Written examination paper in the Russian language. Presentation - design of written work in the Russian language Written work in the Russian language

1. The procedure for maintaining and designing notebooks.

2. Design of inscriptions on the covers of notebooks.

3. Decoration written works In Russian

4. Organization of work on the formation of calligraphic skills

5. Registration of written works in mathematics

6. Keeping diaries in primary school.

Unified spelling regime in elementary school.

The procedure for maintaining and designing notebooks .

· All entries in notebooks should be written in neat calligraphic handwriting.

· Use a ballpoint pen with blue ink.

All underlines, styles geometric shapes done with a simple pencil.

In elementary school, students have notebooks to perform all types of training and tests in basic subjects.

Mathematics and Russian language:

Notebooks No. 1 and No. 2 (for current work)

Notebook №3 (for tests)

The presentation and essay refer to works of a creative nature and are signed as notebooks for creative work.

Notebooks are allowed literary reading in which creative types of work are performed (essays, drawings, plans for works, definitions of literary concepts, etc.)

For the lessons of knowledge of the world, it is possible to use notebooks on a printed basis, but more often in practice, students have ordinary workbooks.

In accordance with the program requirements, it is allowed to have notebooks on music, foreign language, optional courses, etc.

It is not required to maintain workbooks, fine arts, physical culture, life safety, traffic rules.

Making inscriptions on the cover of notebooks.

Notebooks of students of the 1st and 2nd grades are signed by the teacher. Notebooks of students in grades 3-4 are signed by the students themselves under the guidance of a teacher. Not necessary so that the notebooks are signed in the same handwriting.

The inscriptions on the covers must be drawn up in a single form, in compliance with the norms of calligraphy.


Notebook No. 1 (No. 2, No. 3)

For (control) works

Mathematics (Russian)

2nd grade student "a"

high school №1

Petrenko Xenia.

The preposition "by" is written on the same line as the name of the subject.

Class numbering is written Arabic numbers.

Last name and first name should be written in the genitive case. The last name is written first, followed by the full name.

Work on bugs do in workbooks. Daily troubleshooting should be complete system, the effectiveness of which can be traced in improving the quality of education.

Notebooks are checked in elementary school daily without fail. Checking tests is carried out for the next lesson. Notebooks No. 3 are shown to parents with their issuance at home. But kept in the class until the end school year.

Students' work is checked by the teacher in red ink. Evaluation of written current and control works is carried out in accordance with the accepted norms of assessments.

Registration of written works in the Russian language.

After class and homework should retreat two lines (we write on the third).

When making red line indent to the right at least 2 cm (two fingers). Compliance with the red line is required from the first grade when preparing texts, starting a new type of work.

In the course of work lines are not skipped.

New page starts from the top line, is appended to the end of the page, including the last line.

On the left, when designing each line, it deviates from the edge by no more than 0.5 cm.

The line on the right is appended to the end. The use of transfer rules is mandatory. Unreasonable presence of empty spaces on a line is not allowed.

The date of writing the work in the Russian language (and mathematics) is recorded in the center of the working line.

In the first grade, during the period of literacy, the date is recorded by the teacher or students in the form of a number and the initial letter of the name of the month: 1 d. At the end of this period, the date is recorded in full: December 1.

From the 3rd grade (from the 2nd half of the year) it is allowed to write numerals in words in the date record: December first.

The title of the work is recorded on the next working line (without a gap) in the center and is drawn up as a proposal.

For example: Classwork.


Work on mistakes.

The variability of work is fixed on the next line in the center or in the margins ( short form entries):


1-in. ( writing in Roman numerals)

The word exercise is written in full from grade 3, starting from the third quarter.

The numbers of exercises performed in notebooks are indicated in their full volume. If the exercise is not fully performed, then it is not indicated. A short and full form of recording is allowed (in the center of the line).

Sample: Exercise 234.

Exercise 234.

In work requiring column entry, the first word is spelled with capital letter. Punctuation marks (commas) are not included.

For example: Wind



When performing this type of work in a line, the first word is written from the red line, with a capital letter, separated by commas.

For example:

Wind, east, sand.

When performing various types of analysis, it is required to comply with the accepted norms for abbreviations of words, designations of terms. The word is reduced only by consonants:

deaf-ch., voiced-sound, consonant-accord., solid-tv.,




preposition - ex.

masculine gender

feminine gender

neuter gender-cf.

