Demo version of the oge in English. Demo versions of the exam in English

OGE on English language - one of the group of exams in foreign languages ​​in the 9th grade. In terms of structure, complexity and type of tasks, it is almost identical to exams in German, French and Spanish. The exam is optional for passing, but its results will be required for graduates to continue their studies in specialized classes high school(10th and 11th grades).

Having become acquainted with general information about the exam, you can start preparing right away. The 2019 KIM OGE variant does not differ from the 2018 variant.

The structure of the OGE test

The division of tasks in the structure of the exam is carried out on the basis of various topics of knowledge of the language:

  • part 1 - listening tasks, 5 tasks in total, include both questions with a short answer and with a choice of an answer option;
  • part 2 - tasks for reading the text and answering questions similar to listening questions, a total of 5 tasks;
  • part 3 - grammar tasks - suggest a short answer to the question posed - 12 tasks;
  • part 4 - self-writing the text of the letter in response to an English-speaking friend;
  • part 5 - oral answer to the question and dialogue with the examiner on a given topic, the duration of the answer is 6 minutes, preparation for the answer is about 10 minutes.

Preparation for the OGE

Trial OGE in English online

On our website you can take OGE tests online for free without registration and SMS. At the moment, the section is being updated, and over time, new tests will appear in it for the entire period of the OGE. The presented tests are identical in their complexity and structure to the real exams held in the corresponding years.

Demo versions of the OGE in English

Just like in the tests of previous years, the OGE test in English in 2019 is clearly divided into two parts - oral and written. The tests below will help you test your knowledge and level of preparation for the exam. Also, trial tests of the OGE in English will help you not to get confused and not get confused in questions in a difficult situation during the exam.

In the demo section of the OGE, you can download tests for free for 2009–2019 years.

All of the above tests were developed and approved for preparation for the state final certification in the 9th grade by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI).

Demo version of the OGE 2018 in English and other foreign languages, FIPI

Official demo versions of the OGE 2018 in foreign languages, approved

Demonstration version of control measuring materials for conducting the main state exam in ENGLISH in 2018

Explanations for the demo version of the exam paper

When reviewing the 2018 demo (oral), please note that the items included in the demo do not reflect all of the content elements that will be tested using the 2018 CMM options. A complete list of content elements that can be monitored in the 2018 exam, is given in the codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of students for the main state exam in English, posted on the website:

The demo version is intended to enable any participant in the exam and the general public to get an idea of ​​the structure of the exam paper, the number and form of tasks, as well as their level of difficulty. The above criteria for evaluating the performance of tasks with a detailed answer, included in the demo version of the examination paper, will allow you to get an idea of ​​the requirements for the completeness and correctness of writing a detailed answer.

Changes in the OGE 2018 to English and other foreign languages:

there are no changes in structure and content.

This information gives graduates the opportunity to develop a strategy for preparing for the English language exam.

oral part The examination paper consists of two speaking tasks: a thematic monologue statement and a combined dialogue. Oral response time - 6 minutes per student.

Written part examination paper in English consists of four sections, including 33 tasks.

2 hours (120 minutes) are given to complete the tasks of the written part of the examination paper.

In section 1 (listening tasks) it is proposed to listen to several texts and complete 8 comprehension tasks for the listened texts. The recommended time to complete the tasks in this section is 30 minutes.

Section 2 (reading tasks) contains 9 reading comprehension tasks. The recommended time to complete the tasks of the section is 30 minutes.

Section 3 (tasks on grammar and vocabulary) consists of 15 tasks. The recommended time to complete the tasks of the section is 30 minutes.

Answers to tasks 3-8 and 10-17 are written as one digit, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer. Write this number in the answer field in the text of the work.

Answers to tasks 1, 2, 9, 18-32 are written as a sequence of numbers or words (phrases) in the answer field in the text of the work.

If you write down an incorrect answer to the tasks of sections 1-3, cross it out and write down a new one next to it.

In section 4 (writing task), 1 task is given, offering to write a personal letter. The task is performed on a separate sheet. The recommended time to complete the task is 30 minutes.

When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Draft entries do not count towards the assessment of the work.

The points you get for completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score the largest number points.

We wish you success!

control measuring materials for
in 20186 the main state exam

1. Appointment of KIM for OGE– assess the level of language training in a foreign language of graduates of the ninth grade educational institutions for the purpose of their state final certification. The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized classes high school.

