Trends in the development of higher education in the Russian Federation. The main trends in the development of education in Russia

With fundamental changes in the field of education, changing our understanding of its role in modern society. These transformations are based on the development of new approaches to learning based on the use of modern innovative technologies in education.

The role of education at the current stage of Russia's development is determined by the tasks of its transition to a democratic and rule of law state, the need to overcome the danger of the country lagging behind world trends in economic and social development. It is education that is associated with an increase in the influence of the quality of human capital on social development, with the process of accumulation and transfer of knowledge from generation to generation. Therefore, modern and future generations need an effective dynamic education system based on innovative technologies.

In this regard, the main task of the Russian educational policy is to ensure the modern quality of education on the basis of preserving its fundamental nature, meeting the current and future needs of the individual, society and the state.

The most important global trend modern education is its integration and internationalization, leading to the rapprochement of countries, the creation of conditions for the formation of a single world educational space. Russia's accession to the Bologna Declaration (2003), adopted by most European countries, means the movement of our country in the direction of rapprochement educational systems. The main provisions of the Bologna Declaration can be reduced to the following important points: the introduction of a two-level (three-level) system of training specialists (bachelor-master); introduction of a credit system; ensuring quality control of education; increased mobility; ensuring the employment of graduates.

Integration and internationalization of education form the world market of educational services. Already today, more technological open educational systems have appeared and are operating, which provide educational services regardless of distances and state borders. Along with traditional (classical) education, non-traditional methods of education based on modern educational and information technologies have become widely used. First of all, we are talking about open and distance learning systems, which are based on Internet technologies or e-education.

To modern trends in the development of education include such as diversification, internationalization, individualization, development of advanced and continuing education, its intensification and computerization, as well as the development of the principles of cyclicity and multi-stage. All these trends should contribute to an increase in the quality of education in accordance with modern requirements socio-economic development of society. Diversification is manifested in the expansion of various approaches to the content of education, with the development of new disciplines and specialties, forms of education, methods and technologies of education. On this basis, a new quality of specialties and disciplines, methods and technologies in education management arises.

The diversification of education is manifested in its various characteristics: organization, methodology, methodology, technology, knowledge control. An equally important trend is the individualization of education, aimed at moving from the past system of uniform education for all to modern quality education for everyone. This approach can be implemented through the development of various educational programs in accordance with the individual capabilities of both students and teachers using modern and promising information technology tools.

In the conditions of individualization of education, modern education should be continuous. The need for continuous education is due to both the human need for constant replenishment of knowledge during their professional activities, and the progress of science and technology.

Innovations in education are actual significant and systematically self-organizing innovations that arise on the basis of a variety of initiatives and innovations that become promising for the evolution of education, positively affect the development of all forms and methods of education. The concept of innovative activity in relation to the development of modern education can be considered as a purposeful transformation of the content of education and the organizational and technological foundations of the educational process, aimed at improving the quality of educational services, the competitiveness of educational institutions and their graduates, and ensuring the comprehensive personal and professional development of students. Innovations in the system of Russian education have a natural character, their content, forms and methods of implementation depend both on the global problems of human development and on the socio-economic, legal, spiritual and political processes of reforming Russian society.

The basis of social innovations is the modernization and informatization of Russian education. The main goal of the modernization of education is to create a mechanism for the sustainable development of the education system, ensuring its compliance with the challenges of the 21st century, the social and economic needs of the country's development, the needs of the individual, society and the state. The modernization of Russian education is an innovative process of transforming the entire education system, aimed at maximum satisfaction educational needs students in the widest range of specialties, levels of education, educational institutions and information and educational resources.

At the same time, education should give the expected effect, regardless of the location of both the student and the educational resource or service that he needs, carried out using the most modern information and telecommunication technologies. The result of modernization should be the achievement of a new quality of Russian education, which is determined, first of all, by its compliance with the current and future demands of the modern life of the country. Informatization of education is aimed at implementing the idea of ​​improving the quality of the content of education, at conducting research and development, their implementation, involves the replacement of traditional information technologies with more efficient ones in all types of activities in the national education system of Russia.

The introduction of innovative technologies in education requires new approaches to teaching based on modern educational technologies. Educational technology is the targeted use of the system of means in education, which determines the receipt of the specified characteristics of some educational phenomenon (certain qualities of graduates, the content of education, advanced training of educators, etc.). Modern educational technologies, first of all, should work for creative education, contributing to the creative development of the personality of each student.

Educational technology includes a set of actions related to any educational processes (management of the education system, development of an educational institution, formation of a teaching staff, etc.). The structure of educational technology includes such components as goal-setting, monitoring and evaluation, while the basis of the modern education system is information technology. It is significant at the same time that innovative technologies in education require not only the development of education based on information technology, but also the creation of an appropriate information and educational environment.

A unified information and educational environment can be defined as a controlled psychological and pedagogical system created by the people themselves, based on modern information and educational technologies and providing everyone with the same technological means to conduct the educational process in the Internet environment.

Within the framework of a unified educational information environment, the formation and development of an innovative education system is taking place, provided with organizational, pedagogical and information technology. In this environment, with the help of architectural and structural solutions, open standards are provided for interfaces, formats and protocols for information exchange in order to ensure mobility, stability, efficiency and other positive qualities achieved when creating open systems.