Past tense - past

Present tense - present.

Future tense - bud.

Singular number-singular.


The name of the cases is indicated capital letter (Im.p. R.p. D.p. V.p. etc. p.p.)

It should be determined that the designations over words carry out by hand, and simple sharpened pencil. All underlining is done in a line only pencil.

Some types of work can be carried out without a ruler, if children have a formed skill in working with a pencil.

When preparing written types of analysis, the requirements of the proposed samples should be observed. Draw students' attention to the setting of the existing dashes, periods and commas after certain abbreviations of terms.

Recall that in mathematics, when abbreviating the names of units of measurement

dots are not placed.

For example: mm, m, cm, h, min, km, kg, g, etc.

Students in grades 1-2 write in notebooks in a narrow line. The teacher determines the transition to a wide line from the 3rd grade, taking into account the students' successfully formed writing skills.

Teachers primary school a lot of various tricks organizations "minutes of cleansing". The methodology of their implementation requires compliance with the content, volume and frequency of implementation.

1. After class and homework, you should back off. two lines (we write on the third).

2. At checkout red line indent to the right at least 2 cm

(two fingers).

3. Compliance with the red line is required from the first class at checkout

texts, the beginning of a new type of work.

4. During work lines are not skipped.

5. New page starts from the top line, is appended to the end of the page, including the last line.

6. On the right, the line is appended to the end.

7. Use of transfer rules is mandatory.

8. Unreasonable presence of empty spaces on the line is not allowed.

9. The date of writing the work in the Russian language (and mathematics) is recorded in the center of the working line.

10. In the first grade, during the period of literacy, the date is recorded by the teacher or students in the form of a number and the initial letter of the name of the month:

11. From grade 4, it is allowed to write numerals in words in the date record:

December first.

12. Recording the name of the work is carried out on the next working line (without

passes) in the center and is issued as an offer.

For example: Classwork


Independent work

Work on mistakes

13. In grades 1-4 in the control notebooks in mathematics, the phrase "Test" is not written.

14. The variability of work is fixed on the next line in the center or in the margins (short form of writing): IN 1; AT 2.

15. The numbers of exercises performed in notebooks are indicated in full. If the exercise is not fully performed, then it is not indicated.

16. A short and full form of recording is allowed (in the center of the line).

Sample: Exercise 234

17. In work requiring writing in a column, the first word is written with a small letter. Punctuation marks (commas) are not included.

For example: wind



18. When performing this type of work in a line, the first word is written from the red line, with a capital letter, separated by a comma.

For example: Wind, east, sand.

19. When performing various types of analysis, it is required to comply with the accepted norms for abbreviations of words, designations of terms. The word is reduced only by consonants: deaf - deaf., voiced - sound, consonant - acc., solid - tv .; noun - noun; adjective - adj.; verb - ch.; preposition - pr.; masculine - m.r., feminine - f.r., neuter - cf.; past tense - past tense, present tense - present tense, future tense - bud.v,; singular - singular, plural - plural.

The name of the cases is indicated capital letter (I.p. R.p. D.p. V.p. etc. p.p.)

20. It should be determined that the designations are carried out over words blue paste. Underlining is done in a line pencil (or green paste).

21. When drawing up written types of analysis, the requirements of the proposed samples should be observed. Draw students' attention to the setting of the existing dashes, periods and commas after certain abbreviations of terms.

22. Students of grades 1 and 2 (1st half of the year) write in notebooks in a narrow line.

23. Work on calligraphy should be carried out during all four years of primary school. In this case, it is necessary to approach each child individually.

24. Mistakes in the work are highlighted by the teacher in red with the removal of designations on the margins of the notebook. The following designations are considered traditional:

I - spelling mistake;

V - punctuation error;

P - speech error

25. Work on mistakes is carried out in the second-fourth grades by students on their own. The form of the work on the mistakes is determined by the teacher.

Written homework
in Russian: system of requirements
and evaluation

1. The principle of mutual obligations

The first lesson in a new class or the first lesson at the beginning of each school year is a conversation about the mutual obligations of the teacher and students.

I start the conversation with the fact that a lesson is communication, during which the teacher teaches, and the students learn, that is, they teach themselves. In order for this process not to be disturbed by conflicts and grievances, it is necessary to negotiate in such a way that the interests of both parties are respected.