OGE is conducted in accordance with federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

2. Documents defining the content of KIM

  1. Federal component of the state standard of the main general education in Foreign Languages ​​(Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 05.03.2004 No. 1089 “On Approval of the Federal Component of State Standards for Primary General, Basic General and Secondary (Complete) General Education”).
  2. Exemplary programs in foreign languages ​​// New state standards in a foreign language grades 2-11 (Education in documents and comments. M .: AST: Astrel, 2004). When developing CIM, the following are also taken into account:
    Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. MSLU, 2003.
  3. Approaches to the selection of content, the development of the structure of KIM

The main goal of foreign language education in primary school is the formation communicative competence students, understood as the ability and willingness of students to communicate in foreign language within the limits determined by the standard of basic general education in foreign languages. This goal implies the formation and development communication skills students in speaking, reading, understanding the sound / oral speech by ear and writing in a foreign language.

To determine the level of formation of communicative competence among graduates of the main school in the examination work of the OGE, two parts are provided (written and oral) and are used Various types tasks aimed at testing communication skills and language skills.

The fulfillment by students of the totality of the presented tasks allows assessing the compliance of the level of their foreign language training, achieved by the end of education in the main school, with the level determined by the standard of basic general education in foreign languages. This level guarantees the possibility of successful continuation of education in secondary school.

4. Connection of the examination model of the OGE with KIM USE

The examination paper for the OGE and KIM USE in foreign languages ​​have common objects of control (communicative skills of graduates in listening, reading, writing and speaking, lexical and grammatical skills) and some common content elements.

To test the communicative skills and language skills of graduates of grades IX and XI studying in the examination papers, the same types of tasks are used (for example, tasks with a short answer, tasks with a detailed answer, tasks for choice and recording the number of one answer out of three proposed), and also unified approaches to the evaluation of productive and receptive types of speech activity.

At the same time, the OGE and the Unified State Examination differ in the objectives of the conduct, and the KIM OGE and the Unified State Examination differ in some elements of the content being checked, the number and level of complexity of tasks, the duration of the exam, which is due to the different content and conditions of teaching foreign languages ​​in primary and secondary schools.

5. Characteristics of the structure and content of KIM

The examination paper consists of two parts:

  • written (sections 1-4, including tasks for listening, reading, writing, as well as tasks for monitoring the lexical and grammatical skills of graduates);
  • oral (section 5, containing tasks for speaking).

KIM in foreign languages ​​includes tasks of various forms:

  • 14 tasks with a single-digit answer: 6 tasks for testing the auditory skills of graduates (section 1 "Listening tasks") and 8 tasks for testing the skills of graduates in reading (section 2 "Assignments for reading");
  • 18 tasks with a short answer: 2 tasks to test auditory skills, 1 task to test reading skills and 15 tasks to test the lexical and grammatical skills of ninth grade graduates. The answer to tasks with a short answer is given by the corresponding entry in the form of a number or a sequence of numbers written without spaces and separating characters or a word/phrase written without spaces and separators).
  • 3 tasks with a detailed answer: writing a personal letter in section 4 "Assignment in writing"; thematic monologue statement and combined dialogue (section 5 "Tasks for speaking").


Changes in the examination paper in 2018 compared to 2017.

There are no changes in the structure and content of KIM. However, in 2018, clarifications were made to the assessment criteria for completing assignment 33 “Personal letter”.

Passing the OGE in foreign languages ​​implies the obligatory participation of students in the performance of written tasks, as well as tasks in the "Speaking" section.

The procedure does not provide for the refusal of students to participate in the OGE in foreign languages ​​(section "Speaking").

In order to optimize the time spent in the PES of participants in the OGE in foreign languages, the JIU decides to choose one of the schemes for organizing the exam for all participants in the OGE in foreign languages:

Conducting an exam in foreign languages ​​(simultaneously written part and the oral part (section "Speaking") on one of the days provided for by the schedule;

Conducting an exam in foreign languages ​​(simultaneously the written part and the oral part of the “Speaking” section) on two days, provided for by the schedule;

Conducting the written part of the exam on one day, and the oral part (section "Speaking") - on another day, provided for by the schedule.

OIV chooses one of the proposed schemes for conducting the OGE in foreign languages ​​for the entire subject of the Russian Federation as a whole

Written part examination paper in English consists of four sections, including 33 tasks.

2 hours (120 minutes) are given to complete the tasks of the written part of the examination paper.

In section 1 (listening tasks) it is proposed to listen to several texts and complete 8 comprehension tasks for the listened texts. The recommended time to complete the tasks in this section is 30 minutes.