The purpose and principles of modern education are focused on preparing students for full and effective participation in the public and professional fields in the conditions of market relations. Giving the education system the qualities of an open system entails a fundamental change in its properties in the direction of greater freedom in planning education, choosing a place, time and pace, in the transition from the principle of "education for life" to the principle of "education through life". In practice, this system is implemented using network technologies. Initially, network learning technologies became widespread among representatives of those age and social groups who are forced to give preference to on-the-job training.

Today, open and distance learning provides an opportunity for various groups of the population to receive additional education. Many Russian universities are actively using information and network technologies in the system of full-time education. As a result, the more efficient use of modern educational technologies in the traditional education system is gradually leading to the blurring of the line between full-time, part-time and distance learning, which is a characteristic feature of the innovative education system.

At the present stage, global changes in the goals and content of education orient students towards the development of a qualitatively new model of preparing people for life and work in the conditions of a post-industrial society, the formation of completely new personal qualities and skills necessary for these conditions. All this dictates new requirements for specialists.

Modernization of the Russian education system and the introduction of information and communication technologies in the learning process in a new way question the quality of education. Already today, many countries pay great attention to the problems of quality and efficiency of education, combining their efforts in the development of methodology, technology and tools for comparative studies of the quality of education, thereby creating a system for monitoring the quality of education in the world.

Today, a new model of training specialists is being formed in the Russian education system, taking into account not only the qualification model of a specialist, but also the competency-based model. The competence of a specialist includes both knowledge, skills, and ways of their implementation in activities and in communication. In the competence model of a specialist, the goals of education are associated with interdisciplinary integrated requirements for the result of the educational process. In the first place are the qualitative characteristics of the individual, which are formed by modern educational technologies. It is not so much about the control of knowledge, skills and abilities, but about the quality of the educational system.

An important direction in improving the quality of education is the training and retraining of teaching staff. In many ways, the quality of training of specialists depends on teachers. Universities have a system of advanced training for teaching staff, which fully meets the requirements of the time and pays great attention to new technologies in education. For example, in MGUA them. O.E. Kutafin at the Institute of Additional Professional Education, advanced training of scientific and pedagogical workers of the Academy is carried out according to the following short-term advanced training programs "Transition to a two-level higher legal education based on a competency-based approach", "Improvement information competence university teachers”, based on innovative educational technologies.

The unified education quality management system being created in Russia is methodological basis to transfer educational systems to a new state, providing openness and a new quality of education, adequate to the needs of a developing individual, society and the labor market.

Contemporary innovative education- this is advanced education, a distinctive feature of which is the development of advanced methods and ways of acquiring knowledge that forms a person in a single global information and educational space.

Education is a strategic resource for the socio-economic and cultural development of society, ensuring national interests, strengthening the authority and competitiveness of the state in all spheres of activity in the international arena. cultural, educational and scientific and technical areas is to introduce modern norms and standards in education, science and technology, dissemination of their own cultural and scientific and technological achievements. A particularly important task is the implementation of joint scientific, cultural, educational and other projects, the involvement of scientists and specialists in scientific research programs.

Definition and implementation of national educational standards

The definition and implementation of national educational standards are the main trends in the development of education in modern Russia. The integration of education concerns all its levels, but most often it is used in the formation of the content of basic education. National educational standards are the sum of well-defined normative requirements for the content of curricula. The attitude of teachers to the standardization of education is ambiguous. Some of the experts believe that unification is based on rigid standards that bind all children to a single cultural and intellectual model without sufficient consideration of their individual characteristics. Increasingly, one can hear thoughts that the standardization of the content of education should not mean the standardization of the personality of the student. So, in training it is advisable to fix the minimum necessary knowledge and skills, while maintaining a wide scope for varied curricula. This is what determines the need for standardization of education with further improvement of systems

Adapting curricula to the conditions and needs of a multicultural and multiethnic student body

Responsible tasks are assigned to the new curricula: to ensure that children from different cultures and ethnic communities master the language minimum of basic knowledge as the basis for constructive social integration. Solving this problem requires significant efforts at the level of society - organizational, financial, political and, above all, directly educational. Therefore, in recent years, the development of education on the basis of multiculturalism has been singled out as a special direction for the modernization of programs and, in particular, the content of basic knowledge.

Careful, respectful attitude to different cultures, dialogues, mutual enrichment and mutual knowledge of different peoples and ethnic groups as priority principles of multicultural education are receiving increasing trends in the development of school disciplines. To this end, school curricula include knowledge about modern and former civilizations, about various geopolitical regions of the world and individual countries, as well as religious studies courses. A special trend in the development of the education system is acquiring local and regional educational initiatives. In the process of studying some educational topics (clothes, food, entertainment, hygiene products), children are taught to understand and respect the right of everyone to be different. Religious studies courses in schools are of great importance in the context of multicultural education. Teaching religious studies is designed to acquaint students with various beliefs, world religions, the activities of universal churches and contribute to the formation of a rationalistic worldview in young people, instill moral virtues, ensure tolerance and pluralistic thoughts in relations between people of different faiths.

Humanization and humanitarization of the content of basic education

Humanity and humanitarianism are immanent characteristics of the trend in the development of children's education. And the role and importance of these components of school education has a clear upward trend. Tasks to be solved modern school, require not only to take into account the humanistic and humanitarian aspects of the formation of the content of knowledge, but also to engage in their strengthening and development. Ensuring complete literacy, preventing functional illiteracy, professional self-determination and self-realization of the individual, socialization of young people - this is not a complete list of truly humanistic and humanitarian tasks, in the solution of which trends in the development of the modern education system occur.