I introduce students to three rules that help business communication:

1) there is no guilt and there are no guilty;

2) no one owes anything to anyone;

3) everyone is responsible for himself and for his actions.

We discuss each of these rules. Then I introduce students to the "Rights and Duties of a Teacher and a Student", which have been developed over the years of practice and have a reasonable explanation.

By the way, it is useful to comment on any of your requirements, to interpret the meaning of words. Then the students realize that the teacher's demand is quite just and benefits them.

Reading the “Rights and Duties of the Teacher and the Student”, we pay attention to the meaning of the words: rights- see dictionary; responsibilitiesmust.

Teacher rights

1. Evaluate the student's work in accordance with the "Standards for Grading".

2. Require a certain amount of work:

5th grade - 3-5 sentences or lines;

6th grade - 7-8 lines;

7th-8th grades - 0.5 pages (11 lines);

9th-10th grades - 1 page (22 lines);

11th grades - 1–1.5 pages.

If the amount of work is not sustained, the teacher has the right to reduce the grade.

3. For students who apply for "4" or "5" to make more stringent requirements.

Teacher Responsibilities

1. Give homework at the beginning or middle of the lesson.

2. Write homework on the board and speak out loud, commenting.

3. Check homework by Monday.

If one of the three duties is violated, the students have the right not to do their homework.

4. Argue the assessment at the request of the student.

If the student convinces the teacher of the error of the assessment, the assessment will need to be corrected.

Student Rights

1. Do homework only during the school week, that is, homework is not assigned on weekends.

Number and total amount of homework during the week:

5th grade - 6 lessons - 4 d / z for 3-5 lines = 20 lines;

6th grade - 5 lessons - 4 d / s for 7-8 lines = 32 lines;

Grade 7 - 5 lessons - 4 d / s 0.5 pages each = 2 pages;

8th grade - 3 lessons - 2 d / s 0.5 pages each = 1 page;

9th grade - 2 lessons - 1 d / z for 1 page = 1 page;

10th grade - 1 lesson - 1 d / z for 1 page = 1 page;

11th grade - 1 lesson - 1 d / s for 1 d / s for 1-1.5 pages = 1-1.5 pages.

2. If the student is not satisfied with the topic of homework, you can offer your own topic or your own form.

3. Turn in your homework notebook during the week until Sunday 8:00 pm (although taking your homework notebook home to the teacher is the last option).

4. If, nevertheless, the homework notebook was not handed in for any reason, write an explanatory note so as not to get a deuce.

Student Responsibilities

1. Do all your homework and turn in your notebook on time.

2. Maintain the volume of homework and the quality of work (handwriting, graphic work).

3. Using explanatory notes as a means of saving you from a deuce, increase the volume of the explanatory note by 0.5 pages (1st time - 0.5 pages, 2nd time - 1 page, 3rd time - 1.5 pages, etc.).

Explaining the rights and obligations of each party, in the course of a conversation with the class, I find out how deeply the students realize the legitimacy of my demands and the benefits of their position.

As homework, the students think about “Rights and Duties…”, make their suggestions and agree.

During the school year, I conduct a survey several times on how students assess the requirements for them. Usually we adjust the topics of homework. Otherwise, there are no complaints. Students feel that the teacher is responsible for his area of ​​work on an equal basis with them, listens to their comments. Conflicts do not arise even when putting a deuce for missing homework, as the student is aware of his guilt. In addition, the student knows that he can always correct this deuce.

2. The principle of clear assessment requirements

Specifying the responsibilities of students when doing homework, I designate the assessment criteria.

These include:

1) clear legible handwriting;

2) neatly, without blots, the work done;

3) sustained amount of work;

4) graphic work as needed;

5) work on the mistakes from the previous homework.

If any criterion is not met, the score is reduced. The reason must be stated.

For example:

P - 3 (handwriting).

Of. - 4 (there are blots).

V is small (the volume of work is not maintained).

No gr. R. (no graphic work).

No p / osh 4 - 1 point = 3 (one point is subtracted from the assessment for the lack of work on errors).

Homework can be double graded. This happens in several cases:

2. If the student has problems with handwriting or accuracy when doing work.

For example:

Of. - 3 P - 3

In this case, the child has hope for good grades, despite the handwriting, which cannot be immediately improved.

For every five homeworks, a final grade is given, which goes to the journal. This is the average of five ratings. On the Grade Accounting page, this column is displayed in green ink. In the journal, the grade column is signed “total - homework”.