Section 2 (reading tasks) contains 9 reading comprehension tasks. Recommended time to complete this section is 30 minutes.

Section 3 (tasks on grammar and vocabulary) consists of 15 tasks. Recommended time to complete this section is 30 minutes.

oral part KIM OGE in English includes 3 tasks.

Task 1 involves reading aloud a short text popular science character. Preparation time - 1.5 minutes.

In task 2, it is proposed to take part in a conditional dialogue-interrogation: answer six telephone survey questions heard in the audio recording.

In task 3, it is necessary to build a coherent monologue statement on a specific topic based on the plan. Preparation time - 1.5 minutes.

The total response time for one OGE participant (including preparation time) is 15 minutes. Each subsequent task is issued after the completion of the previous task. All responses are audio-recorded.

  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2020 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the 2019 examination paper into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for the completion of the examination paper in 2018 into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for the performance of the examination paper in 2017 into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for the performance of the examination paper in 2016 into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for the performance of the examination paper in 2015 into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for the performance of the examination paper in 2014 into a mark on a five-point scale;
  • a scale for recalculating the primary score for the performance of the examination paper in 2013 into a mark on a five-point scale.

Changes in the demo versions of the OGE in English

IN demo version of the OGE 2015 in English the structure of the variant has changed:

    Numbering assignments has become through throughout the variant without letter designations A, B, C.

    The form of recording the answer in tasks with a choice of answers has been changed: the answer must be written down digit with the number of the correct answer(not circled).

IN demo version of the OGE 2016 in English compared to 2015 demo there were no changes in the written part, the oral part was brought into line with the oral part of the exam in English in grade 11.

IN demonstration versions of the OGE 2017 - 2019 in English compared to 2016 demo there were no changes.

IN demonstration OGE option 2020 in English compared to the 2019 demo, the following changes were made: changes:

  • Section 2 ( "Reading Assignments"):

      was task 9 changed: OGE participants need to determine which of the six written texts contains the answer to the proposed question (there is one extra question in the task). for completing the task 6 points;

      reduced amount of text to read to tasks for determining the correspondence of statements to the read text;

      reduced to 7 number of tasks to determine the correspondence of statements to the read text (corresponds / does not correspond / does not say in the text). Maximum amount points for completing assignments 10–16 – 7 points.

  • Section 5 ( "Tasks for speaking"):

      V task 3(creating a coherent monologue statement) added one aspect. In this regard, the relevant changes were included in the assessment criteria for the task(in the criterion "Solution of a communicative task"). The maximum score for task 3 has not changed.

In a foreign language - one of the selective exams for ninth graders. Examination in this subject is chosen by many high school graduates, because the prospect of getting into a specialized linguistic class is quite tempting. Well, the future associated with the use of a foreign language as a professional tool gives a chance to ensure good earnings and a decent standard of living.

Among all foreign languages ​​studied by modern schoolchildren, English holds the palm. This is not surprising, because it is recognized as the language of international business and diplomatic communication. Practice shows that it is not so easy to pass the OGE in this subject - for a good grade, it is not enough to memorize the basic rules and language norms.

In addition to passing a written exam, in 2018 students will demonstrate their listening skills, as well as their ability to speak English. Except self-study and working with a tutor, you should also study the features and structure of the ticket, understand how points will be awarded, and also find out what innovations can await you in KIMs 2018!

Demo version of OGE-2018

OGE dates in English

Rosobrnadzor has already announced the approximate schedule of the OGE for 2018. Students will take a foreign language (including English) on the following dates:

  • April 28 (Saturday) is scheduled for early delivery of a foreign language. The reserve day will be April 30, 2018 (Tuesday);
  • the main OGE will be held on May 25 (Friday). The reserve day for the main OGE will be June 20, 2018 (Wednesday);
  • an additional day for the delivery of a foreign language will be September 14 (Friday). Booked as a reserve on September 21, 2018 (Friday).

Changes in the OGE in English

In 2018, tickets in English were not subject to changes in terms of structure and content. The subject commission reports that the only innovation was the change in the criteria by which task number 33 (writing a letter of a personal nature) will be evaluated.

What is included in the KIM OGE in English?