However, the problems of humanization and humanitarization continue to be urgent and relevant today for high school. The movement continues to ensure the safety of this school from manifestations of violence, for the establishment of the principles of tolerance and cooperation in pedagogical relations. In the process of teaching humanitarian subjects, it is recommended to study not only wars and political events, but also provide students with knowledge about the most various types and sides human activity- trade relations, economic activity, religion, art and the like. As already noted, all varieties of basic knowledge, now natural-technical and mathematical, are subject to the tendencies of humanization and humanitarization. These trends in the development of education are realized in teaching practice in several ways. The value-semantic aspect of the natural-mathematical block of knowledge is also of considerable importance, although it is equally inherent in humanitarian knowledge. Human life is the highest value.

Trends in the development of education in China

Using the experience of the developed countries of the world in the field of higher pedagogical organization is, of course, a positive trend of recent decades. In China, there are many universities that cooperate with foreign institutions, in April 2006 there were 1100 of them. 20th century a one-party policy was chosen. This has its drawbacks: one-sided views, constant control, following the ideas of Mao Zedong. In Chinese pedagogical universities, as well as in non-pedagogical ones, the main subjects include: ideological and moral education, the foundations of law, the principles of the philosophy of Marxism, the principles of political science of Marxism, entry into the teachings of Mao Zedong, entry into the teachings of

Historically, as early as the beginning of the twentieth century. Six districts of the PRC were identified where educational institutions that trained teachers were located: Beijing District, Northeast Province District, Hubei District, Xi Chuan District, Gong Dong and Jiang Su. China - big country, and the most successful and wealthy provinces are those that border the ocean. In the west of the country (where the desert is) the worst conditions for development higher education. Not all graduates of pedagogical universities want to travel to remote corners of their country, especially to villages. Therefore, the state is pursuing a policy of encouraging young people to do this in the spirit of patriotism and devotion to communist ideas. In China, as in many countries around the world, technical universities are given more resources and financial support for development and improvement. Special laboratories, research institutes, sites for experiments and the like are being created. For example, Beijing Polytechnic University is included in the list of the state plan "Project 211", that is, it is focused on the world level of development. Pedagogical universities lag behind technical universities in this respect. Positive trends in the development of modern education prevail, and therefore it can be argued that the process of modernization of teacher education in the PRC is gaining new momentum.

Development of higher education in Ukraine in the context of European integration

The role and importance of the training potential in ensuring social progress. Education is a strategic resource for the socio-economic and cultural development of mankind, ensuring national interests, strengthening the authority and competitiveness of the state in all spheres of activity in the international arena. Trends in the development of modern education in Ukraine are determined by the strategy. The introduction of its principles is a factor in the European integration of Ukraine and a means of increasing citizens' access to quality education, it needs a deep reform of the structure and content of education, learning technologies, their material and methodological support.

Reforming education, both structurally and substantively, is an urgent social need of today. Entry into the Bologna space for the Ukrainian society has become important and necessary because of the need to solve the problem of recognition of Ukrainian diplomas abroad, improve the efficiency and quality of education and, accordingly, the competitiveness of Ukrainian higher education institutions and their graduates in the European and world labor market. At the same time, there is uncertainty about the prospects and principles of relations between Ukraine and the European Union. This is one of the objective restrictions on the integration of Ukrainian higher education into the European space. The way out of this situation is the answer to the question: which trend in the development of education in Ukraine is correct, depending on the level of readiness of Ukrainian higher education for this.

Modern higher education in Poland

An experience for our country can be the experience of the Republic of Poland, which is the first post-socialist country that signed the "Bologna Declaration" on June 19, 1999. The end of the 20th - the beginning of the 21st centuries is characterized as a period of signing by the ministers of education of the leading European countries of documents on reforming higher education in accordance with the conditions of the modern world. The Magna Carta of the Universities was signed on September 18, 1988.

Now Poland has the best trends in the development of education in the world (from secondary education to doctoral programs) by young people aged 15 to 24 years. These achievements of Polish teachers coexist with a deep decentralization of management with the country's top leadership. The ministries to which the most (state) institutions are subordinated cooperate with the Central Council for Higher Education (established in 1947), which consists of 50 elected representatives of universities and the scientific community (of which 35 are doctors of science, 10 teachers without a doctoral degree, and 5 representatives from students).

The law gave the Council considerable oversight rights, because without consent, budget funds are not distributed and ministerial orders are not issued. State higher education institutions receive funds from the state treasury to solve problems related to the education of students enrolled in programs, graduate students and researchers; for the maintenance of universities, including the repair of premises, etc. These funds are allocated from a part of the state budget, which is managed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. State Universities do not charge tuition money, but students must give money in the event of a second year of study due to poor academic performance, for courses at foreign language and courses that are not included in the program. Public universities also accept payment upon admission, and public colleges may charge fees for entrance examinations.

