending on how the hood was tied, it was possible to find out the age of the Cossack (tied on the chest meant that the Cossack had served military service). In addition, a hood crossed on the chest meant that the Cossack was on business, and abandoned behind his back, that he was resting.

  11. Why did the Cossacks wear earrings? Earrings meant a place in the family. One son at mother - an earring in the left ear; the last in the family (there are no male heirs) - an earring in the right ear; two earrings - the only child of the parents. The commander, when aligning to the left and to the right, saw who should be protected in battle.

  12. What did the lampas mean to the Cossacks?It matters belonging to the Cossack estate, and in color - to the army. It became a symbol of freedom from all types of government payments, a symbol of Cossack independence and national isolation.

  13. List the symbols of military power that the ataman was endowed with.
Mace, first.

  1. How did they deal with the baptismal shirt of a Cossack who died for the Faith, the Tsar, the Fatherland?
It was worn only once, then kept for a lifetime. If a Cossack died or went missing, then she was placed in her mother's coffin.

  1. How did the Cossack grandfather act when he exchanged his saber for a staff? When the Cossack grandfather began to lose his military prowess, he changed his saber for a staff. He gave his saber to his eldest grandson. The saber became family. If there were no heirs left in the family, the sword was broken and placed in the coffin of the deceased.

  2. Name the personal sign of the ataman.A medal that was worn around the neck over a tie and was issued on a caftan between its sides. After the end of the atamanship, it remained as a keepsake.

  3. Who decided the fate of the villagers, villagers? Advice the foremen on the Maidan, wearing hats on a staff, voted about the fate of the villagers.

  4. When does the term "Oskol Cossack" appear? According to the Digit Book of 1475-1598, the term appears in 1570.

  5. When and why was the Belgorod defensive line built?
Construction was carried out in the period from 1635 to 1653 to protect against the advance of the Crimean Tatars.

  1. When was the Kholkovsky Trinity (Tsarev-Nikolaevsky) monastery founded and what role did the Cossacks play in this?
In 1619. It was built because the Don Cossacks constantly came to the Kholkovo settlement, carrying out guard duty along the defensive line, and there was no temple here.

  1. What benefits did the Moscow authorities provide for Cossack and border service?
The right to free occupation of vacant lands, the preservation of Cossack self-government, duty-free occupation in crafts, getting rid of taxes and duties.

  1. What does the term "freedom" mean? The term settlement in our district means a settlement associated with categories of service people.

  2. What names of the Stary Oskol district are associated with the history of the Cossacks of our region?
Many names contain the words "Cossack", "Cossack", "ataman". Villages: Verkhne-Atamanskoye, Nizhne-Atamanskoye. Ataman forest. Cossack freedom.

  1. What groups of Cossacks served in Stary Oskol? City and white people.

  2. List the territories in which the Cossacks participated in joining the Russian Empire?
Siberia, North Caucasus, Far East.

  1. Name the famous Cossacks who took part in their development.
Vasily Poyarkov, Semyon Dezhnev, Vladimir Atlasov, Yerofei Khabarov

  1. Name the emperor who created the first Life Guards Cossack regiment? When did this happen and what was the name of this regiment?
Catherine II, in 1775, the Don Cossack court team.

  1. Name three inventions of the Cossacks in martial art that you know.
Lanyard, gazyri, Baklanov blow

  1. What is the name of the oldest Cossack formation? Zaporizhian Sich, founded in the second half of the 16th century on the territory of present-day Ukraine, which was then part of the Polish state. In the middle of the 17th century it became part of the Russian Empire.

  2. What is the role of the Cossacks in the capture of the fortress of Azov? The Cossacks fought on the water, because at that time only they had experience in naval battles.

  3. What famous Cossack atamans and their troops participated along with A.V. Suvorov in the assault on Ishmael?
M. Platov, V. Orlov, A. Denisov, A. Ilovaisky

  1. What was the name of the famous Cossack, who was both a count and an ataman?
Matvei Ivanovich Platov.

  1. What famous artist was a Cossack? V.V. Vereshchagin.

  2. What are the names of the Cossacks - the leaders of popular uprisings.
Kondraty Bulavin, Stepan Razin, Vasily Us, Emelyan Pugachev, Ivan Bolotnikov.