If the homework is done in excess of the requirements (original content, large volume), the grade for the homework can be immediately put in the journal. In the student's notebook, an exclamation mark (5! 4!) is placed near the assessment, and on the registration page the assessment is written in red ink.

Homework grades are analyzed in the first lesson of the week at the very beginning of the lesson. The analysis begins with "red" ratings. With the permission of the students, the best works are read out and their merits are noted. In grades 5-6, we even applaud the authors the best works. Then the names of those who received the final 5 and 4 are read out (if the deadline for grading has come up). Some of the students are making progress. Finally, the names of those who did not hand in notebooks for homework or did not complete some homework are called.

It is important not to blame the student, but to express bewilderment, surprise. These students have the right to write an explanatory note during the day and free themselves from the deuce. I remind you that the volume of the explanatory note is steadily growing (by 0.5 pages each time).

It is unprofitable for the student to constantly use this tool.

For those who did not use the right to explain themselves, deuces are put in the journal for each missing homework. A dot is placed next to the score. This helps to remember what the deuce is for.

Of course, there are students who systematically do not do their homework. Most of the time these are repeaters. They are disgusted with any work. Such students come up at the end of the trimester with the question: “What should I do to correct grades?”. First of all, they are asked to do their homework.

This evaluation of work has a number of advantages. Since all the work of the student is evaluated, the final grades are more objective.

Students are systematically encouraged to creativity to work. This stimulates the development of creative abilities.

The manifestation of laziness, forgetfulness, irresponsibility of students is fixed in time and measures are taken to eliminate these shortcomings.

Clear assessment criteria eliminate conflicts with students. The student understands why the grade is lower than he expected. And if it is not clear, he has the right to find out. There are situations when the teacher raises the grade, making sure of his mistake. To do this, the student must give weighty arguments.

Recently, students have only one complaint. They ask why an A for missing homework is posted in the journal. I explain that those who categorically refuse to work get a deuce. And I can't teach those who don't work at all. If the students manage to find a way that will force everyone to do their homework, including the lazy ones, I will gladly give up the deuces. So far, we have not found this method.

Perhaps, for this, one should seriously think about the content side of homework. If, in essence, the homework does not arouse the interest of the student, its completion will turn into an empty formality. Then homework as a form of student work will cease to develop the child's abilities.

Knowledge control system

I always have a notebook with me, in which I keep a record of the work of students. It helps me regulate our relationship. Each class has a certain number of pages. The first page is a record of completed homework.

The principle of systematic verification

I check all the work and each student, although this is not required by regulatory documents. I agree that such a check consumes time. And yet there are many more advantages. So, on the first page, the list of students, the number of homework is indicated at the top, and at the bottom - the topic of the mini-essay or the number of the exercise. If the work is not handed in, a circle appears in the line. If the work is done for a deuce, I put an end to it. Grades 3, 4, 5 I write with blue ink. For every five works, students receive a final grade in the journal. In my notebook, I write the final grades with green ink. Such a column of ratings is clearly visible.

If the student completed the work in excess of the requirements, he receives an assessment immediately in the journal. In his notebook, he sees such an assessment with an exclamation point, and in my notebook, the assessment is written in red ink.

When I look at the homework record page, I'm able to analyze a lot of information. Loafers and problem children immediately catch the eye. I can evaluate positive or negative changes in the work of each student. I start thinking about how to get everyone to work at home. Now I offer a choice of two, three, and sometimes four works, in order to deprive me of the opportunity to declare that the task does not arouse interest or is difficult. In addition, such records help to remember everything. There are no loopholes left for idlers. They also have to work. There is no reason to argue with the teacher. After all, children have the right to look at my notebook at recess. They know I won't forget anything. Parents, having come to school, receive complete reliable information about the child. We look through my notebook together. This is how I avoid conflict. Agree, it is worth a lot in our time.

Similarly, I keep track of classwork on the following pages. True, I mark marks for written work in my notebook with icons so as not to confuse them with marks for work in the lesson. Five is a plus. Four is half plus. Three is a trait. Two is a dot. Didn't work - n.r., worked a little - m.r. I mark the final grades with green paste.

Students understand that working is much more profitable than idle. They understand that my requirements are reasonable, they easily obey these requirements. This is how good results are achieved.

Notebook of knowledge recording helps the teacher to monitor the development of the student. Yes, and the student himself can easily do this according to my notebook.