The main purpose of the exam is to test the ability of ninth graders to communicate in English. The commission will test your skills in understanding oral speech, the ability to speak, read and write in English. It is the OGE that will determine whether the student is ready for high school education, and will also identify students who can be recommended for grades 10-11 with a linguistic bias. The structure of the ticket can be divided into two parts:

  • written part - sections of the ticket from the first to the fourth. Students will demonstrate their listening comprehension (listening) skills, as well as demonstrate English reading, writing and vocabulary skills. The maximum points that can be scored for this part of the KIM is 55;
  • oral part - consists of one section, which includes tasks from the speaking part. The maximum that can be obtained for the oral part of the ticket is 15 points.

The correct performance of all the tasks of KIM makes it possible to get 70 points.

Speaking will require not only knowledge of the rules, but also the ability to maintain a dialogue

In most tasks (namely, thirty-two), the student will be able to give a short answer to the question posed by establishing correspondences for the sets, choosing the correct answer from the list provided, filling in the gaps in the text, or converting words into the correct lexical form. Tasks with a detailed answer are writing a personal letter, reading aloud an excerpt from a popular science text, conducting a dialogue with a teacher and a monologue on a given topic. The entire ticket can be structurally divided into the following parts:

  • listening - includes tasks based on phrases used in everyday communication, informational texts and announcements. Each fragment sounds for about one and a half to two minutes and is played twice. The complexity of the tasks is identical to the language level A2;
  • reading - tasks are based on texts of a pragmatic, popular science, journalistic and artistic nature. The volume of the fragment is from 220 to 600 words. The complexity of the tasks corresponds to the language level A2;
  • grammar and vocabulary - tasks that will test the depth of understanding of school material and the ability to operate with it;
  • personal letter - writing a text of at least 100-120 words. Letters with less than 90 words will not be evaluated according to other criteria - the student will immediately receive 0 points for the entire task. It is equally dangerous to write a letter that is too large - if it contains more than 132 words, then the commission will check only the first 120 words in the work, and leave everything else unattended;
  • speaking - tasks involving the use of several types of vocabulary. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to use social vocabulary (talk about leisure activities, relationships with friends, hobbies, prominent cultural or scientific figures, environmental issues, etc.), as well as vocabulary from the educational and labor sphere (a dialogue is possible about the choice of a future profession or the role of a foreign language in different areas of our lives).

Regulations and features of the exam

The student will have to complete the tasks from the first four sections in 120 minutes. At the same time, the profile commission recommends the distribution of time as follows:

  • 30 minutes for listening (section 1);
  • 30 minutes for tasks that test reading skills (section 2);
  • 30 minutes - to identify skills in grammar and vocabulary (section 3);
  • 30 minutes for writing a personal letter and testing other written English skills (section 4).

15 minutes will be allotted for speaking.

any textbooks and reference materials will have to pass before the start of the OGE

Students are not allowed to bring additional materials and subjects that are not related to the exam to the OGE. You can only take a pen with you. All other materials and equipment are provided by Rosobrnadzor - classrooms will be equipped with technical means providing the playback of audio recordings, and classes for passing speaking will be equipped with computers, sound recording programs and microphones necessary to record the student's answers.

How are primary scores translated into grades?

Points for examination paper will be transferred to the usual school grading system. The translation scale looks like this:

  • from 0 to 28 points - "unsatisfactory" rating;
  • from 29 to 45 points are translated into the “satisfactory” mark and will allow you to get a certificate;
  • from 46 to 58 points means that the student will receive "good";
  • from 59 to 70 points are identical to the mark "excellent".

When students are assigned to specialized linguistic classes or enrolled in specialized lyceums, students who score 56 points and above have an advantage.

Preparation for the OGE in English

Remember: none of the foreign languages, including English, can be passed with a swoop! Only a long and competent preparation for the OGE will give a chance to successfully pass this test. First, identify possible gaps in knowledge - for this you need to download and work through demo versions KIMs published by FIPI. Demo versions of tests, files for audition and requirements codifier can be found at the beginning of the article.

Do not forget that knowledge of the rules of the English language is absolutely useless if it is not supported by the ability to perceive speech by ear and speak a foreign language. To prepare for listening, regularly listen to audio books and English-language music, watch movies and TV series in the original dubbing (it is better not to watch videos with subtitles - a line with words will distract your attention from listening to the speech of the characters).

Take enough time to prepare for the OGE - you should start in September

Speaking is another problem for 9th grade graduates. Vocabulary, grammar and writing usually bring students good points, but when conducting a dialogue or monologue, many are lost. To practice speaking, it is worth playing everyday scenes in your head, having small dialogues with friends, sisters, brothers, moms and dads, and also describing in English the situations that have just happened to you in the cinema, supermarkets and buses.