Trends in the development of higher education in Russia

Higher education, as one of the leading public institutions, is undergoing constant changes in accordance with the dynamics of social processes - economic, political, cultural, social. However, the response of training systems to social challenges occurs with a certain inertia. For this reason, there is an urgent and constant need to purposefully bring the main parameters of disciplines in line with social changes. Such an element as content is subject to the modernization trend in the development of education. The process of constitution has two main aspects - social and pedagogical, because they are interconnected. Therefore, a change in the social aspect does not always automatically cause a change in the pedagogical one. However, sooner or later their coordination becomes an objective necessity and requires purposeful pedagogical actions. This need reveals itself in the permanent process of reforming the content. Rapid scientific and technological progress, the development of new technologies, high level market relations, the democratization of social relations are the factors that determine the needs and form the prerequisites for improving the content of higher education.

Contradictions in the improvement of the education system

Today, the improvement of student training programs occupies one of the leading places in the general context of the modernization of the content of higher education. Characterizing the development of the content of teaching at the university and institute, it is possible to identify such dialectically important contradictory aspects of this process as:

The contradiction between the unlimited volume of knowledge accumulated by mankind and the limited training programs. There are no full opportunities to display this knowledge in sufficient volume and with proper depth.
- The contradiction between the integrity of the spiritual and practical experience of mankind and the predominantly fragmentary or disciplinary way of teaching it to students.
- The contradiction between the objective content of knowledge and the objectivity of the forms and ways of their translation and assimilation.
- The contradiction between the social conditionality of the content of knowledge and the individual-subjective characteristics of student needs and dispositions before its assimilation.

Modernization of education in Russia

As far as possible, teachers strive to mitigate or smooth over these contradictions. In particular, the directions of modern modernization activities in the field of shaping the content of higher education are largely subordinated to this very goal. Accordingly, the following trends in the development of education in Russia can be considered as priority areas:

1.Narrowing gaps between achievements modern sciences and content of disciplines.

2. Enrichment and modernization of the invariant component of the content of higher education.

3. Optimization of proportions between blocks of humanitarian and natural-mathematical knowledge.

4. Humanization and humanization of the content of higher education.

5. Consolidation of curricula through the formation of interdisciplinary integrated blocks of knowledge content.

6. Introduction of academic disciplines of social and practical direction, the latest information technologies.

7. Adaptation of curricula and their methodological support in accordance with the conditions and needs of a multicultural and multiethnic student body.

8. Improvement organizational arrangements and methodological foundations of teaching program knowledge in order to ensure their assimilation by the absolute majority of students.


© Tatyana Timofeevna KAPEZINA

Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Social Communication Penza State University 440026, Russian Federation, Penza, st. Red, 40 [email protected]

The problems of the educational process in modern Russia, the role of education as part of the overall national development strategy are considered. As a result of a comprehensive study of the educational services market in Russia, conducted by the Center for Strategic Research "North-West" foundation, six stable and pronounced trends in the development of Russian higher education were identified. These are: massization of higher education; growth in the share of paid education; transition to "flexible" specialties; internationalization; the emergence of new forms of education; change of educational technologies. The tendencies of the massization of higher education and the growth of the share of paid education are considered in more detail. A comparative analysis of the statistical data of 1993 and 2015 has been carried out. by the number of students studying in higher educational institutions. Data on the number of higher education institutions, both state and non-state, were also analyzed. Based on the results of the analysis, conclusions are drawn.

Key words: continuous education; massification of higher education; internationalization; "flexible" specialties

The higher school occupies its leading place in the system of lifelong education. It is directly and indirectly connected with the economy, science, technology and culture of society as a whole. Therefore, its development is an important component of the overall national development strategy.

Entering the 21st century, it is necessary to clearly and consciously imagine what higher education should be. professional education and specialists graduating from higher education.

In recent years, the problem of education has taken a very special place in the speeches and publications of Russian scientists and other representatives of the domestic intelligentsia. At the same time, special attention in any discussions on the topic of education is given as a rather tough critical appraisal classical educational paradigms, concepts, models, institutions, and the search for new trends in the development of the education system, more adequate to the current situation.

What trends in the development of the education system can be identified at the beginning of the 21st century? In 2005, the Center for Strategic Research "North-West" fund conducted a comprehensive study of the educational services market in Russia. One of the tasks

research was to identify the main trends in the development of higher professional education in the Russian Federation. As a result of the study, six stable and pronounced trends in the development of Russian higher education were identified. These are: massization of higher education; growth in the share of paid education; transition to "flexible" specialties; internationalization; the emergence of new forms of education; change of educational technologies. Let's consider some of them in more detail.

The massization of higher education can be judged from statistical data. According to Federal Service state statistics, in 1993 the number of students studying in higher educational institutions amounted to 2613 thousand people, and in 2009 - already 7419 thousand people, that is, their number has almost tripled in 15 years.

It should be noted that at present in Russia the number of graduates of general education schools is decreasing from year to year, which is due to a sharp decline in the birth rate in the early 1990s. The number of school graduates largely determines admission to the first year in educational institutions of vocational training.

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education. Since 2010, the consequences of the demographic decline have begun to affect the university sector as well. The number of students studying in higher education institutions decreased from 6.3 million people in 2012 to 5.5 million people in 2015. However, if we compare the statistics of 1993 and 2015, the number of students studying in higher education institutions has doubled.