I repeat that checking all student work takes a lot of time, but the pros of this work outweigh the cons.

All classes that come to me learn in this control system, and as a result, everyone starts to work much better.

I support myself with the thought that my children will never hack in their lives.

Perm region

A1. In which word is a mistake made in the formulation of stress: incorrectly highlighted

a letter representing a stressed vowel?

1) let's call 2) tore 3) citizenship 4) old

A2. In which answer is the underlined word used incorrectly?

1) In the obscure, diffused light of the night, the MAJESTIC and beautiful prospects of St. Petersburg opened before us: the Neva, the embankment, canals, palaces.

2) Iron, chromium, manganese, copper and nickel are COLOR substances, components of many paints based on these minerals.

3) DIPLOMATIC relations between Russia and the USA were established in 1807.

4) The most HUMANE professions on earth are those on which the spiritual life and health of a person depends.

A3. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

1) lie down (on the floor) 2) their work 3) hot soups 4) six hundred students

A4. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Talking about the richness of the language,

1) There was a discussion in the audience. 2) I became interested in this problem.

3) required concrete examples. 4) we meant mainly his vocabulary.

A5. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of

syntactic norm).

1) Due to the increase in the level of service in company stores, there are more customers.

2) "Moidodyr", written by Korney Chukovsky and published in the 20s of the twentieth century, has become one of the most beloved works of children.

3) M. Gorky in one of his articles notes that poets before Pushkin did not know the people at all, were not interested in their fate, rarely wrote about them.

4) Those who have been striving for a dream since childhood often realize their life plans.

A6. In which sentence is the subordinate clause complex sentence cannot be replaced by a separate definition, expressed by participial turnover?

1) french words and expressions that penetrate the Russian language are called gallicisms.

2) Environment in which living organisms exist is constantly changing.

3) In order to promote the development of literature and literary language created in the 18th century Russian Academy, which has become the main scientific center for the study of the Russian language and literature.

4) In the second half of the 18th century, the French influence on the speech of Russian nobles, which played an important role in the process of Europeanization of the Russian literary language, becomes predominant.

A7. In which row is the unstressed checked vowel of the root missing in all words?

1) program..ssive, s..activate, ascend..st 2) in..rhove, develop..smoke, sh..fly

3) selects..recovers, ornam..nt, program..mmigrate

A8. In which row in all words is the same letter missing?

1) by .. masonry, o .. battle, on .. lowercase 2) pr .. stand up, pr .. glue, pr .. school

3) to..grab, over..investment, from..sk 4) bar..black, with..to sting, deprive..yana

A9. In which row in both words is the letter I written at the place of the gap?

1) pronunciation ..sh, transform ..my

3) look .. you notice .. 4) flip .. you, broken ..

A10. In which answer option are all the words correctly indicated where the

A. nickel..high B. finish building C. welcome..during D. low..wat

1) A, B, D 2) A, B, C 3) C, D 4) A, D

A11. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which HH is written?

Tatyana was exhausted (1) by the events that had happened the day before, and I did not find the strength in myself to answer the spark (2) she asked (3) about the fate of her mother's precious (4) stones.

1) 1, 3, 4 2) 3, 4 3) 1, 2 4) 2, 3, 4

A12. In which sentence is NOT (NOR) with the word written separately?

1) Autumn has come with (un)ending rains, wet roads, longing for the evenings.

2) Don at the crossing point is far (not) wide, only about forty meters.

3) (No) one in the play agrees with Chatsky that it is immoral to serve.

4) Somewhere here, a few steps away, the (un)forgettable trills of a nightingale were heard, and the silence was filled with wondrous sounds.

A 13. In which row is the letter Yo written at the place of the pass?

Stove ..ny, bearish ..knock 2) burning ..sharp, shearing ..t 3) heels ..k, hot .. 4) superfluous ..nny, thickening ..nka

A 14. In which row, in both cases, b is written at the place of the pass?

Fresh borscht .., several summer cottages ... 2) save .. harvest, fall back ..

3) defective tape .., burning frost .. 4) frankly false .., handsome bearded man ..

A15. In which sentence are both underlined words spelled together?

1) (FOR) FREQUENTLY we don’t even imagine (FOR) HOW MUCH it is important for a person to understand what is the main thing for him in life.

2) Neither lightning rods nor a perpetual motion machine are needed by the city of Kalinov, BECAUSE (THAT) all this (FOR) SIMPLY has no place in the patriarchal world.