  1. What Cossack generals showed themselves in the First World War?
A. Denikin, N. Yudenich, F. Keller.

  1. How did the Cossacks react to the October Revolution of 1917? There was a split among the Cossacks. The majority opposed the Soviet power.

  2. What forces did the Cossacks join in civil war? In the Civil War, the Cossacks were both on the side of the Reds and on the side of the Whites.

  3. Name two famous "red" Cossack atamans and two famous "white" ones.
Reds - S. M. Budyonny, Mironov. White - A. I. Denikin, A. V. Kolchak.

  1. How many Cossack cavalry received the title of Hero Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War?
262 cavalry. 7 cavalry corps and 17 cavalry divisions received guard ranks.

  1. Who commanded the Cossack cavalry at the beginning of World War II and was he a Cossack?
L.M. Dovator. He was not a Cossack.

  1. Name the famous paintings dedicated to the exploits of the Cossacks. I.E. Repin “The Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan”, P. Petrovichev “The Capture of the Ismail Fortress”, V. Vereshchagin “Skobelev near Shipka”, V. Surikov “Suvorov's Crossing the Alps”.

  2. Who is the author of sculptures on the Cossack theme "Stirrup", "Rozdykh Cossack", "Donchak"?
Konstantin Chernyavsky.

55. What famous writer, Nobel laureate, devoted a significant part of his work to the life and life of the Cossacks. Name his works?

M. A. Sholokhov. "Don stories", "Quiet Don", "Virgin Soil Upturned".

  1. When in modern Russia began the revival of the Cossacks?
July 16 1992 - Decree of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation "On the rehabilitation of the Cossacks"; July 3, 2008 - "Concept public policy Russian Federation in relation to the Russian Cossacks”; July 3, 2009 - the federal law"ABOUT public service Russian Cossacks.

  1. What army does the Belgorod branch of the Cossacks belong to?
Central Cossack army.

  1. Who is the head of the Belgorod branch of the CCV?Ataman Kolochko Gennady Viktorovich; Ataman Grigoryan Albert Aramoisovich; Andrey Semyonovich Tolstykh, Chief of Staff.
59. Name the ranks of members of the Cossack societies.

a) Cossack, orderly, junior officer, officer, senior officer - lower ranks;

b) junior sergeant, sergeant, senior sergeant - junior ranks;

c) podkhorunzhy, cornet, centurion, podesaul - senior ranks;

D) Yesaul, military foreman, Cossack colonel - the main ranks;

e) Cossack general - the highest rank.

60. List the main commandments of the Cossack. 1. The honor and good name of a Cossack is dearer than life. 2. Cossacks are all equal in rights: remember: "There is neither a prince nor a slave, but all the servants of God!" 3. You are the judge of all the Cossacks. 4. Serve faithfully to your people, not to your leaders. 5. Keep your word. The word of a Cossack is precious. 6. Honor elders, respect old age. 7. Hold on to the faith of your ancestors, act according to the customs of your people. 8. Die, and rescue a comrade. 9. Be hardworking. Don't be idle. 10. Take care of your family and serve as an example for them.


  1. Seasons. Orthodox folk calendar//V. Sokolovsky. - Perm, 1996. - 123 p.

  2. Zagorovsky V.P. Belgorod trait. - Voronezh, 1969. - 156 p.

  3. Cossacks in the history of the Belgorod region. - Belgorod, 2010. - 42 p.

  4. Korinfsky A. A. People's Rus'. - Smolensk, 1995. - 217 p.

  5. Nikulov A.P. Stary Oskol. Kursk, 1997. - 576 p.

  6. Osykov B. I. Belogorye, blue distances. - Voronezh, 1977. 132 p.

  7. The legend of the Russian people, collected by I. P. Sakharov. - M., 1990. - p.189