If you look at the statistics on the number of universities, then their number increased from 1993 to 2008: state and municipal - from 548 to 660, non-state - from 78 to 474. According to the Ministry of Education and Science, by the beginning of 2014/2015 school year In Russia, there were 593 state and 486 non-state higher educational institutions, which have 1376 and 682 branches, respectively. After analyzing the data on the number of higher education institutions in 1993 and 2014, we can conclude that while the number of state and municipal universities increased not so significantly, from 548 to 593 universities, the number of non-state universities increased from 78 to 486 universities, not counting branches.

In an interview with Kommersant journalists, the head of the ministry, D. Livanov, explained that there were five times fewer universities and branches in the USSR. “It happened because in the 1990s. a huge number of non-state universities emerged. Unfortunately, the monitoring of the quality of education that we conducted showed that not all of them provide quality education. In a number of cases, this is just an office selling diplomas without an established educational process, without qualified teaching staff, and so on.

In this regard, the concept of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2016-2020. provides for a reduction in the number of universities by 40%, and their branches - by 80%. According to the minister, the Ministry of Education and Science "declared war" on weak universities. “And I am absolutely convinced that we will win it in a short time,” the official said.

The reasons for the growing popularity of higher education lie in the increase in the number of jobs that require good training, as well as greater human mobility.

ka with higher education compared to people with primary or secondary education. Moreover, in recent years, the importance social function higher education. It has become the minimum necessary for professional and career growth.

As for paid education, indirect evidence of the growth in the share of paid education is the increase in the number of students studying in non-state commercial universities. In Russia, the following situation has developed. Firstly, several categories of citizens want to receive paid education: those who could not or simply do not rely on their strength and opportunities to enter state-funded places, and those who receive a second or subsequent higher education. Secondly, two classes of higher education emerged: elite education with high quality of services and mass higher education. The latter is relatively accessible to the general population. The possibility of obtaining a high-quality education for the majority of the population remains very low. Even in the case of education at the expense of the state budget, the cost of living in megacities remains too high, and this is where the majority of elite universities are located.

However, there is an increase in the share of paid education, which occurs mainly in the field of mass higher education. This happens by increasing the importance of higher education in modern Russian society and by increasing the accessibility of such education.

The trend towards “flexible” specialties is due to the fact that the labor market now requires “flexible” specialists to perform work that requires knowledge from completely different industries and skills that are necessary to quickly change between different types of labor operations. Companies do not need a person with a fundamental and comprehensive higher education, they need a specialist capable of performing certain technical operations and able to control their quality. Simply put, organizations need "practitioners", not "theorists". According to many employers, a student in the process of his education in

the university must acquire general skills in a particular area and the ability to quickly master professional qualifications.

Thus, we can say that the labor market requires the system of higher professional education to train "flexible" specialists.

For the development of higher professional education, a change in educational technologies is necessary. The economic and social reality of today's world requires a change in the way we teach. As noted earlier, today's organizations require such graduates of higher educational institutions who not only have complex theoretical knowledge in their specialty, but they can also successfully apply this knowledge in practice, solving relevant production, organizational and managerial tasks, making various decisions and controlling all kinds of processes. Passive transmission of theoretical information and testing of memory in exams as teaching methods have long outlived their usefulness.

In the United States, the higher education system has responded to the demands of the labor market in that teaching there has come to be understood not as a simple transfer of already known facts, but as creating situations for the student that require him to think and find solutions, which would lead to an increase in practical experience.

In Russia, lectures and seminars are still the main teaching technology. The teacher most often acts at lectures as a simple "narrator", who then checks at seminars and exams how the student remembered this or that information. The most advanced universities in the world have already moved from narrative teaching methods to activity-based ones. This is also required by modern Russian society.

So, the trends in the development of the educational services market identified in Russia are typical, in general, for the whole world. However, it should be noted that, however, for most areas of activity, the lag in the development of the Russian education system from the global one by ten to thirty years is characteristic. This

applies to the emergence of "flexible" specialties and new forms of education, and to the introduction of new educational technologies. In terms of the level of massization and commercialization of higher education, Russian indicators are quite consistent with global ones. Today, Russian higher professional education is on the periphery of the world market, which is confirmed by international rankings. In order to take a leading position in the global market of educational services, it is necessary to make a lot of efforts and significantly modernize the entire system of higher education.


1. Galushkina M., Knyaginin V. Mass, flexible and international. URL:> files/csr/file_category (date of access: 03/07/2016).

2. Russia in figures-2015: a brief statistical collection. M.: Rosstat, 2015. 543 p.

3. Semenov A.A., Gurtov V.A. Forecasting the Number of Students in Russian Universities // Higher Education in Russia. 2010. No. 6.

1. Galushkina M., Knyaginin V. Massovoe, gibkoe i internatsional "noe . Available at:>files/csr/ file_category (accessed 03/07/2016).

2. Russia v tsifrakh-2015. Moscow, Rosstat Publ., 2015. 543 p. (In Russian).

3. Semenov A.A., Gurtov V.A. Prognozirovanie chislennosti studentsov v vuzakh Rossii. Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii - Higher Education in Russia, 2010, no. 6. (In Russian).