3) You can (IN) DIFFERENTLY explain the scene of a verbal duel between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich, and (IN) THE BEGINNING it may seem that the nihilist is right.

4) TO (WOULD) return Radishchev to the modern reader, it is necessary to try to impartially evaluate his philosophical views, AS WELL (SAME) as literary work.

A16. Indicate the correct explanation for the use of a comma or its absence in the sentence.

a distinction was made between significant and functional words () and in the future this distinction was supported by the largest representatives of Russian science.

1) Simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union And no comma is needed.

2) A compound sentence with a minor member common to parts, before the union AND, a comma is not needed.

3) A compound sentence, before the union And a comma is needed.

4) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union And a comma is needed.

A17. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which in

The first exhibition of the Wanderers (1), which opened in 1871 (2), convincingly demonstrated the existence in painting (3) of a new direction that was developing during the 60s (4).

1) 1, 2, 4 2) 1, 2 3) 3, 4 4) 1, 2, 3, 4

A18. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in the place of which commas should be in the sentences?

In late autumn or winter, flocks of melodiously chirping or sharply screaming birds appear on the streets of cities. Here (1) apparently (2) for this cry the birds got their name - waxwings, because the verb "to whistle" (3) as linguists believe (4) once meant "sharply

whistle, scream."

1) 1, 2, 3, 4 2) 1, 3 3) 1, 2 4) 3, 4

A19. Specify the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) Someone cleaned up the tower and waited for the owners.

2) Many literary critics and historians argue again and again about Goethe's relationship with the great Russian poet.

3) Rows of trees or shrubs or flowers went in all directions from the houses.

4) In the syntactic structure of two poetic texts, we can find both similarities and differences.

A 20. Which sentence has a dash? (No punctuation marks.)

The sands are like the sea.

Everything seemed to me fabulous and the huts and woodpile of firewood and endless hedges.

I loved to wander with him through the forests, he knew all the paths and the backwoods of the forest.

4) Speech language in action

A21. How do you explain the use of a colon in this sentence?

Folk scenes play an important role in A. P. Borodin's opera Prince Igor: the choirs of the townspeople of Putivl, who see Igor and his army on a campaign, the choir of boyars, announcing the captivity of the prince.

1) The second part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the consequence of what is said in the first part.

2) The generalizing word stands before the homogeneous members of the sentence.

3) The second part of the non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of what is said in the first part.

4) The first part of the non-union complex sentence indicates the time of doing what is said in the second part.

A22. In which answer option are all the numbers correctly indicated, in place of which in

Should the sentence contain commas?

The idea of ​​a single European space (1) whose (3) fan (3) was the first director of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum Malinovsky (4) gained many supporters.

1) 1, 4 2) 2, 3 3) 1, 3 4) 2, 4

A23. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

After the third bell rang (1), the curtain trembled and slowly crawled up (2) and (3) as soon as the audience saw their favorite (4), the walls of the theater literally trembled with applause and enthusiastic screams.

1) 1, 2, 3, 4 2) 1, 2 3) 3, 4 4) 2

Read the text and complete tasks A24–A30, B1–B7.

(1) It is a waste of time to try to evaluate the relationship, to painstakingly and closely analyze what separates us. (2) Still, the main question is another question that we must find an answer to if we want to improve or save our relations: “What unites us?”.

(3) The wise have rightly said that our relationships with other people will last as long as what unites us will exist. (4) If we are connected by a house, a summer residence, money, external attractiveness, or any other short-term things that exist today and not tomorrow, then with the very first problems in this area our relationships will also be jeopardized. (5) Connections in which people no longer have anything in common are similar to Potemkin villages, where outwardly everything is fine, but behind a beautiful facade there are only problems and emptiness. (6) Often such formal connections are worse than loneliness. (7) People are united by the difficulties experienced together and the moments of crisis. (8) If, in overcoming obstacles, in finding solutions, all parties equally make efforts and fight to become better, this not only strengthens any relationship, but also gives rise to new, deeper, amazing states of mind that open up new horizons and direct the development of events in a completely different direction.

(9) You need to learn how to take the first step without losing yourself and your inner dignity. (10) For a relationship, two are needed, and any of our steps should cause a resonance, a response from another person, followed by his reaction, his reciprocal steps towards us. (11) If after our long efforts this does not happen, then one of the conclusions suggests itself: either we are taking the wrong steps, or our relationships are built on shaky ground, because they are based on only one person and one person tries to drag everything on himself, and this is already absurd and artificial.

(12) The success of any relationship requires that both parties try to overcome feelings of possessiveness and selfishness. (13) Very often we do not see the individuality, the uniqueness of the people we love, and continue to consider them as a reflection of our own views, requirements, ideas about what they should be. (14) We are not

should try to educate and remake people in their own image and likeness. (15) Love requires a feeling of air and freedom of the soul. (16) People who love each other do not dissolve in each other and do not lose their individuality; they are two columns supporting the roof of one temple. (According to E. Sikiric*)

* Elena Anatolyevna Sikirich (born in 1956) is a modern publicist, philosopher, psychologist, and public figure.

A24. Which statement does not match the content of the text?

1) Each act should resonate in the soul of a loved one, then the relationship will be harmonious.

2) In a relationship, it is important to overcome the feeling of possessiveness and selfishness.

3) People are united by shared hardships.

4) Love is based solely on the similarity of people's characters.

A25. Which of listed statements is wrong?

1) Sentence 4 explains the judgment made in sentence 3.

2) Proposition 8 contains the substantiation of the statement made in sentence 7.

3) Sentences 9-11 present the narrative.

4) Sentences 12-15 contain reasoning.

A26. What word is used in the text in a figurative sense

Parties (sentence 12) 2) things (sentence 4) love (sentence 15) 4) response (sentence 10)

A27. What word or combination of words is grammatical basis in one of the text sentences?

We must not (sentence 14)

2) We should not try to educate and remake (14)

3) We should not try to educate (14) 4) We should not educate (14)

A28. Indicate the correct description of the eighth (8) sentence of the text

1) compound non-union 2) compound 3) simple compound 4) compound

A29. Indicate the correct morphological characteristic of the word GUIDE in sentence 8.

1) participle 2) gerund 3) verb 4) adverb

A30. Indicate the sentence that uses antonyms.

1) 5 2) 2 3) 3 4) 12

When completing the tasks of this part, write down your answer to the right of the task number (B1-B7). Separate words or numbers with commas when listing.

IN 1. Indicate the way the word THREAT is formed (sentence 4).

AT 2. Write out the passive participle from sentences 7–8.

B3. Indicate the type of subordination in the phrase THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN (sentence 11).

Write your answers to tasks B4–B7 in numbers.

Q4. Among sentences 7–11, find a simple one-part impersonal sentence. Write the number of this offer.

Q5. Among sentences 5–10, find a sentence with a separate circumstance. Write the number of this offer.

AT 6. Among sentences 10–16 find difficult sentence, which includes subordinate causes. Write the number of this compound sentence.

AT 7. Among sentences 4–8, find a sentence that is related to the previous one using a demonstrative pronoun and lexical repetition

1.2. Types of written work of students

Final test papers are held:

  • after studying the most significant topics of the program;
  • at the end of the academic quarter, semester.

On one working day, only one written final control work should be given in the class, and no more than two during the week. When planning tests in each class, it is necessary to provide for their even distribution throughout the quarter, avoiding the accumulation of written tests by the end of the quarter, half year.

1.3. Number of final examinations


Type of work

by class

Russian language
cool essays
home compositions


Vocabulary dictation

Control dictation

Statement (detailed)

Volume of student essay

0.5 - 1 page

1 - 1.5 pages

1.5 - 2 pages

up to 50 words

up to 50 words

When counting words in the text of the control dictation, both independent and auxiliary words are taken into account.

If the control dictation is accompanied by an additional task, then the text is taken in the amount indicated by the first digit of the standard for this class.

The number of spelling and punctograms to be checked in the texts of control dictations should not exceed:

Class V
Number of spellings
Number of punctograms

The texts of control dictations in the Russian language can only include those newly studied spellings that have been sufficiently fixed (at least in two or three previous lessons).

Words with unchecked and difficult to check spelling, the spelling of which the students were specially trained, in the dictation should be no more than five in grade V, seven in grades VI and VII, ten in grades VIII and IX.

Until the end of the first quarter (and in the fifth grade - until the end of the first half of the year), the amount of text recommended for the previous grade is preserved.

The volume of essays in literature, regardless of the source and place of work:

The volume of a class essay on literature also depends on the time allotted for the work.