4. Minobrnauki ob "yavilo voynu slabym vuzam. Kommersant", 2015, 27 March. (In Russian).

2016. Vol. 2, no. 4 (8)


Tatyana Timofeevna KAPEZINA

Associate Professor, Head of Philosophy and Social Communications Department

Penza State University

40 Krasnaya St., Penza, Russian Federation, 440026

Email: [email protected]

The problems of educational process in modern Russia, the role of education as a part of general national strategy development are considered. At the result of complex research of educational services market in Russia, carried out by the fund "Centre of strategy development "North-West", six stable and marked tendencies of development of Russian higher education are revealed. They are: massification of higher education; growth of fee-based education; transit to "flexible" specialities, internationalization; the new forms of education appearance; the change in educational technologies. The tendencies of massification of higher education and growth of fee-based education are considered. The comparative analysis of statistic data in 1993 and 2015 according to the amount of students, having education in higher educational institutions are considered in detail.

Key words: continuing education; massification of higher education; internationalization; "flexible" specialties

Information for citation:

Kapezina T.T. Trends in the development of Russian higher education // Bulletin of the Tambov University. Series Social Sciences. Tambov, 2016. Vol. 2. Issue. 4 (8). pp. 38-41.

Kapezina T.T. Tendentsii razvitiya rossiyskogo vysshego obrazovaniya. Vestnik Tambovskogo universiteta. Seriya Obshchestvennye nauki - Tambov University Review. Series: Social Sciences, 2016, vol. 2, no. 4 (8), pp. 38-41. (In Russian).

The education system is a very flexible structure, which is influenced by various factors (such as foreign and domestic policy of the state, interaction with other countries, economic reforms) and is constantly undergoing changes. In this article, we will consider the directions of development of the higher education system in Russia and in some foreign countries, and also talk about the possibilities of studying Russian students abroad.

and his influence

Speaking about and in our country, it is impossible not to mention the Bologna process - a movement aimed at unifying the systems of education in European countries and in Russia (our country became a part of it in 2003, after the signing of the treaty). Prior to this, citizens of the Russian Federation, after five years of study at universities, received a diploma and got a job. But in recent years, the system of higher education in our country, as in other countries, has changed a lot. Abroad, HPE consists of three stages, in the Russian Federation - two stages: bachelor's and master's degrees, in European countries there is a doctoral degree, in our country it is called a postgraduate degree. The first stage of study at a Russian university lasts four years, the second - two. Abroad, these periods are different in duration (depending on the country), for example, in England, one year is required to study for a master's degree.

The duration of education in the Russian school is eleven years, in other countries of the world - twelve. For this reason, for admission to a foreign university of a certificate of passing school curriculum will most likely not be enough.

Why does the Russian higher education system need reforms?

So, transformations in the field of education in universities have been actively carried out both in the Russian Federation and abroad for several decades now. These changes are both superficial and deep, both positive and negative. Nevertheless, higher education in Russia and abroad faces certain difficulties in its development.

In order to understand how to work on the system further, it is necessary to identify both its goals and opportunities for further reform. The development of the system of higher education and science plays a crucial role both in education and in research activities countries. In the Russian Federation, the field of education is located in difficult situation. Once it was considered a reference, but now it has to focus on economic and social innovations. The education system in Russian universities should be aimed at high-quality training of future specialists, cooperation with foreign universities, making higher education less difficult to access, and, if possible, adopting the advantages of foreign institutions.

The history of the formation of the training system. England

If we talk about the development of higher education abroad, we can identify four main types. These are English, French, German and American systems.

In the UK, there are two of the oldest institutions of higher education - Oxford and Cambridge, which have hardly undergone any reforms throughout their history.

Although in the seventies of the twentieth century, the University of Cambridge adopted some of the traditions of other universities.

The system is selective at all its levels. Already from the age of eleven, children are divided into groups according to the development and type of their inclinations. Also, the training system is distinguished by its strict sequence - without passing the program of any stage of training, the student cannot proceed to the next one.

Since the sixties of the 20th century in the UK, there has been a division of schools and classes into more or less elite ones, depending on the plans of study and the possibilities of entering a particular university, as well as on education fees.

Development of the VPO system in France

So, we continue to talk about higher education abroad. Let's move on to the history of the formation of the French education system.

In this country, they are not distinguished by selectivity, since schools are inextricably linked with universities.

To enter a university, a French citizen needs a certificate of graduation from a general education institution. You can even call and apply to the institute. It is important that in educational institution there were vacancies. In France, in recent years, there has been a tendency to reorganize the education system with a focus on a generally recognized model. The main disadvantage of the French HPE is the high percentage of deductions. Up to seventy percent of students who enter institutions do not graduate.

History of the German higher education system

The field of study in German universities began to change actively in the 90s of the 20th century after the reunification of the republic. Transformations in the German education system are carried out according to the type of American reforms in this area. Education is becoming more accessible and its programs are being shortened. Unfortunately, with these changes, there is no unification of scientific and teaching activities, which was an undoubted advantage best universities Germany.

German schools may lose their true advantage by adopting too much American innovation.

Development of the field of education in America

The formation of the American system of higher education was significantly influenced by British universities, for example, Cambridge. By the 20th century, it was heterogeneous, university education was not available to everyone, as it was expensive. But the industry in the country developed at a rapid pace, and many professions became in demand on the labor market. Therefore, the question of personnel training was acute. For this, the education system was reformed, and new institutions arose - junior colleges, where people who did not have the opportunity to study at a university could acquire any skills. Today the education system in America is multi-stage.

In general, it implies a specific focus of study, so students who graduated from an American university find it difficult to adapt to another, even similar, professional field.

Formation of the sphere of education in Russia

Before the revolution, the HPE system in our country was mostly religious in nature, and much of it was borrowed from Germany, since this country was considered the legislator of educational innovations. After the events of 1917, the goal of the authorities was to form a new approach to this area, based on accessibility, lack of gender discrimination, raising the level of culture of the country's population, forming a developed structure of educational institutions, defining and establishing the stages of the process itself.

By the early 1980s, the HPE system fully met all of the above criteria. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the party no longer controlled the education system, but they did not create any special innovations in the field of education. In 2007 was formed USE system in order to simplify the process of admission to higher education institutions. Now Russia is oriented towards higher education systems abroad, and in this regard, a two-stage education system has been adopted (training for a bachelor's degree and a master's degree).

Directions for the development of the field of study abroad today

Higher education institutions in European countries are changing in accordance with the requirements of the labor market.

What are the general trends in the development of higher education abroad?

    Higher education institutions are becoming more accessible. This means that each student can choose a profession, and the type and level of educational institution in which he would like to enter.

    A strong connection between research activities and universities is being formed (through the creation of specialized centers on the basis of universities). Work in such organizations contributes to the improvement of the qualification level of teachers, as well as the development of many useful skills and abilities of students.

    Careful selection of the content of educational programs, their correction, reduction of the course of lectures in some general education subjects.

    The trend of HPE focusing on the student (taking into account his psychological characteristics, inclinations, wishes; creation of more elective classes, additional disciplines; courses of lectures at the university are reduced in time, the student studies more at home, on an individual basis).

    An increase in the number of humanitarian disciplines, work on the general and aesthetic development of students, the formation of positive personal and social characteristics through the use of new forms of interaction in the classroom.

    Increasing the computer literacy of students through the increasing introduction of PCs in the education system.

    Increasing the financial investments of the state in the field of education.

    Transition of higher educational institutions to autonomous management.

    An increase in the number of selection criteria for teaching staff (more and more qualified specialists are required).

    General methods of evaluating the activities of higher educational institutions are being formed.

    Directions for the development of education in Russia

    So, we found out what reforms of higher education abroad are being carried out today. As for our country, the following changes are taking place in the education system:

      Increasing the number of commercial universities.

      Reforming the field of education on the basis of modern trends in the development of higher education abroad.

      Orientation of the HPE system to the individual characteristics of students, the upbringing of positive personal qualities.

      Creation a large number various curricula and training options for certain specialties.

      Transition to a multilevel system (bachelor - specialist - master).

      "Learning through life" (the possibility of continuous professional improvement).

    The main difficulties in the development of the field of education in Russia

    The system of higher education in our country today is characterized by flexibility, adaptation to the constantly changing situation in the international labor market. But at the same time, it retains its best features.

    However, on the way to transformation, the Russian education system faces the following difficulties:

      The level of professional training of specialists is not high enough to meet the rapidly changing requirements of the global economy.

      Incorrect correlation between the professional level of university graduates and personnel selection criteria. For example, a shortage of working specialties with an urgent need for qualified personnel in the technological field.

      Low performance of non-profit educational institutions.

    Study abroad. Higher education: where and how to get?

    Most often, citizens of our country enter the universities of the following countries: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, England, America.

    Some applicants immediately submit documents to higher educational institutions, others prefer to first attend special classes for preparation.

    When choosing an institution for higher education abroad, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to such criteria as:

      The demand for specialty in the labor market.

      Further opportunities for professional development.

      Education fee.

    Not all educational institutions abroad accept applicants with a Russian school leaving document, so applicants need to take special courses (including linguistic ones).

    Also, in order to get higher education abroad, it is necessary to prepare the following documentation:

      Certificate of completion of high school.

      Diploma of a Russian university.

      Autobiography (resume).

      Photocopy of diploma insert.

      A document confirming the successful passing of linguistic testing.

      A completed and printed form (it is usually posted on the website of the educational institution).

      Motivation letter (with an explanation of the desire to study at this university in this specialty)

    If your goal is higher education abroad, you need to carefully consider the preparation of all necessary documents.

    So, at the present time there are significant changes in the field of education both in our country and abroad. But the reforms of higher education abroad are generally more effective, so many Russian applicants are trying to study in other countries for subsequent work in international companies.

In modern society, education has become one of the most extensive areas of human activity. It employs more than a billion students and almost 50 million teachers. The social role of education has noticeably increased: the prospects for the development of mankind today largely depend on its orientation and effectiveness. In the last decade, the world has changed its attitude towards all types of education. Education, especially higher education, is regarded as the main, leading factor in social and economic progress. The reason for such attention lies in the understanding that the most important value and the main capital of modern society is a person capable of searching for and mastering new knowledge and making non-standard decisions.

To understand nature and driving forces development of higher education in the modern world, it is necessary to consider some general conditions and stable patterns that directly affect the field of education in general and higher education in particular.


1. the growth of knowledge-intensive industries, for effective work which more than 50% of the staff should be persons with higher or special education.

2. intensive growth in the volume of scientific and technical information, leading to its assimilation in 7-10 years.

3. fast change of technologies causing obsolescence of production facilities in 7-10 years.

4. bringing to the fore scientific research conducted at the intersection of various sciences.