You can not reduce the mark for the lack of an introduction, epigraph and plan, if this did not affect the quality of the essay.

4. The procedure for checking written work by teachers.

4.1. Notebooks of students in which teaching classroom and homework is performed are checked:

I.In Russian:

  • in the 5th grade and in the first half of the 6th grade - after each lesson for all students;
  • in the 2nd half of the year in the 6th grade and in the 7th - 9th grades - after each lesson, only for weak students, and for strong students, not all the works, but only the most significant in their importance, but in such a way that once a week the notebooks of all students are checked;
  • in grades X - XI - after each lesson, weak students, and the rest, do not check all the work, but the most significant in their importance, but in such a way that the teacher checks the notebooks of all students 2 times a month;

II. on literature:

in grades VI - IX - at least 2 times a month, and in grades X - XI - at least once a month.

4.2. Presentations and essays on the Russian language and literature, as well as all types of examinations in subjects, are checked for all students.

4.3. Checking tests by teachers is carried out in the following terms:

  • control dictations in grades I - IX are checked and returned to students for the next lesson;
  • presentations and essays in grades V - VIII - in a week;
  • essays in grades IX-XI are checked for no more than 10 days.

4.4. In the work being checked, the teacher notes and corrects the mistakes made, guided by the following:

- when checking presentations and essays in grades V - XI (both control and training), not only spelling and punctuation errors are noted (and, if necessary, corrected), but also factual, logical, speech (speech errors are underlined by a wavy line) and grammatical; in the margins of notebooks, the teacher indicates factual errors with a sign F , logical - sign L , speech - sign R , grammatical - sign G , spelling mistakes- sign I , punctuation - sign V ;

(*Note: It is impossible to reduce the mark for the absence of an introduction, epigraph and plan, if this did not affect the quality of the literary essay.

Any essay on literature is evaluated with two marks: the first is for content and speech, the second is for literacy. In grades V-XI, the assessment for content and speech refers to literature, the second assessment - to the Russian language.)

  • when checking notebooks and tests of students in grades V-XI in the Russian language, the teacher only emphasizes and notes in the margins the mistake made, which the student himself corrects;
  • underlining and correcting errors is done by the teacher only with red paste (red ink, red pencil);
  • after checking the dictation, presentation or essay, the teacher counts and writes down the number of errors by type, in dictations the number of spelling (numerator) and punctuation (denominator) errors is indicated in fractions. The presentations and essays indicate, in addition, the number of factual, logical, speech and grammatical errors;
  • after counting the errors in the prescribed manner, the assessment of the work is set.

4.5. All tests are necessarily evaluated by the teacher with the marks entered in the class journal.

Self-study written work is also evaluated. Grades in the journal for these works can be set at the discretion of the teacher.

Class and home written works in the Russian language in the 5th grade - the 1st half of the 6th grade are evaluated; grades in the journal can be set for the most significant work at the discretion of the teacher. In grades VI (starting from the second half of the year) - XI grades, all checked works are evaluated, but grades are given in the journal at the discretion of the teacher.

When evaluating the written work of students, teachers are guided by the relevant standards for assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

4.6. After checking written work, students are given the task of correcting mistakes or performing exercises that prevent the repetition of similar mistakes.

Work on mistakes, as a rule, is carried out in the same notebooks in which the corresponding written work was performed.

4.7. Evaluation of educational work.

Educational work (various exercises, including dictations of a non-control nature) are evaluated more strictly than control work.

When evaluating training work, the following are taken into account:

  1. degree of independence;
  2. stage of learning;
  3. workload;
  4. clarity, accuracy, calligraphic correctness of writing.

5 . Derivation of final grades

The final mark should not be derived mechanically, as an arithmetic mean of the previous marks. The decisive factor in determining it should be considered the actual preparation of the student in all respects by the time the mark is taken. However, in order to encourage students to take their studies seriously throughout the school year, the results of current academic performance must be taken into account when deriving final grades.

When deriving the final grade, priority is given to grades that reflect the degree of proficiency in skills (spelling, punctuation, speech). Therefore, the final mark for literacy cannot be positive if, during a quarter (year), most of the control dictations, essays, presentations for spelling, punctuation, and language literacy were rated with a score of "2" or "1".

In the senior grades, both grades for the essay, characterizing the knowledge of students in literature and their literacy, are set as a fraction in class magazine in the literature pages.