5. the presence of powerful external means of mental activity, leading to the automation of not only physical, but also mental labor.

6. an increase in the number of people involved in scientific and other types of complex activities, leading, according to a number of researchers, to a drop in the average heuristic potential of a scientist;

7. constant and steady growth of labor productivity in industry, which makes it possible to reduce the share of the population employed in material production and increase the number of people working in the field of culture and spiritual creativity;

8. Increasing the well-being and monetary income of the population, leading to an increase in effective demand for educational services.

The following trends stand out.

I. Democratization of higher education. This is a trend towards the general accessibility of higher education, freedom to choose the type of education and specialty, the nature of education and the scope of future activity, the rejection of authoritarianism and the command-bureaucratic management model.

II. Creation of scientific-educational-industrial complexes as a specific form of integration of science, education and production for higher education.

III. Fundamentalization of education. This is a contradictory trend of expansion and deepening fundamental training while reducing the volume of general and educational disciplines due to a more rigorous selection of material, a systematic analysis of the content and the allocation of its main invariants.

IV. Individualization of training and individualization of student's work. This is achieved by increasing the number of optional and elective courses, spreading individual plans, taking into account the individual psychophysiological characteristics of students when choosing forms and methods of teaching.

v. Humanitarianization and humanization of education is aimed at overcoming the narrow technocratic thinking of specialists in the natural sciences and technical profile. It is achieved by increasing the number of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines (their share reaches 30%), expanding the cultural horizons of students, instilling skills social interaction through trainings, discussions, business and role-playing games.

VI. Computerization of higher education. In many leading universities, the number of personal computers exceeds the number of students. They are used not only for computing and graphic work, but also as a way to enter information systems, for test pedagogical control, as automated learning systems, as a means of presenting information, etc.

VII. The trend of transition to mass higher education. It is expressed in the outstripping growth of expenditures on education in comparison with other social programs and in the growth of the number of students.

VIII. In European universities, there is an increasing trend towards autonomization, transition to x-management and electiveness of the management staff of universities at all levels.

IX. A system of regular assessment of the effectiveness of the work of universities by society is being formed. For example, in the United States, a group of several thousand specialists rank educational institutions on many indicators, including such things as the cost of training one student, the amount of research work.

Psychological education- the process and result of the assimilation of systematized knowledge, skills and abilities. Psychological education is usually given in universities, by professors and teachers, according to large systematized programs, starting with the basics and ending with specialization.

Psychological training in comparison with psychological education, it can be more fragmented, solving local, narrowly focused life or business tasks.

The difference between psychological training and psychological education is in two main points: in the degree of systematicity of the transferred knowledge and in who is the author of what is happening: a teacher or a student.

Education- this is what the teacher does, the process of transferring knowledge and skills organized by the teacher. Education the same is the result of the student's activity, this is what a person has learned in courses or training from one or another teacher.

The science is defined, firstly, as an activity for the production of knowledge and, secondly, as a form of systematization of knowledge.
Academic subject is defined, firstly, as a system of knowledge and, secondly, as a system of types of educational and cognitive activities for the assimilation of this knowledge.

scientific discipline is a knowledge system focused on researchers, and academic discipline is a system of knowledge focused on students.
In this regard, it is important to note that the structure of scientific and academic disciplines may or may not coincide.
The academic discipline includes two components: knowledge system; a system of educational and cognitive activities aimed at their assimilation.

When developing both components of the academic discipline, the following factors are taken into account:

level, type and goals of the educational program;

the interests of the students;

knowledge and abilities of students;

Forms and functions of students' activity;

· Existing fund of didactic materials.

Thus, the structure of educational psychological discipline is determined by these factors.

The degree of systematization of the relevant area of ​​psychological knowledge. The more systematized knowledge is, the more a scientific discipline can claim to become an academic discipline and be included in curricula.

Methodological position, interests, teacher's point of view. Although, within the framework of the academic discipline, the teacher must state and disclose all existing theories, concepts, views, concepts, he has the right to adhere to a certain methodological position, have his own interests and point of view on the teacher. item.

The level, type and objectives of the educational program within which psychology is taught. The system of knowledge included in the academic discipline, and the system of educational and cognitive activity aimed at mastering them, should be different depending on: 1) whether this discipline is taught in primary, basic, secondary or high school; 2) whether it is taught in a general education or vocational education institution; 3) whether it is taught to students - future psychologists, teachers, doctors or students of other specialties.

Interest of pupils and students to certain topics, problems, facts and concepts, due to their age, level of development, individual psychological characteristics. The teacher can pay more attention to some topics, facts, concepts, depending on the interests of students.
Knowledge and abilities of pupils and students. The teacher should build an academic discipline depending on the knowledge that pupils and students have in this area and on this issue, taking into account the fact whether this training course the student's first psychology course, or they have studied psychology previously.

Functions that perform different types and forms of activity of students in the process of mastering certain psychological knowledge and skills. The assimilation of an academic discipline can be more or less successful depending on whether it is studied in the form of lectures, seminars, practical exercises, or as part of independent work, in the form of individual, group or frontal activity. Each of the listed types of activity performs its own tasks in educational activities. functions.

Existing fund of didactic materials. The degree of didactic elaboration of an academic discipline can be different. In particular, there may be a detailed program of classes for the course being taught, specific tasks, visual materials, test questions, guidelines for studying certain topics.